`LAND SA LT 'i{c${:E;'u `mums. per cvvtu..-. per 105 lbs. m,percwtu TUV 0! 500. ,uuu pair..,. .... .... lrolIIOIllIl II`0OIOIOI $0. Iioll epmuuu. er lb'~n--0' IIOIIIIO 0 14.... :mg....... 0 40 ... ushel. .. 0 40 0 om. 010....` UOOIIC 0,301!!! `{` I00 I III .. . .. 030.... 030.... .10 oo 600oIII 1 75... 200.... ..;.;.: '1'6c"1i.. C I N > " 240... 00lbs ...... 2 00 .. - . .. 2 00.... cones--..ou 018-out Olnoc|--o-nu 0l0``coI THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. B. B.4JINKIN8. 86. T 15-27 MILLET. ...$ 0 00 to $ 0-00 .... 074-. 076 noon 055-out ... 035 037 ' 52ooc III: A 0 50.... 055 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Simcoe. T Orders left at the Anvnzon: Oloe will be romspaly attended to and information will be urni ed parties requiring Mr. Ford's services as though he had . himself been consulted. Sales taken in prices to` suit everybody. Some grand Shronshire Rams and Ewes. All importe and direct from. the imported stock. Apply to T , W. C.. SCHREIBER, Or to 4 Allandale P. 0.. WILLIAM GRAHAM, Foreman Manor Farm; - Shanty Bay P.0. A1I-.@A-I_ c1_._L BLL -unis: "}1?e})iC"1\a"cDe`nI "5: the 7th, ha; a curiosity in the shape of a two-headed kitten with eight legs but only one _body.~-Beeton \Vor1d. Go up. Next. ~r pa -rv III: I JOHN OAKLEY, BOAT BUILDER .ON the eaplanade, foot of Market Street. Yachts and Skiffa of every description in stock and built to order. Also for hire at low rates by the hour day. week or season. Boat stalls to rentb the season, soulls, ours and paddles in stoo sndmwde to order. 11-ly TV TI-IE s1'AunAnn"{ LIFE ASSIIIIANEE EllM Y.J JOHN `MACHMURCHY, Inspector 0inoe:`-QUnn1sv's'I_Io11;_I.; Banana. . 15 '" 'E?IY"d66. ' Cheap Wools and4Braids ' s'r.-Amu.=-I1\'rG- X FOR BRAIDING AND EMBROIDERY, Silks, Canvases, Patterns,- T0Ium'lle, Cards. Tassels, Table Draqaer, c.' cnvs15_Lp5_L_gq_s1ons Auction Rooms ma Oice. --Few Doors North n of Wellington Hotel. Baveld st.. Barrie. FOR. SALE SHROPSHIRE SHEEP! FREEMAN S jngnn L1.g:L Apply to . 1ECOND-H AN D FURNV TUBE BOUGHT AND SOLD. Lee s Block, `The editor of the Bradford Witness says that in consequence of the scarcity of butter he has had to live on dry bread and water. Is there no lime juice down there`? ' -in `r1 1 - `I .1 re 110 BRICK sfoum AND DWE|.LI;\'Gi 32: The People s Bargain House. Our Goods this season are elegant in style and low in price. E. B. OROMPTON &CO., Alladale. Sept. 8th.`-1.-_83.H E. B. _CROMPTON & CO, L = FOR STYLISH DRESS GOODS. E. B. CROMPTON &.CO., L FOR STYLISH DRESS GOODS. * E. _B -CRUMPTON 85 GO., FOR STYLISH DRESS GOODS. H S - E. B. OROMPTON & OO., = FOR STYLISH DRESS GOODS. E. B. OROMMEON 85 GO, FOR STYLISH TN- .l*I.\'.\' ....],. in I-i I1'I\l\Il l`|rIuI\.\T |L P111 E. B. CROMPTON 3; 00., . -FOR STY LISHB MILLINERY. E- B. OROMPTUN &.Co., B FOR STYLISH. MILLINERY.`_ B E. B. UROMPTON & 00., W B FOR STYLISH MILLINERY. E. B. (JROMPTON & 00., B FOR STYLISH MILLINERY. E. B. CROMPTON & c>.,B FOR STYLISH .\111.r.m-1m `IN '11 l"|`l'II\`IlT)'I'\l'\`KT D- f`1f\ V I \/Av :4; A. .14:-4;; Av;AA;:.| .v 11"] E. B. CRCMPTCN & CC., C FOR CHEAP PRINTED MUSLINS. E B. CRCMPTCN & Co., A kF-UR CHEAP PRINTED MUSLINS. A E. B. CROMPTON & CC;, I FOR CHEAP PRINTED MUSLINS. E. B. CRCMPTCN & CO., FOR CHEAP PRINTED M USLINS. E. 13. CRCMPTCN & C0,, ' FOR CHEAP PRINTED .\il'. AT mm muon FARM; smum BAY p.o. GEO. R; FORD, H1V2*rymDoy1e, of Dunkerron; fell over 9. sstake in his barn yard and did -himself serious injury. ' V `rs `-11- n I -I n 7- 1 BAYFI-ELD srmzm-y ECDJ-L-'ZI'.'S. FURNITURE DEALERS. INsPEoTI N INVITED- ~oN_ _1N_ is-tr MALLIsTE_R.; STORY & co Y- ` Direct from the Manufacturies in Europe A full Stock Of HORSE sHoEs, HORSE NAILS, A CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENWARE Always on hand. ' ;BIIyQf8.wl||1_'lncl, the Prices Intorostlng. r I l i 1 i , ...--_, .. -.- , - ,, Great activxty among railway men at }1unt5vil_le indicate that work will soon com- nmnuc un the line. -' BAR` IRON, Baby Carriages, with or without wire wheels. Lacrosses, Lawn v'I`_enni`s Raquets,' Base Ball Cluh< am Balls. V SCOTT, TI-IE BOOKSELLEB, MAl|.|STER, STORY & 00., F `1`Wb4 @5MPE`{F& `W&1LJLs WW i SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. SCOTTT -:- BOOKSTORE. Ono Door Wostof Quoon s I-lotol, Barrie. See -myprices before purchasing elsewhere. Linen Window Shades and Paper Window Shades. The Eneeqiie};}:$}1;{$Lig7 the Colling- wnnd Chief of Police. to take the Brass Band am the Fire Department to assist him when he goes out in search of law-brcakingtouighs. 1 , \ I11! I BOOKS AND STATIONERY." NORWAY IRON &. STEEL, % BEST PROOF COIL CHAIN, ANVILS AND VISES, Ilardware ! ---LARG'EST AND BEST ASISURTNIEXT or-- Have receiired a Large Stock of ordinary OPPOSITE STATION. BARRIE. ----A COMPLETE. srocx OF--- IMPORTERS, '1:wo houses 11a\;e7Ia;te(Iyben bur1:t(_ iri `township of Watt, that of Mr. L. Summers and tlxeluuse of old Mr. Webbet. Much sympathy is felt; for these peopie in their ' 1:198. The-Gravenhurat Banner is callingj upon the people to plant trees for village orna- mentatiou. Buildin n"w structures and tearing down I old ones are engaging the attention of the Penetang people. 4 A" ,1! In INA! A ,9N1,, It i:sai the G rTavenhurstVCoun,cil has put it tax cn all temperance drinks in. that village. ' "'Ihe business men at G ravenhurst (except harxlware men) `have agreed to close their stores at six o clock In the evenlng -except `Saturday nights, from 1st of May to 1st of 'October, ' ` T ' Turke; a`e;zli;:g7 ins one of the amusements in the township of VVa.tt. ` ' fl1I' .` 1',-', I .A:"I;<;ttenham boy has been` bitten by a dog I he was tormenting. Will that be mouse for Pasteur `.' - `OHU 1U|l| UL JAG : Horses around Thompsonville are affcted i `with the distemper. ' - ' rt 11 I 1 our -1 ,` - The Pns1$yte;ia1is of M oonstohe tire going to build a new church. V R-ev.hJL Bryant has tendred hiaVrTeaigna- tinn as pastor of the Scotch Settlement church. * [he had fallen. 4 * Mf is . J. Neillv, of Gilford, would have been drowned a short time ago but for the assistance of Mr. George Robinson who as- sisted ham to get out of the water into which A man nvorizing for Mr. Crone, in`Nottawa- "sage, lost one of his ngers and received serious injury to another while cutting feed for the horses last Sunday. Dr. Kirkland nttnnrlnii in Gel-In man : ;n-:uw:na _... -_ --~~----v -vJv------ Annut 7.30<;n Friday evening, 016th inst, =a.re broke out in the store room of the On- tario Mattrass Works, Orillia, and the build- inga being lled with straw and math-asses was soon one man of ames. Mr. Black : [loss is about $5,000 ; insured for about $2,000. .11- n1:ns,,, 11 ,. _a;;;-J;s{}?3 i.Ir}1fg,i.' goa cgmjoxiaaeui at 25c. ` ` HSe`ager s string band of Toronto will fur- nish the music for the Culliugwood calico ball. LUI UIIU IlUlUB IOUU |JilI-IIJDJQ I. attended to the man s injuries. .1, .nnA,,, 11:9,,-I, , -' Collingwood` had se'enteen fires from January 19th till October 31st, 1885. CAPTURED "BY SIMCOE AND DISTRICT EXCHANGES AS LOCAL NEWS. The Ccxkstow [cheese-factory opens on the 16th of May. HIIIVHDD I)V'I\I1I\f1 'T'II\VYI'\f\I'\`7:-'13 own And A Condensed into Interestlag Para- graphs for Advance Readers Who Like The Marrow or the Meat. Sunday boating is indulged in at Bradford. There will be a football match at Alliston on Good Friday. ` l`hn f`,.nl...L,.n~... 1 nnnnnn run I .... you lxnlvrr haw. vu \.AUvu 1' I lllluy. ' The Conkstown lacrosse boys have com- monced practice. IIV| ,1 I A, 'I I` I arr;tt 7s7 folk say they have the 1 best brick clay in the Cqunty of Sxmcoe. I`1_..._. In_'tI_ .. .._.`_A- ._..,..'I l'1..d4..-__l-, ca{UNTicI3.E]1sMLln1sTIt1uT nmmns, `Mr. William M or, of the township of Monck, was cbarg before Justice Boyer on Monday last. with committing a ra eon Otfacle Goltz, a girl about 19 years 0 age. The alleged olfeuce. was committed last"July. Harper was accordingly committed to stand his trial at the fail assizes.--Muskoka Herald, Thursday a man representing himself -as a `nuns --=L LL- A------` K. _-,- -.. .._ -_ A \'onnq~1'\'I..;n n; i4i1 )e1`9.1"(_.3-(V>-x1;Z1;\*r:Va.-tive As-` zociutinn is to be organized at Loretto. The ' same hamlet. roller skating rink craze has just struck the Remember the Place, BROWN'S NEW BLOCK, One Door East of Barrie Hotel. __ Thursday} ma.n_ representin 3 -Jeweller v1s1te_d tlns burn wit the avowed intention A` nnhnn 3-.Ln I.-3---- ivvvuluil vuuuc_u onus uura wen we SVOWOG intention of. going into bueineee. Several merchants were interviewed and the roe-. pecte pronounced favorable. He stay -two . t Baxter House and on leaving deg y wnpped name! as Ieouritv ` `ml until he returned in efew deye. DRESS-MAKING INCONNECTION, under the able rnanagementof MISS MCINTOSH. Ladies having their own material, can have it made up atvery reasonable prices. our Goods are all bought for cash, and will be sold at the Closest Living Prices. Credit Sale. V WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2l.'-Fa.rm,e farm stock and implements, on south half of lot 3, con. 10, Vespra, at 1- p.m. Mrs. Mary Kent, executrix ; J. W. Morrow, auctioneer. THURSDAY, APRIL 22.-Mr. G. R. Ford has a sale of farm stock; implements, carriages, eto., on the above date, ' at the premises of Mr. R. W. Sloan, Churchill, at on_e o clock p. m. sharp. All the property advertised must be sold. See bills. ` 1'w}}:')Lv,_.x{in}[ E{.I.F.{r'n}. Tgk, im le- ments, etc., at west half lot 19, con. 10, to. ..J- l\Ill\ A :-J:-u-sly shown `Inn-:orn:n n nnnnhorf UJUIJIIB, Guy. GU "`7U `J1EE `UV LII, \I\Il-II LU, at one o clock aha. . Benjamin 0. Barn proprietor; Geo. . Ford, auctioneer. 'I'I'T4__,___.._ . - A__.._ (\f\ 'I,_,__, ..L__`I Military. _ Every one of the first twenty men eligible for places on the Wimbledon team has signied his attention of accepting the position, a unanimity unparalleled in the history of the D. R. A. Doubtless two or three will fail to come to time at the last minute, but nevertheless those` anxious spirits usually to be found between the -twenty fth and thirty-fth places may as- well make up their minds to the inevitable and inform their `friends that they have changed their minds and have decided to postpone going to England for another year. n] wnn ham : milil-.n1-v nnlnnimxtinn -o NO 40- OLD -0- Goons -0. TO -0- SELECT -0- FROM. 0- `Lots of complaints are made by Beeton parents about their school teachers going late and the bad water the children have to drink being among them. . . 1 If "I\ (I A` -11 I ' WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28. --Farm stock and i implements, at the Oro Nursery, lot. 32, con- cession 2, Oro, at one o lock p. m., Benjamin Ben-trim, proprietor; G. R. Ford, auctioneer. , ,A___._ (In 1'.` _ _____- _L__I_ Tnunsmv, APRIL 29.--Farm, farm stock, implements and household furniture. at lot 22, concession 3, Township of Vespra; at one p m. sharp. Frederick `Hood, V proprietor; .T T Nlmn-nu: an nh nnnnr, ,lL.|o lltllo xlvuvscvu ...n.\ P . J_. W. Morrow, auctxoneer. ' ' ` Lefroyt ' Advance Correspondence. A meeting was held at the Lefroy Hotel last Friday evening for the purpose of organ- . . . ,_ . . . I 2.`"1i:Mi ,f`1 `i.1`>`? ?`?"i$`aee'i'; tZE President; J. C. McKeggie, Esq., J. P., Vice-President ; Geo. E. Tindal, Sect.-Treas ; Alex. Edgar, Captain ; Managing Committee J. Fraser, Uhis. Grose and N. Stewart. ' A -unnG:v.na :11 l|"I'\t(I'II'\fIlil` `'I\ `ma :n `Ln U. Jllauul, Luna. vuupv uuu 4.`. uuuyvuxu. .A meeting is announced to be held in the Orange Hall, Churchill, on_Friday evening next 23rd, for the purpose of organizing a Young Men's l.ib'eral-Conservative Associa- tion for the township of Innisl. All lovers of good government please attend. p3;'o}e Eoin Z another year. Col. Wyn ham a military colonization scheme is excitin considerable -comment in several of the orth-west papers, which. unanimously declare in favor of it. 001. Wyndham was junior Major of :the York-; Simcoe Regiments. 'l`|m nnmnn nf tha 1-anininnh: nf medals for DIIIIUUU nugtuxuubu. The `names of the recipients of medals for the Northwest campaign are not to be en- ved on the medals as stated. The issue already been commenced. It appears that no ceremon will attend` the present- tions, nnlees one should be arranged regi- mentally. What is the 35th doing about this ? . ' The. body of. the unfortunate man, John Brechin,` has been found in a deep hole in the Goldwater river, nearly opposite Mr. Brown s shingle mill. The Investigator says: All the money and valuables were found upon the body, thus offering aat contradiction to all the absurd stories which were being so freely circulated through the yillage. The funeral left the house about ten o clock on Friday morning last` and pro- ceeded to the cemetery, Orillia, where a. very * impressive funeral service was conducted by Rev. J . Morgan of Goldwater. Hun Arrangements. - The out`; ' steamer nailing from Halifax on s.ma.,'Le 8th of Mav, will be the last m:_L_il`L steamer from Hulifsx this lesson. _ l!__._L `Ii- -I..-L _ LL- 1IT--LI_. 'I 2_-.._.--I LIL LIIIIU L CUBUU Ul UIIU VV UUBI IJIVVI IIUUI Mail Line is intended to be ` tched from Quebec on Thursday, the 13th 0 May, under the usual summer arrangements. Tho 1I`.n-013-3: Inn. urn in!-ninin In (in far- --(J-rTu~y 6; C091,: 10c lnglmmm are tle bvto ' V '""i*1I'Z"r3"n.}u2'i1.?.`.if.'2'7a`i'i1'iZ .'1'a to-go for- ward from Montreal by special train `every Thursday morning during the present~snm- mar, and due at Rigoneki on Thufeday evening, Yourstrnly, =_ ' - D.um:L S1>nv,\I P. O. Inspector, I still hats. Traveller in the Uardwell Sentinel says : I have travelled through Canada, the Western States and a great part of Europe, and, I must sav, that tor downright black- gnardism, Tottenham bears off the palm- from any places within the wide radius of my experience. From `what I have learned Tottenham has already acquired an unen- viable notoriety and I am afraid travellers will give our otherwise fine village a. wide" berth if t 1e respectable portion at the inhabi tants do not stamp out therowdy element. -Gr-av an Co have ne |ot"of `soft and A petition signed by four hundred and forty` six residents of Midland has been pre- sented to parliament expressing disapproval of the petitioners of the action of the muni- cipal council of that village in. memorializing the Dominion parliament in favor of allow ing wine and beer to be sold in counties where the Scott Act is in force, and praying that no attention be-given- to their Council's memorial. _ 3 . ' . Curiositv prompted someone to open the parcel` which was found to contain a quantity 01 stones inetwo cigar boxes. Ten to one are now `wavered that he will not return.- Beeton ~World. Parcels left as security for board, are pretty generally certicates of hotel dead beatinm; the certicates should` be examined before accwance. - --Good Slnlrtlngs to c. at Grayz (7091:. A number of Collingwood men have been engaged to work on the Orillia Ayslnm and leave town next week for the scene of opera- l tions. Mr. James Patton of this town, is 1 Inspector of the works, and `evidently bears i his Collingzwood friends a kindly remem- brance. -Enterprine. Now there will be a squealing by Orillia me anics. e ` A W ..;.A l 1-_..ub..I_- J` 0'. _...-- _-_.I.. _` [ .... See unit all wool II. for $7 `at Griny ; 6: Co9s.`-Men9s size > - `--ATLaDce Curtain tI85c(.per -pair at Gray 65 C093. ` . -IDII IIUDILIUK IFUIII LICILIDA UIIIB IU%UIh The x-at Packet of the Wee ly Liverpool la Tina {n :I|`AIIlaAA Ian Inn inhnfnhn fa-nun For bargains in Dry Goods go direct to the New Store, |I.l LU, \II\I. Barnhart, wnha nI1r|":I|!\lInV| in bags, `barrels, and bulk. llfdiand vI:*`ree Press `says T: I t is a d1:4g1'ace that pigs are allowed. to run at large and dust-rov the streets. H . The dog p01so_ning' mania has [reached (iravenhurst. .Fou'r valuable dogs were _ lmisoned last Saturday in that place. '11 1 1 v 1 r1,.,_-_,_.-L!,-, A _ in barrels, bulk, and bags. jspogcial quotation; to jobbers and I others requiring large quantities. no; M. BOTHWELL, RABRIE. % `MANGEL. &c. SPECIALTIES :- CLOVER. ! DEAN U11 - U1" `11134 '.l.'U.ltUJVJ,U 111113 A Works has been evened on Penetanszuieh- one Street. Dyeing and cleaning done on the most improved method. Prices reasonable, and 3 erfect satisfaction ven. i 13. . TQ IWTJWTHTNKI Jnnnn Dnnaun nn ll GTGQ HI `ID 1101113- uel)1Yopca1-dln Pout Olce and goods will be called for and delivered. ' NEWDYE WORKS um.N'1'a Uuurnuwu delivered in 48 hours. Dunn nu!-(1 In `Dnnf. H Northern & North rwastprn Raiiways. ff"!-eet'<)n aAn-('1 Tottenhnm seem to be rtinnfng a ra.ce.- 1`ot.tenha.m claims xf the law of the survival of the ttest is not a. myth, ..Beeton will go under. rr x - 1! I 0 A I I 'I\ THROUGH 'r,Icz1a-rs To `all points East and`West. and Manitoba. For tioketp, rates. eto.. apply. to - FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, % Ai't.' smtn. Rom.` Quum, Agent N. at N. W. Rn, General Pgssenger Agent. f v . gag:-la HEADQUARTERS, Cow, per l00lbs. 5 50 to 3 6.00 Steer, ........ 600.... 650 SheepSkins 090... 100 Tallow, Fa_rmers cake. . . . .. O 05:} . . . 0 00 HIDES AND SKINS --INSPECTED. No. lASteers, 601bs. and up 0 07; . 0 00 .~ '2 H: . H ; " 0069;... 000 ll 3 II V I `CC `C 0 051k`... 0 00 . 1 Cows,'a1l weights. . . 0 07.. .. O 00 2 " _s` ,~... 006,... 000 3 V ... 005 0.00 SEEDS 2 "Potatoes per bag......... ... vu-vu - - - . u I V - u - v o u v all V I1} I ' V Ill on-gnu. -our - n - - o o II "52:ao Rye`:-Icon-anso;-oooo-coo`050-3.: Barrie General Produce Market. Beef, hindquarters. . --$ 5 00 to $ 6 00 Beef, foreguarters........ 4 00 5 00' Beef, per sxde, 5 00.... Dressed hogs, 10 ) 5 50 .. Mutton, carcass, per cwt.. 5 50 La.mb, per1b.........,.. 007...; Chickens, pcrpait-.._...... 0 30.... Ducks, per~pa1r.......... 0 60.... Geese,perlb........... 006... '1`urkeya,perlb......... 009.... Butter, tub, per ,lb....... 0 14 Butter, roll, per lb- . 0 16 . . La.rd,per 1b.... 000.... Tallow..,.'............... 0 06.... Eggs, perdozen 014.... Apples, per bushel. . Omons, per bushel _. .. 0 40 . .. Turnips, 0_ 10....` Beets, ....... Carrots, 020 Parsnips, 0 30.... Cabbage, perdoz.. 0000000-0'30! nth]. Straw, per ton.......... Flour, Bakr s, per 10C lbs 75.. - Flour, Family, 2 00.... Flour, Pastry, 2 40.. . Oatmeal, per 100lbs 00 Cornmeal, 00.... 2 50 WashedWonl 020 W0O1.oa.--o-.. 0 C\1\.O1-Au ---._...... I. ll VI LLUGU I I v Barley.... 0a.tsV TI--- THE STATE OF THE MARKETS DURING THE PAST WEEK. who Prices Ruling in the Local, Toronto. Montreal and English Markets -11 Resume of the Week. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE OFFICE,` BARRIE, April 21, 1886 Barrie Grain Market. _~1 . 117: A A AA A A AA `J. G. H.aZnds,T editor and Vproprie- tor of the Collingwood Bulletin,- has taken the edmorial charge of the Essex Liberal, mmlished at Essex Cergre. ` `GRAIN; LIVE max AND PB.DUUE._ Spring Wheat. . . Fall` Wheat .. . u nnuynvvvu nu VIA: A navvv LVINVVI-IIIVIV satia1'a.ot`i3;1 TS CLOTHING leaned. Pressed and inlivm-n in AR hnun, I53 G Barrie, April 14th, 1886. BRANCH -OF THE 'l`0RON.LO DYE Wm-In I-ma haan nnmm an Pnnntanmninh. For all the leading varieties` of TIMOTHY. TURNIP, Our Own Irnportatvions. LAND PLAST ER RAPE, A HUNGARIAN CARROT, _3uoKwHA1', cons; h{ 5 v;11}g' of Mr. Cathcart; of "ray, was destroyed by reafew days ago togethet all of its contents. T M r. Hnncsy. of Thompsonvilleg lost part -.:i' his thumb a few days ago by its contact with a circu!ar- saw. ._ Bmit yard \1.'l(lc'Iforv at 7% and 81:. . at (gray &. ()o s. 0`