Fl-`orontol vmeu. yuuutu -I-'*"".` "Morrow, auctloneer. - ,,-_....~.u Ant 'MQI'l'UW, Gllvvlvaavvu . VVEDNESDAY, APRIL 2l.-Farm "farm stock and implements, on south half 'of1ot 3 con. l0,V Vespra, `at l p.m, `Mm Mar) , K*'avxt1`i!$ J- W- Morrow, auctioneer. Salvation Army. THE NORTHERN ADVANQE l`hursluy, April Sm, I886, The Show Boom will be kept open during the even ingof Thursday. . [FIELD AND GARDEN SEEDS, I | SPECIALTIES :- cLovR; SEEDS 2 HEADQUARTERS 17-1.: su0Wn00M0PENlNG in bags, barrels, aiid bulk: MANGEL. &G. in barrelsv, bulk, and bags. @`*Specia.l qu otat1ons to jobbrs ad [others requiring large quantities` A \ I - _ . -VALU ABLE FARM FOR _ SALE. -'l`here .will be sold by Public Auction at the Man- sion House, in `the village of C0Ol{STOVv N, on MONDAY the 12m day of, APRIL, 1886'. at | two o'clock in the afternoon by Mr. Peter Ral- 1 ston, auctioneer, the following valuable ro- perty, being: composed of that part of Let n, 1 in the 11th Concession of the township of Essa, in the County of simeoe, west of the II. 8; N. \V'. Railway .Co.'s right of way. excepting there- out village lots Nos. 14, 15, 17. 18 and 19 on the North side of Queen Street, and village lots Nos. 11, 12, 13, It and 15 on t e North side of VVe1lington Street. all in the village of Cooks- town, as shown on . a plan made for James Cooke by A. C. Thomson, P.L.S., and registered in the Registry Oice for the County of Simcoe, I on the 1st day of June. 1877, and containing 86:} acres more or less. The property is offered for sale by the admin- istrator of the estate of the late James Cooke, ` deceased,` to wind up said-estate, and contains six village lots on two of which there are`dwell- ing houses. and the balance of the property is in a farm. The property will be sold subject to two leases of two of the village lots, V which leases will expire on the 10th day of March. ` 1887, the rental payable under each being $30.00 per annum. . ` - l There are on the property basides theihouscs above mentioned a good frame barn 40x55 and I a one and ah ilf storey frame house, and other outouildings; I`ha 9,. 1-ni in beautifully situated in the centre The furni is beautifully centre of the village of Cookstown. There is a. splen- did grove cxtendlng along the whole of the Northern Boundary V of the lot, which con- tains some` very valuable timber. A streani of water passes through the property. The soil is .. moi. nlnv. The farm 13 partially gralncd. water through the property. 1 nu sun 1: a rich clay. The is pa1`tia1l.V drained. The station of the Hamilton 8; North-W cstcrn Railway Company is on one corner of the pro- pcrty. 'I`mms on PA\'.\IE'NT:7-Ten_ pe_r Tcex`1tuoLth`e p'r's?'." `i ` ' 7 TERMS o1`_PA\'ma:1\'T:-.-Ten per cent of the purchase money on the'day of sale and the bul-j ance within one month thereafter, with interest at 7 per cent.. other terms and conditions will be made known at time of sale, or in the mean- time to the Auctioneer; to Capt. Cooke, Cooks- town. or to M00 KRTHY. PEPLER &. MC CART HY, Vendor's Solicitors. - Dated Barrio, March 22nd, 1886. 12- 14 By McCarthy. Ppler sc M;6$}Eb,3 tors. ` E Northern 85 N-o;th Western Railways. '.'D_I-I ROVTIG-Iii TICKETS To EU points East and West. and Manitoba. For nckets. rates. etc.,_ apply to CAPT. SMIIH. Rom`. QUINN. Agent N. 8: N. W. Rvs., General Passenger A gent-. 13:2-.f-1-ie. 40 REWARD.--MARE STOLEN.--Stolen on the night of March 18th. 1886, from Lot 14, Con. 12,-Innial. :1 M9 re. color light bay,_ about 15 hands high. black tail and mane. no white on face. slightly crooked on one from leg, pigeon toed on the crooked leg. aged 10 or 11 years, bred from heavy Draught. Taken at same timeia saddle. blind bridle, blanket and halter. A reward of $40 will be paid for thief and mare, or $25 for the mare, or apply to J os. ROGERS. Chief Constable, or to WM. GREFR, |r~m.a+nmo Rm-rip. - I 1'2.-14p ROGERS. Ume1 you: | Constable, Barrie. H}?-.%`ANoERs, 1 MERC 11A1\['1;_f_1`_zgL0R, ` Lul-cl-A-tt Land and Ins`-o rance %4?iW- Agent, fe, . oavvyvu t1.`;&:.':;k1o**.&:`:%,2.; :.* SW W or w Barrie. 21st March. 1883. 13.1, S P R I N LT I E S , The M mutlnex` For all the leading varieties of TIMOTHY. TURNIP, V11 L 8 fr: v..r Om` Oabn, Importations. LAND ,PLAS'l ER `RAPE, _ HUNGARIAN, > CARROT, % BUCKWHEN. conu. LAND SALT 'l5UNLOP STREET. R R. I E 37 O .*.w.\`\'n\` =__,_ T FIMMER S TH COLUMNS INTO ONE. E rrrn our or A nozmw " MILLET, A14-avg`, . her Solicii 12-15 oun MILLINERY Fire and IKE!` K 12-14; . ` --`-WILEI TAKE PLACE 0N--- `JUST ARRIVED! OurLoW Prices 11 We `are bound _to sell Boots ami Shoes at lower 1' rices `than they can z_~ bought elsewhere in the county. . T ' I Thereasons why we can do this as these : ` .. Our expenses are veorylow for the husiueS.1 we do. We pay cash for our goods and get the largest possible discount. We have a large and co nmodiom store ax`-aihzme _-and convenient in every The Presbyterian Home l\ 1lSBl0Il Dean: 11 SL-'SdiLll at 'l`o'runto last week. H19 remains of the late J_udge_ Mosseau ywrc imcrxjcd at Montreal on Frlday. 'I'... "ten have be?" : near the border": mnl in,'1`uruntu from mhalmg coal gas. V M-zil hnildmg was the scene of ` m..1l1~:1` gu-.;.2'.t re on Thursday morning A i\`;1.~. i particultvr. oil Vsvuswn n VVe have experienced and accomplished '3ale:~mnen who take the grea.tes=.'. ` pains tot people well and honestly advise them as to their requirements. i We make no losses in accounts, tor we have none. We sell as we buy, for cash. and for cash on] . V `* Y . - We carry an immense stock of goo-'.l Sen/i-cealrle and stylish Boots and ` Shoesthat-can be thoroughly relied upon. ` - N.B.A-You will find Clayton am (ad srwl, Grocery, having-r-leased his new store in B;own'.~3 ne _ Vair & Booth. _. AND DISPLAY OF--. . 'l.'UUA IHCIUUBB zuyuu.-. NU`-C|IL\'-3 Vnllu u ` GENTS, and CHILDREN'S FU()'|'\VA RE, and ` in a. FIRST-CLASS STOCK. LOOK AT THE -_\I- ['1' \ 1`-rrv " , am '. EWAN, Importer, 84$, % DUNLO1 STREET Eight ]`3ocrVs East 5*}: 03d Stand, McCarthy s Block, Wl1i(`h "we are now soiling at % Discount. JOHN G Lg.i\Y' %DUNLOPLSTREET. |UR. STOCK icludes all the novelties and tinest qualities z.-r.\'x1rn(`1 __.1 nun n`D1:'M'Q' 1a*nn'r\\'AR.1<`.. and all articles usu STOC K u1:%wa l.'`{l%A M WHAT anoveu WANT BLA CK"!!! 0R1}; :. A. DOUGLAS, son SPRING AM) SUMMER? '. MYERS 83 SON. S-`.eL11n',' `-"_i-1"" ~ 3;, 1ast'.l`ue3d41Y- ' - A > A M - ,1-here are 24 inulates at_ the lazeretto . ` y D ~ ,, .t 'l`rac2M11t`a 5'-1" '1`m.-.\`m.~ru M11 mt last 'l`hursda)'- 3 . 1-`;..nd.~; have done much damage 411) L-mm zm.1_castc1`n Outarlo. L w, 1-1m\'lu11d has been "re-elected _'m.,,, of Turunto by acclamatlon. _ '1:ho l rcsbyteri'an Home Mission Board - ,, ,1. u of l`|\'Y`VInt.() | ' Park cummision' THE JEWELLEB. E %::3HANT TAILOR, IN THE L1N'EOI<`---- BARRAUD is Now. MAK!NG DIRECT PHOTO- VGRAPHS FRQM CARD SIZE UP TO I: x I4 CABINETS sot:-IWBLL's BLOCK, rm $3.09 PER Dozen. `ma PHHTHGBAPHHB, 5 S"r-and, next door to lhrquharaon 2 new block to Messrs. Uoulter- Mun \..-_\ Thunder buy is how cleai. of ice > v In-van at Indian Head I S-edin_, H .BA.I={.?F1IE{, UHESI; quauucu lu 1.J.11J:..u-J. 13.11 articles usually included WILL COST YOU NOTH- (3 rca I,T in L_ADIES.- BARRIE J ) I'-`$ 0 - |:.u'1ct-V m`l Ill M2'1'n: :1. Old World. . "H-111;:li'u:1 is 1mw'1cga1_in France. l`I=;,:1:mi.1ismaking L-xLens:iVe' prpaI`!i- i:11s_fu.r w :1`. N V . - I/.1-m ` ',l'}1\1rEsday \\':{s Prince .7l5is1nar`<:l_< s flat birthday. A" . - ` f .\1f1-u `1ua;~;s:1c1'c_s` of Catholics a{e_-tep($rt- -`.-1 fr: In Ammm. ' ` V _' V A Sl:m~ry has been, abolished in Curea by '.`nL- cd1ct king. . r. .' .- _ .- _. .. _ ____1 v-xx.- i`h..- L`T.:;.u..1 (_`it \3, which was Wrecked on _'.'c- l'~_w;h_LL:L \\'t;-`dI]L'.BLiay, will be raised '1 hr H\.~1~m:m steainr Europe is [ashore Uut 7-3 miles {mm New York." Htmluy, the evullltionist, has given his 2 .ews In the H umc Rule question. Hrcuvu v.sa1.ts'a war j with ' Turkey be- -.-.=m- l{ua.~m has promised assistance. nu ... .... r. ... 1| 1;I._ :.t15`.1\;t.`d. I M I ,. . > I Tin-hu.lL11<..f Ex-1 .resi`dent[ [Arthur is` mi (u l1:\\'uvIu\1(:h~ilnp1`0Vfed dunng * the . I ' _ - -...-_ ..... .....,,. H [Nwerty in Lundon is extensive and = .x ca1ful 111 the extreme; ' Ia-r 1uL.m1. ' A In:1;\'S1I;1C'.111;( was held in the" London 1-'Uii~.C1 11,111 to }x~-..-must; against. Home Rule '11: 1:m~;s11 T\1inis1cr,t0 Greece has '1t.`t11 1vI`L1t-11:11 tn {in 1116 `other I1OW_El"B In 5U111hl1lv2aY||n. L;-gm thin 7 :*"?*{*J " u. _'|`h.-c_1.t1 (1. U. M and e ;1'.. ]:(L't>i .t',l1~-um Rule are `getting dim . .. - ' ' 'ontier `I igfumyl f}`:"(I;r3 UH the Bglglan fl _ 1` ;n\ um -' 1'i.tuM L-ntermg Germall) -4 L L` i . L 1- - ` ` Hm lmmkv.-1 hf Arrests made} 111'l_3e1g1331` 2:; L-mm ctir-1a \\ i!(ll the labpr'1'1ots_1s 2,0 V'Hu~ ;\'1arV':-:.*'.L'.i;tli.~+t law has been Pro" '.= I.:"l'tl Jun. )'``'51'5 } V the .GenmW `i-;LI1Vl;m.t"IL1-. -I ' _ V A lmndrui Ihnusand 1119 ' u gm . . - to the.-1'1Hu(.f {ha L7.;Lr_(;u 111$ _I 3'55a'g 111-; (_`x`ixz1ca. - ` `V! X.` --u unul'|\_.'U 1 an uhnualuru, Njmc I nu v.\.- .u_u st wcdg. ............u Mu-ens. lanu H a 1'1 .(il:a;1styne any that 5!} In-w e-l;r1Vmxa\u\1ld add 0!) \'utes- ill }'L\I.I*xf l,-. |.-1 - .` - ' - Small decit an I`+Iont1_`.8'_Rc\'cx1uc and Expenditure. H'I`xm,\(\,s, Aim} 1; ""*`H'u* and (\'~,_-cndi1;u1'e for the -nine. ""`*`I1-1'-4.311-'1 N:n'c`h shows the re- \"" `Hr -`.'Z>.1(`I 252, which is an In- Cl`t`2i>,-A H\ . `fvlht Il`_\h:ll:i )L'iII' of Jrh -"1"""H'H!`.r for the ulna u1<.>nt11s just f*"4*E1 H_-`<":3,l.`.)`.),t`;'.'I'3, whichis an increase . .,,l,1,.; 4;-1;; `Iver l"~`1'iId of HM: SIIl"}I]_u3 U UH` -.~.'1,4u.3.:.7<;, M, hrcviuus fiscal year.` The :51st 1\*la;rch was therefore i(:l1is-$740,000 more than" fil(1)1nc on account of the North-West. rebel- ) $`)_t0 2t1(I' L-nd"0f_ last_mont`n amountpd' M ,-L0. Al_h1s benyghan extr9.r.~rvd1n- Wyn 1JI{d1t\1:'e_1s not` classed_-w1th.,the_ gain `"3 `:XD_9_.r.dntur_e as above glven, The, _ m Iecc-lpts; gv1l.l_ go far _to turn.-th,e tlclpated by the AI*`ina'nVc"e5 ...--- l`he .statement of ! w uh cu1`I't:::pt.>l|ding nine months A the ` corresponding ' 1 Fund of March, 1885; V The expndi ' -nu, .`.....u,_. 2.4 x:s)'1<;ix1iu, uws, above - I;a;:s- 1 '1: U I` 1 _\~' Mr. Luugheed'was killed` a. few gr: at Miuuedosa by a fall from his - II xss has resigned his position as I lzn`1'iste1'! for the County of -\ vmditiu 1` Huxie on Friday reported an mm.l.>cr of trains moving. " ` 1 .=;1_\'s the strike was virtually A45. i.d~x_. his intr_view with Mr, mid'c1`.~:. I V .' M;um.in;;`scondition was'im- \`:mxr(i:sy. T - ' - - \v I. \r 1 y.. chocse - (HI! "I `HQ ngllcn .T .1 L. nsh V1.1LH_l`CA than $14,090:` *:`:1 in the treasury $490,--I chau,,;c in Secretary Man- moluux` at -Z\'ewa_rk, N. J. ,' . I1)Tdnj:p11ubia. ` T "* '1 ,___L..,J .... '_1CL`S _in Va. rich si1v_er mine . f1astwc`ek -has done img ~' in the milning regwns of \ uxu >F):n- Ilule. n'iL:L- has taken pl,_:i-(': in `.the . l'.iz~n:in;;T11:uu , `Ala..,` against" ` u-:h1cti_u1'1- in wages. I-l.t uf xh'c`States decreased V :;1_ 11L>_1`~.V $14,000,000- _._- cum: 0n".", L,'rs,% eipts %7ii15"gS?Z}" fa turn the anticipated by Finance LIV vvv--- -7.. __ 11. United States A I tfn-cum Three v,vuv ( ( -' ,..),,), 1 T Mixiister in speech into a sur- plus, especially as there are noheavy pay- ments, such as subsidies to- provinces, to be paid during the three months of the scal year yet to run. -----11-0}--...-.. Fire and Flood. Port Rowan, a village on Lake Erie in Norfolk County had a. destructive re on Friday morning, Eighteen places of ; business was destroyed, the loss being at at least $30,000. The O1 igm of the re i__s f not k:1 fvn:_ ' ; ' m'i`l:e Beriiu gas works `have been also destroyed, and the town will therefore be e in darkness for sqme time - - rs .1-ta - m`2;. x'1'1.:a.`;1;JL.'Ir.I;,ei`t`;lc:he s dwfelling house, A. Hill street, Owen Sound, was burnt. De- fective stove-pipe the cause. ' A ..1..:....I.. ss\``` .1 n_-.---.-..,1._1.. __-_-_-L ____ __L l V I uvv Iv nrv Iu'll\I Viulin ' A shingle mill at Presquelsle was burnt the same day. i Big res in the States during the week. * Most destructive oods` have occurred at Montgomery, Alabama, and `at Chat- tanoga, Tennessee. The Warrior, Coosa, Tallapoosa and Cahaba rivers have by their terrible oods wrought immense destruction. ` A number of men and thou- sands-of horses, mulesiand cattle have beeneswept away by the resistless cur- rents. Alarming accounts come from Chateauguay and Huntingdon Counties, Quebec, of bridges and buildings being ! swept away by oods andcattle drowned. The water from 12 to 18 feet `above sum- V mer level, and many thousand dollars worth of property -have been destroyed. The Connecticut river is, doing much dam- age in New Hampshire by the overow- ing of its banks; Fire and ood are truly relentless masters when they get the upper hand. ~ 0-Q-0 no: vovua-nanyuvu av: IIVII-AV VIKLIV A pattern shed" was burnt in Port Elgin I the same day. N 0 insurance. Q-.1... .:...'. M"- T ..:;..1_.n_ .1__'..n:_.-1_____, Lin. A Natxonalcurrency. V ' At "present the banking corporations \ control the country s business.` If a cloud cross the mercantile sk y the bankers grow 3 timid and make money dear and scarce at the very moment` when cheapness and plenty are most demanded. When times improve thebankers almost force money out, makeit easy to get, and encourage people to undertake new and great enterprises, possibly beyond their strength Thus we have periods of ination and ex-_ travagance, followed by periods of depres sion, failure, and su'erin9;.. ' " IDI... `L....1... ".311 AN-.Lnn1n run} an-n-nnntidnr 2 lUll, Luuurc, auu uuuUI.u1;',.- ` l The banks will certainly not surrender their protable privilege without a tre- mendous struggle. I They are managed by shrewd nanciers, _who know the value of the monopoly they enjoy. It becomes the duty of the Canadian people to in-. quire whether the time has not come to restore the power and the prot of issuing all currency into the hands of the govern- ment-..-Hamilton o Spectator. We are glad to see the Spectator take up this National currency question. We have ";i1;~.:` been convinced that the government yielding its functions in the issue ofmoney to corporations whose chief aim is prot. Just at the time too, when money is most ` is recreant to its duty to the people by needed to bridge our business men over dilliculty, the banks shut off the supply. Our monetary system is therefore sadly defective and radically wrong. It is high time we had a change. 1 11}: Ann nu uuu . mu. \VASHL\`GTON, D. C , -`April '3,--The' j Ways and Means committee to-day took up the IIewitt,cu_st0ms bill, and added to it the free list of the Morrison bill, so far as it applies to lumber, sh, salt, ax and hemp. Wool was also added to the free list. 4 Under the head of dutiable goods the chemica.l and cotton schedules of the Morrison bill were added, with amend-_ ments relating to fine qualities of `cotton goods, and the sugar duties were reduced 10 per cent. _ _ rnl_,. ,;....,.,\......+n mmnlmrs: n! the Vvavg ` ll) cent. a The democratic members ot_ the Ways ' and Means committee express the opinion based upon the departmental Aest_ima't_e's that the new tariff bill` agreed-upon to-day will eifect a reduction of between twenty- two and twenty-four million dollars in the revenue of the government. Before _the measure is reported to the house the clause placmg fish on the free `list will probably be[qua.1ied`with. a proviso ex - cepting Canadian` sh so long as Canada; refuses to accord the shermen of this country the right to enter and clear from | Canadian ports. V -----coo-----~- vvv'~ . Appeals. - 4 By the act of `the Legislature passe this session, entitled An act respecting the districts of Algoma, Thunder Bay and Rainy River,- clause 5 provides that appeals from -the decision of any Court of A Revision in respect of an assessment xxx in any of the districts of Muskoka, Parry Sound, Nipissing and Rainy River, shall be to "the Stlpendarv Magistrate of the district, whether the Municipality was organized under any of the aets `mention- ed in Sec 1. Chap 23, 46 Vic. or `was in- corporitedrotherwise. So in the future the stipendiaryMagistrate, and not the County Judge of Simcoe, will decide all appeals, even in those municipalities that are under county organization. a \II\I\J YEW YORK, Apru Z.---1. u. uuu . report the business failures in the rst_ quartenof 1886 to United States, with liabilities slightly over $29,000,000. In the rst three months of 1885 they numbered 3,658, with liabilities of $46,000,000. of the quarter just closed are less than in any similar period since 1873. the failures for_ the first quarter 0 number 389, with liabilities of $3,442,000, as against 393 `failures and $2,827,000 liabilities in the tirst three months of 1885. 1884 the liatilities in Canada were. over $5,000,000 in each quarter. ---------OO?-'-""' l - 0 An Apology or cash. _ I 'l\lo1 April 2 --At a meeting of ' the oflicers of the 65th battalion it was propo.ed to take measures to force the Toronto News,.to make a full and satis- factory retraction of e- the libellous article , against the regiment, in default of which actions for damages are threatened by ' everv officer for $1000, _ . cicers $250 each, and private $99.99 'h 5 = total for the whole battalion`. $703000- l -------t--O."""""'-" ' ` - The Hustler Burned to Death. _ - - SIMCOE, Ont. April 4~.-_-Sh1'tlY .`9-'9' l midnight a-re rokeout`,1n' the VS - house, kept bv7;Geo` E Wa1m`819y- 5 proprietor had i to ju_mp. fl'_0m " 9 1 story to.es,cai`;}e;ancl"th0 11985.19 : 959` The liabilities . non-commissioned . imooe , .......:..-... .-.A5`t.ai3nt 1to'death i . 8 1 number 3,203 inithe 1 In Canada f 1886 ` In the rst quarter of1883 and . story to escape auu uuu ......---- i mngham. was burnt to death. > covered by+in aurau_ce. ' ` `Three monunaj nmus. W. _ NEW YORK, April 2;---1{. J. Dun & Co. __L Lian '|rn1n{nD failllres The Tariff and Fish. - '1`m'c-e~Mohtha' Failures. In 1) 1 nm -9 V-Iallll GIIUQIIFJ UII Imo. By Annie 0. Saoiguy, for the Advance. . ` In days of yore, when the world was `young, when men were as brave, and women fairer than thev are b to-day, when men to men were as faithful as Orestes to Pyladas, an :1 women as sisters. When men and we men had "a. simple faith which knew no faint- ing tits and believed as children in the fairy wand, of the fairies in the power over men's destinies of the gods and godesscs. Tn I-Linen Anna u'6- nnnnn in menu. 5`-nu`! Jnnn Auvuvousvv VQ- vuv -vuw wuu avuvuuca. In those days it came to pass that Juno Who was jealous of her husband Jupiter, and quarrelled withhim` over his many esca- pades. one day, said" unto him ': -Behave thyself, and I shall throw the apple of dis- cord and scandal to earth, and it shall come topass that amongst the mortal.-5, my sex_ not yours, (For to woman not man have we given that undying gift of curiosity) shall I ' catch it as it falls, and it shall come to pass that all who taste of it shall hunger and thirst tor scandal, and finding none shall form themselves into clubs and meet not in the Temple of Truthl where Minos, son of Jupiter, sits as` supreme iudge, and where falsehood and calumny cannot approach, but, where she who has eaten most greedily of the `apple shall throw most mud at all outside sisters who have not eaten, which the listeners with itching ears shall catch up and repeat on the wings of the wind, and Boreas, Auster,_ Eurus and Zzzphyrus shall carry the refrain over all the land, and so we, with the other immortals listening to the strife 0t scandal `among mortals shall be glad to live happily -together. And as Jupiter pondered and listened to the .voice of J uno` his queen, he now lifted up his voice and answered her : ; (lI`ITI_-- -1, J-.- ._LL-.. _f AL- `I`:-.I-L__ Q_L.-____ GHDWUIUU 11131 3 Why, oh daughter of ,the `Mighty Saturr, `why throw the. apple to mortals `? Think you 1 they are not punished enough already in thatothey are not immortal? Why not throw it to the infernal regions. V 661$- `L-:1: unnann I\`1 Tl1I'\;`l1I9 F. :1` `Han IIHIUW Iv UU uuu Lulczluas Lugxvuo. For this reason, oh Jupiter, for then would our, very throne be shaken. Pluto does us" mischief enough already, many of the godesses might then share the fate of Proserpine (ar_1d oy the way, had `he carried otfsome of your favorites from amongst our attendants and subjects,rthis apple would not have grown to such a prodigious size-) no, they are bad enough dc wn there already.` What with the Furies ! even the `dire Electo alone, To pierce her looks such terrors from her eyes ;_ she scares ev n Pluto her im- mortal sire. N 0, no, we cannot afford` to throw this apple ot discord anvwnere butto earth, we shall be rid of it at all events. ' 1 .\.-"1 flan nu!-.nn nnn fair Jnnn ? it aha." earuu, WU uuuu. uu ILU. U]. 10 au an cvcuuu. : And the outcome fair Juno? it shall surely come to pass that as many as eat of it shall transmit to their otfspring an undy- 1 ing thirst for scandal and power of invention ` ther`=.in. V t ,1- ,n __:-_ r_._:;... 1...; ..':....... ._a.,. UIIUFCIU. - Amen, oh all-wise Jupiter, but n imp.)rte here goes and with a gay bon voyage to the apple, J und threw it to earth. ` The above fable was written when the worldiwas young. To day ! we have noth- ing young, every pleasure even seems old and worn out to our satiated appetites, we are all dying of ennui, we were never young, even les petit enfants are no longer ch11dren with their dwarf-like receptions, balls, etc. , in which the only perceptible ditference to thosegiiven by mamma. is, that they don't ` quite turn night into day. (lruma with ma mill lnnk into the "W0m8D,S` q_un;e burn mgm: muu clay. _ . Come wnth me and look into the "W0men s` I clubspf the great cities at London, the Mod- ern Babylon _ at New York our American Paris, at the clubs for womenu t xe city of ~ cities fair Paris herself. T V _'..L-.- 1.,. L1... -1/\:nnu A6` Hno \1.`i`.nnn'r\ nu Hwnv cmes tair rarls nerueu. A A Listen to the voices of the women as they rise and fall upon the air. They. come to their feeble imitations. ve o'clock teas, Dorcas meetings of every-where ! where tea. and women meet ; surely the gods and [god- essesare so buay listening that envy; hatred and malice are not known amongst them selves. 7 Sometxmes a. modern curate has the tem- erityto preach trom Saint J ;smes- as to the tongue being `a. re a world of iniquityf nun. mlm Iiatnnn v he smre none of the W0- ` t.1f tongue Delng '3 U113 it WQIIU UI. Luuiunvy. V But who listens ! be sure none men who have eaten of the apple of discord. the tit-bits of scandal. And with many a nod and wink scandal is spread to the detriment of thousands, and the moth eats the ermine while society iklsses the detractor on both cheeks. , _._._ -L:| :..,.L:.....`I Rildan nnnh -dnfmmerg , Tklsses me uenractor on uuun Uuccnn. ' In. our oldfashined Bibles such Adefamers are called `tattlers busy-bodies, butto day, .we have left behindthe faith of our child- hood, we have a new fashioned. Bible. _ I`l7L_. :. :L 4-,. .1-" nvn Lona an ]H'.f.]6-`I. nnnver- hood, have Iasnloueu. .l)1_uu:. A Why is it today we have so little conver- sation between men and women? Why is it that the manlvethought and more solid tone of conversation of men is so seldom blended with the expressed thouuht, and erhaps, more rened if it even e more rivolous chitchat of woman '3 |'11L__ 2.. :4. Ll...L -4. nnn;o` mu-harinan of t)- 1 Irlvoious Clli uuuu U1 W_ULu.au . - . Why is it that atsocial gatherings of t)- day we see groups of men here, groups 9 women there, as at a. Quaker meeting. (though Heaven knows there is naught of the Quaker about them). Why is all this the actual state of things '9 V Simply, because women, (thank Heaven not all) have tongues `sharper than a. two edged sword and in our day tis not safe to` interchange thoughts ; with a man one must .deba,r oneself pleasant friendships with Madame Grundy ever in her watch-tower. Bllulvulalvu ran as; u _The Salvation Army are going to have a. big show on theV10t.h, 11th and 12th inst. _There is to be a. public reception for Uapt. Zimmerman and his wife, formerly residents -here, assisted by Moses and the Prophets, a grand muster of soldiers; an all night of raver, led by Captain Burchett, assisted by a lot of blood and tire otiicers. Among the attractions is -a banquet at the Town Hall,` for" admission to. which 25 cents will be charged. At all the meetings a silver collection is to be taken up, the funds to. be applied to clearing and tting` up the bar- ` racks. Happy Bill Cooper has command. Everybody is expccbed to go. ` e C merit or the pnpue ox tl_1uuu Duuuun m,*....u.. No. 3, Essa, who took highest marks in their respective classes for the month of march. 4th Clase-Mary Agar, S. E. Wil- eon,-_O. E. Agar. Sr. 3_rd--A. M. Donald-; son, Wm. Donaldson, S. J. Graham. J r. 3rd--Guo. A. Wilson, J eesie Agar, W. Cunningham. 2nd Class -B. McLean, Wm. Maybury, S. J. Ma bury. ` .1. cedar G1`-ov_e.7. Advance Correspondence. The following are the names_ in order `of `merit of the pupils of Public School Section x1'.. 9 1:`..-um vmhn tank. highest ... "That Un lversal Boy} The Rev. Mr. S.ta.'ord s lecture at the Collier Street Methodxst Church on Tuesday evening was notvery numerously attended. The lecture was good, and sparkled with funny illustrations of how the Universal boy manages to get out of the dilcultres into which his natural `f.cussedness often leads him. The Rev, lecturer is a man of more than ordinary s'.b .l.ty and posesses many cha.racteristi'cs,of the true orator. ' O-V.-:"'-'f*' A Grant Sales. V MONDAY, APRIL 12.--Farm stock, imple- merits, and fu.rm,to be leased, on lot 17, 6th con., Oro, at l p.m. Refreshments pro- vided. Donald Mcquiag. proprietor; J. W. o . 1 I -.._AuIr ' III1 l`\".`I(\'IQl_