Put 111;: ;}_1-(-);'; zotloo. A full stock of Iron Pipe for Steam. Watt and Check Valves. Steam Games. and Wa.te1-Glasses. 1 promptly attended to. (10-9. ) STOVES 2 ` s'I-ovms 2 2 ALL TIT]; nosT APPROVED MAKES. WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FURNISHING5 A TI` `IR A `LT`l"I"l A r1rI1'r-I---xv-1-s.-... _..._ _ _, % G'.} S M T H, ' UNDERTAKE%mw JUST Aennlvaamz BARBIE s1gy~gg_%[uIiNIcE%nPu1 M`KT>LE% svma : Q, _ '4 '5_._... '.',T` ; SOUTH SIDE UNL6P STTRE/Ei`, NEXT DOOR T0 THEWCANTCN TEA STORE. 7j_:---u-u V @.:.$_?.@@@ ?`;;gg Q W T MILLS & Pl.AXTON S 0ELEbBR_A'_1_'E.':LFlllINAE(_:kEs n at short notice- A full .+.....:. -4 1...... 111-- .__ .. \J\J|., ..-.. ...,.._.-._ ..--.. ..-....... Snakes, asfsupposeiyou know, "de- cline to accept food which they have not killed themselves. The serpent mind seems to obtain unmixed `satis- faction from the terrors of its victims. Neither `the anaconda nor the common - boa kills its ducks `and rabbits, (loves and guinesxpigs at once. . . Fl"L..-- ....- 1:2-.. -..:,.1-...J 'I..'............ ' ..1.... SKATES, SLEIG-I-I BELLS, PI.A'l`FORM AND.. . OTHER SCALES, V M` .1. HENDERSON'5' Which we are now selling at a (heat Discount. STOCK OF WALTHAM `Opposite the Queen s Hotel, Barrie. .:.\..I:\.:D% U.nf.LJ.L.LV Ui'LVJ.A..Nb` "' ELECTRIC SOAP FOREE - -- YVVVV %VV\ ,3: nus use. mu close nouns wmmur SLAMMING. -ggna A-IAQLJJNIL H.111! JJLEUL [U TA*'f1ii'A:i~J"i*Xd'i`"tIRERs' PRICES. -p`__,_ R. A. DOUGLAS9 BARRIE AND STROUD. uRY 1 LARGE .0? THE JEWELLER. >4 % STEAM WORKS Aim SE;(i)%\ V700Z\I. C C-OLLI.E B-ST., B A R Rn COFFINS AND GASKETS 01:` ALL I{I.\'Z ? _ In stock or Made to Order. L Andvallv 1'rue}1'RequisiTes_FLliiei ' Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, 1"run1p'.. attended to. G. 0. DOLMAGE, Manager, Stroud. bIlI'I1'7IA1l- `T't'\i\Cc;\a .___ _:__ m`,VWa.to_r:nd Gas,Globe Valves. 5 Issues. All work in thisline n. Marc} `Beauty and cruelty Uinted-Was the count Her Husband ?-'I'ha Money secured Death was Determ1ned-Po1son. 1.--`AT Tn zoo. 1 was strolling into the Zaological gardens in a lazy mood Friday after- noon to listen to a lecture on Snakes. _ -13 -1-.. m ..__' JOHN PLAX T07` ._?___,t,_ asses :\'[nt`f 8 L11) ` Dr. I. "worm fr destroys V W: ( -_a\'erag_;u W011" uh` Iis1-1 _. the only ' he didu ' lltu idicdv. xncn(hyl :Chappc T1101] `control thatl m 1,, . i%:;'3;i,'; .'\ lland ;;;i;.;.1 ._ \\e_ -v_wvu uwsvl . I Iiave come to smoke a cigarette with you, If you don't mind, the answer. _ - ' ' cough. ` all wh Sold in ..DIfugg' 1-; .d ---15 VII __TnN'O` takes white she p Lnstea. or B 5 Comp] me on would more 5: and I f STEEL, for em] man's , - -35 End sing th CCKT.` _u1mc I C311 A Tro semb but .it marry ever 11: was, might; be oozing out.` ' By all ;means--delighted, said Reggy, and she sat down by his side, a. superb-looking woman, if you did not pper ' cal str hem. V\_\'h y Natiz .i\'er, r W Whc: The -.-v-u v M v 5.1100 No, I don't know where the count lives or how, _ said Reggy one evening at the end of our week's shooting when were smoking after dinner._ He is, as you `say, rather a mystery. Marie's mother is Italian, you know, on her father's side, and the count belongs to that branch of her family. At Milan he is an authority, I believe, in chemi- cal science. . . " ' bl ` ` You don't like him, Ifear. Like him? I hate him !".` Mrs. Gardner entered the `room on V . thewordy ,. ; ~ . \ My dear, I thought you had gone tobed, said Reggy. I . "51. `Main: nnnnn L. ......'L. _ Foul msti -c--up vv van Her suspicions had _ been conrmed (for our conversation was a long one) that her strange inuence over, her husband was in danger of weakening; that his condence in her was on ~ the wane 3 that her hideous secret, \what- ever 11: was, might be oozing out. RV gll 1-nnnvun ,, 4'4-J..'I.L-_`I I! .. ' `I -vrw :w- v ---u uuvuwwv ans `V `V IIO Two mothers-in-law, she would say, could not be expected to get on well to- gether, and Reggy s wife preferred to have her own mother with "her 3 and so between the dear old` lady of Mayfair and her son there had grown up an e's- strangement which Mrs. Gardner, J r,, promoted with insidious persistence. Count Tourier had latterly been a rare visitor at Reggy's owing to misunder- standings with the head of the house; but he often wrote to his dear niece, and made a special journey now and then to see her. i n V- o-..J V- oo--u -aavuu vununvuu L|.hI'.lLIALJ\J|I If we do have Va little misunder- standing nowyand then, he said to me, while we took a noo_nda.y,rest in the stubbles at his princely place down. in- Berkshire, that's the commonlot, and it gives zestto the fun of making up. HI-Ta `IrI\I1]A'I + can I-I-un'unnn1J "nt\uol\ l\l\ ov bnvv navnvv V\I Ill-l.\J I-lld \IL I-IJKIIXI-ll `AP! He wouldn't for the world have ac- knowledged -that he was unhappy, and she had a peculiar` power over him which could charm him into any mood she desired. If her occasional bursts of ill temperor indiscretion of manner towards other men were thunder-clouds in his domestic life, her smiles were summer, her acted a'ection was sun- shine. She knew that I saw through it all. I visited them rarely, and only at all for Reggfs sake. They lived in a curious way, `constantly traveling, coming to town only for a month in the season, and going to Berkshire for the. 1st of September. Reggy s mothe kept her own state in town. ' '- fIV_- ...-LL-.._ :_ L_ .1, _ 1 1 had uttered a warning concerning` which had passed into a proverb. He simply said, with the blood running into. his face, Dickens is a. vulgar _.-_-L m ......l `L... .. ....-:..'I-l.. 1:1 1...... " vS-('et.theyl were as happy as the world goes. They had their little tiffs, and 'Reggy had more than once been jealous, but not of the Count Tourier, her -uncle, of course. The idea of such an absurdity had never entered the honest soul of Reggy Gardner. Mrs Trent- ham brought him no money. Her rst husband had squandered it in gaming and speculation, Reggy had plenty, and he felt proud to settle a handsome sum on his wife, and to allow her for pin7 money the income of a duchess. The will which he made in her favor was worthy of his most generous impulses. I are m. .I.. 1.....- .. 1:14.]- .__.-..--_..1--- snob !_ and then as quickly, I gee Dickens pardon, old boy, and yours 5" and we drove off to Mayfair. Reggy was hard hit. I did not attempt to cha' him about his passion, 'so-out of keeping` with the present tone of so-- ciety, which never goes intograptures over anything. 11117.. _...L 1...... AL `D .-xv-nl-uuou-9 nun-I 11:`-nib, vwlwslcvilrlanced as one ixi a _clrea'm. .Il was under 9. spell. I pulled myself to gather as Well as I could. . : rnL'.:.. :- ....-. -11--.. .....,J 1.--; L`-.:....'.J \I_' III M Vlllvlvls ' ' We met her at Hamburg, and after- wards at Uomo, said Reggy s`arist'.ocra- tic yet amiable andjpleasant; mother ; she was travelling with her uncle, Count de Tourier. nII1' .. ,..-.., .,... ..- ...- -.. .. -..,.-.. ..,_.,-. 1I hope he wil} be happy, rojoiued his mother, but I thought there was something of doubt in the way she gave expression to her hopes: ' - ` f\.... an-`c-.\mnnIn:n-. ursI\r|l\l1(Il\Qn:|I'I " aw-ab, ~ cw---v--.--. Mre. Trentham. There was a move- ment of curiosity among the people. eMr`s. Gardner rose from `the tea. table `to receive the latest caller with esnecial ihonori Reggy looked at me trium- phantly as he said, Come and be in troduced. ,,--...., .... .. .... - ...,...... ` This is my oldest. and best friend, Marie, said Reggy ; `he hopes, through your newess, to be also your . best | friend. She looked me straight in the face, l and held out her hand. It seemed to me as if her manner was a. challenge- as if she said, We are dedaldly enemies, but. `you must pay homage to me! What she really did say was I hope so, Reggy. Ill"...-. r"_An-`Lnnhn -can-an A 1Jnna\!I`:4\ ' vv - ..V ----v--- --u- `.1: an vv 0 Madame gave a little sigh of satisfac- .-tion, and, casting a frigid glance at me, moved away _ Then I found she was not alone. Her cavalier was a foreign- oer, who looked like a faded personage matriculating for Tussaud. My thoughts "however, were not of him, but of her, and as I strolled home, wondering at `the combination of angel and demon which is sometimes found in female beauty, I called this lady Adrastia, was the resemblance to the Italian _.pic- ture of the` goddess -ashed uponme. A head full of strange beauty, the hair a cluster of writhing serpents, a face of lovely forbiddingness, with the agony of the serpent`s tooth in it, and yet about the mouth the calm, cruel, death- like expression of a Nemesis. The two faces were like and unlike; and the living one took the place of the other in my mind, eclipsing the picture, yet recalling. shadowy reminiscences of it, Adrastia never looked so glad when the victims she slew deserved the death it was her, duty to provide as did this lady inthe London snak-house when the anaconda swooped down upon its living food. Clytemnestra might have I worn a similar expression when she` murdered Agamennon; and yet I call the woman of the Zoo Adrastia, and I gave her, in my imagination, a tting head dress of snakes and serpents. _i II.--MAYIAIB. `Pall Mall swarmed with cabs and carriages. `Alt was` the height - of `the Londonseason. We had lunched cozily at the club; ' I ,forgot_ Adrastia under the inuence of the Reform s' dry h*nP38n id R9885! Bllhi 850113 Mrs. Trentha, . For the lady who had . won them young. fe_llow s heart`; and, fancy war `.` ;a:.a_`._- 1- -a "~55." Mrs. Trentham was Adrastia! -The knot of golden hair which fell in a clus ter from her bonnet and rested upon her neck, was, to my mind 9. tangle- ment of snakes. The eloquence of the serpent was on her tongue, and she held my friend in her fascination as comple- tely as the serpent holds the bird that eventually drops from the tree` into the expectant jaws. Reggy Gardner was to marry the woman of the snake-house. III.*A-DOWN IN BERKSHIRE. Two years had ' possed. The honey.- moon had long since been forgotten, or remembered only to be thought of as too many waned moons recalled with wonder. vaytvvuavan \I\I Lava l.IIJlJ\tII Our Tcoxiversabion, necessarily _bri_ef,` was interrupted by the arrival -of Reggy s bethrothed. *n.r..._ m..-..n.-... rm........ ...;... .. .......... `H It is a. rather short: enga'gem_ent, I replied," but we live in a rapid age. T L....... L- ...'I'l L- `I........-... 57 ..nn-an.-I ,vOne dose of Dr. Chase : Liver (Jute will cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, "and Sour Stoma.ch.. 1. to 2 , bottles are warranted to `om-e~Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Bili- - oneness. Sold by an druggtsts. UV ULIW UL WU`! ' mHusba.nd(exoited)--` '.What s that ? Let me neg t;hatvpa.pe'r._ Cincinnati husband (yawning) - Ye-es. ' ` T T Wife-,--And that it is likely to ad- vagce theprice of beef." ` ._...I_;___2.l'__._!L__'I\ 1.111: n .u . n .. . -- - an v--vvvnr-It 1100 Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and good inthis world as the celebrated Dr. Chase. Over 600,000 of his works have been sold in Canada. alone. We want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dgepepsia, Headache, Kidney or Urinary Tron lea, to call in at anyjdruggist and `buy a. bottle; of Dr. Ohase`s:L1ver Cure, i$t will care you. Medicine and Recipe Book These Wives areio Thouzhtleei. Cincinnati wife (reading the paper)-n I eeel that the city is threatened with a wa`i;e}-`_faz1_1ine. _ e ' - ` . J--. All the same, she killed that un-- hapPY boy, and watched over his last agonies with the same cruel satisfac- tion that chilled my blood in the ser~ pent-house. I am sure of it. Have I proved it?` No 3 not yet._ At present Reggy s Gardner's death is one of the mysteries of London. . The door being closed again, she said: `-Your malice outruna.your dis- cretion, and your enmity overrides your manners. I despise and defy you 2" L ' All n.-____-. .1,` 1-11 1 .1 . -1-- -a-vv. .-, vuvuwunuuuvnau It was a cold, cruel, beautiful coun- `tenance, classic in its severity, with `blue eyes, and lips that had no red in them. The nose came down in a straight line from the low forehead, and was chiseled at the nostrils. The mouth was rather a contradiction to the other part of the face, It was, sensual, yet without a" touch. of `gener- osity that sometimes modies the sensual so much that we only_ call it sensuous. Madam'e s eyes were not looking at me`. They were xed on the anaconda, which had just uncurled itself, and was sliding towards a_ couple of fowls that were retreating before it. Suddenly, from an expression of intense. expectation. the cold, cruel face was lighted up with anger, The next mo- ment a. fan was dashed against the glass tourge the birds into the jaws of the `serpent. "Madame was tired of waiting for the end A trill of indig- nation ran through me. umI..;.. :. ..... ...I...... 1'-.. 1-.1:.--12 1' --:_1I _""i_`~l1;; g;x:t:.l;:1;1 vi: leaving us ; order the carriage round for the rail- was station at o_nee. V-S'l_1-eJslv`e'[.)l-{across the oor in a long train of rustling crape. She was dress- ed in deep mourning. Looking de- antly at me as she laid her hand upon the bell-pull, she rang 9.` quick, rm peal. It was answered by a sleek Italian servitor. She pointed toward me as she addressed him. ` "7"7f of?" V 7777>7:V"n 0 o v a o examine her face .or1tica.lly for indica- cations of feminine gentleness- 1\,__.:___ _.__ ______ -:__L,___ _:.,|, 1_,,_ -v u... -vi-run-onto tn. n.-uuunv Mrs. _Gardner,:_ I .answered, I thank you for this frankness. I let; me follow your example. I charge you with the murder of the boy we have just buried ! GL- _}A.-._..-_'I - __,__- '|,-_1,,____,1 1 vunrv -vvuo.-v She step'ed 9. space backward, but her face neither changed in color nor expression. ' umL- _1-_-__-- ,',- ,- *1, -r -1 n - -rwwov-cg f`The day may" come when It shall reiterate that. declaration before an earthly judge. Q I... ..........L --..-.... LL- 1].... z__ _ 1--.. UQDQUIJH VI &IJ_I-llhlullllio l5\llDUI\IIl\a$$I - - 3 During `my acquaintance with it her lneither she nor I had ever alluded to" theincident at_ the - Zoo, though she knew it was constantly in my mind. She had great penetrating powers, and shewas, like a `woman, constantly on the watch. Reggyonly saw her great blue eyes, her faultless classical fea- tures, her wealth of hair, ,- ner tall, graceful gure, lithe and sinuous as a serpenL s.. - From the first he had been enamored of her beauty, and he was not in the habit of looking behind, the mask of what are called perfect fea- tures, nor did he understand that a face to be truly beautiful-must in some measure reflect `a pure soul. One part of that conversation which she ever- haand (not that Reggy ever suspected her of listening) referred -to. his will, about which I had made an inquiry, since he had only lately told me I was one ol his trustees, It is possible she had misinterpreted something he had said about altering it. gl think of these and other things now `which under other circumstances, I might have for- gotten. . - * u nun: on. -gnu v -var my request the London physician examined the remains of the medicine which had been administered to Reggy, and `made-other enquiries, but every- thing, he told me condentially, tended to conrm the correctness of the cer- ticate of death which the other med- ical attendant had signed. - He diag- nosedthe case for me, making the story of Reggy s death appear perfectly _regular and natural ; and a week after- wards they carried the boy who had accosted me that Friday outside the Zoo to. the familyvault in the little Berkshire church. A codicil had been made to the will the_second day of the poor" lad s,illness excluding my trustee- ship, and appointing the widow sole executrix. I ` And now gOod-bye ! said Adrastia, when all was `over and we ' were alone, face to face. We never liked each other 5 {there is now no further cause to dissemble our hatred." a"~;'-- -- Iv.- -IN Mouamivc. I had left Berkshire for London and my servant was packing my ' traps for N orway.. Reggy and his wife having, as I understood,'started for the Medi- terranean, when I received a telegram from'Reggy s mother : Please come at once; I fear my poor boy is dying. It was from Berkshire, so she was there. I had only been in London three days. Ihurried down by the next train. Mrs. Gardner had been sent for only that morning. She thoughtl was there. The count had come, and a local physician was in at- tendance. 'A London doctor of. great eminence arrived with us. '19 -Is "55iEi"is'5';1Ee?J ladies, I said aloud to the keeper, that she might hear me; but she continued an unre- '-strained and-active ally of the serpent, intent upon lowing the tragic destiny of the imprisoned birds. 'l"L.-.... All -1` 1` ......l.J.._ LL-._- ___ _ - vunntdh vv nu v|\4|n "He had been t;.ken ill the day I came away, and had gradually grown worse. "IVI... ......J 1.-.`! L-,._ _1..._....I_ ......:...1'..I _..__,, ,._.. _..... ,_.,..........-, --.... ..... _. The end had been inteisely painful. His wife was-with him to the last. She had attended him night and day. He had died in her` arms. Now she was inconsolable they said, and would not see anyone. The doctors called the fatal malady which had carried him off inammation of the heart. They did not dream what; grim satire there was in the verdict.` v.---u--yv vvnc vvgvl-D v-up We were ` 'bVo`;:h too late. Reggv Gardngr fvgs dead_ - 1- A Protable Lite. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. OTICE.'--Str9.yed on my '1-emises, Lot 10, 5 Con. 4, F105, on or about ebruary lat. 133% one Steer. red. rising]? years old. Owner and pay printing an eeping and take it away. J osnrn Coopnn. Phelpston, . P. 0.. Ont. 9-11 (111.1 axuulsm. For all the noted Brands of Imported and Domestic Cigars, ' Tobaccos, Meerach _G. B. D. Pipes &c.,,&c.. go to the Ceggrlgl if 1 Tobacco Depot, S1 of the Indian Chief, Pound $3. V E. BET Dnnlpp Street. Barrie. 0. . T remises, 1 gon. F`os,_3x 1_o_r_9:bout' 18 ll 1: Guam -1- `VANCE Office, or to the owner, `V`AlU4_LrBLE BUSH FARM FOR SALE IN 8 ownshixg of Ves ra, consistin ot the West } of lot 6, in he 4th on., conta g 100 -tores more or less. A good creek runs on the or further" particulars apl at the AD BANTING, 3241. o... Cookatown ' 'I`(\ l'I'I l'4\9c-`-5 .; ' V -: nun. - ouv-vvu won Then, all of a sudden, there was a hurried movement of the snake, a utter vof the feathers, and an expiring cry. The anaconda had begun to feed. 1ur...:|........ .....-... .. I:..n.. ..:;.1_ -1 _ _;:_1-_ - T0 SMOKERS. the nu `rlnnannl-In l'Vhu...... Notice Jgn cunmn 65 same man Ma. GUALVER f\.`l*n'I-5/xpns--cg... _. the Slmcoe Hotel is '15repar5d`to_t1~o"sl`lvl;ivI1ti; of work, Horse Sfzoeing or. the latest improved styles, preventing of interfering, forging. con- traction and tender feet carefully treated. uilders supplied and estimates furnished. 16 "BARBIE @ SBLAGKSMITII ~S|l0P'l HERBERT SKIITH having leased the stone th Blacksmit e Simcoe Hotel o_f _work. Sf: Shop. Clapperton-st., next to prepared to do all kinds 061112 of the lntmzr. imm-mm.1 matcuu zzNu.-o.`nuv. W. 11. names, "amlq Prince of Denmark. APRIL 29'rn.-4. Haughton Lennox, Egg Law. ....... - ' `*9 ADMISSION TO EACH LECTURE 10 CENTS. ..__T-.__-___--____._.________ u:L.l.\v1lL J.`U.l'I.' DAME UH: TU 1ui51V'1'.--An excellent farm of it -four acres is now for sale or to rent. It comp see the N. E. quarter of lot 18. in the 7th con. of Oro. Forty acres cleared and theremsinder woodland. mostly beech and ma`ple. Also twenty-ve acres on the opposite s de of the concession line ve acres of which are cleared and the remainder heavily timbered. On this lot is a good log house. The land is of the very best quality. All necessary information can be obtained from Mr. Duncan McIntyre. Coulson P.O. 52-11 MECHANICS INSTITUTE 6OURSE OF LECTURES. JANUARY 26TH.--l.-ReV. D; D. McLedd, Rob- ert Burns. FEBRUARY 22ND.-2."H. B. Spotton. M.A., F,- L.S.-. "Wa.ter." - .!'liB1{UA zzND.-z. 1:1. 15. aspotton. M.A. F" M L.8.. "War. i2 "W H ' ARon221~D . . e. . .B Prince of Denimagk. mm Hmlt 5"" l"8""' "'""' '. - They are like wicked lawyers who keep their clients about them, pretend- ing that they` never mean to swallow `them, estates and all. Now and then, long before the .2 fatal blow is struck, -the victims discover their danger, and then it is dreadful to watsh their terror develop and grow into madness. The melancholy cries of a couple of fowls could be heard in the serp'ent_-"house at the Zoo. The crowd of lookers-on were breathless watching theluttering of a dove which one of the serpents had just seized and the death agonies of a rabbit which the rattlesnake, poked up by the keeper, had kindly bitten. Pitiful tragedies were being enacted in every`- cage. On the score of science people go Fridays to see the reptiles fed. Prof. Huxley does not lecture in the snake-house; he would probably say something to the morbid audiences which ccllect there. I was about to seek the intellectual _refuge of the lecture room, when the face of a woman arrested my attention. l'L. __,__ _ --1,'I __-.-_I L--__L2[_,` .'---_ % new FRANCHISE 3 Libera,1j- Uonservatives Attention ! You are reminded` that the Revising Oicer for this Riding is new at work pre- paring the Preliminary list of Voters, and that all who are entitled to vote under the New FranchiseAct must at pnce apply to have their names inserted, otherwise -they w1ll lose their votes, ' wAm:P1NG ' FOR BRAIUING AND EMBROIDERY, Silks, Canvases, Patterns, 0hcm'Zle, Uards, Tassels, Talus Draper, cfc. 0BYST@L PALACE `STORES .._`_ - _-- In I anIIllVl:' |:$-0PPOSI'IT`E"BARRIE HOTEL, ` `l\`l'7\7 Au` .--u.`._._'__ dvflenddlis alshort abstract Aqf those qualied to vote under the new act. The qualcation is not inany way dependent on the Assessment Rolls. Real "property - is referred to in every case except In-' come and Fisherma.n. _ - 1. Owners in Towns . . . . . . . . {$200 00 In Villages and Townships. . . . . . 150 O0 " {`|l'\I\ I-'\f\ OVAQU 1.1; ; U150 11 1.l1t!u1l uruuuru H1111 gurucu. Seventy a.cres.a.re cleared and the b'a.la.nce.is hardwood bush, principally maple. The land is rolling ; .soil. a. good clay loam ; well watered with never failing springs. Property is distant one and a half miles from a. church and school house and near 9. market 1`n an nnnnrvnl-in rnnn 1-113:1 nunnnv-tn 1I7t\Iu1p` IIULISU Upllll L|UliJ.'Ua' IIIHFKUL A _ . 1`o an ener one man this property would prove an excel cnt purchase. TERMS :--Ten er cent of the purchase inoney at the time or an e. and suicient to make up one third within thinty days. when purchaser. - will be let into possession of property. the bal- ance to lye secured by mortgage payable in ve years, with mtcrest at seven per. cent. per an- num. ~ ' - nu... .....1. ..-......L:....I.._ .'.....:::...... ...:11 1.... ._...'1._ xuiuwu in bile Lime 0; sale. ' _' Further particulars may be obtained from the auctioneer. or D. Burke Simpson. Venuor s Solicitor. Bowumnville, or McCarthy. Pepler 85 McCarthy. Solicitors, Barrie. nntn thin 10th Wnhrnnr-V IRRR Q 11 LFANGY GOODS. E Cheap Wools and Braids I-LUULI uv asavvu vv an avvvun-u .`_`CongratulaLe me, old chap 1" ex- claimed an ilIlplll81V6 voice at the gates, and I turned to nd Reggy Gar- dner. at my elbow. Can't stay now-_-' just off to the lawyer's," he said as he hailed a passing hansom. . ` What is it all about, R`eggy, l I am going to be married; She's the loveliest woman in? the world! Come and luzich with me at the club to-morrow, and then go homeVt"o my. mot.her s--you ll see here there.. A .. `Li. L................ J..n..n nu` T Inn`;-all FARM FOR, SALE OR TO `RENT.--An `' ` Mt is nowlfor 1: Ann 6:; noun `[5 ...\....... ...... 41.. `T in - -__, The Secretary or other ofcers of the local "Liberal-Conservatives Associations w1l1,`on application, be pleased to render them every assistance. A" ` 2. Income.....'......;..... 300-00 3. Farmer s Sons, ' 4. Sons of Owners. 5. Tenants who have paid one years rent (in money or money s worth, on one V or different properties (including lodgings &c.,) at $2.00 a. month, or $6. 00 a quarter, or $12. 00 a. half. year, or $20.00 a year. ` 6. Occupants of, property of the values * above stated for O wners. In the Township of Medonte. in the County of Slim nae- lallli ILUCLI 8 l'.lUbb'l, ILI L118 LUWII U1 J38-I'l'lUe sm RDAY, the 20th day of MARCH, 1886.33 12 O Clock. noon. by E. S. Meeking, auctioneer. the following property: All and m'no'n1n.r that nni-fnin nnr-an! nr fr-nnf um: Luuuwxug prupuruy ; All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate. lying and being in the Township of Medonte. in the County of Simcoe. containing by admeasurement ninety acres. be the same more or less. and bein com- osed of the West Half of Lot Number ifteen the Fifth Concession of the said Townshi of Medonte. excepting thereout ten acres 0 the South West corner of the said west half. an I-I-In rn-nnnv-in fhnrn casino 1) nnrnfnv-I-n I-do Funny-nln L118 DUUIILI VV OBI: GUIDE!` 01 L116 3510. WEST: IIHII. On the property there are; a comfortable frame house with woodshed attached ; a frame barn 35x60 ft nearly new. and an old post frame barn 30x40 ft ; also a small orchard and garden. Snvantv mares: are nlmu-Ad and th Hnflnnnn in Other and. particular Conditions will belmade ` known at the time of sale. V lnllrfhnr rtnv-f1'nnInr-.1 1-non Ixn t\V1\"n:v-\r\:` luau.-. U_1V 1f1`4N'll.lBI:I'1lCBlUlJ8 II'0lIl EH6 V_8I1(10I' .LIl8l'8 | .w1ll be offered for sale by pubhc auctlon at the ueen's Hotel, in the Town of Barrie. on QA'l` mnav 1'.hn9I'.hnvnf MAm:n mu: at 111 M16 .l.UWI.lB1.llp U1 J.V1(5l.lUlo8. 111 M10 UUUHLY U1 7 Snncoe. ' _NDERvintructions from the Vendor there 7 auction fhn (\nnnn'u I-Info] in fhn 'I`nIx7n nf Dnvvo nn | AIJJUULIUI. Bijuu :1. uvy a.I.\Jn uuvau. As is ha-nsom drove off I4looked_ ~;xft;er my bright, cheery, lucky friend,3 just entering life with a newly inheri- ted -fortune. AReggy Gardner was a typical mung Englishman, broad- shouldered, sturdy, fair-haired,gray~ eyed, and beaming with health. C`-~'|-~ .-~'T'~.-........... .....- 1-..-.. ..'.I.. .. 7. Fishermen owning land and goods worth $150.00. [ 8. Indiana. F 'i3EE_MA N S Notice - ___.---v---- _ DUNL/OP s'_rREE'.r.J Raiors and Soisiors Groundhixid et on hgft ~--....-___..._------.___j DC AV1Ul_Jl1.l`l.Il)', DOIICIEOFS, ISEITIB. Dated this 19th Februarv. 1886. AUCTION SALE 0:` VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY. J3A3.:a:r:E:. 8-ll '0ROSSCUT sAwsLfZ:LNL5"'l'xEs! [0 BARS OF SOAP FOR gt In orderytp obtain the best re tsultsyou should use the tin Sal Buckets and Patent Sap Spiles am" Bucket Hangers. You will they haveno sap Wasted, and will Ilgj injure the tin as in the old way, be sides you will get 25 per cent. 31103 sap, also leave your order for a; Evaporating Pan and save -him and wood in boiling down. Cay and see us and We will be g1a,d R show you these goods. Prices L.'W- . OTTON BRQS. -rm: smnm: BOY cxnnunn AS 31: A ' smum. , .