P ker : )-">`Don."tV iuvented to break the enghgement 011' long ago and was afraid to, so he sent Snifkins to break it to her. Hefell in love with heiand married her. ` L A 13 III `_i)Z"5o:`a:3KiCi age. Failing to 9:61: the one-she -wanted, she thought she would a proxy mate E . V Ln'7I\'\" av\n`pnr\ -1.-nan \ V r VMr.`l?arewe1landthe I.awy`er .'1"What.was the second mortgage made for '3" asked Mr. Udnkling of J aka Sharp. 'l`o` issue bonds ,7 replied Sharp. But what were the bonds for `I7 ' T gTp be issued. ' `This calls to mind some `answers once made by the Hun. Charley Farewell, of . this city, to a. too-inquisitive lawyer. M". Farewell had" -owned the West Division Postuiue building at the corner of Was}:- ingtorr and Halsted streets, and had traded it for a building on East Washing- ton street, near the courthouse, giving $5,000.ca.sh dil-rence._ Some time after- ward a real-estate agent called -Mr. Fare.- well as a witness to establish the value of -the west side-building, . M/r.. m...,......n ...x.. c ..... ,...1.. ,...,.....a uv_U qrl, U uu vuuuu. " _ 1 ```Well,"- Mr. Farewell, what did you con- } sider-your` Abuildmg worth? asked the IaLwy'er. A` - T d (C A t-.,,...L 491:: mm 1.`... H... 41... ..4.1.,\.. m.""J.>;>ut $55,000 less than the other gentlem'a.n s. V-l\\ 4'13` Qfl O ila C`IlnI"1 Mil wl'I$l\I l7t\]l UL UIIU Vvvli L\lv`UuLL\Alll" Mr. Farewell. you Dformerly owned the.p:'o;)erty at the corneriof Washington ` and Halsied streets, I believe, said the 1 wyer. A `T I did, replied the witnc as. `"2 nd yousold it 3-" I traded it for "another building a.x.d gave $5,000 to .boon.' `Tn -' Mn wnunntni` nvknbl '91-\I'| Ann I WI&IJl\II`I(HlJ IJJ ' Yea. just so ; and nuv, Mr. Farewell, what did you cunsidex the other gent:1e- man's building worth, sir 7 H\l7,.H "ASA #111-\ v\:~\`uI;:n:nv\ n`1\vi-v`rv' tuuu D Uubsullls IVULDI1, IJLI. ' _ Well,v said the`, pol1ticia.n-,T slowly," { I had a. vague sort of a. `notion that it was worth--w-ill, about do '!_ V uvV...., ..:.. . ..n ..... .. ..,...._ ..... --.. ....... II [-33 VI. \JL Ill} '7 III, `UK-I\JIpIIl \L`J I ` , ; . Yes,- But; tell me as near as you can, ; sir, about how [much It was worth.- :.n'r-n :4. ....... ..._...n. ..1.`....; 43:: mm V... [i7RiNISHINGs| nun. u-uxwuu l|\lVV. uuuvu nu VI 9-u IV\ll.V\llLl - "Well,.it was worth about $5,;0U0 `more than mine." ' ' ~ `The Record of 21. Triumph! 'CONSo'1 ATIQN FOR '.DI_1E SU_l-'FEI{ING.- 5 '_'l`here~isin0'_ _1ittle_vconsolat.ion in the thought that, however the imposter may- ourish forthe season. he cannot long continue to delude mankind. How many contrive to acquire a brief and ashy "re- Iputation; and then sink into` disrepute and 0l)l.lVl0Il ! We confess that years ago, when we V rst heard of the universal celebrity of Professor Holloway, we dis- trusted,hi.s lofty claims, and arrogated to ourselves a. superiority of discernment which would not allow him to entrap our V judgment. ' Most heartily do we beg this 1 `pardon for -the unjust imputation. A7 .careful study of his system convinced us that we were indeed mistaken, and that the world, to do `him justice, should im- medlatelv, as it undoubtedly . will hars- aftor, rank him `foremost amongst its benefactors. ` in: II 1' I `, ,,.__ L1 33' . UUIICLGUUULD The huimm blood is not mere uid, c.mrsing through the veins and arteries, . land pzirtzikiug of the mere qualities of I other uids. `It-is--start1.ing as the state! uient may appear -ALIVE It is, in plain words, thelife of nun. All phy-' sioloqical diseases, such as indigestion, deranged kidneys; liver,` heart, lungs, stomach, ell impure secretions in the body,` end a large ,majority of epidemic and endemicfdiseases have their origin`, or at state of thepblood. Cleanse that and keep it cleansed,. and no sickness can prostrate, oreven assail the system. This splendid fdiscovery_ha.s given a.-lustre to Hollowe.y s name, transcending the renown of heroes" and statemen. `We do not wonder at the great fame he has acquired in_ Europe, Asia, Africa.,`and Australia.-~N. .Y. Sun,- dayb Times. i i T ` `least their exciting.cause, in the impure- _ An Assumed Name. Manager (to supernumerarv)---I am gnixigto give you a._'smalipart in the new play ;` do you wish yum` real name on the bill. or will you uae an'assun1ed1ia1ne? ` Supe.'-I_ig1l_*'ss I will use an assumed ` name? ' i `V M.--Very good ; what shall it be T wS. -_"Signor:'Vermicelli. ' I. --Tha.t s a_' high sounding name; whyido you u.seiVermice1li? Ght [it out .of'.a cook-book, :did`yo,ui?. ' ` u1r'-_ -..J T ....... I; Iannnlunn T nun n'Ennn -01.21: UUUb.' Uuun, _uLu. ,u_u x ` _ I Yes, and I use it because I.a.m asupe, i you know. ' . ` Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosiphites, very palatable and efficacious in Wasting Diseases. Dr. ('3. T. Bromser, Rochester, N. Y., says: After having used Scott's Emulsion with decided benet upon Amyself. I have taken great pleasure in recommending it since.in the various conditions of wasting in which it I indicated. I ---__.__-....-j___- `eu. zvussua uu v Uru. Mrs. DeVere-Oh, dear, I can t see anyone now. Excuse` me, Biddy. Tell them I m asleep}? . 1)Z.1.-I-4 `OM:l:nIIn T\u'\Tarn nrnnnnfn I191`- mem 1 In asleep. _ Biddy-"Miasus DeVere presents her` cdmpliments, an sez she s very sorry, but she 3* aslape. - ' FC- A Good Excuse. I Biddy--'I`here s a. couple 0 ydies call- J Ved. Missus DeVere. ~ 1 In`... T\._'I7...... l\L Anna 1 nun: non * In L lvllvuuwnv .---v. Few men have accompliehed the 0 Same `amount: of Awork and good in this world as the celebrated Dr'Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have been sold in Canada alone. We wantevery person troubled with Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Headache, Kid-ney or Urinary Troubles, to call in at any druggist. and buy a. bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Sure, `it `will-cure you; Medxcine and Recipe Book $1. ' . . . ' 06% '-v l ` Information. : Father, is a. blind man always heavy? Don t ask such foolish questions : yoil know very well he is not. Well, pop, yuo know he is generally led. At. thisjuncture the juvenile offender i dodged aoying book. \JllI\I 1 KIQJ IIIQV9 5 T (They ll`;aven t spokehl sice. ) V _ Marvelous. Ono dose of Dr. `Chase's Liver Cure will cure Sick Headache, Dizziness, and Sour Stomach. l to 2 bottles are warranted to1 cure Liver Complaint, Indigestion and Bili- jpusness. `Sold by an druggists. A rule that works bgbh wa.y.--When a. eet gqes out Qn a crmse, the crews go out I Q. I 1. ' . a'\ H A meinAne\L7Aer loses by politeness. `How about his seat in astreet car '1 I I a `I Y`?! , van ,v_u-uv _---- - "O "r.ienV<;ev vas a. buily deachr. I Dar 7 only tro1'1ble`with him vas do't'he gifa his knowledge omit when it was pootv late. 1-` (VI ufn nl 1| .M1}{'de:tra1 Park. She ; `If `the. lion were to break out, which would you save N first-, the children or me 7" Me. A P1-o t;b1e' mm. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE.` _- JAS7. 303063 I E, convmucmz, coumssxonnn IN 11.0 J. Cpital2.000.000; deposited with the `Govern ment `at Ottawa 3100.000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CC Capital $500,000; Gdvernmht deposit made. THE ABOVE ARE ALLASTOCK COMPANIES. . THE WATERLO0 MUTUAL FIRE INSUB ANCE 00. Capital, s5o_o,ooo. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. An Ann nnn nA.-_I:_ In thanking the public of Barrie and Vicinity for the hberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to state that _he has at con- siderable expense increased Ins bakmg facili- ties and is now-prepared to do a. larger business` 615 n n n1'7AF, MUS {Inn 13 I I than ever. | Made in the various styles and quality the best I | -Delivered in all Darts of the town. 1 % ozrprabue Up-staT.:r Lu /vpoN' HO USE. on L'e'rm0ac ct Len'noac_ Flat. . 11,1-. PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS sz WEDDINGS ' supplied at short rtotice and on reasonable 4 ' - arms. ~_ 2 _ nnnwmcx 1- BROWN LEADS __T__+_4_E vA~N. F`-~"-B.B__VV_ .1? | % " ':CONT7E'YAN0ER., gm, L % [Issues or-' MARRIAGE -LIGVENSES In-I-nvldvn A re! main novA'L unsusiugs commv 2 A nrvnrn nz nnn Ann ASSETS. $23,000,000. . Has the Largest Surplus of Assets over Liabili- ties of any Fire Insurance Company 0 in the world- ~ Agent for the following Insurance Companies. '(- ` _ v CITY OF 1 ;oN1)oN, ENGLAND, { Bar r_1e Sent. 11. 1878 Nmhern 85 Northwestern Railways. nmnutactured fresh every day. Ask your grocexifor them a`r_1d.yqu will use no other. ROUGH: ,TI,CK_E'I'S' __ '.. - .`.- .0 .1 `I-,__:4..1_.. \-----.---so--A`-,---:---~.--- _ _. I To all points East_'a_.nd West,' and Manitoba. {For t1c_,kets, rates, etc., apply to` _ | Rom`. QUINN, 1 Ixvghth-D General Passenger A gent. CAI-I ARLBS WAY, 7 ` Land and Inswavice Agent, Life, Fire and Accident. Omce; East side of Owen Street, next door to the Bank of Toronto. _ V - n-A_ Il'-__I_ non jjrw DDL\JllI El. 1>os'r OFFICES BU1LD`1":~3'G, BARBIE. LLL K1NI>s| namaw zmsa ' Licensed?A\'1ctio1`1'eer for the Countyy of I Simcoe. Orders left at the ADVANCE Omce will be promptly attended 7to..q.nd information will be furnished parties requi1_'1ng Mr. Ford s services as though he had mmqelf been consulted. Sales taken in prices to slut everybody. Random-nan 5- FURNITURE E Bouulrr AND soup. I` Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel, Baveld st.. Barrie. IUQEESJEDWARDS, nu JJCILIIS IJL AU! VAAUVI Barrie. 21st March. 1883. .r I `, run < A` .-`v""5r , Fishing` Tackle, RIFLES: AND SHO'I` GUNSH ` ' .A.MMUNITION, &o. `J T V V ` H. PU L_L_AN Rtes Moderate, Losses Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. T ` JAMES EDWARDS, A uncut n 6 `Ila:-I-{ now Los_f_. i We have recently" published a new i 3 Eh brated Essay on the radical a.Iidcl`- manent cure (without medicine) of Impedjments to Marriage. etc , resulting from excesses. . edition of Dr. Culverwelvs Cele- vous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, a':i!'DI-inn 1 n p. nealad envlone. onlv 6 cents. or er- L P0`1| excesses. . " _ . E'Price m a. sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or t, sta estamps. _ _ - $13.0 neigehrated author. in tlus admirable t, La esmmps. 'rl?h%osce1gebra.ted author. gdmirable Essav, clearly dnaonstrntes. from -thxrty years successful practi('e.1'hat alarming consequen- ,ces may be x:a.dica,1ly cured without the danger- -ousuuse otvinternal medicines or the use of the knife; pointing` `out a mode. of cure at once` '5impIe,,,_cel`tuin and e`ectua.1; by means of which every sufferer.` no matter vshat; his condition` mnv hp. mav cure himself cheanlv. nri`vately- % 1`RE EMA_N S WORSE-vP 0`WDERS._ Bulterer no xuu.Lu:L' vvuu.y1us cuu_uu.1uu ma. be. may ure hi_mse1i,'_cheap1y, privately .d' all . ; ann5!E &lh1ig I.)o:.nt111-n should be in the hands of and ra.cuca.uy. _ - @ l`his Lecture should be 1n the hands of every youth and every man in the land,` ,~ Address the CULV_ERVVELL'MEDICAL Co: 41 Ann St.. New York. :=Pos_t Oioe B02": 450. -` Are pleasant t take". Contain their dwnu T Pllvrgntive. `Is a. safe, sure, and effectual dutroyur `of worms in Children ormiulu. GEO.R.FORD, 7MANHQQ[:_>_ 4;a.-..4 ..-._',_.v-...~ Ca.pi't;LV-1-:2-?..,-.0(i0,000 Ste_r1ing. Lessons given in Q1] Branches of Painting. Drawmg. &c..` 860. Terms on application West of ' ta . 9 H.!-nUI1?lg.o(3nllieI1)- gtrgz. Barrie. STU DIO :-Up-stairs, West or Fire Hall. Oolher street. 139.1-rie. W`.1W?i`t\'i\\1` 1!` - BISCUITS SORTRAIT [A1NTER I BREAD - omnon AT THE A... vvvr -xv`?/-4 THE CAPT; SMII H, A Ageht N. SUN. VV. Rvs, - I ~T)n 111:: -.-__L now nastonanx % Go TO PU%LLAN'S I3 VII-III:&, Agent at Barrie FOR `Bamrie. 9-tf. .- 12-1!- 1145 |THEfN0aTIIRN Ai1VAN6E| ` _ ADV,ER'I`ISING RATES; l;_he Advance has a Sworn Circulation 01 Thirteen Hundred and = 'l`wenty.Coples, Almost, if not quite double thst of any other - Paper pubiished in Barrie. 3'ADVER'l`IBERS SHOULD NOTE THIS FACT.'3$ (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). -TRANSILNT ADVERTISEMENTS. ' First ipsertign, 10 centsper l_ine. Each sub -xe uent lnsertmn, 4 cents ;.er lme. "ending notices. 10 cents Der line for rst in ' sertiop; 5 cents per line for each subsequcxu xnsertxon of the same matte . T.'nao1 fniul nnrl llnvzn-nunnnf nvnv-13:0 1 lI.lS_elTl0Il 01' E133 same IIIELEQ '. 7 I *,- Legal. __Ofcial and Government advertise i m_ents W111 be charged `at above rates. 1 T ' ` CONTRACT ADVER'l`ISL.\.'G.` 1 . Contract advertisements will `be t,z=.k--n at the j following rates; which are `ch-aft< d on ('01I`cct icommexfcial principles, and. as they will be `strictly adhered to in making new contrzuts a after present contracts expire, where will be } only one price for all: I Stroud. lInch..A . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 2; Inches .......... 5 Inches, }`Coli1n1n..{ 10 Inches, i Column` 20 Inches, 1_ Column] l0 81` cent. E0060. ' i * or two . months--the three monthly rate > with 10 per cent. added.` Ar.-.1Dl \__.......__.. ' Al... ...\.a..-... "'11! Ln vv Ava; av yva. V4144-In \Q\.g\.n\\I. I %Preferred positions in the paper will: be so1(_1 at an advance of one third un above rates. This rule will be strictly ca.rricd_ ou`. CONTRACT CIIA__1\'GES. . -Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intentlon to 011-an;.r;c ' advc1'tisc1nont:s must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturday a.t`10 o`clock, and the copy for such I 4 I I change must be in the Am"AxcE oliicc not'1anr than 12 o clock noon on I'ues:`.a'_y, in any week ; otherwise the ad \'ertiser s av.nm1"ce1m-.nt xixuj: not be made public until the week fullowirg. A _ , ___-1I_.,,L'l_.. ,.H,\.-..`,) ;- ..... a1.,1.. `For one month-the three monthly rate with l5 per cent. added. ` *T`nu- turn nxnnfi-u:,.fInn fhvnn vnnnv vnfn ..... ........_.._.. .._....., -..- ----- 5 dvertisers will not-begalloiwed to use their spaceufor aclvrrtising amtlling outsridc 11.:-ir own regular business. _b_'hould- they do :50. transient rates will be charged for Smith adver- tisement - T ' : T , . .,.,...,..-......, .-~ . ___.-,._.-_,, _ L Condensed ad\`crt.isen1vnts on Firs ."u;,rr*. 5 such as VVunts* of all kinds. Post and Fmuui, Property for Sale or to Rent. 5; 0ciric_:\ 1'tic1es, i Etc.,jEtc., must be aocoinpunied with the cash, ' a.nd',wiJ1- be inscrted-First insertion; 2 cents per word, each subsequexit inscrti0n, 1 cent pm` . word (names, 8.dd1_`t sscs; and gu1'esicoun_Lcc1 as words); but 9. reduction to 1 cvxnt per word will be made when thevnumber of inse;-tions of the sa,n1e`matter exceed Fuu-1:. ` . V ' E In the Matter onne Circul`alio`u or un- | . Northern Advance. T COUNTY OF SIMCOE, } I, Samuel \V<:s1ey, 3 T T To WIT: ' _ of the town of Barrie. 1 in the Cour ty of, Simc0e. proprictor of T1 | NORTHERN Anvgxcm newspapc-r, do solenmly dec1are that the a.ct_ual weekly circulation of THE N0l_1.'T}IERN A])\ A.\'CE is no fewer than I "THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWEN'1`Y COPIES. ' ! A...-I n-.a+ T nvn 1}\nn11hHuhL-1' nf Hm amid: f'l'HlRTEEN HUNDRED AND 1-vyx_`.\'1'x \.-uru.:-5. And that I am the pub11sh(-:1' of the said . knowledge of the said facts. 3 ` NORTHERN ADVANCE~8.nd therefoze have run % A mi T`tnn1zD.H1i!l1()1f`.lnI1 d(>.clam.tinn (-onscienr Knowledge 0: 1139 Sam nuns. _ - - - T And Imake th1s solemn dedarauon conscien- ;-tiouslyfbelicving the same to he n"n'v~, and by ` virtue of the not passed 1n _Lhc '1 hirty-scve,n1h -year of Her Majesty : reign intitulcd An .- for the Bu icial ()atha." * . . Declared before .-m V at the Town o_t Ba.1:rie, in-the County of Sun- (`I .coe'. this 28th day of "February. A.D.. 12:255. SAA.`;.IL'}3.Ij \V1S;_.1<.Y. HAUGH'ro.\' L1-:N..\'ox. . 5 A' I-Vnn\n1:|c1'nnnr 11 ppression of voluntary and extm-Ju-: l1AUUx1lU.\ unn AUA, -A Commissioner in B.R,. `cc , for County of -Simcoe. 1 . 7 \ , as steam. acking or ` card in any ' of bumina IMPORTANV ; Giles { Lini111e11t Iodide A111m0nia 1 Removds all`I.'nsightiy:Bunuhes.v C'u_l'cs Lamcxu I .' ` .. l Spmul Mcngms. "Sprung Knees. bl Quittcr. . ._-- .a.-.. . l = . ' No stable should be Vxitllout 1:. Pailrozul, 5 mining and exprcssecoinpurios all Ilsa Giles Liniment. and in the great ranging stables of Belmont and Lorillardit has an hicvcd wonders. One trial will convince. 1 | Write DR. -GILES, Box 3482. N.Y. P,O. who will, without charge, give advice on 8.1l(1iFCE'(_`.S and also on the management. of cattle. S0 (1 by call druggists at 500. and $1.00 bottle, and in uarts at, $2.50, in which there is gm at sn.vin_x;. ' he Liniment in white wrappers is for family use ; that in yellow foncattle. l I T Giles Iodide Almga Horse and (`a tile - - ' Powders. , SED by all the leading horse men on Jerome . Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach, Shoe} :- head Bay and Bull`s Head. Never disuppoil L, are -TODIC, Alter-utive and Diuretic, Destroy Worms, Cures Indigestion. Coiic. Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose "is small and the power is i `great. The Powders arr guaranteed and l`u1-- l Chasers failing to obtain a cure money rofuml- . ed. `Sold Dy all druggists at 25 cts. 17. box. `I `V TED FUNDS - -_ over $30V,000,0U M {rhtTJNI>S's. INVES'I-`ED IN CANADAT - 900,00? Qnnnwitv D1-nmnl Pavment. and l.i`hnrn.lif'. in FUNDS LLV V l!oD1'.EoU Lu ux1nAun_ UUU.U$'-` I . Security, Prompt Payment, and Llbemlitg m the adjustment of its Losses are the prominem features" of this CODIDB-nYe T - ` IIANIATIA RnA*Rh nit` nY`RE(`.'l`nRR! Luuuuruu UI yum Vvmw-nu CANADA BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 Hon.'Henry Starnes, Uhamnan ; Thos . Cramp Eaq.. Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Hart, Esq.: Angus C. Hooper.Esq.; E. J. Barbeau, Esq. Innnrnnnnn nffnntnd at Mbderate T{8.tPB 01 v `ROOM, . RE. I 3 Angus U. u00per,1Lsq.; 111. a. om-uuu.u, nnq. Insurances etfected at Moderate Rates Premium. Dwelling, Churches and Farm Properties insuredvat specially Low Rates G. F. 0.` SMITH, I OSEPB ROGERS. ' Res.-Se_oy.; Agent. Police Cour Montreal. - Barrie M --j __j__.._ No. of Inches Space. L;1?HE`6EhK`s"ESTAFRHEED 7;`! ,A`;'T'.IR USINQA 2."\.S ./--5-. .. ' ` TO OLWNEVRS or M003. IVERPOOL so LONDON '3; G 4 SUIf1ANOECOMI?AN y_.` LUBE UV- 1_1-cow-39 -- Of simooe. _coxDE.\"sr.t> A'D\'b2R lfIS;:.)IEN I`S. 11 1 LIE};-Ann 1n<'E. Vw._c_>: Mcc L;`A~, 'Oxie ;Ips_er non. wsoss 'nA vi 1&1 _3 U0 V I611x;L1x:, VV-'c;::k'. Limbs. *.l3 1 25 52, Inser- =Insor- iInser- ` tions.`; tionsu tions (3__r_nos) ; (6 mos)|( 1 yr.) W 25053 ;oo`s[e.oo M 5:20; 8255-1400 f 375, 1500; 240o[ 3g1;;w;{;;e;,; 1:} 66*} -_ -_l Spa) -iri} uingbone. `Ageht. Barrie. Cm -2?, 66? f-16 \\'inclg119. Y\,3`__ _;. 8000 _.:.,__4 ..v... rm, `V ..-. .,. vJ\I\r\. Liyer, Stnib, Kidii.`r`sJzaV,iiLV1`%'1v3owe1%s, -:,......_ .. 41......` p......... Th): Great I-Iousehold M-sdicine ranks amongst- the leading necessaries of Life. 'l`}\nea Fnvnnno 17"`: 1'\nI~1'F\- {ho DIAAH nn nnf {no care or L-IIU lt'tM1lll`.' llUl'l'5?{H F165 Ul L118. ` Thcse_fzunous P1113 purify the Blood, and act i most powerfu1Iy.`ye1 aoothingly on the III 1 11!`! `III `I I I ll . 1 9 giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN -;Pm:\'ns 0F'Lni* 1:. 'I`.hoy are confldentl Arecomnu-nded as _a never failincz remedy in a ` cases where. the constitution, from whatever i cause. has become impaired or weakened. \ They are wonderfully eiv acious in all ailments incidental to Fema-ls-s of all ages, and as a. Gen } era] Family Mvdicine are 11115 urpassed. " Its searching: and healing propertieqare known- throuzhoux the world. For the cure of Bad Legs, Bad Breasts. I` arc wvn it isizim ifallible rmedy: If efcctaliyirubipd on the neck or chvst. as-salt. into meat, it. cures Sore Throat. Dipfheria. Bnvnchitis Colds. and ` even Asthma. For Glmdulur Swellings, Ab- ` s_r._"esses, Piles, Fistulas, \|4\a vu--.4 V. .4... \_v. -v..-..... Old WOIlli(iS,.SllrS and Ulcers, I neen Known to tall. -` . ' _ The Pills and Ointment are Mamxfactured only at. ` - V 533 OXFORE) STREET, LONDON, n ......\ ..-.1.) L" -11 K ....,`ln..a A4` 7\1nAir~nna ` l GOUT. F? H EUMA TISM, And every kind of s'kixi diseasc, it has never been known to fail.<* rl'\rx Dla our! l\u'nfv~nnnf urn \Tnnnfnr~h1rnR VUU` Vlllvlinz vpnu-I-I I-VI:-my-v And-`are. sold by all Vc-ndnrs of Medicines th1'0uujhout the (Tivilized 'Wor]d: with direc- -tions m"us(~, in ulmost ( \`( I y lanpzunyv. _` E Mi l urc11a.st:x`_S should loo}; to me Lubvls on the Pots and Boxes- If the addmsit is not 533 ` ()xfu'rd bitrcfct, Lon-don. tbc-y'ar<> .~zpm-ions ` F91` 4 HOLLOWAY S P|'LLS \\, 1 J 'xu:'.LI_1-re, l`1L IUJ;u.'Hc, ~ _1.Iu Costiveness or any disease :1 ha. (`uxufu l.rvI:1: ('Ix,`1<. lH\'. \..H."\.\l`. 5 L ccrmin remedy. ' II A Book 8 " n es` contgxininw over me us( 4 g 9 _ D _ pronounce by medwal men and drncexsl able, gand worth ten nmes Lheprlce of the r - -_..-..-`L. :\'AA A I I I posmvely cure these C0lHpl;UY`l<. ' (84 V: ; . SOMETHlNG.NEW.. Given AWAY Fmag, _\Vrapped around every bottle of Dr. LIlm..'<:'s Luv 1s'a valuable Househbhi l\|cdiui1'C'vlxide'anrl ages`), contgsining 2oo_useful 1 nrnnnnnr-AS Lv n1s'rI`a` men and dT1!L'Ql$IS -'15 ?:`easa`.$a`;`;g_b`gig;a.;`xg;;ag;`ma. Hc:LmwAv {mNIMNT *>;'%54'r`!?:": > _/v` 154.: f1I'\Vl.'. I` ' Coniumt. D\;sp__P_~`i1} 1" 1:.-n 1-l.;-.,!,-..~!m, ~ H17"/1m`.~`: GEo1:%GE[%.mo1`Kmz; F , 1)1).L?c;.c.;_1-M, 1;:.A1;1;1E }ibI4Z~i:'E}' 9!?f2'rf5'&l" '..ls.\.: I fvtoijcef an pa.-1:. . -v w-., --.- .. VSOLD BY ALL I)_1}tE;G1s1's. `;_v:.r\, , -.n.;J-`:2: 7 `:v, . , . 3 EWELS OB B:LQ_OD_,`. XNTED. `s REMEDY _,\r 11.. ('1.-1.-..k I I` `ZI|'l>'l' }.: H'_'0H11lU.L`l.I RE wdl be found ; Z`E5::3i:EnTEvE U'.ZjlNES_`8,' D-.-?0_P8~Y, ' . T F`! llT"l"l"hllI VI 1-: f!}._ TY"` c77='"""" 1115 j 8'70/IMO/-/, U , I .,. livcsuon, Bmolr `)n;I\ ;n Hun ' "5 from "HE 35'/.4/,. E`/I "O R E`. _-)_g-'.'h`>..\~'. Nazi.-.m.1 P1112: act `promptly, upon the. Lin 1:, tin-'.'u`C mild and thorough. \Vh.'1f a witness to prove. what the (-M01` Sharp would make. !_ i . 4 mt. I.uw s Sulphur Soap is highly rcom. ~v:`.e1xd_c(1 for the cureof Eruption,`Cha,fe'g', (happcd hands, Fimplos, Tan, &n, V ` .\n act uu1i.ke,OtTher men, can }ao'm'e- tizm-Mnuiltl A1: p a most excellent 1ieputa,ti0n put ..f'2L Very bad Character. tin W, \\ l1gn.pi1:g Cough and Bronchitis. VIl1IlH1_iilt(`X_\._ 1`L"1_1c\`C by Shi1()h S Cure. Sold e ,lw|.H V`. we (19, Bai1`ic, and M_ J. Hamlin r<;_{11lzxh-, the BOWCIS and as T9. purga`. Weller called a. llalleyjbi Jake isms ummoa AND pm. wm s V graphs for the Se:-1ous~'1'he Beat ` the Scissors Can Find. aylngs Sandwiched with Mrs. Lzxngtry is fo play Helen of Tro_y;;" Another L~_ndon slur on Paris. _% A bank cashier seldom "goes `off until he" is loaded, and then he makes no _repo1`-1-,, . l"n~ :s`Worm Pnwders rciquim no gthe, l`ur,_ _ Ml wmctxcs uf \V ._gut.ive They are safe and sure to remove Uh, xvlu-re are} you going, my pretity.` :n:m1`_" "Jn1`g<>ing t x11niDE, su-, :*' F ~ . irmz LITTLE THINGS wnlcnx I THE wnou: wonnn KIN. W M 'L'lUL;I' ' -1.1`-1 that xx:-.nt, f\ lc(}1e-gar _& Parkels '?Ca1'.- \ .s `V 2: :. :1: cut of 9p_raizri11tl1e.B:u'- i=?~'_ (T .,. '2 ; 1.1m zvertisexnexxt of the ' T ; " 1`i{.`ip-Hu11vu sRoostcrR'nzo'r, % ...:~.-d ;. .- iinfxn 3, being r.ooStei" "F T! `. ;.~ u ::`.=';:," lISL'S-?_1'liS_kil1d. hi I V '} i=' =11:/. mt" (f.:+1'11u]ic Acid fur_ healing, E ,-.;_:~u'3_V1u;rify1ngis well known} but` T ~ m:.u_\' .1nm!(_-s of `applying it, thaf gv.-.f' ii` Es. m vo-rtnin howi best to use. it. To `~<"1%- 1'r1-.m- i .11m-1:>a.rc(1, and may"; -be used `-x :1l1v('4'l Hti(`1i((_`. '. Vl)()`Il(It be misled. . Take` unly .\1Gr.vgn` &'I u1.'ke is"Carb0lic Cera'.te;' >` (no, M"onl;u`1a-u _s Drug Store. _ L ' Iul`. Ynung:_,- (bf Minn... . n`is_"wi[fe in the hm'1se ;,`Mr. Posts, 3of_ `VI-L';l1 \\V.u '|,..r.1.,,.J` 1.1;. _`:- ;.-A.-- L`L'.. ....., ... um: unuav ,1 Lulr. Luuvu, U,l~_ `_v"kin, \\`.in.,. Inca}-zed his wife out of 110 .'. and nmv buth women are suing for (1'm.rce.. ._ It certainly is a. difcult thi_pg' t- please a woman-. ' 17m;;~ ' 11'.-_\ 1' |.I `v| "JAN". `-4: ` nu Tn L-uu .l1:i'_'e 1 q \:\"l`x.I -`\`.'lmre would the P9"P1e` Qethall (their. mu-r if 1t were not for me I asks acow ina. wry paper. We should like to ask this .,ui.~;it.ive cow T if it has never heard of il_\_'I11aI`g:t-!`iI1(3. . . , l"`zu :1 L`;1l1t11 mg does not take a day or an m to runnvc .\'.-urulgin,` Headache, Tooth- lgv \z;1'_'n or l(hcmna.13ism, but will do 1. 1 '.I . __:A_ ,_ A__,____ 1__`__.] 01;n~:~.--.-<=\\'Jm % no.n;ie S%' agiki a`.>ut lrztdu zm,d3'pe()p1ejin".t.19ade "I!`Cit=.b9`3` mistucmtic and all that. `1VIabl-" -Y43f3:i that I know, lgar, and r yet I am` alw'a}yaV_._g1`-d papa's store has n0,retuildeparbmenta'A_ Trade does seem commbn,_aft er { 1 1 ..-j :z:,;=;.uru`u-mt writes to ttskftls ` Y. '.'. V !.._\`]'.__ 1}`(',` c:11ige.t- sum'ep:1t d-(4. . . 1 1` . 4}, ..H,- s:;;,sThe_ issx1:erizne'1t- [L iii. -xii w[`m'-(L1l`=-1'a.nt kinds of .hay. 1 M. ;{i_ `|\ 43 nl PM-2.1.: with DS'sp;_pS_iaal1d`Li-VA 6 .1; y t,;f;ts `: @\`}ul(.h s Yltalmzel`. IS gutxre- = 9; ._u1`v yum. Sold by John Woods," :;?.,.-J M. -`J.-iIz.u`11li11', Al]z;uidV_alAeL __ Wis. .l*lc11.kS; Jenkins! ~Wh,v "S0 '- ` r` -fA'Vl'ln111{i1ur uf v-our castles in S min ?;" `.h xii-.ix~..< _(.~:.ypi1x,Lg his-c`vi1'e.e)--`- -No, only `;'.1.1{ over my gzrounds in Java.."` M \'\': .1: 1:11 (`l}`.|-`.li, 1;ca`.tli nd sweet breath` ; ... . .1, by Slxilulfs ("ufarrll `Remedy. Price ~_ :;t::. I\':\.x:11 Ir. joc_tot` ffee. Sold by` John- .l .:u"xlVc, null ML J. . _HaLn1in,-Al1ax;. `wam :13 \'H'..xI17.1I\-`.is vshat you head for .;.~mmin, lmss uf A}:~petit.e, Dizziness, d all s'3mpton';s of l)yspn:psia. Price 10 -It .75 Ltellt per bottle.. Sold by J. Woods, .~u 1 iv, and 31. J. liaulln, Allandale. _'H1n*1`(\ is a college-;-at Rome, Ga , 'caI'leAd Lu .Sflu`)rter.14`ema.le , College. 'Most .mI'1n-1'11 colleges are apt to be short, but xisrme appears to be in -a very? bad way, III) \v|A\. u_1vc(5r1. March 4, l88;6, _.`\` `:\j(-191'-I`-_g.jg_;1` l(1`'\1`lA }.9':_fil`t S 7.()f ,\"\\`vit`:1.2H3:` 1i"m'= a c1n_n;.V Al1 w'e`-h`u've say to this Is. that `\s_`h(I11thg_ o1d"c_0w thy-y slmuld t':'1`x1'11e'1V}i'_i`d e `With t1_m_'. :..nuu 5 .` .~'t;n1_t]'y., A be cooied rt of water ' , 3 ch occupies .'v. `s Wmm Syrup hns._1'emoVd'tape. mu .15 to 30 feet in length. -It: also all kinds ()f.W0l`m! - ` ~ ' -' l_)u1`1`()W trouble. The interest c. to pay` for the accommodation is i Hi`. is the my 41':,l:1c e AfnrVn"muA'14der-- 1:.i;1`Cxu1'r, ulrlmugh smu11_-go_vo1n-T nivg,; 't}s(.~111sg~1`\io._:a-:is`big as -Hemfg I :_x[=.:= =:;z~:`-.<"11t:.}-;c t'he p`-M`du1`2i'1'i'g V ,' :J1Ath`L* La1`1( \.b(">l1t':N[l.` Edi'aon a . 1;. _w 1.h_ .-l1H;.;1':1p>h .arose from` -.=.1 Tin`-luus Alya 1s.abo`ut 10 take` .vJ unsl, L315 l_1~`rLv:A m r: H':m '(,`uu;umption "Cure" is .\\Uw1.~.x, lj3z11'1'1e, and-M. J. Ham- mn `:2. guarauf-(re. It ' `cures um has to chalk" his head ' `and z~1'11 to got his hat On,_ it,is . to think sezi`m_xs1`_y of reform; rm: b-Ltwceu the clerk of the .~.u the inspector. is tliat the the water meters `and "the Ll.-c waVter takers.A fw. Iing ah ; ul without cmfryingz, your head , . `.. u . .. .1." ... ...-`nun nnnnatr In! `Aside "or*<.-lws", use l,_I'i_L`C 25 '(:'m1ts.. . . u1`i'~,, and'M.-7 J. "m'(:i1-[can be so quicklv Cure. We . gamautee T113. noJ..s,A'B:1rr1e, andi M. (J. W ILIIKIUD UK], 1 Jill}; JUUL JIUHAL day or usmg V greasy lu'u.. _-._ bottle from (J-co. ' Monk- \.'HLu\/ 'vu unun-n \lIV ~tA3-mnr `hanAdVi1'I;_i1sV it gt 4_{1(,)V`~6 prupvrly. T mdc f11is(1`ahlc bythat 1.fh`sl(3uru-is-the 'rc1nedy' (m1-1T\`\`uods. Barrie and . 1 _. 2 _ 11. in putting "on gloves. Cnn1:eVto `think of 53;`: Ho1lowav's- ' Pills Weakness and Debility.--Unless the blood be kept in a pure state, the strongest consti- tution will fail and disease superyene. These truly wonderful Pills possess the power of neutralizing and removing all contaminations of the blood. They quietly but certalnly overcome all obstructions tending to produce- ill health, and institute regular actions in organs that are faulty from derangement or debility. The dyspeptic, weak andenervous may rely on theseIPills as their best friends and comforters. They improve the appetite and thoroughly invigorate the digestive ap? paratus. Holloway s Pills have long been known to be the surest preventives of liver complaints, dreadful dropsies, spasms, colic. constipation, and many other diseases always hovering round the fer-ble and inrm. - ondensing to another. les at samg ' verage cost 11 .':Iv\nn LL,. Mrs. `Robert Hooper, of Kinlosis. county of Bruce, in aletter, says : `fl `have, been troubled with. Dyspepsia and Liver "Gom- plaints for a number _of years, ` and am glad to say to theipublic as well as friends that McGregor _s Speedy Cutetbrought me around, and I am nowull ri ht, thanks to Mcgreg- or s Speedy Cure. undreds of like testi- monials are frequently received, -and are daily proving that this is truly a wonderful remedy, curing Sluggish Liver, 'Biliou`s Headache and Cestiveness, where all else tails, Sam at Monkman s Drug Store. V Trial bottlesgiven free. ` 01d rhy'rnesf are now manufactured in every enterprising `newspaper office and `they are veried quite as often as the "`uld rhymes made acentury ago.` Here s one, for instance, thatimzw be depended upon : .`_`If June, July and August no rain there be, A very dry summer you ll surelysee. - nor- L\ L , C . . `We are seven+-T11e_ Preaiideuj, and Cabi- net. ' T } ` - l('1`Vo .- \ '--. Imvvu A rapt expr'es.ion~Tlmt,Qf thevIfa}mmer-; .ed puVgi1ist.' `the record. - Time-hon.ored--TheV. xiian "who" breaks ..... .. 1 v * Be on Your Guard. . _ 5 T Don t allow a.` cold [in the h_ea.d _to` slowly ` and surely devc-lope itself into (Jutaarh when I 1 `you can be cured for 25 ceuts.; A 3...... .....\1:.m+:mm mill nm-A innininnt A [diamond i11_h rouszh--Th e' stud on the prjize-ghter s shirt-front. ' 3 joeo l `L LU vv , wyyouvwvg-;___ u ~-- --.~ - , ` Cata'rrh.T T T _ . : One to two boxes will cure fordivary Ga-' tarrh. _ ` - , - - 1 `One to five boxes will [cure chronic Ca.- ; tarx`l1. - ' A H n 1 1 11-. -11 .1....}.....; '..L 051,. now Rnv 'Tr-V LfJl\Kr JIVJ \JIiJA all dealers. H"-`The En-tcrpriszla of the Press.'- H I - .Wha.t s thig newspaper article about ; the Iat John _Sxnit11 mqnired _ `old Mr. -1 mrrn. ' Sold by Aalln deaigr at 250. Q xer box. TAry "Dr. A; W . Cl3z1sc-'s`Can_a.1l1zm Cata.rrh1CureT- 1 takeno other - it will cureAym1_; ;F0x_` sale by 1r ,1_-1-.... - 1 lJ(l:\JE_ ,k.Ll - -"Gucss he is. . . "Well, .wo.11 I - He allexis was sloWer n molasses in January; Hve-`never was on time in al1.hisj1ife,_and they used to say -he wasn t; .to.his"own,V_veddin till 'the day after the ce.remony,'and now the day` after -he s dead they call him `the late John Sm1th. .It beats` all how `those news- pa._p_t_3I`S do lea.r,u so much about a. person. _ l&I ` ' Lu uvvu avvyuvvv James N._[cMurd.och, wntmg from -Kinsalle, `says :--l$ 'B.B.v, as a remedy -for diseases 'of` blood, liver; and. kidneys, has an excellent r(:p'l1ti1ti011 in this locality. I have used it, vandlspeak from experience as Well as obser- 'va.tion.- - lj zul\f_i'se others a1"c-"ted to try" it. . his the only meclicivx I wapt, and She.W1shed It,-Too. ._ ` _ '-_Th<:y' tell me you ve tra.vel1erlV;.'1\I_r;l_ C1*imsoI1be`ak; said vMiss Jiflxssernfeather`, during a. lull in the. cmxversation the other- night. ' 1 l ` 1. , .,_1I__n_; -'.-n..-:.:,-;`....'-1,.1'.- - 1 .n1gm.. "`Yee, I _ve tv`a'1]e3 onsidfzibl; I used to travel "for-a dry gQo.d' house, 1` 1;` wish I wasfr-.we'11i11g now. .. A ` 1/1 ' _- __.,_.- I _ . m n A ,-.u.|1-. nnun:-11151:` | uuuug -av .. --- Every household should keep some ready remedy at hand for painful diseases, sudden attacks of inammation. and, a.ccidenta1in'- `-i.urir=s. Such a remedy is best found in Hag- y'a.rd s Yellow Oil for internal and external use. It cures rheumatism, sore L throat, croup, neuralgia, lame back, sprains, bruises and burns. . WISH I. W'clS u'iL`\fU1.lLll;5 uuw. . _ , 1 wish you were, innocently rcqoined ; the young. lady, noticing that both hands "of the c1ock'w`ere pointing upward. ` Atvivltmef . T Iudignaut Mrs. Smith,--You are home very'1atu. I wonder that you got hereat all to-night. . . Plemsible Mr; Smith (blandly)--I ywonder, too,,my dear. The snow rifts a,reterrib1e.t It was two hours before I got outof one. Policeman kindly assist- ed me at last. ' } I! --..-,-._..= ..q .~~ A Source , of .G_re'a.t `Trouble . ` V Pfobably the most prolic source-,of_chrc >nic ills is indigestion or dvspepsm, c9.\_1_siug unj- heulthy blood)` . Yet taken in time 311; is` `pos- itivelv curable. Burdock Blood ~BiVtt_ars has` vcux-ed some of theworat cases known, even :'u'f 15 years dura.tio`n.T [If troubled_with- i_n- digesion try it." M ' o -9.: I --OI T ,- An Independent Position. A Wife (looking over t11_e'- pap,er)-n-I see the Ueto`paxi is experiencing some internal disorders. 1 " . V ' 1 . Husband (indi'erentIy)--I m glad of it-. -Now that "we have American opera,"- we are perfectly independent of these fereign art;iets. . V e --..-__.--09-0--.--.y..j-.q u-:-._.._.-.o-4_._._j.... 'rnere'1s Nothing `Like it. % Q Thefe is no remedy offered to suffering humanity whose was is ' so universally an frequently requiredis Hagyard a Yellow Oil, for rheumatism. netiralgia, colds,`so1-`e throat, cr'oup, lumbago, and aches, pains, `lameness and soreness of all kinds, when internally ~--L---~.:&vv nun!` . adapted for -N ? and V soreness us an and externally used.- [. V Dennitiqns of the Day. ' A red setter -,-'1`he sun. T ' On the line--The [clothes-pin. The bdycott--The btiundle-bed. The king s_he1"-.1-sa'-ak Walton. A A guin_ea-pig--Anjavaricious Briton. ' "Bu1bt; 'upright--'The :'c11c_1er in the `pil- ` O30 . Brass Mounted. b L _ St. Peter :(at; t.he:ce1e'stia.l`ga.te)- think that you c`an .g'et' itif ? ` : Ohio.man---``-A1l right.` ` Not p .where' I'put up. Not afraid of sho], 9112.?! ` :b9n w,1d;:.! lying; umch. 4; ;I;.was H%i?3il*9I.,;Q.oir-. De Junes.-_-I v_vo_nder why Miss Biggls nmrried Sn-ifkins ins_tea.d aof _Boozeby. L They were _certainly `engaged I _ I Podgro.ss- -Yes, I know,`. but Boozeb`y- gar. 3311 DB curcu ;UI.' cu uou L-5.. , . _ J AfewTappV1icatio,us W111 cure mcypxent 3 ...,1.- ' _ ` :..__.__, V, _ In Godd` Iiepute. V Handy It; Have. ,I 1 'l__,__ ye shn], eh 23*. ;lLj`a9%}b9it?n 3!-19*." vaised:~in% Notlpafticlar I? 1`- 0 Va.Al`Ve9 line