Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 28 Jan 1886, p. 2

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ceuent. xarms. MEDUN'1`l43.-E } of W} of 6 in 10th Con; 50 acres good land, rsvt-class orchard in fu_l1bea_r~ . 1110' NU'l"1'_ILVV DA|1A.-lh 1 U1 IUD 1 111 Obll bqllo; gsplendxd farm 90 acres cleared. good b}1_1ld- mgs. plenty of water from a. never faxlmg stream. no waste land. - 'I"la`!`|YTI\QIA"I`l-I i\T 1 T.n1- A {n 111*}-u (`nu `n BEYBEHI. I10 WILBUU H1110. TECUMSETH.-N i Lot 4 in 11th f`on.. 100 acres. A About 80 acres cleared. A good farm, well situated. about 3 miles from Alliston. A l"lNV ._ll`. 1. $251 in Int nn, unrnnnt. 4 nnrn n prlce muuu. * VESPRA.--W. of 24 in 6th Con.. sma1lclear- ing. well watered and timbered. soil good. Dart. nf 9`) in RH1 (`.nn Vnnnru llnnlnrnn onn IDK. W611 wunereu HIM! LIIIIUBFCU, UUl1_ $000. _ Part of 22 in 6th Con. Vespm, 110 acres, good house and barn; $1200 * _ Rnvmml Purl: Lntn Wont nf Mr. Ewan : rnni. B01186 H.110. Darn; 1ZUU ' Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan`s resi- dence and havinga. ne view of Barrie and Kempenfeldt. Bay. 'l`hn nhnvn lninrln nr-A nnrad nhnnn Aempeulelul. 133:) . V _ The above lands are oered cspeomily cheap and in nearly every case a. very small cash pay- ment. will be accepted". and easy terms g1v'en for the balance. 'I`I\n unnnnt rnvnn `nfn nnn Ixn nu 10!` L110 Ull'l|llUU. . _ The var-ant town lots can be nurchased on still easier terms, in case the purchaser intends to build immediat,ely. Apply to Cheaper than u.nv%House in or ndrth of . To- ronto. % 13".): M o 033, ,__ ..,, _..--.... 1NNox 8: LENNOX. BARR,IS'l`ERS- AT- J; torneys at-Law. _=-Lolioitokrs 1. : Chancery I\--_`.\.. DUUIU g;'uuu a.u l'UlJl'!llll'U 1dlll5 ollu l14WC5o ' ll imported and direct from the imported stock. ~ Apply to ' V . T W. C. SCHREIBER, - Or to Allandale P. 0.. WILLIAM GRAHAM. T ' I;`.._..._._._ 'II'...._ T!|-..._- W811 BICIIELBU. HUUU.b 0 1111788 1.111111 111BLU11. TIN Y.--E. 5 88 in 1st Con., (except. 4 acres) 8 very good farm; 81200. N in Int Unn. mn am-en smnd Iand- String Bells, Broad. Loub`e and_ Single Bells Brushes, Curry Combs.- Whlps. Knee Pads of all kinds. Harness Oils and Varnishes.. Atwnvs IN STOCK Ob! MADE 10 man. ,SHR()PSHIRlJ SHEEP I [ "" ' '"'""' l ~`1NGL"E&DUB'~_E~i4RNE$$ -_- _..._ v_:- V __ ___._.__.-:V \ " *, 1 For Heavy Draught or. Light `Carriage use, in , anv Mountmg required, [BRICK sromc `AND u\vmMa s - % Block, Mmnsz O 1{.1:3Eoi~I. 1m1vA'r}3 1`U3\7ns TO LOAN . on lien!Estatcutlowestrates. Farn_1ers Notes Discounted. Collections made in any .part. of the County. Real }<`.st.a.te' bought and Iold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Licenses Issued. 0ice--Over Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dunlop street. 45-ly A Apnly to can are Va A 0' I40 Lia \JI 90 Ill Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat, Trinity Medical Colle e. Toronto. Surgeon-to the Mer- cer Eye and ar Inrmary and Oculist and Aurist to the Sick Children's Hospital, late Clini- cal Assistant Royal London .0 hthalmic Hospi- . tal. Mooreeldsg and Centre. London Throat A and Ear Hosp....1v. 317 F`-htrrvh Street. Toronto. May be consulted with reference to Diseases of ' the Eye, Ear Throatand Nasal passages. .A - Special attention to Cross Eyesand Camrggtn .v , v . I _` % _ _ , 1 DR. GEORGE S. RYERSON,l ' LR. G. P., L. R. O. S. E.. ' 1 T.nnnwnn an I-Inn `F-vs `IF..- .._.I rl!L_.._-L nu": u. I Lild twolots price $1000. . _ _ 0 Good building lot on Ross street adjommg Uh (`.1-nddnnlz nrenidnnne: $250. slaailll. y Alle ndale. Sept. 8th. 1885. Some gra1idShrousbire Rams and Ews. T All mnm-tnrl and div-not fr-nm tho imnnv-tori atnnlp Iii`? 212.p`&`}6FB13E12`3~E1?:.""" " " " "' NOTTAWASA(;A.-E it of lot 1 in 8th Con.: `unlnhid farm on norm: nlpnrp onnd hnil. BIG STOCK OF Horas: BLANKETS. BYISLEAR, THROAT AND NOSE. LVALUABLXE LANDS Solicitors of the supreme Uuuro u; a uu1- cature of Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conve - ancern, sac. Money to Loan. 0mces- Bot - well's Block, opposite N. &. N. W. Ry. Station, Barrie. C. E. Hmwsox. A. E. H. CRESWICKE. EEARN 8c MU-CiiIS()N,>BAwRRISTEARS. Solicitors, ( onveyancers, &c. Money to Loan. (nce-Over I). J. Murr-hison s Store. Market Street, He rrie. Branch 0thce-Pot'.ter'sV Block. 'l`ott.n1mm. Enwma) J. Hmnxn, D. C. MUncu1soN. MANOR FARM, SHANTYBAY P.0. `I3-IY BAYFIELD S,`1`RTEE'1'- .....v. u: -v-gang.-4, Foreman Manof Fa.rm._ shantv Bay P.O`. l-'I.. G....L OLL -Ion: `Moore's Block Dunlop-st. Barrie. FURNITURE DEALERS} FARMS I 1.4: __J STRATHY 86 AULT, ` Barristrs. -Barrie Aaj THE . --IN- W A. LISNNUA 5L UU.. UUi\ v IL); l11VLr1`4L\.D, . etc. Money to loan. Notes discounted. Collections made. lnsu1'ancese ected. Estates managed. Ulces over l.<`arquha.rson aT store, Dunlop streeL, Ba1'1'ie. 45-18 -UN- w`.:1t'is hayrd,-I grant you, Alison; but you V brought the punishment on yourself. I have a good mind to take her away by force. She is` but a baby, 1 have a right to - nvlr." ' - * . ' VVIIIII IIIE Lalhlllul ULUVVII. U_yUDo Dear old chap, said Pierce, patting his head; he shall have a silver collar for nd- ing me such 9. treasure in the snow. Dora, you look sad, what is the matter? 'l\.-u-nl-lnyia hood 1-In-nnnnrl onrl I-ha nnhi- oau, VV IIGIU lo, uuv luwv|'u& I wc)`1" c;:.1`1y s head drooped, and the unbid- -den tears fell fast, as she said wretchedly: Ul'\l` T .-In ndnk vvnvi vunvun nnf nIn{I1nI nnvatv Ill. vttuvn She pushed the hair `from. his forehead with nervous fingers. and pressed her quiv- ering lips 1.19911 it, while he eontinuedz I T ...:n .'.,.;.~..... ..... mu... ..~ .~n....:\.1,. T- :L A Winter M111; Aliy was percht=d_ upon her father s knee, Dorothy stood beside him, and looking up at her he said: ` ,__- _I-_I2__.. --...- ...-...-.L. lunacy; `-l\ flan I`|III`_ uh HUI` HO aiuu; Doria darling, you must keep to the nurs- ery while I am away. Admit no one, and never let Ally out of your sight. I have reason` to ask this, I will explain when I re- turn. All you have to do is to trust me and be happy. I will write directly I reach town, and if anything happens of impor- tance, wire to the Wanderers Club, `Pall Mall. 1' 2:41- A 11-- ..l:--.....J ..;....-- 4.51"... n -I-`nuns?!-o` lvlln Little Ally slipped away after a. favorit` doll. and Drift sat looking up at his master I with his faithful brown eyes. sun... .1; ..1...... n .;..:.J `l):n..nn .-m+Hnn- kin u.\.vu suumu a.vAa ;.wuv, say any nlnaavs u-v~v-u---J - Oh, I do wish you were not going away, 1 have a presentiment that something will happen while you are gone. My heart sinks like lead, and.oh, it does seem so hard to part! I only feel safe by your side. HQ-unn I34-`In n'knnvu1vr vuhnf nnn I`IfIII\1 OUNI`, ni'I`RATHY 85 LOUN l`. BA111iIS- ters. Solicitors in High Court. of Justice. Notaries Public, Conveyu.`ucers. Otlices over the Bank of '1`0ront,o, Barrie. ~ 117 1' Ann... n n u `L! Q.-m-..mnu I1 117 T.nrY\1m yunuo .5 VIII] Luv: uwsv Iv. .,\IIa|& unuuo Sweet little absurdity, what can ham you here, if you do as I wish? V - 1):n`In}'\ run` `:50 nnna IVI\IIl\l` 1'1n|n\1rn:o4- ntsr] \4;u,n:1n all y 11 ALLO Suppbse Horace Middleton discovers my hiding-place and asserts his `authority, must I return to my wretched bondage? u\`r.. ..-u.,....~.'....) 4:......... .-..v 1 1...--- -_._::. J. J\/Vlllll Lu J1I_y_ vvxuuultutt uUl1L|LIu- ' V `_`Nu-a` thousimd times no! 1 have writ- ten alette-r, that in case of an emergency you must give him. Ieknow he is a mason, and better still, a knight templar; he dare not disregard my wishes, a` wrong you. | Ntiuv 4-kn nnrlo n4 hnnnvo nrnnnnn nn T .-who'll | uuu u.u_uvHuau. all. u Iulnvn, \lL "suns Jvu. | By the code of honor among us _I shall appeal to him as a bx-otlxer-mason to leave you in my charge till I can see him, and tell him if he'd'is1'eg'ards this 1 shall expose his plots against the orphan of a brother-mason I at_Grand Lodge.` H'l`|..o...n 3n nan-`n61-uh-`nu `\nvvnn:-1 {Ala ' WVU_\ll.(IIvII\1l ` There is something beyond idle form, i you will nd. (cileaziecsit, in tfr;2en1ast if thief ower is teste .. 0 no ear in i wi gailztlnless he would have his evil (lemls .blazoned to the world, he dare not disre- lgaru my wishes. W hy, I don t know that i we could not make you award in Chancery. LLI\l_ .a..-_u'-1- u...v '1 1......` i.,......1 um; [Found in a Snow-Drift. l\;';n.u5 Aaya I_AI.l\lIl Al, 11 llll\.l JA\J \./\I.Il|llIllI\J\.IO I will return as soon as `possible. Is it likelyanythinq could tempt me from you? i And when I come back I hope it will be to claim my wife. uu....v..\.... `u.......... 1r:,1.'n-L.... .1: ........ ...-._ WC l;Uua; uvv Auu:nuJuu Io vv_IIa\.l. nu \./uuAnuu;_y- A Ol1,do11 tdo that! I have heard that whatever Chancery gets hold of it never 2 gives up again. Chancery would be without appreciation U Mr; Pe1`.fCI('. smiled. if it could let you go after once having had the happiness of holding you in bondage. A11`. nl\I\r\l\ -knnir lIIII1:I\ll` Qhn lint] I'\\`f\1,'l \I\ __yuu AAvLv` 1.4. Jvu. uv sun: 4. vv -u_u- ` ` Pierce put his arm_ round her waist and I drew her close,resti'ng his dark head on her i breast. _I,-1 11,, 1.9:, n 7l\7 `,5: 10, ,1 _,,'| DUO nuypuxccn \}L uuuuurb J uu nun -vvuuu-.'.\,. Ally came "back -crying. She had broken her do1l sleg. and nothing would do but thatjt should be set and p11operly splinte anlmtch-box and some -tape serving for surgical purposes. 1) unnn `1n;:\r1 I-no`-nvnrl `In T)nn*Fn1:1 4-'nt\1r n us. v `lav:-v-4, _.v---... W. Lo_g'r. Q.(_3., H. H. STRATIIY, G. .LnUN DUI :lUlIl lltll yuovuo Peace being restored, Mr. Penfold took a. 3 tender leave of both Dorothy and Ally, and l left them with a. light heart. .-.,:I_ _-_-_ .s-___1 L`I.-L ___ ______,_g__'__ ILLU bllulnn vvnunn nu Ana-av nnwlun Inc He .after\vards wondered that no warning voice _1iad whispered to him that harm i would come to his dear ones. 1\......n--. -....4..l...J Id... nvwvnuo ...:LI. LA-.. VVUHALI UUIIIU bu una uvuw; unva- Dorothy watclxed him away with `tear- dimmed eyes, the strzmge forebodingv still ' we-izhingj down her heart; with a gianL s hand. V ~vI\ I 9 ._ l2nLI.. A |I-- _ I-_-_ .'.I -1... --._._L _,__ A- \'lI'\l\/ IIUA, s.ll\.l UI\l 4:1-ul:n Ll|1IllU\l (ll; LII`? \l\l\Ilo . Come in, sa`id'Do1'0thy, pmlSi11L',', brush 'in hand, just as she was about; to smouth TAIly s dark cur.s. HT 1..-..... ...\....,. L- ..L_I- `|re,,- A 11,, 1- , ,. a.uu vvuuuuu nun; wmwu lll M18 Hill]. It is no use, my dear, you c:in t see the child to-n'i'ght. The governess,` as she styles herself, won t allow the child to leave her a second. -Master s orders, like enough. Curse him 1" Hush, my glrllsomeone will hear you. Remember curses, like chickens, come home ' "to roost. ' I nn__'_,, , "c '- >- lea.3v?I$:?13.1dv(}f$?:1y g Rl1t on mmm unvlu in Hun ..n........:..... ...... ` V. ullu mu ucl. nuns VIUIUIISIY. ' `_`But I go away early in the mnming, we perform at.G|oucester in two days time, so I shall not be able to see- Ally again. `It is hard I may not have access to my own j ch.ild." ltlL1_I_ u 9 II(llI\|o . I ` 'l`aking little AIly s hand, she went up to I the m11'.sm'y, _and, tried to busy lue1'. with M Isome needlewnrk; but the hours drzr gwl ` } lleavily, and she got nervous and trcxublcd ` at c-very sound. T T ` -rr ,, r\ ._.-.. I.._.`l |...m. A I`I-. :.. 1...- ..l.....__- gyy I V\_:I.V' 1\ItIll\.I'I . _ . _ N0\\' P1v'1'ce had left Ally 1111101` chnrsre, 3 slu-A fell: nnrezwmmlzly anxin_us about the 1 child, am1`w.>uld not allow lust out of her ` si;_rl1t'. In ___-`..3- _1."-\- ..|_'... ._.-..L 4... 1.... ..,;A.-. ...:n.' VALIIJ D uunn VH1 -Do I have come to fetch Miss Ally. Jane wants to bathe her c-m'ly,as she and a friund are going to Cardiff tovsee the circus to- night. - - CST vnll Isnld... `L-.. ___,1 _., A I , A I I 1310618: U} Ontano. T IIIBIIUU` ' I Will: bathe hr and put her to bed, Agnes. ` uh. ..;:n 1..- ;..-.,u_u,_ ,_ , n , - --~ cgauvan ' ` It will be troubling` you too much, Miss ; `Snags . Come, Ally, don't keep Jane wait- ngn I I CSKTA A1`l-- --_._ _.__._L ___A 1-A - 11150 No. Ally, you must not 26. Pardon me, Agnes, but Ally isin my charge, and it is my pleasure to attend to her. T,Hrn ll .........`.......:.1 I) __x 1 `A , - -n nu. 'JI\,IrDul.U lU (IUIIC-II\.l DU ll\`l`." Like a. nursemaid, said Agnes a trie lnsolently. ' Hlfu iH....:c........_.._`A._-_1r_,, 2-, - - - JIIDVIVIIUIJO My dignity cannot suffer in your mnster s service. I have decided. You need not wait. ' ' ` 'A_.__-_ ___- . . .- . _ Iv Illvo Agnes went away, Silent but wrathful. The woman still waited in the h_al1. _ ` CIT` 'lV`I\t\ scan u.... _`I__.. _.;-: DI`;;AI\. - 1`owm-as dusk she went to her room with Ally in l_w1`a1'1u.<. , V . ` As she \\'m1t. :_L 0 n: t11e.prxss:1g(-, :1 wmnzm lin :1. dark olrmk .~f() (I hnvk tty Iv l1"I'1m 'Fl\n ]:Iv-1\`- vnnn 4-T3n\ u-nJ- TY ....-.L1... 1-A.-. 41..-u uuu u out: LU DUULIIC I\.ll_)"5 h\fl'l'U1'n The child was shaking with fear, and, as if it were conta;rious, Dorothy trelnhled mo, and felt afraid of she knew not what. She wished the ni_<.rht had passed, and deehied to ke.'p A1._v up'tiIl about nine, and then go to bed with her. ' T ' 1111.21- ,1, ,, I - I " luv u\ u vvxyu us}. While she was dres-sing, she gave the ch1_Id her beautiful cross to play with to qI1:eH1er, and old Ames tapped ntthe door. (`.f\l'YIn `I1 ,, cr`|'iI`1"\1u-nQ`\|v I\tI1I.n:I\:r Ix:-nu]: un vu Ann (I: nnrn, J.v.LIan>x1.u_y. . The child looked cl.osel_v. at the woman for the rst time and 11ttv1'ed -it . scrvmn. It is the dream-xvoman, Miss Snow. Send , ' - E 7111,,` ,_,,\,A__ __,x__ ______ __, ,_ __ _, ,1 , -,,, -_1_ [u\A IUVVCIJO ' The woman, who was youngand remark- ably handsonle, shrank back, her dark eyes _n.=hing angrily. `D n-nfhur hnntnnnd L- L-.. -........ L....!..... .. llnrlllll, Cllllllyg . she went to soothe Ally s terror. 'Fha II1n:- nI\nI-n.- CIv:6`\ 4'4`--. ..-. ,1 ._ .D.rothy hastened to her room, trying as ul 2| l|'[| |\ l'1'7iIl\ .`l(I II l'4||'l\ l/'f H` Il"| IV-|`.`. The light was dim, yet D` vrothy kno_w the i woman wasa stranger, :50 she paused and ;sa1d: ` ` ` Ln\-,,_1'.,, , . -.7 . . . . .. ` |.I|I|\I . j Pardon me, `you do not belong to the } house, I believe. Tell me, whiclxof the ser- E vants do you come to sm-? ' \ HT nvv-| A ....I...:.... ..4.- A ._..-._ n-..u_9_ 1' ..... ` mu.-no uu Juu LAIIMU nu nrvn ! ._I _am a relation of Amos Grirth s. I am W_`\lt1l1S foxller now. IIrw is the little lady? , GIVG me a. kiss, `MissAlly. ' 'l`hn nIn'l.l l.\..I-A ..1....,.1.. .; u... --._...._-- THE% NORTHERN ADVANCE. OR, ` wk: : If it were one of the maids dressed up 1 for an evening nut. it. was very rude of her to mimic me, thought poor perplexed Dor- othy. ' T 1 Q1. 4.2.14. ,1....:.1'...n.-..-..-...-..nA_.:.-x_1A ___,1 You forfeited that right when you wrong- ed her father. . Surely you would not make` him suffer more than he has done" already? He dotes on the, child; her loss would drive` him mad. ur ___:_L 3]. ...-..`|r`l T9.-I `hnvn hhn n7rH` mm mau." ' - I wish it would. I d have him writhe in torments. I hate him! 1.1.1-r-'.- ......,.| ...m..nn Alia:-ml 11:: 1': ritrht J! I . lb t.Ol'IlleI1_Bs. 1.uuu:e1uuu . . - You cruel woman, Alison! He Is rxght to keep the child from you, if he wants to make a. good woman of her. 1.511.!!! ....m'..- an Hm! aha ha: ant tnn mnnh. maxe 8. guuu wuumu UL ucx. He ll never. do that, she has got too much of the wild gipsy blood in her veins. She Is the very spit of father. . Anr_....)... H... nun Ilflsnf mv ciefor unnu- out. Is bllu yg|__y gylu UL Luvuvno I - More s the pity. What my s1ter, poor soul, could see in that man, I can t make u.1\.._u. ........l- nnIn`rI.' -I-`abhor nun} nr T 011$. ' Don t speak against father, aunt, or I shall hate you. He is good to me, whom all the world reviles; he is proudof his hand- some girl, as he calls me. Ltllnuxrlnnrnn in nu lmndcnma. rinks: tn mv 801116 5111, an no uaua uu.. . .Ha.ndsome is as handsome does, to my thinking. It is a rough night and bitterly cold"; shall I get you soxnetlnillg before you venture out? T LL17- - T ---....L ....l>I.nm kit` as :l'U`\. n? nntr VUIIIAILU Uuw No; I want nothing but a sight of my child. Food or drink under this roof w_ould choke me. 1 ll~ go and sit by the re, though; it is cold, it cuts one tothe heart. A 13...... `1\"1\IIvl\r1 A npnna l`l'\IIII\ `A n nnuu LLIUVUI./l IICL IUII5 Dbulclnnnn IIIOIAIULUQ - Seen by the bright light, she was a grand creature, a ne animal, perfectly formed, but devoid of soul. ` ""14 -`5--- -L!- 11-~l.....I :--L.. ___._________>_L uuu \I-UV\Il\l Va. ovuno The olive shin ashed into` pomegranate bloom on her cheek; her great black eyes a in liquidlight; her hair was thick, shining like black satin, and had beautiful waves in it. (`L _ ,,,_ _,LL-J :L--_!LL _ ..l_._--- ....L:L.. `l.._--.J `r vanu uv u-av Ilvlua In [D ID Uvlu, III \JI.I|I\J Alison followed Agnes down toa cosy room, which was called the housekeeper s parlor. Alison took off her hat, a. showy arrangement of feathers and velvet, and re- moved her long sealskin mantle. (V_.... I... 4.1.`. Lu.3no|\O- l:nn`\`- 4-Fun Inna A thou:-aunt` una\.Iu:u. AllL\J LU l\||Uvv o Because they are the vagabdnds of the earth. You can no more make gentlefolks of them than-7you- can makela black man white. urn-u,'__,_ __-,_- 1.- .___2_L` __ _.___HI __..1.. ...._ -Ol1_icc-Police C0111-t._ Barrio. .guJ(:1floNlE1:s, E'1`c.- . T` 'os:;Pu 11u(;.1<:u.s, ()(')\?\'H1YAN(114il'.`Cbili nxnissioxwr in (gnu:-,u`s_ Bunch. Auctioneer, App1`u'1scr. and Hommissinn Agc11t;f0rl.l1c sale of Houses. Lands. Farm Stock, 1`t0uschu)d- -Furnxuwc, Goods, \Vurcs. &c. A1so'fur the cullcutiun of Hunts, Notes and Aiccounts. ._ `V ILIIIDI There now, be quiet; or yOu ll make me angry. I can be pretty spiteful when my tempr s up, I can tell you. H1 I-n4~.u. it 4n vnv an:-rnu-v [Town vnu coon LUIIIIJUL D LII!` L Ulll |f\vll JULIO 1 1 know it to my sorrow. Have you seen Jem lately? ' ' 1 50; where is he?" i - - . V J He has gone to Land-m to bring down. a. 1 new cob the master has bought. Masoer is * fast growing :1 rich man, he knows how to ` i11ve=st his Jnoney. ' 1.1? 1 1 I I _ , -_ ..__1._ .Tcll your fortune, pretty lady, only cross the po01':gip Sy s1m1ul with a bit of silver. l_`lmt s the style, you see, aunt; I ve not for- gotten the tricks of the trade! h'l`....,.L --..-_ 4.. 1!-._.__L ._..__;1_:__._ _.__-`..'.-...LL buy-uu uuv uxlvna U4. uuu uxuxtu 5 _ . Trust you to forget anything you ought not to remember. You are, after all, a true . gipsy, though. Your father did hope to make a` lady of Tyou,by sending you to board-. ing-schooil and keeping you clear of the circus. ' ' AL1`Ivn 1 u \ . `- u u 1 1` `II V ` -`U Ills `IlI\Ill\J`V a Yes, hejis shrewd en011g'h; he was only hoo;lwinkecl once, and that was wllen he mzule Alison Lee, Alison Pcnfuld. Lord! what a. life I led him. I wonder he keeps you and J em on; he must know my mothel` was your sister. T LL17 1 . 1, A 1. I 0 ___L __-___ .__-,1 1 x pnculso ' . W ' She took a mne.-colored handkerchief from llcr neck and tied it over her head with a gay laugh, and turned to the old wo- man who was watching, and said: 6"I` .II ..n.... c,......... ..;.,.u... l.\.1.. ,...I.. l\iU(\(V(V w"\"`l;l1y should nota gipsy. be alady, I` should like to know? LL`l\,-- _ I 0 1 1! AL; \V'il )'Uul 3l.\bC1u , Yes, he knows; but he is a just man,and dm-..s`.not; visit your sin on innocent heads. 11 * knows Jmn and I s1've.11im faithfully. -.I can twist. J em round mylittle Lger. Leave J em alone. you re no honest man s catt.l. ` ` a II II -1" ii 114 J 1 ` g.` ; \JI\| -`usury aw. ||A\J nnnu, uu-u;\IIIf.', vu lA\.L.3\:I.|.. ` One would think the house was haunted by an evil spirit. but it is perfz-ctly idiotic to fr-el so fixghtened. I am getting quite a baby. 1).. `I.n.1 AL,` 1-..;\'..... `I\.. Lruucn ..--!I - __,!.,sL v I I 2 1 I Iv: Yes; `I Ila! VI bsnnxv? LAT? USIC LESSONS. -Mias Mockridge will re- ceive a. limited number of music pupils, voc-ml and instrumental. For particulars as to _ terms, time of lessons, etc.. applv at No. 3 Ptvannll 'l`er-race. . 41.15 \-Ill" 3 SE -.9. I do. `indeed, darling, dearer than life. _You are sleepy. Shall Itake you to 1 bed, and let you go to sleep in my arms? 1 A `U nnrhla r]I'(\\Ircl1r nnn-U 'l\......AL-- --__ ,U'lU'\1D All 11.! She smoothed itwith a_.plump white hand. ashing with jewels. A square mirror, in a black carved frzune, hung over the. mantel- piece. ` Q1... L,..J. .. 43-.-. ..'_I......,1 'x......,n-......1.:..J \.;-uxrn. go to Cardiff Dock to see Jem s father, y0u l1A get a duckmg; there are plenty out_ there ready to do my bidding. s-T nay` ;`..A- at-`....l.l . 41... T .\..J `nil! In.-du o\fr\In K~.r-p civi`, v1.1 girl; or the next time you ` l\ ll\lJ DU ull HI) UI\|uIIl5n -I am not afraid; the Lord will look after T` his mv1i. . , . . . Don't cant. You ve got piety enough- for it regiment of soldiers, . M Alison threw llerself intoa cosy zumchair, ; puzled out` a tiny case of cigarettes, lighted one, and pxgff -I the smoke out in a bi::'bl ue clmul, loo'z;in so insolently be:\uti.ful that the old `lady could but admire while she con- demned her. 1 Ali `1v\ .1.`-u \\\ nn\I| nu`. 4)I.<-:111\\'l1ile Ally-ahd D()1;()t1i: 1la(1.C{l1( I1' V tlwir dinm-r and .<:1lb:~fu1'ctl1e re in a big` clmir ruzuling t'u_i1'_\'-1:1le.<. Tl_1<}1'00n1 was luvnu-\\\ ;\t\;` n...I...l.L n...l .\l'L.\..' A ...1.:l'.\ A It.. \.;All\I| Lhllillllh ;u_;y \\\A\.-mg 4,. ;\;uu; yyug \\fm`1n'.m b1'i_s_:11t, {uni a1't"1"I:l.`\\"]li1C Aliy M c0uxc.clDm'utE1y to sing 1<`ms__:.ry~\\'o11I :1- woning 20, ? then, "`v,11ltlIe .\'i:g>1'.<,. ` and still the lime voice pm led, Go on. 1\......dI.'.. .-.....n. ..1'.'.t AJ` ... ..... .1 - .. A...) F felt decilletlly ' uncomfortable, and took Ally up in her arms, and sat: down in her olll seat by the re, thinking to herself: IX...`] Gluiulr 4-Ins l\r\|-(111 up..- l.......4....) IJCIIIJI But had shevknokvn by how evil a spirit; 1the Imuse wnsh:umt~d, she-would have found her fears cxcwable; AL"IY'II , --I ,7 I, 1 fl! 1-.. u`.. . . Will papa x e home by the Twelfth Night, Miss Snow; if he is not. shall we eat this 'J`welf'ch Cake? IL is so pretty; Ame=s_frosl:- ed it over with -smrar till it. lonked like 3 5 snmi'-ball: it has holly and a. fairy doll on the twp. J ane dresvdlt.l1e doll so prutty. "13ralf.ilv vnn c'h'nn`rI anr Ann-n V..- 1' E E r nun. U .11. uunu. \uu`o\ \.I. 9110 UUII BU Pl.`VL.y.r'- "Pi'e:ti|y, you slinuid so,_'_, dear. Yes, I i hope p:_1p:1 will be ho nie soon; the house is lone-Iv without him, is it not?" An1T,....`1 I--. 1'\ c LXETHY, PEPLER 85 MCCAI1 THY, aiarristers. Solicitors, N olaxies. &c.. Money to Loan. Barrie, Alliston and Gmvenhurst. D AL'rox MCCART1IY,Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J, A M1{`.Anmu\r I), W. MGWATT- . 1 v\ mg \wIl\|. l\.IU _)\Iu 50 In! -VITO!) Ill IIl_V flllsr" ! A ly nodded drowsily, and Dorothy car- ried In-r elf. ` . | As she went she had a sensation ofvbeing E follnwed. and hastened on breathlessly. | W111-n A "V knelt tlnurn On an L-.. i ;u---rvvou. culu uao-`UUIIUII UL! u1'u2u.l1u`sSly. ; Wm-n little Ally knelt down to say her prayers, .the door opened quietly as if Dor- i only had not prnpvrl-y secured it. Rhn nnfinunl Inn. ............ . -4. ----1- -----1 |\A|-I nun-; Lnnv IAulA\.- "]I`1`/ 1rA\.llr -xvu, uu (\IAIa 1)()1`nl.l1 \' sm_r_r :1 lot of lll11`S('1`)'-1'1))'l:1US.nd th:-n.comi:g1n the owl of her resources, tlu)1IL':l1t;0t'Lhe Dl1c:xe.<.sfs sumr in Alice in -\\'n_m`11'l21`ml, um1.~'.m1:: briglltly. Q ...\,.nnn nnbnhln thn 'unn.n q.\!.-A,J 1.. 11.... .51 um-one outside the room joinedin the clmrus, and Drift roused l1])111ld.S[i1l1{Cd to tho door wizh 21 szruwl. 1 1: 1 1 \|\I\lL u llll nu u-.1. u n In Dorothy got up and opened the door; she could lwm` the swish of silken garments. None of the maids wore silk. Who could it be? ` ' n .1 -1 - A Zu umuy xooxea on the oor, all over the I rvom, in the cor.i.lor, and still it was not to be found._ . . , . ,Then she rang the bell sharply. Old A2,`- nes came to answer it a. little sulkily; all the maids were `out, and it made her breath short. to_ mnunt; the stairs. - 1 cau t nd the key of my door, has any- one removed it? H\lfI.-- -I -A- ` " \lll\4 LCIIIUVUU [Din Why shoud they? The k*ys in house are rarely touched; we cm trust 7 another, Miss Snow. uu-u upon a H|.hlB wxuer. . When the pmyers were ended, and the baby lips kissed into: silence. and Ally lay snug and warm in the prezty white bed, Dornthy went" to the door to lock it, and lo! the key was gone. . ;Darothy looked the floor, all over I'(`OnL i1] nnr ` [nu nn\.I n6:iI :1. .-.-- -- AL L~ vv- J uuu_ nuu l|.lV1)l`Lly .`tfUlll'('(l H3. She noticed, her nerves were at such cruel tension, every noise, however slight. 9G:-mtln Juana `mun! mu: ....:1.1 1.1.1. - vv-Ia-`III. Uvcly IIU-EU, IIUWBVBF Sllgllk *Gentle Jesus." meek and mild, look up- on a little child, . said.A.lly in her soft1isp- ing baby lanauzuge, and Dorothy saw the door open 9. little wider. ` ` Wh:xI1 `Inn --------~--- -~4 r- ` ` ` " R R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. 0ice-Bothwell s Block. opposite the Railway Station, -Barrie, nntnrin, ' 51-IY ' v n-.uvJuu llllll` In I|I Jl\l|5 :1 love papa. Do you love him, Miss 1: 1's this nun 6-nu.-L A..- I Uvxnvnnu Dorothy sc1'.' with terror, and took hqld of Ally to wrench her out of the strzmge w0man s arms. 'a1_._`....:...1.;,..- --.-n 1..--.... 4..:..,I 4... .........,. .. U1 L ouIu.I. uu Jun. \|uuuAJ nun. nu The low erce voice never failed. In vain Dorothy tried to rescue the child, a hand of iron grasped her throat. " mm 4.... r......+:....n., ,.+ um 1......1 Ln... .1--- ILUII |,|,q.V!J\;\.A uvn vunuuu She tore lmntically at the hand {the `lace at the wrist came away, the silk gave way to her maddened grasp, but she could not loosen the cruel nger;<. _ '1`.tT:n- .. l.n....:,`l 4I...J -1... ...,... n._____ IU\r.1ull Ull\.I \Jl|.I\.`l AlIlb\4L-'0 " With a horrid thud `she was throwh against the bed-p.>sL and rolled over, heavi- ly smmxed. ' I`lu\ua thx. uonunnws 1-r\I~|o~I\:I\rU OLA vxwcnnfv-nlrn .`wS`i10 made a. desperate effort to break this spell of horror, and awoke to nd herself in total darkness except where the moon made light` just where the window gleamedi a glimmering square. ' A I.nnJIy.u..-.i.inl-' that ls.-ml nnun-AA I-.1-u. `nail Alluluun Ills o\1uJl.\.n A handkerchief that had covered her face . she had torn away just; in `time to se_e little Ally. lifted from her side by a dull dark shape with a plume of feathers on its head l lilfga. hearse. ' V IF'lBIl vxr Allxu ut ILUCII ml 0 Weak, sick, and faint felt Dorothy, but her promise to protect the [child was vivid in her mind. No one" should take her away while she had power to prevent it. 'HT`T|-.n nrn nan`) \XTla..l- nwlx nu r1n.~...2Ll-. LN UU11. DALVUB run. 1.1V V 11401- ,. menu on good freehold security at lowest ratrs of interest. No principal money required until end of the term. .S'1`ktA'l`HY 85 AULT, Solicitors, &c., Barrie. 0..., 1.l.I.\.4I\4llIJ - W'h0 are you? What are you doing with tlmt child? cried Dorothy, springing; out of bed, and pulling at the bt-V11-rope--it only hung by a. thread and gave way at her touch. _-A,_LI__, ___. __.___1 ___!LI- L.___._._.._ ___ .1 A-_`l_ lllut Ulv \a\Il\.Allllll Silence, you fool, or `by the lleaven, I ll kill, you! _ I only take mv own. Keep off, or I shall do you deadly harm. ` II... In... `:r\uonr\ Iv.\::1r\ nun... F.-.Hn.`l T ....I.. `J .,.-.u-.- Then tllewoxlxan, spurning the prostrate form with In-r foot as it` slrelhml beena [oaths nne repli'e, picked up D;)rotlly s fur- lined cloak l'rnmA the font; of the bed, wrappe-.'_' the still sleepinz child in it, and went silently a\v."c_vll1{e a nigilt shadow that many may dread but` few grasp. Vmarble column. |JL(_IIll\} vv Ilulunn 0 ul. Ann): `S1143 might as well have tried to move a .All \ I, , -,,I _ ,l_,, LL- YY-_,.,-_ 1111 When the maids r>,turned,' merry and well satised with their evening's amuse`- ment, they found the housdkeepor fast asleep, and on the I::~.`.`.-t:1`)le, -after se:u'c'n- `1zg0\'ery\x'11::'c else wlmn :1-ire-.1 abrnlf. it they f.)'.`L:`.dv Id lni~i;; key of Dargthy s ` CHAPTER VII. ` I I ro<`)x`n. vi 1 . . '.. . .. - u u '\ lolusu. tutu um. vuur. Old Agnes went down again, and got the dl1otwine-and-water; grumbling as she did so_a.bout the loss of the key :. `it was so strange, she could not account for it, and it worried her. .,v\__,_LI_-_ .1'_:..I_ L... _.x_... :.. W U11 IUKI llCIln After seeing Dorothy drink her wine in bed, and turning the gas down to a faint glimmer, old Agnes said good-night and left her, closing the door securely behind her, and went d_own to wait up for the maids. Am1\L`\co cunnb Ln ..Inn..~ na`vn|n Inunusnu n-nnlvn I-lllul. Vvvllu \AV 11 ll uu Iv luau up av; vnnv unwnuuv Dorothy yvent to sleep after laying awake some time; little Ally slept serenely by her side, but Dorothy . dreamt someone was -dragging the child away from her to de- 3 stroy. 'I`l.n Jun.-an-u `I-vnnl\1\nouu:l\'wv ..nn1_L:.-. and aka 1 Dvnv T The dream was horribly realistic, and she fancied someone was lifting Ally above her while she sank lower. overpowered by a sickening odor that seemed to suifucate her. 'f1I,_ .,, - J- - J-_,__.._L_ -Il.'-_,L L- l.____-I_ L142- loci; my door, and 1 can : sleep unless lb 15. { A I m very sorry, but it is no faultof mine. Put: a chair against the door; no one will in- ` terferewitli y.ou-why should they? I never ylocked, my bedroom door in my life. What i 1 should I do i11 case of re? 1 i L.TY_.l-_I- XL ...-.J "AL Ann! :9 -uhn lvnluvn I1I\1II' I r )V ! I.&o11 t suppose you will,it is not ten j o c1ock., Shall I bring you :1 little nezu.=? Yes, please, I wish you would. I feel tired and nervous. 3"` ` **`~--*`-L -`----- --A-3-- A--I1 nun` C-I-In `_.`_Ybs, of course, but I am accustome d to . . ' ' 7 lock my door, and 1 t sleep unless It _IS. ' u.`1'r.:.. ........ a.n.'n lmur if in nn {"tnIH'.nf mme. BIIUU Ill. 1 uu lu \.;(I-nu val. unv- Unlock it and get out if you value your life, Isupposer 1 am annoyed. The key was here this morning. Well, I suppose I % must get to bed, but I don t believe I shall sleep. ' wt .1....n. ........m.m um. mill it in not tnn `_ uh`.-1. viltlllrllll IV1\l\|lI.q |;II\_ulo ,She czuninus;y lightvd :1. match, mud. turned 0.11 the gas, sm1. as she did so that smnotlxing was .'_m1i~js; , v Directly the light amed up `she s_c1'e:u11ed` r/0 _11t~I11. ; _ - 1 van. v nuu \ ~`Ul(lIl`..'.KS nu.iu|'. - Clilorofnrm-lias C`l`t'lililV been used, and ; the whole affair evidently been planned. I ` am sorrv this poor air] has suffered so. I fear she will be seriously ill : the shock must have been terrib'e._ and the injurv to the head is grave, Where is Mr. Penfold? In Landon, sir, said Jane. He must be "sent for at once: no one can act in his stead, and delay is dangerous. While he talked he strapped np_Dnrothy s wound.` bathed her face, and restored her to consciousness. ` Her tst words. were. Where is Ally? , When they did not answer she grew terri- , bly excited, and cried out that Mr. Penfnld i had left her in her charge, and would never forerive her. * fI'Il_-J,,A ` um-u rm-w_rn1sen as or-irmgmg to Alison. Dr. Steel was a man of quick common sense and [prompt nction. so he drove straight into Cnnli. put the po`ice on the track oftthe L$'.rS, and wired toMr. Penfold. who came by express in an agony of F anxiety. ` Old Agnos had a stormy scene with him, and when he looked in for :1 's'-cond at D;)r- othv, andsaw her dratrli-like race, he turned ` faint with horror. . ll- I...,nl A. I I LIQIIIV Iv lull HUI I U].- He had] fl her l`1'i.rht, bldominq, happy, and re`.u1'ne:l to_ nd her on what; might prnveher cleatlx-lwcl. T _ H 3 got\'f all the evidence he could; and rode 0 In Rm-3 Hr Q1-nnl v u |l\.A \l\,?(l\vI|'lI(",\lo ` tojretlu-r evi( and rode o to see Dr. Steel. A uunug | Jane said sl1e"'\\'nuE put it in thebed-v_ room-door as she ;~.s;;e;1, and supposed Miss Ally had taken it !o'play wi;h. ' ` Ilfhnn 1...... ....-,.`.....1 +1.... .1..,... -1... &',.....A-H- 1 -.-..`....,, ., ., A T: All-was a. had rle. and poor i Drrrnthy, face do\'vnwnrd, lay like on dnacl. Fl1L-_- 1219;.) L__ _,, 1 v_eu .1 1 1` KJAV 131 ll) lJL`4.\l) LUN LLJLJLIJ DD I A11`; A1 ` Six p-'1`(:(:l1I.i11t(31'(:St. LENNUX 8:. LEN- NUX,'S0liciL01'r5. Barrie. T T ` u_'.u vu_y uu,r: u(`LIuU `.'(VHll.`: lU blU"lP. ' l \Vho could have stolen the cl1ild?" said June, shnckml he._\-and nnensure. \ Ila... .....- ......4..nnH _-2 - ` ._,.....\. \\: nu nu wuur uuulg Hll iuil. U1 Cll21I'lLV. It was two hours be_fm'e the doctor c-~mr. He looked gr-`ve, and said it was a bndcase, \ and the no'ioe nuL'ht to be advised at once of the whokr. stmngre nifair. UI`|l\l;...-l!......_ I. _ ~ - I ;.unq-vu ll\/ll Thedoctor save her a composing draught bade old Asznes watchher, and then ques- | tinned the maid as to the sad ni2ht s work. (`'3 A1 !-non in~.\.oI "k84L..;l-- ._.1.-.- -L - v mun-,u um uuuu as no me sad mantis work. T Old Agnes cried `bitterly when she saw the shreds of lace and silk, which she at onne recognised as bx-longing to Alison. Th` Shani \\-no u rhnh. us ....:-1- --. , Inuu I.||l\bll In -\J Lila: Hlgllo .-"J , `Vixen Jame 1`unc`:1cd the door she fQ1md`1t [wide-open. and the nmoniimvindow facv(1 her. < So_ei11g no light in the room she said M to ho1':~'olf: ' LL\l' . ... . . . . .. . . up WA`331`i:.% .:{1:v;win kick up a llxtllabalnn if she .\\`I11: r-S up in the dark. _I l1 light the gas T a,<:2ti11-witllmlt \\':\l;in': them. ' DI... ..,___A: I! 11,. 1 , ,;.1, _.1 * v\|\: n\|.<| n:_Io _ l\Iis. foot? of the bod "in.- snxi1)l.g in a.po'ol` of blood, a` n111e-colu1'v ]mmIk<-1'chict' beside her, and :1 lot of torn ]m'<.'..:1hn1it.A V - ' T The` lwll-pnII[ hung: IIFOIPS9, the bed dis- ord-rod and omnty. ' }V;m1`e wrs the child? T .. ' lushingoif-to call the others, Jane ow rather than ran to the housrk *0per s-room. TT.~.4-Lnhm n.....'. ..n. 1....;,......: ;-,....u..... still imr=nsil)lo, purnle bloml wwing from a 2 ...u.._y' |H\,\ uunu nnuu, ut_V |II\U \I|l \lIl`|c t The_v lifted her and mm hot` on tlm bed. wmmd on her whit, fnrhl-wzul. _ She is demll said Jane dictrnctedly. ' Gwrl furbid. 's'nil old Agnes in :1 ~ slmolzed voice, and piclcin2` up the ame- chlorvd hll(lk(*l`('.hl9f. oxclaimel in a tone of lmrror: C|1lmnfm-tn! the" samr-. siok<=n- ing odml smelt on the lxamllcerclxlef 1 put o_vur m_v face lwfnre volng: to sle"p. \Vlm mmlal hnxvn cfnlniu +1.,` ..|.:mcm _..:/1 uuun , mu-n\,l\\.u I'C`_\InI\| Ill(`ul.`lll('. l How can we tell? said the cook. a stout anple-clwolied wmnan with kind blue eyes. -Let s lonlc tn the, punt` rzirl. What will M . master smj? ' One of you girls go for a dnc- -i tor. Never miwd the l0'.ml_V road, you will _cmne t0`nn ill while doing nn act of cl1:1rit_v. H`. urn: Hun hnn.-a kn!-`n..n u... -.....L-._ 4u--- u vuuu lulu IU l;lIU lI\Ill.\ A `l`lH"| .lU\lIH. Up their all ha -tozrether, crowding into D \rnthy s mnm. . nn 1...... 1...,1 ,I..,.....:\.,..J ...-,: _,..... OGERS 8c GREER S GENERAL AGENCY In the town of Barrie, for the collection of Ohattel Mortgages, Rents, Debts etc. We are also prepared to undertake General Drtective Busxness for Legal Firms. 'Mercnp.nts and others at moderate rates. Otflce : Police Court, Bar- rie. P.0. Box 222. " ' ' * A -- -~-------~ ` WM Gunman- vnnuv vanx-_v aluull uun lzuunxuu I`-|A\/U: Mr. Pe-nfold shut hin1.~:elf up in his stud`-' alone. He neither at: not drank. ()4: Agnes couldhear him pacing the I'lml`.Z heavily, and once she heard him grout . She wruntz her old hands wretchedly, :+.;2v: wiping: her bleared eyes went up to sf` :~. Dorothy, who was t0.s'.~'.il)'-T per-,vishI_v zr-.2. side to side with ushed cheeks and ;I;. eyes. ' ~ 1)..nnnn4~`Iu c-Ian kn:-my-11 hnr nmnshn-'_' 1 Go away, you vile monster! Am I xiv safe from you in Thy own b(3drrmm`.* Oh` that my mother could rise from her ;:rzv.--- : reproach you for your broken famh, .r.h_- cruelty. to her only child. ` I hate you !~r.h_ I hate you! I would rather die than marry such a brute- Go away, or 1 shall klll 3-ml? I will raise the house; I will appeul to the law"; you shall not frighten me! C)WLI'd coward, coward l 111: I _A,_,l,!,I,! _ v. I81 IIIIBIU IIIJVJ b\I |JVlV\"bV lI\.l "AIll\4AA\J\|.l ``Try- to hope for the nest; thmzs um- come right in time. Good-bye, old man. Son thatthey keep our patient quiet. lfn 'l)...-.4`.-`Id .-.l...L |.....rz.l4` ...-. 5 I.~ l"`0-1140 vgvm Presently she heard. her nmsh;-r's stnps, and he entered white and vs Bidding her leave him; he km-iLio~.-. the bedside and pressed his lips lip. ushed check of his leur ,r.:irl-low. 5.: up with a shriek, saying wildly: 1.1- -I ; 1 -v vv vv vi: um, vu --w-. u . The last Word rose to a shri_c+k j-as: as 1).- Steel entre_d. He beckoner1 M1;nfrI-i away.. Poor fellow! he was tmu-ibljc 1-.;~n- by the scene; he knew Domt n_v u -r. foundinghimwithher crno.` z:u.1rii'm. :.::'? grievtd at the torment. livr W0r(1~` I0.ti_}ur"- much she must have SliffC`.`cd-pnrnI` i-.:~.r cent gir1!-0re she \V.'1S drivvnfx`-'m1`:. an by that ,s Inmlafrmxs 1x1is(1oeds. You heard what she Said, chef r. would not srive-her up to that vile \`.;-`CT for the world. I would rather see her ue-mi 1 He shall answer for his evil rlcccls. . ` 1 ,,',,,,|,,1..t,, Y uvv 1 1 .`|_r' gym; you IJJ luau lllI\4l||,-,Alu Allllll (U llnnu Try to console yoursr-ll wi`.h {llv t that the child will 'r)ul; i1ully1;-.;_;;( ~P.n!'oI You are sure to r(;.:'u~;;.,- ` tiin. Hire gnml (len-cliv-'5.<. :ml_ miv l ryffwrixig a he;u'_\' rcwzml. My npinim laaly will sncwn .1213 of lwr c';:1r';v_ Y wiizixllold her income till tlm-r-l;i.l turned, and have the uxoti1(-run-:_-;. kidnapping and the a.<.=aulL on Miss: Yes, I know all tlm`. But 11".} di.~wn'aco a21rl`9xpr). 02:, tlurfnry had to pny(lmrly {urn b )_\'i.sl1imii.~('r ':.ll(li`8i1)'()l.l]l3VL`. I pity you fr. soul, and will help you all I can," u! I-....... 41...; .1.-..-.L.... I ..,.v.. ' IIIIIII (I-J LLIIIJUII .lJV\.I Illuuv HIIUII up uxuu is reported that the circus folks tulll:'-:1 taking a C()l]tillCI'lt_8], tour. Anntlxor ro- is that they go straight to America. AX... L...A. Ll. h'I`...- LA LA... ',_.. `file imxstbe a \`cry .b:u1. 111111. If he .Out that his ward is here, rotor him to n as her medical attendant-I 1o1'b`.(1 her to moved. ` 11` 1:1 . 1,_,_ _,_,1,:_ L 111`! V C\.Ig I ishoiuldi like to horsewhip him --;:T cowardly hound to torture a helpless giri whom he had promised to defend. I sit: hid never have imagined him such a cur, lie is highly esteemed for his charity. IL: 1m'.s' be :1 vile hvpoc1'ite. - u(\c` ..... .,. `n/\ .,.. 1"1..,,.... 51",; 1' -, Ag] Wu wu_v v----u -- \4Q\4 uuv --sun mm in, Someone answering to ln(1'l<-3.-1-`V started by the mldmght mail In 1, urn..- L- ...\ ..n....,mI r ...:. terms, uuu: w. m Russell Terrace. wnv Iv unnnwauo If she loves you, she will only think or your happiness. `Perfect love castvtlx nu: fear. '- lyshall see you again. Wire at once to Scotland Yard; such an uncmmunn WW [man as Alison Lee must soon be tracvd. I: 1- un- IJ\I u. v nnv -;_v vuv\ Iv\.zI 7Of` course he .is. 1' your sleek, urbane m =11. address the `working-men tion, I hat.<-(1 his 11110;` mmmer. -He is a 1`~.1:i L*r.l knows wlmt lu-sq euuu-.:`l1 with his w;mi's n ltxviil be a ml-1:-m-1' I .soe him `(M-1't'ur..\\'1:. ma'!eA love to `mm mm: `I see I ma ie` cm_1l<'l- n tlw la. .... _., . VD0 _\'<> when she her. well, V j `-`Cmfs- him! '1:~.n sc we ixtcrvascs. 1 even with him,\'L-1. ' ;` ``1 ll hack yum up, Qfd Il1:_Ul. '0: b vq:1fll_ 10 surfh :1 sm:1H rn .Shnl1.(l L-11j:>_\'_pt111isI1in`_:: him. _ .11 . v-w T They were closelecl t0s_rvthm- n ];,n,, V and when Mr Penfolcl (3 mm mm, l:is was White and his eyes 1x:1 1`.,r H! heard that the c;rcus peop;c hml M; C. in the middle of the nifllt, and that A` and tlxechilcl were not with 11:`-:;~., (`.......\.\un lII\fI"lV1\|I:I`lV.1\'.:-.5. .1 . Jvug lJ\.\.[\lIl\.l vunnuulu lVll| lJ\I cu uulrlnj |y`>I` Oh, I am. sure of that! It isulllythe money I object to. I hate to l;<:cu11.-413 fortune-hunter. Besides, when the poor gm hears of my story, she may be afraidto marry me after such a scene with that teni. ble woman. So should 1, (1 uctn1`. You ` when I nm_aw:1y, mm`: _\'uli slmuhl be it change. \\`irc at. nah. 4-.., L "run b3'ucll:111g0_. at me My dear boy,` I`ll t:1"l as mu .her as if she \\'(_`l'C my (1;'.ll;'lltvl`. shall come and stay till slur is b.- is n. kil1dll(`:1I t(`(l. clever little when she is sensible lp will comf- `to film afr;end0t`l1o1' owns.-x nm 1 2 , I V I I I I I `L'., J .. A--Bought at II \veo=k. and to he unl perfect Fitting om-r 5:00. oux .MAc1;.w, A Uu'1`1o.\*Emn, COMMIS- -! sionur. Conveyanqvr, Issuer` 0; Marriage- Licenses under the new_ Act.` Money to Loan It Modemte Interest. Creemore, Ont. (Sly uvun, uuu vv :1; nu-1; Jun Ivnn .1 usual I know, that, doctor. 1. re1y on your friendship to keep all I have tom you secret. What would you go about Dornth_v?" lull .-._.... l.A_ .1}...-.nLX.. -11. .~ .....ll .. vv -1 Iv\II.aA\.I J\;u uu n--zuuv A4:/|'I\llV . Marry her dirctiy she iswell onnumh to travel, and chance the consc-qxu-nm-9. 1 mm, your second venture will be a happy one." HIM. T durum nu-.. AC blunt! 1+ ... ,..I.... vu l|Il\I cu ll|\/|l\\ \II II\ A \I\I I|`D\ ,\ II! n A Indeed it would, and I sllnllhl pier nbuut her while I am m\';1y." `_`VVlxv11 do you Eu? Atonc '. I da1`on0t I:s*:1 m-1 `fshall I drive you to the st;1mm W'oll, it might. 's:n'o time if j. , )`H j'n.~stru11 in n1uig_:iy'c a few dir. M1`. P*_nt'nll did us 114* ~:1il, and friends drove to th- st:xIEo:1. uu-,\ nituun l.\l ll ulur. Sim fxx-ttml 9. gnu}! (10:11 about Ii! gov there was still not:-:10.-()f1En.-_v A long loving Icilvr frmn .\Ir. 7 came to say he might be (`xp.'ct_'i any moment. ll-Y)-.___,, .|- 1 -v' . --I ` - I In: wrlnlva uulllv. ' ' ' _ ` J If you feel strong enou<:h. dear, I no1`H see why you should not. We must ;1.~'k. 015 doctor s leave Vrst. }I;u-1:, 1_l1c:u- his 10` step on the stairs. ' `ll ... (`L ' ` u 1'AAI--IVA. um gr uu I/MG abtlll. Mrs. Steel, who was :1 comely little W0` mall. with soft brown eyes amlh:\i1',nf8 cheerful, brig ntdisposition, rose m1(lnp;*l1Cd the door to admit her husbzmd, who took her rosyface bctweexn his hands and lcissed it affectionately. Then, with a null and 3 Smile. he went to warm his lmmls bvfn1'ct1l blazing re before shaking lmmls with 1119 patient. ' D..LL2__I.3_ 1 , 1 . .. . L .`l.u1vn wvuu - _I`l1en you shall trot up; I ut 3" 1` leave. your room. You are so inn and it is intensely cold; Llnr: frost. ' -4. - _ , ;- . (`HA l"l`l']l{ VIII. . Three weeks 1~.:1-.-ml, :ml llvmthy, ` and wan, was m-`kl enough to sit up `i.: and speak to p.-oplp. Q`... 4~`....n...I n ...,..,,I 3...: ..1....:. 1:..- . nu; I||\IIII\ III. I , ` ._ Do you think I can gebup, .\h'<. f`-`'* A should like to be able tu see Mr. 1 '11? .whr-n he comes home. HI ! ....'.. 4'. I _._-, ' ` 7 wv-vuvo Rubbing his hands together, he sat down beside the be.`.. saying: - `qlfnll . . A . . . . . .. I....1-..-._ ....!L.- L.......:n hnw ENNEUY, GAVILLER -8: HOLLAND, Architects, P. L. V Surveyors. Valuanors, aw. Plans and specilicauons for bu_ildings`p1'e- ured. 'I`own and Vllluge Lots laid out. -Farnl ines carefully located. Timber l1mit,s examin- ed. &.c.. &.c. Toronto 0lli':e- -4 Mail Buildings- Bzwriu Umce--.\lc(`.arthy s tslock. Colliugwood OII1c,c-Long`s "luck. ' Tuos. 1us:N.\'1;n\.'. MAURICE GAVILLER. | \U T ITAII nun KIJ:-y I let n V; n: in 116: urf.) [To be 00ntz'nued.] January '28, 189.6 j--1---~ m-w he rm n'1ned in L Tknow that; I} . Wnen I ma.-a an an 111-= 1.-st . :;i0us,T. . * U1()1'|ov illullytx-.;;-.:m1 SI}? . , . t0 Y'J< 0'v'"r heriri 151? . IUHI: :1-qiy-vrtisel My nplnlnn is tha C iI1X"_`I`. "nu .. M} .LVL UUlllu U0: .1. D1 Barrie Ba.r1'ic, 1st Oct. ,. 1885. 1 will can - \ n - u gm; 1_n m` A1i ~11? 11.: 'I-'.. j-he 10 I16 mm, .is :1 hard in if` UDI`4['l1 DVV1XlV AU\J1lU$` l`:I!1IL DUI` III: . (lounty of Sxnncoe. Terms reasonable. Ofce. at my Store. Cruighurst. 46-ly _ nult not Lu: nmv, mu ,3 "1 of ' .5": THE A C01 If y and dr have 1: buy is _ hold the ma dotig to -do maguz Club, Amrr Of L11! Dav, . frame go, it Vate ps WOIIH`. his ha A W. McVl'["l`Il<`.. I). L. SURVEYOR AND . Real Estate A-gent Ualgary. N. W. '1`. \ Correspondence :s0liciLed with 1'1-.gHI`d to invest- ments in Proviucc of Alberta. N.VV.'l`. .A. W. MCVl'll`Il Address Calgary, via Bcntou,: Mtintnnu U.S. Uring ` lihra r _\ tum}. gard-`V 7 plant: frzunv the 521 the 11-1 you t ar (11 and w '_I`uk~ ma 0 11 nn0Ht' . next that --gion 80n)< this } of ulc grufti in the may I ]y, on :01") in t! (1)9 up. Wh BAIIRIHJ PLANING MILL.-GEO.- BALL, Carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer bf Doors. Sash, Blinds. Mouldings. &.c. Plan- ing of all kinds done promptly and satisfac- torllv. Factorv. John street. Barrie. T " V `Du Altnlhl 1`()UN|)1iY, ENGINE 8: BOILER Wom:s.-H. SEWREY. Mannfnctuler of every (1 acription of Engines, Boilers." Saw Mill. Grist Mill, Shingle, Lath; and Wood- working Msmhinm-v. Jlllll, .\1l'lBIa zVll.lI, DU workmg Machinery. T. BAN TING.'CLERK coLii~I'rY or SIM- . com. will be at his oice, at the Court House, Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and R0. Cookatown. A 11. BEN N'ET l` DEN -PIS 1'. . Barrie. 0nt.. Ofce, Sanders _ Block. osite new Post Office. 0 Visits Irsdale and Waverley. the first Wednesday of every month. W) e- bridge and Midland. the next day1'l`hursda.v). Penetang the fo.lowing day (Friday). Vitalized Air for painless extracting a. specialty. 6-ly -o_------ R. J. L. G. MCCARTHY -OFFICE AND Residence on the `West side of John St.. immediately opposite Mr. Geo." Ball's -Planing and Sash AFa.cto1'v ' [ _ Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for thn `I'll \1nv\n v-u1`r\I-I THE QUEEN'S HO'1`EL.-A. W. BROVVN, D..- .-....a a.._.1-.. ...-n -7, %T to and from all trains. I uuu up mmm '5 11-U1` wL.-A. W. BRQVVN. 1 Excellent accommodauon for the travelling pubhc. Bar and iarder we1laup- plied with, the best. Good stabling and tive hoatlera. Luggage of guests conveyed free Few doors west of Ma.r-- ket. street on Dun1opAstf.r - _ . eet. 1} LXLTUN XVLULI A1111 J, . M3CAR'rHv. III! In l\lI naw.- -_-. Gnonan: ROGERS. uam-n mJu1suu. UI1llb'1" -UUNs'1`ABLE, County of Simcoe. 01ce-Po1ice Uourt. .::..;__.._._.._...._ ___-__....._ 1.....- [OSEPH SWAN. AUCTION I<.ER FOR THE l`nnntv nf Slivnnno 'I`p1`n'\n v-nunnnuhla [OSEPH ROGERS. CHIEF -CONSTABLE, County of Simcoe- ()ice_Pnlin.n l`.nIn-1*. AlCIll' `ECTS AND SUIIVEYOBS. IEWSON 8: CRESWICKE, BARRI TEES, Qnlinifnrn nf the Sunreme Court of Judi- 6-IY HENRY. JSPPRAISER 8:. BILL POSTER, R711. `R ants Collected. Servants Provided. [ONEY TO LoAN.s25o,0oo M6 and 6; per cent. J. '1`. SPRUUL, solicitor, eLc., .v-I-En large amount of private funds in land nn an-n vhf. lnnm: nt. IOVVPRI `rates. [<)N1: Tro L1`.IA\ I:) ON REAL ESTATE AT `<;\- ....u ......+ hum.-nut 1 .h`K` N1 IY Ry l.14`.N_ , A. RADEN HURS1`. BARRISTER, +.......mA Qnlinitm` in Chancery, Convgv T. LITTLE, 4M.D., C.M.. _ v (`h . 113% EWSO_N CRESW IUKE, 15A1tn1b`1'1~.. no, So1ic1tors 9f the Supreme Court .... no l\nfnrIn Pmntnrs. Notaries. Convey- JLVLI .-`4`\ mrgu uduuuuu UL p1'n'u.L: Auuua to lend on st1".1.g11I. loans, at lowest rates. MnUA1{ 1`l1\'. rJu`1~ Llu`1i 85 McUAl{'l`k1Y, 1ms}:uANEoUs. {iiVNb3< `sc c0..coxvfs?i1~TvERs, Mnn..v fn lmm Nnms dismounted. ` sue me 1Lu.11way oluuua, 'nu.rv'w, 7 51-ly ' IN OUR HANDS FOR INVEST- vnnnr nn pnnr| fr-ndhnlrl nor-an-itv 9 "LUCK. ` mm . W. J . IIoLLAN1J. 51-I 1-1urs1cIAN s.TV fIiiiii`rITs~_ `OFFICIAL. _EI0'l`El4S. LEGAL. u.xv1.. . Churchill, Out. 35 A ~ T.` ANDREWS S0-_ OIETY, Barrie. Meet- ly meetings of this Society will be held on the even- ing of the Fourth Tuesds. in each month at 8 o ,cloc 1n Bothwell's Hall. Dun- lop street. After the regu- lar business has been transacted at each meet- `in an entertainment of a Scottish character wil be provided. Next meeting Tuszsnnr EVENING. 261'}: J ANUARY, 1886. All members `and their lady friends are requested to attend. " JOHN FORSYTH, " `- Ram-nhu-v ings. The regular month- ' I.` a DJ: 1'. Flfhhiu D. F. MCWATT. WM. Gamma. 5 X T11, _Secretarv ` 41-tr 1` Uo C 11143`-c 51-ly all points incanaua ayu tne. vv eswru auuua, Txckete may be obtamed and also informanon about the route and about freight and passen- ger rates from ROBERT B. MOODIE. Z . Western `Freight and Passenger A ent, 93 Rossm 1-louse Block. York 315.. oronto, D. P0'1`TIIV[GER, Chlef Superintendent. Railway Office, Moncton. N.B.. May 26, 1885." ` llllfll I `"9 PIIIII IvI\I "II I Inuuna ` 1 will nd it advantageous to use this route. as it is the quickest in point of time. and the rates are as low as by any other. Through freight is forwarded by fast special trains. and exper- ience has `proved the intercolonial route to be the quickest for European freight to and from ` points in_Cana.da and the Western States, 1~.,.1.-ma mnv ha nhtamed and An eligible buucun g sue. Terms easy. 3; acres of va_ca.nt land South of A_nderton e brewery adwimng railway track, smtable for any kind of manufacturing business. A number f vacant lots on Bradford and quarterly IIIBBBJIIJBIIEB. rrweu @105) LU qpsuu. That comfortable 2 story Dwelhng occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld. with small ofce in front. and - unna hnnrno Int an Ram: street adioinimz .]"ENNOX LENNOX_ jjA11.It_lE5'l'11tt!. A1`- ___. at-Law. Solicitors it: C,hig181`Y Conveyancers. sac. 01cee-Corner or ..1111100 and Owen Streets, Barrie. J. 'I`. Lmmox, HAUGIITON LENNOX. I II lI-VIu:--u-_--- ----: From the West for all points in New Brunswick, Nova. Scotia`, Prince Edward` Island, Cape Breton - and Newfoundland. ' All the popular sea. bathing, shingend plea-4 sure resorts of Canada are along this line. I. unmlm mm: Ien.v1n2 Montreal on Monday. resortsbt Canada along Inns une. I ullman cars leaving Montreal Wednesday a nd Friday run through to Halifax, ` and on Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday to St. : John. N.B.. without. chance. ' | Close co_nr_1_ect;i9ns_m_`de at Point,Levis with ; - ----__.1 `Ln `D34-.Inn1n|I ` Thursday and isamraay E0 am. connections made the Grand Trunk Railway and the Richelieu and Ontario Navi anon Company's steamers from Montreal, an at Levis with the North Shore Railway. ' Elegant first-class, Pullman buffet, and smok- ing cars on all through trains. l`irnt.nlnnn refreshment rooms at convenient ca'.rs all through treuns. First-class refreshment distances. IMPORTERS {Ann sxpomns n n,_ 3 _u. _ .1_....4...........u. 4-A nan I-kin Ivnnfn an if TBARRIE. -Ba.yview Saw Mill (Perkinsywith ? about 4 at-res or land, and two large water lots; to be sold for less than half thocost of the ma. chiner) in the mill. . A1 nnrnu "at rvnvnnr nf Rnveld and Dalton chiner) in the mill. 4} acres `at corner of Bayeld and Dalton streets. immediately north of Bixzelow property. eligible building site. Terms easy. in unrm: nf vn cant land South -\ nderton kind of manutavnurmg nusmess. A number f vacant Charles streets, South of But.tereld s foundry. all fine buildingeites. A . a.\........1 .mn~.#.-`u-+nh1n hnnnnn and on reslaence. $390. A splendid building site of 4}ac1-es, near Mr. John Hines residence. on the West slde of Bayvld-street. A bargain. . ` ALLA 1\T`DAI.W.,_A nnmfnhtnlwln dnnhln `Dwnl Dlt)'l1P1ll'FlI`C$b. A Ull:I'g'8.ll.l. ALLANDA1.E.-A comfortable double Dwel lit1;%_House on Bradford street opposite Northern a non. | _10 good building lots well situated. INTERBOLONIAL1 A RA."-WAY. " 3 J S. JOHNSON. BARRIE, IMPORTER .01?` . and Dealer in Goals of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Gnelph White Finishing Lime, Cements of all made, Fxre Bricks and Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this Lime is better than that of any other kind. and the finish` superior. 0`lce-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. T l . - * . (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES) FOR SALE OEZEAP. all nne ouuamg alt-es. Several comfortable houses and cottages on" Charles street: an excellent opportunity for a mechanic to get a.. comfortable home as these houses can be paid forhy small monthly or quarterly instalments. Prices $150 to $400. I 'l`hn.r. nnmfm-mhla 2 ntorv Dwellimz occunied U000. Duualng lot on nuns an } Mr. Craddock sresidence; $250. nwaninnv House on East side 0 Mr. Uraauocx Breslueuce; q_pwu. ])_we1lin House on of Owen street, occupied y Mr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated ; $1200. V l`.nH*n on and Int nnn v-117 nnnnnilin Dr. A rn.Qh'n slnuaneu ; wzuu. _ Cottage and lot nearly opposxte Dr. Ardagh'a residence. $350. A nnlnni Mn:-`1'na cfn nf Al nnv-nu nnnr I/[F I ` -J 1,. z .....a _ - ESSA.--E_ i u: .4... .., uuu part of LC? 12 111 7th Con. Esra. 1338!; acres. 100 acres cleared and free of stumps. balance well timhered. The cleared land is first-class. the buildings are large and in good repair. the larm being one of the best-in the Township. . -wl_n.~ en...-r. ne N L m an 7th arm _ 90 acres. the best-in the Townsmp. l<`LO~`.-Pa.rt.. of N i 10, in 7th con . 90 acres. about 30 acres cleared and free from stumpsmew framedwelling house, soil good, balance of lot I can be easily cleared. V A - lNT\lIHk`ll.,._T\T Lot Lot 19. and South !:of Lot be 088115 cu-area. INNISFIL.-N bot Lot 19, and South $013 Lot inT2(). the 12th Com. 100 acres each. Both ex- cellent farms. 'MwnnM'l`l4`. _`l7. 1 n4 W1 nf R~in1f}\ rms an i";g.""f` " o i NORTH ORILLIA.-Part of Lot 3 in 1stCon.. 80 ac.. 40 cleared. excellent soil, good buildings. property well watered. a rst-class farm especi- ally adapted for stock rinsing`. xrnwvv nxunux A _w. 1. nl` Inf. 1 in 92+}: an,- Very R000 {arm 3 $1100. NLot9 in 1st Uon. 100 acres good land, price $1000. I VIPQDR A _._W, Lnf 21in Rth (".nn__ nmn_IlnImr- O A_I l- RA.lSl!)K. 65 111141.; run1nn, ` . &c. Rents Collected, Oice up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. :2:-'-'*--- _, ________,-:

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