Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 Jan 1886, p. 2

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MORTGAGE.` SALE OF LAND HOUSE LEASES. -SNIPES, ETC. Carr1s1nn sG1ItA. ..`: TOLD BY RICHARD `FENTON or FRENCHAY. ? GLOUCl:`.S'1`E1i.SII1RE, ESQUIRE. ~ lII.UuA to In: \JIJvI-V1114 .~-.... JV... IIQQQ Univ '_ eate . Upon reading this the girl's rst thought was one of thanktulness. She saw at once that the yeported accident to he; _lover was but an 1_nvent1on. Ijhe probablhties were that Carrlston was a11v_e and _in his _usual health. Now that she teit certaxn ot thls, she could bear anything. Immm Hm nv nn whit-.11 she antnrn that .LJLw LIIIA-DAVQI --s \.v- V ' Wheh I asked Fenton f(`)V1:ai3: t- experi- ences 1 did not mean him to do so at such Iengtl1._v Bpt there as he has wri_tten t,_ and as writmg 18 not a. iabor of love wxthhlm, slett; if n-n VV.l.l.ul.u5 ID yvv an aw-Iva vn -vv v u .u.,......., -.,7 ` 00 I > I : hen Madeline _Rowan found the bed by the side of which she had thrown herself in an eestas of rief, untenanted. she knew in a. momen tha_ shewas the victim of a deep- laid plot. Being Ignorant of Cz1rriston s true positlon in the world she c_ould conceive no reason for the elaborate scheme which had been devxsedto lure her so many miles from her home, and make a prisoner of her. * A nriannnr aha wan Nnt nnlv was Hm could hear an uuug. ._ From the ay on which she entered that `room, to that on which we rescued her, Made- line was to `all intents and purposes as close; a. risoner in that -lonely house on tl1e hill- si e as she might have been 111 the deepest dungeon in the world. "l`h1'ea`ts, entreaties, promises of bribes availed nothing. She was not unkmdly t1'eated-that ls, suffered not absolute ill-u_sage. B00ks,n1ate1'ials for nee- dlework, ant: other little aids to while away time were supplied. But the only living creatures she saw were the women of the house who atteinlod to 1101` wants, and, on one or two 0cca.~.ions', the man whom . Ca1'1'is- ton asserted he had seen in his trance.v She had su'ered from the close coniinement, but ` had always felt _co/itain that sooneror later her lover would find _ her, and eect her de- liverance. Now that she knew he was alive she could not be nnhapp r. V T tlitl nnf nhnnuu in nu. hnr whv aha hnd \ A. LENNOX $500.. CONVEYANCERST, . etc. Money to loan. Notes discounted. Collections made. Insurances eifected. Estates` managed. Olllces over Farquharson s store, Dunlop street. Barrie. . ' 45-18 .___._.___ -I181` uuuge, uuu uuuu-1 u. punuucz UL um. A rlsoner she was. Not only was the door ockedv u 11 her but a slip ot :1 er la on the bed.` lI%ore thesewords, glop harm}; is meant you, and in dye time you will be re- leased; Ask noquestxonsg make_no foolish attemgtg to escape, and you W111 be well V Irrnn fa 5110 (fulll IIUL UU llllllillip . I did not choose to asic. her why she had felt so certain on the above mints. I wished to add no more puzzles to 1e one which, to tell the truth, exercised, even annoyed, me more than 1 care to say. But 1 did ask her if, during her incarceration," her jailer had ever laid his hand upon her. _ T | Kim fnid nm that cnmd Qhnrf. fimn nffar hm` CV(3I' uuu nus llilllu ll1.)Ull V1161`. _ b_l1e told n1e tl1at so111e short t1me_after her arrival a stran er had ga1ned`a(l1n1ttance to 1 the house. 1ilst he was there the 111an l1ad entered her room, held her arm, and threat- ened her with violence if she made any out- cry. After hearing this, It did not pursue the su ject. - ' v , _ ` Carriston and Madeline were married. at the earliest. ssible moment, and left En-y gland imme iately after the cereI_nony. A week after their de arture, by Carr1st011 s re- quest, I fonvarded he envelope found 11 on our prisoner to Mr. Ralph Carriston. itl1 it I sent a fe_w lines stating where and under what peculiar circumstances we had become gossessed of it. 1 never received any regly my communication, so, wild and impro a- ble as it seems, I am bou11d to believe that 3 Charles Carriston s sunnise was right-that Madeline was decoyed away and concealed, not from any ill-wi 1 toward herself, but w_1th a view to the "possible baneful effect wl11cl1 her mysterious disappearance nnght work upon her Iover s strange and excitable organ-. ization: a11d I r111l believe that had he not insome inexplicab e way been rmly con- vinced that she was alive and faithful to him, the plot- would have been a thorough success, and Charles Camston would have spent the rest of his da s in an asylum. Rnth Sir I`. 1m-lou_l1a a11r-nnmlml in his titln ` [U50 UL 111.5 111 '5 111 N11 usyxulu. _ . `: Both Sxr C 1ar1es-he succeeded to 1118 title ` shortly after his marria. e-a.nd Lady Cams- ton are now dead, or 1 s xould not have vent- ured to relate these things concerning them. `They had _ twelve years of happiness. If ; measured by time the period was but a short ` nnA-- hut T foal l'IY`l'-I. mt in. it thnv eninved l one-; but Ieteel sure that in it they enjo ed ` more true happiness than manypthers tin in the course ot a protracted` me. In word, thought, and deed they` were as one. She died, in Rome, of fever, and her husband, without, so far as I know, any particular complaint, simplyfollowed her. . T um: nlumvu hrmnrml xvith lnh` :innm'nRf. Uulupmuw,,1_ um. _ _, I was always honored With their sincerest friendship, and Sir Charles left me sole t1'ust-- eevand guardian: to his three sons; so there are now plenty of lives between Ralph Can'- riston and his desire. I am pleased to say that the boys, who are as dear to me as my own ch_ildren, as _yet, show no evidence of -possesslng any guts beypnd Nature. T lrnwn tlmf. mv having` made this 'sfm'v -pusscsslllg zuiy 5111.5 uU_)'Uuu. nuuilc. Ikown tlmtln hzmng made this stor public will cause {W0 sets of objectors to fa 1 equally foul of me,--the nmtiter-ot`-that prosaic man who will say that the abduction and subsequentixn risonment of Madeline Row- an was an: surd impossibility, and the scientic man like myself, who cannot, dare not believe that Charles Curriston from neither memory nor imagination, could draw ` a face, and describe )eculiurities, by which. a. certain man could e identied. I am -far. from saying there may not be 11. simple natural e_x lanatxon of the iwuzzle; but I, for one, have gm ed to lld 1.t,tso A It by saying 1 am a na1_Tator,y and nothing more. . ` nvvvvn 1n\71\ close this tale as I began` A little girl, while playing with two dragon ies accidentally l theiii. At night the girl became teverish, .and in her delirious state called out that the dragonies were dashing about before her eyes, Her parents on learning the story, were much agitated and invoked the assistance of a certain priest suppose-,d_to be. endowed with sii eriiatural powers direct tr_oi_n heaven, and ab e to drive away. all evil s irits. Foi_'_a given suiii he was willing to sub iie the 561111 of the dragon ies. He came with lii_s fo `owers, his musical in- struments and his pictures of gods; Three days and nights he bangedaway at his gongs and drums, cal_ling' _iipon _ever{qdeity in the Pantheon, while his assistan disturbed a. whole block of neighbors with their shriek- ing triinipets, toiiitoiiis and other Iinniusical coiitrivaiices. The girl got no better; the hostsof the dragon ies still pursued her. 1 `he. parents were in `despair; the priest was at his wits end, and spmred on his followers - to make greater exertions and noise. A cousin of the girl tlienheard of the mat- -4-No prizes and Sui . 0 our glv g o with every us We. _lon9t bell trade. We pr at Rock non for bargains, wruueo VVU pr er to I811 our uvercoals Rock Prices instead. no! bargains, '1`. W. Gray 6: C093. V--Teh cents 3` ed and-depoalted each day with the Barrie an & Savings Uompanv at 5 per cent mll in veyears amount to $206,- 96; ten years, $471.89. - -o -s us. And: - _. EBUNT. S'l`RA'l`HY 8c LOUNT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors in" High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, -Conveyaucers. Otces over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie --u-- o ,__ __ I'\ ha 71- 11' r* ._.-..-- 11 1! ? `I -----_. Lneniclii} 'tL'a't{'i2's7. R. Phillips & Co, intend giving 10 per cent discount for 30 days. on ordered and ready-made clothing, commencing lst_Janu , 1886. -0ve1-con . the b at chance vet, to 3:) at very ow p c ; T. W. Graydc to make greuyer extgruullu uuu uuwte. A cousm ot the glrl tl_1en.hea1'd the ter and offered his SGYVICCS, which were acs ce ted. He ordered the riesy to desist from ad incantations and ong.- eat_1n . He enter- ed the room where t e sick nrl ay, showed her two aper-cut dragon ies and gently 7 Qnm har .haf. thmr warn the nnir-its M the ing 1161' DWU .)upt_:1'-Uuu uutguu 1u\_':a_ nuu gcumy told her hat they were the s mts of the ies that were bothering her, tha he had caught them and was gomdilto bu1_'n them. He then applied the a er 011 ies to the`1ight,and inva momeli t e girl eaped up radiant with ` 'lnv vimxmd the mahm: M the mmer ies with girl, replied that luau Iriuuwiw one gnu rcupuu up ruuuuua wwu jo , viewed the ashes of the gaper ies with ea. sfaction and declared s e saw no more of them. The young man when asked to ex- plain by what mblc spell he had cured the was her imagination that causedrthe annoyance, because she . had al- wa s been told by her parents not to kill 111-! c `,`as`_`the would demand life for life and i his,` no/dou t,~ worried - her and brought on herdelirium`. V * A v - - ` `(thus-navy`-3115 4-Inn 1-uvgnnf O\lII|`7l|l` nu I-uh: In- HUI` UCIII. lulllu 1 Meanwhile the T.p`ri`est acked 11 his in- struments..rolled up thegcture of is gods gilentlyg and as sil_em;ly s le away. V DR.'BR AND IN C-ONCILUSION. BY IIUGH CONYVAY. A Story from Chin a. PAPJI THE NORTHERN%ADVAI;$};g_3E., ENNQX '8: LENNOX BARRISTERS. AT- torneys at-Law. Socitors in Chancery, Conveyancers. 8:0. 0lces-Corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets, Barrie. J. 'l`. LENNOX. - HAUGHTON LENNOX. ` TUE h 15;: With our Overc-oats ,pro__ts wo1n9t admit of Va. $2.00 Stlver Watch or twentieth purcha me. e in thin way of forcing er to sell our overcoat: Ilrlnnn Iliafnn. Ila! \./L11L J,.n4LIr LI . . Christmas eve,- and the chill air full of snowakes, that 'fa.llsoft1y,. clothing all things in a silent. shroud-like way. `The Newport-road, in Roath, a. suburb of Cardiff, was 9. sheer sheet of untrodden snow, for it fell fast; and the time was two o clock in the mornin,9;. The rough stone fronts of the pretty villas were frosted like fairy castles, the trees reared their bare branches newly begemmed by King Frost. A .1,....n.. nmll man in {rho air 41 rlnndlv` gi- `NM; 7 uegeuuucu Uy lung Juuau. A deadly chill was in the air, a deadly` si- lence on the_ earth; and" walking along, weary,.a1one, was the tall slim gure of a young girl \ -wrapped in a long fur-lined c1oak,the hood of which was drawn over her Inna-u-I u Found in a Snow-Drift. | head. vLvInu,I 1 Y,, l1Ul1.Uo ' Her fair childish face was white and set with a look of determination mingled with despair. Hers was a desperate venture, and sheknew not where it would lead. She seemed possessed by one idea, and that to get over as much ground as possible before day dawned. Unn `:l-I-In knnn `nan:-Tn klnn I'IY{+`1 Hun nnld uuy ua W ucu. Her little bare hands, blue with the eold, gathered her furs close about her; the snow "almost blinded her.. Her knees knocked to- gether; she was half perished with cold and fatigue. ' ` l\n l\\ -nn#nns-A nnfl Ivanorf-nn1! haul: fh G A. RADEN HURST. BARRISTER, AT- . torney Solicitor in Chancery, Conveyan- cer, 8w. 0 ce-First Door Soutlgof Post Otce, !i1nd 5 Block. Owen Street, Barme. 49-48 2 Lung uc. On, on, footsore and heartsick, past the pretty pleasant home-places to where the road was edged on either side by snow-1a.den_' hedges, and the everlasting hills - showed faintly afar off, crowned with the purity of the unsullied snow; the meadows stretched away` on either side smooth sheets of white. \T..LI-:...... nH.m.-`A :n Haiqall uwn_y_uu UIUHUI. D1u.\: DIILUUULI Dlnuuup vn. u unm- _ Nothing stirred in this still A niglxt-`season; all was silentand cold as the grave. ' cu.:n ...:n. ...-.1.......L...1 ..:..:4. H". nn:n` nnnoo- ` an iv IUD DAIUAAU uanu. vunu. uaa uug bsuuvwl Still, with undaunted spirit, the girl press- ed on, a re of indignant resentment burn- ing in her poor heart, her head hot with the wild excitement that had taken `her out from warmth, ease, and luxuriant living to pass the night tramping the snow to whatever destiny awaited her, since she had taken fate in her own hands, and own from what she felt to be worse than a thousand deaths. __._I__ -1... ---.... H.-.-I J...-mm. 1Jn!.. LL-.6-1-.-.-- 77 DUO LUIII UU IJU V_V ULOU unsuun un unluuacsuu uuuvuuo Truly, she was mad from 1ife s history, ah, and nearer than she knew to death s mystery. How cold it was, how hard to breathe the heavy air! The girl s chill lips parted once to give vent to an exceeding bitter cry: IIf\1\ um-unI>1\n-u' vvrvn nun nnnr `A (1nd. v\I1nvv Uzuucx vng . ` Oh, mother! you are near to God; pray ` that He may give your child peace-merci- ful peace! _ _ . Fknn Han -nu-AH 17 rlhnnln (chin fl rnnnoil nu Lul PUHUU 6 Then the pretty dimpled chin drooped on } her chest, and she staggered on. After a time she reeled. unsteadily, and her head felt dazed. She stood still a moment with her hand to her heart, then fell bac in a. A dead faint on a snow-drift. ,1 ___.|-.a -1-...... 1.-.. 4.1.- 1.....-` ucuu. lllll_U Uu It DILU Iv ' uu. lL\I The wind wailed above her, the bare`. branches of R. bonnie [oak dropping with `crystal-clear icicles hung above her like the crown of cruel King Frost. un..-.&.-....-,1 OLA nun:-Q I77 an:A o Ian:-any-non 1113 UULDU -`.|.l1J1JC\..l \.l(l1Il5\1L\.lllUlJ o - A ne Newi7ound1aud etopped as he was urging on his mad careerto'co.n1e back with a. bark of sympathy. tfV,. nhnn 1\n:-Fl nrnnrl Ann` `VA --`1n n I> UIU H 11 U1. U1 uh: .L;u-5 .5 Auuno i Confound the snow 1 saida. horseman at the Cardiff end of the Newport-road, as l his horse slipped dangerously. A Ann 'KTnuyT'nu-nlnnrl un1-urun no `IO Inna , It Uufh UL _yu1pu.uu.y. . _ _ \ Go ahead, Drift, good dog! We sha n t be home by daybreak.` On, Blanche, bon- nie one-this to his beautiful mare, with a. white star on her forehead. V m.-- ..:.a.... .-..... .. ..-\u.. 1'....1.1..... 4.-..n,..... ..a rCrCAIi:'I*`KI&Y, PEPLER ~35 'McCARTHY, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. &c.. Money to Loan. Barrie, Alliston and Gravenhurst. D AL'roxMcCAR'rI1Y,Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J. A. Mscmvrnv. D. F. MQWATT. vvuuzv Ellutl Vu stun I-\ll\lll\Ilh\ll The ride-1' was a noble-looking fellow, ot t about three-and-thirty. buttoned up to the chin in a fur-lined ulster, with a yachting cap of blue cloth on his head. He had 21 : clear-cut face,` tanned by the sun, black hair, close-cropped, a heavy moustache." and clear steel-blue eyes. L 1'1'.- --..-... .-.n..n...-"J 1Iv:"`I annuy Iunil 4n.-..n.`l Ebctruluv v_y was He was covered with snow, had tarried` too long at a club at Cardiff, and was milk- ing great speed for home, with :1 big doll i under one arm and abottleof cliei'ry-'bran(ly ` ` under the other, given to him as a Christ- } mas -box by a buxom landlady, who adored his clear boyish blue eyes, and A felt for him ` as a mother, or one who would wish to be a mother umler t and proper auspices. l n 1- A .A!-,v,_,,__1_ AL- Blanche put; her best foot forward; the dog Drift ran on ahead: the horseman whistled, He had ten thousand a year. Tiddy-folfolg the snow fell fasterynot. 8. window in all the genteel `villas afforded a. lig It. ' ` 'D.n..,... 'n,...c..1.: 1:...1.L,..1 .. 1.1.... .\:....-. v~n;a11_ ` usuuo ' Pierce Penfold lighted a black pipe, wish- ed he had another glass of whisky hot, set- tled his square chin in his collar, and gave his good black mare a ick with his whip, ' with orders to move on quick-sharp. "Wan runny] vvvnn `\t\nvvv nnrl Innnn nix!` `Ma Q`!!! VVllLI ULUUID LU IIIUVU U11 \lLl|Ul\:'DllLl}l 110 The road was heavy and long, and the sky above was dark and dreary. Pierce forgot his newly-acquired funny stories and sharp jokes, feeling desolate and (11111. A `big 1 snow-ake settlediu his pipe, spluttered, % hissed, and dumped its ame. Then came ` a hasty whisper: IN. 1...-..... u-.. ......... I 1171...; .. .mnonu'nr1m1 1 VVKI Dill-ltll. KI`) JLUKAGII IOU Q\.7$IIlJlIb i V But the mare stood still; they h'a<'i'.passed' 1 } the last public, and were on the dreary high- }road with nothing but snow about them. Drift barked lustily, and flew from the snow`-drift back to his master, and seemed to entreat him to pause. - I Dinionn 1-nlnnrl in him kn`-an nu-`A `lnrdrn a nanny vvuxoyux 9 Oh._ hang the snow! What aconfounded long road this is! On, Blanche`, my beauty, T or we shall be frozen to death 1 . _. T 1'\,,L 11---- ,,As1I_ LL _-_ I_-J .,-___.I, uu yuunuuv uuu uu ycwuclco Pierce reined in his horse, and looked where his faithful dog stood beside 9. blot on the whiteness of the snow"-bank, then ex- * claimed hoarsely: " ` ` - ` Merciful God, it is a. woman ! Hastily' dismouuting, he ' bent over the ` prostrate form. The whiteness of the earth seemed to diffuse a light about her. "in nu` `AA ncitlo I-Inil nlnnlr In (GAIL n `\l\lII'_ D\J\IIl|\J\4| UV. \lIAI.l|c`J I. JIBIIU CUKIUI-[U IIGII He pulled aside her cloak to see 9. beauti- ful white bosom bare. above a. square-cut black velvet dress, with a. cross of gems up- on it that Jews might kiss and indels adore, so beautiful was the lustre of the ` gems. so fair and pure the lovely breast they ; adoled. u-Italian: Q 1,: UI\I\lA nnvuo \ ` Merciful God, it is 9. woman, and what a. woman! I never hoped to nd such ,a pearl in a. snow-drift. Good dog, Drift! Steady, my mare! . Thank Heaven for the fair wid- ow s Christmas-box! `She is cold as ice. but she_can t be dead. That were too dreadful, poor child !- ` `EL; `I-lIlI":`If1`#`l\l` `unis `Jan... -`Il\& `nun `-cat` J T. SPROUL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of the Supreme Court`, Conveyamcer. 850. Money to Loan. Oices over Sanders Bros.. Jewellers. Dunlop Stxect Barrie. \I`lI V`III\L 0 He hastily lifted her from her icy bed, chafed. her hands and face with the soft broken snow, knocked the neck vo. the bot- tle, and poured some of `the life-giving uid down her throat. V K\I._ ___-_ _I-.__ L__.___!___ A...) L- -__J_.D._!_.I_L \l\JVVII LICK ULJLUQUO She was slow torevlve,_ and he got fright- ened for her; she was so young, so beauti- , ; ful; it was as though a Princess .Prettyface had been born for him otthe snow-drift. 1'1- L--I_ I__._ 1.. L.l..__._._ -`._-I_ _ -I!_. _11__I_L IIIIKL UUUII UUL LI LU} IILI-ll VJ.` IIIIU DIIV VV '\lL ILIIQ He tookher in his arms, such a slim slight burden. Why did she not unclose those sealed eyes? ' . Quannln I-Mn nnnvn nnnan `Inn :31, Ina! I ;;d`de`r'5;r.the snow ceased, the sky lost its black gloom, and the moon ashed out like an orient pearl that had been delayed by I pleasures in Paradise from diffusing its pale rays upon the cold earth., ' \ Iijhnf nine!" 1 An.`-uvk 4`-an .nJou19 QR:-r In LID] D II !!! V UULML was VII. What shall I do with the girl? She is evidently a lady; but why hereialone at two 9 o clock in the morning with no one to pro- tect her, pretty pet? She is very young,and I CHAPTER I. OR, _r`e"rT`y2 those tear-dimmed cheeks criterliin,` ` wish I had. not found her, yetl ninstitake her home. Whatwill Agnes 'sayftof sh:-Lfair ah addition to our household? ,V`Thi-iftAy'T`7`.s_o11_l! _ How much food will she "wai)t?"wil1fbe.her rst idea. Well, this is an advent_ure!You11g Lochinvar must have been a.Hercu1es'to have lifted his lady to the saddle-bow. Bother it all! she is not `very big, but she is a. dead weight. Steady, my borfie Blanche, steady, good lass, so, so! Ah, now we are right; Goahead, Drift; ' you have found a prize worthy of your bark- "lino-, 5.. mg." on, on they Went in the chill moonlight .til1`all_ signs of `Roath or Cardi Were left ` behind, and ihey had entered upon a purely `rustic district. A few farmhouses relieved the monotony of snow-clad hills and ice- bound hollows, and just wl1ere the road seemed dreariest; a light ashed out from the window of a large rough stone house. A man opened a gate and let his master in, wondering what he was holding in front of him. ,_:-I- T...` Y T 1113!!!! 4-'nnnr1 o tnnrnan in O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN L . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in an part of the County. _Rea.l Estate bought an sold. Conveyancing 111 all its branches. Mar- riage Licenses Issued. Oice-Over Canadian Bank of Commerce, Dunlop street. ` _ &5-ly- . nun. . . Quick, J em! I have found a woman In the snow; she may be dead. Come, Agnes, openthe door; we are famished-starved with cold. A 1...........1nAn nnnnnr` n4' +111: cin nf fhn wuu unu - Alower door opened at the side of the house; bright relight ashed out` from it, and an old "woman stood in the doorway, saying in a shrill thin voice: u1'_1'..mIol-n vnn urn Mnqfnr Pinrnpl lficq Buyrlll Lu. at DHLALA unlu vvn How late you are, Master Pierce! Miss Ally cried herself to sleep because you did not bring her big doll; so I have hung up her stocking for Santa Claus to ll. I hope you have not forgotten it; she would be so disappointed. Mercy on us, man! what have you got there? A dead woman, by all that s horrible I LL`\T_' ..-' luau". Tknnn 1 |I\" Irnln nan bun 5 uuzxuvnv 6 No, no; Agnes; I hope not. Help me. Ah, that is right, Jem. Down, Drift, good dog; your prize is safe. ' annmlu Hm nnnnnenlnna mrl wan narrinrl (log; _yuu1 11111.5 ID au?. I . . Slowly the IIIICOIISCIOIIS girl was carried into the bright stone kitchen, where shining pans and? a blazing re made the place i bright. rrm-.. 1...:.1 1.`- AA"... :.. 41... n.-mnm nn 9. ` Luiguug They laid her down in the fireglow on a rug, and Pierce Penfold knelt beside her full of anxiety. -Removing the heavy fur cloak, they found a lovely girl, attired in a dinner dress of rich black velvet, cut square at neck, with elbow-sleeves. ` She looked such a dainty lady, lying there with her fair pale face and a_xen hair gleaming in` the reglow. . ` HT ...... -4.-_..:.: ..1..,. :.. .1.....I H ....:A Acrnaa all j I am afraid she is dead, said AgI1eS._a11 a concern and kindness, touched by the ch1}d- like beauty of her face. l ve heard rubbmg the body with snow sometimes restores am- mation. Get some snow in a bucket, James. Come, Master Pierce, you had better fetch some blankets and leave her to me. All the maids are asleep. tired out. HT'\n..7L 1.". LA . 8.... ...'...-.-p ' T nlunl` nun-nl 1rn'n ll-Ilullllg IpI.I.\l $301991]. LILVLI Iltllrl Don t go too far away. I shall want you ` i to carry her to bed if she recovers. Poor 1 pretty one! what could have driven her out ` on this awful night? Suppose, sir, you ll `the warming-pan with live coals and warm i a bed for her; no time to be lost. Lord love` us! she revives already. Get out, sir, 1 ll attend to her. Pretty creature! what would her mother say to see her now? Bide still, Drift; you are always poking your nose in- to other people s business. ` fhn Air] Inrlwv n`\nfnt1 fl\n Innnluv Hr:-H15 1'lV;+`1 LU Uuucl. ycupui D Uuaun;/coo The old lady chafed the lovely limbs with ` snow till they glowed with rosy life, then she pulled awry the wee wraps, covered the A -beautiful form, and went otf to her bed- chamber. Where folded under her pillow was a nightdress frilled with wide frills and a. huge niglltcap to match; These she suc- ceeded in putting upon the pretty stranger before the steel-blue eyes unclosed. f'l'Vl..A.. n`\A 1\az\nn1\"\not onnunh -"inn `A u-3n1r IJVLULU vuo DbU\,JL'I.uuG U. U0 {AL-l\4L\I~J\.\|o j Then she gave her warm wine to drink, d forbade her to talk, and after covering her with a hot blanket, went to call Master Pierce, who came in divested of his outdoor garments, blowing his ngers, which he had. succeeded in burning beautifully with the warming-pan. `L`nII)\...:n. L.u nnunn (I l>:u\1v \nl1n unknrl R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. 01ce-Bothwell s Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, Ontar 0. ` ~ 51-ly V! (In AlIllI51JuAAo Following him came atviny white-robed form, crying: HT)na-xn :'lr'xQ-an I-xni-un Jnnu A~I`:r hon ? clonn LUA Ill, Ll] IIIE, 3 Papa. dear, papa dear, Al_lycan t sleep till you cossetvllerin your arms. HY\...-.4 41... nhild I93 .-nI.l nI.`I A nuns up-..` v`v~_ |.LAn Jvu vuuuvu nnun nun Jvtnn n~:.n-nu` Drat the child! said old Agnes 11ct!`.!:-T ; kindly; she s always awake when we want * her asleep. V \ |t{\l\ 1v\r\I'\n CIv|\n" n Pnuusxur `fIl'1\'! WIIDTII ` JICL (lrD1CU1Jc _A 0h,_papa., whata funny lady`; Where did you find her? T ~ T on .-.......'. rl..ICL ,1n-J3nn; r`nn-un `AF ~n1n uxu. J uu ullu Jlbl - In a snow-drift, (Iar1i11si._ Come, let me ` carry you to bed, you will takv, cold. 65T)uJ- "`-\l\ n`\;'(` .lr.1I*v\ "KT-`nafnvv 131111-no nlonenv \. JUL: DU |J\.\|` _yuu Iv Ill nun-V uunxu L .Put the child doWn,'Maste1' Pierce, please, ` I and carry this poor cre_ature up to bed while 1 l she is warm. , ` 1111-- _,L- i.-- l'..:..LA,1 -......2-. . LI. (2.... III `>I\r\ ` LIILIUIL LU]. 110.10 Sit up in nurse s - chair, dearie, While papa takes the lady up-stairs. That's my own good girl;nurse will give her an orange if_sl1e will sit still till papa comes_ back. 1::-..'.... L....1. M... L......4:#..l -Pam `In G Ida DIIU ID `V (IL ILIO `.`Se_e, she has fainted again; the re is too _ much for her. un:A_ -__ -.. _.._-._._9.. ..1...:.. .3.\..-!.-. ...a.L21.s l.l._auU "ALL DID DUIIL L111 pulru uunuuu us. ug Pierce took the beautiful form up in his strong arms; the soft perfume of her hair camejust under his nose, her pale cheek was warmed by his breath. He carried her up the wide oak staircase into a pretty room, and laid her on asweet white bed smelling of lavender. "til. _ -,_ __.-,J l-.'... ..--..... _..-I._ 1.2.! 1-..- J-__... DIIIULIALA5 UL Au I vu\.I.vL I V She opened her eyes as `he laid her. down, and the big blue eyes looked up amazed in- lto his haiidsome face. Her childish face looked so curious in the big white nightcap ; ` that he was bound to smile--such a. sweet * ; kind smile that, seeing. it, the girl took com- ` fort. nestled amid her pillows, and fell I asleep, - . QQQQQS uuxnnv-nil nub T CHAPTER II. When she wakes in "the morning, Agnes, ; do not question her, leave her to tell her ` story at her own time. Onlynmke her feel welcome here; - remember it is Christmas- time. when He,who \\ .ts the Spirit of Chari- ty, was born amongst us. The girl has 8. "good sweet face, `and is habited like a lady. Let t1_1at_sutlice; let her understand we see no wrong in her; and she will then trustus. NI`|.\...n A II" 9 `Iun nnhl I-A I-Ian ALB.) ulna. IIU V1 Lvua an Anya. unnu uuv ":51 vuuu xx GU lloo . Come,VAlly, he said to the child, let; Vme Wrap you in this, and take you to bed. 3 You puss, it is almost what you call `morn- mg time: " ` fl`!-.n nlhl nllnwn hnr fnthnr in nvrnn hnr I115 hunt. The child allowed her father to wrap her % ; up snugly, but _protested against going to j bed directly mmute. LVL- .-no-i nnl aka (3031: one` nvnnl-A41 an...` ucu uu CUDAJ nuunuuuo She was` cold, she; sajd, and wanted some % negus and mince-p1Ae hke Agnes had got for A n.-I an ncmnl aha had her nwn man and aseusual she had her owh way, and sat on the rug by Drift s side till she fell fast asleep, her pretty dark head cradled on his warm. coat. 1 nu._._ _...u.|. - -L....._.. ..--.I _!...LA. ~ni-._-- '1 (IL ll-_I VVGIVO Then with a cheery good-night, Pierce picked her up and carried her to her little bed. As he laid her down she whispered i aInnp\c'-03!`!-v 0 usvvvung - . Papa, will Santa Claus bring the pretty Indy 9. present to put in her stocking? See vrshe hangslt out-I_ have mine. Kiss me % good-night. fl`)... .l....I.. I....L.._ _..--._L u_- _._-__ -1_--1'- "'i~i:'2,".'a?.`i'-1'2 lashes swept the rosy cheek, {India a second the dear little one slept and dreamt of benecent Christmas fairies, Iiine gifts, and Christmas cheer. 1311...... 0-I........x.4. ..a 1. .. --.......1.. 1111.... -1. ....1.: uuv 5u.w, auu vux Layman uucvh : Pierce thought other words. Why should . not the poor outcast be remembered kindly T by him? ' - '13.. ..:-1;..1 - Lu. -5 1._~n_ -11 _.,.1_1._L-___2-_ UV Uun. nun ua gun. nu V max- , mom; on good freeholdosecurity at lowest rates of mterest. No principal money uired until end of the term. STRATHY 86 If LT, Sohcitors, &c.. Barrie. Scottish character ST. ANDREWS SO-` curry, Barrie;_ Meet-T ings. The regular month-` ly meetings of this Society will `be held onthe even- ing of the Fourth Tuesda in each month at 8 demo in `Bothwellfs Hall, Dun- lop street. After the regu- lar business has been transacted at each meet- ing an entertamment of 3 W1 1 be Drovided. Next ESDAY EVENING. 26TH JANUARY, hers and their lady frxends are ` meeting TU All mem 1886. requested to attend. J orm Fonssrrnt _ r""11"6 `gicked a bit of holly, all ruddy berries, and hastily going to the best parlor. he pick- ed his only ower, a Christmas-rose grow- ln a.-terra-cotta pot, painted with swallows i and wild roses. "V1.2- L- |_-____.1 4-_.-n.__, _ ,-u , - . Inuu vvuu. {U503- .This he bound together with a piece of cord, and sat down to write a Christmas- card.~'. - -. - ll.1`I'fI_ _-, _--_: Q , cc` A a an :`\ he you wake on will nd yourself ' among friands who 0 not want to question your past, b11ton_1y wish to help and 5119- . 001'. on. God bless you and restore you to Thapp ness, is the sincere praym-of your true friend,` _. _ PIERCE PE.\'F()I.D. When `Dorothy woke next n1o1'ninLr, the _Christmas be11s`were r1ng1ng1nvrr11_\-, the frosty sunlight shone in, and Sh()\\'(`4l11I1 old -fashioned room, exqgisitely (-].*:1n and neat, with a look of comtort and ln:_n:1`-lixxm about it. - L!_-__ L_LI_ 1.-.! L... I..-,1 E1 CiK`I\I Ll IUD Onatiny table by her bedside :*~t,m1 a "piece of shining holly and ti Clxristlnus m_.., in a glass, beneath which lay a- C111-1 card, pxfettily painted, and upon it the mag. suring words Pierce had written the night before. nu 2112-1. I-__..I..A..._ ....`.....ln.] 2.. Al... I, :- D11 uuLUL UL vlumunuu A.\z\. no 4 Dorothy sat up in bed hastily, and czxxxzm sight of herself in the glass ])211),`lnf mg. wardrobe, and for all her sorrow Izmzhc;-ii outright at the queer gure she cut in` QM Agnes s nightcap} and much befrill-:11 1)..-_-.1. .l.lUl. sullwlvuu IA uu uvnnuu ....4 van She took` the "owers tend_er1 y, zml 1-end the kind wordswritten on the card. run, ._ _'|__ __..L:...] 1...... l\l\`!\ ....L .-.._ -_ 1 5U Wu. Her head was a little dizzy, and her limb; ached, but otherwise she felt little the wm-`.3 for thatfall in the snow-drift, which mug have proved fatal but for the time: y he: 1, of .her generous host and his dog. L`!-.1-\`l'|1-\`v+I'It\ nurnra fnnrlnv-In n-ml ...,1 [MIG nnuu vvvnuo vvnnuvvng v;; vuv vnu u. Then she untied her cap, sat up. and rum bed her eyes. nu... ................ A4` (4..-. -n:nd.+ kr.Pm.,. AL o UUU. ILUI. U) 050 The memory of the night before at n; was dim and indistinct, then it gained f.r.f.3 and c1e_arness, and stood vividly out b<~fr,;-,3 her,_.dyeing her cheeks with shamed mm.- nun ULVLD I .-/1 1u1`gu`u.muuuu U1. uvuw uunun to lend on straight loans, at owcst rates. 16 MCCARTHY. PEPLER 8.: MCCARTHY. DUI]. She was still regarding the card with mat ful tear-dimmed eyes, whn a knock -.u_ to the door, and in replyto her tix11i in, little Ally, in all the glory of c1'im.~.o sash and stockings, and white Citafllllcg dress, ew in,` her arms full of toys. A ...u.-.,. Fnllnnvn hnr `rind nltl f`-::.:. I. ` UlUD, LLCVV Ill, Ll\.1l. usluu .I.un- vn. uuJ.:. Agnes followed, her kind old fucc {h with cooking breakfast. LVI... ..n....,uI n 4-nv nruvnv-(.11 unit]. I\ UV IUL Va Childish laughter sounded in the mu (uni the patter of childish feet. 'I\n..n&I\v uni nu In hot` Hncvfiln nu`/I v gland. {VII/IL \1\I.Ulx_AJ.I6 IlLvusnaa.u.~u~v She carried a tray covered with :1 cloth, on which was a cup of 1"m:_r;-;. fresh eggs, and a. tempting lcivln.-y, 3 it down beside the bedwithth:hw::1'z men~y Christmas to you 1 so mu` 1% T,HHn AH1r r-HInT.,.J an./.-. I . I. Sllllllli - Little Allv climb. showed her Christ1n;L.~, pretty way: ' HTn nu-n nllru-Yn;1,-`I `LI 1. Llahvau, nu ;. sun yul-u .1 .; Iv\ - L 1,.` __ -1 With a kind nod, after. putting duwli ti; tray, old Agnes brought in the girl's Clolhoa; and left her master s;guest to the ent<,-rtni: ment of his little daughter, who \\ ;x.s (ii posed to be very friendly. A Where is your mamma, dear 1it1lo.5\ 31;. . Gone away for always, in a lnystciix ' whisper. ' V ` Has she gone to God, dear`? Is she (1--ml; I don t know. But once papa suisl >1 wasworse than (lead. What did he Im,-11:). I cannot tell you, dear. Some day will explain, perhaps. 1\....A4I... ..c,. nnrvun `\u1\n`v"nb`- nv11` ,1..,...- }.u.UI.u_y nu; . . We are all glad to have you `m-1-.--. says you are a Christmas g1u+ um] our Savi0r s birthday en-r_mne is v for his sake. Eat your bI`t;l}fiL1~1f, u: down quick-slxarp; papa is wuitin: you.. ~ : H A nnha lint: irnnhrl vnnr nYnH1r-c cu JUN. . - ` Agnes has ironed your clothes mu 1 has putvthem outside all clean and i'Why did you come so late? L61 nnrvun nvhnn v-nnr 1. iIulnnnn}.r..n ` 11 1| unu Jvu buluu uu -uv\.- ` . I came when your kind papa bran i What is your name, little one, and are you? \ an M... 42.... ..`.\..a. :\:..n..1.... `Ir... ` AU Jvkno ` "I am ve next birthday. `Myqrmme Ally Penfold, and I am papa s swe-wt In;-9 `ITlI\ n 17:11:` nntl nffnr rutffihrr ;l..n.. o .11]. cent. do .1. D1`. Barrie. Barrie. 1st Oct. , 1885. V1111 tuxylttlll, LIL/I Anulr-Jo V Dorothy ate some breakfast, and are hurriedly,-watched a11.the time by the chi bright eyes. l`lTl.,\.. "LA .`..L A ...,_LL.. \.1....1- .1... .3... W... L , When she} put on her pretty black dre.<~, that` Agnes had freshenexl up so clcw-r'.3: i she stood perplexed `by her slmrt slam-\'c:. and bare breast. Just then a knock came 1; the door; and old Agnes entered with :41 white lace chu on her arm, and a pair CIIA crimson mittens in her hand. uh , - 1,, 1 - 2, #411 .__-1 . _ _ A . .. I.|Ll\n vacuum 3 Nonsense, child; I am on1y too p`.c:1~ to see you able toget up. I Vf0:m>d m would be ill. Come down, it is very c.-& and there is'a. nice re in the paljlor." T\nnlls..' 'lnA1-n.-`I Iv:\\CIF ruI1n:I1O -\I\4l an-Ldlv -. . VLIAALJULJ I-ILILUULID ILA ILL/L l1LL|l\ll ` See here, my dear;' this will make you dressmore suitable, and here is a piece annel to fix across your chest. ` ` 4AA}- O`~.r\ n.:.. Iva ....-n lnr..lh- --u- A115 . How good you are to me! I shall _x1c-xv forget your kindness. T "V The old woman patted her cheek 1;im`.'.; and said: A u\1- I-1-I v ` u . 3,. .....\, .. .. ...w ...- ...., 1rg.|,|l\lll Dorothy looked very quaint and p1'etty, with timid step and .do\\fn-drop.pcd eyes. entered the handsome sitting-x"oom hoid AlIy s hand. T Ir- n....':..1,1 $1.--. ,1,...... 1.:~1mA1- . Aauualwb Ir\J 11.1 uvbvao Jvun \.nn\.u;- Dorothy took the things gratefully, ing: HIJ'.\... Isl/'\t\t` vvn-n nann `A ~nnn' T 1~1\n1l -`LII, D LIIIIIKIO M-1. Penfold threw down his book, 9.: came f_orward to meet her, his 11.111115: ;. face full of genuine admiration. at the pi ty picture she made, with his gift piiiiiu-i : her throat among the snowy folds of i: . that crossed so daintily over lic1'p1`ctt_vh:; ALT ....__..L M` --..._ 1....-- .1..I:._I.A...`l 1 4.-\ 4 nunuv \.;uuu\a\A uv \.IlI|A||,nnJ v v\.; 4.\.A .u\,L\_v I cannot tell you how delig11tm1 1 11.111` seeyou are able to come down. Sit 11011? the re. What is your 11211110, c11'1ld'. 31.; is Pierce-Penfold. tVI_-I,_1,,1I,I-,II AI Au ;._ nun vv A \./u;.\.u\.u Sl1elooked`b1an1;1y up at him a `mama Then as her eyes wandered :1\\':1_\"u : snow-clad hills she faltered out f;\intl_\ : 1111-0 o U319! '.l'U MENU UN ICIMAL Lb l'11'1.l`4 A1 Six per cent. interest. LENNOX 8:. LEN- NOX. Sohcitors. Barrie. A .. uuuvv vLn\n nnnnnu unnv &lIlh\Jl\\I \r\||. lltllntn - . Mine is Dorothy Snow, and I am V very grateful to you for your tim01_\' I. Had you not found me I .-l1uu1lbv 1) dead now-frozen to death in the. s:; drift. A My dear young lady, my old }l1(\Hl<'rl. to say: `God is always in one pl-.100. matter where his W:ln(1\`l'CX`S St1`;\_\'. guided me to you lalst nizrht, and '11 is :1; happiness'to me to think that I. m Heaven, was allowed to help you. Lu-x give you :1 glass of wine, and pmmi. that you will cons`ud\-r me a friend. H1 AL kn onnnu hnhvnnn 1:: nc `. u-\ . uuua JUU I! At: xuun \|\ A Let there be silence betwceu us as in that concerns you till Twelfth Night, \\'. I will meet you here, in this room, to In the ho1ly;until then you are my hon:-1 guest; after then, p:`_1`l\ilpS, you will M be your true friend. Now, Miss Snow, ho: a merry Christmas to you. Slizxko hum! GI... 1...I.-1 ....L L-.. I......1 .......L....I1... u.~ ti l_ll\JlL_ \./Ilsluvnnlllu I.v J vuo D.Iun.u\r A - \ ~ - - * " She held out her lmndi grutefullv; as 1.x` pressedit he noticed she worea _:unt':c~ man s ring, a costly jewel engraved \\'l:il :1 masonic emblem. He raised her hand :u=.d `looked at it eagerly, saying: This ring was given to you by a `In -1 ..-..!0H -ll-Il LIAJ5 VYIEO 5lI\1ll l.\I J\l\l L ; \w son ? Yes, a. knight templar-my father." Then, my dear, you are twice wclconn`. noo for your own sake. and once for yn'..': father's, since he was a. brother `mason. " He is dead, or I shogld not be here. Tears dimmed the innocent blue eyes, anal ; the sensitive lips quivered grievous] y. Ally changed the subject, saying: _ Did you hear the waits last night, I\I1~:s Snow? I did. V ~n____u__ _1.--.:|.:I.......:| ..-..1 ......, with anew? 1. ma." . , Dorothy shuddered, and remembered with 3 pain that she heard them, singing of peace and-good-will while she was the centre 02 3 ,_sc en_`e of strife. But she said nothing ofth1S. only lifted the child to her knee, and mllced to her of Christmas~time when she was :1 happy child. 1::,.......'-t....1,...a ,...a- An um an.-Lhmuui mrth nappy Uuuu. Piercolooked out on the ice-bound earth ` a llttle sadly. It was long since he had soon hls child cradled in the arms of a gentl0_` oman. Somehow the sight of those_ two I-'1 _ the big armchadii-,. lled a void in ms lxeqrf "and home, and The wondered vavuely 1?` `what purpose this lovely girl luul lmn ` ` i ` th [7 -thr'O'n- in h In (Tami-nnIA1!,1 -Bought at.` week, and to be 1 perfect Fitting < At Dn- .15 DEC [To be Continued] E antlary 7, 1886. aughter price.-s _ ' btdlaughtea 1 ' 'l`. nnnin- JOSEPH ROGERS, CONVEYAN OER. COM_- missioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, l<`u.rmv Stock, Household Furniture, Goods. VVures, scc. Also for the collection of Rents, Notes and Accounts. t 0ice--l-Yolice Court. Barrie. ' I41 I ; \.IV`- Id Cu Ow c-I ', hen- lzlnds. I Tm 11; ` the call lit. uni 6-asi '_l`h(-, ho OHN MACKAY. AUCTIONEER, COMMIS- .sioner. Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses under the new Act. Moneyto Loan at Moderate Interest. Creemore. Ont. 61y ` us` Hlml tic tl.1_ hon trm Sh lixxg lim ,1df see :1 yotj A1 % .11"5-`A than` th; ithc av. - uvu s.'- __V. GEORGE Romans. 110?, and ing. '3sm s`v{r}{SffZ6 d ?r`161iiiE'i~761?rEi'1fn County of Simcoe. Terms reasonable. Office at my Store.Craighurst. ` 46-ly ENNEDY, GAVILLER &.l10LL.AND,` Architects, P. L. Surve ors. Valuhtors, &.o. Plans and specications or buildings pre- nnrnd. Town and Villmrn nut Wu rm ecu. 1 1U4LlU uuu upucllluuuuuu LUl' Ulllllllllg pI'C` Pared. Town and Village Lots laid out. Farm inescarcfull ' located. Timber limits examin- ed, &_c.. &c. oronto Ofr:e-4 Mall Buildings. Barme O1ce-McCa.rthy s Block- Collingwood 0'lce--L0ng's Block. - Tuos. KENNEDY. l\IAURICE GAVILLER. `V 1' Ifnrv Axvn ' R1 `17 VV JVLU V 1.1 .lLl`J, 1). 11. DULi,V ILIUIV AL` I) A. Real Estate Ageut,_ Calgary, N. W. T. Corrmapondence-solicited wxth regard to invest~ mente in Province of Alberta. N.W. 1`.' A. W. MoV1 1`l`IE. Address Calgary, via Benton, Montana U.S. - . ._.... ..___..___.. .. s. JOHNSON, BARBIE, IMPORT:E1'%,0F` . and Dealer in Cools of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime, Cements of all kinds, Fire Bricks an Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this Lime is better than that of any other kind. and the `nish superior. O1ce-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. ARRIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE 8; BOILER WORK8.--H. Smwmcv, Manufacturer of every dscription of Engines, Boilers.` Saw Mill. Grist Mill, Shingle. Lam, and Wood- working Machinery. ARRIE PLANING MILL.--GEO. BALL, Carpenter and Builder. and Manufacturer of Doors Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. 850. Plan- ing of ail kinds done promptly and satisfac- tonlv. Faotorv. Johnatreet. Barrie. ~ ` iiNG,-LERK co{JN'rY or sm- . con. will be at his ofce at the Court House. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence and P.0. Cookstown. 'ENNOX LENNOX Banmsws. AT- ] fnvw{nI1anf_T.nu7 Qnfinitnv-I in r3hR.'I'Il`.P.l`V. A BENNETT .DENTIB1`. ' o 8. rrie, Ont:'..O oe,'Sa.nders' Block. osibe- new Poet. Oice. Visits sdale and Waverley the first Wednesday at every month. Wye-` bridge and Midland, the next1da.y1Thured`ay)' Penetang the following day (Friday). Vitalize Air for painless extractimr a. anenialtv. my renetangnne Iouowlng 1ayA(Frida painless extracting gt spec: **}` . R. J. L. G. McCARTHY -OFFICE AND. V Residence on the Westxside of John St`... immediately opposite Mr. Geo. Ball's Planing and Sash Factorv. - L THE QUEEN'S VHO'1`EL.--VA. W. BROWN. Proprietor. Excegent aqgqmrpodatign tor` u: hunn.1u...... ....1.u - E _ifU1w'H1soN. BAR1` ISTERS, Gnlinnv-a Fnnvnxrnnnprn X.'r'._ OUBV to ROGERS 8:. GREER S GENERAL AGEN CY , in the town of Barrie, for the eollectlon or Chattel Mort ages, Rents, Debts. etc. We are alsq prepare to unglertake General Detective Business for Legal Flrms. Merch_ants and others at moderate rates. Oice : Pohce Court, Bar- rie. P.0. Box 222. 127-- IV ruilvlfl I 111131 QUEEN'S HOTEL.--A. BROWN, J. Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for the travelling p blio. `Bar and larder we11aup- allgdhggth -t e goat. Good stabling and atten- ` t _ _ tom all tr ns. Few doors west or Mar- rt ) tlers. Lug age of guestejconveyed free on Dunlop street. Nn SURYEYORST_ 7 ENNEDY, GAVILLER & .'I{OLIQ.;L\I>i)`, Av-nhif.nnf.n D T. Rn:-vnvnrn Vn.111 h.tnrn VONEY TO LOAN.-$`250.000 at 6 and 0; per cent. J. '1`. SPROUL, Solicitor, Vet'.c., u I`l""lIl l_0NI-CY. TO LEND ON ESTATE AT Qiv nnu nnnf in! nv-nut 1.1(`.\:'KTr|X' RV I.1~(`.\Y- ONEY.-A large amount of rivutc funds tn lam-1 nn nhvnmhr. lnnnq, at nwnnt. rntnn. IOSEPH ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTABLE. - County of Sixncoe. 01ce-:-Police Court, &1:rie- [ W.` McV1TTI'F.;,'4D.` L. SURVEYOR A - Real I4`.nr.n.fp (`3n_ln`n.rv N_VV. D3 'l`_ T. LITTLE, M.D., C.M... _. f`.h1'rn ? scn_:m.A'NnoUs.1` -._...___. _AU_C'l`IONEEllS, ET(_3._ O HENRY. APPRAISER & BILL POSTER. . &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. Olce up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. U, _ ES_._; _1![A ' IN OUR HANDS FOR INVEST- rnnnf nu nnnrl fnnhnl nnnliritv 3 FUUUJS. ' mm . W. J _._HoLLAND. j1_-1 ?NAN-C_IAL:_ 1-nY. s51iEANsL.' `LEGAL. _9_gIr1c1Al.. HOTELS. H. V BENNETT ".DENTIS1`. . kBarrie, Ont:'.. .061; Sanders n , nnnnnitn nan: Dani rnmn- A. ..n u ,L-_-`Lag. Fonsirwn; Rnnrn U.1\Cl... Churchill. Ont, ' 35 WM. Ghana. 5 x Tn, Secretary 41-tnf A113.-u -.-31:15 DHIIZUC THENOBTHEBN Anvnuct --s1':AM-; {PRINTING HOUSE, numnr ST.. Mame, HAS U NR! VALLED FAOILITI E8 MUSIC LESSON S. V-Miss Mockridge will re- ceivq a. hmited number or {nusio pupils, vocal and lnstrumental. For as to terms. time of lessons, _etc.. apply at No. .3 Russell Terrace. 41-15 PROMPT AND nsmut zxtcunou _ --OF OBDERSOF AVLL CLASSES 0F- lnnnmmnn PRINTING. @*I respectfully solicit aniopportunity 1 to furnish estimates, for all kinds of work in all the s`tyles .of printing, such 1 CARDS: ---.-:-- w__-' - _.____,- RECEIPTS, % CHECKS, ORDER& ENVELOPES. A full line at a_l1_prices. 'NoTE HEADINGs,' LETTER HEADINGS, % I MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS AMEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, % ORDERS OF DANCE, MENU CARDS, LABELS. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, % POSTERS-1 lain and Ornamental. DODGERS, FLYERS, AT TORONTO PRICES. HEWSON 8; CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS. Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature ot Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conveg-T 1, - ancers. &c. Money to Loan. 01ces-Bo wel1 s Block, opposxte N. 8: N. VV. Ry. Station, ' Barrie. C_. Eflmwsox. A. E. H; CRESWICKE. DEEDS, MORTGAGES,` f CHATTEL MOQGAGES, D QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE; AGREEMENTS OF A `EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, E STATUTORY L_EASES.- FARM LEASES, RENEWALS `OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF % ` ` ASSIGNMENTS OF % CHATTEL MORTGAGE. 1 ABSTRACTS. OF TITLE, ETC. DIVISION COURT BLANKS, } MAGISTRPATES BLANKS, HSURROGATEV COURT BLANKS, GQNSTABLES BLANKS. Blank `Forms of any kind printed to order. - ` V T ` T T - IPOGKET nnasetoav 2 _cm.m}Tv or sumcgg, ' -jA.j `ping: -v v v--- - --. v----vv-I ' QFO_'.B'.1885, % Published by the P1-oprietlor, S. Wesley, Barrie; ~Oo`pis 25 centa"at the office; or sent by mail, postpaid, onf1'ec`ei1 ) .t of that sum. `I `A M h . U laltdldlh va. .l.\I\1oIvv, gm--- W. LoUN:1~._Q.C,_,_}I_.H. STR;l`HY, G. W. LOUNT. 5. xsmikiiokrnnx Anirmcn A A Is th` Bait Offs` Dollar Weekly Published :'L3;L'~37~'n`_.__- _1; L; at . ;.u uuv vqwu vuv yvsnux vv GOAL, 1: UULIBLIUQ , a3;'g,gmyos Simco`e; and has 1 kn` sbhe:la1_'gest` cirouldtion. ` S. WESLEY, Pub1is]1er and Pmptor J UD%1IALJD$'131*iIT A B L AN K FOR MS STATEMENTS, ` BILL HEADS, T NOTE OIRC ULARS,_ LETTER CIRCULARS. A.-no-`-gnu Alway kept i stdck --.-or 1'nn-Q - A full line of -ron EARN 5: _1V1_Uuun1:su1V, nnxu Josmno. Solicitors, Uonvcyuncers. &c. oney to Loan. 0fce-Ovcx' D. J. Murchison s Store. Market Street. Ha rrie. Branch 0ti1ce--Potter s Block. 'l`ottenha.n_1. Euwmw J. Hana v. D. C. Muncmsox.

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