Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 31 Dec 1885, p. 4

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New Story, We shall commence a new story in our next celled A Winter Night or found in in Snow Drift. This story will be found deeply interesting to our readers, and our eiforts to furnish a pure and healthy litera- ture will no doubt be appreciated. Now is the time to subscribe. ` .W EST END ` BOOKSTORE. The -c1'0'Wded. S.'fd.te of .0111` Store since we commenced our Punvxs Enos. STRONG & DO :J.. STILL GOING ON. JOHN WATSON. FOR SALE.-LO'I` 6, CON. 8, VESPRA. zw acres, well timbered. within half a mile of Pilwy station. There is a. house and some im rovement upon the t . AI 0 West bag of the East half of loFt`:r1(\)7I))fni0 .r Con.S10,` Yes- Dra. consisting of 60 acres, twenty cleared. A never failing stream runs through the prope1`t>"- Terms easy. Within a mile of churches` sttigcff _IJ03t oiee. &c. JOHN KENT. Minesmg. ,,_ ....l> _A.KE NOTICE. -.'I`hat the Fleurvlnlpsv" Shop kept by Joseph Steele. in BarnC._ be open on Thursdays and Saturdaysodu the winter months. - 4- SALE.-LOT 6, CON. 8_, VESPR.-`\_. '-'0? - 0 n v-1nuvnlnO~u'nn VI`!-nova in n }\n'I`InA nnd The year that is gone has in a many I re- spects been a memorable one, and vol- umes would be required to record the events which it has unfolded. -Wars and revolts, great political changes, national land grabbing, jealousies among nations i and dishonest diplomacy. Unrest of. the masses, and the defeat of governments have been a marked- feature of the year. Storms and tempests, oods and earth- quakes, epidemics and res have rapidly succeeded one another as the days and 'months rolled" on. Success and failure have alternated in many a life history, hopes deferred and unrealized,- bright prospects have faded away and millions could truthfully endorse the preacher s expression "this also is vanity.r The world has also progressed in spite of fai1- - urea and disappointments. Inventions and scientic discoveries form a portion of the year s record, and devices for saving; labor and lessening the cost of production of things of necessity and luxury, have been a Inarked feature. ` - K "v I .A.K1c J y. . -. That the Fleurv Irnp_Icm0p] 1 SI) ' M -nn2p..e.I, .E,2{;I39Dh Bax-me. w V9 and Saturdays during ` \1U.lLV Leave Hamilton at Arrive at Barrie. a. nu` v.-.- -.v ___ Leave Barrie at: 7:67 a.m.. 4.47!p.II7 Arrive at Hamilton 11.40 a.m.. 9.?0D.l1J ` Trina leave Barrie for Toronto at 7.30 a.m- 10.27 a..m. and 4.47 11.111. . ______._--4 -I.-\lIeJ-Q\ll.L$L JJLU4Ll`\ .IL""\.J\ILA`\I AVLILI. I 11. Leave Barrie, 11.35 a..m., 3.40 p.m. 8,40 p.11`. Arrive at Orillia. 12.20 p.m., 5.20 p.m.. 9.25 p.n; Arr.atGra.venhurst,1.35 p.m.. 7.00 p.m.----- . GOING SOAUTH. Leave Gravenhurst.----- 6.503. m., 2.45 pm Leaveox-i1lia.,- 6.20 a..m., S.35a..m., 3.68 p.m ArriveatBarrie,- 7.05 a.m.. 9.50a.m..4.45 p,m `TI\T\l'II`I'I rVI'IIl`l\f\I:V l`1I\T\Vl'1 \Vf\I')Vn1]' . NORTHERN RAILWAY GOING NORTH. l.avvc Lo1_`onto, 8.10 a;m., 12.00 a..m., 5.- Ar at Barrie, 11.33 21,111., 3237 p.n1.. 5. : Ar at Col1inszwood1_2.40 p.m.. 5.50 p.m, EL. rlrnxvn cnvrmxr ~m-._m. , ,,, ,_, - V . ....... _--.-v rs..." v.uv yulu, ... .v , .- (}o1-d SOUTH. For Toronto. Leave Collingwood 6.05a.m.. 8 30 21.111. :`..;`.:. p.: Leave Barrie. 7.30 a.m.. 10.27 a`.m.. `I. 1.` 1).! Arrive at Toronto. 10.95 -a.m., 2.05 p.m., 7.55 DJ 1 MUSKOKA'BRANCH--GClN G NO RTII. I'_-__- I-I_,, n -- .._ n....nnv\I-IlJ.lllLl.lIJ' I-vv u-gug, V . '4-.. NORTH is1Mcom-Go1xEV'6ii"fii. LoaveBa'1-rie at 11.04 a.m.. 8.25 11.111 Arrive atPenet.anguishene.1.35 p.m,. 11.00 p.m GOING SOUTH. ` o - n1n_.-... \lQA1\n -av`--- Leave Penetanguishene at 6.15 9..m., t Ar:-lveat Barrie 8.40 a..m. . 4` _ 1-: LI : 4`I.\1}-I). I'I\ lDl\7.\o _C8.rdWell Junction.-G0i_ng .\'0x'th-- E? 6.30 p.m. Going South'-9.07 u.m.; U.Iu; C. V. R. I)l\'I_SIO.\'. I Inglewood Junction.---Going .\'o.-rh Iv` 6.29 p.m. Going South 'J.`. 3u111.:t3.1T 1. ' -1-r9----u---__..__.-. THE NORTHERNj*A%DVA`NGE;"` AA- n-1.- gnaw--______n-___-._._ F VV . A V 1 Barrie. Sept` 1,'1S_85. .1110 From the \Vest.-Limitcd' Express. *. A 3 . Atlantic Express , `.0. . .' J H: -z 8.15 pm`; MixedS1i).2()I'p m . lontu :1 l.\_ 1 RI`. T.nn: Wvnnnmu .'...:o,\,J r.*...~..,\...< 1r . 0.10 p.m.; .Lvuxe(1 ILZU. . St. Louis Ex ress, Limited Ixpro.~2s, )1 1 Express and acic l~j.\`p1'es;~`, xnluxkcd daily including Sunday. __Af,,, x .1141: V I l.Vl`. ' (A11 trains unless othcrwisw spvvin .3 and depart from Union station, '1 o1'mm~ DEI ARTL'RES.--Gm'ng West. St. I_..~.: ress at *8.10 a.m.; I u.ci_c E.\'p1'css, 1.1 xpress, 4.1.3 p.m. Going'Limited Express. 5` 27 Mixed (foravclock a.ndint0rxm-r1im*.;u 4.25 p.m.; Montreal Express. '8.u0 p.m; ARRIVALS-Fi`0m the East-St.< F` 1 *8.30 a.m.; Mixed (from Ha.\`e1ock mm in: diate stauons), 11 50 a.m;; Toronto Ex; x---- ml BANADjAl[ PACIFIC mu ONTARIO onvzsidr; '1'. G. Axnn. m\'xs1o.\`. GOINVG; NORTH. Faun! Vlnnl aav. - _ .- GOING souwif. : ..-_ I An 8 Page. 48 Column Newspaef. In Published from the~0loe. 1)un1gp' street; Barrie. in the County of Simcoe; the Pro- vince of Ontario. Canada. every V day morning. by 1\_IAI\` I xxr. ` -possil IV I D. 7.00 a..m.. 11.33 a..m.. =0ss/ure `BITIU. \V All. ya during 42tf wnn: onn AND THE NEW: 7 `Before this issue of. the ADVANCE reaches many of our readers the vear. 1885 will have passed beyond recal, a.nd_ itssuccessor will have been ushered intok existence with its yet unwritten history veiled from human ken. ` \ 3.50 p.m 8.38 p.m . 4.47Ip.m 9.?0p.m I p.m ' n m rm ip.n1 $1 Per An_num' in Advance. $1.` - 18' No new hame wili be added to the Sub- I soription List until the mony is paid. T . i-`tnhnm-ihm-n nnw in Arman: for three months IOI'lpl'-10!!` 1118!} until 5118 IIIOIIOY 18 D810. Subscmbers. now in arrears for three months and over will be charged $1.50 per annum. . surum. Vwnsnnt, H1-nornm-'ron.T Nearly Another Runaway. !._!A__j I___....- -LL_ _L-_1 L- _ ,,_LA TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION.` -g --.--v_-v- -v A spit-iisevc-1-horse attached-t3; -:11'tt81' ` was frightened by a. dog on Tuesday _and very St. John s Day Barrie. '13a'$i3.'. as well as D. . you. Barrie Idteray Society. In consequence of the Military Ball on the 5th of J anuary,Athere will be no meeting of the Barrie Literary Societ that evening, but the regular meeting wi take place on Tuesday eveninlge Mr. Haughton nnox will read his essay on The Poets of the New World, We hope to see a large atten ce. Vote for Cross, eco and progress. the 12th. On that evening nillsdale. Advance Correspondence. . Somme AND PRESENTATl0N.-The Presby- terian congregation of Hillsdale heldvthelr annual soiree in the Temperance Hall "here on Christmas night. The attendance was the largest ever seen at anvthing of the kind in this place. The hall was packed to the doors. A great number had to go away not being able to get even standing room. The tea was served in Cocksedge s Hall, and the intellectual part of the programme in the Temperance Hall. one ticket giving-admit- tance to both. The chair was taken by Rev. Geo. Craw, pastor of the church, who lled the position with his usual ability. His good humored jokes contributed much to the enjoyment and success of -the occasion. In- teresting speeches were delivered by Rev. Mr. Hall, of hlllsdale Methodist church, Rev. Mr. Cannon, of Elmvale, Rev. J.` Geddes, of Vespra, and our genial old friend and former_ citizen,` Dr. Blackstock, of Thorold. A reading was given by D. A. Richardson .of Craighurst. The speeches were interspersed by vocal and instrumental music. The piano and violinduetts of Mr. and Mrs. Carter, of Orr Lake, were specially worthy of mention. Their rendering of the Mocking Bird surpassed. anything in the musical line ever given here. Mrs. Laird sang a solo in good style, and the choir of the church sangpseveral pieces in their usual good form. But the event of the evening was the presentation by the congregation of an astrachan fur `coat to Mr. Oraw and'a coat or iacket of the same to Mrs. Craw. The address accompanying the present was read by Mr. Wallace, of Hillsdale, (of which i your correspondent failed to get a copy.) Mr. Craw replied thanking the people `very V cordially for their beautiful present, and said. it was a night that would be long remember. ed by Mrs. Oraw and himself. V The proceeds of the soiree amounted to somethin over one hundred dollars which goes too urch ' improvement. The Presbyterians of Bills- dale are to be congratulated upon the grand success of their annual soiree. - " `IT- -_.. ....".._... A... 1-..- -.._ _.-..2-'I 1,". uuvvvuu UL Uuvu. nuuunl. DUIIQUU. We are going to `lose our genial dominie. He is going to take Horace Greeley s advice and :20 west. He is to he succeeded by Mr. E. Polk, a promising young man from Shanty Bay. Welcome, Ed, and if you do A. R. we shan t nd fault with- TIAI1 Lil Illa L9 CJ\PWUUG\l Wu P Cookstown lodge A. O. U. W. meets every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month. The following oicers were elected Monday, 29th. for ensuingterm: Pm. W., Jas Spindloe ; M. VV., Henry Coleman ; Foreman, J no. Fisher; Overseer, H; J. Dunning ; Recorder, W. F. Whelan, re elected ; Receiver, Alex. VVebster ; Financier, John King ; Guide, John Rogers ; Inside _W., T. Collins, Outside W., T. Gilroy; Delegate to Grand Lodge, Jae. Mayhew, V. S . ` ` uuuuu vuu uwu uuuu uu uuquulucls ugiuu. `Miss Dimsdale, the reviva.l1et,ie to con- duct a. series of protracted meetings here in connection with the Methodist Church to commence on 2nd January. .A great out- pouring is expected, etc. I-`t'\I\|rn`l\I'l'7V\ `I\r1rvn A n TT `IT .......-L.. ---...._- cookstown. i Advance Correspondence. ` The 47th anniversary of the Methodist Church was celebrated on (Jhristmas Eve in the Temperance Hall; A ne musical and literary programme was gone through, and every one seemedto eniov the entertainment. 1`he programme was all home talent, but did great credit to the town. A trio was given by Mrs. and the Misses McDowell which did great credit to themselves and was well ' appreciated. Mrs. Crawford and Miss Mc- Mann gave two duets which were received with applause. Miss Annie Patience gave a lengthy recitation in good style, and if Miss Patience could `give her talent a little more a.iring; she, no doubt, in the course of time would shine as an elocutionist. Miss rascoe gave a stirring recitation, and those who had the pleasure of hearing it were well pleased with it. Other recitations and choruses were given by the children of the school in good style. The band was also present and ren- dered goodservice throughout the evening; Thinnu nu-.v~n war-11 nu:a nn (`.1-n.l..6-.~..... uvzuu auuu. -30:. yzuu uuxuusuuuu nut: uyuuiug. - Things were very quiet on Christmas, nothing happening throughout the day to break the mont tony except an occasional slip-up on the icy sidewa.lks.i V Walking seemed almost impossible to some, and took even the largest man in town to pilot some across the ice. Of course there was no one drunk for the Scott Act is in force. Guess some one has been to Schomberg again. `Minn nimdnln, tlln rnvivnlm In in nnn- VVLUJJ Ul_l\JIJ-L BILLILLIS UIIG Han UIJICG YWQIUU PERSONAL. --Messrs. Gilpin Bros. and John Stewart, of Toronto, are spending holidays here at present. . . .Mrs. W. F. Asheld, of Toronto. paid our village a ying visit on Saturday evening last. . . .The. Misseu Fraser of this village leave this morning for To- ronto to spend New Year s holidays. AVLCBUI-ll UUD ll-I UIJCUDI Kerr `Lgdge No- .230 met before the` Cor- ` inthian Lodge, transacted its business and ` adjcurned- ' ' . LU 111.1} UUI-Ill \1'IUlU lI'Ul.I.I. lll I UPHD 3 . DnARiSIR,-As we the pupils of School Section N o. 4; Innisl, are assembled to- gether this afternoonfor the last time prior to your departure, we cannotthink of our school days without feeling that we are not only. losin an esteemed teacher but a friend as well. e therefore beg you to accept this album as- a slight token of our sincere respect _for you, hoping you will meet with every success in your new eld of labor. We all wish you a merry Christmas and a hap y New Year. Signed -on behalf of the pupiiia, Edith Chapman, Maggie Burt. Lefroy, Dec. ' 23, 1885. V . Miss_Edith Chapman read the address and Miss Maggie Burt made the presentation. . REPLY; In reply Mr. Greig said that he never was more surprised than at present. He thanked the pupils for their beautiful present and kind address, and said he was-yerv sorry indeed at parting with them`, and he would keep this beautiful album as a fond remem-C. brance of the many happy days he had spent with them during the past three years. -DITIJGIFKTAT W,/lnumva flilnin FAG nnA,Tl\l1h :- `nearly..:bi~oke~1oosa-.from 2-.the~ post 'neartl:o"- Queev s Hotel wherahe was fastene;l.H._..B_v the ebrts of i'.gent1emsti.stauding` ne_'a2r',tl_1e' frightened animal was soothed and became quiet. What with useless curs ahd senseles Iprccegsiagg the annual catalogue of accidents Iis pretty large. _ ` -1--. Who asked do property when a post olce '!--Pu the vaiue of his was .wanted for SD on H. R0580 Advance Correspondence; '. On Wednesday afternoon last, Dec. 23, the annual examination and "Christmas tree was held in School House `Section No -4, Innisl. A large number of `parents and others were present. `After the several classes were examined by the Rev. Mr. Dun- can, Messrs. Ross, Allen and Miss Todd, short speeches were delivered by the trustees and|others which V} e"e interspersed with reci . tatio 18 and` music on . the mouth organ by Master Russel Tesdale. Before the~appear- ing of Santa Claus an address and an album V were pro ented to` Mr." John C reg, teacheu The following is acopy of the address and Mr. Greig s reply. To Mr. John Greie from his Pupils : hunb Qrn _A'u urn 4-Inn nnu nf Qrsl-inn] uucm run SALE OR. TO RENT.-An .b excellent farm of lift -four acres is now for sale or to rent. It comp sea the N. E. quarter of lot 18, in the 7th con. of Ora. Forty acres cleared and the remainder woodland, mostly beech and ma le. Also twenty-ve acres on the opposite s de of the concession line ve acres of which are cleared and the remainder heavily timbered. On this lot is a good log house. The of the very best quality. All necessary information can be obtained from Mr. Duncan Molntyre. Ooulson P.O. 52-11 Money to lend at lowest rates. Agent for Dominion Grange -Fire insurance Associ- ation; Canadian Mutual Aid Life Insurance and Reserve Fund Accident Associations. THOS. S. MOLEOD, Dalston. Olce over Coulter 8: Vair s, Barrie, Tuesday and Saturdav. H A 6-ly. GRIP's-PT.Z"FFoRM: ` Humor without Vulqarity; Patriotism without Partizenship; Truth without Temper. onlv .82 a Ye;_1-,-l_'ostage Free. V Address the Grin Printing and Publishing Company, 26 and 28 Front Street West. Toronto; or leave your order with your bookseller or other local mrent. . ..___.._______________.___.__.___ FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-A lift acres _f. anin An On can-.L TL -.._.._ _-.. LL - \1' '1! ui u.u_y siu1uu.i' puuucutlon on U16 continent. For 1886, Grip is to beconsiderably improved. The old cover is. to be discarded ; the paper is to comprise 12 pages ; while a handsomedesi n for the title page. a re-ariangement of t e matter. and improved facilities for the artistic production of t 1e Cartoons, will material! im- prove .the tvpographical appearance 0 the paper. . * "l`Hn'. PRICE WILL NOT BE INCREASED. Grip is now the cheapest paper of its class in America; and these improvements must de- cidedly enhance its value. No one who takes an interest in the political and social affairs of th s country should be without Grip." as it pre- sents a complete and entertaining pictorial record, as the panorama moves. wur I88-V0 your out other local agent. uvwv vv---.-u --.y can -ouvnnnvo The newly elected officers of Corinthian Lodge A. F. & A. M, No. 96, G. R. 0.,- were installed last evening by R. W. Bro. J. Ross Robertson, of Toronto. There was a large attendance of brethren including M. W. Bro. Daniel Spry, V. W. Bros. 0. L. Sanders and-J. McLean Stevenson,.\V. Bro. -"John Rogerson, I. P. M., W. Bro. A. B. McPhee. W. Bro. A. `W. Whish. The fol- lowing are the officers elected : George Monk- man, VV. M.; J. Rogerson, I. P. M.; A. T. Barraud, S. W.; E. Beihel, J. VV.;John Dickinson, Secretary; Joseph Anderton, Treasurer; J. Barr, S. D.; J. Purvis, J. D.; F. J. Brown, -D. C.; J. Dowell, S. S.; A. Urquhart, J. S ; -D. F. MacVVatt, A. Urquhart, Auditors; N. Neill. I. G., and `Themes Moore, Tyler. The ceremony of in- stallation was pertormed in a very impress- ive manner, and was much appreciated by the large assemblage of brethren present. After the officers had beed placed in their- positions the brethren adjourned to the re-- freshment room where an ample repast had been Brovided. The chair was occupied by W. ro. George Monkman. The usual Masonic toastsfollowed the Queen and the Craft in due order. R. W. Bro. J. Ross Robertson, in response to the toast of the Grand Lodge of Canada, delivered one of the most eloquent, instructive s eeches ever held in the Barrie Masonic all, in the course of which he pointed out the true ob- jects of Freemasonry and the duty of every . person who became a member of the Craft. ' He declared in emphatic terms that met a hearty response from his hsteners that to,` take away a belief in the Bible from Free- masonry and the volume of the sacred law from our altars and the whole system of Masonry goes in chaos. _ II... fntdnn NA- 0920 IIIA`! `\A`nIIn J-Inn- F1..- The aim of GRIP" is to set forth. in an im- partial and independent manner. the passing `events of Canadian political and social hfe. Its Cartoons sgeak more denitely and more pleasingly t an whole columns of editorial. In this pungent. easily appreciable. andeartistic style of presenting a sub_]ect', the whole situ- ation is revealed at a glance. _'l`heA success of Gm shows how 'well this fact 1_s appreciated-- its artoons on the passing D01lI3'CI.l events of the country being even more eagerly sought after than the chaste and humorous letter-press of the papcr.-though the latter is equal to that of any similar publication on the continent. For IRRG Grin in fn hn nnngidnrnhlv imnnnva A f-ZDb(n. t forget the silk hand fc 'efs at 25c. each; W. 1!. Rhilgps & Co. -17ifl|iZ)vis ouVrVt;)\ H. Ross. 1 I I573. % A ER IMP ! wisest CANADNS COMIC JUUBNAAI. I A .--There is one place in town that our country friends should not fail to see during the holiday season. Itis Freeman s' Crystal Palace Stores. where they will nd _a. stock of the most beautiful Tova, Dolls and general Fancy "Goods, Whxch in quality, variety and low price beat anything ever seen north of. Torontor ` . 3` Advance Correspondence, V The nominations for Reeve, DeputyReeve and councillors was well attended to-day, a, much larger representation of the ratepayers being present than usual. The nominations for Reeve are Jonathan Sissons and Robt. Orrock ; for Deputy, Alex. Finlay and John Johnson ; for Councillors, J ohn' Kerfoot, Chas. Wattie, J. E. Richardson and Captain Leadlay. After the nomination a meeting was organized, _ Mr. Sneath in" the chair, when the candidates gave very clear and concise expression o_f their views of township economy. Altogether the meeting was a very peaceful and interesting one. -v-v-- uwvuuvu WEDNESDAY`, JAN. 6, l886.4-Clearin,r,z sale of Drv Goods, Ready-Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc.. at Ivy 31710 a. In. Lunch at 1 p. m. Wm. Banting, proprietor ; G. R. Ford. auctioneer. The 250th annivehrsery of the Congre- gational Church at Stamford, Connecti- cut, was celebrated last week. A A man in Caledonia`, Ohio, Va.tte1'r.pted to out the throat of 9. young woman be- cause she refused to take ,a. drlve with him. " e.__,,,4_:_- Iln a Chica-goTTli<-)sTpite1- evaliristmas tree caught re "a day or two ago "and forty of the inmates were badly burned. ` jg... NOTE AND COMMENT. VVE have received two very interesting ` poetical compositions, but the press upon our columns has of late prevented us from mak- ing use of them.` The Per}:ian"MeTnerV(:"h which arri ved' in New York on Friday reports terrible weather on the Atlantic. I Eleven Illdialls have been killed by a. Texas party_under .the command of a colored Deputy ,Sl1eri`L `I \ ' Silars E. Cheek, a. real estate lotnn agent of Clinton, Mo., 13 a. defaulter to the amount of $100,000. S, F. Geode, a. judge of the District Ceurt, Louisiana, committed suicide on Friday last. ' [THE NEWZS-%_0DNDENSING Jmunm. I The New York "Common Couricil re-. quested the Mayor to enforce the dog law. -, ' T An infant frozen stiff wzrytvsbfounti on a. pond near Ingersoll by some boys who were skating therefa few days ago. "17 In T? 1!` n I V Walter Vaddington w; s`i:o-t dead I while out hunting near London a day or two `ago by the accidental discharge of hls "gun. ` Tfnil-n Give 4-nu 5|-Illa United states.- - A beak has_ occurred in the Mononga-' ` hela. River miner s strike. srnnmns 'r'n1I:.1`=n'-n`ou-r or Anoznx co1._1mNs1N'ro omn. V T viuallhl J-IOLLLAI-\J LlIU\.I LI\J\.l\7DD_l The future is hopeful, commercial de-* pression is gradually disappearing, and `tetter times for all classes seem to be at hand. We sincerely trust that the year 1886 will be one of the brightest and most successful in the history of our country,- and in the life of every reader of the AD- VANCE. In the spirit of hopefulness and with an unswerving faith in the .great future of our great country we wish all our readers a Happy New Year. A Bird's Eye View of the World for Three Days-- Canadian. United States ' and General News. ' ' vi Doyle, mab.tronVof the bounty ga.ol| at London, died suddenly last Friday. E The Colonial Cordage Works of St. Johns, N. F;, have been destroyed by re. V ` _. . . . - I Richafd Ra.wlihgs., Te. farmer, of London` Township, was brutally beaten by a party of roughs a. few days ago. 0- `- It O_tta.waLha.s' just organized 9. board of 'ri'{,ZLe`$ '{.;{s}.I{ Eve Eieia of smallepqx in the Longue Pointe Asylum. I VRe. Joshua. Frazer has been deposedl from the ministry` by the `Kingston Presbytery. RU > O rm _ _'i`;>r:5;1't_c; . St. George s Society gave ,Christmas cheerto 700 poor English fam- llies on Christmas eve. :iri.;;;e. calm 3'ssgna11-pox in Mc- | Nab township, -County of Lanark, and there have been two deaths. . n"1;hoi1ias Henry has been sent upVfor- trial at Hamilton for {forging his brother 5 name. Ill. |rI\J ULULIJUIID \IL UIIKIU J. LKIVIIIQUI In spite of much to regret in the past year there is much for which to be thank- ful, and though there are factors of evil in the world s daily life, there are also factors of good` neutralizing them, and on the whole aiding in the general progress, lifting up and making humanity better. Let us welcome the New Year with cheer- fulness and the resolution to meet what- ever events may come to pass with the fortitude which conquers diiculties and` turns failure into success. 1 I` 1 7111... ._L.____ 3 ` ' :.. [EDIUM SIZED HOUSE 1n.0od locality wanted to rent. Address ADVANCE gge Thirteenth Year of Pblicatlon. t_..___<`-. Auction Sale. Midhurst. THE ,%N0BIHEBN ADVANCE-% `T K-bstructionist 2-0. 1 N E I L L. Y s New Bookstore is now open with a S'l'ock of X-mas and New Yoa_r s cards, Fancy Goods, Toys, staon- ery, Prize Booksandol-lymn Books. i BLACKMORES OLD STAND, l Nails, American Locks, Knobs, Hinges, [ aints, Oils. Glass, Putty, L Axes, Saws--X (Tut, Hand, Panel, Rip, .4 Chain, Rope, Lanterns, Lamps, Coal Uil, Jones Spades, Shovels, Scoops, ' fB:'eech and,Muzzle Loading Shot Guns, Sporting Ries, Winchester, Kennedy, Colts, Bob Runners, Sleigh Shoe Steel. SOLE AGENTS FOR THE navsnsiam wovaiwiaai noon MAT. Uuv vus A.I\ll.UIUl.I3n The nishing of the Great Canadian Pacic Railway, thereby opening `a clear - way from ocean to ocean will form amem-. orable epoch in the history of the Domin- ion which will be remembered with `plea- sure as the most important work ever un- dertaken by a young and stalwart people. * The small-pox epidemic in Montreal, and the frenzy of the people of Quebec over the execution of Riel will long form un- pleasant reminiscences to the loyal and true citizens of that Province: 1.. ___:L- ,1` -`I ALL NEW AND LATEST DESIGNS. `ALBUMS, COJIPANIMS, BLANK BOOKS; PASS BOOKS, IIEMOBANDUHS, 810. CHOICE ASSURTMENT {IF CHRISTMAS CARDS- $13 Bonus: sryjpuanvs rmsv counsel Big Discount this week on Men s and Boys Over- coats, Men s and Boys Suits- Big Discount on Ladies Cloth. and Fur Lined Manties, Ladies and Children s Ulsters. Big Discount this Week on all Dress Goods, Cash- Ineres, Black and Colored Dress Silks and Satins. Big Discount on Velveteens. Big Discount on Black and Grey Goat Robes; A Lots of cations and Flannels, cheap I h.` ngn-nnIA:-a '.__I_. A _ _ ,l.- _ - New Bookstore. s'rRONG & D0NNELa:s .CASH CLEARING SALE; iends f1' E1911` kind Patrona --- --A-------- 77 vaj we ge; the pa,st,weeALW111 use every effort to do so in future. V s e _ " sWish1ng you the coI_np11rnents of the Season a = We remaln, yours truly, ` .and%a,sa;it%hasbeenour endeavors to please yo THE 951-:AIeJt.BARc2A1Ns % EVE? LEAVING -:- BK cogrggigpy: :AT`0@%: EL3g :;m_C: '_3_tf3'_e313 :_.f.4;1.\:?~,;i1c : }E.0`W vnwsavv wuu 5150 (ILL \.uU1l\1I.LULJ.l.l5 lJUVVULu The record of our own country has re- ceived pages of more than common` inter- est. Nothing in its parliamentary history can compare withthe doings at the last Session at Ottawa. No system of ob- structive tactics was ever devised more _ unreasonable and more disreputable than the Grit opposition to the extension of the franchise. The N orth-West rebellion gave convincing evidence of the ability of our government to deal with internal enemies. and the pluck, tnanliness and enduranceof our citizen soldiers showed clearly that they are ready and willing to stand agalnst foes within or enemies with- out our borders. a fI"I I4 ' 1 ' ll .1 rv . ru -nu _ i V , . , __ _f..._~.- ----u---vvvw,Ql1QQQ1Q`&U \a 41511. L.\.".I4.J3.LL,...'.4.. ,;' _z'_ ,` Are doing their ' execute the numerous orders on hand at the time pru:;;i~ Should any delay occur ourpatro_ns Will. klndly excuse 1t, as no article from Cithvr 5 'partment will beallowed to be_sL1cHTTED in any particular, through the prt``; business` now upon us, it _ - `As this. Sale gives you a chance that may not occur again for years, don : fail in ing advantage of it. a a Every Do|Iar s Worth Must be Sold. If _ ,_,, ___,____ _ -_. -_ _V. .. -----.---- - -r--4- -- - I '--'/-J\.~/`-J'k4 I JJXJ lull : Until the whole stock 1s disposed of, It W111 be well for those who can ; to `call early in -the day,` as the store isthen less crowded, and 11:. " be more_ sat'1sfactorily attended IO, The Managers of %IBFI.C) VV ].\T S EBLCDOIS AN ENTIRE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. UNPABALLELEI) -:- svccmm `/4-.; \J OUR MILLINERY AND "DRESS-MAKI G"%i3i7PA1ii`m:::V. ,l...2.,....'L..:.. -.-4.......-.4. 4... .. ..... _)?Vishes to announce that he has opened out in :__ 7 ._-- o -nu-, V] | In Barrie; and talge t.l1is.opportun_ity assurijngfhern that we shullm OPPOSITE THE SUMMERSETT HOTEL.` Is most satisfactory evidence that we are giving our friends IQ IO-IKILIIVVI Iu\JllU\-|l\Jo Death too, has made some heavy re- prisa.ls_among the great, the noble and the rich, as well as among the humble poor, clearly demonstrating his- impar- tialitv and his all conquering power. Tho rnnnvu-I n` n111s nutvn nr\I1v1"nv9 Ixnn nun

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