->-_<.r-<- HOUSE LEASES. SALE OF LAND SNIPES, ETC. guwu rurnans as my host--I can tell you that altogether I spent a most pleasant night. To make matters worse and more dismal the storm still raged outside. The wind moaned throuih the trees, but it had again changed, and knew from the sound onthe window-panes that heavy rain had succeed- ed snow. As the big drops of water found their way down the large old-fashioned chimnely, the tire hissed and spluttered like a. spitefu vixen. Everything combined to de- prive me of what dog s sleep I could by sheer perslstencfx snatch. ' . I think tried every position which an ordi- nary man, not an acrobat is capable of adopt- ing_wlth the assistance of a common wooden _cha1r. I even lay down on the hard ags. I actually tried the table. I pro ped up the u per half of my body against t e corner wa s of the room; ut found no rest. At last` I gave up all idea of sleeping. and fully ,` aroused myself. I comforted myself by say- % ing that mev misery was only temporary-..-that the longes night must come to an end. .. - .... mmm ; was am now 1 ot there. I even Began to grow nervous. ll sorts of horrible travelers tnlesmn throu h my head. It was in just such placesas this hat unsus- pecting voyagers, were stated to have beep xlntggeredi and robbed, by `us! such unmit;1- ans my h0St-" youthat j al_ spent most Dleasant mum rmau manage mm: the morning. ~ Where you stay, 1 stay, he answered. Then he lled his pipe. and once more re- 1 lairsed into stony silence. . ! bothered about him no -more. I dazed off . fora few minutes--woke--dozed off again for some hours. I was in an micomfortable sort of half sleep crammed ful of curious dreams--dreams from which I started, won- dentin` where I was and how I there. even egan grow nm-mm n nan`-.1 -1. ..... .uunu\'c1', 11. you w1sn.turet1 own couch, don t let your native stand in yourway. Pray don t 1: my account. ,Leave plenty of fl shall manage until the morning. _*`Where you st:'w.l ~f.nv no w n murc anlmnm munn of -Never mind. 1 .~;ai(l, civilit costs nothing, and c ed. 1 owever, if you wish O\VH nmmh dnn i- I of Ivnvln` L'UlllCu , You infernal boast. I 1nut.1mod--aml meant; it to0-I`dccl:u'e had I not been so ut- te1'lywo1'n out, 1 would have haul that bullet- headetl rullian up fora few rounds on llis. mm kitchen oor, and tried to knock him in- to a more amiable fnune of mind. ' . l 'Nevm' miml 1 .-.:.I -us-.4 ----m--`---~' KENNEDY, GAVILLER 8: HOLLAND. Architects. P. L. Surveyors. Valuatora. &.'c. Plans and specifications for buildings pre- nured. Town and Village Lots laid out. Farm lines carefully located. Timber limits examin- ed, &c. &c. Toronto Ofiice~4 Mail Buildings. Barrie b1ce-McC9.rthy s Block. Collingwood 0ice--Long's Block. Tuos. KENNEDY. MAURICE GAYILLER. `X, T I-Univ A\VI\ :1 |- Dull. - ` 1\Iv gnml f'*llm\'." I snill, _\'mn` ('lHlll`S are excellent mws M` the kind. but 1lt`.ll( P(U un- comfortable. 1 am lmrribly tired. If t 1e re- sources of your e.st.ubli.~;luucnt can't furnisll a bed for me to sleep in,`oouldn t you nda `nlattlfess or sometlnng tn lay. l)el`m'c the ` come. 1ire" _ I You A\'e got all you'll get to-night," he an- ` swered, knockingr the ztslncs out 01.` his pipe.` Oh, b11t1_.say. V I _ So do 1 say. I say this: If you don't lila- 1t you can leave` it. Wedidu t ask you to rnv. \ILl 1 ` come. 1 UV.-.. HIUDUIHIH hill) Ullh I\(`1H: (H1. ` The lung (-.lm_-.k--that oumbrous eiglxt-(lay ` nmchine \\'}li(3]l-ill(\'il"z\L)L)' ocmlpics one vor- ner of every cut!-u;;(.'I"S k1t.<-hen--struck,nine. The wom-.m rose and Ieftu... I mm-.luded she was guinghto bed. If sol envied 1191'. Her husbuml showed no signof retiring`. 110 stillsatove1'theIi1`e opposite me. By this time I was dreadfully txred; every bone in my body zu-hml. The lmrd chair which, an lmurortwo ago. seonmd all I cmlld desire, now somcvly mnne up to my idoasuf the com- fort I vvas justly ent.1t.l(nl tn olaim. My sulky com mnion hml hm-n drinking silently but stem Hy. I e1'l_uup.s' the liquor lm1uul1u)1u`e(l into l1i111.~'-l1 1n1_;ix'L lmvc l`t'll([Cl'(?d his frame of 111iml_,h:m'(* ph-:x.~':1nt :1ll(I"dlXl(.`ll:lblc to rea- son. Ill. 1:: S011. cull I llilll \_VU|Jl.l\.`ll l,.'l|llU`o 1l1a_dcome awmss `stx':mze people in mv travels, b_u1l lmvelm vlnesitutmn in sawiniz; that my lmsl was the .\'llH('ll(:.~1t. sulliiest, fnmst 'b0.01'isl1 spe<-i1nm1 of human nature I hrul as yet met with, In spite of 'll'l.'\"l'(?(`4.`,l1t ill-treat ment ofme I \_'us quite ready to eslablislx mat-ters on :1 1'.1'u-mlly footing, and made sev- eral attempts tn draw him into com-'ersz1tim1. The brute would only :1ns_we1' in" m0nosylla- bles, or often not answer at all. So I gave up talking as abzul job, and sat in silence, sn10ki11g':md lfmkinglinto the lire, thinking a. mut_l(le:1l. it ]ll:1_Yl)(3, of some one I shold u1ve1net.t|mt morning at Lilymcre, had the w1'etche(.l snow but kept off.` '[`hri. lnmr r-lnr-l`:....Hmf talnnhlvnna n:n-l\4- .1--. HUGH. , As :1 rule, the more churlish the nature, the more m':1rh-ious it is found to be. My rom- ise of liberal 1'e1uuncmtion \\'as, after a 1, not without its (~ll'e0tll{)()l1 the stramge couple \vl1ose1'ofns:1l to al'o1'l me refllare had so nearly (?ll(lllllg'Cl'(!(l my life. They conde scendecl to got me some tea and rough food. After I had disposed of all that, the man pro- duced a bottle of gin. We lillml <>l11'gl1lsses. and then, with the aid of 1l1)'_}i1tN', I settled down ton1:1kothe best. of n`1n:.;l1 spent in it . l1{\l`(1 woorh-11 alum`. I | hm! ,........ .. v V;\.!r\ '.-.L...-....... . .-, l uuuu) u; uumu ll `yuu Uilll." :Afte1' given the womnna quick lance as if warning, Ill scowlinghost lit a.`1orn lan- tern. and we_n on the prralul I sluggested. I gladly sank mlo a_chau`. and. warmed myself efore a cl1eertul_1u'e. The prospect of spend- ln the night amul such discom1`o_rt was not ill u(11'i1_1g, but I had, at least, a roof over my lea . ' lllllll 1] head. ICIII Vi W ell. 'ou 1l have to spend tthe night on a 1 chair. e ve no be(lS_l1(3l'0 for strangers. {Specially those as ain- t wanted. `Very well, my friend. Having settled the matter '01: may as well make yourself pleasant o out_and gut my home under. cover, and give mm a eed of some sort- mnke a mash if you can. T ' I Af'fm- xrivnn Hm ummnn n ....:..1. ...1........ .. LU ' up `1\_zIy. good people, I said you are beha\,'- lng Ill he most unheard-01 manner. Cant 'ou understand that I mean to pa you well `or a_ny trouble I gxve you? But w nether you like It or not, here I stayto-111;2;l1t. To turn me out would be sheer murder. So say1_ng I pulled off n1y'overcon.t, and be- gan shakmg the show out at my wluskers. 1 daresay my-V determined at ltude, my re- spectable. as well as 11} _muscular appearance, impressed my_ lll1Wl mg hosts. Apyway, they gave in without l more ado. Whglst the womxm shut the (loop, through wh1_ch the l ?l1()]\VakCb' were wlurhng, the man stud sul- on V! ' um uuuu as U) WHRE COIITSB I10 pursue-.` j OSEPH RO(jrERS. CONVEYANCER. COM- lnissloner In Queen _s Bench. Auctioneer, Ap raiser. and Commisslon Agent for the sale of ouses. Lands, Farm Stock. Household Furniture, Goods, Wares. Scc. Also for the collection of Rents Notes and Account 0ice'-Polioe Court. Barrie. 4 ` DIJU \\ A le1`1`li\; I . . . br{tl(l3(?_(1(?_0l` through_ wl_ucl_1 I hgid burst ]xke_ a k._1t-`I 1)Ing,:rmn opened stlmght Into a sort of a d r?1;h1.l1sq al_tli1o1;;.:l1tI entered 1n :1 most; un- I ans L:\ (}h:2l;tllbllf,]? ?n_n1y hands and knees, ' . n naxcdm the center of the lfqom befgne the man and woman emerged 1p111l)el|111(lt,l1e door] where my successful ?;(S32Hlll(l;`l(l -tl,11yl(;\\'11 1.01.11. I stood up and n,m..:1,a';m%:a;:,::.?t:"P'%9`%:`**"W~ a sturdy stron r-built; gl full 116 n~1an' stood sc0{vling asme ahd i mm] 0; msca! . r I . V .V (1 ~. . cone ut ed, llllx-` Ill ` up us mm as to wha_t course to My good neonle. Sand. vnn am hnhmr. mm uuulfusu reply. 1`ne CIOOI` cl0Se(1. _ 'I`ha_t I was enraged at such _incivil1ty may be eas1lyi_maglned' but if I said I was thor- oughly frightened I believe no one would be surprised. As getting into that house meant simply life or death, to me, into that house I determined to get, by door or window, b faigrmeans or b foul. So, as the door close I hurled mysel. against it with all the might I could muster. Although I ride much heav- .i_er now than I did then, all my weight at that time was bone and muscle. The violence of. nlyattack tore from the lintel the staple w_uch held the chain; the door went back V_Vll3ll II. bane, andl fell forward into the house. lully resolved to stay there .whether welcome ` or unwelcome. -. U Wu um U00!` RB Ol1C8l"' . ' ' hogan bg hange,(,l, said the man. Tis my u e, `no yours. ' But, you fool. I mean-to Kay you well for ; your troub1e._ Don t you now it means deuth wandering about on such a night as th`1`s`?r Let me in I An II1I\I'I"' n:\unn \ `china 9! cu..." LLA I`-L.-.1 011155 I461: 1116 HI 1" , ; You won t co1ne in here, -was the brutal and boorish reply. The door closed. 'l`h{l.f. T was nnrnrrnrl of unnh inn} uilifu vnoxv I VVIlUl`Co' '. But 1 must come i n,. I said, astounded at such inhos itality, I can t go a step further, Opell the 001' at once 2- . `_ `You be hamrecl. my \ ~ . .`sYHUaI{<:(FvyAY. PART 11;" Tow BY RICHARD FENTONOF FRENCHAY, GLOUCESTERSI-IIRE, ESQUIBE. . N 6 aswer came to my lirst Sun_imons. _`It was only after. a. second and more nnpe1_"a.t1ve application of mybheel that the dour delgned to give way a few inches.. Through the a. ertgxre a. woman s voice `asked who was Iere`. - - - . ' Let me in, I said.` I have missed`my. way to Midcombe. My horse has fallen. You must give me shelter tor the night. Open the M `door and let me in. I u.Q1...I+m.v vm. ......u M`; ..x...u.,... n..-.... ....a.. |.lUUl uuu IUD HID` Ill." _ .Sheltor! You can t get shelter here, mis- ter, said -a' ma'n s grulf voice. - '1`l1is ain t~ an inn, so you d best be off, and go else- where._ - - MD"; 1 ..-....a. ....._...' 2.. n 1" ..._:.z ....4.A.---,1...:I -4. 'IJa1`1`isI11 sG1ft. ....n.u .nu1II\- III. llllllllo niml." "but, ienlenuhery M often gets reward- er, fun wisl1,tu retire to your Llon et politeness rway. hesitate on `Lem-A nlmm; [.9 4-`mu nut` t unu lV111U1\d. 1 . L_UU'1`.lU;\ 1911111, UU1V11Vl1S- sinner, Conveyancer. Issuer of Marriage Licenses under the new Act. Money to Loan It Moderate Interest. Creemore. Ont. 16ly THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. III. u Ilcnlbuw U11 ` fuel, and I Juc. _ . . Look here, Ric-h;ml,_--when `vhe calvlsme Richard I knew he 13 tearfully earnest-- I believe you have brought us down on a. fool s errand; but let us go to some place where we can talk` together fora few min- \ . utes. e r I led them across the road tothe R_ai1way Inn. Wehentexfed a room, and, .l1ay1ng for the sake OI appearances ordered 3. little light refreshment, told the waiter to shut the door from the outside.` Brandettled down "with i the ail: of a. .ecross-ezlcx p,e`ct,edV to see him 1) 1 min-mg` counsel. Iex-- outa: New Testaqientx ll'll7llllc l`hey came as promised. _It }vas a colnfort ~ to see friends ot any (leSC!'lpt_l0ll, sol ave ` them a hearty welcome. Ua1'nston took xold of both my hands. `and shook them so warm; ly thatl be an to to_el_ I had_ gllsoovered a long-los_t fa er of ms 1n n1y_1rxend. I had almost forgotten the young _fellow s appear- ance or he looked a very different man to- day from the one I had seen when last we met. Then he was a wan, pensive, romantic, poetical-lookmg. sort of f_ellow; now _he seem`- ed full of energ ,` vita.l1t_v. and grit.` Poor 3 old Brand. make as serious as a7n,1n1de,rtalier en agedin buryin his own `mother. . ` a1'1'isto_n began question '-me,` -but Brand stoppedlnln. .You 1'on11selI:sl;qu1dmake inq11u'leshrst,hesa d. Then he _t1,u-1_1e{1_tu me. , -,. .1 ~u,:..t.. .. null ncbucll uuwu [.0 mane up arrears of sleep. \ I was surprised at the reply received that same evening from Brzuid:--We shall be with you as soon as we can get down to-mor- row. Meet us at station. `mm this it was clear that my friend was wanted particular- all the better! I turned to the time table and found that, owing to chmires and delays, they coulci not et to C_'---. he nearest. `sta- tion to Midcom_ e, until three o clock in the afternoon. I inquired about the crilipied . dog-cart. It hadbeen brought in; so left i str1ctiiistri_ictions_ thata shaft of some sort i was to be ruggecl 111 time for me. to drive over the next day and meet the doctor and his friend. - ' T I`l.n.- 4......` .... ._..-_.,5. , I V- . ; uuulu my way to micwnnine without much tmulile. I took olf my tllill,`. .`s'. had a wash, and, likou sensible man fur once. went to hC(l. `But 1 (lid not t'u1'g(-.t to smula boy. Sil`1ll;.;`llt()ift()t1l0l1Ci1lSt telegrapli station. l l My uiessage to Bmud was abfief 0110.. It ` i simply` said:-'1`ell your friend I have found 3 his man. This duty (lone,1 dismissed all speculation as to the result from my mind, and settled down to make of sleep. was surprised renlv rmeivnd Hm. lllI'l Ill` IIUL llh U\\VH- - I I was s1ufp1'ise(l upon leaving the house to i nd it wasnt' larzrer dimensions than, from the little I saw of it during the night, I" had iniavined. lt \ ': s altogether a better class of resieiice than I had supposed. My surly friend E1CC0lli]l1llllC_(l me until he had placed me on the main road, wlu-re I could make no possible mistake. lle \ 'as kind enough to prmnise to assist. any one 1 might send out in glgettiiiig the do -cart once more under way. lien, with a 1ea1't.y wish on my part that I 1nigl1(t1ueve1' again meet with his like, we nufte . - I I found lll)'\\')' to Mitlomnhe withoutinuoh tl'Olll)lP. T tnnk nii nu! Hntru luul n Iivnn|\ '1.`he`end 01' that wretched nizht eameeat lust. When the welcome morning broke-I ; found that n g1`e:1't change had tulcen place) nutef(lee1's. '1`lielierve s11e\v.s'torn1 had been i the t':\1'ewell efsthe frost. The heavy rain \ , that followed had tilled the rozuls with slushy and rapidIy-thawiu r snow. I managed to ex- \_ tort smne sort of :1 reakfast from Iny host,- then, 1lJ.\'iIlg recoinpensed him according to my promise, not his de.s'ertS. `started, as soon as 1 oould, on the bare back of" my unfortu- nate steed, for Midcombe, which place, after my night _s experiences, seemed gifted with merits not its owii. . T `Iron uunuru-:.~.n. nu ... I..---!__ .. Al I uuu~ muuu punmn 01 ms llIl>'mg()ItIl mvme. 1`hi:: t1i.~;r: tlnrew me into an ecstasy of dCIij.',`]it. 1 l:u:t, h(!tl so lmutly that I almost :1\\'(.~k(-fth(- ruinn. I mwssctl I was going to tukv a _:.rlnriuus 1`m'911_2,'o forall the dist-n111t'o1'ts I had .\`llIT(. l`( (l. No me. I felt sure. could be loukimr fur such 1! f this to do any uwntl to him, .1 was quite lmppy in the thuw.-;ht, zmzl fur the rc1n:tinrl01' of the night 3 ;:iu:1 tt-I on-r the idea of ?11tting_a _spo1:ein' JCCI1 wxthm an ace M the wheel ui one who l1'al` . of c:u1sin_2;1n_v death. I resolved, the mo- nwnt. 1 got back to ciVi1i7.{Iti()l], "to send the (l( .h'iI`(l intelligenceto B1':u1' amlhope 1`0r t11el)u.'st.- 1 . . JOSEPFI-SWAN; 4\UC'l`IONEER FOR Trml County of Simcoe. . Terms reasonable. Olce at my: Store. Clfaighurst. 1 46-15 = . _____...__..._._.___..:..____j.__._. _..__... ...__ -..__. ..\'ot.a4lonht about it! `So faras :1 photo- gra};h taken from a picture can go, it was the man himself. The same l il.:`L:'t`(l heard, the same (.-muse features, the same burly look. Young Carriston was e\'idm1ti_v a wonderful hand:1tlmockin,L;'o11 _21 ]i1\'(`i1t`S><. Moreover, in once Iliad felt any doubt in the matter, a ; ]n'i-nted note ,at.the [bottom of the pI1otog1'alpl1 * said that one joint was missing from a l'i:lt- hand lin.rer. Sure enough. niy1'1'ie11d lac `ed i that..~'ma1l portion ofhis 11xisi)t+g)tteI1 frame. 'l`I1i,` (.\`(`H\'4'l`\' HIl`H\\7 Inn Inrn an nxmfnuv n1-' your way )lease dons I ask. 1 mm: nu men. 1: cnanc-e mrows 111111 in Certain I will, I said, seeing the young 1 man made l1e request in solemn earnest. He thanked me, and then gave me a small Pl1otog1~.1 111 of the picture. This photograph 1e belgge me to keep in my pocket-book, so might refer to it in (~:1.s'e 1 111et the man that he wanted. I put it tl`1o1'e, went my way, and, a~111so1'1`_\,' to say forgot all about It. Had it ;1ot_been for the '_s1trang;e cigar i11 n1y. case br111g1_11g back C:u'r1ston's 1111ns11a1 request to my nnnd, the probabilities are that It should not have tl1o11gl1tagai11 of the inatter. Now, By a 1_'e1l1)tz11`_l (-oineidenve, I was spetndlng 10 mg 1 w1 1 .10 very man w 10 so at as my n1e1nory served me n111sthavesat for the po1tra1t shown 111e at llramls house. T \\'nn:]m- u-110+ T 11:11 ...:n. u... -11....1- n `r A pm uuw suuwu me at D1`aI1(l'S nouse. _ I wonder what I did with the photo, I said. I turned out my lettm'-case. There it `was, right enough! Slxzuling it with. one hand, I ca1'efull_v compared it with the_slecp- er. ' ` 1 money, so 1 encoumgm mm to proceed. g . I heard you say you were going into the country, he resumed.- I want toask you ~ 11' by any chance you should meet the origi- ` ml of that drawing, to telegraph at once to Dr. Bland. ` . Whei'eabouts does he live? T I have no idea. If Chane-e thi`(`)`VSi'11i l`l 1 I vnnr wmr nlmmn .1.-. (I11 I mu. )2 - \-..--......-..-.`. 4 \'VV-n ..--e_-.,.-, ... ...,....-., .... 'simpl atrocious!) - T" . .]us before I le.ft,,C_arI'ist0n, the doctor s back being turned, asked me to step mto an- other room. There he showed me the pur- trait of a- man. It seemed very cleverlv dr_awn, and I presumetl he wanted me ti) ; crlticise it. V ' ; I am a precious bad judge," I said. I am not askin r you to pass an 0 )ini0n, said Carristun. i want to beg a nvor of you. 1 am almost. ashamed to beg it on so short an z1cq11aintm1ce. Hp cmmnnrl Inncluut and nn+ :.._.......4 he BUUID illl ilL'(1llilllllilll(`.U." _ lie scenmad nxmlust, and not in want money, I encmlmgod him to proceed. I lmnrcl um snv vnn \\'prn Irnilur {non 61 UUUIIIUU lrlllllll. M.) I110: About a fortnight bef0I:e' being in town I had spent the evemng w1t_h the doctor. e was not alone, and I was Introduced to a. tall pale young man named Carriston. He was a `pleasant, pollte young fellow, although not much in my line. At yst I_-judged him to be a would-be pet of the tashlona le miserable school` but udmg that he and Brand talked so mucll about art I eventually decided that he was one or the doctors many artist friends. Art 1s a hobby he l1-acks about on grundly. (Mem.l3rand sown attculpts atpictures are simpl r atrocious !) .h1:.hnfrn'n T lnft (`.nrI-iefrm Hm tlnnflnl- g pun: Laney uu uly put 1:. - ` Having smoked out several ipes, I thought that a cigar would be a. shg t break to the monotony of the night s proceedings. So I drew out my case and looked at its contents. Amon the weeds was one of_a li hter color than t e others. As I took 11; on I said to m self Why, old Brand gave me that one w xenf was last at his house. Curiously enopgh that cigar was the missing link in the cham of my memory. As I held 1t in my hand I knew _at once why my host s ugly face seemed famihar to me. a A I-xnrnf n +'I\Iv}r|{1rI1 hnnrn I-\nnna 3 `Aw... `I uy's IVIUU, U111) ULILUJ U15 1111111 1113 1811111 U11 EU" gaunt of his un leasant face, I felt sure we were old acqua ntances. When he awoke for a moment and changed his stramed attitude my feelin grew stronger and stron er. . Ye uzzle an puzzle as 1 would I coul not call 0 mind a fonner encounter; so at l_ast I be- ga`n.to think _the suligosed recogmtlon was pure fancy on my pa . ' _. lpes, I thought u...`-n..4-1..-`co AP Lian v\:nv`\f n vncnnnng-Jinan Lb. I T My companion had: by now succumbed to A fatigue, or to the combined effects of fatigue and gin-and-water. His; head was` hangmg sideways, and he sle t in a most uncomforta- ble attitude. I chuc ed as I looked at him,` fpnlino nnifn hurt: that if cnnh n nlnd wan ncrn. U;V1`41 LU 1Jl!4l\1J ULV .lV.l`4J'\1J J.`4D'1'1\'l'I1i 111' Six per cent. interest. LENNOX 8:. LEN- NOX. Sohcitors, Barrie. Dllullllly an lult IIEISUUU 2'lUl'U5 LLIU. ll had seen this fellow before. But when or where I could not remember. His_feat- tires, as I looked at them with keener inter- est, seemed to grow more and more familiar to me. Where could I have met him? Some where or other, but where? A I racked my brain to associate him with some scene, some event. Although he was but an ordinary countryman, such as _one sees scores of in a day s ride, only ditferuig from his kind on ac- nmmt nf' his: nnnlna.ua.nt fsme, T felt snrn wn ultj I_J1. uiuuuuug. kill: U513, Ill? ULUGIUD . IJIUDII UU Worse even than 1111116. I tilled another pipe poked the smoldering logs into a blaze, an sat almost nose and knees over the re, nd- ing some amusement in s eculating u onthe condition of the churl be ore me, an_ thank- ing the Lord I was not like unto this man. Suddenly an idea ashed across me. 'I' had cc-on fhi: fnllnw hpfnrp `Rut whnn U10 nuuuuuc. J. UILUUILICEU. 21,5 1 1UUl\GI.l an Llllll, feeling quite `sure that 1f such a clod was cap- able of dreaming at all, his dreams [must be mnren nvnn than nninn V T llnrl nnnthnr ninn II. of .. alum: um nags on which it1ay; 1 - doubt if, a?ter_all. he could havendone his work alone. 3 The .count1'yman.was a. muscular brute and ; Carriston but astripli-ng. However, our ar- _.riva.l.s_peedily settled the uestion. _ _ fBindhin_1! anted Cagriston; there Is :1 ,jc0Ijdj-inm-poo et. He appeared to have come 1 to ` pre ared J for contingencies. Whilst arrl&s*ton~s ll ernbracede his prostrate ,-._o_e; and Bramlytoi faciliyate matters, knelt IIu1'rah!_ `the door is won, anywa !1` houted, as, followed closely by the doc r I Jumped over the hedge and mshed to the % scene of the fray. L - `thoug_hCarristonr s well-conceived attack was sppyigorous and unex ted.that_ the man went down under it; a though our leader utilized the advantage he ha ined in a f roger and -laudable manner, y bumping 8; _ thick bullet head 8.8 vinlentlv as he mmlrl --\4\4. .. "gm tr -laudable" maT1in'" burnpih ? xa hick head as violently as he could It Must the ags on which `it lay; 1- doubt it fall. OOIlld'hVH`dnnn hi: urn:-Ir olnno u. nub zmemptnng to carry his castle by force. The door opened, and closed again. _I saw the feeble glimmer of a lantern movmg: to- ward the outhouse in which my horse had been stnbled. I heard a slight rustling in the hedge, and stretchin ' on my arm, found that can-ison had let my side. In the ab- sence of any command from him I did not follow, but resumed the old occupation- waiting. l _ - L In a. few minutes the light of the lantern reaglpeared; the bearex stood on the threshold of e house, whilst I wondered what Cams- ; ton was doin . Just as the door was opened l for the boo =3 re-admittance, a dark gure sprung uponhlml Iheard a erce oath and cryof surprise; then the lantern flew out of they a)1 s..hand_, and he and his assallant tllmb edetrugglmg through the narrow door- waa.-, . . . . . j .'Iurral1!_tl1e door won. any\vayl_; l\n`Iff' -nu` +'l\"nu-uul nlnnnl... I.-- LL- -IA ~ - u.U.l\.; I.-IIIIJL llilll all _llUllI' 4. growing numbed and tired, and beginning to think that we were making :1s..s`es of 0111`- i ` selves, whenI'heard the rattle if a. chain, and felt`Ca1'i'i.~;tnn give my arm a. warning touch. No doubt my late host had made sure that his new door-fastenings were e ual to a stronger test than that to which I lad subjected the former ones; so we were wise in not attempting to his castle by force. `door onenedmnd olnend mmin r Iuuv ,w Jeuu. on 1-5u'u.Ig11L walls. at IOWOBE rates. 1*6"5 MCCARTHY. PEPLER Sc MCCARTHY. VUW. ' ' Very well. Then we must. wait. He'll coinc out to see to them before `he goes to bed, said Carriston, as decidedly as a gener- al ivin r orders just before a battle. _ coul not see how Brand expressed his feelings upon hearin this order from our commander-I know F shrug red my shoul- ders and if I said nothing, 1 t nought a deal. The present situation was all very well for a strongly-interestedlparty like Carriston, but he could scarcely expect others to relish the prospect of, wai'tin_u', it might be for hours, under that comfort ess hedge. We were all wet to the skin, and although 1 was extreme- ly anxious to see the end of the expedition, and nd poetical. justice meted out to my late host, Can'iston's Fabian tactics lacked the excitement I longed for. Brand, in spite V of his disapproval of the whole course ot ac- tion, was better olf than I was. As a doctor. he nmst'lm\`e felt sure that, providedhe could` survive the expo.s'_u1'e, he would secure two t1'eslipatu~nt~:. However. we made no pro~ WSF, bllt waited f()l'r(3\ (`.l]f.\`- tn tlnwnlnn tlmm. 1.u:b'1I pzuwms. uowever. no pro- 1`o1'[c\'e11ts[ to develop them- selves. VvV\..A`.\7lJl\.\.I`|II nu tun 1J|5Ill-` ' 1f\\':1s Vjuust himut asdu guided by thqz` ligzht, we \\ [Stood in front (vf_the house, Iancld1'y lmlarc lml us irmu : suc-h:111i_.:`lxt`\ve haul little- `ence-being discox-'c1'e(l. ' 4uu1|-..4. ,n._._._.. - ' - \..aA\z\4 uunnlb \|A-)\.\l V LVLLKI. VWI1atd0 you mean f0 1102" V:1. l-}19and `in `a discolltmtml \\'hisper. "Ynu (~21n't break into thm1ouse; _ ._ _ T .Ca1'1`1='t011`sa1d nothmg my a mmute; then I felt him lace his hand on my shnuldor. _A;jg t l01`C any horses: am" cmvs zlhunt the ,'0lCUlli(:Li-i)} .lH(` l\\'0 nights side the cart, and away we went. . It was now nearly dark, and minim}: cat and dogs. 1 had my lzuus li'"l11.s:! so we got along without much di ioufty. he roads \-' (*l`(?(](_`O], with mud: hutby thi.-time the show had been p1'etI_\` Ilearly \vu:sl::(l zuvzly from ewry\\'l1e1'e. 1 don't make :1 mistake in 9. 1-`C111! twice, so in due co1u'.~:o we :`::Lchcd the scelm of my Ilpset. lie`-`re 1 lrmv up. ' ".'1`hcl1o11.~'eJic.~' ubnut live }mmh'<.-(1 yamls up the lane. 1 mid Cu1'1'i.sIun; "\\':- haul bet- ter {rat out here. ' ' "\\ h:zt aboufthe I1o1.\_'9`." askc . . .l\ m'~hunce of any one >::.~'si11::tl1is \\':1_\` on sxu-h:xn_i_a:l1tusthis: sn (-1 us put out the lzlrnps and tie him" u]_so1n1c\\'l1crv. V V 0 did m; then T .s'tl'll::g_*h*(l ugl ;1t'<,~nt until '.\'e'.~;:u'v thc ',;1c;:::x of light which haul been so he [-0 re. J- S-.....6 ..,..! A I `nu? u lfu-up V u:w uugl mwc HIS Il&lI1(l on SH()1ll(|(`I'. Are tfxc1'e an ' horses; any about the pI'ace`.. he asked . - ' I told him I tl1onght thz1t111ys1I2'ly friend rejoiced in the possession of :1 horse and :1 cow. A - bowl H17 uuau um; p_uu:C Ill: 5 1621.135 U1." - V Foreseemg an at venture and great fun- moreover, not unmovetl by tl1ou;:l1ts of re- venge-I placed myself entirely at Cz1rrfston s' disposal. He expressed his gratitude, and suggested that we should start at Once. In a few minutes we were 1'ea(ly.a11d mounted the dog-cart. Brand. _after_ g_1'11111bli11g lo11 at 1 the whole })roceed11_1g, t1n_1sl1e(_l up by follow- l ing us, am installulg hnnsclf 111 the back seat. Carriston )laccd :1 parcel l1eczu'rie(l in- side the cart, am awav L TI nine I H'\\L' -nnnvlu glen-l- .....-l ...:..t.... _ A . cvcxyuluig uccurulug (.0 law." - Law! I want no law, answered CI'I'iS,' 1 ton. I have found her, as I knew I should find her. I shall simply fetch her, and at once. You can come With me or stay here, l as you like, doctor but I am afraid I must trouble your friend to drive 1ne somewhere near the place he 9 eaks of. Foreseeing venlture aL1_ul greet fuim-- I'Ytl\I-t\r\vvl\In \.'nJ- IIIlh\'uI\CU . L_- IlH_VV '11) , Sill. Dl'?ll|(l, everyt mg accordmg to law. ] .aw! I tvnnt nn In! 7 or I` I3: IIUJJJ, JLVDULVJLLVUEJ DIXUJXDIV AJVU 0 General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. 0ice~-Bothwell s Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, Ontar o. V 51-ly _..~.._..- NO l\[o_1`eth:m half an _hour went by. , 1`0WlI)}. .' and tn-mi mm mmm I ance of the an: burly: ciuscs l() L118 country. He matfe lots of other inquiries, the purport of which I could not then divine. He seem- ed greatly impressed when I told him that the man had never fora moment left me alone. _IIe shot a second glance of triumph at Brand, who still kept silent. and looked as if gill the wind had been taken out of his sai s. How far is the plaee`. asked Carriston'. Could you drive me there after dark? ' . At;this question the doctor returned to life. What do you mean to (lo? he asked his friend. Let us have no imnsense. Even` nowlfeel sure that Fenton is misled by some_ chance resen1hlanee--- Deuce a bit, old chap, 1 said. Well, whether or not, we needn't do fool- ish thin s. We must go and swear int'orma- A tion, an( get aseareh-warrant, and the assist- liee. The truth is, liichard, he continue , turning to me, we have rea- son to believe, or I should say Carriston per- sists in taneying, that a friend of his has for some time been kept in durance by the man whom you you recognized. . 7 Tjlzalv nnnntrh I quill HlTn Int-1-A-1 --3` wuom vou vou rt=-r-.4-rr--ivmI ' I _ .1 y J ux q-r,.nuu\.,u. _ Llkely enough, l.sa1d. He looked vil- lam enough for anl}"th1ng 111;) to murder. Anvwnv ani I2:-mu Hum mm.` ,1- ` lb muxpucame. '.l'aK8 )'O1II' OWD course 3S 1 romised yc_>u_ should. Then he sat down, ooking deliciously crest-fallen, and wearin [thee discontented ex ression always natura to him when worst_e in argument. 1 It was now Camston s tum. He plied me i "With many questions. In fact, I gave him i the "whole history of my adventure. What kind of house is it? he asked. RnHnr fhnn n nnH-nun ,.,.....,...I__- A---.n, nulu U]. uuuau 15 lbr" ne asxea. ` ' ' Better than a cottage--scarcely a. farm- ` house. A place, I should think with a few miserable acres of bad land belonging to it. One of. those wretched little holdings which are simpl curses to the country. ma e lots of Otlmr innnh-inc H11) mu-M... . uuu auuu a. uuucr as you U1ll1K. 1 Brand did riot retaliate. He turned to his i friend and said gravely, To me the matter is inexplicable. Take I nmmised vnn shnnlrl `Plum ha mf I mm ll.llll(lK ` Bless the man, I said; one would think I had no eyes. 1 tell you there is'no doubt this man being theoriginal of the photo. Never mind-answer my question. Well, then, I am ashamed to confess it, but I put _the'pl_1oto in my pocket, and forgot all about it until I had recognized the man, and ulled out the likeness to make sure. I dldn t_ even know there was a printed de- scription at the foot, nor that any member was wanting. Confound it, Brand! I 1n not such a dutfer as you think. Rrnn rlirl nnf, rafnlinl-n 11.. L....._...1 A... 1.:.. Ulllo UL [.110 qucauuu. . " Here Catriston looked at my cross-examin- er t1`iumphan'n1y. The meaning of that look I have never to this hour understood. But I laughed because I knew old Brand had for once made a. mistake, and was going to be called toaccount for it. Carriston was about . bo`{)Teak, but the doctor waved him aside. any I??nhnr 1413111. 1'1)!-Iv nrnvnf'nH1v Vnn I IR) 19 JG?`/l\, uuu IJHU (lUUlzUl' VV'd/\v'C`3U. Hllll ELSIUU. ` ~ . ow, Richard, -think very careful! '. You f `speakof the mi.-uzing tinge]-joint. \ e (low 3 tons kn_ow how lnany people pe1~.s11a(letl1eIp- l selves um) all s91'ts or Ullll5,'S. Tell me, (lid you notice the llkeness l)el,u'.n, you saw the `mutilated ngergor did the fact of the n- _mind? ger s mutilation bring the likeness to your 1 631)]...-.-u LI...` ......-_ 1! `I .._1v_1 , Li I I .1 o 1 l -B. ,.;...;-r ..-J. ',r `_ and D?llt me_ on m oath. - ; .9? 0W~R1char , .he said, before we 0 efurtherfi` want to know vour reasons or thinkl1his m_zm, about whom you tele- , ,-'18 Camston sn1m1, as you call him. Annnnc Wlnr nf tvnnrqn In: in fhn mun 3'5 l'ow< 3t". 179393 (`ff33Ee`;:s?.vvI`:I53'r`i;`i).a..i';;13K;' reuired until end of the term. STRATHY 8:. A LT, Solxoitors, &c.. Barrie. 51% \JllIDl.Ull Hlilll, Kb 2, I'll! (321.11 lllllla" % _ asons! `Why pf Vcotxrse he 13 the man. Camsbon gave me Ins pl10'. The l1ke- Inessis indisputable--1ca\'ing the nger-joint out of the question. ' I-Inrn l`.tn'riafn~n lnnhur} of vynv av-nca`_nvnrn~n, _..-_--_, V... ...., - `nu-u. ;A\; 1\ll.lI\ClI V11` am an 'thmg u An way, sai Bram, we must do vervt imz annnrdinor in law ` 4 n-us; .\I1I_t1\Ill|\, H ll\.l\ . " . tlum ..'tl:llIj.`.'XC(l _un llllfll Iczim or \\'.}mf_l1 so 'l N`7 lyemre. t niimut as cl-.u'1< as pin`-l1V.' but, 9` Ii.:ht,we went mluntil we? C of the house, where a turf bank e 11.s'i?1'mn si_s:lxt.:1Itlmugb on wevluul` t'cu1'u'I` mu` pres- sc0ve1`e(l. WIIS nns Ln A Scotch Story. An _ old Scotchman, when taking his "bail-ns to be baptized, usually spoke of them as. laddies or lassies, as the case might be. At laatvhie wife said he mnst not saytit was a laddie or lassie. but an m- fant. So the next time that Sandy had occasion to go to the clergyman the latter said. : '. Weel, Sandy, is it a Iaddie ? It a nae laddie, was the answer. . Then it : a lassie. It : nae a lassie. said Sandy. ' Weel, mon, what is it then? saxd the astonished preacher. - n . "It dmna remember verra wee], 5531,`: the parent, but I think the w1fe sald 1 was an ellifant._ T . nn 1 1-,, _1I_ _.-.._.II And {hat It euuant._" that it The clergyman nally found out ; wag an.:infant he was expected to baptize. Ho11oway s Pills Hale Constitntions.-\Vhen the llumzm frame has become Elebxlitated from the cf- fects of exposure, excesses, or neglect, than these Pills will work wonders. lf tlmy he taken according to the lucid directions wrapped round each box, Holloway s Pills exert the most exemplary tonic qualities in all those cases of nervous depression in which the vital powers have become so weakened that the circulation has been rendered lan- guid and unsteady. They improve the ap- fitite, strengthen the digestion, regulate the iver, and act as gentle aperients. The Pills are suitedte all ages and all habits. A. patient writes : Your Pills, to be valued. require only to be known. _'Dur1np; many years I sought a remedy in vein, was daily becoming weaker, when your Pills soon rc- stored me. Heard From. . Ah ! but I wanted to ask u'rmx.t gn- uncle, he said as they shook hamI;=. " I went to Saginaw, didu t he .7 Yes. Went into business up there 5" ".Yes. And I heard he was making :1 ,1n:1; money. VVell, he -was, but Gladto hear 1t--very gin-1 VVell, dunno They've got him Coax here before tI1o~.L'nimd States C<>zn:::i.=Si< -1 er for It !" I! n .'....u V-.v av A.5\.I.I.\_A |\r __\{ up U! U"\ I] }\ IU mem s, so, a._s' we1n. tlmu5_rh _.\l1l-4 I stopped, pzud my hull. and }.::m- 1n. "for my luggage to he fm'\\':mh-(I 14 ms`. six o clock thcAn(-xt morning we \\``1`c London. V - - szw which we Ieuow Cl1o.<(`. Then I went 0tf,- and 1'ccm'on andtcart. I relighted the 121111): some diiclxlty got the do:-mt house, Carristoir having (>.\':u'1l_\` the events of the night. The 1-; brought with him (`0I1f(liU(`(l u I thick. warm "cloth cloak. Hi friend was c-qixipm- with litm- ting the wu1n:u_i ut, the hnus(- In In ba11datl1(,>rleI. and .1!m.~u1' sta1ted;tlio(lot-tor sitting by am and the lady behind. '\Vn 1'...-A .. ...... -,1 1- _-4 L n .LV.],_ Uulllu do 1. D171 Barrio. Barrie, lat Oct..1885. 'ol1_lllrLllL' mu) UL'I_1lllU. . \\e1ust nlnpngdl to catch thr*1:1< from Cj--._ _l\T0t 't_,mII11(.:[- .~un- as 1. form 111_q1111i1e.< 1nL:l1t tuku t-nm1' (_hf)lI ht It D0110!` I0 _ 11]) to town \\` MM T smnnml nnul 1n\' hill and n-...-.. ;...o.. ac; \ |uuu:. H men ([0 )'()1l (`lHHI.f I pull_e(l out the gag, and It 1: sin wluch the 1elIo\v cl1u. huh T utnnf rs: l\I\ll `nu CUM U11 ucu. Hereupon Carriston turned tm.m Listen. you villain, he said. "I you go scot-free if you bmntlm n- this to your elnployer for the lIt*\'I 2 If he learns from you what lms lm; fore that. tinw. I .`s'we:1r you slmn :'_ servitude. '\Vhich do you (`lmxm-'." T r\nHu1lnn+ thn trauma :1I\:l 3 1 - JIKIVV - ;`I am af1'ai must, said Jim: "but we must do something abs-1:1 he continued. Lfnu-nun,-.n lV......2,.L..__ 1...... _ 1 1 UGUALIULCS. . ' ' Carriston glanced at if. "The hzm is, 0fco111'se. ,disguised. ho snhl. (`:1 b11ttl1eV10stI11a1'k shows \vl1(-um-`it ( is as I always told you. You agree ` now`." Ml ..-.. _r_._:'|-Y , A -I ' V 1\ um. ua gt). 7 Yes. yes. But wh_v,nnt v0rit`_v _wn1' pioions while you <.-z1n'." Just like Bmml! He's ul\my.s vmmtl: verify e\'or_vthingr.. Tn onn--r.I..~.. 4'-.- AL- I__,- I v u:1u_y uu`_\_L1|111g_. _.- In sea1'cl11m.; 1_0r 1C`k(`_\' wv some 111 Te1`s.0n our 1r: `aminec txem, and hamlml In (f: enjvelopc which co11tztine.l wimt _ banknotes. nf\I`I':x<`t\`\ ....Y__--__._1 -L `A 1 Vl I .un:u In: ulnltttl LU me. Do you `think, Mr. Funtnn,yum-m1l xx: out much trouble get the dug-<':u`I up In 1 house? - ' [1 said I would try to do so. But what about these ]en1I<-`." ask Brand. V . Carristrm gavc-tl1e,1n :1 mntmn tuuu< 212111 Leave them alone. he sainll. "'l`h~-_\' 2 but the tools of another--hin1 l <-z_um<: turn Let us go." ` u\'nr.'.. 1)..:. -_.I ,., A lllClll.n "Let us go 1m\\'," he he had 1)-on taking :1 Then he turmed to me. I111 vnn1l\i-.l- \l .. L` wumuuc us 1 l'L`C2lll Ul(.`S1}.{H[ 01 thnw 1:. A most curious young man, that (':u'1'i He came to us, the lovely 1.{i1'luJ1hi.~ without showing a trace of his n,-,-g-nt or mergt. / . .1; ..... ..,. -,-..,, ~. L, 1' l'0pl.'lBB0l'o ' 131061161113 IIOOOHIIIIOGLLIOD t0!` the travellin public. Bar and larder well eup- ed with t e beet. Good etebling e.nd'etten- ` ve hostlere. Luggage or guests conveyed tree to;qnd,trom all tre. a. Few doors west of Mer- ket Itreet on Dunlop street. - _ ,. - xi` ucglcu 3 mu [0 Inc Il`lll]ll2lllUll. Push :1-lnulkc1'(-llil-l in lllw lllnill Brand, s11I<|m1l_\'. A.l:u ly is .-umi \Vitl11'iglltgnml will 1 dial :=~! suxzgcsted. Just tllc-l1(`a1'ristnn r<-lurmul. ll} to raise` lmlllu t(`lll]I(`.\'l.~`. _\ (-l l nu. was {lC`(.`01ll]HlIll(.`(l. by tlu-m~1ln-:;::: ure n1_\,'eyv.< lJd\'C <~\'(,-r ll'_rlm-ll ::;.l. she was pale as a lily-lml-:4 -l l`;.l;l cate, and her fave hum ll'El('1'.\4>l Hll Slllfel'ilLLf,_l)lltl'()l`illl tll:1l,-ll:-. um l.. too beautiful for this world. 1 llum looked at ll<:1`.' She was (`llll`_ l.'l'_ l fri lltCI1Cl'l,_ llzllf-(-tlllliclimg \\'u_\' I._. am lle--lmppy f(, ll()W I-11-:::l`lZ~ presence, was SllOW(`1'ill;.'.'(l(n\\'ll l sweet pale face. Cmmmml it ! I :' romantic as I recall the sigllt of tin. A HlnQf.(-llrinnu \'t|IIInr nu... +1.... 1 4.5:; . -` Ah 1" ` am pv- up 1 ' -II UIICI H. I tilled a pipe, lit it, ziml xhwn mm ; my fallen foe. "I say. nl I said, . } ly with the toe uf my hoot, "Illi>. ` lesson to you. R(!lll(,`llIh<`I'. I luhl civility Cn>`I.~}IlUIhilIL . If vuu-hzul _ Christian hm! am-mn1nml::{inn ilI.~Io':u ing mo \\'('1lI' out my mu)` lmmw M, fernal chair. you uouLl l1:m- jn'_::o--,l your ru.~<<-ulit_\';1|ito: (~;1::1`m`um.}. w am con<:c1m:1l. r uunu. xxxro " , F>1'S<'>l.:Iy .nmnm1t.s, \\'hiIv } b1'ea_th. L-ii'i'-511:1} .Stuml. um! m.~ f!i\' . . . ; at MS pm;~'tmte too. At Iu.~'tl}u- rx;;;:]\ \`.""" }. Where is shot" \\'h(-11: is. Lha-1' ~ -HM'\' ol1l1n(l.? . he thumlore nut. .~t1 .?T,.;;,,,`,(,:\' 5"" 9 . r ' V. `\ . \3hi%?1, (li?1"1(1lzy'%E3;'?;:)1}!IX?H`. `W `E"v` answers save the 11u1'-~'n` .1. !.."`-l "" above mentioned, v\'(:1I11ht1It<;x1i-VI 11'\-W'4"`." pockets, and sezxrvlxml t`h(m- L,-(.. 1. ``.""` ` cles. `Among the usual litie-;"\y.f!,? l _`""" . -"~` I tinda key. Carriston s1i:m~lu- [- H~`n"" "sxouting .\Ia(lelhn-I Mauh-JiIw'( J? H` ""51 rushed out of the romn like 21 11111.1" 1- H'm~I: , Brand` and me to keep "tun-(1 (`)\~ W` ]"".'3 oners. .9 "" 1%- T 4.'ll.\-l .. __2, _ 1-. -. ]""""\"l'iIl`.f llix` ....- vu.--.v..;ux,u. He Wz_1s very 11r_'1;:r:1. u;f:1l-so my desire gr; kn-k mm was sh0ul(l~-not hke to 5'(rlzx1` I lid degree yield to the ti-nnptzniml. "I)USll :l.|l:|nL'1-1':-Ixiur 3- 1-? uuuuu u sxcilt cmulurl In him. I We scarcelv noticed thv m:m`s wife we ren( lere.| her hu.-lmml lIt`}]rl'.<.~', entered she attmn{ntcl tn y out. with :1 ])l`OXI1])IitXl( e whivh lam ~__r|;..] cord, intc-.1'(-eptvd I101 , .cIo. Hm .|.',.,,_ and ]mck(-ted the l_ After that H ,ll_l2lllS2lt()llI11C oor and 1'm'l(c.l In., and fro. on -his shoulders '. thing else 1_1sefu1 ,sfit or did st D0eket 1 tned a nice len'rth t t` 1 and had the immense szitist'a)<-mu. .,g- .". 1` my Scowlin frien ' truv , lleynanner. Ale n111(.sl`tl}:E1\E:x"1'."~'1 \\`;1'kI:::1L: .-on- h1s`w1'ists for days at-t(`,,.\,:,u.fi ",`N: tun` '1`i?IlIe}'e`at%t at m"`1".\'h> rio- Ml Ml ' , Vmg I1c_I[)lc.s`s (11tlxg-]\.m_h H. u_ I...-(. . s1(ler_I exo1'c1sel ,_rn-at .<-1|-m.,,i, . gun, 1 mm. stow1pgz1_fcw kicks upun l'.i:..".`h`." not i;(-. at 1]S m Ins [)r(.,;]`.St \.(.nm`_`l`;l-_ l_I t' >\w1'5 W-hlchs Under the ('il'<'l11n.~'I'1I.1-"- H 1` ""."' doubt a great cmnfurt tn him M W nu \V(!Pnl 1WnI\' nnH,.n.l 4|... _ ' . [T o be C'ontz'nucd.] 0' 11V UU IL IIALV UD 1.` U13 .lJ.V V 11451" gb ment on good freehold security at lowest rates ofintorest. No principal money rnnnh-ad until and nf the term. Q'l`RA'l`I-IV lb he said, as 0:nI_1f:l_\' ; a_(]lll(`t(.`\'(`IllHg IID 31,188 D .'.'l1ll cII_\' u no Hi: |'~ '- ':u`t intqf _ came b2l('1i' to ` 0 H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS '1`0 LOAN . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers` Notes Discounted. .Co1lectlona made in an partof the County. Real Estate bought an vsold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Licensee Issued. 0IIice-Over' Canadian Bank of Commerce. Dunlop street. '45-ly ' Ill _ll`I ; him gent- wnll he .1 r4... AI In-rst-l y I)]' I Y : .. .. -1.. H1 Jul` as 1 nnust As ma` Brand, anskc-I .. nu` "unali- r..9 1- J T. SPROUL. BARRISTER, SOLIOITOR . of the Supreme Court, Conveyuncer. 850. Money to Loan. Oices over Sanders Bros... Jewellers. Dunlov Stxeet Barrie. V W (`I f` \~-an vvu` to if. I A. IVAUJSALV l'l_.UI\.D 1'. DA1VIV1B1'.l!AIK`, .511- (J. torney Solicltor in Chancery. Conve au- oer. 850. Office-First Door South of Post 0 co, - H1nd`s Block. Owen Street. Barrie. 49-48 LENNOX 8: LENNOX BARRISTERS. AT- torneys at-Law. Sooitors in Chancery. Conveyanoers. 850. 01ces-Corner 01 Dunlop and Owen Streets. Barrie. T l J. '1`. Lmmox. HAUGHTON LENNOX. ` ' IOSEPH ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTABLE, 0ounty_ot Simcoe. 0mce--Police court. Iarrie. A VCQS O-CVIOOOI `IO OYOYOCVV, `1'O..WI vvv .7 w . ucvxwr. 62.0., H. H. STRATHY. G; W. LoUN'_r_. UARTHY. PEPLER 85 MOCARTHY. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. 860., Money to Loan. Barrie. Alliston and Gravenhurst. D'ALTON MOCARTIIY, Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. _ J. A. MQGARTHYE _ D. F. MOWATT.' OUNT. -STRATHY 8.: LOUNT, BARRIE- ters. Solicitors in High Court of Justice. `Notaries Public. Conveyuucers. Oloes over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. -1' ..----_. A n vr rt nn__ ._____ n." '3' ur -____.._ VV A. LENNOX $5 00.. CONVEYANCERS,_ . etc. ,Moncy to loan. Note3_disoounted. Collections made. Insuruncesetfected. Estates managed. Olces over Fa1'quharaon'a store, Dunlop street. Barrie. ` " 45.-18 T nll HE QUEEN'S HOTEL.-A. W. BROWN.` , Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for. DEl>_llc. an dlarder sup-T .` *1 mm $Z`LlIQ1 A [Inn] nlrn J. L. G. McCARTHY--OFFICE AND .Rnnldnnnn`nn the Want am. nf ,`ln'hn no EARN 8: MURCHISON. BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Conveyaucers. sac. Money to Loan. O1ce-Over 1). J. Murchisozfs Store. Market Street. Ba rrie. Branch Otce-Potter's Block. Tottenham. T EDWARD` J. HEARN. D. C. MURCIIISON. ` EWSON 85 ER-ESWICKE. BARRISTERS; Solicitors of- the Supreme Court of J udi- oature of Ontario. Prootors, Notaries, Conve - anoers, &c. Moneyt to Loan. Otces-Bot - e well's Block, oppos N. 8:. N. W. Ry. Station. Barrie. - . C. E. Hmwsox. A. E. H. Gmcswroxm. AMUEL TENCH. WELL SINKER HOUSE and Land Drainer. returns tbanlzs to the -public general! for their past favors, and would inform t am that he is still in the busi- ness. and as prompt and obliglng as ever.- Orders can be left at N 0. 30. Peel street, Barrie. and they will be promptly attended to. _ 47-46 O HENRY. APPRAISER 8; BILL POSTER. ` . &o. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. Oice up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. tecrwrir. Barrie. _Me_et-A ings. The .1-9 larmontha ly meetingso this Society- will be held on the even- ing of the Fourth Tuesda in eachmonth at 8 o clo'c_ in Bothwe1l's Hall. Dun- lop street. After the regu- lar business has been transacted at each meet- T A in an entertainment of a Scottish character wil be` provided. Next meeting TUESDAY EVENINQ. -22ND DECEMBER. 1885. All inembers and their lady friends are requested to attend. a T `VIC Jnnu Fnnnvrrn, ~ Aupamws E0? OHN MACKAY. AUCTIONEER. COMMIS- ninnm-. Cnnvavnnnr, Tsurlinr nr. Mnwrinon -.1-vu .-v.-- , S. JOHNSON. BARBIE. IMPORTER .01?` . and Dealer in Goals of all kinds. and Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Flniahin Lime, Cements of all kinds. Fire Bricks an Plasterers Heir. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street. near the depot. The bond of this Lime is better than that nf nnn n'I-Inga bind and tho nish uunnvinn Y BWILOII. I00! OI J01!!! BIFPBD. 11851` I416 po _bond that of any other kind, and the nish superior. O1oe-_Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. nuuwu. de t. OGERS 3.: GREER`S GENERAL AGENCY in the town of Barrie. for the collection of Chatxel Mort ages, Rents. Debts. em. We are also prepare` to undertake General Detective Business for Legal Firms. Merchants and others T at moderate rates. Oice : Police Court, Bur- rie. P.0. Box 229. l`___.__~1'\__.__,,, vvv,_ na_____ tmmeulawly ODDUBI and Sash Factorv. ___;.__._. _`. 4....` ......'=-.. ;I!3.fTElE#Y9_.SURVE9RS- '1'. LITTLE. M.D., c.M7 . . Fh . III NET TO LEND ON REAL ESTATE AT [ Riv nan nnnt inlnv-nuf T.14`.\YKT{\\' Er T.T4`\Y 0NEY.-A largo amount-of rivate funds [to lend on straight loans. at owest rates. 1V[n(`.AR'l`HV pw.pI.1nn x- M'rw{.AH'l`HV ONEY TO Lo.&N.-s2r.o,ooo at 6 and Gfpcr cent. `J. '1`. SPROUL. Solicitor, ctc., my-in. -vuq .9 iv: I-Inca. u--7 GEORGE` Romans. MR. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND a- Gnnnrn] Aotmt. Ran] mutate hnnohf. and A. RADEN HURST. BARRISTER-, AT.- tnrnnv. Rnlinitmv in (`.hn.hnm-v (.nnvmm.n- 5"? n J. 11. U`. 1Vl.UUA.l1'.l'11! -U.l."l"1Ul,!i AND ` Residence on the West side of John BL. !mmedia.tely opposite Mr. Geo. Ball : Planing Bush Factorv. - ` f1if1i}c'rIoN[EEn5.fLE}'rv7 RIANUFACTURE PHYSICIANS. , IN 0UR~1.I:i*IDS FOR 1NVES l`- V nxnnt nn ann fnnahnl non`-nu-Ifu _ MISCELLANEOUS. :li3`3?eg .j__--- _1*j.l'1'\YA,1V(?..l.A.1!l'4-x... TEGAL. A H. BENN T1` DENTIS1`. . Barrie, Ont.. Ofhce. Sanders` Block. gffosite new Poet Otce. Visits ilsdale and Waverley the met Wednesday of every month. Wye- bridge and Midland, the next day (Thursday). Penetang the following day (Friday). Vitalized -......j__. ._.._....._.. .. Air for painless extracting a apeoialty. 6-.ly _ C.M.. - Churchill. Out. 35 1 JOHN Eonsvwn, Qpnrn WM. Gamma. 41-tr" srru, Secretarv IS. WESLEY, Puhliher and Proprietor v V was Nonwnznx ADVANCE Is the best One Dollar Weekly Published. in the County of Simcoe, and has` - the largest circulation. _ _ ,., ------v-, FOR I 1885, Published by the Prqptielgor, S. Wesley, Barrie. Copies 25 Aioeintfat the office ; for sent by mail, poutpaid, oi; receipt or that sum. e T: JUDICIAL DISTRICT ` --or rH1:--- ' ' couurv o-=Msmco=. mm -`mg ... _ Blank Forms {of any `kind printed to order. - ._......_._.__._._._ R T. BANTING, CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- . core. will be at his omce at the Court House Barrie, everysaturday. Residence and P.0. dookstown. T . [Poem nlnscronv L ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC. DIVISION COURT BLANKS, I MAGISTRATES BLANKS, I 7 SURROGATE COURT BLANKS, G0NsTABLES* BLANKS. % [CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE on FARM LEASES,A ERENEWALS OF` EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. DEEDS, S MORTGAGES, CHATTEL MORTGAGES, , QUITVCLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE |AGREEMENTS OF VA1`?okI6N'ro PRICES; BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS; `MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, : ORDERS OF DANCE, MENU CARDS, LABELS. BARRIE PLANING~_1\:I_ILL.--GEO. BALL. Carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer of Doors Sash Blinds. Mouldings. &o. Plan-- 1113 or ail kin s done proxnxlaztly and satisfac- tonlv. Faotorv. John street. arrie. _ `NOTE HEADINGS, ` LETTER HETADINGS, % MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS,` VISITING CARDS RECEIPTS; CHECKS, ORDER& % ENVELOPES. -5-J-ll-LJIJvV VI CARDS, @*I respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all kinds of work`: in all the styles of printing,` such I IBIIIIKANIIJIIB PRINTING. PRINEING bus, nuuwr st. BARBIE, HA8 UNRI VALLED FAOILITI E8 Pnorm AND TASTl=_lll. Execution --OFAORDERS or" ALL omssns or- |THNon1unu Anvmc: POSTERS-Pla.in and_ Ornamental. BARRIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE 8: BOILER Wozzxs.--H. Smwnmv Manufacturer 01! every dnscri tion ot_ Engines. Boilers Saw MillmGrist ill, Shxngle. Lath. and Wood- wor ng Machinery. _BLANK FORMS STATEMENTS,- BILL HEADS, NOTE CIRCULARS, - LETTER OIRCULARS. "I1'.I`I`I\llI(`I' DODGERS, FLYERS, Always kept in stok' --_-V-or 'r1z`n:--; 3. ---FOR TIIB'--- A full line of MORTGAGE. A full line at all prices. \JlllUU""JJUl15 D |'3lUUlSg V GAYILLER. T L-__J-_.1.!9.`:{:}i"r-. .,.__ _ _.51'1Y A W. MOVITTIE. D. L. SURVEYOR AND . ' Real Estate agent.` Calgary N. W. T. Correspondence solicnwd. wlth re arcito invest- ments in Province of Alberta. .W.'I`. A.rW. MOVITTIE. T Address Calgary, via. Benton. Montana U.S.