Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 26 Nov 1885, p. 3

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DC` The discovery of the instantaneoueproceas of taking photographs has been quickly fol- lowed in the medical world by 9. perfect and 1netantaneous_remedy forall acute aches and W118, as N euralgla, Toothache,- Rhenmar mm. etc. This valuable remedy is called` Fluid Lightmng, and is sold at 25 cents a bottle by Geo. Monkman, Druggist. J A S. SCROGG IE, A OONVEYANGER.-COMMISSIONER IN H.C 1. Agent for the following Insurance Companies 3 0FFIOE- Up-stair7;oNDoN HOUSE, : on Lennocc cf: Lennoac Fla-t. ` . ` _ J -u.- .-- -.._-- POST OFFICE}-A-BUILDING, BARBIE. manufactured fresh every day. Ask your grocer for them and you will use no other. DOMINION BAKERY Rates Moderdte, Losses Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. , JAMES EDWARDS, loan}. at Dari-I JA1`?_S.131?%V :4RDS mt. auucruuuu` LU your u1rucuons,.Was conun- ue; to a. complete and permanent cure. No evidence has since 9.pp0a.l`6(l of the existence ofany scrofulous t.em1_-.ncies;[a.nd no treat; mentof` any disorder was ever attended by more prompt or effectual results. Yours truly, B. F. JOHNSON. FU HNITURE ULCERDUS 9B : i.r.{33 'u vvauv utl LIULV l~\Il I _``I didn t want to, `but you said so much, aad` seemed so anxious, that I felt` it 9. sort of duty. I'm ready to be driven back now. - - L ul-utuus At the age of tlveo years one of ~ my children was terribly aiicted with ulcerous running sores on- its face and neck. A; the same time its eyes were sworlen, much inlizuue and very sore. Onnr Cu:-A Phvsicizms tol usthntannw. ware awuueu, mucu nulzune sore. E Physicians us that a. pow- erfuizLiLe1'a.t.iVe medicinemust be emplo ed.` They united inrecommending AYF.R`S .\RSAI \RH ' \. A few doses pro- duced a perceptible nuprovement, which, by an adherence` to your directions, was contin- to comolete and norm.-mp.nt am-A. 'Nn .l'.`Ul' -CODSEIDUEXODSLI Cl SCVOIQIOIIB U8ot3I'l'D., B Avmvs SARSAPABILLA is. the true remed '. It has` cured numberless cases. It wi 1 stop the nauseous oatarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken- ing odor of the breath, which of scrofulous origin. 7 ` GEO. R. FORD, PREPARED BY Di-.J. O.Ayer 6; Co., Lowe'll, Mass. Sold by all Drugglsts; 31', six bottledfor :5. I legds the list as ' huly sc::nt"'* pr afa- tion for ai. blood (,'2.:*as3s. If t11<;:-`ct is 3 wk- nngnnu - inc-fn1`nf. nt Qnv-nfuln nhnur vnn D1011 I01` 8,1. D1000 (. :P%SOS. II were is H111!- gnur=us,A odge lt~xJ;1i(`I expel it from your" system. For -constitutional scrofulons Uatarrh, u-mam. SARSAPARILLA is the . Ni0;1!9l` iI.1Bdi;:ine is made, . `or has ever been prepar Lwhich so com. nletelv meets the want; n nhvninihna am: `{V(LEA=DS;ALL or was ever ueen .which _so coni- 1ately meats' the wants 0 physicians and e gqueral public-as ._ _ Ayer s Sarsapariljla. HcGreg0r & Parke s Carbolic Cefate is `invaluable for Wounds,VSorea, Salt Rheum, Cute, Burns, Scalds and Festers, or 3. heal- mg and puritying dressing. Do not be posed on with other useles reparations, recommended to be'a.s good. se only Mc- (vregor & Pa.rke s Carbolic Cerate. Sold by (.00. Monkman. ' jzomnur "guano irenqii-1:l1':.B,r`Igb 4' of PIi'Ii.&o .. min: on nthnl av-an-Jug` ALLVLI Jd\IL`IJ\J 6:ff{ca1. 3,000,000 Sterling. I vwwu --w- -v.... Assmr: $25,000,000. msculrs onxli X-E -E; vvn -mu wannnxilcx J BROWN Jnutto, Tex., Sept. 28, 1882. ` --w- -v v -1 vv-ww- "D'Av115 DOUGALL, Tn `Rant n Itl-so Mn:-1 THE ""u gestures suddenly ceased. ; h See to it next week," he growled 89: ` mV8d away. A S35 : ain t you going to shout?" called - .39: after him. _ T Shout be hanged ! - Let the old Pun-._ anwin and be durned! I don't go; ,._I , cent on this infernal country n'ohow 5} , mm 5 he savagely elbowedi- hil L .07! ugh the crowd and headed to; yo-g}: .:`1rsya.c..::~..`::*.:`,r:..*:t:*.-:;;.*;. m.n.s*a L V LII lJ\I\I\XZ In Rear 0 l:he`l:tI`;. 1-kot Agent at Barrie 11-lty *3;"ui.V=WvE:..T;% l_B_KGLjflNG &%s1m:ue r_mon% v -...u.u.~..-u- No stable should be without it. Railroad. mining and e ress companies all use Giles Liniment. and n the great racing stables of Belmont and Lorillard it has achieved wonders. One trial will convince. Write DR. GILES, Box 3482, N.Y. P.O. who will, without charge, give advice on all diseases and also on the management of cattle. Sold by all druggists at 500. and $1.00 bottle, and in uarts at $2.60, in which there is great saving. he Liniment in white Wrappers is for family use ; that in yellow for cattle. Giles Iodide Ammcin-la Horse and Cattle Powders. USED by all the leading horsemen on Jerome Park, Fleetwood, Brighton Beach, Sheeps- head Ba and Bull's Head. Never disa point, are To c, Alterative and Diuretic. estroy `Worms, Cures Indigestion. Colic, Bots, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Founder, Pink-eye and Rheu- matism. The dose .is small and the power is great. The Powders are guaranteed and Pur- chasers failinglto obtain a cure money refund- ed. Sold oy a druggists at 25 cts. a. box. W. G. MCGLEAN, Spinal Mengitis. Sprung Knees. Quitter. Removes all Unsightly Bunches. tV-__-... f __.-_ Wles Liniment Iodide Ammonia UUIISU I.l.l\Ja After reaching the polling place the driver got out, but the other remained in_ the buggy. ` . Well, aren't you going to vote ? Why, I voted this morning. You did ! Then what in blazes did yuu come up here for? H1.J.',l..N. ........L LA 1...; ....... ;...:.I .. 10181 U8LnB.' Declared before me at the Town or Barrie, in the County of Sim- ooe. this 28th day of February. A.D., 1885. A Commissioner in B.R.. 850.. for County -HAUGETON Lmmox. * J or Simcoe. n:orrsm 1Al1u>.IEHoTEL,; . 3 ' `D0131-OBTRElr-.;. " . 1 - V UUULV .l. 1 U! DLIVLUUD, 1, DEIIIUBI VV CBIOY, T0 WIT: of the town of Barrie, In the County of Simcoe. proprietor of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE newspa. er,_do solemnly declare that the actual wee y cxrculation of THE NORTHERN ADVANCE is no fewer than THIRTEEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY COPIES. And 9"-inf T own {kn n11"|I1'a]-nova AP 4-Ian anA l.'l;u1{'l'h1!iN HUNDRED AN D '1'Wh2L\"1` UUPIES. And that I am the publisher of the said Norrrnnax ADVANCE and therefore have full knowledge of the said facts. ' And I make thinnnlemn danlm~nf.inn nnnnr-inn- unuwwuge 0]. L116 muu 1.8.003. . I And I make_this solemn declaratnon conscien- tiously believmg the same to be true, and by virtue of the ac_t passed _in the Thirty-seventh gear of Her Mag esty s rel mtituled An Act or the su pression of V0 untary and extra-J u- ioial Oat 5. non` a sun` Knfnrn IV! 1 IMPORTANH ..A `d I fa: - L ' u:'ioa'g`:".`35,'a'u'?uve'ia , x.o'n`iE`re,"s`}" SEE - BQWEL8 9R,_BLOQl_), V . vv--...-u........ .....r v .4.-.-unuunzgv Au. Condensed advertisements on First Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, Property for Sale or to Rent, S ecic Articles, Eto.. Etc., m1n;t be accompanie with the cash. and will be 1nserted-F1rst insertion, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent er word (names. addresses, and gures counte as words); but 9. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. In the Matter of the Circulation of the l . Northern Advance. COUNTY OF SIMCOE, } 1, Samuel Vvesley, -rn WIT : of the town nf Ran-in _`._ -' .---u-V rt-tuna`: unnnvnn vuv vv vvn LVLAV VVAlAan Advertisers will not be allowed to use their space for advertising angthinlg outside their own regular business. houd ' they do so, transient rates will be charged for such adver- tisement ANTIC- "I d rather not." .. . j \Vun t you do it to oblige me 1 Won't _Vol_1 go to the polls as` a. special -favor to an old friend ?" . V - W11 ', yes, I suppose so, but- ,I\'0_ uts about it/. I "want you to oblige me. An. nnnn ,...I\:..... 44.,` .\,.1I:.... I--- H... 3/L/6:/'x75s'sf DYSPEPSIA, _ INDIG`E8Tl0N,-- -IA UNDIOE. ER YSIPEI./I8. SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, , HEAD/l_0Ii~E,_ AAA ....-_.. -._-_I_ -----vv-v-q--I yr 'Ill|. gugfy :,Al"ld evry species of; disease arisln from Vdlsordnmd LIVER` mnmtvn 21- Ann 1'. mu3unu& aa. - vvnn s-uuvule ml;'-I;r.e`f'erredpositions- in the paxger will be sold at an advance of one third on a ove rates. Thxs rule will be strictly carried out. CONTRACT CHANGES. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- ' tice of intention to change advertisements must be handed in to the oice not later than Saturda at 10 o clo and the co to h chance gaunt. he in th(:ak A nvnum:-. van: 5213... I cuvuruny an Lu OCIOOK, anu line co y I0!` anon ohan e must be in the ADVANCE 0 cc not later than 2 o'clock noon on-Tuesday, in any week ; otherwise the edgertiaefs announcement may not be made pubhc until the week following. A Ann-tlnnnn cnI`II'-nnl In. 4.I`I-......l 4-- --.... AL-2__ Rama '1 "707 d a `I: "dun" `wax `an e on 5_fM --uv..m ...........q 2},Inche's'.- . . . . . . . .' . . . 5 Inches, } Column.. In 1'..`-'|.-_ I l1_I,,,, v we-yup \/Va. Inn: Al 50 i-niches, Column `For one month-the three monthly rate with 16 331- cent. added. All filth vnnnl-I-nu Olga tknnn n.n_LL1- _..4... I0 I.` can. B0060. $9: _two months-the three monthly rate with 10 percent. added. {I'I__l-..__J ...__QL!-___ 1, 4| V ` ! 5 21.`: _;: -Gnyk Coat Woollen Goodu. - 4 io'fES3.'fIi$L? an `f..-L-_ 1 l'1_I,___ UIBHIUUH OI D118 `B81118 111351381`. i 1, Olcial and Government advertise ~ tnents will be charged at above rates. CONTRACT ADVERTISING. . Contract advertisegnenta will be taken at the following rates which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and. as they will be strict1Y ildhered to in making new contracts utter present contracts expire,` there will be only one price for all : 1 Inch. G'A1Svs:n'1~i1'_sx:ns~snoi7i.n Non: THIS 1uc'r.m 3 (12 lines solid nonpareil make one inch). TRANSIENT ADVERTISEMENTS. First insertion, 10 cents per line. Each sub se uent insertion, 4 cents per line. esding notices, 10 cents per line for first in- sertion; 6 `cents per line for each subsequent \ Insertion of the same matter. IJIDR` and {Intros-nvnnnf nu-n:nIf{nn . [ra:Tnoaruggu AnyAuc _ 1 j,A13vEf'IsING..{ATEs. The Adynnee has a. Sworn `Circulation V ot_ '1`hjrteen Hundred and L Twenty Copies, Almost, if not quite double that of any other Paper pub had `in Barrie. T0 OWNERS OF STOCK- No. of Inches ' Space. 41-eow-39 WILL CURE on RELIEVE ;;m1." .1 n CONDENSED ADVERTISEMENTS. .u-J -r no-ave.-vvv Cures Lameness in Cattle. ":30 50} 19561` tlon. rilllllll l V! - % [V THE sronmcw, onrusss . - 0F . THE j6 KI1V, l~.lI---__ __!_l__-. 1- 0ne Tnunn B}`Z.})TI:.'E.- - /mops Y, T FLUTTER/N0 AF 5'!!!` ll '71? U Iniillvu u OF THE HEART, AOIDITY 0F. I'll)` 1-I-I-an: gnu. Founder, % iii _ here.' urn SAMUEL VVESLEY. 'Pr<@rleto > . T0.` Agent. Bgrrie. Ont " so to . Inser- Inser- . * tions. tions. . (3 mos) (6mos) ( Spvin; 355 1600 .----. 229% .-leto TOR O. , Weak Limbs. . He diH1a} A *"S:Lyf" culled a man who was driving 8. '}1urse.`1xn1b1~1l_';:y in the interest of a. candidate _yestcrday, you vote in my \ ' "Y ward, awn t yuu ? . ' . "Yes," replied the person addressed. "Then getvin and I ll qake you 'up -to the polls." ' .s1\i I l'l`LlDa hflf H Windgalls. 1_1I__- .1 , ningbone {$600 31400 52 Inser- . tions. !(1yr.) I-IVDILIVCIY UUKC lllb UUIHPXELIHIS. soumuuc New. Given Amv Fm _Wrnpped around eve bottle of Dr. Chx_ase's Liver Cure \ IS a valuable House old Medical Guide and Recipe 2 Book (84 ages), containing over zoo useful recipes, pronounce: by medical men and druggists as invalu- M able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. '7 Plllllllllll 1!. AA A I n . - .- _.y... n 5 ca unc yl |\.!: UK Luv: ulcuxunc. A T. El3i|A"l|v8`t)`|lm'i:;"l:'0., Sole Agents, Bradford. JOHN WOODS. AGENT. BARRIE. For Sale iyy unvvuu OUU,UUU \l|-ll 01/er one-Ital/' millian qf Dr. C Iran : Reezlxe Baal: were sold in Canada alone. We want :1/my man, woman and child who is troubled with Lfzrcr (`om- plaint to try this excellent remedy. . ` I A nl re _ |.AuI:.=i It is a. well known fact that an inactive liver causes a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc. ; Chase's Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most positively cure these complaints, Qnurrunun II:-In nuzn lunu Em-- ' I`F\IU'1Cu3 l1EI'II.IJY The unqualied success of Dr. Chase's l.'l\`cr Cure En Liver Complaint rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from natux-c s well known live) regulators MANDRAKH. AND DANDELION, combined with many other invaluable roots, barks and herbs, having a. gowerful effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels and land. znn nnn cnl n . -an Cured of Deafness; Ham Ricardo, of Tor-on to; was deaf .for 1-bt years, and also suffered with, Chronic Rheumatism. Af_ter all else failed, Hag. \`ard's Yellow O1_1 .curd both afflictions . Yellow Oil is a relxable Internal and external remedy far all painful and inammatory _ g:r_ vXnplallltS. . I .__.._...__.,.ro 0.- v_ wv---ow --no; duniolivu "I tell you, but we did .just lay em! he exclaimed in 9. Woodward avenue car yesterday. - Who? asked the man next to him. ' V VWhy, thocorrupt local ring of course! \Vasn't it 9. slaughter, though ? ' "\'oa- nun}: nnnn wnu-.5 1-... `Ir.....L.... -4. L1..- certain rmedy. _ , ' I"If\ V E Liver Complaint. Dvspcpsi jaundice, Headache, Dir. Costiveness or any disease an DR. CnAsz:'s Lxvsx Cum: RlA`I'IlDE'C And are sold b all Vendors of Medicines throu hout the ivilized World: with direc- tions or use in almost every language. z Purchnsera should look to the Labels on the Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious. THE ELEBRATED , 2", ? "oAun:LioR' L I v ..--- . -.r-vvnu) Tit ls;.n i_11'fz;ll}1:la-1:e'medy. It effectually rubbed on the neck or chest, as salt into meet, it cures Sore Throat,` Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swel1ings.Ab- scesses. Piles, Fistulas. GOUT9 RHEUMATISM. ' And every ind of skin disease, it has never been known to fail. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured onlv at 1 I18 I` only at no-: Its searching and healing properties are known throughout the world. For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. t\I `I II? I I` I ""` ' ,_, ,, I ,-.,__-u.. _-_..---..r.- volt, giving tone, ener y and vigor to these great MAIN upmxas or LIFN1. They are condently recommended as a. never 'fa.ilinsz remedy in all cases where the constitution, from whatever cause; has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully eir-aclous in all ailments inci email to Females of all ages, and as 9. Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. Old Wounds, Sore and Ulers, (O In nu. I...l..II3LI.. _..._.i_ 71 ,3. ,1 Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. Genuine wrapped only in Blue, with signa- ture on every box. Free trial package of these Celebrated Pills sent to any address on receipt of a 2 cent stamp. lU LIIU uuyn Bro. Bunn s1owl lifted his 9 e 1; 1; iutruder s face, settled back intz) Elli: 01113 position and drawled out: u\'n-HS. But I didn t know.he was so iv. rv vv ynaua-J , .7 \l' Liver, Stomach, 'IuIVi`i1"H 2`l .i-IIUIIIIEUWBIS, `ah-n'nn vnnn nnnnruvv and n'...\.. 4.. This G1`-ea.tvHou;ahol.d Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Lite. Thong fnrnnnn pilln nnv-ifw 91. `Diana .....1 - ,_L 0110 163111118 1181288881188 OI Life. These famous Pills purify the Blood. and act moat. powerfully, yet soothingly on the fil;__ ~ 1 'rfl1 1-; - To all sufferers from lnrgosiion, Disordered Sfcmac. . Use thorn and be relieved from your mlsory.` 30 Pills In a" box. 25. pqr box, 8 boxes for 8| FOR SALE 8) ALL DRUGGISTS AA/D ' DEALERS IN MEDICINES L H._L..Lv44s7%s Pu-Ls ::,. nu . QREATEST wssvs WEE Vllll fhorgughly cure ycza. V `:11-.-` do no} gripe or purge, i':u}_ ac? mildly, and whenever used are considered pr!ca- lsss. They have proven to be me suugbcu, uuu uunavu nnllluh Vvlvu . Hello, Bro. Bunu! Are you offering incense to the devil 7 ? _ n_,. nnnn ulnwlv hfled hm mm: in Han THEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND PERFECT CURE VIII: 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, 1 are nnld hv all Vnnnra M Mmuna HU_LLOWAY S'0lNTMENT n\'spz5su?oa mnncasrzcm WHEN WHY SEJFFER FROM Yinonan MONKMAN, DRUGGIST, I?ARRIE. OF THE AGE cuy. NATURE'S REMEDY Hnrl ..... -...- Al` Ti. (`I.n.-n'.- I -I. UII Illc l\IUlIc -V, \JIUlllbl 500,000 SOLD n'/lino; nf Dr, (`luv e/e BLESMNG 8 larnc LLUU uuuv uuu vvvu svvvlvu U Q storm. tious _ I There sat Bro. B., pullulg away at 3 T_ 1), pipe. The good brother wag very much shocked, and hauled him with : Ktnnn Rrn. Rnnn 3 An: vnn n*'m-inn Mounting the trunk. he crept` 1y along and Deeped over the HAVE IN. ...' .-n A E6155?!` 7 7116. LADlES_ I'-..~o AL- a... . , 12;: .. 0| near. 8011.19 Ll: Ulunuuo 7 V V . ' A: the .\orthport. camp meetmg one day a brother vyas walking about in the mods, meditatlng upon 9. sermon, when _ he saw smoke curling up from the roots; \ of large tree that had been leveled by 3` , _. T\/f.-mnf.in0 the trunk he nu-an!-_ . dist gpigc()p1L 7 Said he, 5 LVLI..Iuauv- . C. D. Bum: is a. remarkably d witty member of one of `the England Conferences Of the MOthO- " 1Church. He haaapeculiar d W1 which adds much_ to t1_1e mirth- ' haracter of .h1s. saymgs. He . Witha], exceeflingly bald, and much lsidicted to smokmg 'Wh_n he pr..'hd' f/4113 young men of h1s`acqua'int'a.nce' ygedto Qh` him 5; great deal, for, the: sake of drawin;z.h1m out. One day [59 ked. huw 1t happened that some w very bald at {so early an age, hers were _well covered--' Wel1,.' some people s heads run to hair was 35 1110 re while Of and 501110 to bra.ius. .. Hm: \ arthnort.cam1) meetmnr (ma vuvn Bm1tu1U1'<.lidn t go in that buggy. AAA 8 DU Gllvvv vvwuwanspllig t`h'6 Lfgci:,:-`:)tc:lrl;ted villages the ;;_nd :; and regulata hawkers a.n peddlar-awn,` 1109 neat and apply to thelr own usq. and to co_ Stead of leaving it with the J. DIC_IN_SON, f ` .5. vuu uauuc U1 uuucau _guvcrmueI1B. ' Presnme you had some inuence In your ward ? A A. n\' I ....u... - - 6- - ' Raport of Special erund Pdl`'S"".Th rpr9""" ` ; ed that the councll should mgjmo: ' to allow townahia, L ialature ' Q3 aefcorporatqd wfxllages the` -poifggggog g;*??ri`;; `UBILIUH llllu uluvv nvu vuu. -y.;.as. tknow'he was so AA "`Don t make But ifs two ' J l}\.IAlI4l V V Oh, lguess " V`-ucss "not I November 26, A Minister that Smokes. r1 1\ 1)..-`cu 1.x :5 up-um. Of Course They Must. It Always Chills. miles up" there. . any difference. Get in `not; Jvun uuuu: | T3_'m1 bet! I just told. the boys tha}tH met1n10}_1z3.dcr)me' to turn the rascals H`)? 1111.] %L..L ... _.--L .1 , I -_ . 1 u\`\'hy, of course you Dxcxmson, Ohairm_a.n.; ' '_Save the corn Stalks. V Of the many things Iladmire in. my German neighbor, none: excite my res- pect more than the very `successful ray in which he manages his corn stalks. His plan does not differ from that gen- V f erally `adopted- He hunks his Icorn in the eld, the stalks. into bundles; stands these bundles into stocks, and whenidry, ilraws- them into the barn, ore msk93L4*!9P int wish;-narrows stack. -that: A:u: ' `tty: '.{1nn'chI-all m5.. 'llhe ; ...Iillnnnuan1~ilz: WBI,0DIBI $0 ._ Mu.` A `that;-_ or liy_ rota` `lllI.IUu- `C55 1/ thcfainz . in; tamoj:row,; or "thing. . ` P_'.P9 . . W . 9 luv .5 uvvw --v- rvv - lliltrou can buysheep in the fall for three cents a pound,` and sell them in the spring for six cents a pound, it will pay. It will pay still better to buy them for four cents, and sell them for eight cents per pound. We can some times do even better than this. One thing is certain : it does not pay to try to fatten poor sheep in winter. If sheep are not in good growingcondition in thefall, get rid of them. If you are going to buy sheepto -fatten, select the very best that can be found. You do not want old sheep, and youodo not want lambs. ' If thesheep are long-wool, or Southdown grades, select those that are yearling, or two-year-old ; if merino grades, then year-old wethers are best. Buy more than you want, if need be, and select out the best to keep over winter, and sell the poor ones now for what you canget. Careful selection is the main` point. With good sheep, liberal and regular feeding,_dry, comfor- table quarters, fresh water every day, and salt" once at week, `fattening sheep in winter is decidedly protable to the tarmer: and benecial to the farm; `In other words, it will provide both money and manure.-_--Joseph Harris in Ameri- oan;Agrioulturist for November. c A Winter Dairying. It is protable to be doing business when most other people are idle. This applies especially to daiiying; So few dairymen can make rst_ class butter, and so fewcan, or will take the pains to pack it._ perfectly, that the demand for ne butter during the winter, is greater than can be supplied. The winter, dairymen is now about begin- ning business His cows have been rest- ing during the hot weather, in the shade ` of a wood-lot, while he has been busy with his crop, and now that he has these all secured, his- late fodder and roots prepared, and his fall pastures in the nest order, he is ready to begin butter making, with every advantage in his favor. The s_ummer dairyman has been worrying through the "heat, consuming `ice at greatcost, and has succeeded only in getting a second quality of butter, which will bring twenty-ve to fty per cent less than that fresh-made in winter. The necessities for winter dairying are few, and are" easily provided. They are .- fresh cows,com'ing in about Septem- ber; pl, ty of hay" and fodder, wit.h-1`.Q0.ts. and snPP1mnl?3PY food. which `is `cheaper now than at any other time, because it is in. season, and. is abundantf; an airy dairy house , warmed" to an even temperature by. a'stove,avoids ` every diicultv, and "the dairyriian .-is.-iii full control of _.everything needed for the best management of his business, instead of ghting `ies, torrid lheats, dry weather,and every other difficulty, as in summer.--American Agricultunst A fattening Sheep in Winter. Comparatively few farmers succeed in fattening sheep in winter. A neigh- bor told me yesterday that last fall he bought one hundred and fty sheep fed them straw, hay, corn-stalks, and grain, all winter, and sold them for forty-five dollars more than he paid for them. I got a _ lot of good manure, he said, and that and the forty-five dollars is all I have to" show for the feed and labor.` It does not pay. __ _-,. I.__._ ..L...... 2... L1... (`.11 1`... -`----- .uIWUllIIFn3re`a z US$91`,-l'! 0nl the neptsonroes. c. T cellar, "where the temperature can be kept by ventilation, at about forty degrees. {I he oor should beef planks, be about eight feet long, tour feet wide and deep, made of looselbarred partitions,` wired together at the corners.. . A 1,1,,- of this sizepwill hold one hundred bus- hels, and with such aone, it is very easy to know precisely how much the crop amounts to. - A ,.box to hold a bushel w-ill__]be found a 'great`convenience in gathering and `storing the potatoes. inches deep in the clear at. the sides, and ten inches `wide, all inside `measure- - seven2=hu,n"d_red cubic; inches, or thirteen- cubic inches (about: ?two--1 good sized potatoes) over a heaped bushel, which is two thousand _and six. hundred and eightyseven inches. These boxes can be set one upon another, and then have a space left between the potatoes, and are thus well adapted for use in storing apart of the crop, or a small quantity for domestic use. The barred sides and bottom, "secure abundant ventilation. The bins in the cellar should have a space of four inches between the end and the wall, and between the sides; this is easily made by placing a short rail between them. l,'1 ;Jta:toesfare,;best stored inya dry,` cool, l`8189,d, l -113168 -iliches from itlfe ground, and laid, With one inch lspacesj between} them for ventilation. The bins should` It is made eighteen inches long, fteen meats, ; thus holding two thousand and --- All \I :_Au.\A \..r|JlLlU LU uuru but! ruycl '-at, and that we must stand shoulder to hnuldur in the good Work, Ah I, it was :x badduy for the chaps who have so long Ir`-walled in c0z't'-upti0nV! Hclcft the car with that, and the passenger to whom his talk had been ad-' dressed inquired of another : Who was that honest, enthusiastic man ?" ` He .1 Uh ! he was one of. the leadrs 0f U10 gang, and was beaten by 300 -A 'wa'tTiif16t` 1n'1no.'4th:oo:s.'.':oantan:1ng1oo ":' .:*...% a$.'. . on` -uwothe-owner. ' V , , Coobtovna 1 nana you Dams lanuwouu. He was handed a good many dimes,and he was ood as his word. It beat a- dime savings an]: all hollow, and as soon as thovboys tumbled to th racket the able youngnancier addressed them: . - `lln nial nf nnnrntinfllv has enlarged.- youngnnancxer auuwauuu uuum. .My eld of operations has enlarged.- You hand me half a dollar to-day, and in `three days I return you seventy-ve cents. _ __ ._.'_;. L...... nlnnnpaw 6-Inn nook ` 0811158." A . - o A dozen or moreboys placed the cash .9 in his.eh1ands, _-and the last heard of -him he was on his why'to Chicago, with some thoughts of opening 1; byoket-shop. " :B1.-andof Inpgrted and Tobtqcos,`Meersohaum and 836., .gouotho0entralA1 muKUl'o. J onumo. -v suwuyu Vlllllo Yes I he shouted, as he took a closer 1_001: at the bulletin board, the Puritan 1!! a`head--she wins-she s got there. , That's good, chuckled a. man at his `Side. mm 50 SUVUIHI. U1 IIIIU IL]-BB an Lvnavvvu. I m engaged in a. speculation. You hand me ten cents to-day, and to-marrow I hand you back thirteen. ' rt... ...... 1...mIm1 .. a.-ma dmnnv dimnmand ` It IILIU I-IUVIB 0 UL!) ullvull \JlIl\Ill6\l sluts Iuv Louis gir1s tieet and the shoes they wear, said `the head of a Boston shoe house. So far as St. Louis girls are concerned .these aragraphs are wide of the mark, for hot men and women in all that section of the country have remarkably small feet. But it is unquestionably true that the Chicago foot is unusually large, though I will not pretend _to gave a reason for it. You may form some notion of the difference in size which exists between the Boston and Chicago foot from the fact that in the latter city men s sizes average nearly 11, while here the average is about 7- There is about the same ditierence in women s shoes. `So the joke about Chicago girls feet may be said to be strictly founded on fact, and indeed if you should go to 1 could not well avoid noticing it. The that great metropolis of the West you I shape of the human foot varies much in different parts of the country. `In New Englandthe instep is less developed than. further south, and the shoes made for the trade in Connecticut or Massachusetts are lower at that point than those manufac- tured for sale in NewiYork or Pennsyl Vania. A man generauy likes his shoes roomy, and seldom aifects tight boots, whereas a woman almost always wears a shoe a size or two too small for her. and walks on her toes. 9 ' Ferd. Ward, Jr. Some three or four weeks ago a Detroit boot-black, who had perhaps posted up on the Ferd. Ward game,` opened out his mind to several of the kids as follows: 111"..- -_. .__..-.`l S... '. -u:\t|I<|`Il`;(\I'I van ; oi_i:qKE1is. ` A. `For allthe no `nnvnnntln Giants; IJIIIIUII IUQJUII-Ill-lUl.I\lU\L WIUIL lllulll LIIIIIIU NB ILU .gf`l.'ect till advised to give,McGr 'or a,Speedy I Cure Ta 't1"inl.'. `since taking the . 1: bottle `have noticed a decided improvement, and can __witl_1`condence recommend it to be one of-, if not the best medicine extant for Dys- paia. This invaluable medicine for Liver Uomplaint, Indigeetion,`Kidney Com lainta, in purely . v etable. " Sold- at Mo man's Drug Store. A rialbottle 9iven_free.' vH`?"v?A're you talking to me? If ye are ye want to sneak up, for I'm is deaf as an--old adder. " T wt--r - www- I sea a great many funny paragraphs in the newspapers about Chicago and St T,n-.3- ..;:.`I.| `An` O\A Olin nknnn ihnn uracil IIII IIAIII grace? repeated the master of the house. `Hey `I V - `Will you be kind enough to say grace? ' " `Hey `I , V ```Will you be kind enough to say grace `I - ' Ii ` Ann I-r(\II `II 0:11: 9 I1!` `Will you be kindvenough to sayl vonvuanav vvvunsvu UV IlAl\I J&\'JI-III ysalav IIIAU `man was a minister, and that he woul . feel insulted if not asked to say grace. So he called him by name and asked him` to invoke divine blessing. But the pious I looking man did not answer. The host ' `repeated his request at little louder, but still` no response`. Then the supposed minister's next neighbor nudged him and dielacted`his attention to the head of the ta 9. ' ' Al l`fT"II I I ,, ,1 _, ' Y Rev. J .' G. Fallia, I3;ffez:;eree : -For -some ,yea.rI my wife has been troubled with ,l)y:Bepeia_., and has tried one thing after an er recommended. with but little or no lD_-L' A:2II _J_;-,J L- _`____- `Il_I\._L_.`___I_ G_.--_1_. null u u: a nxuuguuuli, ouuugu 2 "Yes; such men must be beaten at the polls. Hluf .1 . . -on - . A story by Storm. V . Here, said a Washington street law- yer, is a story Emery Storrs used to tell. A man living out on Wabash avenue had a number of gentlemen at dinner. Among the number was one whom the host did not know, but who had been invited _ to "please a mutual intimate friend, who was also present. Just as the host was about to ringfor the Bleu Points he happened to notice the stranger, who was a pioua looking man, with long side whiskers and a clean-shaven/chin. J ust then the thought occurred to the host that the rnnnv-I rnnn n rv\:r|`n`:\n ant` `haul `an cvvnulnl ' Miejudged? [No matter, He Who knows the yearning: of the human heart Know: that `death in life is not a. part Of his created destiny. ` . Will stem the shining wave, T Does trouble weight the sorrowin soul? More bleat will seem the longed- or goal, : That wgita.'beyoud thegrave. - ' Does h_oph/ein ruine lie About the path, where duty leads your feet '3 Faint nnt` Arid-Irndw EH :0: "mil ` W1 Kn nnnnn1nItn t'h`e.'pnth, where Hut Faint not`and'kno"w that" will be complete 1 Whats hnnn nun nmmu-`din ; Go on," and make the most of what is given ; J ` The wall of doubt and sorrow will be riven- * Beyond the yqle. - T Tnen do not "faint : ' } SEGA` G LVQCO And does the way seem dark F_`v-int not. More brig fog lig'ht,,;wil1'surelv dawn ht because" of all the darkness gone, And safe Va`nd's'tron`g" thy bark. work;'aiid know __ dry H, d some-` "V" L of waiting A` . '. snow nds the stalks still in the eld Not so Mr. Jacobs. He does not wait. Hisstalks are frequently secure in the `burn or `staclc, before some of us com- stock are in the field, picking up the stray ears and scattered fodder, before they are injured by the rain,-and before we realize what has been done, the eld is harrowed to level down the stubbs, and the next day the boys are plowing, and getting the land ready to sow barley nexitspring.-_-Joseph_ Harris in Ameri- i can Agriculturism; " *"95l$~` gig;-_Qiat somg;thigg%sh_gppens h it are we t,_gand wavt ' *or'3a` `coniibnient titiii and N ovember mence to `hslr. ' His cows and young" nmulnm BUs'1IN;?Tr.&R'n1 roR.'.su.m4 114 ,1` am. Mr ..oi 0" `at y 3: -1333',` _1:_:'_1;`L3A. 4ch5'37o'i`:_`;._'-4`3's'ttas'ins ghog E sunk nn . __- -4`... can null: uuu Iuu nuuw Ullll nu W Where hope can neverdie. Chicago `Girls Feet. 1 . V . . u u ` Of course t-`hey `must ! . I'm always take o my coat and go to work an the cause of honest government. '` prnunrnn rvnn Ixnr] I'ut\v\.r-\I\ 2-\LI.--..-_ 2.. liA1N'r NOT. Also Agent for Ag::1ltu?ral Implements. GIVE ME .4 C -JLL.--Sign ofthe `Golden vSaddlo. Baveld Street Barrie. `L 20-19 Licensed Auctioneer for the Connty of Simcoe. T T Orders left at the Anvnwn Olce will be romptly attended to and information will be V shed lxlmrties requiring Mr. Ford s services. as . thong he had himself been consulted. 38-1.68 taken in prices to suit" everybody. _ Hasrxew e 131- e supplg of Trunks froxrr 50:; up to 325: V see an Satchels at Bottom Prices. Also Single and Double Harness, Collars, Sad- dles, Curry Combs, Brushes, Whip_s, A and Lashes, - At prices to suit everybody. Barnes: 01 and Varnish elwavs 1: stock. -5.2!` A TI\9`?l\ I-\1-ur\1-v-I-\lII-I- -no 'IKl\Q9CC . - 9 Auction Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North : of ,Wellinqton Hotel, Bsytield st. .` Barrie. fsnoomn-n'uv5- lmnuvrlrnn ' r _nomsn1~ amp soLn. "Barrie Sent.ll. 1878 nvvuu wan: wvvv aEPAmIiv'"171iBM15TLY D5i~IE. ALL WORK WARRANTED. I Has the Largee S(urniu`s eff lisvseise ever Liabili- ties at any Fire Insurance Company I in the world. OONVE YANOER, 4-c., I880 ER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES .j..._ . _ __._.. {Hum uNsuaArgpgApgMPANv :1 I (~49:-I-an-Irv HARNESS EMPORIUM. A_7D-_[1"'1."?!'_5.;1I- Parlor Suites. Bedroom Suites. V Sideboards, Easy Chain, &c., Cornio Poles, and all kinda of Furniture made to order by r ompotont workmen. Also Planing and Turning ' Done on Shortest Notice. ax Avvvss u\1\u-vnu new I In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the past, begs to_ state that he has at con- siderable expense. increased his baking facili- ties and 18 now prepared to do a larger business than ever. A BREAD I Madeln the various styles and qmility the. best l -Delivered in all mu-ts_ of the town. V ' PIC-NIC PARTIES `S-OCIALS & WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable fawn-nu LEADS _:r_+1e VAN. -3"-__ CITY or LONDON, ENGLAND, Capital 2.000,000; deposited with the Govern- ment ut Ottawa 8100.000. Reserve fund . 50,000 Sterling. - THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO Cap1tal$500.000; Government deposit made. rm: nova: ARE ALI. swoon coupmms. THE WATERLO0 MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE 00. Capital, 3500.000. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY or ABERDEEN AND LONDON. r1-_:A._I an AA!` Ann nu -- I t . . ' us ! I wan Good 3 Whva 1`mg)}or`lr())ice. ,`g`,-`$2 to yen at the tqptg the alley d`*Ya,,kee me while I {I0 "111 blessed 01 three cheertfm ,t,. 6 you 3/" 1) an - , . e 2 D9?acd} but I d 1*" 253 0' "'r"v"' ``Can t do it; got tlfo W8-11133 to Gherevd Come on evergzziybl calmly Ob, ` '- I ve got it 1 "t over- 9. {hi Uthel`. 35 paseeieilvedlit e:::u-` , The enthumaste count. The - `d and of $18 on ?c face in 83n ' ' ded from bl hxs wil do 3 1 038,53 "1 ; . .- d gestures 8``, _n..y 1... ~-' it nnvl-2 m balance

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