885 +-}!`or Zhe chetapezs Gry Flnnels in Bar- ne go to VV. R. P ' ips & Co. `______________'1_ - 11|,_`,;,L l`II___..._\_ r\,n,___._ 1 -Rev. E. Murphy. incumbent of St. Paul's church. Innisl, assisted at the marriage of Miss Adelaide Allan, of Moss Park Toronto, to Mr. Herbert E. Harcourt Vernon, son of Rev. E. Harcourt Vernon, Canon of Lincoln, En land, which took place at All Saint's churc , Sherbourue street, Toronto, last Saturday. -Gray at .Co.9s ess Goods are `selling fast, because eve dress that goes out, I goes at a Big Bur Price`. nu 1*I1".1rlI(1 A1-r use _ he 0. E. T. s.Xnd of Hope held their usual meeting `last Friday afternoon, and was attended by the regular number. There was no program as it was the annual business meeting. The treasurer was authorized to pay $100 cash for the piano which they have purchated. A motion was also carried to tender Mr. Haughton Lennox a vote of thanks for his kind contribution to the society. The next meeting will be held on- Friday the 77th. I c . `l\ --Collier street Methodist church, Rev. J. W. Annis, B.A., pastor. Services on Sun- day, 22nd inst., morning and ewjening, by the pastor. Evening subject, In Life Worth Living? Strsngersjlwsys welcome. I19 -1: the-:J;rt"vvh:'h'ouht the pail-2nd prize Plymouth Rocks at the show here from ` Mr. Peter, Angus, would send his name and sddreu, Mr. Peter will forward the name and age of the fowl to him. i _z.nue amfv e1V:7Z(31;>1:vl'1'`;"e:y: cheap at W. R. Phillips . I I I A A [El I V`, , --nu Jvu-up yng ne_vvu -Begin now to take THE. ADVANCE, the ` popular pioneer _ journal of the north, and 5 than get the rat of the new story which we will shortly commence. . 1~____ I- 11,`..- ___nnn, , -- ' -- - -(i7`-ray`: e sellin Dress Goods during their Sp al Sn e, "no! at cost, but at a true over t. _ , , T- -Ten cents saved and deposited each day with the Barrie Loan & Savings Company at i 5 per cent w11l in ve years amount to $206,- 96 ; ten years, $471.89. _- - ..-.., .. .,.,. ., .....,. . ; --Merchants and business men can reach ~ more purchasers through. THE ADVANCE than by any other paper in the County of |Sim'coe. I T -Bfg bargains in dies Fur Mantles at W. R. Phillips & . ` -Buy('(1Vintle Elster Cloths at '1`. I. Gray at Cons of business. ,_ . --._..,T.- ..,...y`..,...... In -`-"1:h; ne stores _ new block are nearly ready for their occu- pants. These will forsverv desirable places `M Mr. J. J. Brown s 1 I oan & Savings Company. . Mo;ey' Money !! Money In to loan at low rates. Mortgages purchased. Barrie i... T .,,S 1'` _ a--_ - -,._,,, --_,__,. _ . ! -Ml'.V Levi Carley, of this town, has pur- chased the boat building business formerly carried on by his father in the village of 1 Midland. -See Gray : , xvide and heavy Dress Goods, at 1 5 er yard. mL_ E777 j, . -r 3- .. W--~-ow is the time to subecriljo: for the ADVANCE. From now till the end of 1886 for one dollar. 1 1--The 18 Biadford modelites will come to 1 Barrie at the end of the session for their` final examination. -Sti1;a<;ribe for Tim ADVANCE now and get the balance of the) year free. "W --A teZxZ1;;<`i--a'l'1a'l; was exposed % for sale at the market last Saturday. '\1 ._ 2- LL- A0, I stir` daily at G. Mann- drell s English Ponlrnghop. In-In I . __ -__. -.-vr -]5aii:6;"M-cCarthy, Es'q, M. 9., Q. 0., lwas in_ town on Manda.) . - (I__I__-,.9I, , D III ; - T -X good stipply <;f hay on the market on ; Tuesday. . ' A I `Wool Shswls aw down in price at W~.R- % Phxllips & Co. , v - , . I you vuuvn-mg uunnnn vii!-cull! A, Gha-1:159: of Local - Big Bargains In Quilts at Gray9s. --A ne halo encircled the moon Tuesday ` `night, ' ` Which. Linked. Together, construct a` Very Interesting and Gosslpy l'II.__.A-_ -no _ __u 1-,. i--I*T"or "cheap Dres Goods go to R. Phillips & Co. . {PARAGRAPHEBJS PENGILTFUINTS. Judge : crunxmu court; A fraud. . MUCHLY FOR SALE;-V-A desirable res1dence.beant.ltullg J a mituated on Northwest corner of Peel an ` es Streets. Stable good water and other nVg;1i8nces in connection. Also Home and Dart or lot number 8, on the north side atria. `O Bogrge Street. Terms reasonable. gpzlvf . Vestry Meeting. - At an adjourned meeting held at the Parochial schoolroomp on Monday evening last, a resolution appointing Rev. Mr. Armitage assistant rector of Trinity Church which had been passed at a previous meeting, [was conrmed. , A Police ntagiatrate. To the Editor of the ADVANCE : Sm,-I am surprised to nd that numer-I ously s1 ned petitions have been presented to the ounty Council praying that honour- able body to recommend an appointment to the Local Government of a po ice magistrate for the purpose of carrying out the Scott Act. Surely such petitioners must be aware that to ask the County Council to take such a course would be in a manner condemning themselves as magistrates (which they all are `by virtue of their oice) as well as also con- demning the large number of magistrates of the county by making it appear that they oicial duties. are unt and incapable of discharging their 17-....- -L_ .I__L1_, V Memorial eeting. Two weeks from to-morrow (Friday) evening then will be a memonal meeting in the basement of the Congregutxonnl Church, Collier street . pumps was wuuu. uuw uuu uwuumy 18 @100. This is indubitable evidence of, the steady progress` of our town in population and busi- ness. uvvv-v - no. V V1 00530 A week ago last evening as Mrs. Schrieber was driving along the road near Powers she was struck on the shoulder by a stone causing a large bruise which has been very painful. I It was just dark and she was unable to see who threw the stone, but could discern some ; boys running away. On Friday evening of the sameweek as Mr. Schrieber was going along one of `the streets of the town on his bicycle a stone was thrown at him striking him, though without doing him any injury. , He saw two persons go rapidly away, though he was unable to identify them as the parties guilty of the'o`ence. Mr. Schrieber natural- ly enough is annoyed at these dangerous and mischievous pranks, and thinks that the constables of the town should be on the look out to prevent such tricks and to promptly arrest persons guilty of these assaults upon people on our public streets. We hope that means will be ado ted to prevent a repetition of these serious oences. $689.66 Multiply 51,198 by 26 and we have 1,331,148 for the year Of this number about 92,000 are delivered at the Barrie post oce and this exclusive of drop letters. In fjrnn mhnn Mu `IE3:-ya-zln ---- uuwu auu yum uxcxunuve OI urop Letters. In 1869, the time when Mr. Edwards was appointed postmaster, the quarterly sale of stamps was 8600. now the monthly is $700. This in innhifznhln nvhlnnnn n? 44.4; ..L-..A.. The following statistics of the Barrie post ofce will be read with interest. N amber of letters, papers, books. etc., received at and sent from the Barrie post oice for the two (2) weeks ending Oct. 25th, 1885 : Letters received. . .. . ..l6,374 Papers, etc., received. . . ....10,989 27,363 Letters sent from. . .... 14,370 Papers, etc., sent from . .. 9,465 23,835 TouloIII~IOD0"|| Value of stamps on theleceived. . . . .6483. 28 `I 0` " _sent .. ...$4l6 69 ....._,. . A collection and subscription amounted to $103. It was proposed to get $400 from Barrie for prohibition purposes. The sur- prise of the evening was the announcement that on the 18th of August last an attempt was made to blow up the residence of Mr. J. G. Strong of this town. During the evening the Collier street Methodist church choir sang some pieces which gave great pleasure to those who heard them. Mr. Strong was chairman, and on the platform were I num- ber of well known Scott Act workers such as Rev. Mr. Crornpton, Mr. Lang and others ... u u; mu nuxnnef 3 9 we no` '1 of W `" " 9. teissonable. A 1' toBo(x,r1`)%,e{5?treet' W -.='*'` rrie. - R}4=V.'sAmUEL ROSE. D.D..Chr1-'1' Gm Qul dl` ' ggfn _- .n_and. evannmllnt 'I`nIInn :- Scott Aot hleeting. The Scott Act meeting on Monday night was not a very large one. The speaker of the evening was Rev. B. B. Keefer. the general agent of the Dominion Alliance. The object of the lecture was to show how the Scott Act is working in this county. The speaker said it was working very satisfac- torilyvin Angus, Bond Head, Beeton, Brad- ford, Cookstown and Rosemont, but in Totteuham, Stayner and Creemore it was not doing as well. He gave testimony and statistics showing that crime had decreased and that the number of drunks at the police court here was two only since the first of May. A .m`lI.-...4-:.... ....,I ....L....-:....:-.. -...-.__L- 1 L ..........-a... nu. ynuyun u_y us auuuucr. Lu 1! E11118 this nuisance was abated, and I hope you will continue to agitate the matter till the council takes hold of it and provides pro- tection to both private and public property from those wandering depredators. Barrie, Nov. 17th, 1885. CI'1'I7.EN. \nuvJ vs uuuuuuvuuas vuc gums: auu F118 051187 stood ready to prot. by her eompanion s ingenuity. At length she succeeded in open- ing a. gate and both at once proceeded to- wards the srden to regsle themselves with whatever t_ ey could nd. I would like to know what right any man has topermit animals to run at large thus to annoy and dema.ge_the property of another. It 18 time thin nrnlnnno Inna ol-..4>..A -...I 1' L . . . _ . .. <.__-__ -_ __' ..........vv-A . SIR,-I notice that you advocate the en- sctment of a by-law prohibiting cows run- ning at large in our streets. I am in entire sympathy with your views. I think it 8 gross wrong to the people of the town to be ennoved with cows, half starved. trying to gain entrance into gardens and ot er en- closures. A few days ago I was in the east end of the town and watched two of ese free commoners trying to open the go into people's yards. One of them undertook the duty of unfsstening the gates and the other bfnn PAAAV fn rm-AG!` `an L... ..n--.-.---- - nu. v\aAsua;\.IIJnA,VL aux. u. u. LJuI.'Uu5 5 rczuueuce in this town. A fuse was attached to it, and paper saturated with camphene half burnt was lyin near. Anything more dia- bolical can har ly be conceived. One of the most surprising things in connection with this atrocity is that it should have been kept a. profound secret for three months. We trust that the matter will be thoroughly probed and whoever is guilty punished to the utmost extent of the law. - Cows Running at Large. To the Editor of the Anvmcn : sun!) o_u._yuou.uuc uarlanu 8 W83 IOIIDQ On all g the` verandah of Mr. J. G. St:-ong s resfdence in town- A fusion was: nlznnlnnzl Ln {L Atigusut a. dynamite Acgrtj-idge was found on I:hn`vA1-gnJn}rnf `Mr I (1 ,QL......,... -.....\1.._-_ . High C:::t:t;e*`6<:.niDt ndoe. Police Court, Barrie, Nov. 18th, 1885. Barrie Post Omce. Yours obediently, _Tnu nn :1 1 Stone Throwing. _ I_..L ___-..!W III-' ITJLI VI Josnpn Romans, . . L . __ McKay.-.-Craig-That the. Finance com- mittee be instrnctedto inquire into and re- port to this council why it vgas necessary for the County Treasurer to discount notes and borrow the sum of $9,000 as stated by the Warden in his address to the council last evening, and also the large amount mention- ed in the County Treasurer's Report. There were five inches of snow on Sundsy mornin end things had a wintry appearance. Home eighn were out doing the day, but by Monday Sht the beautiful had nearly dinnnnnn McDermott--McKsy--Ordered that this council at its first session after the sad event do leave on record an expression of our deep regret by the demise of the late Sidney M. Sanford, Esq , treasurer of this county, who for many years was a fathful and efcient ofcial, and whose gentlemanly and un- assuming manner merited the highest respect of this council. (` n I')_._. I'7.',,I,1,._.J l\,,J_,,_J A1,_A UL IIIIIU DU IIIIUIIO C. H. Ross-Kirk1and--Ordered that re- port N 0. 6 of the committee on Finance read at the June session of this council and laid over until the present session be now adopt- Al` vv uvuuu uuv uuuuuu U0 IULUFICSU, OMS. Cruig --Phelps--Ordered that the docu- ments relating to the sale of lands by this county be referred to a special committee of five, viz: McKay. Drury, Phelps, Mc- Dermott and the mover. `lA-1\-__.-LA. `|t_`r7_-_ r\__J_,,,J LL_L 1.1:- uuuvlu, uunlvnvunu, l.\UVs Lu Al.l.Ul\CU, J. -L)-1: Accounts of Mr. Walter T. Plaxton and statements of oods fuznished-to volunteers by town of Co mgwood. MOT] ON 8. On motion of Mr. Siseons seconded by M r. Finley, ordered that the several documents now before the council be referred, etc. (`.1-gin `K-55 `LII Annuu [WE \m`I:}{1i Mm T0 cm. F vvuux Auuun , The` VVa.rden pres'entod,.tlxeA ft`/)HOWiI]g documents which were rem, v7z ': ('0. Treas- urer's Report, applications of Charles Henry. G. H. Leslie, A. E. Smith and Alfred Beardsley for oice 'of Messenger; ap1`.i- cations of S. VV. Letmox, John Galbraith and D. L. Sanson for the .ct!'zco of (`o. Treasurer. Petitions of S01 Milsay and othvrs by-M r. Millie; Cardwell Agricultural Society by Mr. McDermott; and of the County Audi- tors. Communications of N. Simcoe Teach- ers Association, caretaker North River bridge," the Messr . Lee, Messrs. Slater &. J8l`Vl8, solicitors, ev. T. McKee; P.S. I. Annnni-1+3 ll` Mun IX7-lL...."l` D1.`-`An 4111.1 u uuw \4ua_Ll.. The minutes of yesterday were read and ] conrmed. ` nu , Irv 1 . . .. .1" .~-v . -v....n Sis'sons-Switzer-0rdered. that the Fi- nance Committee be instructed to name a. proper person to ll the position of County Treasurer for this county owin to the la- mented death of the late S. . Sanford, Esq., and that the said committee do report as early as possible at this session. "l`l-m nnunn 4-1...... ...J.'-......-J any 1n ,.v-1_ ,1- I - _-....- ' nnnvananuas NOVEMBER 17. i The council met at 10 a._ m. The Warden M in the cheir. F . 1 A petition from Mrs. Elizabeth Harris, widow of the late caretaker of the N arrows bridge between Simeoe and Ontario counties, praying to be anpointed to the position held by her late husband was read and received . `Dd-:4:.... :........ `n..-..I- n.._;---.. __---:_,7 o ; | Ir) um. uwv uunuauu. wan luau. uuu ICUCIVBU. Petxtlon from Frank Gaudaur praying to `be appointed caretaker of the Narrows bridge. nc,.nu-A...` an vcu I no IIUDDIUIU at: 01113 55351011. The council then adjourned till 10 o'clock 1 Tuesday morning.` \Tn1vn:nr~n 1 '. Ll VIA LAGIIKI nun. lCUCl.V$L UPIDU wf2th day of August, 1335.. $68,161.58 Cash paid out to same date . . . . . . 65,187.06 uuva. 1.10:7, JJUDIIL UL 4.-Luuuouns. The Auditors Report of the accounts of the late treasurer gave : ` Cash on hand and received upto ` `gill (`Av nf Ariana}. 1995 O00 I41 :0 \ Ul'.'l`GAGl~2 SALE of desirable Farm in the Townshg) of Orillia. in the Count of Signcoe. L'n Mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered for 5510 b Public Auction, at the Orillla House, 0 is. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. on N `A 1 `Ann 1 non 1 un- er power of sale containe in` U\L VJ Ill-LU l)UQl\Lc . The document from which the -above was 3 taken is signed by Judge Boys, Arthur Craig, I McPhee, Board of Auditors. VIVL- A...I:A.,...._l `n_._...__1. _: n . - :- uuuuvl vuu uc yaeacu u_y hue DUEFU. And as regards the second class of claims, the Board have held over the accounts in connection with the enforcement of the Scott Act for future consideration, and have order- ed notice to be given to allmagistrates of the county that no future claims against the ` county of a similar nature will be entertain- ed by the Board. '1'}... .lm............L :........ ...1..:-L rp -1, L, Report of the Board of Auditors. This report dealt with certain claims. lst those in connection with the arrest of vagrauts, and 2nd those in regard to the Scott Act. With s-.m.~....'l "l'\ um 4:....; ,.I...... -t -1 :, V uuu. auu uuuac Lu rcgaru bu U18 D0061: A With regard to the tirst class of claims the Board have ordered notice to be given that all constables accounts in connection with the._arrest of ordinary vagrants must be settled by the several municipalities in which the arrests are made, and that in future no such accounts rendered for payment by tne ` county will be passed by the Board And an 'l't:nnI-an flan canny-u-I r|`nnru -1 ..l..i._.._ _.--_. _-. .. Ala/udl nun: The Warden said : Gentlemen of the County Council of Sim- coe-Allow me to congratulate you on again assembling in council for the discharge of those duties appertaining to your position, and I feel certain you will discharge them with delity and promptitude. Since, the last meeting of the council death has taken away our treasurer. I did not call you to- gether at that time to appoint another in consequence of the great expanse which an extra session would entail, but taking ad- vantage of the authority by which the Warden is invested bv the law, I appointed the person who had been the late treasurer s assistant to perform the duties in the interim, having taken the precaution to have all necessary securities for the faithful perform- ance of the duties of the responsible position. In consequence of there not being sufficient funds to meet the demands of the public service, I obtained various discounts to the amount of about nine thousand dollars. One of your duties at this meeting of the council will be to carefully choose a person to ll the vacant oice. This is the most particular thing that will occupy your attention during this session. \Ve will now proceed to busi- ness. ` uuuvvvntu. Iau IIIICII UIIJJCH. The mmutea of the last session of the last meeting of the council were read and` con- tirmed. % vuu vvvunugg U1 uni: LUDH- The Warden took the chair at 8.15. The Clerk called the roll and a large number ` answered to their names. m` ____,,,L P -2 I '1 ..--``-V.._ __ `An `I The [Warden Addresses the Council--The Most Important Subject is the Ap- pointment of a. Treasurer. The council met in the codncil chamber on ` the evemng of the 16th. 'l"l..-. l\ .....J.._ 4.--]. LL- ,1 ,- - . v- --- THE COUNCIL WAS OPENED IN DUI} I FORM MONDAY NIGHT. ' % 2`itf{1'ic'1 t~3.",_i~2`1i1'7i"e t.:'v"5f Dglcgxppp ,'sIMuuE noun? PARLIAMENT! Balance on hand . V. . . $1.00 } ER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. [ SINGLE c_oPIn:_s, FIVE CENTS. WARDEN : ADDRESS. (':).\1M l.'.\'1c_`A'r[u_\'.5, In u. UUIIIII` I_Gll' IIUIIIIIIII I at e over cost price. I`ETI'l`[O.\'S. PETLTI ONS. MOTIONS. .\lHlH,`] urucl` U1` Uruu, bu uvuxu UIRHIUQUI IQBU. .\'<-wspapers are` not to copy this advertise- mvnt without the express order of HARPER & Br`-n1`m:1:s. . Acilu-css II.-\I:P}3R.& BROTHERS, New York. `idling their beautiful n nvnr aunt nrlaun- EQ974 52 bu), Cloth, $1.00, |."'d'.'H-|J_) lllltll, pUSI. uxu. `$9 Indcx to Harbors Ma azine, ' Analytical, and Classie , for Vol im.-1u.si\'c. from June 1850 to June 1 Rrnninnnl-no .~hnn1:] Mn nnnn Mn 1) (\$nn 3\ U. 1. IUHI, .:n.U". Remittances should be made by.I;{:%tOmceA Money Order or Draft, to avoid chancaot loss. \'t-wennnnx-Q urn` nnt fn nnnv thin nrIun~nHnn_ Hm` CUI'l'L`Xh A IUIIU 1'. Bound Volumes of Har er s' three _vca.r.s back, in near. c oth sent by umil, postpaid, on recei \o1umc.v (`loth Cases, for bin t-34:11-by mail, poatpaid. " Harbors Magazine. Kbhabetical. agazine; for ding. will `be of $3.00 per `g, 50 cents 'Hu~ \o1mm`.~ of the Magaz ' e begin with the, er of each year. will be under- s to begin with c:r.mh-1'sI'ux' June and Dece \\'tu-n no time is specied. stood that the subscriber wis [k.cu1'rcm Numb -1'. Uzuun \'nInn1'oo nf 114:1-\v\nw n "RInnunn3nn' Rn.- K ' The member Number W111 b in the Seven- .,3eC d Volume of `HARPE;g8 M;AGAZINE. Silas \ olsons novel. ` East Angels, and Mr. Howell _ ludxan Summer --holding the tom. most place in current serial ct1on~-will run through `\'(`,l`i_!.1 numbers. and will be followed bx` serial tones from R. l_). Blackmore and Mrs. D. M.`%Cra_1k. A new editorial department (1 iscuggixlg hopxctsj suggested by the. current lit- erature of Aymurxca and Europe. W111 beoontri. buted by W.`:\D.,Howells, beainnlng with the . `mum-y num er. The rent literary event of (he year will _e the pu licatnon of 5 series of p8peI'S- tukxngthe shape of a etox-y._end depict- jng:}1aracter1sfig features of American society as seen at our leading pleasure resorts--written by (`harms Dudl Warner. and_xllustre.ted by (' ~` llelnhart. -.,,., The Magazine W111 give L.- (-s'pcCie.l attention American sub'ects,trea.ted . by me l_wst Amerl n writers. an illustrated hy 2:-umng Amerlcp artiste. uL1|\\ Min, 131 M. Mot-:. 'l`m`0nt0 _l_)ilI.-d, .1`_~.m .\'( {M FOR SALE. -W_ Lot 8. in the Vespra, contain: 100 acres. red with hardwoo . ine.Vtam- - The soil is c ay loam. OMRS. O'NEILL, Barrie. HA.l:PlR'a` MAGANE..._ .... ..;....$4 00 }1.w.m:1:`.: WEEKLX .............. .. 4 oo H.u:P1:I:s BAZAR. g ............... .. 4 oo r!.\l:I }~1I:.5` Y()U.\'G 1`{(g0PLE . . . . . . .. 2 00 H.-\l .l EIi'>.' FRANK j N SQUARE - 1.11311.-\ HY. One Ycu%2 r1_umbe`rs)..10 00 H ("AL` ._...I. .. .5011. I , J < At Barrie, on the 14th inst., the wife "`g`g5_ M, Wells, M.D.. of a son. T Married. A V .\Lu.\'~-At Churchill, by the Rev, 1."'\'('l,i I)un<:.}n. M.A.. at the residence of Wm. Main. }4.sq.. brot._her of the bride. Mr, Juseph J)nlul18.}`. to Miss Jane Main. uAnPEn'_gAI3_|pnIcALs. ._ M_\.__.(,;\- a At the }_\Iethodis_t Parson e, "\;\'orsI0v.>'t1'eet. Barrie, on Frgdsy. Nov. 3, the wife of the Rev. J. M. Wllkinson, of a 5 At inst. "``Eg, ` M'n.rrlnI_ n_;; A \5 `. , . in every art of Ihu ILl'l:I;)ia()Ir|1 fSox]'m1;1:l?1Prf;nn uglmitation ginger Machine." W}3yare'11ot similar com . 11193 frmd for + . . I ' Machines? umkmg Inmauons of other eWi118 G Id 'I'henuh1in vvill draw {tn nwn infnrn 0 ,----""'- ' v _ XXXIV. No 47. WHOLE No. 1752. M `OL SAMLHII. VVESLEY. Prourietor. v. 1 mpsws MAGAZINE. ".\*I;\v A--IHDVEIITISEIVIENTS. c7"so'7lt5t'>`y:V\9.u(3. uohix. A A uu ' IT}: .\'0v(-1nbeI`.-183~ ,- X.\.\1v. no u. vvnuu_m' LVO. SA.\`[UrIl. -c, Barrie, next Ii-oor to J. J . Brown's. WM. STEPHENS. Manager. i;.LvsTnATEn. \IlD\J ..vv-. --._ -nfv Lu]--AV VV all SI! /ifrll)-.7%7I the U/nted States or - 3:e?Ze}ir' =' nines ! . - ther Sewin Mac Gold mung 1nx}t&U_"3 ` inference- .11 The Duhhc wxll draw its own in ; brass and t :3 continually counterfeited Il'_`VeY'. -.__rn_- '.7`*l`.h 1 886. #4750 Thanksgiving Day. Nothing could have been more beautiful than the weather on Thanksgiving Day. The sun. shone in summer brightness, the at- mosphere was calm and clear and the tem- perature delightful; Those of our citi- zens who remained in town enjoyed them- selves by promenading and ca ' e exercise. Services were held in the Met odist and Presbyterian Churches. In the afternoon the ba nd gave one of their popular concerts near the new post-cice, andthe lar e num- ber aesembledto hear was proof of t e high appreciation in which these admirable con- certs are held. In the evening the roller skating rink was the attractive; point, and vast numbers enjoyed the exciting. whirl on the polished oor. The 85th Battalion Band c......:.h.a aim-in fm-`the occasion. On Sunday but the morthl remains of the late Thoma Anngon were gonveved to their lut res ' place 1n the Umon Cemetery. A large nuln I of the member: of theeooietiee to which the deoeued belonged attended the [ tne pouanuu uuur. Luv vuvu us-uy. j furmshed muqxo forthe occasion. ' Trinity church Social. - The second of the Series of Socials. now being given under the auspices of the Ladies of this church, was held in the Parochial School Room, on Friday evening last. Mr. S. J. Sanford was chosen chairman and? per- formed the duties of that position most efficiently and greatly to the satisfaction of the audience. The programme was greatly varied, the rst beingla piano duet b Mrs. Campbell and Miss ockridge, whic was followed by Mr. J us. Edwards, who sang The Light House Light in splendid style, and was honored with a hearty encore. Mr. J scgpith san The Ocean with good voice. his gen eman has recently come to Barrie and is quite an acqusition to the mnsical talent of our town He received an encore in response to which he sang ` `Com- mitted to the Deep. "Our Social Circle under the direction of Major Ward, gave two pieces "Desolate the dwelling of Mama and See Our Oars with Feathered S ray." in a manner that met with the eartv approval of the audience. The ladies and gentlemen composing Our Social Circle were in good voice and brought out all the beauties of the two glees. It is hoped that they will continue to delight the frequenters of the Parochial School-House at these entertainments. `Mrs. Jonathan Henderson appeared twice and sang two songs which were heartily received. This lady has a . pleasant voice and an agreeable manner, and so soon as the slight nervousness which was at first observable has been overcome, will rank among our very.best singers. We trust soon tohave the pleasure of hearing her again as her rendition of When the" Robins nest Again was a treat to lovers of good music. She was accompanied on the piano by Miss Mason, the accomplished daughter of Geo. J. Mason, Esq, of the P. O. Inspector's Oice. Those who can fully appreciate high classical music were delighted with an instrumental duett by Miss Mockridge on the piano and Mr. J. S; Barnum on the violin. Mrs. Campbell favored the audience with a son in amanner that` delighted `her hearers. iss. Mercer had charge` of the `musical part of l the pro- gramme and is to be cc tulated on the excellent selection she e of performers, ._A LI... ....-.'....6 nl-`an II` O-Ina nnnnvnnnni- exuuuouv lvluuuuu uuv Iuuuv Va ywauu nuvuu, and the correct playing of the accompani- ments. We are pleased to learn that the tint social added $20, and the second a little over that sum, to the special fund that in geing Eaiaed for the improvement of the, Janna . v % c`3`i{&'?cL';'" ,___J . 331% _ After the Chicago re the Relief Committee _l.Lde1'Lo0k to furnish Sewing Machines tothe =>6_ed)_' women or that city. Applicants were 1_'*FInm.ed to choose `from sixteen different iulldil of machines. 2.944 applicants were fur- "1?h0d with machines. 2.-127 Chose Singer Machines. 236 " Wheeler 8: Wilson. 127 Howe. 39 " Wilcox 8: Gibbs. - - > Wilson. 7 " " Davis. ' __`Jpc Hundred and Eighteen distributedtheir '~-0lce among Ten other kinds oi. machines. ,H?\`1I]e_se Izirls were to earn their living on these - 5*.`11nes. Why did they take Singers? P~."illl1-ii nnh... n-_._g_ ____; .a-_._4- -r 7 -n_-_.._v_ lllll-IUIIIIU UU ULIU vtu IIICI-l'Ul U U and pay them what they were worth`: 'f`hoI-n hinn nn nfhnv I-unninnnn `HA, In. y in D0!'6!'B. - Mr. Plaxton ohiected the council so frequently interfering with the functions of _ committee in charge of this matter. He contended that some men were not worth a dollar and a. quarter 3 day. It had been the principle to empioy.the old men-of the town Ant` H111 `IIDIII ml-In`! `Hui! n-uuun II7A\h| Inn-I\L pa Iluw-5 VIIMIII IIIAU VIVID VVUI. III-In '.[`here being no other business the council then adjourned. T 51:01 uuuu uuu 1UUu`u&u D6611 PUB 111 011181`, oss, Moved by Reeve and seconded by Councillor Lennox, that the Committee on Fire and Police consider at once the necessity of providing aatove for the lock-up. Carried. - Some discussion in a. desnltory way was evoked on the question _of wages to town laborers. e IA - 'n'|__L_.. -'L3-_L,3 ; AI , '-I uucpuuu ul. uuu u-wu 5 gueuus. i Councillor Plaxton said that permission had been given to take any prisoners to the gsol until the locking had been put in order, Mnvn hv pnntrn nan non-I annnnnil Ln w:l:l`1;::1:1;;:;l:1'1;'c5:$ilam was, ozi motion by Mr. Ball, appropriated [for improyements on Kempenfeldt road. Rnnvn Dnau alum.--) LI... l'1.........!LL-_ -- uu ;;v:.uyuunrI.uu Luau. Reeve Ross charged the Committee on Fire and Police with neglect of duty in not xing up the lock-up, so as to be t for the reception of the tnwn a guests. nlanntllnr .D`nv`-An 1:15:13 `In-ul ans.`-..:..n:A-. av one LUWB UOIIIIOH 2 GEN'l`LEMEN,-l sold a small piece of beef today, 14th- inst. , but did not do it with any intention of doing an illegitimate business as I want to take out a license. I hope you will overlook it as it is the rst offence. - JAMES MCLAUGHLIN. To the Council of the Town of Barrie: _ The petition of the subscriber respectfully sheweth that a complaint ha ' been made b the tenant on the corner of E izabeth and ary streets. that the water of the creek backs up on the lot to the culvert on Mary street, not being suiciently large to carr_y1t off in heavy rains, also in fall and spring. Your petitioner requests that the culvert be enlarged at once, or she will suffer loss if it be neglected, and a suit will be instituted forthwith for damages, and your petitioner,- as in duty bound, will enxrierbpr-ay.' qnmm -- -- uu--J uvuuu, yvus UVUI. piny- MARIA L. SOULES. Various accounts were read, and on ; motion allepapers received were referred to 3 their several committees. ' ` ' "I`l.n an... .1` L----1--- J-"4#~ --- ~- - " vut vucul DID I-1.6!. . . ' Minutes of the previous meeting were read and conrmed. Present--His Worship the Mayor, Reeve Rosa, and Councillors Plaxton, Ball, Per- kins, Anderton`, Lennox,` Hindu and Mc- Lean. ' .m.- an `an-- .--.-.-, -._.._-..,.,__- F R`sAi}}I:.:-Low 6, CON. 8, VESPRA zoo ,,,=,_%crcs, welltimbered. within ha.lf.a. mile of L IBILLLI ] . 1 To the Town Council : rlntnnv nun--_-- `I ._ -I J -_`-v -vvuvnii . Th regular mgevting of the Town Counil was held in the council chamber on Monda evening. His Worship Mayor Sewrey too ` the chair at 7.15. 1m:._._a.-- -2 AI ' ' ' THE TOWN mamas IN zsnssmn. cnoss-mama or nun noss AND councmnon max-rort Fire and Police Committee chnrgd with Negugenoe-A Money G1-Int to ` Kempenfeldt Road. In! ma tune romp. . AI, _ _- -_La.I _-... PETITIONS. BARBIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1885. mm INTERESTS or BARBIE. . PRA 90 _ . 8._VES 11 P'c?:,l`::5HJi?::'l{ae6r'ea. 1 9 . use and `om , pai1V\'u)'stution. There is 9` ho _ Also'West 1m rovement upon the property ha of 10 h E t half of lot N- 0199,:-ed. pm, corgsigtirtllgs of 50 acrcs.t ht1_Vgf1ytne-DNPrty' never failing stream.run.5 f mu-ohes.st01``t f mseasy. Within a mi1`; TM1nesins- 49' post office, &c. JOHN KE ' ` - PGDUUI LEVY: LVLI-u fllgllll LVLLQ .IlQVl\L LIAIVID, I D and Rev. Mr. Keefer. The addresses were appropriate, referrin to the great benets we enjoyed as indivi uals and as 9. people, for which we ought to be grateful. A fair number attended the service thus publicly to aoiknovlvalege their gratitude to the Giver of a1 nnn gation ehurch. The Chautauqua Circle held its regular meeting Tuesday evening. Besides the usual routine work, a paper was read by Miss E. F. King on The condition of the Romans durin the Golden Age of the Re- public, their e, rel 'ou, literature and art, and oneby` r. N. . Neill, giving Arnold's view of Roman Legiondary His- tory. The circle will meet every second Tuesda in the basement of the Congre- Attlllted Burglary Last Sunday mornings man attempted to enter J udge, Ardsgh s residence through a back window. He had pulled the -upper` sash down and was just about entering when the J ud-ge s min sswhim and he decamped - going over Dr. Morton's fence. The would be burglar lefthis dark lantern `and we are suthorized by the J ddien to say that the owner can haveit by ca. g at his residence. The Rink. - There will be a wheelbarrow race at the Roller Skating Rink this evening, lots of fun may be expected The 35th Batt.Band will be there. The Champion Mute Skater will be on hand on Monday and Tuesday evenings `next and '11 than be ready to per- formaome of thejmoat wonderful feate ever performed on ekatee. Go and see him. '1`h_e darn-t;.vud-vfo-rtinod-' tor 1:5 Friday evonmg war` for cause po|_ nod for two weeks. MLlr.Hn,-th,e_P _ t. vnllreud :.r;-.r:":.:1*9....*::...?:.';`.'...*:":':..: _ Thanksgi-v;inq gervices were h.eld at the I Collier st!-get Metl11`odist`Church. Remarks l`L_-____L-_, \JUIIIUI DUI WWW JJJ.`UUIl\I\uIlDU \JlLKl\lIIO LIVLLIQI IKE were made by Rev. Mr. Crompton, the pastor, Rev. Mr.- Annie, Mr. David Purvis, all!` now Mr Vnnfnr Thn nrnunna morn Bradford Scott Act Cases. There were three char es ventilated on Saturday last. Two of ese were against George McFarlane, the first for sellin liquor at Cookstown and the second for se - mg at Bradford. In the Cookstown case McFa1-lane had a-very close call, but his counsel succeeded in shuttin out the evi- dence of Agnew and Arnol so far as dis- closure might criminate them with there- sult. The case was dismissed with costs against the prosecutors. The other case against McFar-lane was also dismissed in the same way. Mr. Haughton Lenncxdefended in both cases. .There was also . a charge against Wm. Atcheson of Bondhead for sell- ing liquor on Schomberg fair day. The `witnesses and defendant proved that the liquor was taken to the hotel byone of the witnesses and was furnished b him. This of course settled the matter. ase dismiss- ed with costs against the prosecution. Mr. Pepler appeared for defendant. ' - w-v1-- -wvu- vv at, u The lagtws-teamer of the Canadian Pacific Steamahip Line left Owen Sound for Port Arthur, on the 17th November, for the final trip of tne season. "B1... A1] `D..:l D-..L.. l..'...........'.. 3... .._.._ ..._.l UIIP I-IL III-IV BW\Il3I 1 The All Rail Route, however, is open, and 5 travellers can take advantage of a through ` Canadianvlioute. thus saving themselves the annoyance of Custom eerutiny and charges, and -frequent changing of cars. This 0om- ' pany runs daily trameby the Canadian All Rail Route. . . .. T __.-_ _.__u ._ _-_-___-v-- -v -..II that certain parcel or tract of land and pre- mises, situate, lying and bein in the Township of Oriilia. in the County or S mcoe, containing 100 acres more or less, and known and describ- ed as follows ; Beings composed of the Fast half of Lot . n umber`Nine in the Third Concession (Northern l i`v'iSi0n)of the aforesaid Townshigot Orlllia, ';Sx.`eptini2'1hel`e01lt a part of the sai East halt, containing one and sixty one-hundredths of an it`. re more or less, sold to the Midland Railway Company by Deed dated the seventh day of September, 1,372, also ve and Sixt Eight un- dredths acres sold to the said M dland Com- Dany by Deed dated the twenty-third day of :\Dri1.1875. About seventy acres cleared, and the balance it covered with hardwood. Soil f-god clay loam e . . lhe Midland Station of Uthoff is erected on }l.=- Sillti Lot, andtjs near to the Town of Orillia. `l"nis desirable ptoperty is said to be within milf a mile from School. Post Office. and Saw and Shingle Mills, `and to have erected thereon .:1};0I1SC and barn it}; good state of repair, also -mod limestone well:-1; The D1`0pCl`l\' will lie sold subject to a reserve ind. Terms and c ditions will be made lgznwn on the day of ale. At the same tune and niece there will be -vovoau-V0 I Those who-attended funerals to the perienced by those whom a`ection and duty require to go there. The distance is too` far to walk through the deep snow, and when there, the snow is often so drifted that it is next to impossible to get to the grave, and during the ceremonies persons standing in the snow suffer serious injury, there being no place of shelter till the town is again reached. We therefore suggest that a suit- able receptacle be constructed at one of the town cemeteries, so that the dead can be there deposited for the winter, and as early as the ground can be used the bodies - to be transferred to the cemetery. We throw out thishint hoping that some such arran ement may be made. Unless something is one to overcome the dimculties indicated, a ceme- tery considerably nearer the town will be a necessity, and call into existence another ce- I metery company. I Union Cemetery during the winter months , know the difficulties and disadvantages ex- ` salvation Army. The Salvation Army advertised a grand Inoomprehensabl.e.,-Jubilee on the evening a of Thanksgiving Da , and a torchlight pro 1 cession as an intro uctory to the perform- ance. About the time the Salvation Army folkwusually march throtigh the streets, a singularl , motley crowd made their appear- ance. any followed thinking it was a de- tachment of the Army that had been im- ported from abroad_ to assist in the Incom- prehensible Jubilee. A number of horses, which looked as though hopelessly mortgag- ed to the crows, were bestridden by persons grotesquely dressed and assuming the smile of Happy Jack and Mount-Zion Sal. These were followed by rsons on foot with cymbals that had to be musical, and horns out of which were blown sounds com- pounded of ats, sharps and naturals curious- ly blended. Shortly afterwards what proved to be the real Salvation Army appeared on the street, and meeting the Calithumpian corps nearly opposite McCarthy s oice, the two bodies came near having a brush. The Captain of the Salvation Army attempted to push some of the Calithumpian fellows off the sidewalk, when resistance was offered. For- tunately a constable was at band, who promptly interfered and prevented what might have been, in the elegant language of ' the War Cry, a blood and thunder contest in the esh as well as in the spirit. Each funny crowd pursued its wa dancing as they went, the one to the ban-ac s to do the In- comprehenslble, and the other to still furnish sport for young Canada. nuu. uuv nnuuuu ceremonlea were WIISIJBSSOG . at the narrow cell, where will rest till the 1 resurrection a departed and much respected brother. McLeod, after which the procession, which 1 was along one, preceded the hearse to the `cemetery, ea. long train of vehicles" following. The beautifulsnd impressive servicesof the Oddfellows were performed at the grave, I and the lsstssd ceremonies were witnessed Al-. Hun nor:-nus no]! .-I....... ....:`II .._..a. L_'I`l LL . v McLeod,-after p won 11 `Anon flint: .......--_J-.1 LL Canadian Pacino Railway. |-_L _L_A__-__ -1 LL- l`1____;! Ul-I TU QIIXIIUII VIII! woihapeumo will .`1'3'g'1 mnanksgivxng sermes. A Awmtr;-' Morgue. 1 1 B place` o::'c1`ed for sale by Pu c Auction. the-West half ofllmt 5, Con.-8. To '. (ship of Oro. contain- ;' an-es more-o_r less. There are 50 acres m.-:u'u1, and the balance i '01] timbered with _u..;u2d hznrlwood. Soil. sa ' y loam. Fences Il1g<\Ul (mlcr. This propert will be sold Msub-V 10:1 1'1".-(`I'\'(`(l bid. Im.-xm mv SALE.--T(`,l1 per "n---`. H1ll'1.L'icn1. within thirty d to make one wml. M'pu1"h8.S(-, money, htila.n_ may remain -' ~_u:=-- by mui'l_L{aRe. payable in Va yearly in- `.i!1w1z .~' ht-m`i_xn,{ interest at six cent. For ~}"41H-1' 1m'1`.-ul:u's a ml) to E.' , . CHAD- \,". "\._ \'un1ur's Solicitor, Mes . Beetty, f_ mt-1 Iik. 1 -HI`l'~'l0Ck & Gait, 58c 'cllington >3 Z(`I`. "mvmtn ' . e nt. at time of I, THE COUNTY on smcom AND THE DOMINION or CANADA OUR. CRITERION. c. 1.. 3.: It in; reported in Barrie sporting Vcirclee that the walking match at the drill shed last Saturday nightwae a fraud. A proposition is said to have been made by Bennett to sell the race but the other party would not, so he walked the course and took the mono . It in to be deplored that all our sports should be so mingled with gambling. and other species of `dishonesty. _.Tv- 1 vvu-nu William Smith pleaded 11 fyesterday to ateuling some trap! an 0 er hunting parapharmelia at Gnvenhurlt 5 short time agoandwuuentonod to` two months `im- % prilonjnont At the `common gsol. i A Ban-lelte an Peterboroughy e- . Mr. Quirk, formerly in McDermott s cigar factory here, is making business bum in Peterborough. ,The Daily Evening Review, sa 8: 5:` Mr. Quirk is having marked success since assumin full control of the Peter- borough Cigar actory. We wish that this success may continue and be more marked and that Mr. Quirk will soon nd it neces- saryto build up a new factory to accomodate the growing requirements. j_.wvv-w In Maple Leaves the following errata any be corrected by the reader: . Immutably beautiful shouldbe inimitably beautiful. " Yet not always so far as we turned our course northward the receeding `water seem- ed to run out, and glare, should be, yet not always so, for etc., and glare should be gleam, bathed should be halted, ." various should- `un nuunnins The people 33-1110 on Monday night were rioodnndihooked by the announcement t onvtho 18th of but ~ 0 ' ` 5' ` " . I Announcement o'Christ Church, Reformed Episcopal, Rev. William H. Barnes. Rector. Church services in Lecture Room of Collier-st. Methodist Church. Sunday School and week day services in Y.M.0.A. hall, Dunlop-st. 25th Sunday after Trinity. Morning subject. The Baptism of Power. Evening subject, The Ma- Jest of Integrity. Sunday school and adult Bib e class at 3 p.m. Conrmation studies and even elistic services Wednesdays at 7.15 9\m. Scrv ce of song, Fridays at 7 p.m., and confer- ence for Bible study at 7.45 p.m. Sub`ect for this week-The Spiritual Lessons in enesis. The Age of Lawlessness. V VII-liCl5 DIIUI be varied. .._,_ 321?) he Singer has taken the First Prize over -"1; lcomnctilore more than Two Hundred times. I y .' ` ' 310$