Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Oct 1885, p. 5

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plflllg I5 IJUULLDKLULL Ill KJGUIIIUGJ D \IllJUVIl\-It At Welland Assizes Fnday, `Clutch V.Donal1ue was found guilty of burglarizing the store of (luldatein Bros. in Quebec, in February. 1882, and sentenced to seven years . imprlsnmnent 1!] the provlnctal penltexxtinry. .. ' The tie] appeal case will not come on fur a furtni;;l.t, in consequence of so many men standing ln-fore it. in the Count of sum- coe. this 28:; day of Wnkwuunww A [\ `IQRK uv vuv J-\lvv.I vn. u-u-gnaw,` . uvuvs Inuuwu " E`-lsrneierred positions in the pa er will be sold at an advance of: one third on a ve rates. This rulepwxli be strictly carried out. CONTRACT cantons. Advertisers will please bear in mind that no- tice of intention` to change advertisements must be nanded in to the oice not later than Saturday at 10 o'clock, and the copy for such change must be in the ADVANCE office not later than 12 o'clock noon on Tuesday, in any week; otherwise the advertiser's announcement may not be made public until the-week following. A J.._.._A. _____ ._-!II..__L L- _II--.....'I LA ..__ LI__!_ l!iIo(}-.1410" Illll D6 BGC0lIlp&l1l6(1 VV1I_all.UlE (21811. and will be inserted--F1rst insertlon, 2 cents per word. each subsequent insertion, 1 cent r word (names. addresses. nd gures counte as words); but a. reduction to 1 cent per word will be made when the number of insertions of the same matter exceed FOUR. A i In the Matter of the Circulation of "the Northern Advance. COUNTY OF SIMCOE. I, tlsamnel Wesley; T0 wrr: of e townof Barrie. `tn the County` ot Simone. proprietor of THE Nomnnnx Anvmom newepe 1-. do solemnly declare that the actual wee yoirculatlon of Tax Nonrnum Anvmcn is no fewer than Tnuvrmcw Hxmmunn AND TWENTY Cor-ms. And that I am the publisher of the said NORTHERN ADVANCE and therefore have full knowledge of the said team. And I mnkn this mlamn dmhrntion conscien- Knowledge or we saw mow. - And I make this solemn declaration conscien- tiously believin the some to be true, and b virtue of the no passed in the Thirty-sevent {ear of Her Mag esty s rei intitnled An Act i.~i:l11%s1t1 pression of V0 untary and extra-Jm o 9. ." Dan] S want` "|n'nIIA In n\ 101151 Ulllallllo ' Declared before me at the Town or Harrie,` nnn fl-uh: 0Q} Jon A` .-.., _. .._ I- xInch.....A ......... ..$ 2} Inches . . . . . . . . . . 5 Inches, 1 Co1`2mn.. 10 Inches, 5 Column 20 Inches, 1 Column; -avu uv nalvvunv gm-uanv u.-um. um. vvv nu.-v vv .-5; Advertisers wi1l'notbeal`iowe:i.t.o use their space for advertising angthin outside their own regular business. ho d they do so, ti-nnninnt. ram: will he chanted for nch advm-. 3%'?nWr2s`u1"B&1"n`3?sa..""B`3'i?1 'ttI333"d65`, t;-ansient rates will be charged for such adver- I txsement ,, A vvgwqaq-.--u-ca .-vy an.--nu.-u-pg...` 1 Condensed advertisements on F`;;st Page, such as Wants of all kinds. Lost and Found, DI-nnnrtv fnr Qnln nr tn Rant Qnanin Artinlnn u Au-uv- vv Itwas re1)(;i'-tVe,-(17 Thursday that Mayor Beaugrand has been arrested for taking forcible possession of the exhibition grounds for 9. smallpox hospital. m r u,_. 'u'-_.IA.....1.: 1-34. l'\LL.._.- ` ..... 811011 83 VVBIIDB 0]. an ISLIIIIB. .DU5|a uuu nuuuu, Property for Sale or to Rent. 8 ecic Articles, Etc..Etc.. must be accompani with the cash. and will ha innnl-tp_d...F|rnt innm-tinn, 2 nan}: 006. um: noun uuy 01` February. A.D.. 1885. HAUGHTON Lmmox. A Commissioner in 8.R.. `to, for County of Simcoe. _ *For one month-the three monthly rape with [5 er cent. added. , 4 L _ * `or two months-the three monthly rate with 10 per cent. added. j Dnn-_AJ ._--L.!___ 1.. LL- _._--_ --.1II LA crown AND mam pnopmvrms) FOR SALE CE.BAP ' BARBIE. -Bayv1E;aTv'v Mm (Perkins) with about 4 av-res 01! land, and two large water lots; to be sold for less than half the coat of the ma.- chinen in the mill. _ A1 aura: of tuning. nl` Dnvnl and nniltnn cnmen in me mm. 4; acres at corner of Bayeld and Dalton I streets, immediately north of Bigelow property. An eligible building site. Terms easy. 31 unrnl nf vnnnnt land Qrmth nf -\nde1-ton : All 81181018 Dlllltllf-Z SRO. '1'8l'lI]B CBBY. 3} acres of vacant land South of \nderton e brewery adjoining railway track, suitable for an! kind of manufacturing business. \ 'nIn11hn1- f vnmtnt Int: nn RI-ndfnr and 1 ll.lBel'UOll OI [QB B81116 lllll-BIIUV. , , . ' Legal; Official and Government advertise m me will be charged at above rates. cox TRACT ADVERTISING. C onlrnct advertisements will be taken atthe following rates, which are drafted on correct commercial principles, and.`a.s they will be atrium) adhered to in makipg new conyrucbs E -zftcl` present contracts `expire, there, will be l only one price for all: an KIIIG. OI l1l8Il1lI8!'I;lll'lIl8 008111638. number I vacant lots on Bradford and 1 Charles streets, South of Buttereld s foundry. allne buildint sites. Gnu-nu-nl nnm no-tnlnlo Landau and nnttnon nn l 811 IIIIB 01.111611] BRUCE. Several com ortable houses and cottages on Charles street: an excellent opportunity for a mechanic to get a comfortable home as these housescan be paid for by small monthly 0: ~ quarterly instalments. Prices $150 to $400. That comfor-table'2 story Dwelling occupied` by Mr. L. But,tenrld, with small office in front. and two `lots pncr $1000. ` V unnd h11iltiina Int nn Rnnn Ah-ant ndininina The Advance a; sworn Circulation" ~ ot Thirteen -Hundred and 4 Twenty Copies, L - 1 A!most,'if not quite double that of any other Paper pubiishea in Barrie. car Anvicnrrsmns SHOULD NOTE THIS 1.uc'r.`E (12 lines solid nonparei) make one inch). 'mANsn..N'r ADVERTISEMENTS. j" -First insertion, I0 cents per line. Each sun uent insertion. 4 cents per line. needing notices, 10 cents ner line for first in- aermon: 5 cents per line for each subsequent Insertion of the same matter. lnnvnl -nmn:n` and (In:-vat-nvnnl-\O' ovvnwfhan 5Av\-~-- -'- -' " L s Sir John Macdonald left Ottawa` onl Friday to visit hissister at" Kingston. ' 3 twolms prior $1000. _ Good building lot on Ross street adjoining Mr, Craddock sresidence; $250. nwellimz House on East side of Owen street. ` AVU`, UTBQUOUK 8I'BHlUCIl(J6; Z6)U. Dwellin House Owen street. occupied y Mr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated ; $l200. _ V Gotta go and lot nearly opposite Dr. Ardagh a residence $350. . A anlanaia hnilzlino nN'n nf Al any-an npnr Mr. tn: uontueugu AIWAIIGE] A f\`7IlII!fl\1'$Y\ (V Y) A IHIFQ I I`('Sid`l'1Ce 35351}. A splendid building site of 4} acres, near Mr. Johv Hines residence, on the West side of Ba: vld street. A bargain. T 1 A I .l .A NI) 4: R`.__.A nnmfnrmhln dtmhla Dwnl \ Ba: nvm trees. A oargam. ALLA ND -\ I E.-A comfortable dpuble Dwel ling_ H ouae on Bradford street opposlte Northern statmn. , 10 good building lots well situated. FARMS - FLO1.-Part~ of N 10 in 7th con , 90 acres. about 30 ac 3 cleared anti treefrom stumps,new frame dwe ling house, soil good, .ba.1a.nce `of lot can be easily cleared. ' - lNNISl4`lL.--". of 3 in 14th Con., soil and buildings good, about 60 acres olearedmaluable ` Hmhmv nn hsnnnn nhnan rm-ma verv annv- IL`.LV.L|)l` 1.20:` o 3 V; v vvuu, uvnn uu a. ut azrgtleammvaluat timber on halanon .. cheap. terms very easv. N L nf T.nt I0 and Qnnthlnf Inf. 20 in thin `I9 N Q or not 13, anu isounn 301 um. zu. in M16 Lam Con . 100 acres each. Both excellent arms. V MEDUNTE.-E of W of 6111 1 Con; 50 acres good land, rat-class orchard in full bear- in, m . T Kxulrrn 0RILLIA.-Part of Lot 3 in 1atCon.. 80 410.. 40 cleared, excellent 9011. good buildings. property wen watered, 9. rst-class farm especi- ally ad_:pted for stock ranging. \ nnvl-I AWASIAQA __ll'.1nlntI In an. mme-` IV 1.0 VVULI vvuuvswu G unwrvuiwv Luau: vv nu` . UV adgipted 'ra.1ain.' NOT AWASAGA.-E g 0 lot 1 in 8th Com: arsplendidf A 90 acres cleared. good build- ings. plenty -0 water from a. never tailing stream. no wasteland. r 0R0.--East halves of Lots 33. 34 and 35. in the lat. Con.. 100 acres each. Larger clearings nn 3-! nnv-main`, (`Jmnn nrnnnrtjcm. 5.09 135 UOI_lo. IUU 501138 63011. I-lBl.'B' 0163111158 on 3 reels. Lhea. properties. TE UMSETI-l.- Lot.4 in nth `on.. 100 ninnon Ahnnt an any-an nlmu-ad. = A grand fnrm. UIUIJ an uua ......---,r,,, _ The grand jury of Oxford express grati. cuiox} at the decrease of crime under the operanon uf the Scott Act. __..-._....Ln.J Tkuunadnu \n` . '.I.'l`!aL/"U 1VlEl`41l.'.I.o-LV 3 DUI: ! In lllall ` 011.. IVU acres. Aboutsoacree cleared.` Aood farm, well situated. about 3 mi?'es from A ston. TIN Y.-E. 88 in let 0011., (except. 4 acres) 3 ve Izoodtin-m; 81200. ' - .; ; V 5 Lot`. 9.: n -131; Uon; 100 some good land, nrine QIOOD. ' ' - * IV g hub 31?: price $1000. . Vim-XPRA- pnceuwuu. _ ' _ , g VEsPRA.:-Parbof 21 1n3rd Con. 63 130.. soil rsl: class. all cleax-ed.a.n excellent arm, . - ~11? Ln! 9111: Rf}: nn In-nnH' nlnnrlno Inn nrsn cums. all cleareuntn axceuenu Ia.rm.V , ;W. of 28 in 6th Con... small` clearing. we watered and timbered.- soil good. Dart nf 99 in 6th (".nn, Vnnnrn. I10 am-nnxannd ran 01 '41 ul ohu uuu. V uapru, 110 uUl.'UD,_KU\l.l houaeandba.rn:.$l2Q0 ._ .___ , .. - `Several -Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan 9 resi- dence and hnvmg e ne~'v!ew- oi `Bu-1-leand Kgnpengeldt Ba. . ` ` ' n nhnvn Inn n are nax-ia"('l ahnesdiiillw; nhann K$l5%D6n.f|` 59;; I = I f e abqvqlgn am oeredasneolally cheap `and in nearly every case a very` small cash y- lnent will be aooeptod. and any term: van fouheba.-ance. . . ~ T g .. 2:'rhe voivant town lotsoan ,bevurchuad- on `till Asnnlnlufthllllh in `Ann: than nni-nhnnnuu Inlnnin I'0l'.I-D0 DIHIIIOB. sun euiemtormn. in `one the pm-ohuer intone: so build .nnn.1od!atel:.. Am!!! Q, -. ' - sra4wa2.;m.I-r.A-V. % I1'I " I V` > Qnnnlnfmnn "nfl AW Bwflii; Lee : 1310915. Am!!! to ` Dominion. The case of ~sm&1lI)0x at Hamilton is progressing favorably. ' The Toronto School Board dacline to have voting by ballot and at the some time as the municipal elections. .1.-n_2-_..1 . _ _ _ . . . . ..-L.' III] 001' on 0313110 ODBEP, l0l'I.l]B VCIIY BBBV. N i of Lot 19, and South iot Lot 20. in the 12th `.nn Inn ARPAI mu-h. Rnth exnellent. farms. . .BRE JEREEYJVU "G 53' ,rrAe5`b?m,I)a"a` hi? :9 ii-T335-(9.T"t:lixi,na at ca" *6! in on*axo~~s 91 mo Inga 40 .\'o. of Inch.s Space. _ pulmjnmp Jlnnsntiivhla ' *1 1; ; g ` * 1 in. L.'12_*`.:e2.r.:.+*s*_-:*~.;.:r:::*:..:?%.*.:..~?+-7! VALUABLE LANDS WUFGPBQ BIN] -Iill!lD0l'OG..' B011 3000 ` gait :)a2?m1'x_1n(tIg3`n. Veapra. no a.orea, _good `naufxnnn rnnm-.` .1. ,1. Jan 1-: so N, % N 3 1 Dumas. i connmrsnn A1>vnn'rxsu.Mmx'r. -U"'C.-TUVCC CWT ADVERTISING RATES. Ti1e[Kingston district make of cheese is reported sold at from 7 Q cents to 8% cents, the1a.tte1-`for September. V ML, LET- | uuu . Irgser }t1on. 4 1 i [One Tnanr gmn 1 00 > SAMUEL WESLEY. ' lo Inser- tions. (3 mos) my 1 Inser- _ tions. (6 mos ( M51 13 55 1600] 25 oo pmo7o:{ ~ -There is 9d` . `gfur th .Th.d; },t{, city were 321, Monday being nsh`.",`1;,t with 02. Inthe district for thel1lb"e mm; the deaths were 80. ' lb 5 3 great complaint at doctors for vaccinating. . month of September 996 dad, of which 31_7 Vwere ~l1al"!l"`:5 33 Durlll the v 1 . ' 1` deaths Mw8ll3Hll)1 St J ean Baptiste, 32 in `P`1e:L3`I.,(1e, St. Gabriel, 16in St. `W 29 in Cote St Louis, 1 in Maisson-L Hen? and 1:2 unclassied. - " neflw; girls badly pock-marked were mnM1.,ng Dorchester street and` two M 0f"T_ S Yipond, aged 8 and 9, made wmfor them to rpass. One of the girls M d the youngest lad and rubbing her `ielfgealllt his cried, picotte, picotte. - 'woEk on the exhibition buildings to Prepue them for small pox patients were continued all day to-day. . -..n l\I`1]R]]nUx is reported a.tLon- e week ending Friday` 13 Innis, - UIUIIB. ?'41_-_ 111561`- tiona. I1 n \ 52 In-nun! A Owing to pressure of Business vve are unable to make an exhibit ind the Agricultural Hall this season, although We have goods enough in Stock to nearly ll the ne building; We invite all our friends and the public generally to visit our store and see for them- selves. We Would remind you all that we are headquarters in Barrie fo \ W . A S \ ves,T1nvvare, ` HOUS URNISHING GOODS. Please member when in Want of s a good oal Stove, that_ We handle the ju ly celebrated Radi- ant Home S 1e and Double Heaters, with t Duplex Grate. This Grate is the my successful grate ever put into coal stove. Call and see us at our old uarters, opposite t otel. We are always you. L `BOOTS, SHOES, SLIPPERS, RUBB IS NOW COMPLETE with a large anal AND MOST APPROVED STYLES or OVERSHOES AND MOCCASINS, UR FALL AND WINTER ST elegant assortment of the NEW at pnces that defy competition, Thepublic appreciate our move in the pric'es,'end daily swell thevolume of our trade. We shall be happy to show you through our 3 W. H. MYE tter of giving good goods at low 84 SON. B0O'I' continued nu uu_y L-U'ua'_yo < A case of smallpox 15 reported at Lon- don ___..'_..-o 9 I15 |J.U.U OU(,|.O\Jll. 10 L11 u: H ' , lb `l. .. "--v-- 'V`-I/WVVVJ V 7` ' '@ out to get Furs to Keep Them Warm, as it is pretty cold in this latitude during the winter season, R. SIMMONS 8: GO. have provided A Fine Stock of Furs for that purpose, which they will sell at the lowest possible pI'0f|'l',eWhole_sa1e, and Retail, and will promise that price and quality will be equal to any whelesalehouse In Upper 0|` Lower Canada. Merchants. will save cases and freight by buying from us. The only conditions are Cash on Delivery, or A 1_Note with interest added. First Come, First Served. Furs to be Altered or Repaired should be handed in immediately to have justice done them. Thank- ing` the public in general for past encouragement, We will in future strive to please. Respectfully, ROYAL BARGAENS SPRING OF I885 `Above. criticism, and unequalled in Style, Variety and Price L 7 Ladies and Gentlemen s SPECIAL eLm1o ENGLISH wAuLKumust BOOTS! 2 SEE -I-z'I1';:na:: cLAvT0m s]3`Amous snonl Hausa. *As the season is `drawing nigh when everybody is looking . j , -4- 1- II___. -I.-.- bun:-Q nn In <|\11I\+`-tr AN APOLOGY`! _ V` "`J "7' """ "`"l""""' - ' Broadsky & Beecher, Montreal Jewel- ers, assigned on Friday. NH. ' I . 1-. n In . a nun- v5%?@W => 8@k81% 8 = S`??(8i S IMPORTANT TO ALL. Soystylish and appro riate fbr spring time, that `purchasing t em is a pastime. - ]\"})v'i.*9peVt1 and 1'eady for the lucky purchaser. -WHO ARE IN WANT OF----.- OTTON E .-.---FOR THE--- ...`` :- fy `(P '- R. SIMMONS & 00.. -AND- . U- navzivvuavvs Theavteamer Shamrock was burned "at Hamilton on Saturday morning. Yale, B. 0;, is over run by a mob of drunken navvies. miTtcEs -.- ..u-v v;vuo _ Thgre were 59'deaths from Small pox 1!! Montreal on Monday. A _ ' 'l`.\-..._L_ 17 - - ' - P021. Toronto Uniyersitycilgle has required the vaccmation of i`s students. ` Hamilton cigar rns.nufact_ur,er" is being sued for $500 forfeit under a "bond that he would not sell any cigars hI|YiD I Union label. ' . ` L I`- -A IIIIJUL. Aijviontreal lady sues a cemetery com? PWV for $5,000 because the head of 1101' Infant had been taken from the grave- l...s -- - v - vwuvna ssvlnn V-av .IUUVV `MR6 11 f the Superior Uourt of Quectaeglggvs that no more than Per cent can he collected on 1! Ion, nl :>;1egh there is an exprou Itipulatiqn for- ghwmummmmamm ""*1PI=<=.Man.,oot. 3.-Wm. smith; Illterd . . A 2% `.1'::`1::*.`.`:.`:'::.*:.';2..-.'.t..'....'"".:: 1. to ""' `*5? UV 1.31. rlluuul-ls, -Uk|I'."-I hmn ,!'n_ his wtfe and child therein. V O 9 "I this, he cut his throat and dad my titer. _ ' ` nouoanarchI|d* """ . young woman roll? 5 ma` ' 51161 to (1 Her nsmo is Pscquette 89d `h b no` under arrest, and his sino_9 `dd Fit Iuicido. - W ~ as 2.23. :`;::`5`:`;`:'.`;... hlnmountwadeotroyod. A , .' is now entirely free from small- .. `.-...-J -- s ..i Ah order-in-council declaring the Scott Act in force 111 the counties of, Untario and Victoria on the present licenses ex.-A pirmg is published in Saturda.y s Gazette. u u',.n....A A....;.m.. Irmmm (mm-.h . Great an an nnuun. , V. . -A '9"! destructive re mltongc... .1___ __ _ oL-`_._1_..n.-- IIABFUL uoN'1'B nrwrn non.-Ion -mg 0!" SEPTEMBER. 1885. .-..y nnvlal usvuulvnl DU VVl.I.ll.I.lPlg, autu- tsnce of fourteen hundred and thirty- eight miles, will be established on Mon- day, the 19th inst. A train, including dining and sleeping cars, will run each way daily. The road is in first-class con- dition. At Winnipeg connection will be made with the trains running on the Western division.- The road to cross the continent will be ready, so it is said, by" N o-`vember 1. Canada Notto be made a dumping Ground for the United Statblu ' Wssnmeron, Oct. 8 -A new compli cation has connection with the Chinese question. It appears that .the British government refuses to permit its possessions to be made a dumping ground ' for the rejected Chinese of the United States except upon the. payment of a fee. The discovery has been made by one of he c' stoms o`1ce's'on `he nor havestern boundary. He reports to the department that while strenuously endeavoring to carry out the instructions of the famous Chinese circular and to put - back upon British soil the (`biz 636 who had come into the United States in violation of the provisions of the restriction act, he was met with a Canadian statute which re- quired a payment to the treasury of the Canadian government of $50 for each Chinaman as a condition precedent to re- admission to British soil. The oicer in- forms the treasury department that he has no money at his disposal to pay for such readmission and asks the treasury department what he is to do about it; rphs-I Rfilfnnnn n` thin. IV.`---'|3-- ~*-`V " uvyus vsssvuv WIIBB 116 18 CO 0.0 8DQllt It- The existence of this Canadian statute, if in fact it does exist, andhas been rightly- construed was not known to our author- ities, and they certainly, have no appro- priation from which they can pay $50 per head for every Chinaman to be exported, . nor is it likely that Congress will ever i vote an appropriation for that purpose. The Gnnwdlan Pacino to Inanuuratc a Direct Service on the 1%]: unit. MONTREAL, Oct. 3 -A direct train ser- vice from Montreal to Winnipig, `a. dis- tcn_ce qf_ four_1': hund_rgd_ and thirty- Juhn I`I.':.`=.';-:r'hx'c was convicted [345 `hf Wellaml .-\ 3 rvf the murder ,of 1} .`;r(:thur .\ loxar1der and the latters s I Wlfe Leaf_\', and xvas acmtuuced to be hanged On_ the 210111 4.1` Nu\'clnb(3I`. T ' `An glnventlon [Patented in Washington thatrrornises Marvellous Results. - Wssnmoron, D. 0, Oct. 5.--'-A number of prominent newspaper men have invest- ed $250,000 in a type-setting machine, which is said to promise marvellous re- sults. It is claimed anyone capable of using a type-writing machine will be able to set type and s-terotype at the same time the type required for the printing of a newspaper. . r r vuv . Advance Correspondence. V The weather is ne and harvest is nish- ed, the farmers are smiling all over their face, seeding is brisk but that does prevent accidents and loss of property. A hog with a sweet tooth broke into one of our neigh- bor's milk rooms the other day `while the good housewife was absent, and the way he went for milk and preserves would astonish a nation- He went through some fteen or twenty dollars worth of preserves and a like amount of milk, and not content with the good things, the 1;;-,~ had to show the hog within the hog and smash all the crooks and jars, and then thinking he would like some- thing of the nature of beer, he nished up on a crock of hop yeast. I suppose he thought he would violate the Scott Act and `let them ne hiniif they could. To say that the prayers thatwent up for that hog and the owner of the brute were of a sacred char- acter is a mild way of putting it. We hope the council will make good the loss, as there is no by.-law to keep such animals 03 t? e .roa(L - ~ .2 i'.. ~ -- 1_;-A'. 3....--` ..t L`... Ii):-\I-II1:n\ i Iuit between Col; R}. E ilve, Lon? don, Eng . end Thou. Watson, of Chicago, involving theownerehip of a. million acres of lend in t~hie.etet.e, `wee nally Adisoeecl of here by the decree of Judge H in which the lands were awarded to 001. Even. I'Ual.|_-. 5 We noticed in a i-eent issue of the Barrie 1 Gazette a story about a boy who _had to stop all night where he was helping a neighbor to thresh for fear of being eaten up by bears if he came home, and the father and brother going after him about twelve o clock at night which is all very true so far, but in the re- turn trip the trnth is stretched where they tried to frighten thebear by swinging the lamp and that was their only means of de- fence. N ow the truth is the brother was provided with a good axe, and being a man weighing two hundred pounds we think if bruin had shown ght he would have got the `worst of it. Our men are not such green I -_ A- L.....mI .4. night with no better } worst 0t 1t. Uur men use uuu nuvu ,.,..,...h horns an to travel at night with no better weapon than a. lamp when there are seven. rods of bush to go through; nn.:I- 4.-.... no mu Lulu friends WOPB nick- of bush to tnrougn.. While three of our lady friends were pick- ing cranberries I short time ago they receiv- ed such a score that some have turned grey heeded since from the effects. One of them seeing eomethin `moving? toward: them in the grass fanci that it could be m thing least than a bear, pve the slum: to he 1' compan- :--- -L nhnnnnn thnv Pnhed. Op`, ions whereupon they rushed. away in the op- posite direction Iereaming at the top of thou-_ 'voices to where one of their husband: was -~u=-- ---..'.I. L. 'l`hnv lost hats gnd Rroicesvto where one at tneir nuauuuuu m... cutting marsh hsv. They lost shoes and spilled their berries, and the `good man in coming to the rescue lost his hat and tore his pants, and when he went to look for the bear he.found out awas his own dog- So much for women's courage. T n-..... .:...a. ..m elmgattlers on the 5th line 1 5 much for woman : courage. Some time ago the "settlers on the were eurprneed to hear the most discordant sounds that ever grated on human ears, and turning out on maeee to- investigate the found thatit proceeded from a ne~ghbnra dwelling... and on makmg en-qu-riea th y learned that one of the hove hm `traded an old watch for a ynolin and was doing hiarat We are glad tolearn that he in improving rapidly and atraina of the meet delicioua music eanibe heard inning iron`: the D place at alznoat, any hour. Sunday not one t- ed. We wish hlln-ai_I00'gGI. _bn e 1.. AL- 'I`hnnx;=..~; Brady Willie 8l1`QI'iDR' f1`0m mental nbermtiun committed suicide by drownin at Cape Vincent a. few days ago- Eight Indians have been committed for trial at Bclleville for disturbing divine. servicu. ' TYPE-SITTING RIVOLUTIONIZED. Ed. We hun Incoun. but thinkhe might conne `his prnctioogtonixdnyl `in the ii; at almost hour. Sunday not exaspe- wook. ' MONTREAL T0 WINNIPEG. `HIE CHINESE MUST VIIVOI III CV'I V I9 " Q Goxsuurmopnlt, Oct. '`4. - Veissel Pasha telegraph: that he has completely defeated the Albanians and ctptured and promptly hanged fhe most notable of their leaders; I\ . . n -n - - -- A yvn -'--wv--- There were 54 burials of smallpox vic- mm; from Montreal and suburbs in the Catholic cemetery on Wednesday and 8 in the Protestant cemetery, makmg a total of 62 deaths, a decrease of 3 from the previous day _s record. A r 1 I l`,_ _,_.___'__L avuuva 'LON;ON. Oct. 4.---A dispatch from Soa lays: Bulgariais on military camp. . All the male population. between the ages of 15 and 45- are under arms, and thousands of volunteers are being enrolled daily ' They appear to be eat-neat and determined. Analra In Afghanistan. Sr. Pnrnnsnuno, Oct. 4.A-A dispatch to Nevoe Vremya from Askabad, dated Friday, `says : The English have taken entire possession of Herat, and have or- deied the inhabitants to quit the town immediately. The inhabitants, angered by the. action of the English, have thrown up earthworks opposite the citadel. The English are being strongly reinforced. Tlhis dispatch is considered to be exaggerat- Iuav LLVUU VIENNA, Oct. 3.-D1snatchee received this afternoon report ghting "on the western frontier between Servian and Bulgarian troops, and that seven men were killed and nineteen wounded. The report has not been conrmed.` (`!......."........- n-. ~ 0 mt; N oyrausu nun uvv UUUII UUUUIIILIUU. CODENHAGEN, Oct. 3.-7-The Czar re- ceived the Bulgarian deputation. Its mission was to secure the V Czar- s recogn- tion of the union of Bulgaria and Ron- meliaj The members refused to state whether their object was fully accomplish- Rd.` Than Bnmnvnn Awning-at` LL`...-n-.-.'l...... u uvussvu. vuuu. UUJUUII vvausuuy lM5U_Ul.l.lpll8l1 ed.` They `however expressed themselves as very well satised with the result of their interview. T [~q_____________, _ l f\ . .` : -0 - United Stttol. - _ A meteor 30 feet square has fallen in Virginia. As it came near the earth it `looked like a ball of re as large as a `an --\ Ther is a revival of railroad building in the States. V James Gordon Bennett : steam yacht Namouna. is said to cost him $70,000 I year. ` '9 D II Privactje Bettlin of the 8th U. s. Cavalry, has a- fortune of $30,000 be- queathed to him in Paris. :`\'A|I `ISO. In! ll-IIJVU IOWU CI-`III IUIIU . -The Gree government isvresolved on effecting an armed intervention if Europe sanctions the union of the two Bulgarias. It is calculated that_23,000 men will soon be concentrated on the Hellenic frontier withou_t including the reserves sent to Larissa and Arta. At the re-opening of the chamber the government will propo e the mobilization of -two other classes of reserves. Ammunition and reserves are being sent constantly to the frontier. Admiral Lanerio will assume command of theveet l\ . - I-- - Mr. S. J. has received: the appoint- ment of junior judge of the county court vf the County of Grey. II (N ' Several new cases of small pox were discovered in New York on Friday. William Heath & 00. of the New York Exchange have suspended. . An` 7? (1 " A boiler explosion at Pittaburg, Friday morning, injured 17 persons killing three instantly. ` nun ' ..g _. - I. Th`? Shrman0Ho101`se.0Fa.rgo, was burn- I ed the other day. Loss $30,000. ` Ii "I't'-ia aiunonii t1:atZ I-l'e(nr'y M. Smith -the great bear operator in stocks ` -will: make an assignment. .Ina.n-Wm "chefs be War `I ' LONDON, Oct. 3 -'-IntelligenceV has reached Paris that Austria has resolved to move two army into Bosnia. Thu `Inna! xxxxxx `-1- :~ A" ' T l..-.--. v.- ..~--_,.'-- A man namerl lIl{ZeVa.ting_ was killed a few days ago by Apaches in San Simeon Valley, Arizona. ' Toldo is glad over natural gas. Monsignor Capel is ill in San Fran- cis0.. - Tho Turks Dorsal: the 1nhuum-1wou1a Not `rake much to smotnonne Sick- Innn XIII! 'I.-.:. L- cuu___A ` V } ...,.-.. The Massachusetts gree`nbackers leave I nominated a. agate ticket. 7 no `II I The `I;'e`v;"Yox7'k press ire Imblishimz grossly exaggerated accounts of the small- pox epidemic. ~.u 9| A II ` savn--...__. .. - A large gleeszzfsicztory at Jeffersnnville, Indiana, has given up business heavily in debt. _- _-- ..-. vnvwvu The Mavbr of Fort Smith, Ark , in `an altercationabout a. woman, `shot and in- stantly killed _a citizen; 1- n ,. n_-:u_' A..1. :. ..... DIJIJII VIJ -.--..u.- ._ ' The Mayor of mith; Ark.~, in an alte_rca.tiun about a woman shot and in- stantly killed a citizen. ,,-_ un_..1... :. .....:.......I` -4;-. auauui n ............ ... The schooner Wheeler. foandet-ed off Grand Marais in forty fathoms of water on Tuesday. I 9 H. u ,, __-..-._.....-_L I`... An- Ull .L|.lUuunJo I The United States government has db- cided to send a. commissioner to Europe to study the cholera epidemic. ,-_:._-n_ -........lL...I IA ... IIU avuu vuv vnuvnv--ay -r-----_... A negro eriminall assaulted Mrs. Walker, of Danville. an and afterward shot and killed her in the presence of her children. i - ~--- _!_.-.. 4... LL... Uuuuuzu. ' A sea-bird. banquet was given to the captain of the Puritan at Boston last Fri- day night. ____ -.Q-- _.........n -I-nnnn nntinq an uu IIIELIIII _ A A Syracuse woman atoppd eating on the, 10th of August &Ild_iS 88id not to have oarta_lren`of food since--.-yet. she livep, The Kingston School of Art has openefl `_1"d9I` very favorable auspices. TL, 1| n `I\ an . an 1 mtsINssa%iiiiiHcIuIr{BLB an an rsn&.'Il'fl I IIE UIIIUI-II vu-----v -- 1: now among the largest and most sutsosefol mmummurinz houses in the world. - among largest am: most Surat aauu manutactl1_gin_ homey - ---:n :--` . , , It has 0 in-go` Factorlengs an the United states. 1 In Oanuda 1 at scotlnndeantl 1 at Vienna. one eotv eee-covers 46 acres} another 32 acres. `I he Commmy has 5. an... muttered all-over qne \v3gIdzem- ;nother 2 he Uomnuny new mom. once: M-uttered all -over the worldgenr ployu 40,000 eople. and owns we om. 10. hone lloeom yen ...` a;:."::'a::;#..?*:.:=::::::.`"a:; emu wmr lrhrln and oscmuung Shut feopl no `stitch. ease opera on. and dun sb:%:nsta.llmenc`te_rma. and liberal discount tor ` I k. lty. `Machines sold on the most` tdvor-A v%*22~w.:... fuss. . Oh %i'g":7;n7g:Ta;fu$'3`$';:*a 1-vi?` psttlpursrlg _;ne:puemu_ra.~ae iosmra. mnmrmtg: suit THE N 0RTHE_1{1$I ,,,_`,_-__ _ ---- The night editor of the Montreal Times, who died of small pox the other day, is said to have taken the dlsease in the Bomb oice when calling for stanistics for vthe paper.

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