Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 8 Oct 1885, p. 2

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POSTERS.--PlainV and `Ornamental; BLANK FORMS` STATEMENTS, BILL HEADS, . NOTE CIRCULARS, ; LETTER cIRcULAEs.{ f`I'I`I"I\l'lI(I DODGERS, FLYERS, Always kept in stock A full line of -FOR, MORTGAGE. A fail line at all prices. '3: 7 anus auu nyvuauuwunvuw nun. ply` Town and Vil1age_Lots 1a_id out. Farm `--Ilv located. Tunber hmits examin- ed,3arlc:T""*rom`nto 0ff1ce-4 Mall Buildings. Barr1e'bmce-McCarthy s Block. Collinswood l'Imnn_.T.nni'.v n `Dinah. HOUSE LEASES. SALE OF LAND SNIPES, ETC. 1? L 15;};-;<. `.71;n: d'.uhI-` . '5='wm'1.:;. 1 xloidw 3: -g--_._ --__-Ln _. vu;I ' EBB ' V ` % h % But .mthonght,.r.Why not 2` .$aqn ~o. A: t8`;`8!l`~ smoe ' tit`. iuky 4. Bm,;aaaind'eaa roux: bf ,1au$g3ninge;3'*71gi?1'&a'a;". wvpad` ; 'I1W81"l"*` 1' ._ 11,; maid thi!.it`i 11 saw an Vither Burt 9ag.._1go-at rt mime of_.the;gnaut jiiaodmvhichmiweprk . __...v~- V LIV `IO tstigiy; Bail was at"<`>n' tobo -59810; it Lwaa.mer;yz `abymjd in him, but I suppoggilpyeranare -iqay} `bhing',s~*of `+i1orAef vilu6' than `-`my; f?3!6otI!i%' ; f L w.-33! If vvuua UV yvul uunuyuuluu." . ' ')"l"7/33 j; , ;1`h oso:.were-busy di'y:?.'-. -he-rye "`ga1" li15ghin1ic:;:`1`RanM`ni?" Iu`TH .=;`."-'51.-l:.1`-?li.1.s.a:;`: L . vs `~ `pi ,r.r..f_ ', Q _`fB_uIt, web; .~.y9Iu;ppeared.A-durinlg2- ,.the tanmnjner, mowgo back tO":y Oil!`3'0Id Jmaterialiyyworvae thaujevergnddv = ?mefeel`t1iat"I' hid no p6w`q;',_tiiib"h;. ' `thins f.9n;.yon.:; .zYou; ~treute,d;-`me:-, _~a8;if . I Vvirn1ve'yonn.-veuy2.litb,le.a;i;I_her Jwhoiwdulvdla .havo' L `wpohooj gaffes; `yeam?;b?*3!'9. ~I_ (Soul % "y:`o`u`: 1-`c6r':r n`p`a'1;'io'ix`."-` .` u.'I\Ip As I told you last. Easter~Son how long ago it seemsyle-.-if I have any power for such idealization`, it is" largely through your inuence. My knowledge was m`uchlike the ytreesas they than appeared. I. was -pro "red 59!` better things,` but the time or them had not yet" oome. . I` h_a.d`:s,t11_ii,e'tl the _ma't_erial world `in pa) materife9l:"`sort;_ of my; _._en1- ployingmy mind withpsfactss that were `like the branched and:eyigs. Yon- .awek1id:"in 919:5 hsee`of.;`tyhia.bautif;z4. side o'n-ate: :':`H0w,0an`:1.:;plain,it`?( Who. oenvzexplain the: rapidufdveiopmem-, f `91i': W i ows? ; when `all IJBITIB Un1ce--1ucuuI.'u.; -- --vv-- v---u -- -v- 0ice-Long s Block. Enos. KENNEDY. MAURICE GAYILLER. ` W- J. HOLLAND. . 51-1} V J liars SEIIIAIQSTOIIY. nvu! B unIn_l'..m vvvuovu no`-v\r.n.n `dunno. Q-navy`. vnavnvunuv Before Amy went on this visit `there -came an Indian summer morning in November that by its soft dreamy beauty "wooed every one out of doors. Amy, said` Webb, after dinner, sup pose wedrive over to West Point, and return by moonlight? She was de- lighted with the idea, and they were soon slowly ascending the mountain. He felt that this washis. special oppor- tunity, not to break her trustful un consciousness,` but to reveal his power to interest her andlmake impressions that shouldvbe enduring. He `exerted every faculty to please, recalling poetic and legendary allusions -connected with` the trees, plants, and scenes by which they were passing. a . uni. 1]7..I..l. ' L-_ ._'.-- :.1__1_-_- v-`VJ -v vs-v `av-urwlnn Oh, webb,`'how you ideelize hature 1" she said. ,You make every object `suggest, something fanciful, beautiful`, or entertainipg. How have you learned to doit `I ? % ' ' (1 A. 1' A._I.1 1.--- `__L 13_@,;_,, our 1 ` the culmiaating scenes of Burt's little drama, life went on very" serenely andggquietly at the Clifford home. - Out of schoolihours, Alf,` Johnnie and Ned vied with the squirrels in agzthering their hoard * of various nuts. The boughs in the orchard grew 1igh er' daily. Frost came, as Webb predict- ed and dahlias, salvias, and other owers that had amed and glowed till almost the middle of October turned black in one morning's sun The butternut trees had * already lost their `foliage, and the leaves_ from many others were uttering down in every breeze like `many-hued gems. The richer bronzed colors of the oak were predominating in the landscape. and only the apple, cherry and willow trees about the house kept up the green suggestion of summer. 117-_|.n. .'......_..:L;....I ..... .....-l;....1 ,.I......m IvI1-\l no UIoUUv\1\II .- -,. ..... ....... Gertrude returned for a short time, and then went to the city for the win ter. Burt's orbit was hard to calculate. He was much .in New York, and often with Mr. Hargrove, from whom he was receiving instructions in regard to his Western expedition. That gentleman s opinion of Burt's business capacity grew more favorable daily, for the young fellow now proposed to show that he meant to take life in earnest. If this mood lasts he will `make ya trusty young lieutenant, the merchant thought, and I can make his fortune Awhile furthering` mine. Burt had plenty of ' brains, and good executive ability to` carry out the wiser counsels of others, while his easy, vivacious manna? won him friends and acceptance every where. 1' L .`-can an--n-noulcni ntunu plnvsnulvucnnn vvvoJ vvnnvov It was arranged, after his departure, that Amy should visit her friend in the city, and Webb looked forward, to her absence with dread and self depreci- ation, fearing that he should suffer by contrast with the brilliant men of so- ciety, and that the quiet `country life would seem dull indeed thereafter. |4I\JI)Vl\IIJ `II QIJIIJIJ-I Webb permitted no marked change in his manner. He toiled steadily with Leonard in gathering the fall produce and in preparing for winter, but Amy noticed that his old preoccupied look was passing away. Daily he appeared .to grow moregenial, and to have more time and thought for her. With `in.- creasing wonder she learned the rich- ness and fullness of his mind, Q In the evenings he read aloud to them all with his strong musical intonation, in which the author's thought was emphasized so clearly that it seemed to have double the force that it possessed, when she read the same. words herself. He found time for occasional rambles and horse-` back excursions, and was so companion- able during long rainy days that they seemed to her the brightest of the week. Maggie smiled to herself, and saw that Webb's spell was working. He was making himself so quietly and unob- trusively essential to Amy that she would nd half of her life gone if `she were separated from him. f`....J...--J- ..-L-_.._.'.`I B-.. '- ._I_-__A. L..__ CIJAPTER `XIII. - Coizwlzsiznn. BY 1:. P. 301:. 5}. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. A. "'1i5`a`i'i:`t E6"Zgnt. 0&1 art N W. '1`. Cortes ndencseiolicited with rrggara to invest- ment: Province of Alberta. .W.T. A. W. McVI'1`TIE. Q Address Calgary. v1e._ Benton, `llnnfnnn IT . ~_ --~ --~------s---- v-v~-v,---2 -am?-.u-H15 ` o1e;:seems to me [thug % hapv obafore ; `in mi .lif.j'a.8f-L1 hm` ndwe`. ; You are - so di`erent,~ - and-can: be 80 2` moon "to. me, now that your old gabaurci _ pfonstmint is gong !__;jOh;;__Webb, you '90. omake~m"5 \Im11DPY1. N You- ' 111330 -1510 `::.f`31},, *`3!`t J 0'1 hd{f1,?d R9`: ou,;ts9-.eho,witble.I knew, and that it was- , er` tom mhmrsu taik-with one-ma em? ; i.a;E.r;I ucgiaishlx ,s>;m9u;4 U>ea~'F1;`BI5z;t.`;9v6ry;!1he:b;; W` -mpana e. ma. apnearadmz ' Iii." f=!I|, e' d_1ittF +:Andvsthen~=A ong.. `32.; La_--.qh:L.f_, non.- _ . _:____`_: '-,- :1` ,1-u\IUl.l._ ~rhi ind xp1ih%`3291itit`V` i!`i,;}6:.b`3 is ~wmtr* iii` yo.d.'f'wb1d xfgdi paL-zbrtausiiikt .venh`imtwith'= fe&n-.and4, I '- '1 , ` 5?to4inpu,s6 him `dial? `b"egu iI"t` e -hoiiiithit` rumor: pain and vs-eak'Ii1V_';_.'1.3J'1t. ili me so much! I 1.31-iyzthrill with ex- c' tgeihehir: ':hd'~faeiing ?oo:neI.:im'es --whbu. " "`w~%mJr':-bea~asitu1 ..&hq- .+ ear th.a?m.'%I w=*vW 4 va--gu- -Am y,.'? he said, `drawing `her. neuter to 'him . 'jLet it remind you, as ` you "re- call-it,. that-as -far as I can I wi1l"e`ver L't us-Jmak it .one`,v shield you _ from _sve_ry evil` pf life,_ , _ As -he spoke the ra.inbow oolo'rs. woderfullyi 1 distinc;t.'.i and; lthii faded slowly away. ~ `Her head dropped .loWe__i'; Ia; has .anu1des;.and'sh.sgis, egigaanpl % ".4-rp '_".'_'_`: _, _you,,_ that -_ grown-up and sentimental i-young" zwqinanl Mr.` _H'ar`. grove, ibj uniting his `interests with -yours in the West,f will make your for- tunes, and Burt will bring you a lovely sister. It pleases me to see how Ger.- trude is learning to like you. I used "to be so provoked _with her at first be- cause she didn t' vppreciate you. Do you know, I think you ought to write? You [could make people fall in love with nature. Americans don't care half as much for out-of-door life and pursuits as the English. It seems to me that city life can not compare with that of the country. (:17 __ _.-__ LL...`|- .1111 .-.......l-In nl-I-on wnn I3 1t an. omen, Webb 2." . .'she asked, turning. 3..1i.*,$16 ..fron1..`him. .'th,&.1' she might look upward, and leaning you hl shoulder with the unconsciousness of: `no .. __- .- -rv---B no vuv vnvuu CIIIU (-Jh, what gperfect shield !" mcried' Amy. Was there ever anything so /strange and lovely '1" \XT..LL ..`I..._L-_1 1.2-, | _ ` I -I ..-- ..--Bv ..--4 Webb _ch;<':_1':`; his `horse, and they looked -at the vision with wonder. , I 'never1.saw anything to equal that. said W9b- 1 vv- ----- ----.-v- c As they were descending the home slope of the mountain` they` witnessed a rare and beautitul sight. A few light clouds had gathered around the moon, and these at last opened in a rift. A The rays of light through the misty atmos- phere created the perfect colors of a rainbow, and this phenomenon took the form of a shield, its base resting upon one cloud, and its point extending into a little opening in the cloud above. (IL ...`I....L .. _-_1'_-L .121 a nu - 1 - MC V l.'.l.1`1ni. Montana U.S. Webb felt that, should he exist mil- lions of ages, he should never forget the ride homeward. The moon looked through the haze like `a veiled beauty, and in its softened -light Amy s pure, sweet prolewas endowed with ethereal beauty. The beech-tress, with their bleached leaves still clinging to them, were almost spectral, and the oaks in their bronzed foliage-stood like black giants by the road-side. There were suggestive vistas of light and shadow that were full of mystery, making it easy to believe that on a night like this the mountain was haunted by creatures as strange as the fancy could shape. The girl singing at his side was a mystery. Viewless walls incased her spirit. What were her hidden- and and innermost thoughts 9 The supreme gift of a boundless love overowed ` his heart to his very lips. She was so near, and the spell of her loveliness so strong, that at times he felt that he must give it expression ;` but he ever restrained himself. His words might `bring pain and consternation into the peaceful face. She was alone with him, and there" would be no escape should he speak now.. No; he had resolved to wait till her heart awoke by its own impulses, and he would keep his pur- pose even through the witohery of that emoonlight drive. How strangely isolated we are," he thought, ` that such feeling as mine can fill my verysoul with its immense desire, and she not be aware -of anything but my quiet, fra- ternal manner ! ' W37\v}a11,I'm a-little glad; I want to be missed. But T _ahal1 write to you, and t'ell'you of all the frivoloustthings. we are doing. Besides, you must come so seeme as often as you can." "I certainly shalL' They saw eveningparade, the moon rising meanwhile over` Sugar-loaf Mountain, and lling the early twilight with 9. soft radiance. _ . CIUSIIIJ J I.l\llLl\Jt They had paused again on the brow of Cro nest, " and were looking out on the wide landscape. No, /Webb, she said. vHer home, no doubt, is elegant, but it is articial. A This is simple and grand, and to day, seen through the soft `haze, is lovely to- me beyond` all words. I honestly half regret that I am going to town. 1 Of course I shall enjoy myself-I `always do with Ger- trude-but the last "few quietweeks have been so happy and satisfying that I dreadany change. ' urm_:..1_ -1.` .1... .....t'.-l- ....-........ `Ln; j UIJU UvuLbLJn 7 . 1 Yuu may think differently attexf you % have been a few weeks in Gertrude s 1 ` elegant home. \ 1 I'l\L-_ LAJ usnccnnpl no-\ `Inn BERT .! \QI\JIO\l` um: Think `,0;-:1-1`eaV;1wfulT vacuum that your absence ' will make in the old how-E?! _ V -re .n..1 1 1 1- i`9i=1vani:x."~G::1E i?itli.`.t3h:t:pi p" ~ '- ~ '`V`I1;:.'0:3nin uazgiauner `uythe e ,,= -__- ._--v --uvvu-av u vuvusuvlul men present before a. knot gathered ` around him, andaaomo-of :Mr. Har- ; `g'ro+e e:more'-intimate rfriendw ` ventured :00 pay; "` THere.:AIeeme`1td `be bleiity of ~duQh`5l' Qnth, :4 :6 ! _ .. '. - 7- 1 Asfcet an-sheer" or: bworhad. panned, .,&nd""'iAmv hdd `not had "a. chance to - to him, hehegsn.1:o.look.. so dis- 1 ; fgnsolaue '5wlap`ered, . .~..c`hu -n'_x;_~~ m--'-: x ' .;W1u;t a the**x`1'itte':4,.' :_1qf.11_9w1f' * T V V So do I,-she..aaid, and no we `will many 9. timer" ,I'::Bat~-> you are -`hegrd One `.;.I,a:`dy`.;'}1%r.en;;i;l:i;rgV, 1: 9s,v. $n'(1.di.8- b . 1;7,yb,t3 "wow. ' .n'd=; nothe`r.?'7 she sdpd, with a. ash of her even-ready _.,'j._ `innit ! nae 01` (low 4.; . f:`~-` A 2291!: 3991:, *9J?F19S `discontent- `"!Y >`x`~1*~"18h Nrmwetebonk ion Storm `King !r- I'm outof upland -hot.-e.'. [1 Q. J, BARBIE FOUNDRY. ENGINE 8: BOILER WoRxa.--H. Snwmnv Manufacturer 0!- every descri tion of Engines, Boilers Saw Grist 111, Shingle. Lath, and wood. wor gmachinery. V . ' ' ~ - A `- V... .vu...uuu uuu auu. uuuuyxcu. Thanksgiving-day was a quiet festi- val at the farm house. All felt that they had much to be thankful for, and Webb hoped for far more. Twice he went to the city to see Amy, and on one of. these occasions he was a guest at "ah large party given in her honor. .During much - of_ the evening he was was dazzled byvher beauty and dazed by her surmundinge. Her `father had thud her` .i11tt`ticted. carefully in dancing. andlshe and Burt often waltzed togeth- er. but he could -scarcely believe his eyes as-she`appe'a)-edlon the floor, un- surpassed in beauty and 4 1 grace, her, favor . sought by all. -Was that the simple girlyvho :on.the shaggy sides of St01fm_.;King "had leaned against his ;shoul_i'e;l;_.f _\i V V .. .. ` . .. `nt:.....rr_,, 4 -` - Luuoull-WI` 1 Miss TIE;-rglove. gh libtlo tithe s-for"-1"sI'1oh_ imgisitigs.` ~Sh,` as hostess, often ; {took his arm and made_: him use- `ml. `The lsdiss -; found V himyreserved rather _thsn shy, but he was not .' long among` the-`more mature and thoughtful man nnnnnnf. knfnuo .. L....L ...A.`L-~-J . V- .. -.-av-.o-uv-- T -Nl_eanwhile, to all appearance, Webb maintained the even tenor of . his way. .He had been so long schooled in pa- tience that he waited and hoped on in silence. as before, and busied incessant- ly. The last of the corn was husked, and the golden treasure stored. The stalks were stacked near the barn for winter use, and all the labors of the year rounded out and occupied. 'l"1C'|klVI.I7:'\ns 4-Inca} --an - ---:-L 1'4~`-' v--vv- -u--v - Webb "returned to a region that was haunted. Wherever he went there was a presence there before him. In every room, on the lawn, in the garden and rosery, in-lanes` no longer shaded, but carpeted with brown rustling leaves, on mountain roads, he saw Amy with al- most the vividness of actual vision, as he had seen her in these places from the time of her rst coming. At church he created her form in her accustomed seat, and his worship was a little con- fused. She had asked him to write, and he made home life and the varying aspects of nature real to her. His` let- ters, however, were so impersonal that she could read thegreater part of them to Gertrude, who had resolved to be pleased, out of goodwill to~Webb, and with the intention of aiding his cause. But she soon` found herself expressing genuine wonder and delight at their simple, vigorous diction, their subtle humor, and the ne, poetic images they often suggested. I 'l\/I'......_.L:1._ `.4 -1] -_-.__-, . . 117 I I .Y'el`1"rf have `woman's highest charm :Therefis,ai'stupidity of heart which is far worse than that of the mind, a sel V`: do anything you underrate yourself, Amyf sh callousnelis in regard to others and their rights and feelings which mars the beauty of some women worse than physical deformity. From the day vou entered our home as a stranger, grace ful tact, sincerity, and the impulse of ministry have characterized your life. Can you imagine that mere cleverness, trained mental acuteness, and a know- ledge of facts can take the place of these traits ! Men love and admire women that are essentially womanly, N 0 man can love unless he imagines that a wo man has these qualities, and bitter will "be his disappointment if he nds them wanting. TT-, I___-_`L ---_ cu our vv vv-up Indeed I won't ; I'm homesick al- ready 3" and she looked after him very wistfully. But she was mistaken. Gertrude looked so hurt and disappoint- ed when she spoke of retm-ning,3 and had planned so much, that days length- ened into weeks. auuvv `an.-.-J You don t 'know what you'll do. How sure Burt was of himself !"and she laughed again. Bum and I are different. Yes, Webb, y'ou are. If you ever love, it will be for always ; and I don t hke to think of it. I'd like to keep you iust as you are. Now that. you see I how selsh I am, where is woman s highest charm 1" WM I.......L.-..J .....J .-........J L2... Lunnn u -\II-I.-'v Jun -vs-up 41501 unnunab vnavv-H-.n-u ` "A few days later Webb took her to "New York and left her with her friend. Don't be persuaded in staying very long, he found opportunity to say, in 19': `=9-=2: -r I. -I n nnvw u vnou-- ...,, ... . Webb laughed, and urged his horse into a sharp trot. I am unchange- able in my opinions too, as far as_ you are concerned, he remarked. She is not ready yet, was his silent thought. I 1'... .I-__ I..L..._`YI7-n_L A.-_'I_ L-.. L- " `DI-I UILIBI Her laugh rung out musically on the still air. Hear she old bachelor talk! she cried. I believe you have con- structed an ideally perfect creature out of nature, and that you hold trysts with her on moonlight nights, vou go out to walk so often alone. "Well, well, I 'won t. be jealous of such a sister-in law, fample. but I want to keep you a little `while longer before you follow Burt s ex- (A T ..I....`II ....-mu... ...'.'--.. .....- .. ..2..L.... 3.. Ban riage Licenses Lssueu. umw--uvw; k of Commerce, Dunlpp street. I-AA: av: _ I shall never give you a sist_er-in- ` law, Amy :4 (T-.- .1....n. '1____ ...1_..L _...m 4.. guy, ` uI!|UyllU&", - DHU V-lash even-ready `.d: uecnr .". CU ll IIIIIIUII - the dance. " .`,.1'Vi, ofeho`d ', - E3?!` |.!:*~p`era-:11: the 51:13: ny:?,m1?:LgaIi)n . torture. Regulate the liver and ' Burdock b"1nd tonethe tomacn sh fm&B3.t_6rl and the. dyspeptvigs trouble is.. "`*-- -._._ IHQIIIXW Ul VV ll LJUIGWUULAJ us-u -v- conaidered the best remedy for summer} con}- plain: in thrmarket, and adds that then olidtoxhra I in' the highest terms of its: `mdriiii -I W' I! Strawberry 18 the best known rI'ned'y for`. cholera morbus, dysentery and All bowel complaints. aavvu-aw ww I(;0n 361;. - A-nunirna- I What was the effect of all this com- panionship on her mind 1 She least of all `could have answered 3 she did not analyse. Each day was full and joy- ous. She was being carried forward on a shining tide of happiness, and _\'t`i its motion was so even, quiet, and mt-zit: that there was nothing to tlistmln la.-r maidenly serenity. if \Vebl hull lmzt any one but \Vebb, and sh: tm wlo was in the habit of regardin_ all 1,.-,1; as possible admirers, she wrmld l;:tv-- understood herself long before Il.l~. it she had been brought up with lz-ml. I`.~' in her own home, she would'~`-.` known that she welcomed tlll.\|I`liL: brother with a gladness that l..l'l ;t deeper root than sisterly atllrt-tion. liztr the fact that he was Webb, the quiet self-controlled man who had called her sister Amy for a year, made his pres- ence, his deep sympathy with lltl' anti for her, seem natural. His mII`Oi1Cl1C'3 had been so gradual that he was steal- ing into her heart as spring enters a -ower. You can never name the tirst hour of its presence ; you take no more of the imperceptible yet steady develop- ment. The process is quiet, yet Vital and sure, and at last there comes an [hour when the bud is ready to open- That time was near, and Webb hoped that it was. His tones were so tend?!` and gentle attimes that she looked at him alittleuwonderingly, but his man- ner,was quiet, and far removed from that of the impetuous Burt. There was a warnth in it, however, lilfe 1119 increasing power of the sun, and 11] hu- man hearts bleak December can be the `spring-time as truly as May. -ugcnvuyv up - v-- The well known drug rm N. (` ` Pofsofss -&"C9., of Kingston, writes that Dr. Fowler 5 Extract of Wild Strawberry has 10118 been ........:,:I.......: u... L....a. ..........A.. 6.. mummer com- I coiix ll! '--n- ----5 "W W`: -V One of `the most. delightful tasks. however, was in aiding Amy to em bower the old house in wreaths and fes- toons of evergreens. The room< grew into aromatic bowers. Autumn leaves and ferns gave to the heavier dec-ma. tions 9. light, airy beauty which he hai never seen before, and grace itself Amy appeared as she mounted the step-lam der and reached here and there, twin- ing and coaxing everything into har- lmony. TI TL-A _,_,_, .1 no . A 11.-. I R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND General Agent. Real Estate bought and 3015. Collections 13331: in any part of the County. Money to n. 0lce-Bothwell's Block, opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, Ontarno. V 51-ly ~ ....v_, V- ....uu..uvn.u|. uUu5uL1ul. They were now locking forward to Burt's return, and the holiday season which Gertrude would spend with them. Mystery was behind everv door. Not merely the shops, but busy and stealthy ngers, would furnish the gifts. Webb had brought his gift for Amy, but had also burned the mid- night oil in the preparation 01 another -9. paper for a magazine, and it had been accepted. He had planned and composed it while at work stripping the hush; from the yellow corn, superinten- ding the wood teams and the `choppers in the mountain, and aiding in cutting from an adjacent pond the crystal blocks of ice-the stored coolness for the coming summer. Then, while others thought him sleeping, he wrote and rewrote the thoughts he had har- vested during the day. (L... -5 LL- ...._i. 1.1: 1.2` It i ll Qmpfy. Gertrude gave him a a. bnet quiet talk, Amy's heart was still in even he I10t yet P0 sess ' Burt WGIIH nn+ .....A..-., which proved that Webb, in his solieitmle that the country house should not appear dull found time to go out with her or; pleasant days, and to interest her deep- ly in a course of reading. It was`-u season of leisure ; but his mother hg. gun to smile to herself as she saw how absorbed he was in his pupil. The nights grew colder, the stars gained a frosty glitter, the g1 und W-as rock-like, and the ponds covered with a glare of black ice. Amy was eager to learn to skate, and Webb found his duty of instructor delightful. Thou: II1l\b1l\ -.n__ `-_I_f,, I` , ., :~ toturu any ones head, she deClill'(Ni. Thm `old quiet life was resumed, and Web)", watched keenly for any (1 , iscontent Wm it. Her quiet satxsf-act1on Vvus l1nlrm`,)t ed. " I've had `my little _ said, and I suppose it was time what 9. refuge and haven of rest` place is ! V Gertrude is lovely, her father very gallant and polite; but M rs, Hargrov-e s stateliness oppresses mo and in society I felt that I had to mk a grain of salt. with everything said U, me. Gertrude showed her sensein preferring a home. ' erb houses in the cit like homes. crv - I was In some sup. -..._..o\ To be ontinueil. med, disconten m umlr n:- ittln 4.ur,`lE Webb t with Jubi- 7) J Url_..LV AVIAUAA 1 . Auu 1.l\}J.V.ElI`Jl1-' UU.LIlLV1l.D' o sxoner. Conveyancer, Issuer 01 Marriage Licenses under the new Act. Money to Loan at Moderate Interest. Creemore. Ont. .6ly 3, 1885. ENNEDY, GAVILLER 8: HOLLAND, Architects, P. L. Surve ore. Valuators. :9, lens and specications or buildings pre- Pue Village Lots laid ._ __ --_-.'~-Ila Innntn, 'I'imhm- limits Axnmin. IN OUR HANDS FOR INVEST- , ment on good freehold security at lowest rates of interest. N o princi a] money required until end of the term. ST ATHY 8: AL LT. Solicitors, &c., Barrie. LVLI. 'Dl.3 6.1` Uuuu. lUbI'?L'UB .\O)x, SO11Clt0!`8. Barrxe. OSEPH ROGERS, CONVEYANCER. COM- missioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer, Appraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale of Houses, Lands, Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods. Wares. 8:0. Also for the collection of Rents Notes and Accounts. Oice--Police Court. arrie. . OSEPH SWAN. AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Simcoe. Terms reasonable. Omce at my Store. Craighurat. 46-ly ,_ 7 i_ J T. SPROUL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . ot the Supreme Court, Conveyancer, 8cc. Mone to Loan. Offices over Sanders Bx-os.. Jewel ere. Dunlap Street Barrie, `D Ui\.ts!._--A largp 8.IIl0l1I1B01 xflvuu: Lunuu to lend on strum ht loans, at owest rates. 16 MCCARTHY, EPLER 8: MCCARTHY. v noun-an vs ovnvnnvv, -Ivvnoovj `W. Lovwr. Q.C., H. H. STRATHY, G. Lovwr. I G A. RADEN_H_URS'l`, BARRISTER, AT- . torne Sohc1tor in Chancery Conve an- cer, &c. O ce-First Door Southof'Post0 ce, Hind s Block, Owen Street, Barrie. 19~48 ENNOX & LENNOX BARRISTERS. AT- torneys at-Law. Sofloitors in Chancery, Conveyancers. &c. 0mces-Corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets, Barrie. , J. '1`. Lmvxox. HAUGHTON Lnzmzox. UUlV'l.', b'1`11.A'1`l1! 65 JJUUJNI, 15111811415- ters, Solicitors in High Court of Justice. Notaries Public, Conveyancera. Oices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. III? -I -_---_ I\ In 1*! `II n.._.___.. on Irv 1' ---_-_ Tmn-` (U-ans-s no'rnL.-A.` nnowx, Proprbtorr Ixoollontoaooommolhtlo tot th 5 % /L ketltroet on Dnnloputroot. _~ 00$ pnhusu BIrIndla!:da.r.=sval1'IIv~`s b 7.; , .:w.u'3a%32`.%`3`.~ tounurom all rowaoora vfeltoifrgts` A- U (>9 -4 I..- CCARTHY, PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY, Barristers, Solicitors. Notaries. &c.. Money to Loan. Barrie, Alliaton and Gravenhurst. D ALTON MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J. A. MDCARTHY. D. F. MOWATT. JOHN MACKAY. AUCTION EER, COMMIS- sioner, Tjnnnunu unrlmw thn nnw Ant. Mnnav tn Loan IIAICLV K; LUUl11DU$V,_DAI\ LIJDD, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 8:0. mney to Loan. Ofce--0ver_ D. J. Mm-chison s Store. Market Street Barne. Branch 0mce-Potter's Block. Tottenimm. EDWARD J. Hmnw. D. C. Munomsox. Scottish character meeting TUESDAY s 'r. ~iivDRmv5v*s .8 ;-' Mast-. cnmr, -Ba.rrie. , ` ings. The to let mon - ly meetings `H this Sadie will be held. on the even- ing of the Fourth Tuesda 7 in each month at 8 o`clo'c in Bothwell's Hall, Dun- iop street. Afterthe regu- lar business has been transacted at each meet- in an entertqxnment ofa mil be provided. Next Evsmsa. 27': OCTOBER, 1885. All members and their lady ' friends are Inn nonfat` tn nttnn , AMUEL TENCH, WELL SINKER. HOUSE and Land Drainer, returns thanks to the_ public generall for their past favors. and would inform ,t em that he is still in the busi- ness,- and as rompt and obliginiz as even Orders can be an: at N 0. 30, Peel street, Barrie. and they will be promptly attended to. 47-46 K/0 6:0. CRIB UOIIBCECU, DBIVIIIILD l.'.l.`0V.l.uUl Oice up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. HEVVSON 8: CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature of Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conve - woe:-sh &c. Mone to Loan. Ofces-.Bot - we11 s lock, oppoa ta N. & N. W. Ry. Station, Rnrrin, ` wen 3 1310015, oppt Barrie. C. E. Hnwsox. EARN & MURCHISON. BAR TERS. oney [non nmm_nmn- `D _'I `|\/l nI-nh`l:nn n Rtnrn, 1583. All Iueluueru a requested to attend. D`5zz L'.:&as33`.'.`.`.`".`v`$':i.'e` T.a. 1t.?%f%`.`v".i n`..."-'% lmmedmblr opposfa Mr. Geo. Ball : Planing and Rnnh I'nntnmY_ ' . . . ` '1`. PATRICK`S SOCIETY 01:` BARRui:.-MEE'rIxas.-- The regular monthly meetings of this Societ will be held on therst Tues a in eachmonth _ ' ' . a.tBoVthwell s all. A selected sub.) e_ct W111 be discussed at each meeting. Next meetmg TUESDAY evening, the 61'}: OCTOBER. All members specialllalrequested to attend. 4n.1v J- A- n(`,ARTI-IY. Secretarv. J` S. JOHNSON, BARRIE, IMPORTER OF . and Dealer in Goals of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finishing Lime, Cements of all kinds, F1re Bricks an_ Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch, foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of this Lime is better than that of any other kind, and the finish superior. 01ce--Corner of John and Ehzabeth streets. ROGERS 85 GREER S GENERAL AGENCY 1n the town of Barrie, for the collection of Chattel Mort ages, Rents, Debts. etc. We are also prepare to undertake General Detective Business for Legal Fxrms. Merchants and others at moderate rates. Oice : Police Court, Bar- rie. P.O. Box 222. E 1\_-_____. I-\-____.. 117-- l1_._.__ - ,;;!,L -L_.._-L-._ Ill Lllel 40-IV 3431111: PLANING MILL.--GEO; 13A1.1..-- ' Carpenter and Builder. and Manufacturer - ' nnnmi Rash. Rlindn- Mouldin:rs-'&o. Plnn - ~-_. ARCHITEGIS AND SURVEYOBS nit! o uvu hour`. __-- Gnonaa: Romans. '0UN'l`. STRATHY 8: LOUNT. BARRIS- 1 tan. Rnlinltnrn in High (`.mn-t of Justice. . LITTLE. TM.p,,_ c.M.. ONEY T0 LEND ON REAL ESTATE AT Six per cent. interest. LENN OX 8; LEN - )X. Sohcitors. ONE Y.--A large amount of rivate funds fn Inn rm uh-niorht lnnnn, at. nwent `rater-1. H. LYON, PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN nn nan] mat-.n.t.A at lowest. rates- Warmers , HENRY, APPRAISER 8: BILL POSTER, . &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. Ban, 11n.lf.n.i1-n nnnnnitn Rank nf (`.nmmm-an- 6-lv V. MOVITTIE, D. L. SURV-EYORA. AN D t, at, W.T. ..l.?...'3 al..l.c.?.E`.`.:'a11.ra?1nwith rgmgi to inveato . ;iF;Li<:jT3ii?iii`aTT1iis f%r:'rdL` MANUFAc'nJnEs." :2?-:- .13. c:o4uvrnir -o cm" on the West side of" Johl mscnnnnnnovs. T osmp ROGERS. c CONSTAB . " 11!` rgomgy of Simcoe. }(IJIQ:le-Po1lco Cqkrtm . ` .__ . EDYo Jununu. W. J. HOLLAND. llF.!"'1f'.l_`l`8--. FINANCIAL. Ipeclau rcqueswu LU uwuuu. J. A. CCARTHY. Secretary.` onrnrmuu _ LEGAL. U0 A. E. H. Cmcswxoxn. K?ONTY Ton` SIM-L . 001:. will be at his oioo at the Court. 11 ` Ssturda. hesld a p2st'ao....o%.;? * an V J om: Fonsvrn, Qnnrp WM. GREEK. s x"u-1, Secretari | Ill 1` 45.1w -. .., J; :.lI .In$O$Cr'-On can - ~.-`K-41-?-. - NJ. `I'll Noirnnw ` A A F-Lai H {'5-l` b" ';`. .9* :V,'9`=F`.7` 3"`5_K!h : 1'? -E "*9 Q".?."V'f5 -'1 E gs; WUDI014APF%I?!'P'BI9? "1 1'. `; '. x`,'J5.~'i. %%?~}hi*6d`?.T ;.!;.1 t9PE5r;: LS: fw,-loy `Barrie. - Gopiu`25. cont; atrthv oioa-;; or ` 1.. L.:s"..J <<:=*r==r@aa.v 1- " by um D Builder. and Manutacturer of Doors` Sas Blinds. Mouldings."&o. Plmj mg 0! at] kin a done prom tly and satistaov tonlv. Faotorv. John street. is. ,- i %f|'%'|maT;li|%l%i7Y?` ASSIGNMENTSOF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. A ABSTRACTS or `TITLE, ETC; .lV)1VISI_0NTCOURT*BLAN,KVS, T - ` MAGISTRATES BLANKS, ` SURROG4TE`BUURTTTBLANKS, . ooNsfrABILEs'4 iamzxs. Fofma Vdflany kind printexi org`ior.~ 1 . T CHATTEL, MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF. A EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, % ` STATUTORY LEASES. FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF "BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS, AT TORONTO PRICES; DEEDS, MORTGAGES, E % CHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF I T ,W U U011] Bu-rte. MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, T ' ORDERS OF DANCE, MENUCARDS, I LABELS. NoTE HEADINGS, I LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS; _ WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS [THE Nonrmanu Anvmoel IJJJLLIJLU VI. RECEIPTS, CHECKS,` '0RDER& T T ENVELOPES. PRINEIEEAEJUSB, @`I respectfully solicit an opportunity to furnish estimates for all lginds of workin all the styles of printing, such CARDS, . numor sI.. BARBIE, {I-IAs uI~InIv'AI.LIaD I FACILITIES PROMPT AND TASTEFIII. EXECUTION. -01`-` onmms `or ALLTCLASSES 039-.-V IHIIIIK ANIIJIIB PRINTING. U H. LJXUJN, .l:'Il1 V.L1'J`4 .l.` UJNJJD .I.U DUAL` . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made in ang part of the County. _Real _Estate bought an `gom, Conveyancing m all 11:3 branches. Mar- Licenses Issued. 0fce--Over Canadian `Rank of Commerce. Dunlop street. 45-la`: .

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