Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Aug 1885, p. 3

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I. _" tnaniifacthre their own yarn into `various kind; of` goods, and thus realize PER-CENT. more on the wool they is bus that has; :5 'Simple and Reliable ' .n:I'_|_-.. rm_- 13:144.-.. _ A :..--L.....-4. -1.` H... } IGLDVI om r'iii=Ei.L Km'rtI'uni' K1 Aonms 1 I ncl.uis_n1s oxmr nucrmm "SUI'l'AliE FOR"FAnnL trsn. Beltihg and. Iiatenf "I_.i4_M I_.}3ather,', .1. %u:am%zasous.: FARMERS IUIUTT I T-VC--T?`f'-fT~.t.:: kl ., Water and Gas. Gloho Valv` 3: top nun. ..A`Il smart In r.hialfma.'.. r- x F `I :.plete. Caskets and Cof- E-;,;". nd prices always in! `I33 .2 Z gin, 7 ,'fctIl.|.|,'Ell:,84`| .= lAlll\l'lE._'F' in T" . . itock, All biera will to- {J 1 1 |': .og!ve csreful attention. Funerslsfurnished com- of various designs OPPOBI -1`! IE3 . '-'-.1 ""T I .1! ~ "1 giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN IRPRINGS or LIFE. They are condemal recommended as a never tailine remedy in cases where the constitution. from whatever cause. has become imnaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all ages, and as a Gen eral Family Medicine are um-urpaseed. This G1:ea.t Household Medicine milks amorvxgst the leading necessaries of Life. . 'l`lu-ma unn'n'n` Pill: -nnrifv the Rlnnd and not -yaw-v vrqzviltr "X me teatung HBCCSSBFIBB 01 nus. These famous` Pills -puritf the Blood. and act most powerfully. yet sooth ugly on the 1- 0 1|; , _ 1 1 1731,, 1_ -aavuv `av vv v-nu... . , \4w u L_iver, Stomach, 5.iit"i.i3uwe1s, .__. _.. -_ .._.._...-. ._2 cv man t\ 6!-..-.;.. .....--A Its searchixfland healing prciperuea are known throuathom: _ e world. _ For the cure 0; Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. it is an infallible remedy. It effectually rubbed on the neck or chest. as salt into meat. it cures Sore Throat, Dlptherla. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swelllnsi. Ab- eoeuee, llee. Flatulae. G-OUT. ZIZKIU I` only at Old W0_!!_";dS~ 3! ".`- =1"d%_U|r8: And` evict-y find of skin it hns nvor been known to fail. - ~ The Pills-pnd -Ointment no Manufactured nnlv at , , E4111) D0115 [J16 UIVUIEUU VV UIIIIZ Wlloll MALT! onn. tr Pur?nsL'rs* `ghoul `#23; co gtheboia on flan Data and nnvnn If `f.hA'L(`l'QI {I not Q'Pu1-crussers` anoulamok no the moon on the Pops and Boxes. I1 theuddreaa is not 53 Oxford Street. L`ohdon._ therare` aumflous. $iKAE?2i%a.9he wl-:sT s LIVER PILLS VIII thoroughly can you. They do not gripe or purge, but `act mlldly, and whenever uud an -consldai-ed prIoo- Ioss. They have provon to be tho 1=-A.R..:M:E::as 2 BIG STOCK OF Ho-we 3L6NK_ET:. an-mi` 'I?;:1;s,vB-roa.d,hI;<$Zb1e and Sin la Bails rushes, Curry Ooh) Whip nee Pads 01 all kinds. amen 12: and Varnishes.. SINGLE &I)0USLE HARNESS For Heavy Dru ht. or Light Carriage use, in A, _ any . oupting required. Atwhvs ii($f6`bK oi M-ADE to names. GREATEST To all sinfferers from Indigestion, Disordered sfomach. HoLAI_.omgyf{s % PIi.Ls ' The disuse` omen . ffth ,ston;aoh,sb itliiczlfimkcgli-:+ivoly:l:'the w%fe In v 01- , cum... e - ' th entire and the 51 e drags out I`-':'x'1iI9nblo axiltono until death` gives relief from 'sn'er ing'.' The disease is often mistaken for other oom&1p.ints ; but if the reader will ask` e follo ' questions; he will be` 4.16 to` determine" 'wheth_er.he himself is one of. the slicted i-" Bsve I distress, pain; or dicol in breath`- ing after eating? Is there a. ull; hesvy. feeling attended bv drowsinus 2 }.Have the eyes a. yellow tinge ?' ,Does'a thick} sticky. A mucous gather aboutatheqnms nndteeth in the mornings, accompanied by a. disagreeable taste? Is the ton ue coated? Ia; th _ pains in the side and ,2 Is there '3! I `- ness a.bout,,the right side us if the liver were enlargingt; Is there costivenewt :13 there vertigo or dizziness when rising suddenly from a horizontal osition`? the genre-' tions `from the hi eye scanty end hi hly colored. with n dammithftar I|l'.1ntIina`.9 ADE Ilse them and be rollovodirom I`>ewa::";.' Couxiterfeits and Base Imitations. (iunuine ~.'.'r'~r_~.pd only in Blue, with signa- Hare mrevcry box. Free trial package of is.-~:c Ccicnrntcd Pills sent to any address n. rcccipt of a 3 cent stamp. ,3 .1 1.,` ` ' . ':i'7' -"` V ?7%:`2 !>'.aa2~,4a W { ` glgon-=B1z'4I,1;:_11G AND" EMBROIDERY, 2;? rec; `j.G'ifwhs:s Pa#erjn s. cvwmzze. ( . i;--jQ- 1-- -g: -1--__._ iaii anagrams - n-u-I 9; -um`-ugni--Inn-Jan, F aa2E"M@AN%'s ?R4NE :np(a.;m;n w.;JUj 75_1 {Broadwu Hey Cheapo} than unv House in or north of To- -nnfn_ . .3 AMERIQANVAt;B1tuLTuR1sT I - r `*:` ' L. , I00 Columns and 100 in e_o.oh~ iysue. '35aoxrono smn, mm. ' Qua -A1` hi 3" VAIIAAIIA II ' ` to :-; fe Copy` - '-liah or German} ot; A:he'm.nnr;1t>`zBm-r `. ..'. .`. -,:-*.`~L."`-*.- T. F93?-. HuLLnwAws_umIMNT you? _` , 25:. ;:::- box, 5 boxos hr OI F05. SALE BY ALL DRUBGISTS. HID . .?:'.3`!LI:'. ?3 IN MEDICINES 3|) l'ull'Ill I lpv__x. - THE`! ARE Ml ABSOLUTEEND PERFECT CURE ----.:--:---.-v --.--...~j;._.4-_---q-...._......... wom=L~;%PwM-`R8- ` , A}9_pigg{x9'~}:c6nhmchmon _'UsIti.v/_. In `. age.` dire, and ottactuu can-bye 5: .' nvs_:=zFsn on mnmssmu. WHEN wnvxrzn mom Ul\iI1BdI.LUlHtlI;IlVdl\luUy&t`I'e`ny gnu. [11 [My co or .-Awi. 8 qponit} 1' `:2 .083 food feiment icon t'fterelti1ixr, accompanied bv nlinlelinanr a. l-mlnhina nlkagg! hum 421...`? to gold b all venaial-a'o: Meauneo hotit the vnized World: with direc- mu nan In nlmnnt nvnrv Ihnannnn. .2553. 3;. west; & co. _ _--__.-..__n is-.% J . Moons, OF THE AGE SOLE PROPRIETORS A: xmc smear usf. Tonoino, onrr. Moot-e _s Block. Dunlop-at. Barrie. BLESSING _,by.9tn,lence.-or a`be_lchingV fugu? the": "ind".hi6i8"`dieeded, " '**t-Ii nvvu svlusvull BVVII CIIIUF UCUII-II , CUUUIIIPQHIUQ -atommi` 2* Is the :-e`h-eqti " __ , pslpztstibnt `o = the heal-t3 3, 'l heee_ ygriqua, pzsnptomn . may not bepteeent at one`-`timep t-' they -tor- ugentthe sufferer in .,tutn;: an the dreadful , dxaeuaprogreues. .'If the hbefbe of 1, long stsndin , there will bedry, `cons. In n,odaftcu;ti1nfnfhb.y*exp-nib` `ru- tidn. 1: van advanced utigee the Ikin_ ea- ..eumea.a.diit`y~b'rowniili ipeiiiioe. nilthe hendepnd feet are covered by 1 cold, aticky perepintign. Al the liver 39} kidneys 4l_>Le_- . F eunti` 0" am icing; e,, otthib _? 3; indmaabn of dirhnanma- nd A nmny ll` mun. U BU: l Yours respectfully, (Si ed) R. Turner. Seigel s 0 rating 111: are the best family physio that as ever been discovered. They ,c1eanne the bowels from all irritating sub- stance, and leave. them in a healthy cen'di- tionl They enre costivenels. ' 47 44 C C\rTDC`I l\ U1 Ill- ! ` ' . Turpentine is quite a good dressing` for a wound of any kind, providing it- does not snppurate suiciently_to allow of the healing process. Turpentine should neverbe allowed to touch the outer skin of the horse upon any con- dition, for it always causes excruciat- ing, long continued pains. .""l.~..|!."l1`!EC .u-vs. .ll.l|l0.E . .1 I 1- u;d1ges'on or dyepepga, and swun- t1_tv of 1_:h:&1-ope: medicine will remove the finesse 1f en-in its inoipienc . Itil most tmportant that the glieeue ulgou be prompt- ly and propcrlytreeted` in its first stages, wlunn A Halo unnrhnhnn -i nnnt Q nun-A null I Cl-III `PIVPUTI UITT-I Ill I1 ILFIU I I us. when 3 little nledxoine will effect 3 onre.:B3nd even when it he obteined 3 strong hold the correct remedy should be persevered in until every veetige of the dieeue in eradi- nqhn 1'I1I``In'w\nnC::5A `uni euknrnn ant` uuvu vvvry vwugu Ul. vuu uuvnlu us crun- oated, nntxtthasppetito but returned, and hn ;annHnA nunnnn Inanhvnnnli On A lunnin UIIUVII, IIIIUIL UIIU Ii IUIHIIIVII, QILIL the digestive organs restored to 3 healthy oonditton. The surest and most elfectunl l.remedy~fot,t_hie complaint is .qA;lIA`,I (In-`Hun A In-A V VI-IUVLD UILIUIIEIIUIIU UIIU 'VsUIl\-I CHI} U VII proprietor; J. White,` Limited. 17; En`: ringdon Road, London, E. O. This Syrup strikes at the very foundation of the disease, and drives it, root and branch, out of the system. : Mn ulrn`-. phnn 1)I\lI`r`:IIl'!"l\l| Van`: remauy-wt . mureuung oompuuuu 1: Seigel o Cnrative Syrup, a vegetable pre- ,Al1t10_l_I sold by all Chemists and Medicine endors througltxout the world, and by the 1-mnnriahnuA _ Wlnin` 'I'.ionIan `I i-- Fa-_ Sir, Being a su;1:o:rV i4`Jr):eV;r;s_ dya- pepsia in all its worst forms, and sftor spend- ingfounds in medicines, I was at last per- -nn Al` in Iain Mnhn Qnnn"n (`awaiting ll-Is LII-lll II-I IIJUVJIUII-ICU, 1. '7? CU ITU Ur eud to ty Mother .Seigel a Ouragive Syxup, and am thankful to any lnve derived more benet from it than any other- medi- cine I ever took, and would advise any one suering from the same complaint to give ' it a trial, the results theywould soon nd out `A; I-Rnvnuniwnn T` nnn 1:]... in vnnlrn nan A3 5 U115`, UIIU IUD`-BLUE Ill-[VJ ~WU|lL\.| DVUII Llllll U for themselves. If_ you like to make nee 2; this testimonial you are quite at liberty to do so; - T v........ ....-..-.u..11.. ml.`-(`yr s;i-evil) '3 `gist, `Barn. "'0, and A. J.. .hito Ld..A Branch ioe, 6786.- Jsmea Street. Mont! -Teal, P. 0.. and buttermilk are sold on draught`, dangerous neighbors. They would at , classes: those who drink for the sake Milk as a Beverage. _ There is one feature of our city life that ought to give prohibitionists much cause for rejoicing. We refer to the ' increased consumption of milk for drinkin_g purposes. -Almost an ocean of milk is dailyrequired to supply the restaurants and saloons. We cannot have too much of it. A good propor- tion of our business men seem well satised with a bowl of bread and milk, or oatmeal and milk, forlunch. There are numerous places where sweet milk and they are all. well patronized. We look upon this state of affairs as being very encouraging. During this ex- ceedingly hot weather we do not need the hot, heavy dinners that cost such an effort toprepare, and are sure to produce a `sleepy and lazy feeling. Certainly no man in his right mind would drink whisky at this season. Milk will not steal away a man's brains" nor make him a brute, but it will quench his thirst, satisfy his 7hunger and keep him in health. Milk is the perfect food. It will sustain life out any help. We know plenty of men who do the hardest of work upon a diet that has milk for its foundation. 1 We are half inclined to think that 7 milk saloons" could be made useful in T ghting intemperance in our cities. ' S_uppose_they could be placed side by Side with the beer and whisky saloons. Nothing but the purest milk to be sold at the lowest possible price. Let some light, cheap lunch be served with it. We believe that such saloons would draw a considerable element from their least divide saloon patrons into two of getting drunk, and those who drink to benet themselves. The members 01" the ordinary farmer's family do not `J86 nearly as `much milk as they should. W9 h%V8 known farmers to almost de- Prlve their own tables of cream and butter and send all the milk to the city. TlI18_is wrong. Pure, sweet milk is the ideal temperance drink. The old lien bucket is not alone in its hal- lW8d memories: the old tin milking. Phil brings back many a dream of boy hood, A Professor and h1i"Sou1 Pills. V - A Vienhee'p'ofesior,`b __min`eHJaeger, has had a. veg-y eueoeusfu chreer iii the Austen capitslpwith what_h`e'ca.lls soul pills, from'the stile of which he has made a fortune. Prof. Jaeger `clime to have discovered that the human "soul is not an immaterial spirit, but an odor emanating from the person, and notsbly distin inh- -LI.. 3.. LI... I-uh. This ruins an -nrn sunni- E}TE'113"eEa'o"x{,'3.:id' 'n6E.1i1} 1.1; able in the hair. . This odor the pro essor has deooyed, bottled, and afterwards in- fused into capillary pills. Taken in- ternally`, these pills are supposed to" im- part to their swallower the moral and mental qualities of another person.` The learned professor has not explained how he extracts the bad qualities of the in- dividual from the original soul or smell. But his theory is not half as remarkable -_ 2.. 4.1.- 3..-; Hand chasm Inn hnnn n eila DUI XIII IIIUUIFJ ll HUD susu. all avusuanuvav as is the fact that there has been a wild mania for these pills in Vienna and that their sale has been enormous. The gov- ernmenthas nally taken the matter in hand, and has used extreme measures to suppress the professor and his soul pills. . It has been truly said that nothing is too incredulous for human oredulity, and the quack medicine inventor- .s faith in this axiom is the source of his `prosperity. The soul 9' as a flight oi fancy beats even AL- .43-.` `sung 5935` VIC. j in the mind cure. Ultuu u-In an It so... -..._-. -. Perhe the meet ex eeeee Chet hale. been ehieved m?nhine he: been obtained the Dixon treatment for e xnxon . , e _. .een. geterrh`. Rust 0! 2.` dnx-int; nvmu en:-ed of ie etnhborn meaty". Thin e none the lee: etertling when it in renmn-. hered thet not are per cent. of petlente pre- eentlng themeegvee to the nnetti_ener urn the other ndvertned, teen v .n[.`P` ell. Btnrtirfmth e 0`! In w gbhetelly be- lieved` ;, e"ih0lt,!1iI|Ii f`l!U!" Fh!$`i3!iG dine-ji dee`m.-w` _ weigh, mute .tM.tiu5en. .J?as.ogm.onne~ui .on "the us ,. tmzonro. 1:-19:5; speed still. ` No pnulu zeniynmnphd to ms CIGI!`l'h.ii;,l'iS,'_,t\1llI!}OI` It`:-,~`-d.`_P_b V `V W EN? ndv5r nrb-.93 hon .0! ,tho~romo-iris, ll ' and at homogund-`hi in season `r ,' 7 P of 6II_OI b_e_mg c ..m- "o.'tho mdib my 1--r- .- 8 I . . ,!0nro,,. - 9;. npood - non? " `ogthb it? 0: '66: going: ckgm Id count at! home`. Inn-us on; trntmon. '_sl_l_30Il"6. uhpn. _ , , \;i'I:h`eun Afr H. D slit SON}: . 3 I of .x-_ oro M _ `*7 -t.,'.`!.!1:>;:>I: ` hit`, tr_mi'i$* .93s', _ j. _, rl.j.5lW'+ l96?l.Z-4.88 .. 2 ;9Aq'.*.,i-`:`..:., 9w`.'vvI`.~`-:1:b3sbd=;: xi!-.. .. ., , ~ A - * air dn`q \`1ro`r._`,' ;:;; - . A;olevei:;-ht! ,.;_xi_'ow',,`11iin:t ,'iii}xh`;Qovb; , wt: onob-{clug t i1_1whe'.mron'g,--yotv extti`-: outed-I;9r_g1~grao9fu ._ I Shh .A,wu,,tx-ying to milk heggat cow" '1ffhuI1:p.:jd`s"ift, and in herxgnoranoe1o,didtioned*hei'nelf on the_ left. ~ It was 'n69.r'the Dublin road. A mam` riding by stob9d_at =t1ge;;ndw1 sight gpd blurted out`; ./"A_,;B!I<)3,a`xLxi',. ydiglhga tins A ' " It on thb wrong sidai `E cow. . news , t\9_V her], _bnt_. per` rea_.yc1'y.`.t;Iqtho;'-. wig AI`I1?2.1?9:W ,.99"-7. .`,`.11fY'ijiP. .3-A's3~..V,`e'|,;if:1,1,*,.".,`; `B * tenant.` ,- `Af>uTt_.th1q.-nsnvt, ;' P" ` ' B '-fieztsihandtli that W5 ' hogs, it is far too heavy 9, ' piss It thinks no ood for this purpose as what middlings. That pigs grown exclusivg middlings will have a larger more lean meat or muscle, and much less proportion of fat than `n the ordinary way. There 3 those fed 1 is undoubtedly much that may be done of selecting proper food to in the way st the product most desirable \ . , , roduceju and when our feeders _becom=e wise enough to make the _proper selection ': . ,, an animal piatiiring early will agord. Just as desirable meat as one several years old. , Wm. `Home, a veterinarian `of .*Wi.`` -; cousin, says, in the Live Stock Ind ` that any person might` almost. cator, wash in turpentine and not feel much. inconvenienced by the operation. L93 sparson put everso small a qunmityp. 1 upon any abraded surface, or into thg smallest wound, and the pain `in. quite intolerable. The oppsit` thecasewith the horse, Hes -~~l..~1~._-. believes that he could kill.any'- hogamiy, , iimerica with one.1m1f pint -of; t . Wt tmequickly applied by a apd.h_".a,hP,h.;, able quantity may be t - on a horse without mulhlh imrngexiuud .. rice or pain. ___L:._.. 3.. nn:`n A an`-`A OLIAABVBBA-A ali`i`I'3l#?I!8f. -. _c_,__ LL- _...; `.5-go.-4|!-u-no nnmu . H . `N u._ I kw ":'{v;`, ,`Q In. "n E V. Market fluce, I \-L. ICU? I. UV UVII. L I October-m2;1u 1882., :1. York, 900 ss:aaeirizeVsre-i'a`.n;A% [;s:s*.r:ine,si:j=.; ' L ` nioreunto; ' . f ` ` ` The enormou&~-multiicbllicationlg bdoki, nawlpatzr-, -am `--P9110 iv!-13.`, _ . mgde modems, ggngnally; mpge. _ 3; readnng a. eamname us. 1.1:, _W.&si'9Id *rhim,En1>. . ; no}. ;w iraiconf ;ne`:ee "9.-;e+=.is1I=x' 5 _ __-;L~4_- .u: .1}--- _L -_;- I A._. _.L__ ` `P5 nu" .r;-' -t 11010593 %. 'dm9Iuz.fbnve men, `I'.nd .V have. them. I has as thi-A ? xiqp, ;w Brasf confaa.-enoe_ rteap gxqgf, -:. culling`! Itinlr T. :n Q`.-l\.nI`II|l\l|t; I conversation. cannot boots" 'T .;&;`1*`s.iS% as *'"== 1 . ; ~ 15., .&m__ ; tbs rxove;:h~::tm..'oir.o woman Beth. e comm. c -99: his: friend." '0 it in, _ ; Lthubecix" dcmonntrptcd that it, is proper to lay down ccrtain `Vncljsl by which `th6'.tulke1_{ msy' 98!} ~"1_`QYI,I*?0 .6: tho. co;1ib #li,y'ilI_y clllhc Here` ' Ir9iD.sibhdeh$f|i1il m'poiht':," A D0'.'|1 v.3-LhI.I._I `?l1I01).b" . * AV`srid::t l-M1ifq9fVconveraatin- f o Spcu'of.yon1'Io1f gs` little; as possible. `A . . Tin not mihlkka` Hun` inhtnf. n-" thin K DI-YUIIICIUII `I LIFUIU K @0100 Dpel, Do not n 1i'et_ e'_ke theipptnt fer Witt. -. :1 , . . . - ;. ; Beware 01 a_n1mpacienoe_to interrupt` 1 otherej " V _ ` Beware of iuneaeineel when others in- terrupt you. . . . . To listen well iualtnoat an indispensable II" to talk well. ' 11-e, ~n'_ __- 1.- -..-,-,L_j ;u .-_n_ ___.__ s ~.~*?v"srsu;.u.;.'.;'..*;n.*.:.;-... old 2 ._I:"._:_.. _'-_- |_..2.-.1...--.I___ L- ___.|_ __ \ Tye: opeak a` moment ` before they va though . ' .4 Tu 1| ans-snug` iunnnnn-n An nnwnvn nffnrnnf UULVQU VII? 551' `U UIIUIIQIIUU In a general convemtjon never attempt to joke with your an t more. VIVLA Ln-:u A` 451` A `nanny -ruin` nnncvnu-_ IA) JUAU WIIIIIJUIII. Du Csaynnn I ' The basis o,f.a.llA _o inary social conver-' nation must necessarily be small talk. `n- __-;:-..L _.L-.... ..`l.1...`1.. ........`l.. ....... IDIJIUIJ Iuunv uwvwuunsuy U0 uuuum unus- `Be patient when elderly people are gerruloua. Respect old age even when it twgddleen ` T i _ ___2l1 ...._!..I-I- L2- --__-.. IOW DUQIUDO V No gentleman will sprinkle his conver- sation with indelicate allusions or double meanings. `IV- um` vnnniv n3oonnvncI>nnnnn nu-n vnn ; l.lIUB|${ll5Do 1 To use many circumstances are -you come to matter is wearisome ; and to use \ `nose at _is`b_lunt.; _-._ _._-_I_- - _.--_1 ____ IJUHD an an In u_Iuuu- A specialist can never make a good com I versationzglipt. His mind runa_a.lwa.ya in ; the same groove. Tm -Innnhi nntun-Vnnv Anni-`ner ne}n}| VII? DCIILV 55991 We` should n'ever'say anything which ; anv of the company can reasonably wish we had left unsald. e enough to talk well `n`o;_ judgment enough toho d your tongue. TIA -and con ntlunr nvhh Hahn A It in a greatmieiortune not to have wit. W nun; you: wuguq. 3 - Do not give . another, even if it been r better, version of a. utoryelteedy told by ` one of youreompenions. f . " , ' ` mat 6.1! `An in:-mh Evan thhnn whn j-:-<. Sulphur tor Wire-We:-Ins. - _- . - `A number of experiments have 11063 Wed at the Rura1Groungl,a_,il,1..Q1".i.'3J., yd some cheap substance thnt would or repelgthe wire-worm thnt, Ops kind of scab in potntoesa` dxfferent vsrities of potatoes hive been` d8. over -the seed pieces of which gcovered with two inches of p0._,W- j* ire-worm was seen, though .0119 3 111 the Spring was infested with them. ered sulphur was strewn. Not" " ti SW16 evidences of the fungoid scab were found on 9. few. tnbeg's,_`;1.'. - - VIII! Ul yvul Iivunguusvuuo . ,D'o n`ot talk inuch. Even those who gajzherdd ronnd_`,M8cauley longed oocasion-. slIy,fo1"!laIh`ea 'o_si!9noe. ` Nevr , make. f,dn . , of perionsl defects. or the childfr-_en who mocked at Eh1sh_ Go up.~ on _h_ead, go._ IIIIJIII; "WU ll . P lodlllll DIM-I HUI, Iv. Avoid elaborate discussion ofipoliticsl` and religious subiects as it cannot fsil to" ; awaken feelings ofiirritation `and dislike, V The true s xrit of conversation consists less in dis}; ying one s own cleverness than in bringing out the cleverness of others. 1 ` s . ' A" good thing loses its goodness on repetition, "ust as claret and olives pall upon the p to` when they enter into our dsil fsre. . ' T The most successful talker is the man or woman who has most to say that is sensible and entertaining on the greatest | nugnber of subjects. _ - _s._I- -1 -....-..-and-{An :n vnnssa no- numuer U1 ILIUJUUIN. N 0 style of conversation ia more ac- ceptable than the narrative, `because this does not carry an air of superiority over the rest of the company. However niuch in the right `it is good to yield when ` you perceive that pernic- tence in ventilating your opinion: will re- "cult in open variance. 1:- ......c.`.1 I-..`... vnn Aintrihuta m-nine or Life's noon will soon be ended, A_n.d.%9...9Xeni8h.11B be tolled; "But my hart will know no hadiiess I` I1l\I1 Inna Inn nvhnh "i!I ll` o ;"j""'""" ` o :3, _' qomohritihidsy tosnchor o ` nd the singing tide; . Life : clouds will anther round us, And the nfghtwill clouds unfold .; It is only this, my donrling-- . . . Will yon_lov.e majrhen I _1n.o1d?_ When my hair doe: ahadg ne snowake; 1...: '.....s ....`..1 2. ; 4I:..`... .....?.......' &.\ VV HUI} I131! OX IIIEQ U119 IIIOW` And `my eyes dd dinm'1r`vgrov,`- I would lean upon some loved one, A5 the moment: came and " '05 ; Life's noo-n will_ soon be end ,' A A.__1LI__ . _ _ _ _ _ _.I__II_.I__L_II-_I `f"1': Ill JIUQIV Will. DIIUVI IIV DDVLIII you love _-me. when I m_ old. .. ._._zjL;.j_L___._ -. `lull: In Open vuruuw. ` Be pqreful how you distribute praise blame to. your neighbors. Some of those preIent,1'v_1l1` their prejudice: or their p;erti_alitie9_ which you 11111 be auto to Al-Pane! 050:6. their mother ' Fresh Green for humble It will soon be time; to .8P."t the limbs from the ewes, and 9Y%"Y:f3'mr who has not a. field with freh 8" n which to turn them, had best at 01100 Bet one apart so that it may get: 9. `SE? `nder growth in time for their use. *5 will also pay_ to fence off a. corner of 311 '_3h66p pasture now, leaving a.- few Th19 Just large enough for.the'lI,m1>I-`M 9939' `h1`01_Igh, but not theold sheep, .8-Dds: {Pg thisinclosure, place suitable t;ong_h8`!!}_` which to feed daily a. miixtni /Of . A `i"a bran and oil-meal, that the*1`I-111 . gaghbgooae accustomed`-`to. 8945.; '.11i_9:'3' R w on weaned 1,1 9 ,_,1pyf.,',`_f L JVQ` enough of these to iJt'_: ;1Ee` Iityh'e>' 9-"09 ,1? V A`N::inl`Ivn. V ` '.'l'heroiI `is V "'bIitthttdyupopJ ` in `Tthomti6n:1o " " "got cnn , . sliver ' DIIIIIIBI .D_lIIIIu lnvuvuu vuu - onrd HIQIOHI can - The oorre1s_tipnAof grpyghairpu ,w[oll_.g: its-.ouu,teI.;!deu1-you, motto attention study than; :they -`MVO. received. ; . Such ;I- ohu10,iI.\mdoubtedl indicative _of same, .. psycho ptooqu, but what.thu;:urwe.~ can only uoegrtun by 0. much -wideruogiea 'of obperntionnthun hav_e,yot been submitted lcienuo mm-` =, Iaavakmzasamzmxaavgm H9_45a<>n1=r?Ti};<...-rm-..."a`xe`me 50.. il5 B[AY. `QTRTIJ-57% T0.!lQll'l',0.- . /nrqshlml Tm H.P-SANDEES, 5 lor, sr BRA8s%A`N`IRo&% and _ Packing, % ESan'd._B,1ast,' Mm saw_.:F;1es,M% Tioslspn LEIGHTON, T "- 1555.: 5)..` 1' 1 . C I `flu ` . 4 " `n 's.~n-`:`x'1:`-.`.i f1'11ifI'.'(')'1>"s".I312J31!:"1'.` L r _ wv-7_...-- ':-.-.P;_`~`.'_?_F.H '. , .V_ ;.u ...:o: I V :` Lamw omBPR0VED.%IAiKE8.=WI.TII THELATE8T.AN11 BEr%%1mnN1sHINes. 1?RIoEs.a % . -JOIm PI-A.XT.0N:; 1.4.` u, n 9. 1- % A "*2 1 sou'm.smn.-D,IJNLO? s=:;=mu.-.+ % r ` .._.4.._..nr_A`_A.I....J.l!`&.4 HA _ ix%:mxm:s,a:::esnAu=dramas, -._ _.-.g.... .;.......r 1; .o.:.n nmnk-at-.1!-nminbfor Steam. Gga,G1ppqyalvs.I UNDERTAKEE uvujrt _. _I__I._IE.I'l u u; puny: `,:-r\-' 1 c. \ ? V`i'li$fi"3i?fii.;ixiir I % % L qnir.6m'ehti."a66da;Tcui be '..'.il1..|5|f8..0r we TrId.0., A moi-`q'p`rpti_;bI iibe of s ` " l|"o u1"-3 could` hardly be found. To 3300.; pAY.;w1th the Eclipse. -U.-'U`U`U`U C- U 1 ~. 1 > - - H A no'!7 `63`JiieinL cm rnou, 31.50 1: Mental Food tori _-......nIenu thglroad DUN LOP ST R_EE'l`, Can` manufacfufe an the VHoaie'r`y;' Scatfs, Miuta,[Tuques, etc., required in their business during dull season, and thus \ke'p their clerk; employed. ` '-uj-- BARRIE, om`. GARP,EN'I'ER AND TlllI%P-ll|l'|5"%ll%I'llIlll, 0* 3oTHWELL's :BLbC; W ,v-v v--av -v-v. -- '~---y-v ---w -------~-- [ -*5 `>~V-`Ribber..4 '-.1`-.ha.Rihbor`Attachment of the .2 air. EcIipae'di'ers in almostrevery respect from 11:'zz'-2"; others, and is pronounced perfect by com-. ;u._.{, `patent. j1_1dgea.. T _ .l8 now MAK|.n opnaor PHOTO- (IRAPH8 ` mom. OARD_ slzz =-*i -* % up `ram x I4 caamars .; V > y . I-`I .- : ` .' . ~`f- ' _ , . . MERCHANTS B'a.b'bit Metal and Furnishings.`

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