Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Aug 1885, p. 2

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Amy thought with u shudder of their desolate camping `ground. , Time must pass` befn-en pleasant ,_ associations could be__ connected with `it. 1.; The intense darkness, the rush and roar `of the coming storm, the agony, the death that might have occurred` th`ei-'e,~_ weifejnow uppermost in her. mind. She had found an opportunity. to. ask; .Webb. questions similar to those of Miss Har- , grove, and he had giv ' `Burt full credit , _'for taking a feaijfiilf `V ,Alwoma_n l loves courage in the abstract, and when it is shown in behalf of herself or-`those whom V sh,e'floves, he who manifests it becomes _ heroic. But, `her homage troub.led'Burt, who was `all; at sea, un- certain of himself, of the`-future, of al- mos`. `everything, but notdquite `uncer tail; #8 to Miss. 11fsr0Y5 2 '1``i;w2a something in her look whenthey '-first -!met after their common peril1that`went 4 straight to his deepest? consciousness. ; H9, hadf 59fr-i;?ii 9iiYd2ilWtiih' n9i.".}3 1 little complacency, glances ofprefemnce, 3 but none like that, in` which a. glimpse . :4l`~f.4`..l`:...a 7 .I.....`.; `.;....I---.`a'.'........ `l....`;J"`L-'_... _7iIZf, .1`i`t':t.l-e&d`i'v`i'hih`gwh;; ;`; ;t.;ich mood, which he aoughu to disguise with the whole force pf his will, gave him an I1`'eobionat.e goodnight kiss as she said, "Dear Burt,how happily the day has V `ended, fdfterh, all !--fend `we `knew. the` .,re-sci: why ? VHXTV... 13.--`. 5| ; 1). >1" try n 1 ..-V?-3'.-9:79-.1-. .;. `.'fI " `_ _ "YES. Burt," addeduW'ebb, `,`no man -ever` did a` braver thing.' .' I . - A` " ` "inf1thnr n` `$`(::.{ni-i>ir'1ius{.5 '..'..`.'.I ....'..;.. .',' :1"-.. U) Y.""' > ,. ..:.-r-n::'?t'?H'!o,.,.!'."3"- ..'_'"` drought. niy.;;a.dni Q, doh'y*like~ that theta `ed by: hesvy rumblov. tyuhadez-4: - tum-=se;si.% fth.-`E '1,1**j}159F.{f3[5,i$ts{'f$?.! ..*i*l?`' the t.h' @;s`..`x>1;`!1i$,*!; the densenpgg sum voter;-. or zsmhihi {few moments` down; camerthb |'iIlv;ih A ;nd., mTu2f7 {H"g:gene;c;;m;;nucpap I am `gyqn. hajhiJ faIlon.g`4=It'a6e_n|od*u,d iffho _ -- -\ : ovuuavn Uli<'UlUI' ESUIICIIIUIIP .9c,.bly V:.Y?--135:3: 33335;: li5i.i'iP' uky.~.._`ot.,a strange`-ato.u.yx,-:. . , Ilnlr nu. yuv uyuu antzxwyuuv, In nquvu 'l. glllp of`;feeIing', deep ".,ndj`fs`t}ropg, __I_m`d"be_(-n revaled in `a iiioment _bt weakness. The thought of it moved him ` far more profoundly r than who --remetxgbrance of L2... ;.I-...a...; -` .'l ..u.`l`..-;I Al; _-_.;_~;14 A'l,~" uvsvuuusl - uuuou --uuu -u_7u.IUu_:uruuUU U1 iawdangei.` fIn'd'eed,,he` ecatcly`t;Iii$ught ot"t;hat, except, _as it `wee with at girl who now might have been dead or dying, and who, by I'a--glance,- had seemed to say, What you saved is 9 . . ' I 1'1.` ;L:- ___- 1...--- 3. ,, ,, - Lot A lJ" smile. priceless, overwhelming gift, and he was terried at himself as he found how his whole nature was responding. He also knew that it was not -in his frank, impetuous spirit to disguise deep feel ing. Should Miss Hargrove control his heart, he feared that all would eventually know it, as they had speedily discovered his other little affairs. And little indeed they now seemed to him, relating to girls as immature as himself. Some had sincetmarried, others were engaged, and -none ever lost their ap- petites, he concluded, with a grim ii`-this were true it was indeed a cHAHE f?: $70,000] at lowest rates I5 sfsnutig`-hpi-` {en he"`hi`& ' , . s i'": 9' 15.2915 ; 9&5!` _ 9}? ~ " "".""."*% unit? . Lad t i " ```C1jl`,`'w% lulF{6-tsWhy31us, that swelled and grew with honrsersnd deeper murmurs, until they combined in one continuous rear with the down ran. from 'clou`da that seemed . zscaroely gihle 7to~li_'ft"7 lheniselvesr -above-Lthe > tops. .iTh`1ig1itning' was norivfid; but often cillumined the obscurity. with a momentary` dull red glow, and thunder Lmuttered and growled in `the distance s.l_r_z_1_ost without cessation. ` - ~- -`A--...n...pu:n\n-u ` ma Y name, and ill that it forebbdod. 7"* 8iub6 you don'&j"`:@2hut I can go.? , 1-'I0II$=v*In'3i(&1Ixi3"t.y:,ganial;;7uny;ho " % J %*,,~er*%sx#:~`m:29?9!~sed She *ohld`nbt$,L__( remsrkable._..we1\t~_ ;,ai:Z. ~u1a`w~.:e.;aa'.o .110 tin.'d(n'=:;. ' ` ` 8l_lllUl!Io vuuuuuu vcuoewxvu. ' The drought. had` been depressing. To Amy its gloomy, portentoueending was even moreso. The arid noon-day heat and glare` of preceding days had given place to. a,.tiv_ilight .89, unnatural that it had "almost the iawe-inspiring effect of `en `eclipse. "The" hitherto brazen sky aeernedto have `become. an overhanging reservoir from which pour- n n I7'AI'f.;l!IIl 4-.nfnrnnf.- Th clouds --v-u raw- vvpvut :v`uur1 . .` ; .13.` ,':'; `._, '13,`. _7. A _ 3091' a lxttle _~_ y `v'viIl`_ 8D(i'8Q will a ik K ;*!1".i81..'I1'.II1.9 1115- I V ` ``1_.` ...... .. ...:n; L... 99 1.- ----1.:._;`; 3- QVDl'l,lul..I5Iu5 Icilnfinlll lllllll Wlnlvuo v-- .ed 3. vertical :cato.ract., The cfouda droeped so heavily, and e were` so bleak, that they gave in impression cf im- `pending iolid maaaeahat mi'ght,,fgi_.!1{g.t 8-117 moment with cpiiahing jwieight`. V Within .a1_ 1__..hour Ith elieds o fscreams long dry VOP6,.fli1l"Dd overo"gving.`_: ` ; `I... ..-Jen AC uduuinungii-panacea W'nhh Iinf. ' to .prpar.fbt V.iV[al_k[.' Iniilins.'1'm.16 -v -w-- w-; 111- vnhililil `FY? `FIUInI&`lm - N o, Aplaagg,` f_..' 1'`! .1 rather hear how" ; `Ge1;mA1d_9 gidl 'a1i. '1vbht, to her room > -bitteri-%yraa.sham1:hed':: j`.fI 1mom mow `WBrF!9i6i5?*` 1"? `?'*?!': " `rIf'31i"$ `W . .rsckiua.*;i;iase9%: . .W.hh.. hm-also zlcmer iBnrts'.:1.w.t groan ' zuzehnymfiwbeai A ljl roanit :ontartn'.in*_A .eit.her 6f__t 'ugh__6nU}'isiny day.!H, From 4 %rwi` o B8"W?,B;. ig`, ayz,ay` with I promptne:i'Hhf_:fidh" the smihbbdynnoz her` failf Iguhbd. 0_3IuI amum :.:....*.-1-:.nm.L.s_am:L.~ ---v, - nw-- -v-'-v van-`iv v-av nnv Va vlnv mreeedins ey. must develop and deepen hit, `greatly..- And novfg ]_3ur;_t'_ mmngr; his ts of absent-mindedness, durixi` which lie` tdred.-" at nvacancy; idwaken she queried,-..gpI;h9_;1eqolved to find _Out.-. _ T. 1 A ` _ e K. ; 2 '~. ;B_mfb,? ahe saiglgfafonsing him from :one ref the.'*1epseeeeinte:hdeep:eleeght. ' 'Whih..-_'h -`."`1'.';i..'13!`1`9~!*=. With j his i `.t,e3.1989 . peeing! intf rather . foreedr: "4)"`<.e..tyh.-e`..`'.`=.i" has stopped =1 `raining.-' ` I; `I6ughtt6`r_idd_qver:Viu;.d see how Qtertrude I fl. T5281 ; .., His. face lighted: `up. with; eazetnessa `O1-v\n!`vvnu1 Lc--u`u- ` l1n.i-vs`. T '......`..k L- .4. 0 , surmises also. Whereatehisthoughth?' LL soucltors or we aupreme uouru DE .1. 1; cgnure of Ontario. Proctors. Notaries, COIN - snoera. 8:0. Money to Loan; Oloos-V-Bot - well : Block. `opposite N. 8: N. W. Ry. Station, Barrie. . . . V C. E. Hnwsox. . A. E. H. Cnmgwxcxm, JUIJE UK] VgOlv,.1u1 uuu uvusuvyvsua In apit 6f remohtranoa, "on a. ,mbbe_r suit `and. `wnt . to look after isorri.little bridges on the place. rH __-_ .'--L-___"...1 -_'.I--..:.J . Il"L"LL:n B;nn- \ IIl\l`lLUUI\l Iva. `wavy van on-v . soon returned, ag1d'ea_id : "`I?t`i1_'ie-kee;_>; tip uri`t.i1 mdmins. their will; be ai. bridges; lacking in .our...1`egion. 7 fI?.ve tried tolandhonaome of out little aaire bv- `putting `heavy -a17o1"1es A'on"_t.I1e_ftp',e at) that the watpr,svill pass. ovaruinsteid of sweeping them ,~aw`ay; L It makes" one `think that theveod rwas'no}| nyth." . ` ,,1',,_1:_1- LL-` __.:.. '_)-.I. nrvuwvn-cud! 1: uv-1 uuuurlulir`-QUE , T `.'--;_;-v-'.- 5 W . . 5. 'Wx91 14%`! .` MR9 "$h9`t:.- `.4 hoansom the, hulap, >iuul'her,*<-witols than tqddtiony May: I ':g.g2{;,-`no ..'.u: -:'r': ._g.;*'.r:: .1-um .4. IIIJIIJ3 Valium Illa`! IJVVIA 1' `ans U-I To . the genlelral relief, the are in `slack enedl inttlje late afternoon, and soon ceased. The threatening pall of clouds lifted a Little,'.mcky: channels on the- mountains the -dull. gleam f rush- ingwaters could be -`seen. ~ "From every side its voices were heard, the scale running up from the_ gurgle in the pipes, connected witth;the roof; to the roar of th_e~~nearest large stream. The drought w"as';truly` broken. a" Asthe` day advanced, Burt had grown very restless. Amy watched him cu_riousl_v.- The long day of imprisonment within-dcors had given time tor thought and a review of the past novel and exciting experiences. She had not seen the glances from Miss Hargrove which had snggested so much to Burt, but she had long since per- ceived that her friend greatly enjoyed his society. Had she loved him she would have seen far more. If this interest hadvbeen shown to Webb, she would have understood herself and Miss Hargrove also'much better. Preoccu pied as she was by her sense of loss and shortcoming" produced by Webb's ap- parent absorption in pursuits which she did not-share, the thought had repeat- edly occurred to her that Miss Har- grove s interest in Burt might be more V than passing and` friendly. If this were true, she wassure that the event of the nsangvysat 1.931` wv Luu; gsggigpag, Do? you. tm1ly.;th1nk=I.Iough to -go:`!_ he asked. _ .: - -, . 0491 Uuaxuq. UU ULULLQ Illa IBIITB. ' ` Very Wall, 116 tried to say. quietly. I'll go. Anwifsjgs.-llop. would do me |ood;1;believe.`f ` - . . .u(\D ____, ;, -. .91: 1 no w umjunsu, sue auueu. = `He looked at her _searchigly for 5. moment`, but;' was nothing in her expression to excite his" fears. " nTr...... ...-n n 1 ; ;,,~,-; ,1 . _ 9 .r ' "`~a:a;;;.ily 5 _a1idVit,wouldvlL)e a f`-avvof to me also, she adied. ' .- . 1'1 - I_-1_-`| ,. I 8' I I- x-W5!-`ac-.-4v up ' , _ % , _Let-.-m,e4 go with you," he exclsimgd; wxth an eagerness too'p1onounoo'-i. ' HKT.-. -u`3\n&A ` - ""`v-1...-L1.__. `L___, `I. -_'- . . M, .*~-'-." "" f`9`, nd-?if'; i1*99'3`3`Qr Q ; "563 wham- $ 5x$ v5.5! '%i,o1si9s1 .':.1ltt!e% `tilt Now it would carry. _uysy hon-sognd J T. SPROUL. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . `of the Supreme Court, Conveyancer. 8:0. Money to Loan. Offices over Sanders Bros.. ` Jewellers. Dunlop Street. Barrie.` - ' . tempt to fv A , beyond were obi? w ' Jike these violent chapggg . 1` -u;;M_ 1* uTenny_son s brook ";6e`on"f6rever is more to my taste than.QneJike this, that almost stops, ~ and then breaks out into 9. passionate, `reckless torrent. _ 4 9 *"It s the nature of this- brook ; you shbhld_hotf1)lame it, he answered. But see, it s falling rapidly already. ., '-Oh, oertai;nly_.;- nothing lasts. and she turned away abruptly; , ,__ __3_L-`I_.... .....;,._ ,4 M, n 1,,_ 4 `either-' " htmipuio Then M .:ma *~I9e seen; n3sv;;_wmaa::%qm;%mom% lsdinppoxned-:wit,h:li1a.. than wlyoi ' look counsel of pmdnhu - 1 ahilI*tgk`g,,bQ`s`el of pmagca, "' ""` ' .-.-.' -r;:-. i`.1~-I k';$Q>i?l2lIxs`a*,_QID0,dH-J01! have ' `Ill'$dIHll1Irnnan'i`|i-J..a. I7 ' ' ` Ht; .,_.. Ll . - 7! I. A u .5 IiI"21!%l .i.BU'1 . 7? . ."7 .'.`'_-.. `'< " 1.`f"`. P .; - 1- Afoa_1'.;;yjc_p_t1`_' .wou1a,*i;;;e"n; Tme, 5 LH9 I>.Ii<.'>d f "the: mom; for `aifeiv mo- ments in agitation,- and - at `last he stop- ";-sense I am to lose you after 211. Has Mr. Cli'ord.ap.oken '1 H KT- ........ . L- L-.. -._I_ __:_1_-,1 L2- % pa`pa,i ha'{d.'_it .'no been`ro:.M;;`o1itroga.". iped. b.fOf1`e'7ht=;and ':31;id. ;i. *cPerhapa in . "".Before'I' went. t'.o'.'the: mountains I saidnelo e was `no elonsdr ea child; but I was, c'c~.mpared- with what;I am now. It se.e'm`s'.to me` 'thatTfeeli`n_g, experience more than years,- measure our age. I ` am a. woman to-day,'one who has been Tbroughtho*>1*nn(thre;ivor1d_that I - have '.been_i_'faogh`i?~how' value what may: '09: 99?! iiiovy 5 iF.*`hh.?.e-Turned `hgw V to. value yon` and_.yon,n#nneleh Joye-as I: nevem1.i.rt-`b6torZe;e; i:Bz1_r`;;h:.1i!iorde will -not -speak-A*7'e'r'y`1 ` ",4 }f'5\.Hp9:e`ye1_-_ does, and : 1: 1mm: Tnde Ivjet-L-.'let:iJei"u';>bh my answer.` " "Should" it the ` 'tav6i`aBl'e, rest `assured more T than gmtitnde will pro . ..msxa9.dsE'.!mheoassn:ed you gaiuta MI ybuavwerei .1 mml :na5gu1nsa;e-me. n4:Q_-...'rI_nQt be? H` ` j--my-H n-uunv..'..1 LACIE?` no` 8 r ta prror dlxohh -to as gmmh ..'` 1' "J"? ,-`.!.\I`-"-:` `= . . ` ' 1r.u"1!m: II`IQi\1:-. R. _.:.I ENNOX 8; LENNOX, BARRISTERS, AT- torneys at-Law. Solicitors in Chancery. Conveyancers. 8:0. 0lces--Corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets, Barrie. A J. '1`. Lmxxox. HAL'Gn'rdN Lmmox. KDPIICQ, VV,l.Ul.| uvpvqa6,_31sp-gv \p_|.J.nIJ uuuu -. The early twilight. deepened around them, and gloomy night came on apaoe, but __before_ `Amy 1'6 entered the house lli,--_llIl%l_.B,h e`or.tB. were . rewarded. Burt : threatened disloyalty apparently `had: lost its depressing inuence. Some anbtlere-eeenring power had ben at work, and the clouds passed from her 'faee,. ifnot from the sky. fI'|`I__A.--'.-_.L_.. .1... ......L1 ,,,,_ `Inn ,_ Lwvv,-ns,_uvv_I A--v-- --y --J- . /Thateombre day would ever be a memorable" ens to I Hergrove. Natfe` Beam: (1 _ weeping `passionately ovet the summer then had. gone with all Aitaewealbh of beauty and- life. She knew~`that-`her gin -lhood hed gone with` it;. . She:__hgid `cautioned her `brother to say` nothing of her"` on the pre vious day, for she=':was.eeo unnerved to gq oven-`the scene agein this night, s'n_'d Vmeet "her "_fatl 1er s `questieiaingv eyes. `She iianted _to 7be.alo`n'e' rst and face the truth ;'-and this she had done in no spirit, of weak self deception. The she- dowof the qnkown had fallen upon -her, and in }_its co1d;grayfIigh`t the. `glit- trva11'd.tinse1tof the ..WOI1d hadpfadedt but `_uns_e1sh' human -' love hdgrown m"ore'_._1{m;ino1_is. The 1 iiriminence of `death had. kindled. rather than quench- ed` it .v . VIt.was seen to be something _in- trinsicellyf preci a_us,- something that ;mig`l1t ._'su'rvive Aevxi the `deadliest. poison.` ' ` ` V I Lulucu aVVw REID urvlyo You are mistaken, glster Amy,." h replied, `With strong,',q!1lQt e.mph.as18- fl... ......I.. bmilinht J1.-unsann arnnnr] father` h waisvtdilsposedi to regard Bu1jt"as'enewho"ldoke`d `upon life as a p1eesure,,,excureion, and `who might n_eve_r_- mks -it_ seriously. His laugh hereafter could` never be so light and careless to her but that, like a minor key, would run the thought. He risked his life for me `; he might have- die.d_ for_me._ vu-vv -nag`:-vv-u Her father had watched her with the deepest solicitue on her return. and he felt rather than saw the change that had taken place in his idol. She had pleadedfatigue, and retired early. In the morning she was again conscious of his half-questioning scrutiny, and when he went to his studyshe followed, and toldhim what had occurred. He grew very "pale; and drew a long,~ deep breath.` Then, as if mastered by` a strong impulse, he clasped her to his heart, and . said, in trembling. tones, "`:0;1:n',;T1`r;:`:jri<`a,`;i_f I_had3I08t'you ti ; I ' " .n I 1.'.....a .-.--....~- ...r.---.1-`.1 1.... 1.4 '_._ ~ -.. vu- Ejf'jDofn(:)t: think I 'un"derstima'te his act, -T-rurie~; but, believe me, .i.f_he .sho0l`d'.sp6a.k now or fsoon, you are in '_no -condition "to answer _him. She smiled incredulously; ' A He did--wfhat- any man would do "for _'a' 'w.omaI`L' in` fpcln-,il.. He has no right tq claim` ucI_1 `a-` 'r6wardL"' _ go.-`so. 7?? 1719, pg}C"-,T{7i;a on1_v zfisked his .li',f.e`to`sa`v`e mine."" _ A _ '~' You a.r.e vVe_ry `gra_t'ef\_1l 'l A H "n K7,`... 1! '*'ss'1"1.1'7dIi full eyes, the warm blood that her thoughts brought into her face `even in the darkness and solitude of her chamber, did not belie her nature, which was intense, and capable of a strong and an abiding passion when a'.'.*3i'3dt1.-. 7 . O H. LYON, PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made `m ang part or the County. Real Estate bought an sold . Cpnveyancing in all its branches. `Mar- riage Lxcenses Issued. 0`ice-0ver Canadian Bank of Commerce, Dunlop `street. 5-ly 3` :33-'lb:pi:iiseso1o::oo1nuwaterToIt Mme purity of water Wk been fpund no better or simpler W9) "1; U0 I1'a_hulf `- pint ask one-exghth funk`; fwltortoibo tented ; dissolve 1n -the W8 `I ` _;'I't,?J1eapoonful'n of the purest W8" ;.l9%f -`.i>'::i1:tsnulited will do) '`` "3 ":t_l_1_ex_1 aqxieeze in'the juice of 3 19903 again. "Then ll b_h0 Wmw lovenoeightha of the bottle wlth Ugh will L` `arjgllount Zion $.e`1`1rbon._ or :1<:;1nrmin rt 3 ` `qver`y well ` e again . ooxk, and dip the compo -1ndib!P* z `"1? .1..f`Y-r 'P`."'kt `"ddf.k of lllbut o P`?zz1l!lg3_ 15 mxgnt oe mm. ouo Dw--- ; t.i,I1.d_ that the ranged clou dhikened the sky were th9 ""K,'5_.?a or the atragglera that were fn_6Vihg`"th:e sluggish advance of its ='W1I.'b9dy; or it might be that there ,X'P.3 3 partjaly break in Nature's forcey 18Ii_i"thht "heavier cloudy masses were .9`?,n.".. .`0tne. 4 Mr. Clifford inclined un t!ie`Iacte: view. H on Storm King . 3h1`0l1d0d. he said at the break- I _ ; =_i_i'hle,_"~"andA this heavy, sultry Bil` 3.|,V,in`I_ilate' weather." ' ` 3 ` I `[1 `,.To be Continued. VIIIIIIU UI-IV T19 `LI III LL] ' DU llV`l """ ' Impetuous wordsjrosbe to Burt's Pr: bet he checked them in time. T1em- hlihg for his resolutions, he `soon 1091` his departure, and rode homeward 10 deeper disquiet than he had `CW3 "in" `He"~,gave Amy her fneeds and bealao. in spite of 1" self, afforded her a clearer glimpse Of Jyhag inrhis mind than she `V _;`rec'ei`v'ed_`hefere._ - _ M W] bib head at l1'er'a8 he replied : e shook Well, Trurie, 1 f0 lovingly obstinate little W99 What a likely to prove. all. If with ID ~ - . - can be so consieyrleaile: an1:,]a;,xp1:1eI you will be also '1 P8 that 1.1 ... _,, rn wild to lhorrify Mrs. Harg"`" by 8` 1 mm gcarum experiences." cipgtions in l_if_a,>. of his siater s adventure. The injunc. . ' u `:1 him was only for the u!;il:1ladeve`1)1(i ng, and Gertrude found 2: mother almost hysterical over the 33,1, and less inclined to commend :33 `(than to blame him as the one who mud 19d her daughter into such a . 3 the wav." She exclaimed, when waeygoes out'of one's OWH 11 on atural asso- Zciaftions life. _`,`-The Clibrds are as wel v cu one goes out of one s natiiral 'ag3o_ `6 I ve not been out of mv n _ _ atural as. soclations, Gertrude answe red hotly, l-bred and respectable as we are, and she went to her room. ` 1t was a long, dismal day for her but, as she had said to her father, she would not permit herself to drift Her nature was too positive for idle, sentimental dreaming. Feeling than she was approaching one of the crigeg `ofyiher life, she faced it resolutely and intelligently. She went over the pm weeks from the time she had first met Burt under the Gothic willow arch and not only tried to analyze the pow: er he had for her, but also the man himself. . I have claimed to papa that I am a woman, and I should act like one, she thought. A tew things grew plain.` Her interest in Burt had been a purely natural growth, the unsought result of association with one who had proved congenial. He was so hand. some, so companionable, so vital with spirit and mirthfnlness, that h1s simple presence was exhilarating, and he had won his inuence like the sun in spring- time. Had he` the higher qualities of manhood, those that could sustain her in the inevitable periods when life would be no laughing matter? Could he meet the winter `of life as well as the summer? She scarcely knew him well enough to be sure of this, but she was still suciently young and roman-. tice to think, If he should ever love me as I could him, I could bring out the qualities that papa fears are lack- ing. Hiscourage seemed an earnest `of -all that she could desire. I II I I . 411! I-FUIIIIVUII -Ijvl To .'Iha weather during the night and ~ 9;_1;.th,e follovying mormng W95 "pt! ing. It might be that the storm u-nun .;_.3 LL..L LL:-n vandal] (31011 .7- -cg- vngv-v v vvusu uuulli Amy's feeling toward him, and the question whether he had ever regarded her in another light than that ofa sister, troubled her the most._ I Amy loves him, and he has gxven her re_aaon_to do so, I shall not come he- them, cost _me what it may. I'll do""wi_thdut` happiness rather than snatch it from a. friend. yv I-r-vs:-a--- vain.--nu ---4 sun..- The young fellow was receivedcor- dially, and Mr._ Hargrove acknowledged ` his 1ndebtedness so feelingly that Burt ushed like a girl, and was greatly` em- barrassed. He soon recovered himselr, however, and chatted in his usual easy and spirited way. Before he left he asked, hesitatingly, `- would you like a souvenir of our little episode yester- day 3" and took from his pocketthe rattles of the snake he had killed. ' ncnvl-nun VI. VIJU DIJCIILU LIU u(lLI nunwuv It was not alilptle episode, trade replied, gravely. 1 shall m- deed value the gift, for it will remind me that I have a friend who did n0E count the cost. in trying to help me`- I......\..L..-.... -.._.1- ._-.... 4... I)...-We "D9. CCARTHY,` PEPLER 8; MCCARTHY. Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. 850.. Money to Loan. Barrie, Altman and Gravenhurst. D'AL'l`ON Mccnrrnv. Q,C. F. E. P. PEPLER. 5 v . J1 AI ` '1 DIOVFI w-----v- or nnvnna uu oaov Therefore, alshough her heart gave 9 gre -bound as she-saw Burt riding to ward the house in the late afternoon, she went to her father and said : ` Mr. Clifford is coming I wish you would `be present during his call. VIVL- _.--_._._ `-II..__ _.._ _...-..:..,\.1..-J ad not dverfond of the `|nL - my natural answered 13 well-bred and 8. JOHNSON. BARBIE. IMPOR % ` - -'::w.D~a*:: Mwa. - L!m1'eGama in.n 31 .11 lg. !'h`e'7Brlal OUNT. STRATHY 8: LOUNT. BARRIS- ters. Solicitors in-I-ligh Court of Justice , Notaries Public. Conveyance:-s. OtI1cee- over the Bank 0! Toronto. Barrie. T T A----_. II I` `Y `T 3-.-\.-u-H I! `I Y A-__-_. SAMUEL TENCH. w'n:1_.1L slxxmriknoum I _ an Land Drainer` returns than 3 to the nnhllk. nnnrnv fnr {hair mutt fnvmnn. `And _' ~1'J1lUIilJ1'll:LVUl2I, VVl5a'l._euB1lV.l8li BUUBU ' an Drainer returns pnblw enerall for t e1'r -put tI.voru,'a.nd would inform t em that he In still inthe bus!- neaq. a_.nd as romptr ,- and obllglng .9; ever. Orders ca.n be oft at No. 30. Peelotreet,` Barrie. and they will be promptly attended to.` -* ' 47-46 Atpprulser. uuu uuuuuunuuu agcuu uu uuu now 0 Houses. Lands, Farm Stock, Household Furnitpre, Goods. Wares, 8:0. Also for the oollecuon _ot Rents Notes and` Accounts. Olce--P,ol1ce Court. Barrie. UlV1!J1'.l`U Luau U.LV REAL DDJAJ. A1 Nox.S;:a:::.*3&;:.::2z?`- M X8` 1'3- U.lV.l!.-A lurgp umuuuu U1 nvuw Luuuu 1 to lend on straight loans. at oweet. rates. 1 16 MOCARTHY. PEPLER 8; MCCARTHY. %* Z`;.'2i:;'::.":.% 211:` Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at.-t.ho.Northorn' Railway Switch tooto! John street, near the. depot. Thotho ~ 0! lhll Lima in bettar an: r kin a th nish v Johg :a_nuzamh . ` ;` k H. ,B ' DENTISI`. . Ofce Zimmermaxfs stand. __-o Sanders Biock. op . new Post.` _ 0ice,_ Barrie, 0_nt. italized Air for pamless extractmg a speczalty. 6-ly '-_I&O ha: VI Qua: g; ;;ery"3no7:ript_ion ot_ Eng Mnlhgmt M111. Shxngle, wo gmachmery. A BARBIE PLANING MILL.-GEO. BALL.~ `Carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer of Don Sash, Blinds. Mouldings. &o.r. Plen- lng of 9. kinds done promptly a.nd`ea.tisa.c- tonlv. Factorv. John street. Barrie- ' ' W. MCVITTIE. D. L. SURVEYOR AND Real `Estate Agent._ Calgary N. W. T. Corresxgondencp solicited wxth re rd to invest.- xnents n Provmce of Alberta. .W.T: A. W. MOVITTIE. Address Calgary, --via Benton, Montana, U.S. ` , .._:__;..___. n ENNEDY, GA,VILLER 8: HOLLAND, Architects, P.,L. gsurve ore. Valnasors, >850. Plans and eoioations. or buildings p;;e- ' ed. Tov`vn`a.n Village Lots la_1d out. `Farm ' es carefully located. Timber-lunits examin- ed, &.o.b&.o. Toronto 0lce-4 Mad Buildings. . Barrie ice-McCa.rthy's Block. Collingwoodf Omce--Long s Block. T 4 ` Tues. Kxmmmn MAURICE GAVILLER. IV .1, l-ln1.1.nn_- , ` A 51.117 JOHN MACKAY. AUGTIONEER. COMMIS- sioner, Conveyance:-. Issuers 01 Marriage Licenses under. the new Act. Money to Loan st Moderate. Interest. Creemore. Ont. 61y Ii,`*`: afu:?:' ow`v nor aa`1`?:`'.2`3:``u`:`3fx i :`3 n".`:' chattel Mort 'a.ges,.`Rei1ta, Debts. etc!" e are `T 3130 prepu to undertake Genera :De'tect.ive'. . Buunese16rLegalF1rms.Memhanvt:ou:l_.t9 _ra. .>x | D! r. . `IQ! .at_m erate rates. V0ice_: Police. % .Gno'ne1: noqm. " wu. ARRIE FOUNDHX, muuxnna an nuxunan Wonxs.-11. snwnnv Manufacturer of on da rlption of Engines, Boilers Saw glvill ax-1:: Mil]. shingle. Lath. and Wood- U UOIIDIY 013- ' BIIIJCUU. 1. arm Olqe gt my Store. Craighurst. Josnpn `ROGERS. CONVEYAN CER. com: mmaioner in Queen's Bench. Auctioneer, Atpxiiraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale . ouses. u-m-nsmm anmln Wnrnn. kn. Also for the ___j.:__;. I SEPH ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTABLE," h_g2f1nty-of Simcoe. Oice--Police Court, ...____..___._.. OSEPH SWAN AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of.-S coo. Terms reasonable. mm at -mv Smre- Crainrhurst. 46-ly {ARRIE FOUNDRY, ENGINE & BOILER 1I7nnIzn,_.I-I- Rnwnmv- Manufacturer of ._ ARCIIITECIS AND SURVEYOBS. [E SON & CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of J ; Lure N omgigs, Conv' {- ...u.. D... `lanai? ?n `l.nn-n- l|A'__l2nY EBB` 85. GREENS R . ovian .the town of aam.EtrEm>5nC hnnl Ilnrtohann `Paiiwn 'I*In`hnin"nIm`l?eX7u gum My THE QUEEN'S HOTEL.-A. W. BROWN. Proprietor. Excellent accommodation for the travellin public. `Bar and [order well Iup- . lied with t e best. Good etabling and atten- ve hoatlere; Luggage of guests conveyed tree to and from all trams. -e Few doors west of Max'- ket street on Dunlop street. L E I-IIUIIID vs avav -V. -pa-co.` VLOUNT. Q.C., H. S'l`RA:.l`HY, G. W. Louxr. nce-mng'a BLOCK. mos. _ W. J. HOLLAND. : . T -.51-;l: ` N ON REAL ESTATE AT [0s]2l...$9.pE {rant-ant- LENNOX 8?. LEN. [0NEY.-A large amount of rivate funds tn Inna nn ntrninvht. loans. at. nwent. rates. I T. BANTIN G. CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- nnnl will hp at hill office. It IO BANTING, CLERK UUULVI 1 U1.` u.uu- I con. will be at his oice at the Court I0. Barrie. every Saturday. Residence and nnkntnwn- ~AFcnomnns. me.` ....._.?_*___._._.___7 , _ 1vnscm.1.AN1a:oUs".L ' mnuracrvnns ._: ' IN OUR HANDS FOR IN VEST- I-nnnt. nn anml ft-nah nld nmm I-itv -DJ 0n%ua:fo:u FINANCIAL. ;'13i=:ir_s'fT OFFICIAL. T mnnim. P. on 1 V kin sndj, .j:3.. `.?n .*'*a5'::s nnna gt. an Hank--n4 Joan Fons} DEFTIU 51-ly Ullll U10 46-ly 5191) G A. 'RADEN_I:IURS l`, BARRISTER, AT- . tome , Sohcitor in Chancery, Conve oer, sec. 0 co-First Door South of Posto oe, Hind s Block, Owen Street, Barrie.` ` 49-48 I -nu, J son-rj p` Anvuccl: % 1. the bent 09: ...Woekly Pubushefct, in the County of .8im'oo0.- ind hll ' 4 _ :: ; ' Q" u'x :- .:1 :' ."n n-`h ls. mam, r:i'bi1s1ii1nafr`op1:aidr| -`W -' .' -,.og ,` (. Published by.the..P:opueto' 1, rs . w..;:.;,4, Bnfrig. .0upi`e'a;26 oent|=t".theooe ;` 01-, gen? b.r`m?%v!*v-ids on %r9iv*9` Fh-it AT~1'ORONTO Pmcas. DEEDS; MORTGAGES, GHATTEL MORTGAGES, < L QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, ASSIGNMENTS OF: MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF mauomeauVAuyme -'%s1'EAuI-- grmnmt: Hllsal FARM LEASES4, `~1?;1S"?SI'5*1N.;C9F71`.?'SS.3L415?K3$`fifS S S V{;ID`g(`AGISTR'.A'T]!!}SA"jB_I.A1\ K8,` ' `J l3'1$n1:'-."9tI1Aii`:`<!>f'\8!i'5"1=(3.i'!i1 muted ,'to` . on-In - ASSIGNMENTS _OF A * ` - .CHAT'1`EL MORTGA'GE.f f S, V _ABS'1"R)10'TS"OF TITLE, E'1{Q. . V. I T "sUIueoGAr1"1nSjcuU1ur 'BLANKS,. % coxsunaamsmnnaxxs. lCll$' 5:322. . 1 EARN'&. MURCHISON. BAR mas, Solicitors, Conveyancers. 8:0. ~ oney to an. Oice-`Over D. J. Murohison's'Store. Market Street Barrie. Branch Omoe--Potter's Block. Totten am. ' EDWARD J. Hunw. _ D. C, Mvitcmsox. ` . ~-jggj .-L.;.-.-" BOOKS AND 1>AMPHLE'rs,_ POS_TERS-Plain, and omamentai. ; DODGERS, _ % FLYERS`, RENEWALS or v0:lV1ATTEL MO TGAGE, DISCHARGE V V NOTE HEADINGS; LETTER HEADINGS, MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING iNv1TAT1oNs, D WEDDING CARDS, vxsrrme CARDS EQUITY on REDEMPTION,` STATUTORY ILEASES. nuuLnrsr.. name, HA3` U`NRlVALI.ED - %rAon.I1'u%ss mun Ann nsrsrnt : xcunou -or onnnns or LLL'OLA8E8` or--V MEMORIAM cums, PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF DANCE, , MENU cums, % 7 `LABELS.- lnnnKnmumnIn"r1wn. HENRY. APPRAIS_ER&fBILI. 1=os'r1T?i 1 ` '. ace. Rentscollected.` Servant: Provided. l {Office up-stairs opposite B613! 01- Congmeroe, .351 resfzectfully solicit ah Qppdrfnnity `_ `to fu;fnish estimates _f'orJa_ll kinds of work infill the tyles o lirinting, such I CARDS; RE;CE_IP'l`S, V GHECKS, %% ORDERS, ENvELo1>Es; LJJHQJ-3&3 54 -.--or,rns-.-.. . _-.;fL;- %J{UD1944i+ 93513101` Lii BLANK roams sTAfrEMEi`ITS;' . BILL H_EA_DS_, ` }NQTE,*GIRQULARS, . 1 LETTER` omoULA17.s. l1I`i1\III(1 Alv_vfays.kept in stock 5 `_ V-v.-wavy-ta. `-, : ,. ;L Fir:-I V "A'ful1 liixe of 70 .llV Uun nanuu run. 111 v nu`;- $ , ment on good freehold security lowest rates of interest. No principal mono uired until end of the term. STRATHY 2 LT, Solicitors. 8:13.. Barrie. ~ -.- il\Il- % * SIORTGAGE. A f,`1_1ililin7e at all prices . `HOUSE LEASES.'? SALE or LAND. sN1PEs, ETC. 1 W 1un's Nhture ut last ihvvvukening fiom .,-:her long `death-like repose` with an energy that was Miartlins-.` ;Th9 thin ; skii-miah line ortizapor` uwas;fo11b.wd_by*e qloudy iquadrons, ",b.for f_B'1ii"86t7 great -masses of mist w ei'e' pouringoverf Storm King, suggesting. that the At- lantic had taken thedrought in?-hand, and meant to see` "what it could do. The wind moaned and shrieked about the house as if trouh e,` and notrelief, was coining, In spite of the young moon, the night grew intensely dark. Every moment they expectedito hear thedash 0'! rain, but'it'did not come: A __.-_ u. ___.1_;' _._:..n_ - _'|.-__1_1-.`. -1.` ;.`I...:.. ` vunii up Iulunvvl VIJIIJ I - %grognea,% "1; sneyn1y;kue y&%!"V ` * A-'".`} v(`.'.. ., Bh0Wed%mii'99ta-s(:bun k%:':i:'vi`?i;'>, % . :.?:!!!I% }15`811F .-...I AA.l.'..'.;- .' l1'L`.p-s..,..n....-s ._ 1 n " I_Iisjfathe;r s' 1iegry"j;raig,; gnd _en V his;m6.ther .s grateful and chaos: paaio.n - ; ate embrace. only: added -ta:-his zdeirp -roan -= A9 h'e`~-wenjt -`bu h`ia`*rbor`n;:'he, A %.m;. 1aae1:,na:J.w;b1ea` : .-he _awakejoIm._he:f9llowinqx_mording def -' % pras;e`dv rat,:de exhumed-. ,aii'<.i. Illa `Of. git - Is. dzhbmeault: oaovor uoitouyenltb -an--run: But he could not thus dismiss the ' past so far as Amy was concerned, the '; 3 orphan girl in h'isjow'n< home `to whom he had promised` 4f_e_`alty. _`What, would a be his feeling toward another man who had promised so much and had proved A ckle 3i `What would theingnates of his own home` say? would _-even his , gentle, mother, `of whotri `he `hid 'made'_ a 1'(>i1lidar1te', th1nk'of him we `u;wqu1a`n; s a look. of pain, or, even worse, of ,scor n,. come into Amy -s `eyes? He `did loved her dearly; he respected. her `still more as the embodiment of truth and I del_i- . cacy; . From Miss. I-.largrove s manner ~ he-knew that - Amy" had nevergossiped, about `hiin, ` -he "felt "sure. 1_ihe=tent.hs .' `off his acquaintances would _have done. -'He also _belie,ved that, she, was '...taking him at his~.word, like -therest of the family, and that she .vv._a.s looking for- 'ward to the.future", that`hel had once so ardently desired. iCost_ him what; it might. he must be true to her. . J QL - _ I _,, . o .. Ia.L.I-- .1:_.___, , . ":`.'.,""`?"-".f'\';-"1'. 5"a~>;.`-'"!'-~`.`3`=" >3 ilrl-FM! 110:`.-.~-'s 2 ` mtsliazau 9.1499 .;,n.~.Jo9ds \ - ` r~ -a:ha:mk : H 1.9; '11 5 2 . near; hpavy, yet Ixgqisixiflrrn i -W` ;"!`!*.`i**!f,Z% !:'3.!f}"" ` opr:ge.%1Bqt,fi3o5h;t$1;g::higa;_gzIm R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. 0lce-Bothwell s Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, nntnr n. 51.1};

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