Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 27 Aug 1885, p. 1

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ccessful J onior 4th book.-C_ent_ra_\l S9hool.-A. Harper. A. Young, J. Lennox, (9. J anes, G. Simmonds), M. Wattie, `H. Booth, M. Len- nox, M. Grease, N. ._ Cooper. . h West Wat-d.-G. _ Bogart. 0. Ball, A. Morrow, M. Gordon, J. Swinnerton, M. `Hunter, T. McLeod. Q......... M `nAn'o Ill V T :``-1:.\ IJIIIIUVL .I.o ll-l.UIJU\I\-In sonic : 3rd book.-(- . Hitidley, N. Little), J. Booth, C.TGilred, . Boys, W. Rcgerson, A nununn ~ . r`.nnu-nan A `fanny-a F! man- X `1'3"v3:.\~J i: `;: pS.?`. 1" 'ri1ii'e'r.W(5'."_E bliah, . Lowe, A. `Smith, E. Cromptqn, 'Q`\Af\I\QIl" `A Rana A [(511-nail M .v{nIr: =Ie.`i .`$?L'.a`f";'i B`$:sf X"`1EefZ3rT`i'Ex?%L'1Le}`sZ H. oore.'H._Bu1-us, L. Hamilton, -A, Simp- Eh: I'.. Third Class.--A. E. Dvment, A.W. Crow, J. A. McLean, N`. Campbell, J. G. McKee, E. Little, `H. T: Sneath, G. A. Rixe, F. C. Whitelock. J. A. Caldwell, A. E. Anderson, M." Curtis, S. Cameron, L. J. Booth. 0 ..........l (VI--- 13` Dan, W .1 Quinn after his proutrntion, he, with his uncle, travelled through "Switzerland, Hollapd, `nninhlvn III!` AI-Inns nnunlnuhnn and I|n:u urn- U1. Ulltill, D. Uuluuruu, u. u. uuuvu. Second Class.-E. Palk, W. J. Swan. Grade B. A. Cowan. . BRADFORD.` ' Third C1ass.-W. Murphy, G. Treadgold, . W. Mercer, A. Holland, M. Meggiaon, A. M Campbell, W. Diliane, A. Neilly. Q..........I (`Joan _ flu-nth: R A1-nr T. Uampoeu, yv. uulaue, :1. .uv:u;_y Second Class. - Grade B. `Arnold T. Evans. G Tindall. T Third Class.:--HT J. King, W. Beatty, S. Moore, H. Stirgle, H. Lo 11. J. Irving, E. Martin. G E. McKni ht, . Sher- rick, L. Share. A. Wilson, E. indsay, D. "McBride, L. Creighton, J.` Elliot, J. Camp- bell, A. Graham, M. 0. Clark, E. Welsh, M. Nicholson, N. Bell, G. Pearce, D. Wood -ward, J. Steele, W. 0. Gowan`, R. Brodie; L. Miller, M Cook. - QAIIAIIA I nun _rlrn.r1A A _. P_ T_ U. mmer, U1 uuux. Second A. P. Smith, '1`. Gowan, J. Patterson, '1`. Ward, 0. Brock. G. Butcher, M. Gran ;' Grnde B. D. Carr, F. Brethonr, J. Kerr, R. Davies, M. Brillia- er, M. Annie, M. Ried, M. Hanrigan, H. arroll, T. Smith. - ORILLIA. V" . Tlnrn Clan. -`-M. Gibson, E. Weson, D. Thompson, D. McLean, M. Allen, M. Law- unnnn ' I DUIIIIIII Usnuv-.-1 `Malone, F. King. ? A week ago last Monday morning, a barn latelg erected by.McKay Brcs., of Oro, and A. ilding, of Barrie, for Mr. E. Little, of Allandale. collapsed and fell with a tremen- dous crash. The building was 40:60 feet. and among itsvoontents were 700 bushels of _ `n which had bven threshed the Saturday ore. Fifteen men were working in the barn .on the Saturday, and had the building fallen on that (la the lives of those fteen men would most ikel have been sacriced. The collapse is attri uted to an imperfect I---.;`-L=Aun I. ll? Vvltpuv foundation. The many friendsmf r. and Mrs. Mc- Dermott deeply sympathize with them in the severe sitction ' which has lately fallen ; upon their household. Two of their children within 3 week have died of that terrible melody diphtheris, and the eldest daughter, a. girl of 12, is still down with it, though hopes are entertained of her recovery. One of the children had been taken to Hamilton, but the germs `of the disease were implanted in the system, and she,s beautiful child|of nine I-now: nnnnsnnhn tn the dover 5 dv or in the Bytam, `no. 3110,} DUIIIIOHIII Uu`11u'us usuv years, succumbed to the destroyer day Itwe after her younger sister. ll VIUZZV saw vvgu e Barrie broom mum is in full blast turns out about -300 `brooms .a week. '1` e corn of which the brooms are made is im-. rted from the Western States. The brooms made at this factory seem to be strong and substantial. and in the hands of a clever wo- man` would undoubtedly sweep `clean. A ...-..a.- 6... than: hmnma iaoah1'v.n home m`n Woula `IINIOIIDIBUIIIY IWUU ulvuua an l3I1'k0_g_ for than broom in ohgyo hon A---A -Inn` hlfll ll` M9` to! IT IIIIIIIIII ll UusGu -- llvunv one, Barrie. and _the town: of Signooo and neggong counties taking :11 thst the en- jts ' men: 9941 ggpplv. ` `Oi and A .Ixondonon~rridsy;W . ReIml1bef. the oxcnnion to ,Rohinm s_ , Pugh, tq.-morrow, _._:xontpion is under ghe guggg of the ti'n_ItoI of` li`e'06llior` wnllibo provided, such oi-q'uoitI..% V_ Ohi-oh.'shd it'v'rill `donbhdlv be `a. Amuunads oroqngt. nwin , music, etc. bn_ , had qt the V o inlon House for`25c. Tickets 1 ;25c.`,"hi1 Ilsa. '1'he1b'm;;wiu.utsrt -.e41: pun ;uid lu`aio Tthu park at6:30'um._ ?:?-f`- 1 ; ' ` . 1. . ..~.2r" ' . ,,`.--y ' ' vb 'r.':':';r;`;S"x M.A,J h " ', , 'i<"s're4; of nit` Tliiuin as v r. `.._'lfl,I.ll.' -. .o.r~ 1..-gm... tlia Allii a;`miohuie 3 o"-in'ho'~" novoti zbinderynn vzubvdien. .- . , 7110, `. I:- ,w` . -- . kn. IT 5 3.1 Km ` ws`J W... at: eaagmgltgmi` 36 .` .. um. nub; Q ae'qhe1'1tlv' m on iii liv hct`ea`1h e 91.. winewssr~ in-- the- .I.'!s- : .:'1h m, 11,10 Qgtl 3,: e ve ffwi u_e,_ tr"t'e1ld*6ightEa'nd5` I'lf'h1il . `If an ;btEq`|-V .hrnibr;o'an give bIias`hettai' ..:--,...,I numb :. _ JI.rIIIUl'- UCII `IV V _;;i_qo;and gpe|kgi:>-;.;;- jg 3 3 `.-1 . I ~ '3 5 1 I atuwtn. |`h"'4: .` .") - lEr.~Gillein{ end mzrgeen . e-id. h.-'se`r3~ vino` wliich rant; Olitmgo 1.brsnc1_m.th1aV .Illm!lI!s` Od ` T.hi5 .;,vi Yeast-We K ' * ' h.m;n' A null an nna ,5'?13.i_;';= % o our__tc .1if9 9 `gaea ' `ufe name a '1'oslIend.-' anoo.'_ . Second Clur.-.Gtade B. J. Mchluter, J. :-|-_- Ill `I72-.. .{ 1 ` gX.=.`..'.'Z s'*"'?"' 9` " W1? vitfx . n nnr townnnao '.` ."?3""'9'4""a9I'5.`1"~'.'~.-"3~*~[' ho % x0=on91>ttr..3_ ' .n.'-.-'h`-J'`_o$ U`-""'i""!' "-'""".`;0`lf!- as 9nl!f9`Mh;s,z19P?! --,1; ~ waif 3` ` to '0V..19,--\.` Faund`-L-'.H=`o 3 ' _ wn-column um. ' I `:-"'1'I'?`; ...'.'""n I . ".-"1 `.1 "\'. . 3ut.'l'!I|l- Li it`.::.i*.. . ' as . ' r.'.T.`;;."1- cm` A clean Sweep.` COLLINGVVOOD. BARBIE. *2: gfil . 4 '3 n iiol .,,,__,. . so .313-ad LND1 [_-. -uL,s'yI,IP.a=II" 90.9 wyt. Y} . 5:: .u`u1_m.n.h'. L i'.{'ys'3`ii"'1i"t'2'{L'i"oo?"'1Te b1}'"t3 the Great Central Show to be held at Barrie `on the 7, 8 and .9th October. You very justly remarked that for anumber of years the shows held in Barrie failed to do credit to thetown or to the _Directors,_ who, go- cording to the reburcee at their diapoealidid all they could for the advancement of agri- culture in this county Tknnn nnnnnnd-at` In:k `Jun nil. II` mnnn, Ill-ILIIIIIU III VIIID VUUIIU Those connected with the Board of Direc- tors know how both the late Presidents, Dalton McCarthv.vM. P. and Wm. Lount, Q. 0., did everything in their power to year- ly improve the exhibition, and all must ad- mit to a certain extent were successful. Yet from various causes` up to the present we have not succeeded in making the shows held what the Directors desired. One of the main reasons of failure was undoubtedly want of suitable grounds, and more especial- lv the want of roper buildings. The public already know e commendable hberality of {Jun Gnu -n in npnnna-inn flan `\nnn.-I11 nu-nnnt` 1 -:'-g _v-U-CC -vv-uv-w- die. Opinl us of the Writer. The following: [letters addressed to the` Editor of Tim Nonrnnaw Anvmwn, have aeen` received tor publication: `Great central snnooe nxmbmon. {Sm,-0bs`erving_ your reference to the new agricultural buildings, allow. `me more Cnllrv n nol` {Jun nlelrnnl-Inn AF Ithn -nnlin I-A DIKUX-I, ISIIUVV UIJV VUIIIIIIDIILIDIIIU LIUCLDLIIJ the town in procuring the beautiful ground in the west end, upon which the Joint Stock Company are at present ' erectino the moat impgoved and imposing agricultural building to foundin any county town of this pro- ";IIl|Q - The Admission ~ of correspondehoe Does Not Necessarily imply that We nqld A.I__ _.l-l_:-n J LI`- m`@` i V suuuo Doubtless mostof your readers are aware of the fact that a company was formed in January last for the purpose of erecting buildings, and that the undertaking has been entirely successful. Already almost all the stock required has been subscribed, and as already stated by you, the work of construc- tion nnder your enterprising townsman, Mr. Fletcher, is well on the way. vlih DOOIILIIIG CIA!!! `l`IV\I`l)I``OI\l LETTEIS ADDBISSID T0 THIIDITOB J: IUUUIJUI, ID `WWII VII UIJW VVQJI Your readers will now understand that the Company having entire control of the above, will leave the Directors of the Society and a generous public entirely free to push with their utmost vigor the getting up of the grandest exhibition ever held north of Toron- to. This county can boast of some of the nest stock in this country, also the cereals and roots are. not excelled. This being the case. the first`-class sheds for cattle and the liberal prizes offered Wlll not fail to bring to- gether a very large number of exhibitors and an appreciative public.` . ' VI-an T\{s-nah-n-n or-A nfnrvninn fn lanvn rillia. 29-36p {Tu THE PEOPLE Hm: To an. CI-I GPPI CUIGIII V U lllllllle The Directors are determined to leave nothing undone to brin to ether not only the people of grand o d imcoe, but also make the show one much more thsh lr.ceL _Arre.ngements will be made with all the railways for reduced fares. and the show will be opened by His Honor Lientena.nt-Govern- or Robinson. Other prominent gentlemen will be present of which due notice will be iven. The prize lists will beissued in e few` ys, which will be obtainable from any of. the Directors, or from the Secretary, John Dickinson, Esq, Barrie. '_Dm1:c'roR. Crown Hill, August 14th, 1885. . '1'hclnc16ncy' otthe Scott Act. Sm,--Iu the conict of as to the value and eiqiencv of the t Act to ac- complish the end sought important facts and rinciples are often overlooked. The desire or victory too frequently makes inen accept appearances, for reality a'nd..he colored and exaggerated statements of `the pertizan are received by interested parties as sober and reliable facts. The `statements, of Shen` Mcconkey and Gaoler Lang published in the newspapers last. week as to the suppression of_the traic in Barrie and the disappearance of _ drunks from the lice court and the s_--_ _-..._L-_ _.._ .__ __1_..-.n_. 1..-- 1...; :3 U1 uruuna aruus out uuv vuuul nuu uuw rison ' ter, are un oubtedlv true, but if herilf oconkey and Gsoler Lang think that drinking intoxicatin liquors has been stopped in this town ey are sadly mis- taken. Liquor iseonstan tly being imported from Toronto and other places, and bein consumed by parties who never frequent ' taverns, but who believe that a stimulant taken in moderation does them good, and that no `government has the right todeprive them o the means of purchasing nd using. it. It is a `fact within the knowledge of . the writer that men are. often seen evenon the streets of Barrie pretty well nnderthe; in- uence of intoxicants, and while it :is true that the traic is su pressed at the hotels, it is not true that drin mg has -been cured by the adoption of this Act. 170..---.b.:.:In urban hon nltntnn lls: I'll nf tne Isuopuou 01 nun nu! Everybody whoghse studied the history of prohibitory and eumptusry legislstion knows that failure has been the uniform result. Any lsw in order to be eifective must be bssed upon the genersl. consciousness of its righteousness sud -necessity, snd any en- croschment upon whst may be considered a private right, with which `governments have nothing to do, will be fstsl to its enforce- ment. It maybe on the statute book, and `there, my be snoutwsrd conforming to its letter, butthe spirit of itlwill be violated es the spirit of the Scott Act is being violated in the counties thst hsve adopted it.` UBO IIOIIIII DHUII vvunuunvu Uuuu s_u -u ya--.. men `lave cxfavedieither a stimulant; or 3 V .Ioda.tiYj0. . in some; form. _and a11,m.empts`to `ahnt_o_' yhq muna,of.gratioat1on in one di-A reotidn _l_od to. ihfying it In gouge other. 111:` in`: `notot-ion; fact A-that" the nibf dpium ` is usuminn tlarming;.pmportionn,;r its bon- Iumplig. haying`; w:t$nT ,1 Ifew.` fl . '3 `A .2 . LL`5. ' `giur::al')`1?to' 9 tibn v*vho._1ndulg'qa in ;i: u :r;;_m_ .-._`~.aj.'.n..L.L '1Y...H.-.:?a'-l}.`1a_.,,.,,_-` .;-,,..,-...',.;;nf in the 001111518 lillli nave uuopqug In. \ No` one can nhnthil ovesto the terrible ;9vilo of drnnkonnels, _And all logitinnte meat`: should be adopggd for in care. In the re- preiai`veleg`inlat:oii"wl'1i`6h I'r'e' Iuv idoped the K6? boe ovoitooked lhit in` :11-' sgnu ._.__. 4.-.... -......A eghplm-u n.-,nmi;Inn' air A 4 '*~'i{1 `.-r3~:,_-r _h.. ,4 IUM. County Judge : Criminal court. V ` 1`hs Queen v. Patrick Hauley -The 1 prisoner professes to be a Frenchman and i unableto talk English. He is probablv not 1 more thanftweaty years of .age, and his face ' does not- indicate avindictive disposition. | He; was, however, charged with robbery] accompanied with violence and the use of instruments dangerous to life. The evidence showed that the prosecutor, Richard O'Con- - ......I `I'_:-l......--. 1.-.! Louis :v\r:I1`!o:O|ll IJUUUBULIIY Ul. SIIGILILIIK asaxueu auuu lllllul` nce._ -Prohibition` without the substantial oundation of universal public sentiment will be very little more . than an exhibition of public hypocrisy. Barrie, Aug. 24. OBSERVER. IJUWVKI IILICU UILU PIUDVUMRIL JJIUI-ICILI. \J \JUlL' ` 9 nor-a real Irishman-had been indugfing somewhat freely in Anti-Scott on the ter- noon of the lat August last at Burke's Falls, Muskoka. O'Connor is a barber and had a razor in his pocket. On his way home from the village he sat down on a log to unoke and nally dropped off to sleep by the road- * side. He was awakened by the prisoner dragging the razor from his pocket. He then found he had been robbed of $1.80 in ..--L _ 1... . --__ -...I - _-... .8 .`I1........... U1-IUII L\J|III\L LI? 3%` IJVWII l\IIl|I\-I U1 vLo\}\I Ill cash, a bar of soap, and a pair of slippers. He found the slippers and soap in prisoner's possession, and a dispute arising, the prison- er attacked O'Connor with the razor. The prisoner then threw O Connor down, jumped upon him, and inicted some severe, deep gaslies about` his face and neck, from which it is stated O Connor would have died had not medical aid been promptly obtained. There is one deep gash from mouth to ear. O Connor further swore that the prisoner persisted in his attack until suprised by some Italians who came up. The Italians cor- l roborated the prosecutor materially in refer ence to the assault and the use of the razor. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to 23 months in the central prison; The o`enc e is one for which the statute justifies imprisonment in the penetentiary [or life. Mr. J. R. Cotter, counsel for Crown ; Mr. Haughton Lennox for defence. _ nIIQI'\' I ? nQ(IA\'I ITYIIE II V\"fI ` States and -Canada, where prohibitory legis- lation exists, shows that while public drink- ing in-taverns has disap `red, secret drink- ing is still going on, an like London ! secret sin, is as. `ing. the foundation of the health and mor of those who indulge in it. Another point deserves serious consideration. As mankind will indulge in some form of stimulation, it becomes a- most important question which is the least harmful stimu- slationjby bee}, opiumfor quinine? If `the systeniedoes-not requin-~a stimulant then the true way to eradica.te'the habit will be a thorough educating of the people from the earliest period of reasoning child life, of the necessity of guarding against such indul- Jinilndn `D-nlnilnifu-in cu-ilr}-nnni-, fl-an asskngnfjnl l .L.I.llIl5lL|l\JI-I JJUIJLLUA av: uvnuuvvu Queen V. John Deacon.- This was apro- secution for stealing a watch and chain. The prosecutor in this case was also slightly in- toxicated and was one of an excursion party from Penetanguishene to Collingwood on the 3rd instant. Having missed his watch and chain, he emploved a. constable, who within a few minutes found both articles in the prisoner s possession. The theory of the de- fence was that -there was no intention to steal-that the things were taken for safe custody in fact-aud this was to some ex- tent shown by proving that the prisoner showed the watch to a friend before search instituted. The prisoner was acquitted. Mr. Han hton Lennox defended. Mr. Cotter ac for the Crown The Judge wanted to lrhnn! nhnltnn .lIA:I\n nndunnnr All TOW?`-I LVI VUIIC \JI|I"II LIIW IFIIUKC VVCIIUCII UV now if the char e sgsinst the prisoner on the last ooession not been for stealing as clock. There was no 1- 1y. We take no note of time but from its oss,etc. Thu nnnnn `I9 Dru-nan (1-4-`us-:4: n An- II? VIIVUI-I Yo In UK \X|IUILlIn-'_.I-I19 \-IV fendmt comes from idland and was com- mitted for trial by Fraser, J . P. The charge was only oommongeunlt, and the defendant sdmitted having struck the first blow, but nfba-n `Ln n`:u-annual w-.`nnJu'-an A` n Inna` |n\`1n:, 1.IIuKlU.I IZVIIIK UUIIIUL UIIU LIIDU IJIIJVV, IJUIU after the eloquent pleading of a local aohci- `tor Mr. Fraser had some doubt as to the legnl liability of the prosecutor, Mr. Hartly hnving used some provocation and expressed his willingness to ght. The magiltrute Olunnnfou-4: nnrnvntnli Jnfnnnnf. `AID ti-1'11] in- therefore committed `defendant for trial in- stead of summarily disposin of the matter. This was unfortunate for al parties. Deft. . was ned $1 and to pay 328.80 of the costs ' and the balance of costs, $15 80, are borne by the county. There may be a good deal in what Bismarck says about the expense and 1 danger of eloquence. kes Sim- ` ny point hrrle or \ Notwithstanding the chilly air. quite a number attended the garden party at Mr. Morgan s on Tuesday night. The grounds were nicely lighted, and the music of the band gave great pleasure to those who were there. Various tents were enticingly open in which they who entered were charmed 'into purchasing botanical beauties or whatever else had been provided to tempt the appetite or please the taste. Much amusement was caused by the exhibition of . " the elephant, which was conned in a large tent, and looked about as naturalas those in J. B. Doris big show. .The nancial re- sult was about sixty -ve dollars. To-night the lav;-`Q; music will be treated to the following selections in the stvle which characterize: the 35th Battalion L-_.I , . DID 3 l.--March Triumphs! Bleger. 2.-Overture Tancrodi Roumi. \ 3.-Wa1tz Dream Face: Meiuler. 1 L-Song Kithleen Mavoni-neon Crouch. % 5.-Qnsdx-illau Amusement Zikoff. 6.-Gulo> ?h.IQ13rvatlE:1g>y Zikol - ' ' Ava ll$n. " In the Ontario rie matches '5}: Tuesday I `the87th Battalion `of `Haldimand won the Walker Match. In thedGordon Maze: tllxe range wag ogggg an e_g_v_gx_1__ roan . n that match Co ra arm, of the 35th as ;..uu;;;x..nna ,5a..:..amA 11.`; I lih-.3-`n-"1. an l.1I T)WQK$ IKCIUVHUVJQ a\lI-uIINv.v~fv-- The shooting generally has been 8 grant 1m- Vprovement` ovcrilsst year.-V - . 0.- ~ ~' 3 ru 11 I,-; _ __I.._ ' .~~.~:.\-._ Q " Iijulvn nwrvvn--u-nu 1 an >\Sund.ay,la_at,_ .Mr. Bgll lost a valuable mare. She wastaken ill a. day or two be-. .A .._ .a...n..u_n 4.:L...u..~LI.nhu'II A.-J_-_V. u`, UB6 WIS wxuu lu ll uu , U1 UVVU K09` ~ _ _ itdjf he jkillrgt-:VoS Sur. a.s1%1'!:estted.'Dtl'i`. Btlrhgd refused $17Qe`-lrihqr. `ffhg was therefore cgngidelpbig `. `I '. . H` 1 "= | ~ 7 V " 3lyIlIIV-XVI -' \ I , V<'r1ie`-aatepnouurzneie "ms" oonhacted with I the mamxttmkm-Edd? .-1985 find the first: massage was recelyqd 4 ggggggket by \_ vnr. ;- _" `'\{`'. 1!." V, . .J41:-3;W`.,_.~:3-$?8D!l.+:..;uL2, 5; 1; M . J` |60;l1D in-n I; m8`mB:mOc .,._`;._ :.Z;Ml:8-1J3-I36. Thompson. of Ireland. and for some time an inmate of the Ardagh Memorial Home, departed this life there"on WedneadaY;`I9tli'int;,'a``t1i age of seventy: L-co." IVIl\AAnv-n.-uvJ, ---_ -_--- -_, ,,, 13W0'.-';.;`-'i.f=.'\i"IZ's .s'-s vi.'L;-`.{'E .2 iC- A . MK VI UIIIIU IIIIU I-IUIII If IUDB, VII}: The Queen `V. Ra! Guthrie.--The de- apdu_:1:_com9s` `frat: an_c}wasLcom- 33"" AI1?-r:v5:i1:{;{py .. Godssva 'tho_QueQn. . must be a revival of the lumber business, judging from; the qnantxty con- stantly passing over the N rthern Railway on its way south. I -Rev. A. J. Young, of Maganetawan, Ibrothor-in-law of Mr. T. Barrand. is visiting here, and will preach in Trinity Church next Sabbath. - w v. nnvvu vwv-:5 vo-- w- v----., ` Jchufpter of Local Histo . +Monday morning another rainstorm be- gan and continued all day. ,,,,Id`u-nu`:-. Rah nII:Iv;v-urn ,`l..:ln of {I .\/`nun- -`1:\dZ(>rV1-ay"W1\JZbt.1re3: is Money!!! to loan at low rates. Mortgages purchased. Barrie I on & Savings Company. DII -Ten cents awed and deposited each day with the Barrie Loan & Ssvxngs Company at 5 per cent W111 in ve years amount to $206,- 96 ; ten years, $471.89. Which, Linked Together. Construct a C,___- ?_.L-..--Ll-___ g-:3 fg--.l--- |`1`i*IFsY1"`Ei`"7' T1 a{uy at G. Mann- drell s English Pork Shop. _7A nan an` AR` 6`-an C--nnlr Ina` r['\III`f`lLI7 KAIULI B LHLIHLIUII I UIB LTIUP. --A car got off the track last Thursday near the crossing on Baytield street. No damage was done. ,_ ni. "`nI1 twang-\:unnp `kn fnnnnnun`-nan 9121359 WV 13 VJIJI-Ian -01. Tuesday morning the temperature was reduced. and the air hadachilly dis- agreeable power. _rn...r n n 14` ..c 12....:.. mm. 1.4.. A` I GCKIIII3 -The IT r>'T7)'. F., of Barrie. with lots of their friends had a : good time yesterday doing the Queen city. II ... 1 I ' --It has been determined to have a fall meetin on the racecourse, of which full partic 1-9 will be hereafter .given. The meeting will be in September. - ,I, _,_L-_.:l-J '-"'_-C "j " "T" -The ramstorms of last week retarded farming operations in this part of the country very materially, and it is feared did consider- able injury to outstanding grain. 'I'\`IP A 11,, "" '-J"J " "" ""`-'- --Messrs. Henry Bickford. Deputy Reeve, and S. J. Lennard, of Dnndas, visited our town on Tuesday lastand were much pleased with its general and active business appear- ance. - V - .-A shing party went to J ackson s Point per steamer Enterprise on Monday. VVe have not heard the net result of the after noon s sport, but presume some fine bass were taken. feature of the ADVANCE is a _short completed story every week, fty-two good stories from the pens of thebest writers in 9. year. This of itself will be worth the price of the paper. `I, . __A_____________A`_ {PA B.AI}B.APHEB. S PENCIL POINTS. --Miss May Ross, whose announcement appears elsewhere, passed a. most creditable examination latelv at the Art School, Toron- to. Teachers wxll nd her evening classes a great convenience as drawmg is now impera- tive xn our public schools. . --Announcements for Baptist Church. On Sunday next the pastor will preach upon the following subjects: Morniu , The duty and benets of searching t e Scrip- tures ; evening, The parable of the shep- herd and the sheep. Strangers are always welcome. --Mrs. Stephens, havin removed to the store lately occupied by r. Mann on Dan - lop street, calls attention to_ here very com- plete stock of fancy goods. She respectfully solicits an inspection of her new purchnses and a. continuance of the support that she heretofore received. - .. q. . .-.4. q 0` nnvnvvv-vs wv-- - -_ --Collier street Methodist Church, Rev. J. W.` Annis, B. A., pastor. Services in the town hall while improveinenb are ' made in the church. On Sunday. Aug. 30th, the services uiorning sud evening will be conducted by the pastor. Subject for the evening Only a. Carpenter. Strangers sl- lwnys welcome. nu, ,' as ,,L__:-_) 1'__;_-;_.s.- :_ ___ -1 4.|__ nu-1- -- ----_ -The Mechsnics Institute is one of the most important institutions of the town and deserves the public support. The excursion 3 to-morrow is in aid of its funds, and every- body `is expected to take it in. i spend I pleasant afternoon, and as s result, 0 to bed at night with s quiet conscience an a. glad hesrt. -On Sunday morning at four o'clock on alarm was heard at the door of the County Boarding House. Governor Lang found a countable with 8 citizen of Minesing knock- ing for admittance. The candidate for Ad- mission to the castle had disobeyed a. judg- ment summons, and had been arrested for `contempt of court. The hospitable governor `kindly admitted the new boarder. -The Enterprise which was advertised to leave Bu-rie for J ackson s Point on Mondny morning at 10 a. m. sharp, did not put in an spnearance till half past .ten, presumably be- cause of the rainstorm. It is important thst the r 1- trips of the boat be made on the __---_- -4`-Auodnnpa slnvva Dnnu\`u vnnba can III! I" Illr 011]}! U: UUU uvav vv luauv vu vuv proper v advertised days. People make up - their minds to take these weekly tri , and feel disappointed if the days are c god. It would be well, therefore. to hove excur- -:_.;:-A._ .._.l......L-...I 51...`. G...) J-.. ..C `L- 1.0 IVUILAIA VD vvuaa, Iuavaoaua uuvv VA-awn` aioniata understand th '7s'x'a an of the boat : regular trips and make thoin arrange- ments accordingly. II AI II -We desirectorcsll the specie! attention of the ladies of Bsrrie snd neighborhood to . the announcement of Miss Hamilton in our advertising columns. The nrt_ work em- broidery which ehe makes to order or tesohee in elegant in design and besutiful in execution. Besides nrrosene, plnshette and other kinds of embroidery mentioned in her statement, the New York Craze Brsidene Embroide is s new and special feature to he lesrne at this Art School. . Lsdiee should not miss the opportunity now oered of `adorning their-.hnmes with these besutifnl embroidenes. _ .Bo`1Jfrwas drunk and d gun can uuusvy vuIuyuuu.u:u_ uuuu uuwunu I h sordei-Iy on the 24t inst. end that e tres.pueeed.on,,hV or gjemises and `refused to-go away. .: Genital) j Greer jnarched the trespeisser into;t}:`;-;preqTne6. of t7.he.beak. who messed hinri_ ..82;50_`_n3_a `pd `$3.70 cost, which Edward find` becom- ing grace and cheerfu_lnees." `Pnnnt-kin nnrnnn "girl-nneitiuli Jnrnnn Kim-n 111;; 31300 lulu uuv._:uuu;|uuI5_u.' `Const-,A_ble Oaxtson "arrested James Mu-n .on the 25th for liatleeely wandering about after the manner of the` professional vagnnt, Penalty Iqnerter of a dollar or` vodays at `the castle . .`He accepte<.1 ,'\tl1e'-oonnty s hos- 'pi$nlity. *` b ' ~ ; 7" _ Herbert, `whose: ants . 1.10 .I.'l'|un]- `I UV!-I'$?l'I!F\J Vpuy `uulgu vexinuxe nioghbor- Vdf th.-df `Shed. T511 ofa`-board on which he vvpa..tegting anfdjplbeated his elbow. _ It 15 feared also thatulhere is -a. .fm=.tIfre `of 01` one~ ortlne bones, `but . c'o`nsqqu_ence, of . ni_u-,1: `a'w.Ili_t;g. it his `not been certaiii1y [ `he case ip charge" V 1-7.7:-:;i. om. _ Bridget Conroy complained. that Edward lnlf mg: (`I-n`nlz nn Jinn:-at-`Iv nn Hus 949:}: Last Friilyv ' ten T:-`.`;1'i"_l:' `named .I .-._k4n hnnn nvnliu 'in:\~in .|A nAnlalu-u- w\.'.;ary Interesting and Gossipy 1'01.-_`L-_ -0 I A--I 3I-bA- 15iR ANNUM IN Aii;An./ l'Nal'.ll! anvil `WV: GEN"- ! 81.00 LWO MINOR I LJHLU `IL`L`\IIlL IL` JLLIVLLLV` SINGLE COPIES. FIVE CENTS. MUCHLY _____._.------r----------`-`-'-'-'-,"`` v '1`10N WANTED OF JOHN W. Ixggcgnglt th should catch the eye- or john W. Foote. he will hear or something to his advantage by concesponding wxth James C. Huiman ha anee; `or it any person knows anything of gig whe` bouts, will confer a rm -or on his family by riting to J. 0. H1111 - mgn; last heard from- W "in the fall of 1881, I--. tln nnntinh hf llnt . "PECIAL N0'I`ICE.- The party who took a b Hand Satchel from the B91-rie Hotel on Monday last. had better return xt forthwi or there will be aforced interview with the Po ice t M gietrate. as_the pa. who took it is known. Beanie, Aug. 2:, 1885. 35p la.P_l neapuv u'uIu- w u. from thls secnon of counutgw. ADIES AND G `I\' TLEMEN. wishing tojoin J the Shorthnn \Class. forming here now. should write at oncafo THE ONTARIO Sg1oR'r- . nun So<'u:'n', Tono "r . Shorthand is mdes- pensible to every youp man and woman. and as this is an opportumt got like]y to be offered again. should receive the ttentxop of the pub- um. Parents see to the \educat1on of year | should reccwc Lne' LLuuuu1_1 UL um puu- 1 lie. Parents see_ educatnon your L'hi3dI`n. We belgeve the tarms are extra. low and a guarantee znven. 35tf T AC ` ' RE FA V I I3. dInnisf.u TOaI!]'gg`l'\w `5 Lt3. Con "lie . well fen d Dwel Qared and ' 9 am 51.8 88 etc. Good W110` W 81781`, . | 0118 an": 3 If ' , . ... 1.{mgf'::%:3zq;~e11anaa1e. W, to E . 35 . W"EJL 4 LIQUORS. orders sent. by mai1`o_r left at Steamer_En- :;.-prise, will be delivered free of Ttrmght charges, every Sa.turda9',` and Monday. to pamans from Barrie and vicinity. Mass uumrums SCHOOL OF ART WOBK. K;JI~=4"' - . ' SS MAY ROSS W111 give anches of Drawin at her )P.AVVING.- Street, Barrie. vening lessons ix} all reiidencm EhmbctT me made known on (5.1).. d D y Classes. _ ??oatig11. 3535!) __*:.:?_ __-'.......-.-`nun `III I--4: nn___ U .|.\./1Lr\1 Single Comb. Brc Plngnloxlth Rocks ..TER. Angus. mums or mun AND VIOIMTYI swoon OF ART WORK! IN JERSEY COWS; Farmers 1 W. A. PE'i"llgR. ___.%_.._.. n , ,,,_ AL _____..I_ \__`__1 rove your Angus. 19 Comb ` .~;he[dcsircs. a call tram Ladies to exa;`nineT per work in Arrosene, Chenille. Plushette, Silk Cut Work. Iiibon and Plush` Embroidery, and The New Yuri: Craze Braidene Embroidery; . In her establishment will f"d 3 the reading shades of Pluehes. 35 and Fens for :.*.e Artof Embroidery. Also up large assortj ment of Wools. All Stamping Done 0 07'd_`_"' `Lo kw? E0 nzilbvsnl MRS. *`s?'_E;PHENs` :__"**_._.___.`_____`L ` N0 WHOLE No. 1740 1 VOL. XXXIV SAMUEL WES[.w.y pmprlet . 01'. ` F%N}Y"55i7fiiia| %'ii7 C --I-v.v.';" 111 3 much larger scale than h'3ret0f(5tv.0;-E j , Silks. Chenilles and Fancy wooxa otau kinds; 3 em` ' " - `V 3' .\"v`1' . ted before puxfchqging elsewhere; ~,. ___ ~ . , ' ' n L63ff$r ggggg L E13g3'.?:s1tR:s'33111 rg- " 9h001.`TnURsnAY. SEPT. 8rd. - '37? w--- v_ '1-ova----- V..- ..T.,._ V- L,--Corner ,0! I Qwen and Miss Jesie Ross wll1're'- ORTWO " 1` " ' 99, w::a*.91;a,.e.a-2 ***":~;;du*: "=5- 1T.*i`1n:**$, -E and omrb mm c oos. ` wo go we 8, 8 uan`;%:e$.`r..2%i%33n%?o$? me `C1988 : reserved. (bush; rIO1"f_'1`BWOOdE gene 2o1}_Ig::dEoi%chcult1yauon and .wel etg-Apply to ' `*4 #973? E13335 \1I>\ JASPER RADALL. R,_u`g_by 19.9. ` `TA? 77 . ~.... _':'"** . Barrie, Aug; 25, 1885. more or less. A 8005 "k' lot. For Fon SALE.-R UGHOABT DWE stories h U BLE BUSH FARM F0 . .9:-V VA{`heA 1`own8.hiD 01 V9580 ? 33'x`1't%n: 33: b of lot 6, 1n the 4th " mm on tithg" I further pamou1ars-,{"1 1`3"`ANTI, totheoWn1'. 2 32- ,5 oookmw%.' r ' ' ' } Gm igh, ard and $0 W3-?';3. .3 stthiaomce. . . ._}. . 1"` ' W V Lu," HE PURE BRED JERSEY BU `men at n ' dNo.1499~'. - '6 .:1::?"d e'r(1(}11g}>8l:fr";orf service at Wvioto Hotel. Barrie. Terms for aeason.-.35> Qt u` _ e. runner par` 311; : J. BRENNAN. Barrie. W39 29' 1 " 4. Opposite me Dbminionouse (Wild cam, .v-.-vvu- - M{\__NN7_s"ou_o 'rAuo. DUNLOP_ STREET- ATV %Su"rA'ro;N 2 ; to .~uue tha.L';1_liav_c opened a New family Wine arid Llqnor Store, _ T mss HAMILTON I Jutllv uuu An/1s oLf1i}3R ON, ._{---`---`** '______,.. Wnxv .aBvEn'.r1s'EMEN-'rs,. E, `Sad- Wheirie -she intends can-yin: an the 34 TO RENT.-W LotE.-Con. T 60 acres cleared nartiy fsegs to announce to the ;t dallf-ihtel` or Mr. nun. uu:.uuru.| cars. 10 moqths, 4 days. ' V Q- 1` -.At: Hamxlton. on the 21st ingt, :May, second daughter of Mr. Ben: motr. aged 9 years, 5 months, 13 days. ` -%&__ that she has opened Sule. `from thorough-bred i ported Stock. Rose and - and White L horns. Wyandottes. . C. G. . 35-471)- Has 1-emoV[7'edV to U. IV]-ow Churchill. `Ont; ` 36; V&.lJ-I-Iu\IJ.I s'"tr'r'roN. om`. am 1 L001 35tf town Anmnlnumnnt runs: The mat numungs inuio county.--A Good committee neqn1r- ~ ,ed_ to keep the Grounds In Order.- The great Central Sinicoe Exhibition on the 7th, 8th and 9th of October will be red letter days in the agricultural history of this part of the country. l reparations are being made which have never been approached for any exhibihon of the sort in the County of Simcoe._ The building itself, which is rapid- ly `com letion `under the v' orous management 0 the directors, wi `not have its equal in any of thenorthern countiei for area, convenience and external attractive- ness.. Sheds -for cattle anduhorses are in course of erection-and retting. and a shed for poultry with convenient coopsiwill be ready for use in a few days. There will be a general clearing up of the grounds, and such preparation of it as may be embracedin the time- and resources at the command `of the directors. But to make these grounds what they ought to be, and keep them in the condition they should always present, a very considerable _sum is needed and dierent arrangements established for theirsafe keep-` iug. The town council we believe has s t a considerable amount of money in lev ' g, claying and seedigiz, but unfortunately it has been comparativ y thrown awa . Cattle and hogs from the town have evi ently had free access and teams have been driven in all directions, cutting up the scanty sod and the newly seeded parts of the ground, so that spots of sand are exposed to the effects of the wind which will soon make the whole park look like a section of the Sahara unless a speedy remedy be ap lied. Nothing could do a more to render t e park unt for the purposes of games and agricultural uses than to permit circus performances there, except it `be the general pig family of the whole township of Vespra. It is doubtful if the license fees of the late show would be sufficient to repair the damage that has been | done by cutting up the ground and exposing the sand. It appears to us that these grounds should be under a joint committee, consisting of representatives of the park committee, the athletic clubs and the Agri- cultural Building Society. A committee_so formed would have an interest in keeping the grounds in such order as would suit all nninnnnnm T` :6 :n nnnnnnnun +1-\ 1434- {Jun no-Anni` Loon. nvnrrrs not run runs or 4 .ADV_ANGl nnron-runs. UIJU SIUUIJIJB Ill BUULL UIJUL QC VVU|ll\L UNIV all purposes. If it. is necessary to let the ground to circus companies the same ring should be always used. This might be formed of clay `and sodded, so that in doing any digging the sand would not be exposed as it is in the two rings lately formed, It is to be hoped some one will bring this matter before the council . at its next meetin so that it may be fairly discussed and suc action taken as will change the present unsatisfactory` state of affairs. I nvlnv In On Saturday last, one of the most lively and interesting games of cricket. was played between the married. and single men of this p1aee,`x-esultxng in favor of the latter, by the small majority of 37 runs. Following is the QIIIIDQ O av-ovuw 4-an-nu----.a. .Beech.bSte-var-1:`: ............... .., ...... Bu-wick b Stewart.-.....' .... ............ .. Dudl y. to Henderson 0 Dyment ......... ... Smith. b Stewart. 0 Ii Powell. D. Barret. b tewm .......................... .. Wh tebread. h Stewart. 0 Henderson....._.. Bingham. b Henderson .................... .. Hines. not out..... ......................... .. Greer.b8tewart........ ..... ........... .. Gordon.` b Stewart. 0 Hendex-so ....... .. O I O U I O O I I O O OIOII I I | O u I I 0 O 0 C I I I O 0 OI II endex-son.........'.....: b Henderson. 0 Stewart ...... .. 1 DAV!) JL`LvAL1\IIi' U: V Stewart. 0. n:.. o `D. Powell. E)`;-e;oh.. .. .. ; Moore, 0 Harper, b J. Powell.. .. .. .. Henderson. b D. Powell..................:::.f nald. P. _ Ford. b D. Powell....l. . . . . . . . ........ .. 0 . Hi ' ll-Iuuoooroooont M:Dgna:l't'l'. $1.. "1'=h as. boIYePowe1l ...... .. Illobonald. J..lbwlI1aJ.Pov5en.............. Naylor. not out ................ . ., ........... .. Dymon II D. Pawe_ll..........;.- ........ o o o J u o n o v - u o n u u I u a n o q I o o I a o I a n u c o u no 9? .`~".."`.~`~``9"5 "-.""'""'.7 mar moat` _ < , _ $101 iho Idaitionbf ' it! ind jvegetablei which thip Sooioti taken in charge, 5 large ,o'edtivo .rnplu.y.iwill:.`._bo; inadpa)-i. B./Ar Dons . rf1.'e'!Fli:;l!.11'.9?`V'.. M. . ,. `H4 , ofthe 933`2Y:.1m'. `"2 .%"""""$?-`! :";'1: .,t ...M-'.,.f...,*v ..3 wo`.'?:'3.u ' - ice.-A .- st.-'-t was? already ..:'.':& ?"}' . sow wan-om. out show this tall in oomrootioh with the 9|'i1;- tum 6n the 8111:! Olzhot Ooober Although too late in;ti1o.InIon for` b: `lug _ n-...1'.1:....I... .. ifrhnltl dnrim! -the Ill! - DUI: W unds on utlful ply of ' '- ' -2 . '~ ').--'::x'... .7 " 1: . sci!!! 9r.-omemie inn 13.9 93s1i.91. aIid"w_'ii"I "ohn`= ? th "ty1ih9id' i e*r_,_; `In ? oieit reg`-5 istr`6n"gth=!_ Ind` "wiggl- \- - ." ~ `n9`n %:2"c2:s ?:n wn3 :.$" 1'3aY>s:`5mm'% P tonn Of. t_'_.,`.nX?%.g1wi;P' 9; ,4. `wag ""':the r \. 'P""'" hgboghsmefwc-ditla .: . ,..,vou=-8 M-Y=",.l dgaroue qn%9 V 7 _} x!.`*'.')L`. ' g _ J 1 >7. 4.: -uv'bv`9F`('Mwae:{a alv 'ih"" ""5 ' M` % ..,mhaMI89. wwmi, 3 , " - ' ` I ) " ` `Tm! 6`, an `.\ . :75! lwubolongins-$0 Emir` :'..'.-..`.pa:.mzI.. (gaiahhothoodi f:31l!,9Wi.3Yv I H`? $1911. 1s'r '1xn1Nos-MAnnxnn. ND 1NN|NGs-sxxamr.. 1- _ 1\ f\__.-`I I. `D--- cricket. BARRUIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 27,1835. IBJTERESTS } `on. . l ' ` ;_g V. ` _ Junior 3i'd book. ---B. Scott, S. Armstrong, E. Packard, E. Dimsdsle, , A. Arnold, (). Meinnrize, G.uLumbert. G. Booth, J. Craig, M; A. Edwards, A. Little: '1`. Williers, M. Fletcher, M. Strong, B. ;_ Henderson, F. Harvey, J. Winter, A. Strong, A. Freeman, 8.. Pscksrd,sF. Sewrey. - 1 East W|rd.-A. Spotton, ,L.?Llewellyn. Public School 0 us on Monday, the 31st August. Model hool opens on Tuesday, the 8th September, at 2_"p. T O Qnv1mr.1r, V neoelvedcertinoates. * The following named persons were success- ful in the late examinations in the County of Simooe for Teachers Certicates. (Non- Professional.) ` `DADDY VI I V Iiuwu Ulull Ullsll ID `V IUWUICI uuu, JJUIIDIJIL, Belgium and other countries, and their im- pressions of the social, industrial and politi- cal condition ofthe` people of those countries may hereafter be given in -the columns of TH! ADVANCE. Such reminiscences would no doubt be interesting and instructive. ' nequl muum: rvnuc scnob,1.s.' t of the`Wr1tt-ax-x_Promot1on A..I _._._

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