Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Aug 1885, p. 3

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Is Now MAKING maze? PHOTO- GRAPH$ I-`Rom cum SIZE - UP_'I'O!II x :4 CABINETS Belting and Patent Lace Leather, J-].HENDERL$oN's; BARBIE, FARMERS Funerals furnished coin- plate. Caskets and Cof- % ns of various designs and prices always in uuuu yucca... L:`lx`t.'C".il.l(4IIIV\JtL; V. hich entvrs the stalk and ats Whole elds have been ruined ? The loss in two counties `is '70;O00. cl 9?: ll. .a1'd the top,vwhich' it soon` V 1 stock. All orders will re- ceive careful attention. E Congregational Church, 00llIE|I!8T.= BARBIE. &\aQ-Q-uqu JOHN PLAXTON orosfm {mm "This Great Houshold Medicine ranks amongst the leading necessaries of Life. 'l`hnun fnmnnn "Pills: nnrifv the Rlnnrl nnil not :77-7 W77 I U giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN SPRINGS 011' LII-C. They are confident] recommended as a. never failinsz remedy in a 1 cases where the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments inci ental to Females of all ages,eand as 9. Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. _ ~ me leamng necesa_u.r1e'~) oI_ ulle. These famous P1113 punfy the Blood, and not most powerfully, yet soothingly on the YTI1 1?` 1' Ei"E.i{ "Si;.di`bi1:I~{i}i1?:' aiiiEi'i3uwe1s, .__._-___ __-_..... A...) .....u. l\ 41.- .. ....._.. was mum MIL! .TREl8UR,g Its searching and healing properties are known throughout. the world. . For the cure of Bad Legs. Bad Breasts. it is n infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on e neck or chest, as salt into meat, it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds, and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings, Ab- acesses, Piles. Fistulas, G-OUT. RHEUMATISM. And every kind of skin disease, it has never been known to tail. VF`-an DI: nn ifvnnnf nu-A Ifnnnfonfuv-AR D3811 KIIUWII [:0 Hill. The Pills and Ointment are Manufactured only at 533 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, And are sold b all Vendors of Medicines throu hout the ivilized World: '.with direc- tions or use in almost every langua e. prn-nhnnnrn nhnnld lnnlz tn the Ahnln rm .0. W_!!.u_ds SW}. and Plcersz FUTCHISGPU BIIOUIU. IUUK LU D110 JJBUISIE U11 'th:'Pots and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street. London. they are spurious. | OONVE YANCER, .}c., IISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES I ornon: AT THE POST OFFICE BUILDING, BARRIE. ROYAL uusunmzs cnmmv I l.. .. -. . ASSETS. $25,000,000. --- ~ 'V-,-v-,-- Has the Largest Surpius of Assetsnver Liabili- ties of any Fire Insurance Company in the world. Barrie sent. 11. 1878 Look After the Meadows. _ The_ meadows should be looked after :his mouth, and if wild carrot or other broad or leave plantain are found in guantity,` the eld should be plowed Withouhdelay. None of these weeds will mature seeds by the time the hay -crop should be cut, but they run to seed Ververapidly after cutting. The jvild carrot cannot be kept from seed- ing by mowing. After once or _twice 11tting,it puts outs branches so near the ground that the scythe will not Teach them, and so wiry that it takes at sharp scythe to sever them. MONEY TO [END She is prepared to do all kinds of stamp- ing and will keep a supply of materials 01- FANCY GOODS NEILIJS OLD STAND; 2 DOORS EAST OF QUEEN'S HOTEL. JJOILJGB IL \JLLlI\II `LI 3 \J lI\LCI \Il\I Ullllls TM Children : Apron made to order. 47 46 StriniBe11s, Broad, Loub1e and Sin Ie Bails rushes, Curry Combs Whips, nee Pads of all kinds. Harness Oils and .Varnishes.. _A|.VlAYS IN s 'rocK oi Mhn in man. Mas. STEPHENS ;ZE".A.IFI.E2EiE{.S! { SINGLE &DOUBLE mmnnss sweating Gra1n._ . Nearly-all farmers know that grain as usually secured will sweat more or 1988 in the mow. This is not usually considered injurious, and except with. barley, does not usually prove so. We ave known bright barley, got in with- gut rain, so badly injured by sweating- 1 `he mow that the grain was muetY and unt for any use. Barley beats` and Sprouts more readily than; any her grain, and therefore `greater are must ha nk nnnn ....:|' :_ ..-u.:_.. 2; :.. 4.1..` For Heavy Drau ht or_ Light Carriage use, in any ountmg requnrqd, ___._ __ .L.__. _. __-___- ___.,,_ Cheaper hon anv House in or north of To- ronto. A P. J`; M o o B E, A MILLION DOLLARS `I-LL\l\l IJIIIIII IIILIJ \JA 1 AlAl\1\.A V7 VJI AI-A o 4 V1 `VIA \LlL\lV ions use-in 13' Purchasers should look to the bels on 11 Dnfa nn Dnvnn TI 95:: nv-nan in nnf KQQ ` ----_- T : F#NYf,`O6DS. Cheap Wo`9ls Qahd %B`r%aids v.----V -v wv "" "Il-w- --vvQZ~' A n~:-Aisazn-nve ` 3-on BR`A1 D1NG' {AND EM-BR'o'1DERY, "Silks, Uamiases, Pqems, 0h4m'_l_lc, .0qrd.._ I Tasrl, Drapen, onvstn PALACE STORES j-_`.1_.i...._.__. F B _E;MA%N S HOL[.O_)I_Yf$ PILLS iWEEDVYARDSa Rates Moderate;-3}-c:.;;;s Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. JAMES EDWARDS, A man} a} uni!` ll-I , . ' vusv auu yuurululu gnaw!- `rnu obgerved in geting i`; barn in first class condition. ~ Hareaumed business in Fancy Goods in Ladies and Children : Underclotning and u:Ip`-n-n n Av-at-An IIIIIAA "l\ Armin: AR BIG STOCK OF 3935.5 P`-- _""_"__E_" .-. HnLLuwAv*s7nNIMNI f . .r_111:1_ujA1~t*s } wonu 1=ownr:ns.' Are pleasant g1;eZiContaih their own Pngativo. Is a. sale, sure, and elroctlul 4..4_.._.. -1 _........ 1... l'II..n.I_-_ -_ A .I...IL. `#6305190 LU up uuuu, uni-Av, wan jun of worms in Children |__ -, H ~ %_`___,___-_`__-_..__f C_Ll_RES. s==!`E_L;_!\_4A}`.aM: uunuums gnven in nu-nrancn Painting, -Dmwi . .&c..' J .+.'.1':.':'2: 2.+:22.;-.2*.2;. p?'1.5Y 6Li.?33.? 2`}E' Keep 5hp' . can 3_I The farmers wh0ke;gast!?ee%hre 15 ways grow the best W nothin p`l`6wd. turn on a eld that has been _ nf 6V_9ry for wheat. Th9) `"11 eat dow j green thing, pacts the soi their (1 animal scattered than {hose ` "' J are quickly avaglableo ' . sv.hi1 I as nothing @139 Can}, . 0d` as qock of Bh9-P`: wig g so go and their, trampling v 90111`. _ . . .iynli- r0PDing3a b'g more 6 Terms on application .I.%2:1%3;111::t*:e*:::1?;':: LOUNT & LOUNT; FANCY WORK. Ar 6 AND 6; run cmwr. Moore sBl0ck. Dunlopt. Barrie. |-1l|Fu.13o 1; Terms I II'\Il`.\ 5-` oRTRA'1T%Am'rEn'I. I3VVr1lIZ& Agent at Bax-ri The Guerhseys possess in 8- degree the deep color of tlie" milk -anfi nEequent butter yield In is thine quality which makes them partieu1ai`1y' _ Augtlt 20, ran um ranumn An ms FAMILY * One 01 uuglu Snvu GI I/unnvu V. v... V- min; up to the day of calvmg: yfet the, calf was strong and active, and the opw did well. We generally stop rmlkmg them a few days before the `time _of caiving, but in this case the p`recaut1on was overlooked. Other Jerseys 1n this section do not become dry,` and are milked up to within 9. very short time |___.... '!`1.:a nnnnnnnn nnrhma is Mental Food to: the: ,,_._.n .- I-ha `llrnnnl ' J 1885; =.thw :1`. if '.lP` l?9` 4. .,.`'m. 03'} the butter? 'I`he`:i`m-ilk of 9; few Guam-4 seys will vesy vperoeptibly tingethemilkl V of a dairy of Shorthorns. This golden hue is, however, far. more valuable in _ being indicative of sterling wealth, the milk being richer than .that yielded by ordinary cows, and yielding a larger proportion of cream and butter. In the island, it is generally reckoned that 9 nhnd ova-nun A... .*-3`` bvaluable` to introduce .1 the ptirpogo of iliiprovinu {_thez."' the butter." The mill he .. 4-,... ` """"l7 " -V av-nvtunna" IOULUUUU. Qll } a. good average cow will produce one pound of butter. per day through the pear, on the ordloary feed of the island. K8950. has lately forwarded to his Govern- in a sour and fermented con ition, some- there is a palpitation of the heart, and the . n msuuui aiir5ioa.10perat_1on. The American Ambassador at Vienna, Mr. ment an interesting account of a `remarkable surgical operation lately performed by Pro. fessor Billroth, -of Vienna, which, wonderful to tell, consisted in the removal bf a portion" of the human stomach," involving nearly one-third of the organ _--and, strange to say, . the patient recov"ered--the only successful operation of lihkiud ever Performed. The disease for which this operation was per. formed was cancer of the stomach, attended with the following Vs inptoms ;_..'1`he up- petite is uite poor._ here is a eeuliar in- describab e distress in the stomac F a feeling i that has been described as a faint all. gone - sensation; a sticky sliinecollects aaboiit. the teeth, especially in the mornin . accom- panied by an unpleasant taste. oo_d fails to satisfy this peculiar faint sensation ; but, on the contrary, it appears to egg:-gvgte the feeling. The eyes are sunken, tinged with yellow-; the hands and feet become cold and_ sticky-`a cold perspiration. The a_u`_eg-erg feel tired `all the time,and sleep does not seem to give rest; After as time the patient becomes nervous and irritable, gloomy, his mind lled _` with evil forebodings. When rising suddenly from a recumbent position there is a dizziness. .a whistlin sensation, and he is ohged toivgras , somet ' rm to keep fromf ng. he wels co vs, the skin dry and hot at times ; the blood be- coming thick aud stagnant, and does not circulate 3:):-gperly. After a time the patient spits upf soon after satin` , sometimes times sweetish to the taste. Oftentimes patient fears he may have heart disease. Towards the last the patient is unable to re- tain any food whatever, as the opening in the intestines becomes closed, or nearly so. Although this disease is indeed alarming, sufferers with the above named symptoms should not feel nervous, for nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of a thousand have no cancer, but simply d spepsia, a disease easily removed if treats in a proper man- ner. ` The safest and best remedy for the disease is Seigel s Curative Syrup, vegetable. preparation sold by all chemists and medi- cine vendors` throughout the world, and by the proprietors, A. J. White (Limited), 17, Farringdon-road, London, E. O. This Syrup" strikes at the very foundation of the disease, and drives it,_root and branch, out of the system. , Q4-. lVI'nrv_Qh~nAt'., Pnfznrlmnrnriala valuabLo_' 5; "LI; - _ . uyuyuul. St. Mary-Street, reterborough, ` November 20th, 1881 . Sir,-It gives me frest pleasure to inform gen of` the benet have received from eigel s Syrup. 1 have been troubled for years with dyspepsia. ; but after a few doses of the Syrup, I found relief, andzefter taking two bottles of it I feel quite cured. . o I am Sir, yours truly, S Mr. A. J. White. .William Brent. - September 8th. 1883. A Dear` Sir`,-I nd the sale of Seigel s Syrup steadily incressine. All who have tried it speak very highly of its medicinal virtues ; one customer describes it as 3 Godsend to dyspeptic (people." I always recommend it with con encF `hf ll ' , y s: n yours, - (Signed) V i-ncent A. Wills, (Yin--ni-6-._I\-nni. Mnrthvr Tvvil. igfi 6 iacing Pius are the best family physio thnt ever been discovered. They nhannnn +.lm`hnwnln' fi-nm all irritatinn aub- pnysic linli an: ever puuu umvuvuscu. auu; cleanse the bowels from all irritating sub- stances and leave` them in a healthy condi- tion. i.`hey cure costiveness. A. J. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary. Hensingham, Whitehaven, Oct. 16, 82. Mr. A. J. White.-Dea: Sir,-'-I was for some time alictod with iles, and was ad- vised to give Mother Sei e s Syrup a -trial, which I id; I am now an y to statethat it has restored me to comp ete health.-I remain, yours . . ectfully. 46-44. (Sign ) John H. Lightfootn `In... ..l.. 1." `I `D `Win-IA nrnaalnt, 'Ra.I-ma- IDIIKBU up nu vvsv--un - vv-J ---1-.~ ---.- of calving. This continuous milking makes the Jerseys handyand valuable for` the family, Most. cows go dry from three to four months. It is not extra food which stimulates our Jerseys to hold on milking, as they are not fed extra; but it is their nature, and this characteristic descends from generation toogeneration. This is a virtue which oflsets the deciency of beef `in a. Jer- SPF; but then, did Stockman ever eat any Jersey beef ? It is not neces-V sary that an animal should be big to make gaod beef. Jerseys do make good beef, and 16 ounces of it make a; pound, and it does not take any more food to make a pound of beef in a_ Jer- say than in _a short-horn. One would imagine, to hear some of the anti-Jer- sey talk, that, when a Jersey had n- ished her course and lled her last butter tub, a nuisance must be disposed of. Not so. ,With a little food, good beef may be made of her at a_ moderate "F as! 3'71. P. K'dd Dru gm, Barrie ' ewyhite Ld., `nrinch gioe, 67 sci IIIGA. do V` II Illa, JJIJDIIVII \ lumen Street. Montreal. P; Q. The caste! Governing Europe. Lewis Appleton is the author of a re- cently published article on the cost of governing: Europe.` The information, which he gives in a` tabulate form, re- veals the astounding, fact the the total annual expenditure in Europe on its armies and navies amounts to the astonishingly large sum of $917,599,985. The largest annual expenditure is by Russia, the amount being $230,512,500. France comes next`, with $168,654,915, and for the same purpose there are expended by Great Britain and Ireland, $155,603,775 - a good third. Ger- many, considering the magnitude of the army which that nation has to sup- port, looks very small. The expenditure of the German Empire amounts to $113,- l23,745. Austria, including Hungary, spends on its armies and navies, $57,068, 9 5. Italy spends a little over $60,000,- 000- The remainder are much smaller, being Spain, 831,250,000 ; Turkey, 827 ,- gun nnn Ant` v `Flnllnnd- ; Turkey, 827,- 500,000, and Holland, $17,600,000; Large though the ex nditure on the armies and _nav-ien. of ' ` itheee countries he, the amount re u-ired for the` `payment of the interest on bta of theeeoountriea _ L211 I--nun-i ` Ul. [luv suwvnwuu is ptill larger, u::u- . r !0Al'l"R BB-L !(I W TBILTIIEICT. 1 Poirhnpo tho mbit axing;-dinsry inoouu Shut `bu been uohiovod inlnodarn modioinc has been obtpingd the Dixon tres.tInenHor' Catirrh; Oulof 2.` , pfstiontl trutedding. thmput ii: Inonthuhlnlly ninqty r pent. ` have been amid `of 1: in itnbbomnu s`dy,.V'1`hi| 2- _-_- oh- `I... -rm-tlina whonit it rQ?!!1l'.m- ` been ourea or tms swuwm ..........,,. -..._ I is none the less stsrtling when it remun- bered thst not veper cent. of pstiente pre- senting themselves to thmregnlsr prsotitioner sre heneted, while the patent medieipesfind other sdvertjsed cures never-record `s-ohfest sll._ Stsrting with the claim now generslly be- lieved by the moat reientiogmen that `the: disesse is due `to thehgiresence of living. .-psrs-' sitesin .the tissue, , onesosdspted his Keuriuto their" xterr_r|in_st:ion--3I;lii_f -`s`ccmn- p1i'hd.h'. ,`h~.'~A9`.im.. the e Q-.m.rh' i-evrhcticslly oured,snd the i rmsnenoy is nnque"stioned,ss cures .'e'eofAd` ' ' him*fon"r-yesrs sjgo. srer `cures still. Noone else hss ever sttenipted to cure Cstsrrh in` this msnner, end no other trest- ment he ever cured Cstsrrh. , The spnlics- tion of the remedy is s1m;il'e;rnngl_:sn'he done st home, snd the ruent_sess'n oi tin`: yi_ev;.r_s,',t thefnott fsvours le fort speedy` sir, `perms - - --- ..... u.. mdoritv of osees lgejng E5; '01 remedy is umpze, llluuuu w ..-.., home, resent_ueqgn 9i qH _s'n; perms`- tho indtt fgvoux-an for I speedy` U32 ||; ` nan: cura,tho mnority he o'nI,1:raatmont.: `Sum mu uhould cones` idc wi_th NW3`: V I_x0N&s9N,"305,, ins stre9`v`rqdt`.` `E rdntnnndn.` Ind '-e,ncl.u`* -tuiu1i"t`sn`~;e % , treal Star. Nov. I7. 1882. Ihpifi 'ft.'I.`a':ige on" Chiu'rh'.i--L101? Qlllllj V tuuuuu (.1. vv um, Chemist-Dentist, Merthyr Tydvil. To Mr. A.TJ'. White. . _ Seigel a O eating Pills are .Iny-in thnf En Avnr I-man diimnvared. Thev ---~--<-e~>---- A Skllhul Surg1oa1'0per.t1on.L II Arv\nn:nnn A-...I.......-.I_._ -4 Iv- limes` uvwum "---_--v ~-~- A ~~~~ -- %uda not think anythmg the less of them because they do not or mug: We milk all the year rognd. It.` 18 gsking too much, and reminds `me `of the striking parable about gathering grapes of thorns or gs of thistles. mknrn in a familv of Jerseys on `.hga. Vw G-l1ei:'n_-'? .. -. Qndvou oo`e'a1oiI6; Fifi thibfbitarzlo; old W ` A . It...ha.s troublo enough of its own. adv: \. V, `W IIIIU W ; - must borro' " Sing, and this hills will answer; ` ..S1gh, it is lost on the air; The _echoea_ bound to a. joyful scund, ` V But shrink fromvoioing care. ~Re'oice, end men will seek` ou ;' rieve, and they turn an go : ` . They want full measure for all your pleasure, But do not want your woe. Be glad, and your friends` are many; 1 Be sad, and you lose them all : i There are none to decline your nectared wine, But alone you must drink life's gall. 1 Feast, and yovr halls are crowded; 1 Fast, and the world goes by : ' Succeed and give, and ithelps you to live, But no man can help you to die. There s room in the halls of pleasure For a. long and lordly train. But one by one we must all le on Through, the nurrowiaisles of pain. Declared on`. A few days ago, after avcounle of esteemed ci-tizens; whoare close neighbors, had arranged to pass a few days with" their families at a lake in Oakland Co_unty, one of them offered to wager" a box of cigars that he would catch the largest sh. `The wager was promptly taken, and next day one of the uentlemen put in an ap- pearance at a sh stand on the. market and said to the dealer : - nu ....... _-L - A-"A1 uuu uuuu vu utu noun: 3 Have yougot afresh pickexel weigh- | ing about fifteen pounds? I'ha.vo. air. . Well, I want you to put him on ice and ship him to me at --,- Lake. I `pro- ? pose to catch him on a. hook out there. H 17,-. ....-.11 -:.. 1' n.:...1_ 1'! .1_:.. LL- , yuan nu vnvvu. uuu Uu a uuua; Ullia uuerao ' Very well, sir. I think I'll ship the `two together." ` The two ? _ Yes, sir. Mr. -- (mentioning the other esteemed citizen) was here an hour ago and bought one weighing twenty pounds! It will take less ice to pack the two in the same box ! - UVVU Ill IIIIV BCI-I-IU IJUL The fish were paidifor, but the` bet wa deelaI.1-ebdo`. . V ` a.1-mole, 1n_en el_ega._nt,- mteresting style, I \ .'1`.hen run 4% Into some advertisement, j that we avoid all such, Anti u;rnv\`u nu`! AI\":l\'I Ln Linn` -....'..3L.. , Advertisingicheats 1!! . It has become so common to begin an article; in an elegant,- interesting style, 1`.}'IAI'I I'll?! infn nnmn hAIfAlI:AIr\nb\`I I U U]. DUUIUG V: "" "` """""" gTlFere is a famlly Jerseys '- b H 'estead that never go dry. lax: gf thfelfn gave a. third of 9. pail of ,, .. mm Jan nf nn]vna' want the \ UIIQU WW GVUIAL Cl] BlIVI.I,- , i V` `And simply call attention to the merits of Hop Bitters in as plain, honest terms as possible, ' f To induce people To give them one trial, which so proves their value that they will never use anything else -- au'I'!__ 'I'I__-___- .__ ____._-1,I_- ,, _L!, , 1 I II claw --:- THE Rmsncnv so favorably noticed in all the papers, . V . - Religioys and secular, is Having a. large sale, and is supplanting all other medicines. T nu-u_-_- :_ _. _1.___:_.. u.- --:_n.---_ -: u_4 .There is no denying the virtues of the Hop plant, and the proprietors of hop Bit- ; tern _ have shown great shrewdneas and ability ' * * ' V BIT-g nAnnnouAnuu.`:-ans A -nnA:n:vun IIJIASQ 1v:u`nnu i nally compounding 9. medicine whose virtues are so palpable to every one : observation. Did She Die ? I l\T.. I N o ! _ ` She lingered and suffered along, pining away all the time for years. The doctors doing her no good. ; ` And at last was cured by this Hop Bit tors thenpapers any so much about." Indeed! Indeed I `-`How thankful we should be" for thatl 1 medicine. V l A Daughter`: Insery. Eleven years our daughter suffered on a bed of misery. `-`From . a. complication of kidney, liver, rheumatic trouble and_Ne1-vous debxlity, \ Under the care of the best physicians, * Who gage her diseases various names, But no relief, V "And now, she is restored to us in good a health I: as simple a remedy as Hop Bitters, that we ad shunned for years before using it. Tun Pzuunrrs. None genuine without 1 bunch of green Hop: on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonona Itn with Hop or Hope in their name . Emigration Movements. The operation of this law is strikingly illustrated by an analysis of the move- ment from New England. Maine stret- ches from the forty-third to the forty- seventh parallels of latitude, between which parallels are also comprised the greater parts of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota. The more southerly States of Ohio, Indiana, `Illinois and Iowa have. always been more easily accessible, and their combined population is nearly three times as great as that of Michigan, Wis- consin and Minnesota. Yet the three States whose winter most resembles that of Maine had attracted 25,432 of her people in 1880, as against only 16,738 in the four more temperate States. On the other hand, Pennsylvania, covering a belt of territory avera `nu three degrees lower- ... 1-;.:a....:.. 41.... ninn hm: lrant nrettv OI 'lIO_l'!'l.li01'y llYUru lug uuuu Vlvlvvu nu.-. ; 1n. latitude than nine, has kept prett clo_sely to that line, sending 217,547 people-to Indiana, Illinois ondlowa, and only 69,819 to Michigan,` Wisconsin and` Minnesota. ' Ulilllllljluavan vacuum- 1 An old physician, retired from `practice, having had placed in hishsnds by on East India missfousrv the formula. of 3 simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption`, Bronchitis, Ostsrrh,Asthms and all throat and -Lung Aeotions,-` also apositive T and radical cure for Nervous Debihty and all Nervous . Com- pldnts, after having tested its wonderful cnrsve powersin -thousands `of cases, - has feltiit his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. 1 Actuated by! this motive sndsdesi to relieve human .s'u'et-ing, I will-send free of "charge. -to all who desire it, thisreoipe, in German, Erench or Eng- lish, with` full directions for preparing. and using. Sent by mail by ddressin with stamp, naming the pager`, W. A; 0YES,l 149 Power's Block, ester, N. Y. - ` - - - ` i`~`-"*- 45-eow-44. COSI. ' ' Arutye T _ 5,"fR.ebeoca, f` the: old: lady shquted up st'guVrs_,T ff van yo_u; $oir_n to de Abartiy '3 , . . Yea. mutter. .3n"?.1`9d Bohem- ;iE $e,you _ge:tti1;;_ reaty .3 inquired the Yes, mutter." replied Rebeoca. "Vill I evaeh for 5 - high-nook or a low-neck `the national disqaao of on`:-' ' A luvnun nvuo There is no qnetion.but thg dyspepsia. in country," `(Ind '-when oomplicatsed with disease: of,.th`e"?`1iver `and kidne` `is the `cause of~1nnt'old=mise . Burdook:B cod Bitten will almost invuiab `y .cura the worst can known. : 2 ' 1'; Nqtla'xu\l`lv. TH E;*;NQRJ1H1RbE.;AD.L\{A!NCE:; ;51935.3v . ' mnatborrdwits . ,;.,:_ .`l.'J: 4 ` ;?*";"'5".Y"i,`*-i'{ o I. o ` 45-eow-44. Jerseys. _ one of the most rexn'ar1_ qu_alitie.s . Jersey cows is the1r.1nc1mat1on to f mg 3.11 of the t1me-the- year Se;u This is an item of no small mun `Hence, It makes about one- C01s1C?1i'e1`encein the income from 8' [hm The famous Short horns won't however much Stockman and ( _ - A . _0the;adm11ers may vaunt then` good qualities; neither will any beef breed. I_dOn0H1,i,,1; anything the `of . T` u.-M...m thv cannot {Tqgzoufo KNITTING MACHINE co., IIJ H. mm njl-L ` H.P.SANDERS, % Merchant Ttiilor, DUN mp ST RE E1`, 1'EAM I-'rr1'm<:s. I::RAss AND IRON,` Rubber, Henip and Asbestos Packing, Sand Blast; Mill Saw File_s,` ALL THE 1108!` urmvn"~t;`s, ma In -_I.A'1'1ss'r um BEST FURNISHINGS ' ' ` A (1 .. .. ..- . um . r.hnnI'n..-m.`:~ -1:$p1n`1:~.n IUIIT! to _ 1 Put um shoitnbtioo. - . . ind chock VI Joslapn Lm_g.j.n'r0N, DoO I'i;`Vi5-<`3 .~'f|`?jI;; bANToN' '-I'EA'. ;sLT`o:RE. , :'o: . . _j_.._:_j.T._-- A - Feeding Stock in the Winter.` . A tight stable, with a oor overhead not more than seven feet high, and having hay or straw over it, will- keep cattle warm enough even t in zero weather. Roots fed out from a cellar, where the temperature is near freezing, are to cold for the best results in a dairy; the unhealthful_ affects of the cold upon the cows stomachs may be obviated by mixing the out `roots with a little corn meal and some out hay which has been moistened with hot water. The little fuel that may. be needed for warming the feed in this way, will be paid for A in the saving made in the feed, or in milk and cream. Com meal and pea meal are excellent forwinter feeding of cows; four quarts daily would be a moderate supply. Parsnips are the best` roots for cows; mangles are the next best for quality, but the best in ease of production. Turnips or ruta-bagas should not _be used for milking cows as they avor the milk. A mus 111;; xr` on-s" euennm`-.:% {rumcas . ._`.w_.:.;.. .3 c.-.... -m'...=' 4-..." m..`u`n3 Wgtr and G13. Globe Valves. ` u_ V,` 3% I jinn`: Iyxw It phonnacme. A tu1fE1_:bbkofIro_h'P{pdtor Steain. Watr but! an Grebe vaives, stop ` `and oheunvavos stun auuoomm Water muses. All work in this nne .-' -~ , ~ - uromptlynttondedto. - - . ' _ - " % (10-9.) IOHN PLAXTOK. UNDERTAKER %vwV'e&s%1: 1'-'l.a.1:es, l Will. p9:y-in iauyl femily, . `After 8-upplylnlg the family re quirements, goods can be made for neighbors or the Trade. A more protable use of spare hours could hardly be found. - --: ---_- _.___ *_-_:-- jjgb LA 53 A 303? hi: Gnu. c`AN1EARN FROM 8150 ' To $2.00 A _DAY wlth the'Eclipse. l \k_=,ep their clerks employed. Can mahufacfure all the Hosiery, Scarfs, Mints, Tuques, etc., required in their businesv, during dull season, and'thus Zj-`--.._.j i?Yu"a:2;`s:` `l'l\`III'W `D mi am` risr 1fonou'i'o'.' .soi_;rSEE75mor smmrgr, BARRIE, ONT. GARPENTER AND MERCHANTS ` FROM $3.00 PER DOZEN. Btbbit Metal and Mill Furnishings. Can Tmanufacture their own yarn ,int various` kinds of goods, and thus realize 409 PER CENT. more on the wool they iraise. - . tn: om Pznracr KNITTING Mncumsj is one that has 9. Simple and Reliable Ribber. The`Ribber Attachment of the Eclipse differs "in almost every respect from others, and is pronounced perfect by com- petent judges. T ` BARRAUD THE` l'lllI`l'lllilll'IllIB,% BOTIEIW_'EI;L S BLOCK, THE ECLIPSE IS THE ONLY MACHINE SUITABLE FOR FAMILY USE. re Food for the In `ESE: gfer as won as the Bread ` , mg,ap.-From_ the Best sources. rs have discovered 9.. -new y_ which is. cjoiug coneiderable damn r It Is a yellovflsh w_orm One_h,,1f to three-quarters ot an xpch . _ ..,1,;n}1 enters stalk_ az_xd eats

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