Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 20 Aug 1885, p. 1

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' VI VII`? EUIIUIQI UIIIIICUUU ' T. D. Mcconkey, of the commercial store, sells wines and spirits,a1l of which he will dis- e of at the lowest remunerative prices, on is usual terms, which he atters himself have been hitherto easy. Whisky by the barrel. - MLA ___#;_I_ _,_A_, , ,,,L,. II `. "'.`ll:: fourthv pa? contains the proceedings of the Court 0 General Quarter Sessions. Ijnan Ramon urn-I Quinlan: unnni-legal-nu up-1-n IVA UILV \lU|IlU Ul \.WUIlUl.DI WIIHICIEF IUUDIIUI-ll. I Judge Gowan and` twelve magistrates were in attendance. In the J ud`ge s charge to the grand jury he said it was a circumstance worthy of remark thatin so extensive a dis trict, with a- pulation made up of persons of so many di erentlorigins, that there should not be asingle person conned on a criminal charge. During the last three years there had been but ` one conviction for a capital felony, one `for larceny. and very few others of any serious nature before the courts, .and he trusted the District would continue to sustain its good character. TEA rlnnnrnnr {1m`.....1 . annnnh nn nu-n- Died; 2 S diicharged cured, 9 ; remaining in ht-emtal. 4. He then If.l+A +.I..+_ .n ........ A The. Gmlrsernor Geneiv-al s speech on pro- roguing parliament at Montreal, 28th July. 1847, is onthe second page. The speech re- fers to the Provincial Tariff. to measures for developing the mineral resources of the Pro- Vince, to measures passed for the amendment of the criminal code, for the protection of the mercantile interests, for the rendering a common school act more effective, and refers to the prevalenr-e` of disease among the emi- grants who have arrive_o. from Europe. W In Av: lIIv";l\`(| Av` 441:: 3-v-any-nnnvnnnfu nvlnnlx gl.'GLI|I VVLLU llGVU ll|I.lV"_l.l LIULLI 1JI.lL\llJU In an article on the improvements which were going on in the court house the editor says: We must confess our surprise that better accommodations were not` long since provided for; the courts. . * * * To be sure in the United States we have heard of courts where the Judge was mounted on a. carpenter's bench, the Sheriff ona sap trough with a coon skin or twoito make him com- fortable, the Clerk of the Court on a bunch of shingles, the jury on candle boxes, and the prisoner docked in an empty cider cask -- but we don t go so fast north oi Lake Ontario. Thu nonrdd (`.1-inlrnf. h ihtlh Dull WU uuu U U BU Anal. nut uu VI. unnu vuuwuu. v. `The Ba.rrie5Cricket Club might; be ipter- ested in the description of a game 38 years .n.-. 'l"lu. ukntnmnnt inc 'Ii`nr an vnnno A UUUCQ III ULIC \.lUBUl._'IPIll\IIl UL G 6!-UV UU Julian ago. The statement is: For so youn a c ub the play was highly creditable. r. Gibbard s bowling was extremely good, and Mr. G. Moberly astonished the whole eld by a beautiful catch, and nobody more so than Mr Walker who struck the ball. ' An editorial upon The Late Survey of a line of road from the head of Kempenfeldt Bay` to the mouth of the Nottawasaga sets forth that considerable excitement was created by a rumor that'a letter had been received from Hon. W. B. Robinson, stating LL .a. A._. ...`.... -1 -lll I.-.I Isaac: nnnunnrinf IBCBIVIII. lrvlu I.UI.Ia VV n 11; LI-Vwlluluvnn, won-upon l that tne sum of `1000 had been appropriate L- LL- -...._:..... -3 an}.-I lino AF 1-nut` Tl was me anln OI Juuuu uuu. uuvu uppuupuuawu 1` to the opening of said line of oad. Tne 1000 part of it turned out to be a myth. Among the news By Magnetic Tale- ......1.. -2 .. +1.. I-nnnv-fad antnnce of General JACKSON VS POINT Among Une naw " Dy Luuguuuu .|.uu7' graph II the reported entrance of General eott into the Capitol of Mexico. The Hibernia arrived at Boston Wharf on the 2nd, having made the passage in 13 days. Parliament was to be dissolved on the 17th. There is nothing of importance from Ireland. . ML- -_....... :. 41... `l\:.Im'nh an-A smnlum nf as toes` Z The closing part of the editorial address to 1 the patrons of the new paper is thus worded: To amuse by that which is interesting and instructive -to inform from every proper source on every proper subject-to advance by every means the social and political in- terests of the people-to raise the Simcoe Dis- trictamong the Districts-to maintain British Connexion and the boast ofourselves and fathers, the British Oonstitntion,will be our .1.:....a 1.. .I.m4 awmvvthinn that tends to from 11-elsna. The crops in the District are spoken of as -surpassing anything of the kind ever witness- ed. This has reference to wheat and pots L--_ fathers, the mmsn uonsmumuu, wua I-In V... object. In short. everything that tends to amuse. instruct, elevate and ennoble will be anxiously sought after; while everything that is repugnant to the `chastest morality or that `honorable and vzrtuous dig- mty which should characterize a people mll be duly guarded against in the conduct of the Magnet. No doubt there are many to whom these references to Barrieicarlv days will, by as- sociation -bring recollections pleasing and tender, andaolnc perha ' wi sad- To us the of the little .n....' t` of which has V sprun Tan` Nomnnux A`nK`v'mc`s-has beyon `uneasure interest- ing. lnlta general-make un,. thecharacter ow! mi thevmnmy of its pht-100103. 2A- -:a.- nun nna`|:tinlII. W 0 _ an-tioloI..tnVesoon_x-any .. . #94,; nlxketothqn V ` " niteruts` ` `~1t-wuintendd to `ans. ";al;qmednZ~.zs$i3 mbi _ " 'u_d_to the tow`n`an`d '1`he Work; oulevsrdad .o11ier eteeet this `tpriniz,'a`nd endesvqred to guard thdjlvdrl bv'pN:ing-eoliutruetionn upon ?the embankment. But parties with neither tgtezgog eqr qg hevhw,` have been gnnkmg 3 _, we ,_"t`efb pi`1ley g;rdaandrender,- ;i1 'eea'fe" ~thsnm`6rnd- . meat.-' I`-elsithei-6 aomy=to-put 3 stop to that .o"`.0fs'thingI?;.%" .'i{? z,;. ` '.'l`-ha dutch hetwqen the '1`o:o1:}o, fe Bsrlub f thh 'o r!c_VEet" "n z v$`I.'%'w :sZ'.`..` `:`.`. P2.rm.'< i".`i 1TI-.t"`.'tYa 15], ? ` '8 "- gi-guy ins ji1'stun&:h `an wonldehght are gcibnc dricketer. ' '1`lie bowling; be-t-_ .;\_ .*.._..a.A..I.I8na chm nrndiblef =sll:;oon- m;m.o`c1b%.;a -a-H.-mnk nlnvod <>n""lf`oh_duy on 0 A 0It0l'. _'.I;'n0 DUVVIII-I5; Hulls-_ L ,; lnljsolding were.croditible!x_<`i.v :all-Joan-. 24.19;!-LA:~..~;; . ; .. ~.:-. Em-"::'= ` ` ' u .' I `(#1 { _.._ ` _ ._ H 5`. `H Fare for the round tri A, 50 cts.: to I.obinson's Park, 25 cm. Children alt-price. 83-tt 3` , .-. ..,L. .- 1" 5T&g' of w`ar.`~' : nwf I-0j86ns~of~Englan& ohsllcmlb uuylomnenztromuoounty oirsxmpoe 7 or wqut .sl1;a.h,9w.: % MANY IDKINOR 3!'D'GHIaY "1I'1E.r'.i.-e".{13{- "Elm, Trimmings, etc. gotoW.R.Phil' & 00. V I A 1 0 ,L (`I `ll..._ { {}PAMHRAPHEB. S PENUIL PUINTSQ vw-qv-g --j-w: --5-n--w-1 -v-.--____ .. -Very In and Goasipy chapter of Local History. --0. R. Church, M. D., of Ottawa, was in town "on Tuesday. ` --Bargains in Glgf and Hosiery at W. R. Phillips & Co. `--Some heavy showers of raid visited Barrie on Thursday. A 11! .1-Iv: . 1 A` two 1| 1 ,_._ _L 7` isntle Cloths cheap Qt W."R.=Phi1lips 8: V ---A mother was round town on Monday looking` for a lost chgld. -Fresh sh diving dail* drell`s English Pork Shop. i V`-V-_I':rijd:;-1;1";l;t'f:l-1_wt-aI'1:1'>erature wa again ' down pretty nearly to freezing. ' __e_ _-_n_2'L:;__.1 LL- ____....L_.___ -1-:;'13r'Z a.__11`ci'ex_l;i'b;i;:e:f`-ehe eymntoms ef eunetroke here last Wednesday. ' --Quite a. number the `funeral of Miss Haggart last Sabbath afternoon -The building of the Reformed Episcopal Church is not making very rapid progress. _ I-LOBIIS_rSO1\'T S ZPARK ..-~-.=-v- v-- ._-._ _-' -___ -Mr. Harry,F:;rtier, formo:1-V1; otvtlie p<;st- I 31 department here, gave us 9. call on Satur- ay; 9 ,- I - nnf-L, _,,3 n___. 11.1. '----Ivf-y:)-u_\;I'a.1;F<:-l;:p Made Olothmg go to . R. Phillips & Co. -____--._ -2 LL- __-_.L -L__ -"""' ""-jG "' " U` ' "" ' `""K_ '` --The street procession of the great on-ow was a. good one, much beyond the ordinary. ._- --1__ -2 LL _ .._`_L UUIID LIB!-Ill Co a1L `u-J . -For barcain in W its and Grey Cot- ltons; Funnels, etc., gi W. R. Phillipe & ('1- .. ....`II "-11;-;.'Mr.VWilkinson occpied the pulpit of the Collier Street Method1at`Church on Sabbath morning last. ' ,, __ 1 __1 1'-__.1-__ . _ _ . _-:1 -H1s Exellency Lord Lansdowne passea here on Tuesday going south from his visit to the Muskoka. Lakes. ' . "-':h:[(:t:c:3~r-|'1;c[o;1_;y~HMoney 1!! to loan at low rates. vMortgage,s purchased. Barrie I oan & Savings Company. run 131 II L ,_A_ `Il'_L`__JI..L _L--.._.`l_ V-- v. -..-.--a-. vv--r--.,- -Tbe Elnzabet street Methodist ghurch excurted to Big Bay Point,yesterdav mom- ing.- The boat was we1l'loa.ded. l_...1.. __.---L-.I LL- C..........1 l:R<:s-r ;' Angie` the funeral sermon of -the late Mrs. Sparliug last Sunday evening. The audience was large, II`! 1': 1 I'\ `I1 1, __.______ _`I__I____ Jjj T Elvis: ` an Mzxckinqc Island, Michigan; bu * me1-zm of`August. mst.. Sidney Morehouse aanford 1a of Barrie. Treasurer of the a?*c"$;:%.%J; %$::- an - ` -EMA.\'r-`- ~ . BY 0 14th 1minst.. J&11e._t_l1 beloved wife of Hugh True- I vvv-an-HI -_' ....__-_-_ ...... _-w=,, --The Barrie and Orillia lacrosse clubs did not play at Big Bey Point last Thursday in consequence of the catchy weather. run 1 1 _.1-__-j __.`I__ -_- _.'.__,_ I,._L\1-.'._...v V- V..- -..--_J -The band-played onvueynweqpiece last Thursday night in consequence of a. shower coming on just as the.p1a.ying began. -110 ,,,, _,I1 L- `l_-`I.'l L... ._ """""l') '*.ul""' "' '-"I"`J 4Chancery snttings will cixe eld here on Monday, 14th of September, and the Court of Assize on Monday, 21st September. I B11 " 352?; E. 'ii&r}L1`L}3u;; T1i1ershTa.ft last Thursday. and was towed to Barrie by the Enterprise on Friday morning for repairs. r1'*I A , ,,._-.LL _L-_-L -:_L.. ___ J1)rot;:t:b7c)Z1;t silkty er- aons yesterday who had been tothe sale at Robinson's Point. About $1,V00,0worbh were _-IJI I5.'1'f" ---The day was beautiful for the Bible class pic-nie on Wednesday, and some three or four hundred visited Robineo'n a `grove that day. ` ' - -Mr. J. 0. Forbes, artist of Toronto, give us 3 call on:Tuesda.y. He is much pleased with the besuty of Barrie : natural scenery. ' nu A-.I 15,1; l.-__n __-II _...-LI..... gnu.- -uvv.-V. ,. } -The 35th Beth. band wxll, weather per- mitting, give some choice eelectioneat the usual place, near the .new post oice, this evening. msh- __ ..._-n. 1.. ._.u.:.... I...LL.... -...I Ll... .. v v vnnnugeu -Times must be getting better and the so called depresslon passing away it the heaps of goods coming into town for our merchants be any si e ;_ _-_~-_1 -__1 .1...-..;:.-.: ..-..L .1-.. .. ...., ...,... ' -Ten cents saved and deposited each day with the Barrie Loan & Savings Uompanv at 5 per cent wlll in ve years amount to $206,- 96 ; ten years, $471.89. - ,_sn 1.. __ __-_...:;... 1... `D2... 1).". uv , uv-..Jv-.~, 7... _.--. -There will be an excursion to Big Bay Point on Thursday from Aurora. The ex-_ curaionists will -reach Barrie by rail and then by Steamer Enterprise to the Point. l l --Annonncement for Ba tist church. Pastor will be at home on unday next. Subjects for sermons as follows : Morninc, The pracaxcal result of the hope of the Lord s owning; Evening, The folly of mdecislon. Strange.-rs are welcome. f A n-_-.__I ..--_-.: L'I..........I. Ulnusunw unv vv vnvv--vu --The Governor General passed through Barrie last Saturday on his way to the Muskoka Lakes. He will be the guest of Mr. Oookburn, M.P.; while in that region. He is travelling in a quiet, unobtrusive way; and therefore no demonstration wannade, nor did the Marquis, leave his neat in the --The Rev. J. E. Allen;qt,Winnipeg,_ will lecture on Crenke end Orenkiem in the lecture room of Con tionel church next Tueedey evening. heeowen Sound Times eeye: The exposure of Orenkiem in bui- ..... nnlinn, elm fginilv. the church. u were y. 3 "1113 UK Ill. \.I| uIInuuu us unus- nus, politics, the funil , the church, were both aide-splitting an irresistibly impres- | eive. To be appreciated it must be heard. . In-,t~IsII2_ -|_:_1 _1-_I. :_'.n--a. | HIV? AV Irv U-fr-vv--v-- -v ---~ ~ - -Alexander Mc(}illis, chief clerk in Poet Oioe Inspector : Oice, Winnipeg; whofii `shying ' week at Mr. Alexander M0011`- thy I. chief mail clerk in this divinionmalled on us oh Mondey. . H_e1,ookeanuch_moi-e to- bust and in far betterheslth tlnn when ret!`- , A u. __-_ -n. :- .....n... -...:a...e- n.'.e_ u. nhvnn`n_ D115! Inc In Int Dewar ucmyu uunu wuvu 10-Ju- i here. It is nits `evident: that the utmos- Eeere of.Manit_o ' vitith Mr. MoGIllil tterthanthIl.tAoi_ tufio. .,,.,'V - 2 . -1-Om.` 1.m.-rket on S-turdsy was. 0-,u<.>.0<.1 one- A__ large q1,u.ntify of vegeqblea snd small fmitrwere o`e1-ed at` reuonable pnoes. Bhttarwu -16' ed 17' cents. eggs 12 dcnh, chickens alive 50 cent: a,_ducku 60 cents A413-1r..1>9,t.s.t9ea. .I!1'f19were.1I,.ts. 9 Ions. -w.e9_tT com, sqmhe.-. Iain-`nA'ntHr `am-ddn snawu'i1f'oodl V----F1'-'3;h at G. Mann- &n'a 'la`.....1:..l. DA-L Qlnnn ' 9ll`ns .FN'.Wa `V9359? V0.1: A 9'1-=-,-we ole ,"and`othr garden sass waqizr ' supp y. Muion, -lambnndbeefweroo and by thequirtal ind foundrteady purohuera., {rho gqtqla, ,.in: the; ,lllIj'k.6t` preuantodva cod din by ' m 11;`; {way ,0; gngqu. So_nrp_Bfow 1... . -..o*'4..'s. `uilihnt wara'1'n`banidn`:'on'1e d.i::3Y i11u,1.9 `1'*Y.. W93 .'n._WW I ` ' f. `new f'wh`est were m`boaidea`s`ou':e 1031763 'o`f=hsy'-. -Pri6e`a ur'iliout no they womb. ldatrweak .'with` a httle.` tendency; - for L'_LL-_ --J M -u-4-cnv_n`avuaovJ vo uxw -ww------.. -- ------~. county of Simone. O I`IC-E is hereby 533. that I have trans- mitted or the ersons mention ed in the Third and Fourth ections of "The .Voters` List Act." the coD15 1'6 Hired by the" said Sections to be so transmitte or delivere ` er the List, made pursuant to said Act, of a Demons appearing by the last revised Assess- ment Itollofthe said Municipality to be en- titledto vote in the said Municipalitxsast Eleo- uons for Members of the tegislative embly. and at Municipal Elections - and that said List was first posted up at my 015100. at Cookstown. onihe 10th day of August, 1886, and remains there for inspection. ` _E1ectors are called upon to examine the said Llt and if any omissions or an other errors {ire found therein to take imme iate proceed-. gig; to have the said errors corrected according W. ' R. T. BANTING. 3335 Clerk of the said Municipality of Essa. T\n6n'A ..Lr\-_I,_._____, LI.l_Il\AI_ J-.._I Luann IQQK ' `our`.t1ganks3are 5.31:3. 'M'athoson, ' , Secfehvy. -of the": ~Pe_nth' Caledonia: . Society, . L.Y:*_3.`.9'..'= '1 *h9~.}`~`i.V:;#!1i-nceye-ff A ;;` /,;..;__u ' 401*: Sundiy Iwhirig iiporge .rTy'nth.1!,3Mr. ScQ|i!;;t6IIlllt0i`g Btbirtod f( >.!_`; 9'1dgi_v,e. With: 6n;i MI`-- 340.-.5 hS'.'- nd hadsone as far as the ravel pit on Collier street, when a piece of oard, nearly pointed at one end, which way lying in the road, was by some means thrown on end, and` pierced the horse on the inside of "the `right thigh, making a. wound two inches` wide, the stick entering the esh quite deeply. The wound bled profusely, and no doubt it will disable the animal for some time to come. - A TD? ZOCVVCO I777`? A gardenparty will be held at Mr. J. C. Morgan's residence on Tuesday next, `August 25th-, in aid ofa special fund in con- nection with Trinity Ghurch, Barrie. The large conservatories and greenhouses will be opened -to the public and illuminated, and as it is the night of full moon and the Band of the 35th will be present, any one who knows how beautiful the grounds are looking, may safely look forward to a most enjoyable time. In addition to the attrac- tions usually found at such places, we under- stand that there is tc be a short open air concert, and that lovers of ice cream, Aunt Sally, owers, etc- ., etc;, will find nooks on the grounds devoted to their several weak- ness presided over by various young ladies of the congregation. Refreshments will be served durirg the whole eveninir. The event of the occasion, the purpose tor which the ladies are holdin the garden party, will take place at 10 o c ock. Go and find out what it is. We can safely promise that the object will gather together members of every congregation in our town. Admit- tance te the grounds from 5 o'clock by tickets at 25 cents. All persons wishing to contribute further may do so to the Church- wardens or to Mr. J. 0. Morgan any time I during the evening. ` Love, Fighting and Fun. ` As the shades of the peaceful : Sabbath evening were gradually approaching, two young men who were out wnth the " lasses they love, met on the railway track not far from the foot of Mary street. A few words -passed _between the men, when Pat, with D':L-__-An c-vac`-I`n:tvr|i\l|nu nan-In Q 1 '[Jii3BU\.l UUIIVVOULI IILID Inll, VIIJVIJ .1. av, vvn-nu Hibernian impnlsiveness, gave Jimmy a thump on the jaw that sent him heels over- head, with a velocity that would have done honor to a circus gymnast, and delighted a Donnybrook gathering. 'Pat\followed up his i first thump by quickly jerking J lmmy to his feet and putting in a few more gentle taps, when Jimmy broke away from his teazer. A stream of very strong adjectives issued from J immy s tongue intended to delineate Pats character, whereupon Pat caught Jimmysround the neck and gave him a few more knocks. While this was going on. the gentle damsels were by no means idle, but were pulling, _ shoving, clawing and yelling for all they were worth, until Jimmy slipped from Pat's embrace, and did about the tallest running that has been seen in Barrie for many a day, until a safe dis- tance between him and his enemy had been _attained. He was closely followed by his girl, who. in spite of bnstle, hoop skirt and other impedimehts, showed that she would have atirst-class chance in a matched race. Pat and his girl then continued their stroll along the beach, no doubt- drinking in the beauty of the scenery, and gradually cooling under the inuence of the bay breezes. Trinity Church Sunday School. Trinity church Sunday school had its annual pic-nic at Big Bay Point last Friday. Themorning was ominous of disappointment by frequent showers and a disagreeable north-west wind, but it turned out to be all right except the unpleasant chilliness of the air. At 11 o'clock the scholars marched to `the boat `headed by Mr Mo an and accom- panied by their teachers. .he school is a rge one, and the pupils looked well in their holiday attire, and their sunny, happy look ing faces, beaming with present and expect- ant joy. The smallest boys headed the pro- cession, followed by the larger in due order, then the smallest girls ending b the lareer. A goodly number of parents an friends ac- companied them. At two o clock another installment with the band boarded the Enter- prise for the pic-nic grounds. Notwith- standing the chilly breeze the afternoon was spent in the most pleasant and enjoyable manner. Various games were played and other amusements indulged in. A tug of war between the band and an equal number . of civilians resulted in defeat of the men of music. presumably because they had done so much blowing. As evening came on the programme had been carried out. The pupils of the school were formed in line and march- ed to the boat to the music of the band. The boat arrived at the wharf at about half past eight, everyone feeling that the day had been welland protably spent. ` Advertise. ` I ,Mr. Scnlly lost his cow. He wisely `vertiaed her in TE: Anvmwaa. A reader of SiInooe s popular journal 1n West Gwillim- bury law the advertisement, recalled the Bank nal: Ina hurl gain nnnl-1 A now in the Dill`, BOW uuv iluvuliuauuxuuu, avuuuvu uuw fact that he had seen such a. cow in the neighholig woods. He `went and secured the an' in he eld, wrote to the owner who forthwith regained poeeension of the an-eyed quudruped. Re:u1t-Peaoe, and plenty of milk. Don t forget the lesson. : ;7' .1-.Corne r of Owen and ` AI)1K`._,[`:E. .`..{n+q `..Miss Jessie Ross W -ll re- A Nearly Another Drowning. , ` The onngeet child at Mr. Donne fell off thedoc atthe foot of Muloastor street , on Saturday evening, and had it not been for the presence of and prom 1: action of his little brother Cherley, t are would doubtleaa hm been-another : drowning case added to Barrie : record. There are too many 1ittlegchi.ldrenplay_ing around the water, showing remiaeneu of parental duty. son 1 nan-Ann mu] go ' ro . aw , an peggn` "i1 of"tfn?:3en:.rl!A' 1il6n`th 1: 3801815 1&bor_phould bjiven as a cor- root ion of this destructive pr Jpanaity. `.3 . _ r ` 'l` _ `` sit " 3 `I '4". . . Pu-tonal. Som silly, michievous persons are` antic- ing and bills of tho` ` ank` ~~.;lI|1rF'.Ih`}l.h'nI'I-:.-'.-1-WA-. Jlnx H} . TQQW 5 9999,; J'}}` P0 2&~<``a:'5e ram-ans em swan Ereeaea and "New E3`glsp'd __hommy"huve _._2_1-_:.I; .I-_r.`.I~.:.... `ll UTUUDX _uuu __.|.1vw evidently doue"h 1 H 4 _ ch-:n ;fonna,tion;axiwllx'lbId to the sonvxc-N . . 53WF3,'U- .,. . Jatwi be .gAivgn for ' f , . raons: ionnd defacin ' E`.?na..?...::'Z` ``1l~.;hge biH' of the Gregg ` ""`01':"xS'iinda': afternoon `a-littlebby sit years .-IJ A... 9.! _ 'I ..I\-.' Dluunkorn fa`! fnnvn C " ` Otfindafternoou Irlittle` `boy six `years `old; ionfqf . -Johni.-Bingh_am, fell from a tree he was climbing and broke some" othe bones of his__yv__r_~igt;._-_H_p,_`i__a>under the cite of `I'\_ To .-__ IJUIIJI: Dr. yM.j.-i-_ " ";.S__`P________ MW NE tion 0! 8-ny-_ 11,01`-9'5 0,: P."F`_ "':'; W--u uvuvws or tearing down the b1IIs of the Great Sii='6Asri!`~!W191{E*hib1*iie5- a Party and "Flower show. ,'\I l_-I,_1j -1. \l"__ T The _ familiar 3-or Reeve Rosa is again" Lqreeu after 3 janpt 3:0 |wm THE PEOPLE HAVE TO SAY. LETTERS AIDDRESSEID TO THE EDITOR THIS WEEK. The Admission of Correspondence Does Not Necessarily Imply that We Hold AL- l\_.I._l_..-u .0 LI... `I7-nl6n- civil Lvvvvwwvvo-Q; ---I.-J -..-u v --v-- the Opinions of the Writer. The following letters addressed to the Editor of THE Nor>. r1u~;r.v AD\'AN(`F.', have ieen received for publication : The Trouble at Whlskyvllle. BIS(`.0TASI\'G, ALGOMA, August 11th, 1885. I thought a few lines from one of your old subscribers rusticating up in this region might hare some interest for your readers, more especially as whisky has of late been an important factor in the diicultics we have lately experienced from a lawless crowd. You are aware that this is the head quarters of the Construction Department of the Lake Superior Branch of the U.P.R , and every month the men are paid and hang around for a few days. Naturally enough the usual gang of whisky peddlers and thieves con- gregate hereabout at such a time and make things very disagreeable for the respectable runny-Jn A` than nlonn Tho I`. D D ant}-in:-{Gian UIIIIJKQ VWIJ ILIQKSICCCIILC LUL UIIC lU9y`7\lf|IIc people of the place. The C.P.R. authorities gauge tgvo egnstables v_vhoe_e chief dnt is to ._ -._J -._ ,,, FVVPIU UL UIIU P1219! LI-IV \IuL a.lUI QIAVIIIJIIULZ have two constables whose duty look after liquor coming in, and. conscate the same The whisky men are principally French, and the very worst class at that, and they have formed a village of tents which has been named Whiskyville. About two weeks ago a number of vendors were summonsed for violation of the Public Works Act, and refused to appear. War- rants were issued and when the constables went to execute them, they were set upon by some twenty and beaten very bad, in fact left for dead. The mob then paraded the place. ring revolvers and ries and openly declared they would not respect any law. The parades continued nightly until last Saturday, when a posse of police arrived, the authorities having been requested to send assistance to put it down. On their arrival about one hundred Frenchmen were on the platform, and among them the principals of the mob, but when they saw the police they immediately left for the woods. Pursuit was given, but it was no go, they could out- run the Toronto men. A raid on Whisky- ville was made and a quantity of whisky and other liquors secured, and some nine arrests made. The mob were inclined to give the police ght, but when they produced their 44 cal revolvers the mob thought it better to keep off On Sunday, word `came that they were forming to attack Rogers and his men and drive them out of town, {ogers armed his force with Remington rifles and went again to see them 'l'hey met about; fifty of them and gave them to understand if they did not disperse they would certain- ly be red upon. The mob scattered in all directions, it was really amusing to see them go, their bravery all ' oozing out. The Toronto Detective had ten men, all being six feet high, and evidently good men.` The police then went to work, arresting right and left and in a short time when any house was approached the inmates would hide, not knowing who would be next to get it. A number were tried to-day and ned $40 and costs each. The fun is about over now, they are all broken up and treat the police very courteously when they. meet them. T:II\II|I! "`ni1r`\`nt1 In in nbunvunn l\` `kn an-u 1-vhf YX V`-VWVII V\IIIlJ `VJ-IGIJ III-II? IJJGGU ULICIIJI Jimmy Townley m In charge of the con- struction here, under Mr.~ Abbott, and is doing well. Looxxn-ox. SIR,-I see-by Gazette of this week, Aug. 12th, that the base ball match played be- tween_ Allandale and S.O.E., of Barrie, at Robinson's grove on Aug. 10th was with- drawn. Now, sir, when a match is with- drawn both clubs have to agree to such. I have yet to learn, air, that this was the case. At the end of the fourth innings the score stood S. O. E., 9; Allandale, 37. They (S.O.E.) said, we will only play one more game. Play started in the fifth game and continued until two of the Allandale men were out. The S.O.E., before putting out all, threw up the sponge, and left the eld so suddenly that some of the Allandale men thought someone was suddenly taken ill. When they left the held the score stood S.O.E., 9 ; Allandale, 47. Mr. Editor, cnkdnk n`n`\ I1-ran \n'n+nv- 9 WI IN! V , ITLIICIIJLIQIW, which club was victor '3 "II . _, , ,_,` , 7 _ , Al}, I The people of this locality feel that if the Gazette can give them no more reliable in- formation than they have in the report in question, then it is high time they should cease to pay their money for' misrepresent- ation paraded so glaringly. We hope to see the Gazette make itself right on this matter. By giving this insertion in your very reliable paper you will greatly oblige. Yours truly, Doruu) Ross, Scorer. A11--..I..I.. Ann `IKIJ. IQQK Orange colored Skies. Sm,-Will you kindly tell an old sub- scriber whether the cause of the orange colored skies at sunset and sunrise has been discovered 2 It was said to have been caused by material ejected into the atmosphere from volcanoes durin the earthquake riods of last year and e year betore. cs that restnugon any solid foundation ? nlnn Ann `R IQQK A-unn-. [Considerable obscurity surrounds the phenomenon of which our correspondent speaks. Like the peculiar condition of the atmosphere in what is called Indian Summer no rational or certain explanation has been oered for either the one or the other. It was suggested a short time ago that the orange light `which has attracted so much attention resulted from the combustion of something atthe surface of ' the sun illelf-- 'but what that "something" is or whether it i'a"fsct haiot, we think, been satisfactorily rdetermineda `- ; The sp.ectro_ecope tells of the burning of various: metallic and gaaeousbodiee-atth,ssun s'a` .` j ' `or-.n}s e1ight n,ni * com ustlon. othiiig pcg'.itv'e`,,f`li'1gy%'q1~; "'1; knovn_,- and for the present wceshall have to ' `.P`?` ".'.i"". `Pl.i", ` We `have. -much plepsure in-- gnnqungin tint Min M91-y Rosa . obtainbd prooiencg certificates in model dr9iving; perspective fund ' jdriiving. `ma Ttetchrk certicgtq }I_`1ade._ . at th examina- -`r>:Vl\IIn`.A1I9 n`.L`n.-`A n-I`.-.I \C1| . . _ . _ A4. Iuuunuvoxu .uuu. urawu] 'tid1i6r &;c4 Ir*3ifi*'z\ lATgo.-`;`!$_th exlmana. I I! ` V __ A :";(lJA!'0nt'O. fiqn'la'o1y ah` I . 0hP89"0fT1m0. In eonsequenoe.ot-a.n.excnrei`onL from Long- .ford:to-Barrie on Saturday, the regular trip of the'Enterpriee jt9.1.I`a'ek'sgi:n q`Point will not Jtake place, but: w` );nnV.on`Mondsy, 24th, the boat leavin her wharf 'at'10 a.In. sharp. Two tripeewill made during the day. JJULVALJI LIUDC Allandale, Aug. 15th, 1885. ORDERLXAOUR GOAL! eat I; 1 Hr`: ai71(yao'l(1_(i fonndstion E- Coogtown, Aug. 16, I885. Amman. fI`1-__2J ____LI_ [$1.00 PER ANNUM IN Anvnfcin. SINGLE COPIES. FIVE CENTS. Thatnase Ball Match. AGO} Record. unzrls 01. but`! Haul. Jltuuuuyuuu; vs --rv-w Dated at Cookstown. this 10th day of A118-. 1335- I i OR SALE.-LOT 6, CON. VESPRA M0 acres, well timbered. wit :1 half a. e of- nv nmtinn 'l`hnnn In ; hmum and some VII u(11Al`A.-lJ\Il. V \.l\lLVo I` timber'ed. nix:l?3..;i.1le_5i- yallway station. There is a house and $2; lmnrnvnmnnf nnnn flu: nu-nun!-9.17 Alan :1-Iuy uusuon. '1'n8l'0 I8 5 un rovement u o the to NE of the Eantplutmllf of In`: re t tn ` . Also Welt ua or"?r`?$1'$as`%1?l`u or"1o`' o. Con. :0. Von- Dra. consisting of 50 acres. twentv 010l|`d- A gtggsfailing tax,-ftttlx? nmsighgggglagggm 7 easy. 11 a. m o - Wgtoloo. &c. JOHN KENT. Minednt. ---_____________ L . ALUAB ; sum IN 1 , 33 ... .... _ _._A._l_ _- Ilm` V AIAUAISLE BUSH. FARM. .l!'U- 551;!!! H`, the Township of Vex n, w W9 l of lot 6. in the 4th on.. oon 1 5 EUVCE Olce. m- to than nwnar; . ?:ay:*:::a;Lr:mo%.2.93.~;`;,;;:'t;:."A;:: xo."ir"` , VAN cooff or further 0 vnu ul 1055: ll part! svw culara unvvn I 3" pl . ; to Rice. or to the owner; & G Wu . mua U1 N" uu5'1`.-Stra egnfgg` asrd U the underslzne - "om t.. c atzaladarlgrd :33 . P,,JIv1;g,, w on e Y ' ' l`0 information as will lead 190 1 -p, pun-V19 V georewarded. THOS- METCM` _ A39-841%.. -- j `I BULL. '9': HE PURE BREDJERSEY , in Ag1.0aI:1.!.. `T DE1J'."_(f{eIzlet0rd N "9 ` . W LOS'l`.- ` ' taodof Goths 1`1ndegs1i':xr<$`_.e(>1nh:l x! ;`_gr.il_ nl?_lII|'~~I Email .a__ ._-_.- vo'rEn"EI1', I885. `HE Q[:1}n:N INSURANCE COMPANY of L London._I;I}81d- pm: lMPERf L INSURANCE COMPANY nf London. land. V . _ V Lnvuu -.v.-w \/-no Vr\raIn- `adv - `Hm PH(}1lNIX F E OFFICE OF LONDON. [ England. _ . _ HE GLASGOW .8; L DON INSURANCE [` Company, of Great ` tain. - OFFICE :4 Collier ' ct, Barrie -'1"" * umu utussu Jniuansx. nuuu. `nu H , I. J v (Reszlatex-ed No. 14,259 Ina erioan II:{'yB er. Book). for service at ' '16- Terms for-ueuon.-:go,oo of time _M.`_3'g1110.N For further panlou'ur!8!8?p{,:a NAN. Barrio, J29, W acre Tm-mi I. Municipality of tr$7rownsmp of mica. l!---..A.... _D lnngtnnn -U11. sALE.-A BOILER=--AI\D:` 1:` Engines; %`iz8sec nearly new suit!-1310401`: For J - TWO T...*,;;-%.:%..:.*;s.a.*`.:i C seen byf1Iin%`.'Jdnn pmxro .- nu-1-no. BAND 'rHan:sI1IN.G gawor alrtiolggflexiutlor sale chesphff 9 'l`h5'fn ; cY113"1;r' F6 V L 0 ,:-_Cornei- of Owen and AI?I1}`[`-b,1.'g:[/(i{CtS.` Miss Jessie re- : (~q`B:hlOL1 T;-1{, '. SEPT. 3rd. 34-37 D8? v--~`- rjiks. M. E; Monnow A n cvrr vnn SATIIBDAY TIIIPS m'oRD.-At Mu.cnum_w . the 12th of August, mat rd Es(_1., Bari . county of Suncoe, 11 e4 ~y - At _Church1l, VOL. XXXI v,N ' U r. STOV-E Ann ctiuur GOAL, 3,.,ie_z Co. Town; half mile from {?3'}ccs and b 0013. Two good dwellings ` d out-buildings` t each, hard and soft water. 3 - - runs through property; (1 bush _for rewood balance an _ ultivatxon and weli fenced. 2 orchards, kntche and ower gardens, 1 t . - `;.4, JOASPER 1301) L. RugbyP._o._ 3 341413--ROUGHCAST ISWELLING- ,, 't35`'3f' *"` W` -P W-=aa,%?%! . . '.g~ I will svll tlseest quality of xoxg THE TIME T0 %_ VI-.-.____ __ this In th, at -~-. -mus: uuw IIIIIDUI9 '5"iF" A `um gn-ice an ter .19 :tH' " I To P . Themao `e!``0'b' ~p yin to JOHN Pmxron; Bari-Io. . -- --AGE1\"I` FOR--` J.AS.JOH o`E.- " T C0 Dealer. unwsunuv Loi1NJz_p_t_:s.%] TOWN mu mumv inns: LOCAL EVENTS FROM PINS OI ~ ADVANCE RIPORTIBBS. __ - vwlv n-CV UIIW a-uuIna1IllIlBl'0l Marmot--uen_ and they . _ . A_ were sszyeara page. 4 By the courtesy of Judge Ardagh we have I been favored with the erusal of the tirst number of` the Barrie agnet and Simcoe ll District General Advertiser, the prototype of Tim ADVANCE. It is a folio of twenty columns not quite as long as -the oolnmnslof Tun ADVANCE, bntjusta little wider, per- haps a letter or` two. It is printed on a pretty fair uality of white paper; andin its general style and make up it is extremely creditable. As a _ in.` the history of Barrie and thecounty it is of deep interest, It is dated Barrie,- O.W., Friday, Au at (_i , 1847, but on the inside page the to is Friday. August 13th, with this note attached: It will be seen by the date of the first page that we intended N o. 1 of the Magnet on Friday last. ' Fin 5;, however, after rinting the first side that the second would 1 Q 2-: --A---`----` ` J :" ;`Z5ii`. -`a2`;Zi;i Z1i3$.Ta f'3.Z*'.Z.Zi`3.?:`2o'$ E2` ' the publication till to-day. The first page and the business directory contains these names 2 B. W. Smith, Sheriff, office in_ the court house; E. Lally, Treasurer, oice~in the court house ; J. R. Gowan, J udge, olce in the court house ; W. B. McV1ty, Clerk of the Peace, office in the court house; H. H. Gowsn, Depntv Clerk of the Crown, oice `in the court house`; J. .McWatt,v District Clerk," oice No. 10, Dunlop street; G. Lount, Registrar, oiceiin the court house; John Alexander, Crown Lan-ls A cut; '1`_. Lloyd, Clerk of the Division Court; o_nathan Lane, Clerk of the District and Bankruptcy Courts. etc.; James Patton, Banister and Attorney-at-`Law, Solicitor in Chancery ; J chn Strathy. Barrister and Attorney-at- Law. Solicitor in Chancery ; T. N .Warnock,` 1 watch and clock maker; S. M. Saudford, 1 agent of the National Loan Fund Assurance Society of London _; William Graham, Car- contains three columns of advertisements, I i penter and builder. - l`ks-A 1.5 o I-nl-Jn A` `kn 'l\:...'.:~.-. lnnnbn POIJUCI DIIU LIUIIIJUIX . .[`here is_ a. table of the Divisioe Courts. eight in number,- with names of the Clerks andwhere and when-the next courts would beheld. ' 1* `r ___- L_`I_ u. _-._._-'LI:_ LL-L L- -',11',,1._;_ UV` ucauo J J. Lane tells the public that he sells hats, caps and clothmg generally, and that he does cutting on the lowest terms. 1-r\r\n\nw| Tnnn nt`rvnunf;unn `l\ 511'` A?! man` \I\ICB \JILUIflI:lK IJIJ UIIW LUVVWEU UUII-I10: Jonathan Lane advertises to sell or rent at Kempenfeldt, near Barrie, a. pleasant resi- dence, withine mile of the site to which the celebrated Barrie Grammar School is about to be removed. ,, Il"`fY,ALI,A__ A1,, ___-__`_ I.__;_: LL_L GUUIIU IIU UU IUIJJUVUILI John lets the people know that he has whiskyof a superior quality by the barrel on. sale._ 1. -1 ..__.LI_...-_ -_ LL- n".._. ) 'ii1.-\(A"1i14JR.< WA.\"l`ED for wards,3. Township of .\1cKella.r, third class certi- :&`.<:. .))H.\` Ali.V[S'I`HONG, Chairman: of .~`(;hno1 Hoard Mcliellar P.O. 33-34' - UUYFUI UIJ EDIE- There is 3 list of gentlemen on the Com- mission of the Peace for the District of Sim- coe, whose commission _da.ted on the 16th of 1 April, seventy-seven in number, ten of whom , were for Barrie, whose names stand in the \ following order: James R. Gowan, man of the Quarter Sessions, Barrie; John Alexander. Geo. Lount. Wm. Gibbard, John I Moberly, Edward A. Walker, John, i Sydney M. Sandford, Charles Thompson, Matthew Ooates. ' ' . Twelve coroners` were als ugazgtted : . ,u,':u,.I.1-n___ 11 n 1)-.....'... Ariiiiaila 15, MI 1).} Barrie ;E, `R. A. Boys, Barrie. `and John Ardagh, M. D.. Orillia, were among the number. `V Tainan Wcncnuln gnu: 111}: `HA Ann: business Uflull, were among Iinu nuluuur. V V James Edwards says that `he does business as a saddler and harness maker at` his old stand, No. .5, Bayeld street, and John Bingham o'ers to sell or rent the Queen's Hotel, which he declares to he a desirable investment. There was evidently no idea at that time of a Scott Act. A _ -_1:-___-.'| u-..-:....- .6 4-1.. pnum in Al`. It that tune or I bonus nose V Au adjourned Sessions of the Peace is ad- vertised for the purpose of granting and trsnsferrin Innkeeper s LicenseI.- ' One of t e tie pieoesof this interesting souvcnix 1! ed The Newspaper. The following stsuzss of which "will be possibly I be read with prot: V ' What is t absorbs the wealthy oit. The half psy sub, the fool. the wit, The toothless sunt the forward chit ? . A . The Paper. LWUIVU uuuuuclu vvxuw cuuv Archibald Pass, M. D. ;' 1);;-nu nn-h:n ` ant` AIIIIAI` I What ia t infhrma the coutitry round, v `What's stolen or strayed, What : 1081: '.__.I ` VVIIDIII ovvsuu vs -zu.u,..`-, .._..-- _-,,_ _ found, - . Who s born, and who : put under ground? ` T The Paper. {What tells ydu and that : done and said, The fall of meal. the rise of bread. And how Canadians go-ahead? ` 'l`hn Pnner. And now Uanamanu gu-uucnu 5 7 The _Paper. What speaks of hievea anddpnraea taken, The murder: done, the mai 3 forsaken. The average price of beef and bacon? - . '1`hePaper. Abroad, at home, inrfn er Itouh In health. or nvin w1t_l;hth0t0W- ' on ' Who pouxbly can [wt The per? ~ The Sheri ndvet-Vtileu the Isle of certain . J 3- 1.- ..:.e... ..c man n! 6 `L indicative of The Show! ndvermeu me any U1 UUIIIIII land: by virtue of writ: ot in. indicative the up; and down: which are not peculiar to on place or anytime. ` T rrie was evidently ll_l0l'O noted for ETEEMEE EETEEPEIEEE! place any tune." hosting than it in place on 1:110 time the fnllowin competition: more ` .snu1ta-ma-on. ,_ I `:79 gigtp .o_f;yhg. ll eri Hg yqltgnstheu _ " 9 I E }3'Vof-2- V ".f--'-1'.-7..-g2 3410 I 'Soc9 -prize--'.:' : --'1 Ts.-.5 H % 2_1o' ,1'onn_o41i:b'M.{jrc;;.;. . 9: "Season V 1_ 5. `a" ' ' `- lug: " V 2 L"(f'a` , Jill! I 1 .~.i3:`r t 23:22. .~.,s-/ doll ii`Icl.""7 `cm-2 .1,; 1o:% . Jllluvg `- vi *econd pzo sIx'-o'1inb 'MA'*1'Eii` L " -" ". '=::_2. '4-'1` ,`.`.I`Q .aA'n.nta -nu-cn. BARBIE, COUNTYOF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 1885. - INTERESTS or BARBIE. THE COUNTY or .SIM0E AND THE DOMINION or CANADA OUR CRITERION. `J no steamer will leave Barrio ever Saturdav morning at 10 o`clock for Jackson`: oint. call- ing at Robinson s Park going and comingglvlng three and a half hours at Jackson's Point. The 00st will leave Ja.ckson s Point on the return trip at 3:30 o'clock p.m. , A. isw A 92 510 -. 1 `lo 10 nu. nuauu nus auumueu." ' 'l_`he travelling facilities of that day are set forth by J. Morrison, Stage Proprietor for the Great Northern Route between Barrie and Penetangnishane. Comfortable coaches are in attendance at Barrie every Monday and Friday on the arrival of the Steamer 1 Beaver from Holland Landing for the imme- diate convevance of passengers to Panama- guishene. Teams frpms Barrie to Penetan- gnishene 73. 6d ; luggage 2s. 6d. per cwt. nit YIt:|+.Il'|n'"|l\ID `I-In` vnn:1n 5 -'"=*{- 6 5 ulwna-rgeu qurea, 9 remammg In h9P1t81. 4- He then states that all cause for' has submded. T VIVI... L...--..II:.__ 2- _:I:;s_, ,1 .1 . 9 |5.IuaLu._7up ;u. um ; Luggage zu. on. p9!` OWE. ` The post oice ndttce show that mails from the south -arrived'on;_Tnesda.y and Sat- urday by land, on Mondays`, Fridays at noon, and on Thursdays at eight o c1ook. a.. In. by Steiamer Beaver So to di'erent places in the county in` thesame way twice or three times 3-"week. 5 ' ' - 'I'\L_L :._L__,._L"_, ,, A `F interesting part 16f s hewspsper `which tells toftbirths, marriages and deaths in_this rst ,Ba;r_rie paper . gives two births, two "marriages. and one death. Wkiln um 1...... LI... .........L...s. ..L..... :- n.- I uvvu usnluasua, uuu vuv ucuuu. While we have the greatest show in the universe this week, on the 18th of August, Mercouillier and Booth will give a. repetition of their extraordinary feats of '0 on Mondny, the 16th of August, at Mr. arks | hotel is the announcement in 1847. nun` III:-`An --1...- --........ LL- -L__I-- IIUUUI ID IILIU XIIJUIIIIIZUIIJUIIII III IO !- Whisky and wines were among the staples lof ':hongenera.l stores. ll .-.l'!--.I-.... -5 LI... ............._-:-l -L-..- .L W" 7. ._ for L *1!` annual 8811188. EH61!` .';{,I:3;s,u1sot he public general] for 51e` - ' nmkin their late excurs ona behalf of S.O.E... W ELL. Secretasiy.

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