Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1885, p. 7

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. p~ ~ -. The paragrapller in aummarxzmg. " "`*W is calla oxtgunan ; luv w.uu `mums, y pal-hug words |nnu` \ u !'n I; A;msA2,us` v EA ` `'ls'g;in-g' tb: "za:1_x_'i 1` SELL CFF B.EI,.0WGOT.: zPor`k.6:cf. pox.` lb .: Tts. ef '15., Break- fast 8ct . pe1.~1b., Roll`Bacon 9qtsL per 11'). Lenocnnms vm Carin. FUNDS LN vnaa usau mu uzuvAu4_ - wu,wu Security, Prom gPaymem, end Lxberalityin the adjustment 0 xta Losses are the prominent features of this Company. nnu ADA BOARD on nrnmau-nns: INVESTED FUNDS. - - over 830000.000 FUNDS INVESTEDIN CANADA Qnnm-in-_ P1-mum Pnvmem. Libel-alitv in seldomdnuspopnlnromedywinsnohs I strong public ooundmoouiau lI.n.n'unn3lanvx3. ilanooasoninvhloh it hos` aooanpvshoda complete restoration ot color tigoxjoua health to the -..1_ .u.. l-_--. .._..I.1.s Angus G. Hooper. E. J. Bu-bean. Louturou In uuu uuuspnu; . CANADA BOARD 0!` DIRECTORS 2 Hon. Henry Stalrnes; Chan`-nian ; Thou. Cramp. Ea'q.. Dep.-Chairman; Theodore Hat-t.hEsq.:_ NI. Innnl-nnnnn effect. at Moderate `RAIZGB Of .Ansus U. uooperaus .; us. 4. narneau. nu]. Insurances erfecte st. Moderate `Rates Premium. Dwelling, Churches and Farm Properties insured -at specially Low Rates n Q r: auxin!-In lt\G`Il|IIIl `D(\l`1`l'.`DQ nnvyvavv -~ e.r.cfsi:i7r1I, . RA: -Qnn` Hair Renewer. V " L p16.l!ko' it to: its xestor to Whitening lbcka theix original CI IIIP}UICUIVO ` color jigoplo likb it _ because It p_'reyont3 them txom gettingbald,` keeps dthdruif shy, and makes nd hair Young ladleblikeit uadredngbecauneitglvathehaksbuw um-glossy mm, to drop it1nvrhuov"erotmthoywlshj~'11|uutlitlno nvorito 01- IlI,`i.nd-ithli become beeuIs.I1tdIIIppoint:isoono.-::.- i-'-`..- 3 ' -9;` .} .; '1 ..-'larto1let'nr tiolcnor:eul6xnnnfIruIn.. mm Que lam! sum otnailmllltotaon ..n1:ama .I.1.|QPs.:;3Fc..3.3-39593,.` Dn-1-. 9.- _ ._.-.I-. , ax` v:--fmson-us1>:uu; -\ .r.:.;-.,.,"t-":3 H.` bur Soap", I * `)9 `..N0b0d _` ever knew me to take water . yelled a big man in a drunken Streetjght ' ht` 1 eothcrmg . h__ .\ . 'L 1.`--- 0...... nknorvnl : Beer .-.-N717;-1:: 7r ' 0 : a - . `.)`rn'nrh[I`.15pi i.3`JCK!N.G:HA,M $A % DYE .-uu\"l:"IlI1l'Ir Ilviiillj '~* :7`, -' -_``- --1 `l`~11 I rHAV.E'Y.O 1zI:~_;'.o c._ 5'1`. 7`: Li_ver` Com laint. Dyspepsia,'Ihd1ges,uon_,~ Bxlnousness, jaundice, eadahe, 'Di'zziness,' Pain {it z_he Back, Costiveness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, . Du. _C}msx~: s Lxvsn CURE 'will"be`{ound .a:su;e gnd . serum rexpedy. . . _ NATURE'S REMEUY; The nqualied suces of Dr. Chase's Lure: Curein Li,vet-Complain: rests` solely ilh. he__fact phat it is compounded fajom nat_qre s well nown lxvei re lators ' Mwnnmcn AND 'DKNDELlON, combined wit rminy ' other invaluable roots barks and herbs, haying` a yverful, eect qn 1he_i(id`n`eys,4StOmach. Bowe1s,a.1;d load. . ."so.LD ` ` A ` ` our m. zrndzzxzsn ie/'_ =1)r."c;sa`se':" Rea}>e" soak: ` tun`: 4'01 in `Canada alone. We want every man, n..A..u-.4 nan} 4-1-1711 01151) 1.5` troubled 11/lit)` .LI.ZJ(1 , Cal);- wamai: `mg child who is trauogea wzm 1.11167 Lam- ` ,6_Iajnt Vtva try (hf: x_cclInt `rcmtgiy. ` " " _'|ADlE3_ _ It is a well` known fact that an xhactive hver causes a dull, sallow complexion,-liver spots, pimples etc.': i Cha.s'e' Live} Cu_re'is the` only'r5x'n_edy that wifl mbst positively-cure these compiainzs. ~ `- . ; ` A . v Qnurrumn HEW- QIVEM AWAY FREE sold in `Canada a_lone. we W_!'}' MW`: wamai: and child who as troubled Lzvcr C am- AI... :. a 4.. 1. ... J`). In ) 'rrilIn:t `rlmtkfv. positivelycure these compialnxs. - V souammo.Naw.. cuvzu. Avm Fm-: . Wrapped around every bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure is a valuable Household Mcical Guid a_h_d Rqcipe` Wrapped around home 01 Ur. Lnases Lxvcr pure is a valuabl Guide` and Rcipe Book (84 gas), containing over 2oo usefi recipes-, pronounce by. medical men and dmxgggists as_ i_nvalu- able, and worgh ten times the pnce of the medxcme. _ __-....`.-.'.' n An A I, 1-4.1.1- n___u__,_| amt, auu WUL |_.u Lcu uun. In an. . ...- nonvvn T. EDMANSONV & 00.,S~oie Knts, Braird. ` . JOHN WOODS. AGENT. Banmrc. `now LOST. We have recently nnblished a. new i edition of Dr. Culver-well : Cele-T E brated Essay on the radical and er- ` ` manent cure (withontmedlcine) of er- voua Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, ` Impedjments to .Marriage. etc, resulting hfom excesses. ' A t8'P_rice'in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two posmfeetam a. r T. .~ - -.- . , The. ceeebrataq .author.. in this ,admira.ble -n-_...;v ..I-4.-In Aamnnutrntnn. from thirtv vents` me omcr lugluu The Detroit Free Press observes : ` ` Bee jswhat ales Gladstone. .W th"ght `t was ale that biered him. .. .. .,--n.1 um. nh1RrAn`i1(eDP_ {W0 'p03IllI5Ubun1 a. . .~ . . The; ceebra.taqf. a.uthor.. Easav`. clearly demonstrates. from thirty years successful practice.`1hs.t alarming. consequen- ; can mty. be; radically, ouged without, t_.he,d`a'ner- nun mm nf nmernal medlcines or the usgof the be; red ica.l1y__. cured without, r.nep,a.nzer- ,ons.-use of internal medicines use of knife; pointing` out` or mode ot- cure at` once simple. certain and e ectua.1. by megns of which every suerer. no matter what his condition `me ,_be._ may cure himself cheaply, privately an radically. . : E`This Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address the` GULVERWELL MEDICAL Co. ~_ 41 Ann BL. New. York. . i.l:'0,8t Office Bo__x ~ . This lhlnousv Brand. PUR.E..BRlla- lalAN l_' and `almost-'l`As'l`El.E8. ll u- Enuporior to` any other Norwegian Cod Liver 0|! yot:lnu-oduooVd.. . ; . "lvmnponj, 8: LONDON 8: GLOBE Ix- J suuANu1ccoMP.u'Y. . \ 1 '.-rr`j11i1-zsniins lf :J_Al;If %fM?sL.LLUwNEFf?s% * a;p.enoex;n In n-as:u\ri on alonnunvo OM;n?`r ' is: B0 COME ONE. COME ALL, ANI).GE 7` 1 - B/&RG;sIIs. ` 28 Hamlin, Allandale. Bfllllllcllun U - V SmL0n s C.u`.s_1 REMEDY-A8 positive cure for catarrh, dmtheria and canker mouth. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. - V W- 1.--- .1:-..-...... g. :=.'1`'.".* L. 1: ;.s.n%m..9'P C9994`.-*.?%*`} ~.`=`.*."I ;_ . ~,J"n {I 1 ' . _.8;.;_::.'r a~.:.-qggj}.:;1~o_.% _ . . V as. j ` .u-o....m.u~.1Anu rTp.n.hrufnun x-0 .5F!!I1:":-h'J1:..`y'*.-'t'!'.."xR'?3'!'1! -" mm - dude` nun one as Lu-dine Oils wmff pro:ee o?t. su1TuI`?"%'""?3"'iin"fz3&'n':i:' . Rea.-Secy.,T; Agent. Police Cour Montregl. _ Barrie ii/TAN Ho99_ Li H. ..s.:~': mu-. D .4 . t .. ` _ -Imported and Bottledonly by ._ ; . , Ti"7571'_'1'.'.`_:"`- .`- . ' u;u.u '; U1". Jlhmuu rxuuuuu. . J Tattooed mummies have heen discover- ed in Peru, which shows the antiquityof the dime museum. Probably the work of some old inkcuss. - ~ '4` J. L-u.|.. damn 922;; mu l|l.I I.` - nowi _sT_onn I 5 vavvgw a. w- $3: Y < 50 N?! eioute . 354 5` VUIIA-L PAPER; nmgm cumzsr to me BEST! Whit1:1e:yw s America B - by Far: iages. fainted Linen window Blinds aim Hartshnnfs spring Rollers. % EXPRF$3WF%5- """EE'-3`'.5- Baiseball-s, Clbs, (fafcllers _' f Mas-ks and'Gloves. ' ' . `LAWN 'i`ENMIs.% {:AQUs'rs AND BALLS! I 1 . 7 ` `f Cruq`1et, j 1,, 6, a11 d` _8 Balls, Very Cheap Eight Doors East 01 o (1 Stand. McCar1hY s Block, MALl|%STER.STORY & 00., . . . BAR IRON, Direct from the Manufacturies in Europe A full Stock of HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, ' % CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENWARE ' Always on hahd. Buyers will find the Prices Interesting. MGALLISTER, STORY & CO Y. where his numerous patrons will nd a larger assortment of GROGERIES enema THAN EVER A --A.`I'-- 1 BOWMAN & 0095. .* cadcikeffgv AN D GLASSWARE AT COST. {we .|lAV ET ||E umnssrstncx or cnocanlss Ann mvnsmus norm: or Ionom _ * AA ' @",R1x'1`e_ihbe1f the Place, FIVE Pomrs; Opposite Nose Hotel. .B_.-A}l Kinds of Faun -P:odu`ce ` I_"_'.-__i..._` - ..._"- __.__" V _ :`jjLn Q: G; BLA CKZVI ORE, 10:19 l399f Vles_t.f Queen s Hotel, Barrie, 1.9rG1>oU1Ds OF Guon SUGAR ........... ..~ ...... . .F 134 do ; 3 LIGHT BROWN SUGAR . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 no EXTRA DEMARABA sUGAR..;.... 114 A fdo* A _WHITE SUGAR .................. .. 134 `ad A ` s'rAND%AR1>GRA1~:ULATED SUGAR 14 A do.;. A FINE BAISINS . . . . . . . ........... .14. do A `FINE CURRANTS....; . . . . . . . . . . *~'7f~BA=RS ow GUOD LAUNDRY SOAP. . .... ..f. . . . 4534318, GE EELRGTRIG SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Has removed to more convenient and larger premises FREADATHE FOLLOWING Low muons: `-u._--\ .4. REMVED 1 SEASONABLE sumncasn N%OR'WAY IRON Vs: STEEL, V % - ` T BEST PROOF 0011. CHAIN, % ANVILS AND VISES, gvery-ne; A m`er`ican `Gilt. Papers Ilurdware ! UUHIU ULLA lllllvuuur A NASAL 1.\'JEC l`QR free with each bottle of Shiloh s Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and .M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. The most noted artiste ever heard of was old Siccortif de Courtney, who" died the other day. He actually drew his last breath when he died. From a sweet girl graduate : description of the oral part of the show : And, oh! we all had such lovely bunchesof Jack Munroe roses." L ` III` II I I l1.__._ 1 than ever, at extraordinary low_ prices. MERCHANT TAILOR, AND smouo. 4' i'i:'*':'\':"` '1-"-` (!'u:7rv uyu`. an,ager3itrn.aW.' ` V inf uh :5 E,;ix`_.r:x_`:~; :-.1 ,eu1-:;l :33 - U-"$5.": 7".`-"*3 '55" " -.?"* ,3, "J=_ ';xu'ia15,-ii`: 3:!!! u.,.i3.-; Have 1-ecTeiv_ed a Large Stock of ordinary .B.033V. A1? S9`. 940-. `Carts, &c_., ;~ : Inatogk or.Made to Order. , ,- . % 9; 4;.?*`;;I`l;QTb.e3. g g. -A1idal}"Fnt1:er`a}:Requisite Eumiahed; . ~ 1; om ' %1> gafezaztsaz W it ?*t*??a "*'= G.-`=6; DOI3M"AG E.=Mn-nger.rsti-ondw.- }cOF1`1Ns AND C'A$KE'1'S`0F ALL KINDS 1.. ...a....1. ..-C1)t_.1- ; - ` n_.1 __ vra{nse'.i; l_Hl.`~`s '.hDpLMAGE;MQnhgi-,3St-b'ua.-~ . -n-9 .EI'9t\C\`I`~-'`t\. : 1 Iv "Ir"-EL LHYAZ 11...; .7 -_-v -_._._____-V - `gang In st;gk' or}Made tof0rder. B MES -- -- -`aVr1-i`e'& Georgzowm .. R 100 ..F3o am} uuirg &'\I\I 1-00 1000 25c 25c 'L'\I\I 1-00 CA3 man it A paluulua -- ~ it 53 : well done. - - A fits are often caused by worms. 8 p,]3:;:smVV orm Powders destroy worms. we suppose they call it the `silver moon," because-there are four quarter; in .t _ I heart. write; a -8Al1 I want is a single. .91: I. -L' " H.151. - TUUUHES UF HUMOR Mm PATH[]g_ UHVB AVLLIKIIUU .I.Vl|1\Jhl. ' Wm WILL YOU cou h when Shiloh !-Cur: will give immediate re ief. Price 10 0156., 50 cta., and $1. Sold by John Woods} Barrie, ; and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ` T ` 1 , _._1L2_-L.. --nu .u. u` ;nuu.n.:u, g-..--.......--v. ` " How did you contrive to cultivate such a beautiful black eye '1" asked Brown-. " Uh 3" ruplicd Fogg, who hadvbeen prac- '.icing on roll:-r skates, I raised it from a. .1}. .Xsci_o1.IisL :s1Lys that a very strong solu- uou vf malt zxpmiedv boiling hot W111 pl'6- uervc Wmn(}_ This is important to those wl1 xwmdluilu has to be p!`0.t9ted by the ` spring gnu. - m m ' 1 n-___L.;_ n Eummarxzxnxg. > b A` painting is called - . ' "" Well 0' ""9 Work because ah I To the drug `guntain a win clerk who tends. 18 .35 8004 38 3 preacrip. 1011. e liver when -to,-pid wi 31! Nationi Ailoluse th LIP s, a good anti-bilious catlm . . 3 rue, aug ' ' l Tm-'2 li1~:v.' 1nd,. says : lives" to .\'lu by John \\K .-}l1an - A Tvxas jllduellas ned a man for oa.1l- I mg him a liar in court. Texas marks- manship is deteriorating; ` Several: yew-r8 3:40 8 judge w never have ned 31118-0 ` mp Hum .41` C an a butchefs ,__,_1 I -nv u Juugu Hug . f0!` that ounce. :ey. A s uccessfixl L zti1_\)1` Papa, what is a boomerang? W011: fohnme, when a fellow kicks out do! land nds his legs about three incheltoo short, 2ho.t s a. boomerang ; for theblow returns M to the man who gave it. D , u_ - -. V , ,_,.... II A4\1 ALIVE! IV! _ > ' Fun I)m~rm1.\- and liver complalllto Y0 have .1 pr1n_t guarantee on 8V_8'V bowl of 'Shxl0h's \ ituliz-.-r. _ It never falls [to cure. Sold by -John Woods, `Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allumlulc. Ix - - " ;uuu\|u|U| Durin,; 2: gzuno between the Bcons and the I\l-lruse-club the other _d8-V the "Y Hf zt hzxhy was heard in. the" mld of 3' lull. The umpire raised 8. laugh by Singing nut, `- Uue bawl ! ` Am: Yul? mlvir. miserable by TDdi85tin C0nst1pa_.t.im1, (lnzziness, loss of" app8til._Y_` 10W skin`: Shiluh- s Vi-talizer is a p0lt1V. cure. _Suld by John Woods. Barrie, and M- J- Hamlin, A11au1dale. . ` ` _ when a tramp seeao. woman with 8 P15 to! or 9. gun in her hands he g088 Tight glthout wmking, but let her appear 011 e scene with {a dipper of hot Water he makes tracks hke a. kangaroo. ' ' _ "fT1he matter is, that the rotten. thin`! 15 ul of moths. Mots! (10 Y0 ff) 7" iudignamly interrupted the d0I_I-191'- Mots I vat do you egspect to vind In 3 Yen-dollar overgoat ? Hummi!1i.!Pi"d'? dTh8 Rev. Sam Jones, the revivaliut. 088n t like the new word aheol. Them,` 110 I'A~;n :4. -m., I I , , ,,.Ij..9L I e.-..... u uxe me word eheol. There? 119 fire in it. Sheol, he sayl, wouldn 3 fnghten a cat. But neither will the other SW. It takes a. boot-jack or a brick td` mghten a cat ` The Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-A205`. tnbur ' 2 it is said, will shortly proceed W to become 9. suitor for the hand `I ; the Princess" Louise of Wales. Poor mae ! He will pop the Schleuvig-t Holstein question. m`l`eE&W-observe that you hive a; ne . 0 Ofeplanta here " a 'dI.' dllds Yfhe making a._ oa1l'up;>n agoung ladY- l-;`f.__{ }11V._f:iende say. she said. I . H 1- collecti while In . ~ - /M u a den aw--0b5"v thugs? :%;t|:R(:dY- n 5 y"..914 v. Hm. H. Tmnnn, of Bourbon, mm myself and wife owe our lnluls Llunsumption Cure. -Sold \ u:ds, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin,- .8111 T non. drug<=1T="` ` ' 1: fountm Wm ,__'.. Hm liver Wh seasun-uncoveringA they: shop he called a joint Lakes ibis aummering .i3 a1va3,'s ubject to L HUDIV. wsurvu I bb`-W4, %ush'I% :'rn'$'i-cg; ' tinned, ` P11 venshaw' you cann" ivoih name my favowito plant." I thililrl could, she said with an arch smile. I Pway name it, then. The thistle. As v've1l i&;_;vithou; a: without pure blgod. ;Cleanse the blood with Ayer s - V p I n n -4 - `- A phxlosophet-'says.: `I. A hsnd without a heszt is worthless," and the Boston Post man asks how about a. hand that is all spades? We have held a hand that was all spades that was more than worthless- several stacks of chips more. I ll 1, ,,,,A II II U811 12 u concern I Facts; are stubborn th"1ne`," end sufferers from c_h111s and fever generally nd their omnplamt-a very stubborn fact, unul they commence the use of Ayer s Ague Cure. That nIvn1`:nqnn Ink- I|nw"A-n -nL.'_~i uuuuluuuu V cup IIBU Ul. 11y!!!` I dll That mqdiaine endicatea the notion poi`gnf= from the pyatem, pad invariably `cures evn. the worst cases; | 13.}? '{&. rare water uimaupensqble to health, the least in mfity I_ho`nld be removed by I lter. blood in also indiefenn le; there on be no perfect [health without it. The liver lters the blood. Regulate the war with hind `lzfnv-Q ant` nnqln: 1333: `7w'{L i`J?13c1$a"$'1m%$3"m D0 WUIIJWII ~f ID V - 9 non, pathetic respondent to philosophical ideas at the Concord School of|Philosophy. The law of sex asserts itself in literature. and when women attempt what is beyond them,` as if the line of sex could be cross- all ' Anna un:$L :nnu-\|\r\:`Cv Uun`I`nA nu-xvxnnisu ` _ ` U1} 7' Jill` `fE&ULIAl""` A `or as the \ ,u'iter"of I LtI;e`a_tibe' on logic, orvas*anythi`ng 1`note~ thaws sym-' `III-I9 IIJTUKII UV?` VII? IIIUUIIIV, UICU VVVI , '" I is as likely as the man to do the best work. But you would never think 059. woman as ne gut-ho_r of'T`.` Tgho :ExcnAr-. nion.. or is this 1 n'itr~-of I. tndi.tihe" 6117 sovlaa, 1-9 as IJJCU IQIIU VI D1045 vvulu vv vovuw ed over with impunity, nature appears with a sword that moves` both, ways, and forbids women to enter the garden where they may again eat of the fruit of the tree of all intellectual effort. A Sensation. An unnaralleled sensation is being created all over Ontario by the wonderful and un- equalled manner in which neuralgia, tooth- ache, rheumatism, backache, headache, in removed by but `one application of Fluid Lightning.- Nogotfenaive, disgusting drugs need be taken for days. It is an instant oure.- Try at 25c. bottle from George Monk~ man, drnggiet, , ` ` Japanese Rsnartes. _ The Japanese are, as a people, quick at repartee ; their wit is keen and tempered, and they can often administer a perfect snuboin brief, terse form. I remember an instance of this that struck me forcibly at the time,` though I had by no means vet mastered the nineties of the language. . I was loitering in Yedcio, waiting orders, and I stepped into a` courtor examination- room where _a trial was `going on. The case was one involving the- possession and ownership ofa certain` piece of_ property` about which _two `brothers had `violently quarrelled. The holder,` `who was `clearly not the rightful owner, had assaulted and ejected his brother, and was` protesting hi,s"rig_ht to defend his claim; ` The ex,- aminers listened very patiently to -him until he closed with the words -: Even-a cur may bark at; his `own - gate, when a judge quaintlW voiced - the universal judgment. as" stating an abstract point- o!`law :` "A 'dog that has no gate bites`-at his own risk v This 'was rthe ' only judg- ment rende_red._ butit was nal. % . A Goodltor. Pure wst iliinglinpennbl to h_ dz): 1:}: asst imR1_u,-ity Ihonld my 3390:: IA.__ _._ LI`.--J 3- _I A _ _,q,1.1`v_1ngX0u_eston. _ " Queation-Isv this, life `worth lnfxng 3 Answer-It all depends upon the l1veIf!_ If_ torpid or. inactive it causes .3 dlla `W81 : languid feeling. Dr.-C5355 L 0 gives health and buoyancy. Sold by John \'K7nnA a nu -pin KIVUD uunnuu 1-.- Woods, Barrie. oo- "reaching History in the Workingmalrs . school. V Instead of beginning? at the commence- 'mentof African history, at least at the point where our knowledge begins, and gradually working forward through all the dry details, the contrary course would be pursued at the Workin2man s School. The children would be-told about Stan- ley and how he found Livingstone. This would naturally lead` to Livingtone, and to why Stanleywent in search of him. ` Then would follow `the niission that brought Livingtone to Africa ;_the Nile, `and the various conjectures regarding its source and the reason of the world's im- patience toknow it; the Niger, and the interesting story of the nding of its course, by Richard Lander, after his master had failed in a, lsimihr attempt. Egypt and the Suez. Canal would be gradually worked in,`as well as the Con- tinent of Africa and its relative position on the earth's surface. ' e 1 Slang is."ind'ee d, a. very gdbd fertilizer. It} s'rv'e`sVt.b,' give new fruitfulness to latxi guage- It givea emphosia:to Speech, and not rarely orpament .-to .la.nguage. I . In -the offer to -gch'eok-~ _t,he coprpe of-_`u!amg, there dlibuld be j1id ii0uI` care lost `in `trying to preserve the ab-(sailed beauty and purity .3 1...`mmnr. we `deprive thbtxglr of S d_o_ble the 39-guinea wuup; an... .,...,..., df languag, dqpriye_.t'hong_ht I n`o_ble geyvgnt, for yards are.` after` 511. nothing gnowthnn thwinsenai ble conduits of living- n,_-._. . -...r 4+. in innitely better to more` than tnuusenuuuu vvuuuuon .,. .. . . thought ;. am}, it id innitely bettere}: have a; great idea clearly `and compre- heastvely exptfdsed by new menu`: then djwhrf it by limiting it to the `elegant in- aptitudeof the19xorgmp};er & manuel; ` ava! ` but can hl T...EDhMI80N & 00.. Bx.a_dIord.,0 t. Dun 'Sms.-+-.I{ have been troubled or fteen years with `liver oomphgnt and bleed- ' hid `In-vhttndanoe mg. of .th.ulungs~.~ Have _ ' but medical doctor-mm :tho U. V` States and :0nnoda,2 but no: benet. Wu given up by as -pt6'u'1inbnt+daoibi`ih ' 'dwutlsst1nduoedto try some ?`;e" f"" ;i"*i`.`"`& r1`%*"` 9.. . "Q"! P`. . .,.,-,..,. ,_.L\.F\ ._ mus ` 5'51. an izreiioxsadg J3-.'.`.. ' I! "8o mend Dr. Ghana : Wkii-i:**`?r ` _..-nnn g]: iif `i1o'11u'n ibis qr; aval,` can high `t medidids "ifbn- '5lI1 9`3"4 -2929:: I -m v;g;;; aooarnein-. Z '.l.`ha_ Boat Yet. nhr-nnn..I`n.tinl'l b6f0 She gazed upon the burnished brace ' Of plump ruffed gzouae he showed with pride ; L _ ~ ' Angelic. grief was in her face ; | now nnnhl unn An 36 An..- 9'7 ..|... ..:...L..A gvqgni` uIIIIIf(\il"`UIl, BIIIEI '..llIIIlU 3 e : ; e`partnL _ go never sin Said `she, "The sin " tiiiftbf the sync. A bovis always bringing in Some string of birds eggs, white and blue, Or buttery upona. pm. ' The angle-worm in anguish dies. Impaled, the pretty trout to tease -- H11 111- -an nIn<`n-o Qua-utv 1:5-L `I3n You men are savage through and through. quoted `.`Woonde'd VI-Isre, And certain burning iirds of Blske s, And Ruskin on the fowls of `air, V And Coleridge on the water-snakes. At Emerson's Forbearance he `Benn to feel his will benumbed ; ;A Brownin s Donal _ utterly His soul surrendered and succumbed. C T1 ZVCC A storm in the country thing to see. is `worth some- and have no fear-it is grand, but not _eagfnl-not alarming around us and have never been struck. They are our lightning rods, our insulators Lightning will strike one lonely tree, but :,it.tBrely.'strikes in a grove or forest. It has struck twice in our cotton eld and ' killed the cotton, but these trees all around us scatter it and keep it from concentrat- = ing. N abor Freeman says that lightning has a liking for a wagon with one steer, for he passed on the road `day before yesterday while there was a storm on ` hand. and the lightning struck the little- one steer wagon and tore it all to `pieces, and the steer just went on with nothing but one shaft hitched to him. There was no driver, a for the steer had just been turned loose to go home byhimself. Cobe says he never did understand this thunder T and lightning business, nohow, for, L | says he, some folks say it s the lightnin that strikes, and some say it s the thunder, but he has noticed one thing, and that is when any thing is struck they. both come right smack together and it looks like it . takes lem-both to do the work. We can look out and afar , oil` and see it coming, and we can see the T lightning ash and zigzag and corruscate, 1 The trees are all 1 LI-IlllCIU\I>, UIJU |ll{UIlIlJ UTUIIU W 0653!: `_.`_Mv own. no nk for tpont with iea. f_Dot{t wmdgr fromsthe question, plea Oh, gentlest of sll gentle girls. . T *1`-cthonght, beneath the blessed sun ! He saw her lashes hung with pearls. -unnun `A ll:I1Q QZAG `|:I (II!!! ale Ulliuh Ulcxvu .... .. All well ple(LSed.-Th8 children like Dr. Low s Pleasant Worm Syrup and parents re- ioice over its virtues. A man is aVfool if he blows his own horn.-Exchange. He : a bigger fool if he blows same other fellow s. . Whenabarber seeks to make himself sociable with a customer in his chair, he is probably scraping an acqusintanoe. Sn.'Lou's Cum. will immediately relieve crcup, whooping cough and bronchitie. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ' r .L - ..-.. ,I..Z.....;. :n nhidnnn 'lG.'a". v'1I;'i .T' $2"Z.'3.',}`i.`i.'T.'nT' She umled to n hex-`point was gain . I`.-_'A...1 _....J.' 31:43. Lghu us--Linn -u-nun`: Holloway : ointpent and Plus. ` Combine `both ssni,tive and ssnetive powers in s high degree ; by the former term is understood their ability preserve` health. by the -letter their capability to restore health. : With these remedies at hand, no invalid need; be at fgult to guide himself or herself safely through the many trials to which every one is subjected during our long end. ofttimes inclement winters. Uoughs, 4-1!- _.I-._-L-A LL_...L.. , nnnnn an qnlsnnninn Il1(l`- OIFFIIIIBS Jnvwzuuuu xuuuwua. vuuun, colds. ulcerated throats, T. uinsey, whoopin% cough, can be successful y treated by we] rubbing authis. '0ix_1tmolnt upon the chest . and by3tak1ng.thc Pills. \ During` damp; foggy weather asthmatical sufferers wullfsxpenence the utmost moduibls relief from -the ilijtinction ofthe Ointment, a.nd`a11estondu'-ohuted per,- sons will save 'endleis misery adopting this treatment? .=-.":" ._ ~ . n.;.g...vI.p;o.u.?.:i?v;.. i"1`he Yaqifis; thattribe of Indians that is giving the Mexican government so much i t_rou_ble,`are not fighting for their-original right of domain,` ` but"place their claim upon a`tit1e_tr9m thje,King of ,Spain. `They do not recozmze'the Republic` of Mexico. No taxes `are ; levied `on thetn`, ~o'rif3 levied my have not bee'nfco1l_ected,'. M Theyare a ` " dy "agricultural race, living onsmall patches of fertile soil onthe Yaqui River. They `steal stock `when Ian opportunity offers, ibutl have `rarely in the last few years committed any murders. ; Cajemo, their chief,` is of fair education for` Mexi-; co, and is a stern ruler. -~He has absolute control over them. The nations combined _ numbervover over fteen thouggendv, of which at least ve thousand are adult males. Their principal arms are bows, arrows, `spears, and` a` three cornered bludgeon made of ironwood. Some` of the arrows are poisonous. They also carry a powdered stone in small sacks, used by them to throw in theeyes of their " 8eott I Emulsion of Pure` Cod Liver Oil, with Hypophosphites, very `palatable `and increases _ esh. Dr. F. H. `Clement, Brighton, 'Ills,' says : Scott's `Emulsion is the best I have ever prescribed. `It isgverv L pelatable, easily assimilated"-and `gives strength and esh to the patient. ' WW yU|l UQ uuu Vvvuwnvu n\_uy.--- -- . : W1tness---5NoA, an-."A * V" ' _ACounsel-'-You are an ` 1 Remember, ,, _ __ '__`|,_ I! uupu U y lnav-u adversaries. ' `__uuuunur.-- I-VII way -u... . ..-_,_,_,,_ `you em on oath." " ' pWitness,-'-7I am quite s`nre.- . - I ___Couu`sel-Wss she present with any ,ou.ejelse `P . `_ ` ` ` . , , ,Witne'ss--:No,'_sir. j .i-Coun's_e1-"`Did`yoi1 t'ell.her thst'night?: '::;Witn,e_sfs--No, sir. . A f`;(3ounsel-~-f`Or-at any subsequent time? i =`:W1tness--Not a word. ~- ' -~ - V ..:%.Coun'sel (getting angry)`-',N ow state to the court the-rea.son;or reasons. why you did-'not consn'lt'.w~ithyour wife regarding ` ;tlie- important. eventsmhieh occurred on `!the occasion 'xnentioned.? : V '- E '?`Witnes`s-'-Be'ea'use?I_ hsve{n t got is avmz i- A s : ~ -' - 1:- 1--. Lgwyot and Wltnoio. ! ycounael (to,'witueue)-.Wu your wife with you onihe occasion rgfgrred `to 7" `X7:l-nA|In._`_;-`Nth N70 The strike of the car drivers in Chicago leads. the Times of that city to declare that the horses regarded the contest with equineim' y. W ' ~ - ~-- ~ 7` - '-~- I-nu Rn-\Iu'_n\.'__n. nnnitive ` O .'.5.`?. ,."`."'.."'.'. 1'" glatmg. pnnf 1_n1`ufsnid ideal; Blood nttox-s..A L -A `widow: wh0.il1?8.i`;1f9!!*1%~193*.L:hf % ` mother attended : a. spiritubl rneqnoe: and L do-ired: A';.oornu.=-.m.:.i<=a.~te.`tishm-virif ioi heikhiisbnnd. .. .. :: -; T; gg" .{-:f- , _ _i `avdjon metdear mfgnma ,i_nvhpyqn:j Geo:-;ze.I1onry."lI'.`.`.`.`.`.`.' .... ~, . P;-ompt1yj\the snaps: came back; :\ :' ?Ye I.;hsvmd.I m'1:9::!sr :<.1sw.=';~;\&*? ::9?r99!fiS9 , . , I : .'I' 'L1.n`nn1InInnI` 1 1. .1: 'au.w . .. ."-`-'-I `jsi-`I Iln'ol"bl 1lE11e I'f 0090. J) xnvmuo T_._-' % ,,_._ -2) nnnn an n

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