Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 30 Jul 1885, p. 2

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---r-on A fun ljine-of `MORTGAGE. % HOUSE LEASES. SALE 03* LAND SNIPES, ETC. that cineed gray will t}i`oIJbAl_e`. he Sdmei . Guineas`tfwq'xe:r4 52.0.? ;B:i=x1:e:way.e1, __ -__- __--- we-_-ru No. aaid "Pearson, amhe rung for a ` lrandy and aeltzer; thgt peaceful haven,-L`; the Rutlnhd, being at length: attgined ,` b'nt_ I ve jun un;5leasan1z?.,`:)_1-eaentjjtnentz, how in the big rage op-~Wednead_ay. He'll knqck o1_z1`-_"`li`6r e_'5'e,ilown, or run away fr9`m" the lqt,` g_;fhel,did int. the 'Yl.' `I r :y.a.umz ;.Rnckingha::_3_.5wrox:4: tq;l1i:y_ the Ipount. 2 `* .l.:,'l.'1`.T`.1."3f.3.3if.`T;`.`f ;H' ` S}' Matmrma.:~:zait:ea;%:: Rom h.1s;1eolm&>&he:+_l`ent, gyenn -.,~om(nore3 ' 'i-7'1 7 11- `l"H"~`=-'1 [ERUM POST TO ROGERS 8: GREER S GENERAL AGENCY in the town 0; srrie, for the collection or Chattel Mort ages. ents, Debt8.etc. "We `are also prepare to undertake General Detective Business for Legal Firms. Merchants and others up moderate rates. Otce : Police Court, Bur- ne. vP.0. Box 222; ` V ' `I71: llnnnn "Think?" answered Elliston, irritably ; . ` Ithinl: that St: Marmaduke-meanszto have another shy `with "the Dancing M aster, that` though he sent hirn. back . to Riddlet',on,V he never-fguve _,up his; `con: trol of the horse, and` that all Bill Grey- son s story abouthis being in the sale list was gslnmon,` or at all ,.eyents per- mature. I shall give that old villains. ` pretty stiff corner of I_ny'_n}in_d to-mor- row. . ' I. " . . . , - .I `wonder who rides? said Pearson. ' "0n,.B1ac_l;uon, no doubts. H_e s :Bir ~Mo.rm/a`du'"s, .Iir_st jockey, and will pI'0bb1~Y-~; declare` .-three " or four pounds overweight. v_ But` he` didn't do much with th%hb_rse:_in the H.unt.0'nfr.e , ' mu; Jl"..`_':;:1-LL, _ ' J i VA RACING Rojngndn`. ` By `HAWLEY sgur, Annon or Bnnnzm LAi`di{5,f Bouwnn. io Wm," " Tm: Gnur ToN'r1Nn,' ' Ar FAcfL'r. no mo. "The Baronet nodded, and almost immediately afterward `fthe jianguid voice of Captain Firrington was heard inquiring after the Dancing Master, and he too was accommodated upon `similar terms. It was speedily apparent that the little coterie of whom Sir Mar- maduke was the guiding star were all intent npon backing this horse, and the odds nhort_ened_rapidly. Still the eld- era `continued to lay the lessening price _ They reco.lled*how these very `men had put faith in_ `the Dancing -Master "at Ascot, and how he hadp_royed;but a liroken reed `to them thin. .Hgwever,' shteenweight of money tell in the bet- ting ring just as it does: on the Stock Exchange,- and the `fbulls `upon this occasion i brought` the` Dancing. Master to ten tovone taken `freely before. they closed the operationa.. u\ITI....a. .J.. '..--_ .a_.'._L `-3 -n u|.:_ an v-w `pun v-av UIIIUQVI-IEO` `:What you :think `of al l this 1" said Pearson, as the pair st1fo1led_ h_< >I_ne to the Rqtland} _ . Bueineqel at V the rooms was in, 9, languid state when the partners reach-` edthem A. good many of the leading boo};-`makeup were there T discussing ;the avenue: the day, `bunone of the leads ing done of the racing world had as yet ... ..-. ;4um-unngnnn ' "Wan fppnp post: in` an The former _were app_arently< `no little exercised in their minds about the mysterious ap- par-ition of the .Danciug .Muter in the betting market.` `It was", now known that the'h6r`e"'had arrived, but in `whose interest he ins -running,|and ` who yaa ` to ride him,._ were matters that seemed ` .`. a...-. .I..-I- .1.-.'. ....:..'..r.='..c .1... 1.5.3. ... ."`?3'f5'azZ3 n"i`is e"?}ZZuE`; 652 -Iimge; shire ? -he said, quietly, to one .of the boldest` of the book-`making fraternity, ` `I-Tunbn {us An). G3-` Il'z.-....-.I..|... * -Iva-JVIUU VA Una`; vv\Ill'IllGl3lI IICUWIIIIIIJQ "-Twenty to. dn,, Sir` Mqrmaduk. Do you viadt it to money?" wa the re- ply. . . (`Till ;...L- :1. :_ .L,,,_ _ ., n`, -,9 ,1 . --v -. n V-ovvn Ca;n'c do `it, sit Marmaduke. 1 haven't {so much money left; to lay. Shall "I put down twenty monkeys? Ten thousand to _ve hundred ie '9. nice ; b.*~ _L: 1 -\ '"71's"u' SZfo'RS ;.:.`;`s7{; "1?a-3}nI1"u'i;'e, accompanied by Farrington `and two other of his friends, strolled in, and the: listlessness that had rather character. ized the proceedings was put aside. So far there had been a very little business doing; nothing except desultory talk had, been the outcome of the evening. But the Baronet had started the Ring too often not to make his advent a matter of interest. They` knew very well that he had experienced a most disastrous year, and that his, own stable. was under one of those periodical blights that such establishments suffer from. But Sir Marmaduke was rather catholic in his taste for speculation-, and by no means `conned his operations to back- ing his own horses. Heavy loser though he undoubtedly was on the season, yet he had enjoyed gleams of sunshine, and had made the very Ring open its eyes with the daring plunges he had made on some -of "Lord Whitby s good things. When he had laid five to one in thousands on ya colt of. that noble`- man s for the New Stakes at Ascot, the racing world marvelled ; but when he followed. it.=up by betting seven ' thou- sand to four on the winner of the Gold Cup, the old hands shook their` heads, and saidthat though in these; two _, in- stances fortune hadfavored him, yet a Nemesis would surely `overtake one who wooed the ckle goddess so rashly." , ' u'h......:...... mI'....a..;- t._ ..L.'. n-'__:L_.:.:.`._ J S. JOHNSON. BARBIE. IMPORTER OF . and Dealer in Coals of all kinds. and Georgetown, Grey and Guelph White Finiahln Lime. Cements of ellkinds. Fire. Bricks `en Plasterers Heir. Storehouse at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John street, near the depot. The bond of thlemme is better than that or any other kind. and the tlnlsh superior. nmm_(`.m-nar of John and Elizabethvatreetn. Z; `i`a`$i:"ti3"m7'&"STiif fgifi of__the no }lit_tle.. Ellis- ton was at once hail ' with pro'ers~ of odds against \ the Domains Master, ; but the refusal of botlnhimself and s1"earsnn` to` .?invest:on`:his chance eeemed once more to puzzle the : very" suspicious memhetsi of Tattersall s, "sensitive `Ever from. long exper`ienoe"to d'5-nagnite mines of thxsnature exploded_` `upon them at the last m1om'le nt."_i 'I_'rue,' h,.e'had_`.shown F himself thprbughlY' unreliable, on , _V ac- count. Q:.9mPl`.'f0!' at -l%8,. W0 Wm but he had proved himself, and ,very unexpectedly too, a great horse upon one occasion, and the brethren of the mystic circle are bound to keep such facts within their memories,` or break. r-J"`I ll take it in thotvzsanda," rejoined who Baronet. ` ' T I, 1 -. bin at 1 1 '1 'CHAPTER xuv... Cdx'r1NUED. 411'! .1 nu; 52;` i 1`m0f6' 3 (`:2 J5 t1I.I.B`6. |' ` `.` It ay ouf .own"_ fa_ult_ in great npegi sure," Said Pearson, savagely, " If you h'adn tvg'ivew Greyaon that curaedgray "qolt,___w_e ahquld"' been mastarq of `the __situ;tion._ . ` ` A ` ' ` n. `. ` -__ _ ;_- i Yea," {apnea Pearson, ,1 do. I 1y oxgoqrtain ; but 1fvith`-Gr_ey- son that he : 9. great horse when ;-9 likes, piobasbfy the'.bt':vFe ever had at Riddletom It's an: old axiorn-.-nev'er owe;-rlaok on ~ haniq1o.l s best` `form. ` I nmro {haw We Tw` . Tlidiiswi easier won. -394 ,. r:zu'I9.inb21`.. -i;i.u.b6i -qi.1ent' than-o niug_ghowqd phat he_ had 9. good eld :behind'~hi _'d1_.f_ `I wish ` _he'r1tiIy 1 th_9.'t~f he Is" . ,'<`,v o. ..j. , ,` V_-,'__'_"` |wouldn tback the horse, he aso thorough- - -_- -. .-_~-1 --- -L ,}K, ff 9 ,,5f;. `IFV `di 901119;: ? `W110: ' was "_in:.searbh{of `I101 '90 '1 .:`f?:.. .`4";f'.{,';!`,a'ur'.` 1? ?."1.n -n.-. . _, ~. `.` . .,"n.z'.`uifHx.-`rJ`x". .-. HEWSON 8; CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of Judi- cature-ot Ontario. Proctors, Notaries, Conve - anoers &c. Money to Loan. 0mces-Bo - we1l s Block, opposxte . 8; N. W. Ry. Station, Barrie. C. E. Hmwsox. A. E. H. Cnmswxcxm. V I 71`; SPR`oUi.,` BAZIZERISTER-,~S OMI:INC'I'IT0R nf thn Run!-Arne Pnnrt n0nV6VIlCQl'. &0. {Just the youn?g1b3ggar'a luck. H9 8` s-5 riding "in9d- I%f$;~**:h9 "k" g si:ip;'just_ i tune taojainzfanotlier :?.3'.a inoth 2'07 ,3 and stunadila:d_e*." hiajnc l s `iii: J'.ns t.hatjhad .r Ands_6hea by nv Master, hacking him for a little." 4111-.. ._ei'u:ie to j aihfan other 1:: ray 3 stunaQ`ilaAda*." nu: kgsowe how toH"How`: 1&3 sa ia_ P,eI14i'aon."`moo<`ii1y4=*I uke that boy's on tlfe Daning 1 shall cover my money by ..I..m.m Ah! fnnlr" snag]-ed ` `'I v_e` hon` forgottehthat; I311 your debtor, Mr, `Pearson, but 111jj;ake my ohance; I damaaygif it comes to the "worst, I shall nd friends `to `assist -me ins". W : in meetiqg}1}y`li.a}ii;itieB:4: ;_ morn- _..-- ;r' _"._`__2~':_;_':|__' Ar . - `_`1n".ehall be serry toVdi`sbb1ige. ion; Mr. Elliston, but I've brought/-him to" Newmarket, and he'll run all thefedme,` replied Gteyson, quietly. ` A plant, by Heaven !.. cried` Ellis- ton ercely. My horse, I presume,- has been sacricedftoTyours.A ` A ' n\T.`.4.L:.__ -1: ..L`. I'_._._ _:._n ,.-,,u_-,1 1nggenr.;eme.xrA...: I; ,, . A case of ,m.uhny, by Jove!. .ex . `claimed El`list.on,'.9.s4the -door closed be- fh!*3f`.F!%iW!ir` % = ` ._ 4 _-. jt.he`Dai1cing" Master beatifIg~ us? _- _:`iA-:t:i'l-vi-1;!-:;i:1id so still.; But 30 you honeatlyvthink'e` {a chance of ' `at 17.3. H ..-..1-_1`n-_-_; , . -ml ;;;".:;ar-` `_` N o, paidthe attorney, with ama- liciouar igt-"in ,- and `if the Dancing Ma'.te`r does win the Cdmbridgeshire, perhaps Mt:._Greyson will have cause to wish hevhad yielded to:w'iscr.cou-naels. I nacxmg null .101 u Iuwav. I A .-`_`You always did V funlx,. aueered Elliston ; `?but 111 don't think. `unleu the hqrse is. 1_s I guess, still ; Sir ,1'Mar~ ms.duke"s, old Greyson will send him to ` tl,1'e post after all. T 11"; , IIl\:rf\:II.'Il` > HQ -.. ..-.-v 1...` -rvu-will 5 uuusbuu .IJILlDI.Uln|o Mr. Rockinghaurie, to ride -my horse. - I don t,knuw about his being a young whelp, or a. younganything else," rejoined*Greyson, pretty sharply. I do know that he's ahoutthe best jockey of the day, and that if he gets well away, and the kind; he'll spread eagle his eld to-morrow. = n n1:.L u..-..- ----__ _~- _-_,_ _ 1' J T. SPROUL, BA1uus'1`1tt, sumuxrun; . of the Supreme Court, Conveyancer. &c. ; Money to Loan. Otces over Sanders Bros.. 1 J ewellers. Dunlop Stzeet. Barrie. ; T-`f{Vi"t-in`..I:`i1dae views we may day, I think, Pearson, _t_hat`he trains no more E... __ Ill! ne `P050 5,1001` guy ` (He .qqill, 7, rejoined Peat-don. He du-en t bring him to Newmarkot and not run'him. Now I'm to_ bed Goodnight; V" ` L ' ' TL; :'\`v`In$I! ma; I1I`\"f`IA;1 nut 11'] uooa,n1gnn.; Th nttorney was up'hiiJ out onvcho Heath betimes to sea and hear what _ was` doing,.and astonished his? pa__rtn'er on his return not a .little' with the` 'in- tlgg; in'"Ma aber. ` telligno that Jim Format was to ride , .1 f.!_ :._`.;n. T L--.) '51.`. ` u;e_pa,ucmu mygyaer. . ~`Ae l o!aat- that :-what; I heard morning; and everyb'od'y -'3 puzzled to know` v7h6 apu11ing':the trings. ` H6 v_v_ds omit this -iiiofnihzg and looked- : ~d`9' but @0159 1 '5 ed of. ~e'mbri;*.1" .:1t L119` 8_6`0~l1l"A'8:h(J`l'tt 58!. V ` ~ '*And"C'atPr?? % . Went a gcodsr. ._ng gallop ind" t to run for a` kinigdom. Greyson aays_he7neverw$sL=better.-"" 7 ` ""t--. ` Annu l`Ii1u:n 5-3;` iziine2Ecan#9.t imhf him and: Nicki . fairly kind..i Greyaolfa. comipguup to- vvan uuvssyvvu yIl\l J\l\lII ` v`77`17Iothing of tlfe `sort, sill," replied` Greyson. Yours is as_well as ever he `was in hialife. "The two have never been put together, and i"s sheer guess ` wprk on part/thatvthe gray's h nnuf, .7 v:`]&nd is that yau`nVgVwhe1p, Fofrst, {so ridethe Dancer ? gnarled Elljgton. 1\ :he.1i.kes. ........ ......... ..... _,.... .._..._ - --...... .. A. I changed mv mind. My horse happens to be very well, and I don't see why I Ashouldn t have 9. cut in for a stake worth over two thousand, re- plied Greyson, doggedly. You ve no call to complain about Caterham ; he's inst about as fit as I know how to make em. .It s not very likely the Dancer will beat you, but I warn you he can if And pray may I ask if it is, from your -inspiration :_that Sir Marmaduke and his friends `are p`1ungi_ng on the Dancer in this manner 2' - --u vx-- 1---`m - 7713;), air 3 vhoneatly don't know% what ha.s induoed' Sir Marmaduke and his friendsto back the horse-in `the vyay I hear they didlaqt _nig1i ;.;bgit_Vit was from no hint of t'nixje.'_ VH'llK `fun, I 499" .mhb1i9?.%n hi-#=:3 % . uu1u_ nu uuvuu. n_uu Iwvvvvou , " Th,`,ey'wer gtill ddwdling` `oven theinf andf the c:i_rd'of the day when the'er'.wae announced, and. at once proceeded to give due account of hit charges, all. of whom be pronounced emphatically thor01.1ghl'y t to meet their engagements, especially the-Cam- bridgeshire crack, Caterham. - Though, he add'ed`,"`they tell -me, in consequence of what took place at thexRo_)I,n s last night, that old grey of mine looks like passing him `in the betting. (`AL T can...` on nurhlhk `A 1-Iron: Aklnlu` LENNOX 8: LENNOX, BARRJSTERS, AT- totneys at-Law. Solicitors 1n Chancery. Conveyancers. 8w. 01ce&-Corner or Dlmlov and Owen Streets, Barrie. *` J. 'l`. Lmmox. lzuuomox Lmnnox. v :`And suppose I tell ydu {hat 1 `par; -ticularly wish that_ he should" Ijpt x What then T . .4!` ._I__II L- _._-,,,_, 1, 10 '11` r --as ---- -- --~ ----a- s . Oh, I want to speak to you about that, said Elliston, sharply. Has Sir Marmaduke anything to do with the horse now 2" Nothing whatever sir." "Then what the devil did you send that Satanic-tempered brute here for, after telling me you didn't intend to 3' n1 _I.-'._....`l ..... ...:_.`I `I1 ... I........ _ `F Well, `of! course, you'll see 1 Mr. .Bok;liing}iamL"`_ `A ' A , L ' " I'don t know about to speak to. You A see, =Jim-I mean Mr. Rocking- hi1u`1"--'j;(,i_d11"_t_rideM for} us as a rule, '%.h0I.ig5- I .d'<.5 heir he's tofride .th'e Dan- gcgrto morrpw.` .My word, Miss Dollie, but we ought to set the bells ringing at 'Rid,dl6..fO*1; `W3 "time-: Whv.. if `.956 ,Da n;c6r; 91:1?-`fries. 0ur..pair' oilghfto -6ni3h':'l`D$ sndufseSond...for the Uam-, :bridg'_eshire.-"W % * 1" ` ' ~ ' 51$ `L__I'_v_'|j-_I_ J `,., ,1 I~!Iv: v I 1 `I AI : 3 _ohfs_.big stake so clevqrly, to gyp __' prize` snatched from our" gtasp gby"-' ht /. preverso-tempered brute. \ I Lfcanft what has made Greyson ;oont~u`mibi5na. There's something be. hind -1` don't understand." . 1an2___, 1:: ...L n.:_1_ :1. icking, after having got on to $.09;i:;3i9<;r1l8::!!}}.t@9;~8-31 father. ` `D0nftmfongetur:-sof.the; greatest .import- 4 f`9'{3!5inm'B`lf. %~`- jAIidiM!yitl;` an` em- .29jes:% %%*9;!2.if;;i! qhickiy * gm?! t9; prspsi9..6r 1:`,i!m:h-g T ` .-.,-_,,... . l 3 ` Never mind that. You shall have `a pquud on the Dancer with ' me. He nu `straight nough wash" Mr. Rocking diam .befor'e, Joe ;' `gnd, mind, he will .sgain:to7mon"ow. Now listen to what I"ve`g`o't to~aay to you-.` If you can not see MI) Rockingham` yqtnyaelf, you must.- mslmagefo get this mpasgge sent to him: say that I wiahztoaeo him on a matter of fans ~gtateat7 impbrbanoe as man as I iposeibzeir l ' 1'1`A'l|" ! 1'. .i -- "~'s`n.-` 1- ------ ~- _ `.`fA1 1 .} 1;i!g1lb, `$9153.81 -ll' maniige it. ;apn'1ehow. % .>M.r. Buckingham willuknow whem"ybu~a r6',4 -I~ - . at `T, J yonng villain," he ' muttered, planned this pretty little _s_qheIn,e for. my d:ie_cpmt,ur,e. '_.- don't '_iIiii,ter what : the cause, .Sam,'. . he at last." If ,Gr.oyaon `won't t_aln_e orders, he must hkethe I'll take care Manta;-`_don t 8'11-G.` Listen `n_i e`jj;" .6"_ lowered his fvoioeho ;thet D_ 'e;could_no_'longe1: catch what he was saying. nv -~ ' V BI'1t "t1_)e gitil , !1gd hen1fd `quite. enough. VCl|oe'ing_ nra 'nQieIesIy behind her, .1... .....a.:.`..... .1... '...'.'....`.;. nu. . 1.... -- -- u-v a--A \rIu`\lDJJ c "Jvun, I've got mypound on Cater- zham. You see, he is a horse you can enougH. f , depend upon. 4 if you was only going ride "the Dmcexf yourself, Miss Dolli, fa`n'::y' `he `would win far A (5 'KT._.._ .__2.. _`l"AI_ , . 17 AMU-EL TENcH.\i:LLs1NKnR HOUSE | ` and Land Druiner, returns:`than'ks to the mmnn onnarnnv for their nast favors. and 6 j_.'f;3.nd which do y'ou'Hk e best, Joe 2" inquired the girloagerly. ' at man 17.... ....; __ _...__.I ._ `n . 1 InInI\n\lu Ilvnbn-V-I 3'.{h:t' Ellis :on did not think it necessary to `enlighten his partner about that little oontretemps on at Rid- dleton, though he had no doubt that _la2fp]1g` there had caused the combina- tion against him. Dollie had no doubt told. her.father. what had occurred, and Gerald had persuaded the trainer to re- pay the affront put upon his daughter zill 33530!`- . in ,I_,, 1 n_,'___ __:n.:_ 9! 1.- ` `racing began. _ . Well, miss, replied Butters-, as he leisurely rose from his seat, Mr. Rockiagham cantered up to the Heath about ten minutes ago. He said he had to see _Lo'rd _VVhitby before the - n 13.-.; - ... .._- _-:.__ -_,. -49.: -I, " D "D".-'. But you are going up with the horses, Joe '2" " Yea, mine, in about half an hour. We've~nothing in the rst. two races._ 1111'!` 1| A b '_.v' v--V _-v-._w--, .-- ------- -uv -v vu- gaged `_a's.;to..l `, ve` no opportunity for `speaking with" him the whole afternoon. .:a_`nd.,y.e`t` she felt` sure that her_ news would brook no delay in telling. At last she'beth'ought herself of the` stables where heifather s charges were` stand- ing,and made` her way thither. The first` person she encountered in the yard was Joe Butters, who, seated on an `upturned stable bucket,` was so- lacing himself with a tankard of mild ale and a little tobacco, previous to commencing his duties on the course. - ' 1. 11714-..- :_ mr_ `n__I_:_ -1. an ,- ` Where is Mr. Rockingham '3 in- quired' Dollie. I must speak with .h1m a.tonce, Joe! Do you think you i coul(3n_d him 'I _ \.,'|lo1,ngJ3uy qw ,uL,uuwuu_y I.rI'_:u1uAu u_UI, r n , ` .` _ 1 .'s'h9:`lped:db.W!`L an `F-on-2% .3; mm my 'min,:w;th;n5x i`;w~` mrryingzxhis piece 'ofinteigonce a`w .q`uickl`y1I`to her ]over ?%'w?'8h` % A -`GHVJAPTER Kw. 1-sun:-nosvru AIII lnrrtn IaA1v4\I|IlIII'n i .g- A ;GE'1'1`}lG.A;'1:THB FAV0BITE.- , ' j` 'yDo'llie' *away- from " the `Rat- rlgiad ` with 1) Cuthbert;'1Elliston`s words `ringing in her ears, i I'll take care the Dancing Master don't geta start, and she [felt certain that he would, if .possibIe,`mak_e good his word. She had :caught, but a fragment of their conver- sation, but it was quite enough to make her thoroughly understand the situa- ;tion. It was evident from Pearson's `speech that the two men hoped to win a very large stake over aterham, and equally clear that they ere afraid of the Dancing Master upsetting their plan, and -were much disconcerted by his unexpected appearance at- New- market, She knew her father was to see them that morning-indeed, had ex- pected to nd him with them. From Elliston s words she thought it was pretty clear that he not only had seen them. but had refuzed to strike the Dancing Master out of the Cambridge shire.` " If Greyson won't take orders he `must take consequences ; that sure- ly only meant that her fatherhad de- 'olined to obey his patrons on this point, and Dollie was much too conversant with turf history not to ` know that when Elliston said he would take care the horse should not start, foul play of somekind was contemplated. ' `I11 --- -11 IV,.._..I.`l7... L;...... L. L- 1.'..--..L___ --at .-n-vs - vvn-vv -vuvv V? Were all .6emld s h-olires to-be frustra- ted in this wise? N o ! Something must be done to prevent it! What `sfillainy was mediated? She must see Gerald at onoe. A He would know what was best to be done. It was clear there was no time to be lost ; but where was ehe` to nd him? She did not know ]wher_`e' he_ lodged, and it was getting time for. the day : racing to commence. Once on_ the Heath, he might be so en- ..... .....1 .. L- 1..`_~....'..- -._'_-...L__:L_ 1'-.. ma: 0!. owner Klan, unu one unusn lIl]3l'lUl' Olce-Corner of John and Eltzabethvstreetn. .\ A ,g,1.1verGure. :' , ` ` y ' Onn ingle haul of DP-.Ch`!' LN 6 m `#1 "3`:::2:;:;`o:%.:;,: .'%1ic:9q:d?cine and 'Ri35 W" ii$;Is2-r,*%:*wJ91!'*5.;V,j'.'t?.'~.i . ' seeking a Fortune in the West. h. My dear said a father_to hxs gnu :6 tor`, how iong ago was :1: that 9 ,. : Jackson went west to seek his fortlmf .-;-r v n 9) AL _ _..._I _An`Inr` a Hus. .`.`Wa8 there anything between you and George ! I sometimes thought that he was fond of you. - . _ = He was, pups, and the girl hxd her face. on the old man's shoulder. `I promised George when he went aw! -Y th I W0l}}d wsit for him for years if neces- `( Li Vhsve a letter fromhim. ` ~ . ()h'., ! ? she exclaimed. 1*-`-er--`has he-T--oh, tell me, what I v___. rm . 4 (Does he V1088 119 Mr. Greyw chartered, vey .Mrs. Greyson and Dolliotocgf ,, oneof those mysterious! .sliachle vehicles which seem a f0}i1i81'- 00 h Nfiwmarket, though course y has a family resemblance have an equine celebrity, fallen from his high est shafts. I remember seeing in 3 stmke bridge trap of this description a horse; whose parents had both taken clmic honors at Epsom ; his` sire had Won the Derby, his mother the Oaks; and similar glories had been exbecled from him- in his youth. And this, after all lwas the termination of his career ! Thn rnnina nrnunrl -- 3 I` LJIUUUJ KJUGBCD \./uux EC: ` Gerald called his back after the famous pedestrian, saying he was al- ivays. doing his 1,000 miles over the Heath after the manner of his god- father. -_ gug . - .g, . unnn I. I ,,.... home to tea as soon as her (1 i Dollie found little diiculty in 110? suading her mother to leave the course before the last race. It was the good lady's first visit to Newmarket, and `O tell the truth she was not very fa-V'0_Y` ably impressed with it. She fotld 1` dull. At York she had lots of friends and" acquaintances to chat with, which to her was half the fun of a race-met- ing. ` Then the perpetual clung of_ course bothered her, and she came to the conclusion that they managed @959 things innitely better in the North. sothat-she was quite willing to dim aughtt`- suggested `it. /'1`;-\ Rn nnn:I1I1D(1 \ UQUECVQ IVUIAII VVUIJU vv I A J ust a year, the blq.g1_1; -`I ' ,1L_'_. ""vL-"aauw uv v-y '---' -- I K, . . )1 EL ;j `9 Ha wants-$20 to get home w1th- k - -- --..-.. V.--- --cow This Vmust be seen to as soon as possible. Both Elliston and Pearson are on the course ;I have seen them. Meet me at the stables as soon as you can, 1-shall ride straight back after the next; race, as I have no mount in the concluding one. 1 have p1`-u\':'.1 It Iiule _too much for Ctrthbert once LI" twioeaiready, and I shouldn't w0Ldc1' if I do again. Good-by. Dollie, for the present. On you go, `Captain 1311`- clay, and Gerald just pressed his 11-mi: with `his knees, and the d0Cilt`bTL1E. : swung into ahand-cantor at Once, and in obedience to his master's hand Iliad ? his way `to thestarting-post for the Bretby Stakes Course. ` n-..-1.1 -,_n-.1 1_:.. 1.--}- ..n.... Hm W" '_' "'.""""""" "` `"5 Veer! Tm "WE P"V9d, 88 is often th case a.t`Newmarket on an o` day of 6 Ye.ry_ tame. description; and `Donia awaited _the advent of her lover win`: scarce-controlled impatience, The 0 fqture of the afternoon's span was when, in intervals between the m; thocambridgeshire was introduced ' m-owing desire to hunky}... n.__ 3 R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . Generu.l_Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. , Collections made in any part ot the County. Money to Loan. 01ce-Bothwell s Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, on _ . . 51-ly There were only those two in the room ;A and I feel sure they don t know I was within ea.r-shot. ----_-,.,._,_-_. . I hope so, he replied, laughing. And now, Dollie, he continued, lowering his voice, what; is it? I've notimeto lose, as I must get back to ride Grand Turk in the next race. > " There is something Wrong about the Dancing Master, Gerald. I overheard Gnthbert Elliston say that he would take care he didn t start. 1111' _ `f Ha !-who to '1" inquired Rocking- ham, eagerly. . ` To-Mr. Pearson." -' " And there was no one else present; and they don't know you overheard thee? At length Gerald cantex-ed up on, his hack,;and_.raised his hat amidst the ad. mixing stare.ot the surrounding crowd for the gentleman jockey was by this time not only well known but im. mensely popular Quickly it buzzed about that the ladies Jim Forrest was a-talking to were the wife and daughter of Bill Greyson, who owned the now rst favorite tor the Cam- bridgeshire ; for Lord Whitby`s heavy commission, on the top of the big in. vestments of Sir Marmaduke and his friends, had at length placed the Dan. cing Master at the head of the `poll, and it was by this time no secret that the gentleman jockey, as his admirers de- lightedto call him, would ride that er- ratic animal. Ten thousand pardons, Dollie dear- est; but I only got your message an hour or so ago, and am so busy I couldn't get here before. As it is, I have had to bucket my back unmerci- fully. Good~day, Mrs. Greyson ; the sport in not of much account this after- noon ; but if we get. the black and crimson home first to-morrow, it won't be a. dull week, you know, altogether." I` A -`.1 -.A.. .-.:Il ---.\-. L - .- ----v vv---v`-vv-av-u-u-ow "ix `uux Wu . 000,3 dad? "0 back V the Dancin r was evndentg and it Wag Whig pared about that 3 strong commission ' wasninjhe` market-, although not up. parpptly .*gmma1ng from the 8t,ab1e_ Elllsbon and hm partner were more puzzles} than ever at the aspct 01 gf. fcrn ; "-Tina '5}; Rockingbam u `I L-_- -__, J v.. ___v u will, won t. y T 9` L- ...._`:_,l 1.,. 1' `(" I.`o Contiuued July 30% G A. BADENHURST. BARRISTER, AT- ., torne Solicitor in Chancery Conve an- ce .-.&o. 0 co-First Door South ot'Post0 ce, 0'8 `Block; Owen Street, Barrie. 49-48 --> ' 396]` I113 I0l'huuu a glrl replied, with Dollie with and EARN & MUROHISON. BAR TERS. Solicitors, Conveyancers. 8:0. oney to Loan-. Oioe-Over D. J. Murohison's Sto . `Market Street Barrie.'s Block. Totten am. - ~ EDWARDJ. .H1unw. D. C. Muacmson. ..-._.._ OUNT, STBATHY 8: LOUNT, BABR_IS- ters, Solicuors in High Court of Jusnce} Notaries Public. Conveyaucers. Oices over the Bank of T91-onto, Barrie. - ` -u __-.__ I'\ A 1' 11 n_...._---- 1'! `ll? Tanvvlvlll .___.r.-_ _._ QARTHY. PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. uarristera, Solicitors, Notaries. 820.. Money to.Loan. Barrie, Alliston and Gravenhurst. D ALTON Mccnvmv, Q.C.. F; E. P. Pnpnmc. J A M11`. AIl'I`l-IV, . D. F. MOWATT. T. PATRIOK'S SOCIETY "..,' Ther ulsrmonthl meetings of this ociet will held on J - therstTues(fe. neaohmonth _ ' " ' at Bothweil s all. Aselected subgect will be discussed at each meeting. Next meeting Tunsnnr evening. the rm AUGUST. All memberespocisll requested tonttend. .. . 40-Iv J. A. CCARTHY. Secretsrv. . OF BARRII.--MEETlNGB.- , " ` ' A H. BENNETT, -DENTIST. . . Oioe Zimmermoafs stand, Sanders Biock. ope. new Poqt italized Am -_ f -; omoe Barrie. Ont. , tor painless ext ctlngnspecialty, ' My O H. LYON. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real'Eatate at lowest rates. `Farmers Notes Discounted. Collections made` 1n an part of the County. Real Estate bought an apld. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- mge Licenses Issued. Ofce-0ver Canadian Rank of Commerce. Dunlon street. ' 45-ly H880 mcenseu unsuuu. U.u.1uu-uvm Bank of Commerce, Dunlop street. $70,00 .12n``..%`ae`22&& e`;S?; at lowest rates or interes No principal money uired until end of the term. STBATHY 8: . IA LT. Bohoitors, &.c., Barrie. ~-_T._ '1`. BANTING. CLERK COUNTY OF SIM- oon. will be at his 011109 at -the Court no Barrio. every annular. . Residence and P.0. town, in` Bcthwelra Hall. W11! D0 [1810 011 Dlliilv ' ing of the Fourth, __ in each month at o , x t. 1:. Aft` an t 2. 1:3 5 tmgineu elrzaae wig. transacted at each \ ` - ' i an envertainmcnt ` Scottish` character N! be provided.` `Next means 1'~l`Unsn.ur Evlxluo -' gm-u -'A.!`J`GUB'l',' 1885. All mnmh... ma thahv in u M II .I|U4:: Ernannlgl Iigtumuuer Ell!:`Upl`\lVluIMX' I303` 11 . unanu v 1 unusu- xaaa . an memberuna men _luy h'1!ld3;I1' Vquatqdxonttend, ,. , \ H .,`_h ~ . " _ _ JQu,xfFoneY'rn.' `. -2 My -V ~' ~ .. '~Ro_'n1-mi-ant: AV -Ianalawga .19.` W83?` rcenuinteree N OX. 80 oitqro. Barrie. 0! .t10ll83,`l.aBnQ8. .l!'8l'.'nl awcx. nuuuuuunuw Furniture, Goods. Wares. sac. Also for the` collection of Ron Notes and Accounts. 01ce-Polioe Court. me, UNIS! .-.'.L Large EIDOUBD U1 nvuw Luuuu to lend on atrazght loans, at `fewest rates. 16 MOCARTH Y. PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. -_-.._.._..Z. J SEPH ROGERS, CONVEYAN OER._ COM- Tmisaioner in Queen's Bench, Auctzoneer, Atppraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale 0 Houses, Lands, Farm Stock. Household the nnllnntlnn nf Rants, Matt: and Accounts. BARBIE PLANLNG MILL.-GEO. "BALL, Carpenter and Builder. and Manuhcturer M Damn.-Rash- Blindl... Mouldinns. &0. Plan- .D_Cirpenter and Manuuoturer of ' ' Blind! M M1118 . & Inc 0! :11 inn" 3s,aop,e' rgm tly inc; at,1a:ao- tonfv. Factory. John a t. e. ` ' ._-_ KENNEIQY, _GA,VILLER 8: HOLLAND. - .Arohl P. L. `Surve ore. Valuators, am. ~Pluu and apeoiostlona or buildings re- d. Town and Village Lots laid out. _ea cgtretnlly located. Timber limits an A ed, 8co.b&o. 1'01-onto Omce-4 Man Buildings. Barrie lco-McCarthy's Block. Oolllngwood nlnA..T.nno n Hlnnk. __ JOHN MAOKAY. AUCTIONEEB. COMMIS- moner. Conveyanoer. Issuer Oi Marnage Licenses under the new Act. Money to Loan st Moderate Intnrest. Creemore. Ont. 61y 13811110 UIIlI30"'JN0UlIl'I:l _01oe-Long s Block. Tuna. K mnnnnnv- l'I"l'l..l!i.' 1 IIOV Montana. 11.8. U Uounmy OI auncoe. [sun Qlce at my Store. Craighurst. U .AU1'UlV 1ILU\.a'A'l't J. A. Macmwnv. ova o vvu -w- ---u Gnonom Rooms. ......_..___.__....__.__ R. `J. H. BOSANKO. DENTIST. LIQUID Gas for Extracting Teethalways on hand ; Ha bothgyleasant and safe. Oloe over Duifa imooery tote. Barrie. Ont". V ..__. OBEPB `ROGER8.- CHIEF OONSTAB County of Simcoo. Oloe-Police Court. inrl-In. 3moe-Long's'1ock_."' ' T _ Tnos. xmuxunnv. MAURICE 'lLLIR. W. J. HOLLAND. 51-1; OSEPH SWAN AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Simcoe. Terms reasonable. Ilnn At. mv Store. C1`.i2hl1l'Bt. ` 46-ly AND'81J_nVEYOB8T ' D Dunn UL Lvbvuvvg aasuuaavg ALOUNT. 63.0., H. H, Snwmv, G. W. LOUNT. [ONEY T0 LEND ON REAL ESTATE A 811 r cent. interest. LEN N OX 5; LEN- \Y n] nil-Ann RAIIIDI , W.` MOYITTIE. D. L. BURVEYOR "AN D L. Rea1.Esta.te-Agent. oauguy N,w,'r. men ndenoo solicited with rgu&t.o1nve%I.- ant: Province of Alberta. .W.T. A. . oVI'l'l`IE.' Add;-one Calgary; v1a='Benton, nnfnna `T R o1r ,- t 1 :1 to fund I [0tNnEIn 11 lna1'.|e9}?tl.l}((:::.oI.t0WYg8t rates} T1Uc'l713_nnns, ETC. - ..__..__.... MISCELLANEOUS. llANIIl'AOTUB_ESo DENTISTS`. mnancifn. Tm: QUEEN'S nowwf-`A.. w. 330 Proprietor. Exoellnt aeoomm on [ha trnvnlllno nuhllm Rum am`! In-dar all Inn. onmcun. ` LEGAL. V 1*. 4 ANDREWS so-. curry, Barrie. Meet- lugs. The re 1-month- lymeeti othia ty` x*.11n*:...*:"A::-;..rh~.....~...;. 1". la} 3'. ffhlo D. F. MoW.u'r. WM. Gums. :l%| `win. ` ASSIGNMENTS or` % . F 1 OHA.T'_1`EL MOB.TGAGE.. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE, ETC, DIVISION COU_R.T.BLANKS, I .jMA_GI'STRA_TES BLANKS, % , 1 SURROGATE ouuxu: BLANIIS, .coNsT;u3LEs* I3IAIsIKs.` B1ax'1k`Forma of any kind Vprint:e,1 to' order. ` 7 I Inn QUEEN'S l1U'1`NlAf 5o~ W- 1l3l_IvU'V ,9 .1 ft!` thetravellin public. Barsndlarder all llodhwittlh Lbest. Gogd stsblingv alt _- ve on era. u e guostaoon lo and horn all t gov doors west of ket ltmnnt nu Hlunfh uh-Ant. ` " FOR 1885, j ` : Published by the :.P_ro;p'1',ietor,' 8.. Wesley, Ba.rr_ie.= Oppioa-25` cent: at the oioo ;-or `"-` 5? "`1* P`3P`3??"3: .R?.-?iP* `l 355* % " `f"f3"'."."'i""`_L.'f4`, V".",v`\` . ,, Is the but One` Dollarf A ` in the Count? r ihfe lroelm nlnamnv 2| RENEWALS ' W" " V d1iATTjEL MORTGAGE. DISCHARGE OF _____7, -.. A_L GOUNTY OF SIMGOE, `EQUITY or REDEMPTION, STATUTORY Lmsns. FARM LEASES, AT TORONTO PRIOES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, . CHATTEL MORTGAGES, QUITE CLAIM DEEDS, , , ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE, AGREEMENTS OF , Orders can be 1815 at No. au..ree1 Bureau, nuruu. and they will be promptly attended to. 41-46. THE loktnequ nausea % +s1':m- % % |PRlNTIllG HOUSB,| BOOKS AND P'AMPHLETS,- POISTERST--l;lain and Omatp'entai`. DODGERS, _ % FLYERS, NOTE HEADINGS, LETTER HEADDINGS; MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, D v1sITiNG CARDS MEMORIAM CARDS,` PROGRAMS, ORDERS OF -DANCE, -MENU CARDS,;.unaI, HAS 'uunivAu.:u `rnoiutsgg norm Ann 'lA8TElfl.' sxgcujnnu lBuuxnNn.JunkrIIIN1'III%. cums, reupeetruny solicit an qppqrtuity: OriE}:iiY.iAP?RAIE1i`;t1iiLL POSTER. . &c. Rents Collected. Servanta Provided. Oice up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. _ JJJH I. LJHLV \.II.LUV \J JJCILUNII RECEIPTS, CHECKS, ommns, ENVELOPES. A full line at all prices. 0 JUDICIAL DISTRICT `67 fqinish esmntes for oil? kinds of wo_rk in all _the_ stjls of printing, gilch BLANK FORMS ,--or onnnln or u.I_. duhsgdie % m !*I!rnw%~nvA1t:\ TSTATELEIENTST, V ~ X BILL HEADS; % NOTE GIRCULARS, _ LETTER QIRCULARVS. f"I`1D'IVQ ;+___;.4.;_._ Alwaiys kept in stock D` and Lana uralner, returnsrtnanxa to we public general) for their past favors, and would inform t em that he is still in the busi- ness. and as prompt and obliging as ever. Orders be left at N o. 30. Peel street, Barrie. mm thaw will he nmmntlv attended to. 41-46

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