UNDERTAKEE .A.1:j Lovvest Rates, : -.-----AT -:j-T-'i - soutrn sum 5UL5P STREET, . %DQ`oB;.Tl';O%THE 9_ANTO NTEA STORE. :0 DUN LOP S'I`RE`.E'l`, -w-c c---_ foely. !tl-we family? re .quirements, goods can be made for neighbors 01.` `1 -110 T1149- A more proteble use of opera hours could hardly `be fonzbxdl _ ._-__ __ -._._- 4.--_. __.--_:- 31:13 Ad CL K"dibi4iInL ` man not 3150 . To A pAY vnth the Eclipse. ' Can manufacture all" the Hosiery, Scarfs, (Mists, Tuques, etc., required in their business, during dull season, and thus \keep their clerks employed, _ - ` ' ` `T QUALITY. TI-IE BEST. Vane` %'3'A'v'5'rI'=tI'E'I" "i'onon"5'.' BARRIE, ONT. OARPENTER AND MERCHANTS Babbit Metal and Mill Furnishings. Can ,ma.nufaoture their own yarn into Lvarious kinds of goods, and thus realize 400 `PER CENT; more on the wool they in: am name: xumuu: uncnme is one that has a. Simple `and Reliable Ribber. The Ribber Attachment of the -Eclipse differs in almost every respect from others, and is pronounced perfect by com- petent judges. THE ECLIPSE IS THE ONLY SUITABLE FOR FAlVIlIaY`USE. Belting and` Patent Lace Leather, %'ii6.`j.} pf 33? KFIPIIQI 1?: u .w -v--- -w .*%sft::*a:a::e:Ea**a`:3:::a?:1X.:;5-- 8* {bbnnn On J-V HEN DERS0N S- FARMERS Funerals furnished com- and prices always in plete. Caskefs and Cof- I ns of various designs stock`; All orders will re- ceive careful attention. E Congregational 1 Church, coLun:s'r. name. IOHN PLAXT03 V OPPOSITE THE giving tone, energy and vigor to these great MAIN apmxos or Luv--:. They are condently recommended as a never failing remedy in a 1 cases where the constitution, from whatever cause. has become impaired or weakened. The are wonderfully eiracious in all ailments inci ental to -Females of all ages, and as 0. Gen eral Family Medicine are unsurpassed. the lealding necessaries of Life. , These famous Pills pur the Blood, and act most powerfully. yet soot ngly on the | BEE`Ebi7"i3dK6 5i&"iaowe1s;% -4.. _... __- -_ _._.. ._.I -.p....._ A LL--- .__ _ Itsueearchina and hegling air; known throuchout th world. Wail tho nnnn nl Dad `Inna Dad DnAna0- 1% 11.1.. in':.] ii1I1JmLa;. ' it .&ecEu.1Iy1-IJ.S& on the neck or chest. as salt into meant; it cures Sore Throat, Diptheria. Bronchitis. Colds. and even Asthma. For Glandular Swellings. Ab- aoesses. Piles, Fistulas. Gv_C)U'.[f._ BHEUMATISM. This flouehold Medicine 'at;k;;.II}ongst 'lhmu.n fsunnnn `Pill: nun-ifv than Rlnn and cant. 9. Wands W3- =1"dE119rs: And every oi! ine. it hesnevon been known to fail. The Pill: and Ointment are Manufactured nnlv at `rub I.` only at 01 only at 533 oxronn mm, LONDON, And are sold b all Vendors of Medicines throu bout the ivilized World: with direc- tions or use in almost every langua e. 3 Purchssers should look to the hols on the Pots and Boxes. It the address is not 533 rlffild Qfnnf Tnnnn flnnv QIIA annlvlnnn one FOB! unu ISOXCS. II H18 BQQPCSB 18 110` Oxford Street. London. they are spurious. CON VE YANCER. 4`c.,/ iI88UEROl-`MARRIAGE LIOENBES innm .uNsunAIp_pgMrAnv 1 . nunncnnum ___r-__-- ,,__ ---,-_ Has the Largest Surplus of Assets nver Liabili- ties of any Fire Insurance Company in the world. T Barrio Sont.11. 1878 MONEY TO [END FANCY Goons UFUUKIIUUB BI16 WOPIQ. For the cure 0! Bad Legs. Bad Brdusts. on-xo1u'r 1'-an POST OFFICE BUILDING, BARBIE. NI-:iLu..'s ou: sumo. 2 DOORS EAST or QUEEN S HOTEL. She is prepared to do all kinds of stamp- ing and will keep 8 supply of materials for Ladies and.Chi1dren's Underclotning and Children's Apron made to order. '_ 47`46 MRS. STEPHENS A MILLION DOLLARS FARMERS: BIG STOCK OF HORSE BLANiKHE'l'_S.._ Strin%Be1ls, Broad. Loub1e and Sin le Bells rushes, Curry Combs, \\'hips. nee Pads of all kinds. Harness Oils and Varnishes.. i SINGLE &DOUBLE HARNESS Fox: Heavy Draught or_ Light (`ax-riage use, in ' a.nvMount1ng required, ALWAYS IN stocx oi: Mime 10 (mum. Cheaper than anv House in or north of To- ronto. P. J. MOORE, .H~9y,e9!!e!:.%a!tLs W11`? EDWARDS Rates Moderate, Losses Equitably and Promptly Adjusted. JAMES EDWARDS, Laura` 55 uollil Has resumed business in Fancy Goods in " 7IAncv~ Goons. Cheap Wools and Braids -aunt: A .'Kll'4'1l"R1't.. FREE M+Aj\Al ' s ."*"" ' 3`I'.'A`IRIZE IN`G- FOVRL BR_AIDING AND EMBROIDERY, Silks, Udnvasek, Patterns, C h.om'Zle, _ _ Cards; Tvass-ZS, Tahzs Draper, 4}-c. cnysm PALASE STORES {un;Lnw.u3_s_unNIMNI V mEnMAN*s wonm pownuns.` Are piehsant to take. Contain their owl! Pgative. Is a. safe, sure, and eectzul uww of worms in Children or Adult. LOUNT 84. LOUNT. Lessons given in all Branches of Painting Drawinlf. 850.. 850. To 7 on app cation ..!.*:,'2.:9~.s;.H.1:2::.?::: X332? FANCY VVORK. Xiii Ar 6 AND 64; mm cam. }6o1i'r1A;T@AiNTEn I Moore sVB1ock. Dunlop-st. Barrie. `R`R I ."-J :-up-aunts, W eat. on ollier street. Barrio. Agent at Barrie I355! --5-g.,__ ___` ` An infallible test quahty pit tha.t_ clergou; ggggcothe 61101111113 has In- Ifter pound many years been discovered I . ""8 idle all the w All we haveto do is to wk _ olished knitting needle . a dip it into 8 bile in the famil _,y work.bket` P deep vessel of milk. and W. . . . tthdraw igi. an upright position, If th. .r V _ pure :1 drop of the uid wine hglrilgk is on to th presence adhesion of a d Of Water Pmvenlf. the e needle, bump them b9 15116 I333 ` t . 109- We are indebted . to Bell s Messenger on-do _ 2 non foi-.~` thin , Simple test. and ' .' . correct as its ug:fi`::iulP:_l'8t1ong up will only prove the egg; `ng-5' it things: when We know ' them. It is worth tryillllgtmlglvi, .f\ /M \______ .Veneg,. crops of The mm. what oimook. V According to the` latest trustworthy mports, the condition of the wheat the chief 1 $urDlun:r0dcI1: tries of the we!` 9 .` 9 9' , ff:,,ica, on May 30! may be` b!:1ey_ summarized as follows: There to e Bhortageof from. 10 to 15 pet, cent.` in the wheat acerage of the United Klug- n...:.;.. on +.hin.nnrI' A hsmkwnrd `J IIUUHI V VI V55 V "."V "O Enwngwing tg this-and" a backward season and the inferior condition of the crop, it is estimated that there will be a deciency of about 8,000,000 bushels on the {good crop last _ year. In Fmnce the acreage tms year 18 stated `,0 be 10 per cent. less than that of . n_.... Ant} Hun nnntnfinn nflthn m-nn to De LU pol. UULII-In .w- _ :--- .---- v- mt year, and the condmon of the crop has given rise to numerous ~ompla1nts. Assuming the total deciency to be only 10 per cent. kon account of short- .-- Lu. umnld nmnnnf. tn fullv IU IIUL UUIIUO vu Invvvun-nu v. -;-v.. age, this would amount to fully 28,-" 000,000 bushels. In Germany, Bol- land and Belgium there have `been con-' siderable complaints, and Beerbohm estimates their aggregate deciency, as compared with last year, at 12,000,000 bushels. In Austris, Hungary, South Russia and Spain reports are not very satisfactory, and a total shortage of 12,00.'),00O bushels is assigned to these` countries. In India last year's crop was excellent, but the coming harvest is not expected to be so good. The last crops in Australia and New Zealaml were so extremely `abundant thatan increase on them cannot be expected. As the harvest in those colonies take place in December and January, itcan hardly be placed in the same category as those of countries on the northaof the equator. t` _____ .... LL- :...l'A...-and-Inn An ULIU u.U1uu-uL uuu Utiuuvvao Of course, the information on which the estimates were based on May 30, must have referred to the condition of the crops at a somewhat earlier date; and ne weather in June may change the outlook considerably; `but no inti- mation of unusually ne weather for this season in any part of the world has hitherto reached us, and in any case, it will be merely a question of the amount of the deciency--for that there must be aconsiderable deciency, as compared with last year, all agree. A Most Valuable Compost. _ The manure of fowls contains their ur_ine,asa solid excrement. It mav be recognized by its white color, and constitutes the most, valuable portion of their droppings. The ooring on boards under the henroost, should be smooth and close, with cleats around the space upon which the manure will . fall. Dry earth, sand even, mixed with land plaster, or sprinkled over after spreading with a solution -`of sul- phate of iron (copperas), should be evenly spread or scattered upon thi tloor daily, and where there are many hens, the whole should be cleaned off and renewed twice a week. The pro- portion of earth to be added, should be two-thirds, or three quarters of the I 1 1 4 1 1 i a 1 1 I entire hulk. It should be placed in a . heap under cover, on a cement, or I 'lJl`lCl{, or clay floor, where it may be - tboveled over and mixed with sweep- r mgs of the house, leathers, broken eggs, ~ dead chickens or rats, or other small animals, and such refuse generally, in` cluding old hens nests. It must be kept moist. and in case there is any d1` either of decomposition or am 130918, this must be suppressed by {sprinkling with copperas water,.scatter- mgplaster over the heap, or by` the addition of more earth. The 5085 earth for all such purposes, is good, rich, 139! soil. It shouldbe prepared in h: dry d9Y3,'by sifting upon a 1100!` Of boards in the sun, raking it over until thoroughly dry, and harrelling for use.` Hen manure, and the wastes of the poultry house preserved in ,this "33 : will in the course of alfew months e_D_0e nearly homogeneous, and at 5.1.10 temllfer for eld and lgardeh` 11.39-"T" merican Agriculturist`forr'July. 1 1 . //"'//`x1614 `; The M0" f the nlgland "wthg (90138 from New k yoats 9'90 nce Western State, mW.'th the dergay. writer was struck rmlitiea in the {` the between the two lcaolder Statevf the i118` Sa5n' I. t 6' redolen . O `t a. air at buying `me wanna; maktng lhay. mostdelightfu1frag; doors. _A5 here pleasureto be out otem lOc,1itY2_ '7 my ing tlim in the was Odor) qulte `is. was onlv 8 1}`5 We had, been " ` like that to wh1ch W9- tomed. , . reB5 for In looking W0 the I at ho'.yi!!Sv this lack of p1% d e hue all we examined the hay. and W the mm e we` vr? yea 9,1 grasses. '9 S 39-,.soe11 could nd no trace Of the `W -.1; :_-2:`.-r: ; A Sldmul Surgical Operation. V - The A.m_e ican Ambassador at Vie Mr: K-noon. ` .1fq1fbtWIId6d wLn`.d3 vem. ment an ID terestmg account of a remarkable surgical operation lately performed by Pro- 'fusor'Billro of Ylienna, which, wonderful to tell, Eonsis ' inthe removal of a portion of the human stomach, involving nearly one-third of p the organ .-and, strange to say, ?the patient recovered`--the only successful -,desd'ri-ba__`e _ , ~th.It,.has.`lii|.l`.5#ri ., operation" of the kind ever performed. The disease for which this operation was per- fortxlriedhwas `cancer of the stomach, attended. wi 4.17 e owing. symptom :-'l`he a -. gipetiteiis-_ T were is` a culiar illi- ; sin. `mstomac , afeeling _ ` j,asa|aintallgone ss`nsation";-"a cst1cky s e collects about the teeth, especially in the morning, accom- panied by an unpleasant taste. ood fails f to satisfy this peculiar-faint seuntion ; but, u tli nt at it ap , to ate the geelingm The 2" es arep::rn.ken,mt1?gved with yellow ;; the, ` deem} fest h600l'I.6;091dsIlld n1:ic'Inr-n. cold narhlilrntinn- The an`m-an ;I._-I an! -3_ I.tE1f,"ahll green has little value. In? deed, its chief merit lies in its odor} This is developed as theherbege dries, and a few spears of this grants will im- part its, fragrance t9. :1 large _ mess of hIy.;_ Thiemrass elioxild alwaynffprm-"a small part of a. mixure for needing a lewn.-Amerioa.n' Agriculturist for July. ` U.II_IVV 5, uuv,vungaun` _ , LUPU uvuvlumuyzusulu ut_1ck-g cold penpzmhop, 'J,`h_o sufferers feel't1tt(<:dallth6~t.tim1:,f t:nd aleopuclleou not seem; _ `vars: - tn fIne._ pati nt bgcon1ea%e1_'vo_t1av_*_irri1`,`|b1,v globmy, gain n,19.d.11.. . V!*.`! ;-!tl. foreboshnsi-' W1.1 |m1ng_sud only {tom 3 recumbent pooxhon than mm. inzlnall. - at '7hh{lliIhilr 'naunAtinn_ (IE C|I\L\IUIlI LIVIII C IVUHIIQUUIIU WUIWUH there is-a dizziness, `I 'vhiItl" 'a euution,t andhe-is.ob`l1iedtp Ia! .I6me ' ' rmto keep fromf ng. . weld couture. the skin dry and hot at times; the `blood be- eo . thick and stagnant, and does not- irculs l:l;0})Ot}y.` After a time the pctient -ah-` an all-Ann nglnu nnvnnman circulate :;i;>&)erly.; _spitsfup fl after eatin . sometimes in a sour and fermented 'tion, some- times sweetish .to the. taste. Oftentimes there is a palpitation of the heart. and the patient fears he may `have `heart disease. Towards the last the patient is unable to re- tain any food whatever, as the opening in the intestines becomes closed, or nearly so. Although this disease. is indeed alarming, suerers with the above named symptoms should not feel nervous, for nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of a thousand have no cancer, but simply (I spepsia, a disease -easily removed if tree in a proper man- ner. The safest and best remedy for the disease is Seigel s Gurative Syrup, vegetable preparation sold by all chemists and medi- cine vendors throughout the world, ' and by the proprietors, A. J. White (Limited), 17, Farringdon-road. London, E0. This Syrup strikes at the very foundation of the disease, and drives it, root and branch, out of the system. . Qt Mnvtrant- I-`atom-borough- CUlgUlH oyrup. I. LIOVU UCVIL Unvuwavu av: years with_dyspepeia. ; but after a few doses of the Syrup, I found relief, and after takiu two bottles of it I feel quite cured. I am Sir, yours truly, Mr. A. J. White. _ William Brent. September 8th. 1883. Dear Sir,-I find the sale of Seigel s Syrup I steadily increasine. All who have tried it speak very highly of its medicinal virtues ; one customer describes it as a Godsend to dyspeptic feople." I always recommend it with con ence. ` ` Fuithfull yours, _(Sign_ed) . incent A. Willa, L `I __u___ llI__.I--:`l l.`IlFulu.I.l. yuuns, (Signed) Vyincent . Chemist-Dentist, Merthyr Tydvil. To Mr. A. J. White. Seigel s O erating Pills are the best family physio that as ever been discovered. - They cleanse the bowels from all irritating sub- stances, and leave them ina healthy condi- tion. They cure costiveness; A. J. White, Esq. Baptist Missionary. Hensingham, Whitehaven, Oct. 16, 82. Mr. A. J. White.-Dear Su',-I was for some time aficted with iles, and was ad- vised to give Mother Seige s Syrup a trial, __1_:-|. 1' 4:: T ..... tun!!! lrmnnn n nlanlm thnf. ?w1;n 1 LmTI"1;.' K135: _1)r-ufg{'e:'i3Iie ` andE3.vs7hite Ld.,lBra.nch 0Ice,`67 St: `I __._.. GL......L `K4-\wI`DAll` D {X RE; Q 11. do YV uuu uuu, ulnuvn \ an James Street. Montreal. P. Q. now to Work the Mind cm. An exponent of the mind cure gives the rules to be followed by the metaphysician: Find the thought in unconscious mind that produced the conscious thought or condition called disease ; but that which errs is ignorant of itself or error, and you must nd it out. Always begin by allay- ing the fear in the `minds of your_ patients, assuring them mentally there is nothing to fear, for God governs all. Blot out of mind the image of disease ;- if it is cold argue down -the belief that matter can take cold ; or if grief, argue down the be- lief that sorrow can chase away j that evil is stronger than good ;` give error the rebuke it deserves from immortality, not from matter, but from spirit. Re- -member man is a shadow and God is his substance; that God is his life and in- telligence and he has no other ; then to say that humors, tubercles, inammation, pain, deformed or broken bones are in shadow, or that man dies is- too absurd to -_ _.;..4.I..... nnnhn-v " oy, or system. ' A St. Mary-Street, reterborough, I ' November 20th, 1881. Sir,-It gives me rent pleasure to inform you of the benet _ have received from Seigel a Syrup. 1 have been troubled tor mm... with Ammnnhin - but after A few dnaan UL` IIIEIGU llullb u. L last anothervcentnry." Consumption cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an East Indiamissionarv the formula ot a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and per- manent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Oatarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Aections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Oom- plaints, after havin tested ._ its -wonderful curative powers in t ousands of cases, has `felt it his duty to make it known to his suf- fering fellows. -A_ctuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will send free of charge, to all .who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or Eng- lish. with full dr.t}9e is. preparing and .using.` Sent by-- mail `by? addressin -with stain , nainin this paliler, W. A. `aims, i 149'3qwei'e,.I ick, Boo 'ester,,'N. Y. * I I ' - 45'90W'44a -tion who not "9.-ma wk Twonder. . 5. maint ' ' th" as . Whiies oracularly at`. thes,ag?l%fLg(. I or thereabouts. the - ceasqe. I; am (33, gent!ig;:.1,t:ng::: led a. very active lif . I 1; widely and read deEply;I_1:.::a_vg:g P_ the mertels 9f nature. are, science end meohan1_cs'. - I have watched pg-08,335` 1n every aha. `withemotion ``and awe ; but I have oeeeed towonder. The cessa- tter of choice,` 1. have no longer thepowe . Remarkable histories odvonturerend theories excite a. .gm,i,{ peculiar: feehng in me, but it is not won- Am-. Even the doings, the most eccentric t+._\ \ ash Iellll an an...` .. Even = ` .45:eow`-4v4# hnlifll&1-_tnP raliainnl`. nnnnnl! nunvn ma Ian. Lu uuvbv, Uunv nu. yuv uvou qunuuuzn UL nu these and the'-'-beat, L '. --Qualities of all _ the `best nfedicines in the world, `and you will find that--lHop . __RNe1.in- hguntlln `uni: new-qhn: .;.m.I:H.. mvo me to,- :wondot.`~ =I~ am:hbyond_it, m`ddon t-know whether to-be sorry -or: not. T--V-.Yon~nuyF depend upon ivthst to 3 ` mun-of 60 won- : thing of the put. ~ . Here` a neighbor looked into-the V-coffee room and said: Mr Whilec,`. your wife asked me to step down and any that the particularly wanted you to go home at once. If_- IITl_S1!I__ ._____I_ 12,. ,I, ,,, .2 LI __1J `Tu .. glue of . cold without '3 hurriedly, and as he got his head into= hu hat exclaimed: Now I wonder what the deuce she wantame for. 7l _ 1'a'{'..'"1{2Je"%`nZ `:`..7'e"`u%'i"?`.I.l'a`. 1icies and powers of dll-oono`en|n-shed in them, _..LAn hn, than will nun-n Indian nun nu- QIIII IIUWVIB UL 1IjVVIlVVIIUlCUU!L III UIIUIII, -And that they will cure when any or all of these, singly or`--oombinod. Fail ! ! 2 #11: thorough trial will give positive proof _ IIVUK \KII:Il KIIIU Clulll IIIUIIIIICUIDII-In _-uin`oe than ve been unable to be about at all. My liver `became hard like wood; my limbs were puffed `up and lled with water. T " ` Allthe beet physician: that noth- ing. eould cure me. I reeo ved totry Hop Rilzgud e T `unn: n-nu` nnvnn kntlnn - tho N` nu-e75 mm-. . ' Fivg years g broke down with kidney and liver comp ' t and rheumatism. Q'2_~_- LI. __ L---- L--- ....-I_I; L- L- -`L-..l. 535' UVIIRI UIIFU IIIUQ I. IXUIVUIL 1! II, Ll-Vt! Bitters; I have used seven bottles; the hardness hue all ione from my liver, the swelling from my `mini, and it has Worked 0 Miracle in my case; otherwise .I would have been new in my grave. J. W. Menu, Bu1mo,oct. 1, 1881. V Povertysnd snerlng. A Pthg "I was 3?}; `Sit, povert and suffering or ears, caused by a mic family and large bil for dootoriug. V I was completely discouraged, until one year 0, by the advice of my pastor, I com- men using Hop Bitters. and in one month _we were all well, and none of us have seen a sick day since, and I went to say to all poor men, you can keep your fsmilies well a year with Hop Bitters for less than one doctor's visit will cost. I know it. A `lYnw.-.,-. `T1111 A `r ;Tgke the Kidneys and_Liver '.I'a.koAu1nAl1. "M5413. EN one genuine without a bunch of green Hope on the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with Hop" or Hops in their `name , Eow We're Missed. The late Go'1. Freeman Norvell had some well-dened ideas on the subject of the Essentiality of the Individual in the Universal Scheme, and he was used to illustrate them in this way : . I 66 Wham` I and g mllnnt vmmo Lieuten- 1 Way : 7 ` ~ When" I was a gallant young Lieuten- ant of Marines, stationed in -Washington, I was pretty numerous in society. Wasn't a ball, a reception or a swell blow out of any sort that (according to my notion then) could get on or 0 off without me. ` In fact I had become an my own mind) an indispensable unit in the social `problem of the capital. One day I got orders to o to sea.. That was a terrible blow to ashington society, but it was my duty and nan:-ima if. T ((1 hv La; ......-inn ILIIU VV&8IllIlgBOIl BUUlUlay, uuu to war: In `to sacrice it, and sacrifice it I did bi ' oing on board my ship and sailing away. me, I was at a loss to guess how the town could survive my absence, but I` con- soled society by a. promise to return as soon as possible. . as \xr..n T um. .1-.-uni. H-n-an vnm-n ! Vnn soon as possuue. Well, I was absent three years ! You can't estimate the `gross measurement of my grief for the people of Washington, but it was my intention to assuage the general woe by a course of gracious and benign patronage on my return. That, of course, made me feel a little less like a criminal than when I went away, and I looked forward to the day when I should again set foot in Washington with great eagerness. Scenes of romantic and dramatic interest crowded on my imagina- tion as I thought of meeting the old set one by one, and tears of exulation actually lled my eyes at the moment I caught sight of the Capitol. * . u 1.. Am. Hmn wn reached town. Be- elgnv 01 M18 vupuuua. In due t1me we reached town. Be- fore I had walked a square I met adear old friend who waved his hand at me and exclaimed : V . 1: 1 r1 , ,4. J _ KT;...o.-J1 I nnnvi nu} nf -f-`-Ta.k'e:a1'l.-Brain and N e1:rP:f :;cu;. '1 4 . . _1-evives. :-Ta._ke all the Great; health _reator,e1-3, n`u-(:5 `Cuba I51` `I11: Ran` nu`-1:53am A` f-'1.'8_KG Ill W16 U'l'6BU_ neauin _l'88FOl',1'3, In short, `take all the beat qualities of gll `JIAQA ant` ' Lam`- `How `do, Norvell ! Been out of town? Havexft seen you in three weeks z know of. ` tmgusuuu. --Takezall the Blood puriers-. . -Take all the Dylpepaia dud Indigestion L` - . cures, -Toke all the Ague,~Feve1-,' and biliona InAn;nn` The Cholera. Possibly the cholera may not reach our lo- cality this season. Nevertheless, weshould take every precaution against it. Dr. Fow- ler s Extract of Wild Strawberry is a sure cure for cholera morbus, colic, cramp, diar- rhoea and dysentery. The True Reux1ous.Amblt1on.` The boundary line of all true ambition lies where you can do your duty best. We must be. what we are worth, and the wo- man` of Shunem appreciated that and answered :- I dwell among mine own people. Her rst thought was the best. She had a mission. She` was right in her conclusion. . The real centre of the world is the midday room of our lives. We come home to live. We may roam over mountain and- sea, but there is joly when we get hack. Move out of the ouse if too small; but `always `take homewith you. As we "should love -our own homes on earth, so we should make for ourselves a home in heaven.; ..'1`he house. of our re- ligious lives should always be kept safe and strong. ` The eternal home is beyond. 7' .. . Aldvlnxoueston.` . | Ques_tion-V-Is this life worth living? Answe`r--`-It till depends upon the liver! If torpid orgingotive it causes a. dull, tough, languzd feeling. . `Dr; AOha.se s . Liver Cure gives health "and buoyancy. Sold by John Woods;Bmi.e::: ' ; _ u... _:-. ` . , - ~_ .ween't Leaded; . = Great guns ! ' If you g1on `R91? .`. m fresh jokes I ll discharge you !' exclalmd u... ..-.nm-gin. mnnnoinn` editor. ' ii$";.? `{.Ta""-' ' A, . "5, 'mI.nasms 9. `tor- ``.I [11 Jack`. desperately, threatened the phunny men, ' . . . "`Ytn1 1l be red before you` do ! A " ~ "I5 You re me that will bust me, V `pleaded the Dhunny man. ~ ' 9 th:;; t 7`? "_'it something hang; up, hot. I l1 hiya Aitogo? out ;a;'nd'3get loaded l -- Prlnte.d La? and Mullins at '1`. W. Gray is Cofs. - 'W LU. -A Wonxmumw. her. but _ Tqgao KNITTING MACHINE co., H.P.SANDERS, Merchant Tailor, BARRAUD Bnos.. % Q P HOTOGRAPH-ERS ! BOTI-I'W'ELL S BLOCK, `BARBIE, Beg to announce that having made arrangements to import their stock direct are enabled thereby to offer T `GABINETS AT FROM $3 PER noz.. I % cums AT szpan nozaun FIRST PRIZE AT BARVRIE,J 1881, 1882` 1883. STEAM FITTINGS, BRASS AND IRON,` Rubber, Hemp and Asbestos Packing,` Sand Blast, Mill>Saw Files, ' ` 2 ' !0:-""--""""" ' ' '- LLL THE HOST APPROVED IAKE3. ~zTHE.LA_TEST AND BEST FURNISHINGS - L % AT` xMANU~FAOTURER'S -`PRICES. A I ' % ., 2 ` ~ JOHNPLAXTON as in ;;;>:t 36:13:; .;_|nd Check Va JOSEPH LEHGHTON, NEXT IfI.AxroAIi's cstennnm: sunmas 5.... ......z. ..o 1...... pm. mp Steam. Water and Gas. Globg Valves. Al 1 0. anon nouns. xild V 13 ; E _in E be