Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Jul 1885, p. 2

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Dvvvn Inn: any can vuv sauuvnus uvluu ' `Neither Gerald - not: Miss Greysozr made the slightest `allusion to " his novitiate, It was not that he cared -much about its being `known. `It was all past and gone now, but he thought it would pain his mother` and sister. to learn that `he had passed somelittle time as a stable-boy? At present they `I never_ques_tioned but what he `had requested as a particular favor to_rid_e_ in the Two Thousand Guineasin oonse-l quence of his prowess with the . York- and Ainstey, and `then, at Dollie ; sug- gestion, had`; adopted it , -as, a` profession. a `After a"short talk, with Gegald, .Mxs. Rockirigham, who has been agreeably .-e surprised-w `at the" future daughter.-_i,ngl`i;.w',_"<:' improve her acquaintance" with:` Dollie, "and: thereby occasions alchsnge of PHYS!` ners. v ' 1 an --.--.-. .. _.. -_ her | l nova luv Wen N'el1,' said . Gegala, as jhia sister took a chai`1"l5e:aide_3,hii_x1,A_"fI4. hopigii you will get on` with my wife. ` ' I ...f, :11 n.:_1_ _- n __-_._I2_..`I -mn__ ,. .1 - i:' "'7iS,'M"2"IiK$?nLZ}}:, 9"c:i3' the girl, as her eyes sparkled and her cheeks ushed with triumph, he won the Two Thousand on "the wickedest colt we ever had at `Rildletoh._ _ _ _ _ T -.;;IvI"'ef':;.`l~v;;\5;';:"cOuld,.41169,? replied Ellen, and I am told t.h_a.t,_you are as- good as he in the hunting e1d.~ KT.-.LL.... f`1......`I.J ..-....' `l.I:__ r"1_-__._._. _ 'The'torminati,on of `this last remark recalled Ellen from her dream-land just as she was about ipdignantly to protest against Mr. Thorndyke being called hot-tempered. ' ` ~ ``Don t worry -yourself `about it` be: forehnd, mamma. We are bound to l accept this. girl for Gerald's sake, .if_ he inits on marrying her. _ In the mean- time, remember, 1 have seen Miss Grey- son, and can assure you` she is: quite pnesentable, and rather-`pretzty. Some people, I dareaay; would admire her a good deal." ' A, ' ` 'l'_l___ rhi _. 3: - L John .31-ndyke was right : if-Ellen loved him there. was likely to. be very little differing between them. ` The suddenness with whichhshe had changed aides, and adopted his view with regard -to Gerald's marriage, promised well for -; the answer she should give him tomor- """""' " ""."' "I"" `I ""."" """" """ ' I want you to let _. by-genes be by- genes. You must forgive me if, in- the rst instance, I did not like the idea. of having You for` a sister-in-law. You must make allowances for the bitter- ness of having lost our old home, the home of our race for the last two hun- ' dred years and more. x You must re- member that the Rookinghams of Gran- ley were wont in their pride to think themselves mates for any in the land, and that a woman's first `idea would be that Gerald should restore the fortunes of his house by marriage ; and lastly, bear in _mind, no sister ever thought any one good enough for an only brother. as . `nu- -- V-v-vs. -av--van- Of course you didn't like it, she` replied,.sh31v ; ` I always told him you `wouldn't. But; then, you see, I love him. Y es, and you must recollect,` Dollie -I may call you so, may 1 not l--that I did_ not` know in those days all youl had done for him. It was you put him invthe way of earning his own liying- not quite the one we should have chosen,` perhaps; but he is such a suc- cess, no Yorkshire girl who belonged to `him could help being proud of him. V... 153.... 'D....L:._...|....._ 1) _-.:_.1 LL- ....5..,..........,. . ` ` ~ . _ _ Yes, it will behvery awkward, re- joined Mrs. Rockingham. ..`He is so masterful and hot,-tempered, and yet if we don:t like her `it's absurd" to pretend we do." ` ' " LIIJJV AVJAUAA 1 . A UUIIUAV E41313, UUJV.|.llL1' J sioger, Conveyancer, Issuer 01., Marriggg Licenses nude!` the new Act. `Mona toL0an I at Mod rate Interest. Oreemope, OJ, 61y ` | -c~'!':.- A1\l'-this said in Ellen's most winning tones was quite enough to break down the `reserve in whlch Dollie had en- trenched herself. i ' ~1_-ops .o_LD. DAOER .- :. 3 i rrlie two ladies in" St. Leonsi:d s;' time might: Mrs. Roo'kidghm`was ab- sorbed in the idea of receiving the bride of her son's - election to-morrow _t_n_9m- ing,` while EIl`ep`,7 it need scarcely be said, with a. lover of her __own to say yes or may. to, couldhardly. be e_xpeo}'.- ed ts keep, a tirbpesed sister in law in mm . L * - P1806, .were.;'s"_ ..1it.tle_ "std cxfoss-_pu_rpOses `Tic win he 9. terri_5le thing if we don't like her, mnmured Mrs. Rock hamfat length. A . . I ' ' ` 4.1 _-...I-_ _1_-L n-__1.:" __.:n ..__- ;- "1 wonder what Gerald will- say` to it," responded Ellen, A who i! had `just awoke tovghe fact5"that'_he_r `brother was heed of the tamily,; and that it bel_1oo'red her to aoquaintfhim b.t'once with: her engagement. ' ` n\7.... 2.. _:'n I..- '_`..___" __1______.1 is _. '331I""r3-a- , . . pl`, .. _._.-v7_-.`. ,. VIN," Tm; Gnmi` Tom Ar FAULT," no mo. mm, g[` f `? Yes` ;` . `he'll . nevt; -" chance, and it's hopeless to train '_ He's beet: a.~go'od- horse imgigij ':g_ e5;,11';9~i`vI,:1'f."':-}i', , 55;; 1;; golf 1.?:h::;; ; -away f1jom.Rxddleton.. ) But-7what_wi11u 1 you do, Mr`. Rockingham 2 Will you; walk through the-`stables int,` and then: ' J1av.'som9 lunch, 62' wifl` you have some. ithiugto gahat (meg! 2" * V ` ' _' ``Tbauk, G-reysoni ` I7am -very- much::" presse,d.forme, ho jifpydu will lei me " ` I7l_Lhave something; to ;',..,,. '%a'hd' roan I .llr'-I'..nW'-vnn 4.4-. +1.... ..-_.-. .:___ . Ontario. R R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . Genera.1_Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collecnons made in any part. of the County. Mopey to Loa_.n. 01ce_-Bothwell s Block, opposlte the Raalway Stanon, gain-lrie, - y ; .|`_L1uuv_v uwuvt-mug no .04 -nrsp,- and I ` ;can tulk_';t'o 7 you at `the same time. Dollie "tolls iha you: have got the Danoor` `Mack upon your hixnds. T` ` ' . ' ` 2` "Yes ; Sir Marmgdukp `got such 9. sickener Vovr'16"-Hunt` Qlub` V that he j _sent._ `the; _hq1"ae ,bak` the following` eck, replied the;-trainer,` sententioua-.u. , f1y._cI .`vIt_wa.a.enough to make him; but ! you rode:iinft_=h9 rat1;e,Asi`r; andr know all ;mot::,+':ru,* _ ' A :.1r;~_ __;1~ 1` J"V`I- >' - - t` Yes, and I did? thiukvit; 5.8 5 to. be- ;}his d7- } `f I . thought B1.- * hadisfli SW4 Wheh th;?Dance: ` idenlv. ,.,8h.=% up. without `guys; Gerald was a _1ittl`e.non-pl`t`1ssed'ori| arriving et. the Moor Farm with his re-_ -hception. The trainer seemed `very pleased to see hm); but we'1o_om'ed- him hat in hand, and as _``Mr. Rbckihgham. (1 1T..___ __1_ J 2,, onlni `nova-as-J now no ww-v.___ ,F`Ah,s j'o11 ve_ learne,d at last` Vtlist, the world can go on without-Rockinghams. Yes, it : a and thipglgo sayfinftheey days of . high ed'ucg;ti9`n,', bug I. `owe my, present cbmfoitabl poaitiozi and income not t.o Ha.1-row `a"n_d..`-(}ambridge`,- bat` to the accident of being: of small stature, and to the teaghiiig of:6ld=We'S1?9l?h; the, gtud-groom at Crgnley. By.-the-way, I `suppose: you know}the- old place .is; to be sojld in _Sepf.ember_ T I `aakediror `a_re`w `hogisjg }'.1_1_y_1k me: my 1'1is'w.i_t'. anti this;`mqm1Ig I . "~g;navu'nJIlI_vvuI!I.3 W vvu JV`-_--."'< you go, said Miss Rockingham, speak~ ing slowly. Yesterday, after you left. Mr. Thorndy-k_e asked me ;to'; m3.1`1`Y ' ='w r6tet2o. gay I vVo'uld; ` ~ u A.._1~._.'._ ...... ;.......n'6n ma nn.}1And ` i I . Good-by, dearest,"v he said, as the itrain glided into the station. V You will see me again ina. few weeks, `for 1 1 mean to gratify your curiosity and ride. i at York this time. ' l Mind "you do, and win. replied l Dollie with a bright little, nod of adieu. Give father and mother my love, and don t forget to write. . V L - 0 - . " ' ""--'-D-----I , VGTY glad indetd. to see you, air. The late Squire - was` a liberal master ,to 23109.4 -Tonetime,` and it was not`alto- cu... 1'..`.-h. LL.LL'1_.. L_`-1"i -. s l . You Wili be up here; "for `the racesi % this time, I suppose?" said Ellen, in~ quiringly. p ' ` ` 1, LI _ _,,2_,L_1_- 1- ,1 Gerald was rather silent on his way to the station. He was turning over in his mind two` rather. impartant sug- gestions that had been.-`made to him during? his present ying visit to_ York. _ Oiie was that of Mr. Writson, namely, that he should endeavor to get Lord. Whitby to exercise some pressure on Cuthbert `Elliston with regard to those promissory notes. That -the consensus ~ of public opinion was more- likely ' to bring a man situated like Elliston to terms than legal measures the old law-' yer knew well, to say nothing of there being no legal matters possible in this `case, ` Gerald knew he could depend ` upon Writson s opinion, and though j his distaste for invoking foreign aid in ? his family affairs was such that had it ` only concerned aimself he would have undoubtedly letthe whole matter go, still he recognized that it behooved him _to recover as much of the money as he could for his mother and sister. Secondlv, there was Dol1ie s idea that a. big race might be got out of the Dancer, and it was to sound, Bill Greyson on that point that he `was now going to Riddleton. * EWSON 8: CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, : Solicitors of the Supreme Court. of Judi- cature of Ontario, Proctors, Notaries, Convey- ancers, &:c. Money to Low}. Otces--Both- weI1`e Block, opposite N. 8; .\. W. Ry. Station, Barrie. r`. 14` Y-In-uvcnv A F `H (`.nwcxv1ntzv v f f iNQ5 y_v9_1_1_;we"fa.i1e(_l co: nd a`. put- jchase}. forit. .To be disposed of by public auction is itsfate now." ' ` `I -no T3Ys.' I uiade the mistake last year of being ashamed of my trade, I shall not fall into it again. AS luck would. have it, no harm was alone; but it is much too rlsky an experiment to repeat. Besides, my Incognito is at an end. Nonsence, Nell ; one might as well he a jockey as a cab proprietor, and two or -three of the nobility are in thahline. But it's time'I was. going. Good-by ; good-by, mother You'll ,come to the station and see me off, Dollie? W!'0E8`liU. any .I. vvuuur. And `now you comefto me Vashead * of -the family, Nell, to ask my consent," exclaimed Genild, laugliihg, My dar istyerg you "hpgve my " he9.rtiesl;3oongrat_u- 1ati.6ns. T-holrndsko seems. from . the Iittle I have aen of `him, a. `right sort; and,- at ll `events; `he won tT.be_ ashamed` of _hia brbthei-in-law,` Jim Forrest... - ` . . rurwuu. V V > , . Ah, Gerald,.. replied Ellen. as _ahe yielded bothher hands to bretherly clasp,'you` must rpeke allowances for gny old-fa.ahioned..ptej A. If oi/etceiiie in 8diiie.meae1ire the creed in which I3 was Ibroi1ght eiip, - -it is due"6o Mr. Thorndyke '3 feachizig. ";iL_L LL- . , }JTo of codrse I `knew. it/must be, but had not heardwhengit was to take place. It `tea-'lly~ makes no difference. 3 a wrench. A Yoiz-~h$;.v'e no idea, I sup- ? poso, -who will buy it ? ~ v and yet somehow, Ger.ld,"it will seem I i n Yes ; and, Gerald .dear, I'll own to very mixed feelings about it. I am half proud, half ashamed, and mamma. is much the same-_ proud of your skill in the saddle, but a` little sore that a. Rockingham should be riding for hire. `_ -..3..,a...y {yaavnuvu 1e`n%`thV6,_7])`a.ncr sud- ' without rhyme: ,or 1 .UL 518 P51` CURL : ll.lL|'7l'Ul NOX. Sohcitqrs, Barrie. zhiuk es .goixL1'g_': _tlipn_`g 't3*'Blackton A h '+,|-...`s' "hA.. -.".-.. -, -I i set . better A... 4.--:-- V V-. r--,{.*. tram hlm. ;m.e:;,; I __-----vs , W611, Greyson, thanks` very much. -` The nags, take ei_n all round, look wond_e1full_y,welI ;an'd 1`iow. I must he % io`. I hhall` hardly lcateh the,` train as * . to _ V ' ., Z ' I I ' - 1 `y, _y. W1; 9i!`- My trap s |.- ~u-1 `&!4id. y`qu v' `a good. ve ` o 1 " G005 by. .L1Cind~rega.rda to Mrs. ?:.?.Z'.:s.f;`,$`**:.*:v"!:1'%;=9~,z .am so V . I ""' "'-J V have missed her, leape'_d -ititq the dog-to feasily wound -upkfor either Cesarewitch 1 pr` Cambridgehire, if any one vents to awith is view to those handi- zfcepe ;::.hut~as myhotse he'll start for |neithe1". _' -- `A " - - 1. pro - A- urvyls 'nUUlCl qvjcu Wubn 1 gen DHQIB." V . G-eraldtook the hint, and asked no further` questions. He strolled care- lessly through the stables, and honestly complimented the trainer upon the `blooming condition of more than one of his charges. As they walked back to che house he said, careless] , I sup- `poee you'll keepthe Dancer in strong l;" fk.l. -- ' ' ` E '%Fea E. er;TE."" " _ A "A gth very first opport11V`1:i_,t;ya -,"ifi.-`Iv \ wtothatl shall entf `hi!!! for thejtwo big back end handi- -.--;p._-,_ 1_:.. -_I.:I..:a.:..... -5 A.......+ He's always well, returned Grey son ; never been sick not sorry yet. I wish some of the others had his consti tution. Now here's Uaterham," be ex- claimed, as he threw open the door of an adjoining box, `i` a clipper, but as delicate a horse -as I ever trained. VVe cm1dn't make anything of him list autumn '; but he's wonderfully well now, and should do your cousin, Mr. Elliston, a rare turn whenever his time comes. - _ ' O H. LYON , PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN . on Real Estate atlowegt rates. Farmers Notes Discounted Collectnons made in ans part of the Count_y, _Real Estate bought an sold. Cpnveyancmg 1n all us branches. Mar.- riage Llcensee. Issued. Olce-Over Canadian Bank of Commerce, Dunlop street. 45-ly "','V_-V?`hic,h Vwill be about October,Ir suppose ?"Vsaid Gerald. ~ _`I can t say, sir: Mr Elliston is not 96mm unicativ, nor are his ordei's_ `upon secrets eyfen when I get. :.h9m. ~ (la!-alt] inn]: 4-}... 'I..:...; .....1 Li s 2`;', s;`" 2.EZ` ,"i.E; eibIiBE `IE Xc'o'e !"_he`iilgvg_!.g,'f:a .t0, thrown in, and he may a_g;qj1:9_gaebody s fancy who want. to go I _ L2- _A._L- --:5-`nnnc c-rnuncv viink gb '0ubIJg.lA_n_pw:g:\_uVuuyg a sunny; yv_&.Iv n...... .. D- !'fb'i~'st bi stake without very hiuch risk. % ;A s'I sa d bfore, he's been a good horse `to me," but I don't trust him again. 7:`-`And so has the owner and trainer," | a_.i(l_ Greyson, laughing. Would you liik to see bun, Sir 7 Curious- s big ;-istske without very i much risk. W gthis not the very chance Gerald ,as-`seeking, and two I very good'judge;_hnd foreseen that the \ Dancing Master was a. possible medium j through which that desirable consum- mation mightzbe achieved, Sir _Mar- maduke, in the first instance, had hit i 013' what Gerald lgegsn to believe was i1ie*n69aT5*r(9!inb1L}l=I9ti9=$ rhei he had h _ ig`vi v_iew' to `win- uingith tie ;* `wit; that the Dan- cing Master would run honest in Ger- a.ld`s hands and no one e1se s. Now Gieison saw a great opportunity in -21.`. .... LL- IV.`-.._n-.3541. A- nnnn`\u;An_ There are worse speculations about than that, he said at length, 9`. and it. won t, signify. lh10Vieve'fe light the weight 5 they put: nponhim.` He has got such h a name-as a bad tempered coward, that 1 nothing. _but an enormous Outlay 'of money will ever make him a strong iVfav1_ori te. The public have lust faith in ` him. ' ' \ vvuvn Jvvnav ,. , As Greyson opened the door of his box the Dancing Master turned his head, cast a. sinister glance at the new comers as though recommending them ` to keep themselves to themselves as far ` as he was concerned, and then resumed 2 some apparently elaborate researches 3 in his manger. The horse certainly 1 took no notice of Gerald, but no sooner I did ithear his whisper of Poor old Dancer ! than it turned its head sharp- % ly_w1th a. short grunt of -satisfaction, and unmistakably gazed wistfully to- ward the corner from which the voice had come. _.-`. vv-_v- Go up to him, sir ; only be careful, said the trainer. ---.-.. wu- Gerald walked boldly_ up to the horse's head, once more whispering` Poor old Dancer ! as he did _so. The gray laid back his ears viciously as he approached, but upon hearing his voice ` the econd time apparently changed his mind, and rubbed his black muzzle against his .visitor s waistcoat when he i reached his shoulder. IN OUR HANDS FOR 1NVES_T- , ment on good freehold securlty at lowest rates of interest. N o principal money v-onnh-ad until And nf the tprm, Q'l"H A'l`HV & _ .VVe1l_, osir, said Vnhe trainer! 4 no httle aton1shed,_ I nevexsaw h1m do that before to any one. Did he ever F to you when you looked after him ? co Yes, but only now and then. Still, he always seemed to take notice when I talked to him ; though, added !Gera1d, laughing, he didn t take ;much heed of what I ` said. He looks % i \ we_ll.: Vol.5 U DUI-D wt: 7' u either the .Cet;re_;i_tch o1"TCambridge- shire ; but,` stra'nge' tobey, that it was essential Gerald should ride did _not seem to have occurred to theastute -trainer. _- But the idea` `was rapidly spreading through Gerald's mind that this might really be so, and that in his hands the horse might . once more do this best, and c'a?ri'y~ 3`i-another big race. , " I'll pound it he will. They ve won-` derful -memories, have horses, and strongish likes and dislikes I'd a line from Pipes, continued the trainer, as he_ led the way toward the stables to the left of the house, when he "sent * J 1 l x the Dancer back. ` Put up who you , like on him, he wrote, `but never! Blackton ; the horse can t hear him! and has tried to savage him more than \ once. If Sir Marmaduke would give] him another chance, I should advise an- other jockey. l- `"1 ----- - 4-.---.1 Ll... Jan- .1` L1. I "-"SiIZz-1 by All means. I wonder whether he ll remember me '1" faiI1"iier1af`;'s 12".; nanni- i:*?:'-%;%f-:"` had _ln5< t?` himself --The -ADVANCE is the medium in the County. J `man forget this. Hamilton Happenln85- There is now being mannfaotuljd f any article for instantly removing P8111 511 _ the acute external nature, and it 15 _cer158 diche most perfect cure for n.e1`81" he been `toothache, and the like that 119:5 f" ;n the tried.` It is called Llhtnm .'man.,. rapid manner in` which it acts. an 1; 01 d in factnred byVMcG1-egor & Parke; t Barrie,` by Geo. Monkman, D1082 - I __1. _JunrHRin2 here 011` V I `J, V V V Lusiuu vu avvu Lsvvuufu Dvvusnug ratgs mterest. re uired untll end of the term. STRATHY 8: A_ LT, Sohcitors, &c., Barrie. vvunv vuuvuug v I woreavzz who'll buy th itself 3" said the first speaker. __,-._-_. W... Yes," continued the speaker; . was a rare sxostsman vax 1'00! S'1` Rockingham, and carried on the 23 merrily. He was a bold. better; `,' terrible bold, but the Ring outstand him, as they always do whensmen (Sh it down as he did -- he 1,. rhn -v - v--- -.a any on... Ah ! all Cranley s to come I0 fhe hammer. There's a nice bit of grazwg land._ I mean to have it if it 809,? reasonable.` Lo_t 34-; new you are; and the speaker evidently referred to 3 sale catalogue. wonder who ll buy the Chase -.--...._. W a.--u uuu nu uvnu. .._--U But Gerald was destined to ll(*ul' is bit of news on his arrival at York that roused his ire-not a little, and t1'ft`T' mined him to lose no time in lnin-g3D`_l any pressure he could command I0 bear upon Cuthbert Elliston. H9 ff having his dinner quietly in the c:-::-:-e- room of Harker s Hotel, when his til` tention was attracted by liearing `A15 own name mentioned by one Qf tile two individuals who were dining 10 W" adjoining box. Ll `T__ 21 __._L__..,_ 1 .1 1 ,, -,.l-n.o ll? .,._.......v.. V. vu;.n.r\Lu ' Gerald went up to York, `as in d`.'.C_\` bound, with slightlv mingled let-li:;g.} He had schooled. himself to dro; :a.. false pride about his }riofessi:-:1 7')` this,i but he did feel seriousl\f :u:.\'.:I.:.~ to acquit himself with distinctirz: cr. what might be termed his own d`::.__'- -hill. i Half` the people on the l\'ll'.'t'-",5 mire, he, was aware, would lmow 14314. Jim Forrest was young liwCl{lI.;._ ham V Besides, would not the l:d_\` his love be there to see, and it mi`-in never do to go down in the lists l> Tf all this goodly company. He was 1-. ride, moreover, a red-hot favorite M the Yorkshire Stakes belonging to l.:iu Whitby, which the prophets (lt`Cl?iI:t1 to a _man could not lose, and of the mendacious utterances of racing rfeeri Gerald by` this had seen something. 1 :' I - 'D--L t"1-_,,1`I L- Ln. 1- -1 0H ". gcsintny eons ro-rnnm,,,m ` ` 3?-`tnelveeks li add: sinc ' , ref,;t1l1'nj'to N ewighrkeg ande ,?' no oppdrtunity of unburget-he himself to Lord 'Whitby_ and Wife: ing whether the peer would exeral such social pleasure as lay at his use mand to compel Cuthbert Elligtolfmll. restore some of the mon ' to had borrowed from Alister Rock-_ `ham. Lord Whitby, indeed, had us` lgttended one race meeting of Late 0:3 that was Goodwood, where Gerald had I e r ` again,- and Lord Whitby had anngtgi ed his intention of being there to See his horse_s run, and then, er valuablgi Newmarkeg were apparently at his mercy, and be bid fair to be returned at the head of the_poll when the return `of the princip. al `winners of the season should be issued. York raceiweek, too, was to see theiirrevocable sale of Cranley, and Gerald reected ruefully that though he had thought his coup out, and was quite determined to play for it, yet if "it came off, it would be too late to Slvg The Chase. He had resolved. if he could, totry and win the Cambridve. shire with the Dancing Master, argum, that no weight there was any prombif ity of his being alloted could prevent him if only the horse chtse to do ;5;__._ best. Still, this experiment could :19; be tried till the end of October, and the lands of the Rockinghams were ;.-, come to the hammer in August. g-;-. ald could" see no possibility of saving the home of his ancestors. Men to ad.- vancemoney onthe possibility of a big ;raceecoming off in one s favor are 2:5: 'to be met with 3 and thfv `Was about 6.1: sum total security that Gerald cculd proffer for such a sum as would (`I121-Wlf: him to redeem Cranley Chase. '\I7l....+ l`1............. __:._L. ,, . a .____. -v -y-. u.-.. V--unuJ \J|](lQC, \Vhat Greyson might want {or the Dancing Master` was a thing that Ger- ald had never troubled himself to con- sider. It was no part of his scheme to buy the horse ; he considered that such money as he could spare he should want for betting purposjs, and that he would be able to induce the trainer to rut him in consideration of being put on to win a comfortable stake. Gerall's idea was to back the horse very quietly and gradually as soon as bet`ing br.-gar. aboutthe Cambridgeshire, but not to disclose his plan to Greyson until he had got the best part of the sur; ha meant to speculate with duly invested. The one aw in his scheme was this . there was always the possibility ox some one buying the Dancing Master on the same speculation, and not caring particularly about Jim Forest's riding for him, and it was quite pm of Gerald : belief that nobody but him- self could induce the horse to do his best. He A was young, and who shali blame him if his head was just a little turned by success? Besides, hail not his late employer, Sir I\larxnad::':-:9. taken the same view of the case, and was not Sir l\Iarmaduke accounted ex- ceedingly wise among the yo-.:n;e:' generation of turfites 2 ' {`1,.__-I1 , -. 1'7 I ( To be Continued.) , uly 2, 1885, best advertising Let no business G A. I$A1Jl`4lV.1'l_UI\.D1 , DAIVIIIDLJBIV, J11- . torney Solxclt-or 1n Chancery, Conve an- cer. &,c. O ce-First Door South of PostO ce, Nina : Rlnnlz wnn Sh-1:-.nt Rnrrie. 19-48 to the ce_r. KC. UIl1Ce'.l`l1'Ub U001` U|ll:.l.l_ U]. H1nd s Block, Owen Street, Barne. EARN 8c MURCHISON, BAR TEES, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c_. oney to Loan. Oice--Over D. J. Murch1son s Store. Market Street, Barrie. Branch 0lce- Potter`a Block. Tottenham. . EDWARD J. HEARN. 1 D. C. MURCHISQN. T L NNOX 8:. LENNOX, BARRISTERS, AT- _ Atorneys at-Law. Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers, &:c. 0f_ce_s-Corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets, Barme. J. '1`. Lmxxox. HAUGHTON Lrzxxox. '1 i'1'xii~iRY, APPRAI . &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided`. Oice up-stairs opposite Bank of Commerce. "4AMUEL TENCH_, WELL SINKER, HOUSE | and Land Dramer. returns thanks to the public generall for their past favors, and would inform t em that he is stxll 1n the busi- ness, and as prompt and obliging as ever. Orders can be left at No. 30, Peel street, Barrie. and they will be promptly attended to. 47-46 I Uunno on urnnnrt D _urm1VnaIw1u Aunmu I in the town of Barrle. for the collection of Chattel Mort ages, Rents, Debts. etc. We are also prepare to undertake General Detective Business for Legal Firms, Merchants and others at moderate rates. Oice : Police Court, Bar- rie. P.`O. Box 222. ,_ 1-|__.__'._ 1 n.___,_ imiisicpu SWAN, AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of Simco_e. Terms reasonable. Office at my Store, Cralghurst. ` .46-lyv LOUNT,-STRA1`1_iY 8:. LOUNT. BARRIS- trs,ASo1ictors 111 High Court of Justice. Notanes Pubhc, Conveyancers. Offices over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. 1 ..-._-... t'\ (V 11 `I1 c 1` 12$ 7 -_____ KENNEDY, _ GAVILLER 8: HOLLAND, Architects, P. L. Surve _ors, Valuators, 8:0. Plans and specications or buildings pre- ired. Town and Village Lots laid out. Farm ` es carefully located. Timber lim1tse_xa.min- ed,.8c. &;c. Toronto 0ice--4 Maul Bnudings. Barrie biIce-McCa1,-thy s Block. Colhngwood 0lce-Long s Block-. Tnos. ..KENxEnY, MAURICE GAVILLER. A W. J. HOLLAND. I , 51-ly UA\.U-u1.'-IL ltlfgti &LllUu.l.Ila U1 ]J.l'1VU.LU Luuuu to lend on straught loans, `at lowest rates. 16 MCCARTHY. BEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. 1. DFDUUU, DAIV1D1D11. DUJJIUILUID J . of the Supreme Court, Conveyancer. 8:0. Money to Loan.- Offices over Sanders Bro:-3.. Jewellers. 1)unlop Stxeet. Barrie. DICJARTHY, PE_PLER 8; MCCARTHY, Barnsters, Solicxtors, Notaries. &c., Money to Loan. Barrie, Alliston and Gravenhurst. -I)'ALTON MCCART}!Y, Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J .A. M3CAR'rHv. D. F. MOWATT. `V In an nwruunment 0118 Scottish character 1r _ . provided. Next meetin Tmnsmv EVENING. 28m Jvmv 1886. 11 members and their lady friends are Imnnnntn tn nftnn , - .u. carpenter and Builder, and Manntactm-or ot Doo Sn_sh Blinds, Mouldings. sac. Plan- ing of kxnds done promptly and satisfac- l.or1ly._ Factorv, John street. Bar;-ie. ` ---_. V n- nn.'my.u;'1"1'. msN'1`1ar. A. Omce Zunmex-man's stand, Sanders Biock. o p . ne_'w Post . Ofce, Barrie, Ont. itahzed Au` for painless extracting a. specialty. 6-ly ______________________________ T. BANTING, CLERK COUNTY 0}!` SIM- . can. win he at his office at -the Court House Barrie, everysaturday. Residence and P.0. doomown. , A EUULVUIE 1. DLVUIJVII .A.l.1.l'5.l.Ih &'l3ULIJlil$ B Wonxs.-l_1. Snwnmr, Manufacturer of every doscritxon of Engmes, Boilers w Sn. Grist ill Shi 1, Lath; d W a- (?1!id.ngMachin'ery. ng 8 ' an on A W-. Mcv1'r?fIE,b. L sURvi:_YoR ANTS . Real Estate Agent, Calgary N. W. T. Correaponden ce solicited with regard to invest- rnnnfn in `DI-nvirlno nf Alhnv-to N `K7 VI` - A IU 6?rea;3o".`Z1`e 'e"3"1ii`c`?1"vZr :`1I"r`.`.g'a`u -d t`Jin'{rs`: ments in Province of Alberta, N .W_.T. 'A. W. cVtTTI%;s Address Calgary, vxa Benton, I on na, . .- ' ' V BARBIE PLANING M1LL.-GEo. BALL. Carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer of Doors. Sash. Blindm Mnnldinon kn, `Plan- u.1`rw. V C. E. HEWSON. GEORGE Romans. SEE} ROGERS, CGNVEYAN CER. com- minninnnr in Duncan`: Rent-.h,' Alintinnnnr 1500- All K118111091 ! D requested to attend . 5-lv ' [0%%PH ROGERS. CHIEF CONSTABLE, unty of Simooe. 0ice--Police Court, `3_ . vABCH'i`iCTS AND` sviwmrons.` {mam FOUNDRY`. ENGINE at-EOILER 1FnnIrn_._.FI, Rmwnl-.v Mnnnfmmapnn nf )OGERS GREER S GENERAL AGENCY I. in thn fnwn nf Run-in fnr fhn nnlhinnn A4! ONEY T0 LEND ON REAL ESTATE AT Six per cent. interest. LEN N OX 8: LEN - -lv Qnlunitnun an I-uni A ONEY.--A large amount of private funds in nma nn an-moht. Innnn `at. lnwnnt rntm: -7.-.... V- \1-w-- V, _- --- VLOUNT. Q.C., H; wnzrnv, G. W. LOUNT. S. JOHNSON. BARRIE, IMPORTER OF and Dpnlnr in nal: nf all kind: and 7r]_si>'R0UL, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR nf thn Rnnrmmp (Tnnrt f`.nnvpvnnr-Ar Rn- A. RADENHURST, BARRISTER, AT- vnn-mv Qnlinitnr in hnnnarv Cnnvpvnn. 0 tie zf.'3`.`$uf:`& Bars: lied with t 5 e be: . G I ve hostlers. Lu e 3.1 to and from all tr w G; , ket street. _on D :"s'treet. _AUCTIONEERS, ET}? s MANUFACTURES pm;sc.;;.: 0Fl_7.'ICIAln `LEGAL. no BENNETT. DENTISI`. ce. Zitnmm-than : stand . T. PATRICK? SOCIETY `1 ` nm E ADDIE :IlI!I!IV'l\TlJH ._ T. ANDREWS SO- in CIE'l"l`hY, Barrie. Megs gs. erefuiar mon _ - 1y meetings 0 this Society will be h__ d on the even- ing of the Fourth Tnesda in each month at 8 o'cloc V in4Bothwell s Hall. Dun- lop street. After-the regu- lar business has been `transacted at each meet- ing: an nnfnrfglnvnnntn - iIa;lIIIBIlCUU an 31: V5 116 1 'II`.IrIr\7iut ua._n_u:'n .l.1.Ul1_'.l1a1'&D, DUN V 1!: 1 A13 Unt UUlVl.- nnssioner 1n Queen'_s Bench, Auctxoneer, Atppraiser. and Commlsslon Agent for the sale 0 Houses. Lands. Farm Stock. Household Furniture. Goods. Wares. &o. so {-33 `;m, 11 no Of R " ' gmgg_1:mcG cugglghag ana. Accounts. A. E. H. CRESWICKE. ;Jonx Fonsvrrng. Hanna. JIM Bl: CHOU H1365 entertainment of n I E nrnvln Nnvf WM. Gamma. !.'.l'.|:|, . _ I Secretary u Uuwu 19-48 I s. wnsm, Publisher and Proprietor I ' FOR 1885, - Published By `the P`x3oprietor,4 S. Wesley, Barrie. Copieg 35 cepte qt he oioe ; or sent by mail. postpeid; on receipt of that sum. - ` V -rnr."xon"1'nl:nN` ' In the best` One Dolltu- 3Weekly ASSIGNMENTS OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. ABSTRACT$ OF TITLE, ETC. DIVISION COURT BLANKS, MAGISTRATES B_LA1\'K_S, SURROGATE CUURT BLANKS,._ CfONSTABLE'_S" BLANKS. V 'Blank`.Forms (if any kind printed to prdor. A ` _ U11 and Dealer in Goals of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guel h White Finishing Lime, Cexpents of all kin s. Fire Bricks an Plasterers Hair. Storehouse at the Northern J E. JUHlV5U1V. E55515, uur 'l'.IiI` Ur` ' 0 Railway Switch. foot of John street, near" the. depot. The bond of this Lime is better than- that of any other kind, and the finish superior. Olce-Corner of John and Elizabeth streets. OTE __HEADINGS, LETTER HEADINGS, . MEMORANDUMS. WEDDING INVITATIONS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS POGKET IIIIIEGTOBYI -1---or um-.-,'- V JUDICIAL D'Is'r.R Icfr ` --or :riu:--f-_-'_ ' canny! _oIA{ in DEEDS, MORTGAGES, I CHATTELMORTGAGES, QUIT CLAIM DEEDS; ASSIGNMENTS OFMORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF l '.'F`. 7:-`.'T.-: :.-:':r ; :.Trr*~ \ RECEIPTS; _ CHECKS, % oRDERg ` T ENVELOPES. - ` A ' A full line at all prices. AT TORONTO PRIGES. FARM LEASES, RENEWALS OF % CHATTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE OF MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, _ ORDERS OF DANCE, MENU CARDS, V T LABELS. BOOKS AND IPAMPHLETS, and Ornamgntal, L DODGERS, ' FLYERS, , D or nAmun.-1nnm`mas.- The regulsrncnthl -meetings of this Societ will held on therst Tue a. in eschmonth at Bothwell s all. A selected subject will be discussed at each meeting. Next meeting Tumsnnz evening, the Snvxwrn JULY. All members special] requested to attend. 40-lv J. A. CCARTHY. Secretary. EQUITY OF REDEMPTION; STATUTORY LEASES. CARDS, Tue%on1n:nnlnvAc| IBIIIIK ANll%.l|lll PRINTING. _@`I respevctfuvllyk solicit an opportuity to furnish estimates go: all kinda"of work in all the styles of printing, such !pn1u`uiE"'nBusa, - VWNWP 31' -A A) { HAS uNm`vA|.|.I:n FAOlI.lTl_,E8 --ron 1'm:-- _ rnomrt _ANll'1 AS1'EFlll. execution T = -OF- ORDERS OF ALL CLASSES OF-r-' BLANK FORMS f;1;gCV(')-lF1ntY_.`)'f Sifhqoe, and has; the largest; ci1foulation.. STAIEMENTS, BILL HEADS, % .NOTE `CI,R(.JULARS,. V LETTER cuwugans. AnXQC\lIIlNL> ij. " R. 3.11. BOSANKO. `DENTIST, LIQITIT Gas or Extracting Teeth always on hand; I it is both leasant and safe. Oice over Duffs Grocery &ore. Barrie. Ont`. . Always kept in stock A full line of MORTGAGE. HOUSE LEASES. SALE OF LAND SNIPES, ETC. eatey,,with:ns l""f .- will with my wife. , _, 5 -``I think so, replied. Ellen ;` -at `all events, we have "one point in common,` to wit, our love for your . prec`ie'u's elf; But, Gerald, how lengiire you going to! l V W H, . I mutleave this zifternoon'. '-'Itha ve ' some business at _R_id I wahtito ee 6l_d_ Greyson nbont, and then _I , h1'1_try`backV to 5Newmarket. I "had: ` Mrs. and Miss Rockingham were not } women to do things by halves, and `when Gerald and his ancee arrived the next morning in St. Leonard's ?Place,,they welcomed the latter with great cordiality. Dollie had come pre- pared, if she could, to make friends with `Mrs. Rockingham, and to main a polite neutrality with Ellen; but the latter had completely disarmed her by the warmth of her greeting." She seized the earliest opportunity of drawing Dollie a little apart, and then said : uT _....L _...- 1. 1-; L_ ........._ ...- L... 0H.N MACKAY. AUCTIONEER, COMMIS- sioner. Ijnphnpn nn AI` the nnw Ant `nnnnnu J... 1...... I

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