Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Jun 1885, p. 7

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3 OBBUUUB Luuuaununuan Ah. what pain itgave me to see my- beautiful vision fade thug before my eyes! Then I thought how I had smiled upon her the` qveniog `before, and how. . per- L_.._ -- ........ Iu'n-mm I-ud any-nun Inn in hm-1 I181` M16 qvenugg `l)UlUIU', uuu uuw, guy I hapl. !` new hope had sprung up in her heart, and I feared` that_g when she knew it was all over between no the shock, at her time of life, might. kill her. I left. my hot. panoakei, `with the maple , ------1' an`! nvunn O1I\nln- and - Ont 1 1315!, IIUII plllhfg Villlll uuv llltylv` sirup all-over them, and ed. -Out issue I: o .din the hurry and the tireless rushzof the mini, mad world,` trying to? stierthe. memory of thet` broken heart. Should` she see these lines I he she will not think bitterly of me. I" st` 1 Admire her as 9. well-preserved` ruin, "but love in such a case would be hollow mockery. . fuavu been cured of thia stubborn m -are heuetited. whineA`th,epategntmedicinu and 'a.ml_1. t.Na'.onaolaohas ever attamptad to cure. = til:-moat Ilivioimt cAr.{Rniv'.;L`8iW *u`:aar`nniu. 1 a . Perhapli thb fmdalcxtraordinary anccan that` has beanaohlavod in modern medioinc has been obtained by the Dixon treatment for Cazatrh. r0u-tn! 2.00.0 patianta txaatodsdnrinr the y~.n.t~'sf1r'umnthtI; fnllr ninety cent; ady. This hf I9 Qonphilnl l`tlh.whehe.i$ "!`,0ll-)"ll1- b ,ed t!ifI`!!$ 5!iTn'`:peztcent.- of. patientapgop gs... thomselvoito tlie `rtularnractitionu umer advert led cure: nei-or roord a can at ah. Antartznu wntn tnaiclannr-now generally be- -; new-d`uy`the most--scientic men that the dxsouhzlt mu towhee oaeneovof liviugv.-part : saga in ~ the tie-._ne*yi r.;Daxonru'pnuad,aptad ui.+.durn`tq.l'{oir `gxserm uaiibh-;--cm mega... V pixshi-6. he claiina `t`ho`_C_'ata'r':l_1.1a;pTrotical_ly ` [ -the e:manAenc5;_.ia unqu,eat1oned._aa urea ebcted _ him four `yeara`~ago'aa:`&cnrea A 1.'atarrh-in xhia`;maandr; andeno vothorntreab meat baa ever cured Catarrh.- -"lid apnlica-" non of shit ramparts ump19.='andcsn' MQODO at hor,n.~,,.-n.c1 tbn,ar9,aeM mason of_ th year. .-I. i.!:,QJ' azwocdy ' .-dtiapeymw i nent.cnre.$hav.InI or v.-oi cahaalbiing nntcdeln; - one treatment. Sufferoim 'ah6nId G1` :_L \a--_..- A 1.! `l'|TVf|M"SQl\\T `MIR `(inn 0116 FTBIBIIIEIIII. Du IIGIUII` Iuvunu saw: u wwyvg. -` hm .A BAD. xo1sIa.sso_.3,5_.K_in' xrteet : orou' .JCanadt, ::\ilQ'enclt l ~ts'mp for when < trebiugd oii 'Catum.-'-1m- | "".'"1""-"'7-` ?39gg_~'.`1 V I r ; Bfbtei -/-.- Helio, B,'r,u`dde'1;~. (Thoma! Hsn t uon y'<`>"'fo _-`iI_o`1_oing,"ainc`e `you : been`_1pligotlJm'. dpt J uhnping girl. Wham yo` `iiepin - vb` aif ?"~ - . h...'.=.*4i..s.'-' m. '`n`\`g'a...'~.5 4` H .'.i t-r-b&m'n'1teaniu ~ wnare y0_' Kuupln yo nun : . '1`,'T,hi\$ll\'&'1I7';-{`;"Haii1 e'%bon'ltebpm` mvi1`f i:sI',` "B:-%i'dderf `Za'";' * ms "been .wgwisium-d4sr~n:hw-"r . r % .a3gi?7,`,'f "7'x'i?Z'ie}t'r'&'6' "E;. i-A s T; j ',S5`?6Bt`:;_'iBsi tin; moot apeodnly and pgotiully. .. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. H9'!`.r.-II r` V ly- 1 does ` . HAVI-.. vuu_ . _ _ Live; Complaint, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Bxlnoqsnessg jaundice, Headache, Dizziness, Pain in the Back, Costiveness or any disease arising from a deranged liver, DR. CHAsE's LIVER Cums will be found a sure and .-.-..op.:.. ..-..q-.I-o _- . NA`[UHI'.'b HLlvIr.uv The unqualied success of Dr. Chasefs Liver Cure in Liver Complaint` rests solely with the fact that it is compounded from nature's well known live) re lators MANDRAKN. AND DANDELION, combined wit many other invaluable roots, barls and herbs, having a gawerfnl effect on the Kidneys, Stomach, Bowcls and lmv! nnn Ann Qnl n wwcrlul GUCCI.` UH IIIC l\IUllCyPI, usuluuynng aavvvvna uuu d- 500.000 SOLD 02/er one-hal/'mz'l1z'on q/' Dr. C /case : Reczje Book: were sold in Canada alone, We want e1/cry man, woman and child who is troubled wfth Liver C am plain! to try u : excellent remedy. . LA DI ES - IIK- \.H/'\3l`4 3 14 certain remedy. In I Vlltllllllli IIIII. mu-.n nmu rue Wrapped around eve bottle of Dr. Chase's Liver Cure 1 Book (84 ges), containing over aoo useful recipes, pronounce by medicxl men and druggists as invalu- able, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. C -nnnl|nQA|n Q AA A,I, l_, I. Q,__Jl,,I is a valuable House old Medical Guide and Recipe , (INS GJLCHCIIG retina]. LADIES [(6155 K0 57] It is a well known fact that an inactive liver causes % a dull, sallow complexion, liver spots, pimples, etc.; Chase ; Liver Cure is the only remedy that will most positively cure these complaints. Qsucfnnln Inc, can luuv In: .*7|3i**3'i"j!'5i5i*7@'- `now Log, We have recently published a new edition of Dr. Culverwelvs Cele- ! brated Essay on the radical and er- manent cure (without medicine) of A er- vous'Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage. etc, resulting from ` 8XO88%8. t?Price in a sealed envelope, only 6 cents, or two poi stem 9. ; ' * The ebra ' author. in this admirable Essav, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years successful practice. that alarming. consequen.-, ces may beradically cured without the danger- ous use of internal medicines or the-use ot. the knife; pointing out a mode 0: `cure at once simple. certain and effectual. by means of which every sufferer. no matter what his condition ma , be, may cure himself cheaply, privately an radically. _ `Q,"l`his Lecture should be in the hands of eve yonthaud eve ' man in the land. A dress the CULV RWELL MEDICAL Co. 41 Ann S_t.. New York. Post 0mce`Box 450'. iv? ;;aa.;.;.;.ii;;.i Decient Circulation; or come De:-angement or the Liver and mg-euimvo System. Snetete will -and relief by the use or staunch.` Costlveneu. V "3KRE"' L000 LIVER 0V|L This famous ligand, PURE, BB1].-V `IJANT and almost TASTELES8, is far superior to any other Norwegian Cod Liver 01] yet introduced. ' Ayer s Pills to stimulate the stomach and produce 8 regu- lar movement of the bowels. By their action on these organs, AYnn'e P1.x.x.e divert the blood from thebrain, and relieve and euro all forms of congestive and Nervona Headache, Billoue Headache, and Sick Headache; and by keeping the bowels tree, and` preserving the system in a healthful ` condition, they insure immunity from luture -;n_ _e,_ nmnansj, Tnnnsnnns AND MILL owueas KENNETH CAMPBELL& C0 [Ayer s Pills. prawn co" & 00-, ' gqyxaby-unnuuu M- hand. When the devil pays his` debts d h 9 093 he shell out? When creek meets ere 91! then com 6!" the tug` of water. The silent we. not wound up. The mosquit 1 . _ - he puts in his l::i;?y8 E11 .11 bill bgfore my people buy in hm work keeps. -`MiM1oPills wiu m '~. ` . f yet are A thorough cathjfi-Pp, " nicken WA Rntmgted ` .. I `V .. I. ` week) lit tchea of the hi - Rht-`Those sgvg :1m'1J1i nn ciI1m:nY 1 L... ._ v_.. ltkili $ ! ` 1' r`u-_: qr--->-~_=___-_. CAU'l`ION.-'An Tdelei round selling Bthef l oils as Lprdino ls will'be'progaoute 1742 list now a.l%I3i J-I'D, _J- 171,`? .9` 1 inupl .'ot='1`i'nnkitrom 500 up .to 825: scum Sstohelutottom Prioon. Aiao ismgze and Doubleamess, aoum, Sad- - .-.11.. `...w..lT!nanIn Rnuho.n_ M h1',n,|_ HAg?m:ss ,E:..ipjom:u A a._ws%e.rV.% ,__` A..__ _1_.`--J.ll\'L--.I;'-. In-awn Klln III vvvvvv .-v-w.-- , p1-i'o.a'o to a'\1l't'bv6i-'ybo`d Iidrnein 01' and Varnish slwtyu, xi stock. `-` __`_. `. ocuoqv-nu I\v\1\'Il11lI'\'Y `T A 1 '- f _ " Y Iunun IlWIyI`Iu qvuyyf _ "REPAIRING PROMPTLY DON E. ALL , wonx WARRANTED. .4 ho Ayah` tar Ag7i:&zuraz Implements. I nnrvvrnjnn A 1`! arr. . n:`..`_ `ILL- lllndnlnn ?':Sa;.ldlo:" ,7TBv|_} d;1si:oot, }`B9r JIVUV ldgvlvv iv: -3- -vvu--- w- --..`. --...,. . GIVEME A C.dLL`.-V-Sign of the `Golden Ea` '_.;'}`_<.i r` Iu_~'\`.3 .-.-. L _ m;,-itnmiism 1., ruin!-mi din; -r. z!!)Y,',\. eyv.Tai!oJ`r ynto' ; ; 1 ' !md`B'9b3 zeta room.` ~ -,;mgc_; \!g.i;maleg`\rx1uw *'I: 7 e use 0 mt pm` ul`[|3Tx`9 ;!l:13-r!fllhb(l}8oX9d`}'5'3-.; 7 qngzwinhttxlnmx -as. a`pauhnrf_rt.m tip-.';F!l!!:!.v1`?`i.uln % 951.. . ustnwtiuns mvenrwacz 8221111.: - '11- i."`tW}11.'!!8 .f, at V-'n.s=mm| " mttems`:uA' bo mar-out nrsam7.Im.1n~`-mu ymet.-:1 _!'n`rle.-'cmm--D PROF: ...O_()I)Y. 10:: l{.Nu s<'1`.\`';~.H'I.`. '.l`'1`o; Om ` guamnti3q`Qhji'U6 lu"d,; civer 9- , $n0l'U|| V""-"' f".' . . ~ . .` attuned cold last but It W - 0 . 1,... fpread -11 over 0*. `8`'* ~' . m , poor rule that 9 mhgolmfam can not work in different dlrectaonsz ` ' ` ' M gweet as honev is Dr. Low u; Plenum wlmn Syrup worm . . . . I he sand to the captam, I m with the motxon of the vessel. It can do no harm to _try_Fre_enan s Worm powders when your chlld 13 uhng, feyeris'_h-4} r fretful. . e .. whan is an epxstle ? asked a. Sunday . .,..-1.n.. nf hnr nlass- The wif Tet sure to dutrhi and e`xpel' ` ut 1 am deucedly disgusted j soto air A.-J. penanc- ,.._ ' .1-_|-... l-.....I an:-an -nl Eagle Doubleamess, Uouars, an dies,` Owrry Combs, Bmahcs, Whips, n m J Lanbnn , Iy mes: compxaxms. anmmun aw. clvtn Avuw FIIEE .A aunnnt` Aunrtv Imnln nf nr ('}\au- : 1' iv. MANHOQQ Impored and Bottled only by , MONTREAL. coy. NATURE'S REMEDY t:6:-.l ..... ..-c nf Tir (`ham-, s 1.3V "3 `?`U`1 .`.~ 9" ""P "` ":"` '.'|"`f." ` Mcc on Bros. & Go... 7 -mnnnx JOHN Wdobs, A`:-;:N14,' Buuun. in inrxas wmcn I now wonnn KIN. Illflhlb I! V Uvllvvo, gr wvn and. Lashes, I`-_I.;5.i)... ' 1 ' v|_l0W. I8T_0RED I "l"0~R'6NTO. WALL PAPER, mom nus cnsnpasr to me sasw. LAWN `TENNIS RAQUETS AND BALLS3: Some very ne American Gilt Papers Whitney : American Baby Carriages. Painted Linen Window Blinds and Hartsh0rn s Sipring Renew... [AT sco'r'r's BOOKSTORE WM? 81'? S8-V1383 ha for the Scissors vv-v- _ 5&I1IlVv I033`. the Serlons~'rhg 33 can Find. r a. boatma.n-Life is our Eight Doors East of O`d Stand, McCa'rthy s Block MALL|STER. sronv & co.,, HORSE SHOES, HORSE NAILS, CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENWARE Always on hand. . Buyers will find the Price: Interesting; MCALLISTER. STORY & CO Y.; lfbm LOOK! Loon; GROOERIES CHEAPER THAN EVER --AT-- B0WMAN & 009$. where his numerous patrnns will nd a larger assortment of F{ocK.a AND aLAsswAP.s AT COST. -VIE IIAVE .TI|E LARGEST. manor GIIIIGEIIIES MID Pnovlslols IIOBTH or TOIIONTII _ Rgmembr the Place, FI VE POINTS, opposite Neaa'_Hote1. - LAL jgu `N.B.--All"kinds of Faun. Produce W5t.'nt9_d. . wh ' Cough and Bronchitis ,m$$?;i,f{e1v r(a)i)'xglxIl:1 by Shiloh : Cure. Sqld By John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hgmhn, Allandale. . . V A little Boston boy_ bemg gssked why Lot : wife was turned mto 3 pxllar of salt replied; Because she was too fresh, I guess. ' For lame back, side or ches`, use ShilJh a 7) plum, Price 25 cents. Scld hy Barrie, and. M`. J. Hamlin, Allandale. ' u1r_-_ _-.. ......_ .:..I. run`! G. BLA C'K1VIOREge One Deer West of Queen : Hotel, Barrie, Dirct from the 1\&anufactu.ries in Europe. A full Stock at 19 Povims OF GOOD SUGAR, .... ... .... ..1 ...... ..F 13 do LIGHT BROWN SUGAR .......... .. 15 do `EXTRA DEMARARA SUGAR... .. 14 do WHITE SUGAR .................. . . 13 do STANDARD GRANULATED SUGA R 14 do ` FINE RAISINS .................... .. 14 do 1 FINE CURRANTS ................ .. 7 BARS-OF GUOD LAUNDRY sou .... . .1 ...... .. 4 BARS OF ELECTRIC SOAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Has removed to more convenient and larger premises sxpnass wmcous, WI-IEELBARROWS, READ TEE FOLLOWING Lowirnrcnsz REMOVED ! Spa_uldi ng s League Baseballs, Chjbs, (jatche,-S V Masks and Gloves. nzuvuvs uv--: --v --- ~--n~a--- - .. Ssn.ou s cocoa and Consumption Cure is sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J ._ Ham- lin, Allandale, on a. guarantee. It cures Consumption. The new version changes` bosses to "knobs in Job fteenth chapter. It is an improvement. Lots of men who, a few years ago, set up as bosses now account themselves as nobs." W 7 THAT nscmxa COUGH can be so qnicklv sured by Shiloh s Cure. We ganrantee it. Sold by John Woods, Barrie, and M. J. Hsmlin,Allandale. _ - _ A-news item saysthat sharks have ap- oesred off the coast at Long Branch. This seems like a rather im lite way of announcing that landlords ave opened iheir hotels for the season. . ' ` SEASONABLE SUITINGSI NORWAY IRON &. STEEL, % BEST PROOF C011. CHAIN, % AN VILS AND VISES. Crquet, 4, and 8 Balls, Very Cheap. Hurdovare ! than evef, at extraordinary low prices. `MERCHANT TAILOR, ARRlE WAND s'rnoy_p. Have received a Large Stock of ordinary Toy Carts, &c., B_0YVMA1..`T & 00- ,2_ ._ t'--.._-d.- Wild; 1 W111 86110 [Ur Ur. uuuum H Daughter (quic_kly)--- Not Dr. Jones, mother dear; he ls engaged already. --~ ~-----L--_ IL.-- 2- ` - v7_-:-jrT J". {And all l"uner:l,Requisitea Furnished. 5;; Orders by Telegraph or Otherwise, Prompy 5` attended to. n r\ 1\n1`ll'Al"l:I 1t-____.__ cu____-j jgoFF1NsTANp CASKETS 0 ` ALL mum. `II I I l'\ iI39?2E=- Crap _--| D--- _-_:;.__ n___ _Al HDLCIIUUIL |IUo G. O.'DO_LMAGE, Manager, Stroud. STEAM WORKS AND SHOW ROOM. COLLIER-ST., BARBIE 1 --gvar ---vV__.__. ---an In stbck or Made`to'6rdex'.= & --- .1-!:;rri:& GoorgoEown- 39`! 25c schgol teacher 01 HUI. union. `nu ,,"_v .f an apostle, replied the young hopeful. . mg Low s. Sulphur Soap is a. delightful zoiletluxury as well as 8 good curativelfor I _`{L1IIH.R|lUo Fond mother- You are vry aiclg, my child; Iwill aendfor Dr. Jones. _ n ,._1_;.... /....:.bln\__~ Nnt Th-_ Janna- SLEIPLESS NIGHTS, made miserable by that terrible cough. Sh1loh s Cure is the gemedy for you. Sold by John Woods, B81119, and M I `Innn`:n A]`nl'\A`Q`A I UUc DUI U UUHM Iv J. Hamlin, Allandale. --A vs Llwuduu, ALAlI.AA\QInovI In an Ohio town the other day a wo- man went about insisting that she was Mayor of the place. She declared, also, that she wanted to merge, and \then every- body knew she was insane. e ` 1 ,A_`- ~.A. i_..A-LI: L ow s Sulphur delightful` goilet luxury is skin disease. . V A . That ladies eas1ly learn to play the vio_1- .n is not `surprising V yvhen thogt experience 5;] handling beaux 1s taken mto consider- union. 4. I171. _....:..n r`.nn aim and Rrnnnhitig JVHJ RICVW 9156 VIC IIIUKLIVIO Cuumu CURED, health and svieet breatli secured, by Shiloh : Catarrh Remedy. Price `H cents. Nasal Injector free. Sold by John '_vV]oc-ds, Barrie, and M; J. Hamlin, Allan- 3: "ale. --have you," asked the Judge of a recently convicted man, anyt ing .to infer the court before seritenoe is passed '3 _ " No, Your Honor, replied the prisoner, my lawyer took my last cent. ' `SI:{ILOH S VITALIZER is what you need for tonstipation, Loss of Appetite, _ Dizziness. and all nxymnfnvnu nf '1\unv\n1-turn pfi \ uuuunpawuu, LA)!!! 01 n}{pUu1uu,_ Jzunfuu-Iv"-=9 and all symptoms" of Dyspepsia. Pnce 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by J. Woods. 3.arrn am-I `LI 1 Hamlin A"lIgn-Iain. "mu 1.: wuws per Downs. ouxu. uy u. n aaffie. and M. J. Hamlin. Allandale: .. d. 1can`t account for the small atten "fhce at Church on Sundays," 1'm"kd Parson Jones. Neither can `trgsrse fogg wxth his customary fr: lnoouidnvt went a few Sundays I-K0: '3 d. see anything to attract the small ton .. ance I saw there. - - ---n vuvbvl . WILL YOU SYFIV-`ER with Dvspepsia I4iV;` H Complaints? Shiloh : Vitalizer is gnar- mteed to cure yon. Sold b Johnoodl. `Rat:-in .4 u 1' n.....\:.. Ax.'....l.l- Iuucltu F0 yo Karrie, and` M. J. Q What to Read when the Day In over. ' I t is wise at night, says Canon Kingsley, -l` lfead, but for a few minutes, some book Whlch will compose and soothe the mind ; wlnch will bring us face to face with "the" `-P'U_e facts of life, death, and eternity ; W1 nnnlrn nun -nnnnnnknn YYIQI1 ..uv `.' U Ulruau pluud I "III . give us, _ . itb in 1m. worthy of 3. Ch1_'1stl8J?I awn. mortal soul 1n h1m- new 3.`; ._th.9Y `N }y religious books .`` $ books,W11.d5 1n these days. 1 me ? 133` vital`; 9' help to make us bet 9 9 before We 319? 3' . . pa-`mas sober, and more chatb ' books whlch wxll teach "5 5 d is vul uel` |.....d to- Sar and mean, f1 ad cm 1 . _ - dad P"_ ove what in noble and 1118" mm j and just. _`7 5U`.3 OI Ute, death, and Oliernuoy; fhlch wlll make us remember that m1_m _0th not live by bread alone ; which W111 IHVH HI kn`:-u-A n... ..I....... - C... Lknnnnhfl adie. A sluier in the" bush , .1 15 Worth t '0 in the hm-m Powders :}:i`l3Yi: " mm .. R; 0Vefig'h; rr "What e Pltle P 1- cher of her class ` ""'\E.]A. renlied . ' ` V0 8 Wlfe Holloway : run. _ The great need.--The blood in the life and On its pnritv depends our health. `f t'-m' existence. "These Pills cue:-ouahly 010"" this vital uid from all contsminstionl.` and '3) thlt power strengthen sndinvigonto Q10, whole system, healthily stimulate. elu h `Pl. repress over excited action. 03 ~."' EL llsh order of circulation and 5001931031.. . ' .a.In ' of ":;m:,?9`l11;he throughout ever) paf Hollow ind` balnmic natnreff f`vo.,\-g,f' ebi1*.=?)d` mend: them 130 ,5 ~, i- [,;'f1})j1foY..' ` -- nervoua con;`1l=:tut`1A:>\;vg111,`l-i. .0 suacitate. 9} 1' her? . ` ._, both in the bowe_1s -31fs;;h.,_.tpet;gh_9{. oaths: accu9"...i.;.. mow` "0iI,18)1'2ulInW 0 A . j don; 5 `"1 .. nun, 1'8?"-335 excited `O zansh mu;,;;au;;;;;f::.z::%:s:.;.?';222412;;. M _`}'f1l,lte person! wha n.r6~.i:1t`ur':bv-would` ,1` and (131 or who nor. (.1 . mV".'F`v `.m:gk` g ~` -- -.---"J * :``mou gutu V W. , ;` iofto w"hP5:$JpwQF?",f`,` I: Q 3 from gone ' ' .r- ..(gjf.i '3 A W-1:~`~,_'.:.Li`y. : . _' -u` ` ` In.` nu`, mm. 1... ..-e,..m:.****%,.e;;g;.;,,;(.;% ma `wt that evolution`; ire::ii1i~oi 'a`;nvur';}I;he1'.a...8`-' <-1"!!! 9"1:%"`%`*`%"`*' " ?* " mnt of the doctriho bf redemption. envied 110!` `W .. .=..there1. - t to. kzmv. .i.t. .`V`!P W" .1` .llFbW..`PfIA.....lul-n. _"|!V`V _P_LjIIy.UlT'. % V :- 0 . '. = .3 `~ahi..\:r6plid i1ie.r d1cbr.. . ';";t.7Y`.`. .`." "`m` *h" p`a'-`t ' bi`W..'.`7'~- 1. 5 `....\..~.` Au |..;1.".|`.1` We hope that he will meet the necessity in this course of sermons, for we are sure that he can remove the instinctive objec- tion to evolutionism as a theory of spirit- ual life only by 1-econcilizng it with actual redemption as an experience in spiritual life. _ The problem of the evolutionist is to. reconcile his philosophy of history, not with the first chapter of Genesis-that is easy enough-but with the eighth chapter of Romans. They got Len. . . He sat down In one of the hallways of the Merrill block and pulled off his boot, and a policeman who. happened along at that moment kindly. inquired : Concluded to go barefoot? s;`y,": ealled ; the -"man as he tugged at his sock,` IA -`ve been walking, around, this town for -about ve hours." '``Must' be footnote. Nb; :'i=bii'l5,.?12ut'=I ?'e 'a men diiferent bovriak 311:0} if ,I.h$d W` '03. my heel.` _ I ve looked an_d1ooked,,but there is no tar. _ Is there any on that boot ?" % (N-'.'.T-" we'bu``F"3 I;$."`'z;'i1i. i;1 }}f{.2`5e`;`i, a`Z"e%' . .... `.. ,. I ._ - O x I W ` ,` J. 3, . ` .. :.old`c.ol \1i.I.'b'ar`d1d.behold. ; n x. , u r .|....._ :4. 1.4.`. 1!... -z'.;-_ 1.-- A--._ V5 .V.W.I3"T..Q.V'W ``"'\5.`'U.II\II\!nO .. '- -. ,' ` , ' __j,ok1,1_(,>_vvj,_i.t,,` but l m.a,ft._erta;:.__ _Any_ `4 tar`onjn_:f_dc_,it`3 ..` .. '1. ` `V N0n V-. .. .. Any, on -lg1y. to'esi? ,~ % No. ' ` `f Then.thase,passy ypt . cubs. are JAe_g. glriartas thdy `Q. I`. vva}._uy ' et+`ug'pru_+, ed and m orti ed` all"the' time; but they` ' tnnnf "(\ nn:I> nk} A. nn nan nnnv ' [`vun ' T" in uu, ioo ME LI. -..- 1 VIA Ill-IIA an-I\JLFl&I\l\Q was vllv Ullllll, UIAU VGIC` want to quit ri ht off on me now ! I've` looked and you ve looked, and there : no tar there, and the next boy "who sees tar on my heel will seevetars along with it! Listen to Your Wife. ~ The Manchester Guardian, J one 8th, 1883, vs .. At one of the Windows . Looking on the woodland ways ! With clumps of rhododendrons and great masses of May blossoms ! ! ! There was an inter- esting group ' It: included one who had been a. " Cotton uuuy -It Included one who had been a. Cotton spinner, but was now so Para! zed ! ! ! . That e could only bear to lie in a reclin- ,:nn"Knn: `Inn ~ "'*rs{;;;.;.'.u.m cane. I was - attacke twelve years ago with Locomotor Ataxy (A paralytic disease of a nerve bre rarely ever cured) . and was for several years barely able to get abcint; 2-- 1.1.. 1.4. u..- '----_. .._.a -LI.. 4... IUUIIB ` And for the_ lat ti_ve years not able to attend to my buaimsu, Although 1 Many things have been done for me. L The last experiment being-nerve Itretching VI`-an tn.-sauna gun I l unity` {Ilium hn away. 1004. ` ` _, _ I am no Advooate;_`f For anything 1n the shape of pstent_Mod1c1neI ? `Anti maul}: I'l\1l'|I1tI`\`:Al|tinI1Q fn mv dear Luu IIBV U&1.IUl. 1u.|uuIa UUIH5 `non vv Ivlvvvllnu \ Two_ ears ago 1 was voted into the ; Home or Incnrables ! Near Manchester; in i May. 1882. I nun an At`vnnnfn- `F`nl'AA.Ivf."IiAll0 in um lllll Ul._ wuu _u|.uI.uu1uoI z "And made many objections to my dear wife : oonstnnt urging to try Hop Bitters`, but finally to pacify her- ~ Uonsented ! ! `I L-) _._L ._.-:A._ c._:-L-Jl Ll... 4'-2...b L4-.4-Ola UOIIICDFGQ I 3 I had not quite nished the first bottle when I felt I change come over me. This was Saturday.ANoven'.ber 3rd. On Sunday morning I felt so strong I said to my room com 81130116, I was sure I could u -11. I "vvux: I- So started across the oor and back. ' I hardly knew how to contain myself. I was.-all` over -`t the house. -` I am gaining strength each day, and can walk quite safe withoutvsny 4 - Stick 1" - 01' support. . I am now at my own house, and hope soon. to he sble to-earn` my own living agsin. I 1----1--A- - u-an-un`\Au A` fhn Mnnnhltr `one .0] `Til!!! UVIII uvu: nu - bave bee1::,member of the Mnnghegt-er Royal Exchange" For nearly thirty ears, and was most heartily eongrstuld on going into the room on gThn_udey -last." Very gratefully yours, J om: Bucxnnnx. ' ' ` - Manchester, (Eng) Dec. 24, 1883. Two years later am perfectly well. -12- (TN one genuine without a bunch of green Hopeon the white lnbel Shun all the vile, pouonoul stu`- with "_`_Hop or Hopa`inth_eirnune ; I VUTTUIIDIII. I585 toopgoow-u There, said a woman to trump, " is a. nice dinner, but I shall expect you to as a. little wood for it. ` : ,,,._:..1_ ...'...l....... nnlibnhr 1-nnn lime wooa 101' ID. Certainly, madam, politely replied the tramp, attacking-the dinner with both hands, "but you ,w'ile1/.pnrdon me,'I trust, if I venture to correct your English, . f ' My what 1" " o u 17...... 11'.....'l.1\ Qnmn modern llli .h0Y- 1.`? fgoli emulvel;-55* . ..`1. e9. .. \.- . y ['d"`,.he uupgd 5, jvvoi-l7l:,qf_ trauma, and chat ..._....: -ooguunnuu u-aka " My wnau r" A Your English. Some modern author- ities claim that grammaris played omit. I g:now'ba'et er. The word `saw is. savorb ;L:_ --.... _1...un`n- nnrnnil ;l'lII'\AI'f`.t 10350. . IOIIGIHHUI1. 55;. .L up mu~toaaw_wood'. `I shsllb; ` , , woodf `is correct. If you w` `n tests the on L. _. 1 ..:n M... 1nn`r gt. it an I. woog ' 15 oorrec Us ll. you vun lI.|\l|\oCIlI7 VIC? ,-`6 -mo . I will _now at it as I P .7butL ;._ . .'-J --7......,'._,.. w . A _`soqtt'el:Inn1IIonot,Pnro _ Cod j Liver _Oi1;j jith ' Hybophosphitee, * in ooniumption and wasting disease.` ;_Dr. C`. -W. Bun-in er,` Pittahn Pe;*.'*uyI : -`"1 think. your mnlsion of. `___ fI,iye1f iq I very ne preparation and fits n-1ong feIt want; It I! verynnsetrul in consumption and , _ _-1.2.... J:_A--An It In very u: wasting diueues... Seinrtngllsxbtea. Ln` "1- Fitzgay .-up _ red on the `street when the thermqmeter was eightyitwo in the ',- -with 3- pair of earmus adorning the sidqo:hiq`h9Id. : .1 i:. . e . Hello ! ._ said a friend. What : the matter 7 Areuit afraid of your ears being `frost-bitten; you 1" u nr. .. -__,. uni. A_A'.]1....t1ILIIkI. . I 3. `<|"VI\llrd_:, Foj hy %VLeiuI.~..a. ...,. '5 C *2 3515 ' 7 var ' `*9 ` :3: fro:-ki`~hIVe.`l:o oh -Io gslqgnpc. W... ; Jnfgr a.nd~buy i.`iiiitt"lB"j J? ` .:`.~ _ . H . v .r :9h!9e?-ML1vrCur9- know. ' '0hv~n-2;-wwnot .-M11: thv-uh. W to thQ__Thomas concert last night. ADon _t want s }1y of the .hu.rm9ny to escape`, ye Wl.`0II a-015361), uxu yuu I yids 1 111-11 `._`P) _ _LL_4 lcorrootihg not English. ,_._-__ L- L..--n mien: h.-1V9 W! *.1*5'f`5ii nd ybti R: . . If .th.ere g3 zany.-tar-. H r z,."=-T" ..*"..-"H '.'.".`.*. "J. I i.{g.3,_ VU-,1;v91tt9 not vs: 10!: enough-. 5 .__a. .-II --drlnnun nnnn anus . .. _ ,.. . . .71.`- `J. ,. :7`... mwm I 4 -Jmd A-a.\_', -m~ ,5 swore ,mtter`1 had ' .'o)dfIit\he5` ..bee1`1.'AIiIig!n::g.: .}. ` the t _ ` iipntlle lan- -' x ; int ho`hoto1.i:1eti-_%.-IL`niexit:`: t"i> the dining-room to tea. ' It is not my. custom -_L1- L-nu-v4.o{nn I-A nIv|:`n An Anna in uvktusn Lllllll.lx'.lUUl.l.l UV U00: .l.Ia ID savu nu vuuvvuu .w " trsvellinlz to smile on one in whose A lie t`s'hop syifi '_ 31. to be dash- "'s?I"f5"eaith'B"y my"de urn. _. If I `have . A `psiniij `wail fiiid "not intend to do so. I can joke"a.r'18. osiry on and havens real good time, but I do not wish to ininimin snv bfssf hope -which `may T be b1sstd,`ah.`"s ! `too soon. 1']. --.. .L...L In...-a Inn`.-.un T t`:nnnvvnnAt` n If we knew, when walking thoughtless` `Through the crowded dusty way, That some pearl of wondrous whiteness Close beside our athwav lay, We should pause w ere he hasten, We should oftener look around, Lest our careless feet should trample Some rare jewel in the ground.` If we knew what forms are fainting For the shade which we could ing, If we knew what`lips are Batching T For the water we could rinu, We should haste with eager footsteps, We should work with willing hands, Bearing cooling cups of water ` Planting rows of shading palms. If we knew `what feet, were weary, Climbing up;t.lI9f..hi11l of gain, By theworld oaitout as evil, Dan-' nnnhnnh Mnnlhnnn o 3; Jug. _.|>;uvv,.yU_uuu L{l?I_lIlB,.lUIlIII.l :u3 . spy ..:,Go`od-by, , _Wh1dumong the ll[lB,.1t, has us _- , =,;Firat b_9heAth.jhe..9Wl'i.wonld he, lI7L:I.. '3'-A -n:-u Inu\A.| LLn:u `nan. - It in; knev,..:_hn trigmiuruna us ` Clnaalv men to uiv"...;Good-bv. W 11119 }K_U__rpgI' u ujuugr uwqu % `.;utLbi.. i 1i1.!. lm.` ` Tenderworda of love %' ; _ " We; bhold. igiiper in t`h.ififea.ra. ` >:_j_- 11 lulu` WWII`! Will _ } Poor,` repntsnt Magdaltnes ; ~ We no. hiore should date to scorn them With -our Phamaic grids, , _ _ `Wrapping clos'e'.onr to as `about u Paging on theother ude. ' It was not long before I discovered ` a. beautiful blonde of the female sex at the farther and of the room beneath the chan- delier. Her skin seemed to be of a deli~ vcate sea.-shell color, and her hair was corn-colored. Her clothes also were en- tirelv new, I should iudsze, and made es- pecially for her. On her nger she wore a diamond ring with perfect ease. She knew just, how to work that nger in or- der faqaetwthe most possible glitter out of her diamond .' Every little while I would look over there and revel in her beauty, and I thought that she was not entirely insensible to my charms. A11 LLAL A-nu-Jun -`run Inna `I1 nan mint` . 1 uun `II_9llUQ|._I|';._ll_yv_pv|'u,' vvvlu 'Whil9 like rain-n nheir faces .n`..;I"..'._."I.`:.n'.`x..` 1:...i:_~".:a 12...}. ` 111581131016 W my uuururn. . ' All,tha.t evening she was in my mind. I dreamed that night that I swooped down upon her and carried her away to the re- motest boundaries of the world in a special "V1- -.---L .....-_._.- Y an-nA`!| `nnhab IIIUWJII: Uuuuuotlwu ul. uuu wusau Lu nu Urvvnvb car. The next morning I awoke hungry, for I didn't eat much supper the night before. I went down to breakfast, wait- ing and fooling away in time. hoping that she would come whife I was iuthe breakfast. room, and I would ll myself up with the beautiful vision and a. cup of coffee. , ` ~- -1-A ----- 01.- --:l..A nJn Ll; Cones. Anon she came. She sailed info the room with calm disdainand an air of hau- teur, and such things as that. The head waiter waved his hand like a. self-acting duke in a theater and gave her a seat at "my table. A thrill pused up through me and I laid down the vulgar sausage which I was -about to feed myself when she wned upon me.` 1' -w:nn`nunntI `A IHFOII WD80. upun um. Iwentm-ed to look across the. table at her in the full glare of the new-born day. The first thing that I discovered was that she hadu t put her yellow wig on straight. It was a little higher on `one ear than the other, which gave_her the air of a_youn2 man who has over monkeyed with the owing bowl. This showed. . to the casual spectator aglimpse of her owr'1m_oth'-eat- en, sage brush hair faded tail on an old `al l Then-I knew that we could never, be more to each, other than" friends. Her nose was red also, and zshe had `not been properly calcimined`. In the hurry of dressing she had '_ ed her. nose with_the powder-rag and it organ-meamng, of course, the nose, `not the powder-rag- loomed up robust and purple in the ghastly waste of cheek bones and other osseous formations. ' - ping. V ;oiit like `the o ' . .__L_:. - _...-.'.. ':L .'....'.o'n' rnn lvn nan mn-

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