Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Jun 1885, p. 5

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* nlnonaez nlcxs-Duuuu. Lord High Chancellor, Sit Hardinge Giffard; % -r-,_:| I1_:.__ Q...` 61.`; "no.1 A` "nu-_ wny. Secretary for Home Department, Sir Richard Aasheton Cross. -A--AA`-- 2.... nlnnigl nnnnvtmnnt, tucnaru Aaanuwu un. uaa. Secretary for Colonial. Department, Col. Frederick. Stanley. Secretary for War, Right Hon. Wm. Henrvmith. Secretary of `State for India, Lord Randolph Churchill. IF: -at T null nf {aka A A ttanaoxpn Unuruuux. Fipt Lord of the Admiralty, Lord George Hamilton. President of the Local Government Board. Arthur J. Balfour. .n_--:.1....s -0 51.- Rn.-nu-`I nf 'I"rnn-- the. I Duke 0! nicnmonu uuu \JUI;uuu. _ Vice-President; of the Council, Hon. Edwafd Stanliope. A ' ' ' Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the Earl of Oarnarvon. . . V . 7 Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Right on. Edward Gibson. ' ~ i \ uoara. Arulur a. Duuuun. `President of the Board of 'J`rade,A the I Duk of Richmond and Gordon. 172-- 1')_...-..'.J.....l. .-J 01-no flnnnnn, F[n'n_ `terestuig dayin the House of` Commons _ nommm rarmunont. . OTTAWA, `June 18.--'.l`his was an in- in consequence of the Scott Act amend- ments debate. The discussion was lively and interestimz. Mr. Jamieson led the debate for the temperance ` people and Mr. Cameron for the Senate amendments, Some of the minor amendments were no- eepted -by the Commons, but the beer and light wine amendment `was defestedby a majority of eight votes. Seventy-eight members `voted for it, `hand eihty-six 'ags1nst1t.- The has time the issue was tried in the House only 15 members voted` e'g&inst'.the.Aet. The vote of last Thurs- ds'y`showsa` _`oons1ders.b1e change taking- plwein the views of inembers either `in the difeetionof "repealing the Act, _or' .. ~- .._I: . A '.3'.';.`i ..."`.....`. 13.5 `$1.. :`.a`a.'."a'a.;'.'i..'J.'.`.';'i graltly n10altylng`lUo 1!: W3! aluu wuvu the bell rang tor the "division several members who were hsving_their_ beer in the ealoen-o'f the HouIe.went end voted the Senate amendment. The .!_h_embe1_'e'; who in the debate. were: Menage `Hickey, Foster, Fisher, McOreue,' -Suthexlbnd, Hon; `Mr. ' Bleke, Sir'John\A, Meedonald, -Meure. Small, White; `C1I!`.8V,`.' nlltoil " Mcatthy Igahd Mr. Colby.. ` Itxin alleged that; number onefovmezs ,-me whipped .--inte .pmy line *imtead;of being; left to Note they utheriwise wQu,ld.. - V . Painted ' I.-inen Window? Shades. % Curtain Poles and Rings, % 7 Children s Carriages, % I Hartslrorrr Shade Rollers Grand Rapid Carpet Sweepers, _Common Sense Lamps, Electro-Plated Ware, . Ice UreamVFreezers, Coal Oil Stoves, Refrigerators, Door Mats, Baskets, Etc. i!IUpUl' UUKIIIUIDUUUS. On motion of Mr. Moberly,-seconded `by Mr. C. Cooke, ordered that the peti- tion of G. Gordon be referred to a special committee whlch was named. J A l\ .0 Ann (*1 ,_,_ __--._ .. Come and See Us. Oppooito Queen : Hotel- . The undersigned will ship to any Railway Station, per express, within 100 miles of Toronto, Carriage Paid, on re- ceipt of amount, P.O. Order` or Registered letter. I guarantee to ship you a first-class article. 2 Bottles Old Rye or Malt WHISKY. it1BottleBRANDY................. 1Bottle PORT........... . . . . . . . .. FOR $3.CO. 2 lbs. Green, Black or Japan TEA. . . 2 corroooooooooooooooolooo 1 Gall Old Rye or Malt WHISKY. . i 5 lbs. Green, Black or Japan TBA. . FOR $5.00. 5lb8.coI"PEEo..... o o o o o oooooooo 2 Galla. Old R e of Malt wmsxy. 3 lbs. Green, lack or Japan TBA. . Q FOR $5.00. 3lbs-COFFEE... .......... IROYAL BARGAINS SPRING OF I885 Above criticism, ; SANDERS BRO S. WATDHMAKERS AND JEWELER8 WALTHAM, 1: ELGIN AND__ % % -. swms wuoans, ' % 150111 com) AND SILVER. %REPAm1NGV1N ALL ITS BRANCHES A SPECIALTY. IAL1,,% WORK GUARANTEED. GELEBRATED ENGLISH WAIILKENPIIAIIST BOOTS! k-UILILIHUIUU WHICH WEB UNIQUE: On motion of Mr. Greenaway, seconded by Mr. McKay, `ordered that the petition praying for a quarterly faifin the village of Tottenharn be referred to s. snecial committee which was named, with the order to report this present session. Ronny-G C 61. Qnnnh nmmitfnn nn SEE: THEM: SEE THEM: CLAY'l`0N S FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE. non ? READ : TIHUARE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. MW e S@kS1? 8 S`1I* So stylish and appropriate for spring time, that " purchasing them is a pastime. ,r:jE:s-r.A.BLIs:HE:D 1359. Now open and ready fot the lucky purchaser. SPECIAL VALUE IN` ELEOTRO-PLATED WARE, WEDDING PRESENTS, 'ATOHES, GOLD BEADED cANEs, AND 1 GOLD SILVER. A JEWELRY of latest design. vnuus uu LUPUIU hula PIUDUILU ovuunvun Report of the Special Committee on Equalization of Assessment Roll: with Schedule A were presented and read. On motion for its adoption it was ordered to lie on the table till the -next meeting of ihe Council by 12 members, in accord- ance with the Standing Rules. (`V1 `V\`\l'\`:1.-u -.C 13---A- -nnnv\t`nl` BU and unequalled in Style, Variety and Price Ladies and Ge'ntlemcn`s ----FOR THE---- B. WHITEHEAD, BARBIE. rMalt W_HlSKY- ::I:::::::'.:::'.'. I OTTON' BROS. 105% Queen Street West, - TORONTO. No Trouble to Show Goods. `-uvu vutu uu: obauuiuy .l\:l.llUo On `motion of Fraser, seconded by Beatty, ordered that whereas the muni- cipalities of Penetanguishene," Midland, - Tiny, Orillia and Matchedash, did give their respective contingents to the Simooe Foresters of underclothing, eto.. prior to `hair departure for Battalion 11 &dquart- ers, therefore it is hereby mov that the _Reeves of said municipalities have at an early day the accounts in detail ot the Eatne, in order that they may "be placd b_9f01'6the proper committee for examini` On at th's session. T '\l-l-:, 11 1'\ . Q 1 LI__L 22 "`` W Lu 5 563310. I)ickinson-McDermot, ordered, that if any municipality is dissatised with the action of the Council in increasing or de- _Creasing the valuation of any municipal- `P3 , the Council is willing to have the nnal Equalization of Assessment in case Gig-fpeal made by the County J udge. ' cKaVMnA--m P\` A-1: Anna ~.-.r-an nuauu Dy DIIU UUUHIIJ ouu Va _MK3'Y~McDermot, ordered, V-1 1`M'ath9 w`*1`d8n appoint a. Special Committee of `$1108 Ililembers of this Council to consider Q 1: u:nnl.:IIL_, Al :,,, ` , __.L:_.. --..-`Luv nuuli the `II'l0re equitable and sa.tiIfI0trV equdizar . and Sunnidale ; $150to00mPl"'bdg ---._., ...oo.oous 01 mm UollI10_ P" ""'""" the advisability of eppomtm wgntz Veluators or some other means where y V - f th county ::i.`;.:*::':;:?::.*;:.,5:":.`:o Jmttee report the resent session. . . The Warliien appointed Meufl . Evans, Frazer, McKay. MDrmt -t r 3 0- H, Smith, A. Thompson and 3'" who said committee. - t Thompaon--Wianckd, orderegio `Nita: Committee on Roads and _B38' '5._ {Mo consideration the propmt f.g."';lw. `8'$100 to assist Orillre. and _ 1"t?n .d {rebuild a. bridge on town_l1ne 0 5 ownships. V . 0- ` The following grantB'W1'9 &"FP`17".'? ho: $250 to improve townllhe Of Trn between Sunnidale and NWV`.'g" ; 875 for repairing bridge 0 t"."~nlmi:f gene and Iunial; $50.f0" nprov 3 arkerl eSwam . ' " ` On miition a sgecial o0m`.t, W" :97 pointed` to oonoidor the 9.`. -``E.imL~ 0-_mending`the R\`1l'ei`o'fOounoi1s an` 03;` uder the propriety `of ue Ecm` 1, zetion Committee` one or sdm3` Committees, and also to viability `of providing for an Exgcntivq Committee to form one of the Standing Committees -- 'Ag1-snt of 850, wuaakod toauutin uttinq 3 bridge on Lake Joseph Road ; ` sire to express our most heart felt sym- , Tuesday morning at "V ed to WHUII Icywvvavv V`-....'....,- ':i2i,:r:wu referred to a special oom- with the request that it be report- on as early in the sesrion as `possible. vgious By-laws were introduced and and through ditferent stagqg. One was Eownm By-law o. 335 of he Corpora- tion of the Township of Nottawasaga, and moths, my a By,-law `to conrm By-law go 252 of the Township of Innisl, and itliird was a By-law- to conrm By-law '5 of. the Township of Innisl. No. 20 The By-laws were read and nally pass- . it was ordeltgd thatt games ` 130 Esq. Deputy eve o . otte- ::., lie placiad on the several commit- tees in niece of Mr. McBride resigned. On motion of Mr. McDermot, seconded b ML . . disire at its first meeting after the event, to have on record an expression of its ad- miration have nearly brought to a successful issue, what at one time threat- ened to be along campaign, and also de- psthy for the relatives and friends `of those slain in defence of law and order, names that have won undying fame. We would further record our appreciatlon of the enemy and ability displayed `by the Department of Militia in so promptly plscing so efficient a force in the tiel at such short notice. On motion of Kelly, seconded by Cal- idioun, ordered `that Noble Greenaway, Esq., Reeve of Tottenham, be laced on the Committee of Railways, s and Bridges in the place of Geo. A. Nolan re- signed. " V On motion the Council adjourned till 9 o'clock. V Tuesday Morning, June 16. The Council met- as per adjournment. The Warden in the chair. There was the usual routine business. The Warden presented a number of documents Ciich i C of Mr. Switzer: seconded by ` Kelly, ordered that the Uouncil ` of the gallant and soldierly con- . . duct of the volunteers of our beloved : Dominion, who uwuI|{_ I orange on unto Jolepll Road 2 to assist in ropsirinv a bridge-over White Oak Creek, townline Humphrey and Christie ; $100 to uuiut in repairing ` the road! ' to the County of Ouhri . \ The Ooun ' than adjourned till 7 o'clock p. m. ' _ _._.__. .. --any-ua-vqv - i Council met `as per adjournment, the Warden in the i Report of Spooinl Committee on Equali- zation of Aueuumont Rollo with Schedule A was taken up u the first order. `Inna-Inn`, `li\........ 4-1-...) LL-L LL- vv-u uunvu any 1 UIIU IIIIII UITIIUIV I McDermot-.-'-Frazer, ordered, that the ` Report of Equalization Committee with | accompanying Schedule laid on the teble at the morning session be adopted, which gnu adopted on a. division, You 35. Ray: N The Warden` Dtelented the following documenta;whieh.were reed. _ , | Petition: of J. E. Richardson and otherl. J. O. Hartley, W. Wright,` South Simooe Agricultural 8ociety,`Eaet Simcoe Apricultnral Society. ` '- l n-uawnnIa;An6::a-- A` "on f`... gm] _ __... Slfolvuullln-A Iuvulwvyo , . Communications of Mr. 001 and enum- \ her of ecoounte, all of which were refer- red to their reepeetive committees. | Report: Noe. 1, 2 ma 3 of suuaing ` Committee of Fintnee were read and on > motion were adopted. .'lvI..'.'.I'r........o....c 4.1.- n;......:-1 n.........:u.... Ion`tfl.1`;a Wyi`<;i;"of""8 .A `S?i3 KS3" `5'{12T. was and adopted. Th- `kn maid WK `TH III? TKVPVKI The pox-_t`of. the Speoiul Committee `on the communication from Mean. Mc- Carthy Peplerdz Mcuthy wairead and on motion was `adopted. Anu\`:nn5:nn.unn- innnln can a no--`.6 A` ""A";3;&'ti3aT S'J:ie for 3 guns of 3150 to repair bridge between Allieton tend Em ; 3150 to_ nish `bridge on 5` Juan J `An `IL-4 an "'i"L2i3y-law to `confirm By -luv No. 332 ` waa_paa9d through its nal` stages. 'n.-.._ .....I....-:I &L..L L1... (1-...-., '5"1'~3oi`."y""1i3'$}';"" "1o`6"'F3} i'~`r`y`3`1m"e' . ' V VIII... 1).. I-.. J... ....'.l:.._. 'D..` I_.- \T.-. QQO WGD PCBXII uusvugu IIIB Ill-[Cl BUR Sieeohe--Dunn, ordered,.thet the Com- mittee on Road; and Bridge: be request- ed to take into conhideration propriety of ; granting $120 for constructing I. "bridge 1 over Ferguson : Greek. ' Ann`:nn6nnn can IIIGAA `AD On rang`! teen. . The Council met at Orillia. on Monday, 15;}; June. plmunt J0 athournment. The Wuden 1n the ohelr. All the mem- , be" ",9 present except Megan. Phelps, ' spohn and Drury. Minutes of lag . session were read and conrm-' Bdmsm, Greenaway and Hamilton. wok` V - .v1ee Nolan and McBride rec` . ed. gn warden addressed use Council atl wmidguble length, touchmg upon um .ub'octalike1 t0 @8530 their attention ep;-agent salmon, and referred in 5' UVUI I` UI5\IUUII H \JIVUBt _ Appl'cat1on was made for $30 to repair bridge on towlme between Mulmur and Touorontio. McKay -- Atkins, ordered, that the Finance `Committee be instructed to pre- gate and introduce a By-law to amend y-law No. 242 relating to Hawkers and Pedlere in accordance with the Act pue- ed at last session of the Local Legislature. II7_...|.L `I)_...._. -_.l..-A.` GL-6 Ann-Q UH DI: IIIII IUVIIUIJ VI vuv JJUUUL uvgsus-vuavc Wright--Ro'ers, ordered, thst Messrs. Dickinson, Dunn, Fraser, Lyons and .the mover be a. committee to consider the petition of J. C. Hall and others. A....I:...s:.m can Innn `A! A IIPAIIQ ll PUFIDIUII U! U. \.I- uiu Ollu vuuvuso Application was made for 3 grant of 870 ; to build I bridge norou the Hnxnher } Riveigbetween Adjalb and Albion` on con- dition that Peel great 3 like nun ; 8100 to complete the opening .u of the town- `inn `usl--AAI|| nrn An!` ` (If ` E "a)-l.l1il)i;V;B-ti1-0* Spniug _of_ 't6wn- lfno between 0:0 and north of the.Barrie1-and. V lI___..-I A.L-;. -.I...--_-J L:`` G A A`nn`r (J13 `DIITIU IE1: Council then adjourned tili 9 o clock Wedueldny morning. CouNcn. RooM, 17th June-, 1885. w The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ` ment. The Warden in the char. 1 Minutes of yesterday were read Ind con- --ga] 1 nnono Re of J. 0. Mo an, M. A., P. B. I. for orth In Mr. Switzefe ec- eount were presented by the Warden Ind referred to their respective committees. A __`-A-L34-u -vn- uv'|nt`A"nI A f. ll` m POIOITOG. W man IBIPBBDIVU ouluuuwvvn. Apphcstion was mnde'.for 5 grant of to unorovo Hurontu-io' Street in the Township of Nottawaugs, on condition L that the Township grant alike sum. - Q # AL. -_..-L....- upon-v vs-v --vv--.-.__` F - Application was mile for the construc- tion of 5 bridge at Glenmorris from form- 1 ergrents ;. $100 to im rove the _ townline Jof;0ro and Medonte ; 0 to" repair swirig bridge at North River ; $50 to assist in completing bridge on townline between Watt and_Ce1-dwell ; $35083 equivalent to grant _ from Victorze for re-building bridge. 4- 1.. -. an D hna-'_1(1I`r` nfdfd. "1"i1`:;Iev;;t`)'r.0`f?;;1:. Specul` ' Cdmmittee n `IA'i|a`=`nI| A l3.Anp`p\cn A-ml Akndn nudge. :- _ James Rosa-'--K1rklend. ordered, that `the Clerk be instructed to procure one copy for each member of the "Council of ghe lest Statutes of Ontario as soon as possible. _ A....1;...+.;m mu: made for aszrant of 0 BlD18. Application was made for a. grant $400 to build a lock-up at Tottenham \ village ;$10O to aunt in hauling stones ` for Muskoka. eRoad ; $75 to complete bridge on townline between Vespra. and Snnnidale ; 8250 for improving the Pene- tanguishene Road between Innisl and I Went Gwillimbury. `I417--- ` `Pennant: H. West Urwunmoury. . V McKay-`-Frazer, ordered, that a special committee be named by the Warden for i the purpose of considering some suitable manner whereb a proper reception may be given to the th Battalion 1: on their return from the North-West. is Wor- ship named Messrs. Cooke, Dickinson,~ Dunn. Drury, Frazer, Moberly. McKay, Phelps, Spohn and A. Thompson to be` such committee. ` 4 ' ` `1`---_ 'IK-A:nn `nun I. committqo. . _ % -f Eva.nsw-MoA.fee, apphed fOr~8 3'5"` . _ $50 to rail the approaches to a dnsrou } br1A`df..'Iia-uann maa for In b1'18- - \ _ . Application was made for a grant of $50. to -repair bridge on townline Adjala and .Mono, the County of Duiferin to grant a ` like sum ; $75`to further assist the Torin and ;Township of .0rillia in repairing Division lme ; $200 to build two bridges on townliue between York and Simone, the County of York gran:i'ug,.. then. like. sum ; $150. -to assist in building ap- proaches to Railway bridges'.;`$50 to .as-' sist in building- a bridge` on tewnline of Nottawasaga and ltlulmur, the County of Dufferin to grant a like sum ; $150 for im- proving the Essa road leading to Barrie ; a $100 to repair Fiona and Vespra road, said Townships to grant a like sum ; $100 to rebuild a bridge over Parbrook River, townline Medonte and Orillia ; $40 to re- build bridge at Orr Lake, townline Medonte, sud Flos. _ ' The Council then adjourned till 7 p.m. nvszuua ssssiox. -The Warden took the chair at 70 p. In. ` `_ His Worshi ogresented the following _c`o:uments-w i wereresd: ` - 0 H` '-arrears. . ' Report of Rev. Thomas M_cKee, M. A., P S. I. for South Simcoe and -Muskoka, :' Auditors Report, Report of South Simcoe Teachers Association. ` . ` . oonnusrourous um Aecouurs _ A` 0 Oommuniostion from Oountyvtlerk ; Peterborough Oounty, Alexander. Scott, `._ . 1 000. , G00. Ha . Sanders`, Nu.-` K1D'~CnY ~Pg1'_m**'1'a~|nd :_w_.;. .;_;;Lg.;hgrd;_1g. All theszsrdonments .` lwei-e'.referred to their iF:8IVBQi?}7}9iilmmit* .- tees.g .v ~`;~`. -;`i`."' " 1 Re ort No. 2 S9%*!d1!!8 ;.`,C2Oi!!I1tte,9n `P d"';Bridg6l smltdoptad. nvnxmo` snsxox. I705? I915 CIIII TlUlIIlU\l' `moved in `amend- ment to No. 5 that in view of the large amount of money recommended in the `Report and at such short notice, that the Reportbe referred back to the Committee for further consideration, with instructions to consider the claims of the electoral District of Oardwell to a inst andvreaaon- able assistance, or any other just claims that mav be presented. Lost on a divi- ,aicn. ` You 14, Nays 33. The original `motion was carried on the same vote as above. exce t Mr. Wright - voted Nay and Mr. lie v voted Yea. _ Report by a Special Committee on Tot- tenham Quarterly Fair with accompany- ing By-law waa read. The By-law was natal`-D`: manna` liannaanha all do: nbnnnn _1z`..p..g`e';` 4` kid 57st.and,m am... mitto on. Fimnoe were}-ead`and v opted. nnArlnnf;_wnu runway` :n nnnnu-I- C Tm W K I I- W cKny-A. '1*'3;np.'35f ordered. '5 thin Oonucil record it: hearty`-ntfzukn to. E 0ox,l .,oovcotWood and Modern, for ' is kind oer to entcttcin the members of this Council at the Pros- ouse, -Port Bcndeldywhile on s trip ugh Lake Jose 1:,` and express regret -thst it is unpossih e to accept his kind hospitslity. LonuI:4ug6:n- -n- cunning `An A much}, rm` 'X`p?"o'u"7."&u ....a. for . grant of $300 to be expended In permanent build- ing: in the Muokolu District chow gonads. All-{us-_'II'aYnu nunnn Oinnf. nln. II&lIlI'*UIUClq' Vtlllvlvu, quuv vuv wvur mittee on County Property do take into ooneidentien the advisability of ting the sum of $400 fox erecting a 1 -u in the villuze of Beeton. the _uid .v' e complying with the umal conditions. _,._.I. l._ - .._.._L -2 Applicstion was nude (01,: grant of $200 to saint .in. building 3 bridge over Rock Rock River; 850 to ropur Bear Croekbridge, Tiny and Modonte _3,__j ;L-; "'1'v:z'ti;i;;:5l:-a. E: 11' h 1;.gae.ea that the Cgmmittoe on Fmnnoe. consider the ,, -1 _.___L!___ Annn L- __-l_L 3.. _- VIII! vuuluuuuvu VII sue-uvuu vvusuuvs vuv grolfriety of qrmtinv to Illilt in to- u' ding the Agricultural Hell lately burned down in the'1`own of Collingwood. A_..I--La-_ -._- nu-An `run an nuance` A` lltlill IIUWII nu uuu Luwu ul. Vvuluawvvue Application was made for a grant of $60 to re it the townline between Teaser- ontio `an Adjale. ;` $50 to build bridge over Silver Creek on townline of Not- taweeage and Gollingwood, the County of Grey granting. a. like sum. ' n..........__e'.....u ....A....a nut Hi. Finmm * Ul'Uy grinning D ulus auuu 1 Rogers-Small.orderer?,thet- the Finance Gomrmttee take into consideration the advisability of granting $150 in making permanent improvement: on the Agricul- tural Perk {grounds in the village of 1 Al_l_i'_ston;_` ,.-_-:1 u__.. _.I:-..........l till 0 AHIIFOH. 9 . The Council then adjourned till 9 o clock 'I`nu1-sdny morning. 7 The Council met st 9 o'clock, J mm 1181;}: as per udjonrnment, the Warden in the chair. All the members present ex- cept Mum. Phelpe and Millie. Minutes of zeeterdsy were need and conrmed- ... wna... m....nouI thn mutation of 0! euemsy Warn ruin Inn VUuu|uIvu- be Warden presented the petition _ Paul Meugh and othet-e, and eeoounte of Township: of Flea and Snnnidele, which were read end referred. 340 No. 6 of, Standing Committee ' 'th ' B -1.: `. .`.`.. reed. ma? .-.,;`.`.e3.o".t`."; .`:'3%...1 ....1 LL. D_ I-.. -.--aul p-niw" ,Vrdf, ,`,`I,.`.Z'.a`'a "."`'3'o:t of The among which were accounts , oico of Deputy Hugh Constable. `'0`mozion, all these documents,` except ccarthye _Pepler Mo0|rth_y. Ieferred to then` respeotxve ` 3920- that was specml mim} request 1t regatt- don pomble. 9 xntroduced , n....mah dierent stages. we by-new _, T _ , _ Report at Specie] Gommxtte on Gumm- el Justice. was reed end edolmdi Report No. _ 1 Standing Committee on Eduoetion was adopted. ` I)-_--L $4. Q Qbnnniznt-D On nauoeuon was uvuupwu. _ . Report No. 3 Stendin Committee on Road: and Brid I was opted. Gdlegher- elly, ordered, that the Committee on Finance take into considera- tion the advisability of granting 8160 to In H ...__L:. A'__-..IL'--.1 Q.-u-iota in guilt IQVI-llllliy 0` KTCIIIIHB vlvv vv '1`onnrontio Agcnltnrcl Society to saint in paying-for it Agricultural chad rc- ccntly bought, and that `Rule--55 be Inc- pcnded for shut put . "\'-!r-_ -..i...;...1 '6'1..6"gIJun|1ah E PEIIUUIL {Ur ysquu yugrv-V . I ' Dunn-'-HcK1.y, ordered, thstslthough thisonncil nd they are unable to soon t the very uenexons offer of A. R. Cop - burn, Esq;, M. P.. `in plsoing one of his splendid `steamers st their seivide free of charge foran excursion up Lslrss Musko- ka and Rossesu, they nevertheless. feel bound to render that gentlemen their - AI.-.-L- L....-L.'....-. Hug}. gt. gnmg g'IviI`1tl;;l:[w\:`ok3i:'svl)iit1"ictihow undo. Atkino-lIcKAy, ordered, that Com- dbtgg an ('94-uuntn Dun-unnutn An GAIIA Slain IIUXHX Vii . w---v- . sincere` thanks, trnstin; that at some future day they may be in a position to avail; themselves of his kind invitation, and that the Clerk be instructed toi9r- ward; `a copy of this `resolution to that Sentleman. . . 3 - ~. Frazere McRae, order-ed,that the Co)m- mittee on Finance and Assessment `con- sider lhe advisability of recommendin a grant of $300 to aid the Tiny and ay Agricultural Society in purchasing grounds and erecting editable buildings. and that for that purpose Rule 55 be suspended, ml... nmnmi? tlmnndinnrned til`r7 O clock ~ The Warden to'ok his aeafat} 7 o'clbck. iHis Worship presented a telegram frcm the Minister of Education. and `a com- munication from Wi.llialm.'R&m8ay, I3_.`sq., which were read, ` ?. n,_-_; 17.. A Sunnana nmmittae-e.,on which reau, ~ , Eeport No. Gtanding Oommittemon 'Finsnce*vaa presented-and read. - ~ ~ - On motion` `for. its adoption." It was moved in amendment bv Reid-Smith, that the Report be not adopted, and that the application` for aid to the Great N orth- ern Agricultural Society laid over till the fall. aeuion tf_ this; Council. The amendment was earned- = . Y'|__-_A. `KT. '7 Qoanina Cnmmtee On; amendment was carrwu. e ' Report No. 7 Standing Committee on Finance with accompanying By-law was read, the `Report adopted and the By-law passed. , A.-_Thompson-J. B. Thompson, order- ed that the invitation of Wm. Ramsay, Esq., Town of Orillia, be accepted, and that the members of this Oouncil appear in a body at his establishment when the Council` adjourn to-morrow morning. their late excursion on the waters of the beautiful Lake Oonchiching and pleasant passage inhis vehicles from the boat to the mill. and the -Clerk ls requested to send a copy of this resolution to -Mr. Thom n. A n_-'-Hamilton, ordered,th_atithis Gounoij desires to express their thanks to 3 Mr. ht[cPherson:fo; the triphe gave them 011 hi! Itamer ._.Ente rise, and for the gratcation he afford them. .,_Qn._mo, ' the Special Committee ,ap- pointed :' -` _ {an ie' d:"the zltules .01 Oouneilhe report at;. the No- vember session. ' The Council thenadjourned till Friday { ; ;. -onnoxfz Roots, Uhittxag r ` '::::.t '1: f'_`.; 2- :: :Jnn`d*I9,.-1885. -1-.,-K; .: . Frazer-- Wiancko, ordered, that the ` thanks of this `Council are hereby tender- * )1` that purpose nuxe 0;) us auapu....w._ The Council then `adjourned til} 7 o PI VWVICVVK II were read. 4 Th9.eO?>.nol,m`t th`is, !i1 <;r:1-i!;8".;9'd.' Eng to,a.djournment,,t1;e Warden; ,in the chair. ` Ail` the-`members were resent ex- ,..L `ll'..-...... 1)}-ualnn nut` in, chair.` All nnememnen were ruuuuu u- :gpt;_ Megan; Phel 3 and Mi 'g., A,ft_qr Ir`ou'tin`e"buainesn t ` `Wu-den} gtqanted the B}port'ot His Iionpr J,udge{', EVENING SES'S'l0N;. - THE NORTHERN Anvficg in reWSchoo1 Section ` N9-Q12. Madame. . i In... Dnnnpb - nf F: Kinnhr Janina 3 4539-. 4.3.; .l-.".`4Vl|-"'7- . The Report of His Honor Judge Ardagh was referred to the Committee on Education. A Report: 8 and 9 Standing Committee on Finance were ado ted. Reports 4~and 5 tanding Committee on Road: and Bridges were adopted. Reports 1, 2 and 3 of Standing Com- mittee on County Property were adopted. The Council then adjourned till 2 J-III! -w. o'clock In. ~ . . The union took the chair at 2 o'clock p. In.` - V Repott No. 10 of Standing Committee on Fwanoe with accompanying By-low wu presented and tend, the Report adopted and the Bylaw paced `n........u. .. 11 nl`-Qbgnina nhmmittnn auu we D -luv puww _ i _ Report e. 11 of-Stsndmlz Conymlttee on Finance we: adopted. D.._....L NI . A t.-nlinn Innunltfnn nn on 1' iuunw was uuupwuo Report No. 4 Standing Committee on County Property was adopted. A . Report No. 1 of the Standing 0ommit~ toe on Printing was adopted. Un motion of` McAfee--Evans, ordered that the Clerk be instructed to htve 150 copies of the Minutes of the present session printed sud distributed in accord- snge with the terms ooontraet. ' V , _I.. f\__._.. ___4I-_,.A L`.-L Q Danica PETITIONS. - W. Christie and others byMr. Wisncko, East Suncoe Agricultural Socxoty by Mr. Dickinson, T. R. Bond and-others by Mr. Greenaway, Samuel Gordon and others by Mr. Ross. ~ "nu unuwn ; mvnttd IIIUU WIDII DIE IIU Uyvvuvowuvo Cooke-Dunn ordered that the Reeve of Orillia, Mr. Dunn and Hr. Switzer, be added to the Special Committee on Vol- unteer Reception and also on County Vsluetoraj. - Al. ._ ;I..2._ t`-._._.I ..I.....-- L.` V .lII.lAlIIe Ordered, when this Council adjourn to- morrovrthet it stand adjourned `till the 16th day of.November, then to meet in the Council Chunher, Barrie, at 8 o clook PI m. The Council then adjourned till 9 o'clock qalhnjwo -unA1n:uuao ` `DIV \l\I|IIJUlI UICVI-I I Saturday morning. Councxn Room, Oman, June 20th, 1885. The Council met pursuant to adjourn- ment, the Warden in the chair. Present, the same members as yesterday. T)-_-_L A` L`... Q-\nn:n' nil DUB IDIIIU usguuuuxn no I.`lDIIVl\l O . Report of t e _Speo Comnnttee on Volunteer Reoeptnon was - sdopted._ 1J......_L A8 Qnnninl Finunrnrl-an nn nnuinfv N _ VUl.Ill.)lUUl' Lvvvuyusuu wan uuuyvvu Report of Special Committee on bounty } Valuatora was adopted: T ``._...L `T. 0 GL4-51:11:: t\I'| V IURIIUID W DB Report No. 2 Sta I-IIIVK naing Committee on Education was adopted. . `l)-._-_1. KY- 0 G5. ...I:...... n.`-nnm:6`nA nil Juuuvnuuu "OI: uuuyvvu. 1 Report No. 2 Standing Committee on Printing. was adopted. J. Iluuug. 111 uuvyvvvo ` Report N o. 1 Standing Committee on Continaencios were adopted. q Ann. `I "13.;1;t"o;.", `8;hd 9 Standing Committee: on Road: and Bridges were adopted. V_ * R IUIUBBUI WIIEIIU, EH 5 LUII UL Dvvvuuvwo . : On motion all were referred to then` proper committees. n- ...,.4.:.... ,.cM .. Mnknuln .-unnnn (())Inw1:1oion of Mr. Wianoko, seconded by Mr. MoDennot. ordered that the com-' 1 munioation of the County Council of ` I_L__I. __-.._J. _.I-L:-m 54; `La munch` llllllllilluuu UL Iauu vuuuv vuuuvu Us Pete:-borough relating to the Trent Vnlley Canal be laid over to the next meeting of the Council. end that that Clerk forward 5 copy of this resolution to t the Clerk of the said County. `town: -- V..- --_ On motion of Mr. McKay. seconded by Mr. McDermot, ordered that the Council desire to place upon record its hearty ap- preciation of the extreme kindness and courtesy manifested to the members of the Council by the corporation and citi- zens of the town of0rillia mskingthe -visit to their beautiful and prosperous town so extremely pleasant and agreeable, and thata copof this resolution. befor- warded to the yor and the local papers. The Council then adiourned to meet in the Council Hall, Barrie, on the 16th of \Y____.L._ _L Q A -Inn`: we in VIII UUIIIIUII I-IBIS, vunaov, vu m November. at 8 o o1ook p. m. ronrlroas ohms ovu. `rosin:-gun .2 ssnssu-y nus-omen a Ilnlltry. Loxnox, J one 22 --The English potiti- osl crisis is over; Lord Salisbury is pro- claimed Prime Minister. Her Majesty liss shown some considerable personality V - _.-..-L:_L2....- Ln`:-anon Is nu Iuuwu IUIIIU uuuuuuuu--nu ,.m...e........., in the negotiations between Mr. Glid- stone and Lord Salisbury which has shown that she regards herself as some- thing more than a. re head. There in considerable new b ood coming to the front in the Qoneeryative ranks. The to'1I;wi;;' Lil Authentic list 0 the n_ew Cabinet. 'II E_._2_L -.. -..-pl Qnnunfabvv `AD me new Uamuuu. Prime Mmiater and Secretary for Foreign Affairs, the Marquis of Salu- bury. ` First Lord of the Treasury, Sir Staf-F ford Northcote. e , __ --If_... . `kn 11'-.1-.n:~.nnv Q- Iota J.` UITIIUUDU. Chancellor "of the Exchequer, Su- Mifhael Hicks-Beach. ' ` V *l 1':_l_ t1L-_--II.._ Q:-k I-Ianl`:nnn umaru. _ Lord Privy $eal, the Earl of Hor- rowby. COMMUNICATIONS} - From County Middleaex, Dr. Benton. Professor Wrignt, and slot of accounts. vnn`:nv\ cg -worn *1`

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