Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 25 Jun 1885, p. 1

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-For nice P Id (:-;u_):l_u,' E4371.) '1`. W. G1-av G: 009:. _-__. -__L-.'.. :-_ A-4.._L UVIIll3' WU vv -- -The Sa1vation\rmy captain was escort- ed to'the station last Thursday mo'rnin% by a company of male and female soldiers. hey had knee drill and sang a parting song, and after. shaking hands with the soldiers the captain stepped on board the Hamilton train which was to hear him to another eld of warfare. V . -For nice I) as Goods, go to T. W. GT8! & 00,80. ' -- __ ----..... 4 +1.. uray \JU'Bs, \ y -We have received an account of the banquet given to Dr. Blackstook at Hills- dale last_Friday night and the address pre- sented to him, but in consequence of the press on "our space by the County Council proceedings and our Northwest correspond- ence, we have been. compelled to hold it over till next week when itwill be given in full._ -,l"o nice to Lawns, go to '1`. W. Gray 009s. ; . - -'-The beautiful empenfeidt was "dotted -with every variety of craft last Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. Races ' were a considerable attraction, and a- num- ber of local oarsmen were testing their skill and muscle. More than fty boats were seen within the radius of a smile, many of them manned` (1) by ladies. A prettier picture than the bay presents on these ne evenings could Yvon be imagined. --`For nice spo cl Musllns, go to 'r.w. _ -Guy an 0090. . _ . --There were two runawa in the neigh- . borhocd of the market last turda . Two horses `got loose from the yard in the rear of harness and the other attached to a buck board. They came rushing through the barn in which a number of men were stand- ing causing a general stampede. One man a:....... n... 111:: Immkad down iust outside the barn at Armstrong's hotel one being in ing causing genera: Blillnpeuu. vuu uueu from Oro was knocked down just | the barn door but was not materially dam- aged. The animals were soon secured and no great damage was done, the other was a team on the market square which became frightened and undertook a race against time. It also was" soon captured. The Ivy B will val in the neaday, the lat Jul , ed a` porti Macbeth. _ _ _ ttin farce, Turn,H1mV0ut.' Dancing _ Eta: the entertainment in Maxwell : Hall. lllluue and. and Angus Dramatic 00. d dramatic and musical festi- ommion Hall, Angus, on Wed- when will be present- on of S akeepearda '1` edy of and concluding with t e side- give a A` Boat stolen. A row boat was stolen` from '3 boat house on the photo bf the bay npar the `East Ward Sohoolon Wednesday mght of last week. Two induatrionp yo man named Sonnets. .......1....a at Mr. M. ohnson s `brick ysrd. Two indl18t0|1Y0un5_1uuu uuusuu. uuunvua. employed at Mr. M. brick ysrd. lately erected a boat house and purchased a F] anwrvnoung nun wvbua Chapter of Local History. `new boat for their recreetion, which they I ut in their boat house on `Tuesday night and ' ocked the door, Returning from their day's labor on Wednesday evening they found the , lock broken and the boat taken awav. As yet they have not found their boat w enor'o'b.tained.a.ny clue to-the thieves. It is 1 to be hoped these boat thieves will be found an.` 10$` mknf hnw Aoinrvn ' DU UV uupuu uncut: uunu unpav- and. get what they dederve, - ?5`C'~'`8-9. and Ituke V1 u.\'sw1c1'<. 13th June, 1885. I ~. l.\<'L1cnn, EsQ., V Age Lcunudian Mutual Aid, Dalston. W - Allow me through you to thank ,, - 9- "um-. sq.. Secretary, and the Directors 3'. the Cunud n Mutual Aid. Ac-sociation for gbe puvmcm 0 he sum of $2,293.72, the amount <.ue m turlns of certicate in the Association 1'!-`1d_f1;l3' my husb d. the late Ox-an Wice, of \ asure in recommending it cheap and reliu e means of Life Assur- .` mv best wishes for intsv For the Twenty-Fourth Week Ending June 20th;1885. ' u | A southern wind prevailing in the fore of the week gave us the warmest nights temperature 61 on Sunday, the 14th, from which it cooled down to44 on 17th and 18th with 9. change of wind to northwester- ly, and only attained 56 :fterwardn-a.n ` average ni hts tem rature of 52 . There was no fu cloudy y in the week, the sun m.-ninn 4,`I-an Jnilu fnmnnmtnrn fr-nun 79 nn 3 Wfllllllg IILIU uuuy Ulpvluunu Lnuun an vu 16th, up to 98 - on the 19th--3 daily mean _ of 83 .. The daily average ranged from 62 on 17th, to 77 on 19th, makmg a mean of 1 70 for the week, or 5 above the previous week. The shortest range in 24 hours was 52 to 72 on 16th, a day 2 3rds cloudy from ` the N. W., and the longest range was 44 to ; 92 on 18th in clear westerly wind. The ex- -1 treme range for the week was 54 . 3 An olernnan`-an-rdn Jain-onndnn that 1-naintnl-all W33 IIU lull UIUIILI III III IIIIU W003, Iluv nun \ .v warmmg the daily temperature from 72 on IRE}: Inn in Qc nn thn lQf'.h._.-. nilv Illlilll FIUIIIU tlllgu LU]: vuv wvvn W1 U: I An atmospheric depression that registered the lowest, 29 03 in., came over on the 15th, ` when we got a 1 hours rainfall of 0-12 in., ! from which the barometer ranged to 29-26 1 on 18th ; and another depression on last day indicated 29-10, with the barometer still lowering, which showed that the centre. of this depression had not reached our locality. 'Nm s-nfnll An 9 nuts. Mnndav and `C1113 QUPFCBBIUH LIEU. IIUII Icdlsuvu uux uruauvla I I The rainfall on 2 days, Monday and Tuesday, came down in 5 hours, and gave ` us 0-41 in. water. The latter day's rain was taken at 11 p. m. after 3 hours fall, the same continued some hours after, which will be recorded in next week s report. VIVL- L_L_I -_...__L A` nu-Ir|n`::I|n :11 '7 x W1 UV IUUUTUQL Ill IJCAU WUUA u Lvyulva The total amount of sunshine in the 7 days, ranging from 5 hours to 1 full day, was 70 hours, from a. possible 108;} that the sun `was above the horizon in the week. _,__:_ J- _....... ......-LL..-.. A .l..-... sun W EUUVU ULIU LIUI lbuu Au vuv vvvvn. . The prevailing winds were southern 4 days, northern 2 days, from as westerly direction 5 days, and easterly 2 days. The strength of these winds were calm 1 day, and ranging from 1 to 4-l0ths of full force in the other 3 1 Iiafys. LIL J vvupn - V- --V v -.-v-- The adjourned court met at 7 p. m. on ` Tuesday, 23rd inst. Mr. Haughtou Lenuox appeared and addressed the court on behalf of the following hotel keepers and obtained , L- AL. ___...__A... -... ....,.L ........ an...-.. uppeareu uuu uuulscbucu uuc uuuu: uu vuuuaa following keepers obtained reductions to the amounts in each case speci- fied, namely : William Kennedy, assessment reduced $1300; Jchn r Ness, $2666; Wm. Kemp, $1200 ; M. ShanacYs $2333; Mr. Armstrong, $1266 ; M._ Brennan, $1500 ; Wm Webb, $2000 ; Mr. Middleton, $3433 ; W. Brown, $3000 ; and Mr. McDonald, one third of his assessment ; making a. total re- duction on the assessments of hotel `proper- ties in Batiitof some $20,000. The follow- ing additional cases were disposed of : `V Mrs. McDougall, reduced $100 ; Mr. Forsyth. $300 and dog taken off ; M1. We-d1ock,$50 ; Judge Ardagh, $2150; Mrs. McGuirk, $50 ; 3 Mr; Cairns (personal property) $300; and Thomas Simpson, $100 off 4 lots. The court stands adjourned until next Mon- plnuv nunn:nn J1-Iv Vvulv vans: day evening. no our, two i The congregation of Collier Street Metho- dist Church occupied the town hall last Sabbath. [`he sermon in the evening by `Rev. J ., W. Annis, B. A, was on Presbyter- ianism. He showed how it resembles and how it differs from Methodism, paid a tribute `to the great leaders of Presbyterianism of the resent and past days, traced its history in cotland and in;Canada, showed how Metho- ` dists might prot by the ractice of patience and perseverance which c aracterize Presby- terians and their systematic study of the Bible, and indicated how they could profit- ably take a leaf or two from Methodist practice; indeed that they are learning a good deal from the Methodistic way of ap- : pealing to the heart in connection with the intellect. Christ Church. Announcement of Christ Church, Reform- ed Episco al, Rev. William H. Barnes, Rector. hurch services in Lecture Room of Collier street Methodist Church; Sunday School and week day services in Y. M. C. A. hall, Dunlop street. Fourth Sunday after Trinity. Morning subject, Christ, as a Divine Personality, our Hope ; Evening sub- ject, The Peril of Success. Sunday school and adult Bible class at 3 p.m. Conrmation studies and evangelistic services Wednesdays at 7.45 p.m.. Service of son , Fridays at 7 p. m. , and conference or Bib e study at 7.45 p.m. Subiect for this week, The Parable of the Rich Fool. Dominion Day. The rst of July will be a grand day in Barrie. A capital program has been arrang- ed by the Committee, and neither pains nor expensewill be spared to make it worth a visit to the County town on the Dominion : Natal Day. ' The amplest and best hotel ac- commodation is to be found, and rst-class sports, boat races, excursions on the bay, and the "most magnicent display of re- works will go to ll up the day's_ sports and enjovments. Everybody is cordiall invited `to Simcoe s beautiful capital on t e let of` `l`__I_. UUQLIII July. ADI"! nun nu-mug--. A oow belon%ing to Mr. Williers, harness maker, Oollier . treet east, was grazing last Saturday on the Gore lot near Senator Gowan a residence, when she fell ten feet ` z, by buildeg and . that 1ooalit`y,`i;The poor brute received a fracture of the thigh bone and hadtobe destro ed. Shewas a valuable animal, and Mr. illiers W111 claim --_._...--a:.... ham than om"-nnrntion. valuable annmu, anu nu. yv um... "w compensation from the corporation. ! .,i.;'.'.;.,$'ea`*.`:1`.:,':';.`.:'i`..`:.:,.,: *i:;:.: on the 20th, at the as? of 71- The "1 .--a_ -1--- c....... um `All! residence on Tues- mg 0' I'll -LIA`; Luuvswn I kt1:ce from the lute reudence on 1500 day moon, the services being conducted e by Rev. Mr. Haryatt. "Thus one by one they eway Info the realms beyondma `cl-`I18 \lUUl`Inuo This -oornpeny` was greeted with 3 good house on Monday night. The performance was full up to the promise "and was provo- eative 0 `that laughter which genuine Ethe- opisnt humor is calonleted to .produ_oe. The smging and orchestral performances were ` 779-`A. -..J LI-A :unn\nn&n:nIi `nk and orcneumu penuuunuuvu vvvnv nndfthe impression` was such that % A e ` may.-Lalways depend on an appreciative an 'ence In this town. \IIlIIUo _wm, anhgm, ona`of Barrie ! .`01d53 .- :3.) .5 I.:- -.....3Jnnn.: It:-eat- METEOROLOGICAL REPORT Court of Revision. {THE msnlwu PRESENTATION ! MAGNIFICENT BEGALIA PRESENTED TO M. W. BRO. SPRY. IICQHUIIID QUUIIAJ 'I-rrvv--v- vv-- --v-vv Kindly Greeting On Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock p. m., Kerr Lodge was opened in due and ancient [form for the purpose of, presenting M. W. Bro. Daniel Spry, I. P. G. 311., of the Grand Lodge of Canada, an address and regalia. After receiving the Deputy Grand Master, W. B. Henry Robertson, W. Bro. Dotvney made some appropriate remarks on the oc- casion. He then vacated the chair. which was taken by W. D. G. M. Robertson, who in a brief and happy way, referred to M. W. D... Qn_u - on-u'nnnf -as-vdnnn fn I-Ln nrnft Bil A Flattering Addreu and Appropriate Masonic Reply-Speeches and Most 19-4.. .11.. llcunnbln av IDIIKBQ EDLIIB] us use vnuuun pu-uuvun nu had occupied, and especially of the way he lhad conducted matters in the highest oice in the gift of the craft. He `then read the following address : |The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, to Most Worshipfnl Brother Daniel Spry, Past Grand Master, Dear Sir and Most Worshipful Brother. One of the earliest lessons taught to the neophytein Freemasonry is that merit alone is thebest title to Masonic privileges ; and our ancient charges declare that all prefer- ment among Masons is grounded upon real worth and ersonal merit only, so that the Lords may well served, the brethren not iput to shame nor the Royal Craft despised." Qinna the Human when vnn HI-Hf. hnonmn A _. \ur UUAHDIANSHIP. hip or the in- -1`Ea"?5{e`fa}&rGi`i%3E1%?;%1e. d00d' ate ADDI 'ation' will be made to 'theb}1()r1?:gthe the County of_ 3 u-99 in the Chambers. on 0W9 Ono twenty rie after tn? fimhereof on be- rst pubhcat on Kwmhe. the t h aU;)ro::1a;:arM1v(ioKechni& 4` 0 t e ' ex this %391$`1. for an gr 1' ED Ohm? the id Be . m roe M0 the a said Alexander MoK hnie. d609'5 ' HI5)_ated at Ba.rrie,th1 B 3, E BETHIA AMBR ANMKH_NI BV 1;`I_L(_;`An_1'11Y. PEPLER Sc CAg_'1`io Ono *`~---_._.___.._ J In: hn e, fg,`; ,`,`3 311113! of (he; In I 01161 auu. uuppy way, unuuvu vv nu. "- Bro. Spry : eminent services to the craft, his marked ability in the various poaitionn he Ln!` Anni-|\\;n(I nil!` nI`|0l'|;n_D (If thn TIE `IR PUD IA) uunluu uul. buu Lsuyoa \./unun uvcysnvu. Since the time when you first became a member of the Grand Lodgein 1861, you have held many and various positions in the government of the Craft in Canada, and during the past two years you have lled the important and honorable ofce of Grand Mg`ster;` . A ,4. n__ ___1 -..- :...:.La....: 4... ...... LVLK DUI : The Craft in general-are indebted to you for the zeal, energy and perseverance with which you have devoted your talents and abilities to the service of our belovod order. You have ever been found punctual in the discharge of your duties, just and impartial in all your rulings, and thoroughly conver- sant and familiar with the great landmarks and customs of the Fraternity. _,1: __ __.:c~_- __..............I... n"nlunA :v\ auu. UUSDUIIIB Ul hut: rluucluxty. V A The self-sacrice necessarily involved in the prompt and proper discharge of the duties of the various stations vou have been called upon to ll, and your zeal and devo- tion to the interests of the brotherhood were, from time to` time recognized and acknow- ledged, until, nally. vour brethren confer- red upon you the highest honor in their power by placing you at the head of the Craft as their Most Worshipful Grand Master. ' 1,,,,n._,___ ..-_ ..-...L'.... 1Iv\(\r| Iva!` ...- cunuaiu UU ulgucl. Ialxuuayu. With marked ability you wielded the gavel of executive authority, and at your re- tirement from oice in July last, the Grand Lodge unanimously ordered that a commit- tee ahould be appointed, charged with the agreeable duty which we are now about to perform. . In lunm vnrv an-ant nl mumrp, then, Moat J'.V.lHu DUI} Yonr brethren can confer upon you no greater dlstinction. The annals of Masonry contain no higher triumph. \'KTL1~. ..u...lyn.-I nkH u vnn urfplrlnri than perwrm. We have very great pleasure, then, Most Most Worshipful Sir, in the name and on behalf of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Canada, in offering for your acceptance this Regalia and other articles as a testimonial of the respect and esteem in which you are held by the mem- bers of the Grand Lodge and of the able manner in which you have presided over the Craft during the past two years. unu. at... hand mialanu fnr vnnr nnnnnn Uratt Qllrlng Due puny uwu _ycun!. With the best wishes for your continued happiness and rosperity, we beg to remain, Most Worship nl S11`, yours fraternally, Henry Robertson, Dep. G.M., John M. Gibson, Past D.`D.G.M., Com. Thomas Sargant, Past D.D.G.M., M. W. Bro. Spry replied in tttingterms, thankin the brethren for the uniform kind- gness an courtesy with which he had been treated both in his oicial capacity and in his private communications with his brethren. He said that though now out of the highand responsible position which he had the honor for two years of occupying, he still felt an unabated interest in all that tend- ed to the good of the whole order in which Kings and Princes as well as the peasant freeman, met on the same level. He es- pecially felt gratied at so large a number being present on this occasion in spite of the inconvenient hour of meeting, he felt that it was a high` compliment to him from the brethren of Barrie. ._-A_L _.__ `[)._........-A-. null Qnruln-can clan Drennreu 01 Dan 16. Brothers Rngerson and Sanderson also made brief and appropriate addresses. rm... 1' M1,... m... Hum M? till the. rnmxlnr made one: anu apprupnau: uuurcaaco. The Lodge was then off till the regular hourof meeting `in`the evening when the monthly communication was held. rm... n.....1:. nnnaiutad M the Chanter Re- \`___ . , FOR SALE.-122 AOR$ARM If-OB.` pale 9; rent, Lot 23._ th Q09. V99; mommy communxcauuu wan umu. The Regalia consisted of the Chapter Re- galia, G. Z., and also the Preceptot- s Re- nmliu itor of Tm: ADVANCE : R,-In_ your last week s paper you copy a s tement from the Free Grant Gazette il1 s b.m. Minnie Campbell, purport- a history of her case. I am repre- mg that the mare was glander- ed, and th I ordered Mr. Hill to have her that she is no trim. We won when he gees the `I 'I_-_._ L- .__..1-- I 1 wnen ne sees Ene usnuuruu uuuuw v. y that I consulted Dr. ' in this case, and he pronounced it the we case` of glanders he had ever seen, and said e animal should be destroyed. It is not tru that an Orange- ville vetriuaryy surgeon tr the case. as no other veterinary sur eon lives at that place, an sure treat the animal after pronoun tically incurable. Who then is that has cured a disease heretofo as incurable ? . The country and e pro- fession are deeply interested in such eged cure. J. BAILEY, Barrie, J uue 23rd. 1885. Vet.-S Sanitary and muthetio. The Board ot Works are making an im- portant improvement on Sophia street. The ogen drain, which for some years has receiv- LI... nnil9ann- fa-tun lulu: hnrlnnn h eu IIIIU avwnsu IIUIIL uuv. uuuwvu ua. uuv neighborhood, and which becoming stagnant was often offensive to the eye and detrimen- tal to health, is being convertedinto 5 cover- ed drain the whole lengl; of that ghjeet. ' swwayaama Dredsmaking apgyanticea at Crompton 85 Ryan's. . C . -'-W. R. Phillips . are selling a. beta- tifnl 4 button kid g for 650. {$1.00 PER ANNUM IN ADVANCE. smannz cor-ms. n-Iva cnnrrs. awn, WLIIUII LUF BUIIIU D I-If succu- the sewage from the. l`:<;`usea `in. th ..I..I.....I..-u-.11 anal uvlnh Bnnnminn Ihnannn That Glan.d'ex-ed Mare. Imam FOR AOR ARM 1;? g;d1yi:x:'1`if?FJ1"1a?-`! 313 E3321 rt3a?1?n'unaf's and E9 so%{`:?::2:.*.`...3.=:.a2`:ia*?*922. *9..:*.`: : .: am with clay bottom ~ 90 acres cleared` w -- --rm vain; vvvvvulftvv Ilvnviv vnvv--- ;;=atcem:{`:1`::2.;*2e::.:3a:`:.::&` `ms: housgla smallxpond, in the barn yard; that v51x81'r131 %Ii1$.( 333:1: d'?1$?gt2d1m- plement sheds, ahee and [p houses. &o...'a 305 youn o . qr mm o,:.5:$....*1'.b2.':.2.'1': 22%.! To TEIE ELEOTORS H -.. ...uu nu noun 0: came. urxvwx II-I1 1" ggtanent shee 860-. I or reygetan orchard. who so :1 on easy term! n . A pl at the $9"Axc1c 6f!i1:e?gxI-no?rt?1tey 0?: e 91'0- A ROBERT HUBBERT; L V Rowe BOY WANTED to learnvthe Black-A m~e::.:i.?a?`.`%.-`i`:':i?"1a:`n`: 1`:?. ii -d,'?"'a`: 1% _i,f--- __ V01` $l?SEEY, Proprietor- ..------"""" ..._____ Wray nugmm. - at of hxs age. . ye -"-*""~--.........__ sstua I" in the Town of Barrie and County of Simcoe; 'NI)EI . A&?.BY VIIVEUE of the Power of L. ,~ Sale con ined in a certain Indenture of ' and Ba nvsnnnnll at tho #3::-In nwi an an 117 T $O'I`I`CE OF APPLICATION FOR LETTERS 01` GUARDIANSHIP. ` In (Ian n-mu.-- _. .. .. ,u,g-, -1 LL- 1- 217"" N E:Fmv1;nT1snMEN'rs. mmguiehene, June 15, 1885. AUCTION SALE ;Ano or THANKS; -~--o1~` \_'ALUABLE-- _ E Yours tru -OF THE- VIUIII on mine. 20th. William A '11 unnm: 9 mnnt,hg_ Riding. % e, and I k fo` .1. still gm 1 the - approacl 1 beer?` one in 5 of `the Eligtic nope to see '1l day, but I if is 4., ,..........4...1..&:..,.. S. ORAN WICE. he mm |1'n1a%s1Mcm: Bovsl Intore%s.t;i;_ig [Letters from `Advanca Special Gorlfaspondents. % 001.. mwnm um ma. alum The Kindness of the Ladies Appreciated by the Bey-A Number of Volunteer: to Remain In the North-Weet-'l.'he e Beauty of the Prune: intheir flowery D1-eu-Abnndanoe or Game and the nuntenru-adlee. ` I am pleased to be in a position to info you that the luxuries provided for the use of the Volunteers, by the County -of Simcoe and the ladies of Toronto, at your an estion, reached us yesterdny, and atforde every man in the force stationed here, unbounded pleasure. and made us feel perfectly resigned in the matter of remaining here, as long as H 1 vm>.~-A (-yauAM.-At Barrie, J ne ' `amhanl, Esq., aged 7,1 years, 9 months. this residence. Oro on the 18th inst. . : mchard Frederick Lloyd. in the 78th unal` Of his you kindly convey my thanks as also those ' of all the men to the members of the County Council, and to the ladies who contributed towards the fund of supplies. It may be of satisfaction for you to know that we gave you all three `hearty cheers, here in this vast uninhabited prairie, and it was a solace for us to know that we had friends at home who had not forgotten us, and whom we hope soon to, meet again. Some of the supplies forwarded were especially useful for the sick, of whom we have a number, and four of which we intend sending back to Qu Appelle the first opportunity that offers. We are seven days journey from the Fort by waggon and_the patients will be subject to six mghts exposure, and without medical attendance, which makes the journeyone of considerable risk` and the cause of great anxiety, but in \ most instances sickness here appears to bring | E08 supply 01 guuu. Iausuga uusuu uuu. vvaaa with it a desire to return home, and the homeward journey may have the effect of relieving some of them. We are completely lost to the` rest of the world here, as we have only one mail a week, and it is almost ridiculous to see men devouring news at least a fortnight old. We receive news from Battleford every day, unless the telegraph happens to be out of order. Whlch is often the case, as the poles are altogether of poplar and are constantly tumbling about._ The only thing likely to prolong our stay in this country, appears to be the diiculy with Big Bear, who, if he is not grosslym ngned, is a Big Beast, and would make a fortune for any enterprising showman in the older provinces. Should Gen. Middleton s orders oblige him either to take his scalp or person to a place of safety, it may necessitate our remaining here for some time to come. ' rm-.. L- --.. A.I.-I- T henna Innt mv ; PIBBBUTG, uuu Luuuu ua unu lauunuuy IUwAg'uv.a 1n the matter remammg here, lon the supply of good things holds out. ill nnn I:-in;-Tlu nnnvnv mv thanks 88 8.180 thO38 uvlv av; -.-v--- --._- -- - , 1 am sorry to say that I have lost my horse, it having strayed away last Sunday, and though I have searched in all directions for it, my efforts so far have been in vain, and though hitherto I have never availed myself. of my privilege of riding on the line of march,'it was satisfactory to know that in the event of necessity I could avail my- self of such. 11?. _.... L....:..n - nnmnnrnvnlv ensv time } such. We are having a comparatively easy time at present, as there is no longer-iany neces- sity for the extreme vigilance for the sstety of the caI_np that was exercised some weeks nun ggoi r * e e I hope soon to have an opportunity of thanking you in person, for the Interest you have takentin this matter, and remain, Yours very trulv, D "l`vpwu`r'M`, CAMP Yorzx AND Smoon BA'l"1`., e Humboldt, 8th June, 1885. lilditor Northern Advance, Barrie. ` MY DEAR SIR,-Kindly give me space in your valuable paper, to return thanks on be- half of the Oiicers, Non-com. Oicers and prising the Volunteer force from Barrie, for the handsome way in which their many friends (especially the adios) so kindly contributed toward their comfort, which kindness can never be forgotten by any of us. Yours ve? truly, - ` W. . GRAHAM. Major, Com. No. 1 00 Y. t S. Batt. is rather a precarious affair, as we never have any idea when it will come in or go out, therefore it is most likely you will get my notes at distant periods. You will see that your parceloaine hand all right, as well as that of the Barrie Go's. Altogether there were ve wagon loads came to hsnd,_ and you may fancy the men had a square meal as soon as they arrived. After lividli on A hard tack a good piece of fruit cake ' not come amiss, and D Alton McCarthy sent a lot of canned goods and ingredients for put- ting izitolisonp begidesa nuinlber at uptake `(if carpesppers or, esio in osi .- together nearly $120 worth of `came - from him. I am sure every` man must feel muck obliged to the ladies and `others who were so kind as to put themselvesto so much trouble and bother in. obtaining an of the stuff that was sent out, and ban _es_ goods sent in `bulk there ' were many private parcels and boxes sent, so that I do not think one of our men was left out. One yonng /-man in No. 3 company, who has no relatives in this coun , but who has worked around Ves ra a num r of ears received abox of so made up by is. lesjwattie and several items of wearing a ll from Mrs. Dobbins, both of the Mines g-Road. Mrs.` Bogart, of Barrie, was N ~ kind enough to send . puoel t0.91!*59'.35?1."h"!! JP No; i .30o.`,i of which manyof. the boy! w.ei'e_inr- v iP.nu_ ;suuh:thoughtful` conduct on the ' part of these ladies. was much, preoi-: -tedkby *hB.7P_iI,!!..I,1=!;,,-tn. Anny or a friends. T 0` >- -o;qu e and: 10190 were; a. riaeasthe 3VI0i"1' '0 |}P!'f8"'5dT 5 with kali that it is not-t to drink alone, t -11:. 1 do not put any die;-5;; th-is the ` plhbij C On: Zlntnjl Kai: C no-xovnn W30 PROVIDED `I'll LUXURIIS. HVMBQLDT, June 7, 1885. Cam HUMBOLDTQ , -, ad` it not been for larities of the last in; will take place. the unfortunate irre Eieztion, Itwould havn been returned by friezrds worked nnblv fore, feel . (mt.-ciexnc that I can look greater L-if-.!`t on their part in .-approaching] wX`.V3St. For what has `bee ' the 1.33: [tender them my most 'ncere and T hezsrtfelt thanks, and Iaek eac `and every .v..- in see that our friends Aco_ ` e to the p Z'.,- on the `_ mh, and victory wil _ ssured? l_v 3: ours. The rlotice Elggtion is [Our short for me to hope vsee* my friends before Polling mist tq llxav the plelasnre of teongratulatinghlthenx 1:; the result atter the battle is over. :l ` _x V) - Yuurs faithfully. T ." H. H. rnompstuf THE INTERESTS In luv, R. Tvnwmm`. BARRIE, vuno Q uuupa you to take a. `come without fI1L_._- -3 -.. e1 i.T"u}.Zi{isvy," 332? 53 '53? some tartaric acid. - Lu. .__..... 1-..; _..I. L. in UUIIJU VVLIIIIIIIIII DUIILU Illl it IV GUI. I Three of `us left camp last week for 24 hours leaveof absence for huntin purposes, and after going about ten miles rom camp we built a Tepee, Wigwam, or Wike-e-up, which ever name you m%prefer,,and passed a comfortable night. ere woke up the next morning by the loud whistlirg of, a bird that -must have taken lessons from a. tonic-sol-fa teacher, as every note was sound- ` ed distinct aait ran up the scale as natural as Miss Porter would do it herself. We lay for some time `listening to it with amazement but our first movement caused it to take its ight much to our regret. After eating our hreakfast we commenced our task of nnt- \ -.... ___A.I_:_..-_ LL- ..|.-_- - L...I' L---I. -- in fact it makes the tea so unpalatable that many have given 11 the use of the latter article altogether. his is one great draw back to this country as it seems a matter of ' I impossibility to get any decent water at all. 1 I wouldwillingly pay` 50 cents for a glass `of `Ontario`s ring water, so if you intend to take a he 'day this summer I would advise I14-nil `I! n I111 man km` (`A an!- IJFUILIXU WU VUIIIIIIUIIUUKI VIII 013 V8 nun! ' Anything mthe shape of bird` beat or s that was eatsble, but as I shall have occasion to speak of the game, etc.. of this portion of the N.W.'1`. lster on I will not give you any psrtieulsrs in regard to them until then. T T. _-_-_ 1-.....` ..___ _ ___--_._ ___.__j __'].`|_ HUB men. 1` I ... ' d .th in camp ya u n a runng groun W1 3 small lake of mtg: on on south side and one on the out and the rent by blah as they are called here, but at home in Ontorio we should call them brush. It is beautiful ____I ..._--_ _-.- A-.1 --An`) `ya. . cunning` on:-on W6 Inuuxu can Mucus urunu. an an uunuuuus andvgreen now, and would be a perfect ra- due for an artist, infact it is one o the most beautifulportious of the American con- tinent that I have ever seen, and I have been over the greater portion of it. The men of our batt are a very healthy lot of men, and the country seems to agree with them, and if our grub was of a little more civilized nature we could not have much to grumble about. Our work is not very heavy as we drill only about 5 hours a day (2 hrs. more than regulations call for) but asthe oicers must have some practice to keep them in mind of their duties of course the men must furnish the motive power. A telegram ' came from headquarters wishing any` men who desired to remain a longer period in the N. W. to send in their names, and quite a number have done so and a few 3 have made applicationgto join the Mounted Police. nu. - 1--.. -5 4...... At #1-no Alnnuu' 1-snl-can nun: COUNTY OF ;SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURsEAi?fJUNE 25, 1885. East Riding 5` the Bounty of Simon. ` ronce. l The loss of two of-the officers horses was `the last item of interest in the camp. and Col.-Sgt. Dougall (formerly a scout in the U. S.~service), Sgt. Kirknp, of No. 3 Co.. and . Lance Corporal Munro, of N. 3. 00., all of Vespra, were sent out on the Monday follow- ing to see if they could nd them, but after a round on foot of about 100 miles they re - turned to camp having unsuccessfully scour- ed the oountrv around. yAfter resting on the Saturday they again left on Sunday morning and .were away until the following Thursday havin footed about 120 miles. But this time ey gained knowledge 01 the where- abouts of the horses. but on account of having to carry their food with them they were unable to follow on the animals track, _, __I___ A...-...... uuunnn Rania unnn Itlmnv IDAPA` OF BARRIE. THE COUNTY OF SIMCOE AND THE DOMINION OF CANADA -OUR CRITERION. i W678 HD8016 nu Luuuw uu uuu auauauu: vawvu as when traces were first seen they were nearly out of food andwere obli ed to return, and found that 001. O Brien received a telegram stating that the horses were at Fort Qu Appelle (160 miles from here) so that they will soon be in camp again, having been lost for over three weeks, which fact will no doubt gladden the hearts of the own- . ers and at the same time lighten ther pockets to the tune of $50, which was o'ered as a- reward to the nder. Durin the time these three scouts were out they ad an o or- tnnity of seeing a large expanse o the _country which otherwise they would not have seen, and they give a very delightful" account of the value, beauty and generalad-' vantages of the land for farming, grazing and general agricultural purposes. The .. -1-gnnln 1 lnvnrinnl m-nwth. T118 gr I183 alreauy I luxuuuua aavvvvu. an-v plains are covered with owers of every variety and color, making a splendid show at the resent time. Yellow, red, pink, green al mixed together in large patches, `especially where the buffalo has been rolling and sleeping, in fact it is a_ sight that woul please the most-gifastidious of oriculturists. And for hunting purposes, I dare not say much about it in `case it should meet the eve of our Quartermaster Shanaoy or some other of the sports of Barrie as I believe it would cause a stampede from that locality, ducks that you can knock over with a stone, that is if you can aim straight enough, so close that you can nearly spit on them; prairie chickens as plump as a pudding, seeminllivl only waiting to be put in the pot; sand . ` . cranes as large as Tom Cundle s peacock ;. black and grey geese, wild turkeys, badgers and gophers can be easily shot or trapped, and at the present time I suppose the bois have 20 foxes (young ones), caged up in t e camp, besides jackdaws and gophers for pets. rm... man ware snnnlied this week -with uxnnamienenl grass as already a luxurious growth. nldnu gm answered with 1 stages," were also lssueu, auu mu, ..... ...._, food to wallrin. . The 12th received Have- ooke and light annel oer frocks, and they look remarkably comforts. le in thin; boilinqx hot weather. A ` ` -We are now waiting order: from head- qnertere as to our next movements, many hoping thnt it will for home, and others besides Jackaawa anu gupnun w. gun. The men were supplied new pants, and not any too soon for some >of1them, as several were unable to appear .-...... .......a. `Maw hnnlzn- Government of them, several were unuuu: w nyyvuu upon parade. New boots, Government stages, were also` issued, and they are very .......1 m mmzsin. The juutvu v :--,_. At the regulnr meeting, held on Fridev. the 19th mnt., n e lendid ,p1-ogramiwas presented coneistiu o solos, duets, piano solo, choruses, r gs and nrecitationa, will be pleasing for the public `to learn that the B. 0. H. in connection with Trinity Church, of Barrie, has now onditn roll be-_ "tween 106 and 110 names. `After `the meet- ing, the Committee diacnaied the iubieot of the society : annual gicnic, which it .waa-'de- -:.:...I 4... 1.4.1 (in lm th nf; Jnlv. ' . The D1300: the society`: annual plomc, wmun nu .mu-u.- ` cided to hold on the 7th of.J_u._ly. ;.'1fha, hoe % 'L'.- ..-A. Gun` Iumn Anlzm-rninA_ -The`-next. U _Dl(` COD meq 111 8. ceruun 1l1LI.6l1El.ll'? OI goggage. whi wnll be produced at the tune O 0. there wi be offered for sale. big Public Anr-tinn at nm nmin Hntnl in tho. nwn nfu $0 011 I116 in 01-_U_! a .'- L_IlU illwvv has` not yet `been determined.` -The`-next `meeting `mil be`1ield en Friday, the 8rd of July, when all membereare specially `request-` ed to be present. . Band of 3099- U1 lyvo j1!1gld_ on . l MANY MINOR . HATTIRS MUGELY Whloh, Linked Together, construct a 19-... I_AA..-_Ll--. and I14;--lunc- |PA mmH1:1vsT ii1:m:IL Poms. l .--There` a. vefy strong N`. wind all day Tuesday. T ' I , L ,_,_ -., LI_-L . _ . _ -2- ---' ._ -.v-_-J . -There were boat races on the bdy again on Monday night. ' ' o I 1- AI ,L',,A_'_ _._.1 L1-.. -LTKT FREEHOLD PROPERTY! V-:E:i`;;Jli:1:; 3 sinirts and ties at W. R. Phillips & Co a.. ` ~ 7 ' 1 Q1, -_ _,9,_._ _1_:`l._ -1. (`I \l'-.... "I-:i*`:e.;1";h';;i'i:1 ' daily :1; G. Mann- drellfs English Pork 8 p. D 4- K l,LL__ .1. on ____L_ ___ W:-.S-ee~o:;_- W at 3:} cents per yard. _ W. R. Ph` -& Co. D ,L__.:-__ L- cu_-_ P--_i[aee1'1ic"e;c:1K;>r`1 geeterday to Straw-I berry Inland. Particulars next week. . -The delicious strawberry has made it: appearance in the shops of our frniterers. n,,a- ._3 _1_n_:_AnJ\ ..-... --_A. I--- LL-- -rrv----vv -- -_' ..._vr_ -_ -__ __ __-______ --Ordered clothin per cent. less than any other house. Phillipe & Co. A 1,_,;.L _A __ __ Ion -_A. I... 1.4.. -1. e-M-one'y' Money 1! Money 1!! to loan _at low rates. Morrsngagu purchased. Bnrne T A-.. I. Slgninna In-nnnu ---, V--v- -w--v _ _._._`_ ,_ -A depth of'ov( feet has I;e;n at- tained at the srtesian well near Crosby : _L_L1- IUVV ruwu. . JILUI 35.503 yunvuuvvuo AI-abnv I on & Sevmga Company. -On Monday morning the cold was very disagreeable, `continuing through the` day with 5 strong nortliwgst wind. - _ I-.I_`--l _-I e2i.`. " -We n;e-2.310;;-iu-W1-1;: E3; of ladies col- ., ht at 60 cents on the W'R.1> m &Co. 01 range. were wx Auct_1on, at the Hume. on Thursday, the 2 day of July, 1335, 4 ` nnn n`:-lnnb In th nftnvvnnnn hv {Ian R 06 QIICPGQ I0!` 3816. D ruuuc me Hotel. in the own of Vnvcuuwn . --. -'--_._`V V- - _ . -hir. R. Edwards left this morn- in for Atlanta, Georgia. Tm: ADVANCE wlahes him all success in his new `field of l business. nu-up-qvwuu -Ten.cents saved and deposited each day with the Barrie Loan & Samings Company at 5 per cent wall in ve years amount to $206,- 96 ; ten years, $471.89. ' hi`: 1. - `.g-..LL`>4 ~r.1_,_ \;r 13 1,._.,,__ yv , -v-.Jv---, 7-. _. - --D Alton McCarthy, Esq.. M. P., leaves on 9. visit to England on Saturday morning next. Tm: ADVANCE wishes him a pleasant voyage and a. safe return. _I,:, _LL-__L:,.. __1-__.. L. L`... -3-s:-\ VVJI-av -_\. - --.- ---..-_. -Particn1ar attention given to the admin- istering of Vitalized Air, for the painless ex- traction of teeth at Dr. Bosanko s oice. The most approved apparatus is used. 8-tf. -Co1lier street Methodist church, Rev. J . W. Annjs, B.A., pastor. Services on Sun- day, 28th, in the morning by the pastor, in the evening by the Rev. B. B. Keefer, of Hamilton. Strangers always welcome. 11 A _- -_...- ...,..... -:--u--a-.~ -.....I .. .. -_- - > , -The steamer Enterprise came from Orillia. on Saturda. afternoon having on board a number 0 the members of the County Council. Some ladies were also pas- sengers. She remained till Monday evening. 1'7, ,, -L3_- LL_L _....... l\` `Ln cur:-\t`(\I'l1n A; Uvuavlun Iunnv av-nu-...v\.. -..- _-_'__.._.` -W e notice that some of the windows of the model school are ornamented with plants in bloom. This is silently but surely culti- vating a taste for the beautiful, which is s pf'nlIl1;e factor in the pupil s future enjoyment o e.. . : .- - --CA A0. `I A L_ Ill nanv , -The Rev. J. I. Hindley, M. A., pastor of the Congregational church, will -occupy the pulpit both morning md evening. Morn- ing subject, Christian Errors ; -evening sub- ject, The World's Great Question. You are cordially invite --For nice Bl Dress Silks, go to '_l`. W. & COM. 1' 7; -2 LL- -_LL__:L:-4n :11 A-`Int: u Vie lira In \/Irue ` -The attention of the authorities is called I to frequent fast and furious drivin . The other day there was a case on E" bath street, whereby the lives of a number of chnldren were endangered. This should be promptly stopped mm... ...|.... an Ilnnlnrv- on to 1`. `VA yLvu.Iyu_y wivllllvu urn. up vv'ao . -SOme' illconditi\oned barbarians are in the habit of breaking branches of the trees planted along the streets in the northwestern rt of the town. The bark is also cut and efaced. Such acts as these deserve a num- ber of months aihard labor at the castle. :3 I\..._. r4.....I.. nu. on fl! . it reed upon. For further particular: a ...v. v: Tiiumdy, thez _.*.`,ouc o`clock in th fternoon, by Geo. R. V Ford. Esq.. uctnoneer. Alkand singular, that rtain-parcel of Land and Premises situate in t Town of Barrie in the County of Simcoe, bei composed of Lot Number Eigl1t.'n0x`th of re. Street, John Ross` Block, in the Town of arrie. aforesaid. convaining by admeasuremen one-quarter of an acre. _more or less. There is erected upon the said M1 -premises a Frame Dwellln .. 2x32. with 1 ~0UBh9ast Kitchen in rear. 1 x All one =10F5' high. In a fair state of repair. . Ten per cent. of the purchase mo y to be. Dam at the time of sale. Balance as alyltag .3I~MUltRI(`,Hv& UBQUHART, Vendo A g zvzzurs, 19 York Chambers, Toronto. i. ve-describ-

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