Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jun 1885, p. 8

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`x?E'o`fz`3 ;3`'t'f$n`35um".F - smmaz in Stores. Eotel.~Faeto1-leg mnim l K0mm V H Mon,,,``1__. .1 '(iE1'7I7P H,'0'N_'1-`.- L u3$3,;f:a%?a.P:J:&:1*;&?:,`:a.m: nan tl. Booth .0 mmimthm ti .Bsnk- .,.,,, A3.::3 u.1:::2:, 00,. ence,: Penmanahi Commercial. Law, Ta , Bhorthwd. or Type- mw ht 3-the mosth 'Ph&13'i :na 33: m mo ads. The atstroomprisea slxexperl teachers and leotu"rers. The various .denor't-V .mentsa.reelega.ntl nttedi up with `the latest and most snprov opparatustor Bu,n1nesaOo1- 1 W k. _8td.etBm5 to tan timek add F025: copyuotltlhe A.n{1::1(o?!ege{`:11~cnlar `M-thorn Hum Western Railways. A ausIn:'s"s"E`>"I.4.:o:, . GU"l1`.'l'.`P`I-I nu-m ..-...- vu-nu, an uncut cu, an ULUUHUIIB Iarm. W. 0! 21 in 6th Con., small clearing, well watered and tlmbered. soil good. Part of 22 in 6th Con. Vespra, 110 acres, good house and born; $1200. - Severnl Park Lots_West of Mr. Ewan : reel- dence and having a line view of Barrie and Kempenfeldt Ba . - ' ' The above Ian are offered especially cheap and in nearly every case a very small cash - n`1ne_1;l1;evJ.1l hggonooepmd. and easy ternu ven urcheaed on The vacant town, lot: can be Q still egaier terms. in mm tlm nnv-A ...... .2-.---2- yvvvu vvuuyvuauuu: uauguu. urulll U4 ' ,0]! 4th, to 90 on 5th--a mean of 79 9 from the heat of the sun. The daily average from 55 on 2nd, to 66 on 3rd and 4th -an average of 59 for the `week-`-2 below the previous week. and 4 below the third week in laatmonth. The abort- eet daily range was 53 to 67 on 4th- a full cloudy day ; and the longest was 42 to 90 on 3rd-a clear day with a calm easterly wind. -A mngnbn-U -`nan-n`|An:A Ann-A--3-- ' -.-.---.vvu "'13" t to V (a,|a'i':19t'.I:1-msYit1'1"oas|ect"i1!; purcgnaer intengg to build immediately. Apply to ` ' - Q'l\DAm1:1r 1. --v--- -.. if vvnus vuvap yxupcrucc 'rE'c'fJMsE'rH.-N 5 Lot 4 in 11th ("on.. 100 acres. About 80 acres cleared. A]-Eood farm, well situated, about 3 miles from A Tston.; TIN Y.--E. 88 in 1st Con.. (except 4 acres) a very <;)d farm; $1200. 7 N i t9 in 1st Uon. 100 acres good land, price $1000. . VESPRA.--Pa.rt of 21 in 3rd Con., 63 110., soil rst class, all cleared, an excellent farm. `W In! 04 3.. an. n... _..._n . . | .~.., u-`mu-lcvvu LVI wvvvn ADA511150 NOT l`AWASAGA.--E of lot 1 in 8th Con.; a splendid farm`. 90 acres cleared. good build- i . plenty 0 water from. a never failin sltlrggam, no waste land. 3 halves of Lots 33, 31 and 35, in the 1st Con.. 100 acres each. Large clearings on 3 parcels. Cheap properties. lll`.f`.l T`lMQ1WlV'n' x7 1 1- -4. . 2.. 0141 .. --- property well ' to chmmdgugfkudn aya 'Mn'Wl\A\xrAuAnA a first-class `Fl-lI_L1!__ A41 ,- LUVV -"ifo'us; occupied by Dr. Bailey, having good etablin attach on Dunlo street adJoining Dr. A1-gagh s resi once - 8950p $3(53(<,1ttage lot opposite last described parcel: ALLANDA.LE.--A comfortable double Dwel- ling House on Bradford street opposite Northern eta ion. ' 10 good building lots well situated. ` ` FARMS V FLOS.-Part of N }1 in` 7th con, 90 acres, about 30 acres cleared an freefrom stumps,new gglmbeedwellin house, soil good, balance of lot INNISFIL.-8. 5 01! V 8 in 14th Con., soil and buildings about 60 acres ciearednraluable timber on nee cheap, terms very eaev. EON ; of Lot 19, and South of Lot 20, in the 12th n.. 100 acres each. Bo excellent farms. l'I`.T\(\\T'l"Il`. , `E 1 Al 1!? 1 -0 o r_ 1r.;u. no--. -A -v--. -vv wv-vs vs-van LJUUIL DAUUILULIII LOX MEDONTE.-E 1 of W i of 6m 10th Con; 50 gtcres good land, rst-class orchard in full bean-. ml ` ~ / mr. urauuocx sresmence; ' Dwellin House on East a door Owen street, I occupied y Mr. Bothwell, moat conveniently ~ situated; $1200. ` H useoc u i dbv havi d stabtiinz atgaghgd. on Dunlon am... ..'a'...?2. quarterly monuments. Prices $15010 8-100. . That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld, with small omce in front. 1 and two lots - price 81000. Good building: Int. nn Ran nfl-not ..a:..:..:.... and price 81000. T T i V A Good bundmg'1otL on Ross street adjoining Mr. Craddock sresidence; Dwelllmr Hanna nn Want I An nf ninnn 34---; BARRIE. -Ba view Saw Mill (Perkins) with ` about 4 acres of and, and two large water lots; to be sold for less than half the cost of the ma- chinery in the mill. 41- REFER Rf. nnrnar nf Donnl nu-:11 `n.-.1+m-. vuuvu vuw uulvuuv VI ICIIIDCII "III! O {VII preuure of .20. The barometer attained the higheat, 29-20. on 2nd-.-a. range of 35 incheo _;the `week. ` `L Ra.in1?f *' en Siindsy, 31st, about 4 `lhlln non` nnnn nu (LOCI an LL- l: .......- uuuwry In U118 [I111]. 4} acx-_es at corner of Bayeld and Dalton Streets. Immediately north of Bigelow property. An eligible building site. Terms easy. 3; acres Of vacant land South of Andnr-fnn n All euglme Duuamg 3108. Terms 3} vacant land South of Andet-ton s brewery adioinin railway track, suitable for ` anz kind of man cturing business. . 1 number I vacant lots on Bradford and * Charles streets, South of Butte:-eld's foundry. all fine building sites. - - - . Several co or-table houses and cottages on Charles street; an excellent omiortunity tor a mechanic to get a comfortable ome as these houses can be paid for b small monthly or quarterly instalments. P ces $l50_to 8-100. OOlI1f0l't&bl8 storv Dwelling nnminin (TOWN AND FARMTPROPERTIES) FOR SALE` CZHZBAP. fi'i'3E' M. MA4vt):Co1imcr::..'1.7':.z~iAh.olpa.l.J VALUABLELANDS See our MILLIN ERY AND DRESS GOODS before you buy. , F P We have the lar est Stock of MILLINERY A1\IDi1)B,ESS GOO S in Barrie. Tastes differ. Knowing this we have determined to_ keep our stock, large enough, and of such a w1de range invariety, style"and pr1ce, as to exactly meet thewants of the many. c'I'hos`e Who buy from us need not go away th1nk1ng I_t 1s not exactly what I wanted, but I suppose 1t W111 do. On the contrary we can and W111 make you say I have found 'ust What I wanted, and am W911 satised wit style and pr1ce. V THE GOLDEN BEAVER, -GbmLrH- 3:1 mm nouns serum; vou BUY uswnu Ill puxnuuru U1 `til "*0 ' below the i'..v'i7{. week. The `daily ex- p0l6d temperature ranged from 67 on 49}. on on 0 An :'.n._. ....-... .8 ring 2.-.. . ....;..u; my "'rrwrH! as AULT, `II: In-I-in-. 13- - _We the larg my .uuuI NADIANJ I, urn; THAT'S ALL WE ASK. caomrwoxv 3; RYAN. .. _ nearly new suifi'ble'?3'1-"aaw7 fxiiill Igor` co am!` to pp $2: 5 1y to H. o 8I m' To 0. Th b0 ln,by applying JOHN 1gIAxToN.,B%&rie- oARPEN'fia:Rs: /`_ :._11rj-" _ Come and see, Spades, Shovoll, Scoops, Gardening and Draining T0013` _ _BLAOKS1IITHS-Ask Tun the price of ' Carnage Bolts, `Iron: SW19 Skew v-u-g -wvvu A northern wind early in the week low- ered the temperature to 38 on the 2nd, or 2 below the previous week, although this was only .6 above the point of freezing there was no indication of frost` seen on the young vegetation. An- other cold wave on the 6th registered 39 , these being the lowest readings they ranged up to 53 on the 4th-- 'ving a mean night temperature of 4 -3 1\n`nm I\IAl!-:neI- Iran`: '`n- A'-:`- -- jAbove criticism,` and unequalled in Style, Variety and Price ~ V Ladies and'Gentlemcn s ROYAL BARGAINS WATGHES, JUST ARRIVED! snzzf;-Jazsmatz. 3131:: `THEM: Prices Downfliown ! 3.uuun: Mnmononoaxcu. nnron-rq For the Twenty-Second Week mam; June % ROI: 1 IO! c|.nnA1n `ENGLISH wAuLKm>HAusv BOOTS! CLAY'l`0N S FAMOUS snow HOUSE. 3 " WSW ~ S1Ze`M\.SiR S s*zr@@s: Which we are now selling at a Great Discount. --a-naval IV 3.1 BIMIMBIR Tl-IIII STOCK OF WALTHAM ______. _---& - 17V So stylish and appro Jriate for spring time, that ~ .- T purc'ha's_ingjt em is a pastime. -n---:4- uuxmm AND TWO: non-lyn um. r9r,u_ce,,,.'::. :::::*z,.m,a1 Now open and read-y for the lucky purclmse.*., IUUIIIIJI --The ret meeting of the new Board of Directors of the Mechanics Institute was . held last night. The attendance was good and various commlttees were struck. A good year is expected. ' not-pl-|`n|n wv\nn$:can A: J-LA 'D;.LIZ- G -1. _ -1 R. A. DOUGLAS, KKERSV-`-Get some of our DRY Woodwork. -Auk` ujfor. 3` sample of our Cnowx X Manama 011.. goo-our New IronFz-amo Boring Maohin65 4 ,HARbwA1,1E FOR EVERYBODY. THE JEWELLEB. 'I5moIs WILL s6oIi `ADVANCE- -FOR PURVISBROS. WAITES. formerly operator here-133 resumed work. and will be pleased to 1'g`;`nV.g ordorb. If by mail, box 180; oz-at Mrs. swfiom. ~ 05' S wodoora east of Q3009" Kilo:-dera V rpoelve pr,omDt_ 8"5""' 'n._-.4- 1t-_'-t uni." no: 19.24-D nue 2 Jynu so wapuvvwu. I -The regular meeting of the Public School Board was held on Friday evening last in- stead of last `Monday. Mr. Rogers, the Seoretary,`was given leave of absence till October for a visit to England,- and Mr. Purvis will perform the duties of secretary pro tem. - . LIA vnuvnw IICQ6 OVVVLI V ynvun v 1 2 merge, Mm`oh_17ch; 1885. June '11, Ialvuo rm H2 -Mr. and Mrs. Freeman left here by the ` 10 e clock train 'on Monday morning for a. visit to England with the good wishes of their friends for a. pleasant time end a safe return; rnI.- ._-L _, - -u 1- .1 ' us - - The Scott Act. - Information has been laid against Mr. L. McDonald, of Craighurst, for infraction of this law. The case is not to be `tried for a. few days. Mr. C. E. Hewson acts for prose- cution and Mr. Haughton Lennox for de~ fence. mucus V In: uuuuu: uu um IHUIIIDI. UUII. \ An idiot who was unable to give his name was brought from the neighborhood of Elm- vale on Tuesday, and in order to afford him shelter, the magistrate sent him up for thirty days. j-o--- will SUI. III-I W LIILIJ William Adam, of Essa, was charged on Tuesday with attempting to commit suicide by cuttin his throat. A pretty large gash was ma e in his throat, which has been closed by surgical stitching. This is the second time he has been charged with the attempt to shuie"o' his mortal ooil. An idiot who was unable to aim: his nnnfm III U159 UV`-IKVJI Mr. Hewson, who appeared for the prosecution briey replied, but said he had no desire to press the case of forfei-. ture of the liqudr, though he believed A it was all legally forfeited. He wished it to be distinctly understood by `the hotel keepers, anumber of whom he saw in court, that this case was not to be 're- A garded as a precedent." As it was the rst offence under the act, he was dis- posed to be lenient, but should another case arise, the prosecution of it would be much more vigorous and the full penalty exacted. Mr. N ess was ned $50 and costs, nearly $8, and forfeiture of three bottles..of brandy. , In order to be sure that the liquor was genuine brandy", one of the magistrates took a swig of it before he left the bench. What was his decis- ion on strength and purity of the liquor hos not yet transpired. ' Mr. New,` -ovf T{3"v3Zi'1'gton `Hotel, leaded guilty to the charge of violating the Scott Act and was ned-$50 and costs to be c\n::` `nnn|u-9:`-`A ` DJUUUU ILUU Illnlll W `M an ' . " x`;v;.`: ;....".`.'.la`.. VII apove the horizon in thy w_oek_ The prevailing wind! were nort or-n'3 ` [nun an-nnun .5! (Inc: Cnninrn n-CA-`I9 ` under the law. He set forth in glowing } terms the unpleasant position in which 3 the law plawd hotel keepers and while it 1 was not yet` certain that thesale of beer. ' and wine would be `nally prohibited it was not. unreasonable that men having such in stock would hold unto it until the matter was fully decided He held 3 that where the possession of liquor by a hotel keeperisregarded by the law as ` prima facie evidence of intention to sell, ` it did not necessarily imply that intention on the part of Mr. Ness. He trusted their Worship s would not so act towards his client as to make the- prosecution as- sume the appearance of persecution, and that thev would be content to impose the ne which the law rendered imperative `and not cause him in addition to lose the liquor in the kegs by forfeiture, which he contended was in their discretion. The bottles found in_ the bar were necessarily forfeited as that was part of the liquor in res ect of which the offence was com- mitte . He Mr. Lennox pledged himself that the liquors should not be taken back to the hotel, nor otherwise illegally used in the county. Town, n mum ? x%f Inst Friday, Mr. Nees,-of the Welling--. ton hotel, we: chsrged by Mr. Hartley, of the Inland Revenue Department, with the violation of the Scott Act by keeping liquor in his house for the purpose of sale. Three bottles of Abrsndy were found in the bar, and a number of kegs containing wine. ete., were found in the cellar, all of which was oonve ed to the police court t On Friday, Mr. ees pleaded not guilty to the charge, and the case was enlarged till Monday. When the case came up on Monday, Mr. Nee: withdrew his former {lea and pleaded guilty to the charge of ennimr limmr for sale. Mr. Haulqhton IUD uuu PIUIILUU guns Irv vuw as V VI VII eeping liquor for sale. Mr. Haughton Lennox very ably addressed the magis- trates, Messrs. King, Ross,Aaud Bird, in extenuation of this rst offence-in Barrie .1, _ 1 - __ 1'1 - ..-1. ._..;`L :_ ..1___-_._ 2 =-w%%m~< . T.-s _ {tun o:'t1s`o 1?vo`u"in;.1 III-_.| 1-]- Jonunw ' " The Ponce court. 1" Inc I . member Myles Joyoe". . =.? ` ~97-btm 11 `b Glaslstonds Defeat. Loxnox, June ~ 8.-'l`he . vernment was defeated in the House 0 Commons this evening on the Iecond reading of the budget, which was rejected by 0 vote of 264 to 252. ` Tremendous excitement was caused by the announcement of the gtesult of the division. Gladstone immediotely ed- jonrned the House. It is condently rumored that Ghdstone `yisit the Queen to-morrow,- and` tender hit resigns- tion. Tumultuoue cheersoame from the galleries andgthe Speaker) Yvoemly howled. for ordexr n 5 f '= ' "T119 P57331590! DintOii; -ndiyelled " I'h6t i-the pricwf`; A ` Downfswith Buckshot o1*A`o:`s_te r." Glsdstone srose` _.toj `move on, sdjoirnef -meat. but stood inhis fully s ~_ highest number present on one dsy 45. Mus Mary Porter, of Creomore, died on Fridsy lsst, and was buried on Sundsy, having 3 lane funersi. - She was sick for shout ve weeks. VIID TVIGUIIIII " A in attendance V at I our public Iohoo during May, was " 700. Average daill attendance" 35. No. on. roll 54. 4-` mnnng`i4.- :-.4---L -_ '4..- J_._ IE uuu nwvuuouvu :10 av. Uu. run 0 Hiaent number preo.ent day 45. `Mill MASH Darin: II` nnannnnnn Ah - Adrance Correspondence. a Mr. W. Trent was kicked by a no... on 3rd June, getting his right arm broken at the elbow. Dr. Wyley. of Steyner set and attended to it, and Mr. Trent is now slowly improvings. _ - Mr. ear of unnidale erected a barn _ 6 on- one 6th.` many of our no h- boragoing to assist him at which . Taylor hada narrow escape from a aeri- ous` accident. H ' uuvu. LICAU KICUHILIGJ Lllgulh It has been 8 common practice among some of the inhabitants of this place to ' go hunting on Sunday. It has been earried on for years under the eye of some of our squire: and others, but never has there any- thinz beendone to prevent it, but a farmer from Oro who has come to live amongus hes so far nut A nfnn in it that an amnmola nf 41'-. uuun vzu wuu nun UU_Il.lU W uvu swung IIBIIQB so far put a etc to it that the report of arms is seldom eard in this vIi)oinit};) on Sun- av_ I'll`. A (VI! 35'. Ks some of our farmers have been in the habit of going to Barrie on a; cheap scale i. e. by puttin their horses in the shed and carrying is air dinner in their pocket, the hotel keepers have adopted a plan of making them pay for the shed room unless they take dinner at the hotel. You did right, land- lord. Asnrox. The seoond meeting of the Sons ot Tem- perance met at Grassland last Saturdav night but being no quorum was adjourned until next Saturday night. ' If . has I-nnnn A nnvnrnnn `-nunnnl-hug nrnnnm VII UJ BBQ. 5 I 590 _ Poor Pie-u`-Pot had better be on his guard as there are threats made by the Ease-ball club to make him eat last week's ADVANCE Soc saying they did their practicing on Sun- ay. An anvnn A` An. `an--manna. Lg..- 1."--- _ LL- Advance Corresx`:-ondenee. In the absence of our minister, Rev. J. I W. Oannom, the ulpit was lled by D. Purvis. of Barrie. otwithstanding the heat of the day the church was lled to its utmost capacity with an expectant crowd who listen- ed with rapt attention to an able discourse on the -parable of the Prodi Son. The people of Flos will hail with de ' ht his visit nn Snndgv 21 at, ` LU UL IJIUD W14 `5Zuna.y 2151:. Poor Pm-n'.Pnt ".Zi.}} 1.133,` " "'i:"e's':i'1I;I'{. to cm. w. Gray dc C093. - . . There was a stri among the Italian l navyies at Bracebridge a few days ago. About 150 of them -undertook not to work not to allow any one else to. do so except` at $1,5O a day. ' Justices Boyer and Hunt with. Constables Johnston and Young were soon in the eld. The Riot Act was read, and the Gazette remarks that the Italians didn't know whether it meant that they were all to be bow-strung forth with,-or have their wages increased to $5 per day. The next sensation `was caused by the photographer, Mr. Wil- liams, who, having secured a moment s attention, photographed the group. They shortly dispersed for consultation,` and on Tuesday morning nearly all of them went back to work at old wages. The V ring- leader, McDermott, ran away, but was _followed and arrested by constable John- ston, and placed in t a lock-up. On Wednesday, McDermott was tried by his honor Judge Lount, found -guilt of in- ducing the men to stop work, an sent to Barrie gaol for two months. i V --For~nlce We & C0, . . A man broke in Bra.sher s liquor store. Bracebridge, on Monday night last of last week, and stole a quantity of brandy. He was found lying near the srsilway track in a state of helpless intoxication, and was taken to the ` lock-up by Con- stables J ohnsg and Dennison. ' (1 Dress Goods, go to '1`. ` ` O"` ' ' ` """"TnI ' ergo; 3131;: D\I Goods, go to ..'l`g'W. The banks of the river at Bracebridge and neighborhood "are crumbling away, and the question is what `is the cause? The Gazette thinks it is from the clearing away of the trees. The 1'1V8!' is gradually wideningnnd farmers have been constant- ly moving back` their fences. V II.._ ..I... -Ln: -n__-_- nu , C - A - accidentally drank some pretty `strong lye whichhod been left` in a` cup. The` ttle fellow suffered considerably, but he is now on thegend, -For nice e` Lawns, go to T. W. Gray Jr. 009:. ` 3 Free Grant Gaz tte says, that Stephen J arratt while on his way to Huntsville last Friday was thrown out of the buggy and ve seriously injured. 'He was brought ome on Wednesdsy. _nt|l0 Illnn "hQQ"11L1\aI- ..... 4- I1 cur uu -, I, nsvlu _n wuuyvtag `WW 49:95.-iz3:'9-vet`: The 4 -------qu sun- QIvdIUUII$l'-,'OI5U KDITIIVV of-the nest." . . . g . -For nlcextted Muullns. go toeT.W. Gray at 9093. ' A. little boy a Meaford the other day IVE- hnnn `II a` nun '`u-' condpnud and Into:-utIng-_'l'he. Dian-row` A` `In; I.`-A - ` ' Owov htxiin nzswnrcw nuns. ` V IUIIIIUJ UI-I DU PIE-A Po'r. amown. V :BANa .....u...uuu- uuuu J-Anan JUIE oauni LN V ..tho Townaillxlighot Ves ra, co of the i of lot 8 0 4th on.. oon 100 ritggeakmomori A goo,l_o1-oak runs on the or fnrthez-T particulars ap,.a.t the An- I year for eight years past, in` nu rt of eight orphan: eeid to be the n of Masons. The Orphene home in n ublic charity -onethethubeentree , with a most generous hand by the people of Ontario- end this action is considered by meny of the leading members of the craft in this city a piece of presumption on the of the menagement. -In making this amend the management will not endear the home to the craft. , The ladies ` any that as we cannot get our-demtndun one `way we Will*91'y`8l10thOl',lldVthiIby hold- '_9g,%the crepp in print to derision in? the eyes of the Jilvorld. We" trust" that no. . member of the e-'7hnnd =m mekingthef` `_'.`nto_thele'diee ofthe e e VALUABLE. BUSH FARM FOR SALE IN Townshi of Vesgra. W63 } 8. in A 4th .nn-- nnntnin no 1m nvuuvuvv vv vvuuunvu UL` Ulff L piopoeition to extort money.;.xo " ooere of the craft ie`not e-new one ; "in-- deed, it in only: few weeks egothst this. same menegement had the auurenoe to ask the benevolent board in this cit ' for a. cheque for $6,400, an peyment of 100 a. eight years euggo masonic Nam. From the June Freemason. - The Freemaaon speaks pretty plainly u n the want of good taste in Managers 0 the Orphan Home attempting to get money from the craft for the `support of the children of Freemaaonenov; inmates of the Home. The managers forget that these children are not sent or taken into the Home aaohildren of Masons, but as those who are entitled to receive the et of a oharitablejmtitution utl reference to condition or " .1 ' ninnnndidnn On 1nc`A-L .....__i l_._. .1. - 1 -I-uv 1uVVI_lIul` wuuuu WVIU uuuauvru 0 ` days, l0l}`h0l'D.~:3 ydlyl, from: renter irnnnn A. Inn: and Annnpln Sh-Igon 'I'|ua 3 O`? `V HVTII The successful negotiation of the new Eng- lish Loan by the Finance Minister and on terms so favorable is a. matter of much gratu- lation. Sir Richard Cartwright has lost the opportunity of making that bi speech which was to embarass Sir Leonar Tilley. The saving of $250,000 a year by exchanging 5 per cent. bonds to 4 per cent. will give much satisfaction. . gargoizs; 'bdo ' . ee 3, er Parsnigs. d?)g.. Beans, per peck .. Hay, per ton .. ... Straw, nnr tnn runuwea, per Dag. . . . . Aprles. per bbl ....... . . On one. green, per doz. Cabbage. do . Cauliower, do Cele , do . 'l`m-n mu. nmv haw _ , , , , , nay per ton Stra'w. per ton nee: nlnuquarwrm. .. Chickens, per .. Ducks, do .. ... Geese. 68:01}... -'~-u0-- Butter, and rolls.... Butter, erolls .... .. Butter. tub dairy .... .. Ems. fresh- nnr dnz__ . U-out uw LIUC `lCa1fskins,'l-2to 15. `(H1 "- 2 " 009.... 000 *= 3 " . " 007.... 000 Toronto Farlnera Market. TORONTO, June 9. 1885. Grain receipts to-day were about 600 bushels of wheat at 87 to 90c. for fall and sprin , and 75 to 770. for goose; some 200 bushe s of oats at 38 to 390., and one load of barley at 55c. VHay abundant, and sold at $9 to $13 for clover and $15 to $20 for tim- othy. Straw abundant; loose brought $8 50 and sheaf $ $12. Hogs rm at $6.25 to $6il75. Butter sold at 15 to .16 for pound re s.- Wheat. tell per bushel ........ ..$ 0 87 to 3 0 89 Wheahspring, do ........ .. 087.... 089 Wheat.8`o0se, do ........ .. 075.... 077 V - - o o q o a - an 050---- Oats, . ` do ........ .. 038.... 039 Peas. . do ........ .. 064 065 Rio, do ........ .. 070.... .0 71 Covereeed do . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. `D1-Aland hnun nave mnn.-.. Ann An: gliger seed 5 nouan nmns. Cow, per-l00lbs'. 6 00 to $ 6 25 ' aoocuoutu 6 501100 7 00 n A u on menu... . ` :;u2.s1;.`;a..i.* i6Tf"1'1T1 * 50 ouu ,:rrom- a. possible 1o6uh.e?:'e X: 3 can nknng I-`in `unwinnn :9` `kn nun.`- Ul1A'lS14N: ----cg: -0-can-I Tnmmed and Cured. . . . . ` l'.....|.... U H I O I ` ` ' I I ll No. JIUUIE cocoon}- 03, -on-0-o Parsnipi,"'_ - ......'. Cabbige, pe1 doz.. Hay,,pe1-ton Straw, per `ton. ....... .. Flour,` Bake!-'3, per 10C lbs Flour, Family, { Flour, Pastry, Oatmeal, r 100 lbs .. Cornmeal, .... .. '-nuance-non Unwashed Wool.... vuuanvuu, you; you`. - . u o --o . Duckl, per`pa.1r...'....... Goese, perlb ....- 1`!!!-`ran: IIAII II` no mood `shun; In shoot. Toronto. T -4 Because of theweek. Tnn.NonrnnN Anvmcl OFPIOI, g T B43313. June 10, 1885 ' There we: conliderabie activity in the market last Saturday and at fair supply of roots and vegetables were o'ered. There _I was no change in our gures of last week. `B.-1.. n...a_ In--_I.- E53; ?.'t .1`2.,'p`2;rb'.;;'7i '. I Omons, per bunhel . . . . I . C U ' `Rants? '5` ` stock 1111;" PRUDUGEQ UV IIUIII-,-IIVIII G WUIU IVU ICC U was above the ho:-iz_on in thg week.` VIVLL _...__.-lI..... _.;.`j_i .__W... ...._'L Q--lllU III7 mu Whe_st......... Springwheut .... .. mrleyuoii OVIOIIIID0 (Int: IJUUIU, PUILU -no 00:00 Turkeys, _rlb Butter, tn , per lb....... Butter, 1011, per lb._,...'. . Lard, lb. . . . . . . . . . . . 'l`nnu-rper IE1, POI ll-louul allow......V..... 1%-... _.-_ 3 __-_ LDllUWouounoooI Eggs, per dozen Al'|1\'AI' nan Inna}: Eggspardozen Appfes; per` bushel. . . pnltnlnnn nan Bun Lvi on-I000 |CII< RYGIIIIIIIIIHOIUCI :__,_.n , " Barr! "" ".' i'.-'.'.iuo'. Ea " " .BeeE.hindqusrt6rs.........$ 6 00 to $ 6 :2`? Ron? fnrnnnhrirnng R (In K uusutiuurwru. - u,. . o - ow foroguhrters. . . . . . . . Beef, per g1de,_ per cwt.... -. Mutton, carcass, per cwt.. Lamb, per lb .. . . . . . ..... hogs, pe_r 100 lbs. .)..`.: 1`.`f' ,'i;..`.` `:.` .?..'`.`'_ :::: : ::: or 01-dulldtlt [$30 my ma:--Mr. Loon` , mg be`|ir?m`ptlynttondodto._~ _ao-st." i Cow_s, all weights. . . Q (G (C .|.unua'LvIt` VB` uuuuuyg ULUV DUUUO `t hours and gave us 0-29, on the 4th, some 8 hours fall in the night. measured 0-67, and again.t_he following night : fall of 7] hours left `us `O-61. he `tdfal amount that fall in the 3 days, in 19 hours, was 1-57 inches. x- g . The'to`t'al`amo`u1;t of sunahinein 6 'days,'.j ' gfr ou`1'5 hours to 1fnll"`da"y, wa'.i= rm mun`. .'sm..`.s. .ms..n.I. Inn n..~a cl... ...`.'. '1' 0.1: skins, 7 to 1'1'b'. I ) `I ` I` wanna: ucxauu on #811 008...- mmedand Cut-ed.....` O 10.... nbs 075. ... 0300...-coo.-...aoou.. 040-..." HIDES AND sKI'Ns-1NsPnc'rED. 1 Steers,60lbs. and up -0 08.... 9- u . .u nnv-1 U1` 08 how Canada : New Loan. ~-gv : --.- ..a--w- v nu-no Grain unis: ' Anna CALI SKINS. "1`H'1f3.%NOR1 HERN% ADVANGE. "The test stmoepherie depression was ogengrtgs localit on_Sundey, the 31st, and registered 28: ; another on the 4th indiceted`29-05 ; both came over in} S. W. wind, but the letter gave `us four time: the amount of rainfall with a. lean` nun--nun A` M NIL- `_-_-_.-L-_ -LL_2.___I

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