Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jun 1885, p. 4

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Allllllllllle ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Hamilton & Beeton Branch Railwa Penetan ishene, Midland an Nort Simcoe Railway .... .. Muskoka Branch Railway... .... .. Grand Trunk East. ntf-`wn 7...... . . . . . . . . . . .. -_-__ 1-..-.u - v Toronto ................... . . Toronto.. .` . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'l`oronto.. ................. .. Northern Railway South . Newmarket ............. .. Newmarket ............. .. Allandale ............... .. Allandale Ilnmnnm A. n....;.... i$.L'..'.'..'v BARBIE POST OFFICE! -uuunursn. M1 and Fridav.. PARIS GREEN! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL .:}"-=1 1`1.l_1'e; 11`nd ;.iwiVll. ship to any Railway e_xpress, W_thin 100' V H 'les [ of Toronto. Carriage ceipt`of: amount, P.O. . er "or Registered leach Iigiuarantee to ship yo a rst-class article, o 2Bottles Old Rye or Ma WH[sKy_ A 1 Bottle BRANDY .............. 1 Bottle POR'l"............. . 2 lbs. Green,_ Black or Japan A. , FOR :1 IL- DADDDD __..-._. V. vs I-FLOW!` "mun! C :3 Green,`i3,l;tck or Japan TEA 3 `copfooooocooooooooooou 2 Galls. Old Rye or Malt WHISKY, 0 I]... IV......... I)I.;.I_ __ T-_ lIII'|4 _v_`,_. '5 vyglqu-g; `1B;f:b'fi`i:E .............. ..:: 1`Gal'l Old Rye of Malt WHISKY.. .5 lbs. Green, Black or Japan TEA- - 5 11,3. cor;-m:..,... ........... .. -_ __.---ow- ruuocwur-7-V -- presented by Mr. Charles Drury. As the presentative of a majority of 20, the lat- ter gentleman fought hard ' to over-ride the decision of the courts, and to establish the right of his agents to purchase votes, . whendone in the interest of Reform and progress as represented inhim. ' But the stiing of his personal conscience, and the purchased subtleties of his lawyer, to say nothing of the dishonest tricks that proved vain on the part of his political keepers, will not again avail in getting him a sym-l pathy that secured him a temporary triumph. The people of the East Riding ' have measured the politician who has successfully heretofore posed as the ex- -. ponent of Liberalism and purity, but who '- in practice is the embodiment of corrup- 1 tion and intolerance. What little the 3 courtsunearthed was shocking in its de- tails, and a chivalrous man would have ` scorned a seat obtained by a bare majority, C more than purchased by one of his lead- A ing agents. Hypocrisy has not had a. I more forcible illustration these many 3 years than that of Mr. Drury ghting for n a seat forfeited by the most glaring 1` violations of the -letter and spirit of the V law. - ' 9 I DAILY HAILS FOB '. B. CAPONS. '1. mnwmns Postmaster cojtrouxnnn. _ usr smoom; Again our friends i in thief Riding are 0811611 upon to raise the stnnderd of public morality besmirched "by the friends and. Sllbporters of Liberal principles, as re- -._..-....L.-.! 1." `II no _ll050am| ]mw8ml :. WHITEHEAD, ..;A"r._ H._HH.w:L#LAB9's* 3.`, iI=ij.Ao\/ifiii" THE" VsALM0N mow gs THE ms 5`.'rr,s`$.`}.'i7`n5:.':iLE.`.' also Mw~ J38. So OARNIEGW ` General Agent. Barrie. Om- Fire, Id! Accident and Marine Insurance on avovx-able terms. 5`- '5` :--n .-dbcolute Security. Efuilable Dealing. All approved form: of Policies . lulled on tnvorable terms. NEW YORK LIFE DUN LOP STREET BAI .l`li'15A voru s and L.abatt`s Celebrated Alt` 'ways on and. Opposite B. Hinds Dominion House. S":-1aI'I'oJ:-I s D 18 THE PLACE To GET i CHEAP AND SUPERIOR GRUBERIES. uquons AND CIGARS- --rvova. ALL \I&` 0 "$1 Per Advance. ESTABLISHED` I845. Cash Assets. - - - - 855.0o0.0'JU Cash Sm-plus, - - . - . 312.000.000- Paid 0 Policy Holders. - . 375000.000 `PAUSE JUST HERE. General A ent an xmcoe an Grev u uuununnu furnished with the choicr-at mi most deairab e Deciduous Trees and I-Zvengreens Shrubs. Climbing Plants. (extra. assortmct of glematis.) Roses, Peonies, Border Plants. B2155 c Lgegts wanted to engage by the war 0: ml- a_.ry. wxth expenses pai Good induccmczr: so _hve men. Apply to WM. CAMPBELL, aonnnnl 1----L ` I I III: IIIIIIIIIIIN I L "IPA" I Is abundant} furnished l_I]O8t d6Bil 8b Decid nnm: 'l`v-om: a na I.'.~....,.-.,-... ~ ALSO G -21E/{:25 PE VINES Including the celebrated Niagara and J e.=a..'_-a.` 8trawt;b211"rryy,pIl{`;a;t1;l.)erty, Blacbc rry. Curran: an! THE GORLISS POTATO . vinlino `I `IAA Galen I..-_L -1 A `- c-u-u\;9 l`\I I Ill \I| i Yielding 1.140 33/so bushels to the acre. by the `written evidence of the Rural New Yo.-`m. Rhubarb, &c.. B11tLern11ts,(i:::- nuts, berts, Walnuts. &'.c. uortment or the new and est3.bli:;}1e(-i_.\"a-r?;=Je:s' $1 Agple, Crab Apple, Pear, Cherry. Plum. eac , Apricot Qumce, Russian. English mrl American Mull )er1-ies, acc. OF ST- CATHERINES ONT. vonn nlu-nu.-.. :_ -4- """' 7" E No new name will be added to the Sub- ucriptlon List until the monerls paid. Subscribers now in arrears (`or three months and ever will be charged $1.50 per annum. , _____:---vnI nail V1` 1' Keep alwa sin stock a. well grown and full 4?- Iortment o the established \'arie`ies i_1_1_ A_ppl_e, _Cmb Apple. Pear. Cherrv pa-M INSUBANGE COMPANY. uunsmv com - . [ . *5. 105 Queen Street West, 1, - TORONTO ip Station, Toronto. Carriage Paid ,0n .n--=-A ' _j-j_- me am: AL nspnnrugyy fnllnhahntl n. L... ..\_ _ LAKE THU RON DONTFORGET THAT `C 2 A9 8 Paies colnhngyapupr, u 'Pnbuahed tram the 01110:. 'IYun_1op Street." Barrio. intheootintyof Slmooo.the_Pro- . vince of Ontario. Canada. every bi lnornilllu by Vii` : SAMUEL LWISLEYL, 4I.'BQ'l' IE'l'0lI.T '1 Tm3ias'on',sU13so1i"_it?`1-Ion. ' if and L.abatt`s Ale: 3%- and. nts wan ` t Gm`- rin and gglffugkn and T0 em: siizi ted. t c ' . 31111003: mg: Eilufgkggf $1 .11 xurxusnea w1th the 1 e_Deciduous Evergr;-ens nbmg Plants. (extra nszgnrrmnr .1! and Mgmagerufor (`ounri--~_o:' av. Bame P.O.. Ont. Box 46. :.-y THE (LIMITEDJ Insurance at Low (`J-}~`.' -`OR $5.00. .:.:;;: :.'hT` ploumye and pyet-: - ---r-`jv'vv them 5 witin`m:; *1 liimn.-nd Balm` it . $1. _..- ---.. Java UL 1.13110 The quantity caught for `home con- sumption _was larger than the year before. . Illegal shing has been almost stopped. Several mill owners were ned for throw- ing sawdust into the streams. The close seasons were -much better observed than formerly. Last year the total number of fry distributed` from the Newcastle nurs- ery was 8,800,000, as follows : Salmon Trout, 5,150,000 ; Whitesh, 3,500,000; Speckled Trout,` 50,000; Black Bass,'100,A . 000. - Of these l00_,000~Salmon Trout were put into Lake Simcoe at Barrie and 100,- 000 at Orillia. ' ' . ___= -v,vv-u It is of the utmost importance that the shery laws be observed, as the very ex- istence of our most valuable `sheries _de- pends upon it. In many localities Trout, Salmon and Whitesh were rapidly dis- appearing, but since the establishment of hatcheries and the planting of ova it is found that the catch has gradually in- creased in the localities referred to. That part of the report describing the various hatcheries and the work done at them is. very interesting, and there is much valu able information about the habits of the different kinds of sh. It is `highly de- sirable that shermen themselves should know the natural history of the nny tribes, the catching of which furnishes l them a living, and they would see that their own interests would be subserved by a strict observance of the law and aiding the oicers in punishing-it's infringement by others. In turning to the Lake Simcoe A division we nd that overseers L . S. Sanders, of Barrie, a;nd,William Hastings, of Roache s Point, report that since the lake was set apart the sh have become more plentiful. No net licenses were issued, and it is diicult to ascertain the catch with hook and line shing. Mr. Sanders issued 549 angling permits and Mr. Hastings 908. Overseer William Mc- Dermot, who has charge of the inland ' waters of the County of Simcoe, reports signs of improvement in the yield of sh. Th ilnhfdfn nn--r-1--` 1- -` I In order to encourage the sea sheries, bounties are given under` certain pre- scribed conditions. Last year the sum paid amounted to $130,227.32, the total_ number of bounty claims allowed and paid being 13,081. I The total number ofhyoung sh of various kinds hatched and distributed in 1884 amounted to 53,143,000, and the total quantity of sh eggs laid down .in all the hatcheries during the fall of the lsame year was 66,033,000. ` __ -_-v u -vnvo Thirteen:esta.blishments for-the articial `prcpagetion of sh are now in actual oper- ation in the several Provinces of the Do- minion. These are at the present time largely lled with sh eggs, collected at various points during the spawning-seeson I of 1884. _ ..__a...., ..\..w, yuan auu nouau. 1 God (s ta.nd-`at the head of the list in value, being "$4,302,454 85, or nearly a quarter of the whole. _ .... ..._- -..v -1 V5 nun` 1' ODD ;U_u.'I.uU.l`1UB- The principal kinds of sh making up the velue of nearly eighteen milllon V dol- lars are the following: Cod, Herring, Lobsters, Mackerel, `Salmon, Haddock,` Trout, Sardines, Smelt, Pollock, White- sh, Hake, Alewives, Oysters, Pickerel, Halibut, Sturgeon, Eels, Bass "and Shad. (`AA ..L-.__1-_L 1| 1 I This is exclusive of the quantity con- sumed by the Indian population of Brit- ish Columbia, .and also of the yield of Manitobahud the N orth-West Territories. VI"... ...__"_. __'., I Showing .a. totl value of $17 ,7 66,404, 24 As against $16,958,192V98 in 1883 ; an m- crease of $308,211.26 ' - T171787 }1*v;1'u:: the aheriee of Gen- ada. for the year 1884_ is given as follows : Nova Scotia. -. . . . . . . . . . . . $8,763,779.36 New Brunswick `. . 3,730,453.99 Quebec 9 . . . . . . . . . . . Q. 1,694,560.85. 6Britiah'Columbia V . . . . . . . . .V 1,358,267.10 Ontario" . . . . . . . . . . `I,-l33;724 26 "Prince Edward Island. . .. '. 1,085,618 68 visitor to the editor : unotnm, no 'le1`Y9 9 ; Will the fopl 0` the 1-ml1r*i!miniogn2Iy' :9 mnIm...'...`.'.I:a..;...~ m. .u_*. . The sheriee of the Dominion conptitute one of its most valuable possegisions. The last report of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries gives some very intereiting in-` formation upon thi important source of our national wealth. -1'-`-"v`. ?`3`f~.~ PS`.F}...;."9}!*f`.. ,,`!`!9-W9'! W5 gAWe hype.`at%%fthe .ph;ougucru1,: yi11"'ake!i=heQd- 0 gbvhgt nnln -......._L_ .-J -`_-- 1.`. A--- , _ rd::gA;. wher they ought to in relation to their_ local vapor-, % W ma be am. .;;..;;] . `-.;- ;s`~* ~.t. ~:.- 101131 roopn in Egypt. It is; 4`? 2*L1$9':` "WI {*m?s?e M was we Mahdi is at Korti waiggj 3. .._ {f if . : 7! x . , .. -. "n: n .I..|. :.'. a v- There will always be grumblerl and crank: who fancy that the local paper could be edited better by them than by anybody else. In their iteontainltoo much of this. too little of em, and M. somewlI0a'0;-9110. `They with tb visitor to the . graphi- ...II_. ."_`_-.__ I__- I've`: nu -- - unt nuuuruay axternoon, the House of Commons held a sitting from 2 till 6 o clock, and passed the Franchise bill through committee from clause forty to clause fty-two, twelve clauses in four hours. What s the matter with Casey, . Mills, etal :--Is it a case of exhaustion of bush, or the collapse of the indignat1on"' dodge _..-jthat -has produced this lingual paralysis? Perhaps the faithful have re: fused to y for continuing the ght for freedom `and the patriotic fervor is d ` out with the failure ot the cash to feed it. There must be something wrong with What is:-it 9 i and writers against giving the Indian a .........-m Luulll, on me entranchising of his race, published in last Saturday s Mail, should be carefully studied by the Grits who are howling against the Fran- chise Bill. The statistics indicative of the industry and thrift of his people, who embrace farmers, mechanics, _merchants, clerks, teachers and others, are highly in- teresting, the whole show intelligence and progress among the Indians, which to many will be a revelation. The Doctor meets the objections of the .Grit talkers nte in an unanswerableh wag, . We doubt if the member for South rant himself could writers more_ `able `document than this Mohawk Indian to whom Mr.-Patten - son refuses to right of the franchise. : port being taken from its columns. The gcheek and impudent Wlnmpegging, the WITH reference to the above from last week's Examiner, we remark : The AD- vaxcn never makes any discourteous misrepresentation- The original copy of the Report of the Institute was obtained by our reporter by asking for it, and with no understanding that it was to be sent in turn to the `Examiner. Mr. Purvis `said to our reporter that the other papers should have a proof, but was informed that it was not usual to send to other papers a proof of such documents, but that as soon as it was in type, the report itself should be sent to one of the other papers. There was no other condition upon which the representative of the An- vmcn` got the - Report. He did not promise to send it to -the Examiner. It was sent to the Gazette, because that paper is published two days before the Ex- aminer, and it is from that ofce the- Examiner might have obtained it. Mr. Purvis, the President of the Mechanics , Institute, says he `-did not authorize the statements in the Examiner. There is . no needyhowever, for this fuss by the Examiner people. `The ADVANCE was out suiciently long to allow of the Re-. Examiner is constantly cribbing from them what it has not the enterprise to get for itself, and it might have takenthe report in the same way. For unadulterated Examiner folk are justly entitled to the front rank. Stand out! '. gt 9` A ` `Ajnu none Donaou. Jays 6. -.-'1 '}ra'! IIAI anon..-) I. _ -____.__.__.____..__..___._.. 7 THE letter of Dr. Oronhyatakha, a. Mohawk Indian, on the enfranchising race. published in last g.+.....:....- LAST Saturday afternoon F nnthrnnnn 'l...l.I .. -:u:_ ,, - .......u.. uu puuusn one Annual Report of the trio Mechanics Institute, in this issue. The orignal copy of the Report, which was given t e ADVANCE with a distinct under- standing that it should be sent in turn to us, was not sent to us. We are in a position to say that if the representative of the A1)- VANCE had not made this ' promise he would not have got the Report until we had done with it. - -`van: annual VVlBXIlL"I'e ' We regret that owing to a piece of highly disoourteons misrepresentation on the part of the ADVANCE people we are not in 3 osxtion to publish the Annual Report of the genie Mechanics Tnntitntn in +.i.:.. .-....... ` lookjof the country and its monetary posi- quav. suns": lnhlifo The utterances of the President of the Bank of.Montreal on the business out- tien are always read a with interest. Though he disclaims the name of prophet, his business forecasts are generally cor- rect. He thinks that the depression is not yet over, and that the coming season will not bring that full business prosperity which so many have been anticipating." The early completion of the Pacic Rail- way will necessarilytend to the contrac- tion of sales, and lessen the circulation of money. Caution is the watchworde of the hour, and he advises business men to ' hasten T slowly.~ The words of the President of. a great institution like the Bank of Montreal are worthy of con- sideration. Cantion and economy cannot tail to prevent business disasters and tend ; to the general good. In these days of intense activity. intel- lectual and otherwise, a man who wants to keep abreast of the times must have a daily newspaper,` but this cannot supply what he gets from the local newspaper nor supersede it. Every one living the sphere of a local paperis henetteti by it just as he is by the school, the church, or any other elevating and benign` agency. and is, so to speak, a moral V obligation resting upon him to assist in , sustaining it. V - Y ,,..-`.a..-...,-,u uuv auvunuuu` vuuu luuru tor of public; importance and are al- waysywatchsd with interest. One of the. speakers at the Montreal Conference of the Methodist church, when speaking of _ the temperance `question, as connected _,. `with the -action of the Dominion Senate,-. intimated that the Methodist body new number 800,000 in the Dominion, and that they would `as such make themselves felt if there was any legislative, action of a retrograde character on local prohibi- tion, or if the House of Commons should ' endorsewhat the Senate has done. We doubt the wisdom of the course which the speaker marked out for the Methodist church. iWe think the franchise should be exercised by the voters of Canada not as Methodists, Prssbyterians, Epucopalv ians or as belonging. to any relicious or other order, but simply as Canadians. To . bring'churches.,as such, into the political arena, would in no way tend to their own. or the `country s good. year to detrmin are no_v_u}. being held. that for the next, These gathe ._ 1--.. -2 , vuv -avy1uuUu _U1 DUEL; , . rings are invhted With more . ,1'h Fltiirug on-no 11} i*`u' .901` I6 vregvision of_ their In-`III? NF 6-1.; _;_1. _-- NOTE AND COMMENT. n..._.-L LL _ L - , nuuv UV DUIIIUW Wlut_is-it? THE ;N913'1.`HERN ANCE % ._-_-_- n, th House `neg:-mi 0 Lil] ll :oo,.ta ':~`~_ . } ."*8`o~.,',y% . s`? .~~_` F ._ ,- --__---...--6 use uv1:uIl.110'8 obtained by Id dressing him at 18 Stepney, Causeway, __ London, E or John F. Shaw, 48 Peter- noster Row. - . _ ` - Hsrper s Weekly for June 6,` eontsins ` an interesting article on the Periodical or Seventeen Your Cicada. ' The number T isanaveregeone. > The `Scientic American for June 6 = contains mu_ch valuable uvuvux J.IiUWo Weekly for June V an on the or ' '1 is an average one. !l'lm -n.:...o:c-' A -~ ~ - - -__ - .. v..- u-B--avusvullil sources,`, a weekly` poetic gem or two, ~ educating` the taste for the beautiful and sublime ; gives the pith of the world s political doings and war s ravages. Re- cords of accidents, re. crime, discoveries and inventions, wit and humor and gems of sparkling thought are to be seen in its columns, and this to a greater or less ex- tent even in the least pretentious country newspaper. One of the greatest _ scholars of modern times declared that he never picked up a newspaper however small, without getting some seed thought which was useful to him afterwards. -,__....-..... .._, uuu uuuwr and ms help- ` ere, surrounded by inuences that have ' resulted in making them respectable and 7 veluable xnembers of society. Day a_.nd done, and in what way the Doctor is sus- tained in his labor of philanthrophy.` The `May numberis-more than usually inter- esting, Among its oti1"er.fea.tures it con- tains a. picture of 153` boys-sent to Ca- - monthly is published at 4 pence sterling. -All information concerning Dr. Bernardo s establishments can be 18 Stspney,rGausoway, London,~E John 48-` Pater-I nosterRow. _ - . '[I......--!A '3 "` ` -nedo last March. This interesting ...... mu uuu uuice or publication. Night and Day, a monthly record of Christian Misaionseand practical philan- throphy, `edited by Dr." Bernardo. The work done in the various Homes for des- titute children at Stepney, Bow, Lime- house, London E.; _Ilford. Essex; Hawk- hurst ; Kent ; Jersey ; and in Ontario is of the most practical, `valuable and interest{ ing character. Many hundreds have been rescued from the very depths of moral ' degradation `by the Doctor and hie help- era. surrnnndn lvm.:nA ..... -_ 1- - - --v..v-a -.-vus uuw u.'u.uI:, Dy Mr. Iv: rtrzon. The paper sells at 15 cents copy, obtainable from local booksel and from the office of publication. Night and n... n ........u.1_ .. ____- ......-.---av-nu vvvavu srvauulg and their Announcements. The tenth ` number of the Canadian Pictorial Illustrated War News is before us. It contains the following" illustra- tions :--Brigade Funerals of Lieut. Fish ' and Private Moor, Royal Grenadiers (scenes from sketches by our own artist, and instantaneous photographs b "Mr. Fred Timms); How the Royal rena- . diers got their Dinner before Batoche (from a sketch by our special artist, `Mr. F. W. Curzon); Mr. Larmour s Port- . able Rie Bits in Action (from photo- graphs taken at Stratford, Ont.) ; Big Bear; the last `ofstphe Rebels (from a photograph); The 38th Battalion (Duf- ferin Ries) of Brantford ? (from a photo- graph by Park & 00.) Also a ne Two-' page Supplement showing Sundry Sketches from the front, by Mr. F. W.i Curzon. 'l`he_ paper per i ` some Publications Worth L`.-l- l-.. ----- A -- TEHEBAN, June 7. -The governor of Herst has sent men to fortify Bsla. Marg- hab. - The Russians are taking the great- est care to prevent foreigners communi- cating with the Turcomans, and have ex- pelled -Persians supposed to e be corres-_ pending with the Afghans. v-For nice ked or Striped Summer ks, go to '.l`. . Gray Ir. C095. -gu-vnvuvuo Luv aaul. UL uuu nugusn POLICY is to obtain security against the possi- bility of occu ation by any .other power after the_ Eng ish leave, and to maintain English dominance over Egypt and the Suez canal. _ ` - LONDON, J une 7.-England is negoti- ating for the consent of the Sultan of Turkey to establish `a. permanent British garrison an Alexandria. If the` Ports asaents the evacuation of Egypt will be quickened. The aim of the English policy ufltv nominal `ha nnnuu, _._.-- ~-- V...--v-v - LONDON,` June 6.--The government re- 1 mains on the verge of disruption. Cham- berlain is ambitious to become the Eng- lish Premier and Sir Charles Dilke, the .radical, still stubbornly refuses to assent to Gladstone s announced policy of renew- ing the Irish crimes act. The radicals in the Cabinet insist that there remains in Ireland to-day no reason for a renewal in any form and it is not believed that the modied policy announced by Gladstone yesterday has altered the threats of Chamberlain and Dilke to resign. In ministerial circles it is believed that the crisis is certain to terminate in the sub- mission of both malcontents. VI... .-........._-l 2.. LL- ,-I.2,, . 1 , 4 c its production. It collects and puts into two very widely differ. The local paper `la the guardian of the interests of the town,.vi1lage and county in which it is. published. It is the advocate and pro- moter of local enterprise and improve- ments and of all measures" tending to the prosperity of the people within the sphere of its inuence. It is the mer- chant s` and business man's best adver- tising medium, because it circulates among those only who are likely to be their cus- tomers, and it is also the people s best directory to the stores and other places where their trading and other business must necessarily be done. It is one of the failings of humanity to forget the . source whence blessings are derived. The j every day appearance of the sun in the ; heavens causes a forgetfulness of the fact that it is the very life of the world. Less- er benets are in like-manner overlooked from their abundance anddfom frequent contact with them. Few people have a iust conception of what the local paper does for them, and what is involved in Dleasant readable shape passing local events, not only in the immediate neighborhood of its publication, but over the whole county and district. The city or foreign paper is valuless in this matter of local intelligence. The well conducted local paper gives a summary every week of the _world s doings, carefully condensed from hundreds of columns of newspaper matter, which it is necessary to collate and correct.` Besides" all this, the live local newspaper furnishes its readers with an admirable story, hints to the farmer, drawn from the best agricultural IE nnrnmou . .......I-1._ _ - - L2 - uum-uvu UL uuuu. ll.lBl.UUl.l.IrUllUI~ The quarrel in the cabinet has extend- I ed to other matters. 1' `noun--. 1.--- - in q - - x uuunu-uvu us u.u.svc|. :Lu1uul;l.'.ul.l.llIu- Lonnoiv, May 6.-The Pall Mall Gaz-l ette states upon the highest authority that the long standing auestion of the dif- .ference between England and Russia con- cerning the Northwest Afghan frontier has been nally and satisfactorily settled. A denite agreement has been arrived at on the only questions of principle. The commissioners will forthwith` commence 3 mark precisely the delimitation of the boundary. They are now on the spot. The Penjdeh incident will be referred to the King of_ Denmark. The arbitration will be conned `to the interpretation of the covenant of `March 16. Wu: 1 The Telegram states that there - i! 31580- lutely no foundation for the reported as- asalnanion of Ameer Amdurrhman. T- .... -- II`, n nu `I\ u -up an n. LONDON, J une 6.-The murder of the Ameer is doubted in oicial circles as the government had no information up to a late hour this afternoon teniing to confirm therumor. Some believe the` report is a stock jobbing canard. - ~ - LONDON, June 7.--'l'elegrams from Tiis, Simla and Teheran give no account of the mugder of the Arneer of Afghanis- (en T1 VV T W? W OVIUIXT butrukeyontotlupt.` : Sr. Pnrnnsnvno, J ime 6. --The N ovosii announces that it has been ,privately in- formed from the Caucasus that the Ameer of Afghanistan, Abdurrahman Khan has been murdered by his suite. it is said the murder took place in Persia where the Ameer was travelling, and that Ayoub Khan`, deposed by the Ameer will be his successor. The report causes much ex- citement. T -___ ,-__ I n n-II Q I .1 who ouent1on:not'_on1te 7sgtuo+ England Wants to Keep all Nations` In-:0 VIII:-Ipguo -nub -3135 [mam or .Aram1sm. in: "Is nnrom-izn `T _ qxunnnnnnnvnzs-surr;I.. , `-I THE LOCAL NEWSPAPER. Many persons are disposed to_ "under- value the local newspaper, and to institute unjust comparisons between it and the city dailies. They seem to overlook the fact that the purpose and tunctions of the 1____ ___, THE @3838 TABLE. THE SITUATION. 50 (ll! IU UUIIIIH booksellers I I1`\I;nn`~:A-son _.-_.- -U vUl.l' -sent. 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Newfoundland and gndia, and Savings Bank deposits received be- , ,.- -----4-v.AIUIA\ll4\Ill,\Jl Hill... . . . . ` Rugby. Edganvsteele . . .' ........... . . V:--M1;enfell. Tuesda. and Friday.... dhurst. Mon ay. Wednesday Fridav. in Cra.ighurst.Da.lston,Crown` - c A o - . o - - - o u - o-g--.o.n..a.-o uoumgwooc 0rillia.. . . . . . OI-illin unaux B51145 DUE FROM 'l`oronto............ ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ?Toro_nto., . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Toronto.............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Parkdale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Northern `Railway 6North), Grand` Trunk.East.and ttawa.......... . Northern Railway (South). . .. . . . . . . . . North Slmcoe Raxlwag, Penetangu1- shene and Mldlan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * Newmarket ........................ .. 1 Newmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Hamilton and Beeton Branch Rail- wa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . .. 1 Musko a. Branch Railway ......... .. Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Collingwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Orillin ,. - , ve-uu@CUUC-I ;`Ys'i`z 1`. r1 <':7xoo`:`;p.{ :$`ar. "` ' . plgg FIRE. t 0ro.. . . . . . . . . . . . . ; t--Gren1ell, Tuesda. and ; :-Mic}ihurs Mon ay, Wednesda. an a .. ................... .. British Mails? ma (N. Y.,)Monda.y] and Thursday . . . . . . . . . . ..' ...... .. ma (Halifax) Wednesday . . . . . . . . DAILY nuns DUE FROM mnunn Ln We presume Mr. H. H. Thompson will be again a candidate, and if so, we have no doubt he will be the incoming member that even the Gerrymander cannot wrest from him.

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