Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 11 Jun 1885, p. 2

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HOUSE LEASES, SALE OF LAND` SNIPES, ETO. .~-.-.--:"a ff. 1"" `'`"'-'6 '-` ` ' . _ We_ _l.1_a.ve_._a.1l onrv dgyn,_o;1t Whit ..0.l.`d.1.nar7-qhooting _m.a.n fniot. remember the day on;`1`vhich_ >it seemed] he oouIdn t` gd :w'mng; bold -' not: ' then! if he tri. i.h.1`|!`11Yf0.fV. 5-9'!1'.'1.`5f call thait Tdiy. in. the -r_n'oI;et-ofqurt- -when- 5 wi.-n'md: .u:go.o:d: sewed ; ovieri Iain? ggalie, and-astonished jotir-frihds~ in -the; `galaxy I!'0t. a1ittle. I I j th `xiizn;-E A what` hvantinx: dwiznqt. lect tIgIime.h;gt .v(Jgll`awy with-they A le-4,111.: lwnndss n1ip_ the: 2~.vhpl;e: bula : {E 'l`1..'L`? .`.`Z s:`:s:v!~s123~;2>r~'9'=` .. .:-#9: % - _ . _ I =_\ : H ' 4` up swsoxe `i`rlI:lI"I-icing`-'{` ?V.. ....;.... .'u 1 5. I . . . -.09. 2. -1'1`: ' '1 1 some awkward-tempered colt, -employed ~ money by backing the always 'beate'n Jfaverite ..for ,`.`the Brockleeby- s," the rvvvvu UV sun, silf worked hard `that win- ter, and was constantly on the back of. in the not very enviable task of teach-V` - ing, it manners, `andhefore the` pnblic were hui-rying to Lincoln` to once more try; to. `pick the winner of that most diioult of-' handicaps, and lose their Neiwmarket trainers had come. to the: conclusion that`thei'e _ a-'- laid "at V .e.WI!1erlsti..t1al`t9s1Id.mgmmunicata ` 's`u`h` condence W: as ; narvona n Fyouna one" as Jim`Forrest, and "many were the. .good-natutqd'.x9imIhwanoes that he `_of%'*"!'yi`n?8_i!,1~Vl5*ll;O?_, a hang -all nu... .I___ ...`.L 1.: 'n`eadn _t~tear_Bit, ivhet :.he'd -V .;p:lenty :. ...... ....v uvaun ua. oannuvvl mvvvluuquuul. The promulgation of his real name, to tell the truth, promised to do the young fellow considerable good. He had already shown that he was an artist in the saddle, capable of holding his own with the foremost jockeys of the day, andman_v an old friend of his _ father's followed Lord Wbitby s example - and promised to give him a` turn when the game began again. Gerald, of V course, wrote openly now. to his own , people concerning his career. V He told them how well he was `doing, how he had already. money in the bank, and how high were his hopes for the future. ` About Dollie he said` nothing, but Ellen` did not augur there was any liklihood of his engagement falling through from such ominous `silence. Still, all that winter, though his letters were frequent, he never came to lork. He remitted more than one comfcrtable little check to St. Leonard's Place, but pleaded he was too busy studyinghis profession to have time even to run up at Christmas, at -which Mrs. Rockingham made ve- hement protest. But it was no use; . Gerald remained resolutely at New- market,vwhere he volunteered to give a cantor, when weather permitted, to any horse requiring one ; and Mr. Pipes, with whom -he had become a great favorite, more than once invited him to give some of the Panton Lodge colts a lesson, which his patience, ; tact,`and delicacy of hand made really ` invaluable to a nervous_ young one. Q But this Gerald steadily declined to do. I He made some trivial excuse at first, I but at last told the trainer right out : that, handsomely as Sir Marmaduke : had always behaved to him, he /could 1 not forget that the Baronet had taken his jacket away, and therefore he could ~ not thinlbof interfering in his stable without express orders from him, which, i as Sir Marmaduke was away gambling 4 at Nice, shooting pigeons, and fruitless- '. ly endeavorin to break the: bank [at .1 t 1 Monte Carlo, e, could hardly A be ex- pected to give. ' ' Q4.-:11 I\-._.'I_I __._1_-.11 .1-.1 . l .' ' .The dead season, as racing men call it, had now commenced ; that is to say, the legitimateracing` year was nished, and till the saddlingv bell pealed _forth on the Carholme at Lincoln turtes had nothing to do but to study the Calen- dar and discuss the events of the past twelve months. No story, perhaps was more bandied about than that of Gerald Rockingham, for -all race-goers, as well as society, know now that he and Jim Forrest were one. Gerald had thrown off all disguise about it, and `though he still retained his assumed name of Jim Forrest, frankly admit- ted to all who cared to know, that he was the son of Alister Rockingham. mlnn v\no\-unuu`n-nL:.... -1 L2- .__-` - ~ Suddenly it occurred to :iEilen,e that ` `she `had forgotten to conde` to Mr. _ Thorndyke the more serious part of G erald`s o'ending-to wit. his contem- plated marriage. Surely Mr. Thorn- dyke would not approve" of_ `Gerald's marrying out of his class, That could have nothingto do with the spirit of independence" so much landed, and even the Rector of `St. Margaret's, lib era! as he was in his ideas, could hard- ly approve of such a fusion of _'classes as that marriage would be; Then it suddenly occurred to Miss Rockingham that, much as she valued the opinion of John Thorndyke, it/was _quite possible her brother might see no necessity for the Rector s `approval on` a matter so -nearly concerning himself, Moreover, Mr. Thorndyke had already declared that he had no plea upon which to in-_. terfere in Gerald's affairs, and given her to understand that only to rescue the lad from a dissolute life, and at the earnest desire of his people, could he have any pretext -for meddling with Gerald in anyway, Now Gerald was doing nothing of that sort, but was leading a. steady, hard-working life from all accounts, so Ellen sorrowfully came to the conclusion that it would be useless to ask his advice about that sirene Dollie. V e ' &,RQM POST TO RACING no % _i_;3y HAWLEY sMA11*, % Bnnnzm Lmam? =kWND= { to WIN, Tm: Gnnu Tommy, Ar F.wLr._ no me. CHAPTER xxxv._.oonmum LENNOX 8: LENNOX BARRISTERS, AT- torneys at-Law. Boflcitors in Chancery, Conveyanoers. szo. 01oes-Corner of Dunlop and Owen Streets, Barrie. J. T. Lnmvox. Havnrox Lnzrmox. THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. ...u,,u,. 5.,` mo Lump` apparently with big- `jtiibthi-`"nlillsl`-xsh9'r ms: t a :j`au`naioa;i.;` ' m:`"`. 7 ``,h;`-".". .139 1V.` "5-'2 J hi /:w_n liii thjs` weary. 1worliL`=_.ugId. % :..99J?iR.b;xal19pa.;1i!:;s ` ind L ` i L . 2-Ir: . 0. ): ___ _.,. `.,....`...,up_7 uuuu`1aIUI.lrI'llBt'r"'7,ul:O" '}')anoerV~7 _w\87.rpI1z1Ier.' { tried-`-`-,a_nsrj, fgn tribI;.jd9..n01vadny'1 ` my their 0axi.n.s.s~ patience. -and the tenderest handlilsg 51? {but - ` the" Dancer wgs not to ,be cajoled %with Jumps o.augaf1,:i}_7}}en practica1`.`o`r mo- t_apho1:is.>.:ll.' img.y:nn1.quadmpehad `sq -`::u.p parently~iVith hipi '; I '_' ' 2`.',Ltr `#0 `L ` ' i any danger with the race-course except . .tha_t of gambling, and she was assured - that Gerald did not do that. the Dancing Master; the inuenza had -exert himself, and` that, `unfortunately, ' `er end)m!isri;'; Mr-' 1?i13;.i:; ;';h@% 1tie91,to.` -us--.-a - mIC\1\II You may be sure 'Jim s _`. career was closely watched in St. Leonard s_Place. The widow took to studying the sport- ing news again, as she had been used at_ the zenith of her husband's turf career, but with innitely less trepi- dation than had come to her in latter days. She did not associate, poor soul, Nor did he. He bet at times,as every one con- ~ nected with the turf does,'but he could not be called a regular speculator. Still. he was putting together a very nice little nest-egg, and toward this Lord Whitby, who was as open-handed as he was hot-tempered, not alittle con- tributed. He was now most thorough- ly established_in the very front rank of his profession, in receipt, of retaining salaries both from Lord Whitby and another well-known magnate of the sporting world. Sir Marmaduke more than once regretted his severance with Forrest; not but what, he would say ruefully to his great ally, Captain Harrington, it don't much matter who s up on such a lot of half-trained devils as all ours are this season. I There was one exception, and that was 1 affected him but slightly, and "merely ` necessitated a slight` stoppage` in,` big Work during bitter _,spring-tinge, Mr. Pipes. like Bill Greyaon, had ~oou- ceived an.:imm'ense o inion `of the. horse's capabiliti;e . also nized thatili .horsa'.equ-113-l had ;an opinion aboim.-when;it;?was Anecessary to heldom` coincitled`,Twith um: ofhia own? ` deal Wltl?_ .l!1l,sorts -,o_f `equine .t.emp.or,. Q Even in this Jim Forrest's star was to a certain extent in. the ascendant, for Sir Marmaduke, upon hearing from Mr. Pipes what Forrest had said when asked to handle some of his horses` in the winter, chose to take umbrazze at J1m s refusal, and consequently never offered him a mount, whereby Jim was probably spared7discomtu`re '_on` more than one occasion, as the Baronetfs string apparently, couldn t win even a selling ' ' f V-.. ......... L- ..--._- "l!__L_ Sir Marmaduke, on the contrary, and his followers, had so far been singu- larly unfortunate. Mr. Pipes had , the mischance to get that bane of trainers, inuenza, into his stables, with the usual result-his charges all the first part of the season were rarely quite themselves, while in some of the worst cases it had beenfound hopeless to get them ready, and` more than one rich stake, which had been apparently at Sir Marmaduke s mercy, had" to be abandoned because his representative was hors de combat. Notably the case this with the ying Atlanta, who had proved herself about the best two year- old in training last season,- She was very heavily engaged, and apparently her taking the One Thousand Guineas and Oaks was a more question of health. She had been smitten so badly with this curse of racing stables that it was questionable whether she would re- cover her form during the present cam- paign ; and what made the matter still worse was the well-know fact that when llies, in racing parlance, lose their form at three years old, they are apt to never recover it. year more `73hma. K 351; ,1%ror.aahb A m:.%mm-who. bar`o`n`s ,"'jq Li , _m[$1i;c;tian; of nniphs. and. Ana own `1i: turf~Iaifb*. as ` rd Whit$ s- and Jim Forrest's year. The fates, 2,-) _L I-_A. :5. ....._ L- ....-_.......J 4.` {{"i'{;i' "o'o&.1I{IuSr"}7i"t'1I' hi? 6? jockey. -`He somewhat over-estimated his horsemanship, and, forgetting that he had a better lot of colts than it` had` even been his luck to ownbefore, vowed that Jim Forrest was the best-iockey on the turf,` and then, by Jove, sir; he's a Rockingham, and one knows he'll ride straight," a remark which, though doubtless true of Gerald, conveyed a rather unfair insinuatiun against the majority of his colleagues. Z.d".'` 1L1`Z';aYpr;3LE,7& persecuting `that iraecible` noblemfan, seemed tohave handed` him over. to be ;the.sp,Oiled childiif Fortune`; and the Graven `Meeting `all `through the` year his lordship : well-known colors were seen continually in the van. This to his word, he" had commenced giving Jim Forrest some 01 his riding`, and Jim was not the man to throw away a chance when he really had - a good horse under him. a As he scored victory after victory for his employer, Lord Whitby, to whom a . series of suc- cesses was extremely titillating on ac- count of the `rarity with which such triumphs had been vouchsafed him, was .. I..:...L ........1L.-....... ...L`L L}... can!!! .; % P9 96h!-mod di` ~` ywll `#9 , ` ohomplgtoly OUNT. STRATBY & LOUNT, BARRIS- ters, Solicitors In` High Court of Justice, Notaries Public, Conveyancers. `Oloes over the Bank of Toronto, Barrie. 1.`-w.~-. I\ I1 `I! `II a__.__-- 41 `I9 1 ___'__ -,--pg. uvv_ In :0 `WI. 1 Jim Eosri mu nt_. ittle xfatherxand V `_jmsition'.< I " A v u. 'n2I\:'r 0- "3- nun Is;I.l6_W.V.8l`Y. W9. 1 poniy. avowed-I him 1 jzhag ah; t;he?wp`rld 114'. I`.- as name, and aha f8h` h`hd axnua.ed at5i=h9 .waiy',.li`e.r Tmother h:x_ndhken. the integ- v_-I C was now :'avrar '_w_ho~ `;L.11?A'i.311 1" "?.1'ii!nd Bill. `(WY .89\ivh1i7.lie%;he9td`ic';;`ftn think, `that I hIYO-.:hadA*. aqnnqf the Squire's. in 5 my stable-1 I- m`- -commie it. And ;t..1!.8`. B3 tii`>*.i}1`<!;:.`i~`i tg`,,tg1fc'ai,?1"\;\3A 1`l1t>II-" sand :rai; Iids11eeds.,` Ifahlmfnths. . after brain: dxinffathor-J % am. like mi . . V ,, - - ........ -.5uu, uuu uuu-u uuo uuua was 6 re.-xik coward, and ordered his trainer to send him beck Riddletqn fqrthwith. To Mr. Pipe s suggestion that they_had ; better keep the colb 3 little longer, Sir Marmaduke replied cnrtly :V nnun:n`n '-u-.6 . T ....._h. _RL`_, `I A `- Inn.-so uv uuuuxu uuvvuos OLIUI. ll. temper `was ehouzgh for the Baronet ; } he came to -the conclusion that Black- ton was right; and that the colt was a out-nu`-on`-.;I -_.` _L_J____.1 13 Th.i:-iaat. exhibition of th gray s' nnvnoo ptv--wool an---vavw -u-- v----vv-- vv-V:-nwv For the above reason it is necessary to pass somewhat rapidly over the racing of this year, and simply record the fact that the Dancing Master was alloted a weight in the Hunt Uup which, conjoined with the fact that the . horse was extremely well, made the Panton Lodge people regard his chance as an immense one, should he only take it into his head to run kindly. Sir Marmaduke adhered to_ his before-ex- pressed intention, and backed the ham to win him an enormous stake, which he was easily enabled to do, from the known uncertainty of the animal's temper, at a very liberal price. Once more did the erratic Dancing Master betray the condence of his new owner. Indulging in quite uncalled-for gam- bols at the `post, he got a very indiffer- ent start when the ag eventually fell, but going like a bols from a catapult when he_did go, his tremendous speed enabled him to catch his horses as the hill was topped, and the gray-colored troon came within view ot the Stand. Anxious to take a good place, Blackton immediately afterward hustled him a i little, and just as Farrington exclaim- ed, He means it last, Marm, the nu? , certain brute determined not to be put out of his _way'*by any one, shut up, and declined to another effort. ` "l1L3__ 1-..- , :_ "newer to Blsckton'I , *5 he race; the 1' is game enough when ' ; but, ` damlne, I_ - } oan's1`;_1p::.` 3 he stands in with the book-inak ers,Vsud runsfor them in- stead offorus-whenever he's backed. _, 11$ '1fdqn`_ t`qnit_e `know what `to think, Pipes; He 't'a .iled `at Epsom, thesame gt" Doncnstm-','ind new again over the "` Diochdn "~fort"he Clatets. He wins over the Rowley Mile, the only time he ever wins. It looks to me as if he -`couldn't get further, that he's been run ever since out ofhis\distan.:e. - at `run not that, Sir Mnimaduke. ro Dill LU]. urn uuxu vuuu nave In writing the wonderfully" romantic narrative of Gerald 'Rockingham s un- precedented turf career it is ditcult to keep cleor of the mistake. of becoming a mere volume of the Racing Calendar. Continuous repetition of sporting stories of the same description. is apt to wax tedious ; indeed,- in these times it is so easy to bear a little too heavily upon any subject 3 and writingas I do with- in half a mile of Westminster, I may surely add talk too much. on my sub iect-. Parliamentstreet is. thick with verbiage, nationalbnsiness is at a stand- still, while the six hundred and `fty wind-bags til -.5 represent the nation are still busily engaged in emulous cackle. 'l.1_n L1... -1_---- ..--...-.. .1. .. .. ..-............ awy. L` I`. WM,- " Get him renciy for the Hunt `C p_ at A-.acot, ; 's'a.i_d "Balroixet, cutl. .1 L I` If he gets` in, well -.--andt he. mnist -111. stand him a taker for that ; and if he fails us. then Bill Greyson may have him back jgain. at once. Better he- paid for his corn thin me. 1... .-nu-Ilnn O}-nn avnnnrfnnvl rnmnnr-. MCCARTHY, PEPLER 85 MCCARTHY. Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries. 850., Money to Loan. Barrie, Alliston and Gravenhnrst. D'ALTON MCCARTHY, Q.C. F. E. P. PEPLER. J. A- MDCARTRV- D. N`- MnWA1m }_r,.uu .l')VU.l{ uusuo vuu up u-u uuuuuuuu ~- 4 . . It s not that, S11` Mqimaduke," plied the` trainer ; .9` in : his beastly temper. I \ ! It's his want of heart, said Black- ; ton, as he turned nd walked anlklly .~`nmire1 Y IIVO.ll1(10d--Id N10 man Who EH03 W rulua woman will also find himself -c.hin- T -'`j Betting-Lon` story writers would I383 "Onej '6ii'do9a_not A summer, no momihiiitmakei 8 - .A .r.,.% the-*ri.d ho-Id"; uowzmiww-mm -"F" IR 7 `W051 I9 CIVICID LULII Ava v ;; ,xNeoo'u1ty_,knowi no law; spa 111 lgwyera In A similar case, devotes 1tae1f t0 ~Ji.I!6!iti6n- " ' : Tho _nuu_1 who rules himaelf,.say5, 3 Lold prove!` ",`.`i'n 9` king. `And It `might hve.ad_1A`1ed--and tho mam who me: to __.|-.. -. ___...__-_._:n _1__ 11...: -I-u'mnn]f ,;uu_ pun. uuvugy. _4 A mm tha.t'is>hung is generally a high` ptrungindividual. ' - . Poets in` thegolden time: used to spend 85W1_1ole `weok'on_ 3 single line. It would zoodthimt` for` `the public . if the ,o`dem mbfu had kept up the honor- __ 3', ,1, ,I . It 1 1` I, 9! ant` on-mm-. . . "' {`M$nyl handi make` light work;" and li heavyworlt in vaglways left for the `fin (1 V ' `spoken in Sport. _ C ,_;The dentist : epitaph: "He is tiilmg ,._hu_ last cavity.,, `A m... n..`4.`:- 1...-.. :. ........-..n.. . Mah- It was with a big jump of `the heart that Dollie received the letter in which Gerald announced his intention of `coming northward. Ah, this would clear up all doubts! Let her but see Gerald, and she would speedily be 83' aured as to whetherhe loved her still ; but she did not want to see him at Riddleton, and that was where she was when she received his letter. B116 "looked forward to the rather slavish adulation that she felt sure her mother would ac'cord Mr. Rockingham with as much dismay as the blunt mistrust `of'herfather._ So Dollie made up her mind that _she mustvabandon the sweet summer` moorland breezes tor the hot. dusty city _of_ York, and once more talfe up her `abode with her uncle Thomas In ~ Coney ' Street." ' -_._.- v-v ..---u up VI A uu \.uLAJ in August, and the sale take place about the beginning of September. Gerald reected sadly that there remained but a. very short time to plan and execute the stroke he meditsted. Stockbridge and in the Newmarket July meetings were gone and past, and though Good- wood loomed before him he could see nothing in the programme that seemed suitable to his purpose. Suddenly it struck Jim that he would take a few days holiday, run up to York, and see hisrmother and sister and Dollie. HEWSBN sz CRESWICKE, BARRISTERS, Solicitors of the Supreme Court of J udi-. cature otontario. Proctors, Notaries, Convex- nnnmva, Rn-.. .'Mnnav tn Lnn.n_ O`Io.m:_.`Rnt. vu- , Gerald had for months; been puzzling as to how the solution of his puzzle could be come by, but see he couldn t, apd meanwhile he heard from \Vritson that the handbills would be out early `Ii Aiinvnqnf nun : `LA -...1. L._|-... ...1__- ..L_..L --v- -- r '- J"" ` Gerald had conceived a_ great idea, and was working up to it with all the steady persistency that misfortune had called forth in his character. - He had heard from Writs-an that all chance of disposing of Cranley in the aggregate seemed hopeless, and that he should be compelled to lot it and dispose of it piecemeal. Now Gerald, thanks to the liberal presents_he had received, in the first instance from Sir Marmaduke and his followers, and latterly from Lord Whitby, had no less than between two and three thousand pounds at his bank- er's. Heworked hard and lived spar- ingly, and except the money he sent to assist the manage at St. Leonai-d a Place, spent little of his earnings. He was now making a very good income, and the idea had come to him to em- bark the bulk of his savings in some turf speculation ; to go for one great coup, and should that come off, with the proceeds to purchase Cranley 3 not the manor, of course, but simply the house and chase. The difiiculty was, what should the plotted coup consist of? He had ridden several colts of Lord W,hitby s, this year, whose winning might be regarded as fairly certain; but when the prices laid against these at starting had been so short that it re- quired. to- risk much more than he could afford to win the stake he want- V---v -vs That the world is hollow, and their dollhstuffed with sawdust, is a phase that most young women go through in their early days. l`|..._..1.1 1...: --._ --:_,- ,1 her; but it was m vv uvvmrvunvug But as the months rolled by a Gerald never .appeared either at 330: or Riddleton, Dollie began to feel Ir, a little-- uncomfortable If this hag; been mere irtation, ince in to her girlish vanity, it would 1,3,5 been cause of doubt and dismav that her lover could stay so long awa} from uch more than that Dollie knew, alas! she had given. be; whole heart to Gerald Buckingham and if he deemed that a bauble no worth keeping, God help her ! for she would need it sorely. Could he, father be right 7 Could Miss Rockin _ ham be right? Was (;.,,,1d 0,1,3 amusing himself, as she had read mg heard young men were wont to do with we men, more especially when they did not belong to their own station in life 1 and then Dollie would throw heme into the arm chair near her casemate and as she gazed across the broad uh . dulating grassy expanse the tears would well up into her eyes, and she would wonder whether the world really was so hollow and heartless as all that came to. draw the gyves tigbwr 6&1` tin. and despite the warning Of Wor1d]lg_ht? ushers, until one day the fettg wlge riven, and the captive is gone rs l1e be recaptured. ' ' never t0 I D..a. ..`.. n_- `To Continued. June; 11, 1, 1885. navaavavvsu vs vnav nan ova-Luv vuuav VA. VIII-LA`. c`Tit`ure Proctok Conve - ulcers &c. -Mone to Loan. 0`lces-Bo - gBv:I1 n_s Block, oppos to N. 8; N. W. Ry. Station, me. - C. E. Hnwsox. A. E. H. Cnnswxoxm. J T. SPROUL, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR . of the Supreme Court, Conveyanoer. &c. Mone to Loan. Oices over Sanders Bros.. J ewe lets. Dunlop St: eet. Barrie. AISLV & .lV.l.UIVU.I1.lDUlV, DAD 1'.I14II, Solicitors. Conveyancera. 8:0. oney to Loan. 0ice-Ove_r D. J. Murch1son s Snore. Market Street Barrie. ' Branch 0tllce-Potter s Block. Totten am. Il`.nurAnn .1 I-Imnnnr 'n n Mtrnnutnnn ' GT1. RADEN_Ii_U7I{$Z'i;.Wi;ARRISTER, AT- . tome Sohcltor in Chancery, Conve an- cer, Sac. O co-First Door South or Posto ce, Hind s Block. Owen Street, Barrie. . .49-48 I T EARN & MUR(iiISOiTi3AR TERS, Lnnn ninn_nvnr Tl J '|\'|1I-nhlcnn n Q1-nvm R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROKER AND . General Agent. Real Estate bought and sold. Collections made in any part of the County. Money to Loan. O1ce--Bothwelrs Block opposite the Railway Station, Barrie, Ontar o. * 51-ly ` 70 IN OUR HANDS FOR INVEST- $ , ment on good freehold security at lowest rates of interest. No principal mono Y re uired until end or the term. STItATHY&' A LT. Solicitors, &c., Barrie. O H. LYON . PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ' . on Real Estate at lowest rates. Farmers . Notes Discounted. Collections made in an part of the County. Real Estate bought an sold. Conveyancing in all its branches. Mar- riage Licenses Issued. 0ice-Over Canadian Bank of Commerce, Dunlop street. 45-ly \IAV An A :1 Va` Six:e`1"'3e`1`1;:`i`nteres NOX. So citors. Barrie. aurnwute, SJUUUI, VVIIUB. NU. A150 101`, M16 collection of Ron Notes and Accounts. 0mce-Polioe Court. arrie; . . ' UlVIi!.--A IGFKB llllolllli OI l'lV&D8 Illll to lend on straight loans, at owest rates. 16 MCCARTHY. PEPLER 8: MCCARTHY. OSEPH ROGERS, CONVEYANCER, COM- missioner in Queen s Bench, Auotloneer. Atppraiser. and Commission Agent for the sale 0 Houses, Lands. Farm Stock, Household Furniture, Goods,` Wares. &o. Also for the nnllnntlnn hf Rent; Nntnn and Annnnntn OHN MACKAY. AUCTIONEER. COMMIS- eioner. Conveyancer, Issuer ox Marriage Licenses under the new Act. Money to Loan at Moderate Interest. Creemore. Ont. T 61y , THE. UBEN S H ` ; Pmqprietor. Ex(3)oTlln;a than ta-.m.In..... ....1..n- n-_ - I .uua QUEEN'S 110TlL.--A. Pnoprietor. Excellent no the travellln public. -Bar and allot! with a best. Good atahlionl ve homers. Ln otgueotl . V to and from all t Few doop 1 ket street. on.Dunlop street. l ~ :" new -- cvv ,-vs. ---v GEORGE Rooms. U UOIIDUY OI llIlG0_8. '.lUl'IJ 011100 at my Store. Cralghurst. ENNEDY, GAVILLER & HOLLAND,` Architects, P. L. Surve ors, Valuators, Sac. Plans and specications or buildings pre- ed. Town and illcge Lots laid out. Fagm es carefully looa d. Timber limits exa.m1n- ed, &_c. 850. Toronto 0lce-4 Mail Buildings. Borne b Ofr-.e-Lnmr n Blank- 1ce-McCa.rthy's Block. Collingwood U 11.h'1`UiV lV1UUABTk J. A. MUCABTHY. -- -. -- "' R.-13.11. BOSANKO, DENTIST. uqum Gas for Extracting Teeth always on hand; it in both Grocery tore. Barrie. Ont. galeaaant and safe. Oloe over Duff : 13511316 uu1ue--xuuuurnnyu D1005. UUIHDKWUUQI 0ice-Long s Block. Tnos. KENNEDY. MAURICE GAVILLEB. i..__...__..?._--._ W. J. HOLLAND. . 51-ly. . 3 . Real Estate Agent, Calgary N, W. '1`. Correa ondence solicited with re rd to'1nvest- menti Province of Alberta, .W_.T. A. W. MOVITTIE. Address Calgary, vla. Benton, Montana. U.S. ` ' .1.) Uarpenmer 3110 1511111181.`, 3110. HLDHQLIUDUIUI of Doors Sash. Blinds. Mouldings. aw. Plan- ing of a kinds done promptly and satisfac- tonly. Factorv. John street. Barrie. DIOCK. Iowennam. ~ _- EDWARD J. Human. D. C. Muncmson. '1`. BANTINGACLERK COUNTY OF SIM- . con. will be at his office at the Court P.0. ookstown. Hausa. Barrie, every Saturday. Residence; and` mm unsn mm, mu working Machinery. 10$: alllllllll 'requutodtpot1 u.__...__ 111' Zimz'nermn.n s stand. Sanders B ock. -opg. new Post , Oioo, Barrie, Ont; italized Air tor painless extracting a specialty.` 6-15' ' H6 BENNETT. DEN.'1`ISl`.. ARRIE FOUNDRY, ENGINE BOILER Wonxs.--H. Snwnnv. Manufacturer of e d rt tion of Engines, Boilers Saw 11v1ryGr?3 m, Shingle, Lath, and Wood- wnrtlna MnnhinerV_ `-1- -1. 11* Eijmiixrf, APPRAISER & BILL POSTE J. &c. Rents Collected, Servants Provided. lm! nn-stain: nnnnnitn `Rank nf (`.nrnmn'|-An, OGERS 8: GREENS GENERAL AGENCE in` thd town nf Rnrrin, fnr u: nnllnntinn nl S. JOHNSON, BARBIE, IMPORTER 0]! ant! Tlnnlnr in {".nn.`ln nf all kind: and - av-vo-Irv, a.vIaA.oV0 '1:J5w'. Q.C., H. H. Snwrnv, G. W. Loam. OSEPH SWAN AUCTIONEER FOR THE County of S mcoe. Terms reasonable. Ilnn at mv Store- (".rn.inrhnl-at. 48.117 I SEPH ROGERS. `CHIEF CONSTABLE, County of Simcoe. 0loe-Po!ice Court. Inn-in- ' ON E1 T0 LEN D ON REAL ESTATE AT Six or cent. interest. LEN N OX 8: LEN- \Y Qnl nifnm: `Rn:-I-in AND SUBVEYOBESJ: [ONEY.--A large amount of rivate funds tn land nn ah-niohf. Innml. at nwnnt 1-ates. }ARRIE PLANING MILL.-GEO. BALL, nrnnntnr and Rnildm-. and 'Mn.nufn.ntrn-Ar llli FDANILVU M.1lJlJ.-U'.lloUo DAIAIJ, Carpenter and Builder, and Manufacturer nnm-n. Sash. Blinds- Mouldimrs- 8:0. Plan- AUc'r1oNni;:i mscnumnovs. nuNU1rAcrvnns_._ ms HOTEL.--A . :1 vv%`*'nd ' ' 0% Dr. Exoellentac -- I: v -~ ti . an 1.: %FVlAN0lAL.V_ OFFICIAL. - Lime, Cements of all kin J 5. JUIILVDULV, nnnnxn, 1mrun'1'n'n. U!` I and Dealer in Cools of all kinds, and Georgetown, Grey and Guegh White Einiahin .'Fire Bricks an tererss tstgrethgue at; th%'Northe1;n way w ooo onsreewnear. e depot. The bond of this Lime isibetter ' ` that otnny other kind, end the finish eupe or. Olce-Corner or John and Elizabeth street - T I : o1.I`i`l5'0 I_IIY'rB-_ . 1`aul"..l'El"hl.`JNc D. F. MOWATT. WM. Gnnin.-A *" '"\`+"-m :;'!`99P-:.`." nu % L Q` . " " K 0 "H". I f. 5 nth ;,, .. Y1 , I` ` ,nhIh1maIdsFrop1'-Iota}! ,;. _ , 4,`, ;' \ ,1"; "~I:.: 5' ; a ' "; V :E-on %1s e5", ' Published by the Pwpriator, 8. W_ealey, Barrie. Copied 25 cenn~`a}t`tha qqo; `_o'r se,n;t by.f1IIi1o Pbitid. ion r97iDf..0 3939* i-um.` , ` V ' Q, ; . ' . J Ii the but one 13>u:r.\2jvleeis1zL%.%1?nb1i-he-31% #119 ounmof;81:` .. _-;'.. ...L . L l..;..,j., . I . VA` `u f org-uee.| nl-U515` order. i uurmn: on un..n.`nin':5 unzmliltah AGENCY - in` the town or Barrie, tor the collection of . Chattel Mort ages, Rents, Debts. etc. We are also prepare to undertake General Detective Business for Legal Firms. Merchants and others v at moderate rates. Olce : Police Court, Bar- rie. P.0. Box 222, _, M :u__A-,_v-\______ cc. .. Imam orneroavrl ASSIGNMENTS or % . . CHATTEL MORTGAGE. , ABSTRACTS or TITLE, ETC. 4: DIVISION c%oURTJBLANK.s,% :MAGISTRATES BLANKS, , } s SURROQATE cuUR_'.r BLANKS, A r coNs1fABLEsV"BLANKs.; 4 .v'l:" I ; H` 1'. 7' I, I `:._ . _ ., 7". fl ' ' .,. $7` '1 'JfJ191f01Ap ' RENEWALS OF_ ZC'A_TTEL MORTGAGE, DISCHARGE oF_ Z {% V FARM LEASES, EQUITY OF REDEMPTION, STATUTORY LEASES. DEEDS, MORTGAGES, . cHAT-TEL MORTGAGES, % % QUIT CLAIM DEEDS, `ASSIGNMENTS OF MORTGAGE AGREEMENTS OF AT TORONTO PRIOES. BOOKS AND PAMPHLETS,,_ and Ornamental. DODGERS, V FLYERS, L.) 5110. mun .Ul`8.l1l6l`, returns BDEBKB I0 EH6 public genemll for their past favors, and would inform t em that he instill in the busi- ness._a.nd as rompt end. obliging as. ever. Orders can be eft at No. 30. Peel street, Barrie and they will be promptly attended to. ' 47~4 MEMORIAM CARDS, PROGRAMS, ORDERS` OF DANCE, MENU CARDS, LABELS. NOTE HEADINGS,` _ LETTER HEADINGS, IMEMORANDUMS, WEDDING INVITATIONS, . WEDDING owns, ` VISITING CARDS RECEIPTS, CHECKS, 3 0RDER& ENVELQPES. JJIHLJ-JHLV 95` OARDS, 'Blank Fo1:m`s; Of any `kind printed fto. rd or. ' IHHIIKANIIJIIHPIIINTINE. _@`I respectfully solicit an opfwortunity to furnish estimates for all kinas `of work in all the styles of printing, such [THE woman Anvhucd -s1'Em--` PRINTING Tnuusn, 1 ,-.v.xz~r a -:w. ~-.?,."-v-umj 1 \Jo GEO. n_enLs UOUBOEBQ, BBTVBDIZI k'1'0V108( Olce up-staxrs opppsipe Bank Qt Commerce. IJUNLOP ST.. BARBIE, I-;lAS UNRIVALLED FACILITIES` PROMPT ANII TASTEFUL EXVEGIITIOI 1 +01? ORDERS ALL CLASE8 0F- `B'_LANK FORMS nu: "STATEMENTS, BILL -HEADS, `NOTE CIRGUEARS, _ n'n'7-noun LETTER CIRCVULARS; Always ke_pt`in stock .......p-03` A fun line of ` MORTGAGE. A lin at all prices. AMUEL TENCH, WELL smxn: ndusm I and Land Drainer. returns the. s to the nuhlin menamllv fmv thnir nnnt fnvnrn and I

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