Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 May 1885, p. 8

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-.. nlv V-..-_u-4. Inna vnvuu. vu. an VAVOLIUHU l.Dl'l.I.l- _W. for 24 in 6th Con.. small clearing, well watered and -timbered, soil good. . Dank Al 00 In ALL I`... 17...... 11A._.._ 7,, I I Northern 85 North Wesarnllailways. m'oR'rH ORILLIA.-Pa.rt of Lot sin 1stCon.. -80 23.0., -10 cleared, excellent soil, good buildings. property well watered, a rst-class farm especi- ally adapted for stock reusing. \Tn'l17l\A1!rAoAnA 131-11-`. g_ an, n -um- ..., uv n unavv u-u 1:I:1CUMSETH.-N; Lot 4 in 11th.Con.. 1oo acres. About 80 acres cleared. A ood farm, well situated, about 3 miles from Alston, TINY.-E.} 88. in let Con., (except 4 acres) a I very d farm; 81200`. N t9 in 1st Uon. 100 acres good land, price $1000. TYIEETII5 A `I\- __L -1 an I in 1 an _- - ,..-..- ,,-....... ` VESPRA.-Pa.rt of 21 in 3rd Con., 63 110., 3011 first class. all cleared. an excellent farm. 1!? 11.1 at 1. ALL 11-- _..:,n A To all points East and West. nd Manitoba. For tickets. rates, eto., apply to % . W. A. EVAI8, " Roar. QUINN, Agnt N. 8c N.W. Rys.. {lanai-:11 Dnnnnnanuu 1 nun! n......:- an: 0 `IL Iluuvvn BL OBI!-ADI-IUV 9 Dwellin House on East a do of Owen street, occupied y Mr. Bothwell, most conveniently situated; $1200. House occupied by Dr. Bailey. havin good stablin attached on Dunlo street a oining Dr. Ar h s residence : . Cottage and lot opposite lastdescribed parcel; AI'.LANDALE.-A comfortable double Dwel- ling House on Bradford street opposite Northern station. ` 10 good building lots well situated. I-`ARMS FLOS.--Part of N g 10 in 7th con, 90 acres. about 30 acres cleared and tree from stumns,new frame dwellin house, soil good, balance of lot. can be easily c eared. INNISFIL.-8. i of 3 in 14th Con., soil and buildings ggod. about 60 acres cleared.valuable timber on lance , cheap, terms very easy. I II`|(\\T'lV!4` `I1! I -1 1!? I -1 n _'_ 1t.LI_ r~a_,_ , -A ..--.~v- van hr`-anal-I\ll', vuvnnyg Uvnusu vvt; 013510 MEDONTE.-E 01! W 1. 6 in 10th Con; so acres good land, rst-class orchard in full bear- inn- 811 11116 Dlllllll BIBGB. Several co or-table houses and cottages on Charles street: an excellent opportunity for a mechanic to get a comfortable home asthese houses can be paid for b small monthly or quarterly instalments. Pr ces $150 to 8300. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttereld. with small olce in front. and two lots - price 81000. Good hnilriinnv Int nn Rm-an ah-Ant ndininina LETTERS ADDRISSID T0 THIIDITOB THROUGH TICKETS ausmas OOLLEOE, l1TT11!T,D1r`n\TnI . B50138 D3135 P8358030 8. KOQQ 1361181115. l 4.} acres at corner of Bayeld and Dalton ` s;At1I'leeltiibttl1111l::1cl1ii1t`:.1I;ely11_t>rth9rt Bigelow property. ` ea e :1 me. ermseas. Bayview Saw (lgerkins) witix about 4 acres or land and two rge water lots: to be gold for less t-fxan haltthe cost of the machinery mgtihevmill. V nnnnn nf wanna} 1....-I Qnnfl-n Al AI-IRA!-fl\n In l3I1B"lll1.l1. 35 acres of vacant land South of Anderton s brewery adioi railway track, suitable for an! kind of man cturin business. nut-nhnn Q unnnnf In u`nn `DI-nfnlt null Ullllfl 8518658, 5011511 all fine buildin sites. Havana] nnvn nu"-fnhln uild 81000. 7 ' uood bundmg lot on Rosa street adjoining Mr. Craddook sresidenoe; 250. Dwnllimr Hnmm nn `East 1 den of nmm uh-Ant BARBIE. -First class store and dwel or South side of Dunlo st., formerly occu ie by Mr. VVm. Hunter. ill be sold very c esp ox ntnrn -nnrt ranted 1'11 :1 onn tAnnnt_ U11`. VV111. 11l111L1'a VV111 ()6 H0111 V store part rentedto a. good tenant. 4! acres at corner of Baveld 811 K1110 OI ll1llIlI&0l1l!'ll1 0118111888. * number to vacant lo son Bradford and 1 Charles streets, South of ButtereId s foundry. all fine I-millna nifnn \ (TOWN AND FARM PROPERTIES) p.='oR_ SALE 01:-3::E:AP. The Admission of 00.1-rospnondenoe `Does Not Necessarily Ilnply that We Bold LI.` _.IlA-- AD `g 111.4`... .v\v|laQ wgvgnng 41.vuv A General Passenger Agent. VALIJABLE LANDS '-GUELPH- nun MILLINERY nmnrmaun We apologize toithe many Ladies that _we disappointed on Saturday last. Our Milliners worked up till 12 ofclock Saturday night, but found it impossible to ll all orders, although we have almost double the hands in this department that we had last season. V All we ask is that Ladies will, when buying, compare our Millinery with any Millinery in Barrie." THE GOLDEN BEAVER. OUR MILLINERY THIS SEASON IS JUST LOVELY! BUSINESS ISSBOOMING IN THIS DEPARTMENT. Beautiful Hat In the Store, Wife looks back V Eyes it o er. LlI`J\IQIII\IlI VIII? IJUDIUIUII \l\l|-III-I I As regards the case of Bugle Major White, the facts are as follows `: White was considered and from. my personal knowledge was one of the strongest men in Barrie. He never complained until after the second match over Lake Super- ior. when he paraded his sickness in such a manner as to lead me and others to doubt to some extent its reality. He de- manded to be at once sent home, but as our surgeon was 12 hours behind us and did not arrive until we reached Port Arthur. White was taken on to Winni- peg where Dr. McCarthy examined him and paving. $1.00 for his cab fate sent him to the hospital, informing him that he would be better in a few days, and that he could then rejoin his regiment.- But he would not stay there, and in" an hour liewas limping about camp insisting on being seht home at once at the oflicers expense, or offering to beg half the fare - if they would pay the rest. Col.- O Brien nding that he would not submit to milit- ariy-If ruleyand doing as was best for him- se , instructed me to deal with him or 8 and let him go as he pleased. I reasoned with him and told him if he went into hospital and did not get better at once he would be sent hrme. But he was so stub- born that he would not take advice, and I supplied him with a coat, he having nnnbn no n`nn hot` nnnl` `Innis ant` and-nnu, et civilian clothes. take in his uniform Says to husband Ain't it nice ! He shuts eyelids Like a. vice. Engine`? nearly nova suitable for saw mlli or grloe an term apply to H D. Sec. L. .'l`. G. Themao any can be seen by applying to OHN PLAX'lf0N. Barrie. lFOR SALE. - A BOILER AND TWO 3 A ---------T----------- Come and see, -Spades, Shovels, Scoops, Gardening and Draining Tools. BLAOKSMI'l`.` us -thev price of Carriage Bolts, Iron, Steel, Skeins, -`Springs and Axles. WAGGONMAKERS -Get some of our DRY Woodwork. MILL MEN-Ask us for 1} sample of our Cnown X MACHINE UIL. 0A1;?.PEN'.l.fERSV.-`-Come and see our New Iron in-ame Boring Machines. H`ARDWAVRE_FOR EVERYBODY. A `namumsm 'n-IIu_ Pincus mu. soon ADVANCE. >nAmo J. out.-v:kwIn.L's T & SWING PARLOB THE _OLD HOUSE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD FINESTJPEBBLE T0 SUII` ALL SIGHTS?! [ROYAL BARGAlNS Above criticism, and unequalled in Style, Variety and Price. ' Ladies and Gentlemcn s SPRING OF I885 p-cirnosxrn BARBIE HoTEi,, I\I'U\vu- Ad` .-@:-_._ IJLIVU IIIILI VII-VII I VVIIU, IOU IIGVIII palm: He also had good boots and under- clothing which had been given him by the nnnnlwy In-;`nInn I-kn Ionrvnnnlr Incl `snrvnn Y _ _.-.,_-- -.`.v.-..-._aJ.a, _ V, ._ 1),t}1;IITo1:71nn:T.v V % A "ud Soiaeo1-n e b I V . .\r.$ .`7` %'i`T ; =" .A"".'`"% 3`31.'5% GELEBIIATED ENGLISH WAULKENPHAUST BOOTS! SEE THEM: SEE THEM: SPECTACLES, % SPECTACLES. Prices Down, Ddwl ! as. MW smsws s%r'@@z:: CLAY'l`0N S FAMOUS SHOE HOUSE. Do not destroy your sight by buying in cheap houses 1 01 from Peddlers, go to So stylish`. and appropriate for spring time, that purchasing them is a pastime. Now open arid renadyfqr the lucky purchaser. VIULILLUS WLLIVII IICUIA UVULI SIVVII Illlll II IIIIU county before the regiment left home. Trusting you will give these facts publi- city. - `At! WADR R. A. DOUGLAS, HARDWARE Haven so GI-IEAP. Beautiful Hat Not in Store, Husband bought it Trouble is o'er. GROMPTON & RYAN. SPECTACLES! ---`A BIG srrocx or THE VERY-- THE JEWELLER. -4-FOR TH13+-- Shakes his head Sadly, No ! Grabs her arm Home they go. `Drops of water, One by one Will wear away The hardest atone._ ELJR_V|3_|3_RQ v- The Case of Bugle iuajor White. A SIu,-I `trust I am not encroaching upon your valuable time and space, but I t cannot for the sake of the reputation and feelings of the Non-Com. Officers and men of the Regiment I am proud to say I be- long to, to allow such deliberately gross falsehoods and malicious slandering of a really staunch battalion. second to none in physique, drill, discipline, or good con- duct. 1 am in a position to judge of mat- ters pertaining to the well-being and dis- cinline of a Regiment, having served in Her Majesty's Forces for upwards of 18 years ; upwards of 15 years as a Non-Com. Officer. and any charge brought against an ofcer of a regiment is usually felt by the men as against the regiment itself. Col. O Brien and Major Ward are` eminently two good and thoroughlyefcient oicers, kind-hearted and without a single excep- tion have the good-will of all, and are held in the greatest esteem both by the N .C.(). and mennnder their command, and we all feel the unjust attack made upon them, especially that made by a "man calling himself Sergeant Nelson, very keenly. Had that man been in the British Regular Forces. he would have ample time for quite a fewyears to come, to form the habit of speaking the truth. It would occupy too much of your space to enter into the whole of the statements, made from time to time by this Nelson, consequently I shall only refer to two : 1i: ,,'`-in Anna AG Rnsnln Madam wk; Fancy Sto ' two `doors east of Queen's nun `All orders reoeivo prompt attention. Barrie. Mu-oh 17th. 1885. l2-24-D . MISS` WAITES. formerly operator herc.l resumed work. and will be pleased to rece- orders. It by mail, box 130; out Mrs. Stag; Fancy Stars` doors of Queen's ll I-annivn nmmnt IMAGHINE KNITTING 1 May 7. 1885. OVVU dnvvvu-ulna; Qllnyny on-uuv vvv twins the opinions or the Writer; The followin `letter: addressed to the Editor of THE onwunnw ADVANCE, have been received tor publication: , A n.-n4__ _ -1,. sergeant Nelsons statements. Sm,--My attention has just been called to certain statements published in the To- ronto News of the 20th ult., and also in the Manitoba Free Press, said to have been made by Sergeant Geo. A. Nelson, of N o. 4 Co. Royal Grenadiers, lately in- valided home, referring to Lieut.-Col. O - Brien's treatment of his men, andalso his and my action in dealing with our late Bu le Major White " As Sergt. Nelson w' be dealt with according to `military discipline for supplying to the -papers false A statements tending to bring the service into disrepute, I have nothing to say re- specting him, -but as his untiuthful state- ments have gained considerable currency I beg that you will grant me space in your valuable paper to give the facts of the cases referred to.` V The statement that 001. O'Brien prevented the men of the- York and Simcoe Battalion from taking the breakfast provided - for them at Win- nipeg is simply false. The men were paraded for breakfast in three detachments at ninlmlm vnnn am-I1 `(that I-miria Han nnm- suu nuu Iulav uu Uula uvvuwavu an Jvwsl an on all others of a similar value, Col. O'Brien and the oicers have shown every consideration for the comfort of the non- com,-oicers and men under their _com- mand. and when one the line of march have never partaken of a meal until the men had finished theirs, nor did they lay their heads to rest until the rank .and le had taken advantage of the best accom- modation the position` could supply. An Innnnuuu I411: noun up Rlitlln Madam of eighty men each, (that being the num- ber the dining hall would accommodate), and all artook of a. hearty breakfast. I may ad that on this occasion as .well as nu all rut`-nova nf nmnnlv Innn n` JAS. WARD, Capt. and Bt. Major, _ Adjutant Y. and. S. Baht. Wmsde in the Toronto Daily News of the 21st April, about a hot meal waiting for us at Winnipeg station, and refused us by Col. 0. Brien. I can say it is the most gross of all the false statements brought -manna-C Ann A-nnrllna nn1nnn`_ WA 1|`- gross 01 an 5118 ususu Isuuwuwuvn Iuuuguu against our esteemed Colonel. We ar- rived `at Winnipeg about 8 o'clock a. m., and not 4 a. m., as stated, and by , order of Col. O'Brien I paraded the regiment in three sections, Right, -Centre, and Left. and were alternately marched into the dining room at the C.P;R. Statmn where the whole were in quick time serv- ed with a first-class and most comfortable hot breakfast, which was highly spoken of `and thoroughly appreciated by the entire regiment. No hotel in any town or city could have been more assidious in fur- nishing a good meal than the managers of the C.P.R. dining rooms and his assist- ....s- _ rm... ...l...l.. -1. cl... ......... M... :....u.. ' .. ...,....._..... . . _ -- ,,__w:-_ `An English man-of-war ilk` ohored at the entrance to the Dardanellese `and another is steaming to and'-ough; the straits. ' " " i year. V UDHCLB llU'\.|(IJ The Grand `.Trunk traic receipts have fallen off greatly as compared with last` fl..- `l I:......p.s..... ......I 'D.\.~.l-.-..-.1-A T)..H-u;-. yarn. V The Kingston and Pembroke Railway line has been seriously inconvenienced by storm and ood. _ flu-and 'l`nnn'[r nvnrntvnnu olv 1)n;n. Q} ll EUUL ILL QILU Ll\I\I\I| Grand Trunk employees at Pbint. St. Charles have struck against a 10 per cent. reduction in wages. A nu-n:` :n n nninknnnn-n|1`\1:n an`-nnn` . I. UIBI Th.e Imperial budget for 1885 show; 3 decnt of over ve and a. quarter million dol.a.r_s. ' ' ,, -43 -m__| 'n'__Av._:_1___ ,;,.. " -.. w -`-----.- The Tu;-`rot Ihlpl, Rupert and Donna- tion, have been put into commission for I . ,_ . I actnveaervxce. - .-- ..1` .. 5.)! W16 own` kg; Juunuo - , _A1l.thefpowe.ra.are a.diIing '1'.`-.Ii`rkey to remain neutral `in the event of w9'.r Abe-` twpen England` and Rusqia. .- - x ;,;_s5u__5; ;1;_",.1\_;'!..Ii__ -2 nr-1-_ 4 ~:?S vvvvvu Aausuuu -->- -vs:--I-I;--l-I. `A % `It is reported `that the "Prince of Wales wantsau interview with the Pope, but it is douhtfulif will be graniged. Ship owners want the Britinh govrn-T mcnt T to erect defences on the Clyde. { Foreign. Cruigcrg it in said could quickly 1 destroy; Its ohnppmg. . c IL IIIIV Illlll UL UIIU ZLIJVLLVUI S DEAR Sm,--Willyou allow me, through you, to reply generally. to many Trustees ` who have been writing me to know where thesnew School Act can be obtained. I wrote some time o to the Hon. the Minis-- ter asking him i it would be possible to grant mea suicient number of copies for gratuitous distribution among the Trustee corporations of North Simcoe, a request to which he at once and . most considerately acceded. As soon, therefore, as the Act is published any Trustee Board may obtain a copv gratis by calling on me for it, or by sending postage, probably about 200'. ; ._,__1__ 1 n '\1-.....-- 11 A";.;. The Welland, canal will be_ opened for veasels to-day. ` 'lun [1-no.1: "-un`: #nna:n sunnn:n`a Lawn LU LIUULUII III "(I505 A pupil in a Colchesterpublic school drew a revolver on _a. teacher who tried to enforce order, and when the law was in- ` voked he skipped over to Detroit. "DI...-. ncuat\'unnt| a l1"IIBI1 tn` x VUl\I7\A IIC 1|yrV\L \I'\JI UV] J-ICJUI-\ILIlI ,'I`he assessor s returns at Hamilton show an increase of 282_in the population, \ and $600,000 addition to the real estate + since the last return. This is a. remark- i able addition to the value of real estate. A. `convicted prisoner refused to testify as a. witness at the London assizes. The judge sentenced him to one year's im- prisonment. for contempt. He repented in about half an hour, testified and the judge revokedthe sentence. w-- v w-;--- The Revnsed` Vetaion of_ the Old Tes- tament will be published on the 19th . S..-` v Luau. The British steamer Garnet sailed yel- terd1z:y morning presumably for New Yor . , 'f___,. ___!_I I___J._-L' 2... 10GB .1. ____ _ UUIIGI. BI It is .aaid Em Duiferin has e y.id5nce_ that the assault on Penjdeh was pre- meditated. ' .-:l;I`x:1:itiah govermpent has chartered the steamers Abyssima. and Peruvian for I troopshiol. ' - ` ,. ,I_4___ 1\.,_.-__L __.1 1\-____A_ " l:`;n:a:-:{t'1;;;'1' of Afghanistil} i: now a Knight Grand Commander of the order of the Star Qf Indiln V " , _ ` ,'h.'n n 1"" u VIII? \l0& 0 LUO `IIIIIIIIS IUIIIIIS C.Il\J `I53 Cilhlll` ants. The whole of the men are justly indignant upon-the attack made upon the Colonel and the slut cast upon the people of Winnipeg who were kindness itself to N us, and I am condent of the integrity of '` our men, that, that kindness was not abused. 1' _.-__; _I__ _.1.1 -1. 4.1.- __--_-_; -1 AL; ` uuuuvu. I must also add at the request of the men that during the whole-of the long and hard journey. -that the officers from Col. O'Brien to the junior subaltern, without exception, had exactly the same ` quantity and quality of rations as the 1 non-com. oicers and men ; and Col. O - Brien invariably saw his men served be- fore he could b e `induced to `take any __-._,I A LUIU IIU VUI-I515 II V IIIBIIIUUIL UU IICBU Gllf l I himself. . At several stopping places 00 ` O'Brien rather than any man -should wait ` for his meal, by being laced to look after j the mans arms and aggage left in the " oars, he (Colonel O'Brien) remained on a that duty" himself just the same as a sentry and walked up and down the cars until the men had had their meal. Again ;n 13'` l\II- `nnm*vnnunl\n- 1|-i\t\lIIlII'I`\l|` Ill VIII? JJLLIIICII J-IIIIPILCI Should the country ever degenerate so low as to be compelled to again accept the serviceslof such a man, it is to be hoped the regiment that has the doubtful honor of `owning him as a member will `provide a feather bed and other inotherly comforts and a companion able to speak the truth for him. Apologizing for the length of this, I remam viii! n n`n . T The New school Act. To the Editor of the ADVANCE : n_._ (L. rrr_-n'__._ _n-__ .__- U5, Ulltlll Udall U1 {ID JUUIJEUL IJIUIL It seems that this sergeant Nelson be- longs to Toronto, and it- is sincerely to be hoped both for the sake of the splendid defensive forces of Canada as well as for the hospitable and upright people of To- ronto that some of the p ztriotic residents would take the matter up as all the To-_ ronto men of this battalion intend to do, ` and sound sterling men they are, and ; bring this Sergeant. Nelson before his fel- * low countrymen for such as he is, a deliber- i ate and malicious liar. It is a crying pity he a was ever allowed to wear and disgrace the time honored and glorious scarlet uniform of the British Empire. i .q'\l\I'I1t1 `kn I|t\!1I\`D1-1 ntvnn I`l\lIl\O\l'|lI`I\ an UIIIU, -L 5 VIIIIIIL Yours, etc., SIDNEY A; DoUa.u.I., ` _ Sergeant Major 12th and 35th, ` York and Suncoe Battalion. i Late of Her Majesty's Royal Horse } ' _ . BUS} UIIU LIIULI L13 L13 IIIJUII II-IUCIQ IIBIIIII in all our long marches especially that ` over the northern part of Lake Superior, . Col. O B1-ien, not "young, led the march on foot and always marched at the head . of his regiment and had his horse brought forward ridden by his groom, and be it said to his praise and our satisfaction he invariably came in as fresh, if not fresh- er, than many of us younger men. T? nan!-nu `1'|n`- `buds: nnunnnn` un`nnn `an- """E`l L" ' ours truly, :1`. 0. 'MonaAz}; `M. A. ....., ..._-.._ _ Old World GRAIN, STBGK AND I B.0DlI[}E. 1 In sum or run mint`: nunma an mar wnx. . 7 . . ._ t " 3 otin ` in none mm :3'o1?;IlI?P1`?aE:eosn isn lfnvoro n.M deter the atunot882.with interest at 10 per cent. The eaidgnohe is lost nnd is t due. Payment has been stopggd. The fin ex-_wi_ll please send note to H. 0- QUADE, Thornton 12.0.` - V 8-Sop The Price: sunny in the Lo_al.'l'oroIito- - `Mont:-ealandlngllahltarketa ` -Aneaumeotthoweek. . Tun Nonmmx Anvmcn Omen, BARBIE, May 6, 1885 Last Saturday was a lively market day. A large quantity of seed grain changed hands,` with prices the same as last week. The market was well supplied with potatoes and some early vegetables were` offered. 'l`uesday s quotations for wheat are lower and the supply of produce of all sorts small. I'.I-....J- n|...a_~Il--I-A6 UIDUU III C. LWVV Inll-J 0 It is said Mia; Cleveland, the Presi- dent's sister, is about to be married. lV...........I 11...; ..._L:....... 1.- : ____ _- III? LIl. IW\I\J IIIICIIUTC '7`-`IE `III III |J\I\ DO One hundred and eighty-nine failures were reported from the United States lagiweelg. ` ,D'I\'I `(NI I I .I vvvxv vunuu IIU uvayu LII Luv DUDUHIPU. The Ruuien Corvette Strelock ran into New York on Thursday last and great excitement was caused by. the event. . `, Forty-three persons in Rowayton, Oonn., have been made - seriously 111 by eating ice-cream made in a. freezer having" a galvanized bottom. T U IIB `VV.l'.I.`. IJWEHLING I 5 `Pugh mus. 4th con. town ot of 5011 an so at this once. Barri 2mm` in bmhgrd. .1nter:.Apply to '\E'ClOl' , ` b (ll pa per (9.3 . ?:`*$'*-' .,:3; - ee ,per .. Parsnips. do Beans. per peck .. Hay. per ton .. Straw. per ton 1 United states. . Barley has nsen 23 cents in San Fran- cisc'o in a. few days. T4 in gain! Mia. (VIA.-n-.`|..nA LL.-.1)...-.2 KWIIU E IIl@I-, I3 _I.II\J|-III UN `JG IJJQKIIGKKI General Grant continues to improve and has recommenced work on his book. f\ _ , J , I 1 R `I SCSI! '7 C91` The trial of Richard Shdrt for the at- tempted murder of Captain Phelan has coxgrnenced - ll`? 17 I u n - w.'i`li1``avu,<;:`<`)J\`r-emor of New York has signed the Niagara Falls Park bill and it is there- fore. now lavg. l\llU ll\lVV lIIVIu Three prisoners who tried to burn themselves out of a. North Carolina jail were burnt to death in the attempt. Tho `n.nnn;m-I (`.n1-11AM-n Qbnnlnnly haw: A minor named John Murgatroyd died in a. Philudelphn hospital a. few days ago who `had 325,000 sewed up in his shirt and $25,000 more in the bank. Typhoid fever as an epidemic is great- ly on the increase at Plymouth, Pa. There were 130 . new cases last Friday, over 600 are down sick and the deaths are three a day on the average. The Chicag Board of Trade and the Western Union Telegraph Oomgany are at loggerheade. The Board of rade re- fuse to have the wires of the Telegraph Company in their new building: an the Tel ph 00. are going to boycot the mom rs of. the Board of Trade. om I.o"r.-1>eraonaare` cautioned a c |%.1.`{..n.sar2.ti~:m:.-.=2t:~.en-:.22 2253- 9.2."-`-3n __.ILl. PIANO TUNIN G. --Mr..Lon practi- cal iano tuner. Orders left at Boo '3 Book- store be promptly attended to. 50-11.`. 'Ulrli_Ull uuu. gllcvnuuunuug suvwu bu 113-uglz -Major Wmte, which, i]`;.ppears, A e i not ast upon wnseqne . if an 'h_u_rdshi 155:,` 4 ` '?';ustained *{l?y him,- was ent 5Y3'z7h`iI.uown fault; 2n:cl.~Wtl$rreerenee to the 5tB.t0mentA Dressed hogqraer 100 lbs Beet, toregun. rs Beef hin quarters .... .. Chickens. per . . . . - Ducks, do Geese. eech........ Turkeys. each.. ........ .. Butter, ound rolls'...... Butter, ge rolls ...... .. B tt t b dai . . . . . . .. Egnrneriv-A`;l:}\ nnayainm, _ , , Eggs, fresh, per doz.... Potatoes. per bag . . . . . . . Ap lea, per bbl . . . . . . . . . On one. green, per bag. Cabbage. do .\ Cauliower, .do . . Celer do 'I"nrn nu not-Inna ,, ACRES Wm: nwmnnmd rah sum. pm Con. Venom. gaggmmg the fauna AC Dunning -_`-.5 1.. ..L...... - ._ Q _-__ ANTED T0 REN l`.-_-A MODERATEL sized d A 11 into Careful Btaglt. No sg Apbbvythgnvgn Fall. Wha.t::.. Spring VVheat . . Barley-.. ..._._. Oats .. .`I'I___ ;Calf skins, l2to15; 2 _ 009.... 000 ." 3 0 07 0 00 Toronto Farmers Market. TOR_0N'l`0. May 5. 1885 There was no grain on the street to-day, save a load of oats at the weight house for` 47. Of hay there were two loads at $19 and $23; 50. Straw none. Hogs sold once at $6.60; - _ ----. A--- -lV3 00-0001 our -0---ob UV-non U uOOOtIOIOlIOOlOlIIII owoldi C ' Barrie Ge_neral Produce Market. cm . AA--. Beef. hindquarters.` `......$ 6 00 to 3 6 50 Beef, foreguartet-3.... 500.... 550 Beef, per sxde, per cwt...... 5 00.... 6 00 Mutton,carcass,porcwt..-V550... 600 Lamb, per lb. . - - - . --.-- 007.... 007 Dressed hogs, per 10!) lbs. 6 00... 6 10 Chickens, perpaix-........ 0 30.... 0 40 Dunlu- mar nnr . . . . . . . . .. 0 60.- .- 0 60 V Carrots, IIIIUDI, PUB PO51 OOIIII ssso Geese, perlb Turkeys, rlb Butter, tu , per lb....... Butter, roll, per lb. ..... . Lard, per 1b.... _Tall0W........-o------u Eggs, perdozen Apples, per bushel. . . . . . . Potatoes, per bsg......,.. Omens, per bushel . . . . . . . Turnips, Beets, cc cc Parenips, Cabbage, per doz. . . . . . . . Hay, per ton Straw, per.ton........ Flour, Bake!- s, `per 10C `Ibo V Flour. Family, Flour, Pastry, . Oatmeal, per 100 lbs . .. . . Cornmeal, oIOI|0 noudu HIDES. Cow," per 100lb_av._,'._.......f$:'600to$625 Steer, ........V 650.... 700 A A v u .1 ups-.o;- reguuruuus ULUUIILII5. UUALI5 UIAUIIV/.1JLlflJUL -_> `ty, intestate , and a suit of plain clothes were obtained for him after considerable trogblp-mby Qoi. 0`Brien and Major Ward. `At the .,a;i'ne.time the necessary ntps were-" taken and ",instructions__`[given to 1`-VII 4 14-33.` TlIn:I-A 4 :"`-`iinisnnn a'v'1e1':,'ia11 per bushel. . .. Wheat. sprinc. do Wheat, goose, do Barley. do . . . .. Oats. do .. .1 P038. U I 0 4 Rlye, do .. .. 3'*.:*;: d %%.m; r .` n2$....?2'..`3. DALI! DI\.ll`1 Green .... Tnmmed -and Cured. . . . .V Lambs `I')-lA.._ nvvu an -cult! VVUOIII "I"`r1mm_; 0 10.... 0 75.... Peltsotfntvonoo-up 100000 040-093 mmts AND SKINS-lNSPECTED. No. 1 Steers, 60lbs. and up 0 08.... as 9 u c u nnq `6'&`J" e"{a'fIIIIIiIII o:ee,Wpe}f }b... . . . . i Cows, all weights. . . 9 n u _'f cm skins, 7 to A1'1'b'. I ) C C O C - r-vv-`.- '..;....A'..'..' Bi. AA:-\-. ua.u'y..... d .. ar"1.L,.`_ ?".. CALI? SKINS. THE LNORTHERNF ADVANQE.; V\III5L7`lllWI-IUIJ I WIIKII VIII J n 1st--'l`he case of Bugle Major White. During the journey from Barrie to Dog Lake, he never made mention in any way to any of the N. C. 0 `s told 03- daily for the purpose of taking sick men to the Medical Ofiicer, or two myself. It appears to me he seemed to get scared at the rough marching. Anyway, when the battalion arrived at Winnipeg his case was immediately inquired into, and -he was 59595 `Jul UVVU I i ordered into hospital, and taken there in a conveyance at Dr. McCarthy's expense. It appears he declined to remain there for reasons best known to himself. He quit- ted, directly disobeying orders by so doing, as he would not submit to medical I treatment, and according to his own state- mentjunt to go with the regiment, asit is well known to all thatnone but strong and hearty men are required upon such" an ex- pedition as we are engaged in When it was found that he was determined not to conform to rules. it was deemed necessary to the well-being of .a regiment on active service that the discipline~a`nu good order of the same should be-:upheld`forpthe good of all, and he was ordered to.return`.his ' regimental clothing, beihg 'oublic;.proper-` -on ind-n'a"I-hrs`: snarl a. unit nf hlalin alnthnn: ` " T ' """' *`-! _GUELPH,0MN . , Offers you men and women the best facili- ties rgr ac ulllrglnw g a Complete Training for Bus!- ness urs ` " Bookkee in . Commercial Arithmetic. Bank- ing, Act uslness Practice. Business Cor- x'i`eselp6nd&:ce.s}ll :,anmen(:is.hl8. Com1111lero(l_l1I`nv:: X ht -*i.w:,*:~o.`11 `a=`3.z.-:*:nf.=`;r e an mgtghodmy The stsfroomprlses six experrlgunoe teachers and. lecturers; The variousvdepart- ments are elecanetliy tted up with the latest and most approv apparatus for Business Col- I - St dents ' , leggggggconsgot the .m.A`nny 1x:1t%l'o?ite:1?pl.2.n.. 411:: was JJ1A|UI1AA\aap_, nu. uuusulx All` U58 U) Rte: oent. cheapar than can! eaunlly aaGood.' 0 Fire . r Dowel` oi all lass tromV15`l 3urnerstor%00. for Private oranges, H tel. F tori _8tro'e in i . a.r3 a;`.`i*;3.:`.1*`52:*:3.7= U CT ,1 ' F Street. Montreal. P.Qa-.. ` - . 2 4241 _ .. .. `vuu. ";a'1:tvof 22 in 6th Con. Vespra. lloaacres, geod house and ham; $1200. ` Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan s resi- dence and havinga. ne view of Barrie and Kempenfeldt Ba - - . The above iamfs are oered especially cheap and in nearly every case a very small cash y- ment will be accepted. and easy terms ven for the balance. V ur based on -pun -snug vvnvug llll The vacant town lotscaxi be c still easier terms, in case the pl11`(31&8Bl` intend: M to build immediately. Apply to STRATHY as AULT, V 1:-1y am-men. Barrie. K W l'K- uuuuuuu, "9 ' 311! tun e. 13' may marge? a copy or the.Anmm1 College Circular 11-36 ` M. M - PrmiDM. W AN'l7.`7E D. A RES-7IB EN` '1' I every V1ll&8a._"`_:v`I;3 and CityAgtEt1E rnln-Inn n`an :1 law In... 6.. ....I,I -.__ sq-_._ AN1 1:. nmuuxsu '1' AGENT IN eve1;y T\lT 1'1l:ge. Town City. of the Do. mini also. 9. few Travel! to An: 3&3 Maonxmqa, tor margins '3rc3$ go: aaaood mm nv nnwar ream niln I... -11 -a-... _-- ..-\.--g-vvu. av. uvvvnn c unua $Io'r'rAWAsAGA.- otiot 1 in 8th Con.: a. splendid farm. 90 acres cleared. good build-. ings. plenty of water from a never failing stream. no waste land. ` ` . lnvntui-1-1-ruvnpn u up . . - 4A.- -7 m T0 sn.*

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