Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 7 May 1885, p. 5

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largest LIEU. DIIIIIIIUIIU - - - - 1 R. A. Dutton Neill Rros....... .. C. B. Boaanko F`-rompmn 85 Ryan J. Gilchrist . . . . . . .. R.S. Booth J. Woods . . . . . . . . .. Geo. Ma.rshall.. .. \XTr`_{\Iw- U1`, Uuver............. Mr. Kidd . . . . . . . . . . . . .. P.J.Moorr=........... Comfort Br9s.......... W. n. Phllhps &..Co.\ A Friend __ W. U. UIT. . Dr, 01iver.. M.-, mad lVlI'B.DUl1 .....-..--.....-.... -.- Mr. Lowe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 A Friend.................... 25 VII`. Harper . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00-- $15 05 1*- erriu, 2 lbs. chocolate; Mrs. Russel Ar- .Collecteq by Mrs. and Miss Spry. Daniel Spry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 5 00 John. Fora th . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "5 00 William ownie . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 00 Rev. E. Morgan ............ .. 1 00 Mrs. J. Mob. Stevenson... 2 50 MM. Thomas McVittle . . . . .. 1 00 Mrs. James Edwards . . . . .. 1 00 M. Msloney ..... .._ . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Thomas Kennedy .......... . . 50 MP8. 1'3 5| - - - - I I I I 0 o W Rev. D. . cLeod ........ .. 4 00 Mrs. J`. D. cDon 50 G. Breend ...... .......... .. 1 00 Mrs. Baker ................ .. 2 oo.-.s3o so Mrs. A. A. Maekld. fruit cake.- Collected by Miss Christie. M1`-s.Laidlsw...... . . . . . . . . ..$ 200 ' Mr.C. W8.v......... 200---$4 00 Collected by Mrs. H. H. and,1\Irs. John Strsthy. 1 Mrs. Justice 50 ` - .. Mrs.`_Dr.Mortbn.;..~.. A. F1ndlay Mrs. Mehoney A Friend... ................ .. `M M: Hand .. 5 1 . . . o . . a - . . u o . - n n -- dagh, 11 lbs. butter. 7 A. 1461". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - R`ev. T Crompton... J.HaIni1ton.......;... Mrs. Payne Mrs. Beech . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. Whitebread .. . . .- Mr. Ws.rner_; . . . . . .. . Mrs. Armstrong .. A Friend . . . . . . . . . . . .. Mrs. J. Henderson `. . . J. H.-Watson..;...... Joseph Leighton. . .. . S. Johnson . . . . . . . . ..;. G. B. Summers....... W. S. Carson . . . . . .. A. Blsir......' . . . . . . . . .. H. Moore . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Hinds . . . . . . . . . . . . . M. Stritch.. .. .. James McGuirk .. Earnest Ba.rraud.. J. M. Wilkinson .. . ` James Johnson.. ..'..: M_rs. McDermot. . .. .; . Mrs. 'l`hos. Kennedy . Robert E. Flegchex-.. . M. J. Boys . . . . . . . . .. . G. Henderson.. . . .. H. B. Sanders . . . . . . . .. J. Gray . . . . . . . . . . . . .. D.Far uharson...... Purvis ros . . . . . . . . . .. `D Tlnnidunn I __ r`urv18_n1'ua. P. Da.v1dson.. . Bamz.ud . . . . . . . . J. M. Hunter .. Mrs. J. Boys, A Friend . . . . .. 11 `Hindu crnm-11 Mrs.` Juuruuun . . . . . . . .,- V Mr .Simmons................_ 25 ` `A Fr1end....................` 5 Mrs.M:Johnson.......,.-;..... 25 2 Mr . McL an . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ~ ~ Stme`.h'y.....- . . . . 10 Johnstrathx 500 , Miss M. 25 MiesR.B5l1....2.:...........; = ` 2 . L-O.`L|...uvo o.\....,,.;..,-`fa ~J Mis`s`Davis 25 ...man1c.aan..v..-._..;;....-..... 1.oo--s34 05; Qolkzctod by _ - .; 1`.h.0nwa Ipnndxn-; Br 8;. en .... ..3..1oo a%'. mr ` .. `5o .' SN`.\In`o-oo--Nuns:--.3 " I ` M ,vna1,ok1e....J.=.-. zoo-- 350 . W."Joh'n`' F.Ji5i{ris6n, box: `rs.J. `l ~7\-_-IJ 0.... `lug J.".AA'fI'1lit,!.MrI.Mq 'i\'?r3i .\7,T:B'1oiiIIZj .1.-' .1; .. .. 1 oo-v- 350 W. Johnden. box` F. Johnson. box; rs. J. it. . t n MD`n N M1-s1.w t- Mrs. J. T. 1 J5 , Powell. box 5 ` .. Lannox. box ; Mrs. Fred. tbox~ Mr. Arm- 'st1-ong. under-clothing)-.`. Mrs. en. Bo ; Mrs. Sa`.m el Lount, box; rs'. E. V. Hanmer. box; Mr; ed-H`ewnon`.i'goods;`Mu. B08311. box ;- 1`.Ir-.T~m%9%!-99=9*- W .~ -- - -___.|-_'. `AL. u 1'q..._ E'11"`..;s;:&=s; .1. 1 A %$ - ` iidei Xligfx J. Lloyd..,............ 1 0onnor....'.... 8 no `Rev.VDeau, 0 no . ~. 4Mias_JeasieRosa............ 100 Mrs._"A . .A, y..,.:._.`,g........a. .. . .Mr,`S enwood, . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 A Il'Iend..'n. 5%; - m on. m A`I?1-iend.'... ............... .. ~25 B M,,8.,,,,,,, ._ W H] dm I\ V Mrs. Brdnh .... 1 oo._32325 Collogitd by M1'g.D.`H`olmes.` 3 1 ' 3`M1`s.~`E.-E.W1l1isma-;...ia.~u3 1;oo`- .. . ` Mrs. Mo Q:-`thy, 9}-,..~....._._...; up _ ,4 ` omas undIe....V.,. 5 oo " ' rs, Btnryfz. `A... .. ;::..=;.%....:._-;-z5..`..~. W - 1,5:..;~::.s :::.:=.a.1:*.r:~..I.;~.':::.2.v.-..2`.-`1'=='*~=~`v5 -'3 BW ERS t]:?:1:h`a.I1 .. `Mn Simmons `0l'U., lllfl. U-`_J.1o Luuuvuuu.-. Shdli MoO0kY SI MO om" I I 0' O0 '_' " ' Allen Lloyd. -- - -- - -Re\_r..;Doat gconnox-.....'. ]l~|-- _1'onnhx O........ :11: . so In S331 e In-at And Mina Innton. .371 '49:! IDIIESS AND mun: Mama DEPARTMENT lioness ANDMANTLE MAKING. 3} FIRST-GLASS MANTLE AND DRESS MAKER! We are prepared to execlite all orders entrusted to us WITH PROMPTNESS, in a SUPERIOR MANNER, and at NEW?" IMPORTATIONS ARRIVING DAILY. MILLINERY & nnnss MAKING APPRENTICES WANTED- Painted Linen Window Shades, ' Curtain Poles and Rings, Cl1ildren s Carriages, Hartshorn Shade Rollers _ Grand Rapid Carpet Sweepers, Common Sense Lamps, Electro-Plated Ware, V Ice Cream Freezers, Coal Oil Stoves, Refrigerators,` Door Mats, V Baskets, r Etc. LADIES or BARRIE AND vncmrrv I tat he` has opened a-+ El2EILS()2Nl'.LBI.-IE3. PRICES: Come and Seed Us. Opposite Queen's Hotel- % cclpc. nva)u- DUNLOPLSTREET, N3\/ <\/"*\/> .`\_ WALTHAM, ELGIN AND V smss WATCHES, T 4 . BOTH GOLD AND SILVER. REPAIRING DON T READ ! TINWAREWHOLESALE AND RETAIL. The Subscriber begs to announce to the SANDERS BRO S. JOHN WATSON, Having secured the setvices of a in connection with his business. .r(:_1N ALL 1'rs BRANCHES A SPECIALTY. WORK GUARANTEELD. SPECIAL VALUE 'C'ures Dizzmess, Loss of Dyspepsia, Jaundice. A ectimzs of Aijetite, Indigestzon, Btiousness, the Liver and Kidneys, Pimpbg Blotches;.Boils, Humors, Salt Rheum, Scrofula. ,, Eiysz:p?d3 digd all dise f'-VD_cbra.,nged Siqmach, qr irregular action of the ases arising from Impure Blood, Bowels. BARBIE. OTTON BROS. N 0 Trouble to Show Goods. ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, WEDDING` PRESENTS,` GOLD HEADED cANEs, AND , .. JEWELRY of latest design. BARRIE. % op! ~u11m ' The 1 this 1 one _ :-___?_ HE Nam-wast mnnlon. ` 19001: 1; mint, 1' Ca.v.'- m." `to;-y.-wu-as Down-The "?;'.ei? or T300!!! Dolls 110011-313 Bear Giving 'rx-onus. 1e ra hic commumcatmn _w1th Gen. Mgflilgtonlfs force has. been Interrglpted we Saturday mormng. -The mm is ffown between Humboldt and Clarke's Crossing. There was also a break be- tween Q hil'F};e latest news from Ola.rke s was that the water in the Saskatchewan had nsen, md that the supply steamer Northcote `Would probably be able to reach Clsrke s . -.-n.. vAnf.a!'dlI.V- Riel has issued a Appelle and the Touchwood` would prooamy UU DULD UV bvwvu vsusnv H, t rday. bo<:1ll::.)r(1)1rz`ati)c )(:1sc(:a.llix1g upon the ha.lf:breeds aha had not joined hrm to go to lusoamp atonce under pam of death. T_he Body Guard was due at Clarke 3 lest mght._ T Matters west of Bsttletord are m a very unsatisfactory state. M 2 --The Hudson Bay boat gigkggn raking trips incessantly since esterday noon._ A number.of wagons ind carts with the gun and ammunition . ,9 taken across the ditch. en... .4: Hm hnmmae has been trans- Rsn Dssu R1vms,' Aprii 29.-Vio.V we.6 taliell UUIIUDD vuv Uuvvsn. Most of the baggage has been trans- ported and a large foro_e of men are budd- mg a ferrv boat on which the remaining ..n.:,.1m. will be crossed. Only what is .n aierfv ouub Uu. vvuxvu vuu :vuunuuu.g :.e%,ic1es will Only 10 suicient for eight davs will be taken no q;us: :::*:L`, mg (luujn D suasvu (III yvlilltlv bull uv made. A score of men belonging to the 65th will be left with an officer" to hold the crossing and guard supplies. Father . .T9,combe has just come into camp. _He says Edmonton is in a state of panic, earnestly hoping for the arrival of troops. Uvertnres were made by B12 Bear to the Indians at White Fish Lake, but they re- fused to join him. It is feared the_ In- dians of Lacelle, Beecher and of Beaver ' Lake will join Big Bear. Last Tuesday uirrht Gen. Strange was at Battlei River mil will camp to:n1ght at Peace Hills, 52 miles from this place. He hopes to reach Edmonton by Friday night. Dr. livers otfered the men nine dollars a. day- it they managed this. Big Bear has now alargc` camp near Sounding Lake and they are busy with war dances and gen- .crii,Ff3i`01i$E9-1V.u1e1 nz-. Mn.v `2 .. Vnnierdnv crai I`8_]01c1u5. 1<`o1:'rQ1"A1'ricLLE, May 2.- Yesterday Allan McDonald, ` Indian ` Agent, visited the Sioux `Reserve, when he found the - Indians busy seeding. In an interview. with Chief Standing Bull, Mr. McDonald was told that the excitement was made by half-breeds who brought liquor in the reserves and informed them that Riel had great success and it took General Middle- two days to bury the dead after Friday's battle. The breeds used every effort to convince them, but the Sioux remained loyal. A large supply of ries and ammunition arrived last night, and went north this morning under an escort of the 12th and 35 under the command of Major Burnetas far as Hougbton where they will be met by Lieutenant-Col. Turn- bull. ' A - 117 I I ' ,1 11.- _-..L ......1 Andnti DUN. Major Walelris at the fort and `doing good work with the Indians and breeds. The ,bod1es of Lieutenta.nt.Swir_1ford and Private -Ferguson are on route for Winnipeg. They will be buried with \L...n.... Innvhnhu `V llllllliubo .l.Al\J` Masonic honors. O30 Barrie Liternry Societly. The last meeting of the winter session of the Barrie Literary Society was held at the Mechanic's Institute rooms on Fridav evening last. The President, Mr. Hay, took the chair at 8.15. The usual Ioutine business having been nished, it was moved and se- conded that Mr. Courtlandt be chairman for the evening. Suicient reasons beinc given for declining that position, Mr. H. Edwards was by motion appointed, and Mr. Gunn, nu-a Iv; crmc. nu men, and unfit them for the position in life UTIUL`. A -, The subject for debate was, Resolved that no education beyond that of the public or elementary schools be supplied by the ;.;cvcrmuent. Messrs. Purvis, H3! and .\`tcele_ took the alfirmative, and essrs. ljloyd, llrury and Bell the negative. Mr. l"urvis opened the debate. He thought the7 ` public schools were not taken -advantageof ` as much as they should be, and quoted largely from statistics to prove this position. lie thought the tendency of the higher edu- cation of our Collegiate Institutes and Col- legcs was to unsettle the minds of young whicbnature designed them to fill, and it was not right that the state should pay for what was absolutely detrimental to the good of the country. He also held that higher education must be regarded as a sort of cap- ital, as much so as a farm or a stock of goods in a store, and it was evidently not right for the state thus to furnish capital to one class which conldtake advanta e of it to the exclusion of another class una le to do so. Many young men have been lost bv this hot-house education. V - ' \u., -r1,_,,-1 _A.___L...1 ...:4.L Ll.-.. -..1...u~-rn 0-leaf. U118 H015-B01198 CQIICBIIIOII. ' Mr. Lloyd started with the aphonsm that the pen is mightier than the sword, and 151153 the country cannot afford to lose such a poni- or by neglecting to .educate her Deople. as widely and deeply 8.8 p0,83ib1- He thuht the stand taken by the aflirmative v_va'8 _an unfortunate one, as it was retrogradmg in- stead of progressing. Education In the true sense gives a mental` grasp that fits the person for all the positions he may be called on to ll. Canada is a young country whcse Wealth and resources are undeveloped, and, therefore, its incipient intellectual life needs fostering and encouraging. In Britain.h' 11- er education is to a- large extent prov: ed for by the legacies of wealthy persons, which inthe course of centuries have heaped up an immense fund for university ednca-` tion. Still the state recognizes its dnt to the country in this matter. It .is said at education here is too cheap, and that we are too much educated. This I think is a mis- take. I agree with Mr. Purvis in his re- marks upon briefless lawyers and atientless doctors, but this 18 rather an inci ent of our educational system rather than a necessary effect. .v-_ _,,,L,_, 3,: AI_-L _L-L, ,1: L- I.:..I. mu mxcrmunm AT ronn-rANIc yr nnuom-on. "33". my contended that etateaid to high- er education was not necesuryto intellectual development. Greece gave no Inch ald, yet she produced 3 Ion line of celebrated` `M933 such as Socrates, P to, Demoethenel, and 5 hnnf. nf nhnrn 1-: 0.53: nnnnru WA hlltlf - church aided by the state eoon lose! it! ouuu I3 DUUTHIUH, F1590, JJUIIIUIFIIUIIUN. III!` C host of others. In this count: we.haV_0 such men as Alexander Mclienz e and the I late Malcolm Cameron, whoee mantel powofl have been developed even outside the wells of ' college or university. The voluntary mum iebeet both for religion and education. A vitality, and so does a college or univenitv. The University. of Toronto in: eomteratively deed. while Queen : College, whic depend! on no gme midis , all life, . There you-ioue, lqdiee oollesel. and pvate in Ontsrio which are doing good work unad- ed by the etuter Mr. Drury't_hought` `giants wul tint _bound,to educate teeehm. mu . W` .. net~`be'id\iohted exopt`:l3v Ii ' L Iwu-vvuh Luv` qlwlilon 01 uwquuuiy 01 II i'0lI spoken of. 1-10 thou t ' meqnmty. exiltn quite `as much in 0 cc mnn lnhnni an-Corn nu in OLA Lava-6:.-nu lohlia. Th ti f` T <.-m: 1... 1.....L`. .'.L'...".. . ""?a.."'.l.`s..?I.`.3.1 inequality. quite `uinuch in com- lnpn Ichool cvctemu 1n the taxation for hll schools. ` 1'. Steele thought the duty of the state to`-educate the pecple ended when the child hud learned enough to enable it to perform the duties of citizenship, This could be done inthe public school. There the pupil get: enough to ennble him to know what are 111! ubilitles and natural bent when it be- 4-...-- LL- .I..A.__ -1 AL. __.._.__.|. L. __!.__.L_ I_:.__ 36 DIIIIIIIICD Iuu IIDIIIIIBI IJUI-IU WIIUII IF UH` comes the duty of the parent to educate him forhis rofeulon or calling. Mr; . an nah` that {Inn ntnlm Ann: nnl-. nan er Cg.-e Rgcnpe -runes. nu uau rusuaasuu or unsung. A Mr. ell said that the state does not pay for a man's professional education. Doctors and- lawyers have to pay for their own edu- cation, therefore, there is no' point in the ar- gument that has been used relative to the professions. 7 1|A nII:`-In an iv unntv:nII1nr` `kn as`-111:: A` P I uuzauluul. The critic briey reviewed the style of the speakers without, however, criticising the arguments and he` did the` dtity fairly frankly andsatisfactory. ' - Tho nhsnvvnan nlaknpnnisr rantnwn flan all Illll-IIBIIICIQUUUIVII 0 IO J - The chairman elaborately reviewed the arguments used, and pointed out wherein he thought their strength and weakness lay, threw out some from their assumed irrelev- anoy and one on a question of fact, and gave his decision in `favor of tlie negative. Votes of thanks were otfered to the chairman. the indies who had attended the eocietv Is meet- ings, thepress for reporting proceedings, and the President of the society, and then ad- journed till next fall. A Representative Meeting be Held In Il'._a_._ I A meeting was held in the office of the Clerk of, the House of Commons, on the 23rd ult., to promote the scheme of Im- perial confederation. Hon; -Judge Gowan occupied the chair, and among those pre- sent were Senators Nelson and Power, and the followin members of the Com- mons ; Messrs.` ' Alton McCarthy, Hec- tor Cameron, Stoirs, Benson, Casey, Gor- don, Casgrain, Auger, vMcCallum, Arm- rtrong, Hickey, McNeil,` Dodd, Foster, Campbell, Paint and Tupper. mkn 1|hn:IIrv\n|r\ an:-1:: I'Iv\nv\ Mn M M-n_ VHIIIEUULL, .1. usuu wuu Luytlvso The chairman called upon Mr. M. Mc- Gowan on behalf of the-deputation from Montreal to explain the object. He re- cited the steps taken in England for the formation of` an `L Imperial. Federation League, and stated `further that a number "of gentlemen in Montreal had called a meeting at which a provisional committee was appointed to take steps for the for- mation ot a Canadian branch- This com- mittee, after corresponding with persons in different parts of Canada recommended the holding of a public meeting in Mon- _treal before the closing of Parliament, and secured the promise of attendance from among others Principal _ Grant, of Kingston, J. Matthews, Toronto, besides a number of members of Parliament. Mr. Hague, the manager of the Mer- chants Bank, and Mr. McGowan, the secretary of the. committee, had been deputed to confer with the members of Parliament regarding the date at which a the meeting should be held and the reso- lutions to be presented. Mia H n m I : A 1 nu I1I"\{\I\ QTIA lUllUI.IH DU UU },'l{UBUll|IU\-lo Mr. Hague was then called upon and explained that the dominant idea. prevail- ing amongst the friends in Montreal had been the necessity of concerted action for discussing means by which the unity of the Empire might be perpetuated. Be- yond that principal there had not been much detail agreed upon, but certain fun- damental `resolutions had been adopted by the English League, to which it was easy to assent. Thev read as follows : 1 ml... :n m-Ann in hnlirh the 'nerma.n- V DU GBBUIHI. 4.1101 svuu an .v..uu-. . 1. That, in order to 'seur'e the perman- ent unity of the Empire, some form of federation is essential. n nu, ,L __ _ _.L..... ..E ;.'.J--..L:nn .1...-...1A Ieaerauon 13 'eaIsuuum.. ' 2. That no scheme of federatron should interfere with the existing rights of local parliaments, as regards local a.'a.irs. '2.-A 'm..+. nnv nnhnma of federation parilamumu, ua_ Lvguxun nrwu nu-um I 3rd. That any scheme of federation should combine on an equitable basis the resources of the Empire for the mainten- ance of common `interests, and adequately provide for an organized defence of com- ...A~s ' | mon ri 'Il' Vmon hts. . - Mr. alton McCarthy then said he had been present at the first meeting held in London, previous to which he had not given a. great deal , of attention to the nnanIv:nn n? Iihfil ~Fede1'&ti0n. given great (IGELUI. ulauuuuuu UV .. question of Imperial~Federation, but he had since done so and `had come to the conclusion that it was by no means so impracticableas many thought, He gave his hearty support to. themovement. He did not think it necessary to enter into detail at this meeting. ' ' "" f_ Capt. Palliser spoke of the military necessit of ' a scheme` of confederation, which e thought -_would be highly ad- vantageous to the colonists as -well as England.` " ' `If '- V M- Hanna. M. P.. hadlonn been an England. _. Mr. Casey, .M. P.. had long an enthusiast on the question, and it has his very. hearty support. T After a. few more remarks it was moved by Mr. Hector Cameron, seconded by Mr. MeCsrthy, that Saturday the 9th of May be suggested to, the committee ss as convenient date; for` the meeting; ~ ;He Is A A ....:.........a math Sh-:_Tnhn Mnndongld oonvememr ante; I01" me luuuuux. ,-I-I-V had conferred with -Sir` John Maodonald and had obtained his promise thgst the members would be released to attend the meeting, althou h all other , will be req'uir'e f_or;G`rovernment bu_:i.f ness. , , _ .. _ . ` -~-----`--- -3 mt:-n`lI"`t\l'lI WRPA . . , V ` . - A number of resolutions were then read and generally approved of, but the more detailed consideration was ideferiredi until cof'.)ies"cou1d " be 9,PP1.5eg , ~;by the Montrea. cnmmi ` bets. - `. .The'meetin'g. the'niadjotirned. , . ,. ; ;" _ A_.|'_ 4 ttee to. the various mama `VALID Ilqvvulaau Vluirov 7.--|, .. V H, ` ' . - 1 ` -Baitt{li1 be Cilridlhb; 'v6|"V llire size 83 per pa 3 '.l`~.'W..Gray an 0090. - --n` extra he an Factory Cotton for my .W.G __9I. A_ A, . 38111! lfllllllv wunvvn-o Honor roll in Miss King's division, Model dSch o6l. for April. l'885.- `Seniors-Bella. Scott. Belle Henderson, Agnes Littl - Mgrv A. Edwards, Eb Dimadale, Tom Willem, Geors.._Booth. (Mud Strong and Sarah Armntyqn ); Edith Arnold. Fletcher, I `John Winer,Emma:P,nohrd, Arthur` Freeman, Albert -Strong, Robecca. Pmksrd, Jim Craig. Fred Sewrey. Jilniors --Ruth. Andeuon, Funk,-; E,wIn,; Henry 17.lII:.'_'.` " Tilt Tnwnp`, N Eyton Wiuiams. - , . Honor roll of pupils in Miss Eve Lee : form. Model School. Seniors-Alice` Light- foot, Mu Lightfoot, May Lilo, Mnry8win- nerton, A `e `Came, Edgerton Johnion, Stella Blnokstook, Walter Mayor, Jognie Leslie, J sol: McKee, Alex. S_ldIW0lI, Frank _L; Cooper. Ida Granny, Loml Cooper, Jack uuu-.4 . \. many vmg a `:1: am _L; Goope James. Jolgn Gould. Violet Gilne, Emma Florence Ki ' ' Eiyzligh, Archie Mlnlne Bingham, ` V. 090 1', John M` ' Mo illun.) r. Ida Uraney, uouu uT P`[, U -UI T J nnioru--May Jbnen, Harrell, dd. nu-om .r1g.xeon Berth, Booth. .f.PriI0.i11t cOormick, xix:-rant. nnnwxfrox. B_un-to Public -Schools. .9_.. f72._- .. H:-3-:1` "WIIJUU III GUM uton, Phoe Lawson. .Arohie obbie Hand n, Earnest un- gie ' Siduworth, Duke Wmter, |rn1:% ANGLE-RUSSIAN wlf -; -nouow nun: 301- no rum- AAI-bltratlon `raked 0! but every Apear- ance of a'.n.unIla.n 'l.'r1ok-ln3_luh A Illgun `-- Louiioit, -May. 3.--While the news is all in a_ pacic direction, the situation - is one of great uncertainty. _ The report from `Russia that the Czar has accepted England s' proposal to sifrmit the question in dispute regarding the` violation of the agreement of March 17th to arbitration seems incredible. Diplomats believe that it is only a Russian dodge to gain time, and that before the Czar s accept- ance will come the report- of the capture of Herat. Whatever hopes the ministry has oft peace there is no relaxation in the preparations for war. The country was never so well prepared for war as it is now. England is proving more success- ful than Russia in the diplomatic contest for alliances. , __E-_.1I__ _-.._-....-._.1-__-_ 2- 2- i `A very. friendly correspondence is in progress with Austria. Turkey has open- ed her Dardanelles to English war ships, an alliance offensive and defensive is nearly concluded with Italy. The friend- ly neutrality of Persia has been obtained and the Shah has forbidden Russia from conveyinglwar material across his terri- tory. . The Admiralty has chartered ~ the steamship France of the National line. "Fl... Rama.-In-A noun` ml-mtlnnn. 'R.nnnin n abuulunulp rruuuo Ul. uuu .u uuuuun uuv. The Standard says` whether; Russia s replybe pacic or not it must be. borne in mind the struggle of Russia and Eng- 1....) 4- `Linn an-nnnnnann ;n Ash: Hon [18 best III IIJIIIIA VIIV IJIID Ilnnv vs u-.v--`nu-up--- --.-. .:-_$ land for the supremacy in Asia has begun V ' 1 Ships of the rst naval reserve have been completely equipped with torpedo` nets and machine guns. The chartering of additional transports and cruisers con- l5in"l`l`eB - ._L--..._.. L`L..Ln l\` Iva`-unnn.lrn> has U3 The steamer State of Nebraska has been chartered as an armed cruiser, and the steamers Pelican and Duke of Devon- shire as troopships. . The Admiralty s agreements provide for the immediate dispatch of 15,000 troops to India if needed. The Ameer has sent troops to occupy the Ardoben Pass to prevent a Russian surprise of Herat by that route. The Czar has sent 3000 gendarmes to Merv. 7|... ......&..:n. ml? nnnmml p.I1n:inn vessels UZ8.1' I188 88115 OUUU gUuuul.'u.|un w $7101 v . The ca.pta1ns of several Russmn vessels at Liverpool have received orders to leave without waiting for a. load. T)----3--u -r\o'nd\nII:| uucu\I1t`;nf.n f wimout. Walnug Lu: :1. Luau. Russian papers repudiate the idea. I submitting the Penjdeh to enquiry, or referring the dispute to arbitration. D... Y`! M... 0. _.'|"hn nnnm-A he` reterrmg Tone ulsuuw uu uxunuauuu. BERLIN, May 3.-The papers here think that Russia will not agree to sub- mit Afghan dispute to arbitration. Bnussms, May _3.--LeNord says no self-respecting government could submit the questibns at issue to arbitration. Qnvslrvxh Man 2 trnnnnhin ` M16 quesuons an Issue bu uImua._u.uu- r SUAKIM, May 3. '---The troopship with 1000 Coolies which sailed hence for Bom- bay has been ordered to return here. vm... rnnn mm-A Ainnntnhnd to man the Day I135 D8811 vruuruu Iau LUUHLII uqnu. The men were dmpatched to man the { monitors in Bombay harbor. TL_ D_:L:_L nnnnunvnnnf hon rI"Il1I`*'.AI`P.d ` momtora 1n nomnay uuruur. The British government has chartered the steamers Devonia, Bolivia and Egyp tian Monarch. Fourteen` transatlantic steamers have thus far been chartered. nu,_ ru.:'I:_.. ...1..:... 1.7`...-now-u1n nnw at Steamers IIKVB Dull! till.` UUUII Una; Uvsvuo \ The Chilinm ship Esmeralda. now at Panama is to be turned over to the Eng- lish in case of war to ght the Russian. gunboat Dygatt. . rm... nnvnrnmnnt continues to engage gunuuub uyguw. The government continues to engage fresh Artizans to push work at the dock- __...`l.. LJ 1: ;.~ ulz1tc':~ nun-xv LI \JL)l cl yard}. Towels. Won pair. " 'l`.'W. Gra Auetlonw sales. Auction .se.le bills printed at this oice will have a. free notice`given under` this `heading of their date, etc, ` Ford, auctioneer. FRIDAY, MAY l5.-Credit sale, without reserve, of horses, cows, wagons, furniture, etc., at 12 o clock noon, sharp, at _Lefrov Hotel. Thomas Ness, proprietor ; G. A R. --l.lglut rey, rk grey. black arnet. gazyg go] -bro J erneys at T. . Gray . .0 I. ' 'a'="c'z.s ."`." ` Sanders, 0.` L. Bandersya. ,ucu muv,uuuu_u, Misses Forsyth, Stvenson and T Irwin. Tird ?Diatbt-4-`Mesdaniea James Pntvip,_ Jams Henglrsbn, Barrhud, John 'Ro%e1`-gon, L. Beittvf D.*.HoIm'o'd, Thomds icun le, S`. J; -Sanford,-`Misha Sanford, {Keating and. Linton. 'Fou_rth` `District and Allan ale-- Meadqcmea-A Dr.) McO,u-thy; .Du_1iel"S iv. 1'.-..:_|..-.b-`.'.-? rs...` :w Wtnhnt Jnmea ard, i`a`2`.33{ne`6iT" m`2i31'%'y;'"i>i5i"eT'i`rv. Jud anoyr aeo.=w.*I.ount. James Ward . T r ;,.~,m..' Ohriatid ~ 'wi.emn;` :Wo.oda. Biuruov sce'ward`. Dr.` ells. J9-HA Ed"*F"'-,~ n1.a..e.`~ Spi-y and Mercer. IWW aeiaoacoi-u. ehto11owin annddnoemenh; 4-Au'1:mig +e1seayaq_'qr Magda ; to ',Wh?g the with 9 and 81101,! 8.1315101 ,"` ML, Mm u.iXiga._;nger91om . f..`1z"?`.i."-?9`1"g..`* ?..`i :.?. a;':;e 5%%ve?z5teb1= (not 1jed_'~iI_Ii1s '`i M"7 L - _\ -1.-.` (not` liseans). .ou:.I1AtIedv -"II.)il;',uIu ' vglilitarv , soup, oanned,meats*(not oorne beef) choco- late writin"g~-matritlag "oto'.,-will-kindly de- suno,:paoked inzatr-on wrapping papelj V at the store of; the late` r. Spencer. `iii gfotzmpgngfterj 5; 30 when gs 1:. Powell` ' are .-veqetyea . `W-at on parwli 9" inbggld for plutiv: 9r.frion_du,' mark wnth, I:|gm3e-,I'l'1t:'\,ll], a.laVo number}of_ com any. Ugh iinbIm"P$19,nI tofbe liandd rs. Damel. Sp!-yy trouurexpgommitto ;..M1`s;: E. O'Brien, `"i< " `3 MW-"`M-E." Sprv. txet-sure! ; Min '*`*!5*'9h'933<-vnfehry-' . 3: % . as xrtb 1b einuEbi"sio`od`%ht 111 iuaurphons ` and articles sent ,to:V-ihdviboiiimite fordesa ___L_I. Ln .LLn Onnnnn n`. m `nv mu DUO DIAL ugpgxu UL .I.vuuI:n.uI uuu anus the supremacy" 5, cu. . Ill most Ind M11010! Ian` ,'u):"`lIU"WJll-IIIDVUU sun uvu- I bvpatoh to_;the troops, not addressed to any Ooniforts for Simoo Foresters. A: s-,_'_._. L-I.l 3.. VI`- `THE NQRTI_IERN- `ADVANCE. lpereoi V T is intended tfor sthetnen the regiment, and not the oicere. Parcels intended for any of the oieere meet be ad- dreeeed to the pereon for whom it is intend- ed. when it will be dulv forwarded. ' Capt. Powell was resent at the meeting and said he would e char e ef the artlciee intended for the Simcoe Gays. and see thnt they were properly pack and forward- nn` `ll 113:`-:na';l\l`I cup! Inc, vvuuv lulu | edmtg destinatgion. . .lI___.._.. .. Bu F0 ueuuuuuuu. . . . The -following cash subscri tions are a.c- } knowledged by -Mrs _Spry. `e treasurer : ; Collected by Mrs. Purvis and Mrs. Barraud 5" J. Henderson....;A...........$2000 A. Welsh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 F. Toms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 J. H. MoKeggie . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 M r4.um1m- .............. 2 00 ' A rrienu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .n.-- W. [V- B. Hinds, goods . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 00 Frawley 8: Devlin, goods .. .. 5 00 W. Mann. goods .......... .. 2 00 Coulter 8; air . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 V J. A. Melntosh, goods .. .. 1 00-- $14 Collected by Mrs. Camegy and Miss Irwin. Mr. G._W. Lount . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 5 00 Mr. Km , Bk. Commerce .. 1 00 AFrien , g " 25 _Mr. A. G. Strathy . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Mr. Moekripge . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Lannox&.Lennox 103 C. W. Plaxton . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 A. Morren . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Barrie Post Oflice . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 R. A..Douglas............... 100 C. L. Sanders . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 McAllister. Story 8: Co.. .. 1 00 A Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50. B./l\icholson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Hezekiah Edwards . . . . . . . . .. 50 Mr. Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 (Juan Bros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Mr.Bemrose 100 R.R.Holt........ . . . . . . . . . . 100 T. E. Rawson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Hearn 8; Murchison. 1 00 D. McMillan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Mrs. Campbell . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 Mrs. Bird . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Mrs. Hughes . . . . . . . . .~ . . . . . .. 50 Mrs. Harvey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 Mrs. Smigh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 H.N.Courtlandt............ 25 L. I). Beatty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 00 _ A W. Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 - Mrs. J. L G. McCarthy 1 00-- $2.7 05 Parcels from: Queen's Hotel, American Hot-el. Barrie. Hotel; J. J. Brown, J. Caldwell, \ G. Monkman, J. Murchison J. C. Ellis, A. Scott. '1`. W. Gray & 00., F G. Lower, S.Varley.. Collected by Miss Forsyth and Miss Sanders. Miss Jennie Milne . . . . . . . . ..$ 25 Mr. E. Lally . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 A" Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 J. Armstrong . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Mrs. Janes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 A Friend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 16. Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 L. S. Sanders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 00 Alex. Milne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25 A Friend..................... 25 ' Miss Lake 100 .Mrs. Tod .50 Dr. Arda 300 D.-Mann rell.,............... 50 Mr. Liitlehales . . . . . . . . . . . . .. F.Davis........... V. Meeking.. .. Mrs.Be1l \ln Lnurn, _ , , IE nmg . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W. Paul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCarthy, Pepler 8; McC .. 5 JamesFrase1-.... .. .. . 50 00 - F. Hornsby. .. ., ............. .. 00 J. Johnson ...... .... .. 50 E Bethe].;..._............... 100 AFriend 100 Strong&Donnell .......... .. 3 00 Geo. Simmons ..... V 50 1) A Ilnffnn , A_____ 50

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