Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 16 Apr 1885, p. 5

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Bid:-- fmpressd. th` came down : about half 11 as they cam andrin < consi 0 men of four ng tinc1'Cif6s'e "pf helped, by their uke the gathering :k` acted as chair- Iistrf th(e oicezs -mi out up ' - moo) Thou. ggltt, '. W. Thornley, of Neilly ; Treasurer, Committee. Thee. >tt.,, A committee in; was elected for oonnmittees are to interest: in every ever_1.msimb'en of ` 13 [HUI hllln IIIUIV wuss us-u.s5_u; y.u_.,u......y........ with the sbotginee at `no very relnote, period. He believed the supply of buslo would at an esrlydsv-he exhsusted._theae being the 7priucip'o1 meenfof - sup- port of `the Indians; and unless some- thing was done stanesrly dny to induce them `to engage in induetnsl pursuits, serious complications would arise when their present means of subsistence fsiled. 51;- Int... Mnndnnnld said no doubt the i |idea shmhemk %..`. ogdimuitia __`_Al. Al... -L..--So.n- -6 1:}; anon uunnnfn UDUIX PIUIUIIE IIIUIIII Ul Iuvuu-Iv Sir John Maodonald said no&3u`1?'3{'e dsnger tho hon. gentleman mentioned mutt alwoytbe oontemplatedt The gov- for an outbreak some time, when the `In- lemment and parliament most begpmpsred. dim : means of subsistence failed or be- `dune Zscuoe. II,. II: II, I me scarce. Mr Mills had no doubt before the time of the present parliament expired, serious troubles wouldbe witnessed in the North I IlY_-L The. Mail given the following list of Reform members of the Ontario Legh- lature who have received their rewards:-- @qKe1hr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . Shrivalty y uuuuuu West. feated. ve nunureu IDUII WUIU nsuuuo Lnsw unau- patch was sent in c1pher,_to escape the vigilance of Russian censors. The Stan- dard assumes that the Russians were `de- I ..-.... ... . .-rm E1B}iiiuI ........... ......osgooae mu 0 Donoghue . . . . . . . . . Sessional Clerkship Mass1e.}.....; . . . . .._....CentralPrisou Peck. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...Stipendiary J. P The Peterborough Reviewicommenting in the above says: The above list only comprises members` of the Provincial Legislature. To these ma y be added two members of the House of Commons, whom Mr. Mowat purchased (at our expense) ` with otoes of trust and emolument, in order to make vacancies for his tally, Mr. Blake, and his lieutenant, Mr. Edgar. "l1l......-. qum Han I-mun nan: tn which Mr. DIBKO, BBO I113 uuuwuuuu, 1.u.I.. uuyag. These are the base uses to which Mr. Mowat puts the patronage which he is h supposed to exercise for the benet, not of himself, but of the Province. Letters toythe Editor. The following letters addressed to the Editor of Tun Normmaw ADVANCE, have ' been received tor publication : Our Representatives. SIR,-In watching the course of `bur par- liamentary representatives, it seems to me many of them must often chafe under there- straints which party interests impose. It is right and proper that members be loyal and true to party ties and at all times ready to support their leaders in all matters involving the general principles and policy of the ..-_... 5... ..+. .11 nu... times thew should be `DO 0n0l'8l principles llllu puuuy Us vuu psrty, but at all other times they should perfectl free toact, speak or vote as_their own in ependent judgment may determine. A parliamentary representative should not be a mere voting machine "controlled by, the leader of 9. government or the opposition He should have brains` and independence enou h -to propose "measures or legislation which he may consider benecial, `and such measures should be treated on their merits. They need. .1: Jt eomnromise the government in any way. In order that; such a course: by individual members ma _ be _ practically adopted *' t should be nn erstood. that `the V government should notbe cslletlnpon to re- s'in except on a direct vote`of- want of "con"- 4: ........' I: 4-kin Mm-an mm adopted we 3i :1 direct'vo_te"of- want of con- dnoe.` Ifthis course were adopted -shouldhavo .import;a nt measures '-`useful to .the'countrv introduced and ciystalized into law. which-ware now opposed by: the govern- mentiti the plea-~-of expediency, or` that 1 party interests may be atfected. . The -tem- perance 1uestion.f0r.examp1e ig.` not` a party `question. add everydniembeff of. t,he_[ House ....... mm whnfnhnrse `he thinks proper 'q1l68Ta10I1. 8110. EVBl'y LLIULUUUL ` us. uuu_ uyuuv may take what "course _'he' thinks proper withbut his party loyalty being in` anyway impugned; I am glad to see*that"Mr. D -Alton McGarthy- has independenceenough _ to break through the trammels which check the average member. of pa'.r.lia1'nent.-l`lobod.y will for 9 moment charge him with disloyalty to Liberal Conservative principles _or with'_anythingto, weaken party ties. He has however, introduced measures which are of no small importance. the principle of one of` which the (amendment to `the "patent laws) the `government acknowledged to the right, but still they would not accept it, and in consequence Mr. McCa.rthv withdrew it upon the distinct understanding that it should be made a. government measure. If the course here suggested were followed. \ .---._-; ........l nnnnanlln nnnfrnl {in the connti-v` the Coure 1181'! auggcnwu Vvvsu Lvuu -v nu. many good measures useful to the country would be promptly fussed. It is at any rate worth a little consi eration by both the gov- ernment snd the op sition.' The writer knows as a. matter of act that a. number of Mr Mowat e followers in the Local House would be glad if party exigency did not keep them so constantly under the party whips ` robbing them of their better judgment. ELECTOR. L, ~ - 7 - The North West. From our Indian Head Correspondent. ,. INDIAN Hun, Assiniboia. April 3rd. The sole subject of conversation here is the Riel rebellion, and every one seems anxious for the latest news. As `may be -imagined, manv false reports are ying about, but nevertheless all agree thatthe. rebellion "is a very serious aair, and that our- gallant vol- unteers will -have some hard ghting :to do. Many of the farmers of this neiwborhood have taken -their teams to convey the troops, tempted .no. the big` pay, and it seemsfthat if the rebellion should last `any lenuth of time that ver little'f_armin will beaches in ourheighhor ood. The` Bel farm has s'ent'out-forty-eight teams already.- ` Ahot1tI25 men of the 90th Battalion and, L one quarter Battery (Winnipeg) `arrived at. I Fort` Qi1 A'ppel1e on Mondav ' afternoon from E, Qu Appelle station and have gone under can- _' urnn `V35. `. . . ' band of` Indigns from the File Hills down in a body on Tuesday evening `at about past six adorned `with aint, and theycame they were six; ng an shouting off `their vfrien y volley. They .>_.=.:.. .: 4.1.. nhin: and rem-esenta.ti ve* Barrie, April 6th. ' 3'. 4 '33:-"on`1'"7 * A . The number (if killed so Isyia welye. Alt. ' irtohe hoyiod th:_wC|3.idl-=w111`.not'va.ga_in be` : _brilpod liolesve g coy l1h'iy._. -5 I =9 "`.WM ..' i\0Ial 3:; . andrin on than _Irlenu1y Vuucy.. -....._, of the chefs and representntwe four hands. They made for Finner- tv e store and demanded something to eat: Mr. Fmnertv demnrred but finally gave them 3 bag. of our. "They then went to C01. Houghton and he took them to the H. B. store and mnde them presents of eur. beeon, tea "etc. Some of the volunteers were scared thinkin,|they weregoni the war` path and =prepe:$nfor an encounter. The next dny they interviewed 00,1. Hon hton, Mr. Duvet toting as intern!-eter an they" got w more prceentl. - * .- . ` A council of werrwu held at Q,n Appelle L `tetinnpn Monday, * at which it wee decided to make Fort Qn Appell9 the. but} of opera- : L24..- % `L'1`oi-oieo _T;fnii>iii:e ;E1ectqral_ " Union met: last mght and ppned ghe oiroul|'tion oi petition; .fo.r; 9 Iubmiuxon oftho 8oqt.;Act in Athgtoity: an the 2nd -2 I_;__. `II III? FIVVIVV-' " o J,u1$e.`..g 1..-.A IIOIO . . . Reqistrgrshio 3` j .'. rah` `.`..'.?.`; ....~. . uh`? Enntssnun Mmu; MAKING. mu-zss Ann MAIITLE MAKING nemmeur FIRST-GLASS MANTLE AND Dnass MAKER We are prepared to _xe_cu`te all orders entrusted to us PROMPTNESS, in a SUPERIOR MANNER, and at . NEW IMPORTATIONS ARBIVIN I} DAILY. MILLINERY & nnnss MAKING APPRENTICES WANTED T ` The Snnscribet begs to announce to the `LADIES OF VBARRIE AND VIGINITY A A-------that he has opened a---- J % 4=>%:1885I<%<~ lusw MAPLE svnuv. REASONABLE P1=11cE`:s -V {EUREKA SAP PAILS &SP1LESi We have also instock A 1 Sugar Kettles,'~;.._ ` Dippers, and all other utensils for sugar making. Come and see, whether you are going to make sugar or nat- We have lots of other goods", re/\; The has ordered four thou- P` sand pack saddles for Ind_ia. The .BtI'0X1gB are busy completing Runs` t _ expected the Government W111 char 0'3 3`: several more fast steamel`5- ` -4 .-`U"I`l\`JTY IN THE WAR. OFFICE ' "_l.`he Cabinet to da. discussed the `N95 tion of at once sen.di1g six ironclada 110? at Malta to the Dardsnelles. 'I.`he_reh18 great agitation this evemngl 11} um: 3 n Urovernment departments. " adi e_ L` 19,000 rei11fo1ce_rhen.tu will be 1mII1 ave 1y sent to India. The rst armY"r ` v will Probably becalled out at once. . mnmn carers mvovn WAR. Lord Dulfetin. at Rswul P`' W 5 informed to-day of W118`? Ind .`;"i::: .. Penjdeh. The na.tive_Indhneh1e 3 Am. tendence at the ooungtl 1m``? `tho commend the i;nme(_ha;te throwml 9. troops into Afghanutans THE DEFENCE or IIERAT. Seventy thougend B mhhmd Ir'::',: troops, now stattoued ,n_9"' t .9 -; e 1 Indian frontier; may it "!`h t by Herat in time to prevent Its cap F0 the Russians. ` Opposito Queen : Hotel- DUNLOP STREET, `MAPLE SYRUP & SUGAR W - SANDERS B11095. l.WM%'GHMAK%ERS AND JEW.E[ERS, WALTHAM, ELGIN AND X %sw1ss WATCHES, . BOTI-I GOLD AND SILVER. ~The'y ` will r u'n `more sap th9a.n9 any WOODEN SPILEV ' ' : _a__nAd not injure the tree half as much. JOHN WATSON, pmces VERY Low. Es-1-A.BI..IsI-1ED 1359. I party . . ' . _ The St. J ames Gazette heaus xts leadmg article War begun." Loan 1msm_xEmw s'mss1oN ABANDONED-_: Havingsecured t.he`services of a in connection with his business. _.__._..._ i-1.--- [GIN ALLWITS B RANCHES A SPEGIALNL ALL WORK GUARANTEED. E? sPE.dIAL VALUE To make the `very best . . Ow,-es Dizzmess, Loss of Appetite, Indigestwn, Bitiousnesa; .'Dyspepsz'a,` Jaundice, A jfcctions of the Liver and Kidneys, 1 z'1n.13le`.s, Blotches, Boil., Humors, Salt Rheum`; Scrqfula, :Erysipela.s,- and an diseases gzrising from Irppure-Blbodu` -.-.Deranged lj4SIama;z:h,. or irregular action of the Bowls, `A. .4 \_./ -USE THE ---+- " "fifhis in; Lord Roseberry has abandon _ , Iention of going to Berlin to 831` Prmce Bismarck to mediate between EDgl`!'m.i and iussia. ` ` OTTON B ROS. ELEG'.'L`.-R0-APLATED WARE, WEDDING PRESENTS, GOLD HEADED CANES, AND c. JEWELRY of latest design, BARRIE. . tho. Holtui `lint Tev nussu WANTS srmuxzns. _ ' NEW YORK; April 9.-It -is reported that Russia is negotiating:`th_9,1-ggxirqgnt . Plrties fer'th_ -puxjghue p_ . steam . ships, to b"us9d"in war wih` Epglini. .3 .1vornsr.x:: , V Lord Randoph 0hu1f1_;iJ1},, * _A1V=_ent;._e'r\i1'i`g etic; Liwu jsihly man To nmsnnn 171., `WAR I*REl'.\RATIONS. 7 bo th Oomortives um the fugt. A Pteisburg marohhu .!|sv6: tale-` Imphed thair Pu-is agent: not to consign anndn vi: the Hulda nan in 'I!nnIi-I nan- |33 'a"$'i."ue Baltic no in nngmu vea- ru 5 urn ugvuw uvu Ill! uuuugu I I animus Auxtxcas. ' . T Lonnox, April 12 -Botli'.R1mia and , England no busily engngodin corroopoir denoo with other powers undue aatively courting slliuneu. ` ,JI'he Times oonaidere V war certain,-and. congratulates the country on ita` enormous- defenaive reaouroea and upon the pouea-. aim: of loyal India. o , nluulx ruonouonw Anousxn. The people have not been no `warlike for 30 years. ' Hundreds of thousands re- aort to music halls in London and aing warlike songs. One has the refrain,` BI-iton a hold rmly your ground," which wan using in a number of hall: on Saturday night with ohoruaea bythe" en- tire audienoee. Here : I apeeilnen : : Our A91-euiier 'wae=hnmbleand._rnn9k. We thought he was tame an a hero ; But we now hear the true Briton apeak, And the lion ponnoe on the bear. $39 IUIIHUICIIU CCU Ullllls UV CUII VIZ? ' by pretending tokive up a certain line ` and recur to; the line suggested in the Leuar propoaale. Iv. 3 ` rmn. sue: or nxrnomcv nucnzo. At the German and Rueaian embassies the opinion is expressed that the dispute between -the Czar and Great Britain has reached ite nal `base of di `lomacy. A1` -Aqua:-aa`u A OLA -`nun nun have Ilt\_ IVIIUIIUII `W IJIIII IIID9 `II El-QIIIZIUP All admirels 0 the navy eve been no- tied to hold themselves in readiness for active service. A special` injunctton has been sent to Vice-Admiral Hay command- ing the Mediterranean Squadron to hold the eet ready for service. '11...- sunny` 4;` nuns: nb vann-`An Rae-na `Mann I'lIU LIUUU IUDU [UL DUIVIUVI ` .Two men-of-war at Kingston have been ordered to Portsmouth to` take torpedoes aboard. It- is said they will `proceed im- mediately to the Baltic. qnvvnuun` unbfn-Jan n` A In;"'nIII1 1-unnn Bonn IUUUICIIUIJ DU UIIU .IJGlI.LUo Several Batteries of Artillery have been ordered to embark for India. v-u-v--- -.' ------__ _v_ __.__.. Dulferin, after consultatien with the Ameer urges the Government to order an j immediate advance Into. Afghanistan. ` NIL- 1)....-.1......._ A8 Dawning` `nan nxnnn uuluuuuuuu Iluvuuvu suvu. rxlgunuxuvwua N The Presidency of Bengal has offered ; 3,500,000 to aid in presorvimz the integ- rity of the British Empire. I1...-..-.-..l Vnrnnnnmn In-nlvisnu-' nnnnnnnnn ` lilo VI. vuv 1115915 J-Iluylsv General Komaroffs brother` announces that Russia intends to send 100,000 men to Herat as soon as the English advance to Pischin. nu, , 1t:__:_;_._ -2 ur__ I--L .'.:..I..L ......1 Inc. WU I'.'I3Ull|lIs l The Minister of War last night said he had the assurance of the Czar that the Russian troops might advance they would never retire. ` r-______ s__.:'I 1n 7; :- ........_a.-.A lung.-. HUVUF I'UlIlI'Uc . . BERLIN, Apri1.`12 d-It is reported here that Emperor William has expressed the opinion that Russia. was decidedly th agreuor at Penj deh. V - ~ T0 in I-nnnrlznd that Tnrkev. has 11116.8! ` 1 agreuor II: rung uuu. . It is reported that Tmfkey. huh u'nlAer the qdyioe of Bxsmarck decided `toremain up 1`t1V'_-aAl_in of an Anglo-Russian war 1 'D ...... an n u'1rn1-nnn':nn `nk "tn 1 ` I: `DR#!1194~'P1?8m*!*-I-.'I71;' `\York_ is being hnrrieq a.lon giand>tl__n'ngs 93.111 >110 $hPW'Fh1W7...`hP ssion it drawing .tOaV:b1.9se.. .. '-; :'-:=:-:1 : ' ; '12heI e . .\vai. .3; i1'e;'u1'1at `eld .d'a'.y}iii?-th -.HO1(18_df!'lasb - evening -on- the 'temp91fan ~ ` 1 11111:: ir'.1ti'te'/sitting" w1ixh,:1a!~stei till p1stwo in:'the.m.orning,J;va.s.ta1.ten.111$ hf dfshssing Mr; Jamiesonf,VbilI*6`iathend the Canada. L Teiriperance Act-f `.-Thirbill einbodies ~_th`e' mendmenta dec1_a7refd by the r - - 1 L.-._~._~ .n..........:u-.:. A-F whu .'m1nniT nf ` llVBvllAIal_'Tq`l...l1l_`Ul`:a u_ Ul. ass 1ll.5l`U'.'l._II.l-If`wsIll.a vvluuo | - .Russ1a.1s purchasing fast steamers "to .be used as - cruisers. Private ,_'gntl_eman I '13i'f2 for Lane G0;Y6r! ` % nussuzz nus: to can TIME. The Russians are trying to gain time .n nunO1..nV(r.n in iun nn n nnntcn no x atnllujlluuba L|UI7_l_D.l'U}.| V out- L,eg,islat1v`e Committee of jthe -`Council of the Dominion Alliance, necessary to'eec_\ire the "efcient working of the Scott Apt,` and which the"governu1ent declined to submit to the House as a government measure. `Yesterday the bill `appeared in the order paper for the secondireading; but with nearly forty` others standing ahead of it. .Mr. J amieson and hiefriends saw the positionof a'a',irs, and trusting -to the-strong temperance sentiment in the House decided to make a venture.- < nu--i-_ _ ..~....._n I-`HI nl-nn HI-511', nn house uecmeu w Juana an -m........ ` Dr`. Bergin s factory bill stood first on l the paper for the second. reading, and it had already `had one evening's `discussion devoted to it. So when it was called Mr. J amieson jumped up and mov_ed-i-n-amend- `ment to the motion `for the second read- ing of that bill, that his bill be read a` second time instead; Mr. Cameron, of . Victoria was taken quite aback because he intended to move the second reading of Mr. McCarth s bill to allow distillers andbrewers in cott Act counties to carry on business in other counties. A lively "~----=-- -------I A M. .t..m:..m OP Du5_l.|lUll us uouul: uuuuuun. u. an... ducnlllon ensued. and Mr. Jamieson knew that upon getting precedence now for his '.b'l was the only chance of its being considered this session. T A vote was" taken and Mr. Jarniesonfs bill was placed at the head'of- the order paper by; an M and Mr. Jamieson their moved the E. 08 ya. placed at the new or we owe: Pnyvs ..,. 86 to 62. Mr,` J gsgniqson theii inqved second reading of the` bill, and explained briey the object `of it, to prov1deVma.chin- ery forthe more eicient workingof the Scott Act. H "'--' N-----A-- \'T:M.rn'v{n nnhhsed the ScottAct.,` _ __ ._ Mr.` Cameron; Victoria, opposed the 3 Scott Act generallv in a speech of much . power and v-ioor. He was very ably se- conded by fir. Ives, who resuspiatated T the Boultbee amendment of four years ago,_.and moved that the Scott;Act, before. v it fcomes in force in any `ounty, Amnst have been supported by a clear majority` ofcall registered votes within the `county. ` " Mr. Blake said,W members of Parliament ever secure 3 `clear majority of all the voter : list. He said the amend- ment would simply make the Scott Act b unworkable. . n-11.- -....-n4Iunnul>, mm: vntn down by .1 IIU uluvuunuv..- ...... ._____ ~ 17`-t0 109. 1 On motinn to have the bill read a second time it. was: suggested that it be declared oerrled on the some division This was ,-objected to and the yen and 'na.yo being called the vote utood 15 to 108. ~ Seveul `hours were then spent in oml1:1il`{ in dneuning the details of t e i` . . - . .e . V ruvqvwvvuu From our own Correspondent. Aowudocs my fellow catch you `I--R..Po. V Give me 3 p at him ?--W.. - . \ I guess t a church is going to `be rigged up.--J.D. Phelpaton is goin to be -I citiyct.--.J; Mo. Hurrohvforj elpcton; A -- 1.. Well you maytulk, but I w1ll.` keehim in.--M. P. How is the ice '1-:-.= -W. . First `class if you have a girl with you.--M.P..: _ don t take_the_hint worth -nan}. V nworkable. . _'I:he amendment was voted down by , -Inn 1 ~-F6r m pr-legs In Olothmgl so dlrevpc to a Gray an 009:. j um 1:13:33. [mum uunnnnsma mum." animus: -ms 2l'l'Iio'l" or A noxut I cox.uI_1c_s`nrrooxI. Alllrdblyoviow-dtthoworm ac um. ' Rn-nu nunnl-Q Iingnl COQOAQ "E1; i;1TTtil(noS(.( 1 case I -has returned ave:-dict of justifiable omi- I 4.1- A Civil Service Promotion Examinations will be held next month at the name time u the qualifying examinations. ` ,_, _:n L- A-.- -.. _._ <.____1-... _._-_ an ocu_uu- Run; A munber of destructive ra have. 1 taken Dlaoo dnringthe pint weokj. V ' "I';;_rdoi'- ones I at the Elgin -Assizea, thestillwoll, Piagott and Mclntooh cases involving` a mnnberl I .8 ._._..n... -. ,...- The Grand Trunk Railway authorities at Kingston have forbidden the cabman to outer their yard, and the oabbioa are very much excited over thomatter.` T . I l llotwun vu w-- -.v- ---' An :1-'.da;{-_in.oodiicil i;}3&Ay*.G.muo declares" the Sdott Act in force in en. county of Osrlton .dndAthe city of Guelph onthe expiry of the presqnt lioeuapo. _______I .___@4 1__I-__..._. 1.- I `:3 wood w:u-J .y- w-v t---v`-.v __-__.,'.~_ The four thoussnd men belonging to the British Army rsserve, now residing in the Dominion, hsve `received orders to hold `themselves in readiness to return to England. V . ~ ' II-`OAJ GOA inn our 1 -sac:-u.-uu . ;UlCt9 sum. `V Vu-ginia was visited by a heavy snow storm lat Friday. : - __ 1--_ 35..---- - A Veit1v:<;x1-ta:-:i't.:'i;ei:is uuLingAfo1`- divorce because his wife disappointed him. V 0ne'h1;;:d; `failures have been reported in t T e United States during the last wee . ' ' run In 19,, 4,__A _ __A_________L _____ _`_____", \l.Ib|IJ6 Iloov on-wu n vv--u . `The Washington monument was struck three times by lightning on Thursday last without sustaining any damage. _ T L`: _ TT..2L_.1 . The "average winter wheat in the United States is ten percent; less than last year, and the estimated loss from winter killing is 60,000,000 bushels. Ir 1 I f\I,!.__,_ nA.-;`l_ TB- v vvv,v-av ----._--._. The New York and Chicago Stock Ex- changes were greatly excited over the prospect of an Anglo-Russian war on the reception of the late news. I L-,_ _.._L:A.._L-.'! -.._!..-L D)... .-....,...-.. .. .... -_-- __..-- A suit has been instituted against Ben. Butler by the National Soldiers Home for disabled volunteer soldiers, to recover $15,000 which Butler failed to account for when Treasurer. The ad damnum ofjhe writ is 820,000. r I Al .I II?`-`J i am} - Th9 _`1jeb1l1_on A against the Mahdi LIIU I ` alums. lIIl__ V Wu} svvau-5 9- ` zit - Petersburg. ? ru.:..- 1...... ............-I an an. - retersnurg. . _ ,,,_ ` China_has a read to the peace .pre11'm-. 'ina._ries_`with_' rauce; _ T . . Fdrt y` `thousdnd `coal miners are qn I strgike _in_Yor1gwhLir'e. * LI, .1 on-'n'nnn nnn` via wet anu ..,.,,___` of the Afghgng . Two om. gm he 0 p'i `istim the R 113. I Afgha i:`i.' u . ant" its defenders were . The nu ret t a order. Therzu:n3I`,'3`m in good bosses are} said to [,5 gm 9 no pun ??e3::u:v:e:m1l1\th `i~`e. . .:`**-,;=.,,,nii Potgi. . :g:.ns`1::%etu,.;ve:%n _ ` Mrou the rive . I -r_ DBAABV .251; .A.vo-w con. vu % "T1ie'Frer:1chVSeA;nat mica s3o;ooo,ooo for Ton auin opera.tio1}a. ,4; A . . `n 1. ` I "`. ".".."5'. ..`7"~'."`*"'T." - . . ~ % . ~ "yTl1'e' Pope}; m`uc1_1`b_etter angi bags almost re`eo`ve'i'gc} fr9 n'1`h'is i_Ilne`a_s, " ` ` :~ n _` A` .` ;` . . . . . . . 5 5 .`wo1 ~uss1an txjanaportgg haze Abe;_e:11_(qr- I .7d`fs1n.'it9rh#~0 U - A } 11--.! ....l..J-3.... Lana }\nnn`nAnf.nrn(`. ha- ` > 1!he~ C<>'ni;6t'v'a..tives:-' r;dlved- to` op- ppsq the Egyptian loan. - -' ` ' `ml ` 1`-`-3. -`:'_' ._. .-..I.`I..;.'u..... ..-LA kl-rald`r`hr\uf'. ` v"`.'T"F:r_-"'. f`.``.`'`. ` 7' 7".`T""Z - - .. .. .-.Good-xelati us have beenrestored be- [.twe9n~'1`urke'y-and-England:: -- -- V`---~ --- 2......_.l1..L.. i-uvyvvu sunny, ....-,.. ___.n___,,_ . Eight thousand regula.1_-a are.,in_1m_edia.te- ly to be deapatched to India.` ' ` " 4- .9. ...-.. ...... Ant AC ~rn0n\v;h_ [U115 auu GIG vqvnnns Vlancovo -. -.-..--. Lord Wolseley has orders tq withcfrasir I` a. large part of his f_q;'ce from Egypt. - f`l-_.._ QL..L.."|...'.'n nI0n17 Hon UU UV uvnywuvuavu iv` .`..._.-... ` Osman Digna a men are o'ut of provi`s- ` tons and are eating a'mel s esh. ` - --. .' . 1___ L- _:A.I.A....... II lalsv Pusv us an; 03'.`-.-w i Thdneiw Congo State}:-3:; ag, I I. being a goldptar unon a. blue ground. -n - 'n2,,,,--.._1- ...:1l 1.... nabm-I in -UULIIS C VIVA Dlnlb I-wv-n `it w--. 6- Prince Bismarck will be esked to mediate between Russla. and England. -- - --- -- -712--.. _L `rm now o-u v-v yv-- Old World. The Earl. of Selkirk indeed- Ruuia. is trying to get,Ame1-icon `steam- I...- ~ Lnm;`fen'g camp. wnen -Que ugnuulg A" 1y deep dad gomero returned rrver. :4? the position: he had formerly pgoupled. orts that some Brttxah o- em, 0 1; been eye-wrtneeeeu -but _ not cwicipmu in the engagement sppeded t}o the Russians for Drotectlon whenthey M me Afghans were_bea.ten_, _ Ux_1for- tnnately the convoy whroh he Immediate- etched to the rellef of these ocera nable to overtake ttxe Afghan W31,-y who carried the Bntnh away me V ' . . .-...m~ Anril 9.--Russ1a.n securmee! KHUUIIIUU UUIIVVUUII .l.II\nzunu- um. ---a_..-_.. The Mahdi has suffered a defeat at E1 Obeid, the scene of one of his victories. --\ nII1,`I,_ ___A__,_ KJUULU, IJIIU vunov vs v_v -_ .__.. The Prince and Princess of Wsles were ` very enthusxastically received at Dublin. , An infernal machine was found recent- ly in the =Milita.ry_ Hospital at Portsmouth. .. ___1 nL.....1.......-...-. mum it in ivnnnnhlg ly Lu Iauu `.I.u.nsvnuJ..-.-v-.r-...- ..- _. _ General Stephenson says it is iotoossible for the troops to be removed from Don- `I I0! 2013;. KUIEI Russia emboldened "by Gladstone : hegitancy demands Gen. Lumaden s re? The `Russians are foitifying Cronatadt, end hundreds of torpedoes have already i beeneunk. , - -~-- h..'..... t... ` lull]:- Th Bartholdi stmtua leaves Roen for New York. by the frigate Iaeio about the and of Apri . , 4 V _ An o3cii17 the Mahgli _s_- an i.m;:9sto1-`has' _b_exiVisat1e4_i by the ` ,,;_n 1 ____ ` x. 3; ';;,an',`;9a;: \ She;-eef eoga. DIIQIBBI muuuuu -' - General Vo el Vnz 4I``AaV1cken'stein and `Dr. Charles` neodoursacbatd, of aeg- many,Tare dead. a. .4.-_. 1l:I:1.i...a 'Junmn ,I'|YIIl nn luuu, ,1:-av -.v_._ The Bussign Mililary brgan ums up t`.lT1e_sij'.'uati6n thug, _Fofwa1d t'o Herat. , __ LL- A.:.~..-. ` sia. Tl1e'ordinarydefences` The gravity of the inewytgouithgafgyan fb. _.border hasinot been rdim_1!1,i.ah_ed.'-By_ X 963 L31 `received by the Govem_rentf "?`- '1'-_ _;.~.'W1re, ' ` to .Meshed has been out for -b t ` SIR PETER LU.\iRl)EN _ W` ' i A The Government H belieif/}l`T1i;;,';"` Lumsden is at H I-lerat,`.w,li,ivgljm`J} ` fortify and hold if.necessat'*y2-V} ' .0 -1. reported in good c0ndii?`.`?`._t V RUSSIAN Em: - , ; it is stated that the7'promised_, frdem`_;,to have the Russian advand;stopped,.wh1h M. de Uiers gave asst1_ra,nce_ 'he tvould .3 send, where so managed thatthefy did. not ] reach the heauquarters of. `Gen. Komaro` 1-, - until after his attack upon the `Afghans. _ RUSSIA roncrzsrun 1*1eH'rI`No,' _ Engla.nd s demand for an explanation of 1iussia s conduct . in forcing the -.battle upon the Afghans will be coupled with a tiernand for the withdrawal of the Russian t~rccs__' north of Sarakhs. _ V i 1-;'.\'.1,1.~n (.`Al:I.\`ET COUNCIL. _ .:\` cabinet council is now in session. The -. result of the meeting is awaited with great V8IlXlCly. .\'o'rn1.\`L; .:.t.`: runvsnr WAR. The general opinion expressed in the : lobby was that nothing can prevent war. At L1oyd s war risks were dealt in to-day V at greatlv enhanced prices. Foreign wheat , rose `ls; (id. per quarter, and holders were unwilling to sell. `J`. I.`li`3.`;t. . on Tim LONDON mess. The Echo (Radical) thinks `war inevit- able. T The Pall Mall Gazette says : If the aggression was unprovoked weshall go sorrowfully, but resolutely, over -to the )3 V `I . 'm.,. CL 1-...-- t1..-..u.@1...-.:.:+.1.mAa'na we Isuauuuuu yuuc, Now is the time. Fae Pyincg qf. aJe_'|,viaited the Dublin Scott Jtct iceraventxerz.\tention,, cdnsietxeg sol ,deleg;gtee -from `3 all parts. of '-the towpphip of ' Innisfil, was Q he1;lin_Stroud, Aprl.:3rd for "the purpose -of taking stepeto .\Bt;in cerryli . opt the Scott Act. Meters, Strong an Cross ':of Bertie were )`ree_ent< and by valnable rluggeetione to make `a encodes. Mr.` G. Peacock` chair- `man. The followingiie a list of the ojcers of 111% Association : ice-president (apatit- `ed by the Simcoe Alliance) tt, 1 r Esq. of Thornton, and Rev. . I Strand; Secreter , J.4W. Neillyf; . Wm. Meneer. xecutive l l Smith and Isaiah Wilmott, , consisting of _tv_vov teens; each cub-diviuon. here committees look the Act every Kit of the_to_1q_Inl_up. rseversllmllflbers of ; _ h 8a_lv`et1ontAr'n1y were 6:1-eeent end took . _ `in the "meeting. ept; W. Cape ' I it to; elaeein eeniteble nenner-1 . .The}peop1e_of' Iheiul are to I_ee ` exercise` the Luttnfoot` `co `end will not spore` 59I.Bn~' , . ` . . V be war feeling is said to be very strong L .DA`An;n"snImm ~ '.K:1II'*lU-"'|'I"U-I-------.. W. . , f'*1_nho;a1aouu'ion%onho Bill: to -inerise -tho` idi-od 6f the Mounted Police ftjom 300 f.6500lhQn in the~Ieuin of '_1879,5 Hon. M1`. wilt, who -had oot'mpied~i tle'pooit.ion 6! Minimr of thirinorxafri in the * lrenzie-gover'nmont;hid:+- - " L * V` n. ...... ntnnnalv iinnressed with. the` `Russian: and Afghan force; have. 8-1.1. ' Qnz19'UYBl'uu|vuu, a He was strongly -Mt -.`*...t ?55%v6~W>-V .ADYANQE " . A ril 9.--Rnssian securities 1 1 E-':3):1Ie):::)l\ii1edIi3 per cent. The report of ;,{,m1e between the Russians and Afghans ` pi;r~x.1: or CUNSOLS. The ehoie stock list sympathizes `with me decline of consols and Russians. rfgyptians have fallen _four points. A 1.ow QUOTATION.` (`onsols fell at 94;; at 3 30 p.m. `This is zhe lowest point reached for years F.x('I'I`EMENT ON c1uNGE - There iavgreat excitement on the Stock Exchange, and almpst a _panic prevails. The ght in Afghanistan is_ regarded as equivalent to a declaration of war. Foreign funds are demorahzed._ Russian bonds of the issue of 1873, which closed East eveuig atV90{.~, are now quoted 80. AI)\'ANt`.E IN WHEAT. There is a marked advance in wheat at Liverpool. Cotton closed steader. FIGH1` we we MUR(`-RAB RIVER. The Staudard s Russian correspondent statesa battle has been fought on the Murghab river, and that it is reported five hundred men were killed. The des- .1 __.. ...\..4 :... mnl-`nu I-n nnnnnn {aha

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