ynsueunen nus sue, IT as A1` onourroi Ma}- Eiii3;L[ A SIGN OFTHE GOLDEN BEAVER. ' During the last fteen years the Golden Beaver has bought am and: Of Months and at all times has given Good Value, many Bargains in _these goods, but in no time in the past have we been in a p the determinanon to clear them out at such cut prices as now. We don t ` much on this sub'ect, but please understand us plainly, we will clear out prlooo Iowor f on In over offered them boforo'ln our history. ur- |._--- ----L A- ..--A- n {j[}=5Every Jody wanting? a mantle, or likely togwant one during the next six mom should buy one from us now, and by so doing effect a saving of from one to six doll {US every garment so purchased; We'h-ave irec entLl y Vboii*gl1ftV out a large lot at less than 60 cents on intire clearance will offer our Whole Stock atttheir net c4 00MPTQ__!L_BYAN S, BARBIE: G. BLAUKMORE GEATMANTLE SALE! Has removed to more ; uuuuuu uuo tun. by uuuulus (:1) The [candidates who, [eat general elections for the House of Cominons and Assembly respectively, or at anytbv-eV1ec- :i(:n contest in the interest or as the nominee of the Liberal-Conservative ;a.~zry for a representation of. a. cun.stitx:- ' ea`-tn-ry in the -Province. 1..\ "l"L.\ .._....:,1._..r- -,', ' '- We have just 30 many mantles to sell, those who come first COMMENCING EATERDAY, DECEMBER REMOVED 1 THIS WILL MA KE'A VERY LA NO LADY SHOULD FAIL TO Sr -`E THFM! than ever, at extraordinary low prices; MERCHANT` TAILOR, BEST LP1i0`6I`" COIL CHAIN, v..u.. :41.-Junnrx/UHBUI VIIULVU pill" '. ~ (0) The `members of the Legislative As- seznbly of the Province, who in like man- ner a.tt-end the party caucus . I.J\ 'm.,. ,....`.::,a....... ...n.A -L T - AT so cents on `rue DOLLAR, AT convenient and larger premises Y3a1'5 and sold Than, *1,` Value, times G3-gag 1n have position `hr had . out at Slih nnt nu-;nnn no magma `IXT- .J..._n. ._-_-, AN1V,ILS AND 'vIsEs, -ARGE SAVING 'I`O THE ClfS'1`().\H::: I, Bu-rlo. --1 an mu. 5; In 011.1 U011" 00 N" "" I cleared an excellent farm. 6 I :03! 2ldiam6r(go'an.. ialmalldclearing. W W: _ an . no . an of 22 in cm Con. ve.,';`?. no acres. good home and born; 31200. _ 51, Several Park Lots West of Mr. Ewan 5 F9` dance and hsvlnga no_ view of Barrie :1 Kc . l'l`ho'shove are offered especially Ch? udlnnantlycvbtxcuoa very unmcasly, 3.".`.`d.`..2l '` ``` ` `""" V oe. - 1'ho- vacant town lot: can be urchuedng}; utlllunlouytu-malnouo the pure tin V to build immediately. Apply to V ~ srnaraz as AUI/1'. ""on'rn omm.m.-1>mTor Lot 3 in 1stCon~ .9 I0-. 40 cleared. excellent" soil. good buildinli?` FY0903! well watered. a first-class farm esp? ad: ted! , took . 0 10:1 in 8th Oon.: asplondidtarm 90 cores cleared. good bulld- ).'8`l-umI:1:gt'":'1;' from a never falling nun :1 TI`! 1 -.-. .... _ ,- ,1-..-pa . v-,, _Yyu- gcnul . 11%|- VE8PRA.--Pu-t t 1 first olsss. all oleu-:6. ...LwJ All VIIUI I! LUV lllbcv (3.-.) The presidents, vice-presidents, zreasurers. and secretaries, of the various Liberal Conservative associations, young :nen s clubs, or other kindred organiza~ :ions existing, or hereafter created in the Province in the interest of ` the Liberal- Gonservauve party. (f\ Ant` nnuv mnnizln-.6 A8 LL- 'I'5._--3-- A - V. nod! :11 Con.. (except 4 301' u vmnnnn n._.._..... .. .. All __ mi! vv you npauuannwua Finns FLO9.-Part of N H0. in 7th con . 90 SC? ' about 30 acres cleared and tree from stummwe" cm gedwellgn house. soil good. balance of 10` VbuIiNISFl14.-`:3. i of 3 in 14th Con..B03d about 00 acres clear-ed.\'3lu3b timber on on . cheap. terms var)" 98"- WMVTW `$1-1 1211 -4190 Ir.AL (`A-'5'] ---v- v- -an-ouunnvcv, 0805] . ivflll V01) CD57 MEDoN'rE.--n:ot W t 8 mm Con: 60 8011 1133. rst-cla.as}<`>)rch:xd in full bear ur. Au-dash : residence - 8900' 3350. One acre Immediately East of Mr. R. K1483 rletaidence on make street; an excellent buildltl 1: a - . . _ NDALE.--A comfortable double Dwel I llnouse on Bradford street opposite Norther its on. no good-building lots well situated. cottage and lot opponfto lag : described puree`. nu-. uraddook aresldence; ' l::vi(iln Husegg East a do of Owen sitreelt. smnlzed ; thwell, most com en en! 1 House oocu ied by Dr. Bailey. having good DI`. h's residence 8900. Cottnm nu] Int nmm.I'+. I... .a.......n...1 my-.~.al atabllng nttao ed on Dunlop street aciiolninx _ quurwrxy instalments. Prices $150 to s?U0. That comfortable 2 story Dwelling occupied by Mr. L. Buttcreld. with small cam in from. and two lots - ' , Good Rnaa an-mu nAin3nimI and two lots price 81000. Good building lot on Ross street adjoinin,-I Mr. O1-sddo k u-esld - . DWOIHIIR lolnuaa nn eI:':fr.'. riionf wnn nrrePL_ ', "-11.1 xuuu or manutaccurmg business. A number t vacant lots on Bra.iz`md an . Charles streets. South of Buttex-eld's :'ou.mir)` all fine buildin sites. QAVAFAI Ann: nu-Quinn L.-...-.... .-._A . ........u nr nu une ouucun sites. veral com ox-table houses and cott_axL`3 arles street: an excellent oppormmzy fof 6 {lnechsnic to get a comfortable home a.sIhI= ones can be paid torpb emglo t1n -' q gI;?g?l5n;s;tnr?:illi n 3 n;~o1{nied awn: pun renceatoa good tenum. Bayview Saw Mill `Perkins: u ir`.~. acres of land, and two urge \\'atm` tut: sold for less than haltthe cost of llxc ma in the mill. ~ 31 any-an nf u-n.-.....4 I-_ 1 .v-,..L -2 A .. -3115 1 GIIL v 9 III 0 ( b) The memirers of the,I-louse of Com- mons who represent constituencies of the Province, and who attend the caucus of the Liberal-Conservative party. . (n\ Thu 'mnmhnva AF Han T.m...'..l..o:.... A _ ll..| LIIU llllllo _ 3} acres of vacant land South of An. ` brewery ad)oinin railway track. suita any kind of manu acturiug business. t vacant ms. nu nu-mam . BARRIE. -Fi`r8t C-1-:4-5-;3rc and dwc South side of Dunlo `-st.. form:-1-1 _v m c= Ml`. Wm. Hunter. \ 'iH be sold wr} ; ` store part rentedtoa good Bavview Saw Mill tDm.Iy:...` ..:.\. ...u.----. an; vvnulvv llllla n 0R0.-S;W.ot Olnnh Co..b0ac1-es. WW '. mod lnnd- (TOWN _{.\'l) FARM l ROI EI:'l'II~`..~` FOR SALE CI'-J:EAP. $1300 3 lington Hotel 1' A \'ll:` nun ungton Hotel. Te-i VA NCE OFFICE. :u.u.uuu uweumg one door west of the We Iinzton Hotel. l`e'-ms easy. Apply at the AL- VA OFFICE. . I" " -- --- r v V . . .V U` uau N; we don" want to say too these goods at | `I-2 vALuAaLE%LAups n'th4e dollar, and tq cost. "price TO `U u-uuuuu u\IUBUl.l|.lhlUll, unto ID EU (a) The members of the Sentxgfzor the E rovince who belong _to the Liberal-Con sorvative party. /}.\ ml`- ..........u....... ..c 4.1.. rr_..__ 4- A will getrat choice, E-`;1:nrt at 21 in 3rd Con,, 33 ac.. , All nvnallant fnrnl. , WILL BUY THE `atom: .m Dwelling door of the we H181. 'l`l!Fml nnnr - Anni.-7.9 .1. H January 1, months dlars,on 1, 1885. . soil lnvo Reta -Ont! -IIIL I\lg II I. Its members shall be the persons hereinafter named who have paid their annual subscripuon, that is to say : ((1.) Thn mmnhm-n nf Han Qmmbn cm. 41.... AMIRIC `1'&.'fe:] SGII 'v1oAn irhlt being deemed essential, in the Lnterest of the Liberal-Conservative party of the Province, that a provincial associa- tion for the purpose of organization in connection and alliance with the local associations now, or hereafter to be formed throughout the Province, should be es- cablished,--Be it resolved that such an association be and is-hereby formed. TT Thu J.:unnI'.I>n'nn cl-an`! In: I-..A---- __ 1 `NO Elizab 11 ML M A Y LU [1, PIN SE! aumtec Datec V1 L11 wail nnrlw or ! 8. r this X DIR. whi was bull mat the Ilia o-awuvsavnuu uu uuu Lu'uvluu_y Lunuuu. . 1 II. The association shall be known as` the Liberal-Conservative Union of On- tario. I `'7' r 1 u nu - .- _ of the Liberal-Conservative Union of On- VIle.l:on McCarthy, DI; P., intro- duced the report of the committee_ ap-f ~- pointed to" draft a. constitution for the a.s- l sociation about to be organized. The association was one simply for the pur- pose of protecting the party in the var- ious constituencies.- The_ want of such an organization) had long been felt, es- pecially in by-elections, and the success of the Refornn party in the province was in a large measure owing to its superior organization. Mr.- McCarthy read the constitution and rules as adopted hy the` mmmittee. They are as follows : _ VJ Lin IJCUIIIUUH LUV!) LVQ flo \JUBUU 1lll' _.Lzy morning. herstburg, and the mover and seconder be and is hereby appointed to frame resolutions to be presented to the convention on Thurs- gr `I . \ If 1'! .1 It 1` _ton;R. S: I'5u'a.[i;g.'i5i'c't'oz{ { 3:63 M'cI;1tVy?l'e`,(I{ngVs: amilton, Peel ; N. A. Ooste, Am- Hnual-`unun uni` `kn v-wanna nut` nnnnnaam kn mlvlovecl by lirldr.mI`I-;y:.vseconded by Mr. Krantr, That a committee composed of Hon. J. B. Plumb, Hon. John0'Donohue, Messrs. O Brien. M. P. ; Creiahtoh, M.P. P. ; Robt. Hay. M. P. ; B1-ougham,-.;1V_I.P. ; '1`. White, M. P. ; F. E. Kilvet-t,M. P. ; Hilliard, M.P. _; Hesaou, M.P. ; Bergin, M.P. ; T. Robertson, M. P. ;.Dalton McCarthy. lVl.P,; .3. White, M. P. P.; A. Williams, M. P.`; Carnegie, M. P. P4 Ferguson, M.P.; Erma- tin%er, M.P.P.; Clarke, M.P.P.; Clanc . M. .P.; J. J. Hawkins. Braord ; J. T Fraser, London ; Adam Brown, Hamilton ; Andrew MeCormack, London ; A. R. Bos- well. ms. or of Tomato; Samuel lxeeter, Brockvil e; W. P. R. Street, London; Francis Olemon. Ottawa; Thos. Long, Col- lin wood; Robt. Btough, Gannnoque; J. S. -IcCu . Picton ; John McIntyre, Kings- `$3 nn . T? an-CH-nn Dan` 0 KT A (`incl-A Ana- M. Pf ;~Joh{1 Came ie.. M. P. P. ;A. P. Roam] M.P.P. ; J. Kerr. I.P;`P. ';' J. H. Mcdcalfe, M.P.P.; C. O. Ermatinzer, M.P.P. ;' D. Creighton, M.P.I .A; Alfred Boultbee, Thos. Cowan, U. W. Buntin , J. A. Macdonnell, John A. Mackenzie. , W. Urothers, R. 1 :-ingle, W. A. MoCulla, ' ol. Tisdale, and `the mover and secopder, be appomted for the purpose of preplringnoonstxtution and rules for the association ;- the committee to report on the re-assembling of the conven- tion on Thursday morning. I,I I, II ,, The constitution and Rules of the Union - --The Nunez of the Members otthe Executive comnnttoo. Ito. Agreeably ivith `out pro1iniseWof last week we lay before our readers the work ` done at the great "Libe1"a`l-ConservativeI Convention, held in Toronto on the T 17th and 181311 of Dec, 1881 After pre1imin_- aries, already given in jtha Anx-us.x<:'xc. it '33 ` Moved by Lewis Wigle, M. P.,. . seconded V by Thomas VVeaver, Q; C., That in the opin- ion pf this convention it is desirable, .m_ the interests of the Libera.l-Conservs.tive party of the. pro'vincp that a. permanentAprovmcialb mganization be fprmed ;I that a` rxmmittee. :3-Jrnposed of the cha_.irman, _Messrs. Dalton McC,ar_thy, 31,1 . ;iPeter White, M. P, ; D. l\Iao.\Iaster, `vV ;,{14Ji;.,C. PaT.tterson,T M. P.` ; Arthur ..W_il1iams,""___ P. ; J. O. Ridou't,. M. P. ;:1. c.'_'mn1ace-;1~1.1. ;~-0. r tosh, M.P. ; T.` Farrow, M.,P. ; 'l`."White, M . P. - John Carnegie, P. ; A. Ross, 1:. n1 x r 17-..- .r on T IJ u...:....u.. A m mm unuanizniif -um unnnu.-co ' A main} Varxvn um die or was rnovmcl: or oxuuaxo. 'l'0NSTITUTION A.\'lD RULES - _ .. ~ I "` "7' '5 expenditure within revenue, to an. to mintain public 9)-edkit, ind in furtheriglg _ y every lawful igeuu w - fare of thepeople. - The oonvenhdn hdjournedd fer- ------ vs uvvuliuilc UI Illa 110` here ;' in reducin psyabl _ e on the public debt expenditure withm mnintn mu-.I:.'.` .`...1:; .-_.: 2 g the rate. of interest ; in keopinu 0, -'0 __II ._ reirenu `'3 .....u uuuanuxvu UVUFIIUIUHV In en00urIg- N ing railway -dgeve opment ;, in maintain- ing the eioienby of our canal : stem ; in prosecuting all` neceashx-y_ pubfie works tending to facilitate trade and commerce; in exempting from taxation tea, ooifee and other necessaries of life not produced ;' reducimr the film .-.c :..a..--_L nIlIIJlC, VI Jlluslluo - ' That we approye of the general policy of the Dominion ovemznent in dgeve maintain- of our canal atom necessity, ` _ pub " _ lndimr facilitate man. .....u ....._.--- T . .- uvu, LVl..L .1 .; do no J. T. Blackstock, Toronto. The following resolutions were then put tothe convention and adopted amid great enthusiasm : - Mr. McKechnie, of Dundas ; Mr. John E. Doyle, of Maidstone. That this convention, on behalf of the Conservative party of Ontario, endorses 'the National Policy, which the country declared tor in 1878 and again in 1882, being convinced from the plain and mani- fest results that have followed the appli- cation of the tariff since 1879, that it is the policy best calculated to,pro(mote `the welfare of a young community A more es- pecially of one lying alongside a great protectionist nation like the United States), and to secure its interests against destruction from the slaughtering of for- eign goods in seasons of temporary de- pression ; and that we call upon Parlia- ment to maintain this licy intact until such time as the Amermns who rejected our reciprocity proposals in 1874 think t to offer `the free interchange of those natural products which by law the gov- erninentof Canada have now the ' power to admit free on reciprocal conditions. Mr. T. Orillrnh ns. m..1-1. . 1:. tr Va AUJIBVLU, aualci IJOUO ' Patterson,-M P. ; J. J. Hawkins, Brant- ford; Frank Madill, Beaverton ; J. A. McDonald Toronto; Dr. R. Murphy, Trenton; hon. A. Morris, M.P.P.; L.` Wigle, M.P.; Peter White, M.P.; T. Uoghlin, M.P.; Major Gray, M.P.P.; J. Anderson, Georgina '; Hon. G. 0. Mc- Kindsey ; -A. Robertson, M.P.; John Carnegie, M. P.P.; A. Boultbee, Toronto ; John Muir, Hamilton ; W. P_. Atkinson, Pazkdale ; P. Baskervxlle, M.P.P.; John Shaw, Yorkville ; A. Shaw Walkerton ; L. McCo1lum, M.P,; H. enry, Brant- ford; W. P. R. Street, London; A. T. Wood, M. P.P.; J. H. Fraser, London .; _[ ([1 I1|....|-_.a.._L I Sir John Macdonald was chosen Presi- dent for the Liberal-Conservative union, and Mr. W. R. Meredith, M. P. P., Vice- President, `with the following central comnnttee : Hon. Frank Smith, Ed. Gurney. Toronto ; John Haggart, M. P. P., D. Creighton, M. P. P., Owen Sound; Mayor Boswell, Toronto ; -R. R. Pringle, Cobomg ; E. F. Clarke, Toronto ; - S. R. Hesson, M. P., J. A. Mackenzie, 5-Sarnia ; A. McNeill, M. P., F. Clancy, M. P. P ., Dalton McCarthy M. R,` Dr. Sullivan. Kingston ; F. W. Carr uthers, St. Thomas ; T. Cowan, Galt ;,Co1. Tia-. dale, Simcoe ; N. C. Wallace, M. P., J. Foy, Toronto ; H. E. `Clarke, M. P. P. ; F. E. Kilvert, M. P_.; Dr. Bergin, M P. P. A; C. III, Mac- Intosh, M.P. ; J. C. P-ykert, M.P.: 'J.C. B_rant- 45.-.: . v......1. 1123-" `- VI UIIUIII XlI.vl\'*o advance or payn1ent shall be made out of thefnnds of the association, `on any pretext, for _a purpose declared I corrupt or illegal by any law in force re- ` specting the election of members to `the- }House of Commons or the` Legislative I Assembly. V rpkn vunr.nmL -.-.. -J-.1- ` ' ` ' ` V`"'i`\})1':2`;` 1`;ort was adopted asb; whole, by a standing vote of the whole convention. ICC IIUIJO . r I._.~' The funds of the organization Ih.e1_1,-jbe lodged in some chartered bank to thefbredit of the union ; and no `sum shall be withdrawn therefrom, nor shall any payment be` made thereout unless authorized by resolution of .the executive committee, and upon the order of the chairman, _counter-signed by another member thereof, and by the secretary- txeasurer. ' . A ' `TI! 17 usnwvs. us. 1Jul.'ULy>l.UUDl concern- (5) N or is thecommittee to attempt to contrd,diotate or interfere with the policy pursued in either the Houses of Parlia- ment or the Legislative Assembly--met- ters of policy properly belonging to the leaders of the party and the members of the Houses and the Legislative Assembly respectively. _ T `Inna; l\` L`-A A-4---3--1:-- Louuv 111 ll Milly] Qlllc ` . Ari ; V (4) But it is distinctly understood thet the committee do not exercise any an: thority, assume any control, or interfere with the local organizations in the mat- ter of selecting candidates, nor in any matter ot purely local concern. ` Ah {c `kg nnrnnndl-`AA in ALL--....L L." `-"(:2`$h'I:o` Zigfinw proniotirig the election of any candidate of the Liberal-Conse1,'_va- Dve party to either the House of mans of_the Legislative` A_asembIy.;; 7` I /`{\ r1nr|nIvo1lu I-A l\nn:n`rIIn -1` `canu`A'.i ..s...&-V u vu._uu.U JJVp.'LDl.UlVV 'l.DBUl.l-Illlyu-5 I Generally to assisbm all Suclijl ters as may be deemed of genergl impor-A tance in a. party game. A __ V, (4\ R. :4 :. .!:'..a.':....n.. .....a....-n.-...1 um-` uvu f:ILf`y wuw. |Ll tJL`."[J\'J.L. . . . J3. All the azurs of the assocxatxqn` -shall-_,he managed. by the execntxve com- rjmittee. - X. The cibjects of the association arej : I1` (1) For securing the eicient ` o1_';.w. :z1n:iza _j-_; -tion of the. Liberal-Conserva.t1_ve. `partyw in the Province. _ - ,5 y" . .q n .i` 'uJX?I`fIf'.'iheV`e:::e;?i;e _comfniftee b shell elect a. chairman from among themselves, and they shall alaoeppoint the secretary- `treasurer. The secretary-treaSurer shall be a. salaried oicial, who may be engaged for such time as to the executlve comm1t- tee may seem proper. |\' `an .1". ..n'..:;... A: J-1\n .\ .u.n,..nJ-.nn- ' be permitted to attend such heating, end to be heard in his-`own defence. l..\ A_ -..._--1 ,1 II n. n._-_. LL- 1-42;. .. VII. The hesdquetters cfithe union. shall be in Toronto, but the executive committee may from time to time estab- lish, in ailiation yvith wtlvze; _union,'- Jub- committeea for the special *mana'gem`ent of party matters within certain dened `districts of the Province, with such al- lowance for that purpose as may be xed by the said committee. n:vnnns`s:u`-A A;\v...~.:L.L.-a. -1... IA! V9 MVDIIL Ill MID UWH uvuauvvo (a). An appe_e1shall_lie from the. deaiir non of the committee to the preiident and vice-president of the union, whose do- I ciaion ehall be x1aL ` ` 1771- run,` 1 ,_-A1A_._ _1- 41.. ___L,-,_. nmedix __I fl` r`. Ulancy, V ; Col. 'allace, ver` ; . . ac- ins, ;on; `u now reported that Robt. ' ' curled! Over the lane. NIAGARA Fans, Dec. 30. - Jame: Greenwood was not the man who while rowing across the Niagara river, from Ohippawa to Port Day, about a mile above the falls, yesterday, was on ht in an ice `ee and carried over the fa, . it Navy in the Niagaxfgxaver, who f Gill-I ado ted, read as follows : That the charges made by the members of the local administration on the floor of the legislative assembly against the members of the government of Canada in direct terms, and by inuendo against the members of the opposition in that as- sembly, of complicity in the so-called at- tempt to bribe some of the members of that house, `without any evidence to sup- ` port it, wasa grave offence against the `amenities and common decencies of pub- lie life; that theresult` of the investiga- tion before the commissioners appointed to take evidence on the subject is admit- tedly a, oomslete exonerstion of the mem.- bers of the ominioncabinet and of the local oppositioui;~ and: the sworn testimony. ot . the ministers themselves es- tablished the fact that a conspiracy to en- V trap the opposition and others in an at- tempt to certain members of that ' assemblymis entered into byethe Mowat T administration to serve a_ ' y purpose regardless of the honor a ` dignity of the house. " IVECCZI` house. .,g.,-.yu- wslvpvlvu uuu wuuu. (1818 The last resolution submieh and adogted, follows: W` -L L`n .`n--_-_ ..__j_ LA, Al I IIUU U IIUU . That we express our satisfaction that the question as to the boundary of the Province has been nally determined by the decision of the judicial committee of the privy council, andrthe speedy settle- ment of the dispute by the privy council within the period of seven or eight months from the time the case was submitted is the clearest and best indication of the wisdom and patriotism of Mr. Meredith as leader of the opposition in the legisla- tive assembly in persistently and consis- tently advocating that the matter should be referred to that tribunal as orginally . roposed and insisted on by Sir John aodonald so long ago as 1872 ; and we regard with the scorn it merits the un- warrantable attempt of Mr. Mowat s ad- ministration toelaun the credit for the result of a polioywhichp they had-all along opposed, and accepted only-toescape the grave cosequences brought about by their reckless agitation and wilful de A y. 'I`hn lnnl: I-nnnlntinn msk...:u...: -__1 uvvvuuvu vuw avuuvvaug l.'lUlulalUll Z I That wehave read with astonishment and disapprobation the speeches of cer- tain leading men of the so-called Reform party,in which a severance of the connec- ` tion of the country with Great Britain is boldly advocated ; that we , oppose all such attempts to disturb our present most satisfactory relations with Great Britain as being mischievous and uncall- ed for, and that we here reiterate our ad- hesion to the British crown and to Brit.- ish institutions, under which this coun- try has made great and .\ enduring pro- UFIIII . a.d_ ted 2 `fie following resolution was read and nsnunussuuu WULU UDLUH up 2 Mr. Deacon moved, and Mr. Robillard seconded, the following resolution : Thai urn I-yawn 1-anal `uvitl. --l.----L-- -ul at noon. It rsmed at 1:30, andthesvev resolutions were taken up : Mr nnnnnn mnvbcl an! M. `I)..L:n;.-_I UV LIT. . Qa)f-bathe event of 9. vzicaucy happen-` ing in; the membership of the e_xecu_tive committee,the'said committee may ap- point eny member of l the union_ to. ll` such vacancy. . VT Ann IU|(|'|m`IL1\- A3 L`-- ----3~-- uczur , * (1 Turn! 9, per bag . Curro 3. do . Beets. per ba.g.. . .. PM-anips. do Beans. per peck .. Hay. Dex-ton .. Straw. Der ton ruwwues. per nag . . . . . . . ApPles, per bbl . . . . . . . . . On one. green, per bag. Cabbage. do . gauliower, do eleriy, do Turn ma, mm hna Lxuuucr uuu uaury. . . . . Eggs fresh. per (102. Potafoes. per bag. Annles. ner hm. 7 Green'..'..'... 'l!..'.........I ___1 n__.__j E53166 'n'& 'ca}$1I .' .' .' I I. ,nnnLn lacuna! 00-0-II-ouoocooull UIU-one u 1 Pelt .|0II'IIlOO"'-000000 040--up Toronto Farmers Btu-kot. TORONTO, Dec. 30, 1884. mnf fall that` Isunlmnl Q II can A- A A - V novcuz u1ni:s._ { ' Cow,pox-1001113. ........$ 600 to` 57 Steer, v H 650.... 675 J.AunIuIUIA nuu U Lunbs b..IL.. IIFUU $519 EUIKUI-II 5'5 Fall "Wheat . . . . . .. $9 .65 tof 0 70 Spring Wheat O65 .. 0 70' Barley . . . . . . . . . 050.... 060] 0a.ts......,..v.`.`..`.' . . . . .. 028... 030, .P_6aB.._..-.. Lo-u -a.-..- 0471-... Rye. O55 - _.;B_a;rr1e General Produce Market. BQef;`hindqi1mfters.' .. .. ..$ 6 00 to 6 50 _Bee_f, oreq1*ft _a':e1~s..... 5' 00 5 50 Beef, per si{,_ per cwtg... _-. 5 00. . 6 O0 Mutton,::Aoariss,-per cwt. . 5 50 . 6 00 Lamb,_,-petglbv. 0 07.... 0 07 .Drfessed_ lioigygper 10) lbs. 5 25 . 5 75 ;.Qhikens; p`e)jpai;........ 0 30.... 0 40 Ducks, g9z3'pau"..`.... 0 60. . 0 60 ;A,(_}8_._'e'_78_Jf`.!,::11e.`l`..A1b-_._..` 0 06 0 07 .'l*..`..l..`o'.-.4... 11.. n no n 1n . W'\l\I|C' V WWII. :0 VI. Any member of the union may be expelled for any cause deemed suicient at ameetihg of the executive committee called-for-that purpose, providedhat the motion for--hide nlnion be carted by a.` two-thixdvote o the member:-' of the committee paeeent ; but notice of the in- tention to bring forward such motion. must be given to the member whose ex- ggfloion is totbo moved at least ten days". ore the.me;otingiI-held, and he is to '_Wheat . .' . . . . `eats ......_.. 4.` Toronto. Iona-dalsnd Iixlhhu-hots M --'A Routine of thy Wogk, K Tni Nonwnnnx LpvA_N'_(:a: 0;=r1cs,; . ._ Buumz, Dec. 31, 1884. See 5th pa ethia week for Mozitreal and English mar ets. There was nothing of note stirring in local market circles this week. - I int siruri: or `ran nuxpw v rufr wax. ~ Junm. Lm am; an manual, IBa,rrie~Gra1n Market. A... our sxms. THEiNORTIiI:`.RN ADVANCE. V 59.00! 0 40.... 0 V Vvotct` 0 10...`. AAA .36 -}'u'B' 74 072.... 074 nm 058, va Iuv u-uvu. V. There ehall be a. president, vice- -preaident, secretary-treasurer, and an executive committee of 50 members, of whom ten shall form a ` uorum. These oicera shall be appoint at is general meeting of the umon, to be holden on -such day in the month of September as the executive committee may `appoint ; but in the event of there being no meeting of the union during the year, they shall continue in-otoe till 0 .general meeting I/n\ -n'-A-`L Al - -A-- --- ` ouIrI.l\l Ill UIII5 Llullcv IV. The subscription of membership, payable on becoming a member and am nually thereafter, is hereby xed at the sum of $1, but the executive committee ma , from time to time. and as to the saig committee may seem necessary and expedient. increase or reduce the annual subscription, and may likewise, from time to time,impuse on one'o`r more of the classes of members hereinbefore specied, such increased annual sum asthe commit~ tee may deem requisite for the purposes of the union. _ ` i ' `T IIVI, , , Izuomxsmn. STORY In _ V _, I 4:51 Vgglt) IILVU Dir`e%ctAf;~om the Manufacturies in Europe A full Stock of HORSE snons, HORSE NAILS, % A A CARRIAGE AND SLEIGH WOODENWARE V I J A1ways on;ha nd. A A ._auym um thggAtno;Prlgoonmmtlng. Ono Door Vloot ofLQuoon o Hotel, + . :: `_ Hsvorecoived n.Lu`ge Stock of ordinary- BAR IRON, IRON &. STEEL, Eight Doors East of Oldstand, McC'a-1tl1-y s Block, _-v-j` cw jf 355} where his nrm1_erqus_patrons will nd a larger assortment of vunvl I (III VU lll. U" n (j) And anv resident of the Province holding Liberal-Conservative principles, who mav be introduced by any one of the persons named under the foregoing sub- head of this rule. _ Y`? VIII , I