no , Just as Kimmy 2 var her dy, that hni " xnnms AND .}-mrr -GUNS, ` ....... h 1 `sncomn-HAN!) T mum-'rvm-:1 Bovunr ANO soLD. % . f0PPOSITE 134123113 HOTEL, DU15 LO1?S'1`REET. I THE ABOVE ARE ALL STOCK COMPANIES. THE WATERL00 MUTUAL FIRE INSUR- ANCE co. Capital, , `THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPANY OF ABERDEEN AND LONDON. ' n....:...: no !`.I\l\ Ann nu `- Capital 2..000.000; deposited with the Govern- ment a.t Ottawa $100,000. Reserve fund 50,000 Sterling. _ THE MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE CO ? Capitol $500,000; Government deposit made. , 0FFIC'b'- Up;stair:Lo ND urv H0 USE, `on Lewmom J: Lcnnorc Flat. BAYFIAELD STREET. N()RTH OF SIMCOE HOTEL. 36-ly.v GEO. DUDLEY, HOUSE, slams FRbSCOi ; J As. SCROGGIE. WIONVEYANCER, comnssronnn IN'B. R. _ Send three 2c. stamps for Sample Copy (Eng- hsh or German) or the OLDIrs'r AND BEST Acm- }cUL'rU3AL Jovmun IN THE woum. ORAN J UDD C0.. DAVID W. J UDD. Pres. 43:20 yam: MDNEYTQ mm I 100 Columns and 100 Engravings in each issue. Agent for the following Insurance Companies AMERICAN AsR1cuLTui'i A MILLION DOLLARS ii}! nr Clnlwnnnl .- PAINTER! GEo,R rp5D, I%1e.of;tI3 "G1 . . 'l``ho11 g:_1n;.is`1 of testimonjals certify to the f)fr'ompt`c1ix"e of all In-ox:-`chial and lung a`ect/_io ns', by th` use of AY_F`.R'S CZ-"`VIP.Y Pxsc-ro'nA.u'.. Being very pi;1zz;t;:b1e, the young- est childrexftak it readily. - ` Dr.JfC._Aye}&Co., L<:-..sfcH',' Mass. 7 .Sold by all Druggists. ' :1 - -_.-- 7..--nu urn 1 w;i.::Ie with Ci1l`..",'3i.`Ju'.8,Ir!!iy,j!!8-t before _ 3:119-;b;t.sl9~ pt Vicksburg, . I 0uL1'nct.edL `a. se- vere cold, which pernuuated in a. dangerous cough." 1 found no _re1_ief till on our mzujch .w{o calms to a country store, where, on asking for some-remedy, I was urged to try Au:1z's CH.i;1B.'x'-PL`CTORAI_:. v '1 am so," and was ijapidly ou_red. Since `then I have kept t.X1eI*.'_..LV.;zL:.;Lc;onst:u1c1y by ` me,'il_y use, uimd 1 have found it to be . :-p.ninxr`u1uz;.ble';an1cdy(for throat and lung diseases. J. W. '\`.fL1i;_1.m'. as a cough remedy; %Ayr's Cher: CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, ` `82. 9" "I wish to express my or the valqabbquatics 91 -' ..:-- Lessons gien in all Branches of Painting, Drawing, 8cc.. 85c. sTu'l`8r1I3 on zpnlticatioaf t I 0 .- p-s airs, es 0 Fire Hall. Collier street. Barrie. EORTRAIT z}A1NTE1; z ........_..,--.a4.u ;;uu JJ\JL\lJ\J Capital. 3,000,000 Sterling. LOUNT 3; LOUNT. AMMUNITION, &c. - ' ` iH.P1uLI.An 751 Broadway; New York. .._._._`_ K/J -A71,` 6 AND 65 PER CF.I~`T. Expaezamcs. ` Calvert, '1': PREPARED BY sI.5o A YEAR. Zuifri iter than hence is the long \ hich no e last his glory- F437: {N57 Tackle, I `Q o._ V.-33$ F4. .&.C}G1" GO TO FUR M. _. I for. workiu people. Send 10 cents , tage, {Ln we will mail you free. a. royal. yuluublo sample box of goods i that wxll put you in the way of mak- 8 n more monev in a few days than you ever thought possible at any business. Capital not reqmred. You can Inc at home and work in spare time only. or all the tlme. All of both sexes, of all ages. grandly successful. 50 cents -to $5 easily earned ever `evening. That all who want workmslv test ebusiness, we make this un aralleled offer : To all who are not well satis we will send $1 to pay for the trouble of wrltingus. Full pav.-tioulars. directions. eto.. sent tree. Immense pay absolutely sure for all ` who start at once. Don t. delay. Address 8'rm4 so): 85 00.. Portland, Maine. 50-4 Land a'mlInsu`ram;e Agent, Life, Fire and . Accident. th(gi}I(;e:;kI?1o:a.fs'}%il_c:):`;3`.Owen Street. nezgt door to I I\__.!- 111-; It, , 1 -....- I SINGLE anousms HARNESS [ ALWAYS In men or} Mm in men. (.`heapc~1`thanunv House in or north of To- PODTO. ' 1 7 For Heavy Dv'au:.;'ht or_ Light (`an-iagc use. in 5 ` um` Mountmg required. V String Bells. Broad. Doub o and Sinle Bells. * Brushes. Curry Combs. W'hips. nee j -` pads of all kinds. Harness Oils and \'arnishcs., 1 Fall lines in Grogeries always on hand and at the lowest cash pnccs ' Farmers` Produce taken in exchange. Ca.1la.nd_vou will be satised with your pur chase. 47-7 *1='-A1=:.1\a:E1=2.s: % ma STOCK or - House BLANKEYS, ' .....,.. 11-`! * , ___ _ I Has 3' net oengzd out some ne lots of TEAS, SUGARS, `I\r\ p . 1 v us.-.-.--\. ._____4 3?. DOORS EAST _OF QUEEN'S HOATEL. BARBIE. | She is prepared to do all kinds of stamp. | ing and will keep a supply of materials for I , - ' ' Ladies and Children : Underclotning and Children s Apron made to order. 47 46. > I -------:._-..~ v-av aauuaunn Q .5 vs vs: UV: Barrie. at March. 1883. NE|l.I.. S OLD STAND. `J DOORS EAST OF QUEENS HOTEL. NEW GROCERY Sale to commence each day at TEN O'(`LOCK. at Two O'cLocK to : p.!1_l.. and at Sz::v1:.\r O'CLOCK. P..'\l. V . I. '`he whole stock will be disposed of fur cash on y. Private sale ofsuid goods-at cost every day at the above room. . } ` Please see large bills. I I H Hnhnnu Bar-x;ie. Nov. `:6. 1884. IYIRS. S-TLEPHENS _v.. -..,w-4 Its popularitv and n`o.;pt:~rity in Czmadxc are shown from the rcsu ts of the past years busines. ' _ . Its Canadian Branch is under Cnlmdlan management. all its `earnings--bPaid-es 19. c sums from Englandebcinxg invested in t 0 cquntry. Its Policies m'cis:'-wed here, and its, claims paid immediatcly on satisfactory prooi of death. _ ` { saaurmu, N::\'ez::l>m' 29. 1884. AND FOLLOWING SATURDAYS, Bltrie. XO\_. 2%,)` 18R`. ... .. . .v1.\J1\.:\n`\i1C\tvi(:)neeI.` 39-12 mm av goons r"l""" f It has paid duv'in the 37 c ms of its (stab: ll-ishment. over $10,000,000 m claims and ' bonuses V ) F. S'l`ANCLIFF`E.1\Iontrcnl, ' T General Manager for Canada. J. GILPIN, General Agent. Barrie. 47-7 \ Agents wanted in unrepresented districts. READY MADE CLOTHING, `DRY GOODS B00123 z iND SHOES. ovuvv. Its fanudlan inn :-stnu-'In.1-1 are large. and are crynstnnzly incx'eu.s1'n2; Its rates are favor- abl. mud -its system of czlsh bonuses is very popuiar; ' / `A.-_-,._-,!,` 1 I AI -- -" ` HEAD OFFICE FOR CANADA, MONTREAL. `In Canada this Company's new business ex- ceeded thut o any other -lmti:-xh otce. 518 Policies being lSS11(.`(1 for $1,154,000 of insur- ance. ' ' ' EXTENS_%lVE SAEE Invested in Canadian: -Securities over halfa mllllon. . . D_eposlted'-with Canadian (government $100,000. . ' IY101`(`. pa a At the Auction Room ()fp`nsite' the_Am - Hotel, on I\'I:u-kt,-t Street. AQCUMULATED ASSETS. - - `ANNUAL.INCOME,(Abo'ut) - - $1.000.000.W Has resumed busines;-1 in Fancy Goods in BLISIIEID 18% ? .A.. G-_ In/lI'I'.TIE. Are p1en.snnt- to take. Contain their own Pugative. 13 n. snfo, sure, and elfectnl or worn: in Children on-Adults BRITISHEMPIRE 1`RBEMAN S wanna: POWDERS. ,_;j..._.._. ._.__.j__..... CIE ARLES VVAY, BY , PUBL|_C AUCTION MUTUAL we msunnuc co. SEE `re-3':-2 RD FLI1G! FANCY WORK. PROVIISIONS, FRUIT. &c., &c. 1\Ioorc`sBlock. Dunlap-st. Barxie. --OF-,- \\'. MOHROW . A ".161" 12-ly. \.lv- - ehenhxon. `Cl:- stow six or a half-can of tomatoes with two cloves, a sprig of parsley, pepper and salt.` Press through a sieve , put a little butter into a saucepan over the re`; when it bubbles add a heaping teaspoonful of . lour : mix and cook it well ; now-adding to tomato, strained, stirring until smooth; pour aroundchops, and garnish with par- slcy or delicate celerv leaves. A little ..-hopped onions improves. ' TOMATO SAUCE. , 0\'>.`TER Dl`.ESSI1\ (;. llrain carefully a quart of oysters ;. cut 1n small pieces ; mix with dry bread --rumbs~-about a` quart if turkey is large; "nutter the size of an egg; season with `j opper and salt to taste. I _ l VAYO_\ NAISF. I)P.IISSI.\`(:. I A tablespoonful of dry mustard. one of `sugar, :1 pinch of cayenne, one teaspoon- ful of salt, the yolks of three uncooked eggs, juice of half a lemon, a quarter of a cup of vine;:a`r, a pint of salad oil and a cupful of w1i ipped cream. Beat yolks_of =ggs, mustard and sugar and pepper until light and thick with wooden or silver poon or a Dover beater. Set into ice- A "water while beating; add a few drops of- Jll at a time until very thick, `then. add in `Earger quantities. Now add a little vine- * lemon juice and cream last ; the cream my be omitted. Also half given. quan- `ity may be made, as the following : Yolk Jf one raw egg, tablespoonful mustard nixed, salt, six tablespoonfuls of oil. Mix 11 but oil at first, adding that slowly at l ast. _ UREAM saves. ` ! Half a cup of butter, one cup of pow- ered sugar, one-fourth of a. cupml of eam or milk, a teaspoontul of vanilla xtract ;-beat butter to a. cream,wadd.' gar gradually, beatin -oonatantly_-; hen light and creamy ad milk ox-cream owly, then avoring.-; 9. little;.nutm'eg_in great improvomen . V` . " ` 1'l.L';\1 H.'I)nI.\ G.'~'. ` La.r,<;ge-Three-quarters of a pound of hopped suet, sameweight of stoned ' ' ,.quarter pound of itron, half avpoundof sugar, 3. pound of read crumbs, little grated lemon peel, a.-spoonful each`of ground cloves, cinna- _ on, mace and allspice. six eggs,- milk udding mould or a bag well oured; lave room to swell when filling ; steam r boil at least four hours ; serve with ream sauce. nough to make a stiff batter. Butter. a)` l m:n_u .<..u'<:x: mn l)I.'(`K.`s` on (.'A.\[E. ; A pint of line dry bread crumbs, sifted as`! , ne as possible, a small onion chopped, a )int of cayenne, heaping teaspoonful of I utter, a little nutmeg and salt. Boil onion '. n milk, thicken with half of crumbs, then. tir in butter and seasoning. Brown the ther half pint in pan with a. little butter, lace on plate, serve separately from 8.08 01' Q`:1I`nisl1 +hFl 111:: nit--In`-1"" .....w, song ncpuruuely Il'0I!1 garnish the bird with crumbs, assmgz a sauce with it. ` PLUM 11,'1m1.\'<`::~ . ` " pound of hnhnnd nun! n........ ._-:_,I_; ,n - ` ` .2.~E".-:u`(e1'ull_y in hot water to preserve . If wlmlL~,.slmpe'inthe form of S'T 7;` i_yi2x'.: ', wrap m a. cloth, \\rr1: :rwH.v.\.\'1;.\IsI~`. on DI"rCI1jS.\U lmnr four tablespoonfuls of good vine- _;.11'i1"x`-.011 small stew pa.n,_ add a little ,,epv,t-x- and salt ; let it -boil to half quan- \ Ill)` and cool ; add well~beaten yolks four eggs, butter the size of- an egg and 3. little mvtuwg. Set over :1 slow re ; stir untll \LS_thiCk as cream and remove it immed- 4 Lately ; set into another pan containing not water at the side of the range. Beat ;` nrisltly. wzth a spoon or whisk to make it` -`rothy, adding little bits of butter all to- _rether about lthesize of half axregg. \Vhen`.15:l)tan(l smoothe it` is ready to `3L`I`V0. s\n;L;'r::1:m_nts. Veal are the best. Soak in cold water all hour ; lard them by drawing thin pieces -If salt pork through them ; put them in- to salted boiling water andboil twenty zuinutcs, remove and throw into cold water to blanch them. Remove carefully any skm or gristle and they are ready to `)0 cooked again with `a cream sauce or --vith peas. French peas or canned peas Jeasoned with butter, pepper and salt and _`,`C`1u`Cd around the sweetbreads. ~- Christxnas comes But Oncea. Year. "and _w'hen It comes it Brings Good cheer." A ()_i'sto1's, Served on -Block of Ice; A Giblet Soup. _ Salmoz1,.S:tm_:e Hollvabndaise _ e._Sv.'c-.etlreads and Pens. Lamb Chops, Tomato Sauce. V l2,v, Turkey, Oyster Dressing; <"_`mnbo1'ry Jelly`, S:m1to,r.{a. Potatoes. '*1:*.l:z(`-. Le.-ttluce, Mayonxmise D1'e's_sing T Cheese, Celery, Wafer. , Plunl. Pudding, Mince Pie. T Fruit, Nuts.` Coee. sour. _ . The giblets from two `-or three chickens .~r two turkeys ; one medium sized`, onion, one small carrot, half a. large turnip, two stalks of celery, two quarts of water. one ..f strong stock of any kind, two large tablespoonfuls of butter, two of our, Iittle salt and pepper to taste; one or two leaves of parsley and a leaf of sage. Put chopped giblets on in two quarts of water, boil to one quart ;.now add the stock. Cut vegetables small, fry in. the `nutter until tender (about fteen minutes) t then stir in the ower until it browns. l`urn into the soup and season; cook .v.nother'half he or, serve with disc of fried unread. - One quart canned tomatos, one small anon (chopped), 2). sprig of parsley, butter `side of walnut. two heaping tablespoon- rule`. of Hunt, one of sugar; teaspoonful of -ult.une pint of soup stock or bollmg '.`.1`.\:'.`, whichever 13 most convenient ; boil .u.'.`] 3'11`; }'\I\4`-nu nun} Ann L.` ...\..L- ._1L1. "g`x`.U urval anew vunnuveunnegqo _ _ . 9 . Ah, we may be sure that the _M;n of Nazareth understands our wants. and enters into our feelings. We' may be sure that we may take to him our every want and eapiratioti and purpose , our every doubt and diiculty end fear, in the full- est cnuden_ce that he can enter into our .-xperience, and do for us just whatewe z~.c-ed. - ` - ' Human emotions he hasVf6lt-,-d1d h not-,, weep at the` grave of"Lazaru`n`? has assailed him is 'he mails 7 us- The burden of work tobe ddne has laid its weight upon his conscience. * AL nvn vnnn kn hnnnn 0'.`--L LL. `ill -.. -1` ....\,., n -uuuuv-..;,aoa ll.l\lDU UULL VAGLILUJIU UU.l..I. veil. iiub butter and our to paste with ; 'i}:t`:u water ;- stir into soup ; boil fteen H1121! `. ,. f.' {x ` : rub throu,r_,r}1 a aeive with disc :.- ;cd or fried bread. ' - December 25., 18% A can1sT1iaXs`i>11~mnn. V ~;.u_..m_>.\*, B01-LED. nu l`0 NATO S0 UP. I u uvnv vnavlnallll Ulllulllwll IJIIIII Vfiih his face bowed, and hia- eyes upon the ground, Mr. Edgar` walked` on. He could not sweep aside the Hmage of that child at the window, not No wonder that Mr. Edgar was ' un- happy- As he continued on his way,` the angry impulsethat quickened the blood in his veins subsided; and thro' the mist that obscured his mental vis- ion, he saw the bright face of a child; the child of his unfortunate debtor. Hisown precious. one _ was no lovelier l --no purer ; nor had her lips uttered \ on that morning in sweeter tones, the iwords-"A happy New.Yea_r papa !- - - How the thought thrilled llim. s 117:1]. I.:.. 45. ... |......-.1 __.I 1.2- -_- _.-- _`- u v... 1 . After breakfast, Mr. Edgar left home ? and went to his store. `As he passed in along the street, he saw at a window l the face of a most lovely child. Her beauty, that had somthing in it of heavenly innocence, impressed him so deeply, that` he turned to gain a second look, and in doing so hiseyes saw on the door'of the dwelling the name of Abraham James. There was an in- stant revulsiou of feeling; and for the first time that morning Mr. Edgar re- membered one of the causes of his un-' comfortable state of mind. Abraham James was an unfortunate debtor who had failed to meet his obligations, among which were two notes of ve hundred dollars each, given to Mr. Edgar. These had been placed by the, latter in the hands of a lawyer, with directions to sue them out, and obtain l the most that could be realized. Only l the day before-the last day of the ', vear-he had learned that there were two judgments that would take pre- l oedonce to his, and` swept-off a . share 1 of the debtor's property. The fact had chafed him considerably, causing him to indulge in harsh language towards his debtor. This language was _ not" just, as he -knew in his "heart. But the loss of his money fretted him, and lled himwith unkind feelings towards the individual who had occasioned his loss. There is something wrong. Mr Edgar s thoughts were all running in one direction. A startling truth seem- ed suddenly to have been revealed to him, and-he felt inclined to look at it in all possible aspects. . "Why am I } not happy '2 That was urging the ` question home. But the answer was not given. Al.'1._..l__,__Il` . `It was a A.- n\Iu\.I v c He did not answer. The tenderly- spoken good-wishes of his wife fell very gratefully, like refreshing dew upon his heart ; but he was distinctly con- , scious of not being happy. So far as worldly condition was concerned Mr. Mr. Edgar had no cause of mental de- pression. Hisbusiness was prosper , ous under a careful management, and 1 every year he saw himself better o' by a few thousands of dollars. Always, however, it must be told, the number fell short of his. expectations. A Happy New _Yea.r, and many joyful returns ! she said, in loving tones, as she pressed her lips to his forehead._. A'nd Mr. Edgar fell into 1: deep rev- erie, from which he was aroused by the voice of his wife. as she laid heri hand upon his shoulder. I u A `u'........_ \'r__ 17-'._-_ H- .1 *_-_,, _- i For years, he said to himself, l I have been in earnest pursuit of the` means of happiness, yet happiness it self seems every year to be further in 1 the distance. There is something ` wrong. I cannot be on -the true path. My days are busy and restless, `my nights burdened with ` schemes that rarely do more than cheat my glowing fancy." _ What is the meaning of this '1" A 1`: 1-1 No `Mr. Edgar was not happy. There was a pressure on his feelings ; an unsatised reaching out into the future ; a vague consciousness of. ap- proaching evil. Very tenderly he loved_ his little one ; and as she lay nestled against him, he could" not help thinking of the _time when he .was a child, and when the New Years` were happy ones. . Ellen loved no place as_ her father's arms. When they were folded tightly around her, she had nothing more to desire 3 so she lay very still and silent, whilethe thoughts of her father wandered away from the loving child on his bosom to his own unsatisfied state of mind. 'u'~m. ill 3 , aV;.l``<;`he`r*-`i`t.vas a happy 4 ew Year's morning, and the words that fell. from her lips were heart-echoes. But it was not so with` Mr. Edgar 1 The- caresof this world, and `the de nessof` riches, had, like evil weeds, found a rank growth in his spirit, `while good seedsof ' truth, which,` in earlier life, hadgsent forth their fresh, green blades that lifted themselves in the bright, invigorating sunshine, gave now but feeble promise for the harvest ` time. V - I VL1tt l,e:Eile'n Iaid Lei h`ead:i':.1 :Vco.n fAid-u ,ing love against `her VfaAt2he_r s" hreast.-' and he bent` down_ his mainly` cheek `1`1'p-'V. ` tsilit rested on the soft_ masse_'s'" of '-11 1f % golden `hair. . '1'`. L). :1. ___ , 1 ` - ' -I-vi I [Jl'UHBBl`l w,ms;11p8. _ _ * ' ` Happy N ew,Year, -my aweetone !' responded Mr. Edgar, as `he clue-pod the child fondly ho his heart. May all ` your New Years be happy," he `added, ;n .3 `Any 1vt\:nn .....;J' --.391` .. .__.___- : _)_'uu_r new xeurs De nappy," no ` in` ba_lo_w'. voice, and with a prayer in, his hem T - 4 ..a_.. ? . V _ r "Happy New Year,i _dear pepa! ; And the next moment: she .wa_s`-in her" { father's lap-her small arms clinging around his neck, and her `rosy mouth ` pressed tohiselips. L . I ":n>t\n nun VA-- --------L` "3 H.IPI5i; New Year. "VIP? 9. . T59 sitting-room door' were 'thmIf[g_ 9pet'I`,'i ahd a. sweet little girl` dame: vbonnding in. V Her checks were} `all af_g'gow-; smiles played are and her cherry lips -h_er eyes were dancing .witIi- "sunny light. " u[l'..._.._. \'V-/ "" " V Hurriedly, now, i an-V fold the letter that pccompanied this Received, Jan., 151:, 13-, of Abra.- `ha`m James; One Thousand Dollars, in full `of all demands. ..{_H.,~%_.. I The business of this New Year's Day ' was to" draw .up as complete a state- ment as possible of his affairs and Mr. James went about the work with a heavy heart. He had been engaged in this wav over an hour, when one of his clerks came to the desk where he was writing and handed him _a letter which _a lad had just brought in. He broke the seal with a nervous forebod- ing of trouble ; for, of late, these letters by the hands of the private messengers has been frequent and rarely of an agreeable character. `From the envel- ope, as he commenced withdrawing` the letter,there dropped upon the, decks narrow piece of. paper, folded like a a-bill. He took it up with almost re luctant `ngers, andslowly pressed the ends so as to read its face, and compre- ihend its import. Twice his eyes went. over the brief lines before he was clear as to their meaning. They were as follows :. . _ _ - ~ _ "The business assigned to that day was a painful one to Mr. James. The 3 only creditor who had commenced a suit was. Mr. Edgar, be having declin- ed entering into my arrangement with thevother creditors, coldly saying that, in his opinion, the first-loss was always the best loss, and that exten- sions were, in most cases, "equivalent to -the abandonment of a claim. He was willing to take what the law would give him. Pursuant to this view, a suit.had been brought, and the debtor,- to anticipate the result, confessed judg- ment to two of his largest creditors, who honorably bound themselves, to see that a pro rata division was made" of all his effects. ` Good morning,` dear, said Mr. James. soon afterwards, as, with hat coat, and muler on, he stood ready to go forth and meet the business trials of the day. His voice was depressed, and his countenance sad. Mrs. . James did not say Good morning, in return, But her husband saw the motion of her lips and the tears in her eyes, and he knew what was in her heart. | Mr. James tried to give back the same glad greeting. but the words seemed to choke him, and failed in the utterance. As the two stood by the window, the wife and mother came up, and leaning against her has band, look- ed forth with a and heart Oh, no ! it was not a happy New Year's morning to them, Long before the dawn of another year they must go forth f rom their pleasant home ; and both their hearts shrunk back in fear from the dark beyond. Happy New Year, papa ! It was the third time since morning dawn he hadhreceived this greeting from the same sweet lips- the third time that 9 her kisses were given with the 'heart- \ felt warmth of childhood's unselsh love. Scarcely had Mr. Edgar passed the dwellmg of his unfortunate debtor when the lat-ter,ow'ho had been walking the oor of his parlor in a troubled i stateof mind. came to the window and stood by. his child, who was dear to him as a. child could be to the "heart of a father.2 Pour man ! he said '- to himself` pitvingly. `fWhat a terrible thing to be thus involved in debt thus crippled --thus driven to the wall. It would kill me. Men are very cruel to each ` other and I am cruel with the rest. What are a thousand dollars to me, or a thousand dollars to my well to-do neighbor,-compared with the ruin of a helpless fellow man 7 James asked time ; in two years he was sure he could recover himself and make all good. But, with a heaxtlessness that causes my cheek to burn as I think of it, I answered, The first loss is always the best loss. I will get what l can and let the balance go. The look he then gave me has troubled my conscience ever since. N o wonder it is not ahappy New Year. T.-all L . y. : -TA hippy New Year papa 1" Mr Edgirelmns Aotarted, for the` words had so distinctan utterance tuhis in 1 , .ward earetha_t`_t-`hey seemed as if spoken ~, in the_.ambi-nt air. In fancy he had _ seen the troubled" debtor, over whom ` hung manysuits-. his own among the,- rest, leaving the cham_ber.vvhere_ he had .b . passed an almost sleepless; night and ,C0miD2 With Slow `steps `arid-ss3.Vl_fac9 to` the familv sitting room. There. altunei with_his,f<.ce bowed upon. his breggg in gloomy reverie, Mr, Edgar had seen - him; and .;_whila his hes.-rtwas en- lurged W-it-h pity and svmpathy, the door opened, l'ght footsteps moved across the'room, a. child sprang into his :'qrms.`and a glad v `ice exclaimed, A, happy New Year,;papa 1' s I .;-When Mr. .Elgar ..arriv.ed `at `his store, his feelingsytowards Mr. James _were very 'di'-vrent -from .what -- they were-on the day previous. ` All_'anger. all resentment were gone and l:I'ndn'ess had taken their place. What. u if Mr. James did owe him a thousand dollars? What if he should `lose the vvhole amount of this indebtedness `l W '3 the ` condition of theformer so much better ' than his own that he would care to I change places with him? The very idea caused a shudder to run "along his nerves. keep back his _t _ought.s from entering dwelling where his presence might be the only aunhedmnthat `gave light in ._'it.s_glo<'>Amy _c'ha'mbers. " L ' "Hnum EDGA3. 7 The most interesting feature of the recent exhibition at Montreal, was a company of colored Jubilee Singers engaged in manufac- turing the Celebrated Gold Coin Chewing Tobacco, and at the same time delighting tne crowds of,` spectators with exquisite southern" melodies. A gold medal _and' a. specisl diploma were awardedsto this po niar bra`ndj`of chewing tobacco and the than of thecoxmnittee tendered to the The Adams m-I.---- n- V 2... n..:.. -u......:..- -_|_:1_:4. n`1.. Never had words from the lips of his wife sounded so pleasantly in the ears of Mr. Edgar. Never had be known so`ha.ppy'a. New Year's Day as the one which had just closed; and, though it saw him poorer than he be- lioved himself in the morning, by near- ly a thousand" dollars, he was richer in feeling,-r1cher in the heart s unwaste ing'possessions-than he had ever been in his life. - ~ ` ` 9 ' UIIU UUIIII-II-IUfU UUIIIAUIUII BI! EMU LIIU IIILDLIJB Tobacco Co. for theixf attractive e:_:hibit.2'-ly I ..-- nu nu Luvv. The scary to which she listened eagerly, was briey. told. -When Mr. Edgar had nished, his wife arose, and, with tears of `love and sympathy in her evescrossed over to where he was sitting, and throwing her arms around his neck, said : _My good, my gvner ous husband ! I feel very proud of you this night! That was a noble deed ;I and I thank you for it in the name ofl ourcommon humanity. I \T_, _ 1 1` vv -av What is the meaning of this `I ' I do not understand it. Hiram? Mrs. Edgar looked wonderingly into her husband's face. MY DEAR SIR,-'l`his morning my dear little Aggie, the light of_our home, greeted me with a. joyous `Happy New Year. _I took her in my arms and; kissed her, keeping` my face close to hers, that she might not see the sad ness of mine Ah sir ! 'l`he day broke in gloom. The words of my child found no echo in my heart. I could` have wept over her, if the strength of manhood had not risen above the weakness of nature. But all is changed now.` A few minutes ago, the `Happy New `Year was owing to me from the sweet lips otmy child, and the words went thrilling in glad- ness to mv heart. M-my the day close as happily for you and yours, as it is closing for me and mine. God bless you! `t _ "ABRAHAM JA.\[E8." Mr. Edgar read this let er twice and then handed it, without a. word, to "his wife. On the evening that closed the day -the first eveningof the new year- Mr. Edgar sat with his wife and child-V ren in his elegant home, happier by far than he was in the morning, and almost wondering at the change in his state of mind. Little Ellen was in his arms, and as he looked upon her cherub face, he thought of a face as beautitul, seen by him in the morning at the win-' dow of his unfortunate debtor. The face of an angel it had proved to him, for it prompted the good deedfrom which had sprung a double blessing. While he sat thus he heard the door- bell ring. In a few minutes the wait- er handed in a letter. He broke the seal and read : . It cost Mr. Edgar a struggle to write the receipt in full. A thousand dollars was a large sum of money to give away by a. single stroke of a. pen. Love of gain and selshness` pleaded hard for the last` farthing ; but the better rea- son and better feeling of the man pre'- vailed. and the good deed was done. `How light his heart felt--how sudden- ly the clouds were lifted from h-s sky, and the strange pressure from his feel- lings. It was to him a new experience. I .1 .n 1 Edward, saii Mr. James, as he walked down the store, I shall not re- turn this afteruodn. In is N evv Yea:-`s D4.y, and you can close as 2 o'clock. -._ . For the space of nearly ve minutes Mr. James sat very still, the letter` of Mr. Edgar before him. Then he fold- ed it up, with the receipt inside, and put in his pocket ; then he put away the inventories he had been examining. and tore up several pieces V of paper on which were sundry calculations ; then he put on his warm overcoat and but- toned it to the chin. _ "_`DsAn' Sm, I was not in "a right ; state, of min: when It gave directions `1 to have a suit brought against you. I ` have `seen.clearer_ since, -and wish to L lact`from~_a better principle. " yMy gown . 'va'alr- `ate prosperous. .' Duryingy the L i year which has just ciosed my prots` , ihave been "better than in any year since I started business. Your-:a'a1rs" ' on the "contrary, are unprosperonsf HeavJy ossess `instead of fair pro s are the result of -a, year's tireless efforts, and you -nd yourself near the bottom. of the wheel; while 1 am sweeping up- wards. As 1-. think of. this, and my s unfeeling `conduct towards you in `your , misfortunes, I am-mortied as well as M pained. , There is an element in my character which ought not to be there. I am_ sel`f-convicted of cruelty; Accept, my dear sir, in the enclosed receipt, the ' best reparation inmy power-to mak . In_, giving-up this claim I do not abandon an item that goes to complete the sum of V happiness, N ot _a "single comfort will j be abridged. Itwill. not shrink the ldinen-ions of my house, or withdraw ,V ' .o.--r----_I~-- uulluw, ulllo" frovn myself or my family `any portion. of food or raimentf. Accept, then, the W New Yea.r s-gift loffer, and believe that I have a purer delight in giving you than receiving. My best wishes are with you for the `future, and if any- thing I can aid you in your arrange- I ments with creditors, do not fail to command my service. . ` J well, and we altars entwined ite paper ndeles, d sacred, ouhd it, it. The Moria in he choir, are out exchang- Merry ppy New Ins language moved deeply. ` LA branam James, - Esq; `DnAn Rn. I ....... _..4. :_ - ..:..L.; Jubilee singers. `ID v -vuu I Most truly yours, Ewan EDGAR. Razdrs and Scissit/)7rA's Ground andsct on s ort Notice A . -11' . ETAMPING Fog BRAIDING A_ND EMBROIDERY, Tsilks, .0an'vd_ses, Patterns, Chenille, Qard, Tassels, Tabze Draper, (5-c. cnvsrnt PALACE STORES I I I .1. GULVERWELUS ' ,llAl|!GU'|'flNG &smvma PARLOR - nncv GOODS. A Qheapwools and Braids 3!`! ` KIT T3?) F3;-:E MAN S _ `7--j Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Simcoe. Orders left at the ADVANCE Ofce will be fromptly attended to. and information will be urniahed ties requiring Mr. Ford's services. as thong - _he hed himself been consulted. Sales taken 11: pnces tp Asuxt everybody. Aucion Rooms and Oice. --Few Doors North of Wellington Hotel, Bayeld st.. Barrie. 1 ust keep e `nature 'er that not even must thought. ighty to he can Christ