3 with 'm6entA ".4:r,==s* *- I..0.L.'No.62Barrie. T ` J The above Loyalorange Lodge is in a prosperous condition having no fewer than 42 members enrolled. At the December meeting, held in the Orange hall, the [fol- lowing oieers were _eleeted for the year 1885 :~ ~ ' Mr. J. Applebe Aiutends spending a few I months in Toronto college after the_holi- days. Mr. S. J. "Reid takes charge of the sclrmol in his absence. I_._L lIY_`I`I_-_.__ 3- LL- ..._,.I, i,, -tY" , CUIIUUL II-L IIID ?'JCIJ\-IUD Lieut. Wilhams is the new lady ofcer. in charge of the Salvation Army here. The new time table on the N. & N. W. 1) L..-I- _E..-A. .__ l.f-_.'I_..- I__L IIVL- -_ The chicken thieves have made their ap pearance in.Craig\*a.le.. As some of them have been seen and` are known, it is not thought likely that their foul baggixqg will reach this place. A _ . Kiau Mann Hnnnk `moi: lnrlr `um I ;I'|.'n:\1v YVIIULU DIIU VVIIL HHUIJKI \JIllIDUl-I-Ill); `M133 McCra.w IS vlsmng fnends 1nvStay uer. ` ` T II TA 4! '4 1 1- 0 \IlIIlI6\l V` VII`? UJIIVWIIIVIII `LI III`: time I 11., took effect on Monday last. The ac- commodation train goin north at ' [three ten .m., will now stop at raigvale. This will 0 an advantage to those who wish to spend only a couple of hours in Barrie. _ I i ` W. M. ,--Bro. Archibald Simpson. D. M.,--Bro.John Christia._ ' _ .. Chaplain,-_-Bro. Kenneth M'cRa. " Sdret__ajl`y.' - Bro. Wm. H. Todd. Assistant do. ,---Bro . H. Edwards. Financial Secretary,-`-Bl`O. 0 Horseld. Trea.surer,-Bro. Robt. Buchanan. Dir; of Can`,-1 -Bro. Cha.s. Penton. , Lecturer,-V--Bro. D. S. McMillan. " - Commnttomen,---Bros. Jam`es Roberts-, James Andgraong , Arthur J ohnston. Wm. Innnn nth` .TIlInI nlndnn .:.uv Luuuvvzus uluuurn uuvu UUQII Ul:Ubu for the rat 1885 by the Band of Hope in connect on with Trinity church Chnrchof England Temperance Society: President--Mica Mockridge, Vice do.-Miu Mason. _ V 300 -Trees---Min Birdie Mason. . _.00m_mittee.--Miau_u Annie Millcr, Helen ~ Bird. 3.41-tie Stewart, . May. S ry, Lactic] M-sot.` Bertha Holmes. Nqra 0 rk, Lam .B",1'-.on and Masters `Willie 8 ry, Rtuell t`ni-via, Richard Williams, notice Bird, ` I Arthur Sanders and Geo. Wilson. - 1 I115 CU IJUVV DUN \Il ll-ll-I519 KIUUQUI ` 1 There is a" commercial traveler who pays frequent`visits' to our village, can it be for adlsplay of his goods or is itself? me thinks the latter as he has added a pair of glasses to his appearance. Some people take stock` invhim. V IIVI, , .1 , Al , . I '1 itml'\"i`i:1s- McCullough left for Lindsay, where she will spent! Christmas. ' [ l.'..... RI...l`1....... .. ..2....A..'._... ._.'.....I_ I... -OL,__ ":'1';.,`;::a`s::;.`;., `aa;g.:;. A.._IA._... D--- Auditot-a,-Br0B. `E : Edwards, Jamel Roberts and James Andors6n.- - " V Tmsteoa,-Bron. James Roberts, "Robert Buchanan and Alex McR_ae. Strand. Advance Correspondence. ` The Strand Div. Sons of Temperance paid , a. visit to the Thornton Division on Friday evening last; They were well received by their-`Thornton friends and had -a splendid time. ' rn|_|- on In .1 1-. Vfm .itz.e choir of the Methodist, church pur- ` pose givinsr asooial entertainment in the Temperance hall, on Friday evening next. As the price of admission has been placed at the low figure of ten cents each. a. full house is expected; The proceeds of the en- tertainment is to assist the choir in procur. ing a new set of musie books. 'pknnn 6;. n !|l\l'v|nv1t\-canal 5-\nIvn`n-m ...L.. _.__-_ rim)!-1I.\.s VJ uvlu.`-n , ` In estimating the prociency of classes and quality of work, there are in the In- spector s_schedule four grades for each of the following departments: English, Classics, Mathematics, Physical Science, and Modern Languages. `In ' classics, mathematics and physical science Barrie Collegiate Institute is assigned the first rank, and in the other two 1 departments the second rank. The very sat- isfactory nature of this result is still further manifest when it is mentioned that in these two departments first and second c `ass honors were obtained this year by candidates or Ma- triculation in the University of Toronto from this school. On the whole the standing of our "local school, as thus officially laid down, will compare favorably with that of any school inthe province. The next entrance examination will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday next, the 23rd and 24th insts., when a large number of candidates are ex- pected. . The fo1lo.1:i.!:Eels-tl:e'l;o':;dr 231 of pujrils in Miss L._ e_ s form, Model school: Seniors,--M. Leslie, 8. ismes, B. Holmes, Mary Scott, A. Tuck,-"A. Villie:-s,..E.` Bing V ham, . A Mid,dleto`n,;.M. Ellis, 'F.'- Arm. strong, W. Davis,'G Vansickle. E. Hunter, J. Armson, Forsyth, L. Gilree, R. Appel. be, B. Bmttzh, E`. Hughes, N. Miller, J. McDermott, H, Sheppard. Juniors,-- Olarence Watson, Edjth Boys, 'A. Boys, J. Lu. 29:29. MI--o :-!?.v~~u|9P6F0!' . c gson, and we give below the Inspector s ie ort upon the present standing of the school, based upon that inspection. It was not possible to examine the whole of the classes in the two days at the _L.l8pect0!`,8 I disposal, and it must be understood that the estimate of the quality of work done is based entirely upon such examination as could be made in the time mentioned. In regard to accomodation. the Inspector : note is : First rate ; the building is one of the best arrang- ed and pleasantest in the province. The equipment is pronounced good, except that theelibrary is rather meagre. . The masters are ` "energetic and ecient," and the pupils diligent and mannerly." In _ organization and szeueralemorale, `Fthis Institute _is sur- passed by none. In nnfirnnl-"am llnn a\..,...3...l...-- - -I-_--_I Omoial Insnootlon of the Barrie coilogiuto! ` Illtltnfn Fimbex-e`d undred edge in _ ' C LIIII.iL\ll-L '-.JJlUVID IIIIUJ l`U`.l l'. . (2) With a. view to creating a. friendly rivalry between the companies md thaw. by assist in improving the drill of the Reg. iment, a silver cup and $20 will be compet- ed for at the Annual Drill, or in the evmg of there being none, then at the Annud Rie Matches, under the following reguh. tions. (1) To be competed for by 1 agba]. tern, 4 non-coin-oicere and 16 men from any company in the Butt, or from the band and bugle corps. The ofoer will command, and the non-com officers will act, two as guides and two markers. (2) The squad: will , _ eiu, Reytew-Order. (3)_ _1`.hg_ gompeti; iinvolviu _ sq'ued,- company: and " bgttion drill. (4 Points will be allowed and de. ducted perdetei_l on "o.o.m'.f"i.'jl '.`.'.`."v:....;"-J '.`.. .c.. in No. 7, Orillia. com- (3) T5'b`"sE puny, Private Kenneth Burnett. - JAM es WARD, Capt. andgAdj't. 35th Butt. S. F. 5;`3`? 43 .9' I -u Band 0130;. ` , The following oieru hm decked VII` DQIV II C-`urn-" ll...-Av 3-` -----. V---1 Ina. sstunu-`ruiiox Hun Quucrnns 18th. 1334. 3 w T No. 1. t'.uture*the Cou'n`mnding Oicer Will re908`"z 01113 such n_>n-com- ocera as ~ have appeared _m Regimentgl Orderg_ ' Oioeraoommsngimg companies win gend to g the Adjutant without delay a return at A their non-oozp oloere showing the dug. of ! their reepectxye npggointznenta and the ds tea I on which their period 01 service will expire, also 3 list of any men they wish to have gp. pointed. '1 hey will then be placed in Regi. u 0 1:13 Orders and the Adjutant will ar:an- . a. non-con:-zcera duty roster. ` I I0\ W50`: n uinur fa nu.\-L..... _ L,- I ! UV . RLM"\'V LI-.- l\_.'_____ \ aacuztu \JVlLI.6IIIIlV .|.unvIuI.IUV WCIB m.ucw.uy my gqte 09:1-011%.-.last. Jay- Inspector Ioflgson, and `ye be}ow_the_ _Inspe3t9}- A(:`oll(gi::};r-"'1-1'1'-qssgtvuoite was `gfgcially rmnanted in .Ontnhm- .ln.nt_ .hn -Tnanm.+m. % ;I_|;;or__Honor {THE NORTHERN ADVANCE. ' FUNDS LN vmauuu In QDAAD '_ 900.000 i 300!11'1W- "f}'A\ and flbemuty in $110 81im ' .4131: are thepmminent 1 1; us of this Com',.',_ 6. u ' CANADA 3'.lAhn nl| nu:I_-nu-nun 2 -_.-vv-.v- v-vn-- -uwuwuu Muskoka Herald.` There is something radically wrong with ` the Crown Lands Agency here, if we. may judge from the treatment received by a Mr. J. Y. Brown. Perhaps the judgment hang- ing over him in- the suit of Scrigley v. Taylor has riled the individual who holds the oflice of Crown Land Agent at.Brace- bridge. Mr. Brown applied to be located for lot number nine in the sixth concession of Macaulay, was duly entered by the local agent. and charged a` fee of $1 50, which, by the way, is said to be more than the regula- tion charK<=- A Short time afterwards Mr. 3 Brown was notified that the lot in question ' could not be located, the Bracebridge agent having been strangely ignorant of the fact` that the land hail-been originally located by , a Thomas Wardlow, afterwards it sold by the county treasurer for taxes, and subsequent- ly redeemed by Wardlow and purchased outright from the Government. This unac- countable ignorance on the part of the Bracebridge agency would ' however, have been more bearable had the Agent treated the would-be locatee with ordinary civility; Instead of that, gru answers and profanity were indulged in, and Mr Brown was told to go to blazes when he applied for the fee, which has not yet been returned. to him. But, we presume, nav We are sure, this scandalous conduct will be overlooked by the Department, in consideration of the fact that Mr. Taylor is a good Grit~-one who will pnll an illeaal vote for the Government` candidate. The courtesy which the public is entitled to is an entirely secondary `con- sideration with the Ontario Government ; but the reward of political services is of paramount importance. ' A unaglu edge at an har- rd wood for rail V [ in this actively liars per interest. etangui- 45-ti 2 OOOR8 WEST OF THE BARBIE HOTEL. O INVESTED FUNDS - - `aver 330 ooo ooo ND8 INVESTED IN. CA ` _ " Fgannrlty. Prompt. Paymr v....932'uoco.? [B.IutI_I VI DIME UVLHM. NH, Cantu or nuuwrona: 5 3! 5-GIPMI. Chem-man ; Thou-.Crh.mp. E`-811.. D59.-Chairman; Theodore niirt Eu'q.; An_8|1 0. Hmpm-.llbq.; 1:. J, Bu{beu.u.iIIq.' . . Glfooted-Lt .M;oderst.e Rates 91 -(I-omluu. Dwellinga Churches and Farm 3 _ atlas insured peolnlly Low Rates G. . 0. SMITH. JOSEPH ROGERS . Ros.-Sect... Agent. Ponce Cour . Menu-teal. .. Bu-1-lo. Iamonan FMONVKMAN, E cnemnsr AND oauamsr. [ --will be found-- T no -v-ov-vv- ow- --- _-.---- [DR.UG, FATENT MEDICINEE, DYE` sq UFFS,_ sous, COMBS, \ AND BRUSHES. \ A NEXT `noon to aiilc or commence, Advnnpe Qorraponilence. -~ - A speonal uieetiiig; _6_f__the~' trustees took` place to consider the '.dv'isa.bility of_atriking off the school rate of certain fanulies that are now attending one of the `Barrie sohoolr, ~ and who `are new residents of the same. -` Mr. .F. H. Ball appeared on behalf of the parents and children, 'and~with` his usual ability, viewed the matter at great length from the financial and their charitable stand Vpoints, after-which thetrustees arrived at the fol- lowing conclusion : That the "school rate of the following families Mrs. Curran, Crow, and Walton, be struck 011 our list and handed over with the same to Barrie, and that lots 4 and 5 in the second he placed in their stead. ~ mi Exwmnnnnugx mnuunmm. P ...'&SC KI PTION S CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED. The undersigined have: decided to oer we I public an unparalelled opportunity to,s`edure' ` nut: an gun nnnn 'Dlt`I'I`1 T`D'Ii|G Ivcrtise pululu nu uuyununvucu vyyv v; vuwvvua 1:: EA]? < AND Goo15"i31oTUR1s,TF `V - ,'-V-andfrom_+-.-`I . .. -NOVEMBER 1. 18.8.1. TO DE?QEMBEI_1. -n. .11 .1 __-A`. :_:.1.:'.::.`.;.\ *:`f:`21:s;:.*'.:;,%;s:,;;,.:a:.i'E;r2`;fff"'3% in , [tj ,th5ea.c1X.d. . V ` ;'ag:e:)eI ine10 inch" 6321838. masrgn - nnrnniifhi _ Wf` $2,.` I gztll 10116 C I 10 Allen u.'uu.u7, gluon. Luau cu:-nu oompltb.` _ . f. Between the above dates they offer Cabinets at from $3 per dozen. cash at timeof sittin Re-sittings extra. . A BARRAUD 3303;. nl. ........... ...1........ AA, 4.: n.....;g -.uuuuyv say: so was uuu Jun Ilium Full} "line phprga was for a first offence. He says he gigiq the information for; 3- xlooond ;o'3no9,gl but that the mtgistfatea deoidedto use the` 3 dlacretionarv power '\zea. thgn " by the Crooks Act and try _L$|a;'y`3.'fo;, `.._;rst of- fence only. If this be.;.thej`caae;` '.._and we have the Inspector's `word for it, he is not to blame as the_.;gfo_rmatiq_n mus piopferlyjlaid. T Another Side of the Story. [With reference to an item, which appears "iii; our county and district news, respecting a liquor case "at Penetsnguishene, Inspector Tudhope says it was not his fault that `the ` nhnvlnn axon `nu an aunt ANA--- `El - ;__... L _ uuuc. Luv \JJCl'I8 in rrquuvu 60 Keep 8: 1181. : of all such animals. Persons failin to com- plv with these provisions of the aw, make themselvessnbject to a heavy penalty, and V besides cannot; collect expenses for keeping, etc. - ___p___ I 'l`0lLE'1` "A RTICLES---A FULL LLIN E. --avg In gnusanuuuo The law requires that every person" who takes in a stray animal must notify the township clerk of his municipality of the fact, in addition to advertising it, giving as minute a descripfion of the animal as pos- eible. ` The Clerk is required to keep a list of nllmmh animals pol-nnnn fnllhm on ....... at the cprrect unII- g _-....__,.. v- -pv-o u--cw vvv SATURDAY, Dec. 20.-l':rm stock, im leg- ments, etc., at the auction rooms, Bay eld street, Barrie. at one o clock p. m.~ Wm Bowers, proprietor ; G. R. Ford, auctioneer. I Auction j .T Auction sale bill's printed at this oico will have 3 free notxce giveuwnnder this heading of thdir data, etc IN .___ , at-oey, M. Dull`, Brown. N. Bemrose, % Binghun, H. Lee 0,_H..Bl1l`llI, (A. Simp- bon. E. Arnold), H. Carley; Wm. 1La'erty, A. Smith, W. Bpgersdn, G.- F`reema_n, L. Cooper, 8. Leigh, F. Lower.` .-.. - . ' 'IVERPOOL 8:. LONDON &=GLOBE ;N.| 44 sunmcn: compunr. _ LIFE gffuxnn. . V I Photographers, Another Crown Lands Scandal. A call aolloitedtor all kinds of 74-Z1" &mmm7 3mmm2 5 6. 277 6 2,800 69,516 99.082 15. 7C 6 n_337 1 6,284 ; L406 3 10,139. 124 10, 787, 540 Barrie. T Subscriptions received lor all Daily or Weekly Papers and Magazines. NEW LOT 01:` ' "vvA.LL PAPER 3 JUST IN],-CHEAP. NOTE PAPER, ENVELOPES, DAY BOOKS, JOURNALS, Luzvanzas. ETC., ETC )AT sco1"r s BOOKSTORE {ALBUMS ALL SIZES & PRICES. GLAYTON S FAMOUS SHOE House. (FORGENUINEWALXHAMWATCHES Farslgin watehes, v `Opposite Queen s Hotel- |READ!PONDER & READ AGAIN"; EOT T ON BROS4 {awn AIIEAD or All. omens. R. A. DOUGLAS, { ECONOMICAL, P()Wl.-`.RFUL, HANDSOME, DURABLE, Single and Double Heat- ers with Duplex Grate. [cunt STOVE8 mid Easily Managed. mnmxr noun gash we buy For. ow prices we sell at. Vou wills nd everything as represented or no sale. `he greatest inducements to elose cash buyers. ur Stock of Bootssand Shot-s the cheap- ! est in Barrie. '0 matter what others obr, see us before you buy. dvantages offered wor other dealers, BEFORE YOU BUY. SEE THEM AT BIBLES, PRAYER '3. HYMN BOOKS, The most complete stock North of Toronto. FOR swIsswA1'cHEs%, --------GO TO-----.__. Next Door to Farquharson s Grocery. Can be found a complete stock of J _ 0fAj)1)ct'te, [rally _~twn, Bil/ousness, 1)x..._.;.'....`\.-.' T,......J.`....- Aa`....4.'...... ..:L.. T..--.. _ , 1 1-r- 1 vlvivvuvvutvl-_-UV-vvv -vJ`_ --lv1-vvvvv, ---M--. \-vs xx/Iv LlDV"I[YADIOGOG, . . . a . 1 Dyspepm` Jazmdice.` A jfectimzs of the .Le'z:cr and Kidneys, ` Deranged Slomqch, or irregular action cf the` Bowe-Is. ' Pimples, Blotches, Bails, Humors; Salt Scrqfula. I `E42/'sipelas, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, I THE JEWELLER. Also full stock of `A("T. (-1: Ch) .' Fch V-;nb tuna to 3B0llIte]y August,` 604 will be` 9 rates, 3 with fbthcr ICE. flisvuuovv-vvvuwvuw vv-vtuxw DIUU b nun-ow ottho Hut. ` Tramps infest Bradford. untaville wants to be incorporated. Allistnn talks of another 85,000 houua t-clrss pinning mill . 6 6 ames Hillman has been `elected captain e Bracebridgo fire company. ' A _ ; he Beeton-- World pan was it liltener. e feet of_Moody in Toronto. ` i radfordcurlera began -the tension with nnual dinner on_'l'uesday night. .. in. Harris has taken charge `of the ford-skating rink for the season. ins Maggie N aismith is t,lic'lady uaib teacher in Bradford high school. 7 delegates from Bradford are in nt- ance at the Toronto convention. are are now. 900 Volumes 'in Bruce- gu Mechanics` institute library. avenhurst will have a chance to sue times in Division Court next year". ,. e Orillia `Packet has struck a new -e of local news--the old scrap book. om-zer . Tood, * one `of Lefroy s rs, died last week in his 72nd year. . n.1_n_.n L ___l_-,__.,__ 1 n McDonald, while working near 1 bx-iduolusn wcek, was blown twenty to the air by a dynamite. cartridge` ell down a corpse- ' 0 Bradford News says tho Conserva.- l ' uotxng _there appomted Reformer}: e dolegatlon to the convention. They be hurt if they go.` dford is fond of Barrie. Recently ..o..}l .;..a. .L,,;-:. 1 I - vm .-Xpplotun, of Beeton, had the 1 one ..1 ma fmg_;c1's cut. oil by a case M 1.-warm-o.-,k. `l.*lr1`s1uud oi tmis..11ot \. r ford Salvationists , are trying to he Primmve Methodist church as a Cl. , . _ _ I lie boys like school. They spend Sundays in the basement, of the l building. ' ther $150 has been added to the nhuret. rewardfor the conviction of 'ndow breakers. ` read the Thorn bury Standard one imagine it was published solely for netit. of Meuford. ` T Braccbrldge-tannery is turning out 'dea a week, an increase of 300 per over former producuon. cebridge water works are so perfect water can be thrown on a fire In four tens from the alarm 13 sounded. dfoljd fondvof Recently inted out thatit. had a street 0 ; now, it comes to the front with 8., _ f the same name. at pile c ore_d and black Velvotu ` lsnura val gt '1`. W. In my 5; Com. CuuSeI`VB.tlV6 Con ntlon to an pper. The Dr. has a. heart as big as ` uuth is for oysters. ` 1 I I - 1 - M." win elect its first council in nuary. Drillia agricultural society has 8100 in ntreaaury. 3:-avenhurst now rejoice: in a. ` steam % ning factory. iewxnarket has a De_vil s Army in fall psalvation Army. 3. S. Youle, of Orillia, is going to erect `I*uf_1~`v an n`nn;nn n\;" MoAtdle, hu-udmaslter ()`r:aT1V1V[`;reville lc schools has bren called to me but. . Forrest. Bradford, was presented. '3 ex-pupils wxth a gold watch chain M ouk. . 5(Nfl1as|)ought D. F. [Burkfs mill ago. at Bun-k's l"a.ll8. The Messrs. ....... ..C l\ - . .1..lI..n..._' __,... hell 0 the eta A `l\%la o 8 Italian Gross Grain at reliable silk In the 0 W0 GTE) & CO! L... I... - -1 ` ` ' Kept Beetonlelevator is Meafurd is moving new townhallwards. 4.1; Muskuka br-u_ta were still running_ list % on or two of dynamite, stored" in proximity to Bracebndge, are caus- 13 residents of tho burg much un- unu pm. ween 40 and 50 wo an are entitled to at Onllia municipal` eleotionj; rough some blunaering, says the , their msmei have been left off 11. { --- _..-r- u vvuuu-.1 Gui/'0! ford has ha pigeon shooting Side 1 killed 11 out of 33 birds ide 2 killed 6 out of the `same num- The birds were dnsgusted with such hootixnn and left. ` Gravenhurst pchool board lxaai ilzstuuchers for 1885. They are zv, rvwnon, M153 Grantaon, Miss Mit- ` Mrs. Moore, M133 Henderson. J amen church, Onllia, has present- v. A. b'u.-wan, M. A._ incumbent, lmuusulue Iur coat,` cap and gaunt- d a drisxng gown from the ladles. \1vl_s..`" dmclondn, kid and wool Iunuwd on and Dresses sun- or X-mas p cuts at '1`. Wu Gray T James Clelan , j ,Meaford, garnet`-` offered Mr. Oafroll, who wawreoelgtri nod out at. Thurubury;-to":~fre~u6`I mxllu to complete his contract! ruves that pracuoal sympathy with ; acted has not. altoget-her gone out e of 1110 railway contractmg rms P .B1`a(:(ebridge have had 8. land `slip, ipruxt. loss ensues to them thereby. _., In 1 nI_n.:_._.-- `r n - -._-.-.._,. F; 'l`. L Wxlkinson. of.Bra.ntford, icldr llarding, of Kentucky, debat- ppusm m Meafurd on Monday night. bhild of Goo. l eacock a, West Gwil- bry, was tsumthered in its mother's j while lfeturmng from church last I . % Puzz. Pmldlo-A house 1n Urxllla was Fa down in (,)r111;u last 7 wccx. Loss IIAI nlumg 55400 : contents, $50.` No in- % factory received 65 , , ___ -._- --u-av-II Ihlug. mas and Dry Goods sold cash an no price system. You 13 bottom p -1: without the annoy- : bartering u . W. Gray 65 0090. mg the past. sea; the Cuokst.own~ .744 pounds ot -manufactured it into 60,896 pounds one, and sold the product for.$6731.= J e our U 28 in. Grey I?'lan- 20 cw. yard. '1`. W, Grill Oi rruunnnvsmcon an attract 7 nxcnurons A8 noon. llwl. ' I CIDIIUVIIQCIVV OZUCICCCw?* Advance Readers Wllolalho `I'M J LI.` -.-gA m unm--nIsrmur%nnnn& ung,I Inv um--nu ancuua. ;uu 1J1UUl'U. lg, of McKcl1a.r' were the pur- that in- ` euquent Qtnknls cheap at '1`. V .... `mu, vv us. Lluussv, Mg U-, JUL ucxuuuauu S.~ L. Soules v. John l)ru'ry.--'l`h1s was an action by the executors of the late Thos. Drury s will to recover the amount of a certain annuity given by defendant to his father, the said Thos. Drury. The dofence set wa.s--release alleged to have been given by Thos. Drury before his death, which the plaintiffs alleged was a forgery. The jury found that said re- lease was` not a forgery and verdict en- tered for plaintiff for amount due since the death of Thos. Drury, as to which the judge held that lease did not apply, but merely _to the time of his death. . Lennox for plaintiff, G. A. Radenhurst forndefendant; l _ ` -r Au vi .s,;.;"";:w:?x3a:;.`;; en't.enced to 1 ".881; ._ J -1- uzuuggu, ;,;.u uuunaua IUI uvtvlluallvu 1 Johu McMulkin v. Francis 8 ields.-- Action on promissory note and on ac- count --Referred to arbitration. T. .W`. Howard for plaintiff; F. E. -1 . Poplar for dofiendqnlut. ` .. .~ . . uyawuu-love Joseph Brown et al v. Wm. Latch.- The pla.inti'c- shipped a car load` of shingles to defendnnt, which defendant refused to accept as not being up to the standard. Verdict for plaintiffs for part of claim. Wm. Lount, Q. 0., for plaintiff, H. H. Strathy for defendant- . CRIMINAL DOCKET. ` Waiter Wilson ..r attempting to shoot his son Dan at Oullingwood in September lust. No witnesscl were called `on behalf of prisoner. Jury brought in s verdict of guilty. Sentenced to 5 months_impriscn- ment. -A. D. Keen, Orillie, solicitor for rieoner. ` _ .. . p ]'ALn aura hi. 1: `H -..-`n. \X7:|I:-..... w`fIue`;;;`X`.uK{[orris v. J. C. Hart at al.- Interpleader issue, is now in course of trial at the time of going to press. F. E. P. Pepler for plslntntf, T. W. Howard for. defendants. _ Wm. Moor Sal'ter.-Aot>ioI 1 on chattel mortgage. /Verdict entered- for plaiuti` by consen_t. C. W.- Plaxton for plaimi`, H. Lennox for defendant. I 1.\I...*`M..1\/r..II.:..... `l:*.........|- 51.1-13, ucl-II\IU\C ll? IIIIDIIIIUII ` l Lorenzo Ball for shooting `G at James Campbell. Jury rvAm.t verdict `of common assault. G." A. Radenhurst for pri;`b'e!,_ - . I._9b?!'?,B`l`3,f?f`l f" '-areeny of in- Pl'IUUuUI'n , . ' ' John Beard jr. v. Henry Williams.- Asaault on John Beard, at-.. in 0:0. Var. dict of not guilty. Wm. Lount, Q. 0 ldegended like prisoner. .ll .......'L..-J.:.... __!LI_ - CUl`l`I:uL ill` be mracta ill be l>\llI` \ \"`;;.rw v. Underwood;--Adjo[urnedV byT conseutof parties Chas. Carbould for plnint,i', John Mc-Cosh for defeuda.nt._ I WI; l`..........'.. ..V (V..,. D "l|,_)... __-l nnvau, uuugn u.|.\.a\./Uull AUI. \.u.1.Vuuauu._ Eli Gervais v; Geo. H.'Murden-V-3.11 actiun for debt. Verdictrfor p1ninti' $120 and costs. F." E P. Pcplervfor plaintiff, wm. Lount, Q 0., for defendant Q .\`;.|\`.:u it 11.1..` l\-nu'...'. 7"]..- .-..... ouuvwuvvu UV ` 6'91 Lennox defended, un. ;\.uuuuu, Lvl. uou:uuauha- Spilling v Hurst.--This was a. similar action to Phillips v Hurst, and in the absence of defendant's witnesses a. formal verdict . for_pla.inti' was taken, H. Len- nox fur plainti', F. E. P. Pepler for de- feudant. -5 u -I4. A | L IJIJIKII \J\l\-lIIlJ\JI LU` \I\Jl\JII\nIuI`uO ` Sullivan v.` H & N. W. Ry.-Action for damages for loss of a. trunk, in course 1 of transit on the defendants` road. Ver- 1 diet for plaintiff $150 00. Wm. Lmmt, 1 Q. 0., for plaintiff, Geo. D'Arcy Boulton, l of Toronto, for defendants; _Qn3lHn... .. IJ......4. 'I\L:_ ._-_ _ _,',, 5| On Tuesday of last week, the County Court and General Sessions of the Peace opened at the Court House, Barrie Their Honors Judges Ardagh and Boys presid- ed. and the following are the cases tried and the judgments given :, THE JURY LIST. Phillips v._ Wm. Hurst and Wm. Hurst, J r.-~ Action for debt. . In this action the plaintiff endeavored to make Wm. Hurst, sr., a. partner in the hotel busines run by his son, and therefore liable for the debts of the rm. ,l`he,defenda.nt, Wm. Hurst, jr., did not defend. Verdict tor plaint-i_'. John McCosh, of Orillis, for plaintiff, F. E. P. Pepler, counsel for defendant. I Q I - A 1......` u LI .9: RT 117 `[3. `L- Before Thelf Honors Judges Ardisgh and Mr. Joseph Rorke, senior, who has been in a very feeble state- of health for some time, died yesterday morning De- ceased was 83 years of age-he was a native of Ireland-he came to Canada about 45 years ago and settled in Kings- ton, he held the position of assistant-_ manager of the Commercial Bank, Kings- to'n for a period of twenty-five years, and afterwards a, similar position in the Mer- chants Bank of that City for 12 years, when, owing to ill health, he left the bank and came to Gravenhurst about 5 years ago. Mr. Rorke was, we under- stand, the oldest bank emnloyee in Ca- nada, and the only one receiving a pen- sion. --Gravenhnrst Banner. auvvuvy ; vriv-run " uwsuvvu; uvwrwu Wednesday, near the town line of Ma- caulay and Stephenson, in arock cut. on the Macdonald sub-contract, Joseph `Mac- donald, the contraotor s brother, was frightfully injured;-in the face, ati_'l`~ will probably lose both eyes. Allan Macdo_n- ald, for-eman,~ received {dreadful r~injuries* in the head and legs. Pat Farrel and. Tom McCarthy were also badly mangled. their injuries being principally in the head. This accident was also a case of premature discharge of a blast. * A garter snake was killed in Orillia one Sunday, says the Packet, whieh, however, does not denounce t.he_vpI1i`Iuet"I `of the enaixnfor taking innocent life and" di- V eratiaa?` the Sabbath. ' What has` come over our esteemed contemporary when he let such a chance as this slip through his 3 R _ . ,_ , ,, . Anoseisg dam ` `fe "~-"'ac(:id'ei`ii-,A-.`: <'$i; Wnl`I\nnr`nI1'I|nnn `Inn 4:-an Nu... I\: II. __- -_-..`.-_. Thou Lefsive, of Tiny, was ned 820 and costs st Penetsnguishene last week, for selling liquor without 5 license.` The Herald ssysit was the second offence, but Inspector Tudhope as usual entered it as the first. It is not surprising that peo- ple got tired of the Crooks Act. _,__ --__~`-v Formosa Presbyterian missionaries, of whom is Mr." Jamieson; formerly of Mag- nettawsmihsve been obliged to quit their work owing to the Franco-China. war. A bomb shell fell right. into Mr. Jamieson's house, but he escaped without injury. NIL-.. 1 _l_:_.- ,,L m:__., .___ D IAAA of fuhion in this money-gem" Itmm Mn. nI.I...a 1:... ;. 4.1. money-geuin age. "tofwhtg M:s:{_0ll`nd live: in mung: be gxjoud o m. L = * - a luv V! II bVLl!_~.V of him. _ 5".'I'bscz-15} to 1- oil . ` _ . e .Amr,/;x.E O N $1,: THE GENERAL SESSIONS. N0N4JURv 1.131`. Rye '.;.m'ag.:;: lflumbeg. l'o;eek impriaonmemw T H. A j | .