Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 4 Dec 1884, p. 1

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l\t:l IJFVH 10 CHI: opposite Queen's Bvarrie. 4350 _ __ -_- ---..-u _yccu'a ugh! 1?. was reported she left heme to be delivered.- ofa child, and again subse uther, the tfepring of illegxtimate love. qnently of an? The last time Araminta Cooke lived in Bar? .__.._._--. vvvnw avvuauu Lu .DlIl'l'l6o The horribly unnatural record of a. father s crime against his dead child and its living mother, transfeired to our pages from the Mail and News and printed on 6th page this week, makes the record of the girl for whom he deserted wife and honor interest- ing Before proceeding with this hateful task asachronieler of the times, we men- tion the fact that Mrs Quinolle, the deeply `distressed mother and deserted and wretched- wife, visited Barrie police court about three weeks ago in search of information about her husband and the 2irl`Cook, who was formerly a resident of Barrie. Here she told her sad and horrible story, much the same as it appeared in the Toronto papers, but, although a tintype of Quinolle and a. description of him and the girl were hung up in the Barrie police court : rogues gal- lery sonic six or eight months. since, she coulpclgpgtgvget snyinformation of value. She after -`iv ` - gs endeavored to -see Araminta tom her.of tliewhereabouts of her `I_1rseandher_hu_sha.nd. It is inter- es_jig~ato note, too, that this sister formerly worker! for Mrs. Quinolle in Toronto, but j'_iter,iwho:worlrs in town, and as- . theiijformaiion desired could not `be ob ' taiu`ed_`from this source. The girl who ed . wi_th_Quin_olle, has long beenhinown to the Barrie police, and among ,thq3.`{,a3 `had, the reputation of -being loose since she was 12` or V ."`,__1EY?*.`.' of are some twelve yeiirs `ago is; i we.s_report_ed left to 'be""deliver,.e,dl,- I of a and again subsequently ` o`f`an`. ~ 2338:. `$13.6, _ jispringp of_illegitiuia1e love. L A PROVISIONAL PARLIAMENT . will be formed. The speaker will be Mr. Byron Nicholson. The ministry and its supporters will be composed of Messrs. Ed- wards, Grease, McKechnie, Put-vis, Drury. Hood, Mm-Kee, Gunn, Sanders, J. T. Len - nox and Earn, while the opposition will consist of Messrs Hunter, Fl. Lennox, Hay, Jack, Barton, Bell. Fraser, Lloyd, Piuxton. Steele and Watson. The Ministry, t in the Speech from the Throne, will promise bills in favor of the following measures: That education should be dissevered from poli- tics. That there should be prohibition with compensation. No vxemptious from taxes except government propertv._ Abolition of thevsenste and Imperia _ Federation. _ A Parliament for Barrie. By ilu Society`: Own Reporter, - At the meeting of the Barrie Literary So- ciety on Friday evening last, Mr. Hanghton Lenuox having gathered up some Leaves from _his Diary, gave a ho autiful descri A tion of a holiulaytour, in which the Niagara Falls were visited. On a previous occasion the society had the good fortune to hear Mr. Lennox deliver an account of a` trip in sum- mer slongethe North Shore. and though his remarks in reference to that holiday jaunt were. from a literary standpoint, exception- I ally fine, yet his last endeavor was incom- parable with the former. Indeed, speaking with all sincerity, many of the passages read on Friday evening equalled the descriptions of the Falls by Uean Stanley and the Duke of Argyle. A careful and extensive reading lends to all Mr. Lennox s` literary produc- tions an interest so readily appreciated by the society. Mr. Pnrvis discharged the duties of critic. and made some remarks abnut the subject-matter of the evening which provoked a. lively and spicy criticism by the chairman, Mr. Edwards, and many other members. A new and interesting de parture in the way of the `society's program will be made at the meeting on the 5th inst. ; . _..__---._-,-_._ , P I I I \4\IIlI4IllnIrI-IUI 0 | The Queen vs. E. F. Egeland -Tl'.e prison-V er, a Swede, has teen awaiting his trial for larceny for a. conple of weeks past, owing to the diiculty in getting an interpreter. One Juhsiiiies Ollsen having been procured as such, the. trial now proceeded. The prison- er, Otto Aabye, also a. Swede, was traveling from Nipissing to Toronto. in company with prisoner and another man. Passing through Orillia, the prisoner was left in_ charge of their luggage, while the other two went for ii simplvof nrovisions `On their return they found the prisoner non eat, the prosecutor's carpet has cut open, and his clothes gone. Some weeks afterwards the prosecutor got. sight ofprisoner and had him arrested. _'l he offence was clearly proved, and prisoner was sentenced to three months in the Central Prison at hard labor. ` The prosecutor ap- peared to feel keenly the prisoner : ingrsti- tude. as hohsd helped him on his way when traveling companions, with money and pro- Vl8l0!l8. A |n,, r1_4;,,, , , 1 p , .1 1-: L n V nunuuuo ' Mr. Cotter appeafed for the Orbwn in all these cases. - nches V} Acu vs vuuu uua ulbla BUHUCDUU. The Queen vs. Charles Fletcher. --The prisoner pleaded guilty to two several charges of larceny, stealing the watch from Mr. Thompson, of ()rn,.and Hrammar s silver . spoons, and was sentenced to two months in the common goal for each offence, to run` concurrvn tl y. I The (`noun an I` I` 'I4`..n.14.-`J "`LAonh:nA'n . up unvwauu uueuueu F118 pl'lB0ll8l'. The Queen vs. John B.Londry.-The same prisoner.then,plesded guilty to a charge of assault upon his son, the same night he as- saulted his wife, and was sentenced to two months in Central Prison to run concur- rently with his first sentence. Tho nnnnn Iva f`L-..`-- I.-.L..`.. .... "VI-A I County Judges Court-g- Savage * Wife Benterdand Two Thieves Sen- T tensed for their crimes. ' Before HIS Hrs Honor Judge Ardagh. Cover Einuss, BARBIE; Nov. 2.6.-.-The Queen vs. John B. Lnndiy. The prisoner was charged with s felonious assault upon his wife and pleaded not guiltv. A The evi- dence of the wife. and two of the children. which was A uncontradicted, proved clearly that the prisoner late on Sunday night, the 16th Nov.,i `came to his wife's residence, a. house she had leased for herselt, she stated, being unable to stand her husband's ill- trectment. and forced .his way in, notwith standing the effortslmsde to keep` him out. The wife then rushed out, followed by the prisrner, who `kept kicking her as she ran, nally knocking her into the ditch. He then sprung on her, drove his nails into her throat, bringing the blood. and tore off her neck-tie, portions of which were afterwards found in the ditch. as well as the unfortu- nste woman's combs. The only detence at- tempted to he set up was that the prisoner- s wife was-a. continual source of 'provooation to him, and that her evidence was unworthy of credit. The prisoner was found guilty and sentenced to six months in the Central Prison with hard labour. M. Cotter and Mr. Peplerforthe Crown and Mr Kean and ` Mr Hewson defended the prisoner. `` Th Ommn VI Jnhn R `tenant! ;_"|n gonna Araznjnta cook : Record In Barrie. 'l"l... |........-1.1.. -- ., LOCAL nvnxrs nzou `Tn: runs or ADVANOERE1_ 0RTER8. -L . _ [Town ANn[fm BARRIE, COUNTY OF SIMCOE, ONTARIO, THURvS I).A]`(,:]jI%CEMBER 4, I884. THE INTERESTS bu` vBAjRRIE. "THE coumv or $IMcnE~ All the cases since last week were up on the lat inst Patrick Delanev and Dan id Nolan, vagrauts who thought they could get a job,` were discharged ; Wm Johnson and `John McLean vs/ere vagrants who -did`n_ t think they could get work, so they got 330 days in the county jatl.`j_"John Davies, a. drunk, was discharged?on`3Ii)i'oiniae to leave town. Angus Morrison, drunk. was given thirty days to pay 81 ne and $5. 70 costs. -The Barrie chnutauqnan cu-ole. All work and no play will make Jack a dull boy. The Barrie Ohautauquans recog- nize the truth taught in this home], saying and have accepted an invitation to spend a social evening (Tuesday next) at the house of `Mrs. Short:-eed. That dav being Chan- tsnqnan s Milton s Memorial Da - a pro- gram has been arranged consisting an ad- dress on Milton's works, an essay on the Life-of Milton, and some readings and reci- tations from his writing. interspersed with vocal and m_strnmental.mu_sic.' kl :1 rge superl Baptist Anniversary. The anniversary services of the" Barrie Baptist church will begin on Sunday. 14th _ inst., bv sermons at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. by Rev Robt. Holmes. of Orillia, formerly of Tormto. On the Tuesday evening [follow- ing the anniversary tea will be given.- at which 9. good program of vocal` and instru- mental music will be rendered. Among the attractions on the program will be Mr.` Henderson with members of the band, and Mr. Dudley will give selections on the zither. _ A very pleasant time is anticipated, and a cordial invitation is extendedtorall. ' I - Attempted Murder. T . Constable Wm. Fenncll, of Gravenhurst, ' brought to Barrie and lodged in the county gaol Antonio Natt, an Italian, one charge of shooting at Mr..Alex. McKay, the rail- way contractor : clerk`, with intent to kill The circumstances are : Hendrie, the con- tractor. paid Natt his wages, which he threw on the oor and drew a revolver. McKay thought he was going to shoot Hendrie, at whom the Italian` was pointing the revolver. When McKay reached him the revolver discharged and narrowly. missed McKay They then followed Nstt for. the purpose of disarming him, and he then threw the revol- ver over hisshoulder and red at McKay. Fortunately his aimwss had. ' r uynucu. '\ll.l Iuuuru UL lcuaf. Lu|'VIU ISIIU Kennedy. Dr. Oliver. Messrs. H. H Strathy, R. King, sr.. F Ball, Sanders, Badenhuret, Jae. `Scroggie, R. Laidlaw, Dr. McCarthy, were appolnted to attend the Riding Con- vention on the 3rd at 10 o clock, to appoint a chairman to the delegation and draft an address to the Right Hon. Sir John Mac- donald. The meeting then adjourned. wwjwwu vvvvuvv- iv Uh-V JVQUO There was a. large gathering of Liberal- Conservatives in the otiices of Messrs. Mc- Carthy, Pepler & McCarthy on Monday night. Mr. Henry Strathy, President of the Association, occupied the chair, and Mr. G. A. Badenhurst acted as secretary. 'lhe `object of the meeting was fullv explained in our last issue. On motion of Dr. Uliver and Mr. L S. Sanders, the following were ap- pointed delegates to the convention in To route on the I7th and 18th : Messrs. L. S. Sanders, W. Orr, F. E. P. Pepler, D. Mur- chison, B. Hinds, F Brown, Jas. Anderton. James Scrogaie, R. R. Holt, T. Lennox, C. Henry, 1%. King. sr., Dr. Oliver, Jas. Pur- vis. S Wesley, E. Byrnes, F. Edwards, Geo. Ball, G. A. iliadenhurst, J. M. Bnthwell. Thos. Kennedy, Dr. Wells. J. A. McCarthy, H H. Strathy, and other names are yet to be added before the meeting on. the 3rd in Barrie. The following signied their inten- tion of attending. the `banquet: Messrs. Sanders,VOrr, Pepler, Brown, King, Wesley. Radenhurst, Kennedy, McCarthy, Strathy, Byrnes. On motion of Messrs. Purvis an-d ` l7,._.__-.`I.. `h_ 111:--- IA._____ :1 1-: cv. - lUU IIUILI Illr Ic Nothwitlistaudingwthe apathy of `those principallyto be benetted, the committee ' has been successful in establishing a drawing class of twelve and a commercial class of ten, with promises of additions to` both. It is gratifying to note that the committee has fullled the conditions under which the grant is made,'and likewise that these even- ing classes have gained eleven new `members to the institute. The following is a para- graph of the report in full : "Owing to the doubt in which matters stand, whether the motion to grant the use of a room in the model school was carried or not. your com- mittee made arrangements whereby both classes meet in Mr. Shaw s studio. Your committee cannot help expressing "regret that all the members of the public school board did not see their way to give otlicisl encouragement to the efforts of the institute to do needed educational work. The re- port proceeds to state the pleasure of the committee in stating that Mr. .Henderson, assistant teacher in the model school, has nearly completed the practice of the operat- ta, which he purposes giving for the benet of the institute. After informing the board that arrangements for two lectures by Dr May had been made, to be delivered on the .22nd and 23rd ins2s.. the committee recom- inended that (1) it be empowered to make all necessary arrangements in connection with the pl`0(1DCLl0n of theoperatta ; (2) that the operatta be given on Friday evening, Dec. 19. and `a. matinee to the school child ren on the Saturday afternoon following ; (2) that the admission fee to the operatta be 36 cents for reserved and 25 cents for ordin- ary seats ; (4) that the admission fee to Dr. May's lectures be 15 cents for one lecture, 25 cents for the course of two, and that members he admitted free to first lecture. The report was adopted. some Interesting Informatioziegurdmg i its Interxgal We:-k1ng.v V The lecture and"class committee of the mechanics institute recently submitted a report to the board of directors embodying the results of its labors and recommendin the adoption of certain features of value in educational work. We .cull the following facts from the report: 'KT-A.L.n:sL.-a.._.J.`_._ LL- _--LI,.. ,9 `AI rie was some two or three years ago, when` she resideda part of the time with her `par ents on Penetangnishene street and part of V the time worked out as a servant. T, The police here, while recnanizing the faithful- ness of Mrs. ` Quinolle's description of the girl, say that thev always regarded her as not all the're, but of that people who read the history of her connection with the Quin- olle family will judge for themselves. The subject is a distasteful one, and is only re- ferred to in the ADVANCE because of the local character of `one of the principals in thesad and disgraceful affair. Ponce Record for the Week. ran MECHANICS msnrurn conservative: to `the blankets mill pri 09 Eaton -Barrie skating rink was op-med on ` Wednesday evening. Though without the advantagt-s'nf sleiahing.` 'Bai.v-rie must have had more seven-er frost than `Orillia-Packet. Ra.rrie,ha.'a had 119 front or snow worth spe1k- I ing of. The skating rink opened was the --Annouucement of Christ Church Re- formed Episcopal, Rev. William H. Barnes, rector. Subjects for next Sunday: Our Lo:-d a Second Coming, and The Law nf Habit. Sunday Schonl and `Adult Bibler% films: at 3 p m. Service of Song and Con-' ference for Bible study to-marrow eveniris; at 7:45 o c1ock.s subject.` Human Mistakes and a Restrain1ng.Provitlsn'ce.b ` T -Howorth*s Hibernica. presented the Two Duns. or the omedy of Blunders; in Barrie town hall on Thursday. There was _s large and deiighted audience. The show? was given under the auspices of the fire brigade, which is entitled to the thanks of the peo- ple for securing the return of ' this ' excellent compsuy. Net proceeds of the brigsde, $40. -'-The Mechanic s Institnte contains 2680 volumes of the choicest reading matter, 8 monthly magazines. Punch, Grip. Ilinstmted `London News, Harper's Bazaar. London, Eng., Weekly Times, Globe, Mail, Barrie papers. Scientic American, American Machinist, Caradiun Manufacturer. ,Onlv $1.00 a year from date of subscrintion. T depends upon gnvi -Waltham, Elgin es and other cele- brated watches,` alw s in stock at Messrs. Sanders Bros., and do t be deceived int) buying a. watch from an_ but responsible, reliable and practical men whose business th best value and satisfaction to thei stomers as our- selves. ' 49-51 -- Rev. E D. Powis, of Zion Congrega- tional Church. Toronto. will preach the`an- nwersary sermons of the Barrie Congrega- tional Church on Sunday week. Mr Powis stands high in the denomination for his zeal and nowers as a preacher, so thata large audience will no doubtassemble to hear the reverend gentleman s discourses. --Messrs. W. H. Swan, of Fergusonville. and Wm. Laidlaw, of Midhurst, have been appointed railway mall clerksiin this divis ion. They entered on their duties on Mon- day, and had previously passer! the civil service examinations. We wish them much success in their new calling. rn_I..I._._- 131-: _ ANA g .- - I --Mr. M. Shnnncy_ intends to `hold a I piizeon shouting tournament early in January next. 3200 will be given in cash prizes, and five gnld medals will be awarded to teams. Partiew having tame pigeons to dispose of will nd. a .ready purchaser, at highest prices, in Mr. Shanacy. -. ttvrrn `cu --- --`M TIe;a:e-[;s:y:,"11eadmaster of the Cree- more school; and a first-class teacher. has 'accepted principelehipof the model school. The people of Oreemore are very sorry to lose him. __ I _._._v- ..-_- -... -..~..-.-v-vmnu --Rev. Dr. Burns, of Hamilton. will preach in Elizabeth St. Methodist Church next Sunday (Dec. 70h). morning and even- ing, Union Ten. meetxng on Monday \ evening following, Speakers, Reva. J. Shaw, M J Perrette. R Boyle and others. Tea. from ` 6:30 to 8 o clock. 2 ` _._-- ... --vy.- .- Jvnnno . -'-"I`he -rn~ere_tin'g of the Innisfil Lib- eral Conservative .-hsociation will be hvld in the Orange. Hall, Stroud, on Wednesday, Dec; 10. at one o'clock. It Is to he hoped our friends will turn out` in-large numbers ` as business of importance will be transacted. ; `I I , r\ A ' ,-,_J . . _ - - - - ..-- -In resentation 5; beat assortment of jew plated ware and clocks, Sanders Bros Especial terms give for arties who will entrust their ozde in this line to them. L 49 51 . --An annoying error occurred in. our e yon can get the watches. electro- ohituary notxce of the late Mr. Murrow last 7 week.` His remains" were not brought home for hnri.1I,'as wasstated ; but it is the intention of the deceased gentleman s -son to- ? perform that last sad office in about a. year. ."l`I.... . _ _ . __I ___-,;' . 9.: -r store of Sanders Bros.. because you cm rely upon the old re e house for value and fair dealing. 4951 --Ten cents saved and deposited each [day with the Barrie Loan & Savings Uompanv at 5 per cent ml!` in five years amount to $206.- 96 ; 10 years $471 89. ' --Get your Xmas pnts at the jewelry -'-Tlie 'I`ho.:spi;.ns"; will put` Lady And. ley s Secret and The Area. Belle on` the i boards in Barrie town hall on Friday even- ing, 5th" inst. Don't fail to see this strong local c'ompa,ny. ` ' .n1I _ l\ -gs. nu ' --- - -'-The `O?'ia Times sa.ys`:_ The Scott Act Executive Committee in Barrie succeed ed in getting snicisnt funds to pay nil` all indebtedness in connection with` the late campaign-in __Simcoe. an ' - - - ` ` -_. V- --..u.-.---v- up was JIII-I no 1 71:11-L Wm. Boone has returned "from the head of Lake Superior. where he has been in the shing business this summer, for the winter. .__... _wv-v-J --vv uvvnn Robert Patterson, harness er of Creemore. is lying very 111 with a severe attack of inamation of the lungs._ 11-3 try... n.._. L-_ . - i , ,. __.._-av .-v--r--_,- T -;It was not the boiler, but catcher of the boiler. which burstc Geo. BallTs factory last Week. II __ `l'I,I --idoney 1 Money 1! Money '1! to loan at low rates. _ Mortgages purchased. Bame Loan & Savmgs `Jomp`an. ` _ it 1 I`; ____ ___A ;I -LA nic 1' f gold. headed walking canes, just 1: ' ' g for Xmas` gifts or presentations. 49-51 --Mr. Cassidy, barrister, Winnipeg, Mam, was among the callers at Tm: ADVANCE oice on Monday. T O!._.__A 1': A fan . co -- 4- -- ~ `wool, law .._-----J u -V-`Signet R. A. Chagter. No. 34, G. R. C.,_ Barrie, will elect its 0 core on the evening ` of the 9th December. i j. ` -6::"Saturday insane man named Cook, was brought from Bradford and placed in iail here. ' ` uuun, was 01 in_ jail here. long communication from Angus and a gkgtch of roller skating arecrowded out of than Issue. Q:-;\.r1nz daily at G. Mann- drell s English Pork Shop. - South Simcoe teachers will `wold a con- vnntion in Barrie on January 29 and 30. ---Mr. Thos. Downie, now train dispatcher ` of Chicago, is home to Barrie for his holi- day a. `- .-'Dresama.k wantd immediately at Crompton & By '3. - ` Wmch, Linked Together; Construct `a. Very Interesting . -and Ggssipy A . Ghnnfnr nf 1-.nno1 `I:n.4-....... . - J MANY ~nm~ron an-1-runs `M'UOBI.Y` IRITER I [%PAR.Al}RAPHEB. 8 PENGIL POINTS. AND rm: DOMINION or CANADA (jun bnrrmaiox. _; bwst Fr} ? 25, 30, -3 -oavvf vnvuas uuu chapter of I-.ocva.1 History. A _ _ .,Dona.1d Cariipbil, of Graveuhurst, had 3 hit? right'aruIAa.ud Ii-57 't')`adl_v fractured by ` being drawn M-nund; a rapidly revnlving shaft in Taits Mill. 1 V I The Methodist Anniversary. I The anniversary services of the C-llier-st. a Methodist church were the most successful held in_ the church for many years. The meeting on We(_I_n'esday'vening was very li'!'_Iie1}{_` attended. -The -concert, by the `te B1-/35 .' airsisted by the choir, seemed grea!1y.ehj9yed by everyone present. vow-v--wv - v.---.--j--- Whatimay be called almost a. new depar- ture for`Barrie, will be the delivery of two popular scientic lectures by Dr. May, of Toronto. .on the Science of Daily Life. Dr. May will treat of the air we breathe. the food we eat, the water we drink. etc. The. lecturer comes under the auspices of the Mechanics .Institute. and we hope that Rar- rie will show itself appreciative of this effort" to provide popularscientic instruction. ' ms Eonor Judge Eewan. Inna recent issue of the Toronto World, we find the following among its sketches of sharehoiders present at the annual Federal Bank merting: But what shall be said of I the venerable Judge Gowan I A slim, tall svure, slightly bent in a long close-buttoned frock coat. His plenteons hair all standing -on its end. The ever present eye glasses dangling in front. In his handacolored silk`hannker_chief, and behind the handker- chief close in the palm his twisted silver snu` box. He looks a man of other days. | But his polished sentences, his venerable ap- pearance gain for him at once the ear of all. .--.-_ -__- Ta uuvvocyn-vi On Thursday of last week. a I5 year old son of Mr. Benry Hannah, lot 10, 9th con . Nottawasaga, met with 8. miraculous escape from "a horrible death. He was engaged threshing at Int 10, 10th con., of the town- I ship, on Mr. Weir's farm, andwalked across the scatfold over the threshing oor. A board broke and the lad tumbled into the cylinder of the machine. The engineer, who saw the accident, instantly reversed the en- gine. and the feeder saved him from do-nth. . but with one arm badly lascerated and broken. 'l`h_e arm was amputated above the elbow by Drs. Dack and Fisher, and he is doing as favorably as could be expected. " North Slmcoe Conner;-'atives. A meeting of the representatives of the Liberal Conservative Association of the North Riding of Simone was held in Messrs. McCarthy, Pepler & McCarthy's law offices yesterday. There was a large attendance. On motion of Dr. Oliver, of Harrie, and Mr. John Mackay, of Creemore, a. resolution ' complimentaryeto the Right Hon. bir John ` Macdonald, G. C. B., was passed, and the names of the delegateseto the convention and banquet, so far as the local associations had been heard froun, were read We with hold them until next week when they will all bein, and at which` time also We will publish the resolution passed. Rogers at Green-'s General Agency, Messrs. George Rogers and Wm. Greer, two of our most experienced and energetic young constables, who have received an ex- cellent training under Major Rogers. Chief of Police, have entered into partnership iuva general agency business in the town of Barrie They are prepared to collect rents, ghts chattel mortgages-,' and eenezal de- tective business for legal rmsfmerchants and others. Their references are from gen- tlemen who know them well, namely, Sheri McConkey, County Crown Attorney Cotter. Mr. Samuel Lonnt, Registrar; the High Constable of the County of Simcoe and the leading legal firms of Barrie. All work, in any of the lines above mentioned, entrust- ed to them will receive their most careful attention, and. as they are reliable young young men having a stake in the cnuntrv, those in want of such services cannot do better than employ them We commend them to the public, and wish them the full,- est measure of success. ' ` ..._-v...-.6 . v v v V - n n-5, wiry. ID IIIHIU lallflll WU `n our limited space can folly describe. Every rne who likes can possesaa copy of it ; themselves by sending 2 three cent. st.-amps j to'Mr Fleming to pay pustage. etc. `Ibis ` 18x24 inches and 13' a. handsome picture i for framing. . . _ I auiluvl nuuunua uu`0llUl' UUIIIIIIBDF. eWe have before us a magnicient en- graving of pcmmanship. just received from C. A. Fleming, Principal of the Northern Business College. Owen Sound. Enclosed in a wreath of owers is a. pen sketch of Inglis-Falls onenf the nesti pieces of scenery near. Owen Sound. The variety of ourished-birds and quills, I scrolling. lettering, etc., is more than we | 3n nnr H.-v.N>nA n n . . . . .... .I`l__ .`l--_-.3L, .....uu5 vuv uupauuu UL our saucvum. We direct the attention of our readers ; to the prospectus of Harper : Weekly on page 2; of Harper's Magazine and Har- per : Young People on age 3 ; and Ear- per's Bazar on page 7. hese are standard publications ; the best of their class and the price brings them within the reach of ' most who wish to be thoroughly posted I in the various departments in which they deal. But the prospectus of each speaks for itself, and we commend -them to our readers without further comment. `I7- 1.....- L_L,._- -_- `F ' That King of Weeklies," the London Weekly Free Press. has sent us this week one of its beautifullv lithoszraphed bills, containing a map of the whole western I peninsula of Ontario. `It is a. cha.racter- J istic announcement of this excellent I paper. which contains fty-six columns I weekly of first class family resdimz, and , will deservedly hold an honored place among the trophies of our sanctum. I Wn A:......e cl... ..u.._.: -.. -: --,_ 7 - - -_ -_ _ I. .... _. -Barrie Anvmrcs : A stand has been fitted up. at`()ril|ia market forth-+ sale of i lice`-`uses. We presume the Pa"k~ 1 et. s market. reports will give the latest ; quntations weeklyf A Our confrere need nnt hopefor better terms; prices are down to hard-pan already. But as this is going to be a hard winter, Mr. Stephenson will accept payment from the Barrie scribe in big pumpkins and" prize chromos, at market pricea.--Orillia Packet. - LUVVJ U. Iv . n.uu1a,v l).l on Saved on a plank.` I)_._,, A_ , ,_,J _.- ---g...-n A--Servhic(s inth Coluiier street Methodist church next` Sundav at 1! sum by the R-Iv. M. B. Canton of Alhzndalo; at 7 p In, the R911 J I Annha `R A` ......y.... ...,n ....---I. 1 rollvr rink, and if item through it would not have been ggxlty of leading its readers to suppose Barrie Is as frozen :2. country a.s_O1-ililia. D` __n .<.j.'_.._ Bad Threshing Accident. TEE EDITOR'S TABLE. (117: p 019 n 10 an ;;.;,.;".m;;.r;;..:',";;e 11; A if. Annis; B. A`, pastor, wall preach Ian :2. nlanlz, rom $3 29 or $7, `I mattres to be seen '1'l::;`v r`$:"o Mr. Me-Lean, M1-[Rosa said the Mechanics Instituze got the benet of the remission of taxes and not the landlord. lfthey owned the building, they would get the remission by statute. I ` LET THERE im mscmic menu. | Messrs. On'_ and McLe:u1 moved that whereas we have no cou_t:-act with the gas qnnipanj for lighting streets, and wl1erea.s the gas company have. to , extend their mains, etc., it is desirable to zipphint Measrs Orr, Mic-L-ca.n and King a comuutteu of this ccnuxicil to. euqitire into tin c -st of electric lighting, said committee ta inveati; ;zute.and r.epi)rt without any cost to this oon-nc*il'~ '- ` ' ' V ' 11,, TI ,, , 'n.1 -I`-1 ' Ledi(1n.nbt_hink ac desire- al-la to have that motion passed. It wn:1 (Continued on E1312 :1: Page.) -uuuusu All but: umuuutv. Mr. Ross explamed that then: were two accounts recummendede for payment in the report which had not come before the com- mittee, viz: Messrs. Blaine'e and MoBride'e, but they were certied to and the men need- ed` the money. ' [n nnun-or fn Kin `.111 A-.- \l._ 1| . _ . . -3.- int 5, west of _ Bra.dfm`d street, belonging to] W. J Hearns, of 3500 be struck otf said as- sessment roll. Your cvmmittee had before them acommunicaticn from J). McCarthy, M P , and a. petition frmn the ow ncr of cer- tain property on Mark street, respecting the taxes thereon. and after duly considering the matter concluded ' not to make any [change in the amount. MI! Dana Av:-u`nan..J 6-In-.6 cl. _. --n--:- L---- l\J\J'x- (LIEU, II {I I111` In `"3 5 of to]. J Hea.rns_ of Ssnn hr) .+..~....1 Mr mm .. no-uu; nuns IUI a VI aulya rtxugu. Mr. Pearcev said it would nut cost much as they would only get a stove, the doors xed, etc. The report was aiioptcd. ANOTHER REMISSION OI TAXES. The nance committee reported as follows: We recommend the payment of the follow- ing~`a.ccoiints: Cuiilter & Vair, indigent sup- plies, $4 ; Gas Co s account. $44 03 ; Peter Mclntush, work on wharf, $20.17 ; D. Dunn, shipping pile driver, $6; W. H. Freeman. chars. $6 60; Barr 8;` Henry. .99 30; T. Blain. salary and wnrk, $50 60; Jae Mc- Bride, roadwork, $32.43.- Your committee I recommend that the taxi.-s on the Mechanics Institute rooms be remitted for the year 1884. Also, an (l'l`0l' in the 8.S8('En1`n15 of hl nronf an` It-o.u.H>'.....1 -4-._..,L 1-~` ~43 ` Au uuv ynlocuu DLGIIU I LUV BUWH S XIUZIHUCS. Mr. Ross wanted to know how much It was going to cost for `xing the hook and ladder hall for a tramps refuge. Mr, I !-..l`Dl3V nnirl M-_ mmnhl nut ..m.b. .......l.. . n.n.|'1tu\ A ruuunu uc Pun uu u uuaunuuu-like 08.815. ' Mr. Pearcry said the committee. had had the agreement before them. It was for vu years, and although the time was up we had been going on under it ever since. He thought: it the best thing to do, and he did not know that he was anxious to have another agremeut as they might not be able to make any better. arraugcmcnts. Tndeed, he did not think it an advxsable: plan to put- sue. A - rnm, \n' `-u. .. . .. -- nuc. ` The Mdyor said he thuutzht it was all the better *ba.t. they..cnuld um. c.\'teud jlnghting in the present state of the town s nances. ll. 1).... .......A-..l A-- I--- ~ ` Mr. Dickinson said he thought they were in the dark. He was going to s..ggest that the agre ment With the gas company, if -there was one, be laid before them all,` in order that they might understand what they were talking about. If `it were true that the agreement had laysed two _wars- ago, they were workmgt under no agreement now. ln respect to the repmt he thought it con tradictory. as the Reeve had pointed out. If we had no provision for extending, some fresh steps ought to be` taken to that end and a binding agreement made. The whole , matter should be put on a. business-like basis. I N1?` }'ns.n-nsu coin} flu. nan`-n.'oo-.... l...,J L-.I nnau envy waubcu. Mr. Ross said they had an agreement with the gas "company fur ten years. For five the company were to put up lamps where re-- quired whereyer their mains extended to, x ml although that time was up they were still working on that agreement. All he wanted was not to place the council in a false position by granting the lamps and yet being glad the gas company would not put the mains in to_supply them. A M r. McLean said the agreement with the gas company expired two years ago He certainly though: the gas company had acted harshly with them. The people wanted the lamps and ovght to get them. and he thought the council was more economical in the mat- ter of lighting the town than in other matters. ' C ,-`.3. ... uvu uu nu nu: uvuus 1'9 `lll'c(1. | I Mr Pearcey said it was not of any use to ee the gas company about it. The company had refused to put; in the mains for the lamp on Elizabeth street, and when the committee offered to go only half way the company still refused to do 30. M. 41.... ....:,1 u... --.-_4:I 7 '- - vuuuyuj uuux xcluacu DU U0 30. Mr Urr sand the council was disposed. to do its dub In the matto-r. and it was useless Y to have a cnntracb that wouldn't get them what they wanted. M- 0...... --:.v nu ` ~ avyul u nuppueu. - Mr. Pearcey. chairman of the committee. said he thought it best to grant the r nest of the ratepayers for gas lamps, althoug he could not say he expected the gas company to put them in. Probably it was just as wellthat the gas company would not extend their mains, as the cost would be saved to ' the town of keeping the lamps supplied. They had invested their money and expect-` ed a dividend, and it was hardly fair to ex- pect them to expand it in extending their mains. V _ Mr. Ross said the report was an absurdity on the face of it. The committee was only deceiving these people. He thought it would be much better to be honest with the people` and explain why their request could not be:` granted. Mr. Myers said the first thing they should do was to pass the report, and have a formal notice from the gas company that it would g not put in the mains reqtgired. I PPRTDPU I-`l!`|`l{` if 110:: win.` 1*.` n---- --- AA ---... an. Lulpvblu nnrunl. The 12th report of the re and police com- mittee recommendei that the `wok and lad der house he turned into a temporary refug: for tramps and lock-up ; that gas lamps erected at the corner of Clapperron and Mc- Donald streets and Blake and St. Vincent streets. I Mr. Ross asked the chairman if he had any arrangements with the gas com~ panyto have the lamps recommended by the lreport supplied. MI` paonnnn nL..2...._.-- -1 Ll-- uu.-qnxu. auu Lukzuflll. ' '. Among a number of docugnentv, Which" werereferred to thmr appropriate commit- tees,` was apetirion to- have a gas lamp pl-teed at the comet of Mary and Ross atireets. . ' ' A Iv-Jul! , a.u'acl-3. uuam, LHCKIU5nn, nlng, 'Pea.rcy,' Brown, Ball, Orr, Lermox, Myers, Caldwell and u.cL6-nu. A...-......,.. - ._-_.-Al " ` ` ` V The Chairman of the Relief Committee Makes a Startling Statement During a'1`a.1L: 6n Organizedvcharity, - The council met on. Mnndnv night. Prg. seut---Hii_Wnr.-zhip Mayor Sew:-ry, in the chair ; Mssrs, "Ross, Dickinson, hing, |'Pea.rcy,T Ball. Orr. Lenhmr. M\'nrd A COUNCIL COMMPPTEE T0 ENQVIBE THE COST FOR BARBIE. I LET THERE BE ELEGTRIG LIGHT. HING ENT veteens, T FIRE AND ROUGE nzrom. (`AI - ', from` 65 Steel Wit` an M 32; cents only 45 air "39?! finches wid 5 Inches gm Fol blanket { Remnun . prices. all vwv-you Yard; W0! ll 3 $3120` \ $9.50. i, sar. (38 st pile. e velvetee inch" MI wxdt - 1148 HI. Kljlotcl. mums,` 1 [VA ool twill ce $3 30. extra 1 $3.85. . r. `blanks Pxirsuant to the provisions of the Act of 1874, At`? 'I%Cj--____' At the hour of 1 The examinations W1 1 he co'x`rl`e7a_6i1't in 06$ . rmit y with I ha rrovisionsuf tli"`A"c!,t'-1' 1874 "and lit: n-ting can tidmes mug 0'-tain _ fur her,.par- ulurs fr om_u.n_v mun r of a_.he fuudwlng 703.311 of Examiners. T ' ~ j Ru .n- an n? H\.."l\......L.......- 4.` umu U1 nxullllllel. _ ` _ Byur er or the Deparimert. AV ; The oncurniners are 0 J'., V` Miller. ESQ-` rillin; '1` Foley. l}q;. Co.lingw'oor; Z A.'Ho.Il. SQ . Penetangnmhene ;_ K. Luidlaw.-SE84!" BN1 . H. Um` `Esq . Imrue. . `Int-v-In rm... 1 1-2:: L _ I Town ii-iA|.I;,- `EXEQEIE. - I`:_f_idaj_Y. D(c r. 5 1884 I y gcor-`FEE HOUSE, [122 nknl ax-`rte. D unaynaq nu e0. 1. M84. y LHH D0 800 run 8 r th` tmket omce. x `Munro nnnn ..t '1 u'r l,l('Kl'-L 011108. ` Doors npc_n at 7.30 p m. Curtain to rise8g).m. precxa-olv_. 4 Dr candidates for the office of Ixineotor. and Deputy Insm-ctors.of Leather and aw Hides E115 he Counties of simcoe and A|goma will be e xi Thrre will be so'd h_v pub`ic auction on Jot 20. 5th (`on . Vos- m 20 mmutes wa'k frrmwhe mmiv Market, the prop- rty rf Thus Cundle. gsq . his cmixe hum Stock, Jmplcments. etc. \ C On ' ' [Z superm . __ .1 an :0 "fr_I-u-: ATHESPIANS. >. _. V ;v v\r"` Q9`! __T-_, At 10 o'clock. Lrnch provided. 13 months .credi1.. J03:-zpn Moouns, Auctioneer. 49-50-13 1 .-I7 P0 w ERFUL OATS r 31? CEA~R1a'dTERs_ 1g.-n- | |(!4lV`lll'|a.H.- u-nneru WIII DB l`eClVRfl NV U18 nndrnitzned on rr bl--`re SATURDAY. Both dnv of DECEMBER. 1814..-for 200 c'~rr!s of `Hnrdwrmd of tho. beat. dos~ript`on. Marie `and ; :'Rc-nvh, to be delivcrwlaf the Gan! and Cnurr. , 3Unn.=w on m- hr-forethe 1st. of Apr. 198%. and 3 pile` in ouch nlncos an mnv be pw`nte'1 nut. No. i crnokl-_d. hnd limks. nr rnttvn wood will be re- ; coivod. The wnnd to b0 4 ft. long . and curable of * brim: ap`it. for stove DIIPDORPB and rnpnrlv yo" I` F!-curit_v.wi|l be required. 0 RLES DRURV, (`Jmh-nm_n nf an] flnmmittnn nr i j " " -`|'Ull"H._V -VVUI UU X'Y'.(|UH'C. ,|7fI ` L4 VV`{) 1y - rflmirnuan of Gaol Committee; 5 IKOWI`. KING, SR. - E Rn:-r-in nn(- 1 IR!!! .40.: F\_.ND1Ctc.R.--.'I`enders will be received hv the ; ' mu. 3.... no nonmnnnnr) iozu a..- nnn ...-.....a.. .4 L" PR.0MI=S0"Y NOTE LOST. M ` DE 33: V Rmmut-1 Wi1snn.jr., and endorse !-by H-munl Wilnnn. Na. and pnyahlv to 'l`hn. V Mm or. or order "he nme falls due fst March. 188'. A reward will be yum for the return of i said now. mm anvme neoomning its sale will { be prosecuted. THOS. MAYOR. or thirggice. - -D CREDlTi SALE. T FA Mi. STU! K. H|lP![&1ME1\T.\`, H0. 7 `<)(;re:r17 G"`Y\'I`.V;'~I-..;;GF}NCY in the town of "nrrie, fnr.the collection of `Chan--1 Mnrtvarzcs Rents. Debts c`c. -We'nre.. n'lHn,nrvp'IrnrHn urdcrtakc-. Gcnerl D toctivn .I uino-s fvr ` oznl Firmw. Merchantu nnd othv rn at marl-rate rm 9.` Olco: Poliq e. Court, Bur- rie.- I .O. Hox 222. Gannon: Romms. WM. Gnmm. LUNCH ATVALI. nouns; `Dinner for Farmers on Market Dnv 15 cts. East of New Post. Office. Queen` 1010!. rs made wool `lit _ Iv $2, (t wer grad Lenrlii E 'i2'A"v4"mnEs. j `/l"1Vl nu ' .`).`\Im4 IN IN V1-I'll:-l1'eln?l0U ' . 21.19 h Con.. In-nisl 100 acres. more or 1 loss`. nbnnt 9:`: u"rr-R r-learnt}. Fnr price, terms `and other mrcnlnw, m)n'.v to J `V. FEN-_ ,'NELl., on the premises, or Pninswiok P. 0. 49-51 "1X6i{mR.wANTpin. -4. s. No. 14. Imusni nm'n, second orthird class. Apply. savvlna salary, TH _S. WEBB,` Sec'y.-Treas.. Pains-_ ink. A0-R9-r\ I V /U_?M F0 sum: IN TN\TI9FIL-Bein:r1oit' `(Inn n}-.nnQ O1 nnvunn Alan--.) 1.1.... ...._E.._ 4.-....,_ I Tickta 25c. cm-h. Tlenervnd seats 50c. each. T '.`nn be soc rod at. L S 85 C. L. Sanders and at JV t.i(`k(`.t nine LADY AUDLFY s s'EC1ibii; "To hold as 'twem, the mirror up to nature." 'AJ|uv. .v n Page 7.-(}et an A grinuiturai Education. being me `program of studies for the July examin- ations in agriculture ; Plant a. Home (Doetry); An I rkunsas Story : "Oats Fhauld Follow Buck- whmt; Gearing the Way for Winter; Eng- .Lend's Wheat Requirements; P:-eased Straw" `for Fae`; The Ninth Commandment; How to Stein :1 F'oor: etc. New adv:-rtinemente on ' ibis pnge--" o Dynneptics; Prospectus for Her- oer e Bazar for I885 h1o(`mvKnv_MoC(mxn:Y.-By the Rev. Wm.v Mo 'r>nne1l. nn the 19th Nov.. I884, at the residence of Mr Robert Mr Cr nkey. father of the brie. Miss Aimee Beams Mcconkey in lvlrmoderiok McKay Mcconkcy. both or nn 9 . . V V W `l`noMAs.--1| t. (`reenvo-re. on Friday, the 2181: Nov. the beloved wife of George Thomas. Her remwlns were fmlowed to the cemeterv on Pnturay br 9. large cnncourse of sorrow- lnxz friends. The bereaved huaband has the heartfelt sympathy of the village. |I:{o$l. 92' . urn 1. nlmu, Barrie, Doc. MAm:n.--At Creemore. on Wednesdav. the 26th N'ov.. the wlteof Mr. Edwand Mackay. of 9. daughter. C.--.-l-_I mmms or siiltlris AND ALGMIA. ---.u,. u .. - - - ..._ - V I..." Puma. _~--.*\r}'<"`a:}1-c1";s I7nnat.ut`al Artlon. being i tho facts in the great. Qn nolle Scandal. New udvrrrisemcy t. on this page-Ayvr s Sarsapn.r- ma; No:-thorn` FaTi`wnA_v Time Table. 11-..- '5. (1-; .... A .._x..--1A......I I1|.`l......Ll.... Lad-.. 49-6 cowrmrrs or only mam: rungs. ' Page 2.--f`anada'a Great New Inland-Sea`; .`l'he Spread of Nimusmafrhe Limo Kiln club, He Didn't Catch On; Touches of Humor and: Pnthos; The VVov'ld is Great; Cana.dian.vUnit'ed States and General News: A Dgr'h`g Expedient, ctc.. ctr`. New Advertisementa on this page- Prk spec-tus of Harper's Weekly for1385.- , , Page 3 --'I`ho 1\'I_vstcI:.v of. `these Lakes (story ~;:or.1inm-d fr: In last Wu 1:); T110 End of Life; `We I'i()r:oof No~thern Jnufnal. being Facts ub0uf,"l`HF Nnnrnwmv AnvANcm"a_nd-a word to subs ribcm. New advertisements on - this pngc- I r('SpcCt119 of Harm-r .u Mngazme for 1885; 3.150. of Hm'pm~ s.Ynnnr_v People. M vs, , , . 11-`: __p., vv___-;_-.;-I A -1.2_- 1...]..- AT BARP.I5*., % Vednesdav At Han hnnlu n! `I ..v..|..'..1 .--i .i'. *Z's'x`W: ' V " 'a4. ` pa mry mck. OYSTER PARLOR. _---....._ Tuesday. `Decvmbnr 16th. (fl -V..`....I. VOL. XXXTII. N0. 49' WHGLE No. 1702. Hauum. W nsunr Proprietor. :_ ~NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, "CON FECTIONERV AM I THE cosmopoi? |NsPac7'6; or -.____ 4x.~: 'rm:- AND TH"? AND T. E. IIAWSON, `}"1~i`x5 GROCERIES.

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