Utkfll l\.U\.ruI\.o --U\J.u v u ; ......`- Q oer, Jmnxnissionel in Queen's Bench. Auc- tionaor,A.p3ra1sur, and Commission Agent,for the sale of ion.-ac.-1, L_unds, Farxn Stock.1{ouae- hold Furniture, inods. \\'u.rcs, Sac. Alaofor the nollocnmn of `.`-ntr9..\Inl.us'.).nd Accounts. Ofce __PnHna(`.m1rL. Barr .9. - ' ` Geneml Loss of Power. It repairs Nervous. .ltls the CIIEAPIBST A\'l) m~:3'r .\Ie'1ic-ine in the _. v-.. ..--w - rI'v-ya .~v-.,.,... VVIIIUV - vu-wv... Positively euros Nervousness in all its stages, \Veak .\`Iomory. Loss of Brain l 0\ve1', sexual P1`0:s- l tration, fight Sweats. Spernmtnrrlnrea, Leucor- rhraa. Barremless. .3'emin;1l \Veaknms:s. and Waste, Rejuvenates the Jaded Intellect. SLreugth- ; ens the |<`.v\f't`-nlvl(-,ri Brain and Restores .{.`~urprlsim.`,' ` Tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs in either sex. ma.\\'ith each order for V I`WELVE packages. aeeomp_anie with vedollars, we will send our \Vritten Guarantee to refund the money it the treatment does not effect a cure. Market. 8!!` 11 ll particulars in our paxnphlet, which we desire to mail free to any address. MAcK`s l\I.\<}.\'m'le MEDICINEiS sold by I) -: rists at 50 ans. per box. or 6 boxes for $2.50, or wi l - to 1nuilel.free of postage. on recei tofthe money. I hvn.ddressin'.r H.-\Cl{'S I;\U.\'E'[` C EIEDICINEL A CURE GURANTEED. MAcuzrIcMspIci:|e,am__unsmsaveroan 1 l| |`\- \ "' """) For Ymng, Male and Female. D,~...:n....I.. ........n \Y...... :c~ ..p.. ...-... l2|l/35 III; EIU UIIS. llUl' UU.\. U1` D UUAUD IUI` OJ.-IU, U1" `VIII 0 mailed. free on money by:u1dressin'.: ;\I.\G.\'E'[` (T0. \Vxx'nsum. ()\"r.. CA.~.'AI).\. . Gumant.ees issued in Burl-xe, by GEO, MUN H MAN ; sold by all I)ruggists everywhere 42-ly.. > W have A1-euently pnl)1jsl1(:d a. new cdi ion of Du. CL7Lv1;:mv|:L1.s Cunmxum-1-:9 E.~:s.n' on the manual and perxxnmcnt cure * (without medicine) n_f ;\'e.1'\'u`.'.s. 1)cbi11Ly_ Mental and Physical ]I1cu;)ac1t)', Impc-dnments to N[arr1'm.:u, etc.. rcsultmg from excesses DID.-inn in n axinlnrl l\V\l`(I`f\I'|l'\ nn`.1.-I! nnuba an nun |uI,|.',u, unuu. I uauxuug uunu UA\4LaJLvo 31?:-Ice. in rm sealed envelope, only 6 cents. or ` two posts. c stamps. The cola rated author, in this mlmimble Essa) . - Essay. clearly from thirty _\'om's successful prmttiso. that ztlitriniiig conT=u:qucnces may he rad- ical! cured without the da.ngeruu5 113: of internal med cinca or the use of the knife; pointin ' out 8 mode of cure at once simple, cc1'Lainu.n:1e ectun], by means of which every su1i`erer,xmn1attor what his condition nmy.be.,nmy cure himself cheaply. primtcl ' and mdically. '.1. ?H"l`his Lecture should _b.-.>in the hands of every I pr-_im.te1 and mdicttlly. _ I .t$"l`h1s shopld be m the youth and every man 111 the land. Address me GULVERWELL MEDICAL co.,' . 41 A .~.'\' .h'_. New Vmuz _ .3 :13 I nu .. V, _ hers. Altornoj !}o,nvey:snc-srs, Owen ~'3 .r3uIa, B. Lennnt. T7?_s; r i R. -..i Avm:'n( `..,a We will pay the above reward for any case of Liver Com luiut, Dyspepsia. Sick headache. In- digestion. onstiprztiou or Costivcneas we can- not cure with We_st's Vegetable Liver Pills. when the directions are Strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable. and never fail to give eat- isfaction. Sugar Coated. Largo Boxes. contain- ing 30 Pills. 25 cents. For sale by. all Drugists. Beware of counterfeite and imitations. The genuine manufactured only by JOHN C. \VES l` &: CO., The l iil.\1u.ke1-3, 8156 83 King St. East. Toronto. Ont. Free trial package sent by mail ' prepaid on mceint of u 3 cent stamp. 35-iy. TERMS 8l.0OlAN ADVANCE. Post omce Box 450. $500 Reward ... ...:n ...... o\... ..\.....n .............I an- at-niv nnan !\F _, DR. E. G. Wusfs Nnnvz AND Bmux TREAT- MENT. a guaranteed specic for IIyst.eria.,. Dizzi- ness. Convulsione. Fits. Nervous Neurnlgiu, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused by the use ofolchohol or tobacco. wakefulness. Men- tul Depression, Softening of the Brain resultin in Insanity and lending to misery. decay on death. Premature Old Age. Bsrrenness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Sperxnstorrhoeu, caused by over exertion of the brain. self-abuse or over-indulgence. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment. One dollar Q. box, or six boxes for.v_e dollars; sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. We glmruntee six boxes to cure any 0180. With each order received by us for six boxes. accompanied with live dollars. we will send the purchaser our written guarantee to re- fund. the money if the treatment does not effect n. cure. Guarantees issued only by JOHN WOODS Sole Authorized Agent for Barrie. Ont. JOHN C. WEST Sc 00.. Solo Proprietors. Torontg5(l)nt. - - y +TEKLi??I%T' WE7ALTH_!r . ;,. . _ ,M.,,.,,.~.... l:hPH ROGERS, CHIEF CON- ST_ABI4E,County of Slmnm. nmm. n----- t)y:u1dressiI1'.: .\1.-\CK's ;\1.\uN [Jun .\11su1U1.V15.< 30., \Vx.\'nsm<. U.~."r.. CANADA. Gun.mntces issued in liurx-ie, by GEO.` MONF'-- MAN : bv all l)ruL:Lrists everywhere 47-!y'.. ii. nE_o_3g: E %nv_asiJ`.l -rvnruaui 1III V--`7I1 bu ---:r_- V,,' L. R. C. P.. L. R. C. S. Eul Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. Trinity Medical 0011 0 Toronto. Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and Ear nrmnry, a._nd Oculns nngi Aurist to the Sick Children's Hospital, late C1iguca1.Aaaisb- ant Royal London Ophthalmic Hospntal. Moore- elds, and Central London Throat and Ear Hos- p...I. 1'! (`.hm-oh Street. Toronto. May. be con- .-Hrn/1 nf Qhn ' N. 14` I U A 1 , L)l\.1\rl\4J.bJA.JJLu~:, J A.torno.'.=.-at,-Law. Solicitors in Chancery. a;c_ (, ca-1)\1n1npSH'oeL. Barrie. Successorsto heme mm of Baulmn. Imunt. Boys 3:. Stewart. W. Im1nt.Q.4. G. W. Lount. Du-0:. suited at the ` QUEEN'S HOTEL, BARRIE. "7 I`-nIll`("'I Hnrnm. LUIIUIJMJ. Agzuy. uuu ______.______________;._.____. ARRlE FOUNDRY-, ENGINE BOILER. \VOIlKS,._II Slmurnmv u-_, -*3 TUESDAY alwwsnuesnnv - ___..---nun 15.1- -- IT1:u--V -- v-.._-_. 7 , - 0C'l`0B ER 9m and 10111. with referenc to Diseases of the Eye, Eur, Throat and Nasal passages. Parlor suites. Bedroom sullen. Sideboards, Easy`CI_|aIrs, &c., Cornice Polbn. andall kinds of Furnitui-o made to order by: ompetent workmen. Also P1a.n1n.;_ and Turning Done'on Shortest Notice. DAVID DOUGALL, In Roar of the Market .I.Ua Ho 0 amnooa, vuu i"b.?E.`.?'w:Y , ,4 _ __...........,, `A RIE PLANIfd7sifL"L._GEb.' BALL. Carnenter Kr. Hndnr ma u.......a-.. Amt. l. 4- I. *. \V\'l'IlH{ll)._H". Julv 6. .\u:. : ., .~:.~ \{[I)L_\.\'i)_ --\I' I .\ me. 1!. .3`v)n't. 7. -:`~%'-gs-,- ;;;. =..- s ~ 5 . 3 -.; . r ,. ii, *3`, .~:_ -. _'._,t . ,. ` n 1 5;! .0 I `it =\'s\\5\1`._L L Store New -\3. Special attntlon to Cross Eyeta and Cat.aracg2 ` 'rn:.r3F: IVIADK, (AFIL`R.) s. Jo1{Ns<)7:, 1s_&'1'{nI1:,`"'i'1';] PORTER of and dealer in (`.nnhi.nf.nlI I w; .\1uvFrT1E, 1). Lf"sU1?.vEY`_ OR zwd Heal RI.qt.1t.n. A trnnt r<..1,....... in ur Vol. XXXIIQ DYE, EAR,` THROAT AND NOSE ` `T? \ , L T. BANTING, `C LERK',COU-N TY a Vslxnooe, will be at his office at the Court j nuns. Barrie. every Saturday. Residence a._ndi neon`:-ity at lowest ml money remix %FURNITUREi` 8:0 -V.../vvxh .a..A,vv 1 rs ?t1'tor`' ,_ I :\IIi"9 :51; `b: atvh'1_s.3?$' t't.1Ie-{aut E , every apd vm. - . Ulv-. .01!-uh, Ban-no. xlu Ilnllliilu Illln 41 Arm 812, NEW Yonx 40-ly try. N. \_V. md to In-. W. 'l`_ A \I\JJ.V` -Po1ice I UODLIL on 1111, 4.:.uu.-...u...`.....-- fortho County of Slmcoo. [`er:na reason- able. Onlue an my .~1t.ore,Uraighurst... 46-ly [sunk ol -15-ly K .u. L1.\JuJ., LL\b3lJ.I.\v1.LV\JJ.`J .l)[\Ul.\.' '0 ER and General Agent. Real estate bought . and sold. Collections made in any pnrt of the county. Money to Loan. Olfce-Bothwe1l`a glock, opposite the Railway station, Barrie. n.. V .. 51-ly Land and Insurance Agent, Life, Fire and - Accident. ' Omcu, East side of Owen Street; next door to the Bank of Toronto. I 1 n......:.. nu... nI-__L unnn 1nI__ I nuonlo, unnl. I, IOIU, ' w-:.oau,oot Re-insurance Reserve, - - 81,060,./pi . Losqes1',n St. John s Fire, - $180,000.00 All paid in two weeks after re. Also Agent for the Commercial -Union Insur- ance of London. Capital. 2,000,000. (7-ly. Aguut at Barrie. _G. T. LOUNT. 5,53. -mvEs'rII:n 1-wmns` - . Over 339,000,000 FUNDS INVES'l`E])I.\T CA.\'A.DA - 900.000 Security. Prom t_. Payment. and Llberality in the muustment o xts Losses are the premium! features of this Company. ' .-..a.._~ V. ..vv.avn. ux... ,u. a. nun utuu, nag, Iniiuranceselfectedat Moderate Rates of Pro- ? mium. Dwellings. Churches and B`m-n1l ropcr- ties insured at Specially Low Rates. ' G. F. 0. SMITH. JOSEPH R()G}3RS. '_ ' Res.-Secy., Agent. Police Court. 12. Montreal. Barric- wellsnpplled with the "blast. Good stabllng and nwanuva hdstrlers. Lug age of guests conveyed roe so nncrom all Lru. ns. Few doors west of Market-st..oa Dunlop-Bt. I CANADA ammo or ntnmcions: Hon. Henry Starncs. Chairman; Thou. Cramp. Esq" Dep.-Chairmm1;, Thendore Hart. Esq.: Angus C. Hooper.-Esq; E. J. Barbcnu, Esq. - l`n'..'.n-nm.m..o7....o...I A9 \r..a......o.. 1).-.. -4 n.... I A M` E "S s .0 (}"I-3;37, CONVEYANCER; COMMISSIONER IN B. R}? ` Caital 2.000.000: deposited with the Govern- ` men at Ottawa. $100,000. [ 'l`_HE MERCAN'l`ILl FIRE INSURA_.\'CE'C0.. Capital $500,000; Gnverriment d-.-posit made. " vic 53:5`-..7.,' " ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. nu"-..... nu. nu-gm OFFICE.-South Side of Coll-ic-r Street, (Sp: posite the American Hotel, Barrie. , 11-Xv MAL ':gygt;__MqgMPANv 1 ' Inn 1. nu`4LVJ.A.. 1: .L.u.u Luau Luau um . COMPANY, of London. England. Estab- lish`ed`.l78`. .. T . IUll|Ia X'\Sl"I[`ISl'II$j`Z;r000,I{I)(I)r0|-III IIVII Has the Largest Surplus of Assets over Liabilities of any Fire Insura.ncerCompa.ny in the world. THE VVATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE` INSUR- " ANCE C0. Capital. $500,000. ' FILL .L.L!.I.l.'.l:4[\1t1J.J Lu cu un..u uu _ `COMPANY. Established 1803.` Capital -111,090,000. For Fire business only. 6, .-\ug. .'_l, sap}. 7. U`-:_ 3, Nu: ra:nM:x-1`: -ll lhr:\ ee. Sm loss` H`.-1 Um : Barrie. Sept. 11. 1878 AGENT FOR THE FOLLOWINC COMPANIES: FPEIE PHCENIXFIRE INSURANCE n.-n'1nAv\r no 1'.....1m., wnnlnna mntnh. TJEIIE QUEEN INSURANCE COM- PANY. CEpita1$12.000.900. ""`I1E SOVEREIGN INSURANCE nnitn A uv *r..........- ..n 1r3nI`n nf Du-nnnrtv [AEEX.MORRO\V, l'11.l!4 DU V 1`JL\4.l'JL\J LV _l..LV nu L\.x1.u \l.IJ - COMPANY. Insm-es all kinds of Property and Private Dwellings. Over $100,000 deposited 4 with the Government. mm rrxvate uweumgs. ' wmh the Government. 1 uuu JJGILII UL lU1UllIIUu mm-ie. 21st March_. 1883. ---. . ..,-----V..--, -av.-..-.-...,-...-.4. .... u` .v. Aget for the following Insurance Companies THE T ROYAL CANADIAN FIRE AND MARINE-INSURIXNCE COMPANY. ' `I1l`J lg\Jl'JI`4-V L) 1L\JLuu.?.-. u. BR_OWN, Pro rietor. -Exce11ent accommo- dation for the travc ling public. Bar and Larder belt. Good stabllng and Luggage conveyed_ Old` P. 0. Building, Corner of Oqllier and Owen Streets. 1 _ Illu V1 1.1 1. 114.71. 1:41.51. 1. 1: \J.I.I: uI\1.11u.-- That Property known as Lot 1-i. McDonald Street. haying thereon :1 Got e containing six Roo With Barn, Wood5he_ and outhouses. good ! .e11a.t the door; and about one-fourth of B an acre of Land. Also the adjoinin Property. - East h8lfL0t 15. Sophia. Street, 0003? ed by Mr; V . D. Pnrvis, consisting of one-fourth an acmot i . Land, havi thereon a ll roomed House with t Cellar the w ole size of the building, Soft Water 1 Tank, outbuildings. &o. Term: easy. - J. W. Morrow. A\lot1one0i'orADVA_ROl0oe. G-11. THE` XMPERIAL INSURANCE `:11 nnn nnn 1.`m- IN:-A hnqinmn nnlv, Remember the Stand, Mmre Brick Block, nearly opposite the Sum- - ' mersett House. {PAT ENT 1'05 WEIGHT. ' IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE J INSURANCE COMPANY. - LIFE KY5 FIRE. POST OFFICE i36Ii4DING, BARRIE. . The central A Vronoocouepon keeps all the noted brands of Imported and Domesticcinara Meersohaum and .G. B. D. Brim` Pines. and Tobacconlstg fancy goods, go E. BETHELL. Dnnlop Street. Barrie. Ontario. ' OWN PROPERTY FOR SALE.-H ` \ Eh-Ant I-unrlna flan:-Ann n ntfnon nnnfnlnina air 89.mp1e_:_B6tt1es 10c ;-Regxar size $1? luululitite be ','_-."nl by all dealers. `T. ;V a 00.. Proprietors. Toronv` '1 .. ~ M O ..H'.\." Rates Moderate, Losses Equitdbly and 1 2'mnptl~y Adjusted ' ' . - --.... .__...- .-._`.. JALEWDWARDS, A "xv/1 1:|,D 9 ca:-1 A`-x.R-]:ES WAY, R. HOLT, INSURANCE BROK- r ER and Gnnernl Am-nt, `Raul manna hnnaht $3.5. am we EEEMETH; .Jn1ocx:s an me cmggcu avcnuca u| luc Bowels, Kidneys-and Liver, carrying of .' gradually without weakening the system, all the impuxitics and foul humors of the secretions ; at the same time Correcting ` Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bili- ousness, Dyspepsia. IiI.ea.ctaaches. Diz- -yiunun, `Ham-+.h11n1. Gnnstinatinn. -EIUJVIAUJ VI. Iluv Ivtlvvo-Igguvoo) '----5 -a-1.. opsness, 11ea.cla.ch_es. D12- zmess. Heartburn, Const1pa.t1_on. Dryness of the Skm. Dro sv..D1`m- ness pf Vision. J aundice, S t Rheum. }.`.1-ysz elas, Scrofulan; Pluttermg or . the eart. Nervousness and General Debility; all these an_(_l mzmy other simi- lar Com Iaints ~ie1d to the happy inuence nf 'RTT'D, I'll ! ntnnn 'RT"|"'I"F!'P_Q 1-21; inuc; of BUR 00 BLOOD BITTERS. CITY OF LONDON, ENGLA.\`D,T :k$.;;,.1 ;.; keen: all thy [CU:\|\l1.I.L, . .-. (`.U{TfI\'. Rzxrristcra 55;, Barrie, Ont. w .\{\3CARTllY, Q.(}., ._.- - - ~- 4.-:1-I-'7 nun _ "' (}o:n`1n Marriage ~14: `to lnalu at M Unlocks all the clnggd avenues` of lh !.\-nrnh: `R'irh-mtrrx-sand Tnvm-_ canvino Sole Agent for the Oellebx-nted INSURANCE. "WORDS ARE THINGS. AND DROP 0]!` INK FALLING UPON A THOUGT MAY PRODUCE THAT MAKES THOUSANDS THINK."-D!IDlI. a`Anvaas" EDWARDS, Azmnt at Barr.` or-"Hos: Barrie. Ontario, Thursday, N6vember`8, 1883. 1 Tobacco Depot gnoted -Domesticcinars and .G. B. D. uli IWPIIKIJG, Agent at Barrie. 12-15`- U o All . >`.'nu_v, armor, kc. 01co.1[ind'3 I *-v \\7 lBXTBEi%IY umnl There are a number of persons out of employ mcntin every County.'--yetcner etic me`: willing to work do not need to be. ' hose willing to work can make irom $100 to $500 a month clear. working-for us in a pleasant and permanent business. The amount our agents make varies. some make as high as $500 a month while others as low as $100. al depending on the energy of the zu:ent. \Ve have an article of great merit. It should be sold to every House-owner. and ays over 100 vcr cent. prot. Each saleis from 3.50 to $10.00. One agent in Pennsylvania sold 32 in two days. and cleared $64.00. An agent in New York made $15.00 in one da . Any man with energy enough to work a i'u l day. and will do this during the ear can make from $2,000 to $6.- 000 a year. . .0 only want one man in each county, and to him will give the exclusive sale as long as he continues to work faithfully for us. There is no com etiuon. and nothing like our in- vention made. arties having from 8200 to 81.- Oootoinvest, can obtain a General Agency for tengcounties or a. State. Any one can make an investment of from 25 to $1.000 without the least risk of loss. as our'(} rculars will show that those investing 825 can after a thirty (is s` trial return the goods unsold to us and get the r money back. it they do not clear at least $100. They show that a General Agent who will rake ten counties and invest $216.00 can attqr a trial of 90 days re- turn all goods unsold to us. and have money re- turned to them it they fail to clear at least $750 in that time, 'I'hero are many persons having money to invest, who could not give the business pet-sonalattention-such can employ sub-agents without leaving home-making a. large amount yearly out of a very small investment. We are not paying salaries. but want. men willing to work and obtain as their pay the protsof their energy. Men not willing to work.on our terms will not work on any. `hose meaning business will re- ceive our large descriptive circular. and extraor- dinary oifer by enclosin a three-cent stamp. with their address. The rat to comply with our terms will secure the county or count as they may wish to Work. V A AA-nu-n -`COUNTY SIMCOE GENERAL ADVERTISER. , ILILUKCDB. RIINNER MANUFACTURING Co., 116 Smitheld Street. Pmsburg; Pa. 4 U In thanking the public of Barrie and vicinity for thc liberal patronu c bestowed upon him in the past. begs to state _t at he has at condcn-a.b1e ex pense increased hns baking facilities and 15 now prepqred to do a ltu-get bu :-nness than ever. Iv an-3. `aw BI!_l0U.S'A/E83. 0 rspspsm, INDIGESTIOIV, JA um)/05. ER YSIPELA8, SALT nusu/;7, HEARTBUI. /V, -m.=,4p/`acne, And nu--u -..-..!_ TWanting Employment. 'LEADS_'l:E VAN. ?='.'-.. .-. 3.3:? W Made in the various styles and quality the best- Delivered in all parts of the town. . -'1-`lib UDLV V1 LXAIJ, \un Lu unuuuu vv - HOUSE) opposite the 1tzLilwayDopot. Barrie. Ont. M. SE[A.\AC Y. Proprietor.` 19-15'. Manufactured fresh every day. Ask" your grocer for them and you will use no other. ......_.u_u.m., vr Inc OAII1, And every species of` disease arising from `disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOM;~...r1, BOWELS OR BLOOD, PIU-NIU r'Att'1`u4Js EUUIALS an WEDDINGS supplied at short notice and on reasonable terms. 5-ly ' FREDERICK J. BROWN` 1'. m1LBiJ'Ri; '30.: 3 To any part of the Town. In any quantities to ' suit purchaser, from 25 lbs. upwards. at who Orders let; at the Mill or by post chrd through the post omce promptly attended to. fl.'I1.-u gs I`!-I-I-uv IIEI1 dunluco 'l\'J`I'I 5|! ULLIUU ])lUl.l.l|Jbl] plal-CLIUCII I.-U. -1-he, City us-1our in/I111. cou.im:woon `Ann Esunclnn an ROYAL MAIL LINE. Running in exclusive connection with the N1}:- them and North-Weatem Railways. The mag- nicent new Steamers __ _ _ nmr 11110111 nnrn nnnrnniu |FLouR_FE*EE.| T VVEDNESIDAX AND SATURDAY At-1 .m.. for Meaford.' Owen Sound. Kills:-ney. I Ma mwaninz. Little Current. Gore Bay. Ahroma. I HE UEE.\T S 1I0TEL._A."ifr'. nnnwv Pu-nnrintnr. en vvuu.II.\Jy>aII11..l Ann on: ununx. At 4 Mcnford. Man towaning, Current, Bay. Ahzoxna. Mills, and aIlGeorginn Bay ports to Sault Ste.Marle. These Steamers are quite new. and built. expressly for the Upper Lake trade. They are unsurpnsned by an Steamers in Canada for S1-mm, SAFETY and omrorrr. A series of groplnr 6 Excur- an sions via, the Manitoulin C Mn!-In tn Mackinaw Tnlnnd are beinxr-arramred. *3 nel and null; Ste. Parry Sound; and will leave Coulmrwooa at 2 .m. and Penetang. at 11 pm. every Wednesday nr French River. For freight and passage ap. lgrto any station agent of the above railways, low Cumberland. 35 Yonge-at.. Toronto; W. J. Grapt, James-st... Hamilton; or to - THOS. LONG; Secy. C. CAMERON. Manager Great Nqrthern Transit-Cq.m`puny. Collingwood I `alone via, the Manitoulin Channel and vault. ace. `Marie to Mackinaw Island are being arranged. of which due announcement will be made. Also cheap round trip tickets are now issued by the in- side route to Parry Sound and French River. The Northern Belle" will leave Collingwood ev Tuesday and Saturday at 1 pm.. and Penetangfa: shene eve Mondaand Friday at 2 p.m. (on the arrival otliie N. 85 . W. R. morning trains) to and leave Collinlrwood at 2 van. Penetang. _every_ IT LEADS ALL. No other blood-purifying medicine is made, or has ever been prepared which so oom- giebely meets the wants of physician: and 8 general nubllo as It lead: the list as a. truly scientic pre ara- tion for all blood diseases. I! there is a ark- ing taint of Scroiula about you Aware SARSAPAXIILLA wll lodge it and expel it from your system. For constitutional or scrofulous Catarrh, GATARRH ;*.`.?;`.,,,;s`3%f"i:":. ;: `:..:`;3 numberless cases. It will stop the nauaoous catarrhal discharges, and remove the sicken- ing odor of the breath, which are indications of scrofuloun origin. __ n1'f..d.L.. I11... :1...` no 1312:: Chop Peas Oats and Barley BRAN. SHORTS, &.c-, &.c-. Umanous ; nnEs_ zzm n n A n n . n nnlr ULGERUUS t-M2L2T,1}'e`J{;$'J ;';;;ZI. 2,: m_y chlldren was terribly etictcd wlth ulcerous runmng sores on its face and neck. At the same time its eyes were swollen, much inamedtiand very sore. Sane Evas r`;{.1`::::;::$:.,:.e3'::,:.:.*;u`:; be employed. They united in recommending Anms SARSAPARILLA. A few doses pro- duced n. perceptible im rovexnent, which, by anadherence to your xrectlons, was contin- ued to 3 complete and permanent cure. No - evidence has since appeared `of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies; and no'trcst- ment of anyvdisorder was ever attended by more prompt or elfectnal results. Yours truly, B. F. JOHNSON. Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Ldwe|l,Mass. c..1A L... ..n n.-......leo.. RI -iv hnninu (nu an PIC-NIC PARTIES SOCIALS & WEDDINGS mnnlied at short notice and on reasonable tm-ma. tayer"s Sarsaparilla. ..v.----Jv-_--v--,-~---- ----v-- ' 1 Sold by all Drugglsta; 31, at: homes for 85. No other blood-purifying medicine is made, or prepared, oomg 6 Vos.-'D- `nomulou Bmcsnv Collier. Street, near ihe'Market, Barrie. NI`-III. WIL cum: OR--RELIEVE 'lI\1rlAnl-Rf) nnqqnun-an L6WEs'r MARKEi` PRICE: sbely meets the wau 3 general public J11 THE UNDBRSIGNED WILL DELIVER Address. 11...... meant; ... -..- . ., v --....u .. vvu V v V. `WEDNESDAY SATURDAY r Moafnrd. Owen Sound. Killm-nev. Invcuu JIIJVV Dbcu.|.|.IUl B .TL.AN1I0.4ND 13.ac'mc Win lnsurn r`.nintrn9nn nvnru Hutto, Tex., Sept. 28, 1882. `AA. u........ ..t a...` ..-...... l\Il\ AG BREAD J1 l.l4JIlVllU .1V.U I'J1L'Il lL' Will leave Collingwood every IT`l2`I'\\Y`IFT\ A `Y nun. G A llI1`V11!\ A 1 TO ALL 7:}.'z}/T/Eb? ' DROPS Y, FLUTTL-'.~?ING ' DC A'.LlE U1 -\ "" IVIONEY_TO VLEND. LEND ow REAAIL` Q':Fv(?\nr nnnt, lntm`e8t.LLENNOx & IIUILII I I U!` .THE ;9ror..v:;_v,. oer/was , -0; me am, P Jleneen -n-lrln-- 6'.-A... I I-U1 I LHIIVCI 05 me. HEART, AOIDITY or TLIE `n'r.'\n: A "II mm gailmmw; T. cuunuz, P:"o_or2ctor-s. I TOR ONTO` 'PB.OPRIE'f`0R`l THE smoan MANUFACTURING` commuw. .:-o It is a singular feature of our day that agencies of the most stupendous inuence, operating on every person every day, pos- sessing ramications in every corner of the globe, employing thousands of workmen, ' and dispensing thousands of money every week, are in their internal organization and extent almost unknown to the majority of men. No more notable instance of this fact exists than is afforded by the gigantic company who manufactures Singer's sewing machines ; for although found in. nearly every household, although every man and woman enjoys the benet they directly confer on them in the way of cheaper and more substantially-made clothing, yet they are unconscious of the extent and inu- ence which the company exerts. ` Few in- ventions have done more to revolutionize the lower` and higher departments of- in- .dustry than the sewing machine. The pool` needle~woman in the garret. toiling with her needle and thread, from which she earned scarcely a subsistence, excited the symptthy of Thomas Hood, and caused him to exclaim that it was not the linen mat. was worn out, but human creatures lives; but with the advent of the sewing machine that has been reversed. With a sewing machine, a seamstress can earn without inordinate toil an abundant. liveli- hood ; and for this the world and the ncor needlewoman are indebted to the sewing machine, and, in a great measure, to The Singer Manufacturing Company. Rut if. Inirrlrf. kn wall in lznnw nnmnitlxivin ` the company's increasing business admitted - rounding a sewing machine wheel or point- . six miles passing between all the depart- Dlll}3 Ul' LV1iIlI\llliU|JUI'lIlg Ukllllplly But it might be well to know something of this gigantic company, the products of whose industry have achieved so vast a revolution, Its birth is undoubtedly Ameri- can, but in no country has its remarkable enterprise been seen to greater advantaae than in Scotland With oneuf its factor- ies situatcd in Glasgow, in which over 22,000 hands are employed, it is capable of putting on the market a total of 5.500 ma- chines per week. The automatic machin- ery brought into force in the factory i`. of the most perfect character, adapted for ing a neredle with equal care and facility. Extensive though the work is, and numer~ as are the hands employed. the output of 5,500 machines per week is totally inade- quate to meet the demand. There are ai-rear orders for 40,000 machines, which, thoughalarge gure, could he overtaken by the company in less than eight weeks. but for the necessity of providing for the current demand. The additional necessity has, therefore, been forced on the company of making an extension of `their Scotch business premises, An extremely suitable site was obtained at Kilbowie, situated a few miles out of Glasgow, and in May of last year the first sod was cut "by George Ross McKenzie, Esq , New York, Presi- dent of the company. The building was at once commenced, as the pressure of of no delay. The fen extends to ,46 acres, of which nearly twenty acres are built over. The site is one of the most desirable in the kingdom, adjoining, as it does, the road to Glasgow, the Forth and Clyde Canal,` and the river Clyde. Raw material and manu- factured goods can, therefore, be imported and exported. with a minimum of cost and trouble to all parts of the kingdom and the globe. Of the extent of the building, it would be difficult to give anyone who has not inspected it an adequate notion. Pas- sengers on the railway can only catch a glimpse of its dimensions. Contractors declare that no workshop of such ' magni- tude was ever erected at once in the world. For the sake of affording the readers some anproximate notion` of its size, the follow- ins: fanciful calculations may be made : If the buildings were extended into one line, 40 feet broad and 15 feet long, they would form a street more than seven miles in length ; or to put it in a _more impressive form-if the bricks which compose the building, and which exceed twenty millions in number, were ranged out in single order, they would form a line four thousand miles long, or nearly equal to the distance be- tween Glasgow and New York, and thence to Cincinnati. The foundry and the work- shop is alone an apartment of such magni- tude that, compared with it. the most spac- ious of our public halls are insignicant. There are over three thousand windows in the building, and there will be a railroad of ments. It is `built in the most substantial manner. and_its sanitary arrangements are on the most lmproved principles. The de- sign of the building is from the oice of ~ ll\Ifw R M:-mmnn nails Q5-uni lllnmnuu . ms MAMMOTH ucrony xr xlnnowxn, scornmn. ` T ' QT EV`LiSi . .~ ,-./x .-. ,\,-,/\/x,` \/-a-4`/\ r. ,\ r HE CEN ARAL, (LX131; BIGELOW IXOUSE)opposlLct.he1tzLilwayDepot. nun. M. MIASAC Y. Proprietor. [sign buifcii}{g'a't'rom Mr. R. McEwa.n, Bath Street, Glasgow ; and it! nnntrnctlnc ha: hnan nnnv-fnlrnn nu`. .[\.. usunwuu, D3611 D0865, ulasgow ; and its _cnntract1ng has been undertaken with great tact and enterprise by Mr. Mc- Alpine, Hope Street, Glasgow. A quay and basin will be constructed onuthe canal, so that barges loading and unloading will not interfere with the ordinary traic. This colossal work will be ready for occupation before the expiration of another year, and will be capable of turning out no less than ten thousand sewing machines per week. Nearly four thousand ,hands will be em- ployed. What an acquisition to the popu- lation of Kilbowie ! A good opportunity opens there for building speculators, as the Singer Company do not contemplate the erection of houses for the accommodation of this great prospective -population. The district has, by a recent scheme, been abundantly supplied with water, and the necessities of the place fully provided for in view of the expected addition to the in- habitants of the district. l`l..--L LL.......L 1.1.. ._L_.__.'__._ __, HBUILISLIDB U1 D116 UIBIIIUD. Great though the enterprise may be ' which has been displayed in the ma.nufac- 1 ture of the Singer Sewing Machine, the . company's arrangements for distribution * and sale, show an equal, if not greater ~ commercial energy and perfection. Last year over half-a-million sewing machines a were disposed of. and with increased facili- ties for manufacturing, it is contemplated that the ever increasing demand will be satised. . The company has recently in- troduced a new improvement which they have named the Oscillating Shuttle Mach- ine. The features of this invention are in- creased speed, and greatlydecreased fric- tion. It has been one of the points in the manufacture of machines, to invent a pro- cess by which the greater speed which power driving is capable of producing will be unattended with that frictional waste to which sewing machines are so liable. By making the points of friction few, and re- newable at a triing cost; to reduce the distance traveled by the shuttle in order to accomplish each stitch, and thus e'ect a greater speed, are the features of the Oscil- lating Shuttle Machine. - The machine might with greater propriety have been named the Economy, from its perfect "adaptability ; to all fabrics, its noiseless and great capacity for work. ' The intro- duction of this improved . machine has given a new impulse to the manufacturers, and a greatly increased sale has been the consequence. `The company : agencies of sale are world-wide. No home in the city, and no farm cot in the country is beyond A the agencyof the company's canvassers, collectors and salesme . - There is no business in the world pushed with greater , ' seal and few with equal success; Every -town of my pulation has a shop where ' sfullraiageo machines iskept in stock`, ' M competent sts attached. _-iF6rIuerlv . 5 '_ but now a good machine for family use can l he obtained at about 3 153.; while others of a more ornamental character or adapted for heavier work can be had at higher prices. To bring such a boon within the reach of the poorest in the land the com- pany have provided a scheme whereby a machine may he had on a small weekly payment, so that the machine becomes the property of the purchaser. and earns it- "self the weekly payments which defrav its cost. For the industrious poor no more benevolent scheme could have been de- vised, and operating widely, as it does, the company reap the reward of their own benevolence. T- `I T..:.... QL......L (`!1........-.... ...'I...J. Inuma DUHCVUICIICU. In Union Street, Glasgow, which forms the central oice for the southwest of Scot- land, there are no less than 100 persons em- ploycd in the sale and display of ' the machines. A visit to the premises will im- press one with an extent of the company's work. There are seen machines of all sizes, suited for all textures, and embracing every recent improvement actively at work. Samples of work are alsogexhibited. Re- plicas of cups, medals, and other awards of two hundred exhibitions gained by the company's machines may be seen in the show-room. The spectacle of various machines impelled by a gas engine is ex- hibited tted on a model bench such as is used in clothing factories, and proof is given of the superior adaptability of the Oscillating Shuttle Machine for power driving, and the enormous amount of work it is capable of turning out, To this machine is affixed a new patent American friction driving appliance or motion con- troller, which acts with lifelike precision For a Scottish workman, endowed as he naturally is, with an adaptability for in- telligent and patient work. and having a re- putation 'for industry, ambition, and good conduct, no better prcspcct can be afforded than a situation in The Singer Manufactur- ing Company. Indeed. the success of the company is in no small measure assignable , to the enterprise of Scotchmen. - It is a principle with the company to employ only the best workmen`. -to pay the best wages, and to advance a man only on his merits. It may therefore be seen that some splendid opportunities o`or to young men of intelli- gence and determination, be they mechanics travellers. collectors, clerks or can-vassers ; and one notalfe feature of the firm is that the gentlemen who occupy the rst positions not excepting the President himself. have wrought their own advancement. The re- sult is a more animated interest in the wel- fare of the company, an attachment to its managers. and. not least, the production of the best workmanship in every depart- ment; no matter in what capacity the em- ployee may he engaged, because each one feels that as they sow so they will reap, and that promotion and reward will come in due course if sought in the right. way. This is the only sound principle on which the affairs of such an extensive business can be succsesfully re2ulated.-[From the Glas- nnan (.QnnHnmJ\ Noam, .Tu.l1I 24. 1883.1 snccsesfnlly I'82l]l8:Ee(l--[_I'TU11I. uwl gow (Scotland) News, July 24, 1883.] .}___j_. PRINCESS LOUISE AEVA HOUSE- WIFE. . A Montreal correspondent of the Scran- ton Rebublican thus gossips about the Princess Louise :-Her Royal Highness is extremely fond of sun, and the early morn- ing visitor is welcomed by inging back the curtains the rst thing of the day." Every morning before breakfast the Prin- cess takes a walk of three miles over the estate of the Government House and the road beyond, walking briskly over the snow in winter, aided by a cane, and. ac. companied by a favorite dog She is more fond of sketching and painting than other accomplishments, but she is what the Ger- mans calla notable housewife, and goes into the kitchen every morning to give orders for the day. The Canadian servants did not at all like this and rebelled, so her ladyship got out servants from home who were more used to the expression of supreme wills. Like many energetic peo- servants were disposed to think her as pe- remptory as the queen in the story of Alice in Wonderland, who ordered heads off` at every moment. She sets an example of industry, and certainly con- siders life quite worth living, as she sets apart for her work or recreation specified regular hours. She has music playing in some part of the house nearly` all the - time, though the early morning strains are ` those most grateful to her husband s Scotch ear---the bagpipe. Lord Lorne has his ` own favorite piper with him. The Princess , is a good Cook, and takes pride All this - ac- .~ _complishment_. At the dinners en famille ' someone pretty. delicious dish is sure to have been cooked under her `own supervis- _ ion or prepared by .her own hands. Some time ago a young mother and her babe, who were visiting the princess, were taken ill of scarlet fever caused by defective drainage, they say. None of the servants would go to the sick woman s room, being afraid of the infection. The Princess her- self cooked all the food and carried it with her own hands to the sick - visitor. She _ made thebed, smoothed the pillows, read _ and talked to her patient, and nursed the mother back to life, though the little one died and was buried in the cemetery near the hall. ple, the Princess is hot-tempered, and the . A FEW REMARKS ABOUT GOING `DOWN IIILL IN LWVHISKEY BARREL. Fifteen or" twenty years ago there was no manin Wisconsin, whose name was more familiar, or whose presence created a pleas- anter feeling among a company than the name or presence of S. Park Coon. A few days since the gentleman died penniless in a. Milwaukee hospital, and was buried by friends who had known him all these years, who respected him when he was at the top of the ladder, and who pitied him wlien at the bottom. He had been attorney gen- eral ot the state when a young man, and contraced convivial habits which caused him to be the wrong man at the head of a regiment, -which was soon discovered when he was placed at the head of a thousand brave Wisconsin soldiers. He was a ` man good at heart, a man of ability, a man loved best by those who knew him best, but the fatal defect was his entering the lists to wrestle a `catch-as-catch can match with whiskey, `a trial which ultimately beats every man who tries it. When the writer first saw S Park Coon he was the orator at a political meeting, had been met at the depot by is band, were a slouch hat, and was admired by ve thousand people asa thoroughbred. He could talk splend~ idly, had been a colonel, and his cordial greeting on being introduced to a stranger captured thesti-anger at once. Though he went to bed with his boots on that night, and `got up the next morning with his hair pnllmg to take the train, his getting full `'3! 1lSd' D00 `as an eccentricity of genius. lfoys talked about it and said, ` Well. he s a daisy, anyway," and they forgot his eloquence of the evening before in` admiration at his , don t-care-a-darn- lIl=1V.e!_I6s8 as he took the train that morning, lmoiflng tlI_at_ ov__ery man, woman, and child .111 1`-l100,0.u_n_try ` new be had been full .9 5 80959 5119 flight before-' . There was an mdenendentjair-about him that boy. mnid ""0! h.ll. ;l.3l!1l.l`l zgand wepwish the boys who .su1..'nA*.`:nimI gekue . men isstockcd with an oxten- I ' J0 Dggtor ll requisites for prlntin , :30 aim-mg for!,111`l1in;;:)ut urat-clanswor . Edna, proprinte ems for all styles of hngo U? M". h1lls.and 1} sgock ofchoicetancy ogtofigo [me class of ymrxnpng. . , at Mo: .;veryluscr1pl10n xn stock and S `m,_3omu1opr1ccs. _ _-5.m.-mrnpr,ion~-$l_ per nnnum. . __..,... . -2 if not so mud. - nun uulu aumlnn and W6 W181! the D0 5 | 3: who put this hat: on one side and winked A.'3Ao EXAMPLE. No. 4.5. L Whole No. 1646 . kind. at each other at the country depot that morning, and admired the orator, could know how the poor man turned out. All who stay by whiskey are as liable, and more so, to die in a hospital, than S. Park Coon was fifteen years ago. It always seems hard to speak of men's mistakes when they are dead. but if more good can be done by speaking of them than was ever done by the man when living it seems as though we should not shrink from speak- ing. No harm can be done to the deceased, and no more chagrin can be felt by the re- latires than has been felt for many years, so while arimonishing young men to be- ware of the fate that befell our friend who is dead, "we shall not forget the kind heart theman always carried when alive. N o matter how great, or brainy, or educated a man may be, if he ties his cart to the rum locomotive, he will have his cart tipped `over, and the greater the man in his pro- fession the worse his example is to the boys. 2 A boy who has read, and heard his _father talk of the greatness of a statesman, and who would give more to see the states- man than he would to see a circus, is in- jured more by seeing that statesman drunk than he would be in any other way. He is more liable to imitate the drunkenness of the man, because he sees people laugh at that, while they take his oratory with- out a smile. The greatest orator that Illin- ois ever produced, who is now dead,. did more harm once to young men by appear- ing before an audience in a presidential campaign in a. state of intoxication than he could do `good in a life-time. There is something about whisky that catches the best of them, and the largest brained man in the state or country is about as liable to be captured by a lariat rope around his ap- petite as tho narrowest headed creature. Boys are great imitators. and if they learn that their favourite lawyer, doctor, mer- chant, or editor get too full for utterance, and they see them courted and petted, the boys think there must be a heap of fun in it. But there is not, boys. What you think is fun is often slavery of the worst You ask an honest man, who is so addicted to drink that ii is noticeable to all if he iruald advise you to follow in the same course, an will tell yo" for Cloilfs sake and your mother's aka ;l-*~` 1-to touch a drop of the poison. But talk as we may, and with examples before -is en-ry day 0! the brightest men murdered by irdulzgence m uvlzisluy, men will go right along: 2 mm hill. each year a little nearer the b._;tfo- until nally the bottom ies up and late them a dcathblou. Some of the L-righ`.c.st men in the country are going the same `.5 ay, their friends know it, and their f.unilie,: grieve over it, and at tlmw the victims think about it, when such a case as the above is brought to their minds, but th. don t stop. As J(`:l1 ,.i`liivgs has Rani. When a man gets to going downhill, even`- thing seems gran.-setl for the nccasl-':n." '.\ s,- hzne no doubt that if the hum;-st senti- ments of the man who was laid at rest. a few days since, from the hospital. could be known, the advice he would give would make the hair stand on the head of many an ableman of his profession. as well as other professions of educa-.-ml mm, and certainly his advice to boys v -v`ll(l he Never look at the stuff "-I`cck's Sun. Y I But though our annals of artfulness can boast of mourning households where cof- ns have encased stolen plate instead of corpses, and of particular race horses paint- ed to resemble certain others, and sent on long `journeys, in order that intending backers might be misled, we cannot, as a nation, dispute the palm of trickery, ment- al or manipulative, with some ofthe Orient- the special branch of_liorse stealing, the South American Indian might receive an equal certicate of prociency with the Arab; but as bold and expert general thieves the Hindus and Chinese stand unrivaled. A Chinamen has been known to seize a man s nger and cut it clean_o' in the midst of a crowd, `to obtain possession of a ring, and escape detection. This immunity is due perhaps to the great resemblance which the faces of a Chinese mob bear to one another in European eyes, rendering individuals absolutely undistinguishable at first, as well as to an ingenious artice for disguising a broad-bladed knife in the semblance of a closed fan, such as all the Chinese carry. _Hindus will swim or oat cautiously along the river at dusk with an old_ basket or gourd over the head, whirling and twirling lazily with every eddy, and braving the crocodiles, to gain an entrance to the bungalow they desire to plunder under the very nose of of its prop- rietor, The writer .once saw a coolie im- migrant in Guiana, a eld hand on one of the sugar plantations, towing a log of wood along one of the muddy canals of trenches which intersect the canepieces. He passed the manasrer on the path, salaamed com- posedly, and was `plodding quietly on to- ward thc tillage, when the rope hitched in a stake on the bank, causing the log to tilt up, and disclosing the fact that it was bal- lasted with something underneath. Some-_ thing" proved to be a coffee pot and various other silver utensils which had been purloined from the breakfast table, laid in the verandah of the house to await our return. In a few hours the whole would doubtless have benn converted into I bangles, anklets and ear-rings ; for the poor Indin.n s untutored mind is just as keenly alive to the advantages which at- tend the development of specie unlawfully acquired as that of Mr. Fagan or any other metropolitan fence. iI'\_... ._..L...........L....-.I AI... -..._-_2.___ -2 _ al races, whose merit undoubtedly raises them to that bad eminence. Possibly, in ` Two natives entered the emporium of a Mohammedan dealer in one of the Cal- cutta bazaars and purchased a valuable shawl. They hesitated to pay for it. as it did not appear convenient for them to carry it away just then ; but the dealer, an avaricious old scoundrel, fearful of losing his hirgzain, persuaded them to part with the money and leave the shawl, by giving them a receipt for the amount, which was duly witnessed by one of the police. Scarcely had the buyer departed when an English sailor came in, reckless, spendthrift. forcible in expression, three parts drunk, and otherwise characteristic of Jack ashore. The follower of the pro- phet spoke a little Ingleesh, as he spoke and did everything else which tended to the transference of rupees or annas from other pockets to his own, and was not long in tindimz out that J ack wanted something to take home as a present _tn black-eyed Susan. Unfortunately the faithful mari- S ner s rovingeye alighted on the shawl` H which had just been sold. and with the obstinscy peculiar to his class and condi-I tion he insisted on havimz that and no other. In vain the merchant told him it was sold. Very well; he would walk down the bazaar and try elsewhere. An ex- `nrbitant sum was named as the Drice._ Jack did not care; he had plenty of "money, It would cost double that. he was`told, to get it back from those to whom it now belonged Jack was willing to -pay for all; There is no doubt that the,Mos- `elem : conscience would have allowed him t'o:sel`l'the shawl readily enough. butzhe _ purrhasers had` his receipt, and even! i th'0'Il[.';l'I" he returnedlhe money, the trims- l r 2 } aotibnI_might bring `him under the sewn '. " 1e'?#! "".'*T . . 8 he snterlnued` ll (C2-C0! F NOTIN ADVAHOE. ARTFUL DODGES L. s. ac, LSANDEB I'(`lij um... _ _ Bsrnc. . U. E. II:-.\vso.\'. !(Eutablished22yoars\ roiuroux Watches, Jewelry and Electra-Plate, Dnnlo p-uh, an exaggerated respect. Unwilling to lose the chance of no muchigrot, he bade the sailor return at a certain hour, telling` him he should then have the garment he to greatly desired. Tr. wnn inn}. an Rn Fm: Whnn Hus granny uuuruu. , It was just as he fear-of. When the dusky customers arrived they refused to accept their money back again, ourished the receipt. and threatened to appeal to the judge if their property were not at once handed over to them. ' A small bribe, o'er- ed as an inducement to them to forage their bargain, had to be increased to a large one before it produced any eect, and when one wax ered his companion held ttnn. At last the douceur was considerable enouh to satisfy both, and was handed over to them in addition to their original purchase money. The receipt was torn, up, and ti 0 merchant found himself once more in legal possehsion of the shawl,` with a fair though greatly diminished margin left for prot. He hurried to the door to await the return of the extravagant seamen, and was just in time to see that ingenious son of Neptune as sober as a lord chief justice, dividing the proceeds of the little dodge with his two Lascar shipmates at the end of a nar- row street.--Chamber a Journal. ANOTHER VVITNESS. A. Chard, of Sterling, testifies to the em cscy of Hagyav-d s Yellow Oil, which he used for :5 badly injured knee joint. It is the great household remed y for insmmstion, pain, soreness, lameness, etc., and is used both in- ternally and externally with infallible success. He was a bank teller. He had been sent off on a. vacation, his books over- hauled, and he had been found 89,000 short. This fact stared him in the fnce M he sat amidst the Board of Directors. ll K7,... LL-.. .....I Ll.` I)......1.I....L S` Y HU Ula llollllllla DUE 1)UBl'u UL .lJlL'l:UI:UlB- l\ow, then," stud the President, I presume you acknowledge the embezzle- ment ?" (I `I J.` 7 IHUIIL I I. do." And how did you use the money 1" In speculating." In what I" . Well, I was a bull in X, Y, Z railroad stocks. but there was too much against me. I didn't have a fair show to make any- thing. - ' A Why-how ?"- ` " Well, while I was using 89,000 of the bank's money to bnll the stocks, the cashier was putting up $20,000 to hear them, andv so I lost all 1" A Nebraska widow with twenty-one children- is advertising for 11 husband." There is great virtue in printers ink ; it has brought fortunes to men and women ; but we don't believe 9. double column ud- vertisement, inserted next to reading mat- ter every day for six months, would bring a. husband to a. widow with twenty-one children--unless the latter are kept in the background, or underground, or some- uhere. We dislike to go back on adver- tising, but the lino- must be drawn some- I where. . PHI: Juiioatuz ve,\'anv`r-rs 1-cli'~1 B10 ISNNIMJI. .u.uv uxxu `up nu..- 1. DH). Arulxitechs. I`. L. Surveyors. Vo.1u~ Iwrs, 3:0. Plans and .-ans--i!`1vn\.ti0n3 for buildings `roparul. Town and \ illmge Lots laid out. a.rm.linoa msmfully lumtcd. Thnhor limits ommlnm1,&c..&.c. ()fu.-.s-.\IcCa1`tl\y`s Block. Dnnlop .~:t.mot, Barrio: Long : Block. Culling- ` wood. Tuua. Ka'.:.\'mn'., , A. W. I\Io_V'n"ma. XX! 1 llnvr x\'n 51-15' o >~----- HERE WILL WE DRA THE LINE AL _-nu-.1-4 ;.w- ..vuv\/--v.u _J. Kennedy, a. merchant in Dixie, :}n.-ml: three years agointroduved Hapyardh Pnctxwml ialxnin tr- his customers 3'3 uyiug it in iii-' II -`(*1 fzuniiy for Coughs and Golda. Bolllg` i~l:.:Lsed with results, hu-ge mics follow--d, and i`..'i., now the favorite remedy in that neigh- h-vrhood. _..._:_,,i.-._..__-__--?_._ ____. THE CURVE" PITOHER r-Ur TO * SHAME I 1 tmlians gave in Phihdelphia. the other day. I `f A performance which some na`ivc Ans- I x. as that of throwing the Mr merang. their n:-tin: weapon and imn':.~ ~x'- ` '~f_spnrt. The hoomerangs consi; . ~ - `scent- ~h:me_d piu:e:=.. of vury ha. . h .3 Ana- t2.1h.1n nod, nncl. all of them had sharply- rauunded edges and ends, but were of dif- ferent curves. some Vwing r.o.*..xly straight. '!':.c a\`u'::ge length `...n.~s about two feet, the width the name number of inches, and th. :- greatest thickness not more than half an inch. . ' Qa......l:..... 3.. LI... ..n..6.... (J I1... 1...... I..A wvlien it vmul-.t tlj _ ~. " all ILIUIII Strtnding in the onntre of the long Int they would grasp :1 ' rang hy the owl, whirl it over tlnei ' let it L"*. -. 1-'1-rnl in z-. straight lit.- for about 200 in-r, the-n mm c upward for half that -.`:"srnm~c and mil 1 n nr in a directly cuntrurv ahnctioxu, um) : 9: u :13 pvrlmiua 200 feet hehind the spot ffhln xsiiicli it had originally been cut. cnrvv again to the right or left. and nally atxlkc the ground almost at the throwt-r's feet, all the while spinning round so rapidly as to look like 9. wheel. The men nernn-ci to take great delight in the up--rt. and for half an hour; held the wondering attention of the invited guests of their manager and the horde of howlim; small boys who had scaled the fence and run the blockade of the gate-9. 1 .. LL- ...........l.t.... dink`- Ix: OLA I-...r....i.-...... I1" I {He IUIICU HIIU Kllll llltf U|UUhlfu\.`. Ul LHU KlSLQ'F. In the nmrvclons ights of the bnmnernng the moat 0'ectivc Vtriumphs of the curve pitcher are outdone a thousand fold, and the reason for the contrary curves which it. takes haaalways been _a puzzler to men of science. ..:_._<......__.. Many a dollar is paid for prescriptions for some disease that never troubled the patient, and when the aolu ditiiculfy was worms, which ll few 3 Freemzufa Worm Powders would remove. These Powders are pleasant, safe and sure, contain their own cathxrtic, and are adapted for children or adults. Jdhn William Blank benmged tn the Ancient and Modern and Highly Honor- able Suns of Guns of Detroit. If It wasn't that. it was some other fraternal urdvr which meets evcyy Monday night and pays so much to the heirs of every member who happens toldie. Jnhu \"3"inn1 hnnnnnnr` fn r1I'n O3-In nO'hrr KIUo`Jk)UlI5 |oU lllUo John William happened to die the ot'mr month, and a committee was appointed to draft resolutions and present them to his wife in person. The rst part of their duties was fnltilled to the entire satisfaction of the lodge, but the committee lmcl some little trouble in nding Mrs. Blank. They traced her from one neighbor to another, and nally found her at her sister s with hat and shawl on and resily to go out. " 12I"lul\lIIY;(\l II {IF H\'II\'\I"'I`\) D I `\'AI llu BHIHH U1`! unu rt-uuy H) Ku uu;_ Remluutxons of sympathy, eh I Well 1) ` ` I read em. 'L~ r--3--~-u -" AL- --...-.:u._._ __,._`___1 J ` ltnxlxup..- _ IID en at reason _ :~lPor 3`:l`l?3x:r1ccs, urlctlym advance 8"`..r1pr,10n\$l R AD\'1s`.u1'1.1." not . 3 ~nIBl'L10x1,;;dtli (`z~'1~mlcgJ!11(1_ nun, u n. You-1? cMdI*<:e1xta0,`1(,}:\a er H . ce.I5Der year, 3 3 I101 cw 81} 8mm0 for 1 main: entered; (Mal (-,,,`n;d:nR 0 0nun_ orleru mun 1, "to at red `meta :0 inch ,,_..m-I md the Rfgcgatear y\\1~13, '.- lug -pr hum` rit. . ~ K angle lance _ tho 0: c E 1 M ' ICHU CHI. The Chairman nf the committee proceed- ed to read that John \\ 1l1inu1 was a. gum` husband and a kind futlu-r and a. citizen of I nnapproachnhle integrity, when the widow interrupted : " 'I`nn rnnnlu fawn V \Vn lunar} `nu 1|:-urn n lXH.el'l'llpI/ea Too much ta.'y We used Tu have a ght every week, and for his being a kind father we never had any children. As for his integrity he stole all the wood we burn- ed last winter 3" "VI... {VL-Z___.--_ ,_..I_. J ,1__,,, , , A` URI IHSD \`VIIllUl' . . The Chairman gulped down something and continued to read that John William was an upricht brother, in man with a. heart full qrf synipnthy fur the mi.-fnrtnm- of others, and that charity and furgiionena were the beacon tires which guided his fun!- steps, wulnn '" avunnI'nA1 I1-n !n:.`11u|n ` ' I Fudge !" sneored_ tho widow. "I washed fur the mnney to my Iris du-.< to thelud;.{e, pm! all the sympathy any--nu got out of him wouldn't buy 9. cent`: wurth of court-plaster 3 Forgiveness! Well, some of you ought to have sat down on his hat some time I He'd have revenge if it coatlxim a. year in State Prison. Beacon res is -putty good, considcrin that M: never had a decent stove in the house .!" Cl lI...I...... ........ Lh..L....A L-.. 1.-.... ....lI-.1 IICVEI` IIIIII ii UEUUIIB HDUVU Ill DIIU IIUUEU ,1 Madam, your hhsband has been called hence Exactly ; I was at the fumml and ought tn know." He was cut down like u. ower." Well, owers ought to let whiskey and saloons and pllngdobaoco and old sledge alone." And we trust that our law. 1. has gain." | `V:-ll, if he's a.n_v bcner :61`: I'm glad nn'r hub l' nII 71a.1 {kn vain -:b'& vnnr chin In an 1: gain. bum.-r`6fx .0n'b, but 1 guns the gain iifil ynur side. Now that's" all I want to hear. I can pick upathuusnnd better men than him wilh 7 my eyes shut. I'm in :1 lllll1'y'tI_)gU(]n\H| - nn nee a woman who offs-.rs to sell :1 {ur- lined circular for 315, and if _\' >u hnvu any more highfzilvltilx Slpultspg-arc to git 1 if my piater will `take it in save it till I cnm-- bl?-ck 1" f . . . 7 .....'_-_...,....&.'.. _,,__.,._._ ._.......- -93-... ......v... T ._Lm-d nlmuld never b" used on waggon who-el. fr'ib`wi`) plin!trn'e 1 hu_b_ and work i`c:-1 `way out 'armr :1 ti renons_of t.be_.- ngokge `.`(,},1t,ra `in 03151? '1 -.-_.r.:e::I..r 'ze"u:\fi- 1`:Q:,1_ :_t.I_\iAb:icaL ;' 2' L -.I\1\4-n 41' Hvooden axiewcces. SHE knew HIM BEST HOW IT HAPPENED _.._._<._.4;>-.-.9-._._.._. A _GO0 D INTRODUCTION. A WRONG OPINION. nu he the -` . .1-ufthccounty,-mdenjoylng 8 ' 5`i2I.':QF:i1`c;n1)aLior1orall u_ows(mpers "moi ix5J[iln,i.`).| most nloslmho me- uhmna l"1,`um_.,i,,g_` [Lg -:)nt:.:ns-edxtorlal, '1" , [33l?CL'.'J-Wl1H)0 found to be of "" ` mingnsh all rst-class `country we 'ox_tenl- :.2,=:-5.32: 't:..; .*;`"""v L ..?3 taci1"!" ,"A"_`. .`L`.`;`1' l`,`,`.`. . 2); .+;.E3,{u m-Y.2 ...' N[U,N E) I [U um L1 11 U.u u.uu4_. J hismto at Six per cent. jnterest. LENNOX rne. , .4 EN 510 X. Solicitors, Ba. Mam Iouammx ___._,.._..__._____._ losmm 1{0GEl{S'-CONVEYAN- -.... xnmiauinnnv in ()nnnn'a Bench. R1a`LE"XNn SH01` GUNS, AMMUNITION, 850. __.--` L we glurtheru ghcute] IS ISSUED T ? ' ONVEYANCING` 31.0: / `[()i{L.\: .\I xcKA_Y, AUOTKONEER, \...`..:a.-mnm- (`n!x\'(!V'1LnceI`. Issuer of ` T AUOTIONEERS. A [OSEPH SWAN. AU>C J.`[ONEE a....sI.- l`\nnO\-1 A! lm:-ma l`m'mR ransom- V`[lUh.\.\H_ - 6.,:\x1s;. .3`v)p't. re`nMu-1` my-i .iI: I A va.rnn'.': RTTLI 4 ARcHTEGTN ` . fE.~mEDY, .\1V1T`rtE & H01. 1 .\rn A. 1.:rn.nm I` I. Rm-vnvnrs. A MILLION DOLLARS nucv Goons, ' Gheapvwools and Braids -v`--`_-` u. w---- ---- -- -.--- STAEEPIKG _ NOR BRAIDING AND EMBROIDERY, ' `Silica, Oanvizsss, Patterns, Chenille; Cards. Tassrls [Table Draper, fa, mly. N S cnvs1ALm.Acs srqns,| EA`D.E.'IE- ' LEGAL AD .a.mr.-1. Snlicit. nolloctmn or L`-nm.Nm. --Police (`,ourt, - }lj_ nun mu.-. "'c`ARr1{Y,' I?E 1*`Lz~;'.R .\1VI`c- 1' 1` A RTEIY. Rzvsristcra. Solicitbrs, Notaries .\"nn"(`I'5. Kt`. .-ll}: Block. opp wnrl, E\V D`I:.\ LI ri-"Horn. Solic L~nt.ll!`(`, for 01` `QT. GEORGES SOCIETY. A, l\.\ Ll UL` LA. :1` Attnrnqxy. S-)1ici kc. Ovllq-3; 4.3 AU I; L, lJ1xu.u.;u ;u nu ,:.1 \'Lm'nu)`s, Solicitors in Chanwry. No- , [1 u,:11-` 4`, )n':`c3 Otoo over Ba. nk of Toronto. y.mccrs\_ Harrie, Cu. Slmcoo, X. 05 l4 P4.` J \14x, u;;..,..,._., are. .-\lL0rn0y3M-law, Solicitorsin Chancery. '9y3,nCuu`3. 5:c.'.)tI1ccs: ,ox'ne1-otbunlop and \.-3 BJ.rr1e. J. l. Lenuox. }1.Lughton inf, MEDICAL {N .V1.~lUl\:1_l. , nu L) L A.\J .1 uuu, Uo:I1`1x`5~3sinnm', (`ur:\'(s3'1Lpcer. age-In--~nssm1d-artho New Act. .\Inncy mat .\I.>1ur:uo [:1Lm:usL. Creenlore. 0n6t:] . . y U lg` UUL\. l:l.1.A.lJ|.J_L`\J1I. . invaatment on good freehold security mtes, of interest No princi- al lone) re1uiro.i mtil end of the term. PH. THY AUIJI`. -I-)licILors.8.:c..Ban'io. :||tf*.:.\ln_x:It. V, `um _ __"_ ` , .'i{.x1) EN [{ U RS'[`, 13 ARRISTER xLIr\Z'\AV >2.x1i.-.ilnr ih Chancery, Cqngey; Lessons gian in,n11Bx-anchos of Painting, Drawin . 8co.. Sac. .4 ;Tenn on app! cation, STUD|.O:-l)11nIop-st, Moore's Buck Block Harrie. j2oRTRA1T5A1NTER I 'Skt<:,{\r'P3Lf/J;W2(f{(3iii;1:E(T. _ u...._......mmr.. Valuations and ..x N K o,"T1) E"N'r Is'r ` . . .. m....~ ..~~am,r I`.-nth always on ~ .CLT)t3>:'r, BA.1m1sTi3Rs,T ,,-.,x..... qnlinimx-a Chancery. Ar 0 AND 6!; man CENT. LOU NT 81. LOUNT. Ei I uuv..._,__,,__ ,[)v.mlopr3t1-cot, Frat, Foot, {.34 ' . | Street. Burrlie. 0 km .___- DEN l1U l\_DL, un.u.u-.u;.;.~...., sy. Solicitor in Chancery. Convey- ovllcva;-I<`irst Door South of Post 3 B1ock,I)won Styeot. Barrio. 49-15 ~ s`.:\v\1|!`I <:._'I.llCx.u.-- 3'11 km: taricl l`.1`.)!1~,.< Ont. 0 AVE'"5'E,'!',',IM, ./xrx/\/\./\/\/V` ' ` ' & CRES\VICRF., BAR ___- -4` ck.` Qunu-nmn (`.nllM. nf &s A U U1`, BA RR [STE RS slnHm'?nrR in Cha.n.:erY. V':aA1=.:a.::iaT._ ll `.4 J. I{or.I..L\' D. W [SISSUFZD Y THURSDAY . m\.. I.`|..nv'nI'\ [N O'EE_XEIDS E671 I..--.-t...n..+ An annrl 'fr-mxlfnld } `LEI. OX, 13ARRIS- .. v.. m ~1nlinitnrs:in(`.hn.ncel'Y. ~`nrc-noon of .V1u.y -I. Juno 5, .7. out. .3. Nov. :2, lloc. 7. mom of .\Ia.y 1. June 3, July .-3 3 \'o\'. `.2. 1)c(`..'.'. AND DENTAQ [1i.".I. L. <'}. x:c and Rest-htncc on the West side of John Street, iznum-lizmz Planing and .`.hI.Sh FMEIOTV.` _ .- '\ .. . u'rr.\ hr; 1.7`,-:\T'l`Ll'Q"l" `S Opposite Mr. Goo, Ball's ------ The Regular Meeting of the above Society . will be held inBothweIl s Hall, opposite the Rail- .u-mv Station. on nan, opposuze we mm- ,.wiy Station, on WED- N SDAY, DEG. 5th, man 1+. R n m. LVLBUA .l , unu. uu. ` 1883, at 8 p m. JAS. BEDFORD, Q nnratnr av. nth will be u.t his Uf- `- Hut -IV I [J [U U. : u, JlL\J ., Solicitors, FISHING TAGKLE, PUI(:LTKN'S_ F`. E. -P. Pm-mm. 1). B`. `{cW/rm`. H. PULLAN ' 51-ly I '1`. ll. . l)`!1.~x J Ixu, uuu ;..-4... 1,; 1 1.1 I mu for Icurwtixnz (`cam always hand: ins `uvh ulvu-s~)._uL u._nd safe. Omce over Edw.ml=a' Book Store, :4-urno. Ont. ' R. 7.[.\I\HuHL\`[.-\.\I. V DEN[`IS'I`, I willvimztr-,fallnzvingpmccscverymonth: PC\'E~`.l`\\`:H7l~'}I|C\'!-1-l`[ay5..Iuno 9, July H. '1. H -t. 6, .\'o\'. 3, l)ec.`S. W\'I-2m{lH.H -~l~nrc*m)0n of May 4, Juno 8, - '4 --- -v m 7 n.~x_.3_ .\Iov.:Z. UL` unu, Secretary. Anmm ruumuay-, 5:} BOILER WORKS.-II. SE`. 'REY. Manu- facturer ofovery desorigion of Enfines. Boilers, ` Saw Mi1I,GrisL MiIl._S lnz1e,l.at; x,nn'd Wood-'1 wnrkinz Machinery. _`_-____V_____ ` I; _ 4.; Lil LU). I3 1. LJILLV 14.` U` 11Lh.'-'UlUo Car enter 6: Builder. and, Manufac- turer uf Doom. ashes. Blinds. Mouldings. &.c. Planing of all kinds done promntly and satisfac- orily. J-mu Street. Barrie. JuuuLLL L\v\J\J l1lI.'\aD, STABLE, County Slmcoo. 01oe-P Court. Barrio. V , u. an.-v LLLLCI, U. 14. b'UJ_:.V A o Real Estate A cut. Calgary. 1 '1`. Correspondence sollcite with r.,g&;d vestmenbs m Province of Alberta. N. . '1 }Y. Mc\'I'l`1`IE. Address Cnhzm-v win In :.n.. J.1.|.\J;V, .El\olV\.1`l.`J_K"UlVlJD' - to loan on real csjuto at lowestmtos. Farm- ers` Notes discounted. Collections made in an part of the County. Real Estate bought and sol . Uonveyuncing in all its branches. - Marriage L!- ocnsca issued. Oirlvlcm---O\'cr Canadian Bunkof Commerce. Uunlop-st., Brwrie. .a. . "1-rv nu.- _ house at the N'0rthern Railway Switch. foot of J u. U \.I.LA..w.z\)-1, L):1J.!J.\;J...l`J, 1111'] -. dzmlor in C-oalsofull kinds. and lieorgecoxvn 0 my, and Guelph VVhite Finishing Lime. Cement-s of all kinds. Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Ilair. Oicc and Store- John Street. near the depot. l`he'bond of this -. Lima '13 better bimu that of any other kind. and tho nish .=,upex-ior. 0lco-Corner of John and. ` `illzabetlx-uts '- I D-.1Lu.U uu LILILVLILI, VVJLIJLJ DLLVK` ER. House and Land Drnincr. returns thanks to the public gcncmlly for their Past. favors and would mturm Lhum that he is SE1 1 in the l)u3nc`ss, and as prompt u.m1 obligin: as ever. OM10-1'5 can be left at No. :51), Peal--xr, lhwric, and they will be promptly attended `Lo. ., 17-ly. vestments in Province Alberta: I':"\7!;."f.V _ W. Address Calgary. via. Benton, Montana. U. S. 51 ly. O`}I.IZY6'Nf"13R'137K'iTET"NDS real eamfn !l1Z1nwnuf ...'.+..., 1:-....... () J. K5llU\V IDIJLA, l`\.K\\Jl..|.lllJl\/L, o Pi.-ms. .\{_m~n1renmnts, V aluntions and Lrblrmcionn for S -h-min, (`.hnrr:hr:9. Public Huild- lugs, Buaiue.s=a Prenfues, Mina. Farms and for - Town. (3-Juntry and .~iu'.mrhnu [tesidmu-es. Of- oo at the !{nitI.ing St-.)rc,. west of \Vcl1iri:.{Lon Hotel Barrie. 50:1) . a