JIM ! :-Thls is_the objection to the continuance of Sir Charles Tupper in Par- . liament while he is acting as High Com- - missionev to England :i Sir Charles, as 11 member ofothe Govemment, may next ses- sion introduce legislation. As he is High Commissioner, his independence as a mem- ber of Parliament will be gone, and he will feel mder the necessity of voting for his own measures. If, on the other hand, he "had not become lligli Commissioner he would be under no compliment to Sir Charles Tupper, and would be free to vote Aoninnt nnv nrnnnnnl Sir Charles Tunner DUE EIIUJCUIB UL Ip Ivnvngu 1. uvuu---V. From the above it will pen .tha.t Cnurehill Lodge condemned? . met_I]s_en who had failed "to Eupport the Orpn7g'a"1noprporetion Bill. The V merits of we have already adverted to, but w_e,mayf ' t the action of our contem- porary in- ering out a certain portion of the resolution regardless of the context, is character_istic- to say the least. Further nnmmant 3: "nuns:-Asuun-v, VIJIII C$bUl_JBUIU' `N 9, VII` commeni: iaunneoessary. I I %[nouu:x3g.IIuns% :1 Orillig pa r_.z`-eoordlithe advent of Mn. Ha|`ria;`of `rice : Oc`ox1iera', with ve children. from the Marchmount Home, for whom shehud'secnred `homes in Mqdonte. The mime authtmty states further that the children sang hymns very pweetly. Of course sin ' g hymns is exatly what they want in edpnte. in r. C` .. . -o . 4." un- MDVU U665-I ugh Ml u._|u |UlUU,. Btu-Ivu "nun lhtl kinds of shooting irons but the bears yet live. Two ycung men who were on their way. to Wyevale on Sunday night were munla ah-mid nf }min`rrnl|M-. in`: tin 1111-]: In: ims column is qpen to all wh_o_ vnrite In good faith. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editor, _ vvu-.w can `again! can Mn. H. Belfry, of West Gwillimhury, Is in sossession `of 'a~ colt born: without eyes, an which is otherwise perfect in every par- ticular. `The great peculiarity is that there 15 not the slightest semblance of this ne- cessary component to the brute creation, and yet it lives, moves, and has its being likeall other animals. ' ` . g -n`-u a o 'n- IQ - utatxilxag at the eame time that` some art.ie;I desired to take his" life and he wishe toget ahead of them. This being tefused and he Ivminnv nrni-at` n{TH1n'nv'wmnnnhn anfvn nnn 8-118511 OI uuem. ILIIHI IUKUSUQ III II! being ordered oil the premise: he seized one of the knives and attempted to out his throat, giving himself an ugly wound on the cheek. He was immediately seized` and conveyed to the locknp. ` In..- 1.--... 11...; 1.-.... 1.-.... :.. L1.-I-...,.L Ddminioniwelfnro, being as they are but the gubjecta of 1; fox-eign Potentate. 13...... .n.`.. ..I...m. :+ ll Inn man that ` Tun post year's operations of our sher-' men, according to a late blue book, showed 3 very utlsfsotory progress. The total val- or of the production in 1882 was $16,824,- 083; tic vsluein the previous year amount- d to $15,000,911, which is exclusive of the utchln lhultoba and the North-west, of width than are no returns. Of the total dloveulvllln Non Bootis's.share is 87,- III, 0.8; New Brunswick : 83, 192,339; I1.wo,am; Pam` mama 1.. End a. O1.865.6s7_: kw Columbia's`, 31 IIBV Ull UUIIUI BIIIIHBIHQ :` `ON Friday eveningazi individual giving `his name as Edward O`C6iinor, and hailing fztonisarnia, entered Mr. Greasey a_l'utcher shop, Midland, and asked for a, revolver, stating same 'art.iea rlnnii-Ari in balm his" life and his wihlm toast vEdz'to'r Advance. . UNGENTLEMANLY AOTIONVBY A MEMBER OF THE COUNCIL. I-3-,5-9 --I-.1-.-In ;'1`he deceased. `inativhre of :r.';...n. m.:.'.u. n.....I--.: A-_:--__:._-._. . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR A CORRECTION! 1 M3-. . : . . ,o_q_|l-5, &c., Punucx. KIELY. , Iv.-w -vv-, '_1'i1os;Snon rn.nnn.' `urifgern Zkhhantc. ~> '- uvfnu nun. ya: - . 36 'v.`.`.:.';i`e?%` A , . 11, 5"` ` M . A noavonu-that . : ;8.25a.m.:iL85p.m `Inf: Pam'- amvn: nunmqn u,o9s.m. o.up.n_ ` rmcssnnn qunmv uusxcmsnu W '`*W`9a3'%2,; :;::2i= '"m PARCEL 1-The East half of Lot N3. 3, South side of McDonald-at... " Edwards Pla ," Barrie. There is erected on this lot a rough-cast House one-and-a-half storey high and. woodshcd. ....`..`u Puznmr. 2-Lnt. Mn. 29, East amp nf Th-nh-uvLno Uuc-uuu-u-nun own :2; ugau u_u_q 11 uuqaupu, `,j_',) `P 0F-l-2- tNQc29 East d fl}: (1! rd .. Szi`1`ord's Pail." Barrle, half! agoacren m(ore-a less. There me one storey clap-boarded house erected thereon. This lot will be sold subject to mortgage for $200. Pmcan 3-.-The W} of the East 3 acres of lot No. 2 on south side of Rose-st., Barrie. one and a half acres. There is a. one , storey rough-cast house erected thereon. 11.-u-..sm A llII...1'Ir| AJAL- Irv: -31-. . _ ' .. .- el'UUI4Ul4l LHUFCUIL PARCEL 4-The W; of the W} of lot 4 aduth side VPenoumguIahc'ne-st., Roe'e Blgck, Ban-I , 3: perch- cs, more or less. upon whloh Is` erected a one storey rouzh cast house contaimmr 4 roomn. V tered inside. naugu vuau uuuuu Uuuuuluug Q FUOIIIS. PAREL 5-Lots3o and`3l south side of Caroline St.. J ncob's Block` Villnee or Allandnle. There is one amt-ey house rd andrbutmned and plus- PARCEL 6--LoL22 on the enataidc Mucus-st., Jneobfs Plan. Village ot Allnndalo. ' ' _ . PARCEL 7--Lot No. 10. on the East side of On- tario-st.. V111 e of Smyner. of an acre. Psnom. 8-- t 15:01:` Sou side of John-st., Stnyner. A NOIITHIRN RAILWAY aomq""owrH. . In-.ve 'i`92anto;= ` T.5I.m.. 11.55 s.tn.. 5.10 pm Leave Barrie. 11.10 mm. 2.25 . ..-8.20 . ,5: at ool_linxw.ood..12.4o p,m.'.. _,3.5 3.3., 9.55 3.}:- ' GOING SOUTH; in the Uountyor Buncoe. Uonveyancer. are r u1r- ed to send by sgglre-paid. or otherwise de ver to the undersn H. D. Stewart. Barrie P. 0.. the Assn ee and Trustee. of the estate of the said James la wards, on or before the 1st da of Au- gust. A.D.. 1883, their addresses and a uil and particular discri tion of their claim dui veried and the nature 0 the securities held by t em; and to take notice that the said Assignee will after that date proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the rties entitled thereto, h_a\:iri regard `tozthed: aims only of which he jiiwmlm: Houses) -IN THE- TQVVN . CI` -EAEEI --AND- Villages of Allandale ' St_a_2/rnwr Iiiaxsn muuxsu TRBNKSI renoumgxuanene-an, nous mgcx, name. 31 perch- rough contoinmg 4 rooms. DADIPI. 5.__l'.ntnI nvn-I-'11 m-nun. aha- -1 n..-_u_ - a nxuuo, an u pun uu.`J.UiV_ 3 U1", SALE- Each parcel vyill be sold separately and subject to a reserved bid. to be in the hands on the Auc- t ioneer at the time of sale. The lots upon which buildings are erected will be sold subject to a monthly tenant. Parcel 2 will a no he sold subject to a Mo:-t'ga'ge of 8100. ` - The Vendor will not be bound to account tor. groduce oi-show. or prove thecontaants or. any eeds. documentsor evidences of title not in. his, po'f1i1lesslon.1:)r furnish copies of tltieguame. to th e are seer shall. a time o -, e Vendog ten per cent.` of the urchnse'n)`nyey. and balancewithin 80 days with tel-eat at 6 per cent upon making such payment the n:-chaser shall be entitled to his conveyance. t e expenses of which shalibe id for by him. The ether onditions of Sale will be made i V known at time oi` sale. `- Forfurther particulars apply to the undersigned. ' - H. D. STEWART, Solicitor. Owen-st., - Barrie. Rm-rle_ `lh Junn, `IIRSL on ox- - Arrive at 01'! HIV nnvna nnnnvpn--UU1Nu Nut Leave Barrie 11.10 u.m. -9.12 (mu, 1 Art ltGnveIi1uh:nt11&.35o l:)'LI I! , E 0` I _ o_ . . . norm: ann'I"w, ' " vvvvvu -vw--of Lea. G1-nvenhurut. ---'-- 0.30 a.m. 2.15 . 1435;: on-min. _ 6.10 u.rn.. 8.05 a.m.I 4.003% Arrive at Bu-rie. 0.10 a.m.. 9.05 0.111.. 5.00 pm xo3ru'aIxoon-G_0.lNG.xoMn. ;-- . have Barrie at 10.40 s.m.. 8.45 9.1:; `A;-rive at Penomngnfuhnno. 1.00 p.m..' 10.45 pm: GOING ' SOUTH. ' Lhdve PenoI:a.nFnla' hene at 0.15 3.111. ; 3.101051: An-Lye gt 0 . 8.40 3.113.. 6.00 nan Pursuant to section 84 or Chapter-1W ot the Re. vised Statutes of Ontario, the Creditors or the estate of James Edwards, of the Town of Barrie. in the Oountyof Simcoe. Conveyancer. ujr- re-paid. st, unders Stewart. 0.. said estate the rties entitled thereto, havin re ard to the c shall t en ve had notice. 11 n mmnttrnnm Barrie, 23rd J me. 1883. Saturday. the 7th day of July. - 1883. PDLIGE OOUBT. III THE TWIN W BA|IRIE,t _I'.nr__ Ban-le, 1311 June, Opp. Szinimersett House, {Barrie S-ly 9:: no UVll'l|KWUUll}Z.||l p,n1.,. , `V . SOUT Leave Oomnswood 4.40 :-..m.. Arrive at. Barrie. 6.15 o.!n.. Arrive at Toronto. 9.10 a.nx.. -._-.._..-.... _- ..._._ ._- Art.-nuxiuvuuuurllu 4019 Pain, o.wp.nf1. coma scum. Leave Gruvenhnra ----- 11.30 5.111., 1 Leave .10 5.111.. Arrive Barrie.` a.m.. \ `V111-MI-tI'-'\nr|'(\In vlI'l\I\n1u m--_.. Ir seems impossible that a remedy made of such common, aim le plants as Hops. Buchu, Mandrake`, Dande ion, &c., should make so Inanyandsuoh tonresal-Hn but when old young, rich . poor; puetor aod doctor; lawyer and editor, all to having been cured by them, you mut believe and try them yourself, and doubt no longer. -1 Acres, 3 miles from Barrie, part or not 18 {ma 1.9. 7th Oon.. Vespra. 75 acres under cultivanon: soil claaloam; comfortable Dwelling House: good Barn. 6 : hard and soft water: azood Orchard. The undersigned having purchased the Gro- cery business of _ A, Aco, is now receiv- ing 3 Complete Stock of - v PU BLIG . AucfrIoN| \IL`J'J.L J.J\IL}.I. 3; Lll.l`J LILJILI. I.` entrance to the Park, on Dominion Day. ggtgl in `Thai ndg will be `Keg 1 rewa. y re urn ng c same . BEMR8BE. onnoslte the Barrie Howl. 27- soil cls loam: comfortable Dwelling House: good Barn. ; hard and soft water; agood on as soon as this year's crops are o . Apply to J. A. DUNN. on the premises. or by lot- ter to Barrie P. 0. . S7-lmo Ap 1y to J. A. DU] tex-go _. Would beg to solicit A share of your patronage. EHHAPNIMBIMIITYI V round at Mmnmst on an or can have the same by p} payinaexpenses. A1191: at Al\L\1LVU--1 .I:l.lu1.\.|u1).|. L`\lJ.J.L' .1 I . the ublio that ! will not be responsible 1'91` 31% de ts contracted In my name. JANE ANN UNN. V 1'7...._.._ f..I...n Inna nly u. ubernll rewarded by returning the to B; I BEMR8BE. opposite Howl. _ IINHABITANTS OF BARRIEI Groceries, ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY DELIVERED. Yours respectfully, N|C_l-lOLS`_9`|.\l. 3;n},'J1{n;, issa. ` \-\J~./s4\.r\t(sn.-\\\\\\\. a\\.\A/\Aas\A.~I\Ix\f&f\\'u\a\.\- OAT F0 U N D-OIL CLOTH COAT found at Mldhuist the mth ult. The own- can have the name hv moving nronerty and TAONEY LOST AT THE MAIN nhnnlt IE In Rnnlr `Rina Thu nor ull hn vnrv WA'RNING-I HEREBY NOTIFTY hue '1 111 11 for nnv 11.3.9. nnntv-at-In In mv nnmm JANE NEILL BEOS., Pursuant to Section 84 of Chapter-WI of the Re. med Ontario. RAIL` llU&VLVo Vpsprn, July 3. 1883. N THE MATTER OF JAMESED- WARDS, AN INSOLVENT. MR. JOSEPH B55333, Auctiomwr, n_- n_II_...!.._ I:\_'__|_.'v; ~n___,, _, . TOWN LOTS use-Iv --- ---w--wv. vvuv -u--up Ao-(' van. (3.53 P. MUSKOKA nruncxkcaoma` NORTH. awe Barrie. 11.10 n-m.- -9.12 n m n 1: .. 1 \UQ`1`IO1fI sAIIE__oE TERMS. AND CONDITIONS o1rVsA1,E. Em-.h mu-nnl will ha niuld nnm-..o.I.. ....a ....|.x.. svunounmmc. couiwnv. Ntm inttiscments." AnvANc;?)-ioe, July 4 1883 8885.`2888S882'."383e.SS888? GvdOOOOQl\OOO-!ONO9NlOOOO @@@@@@@e:`: : s@a=' eee`@7@@ auanmaauaaaoao-one-a-aemgggggg ` O B.EN'l`.-A FARM OF 100 Acres, 3 miles from Barrie, part of Lot 18 and M1 0011.. Vesnra. NOTICE TO OREDITORS. MARKET mnirfans. At 12 o'clock. goon. at tho ' THERE WILL BE SOLD 817 TC) TEE _ Crockery, TRUNKM In IV :1. a nun. ~ 'G0}NG N031}!!! on At 145 AND THE it gn the aim: ult. 't`:1t0 o` I IV 1'0 1 plyya.'l`HI`?Qg`F?CEy 2 xi. D. srmwmvr, Asslgnce. Bin \`\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \\ \ J-Ila , 7.3oV'n.u'1..4.00 p.m , 9.25 5.111.. 6.00 p.m . p.m.. 8.25 11.111 inning` `nu-...... )8 are uu. lot JLUA Ila . 8.451).!!!- , 9_,40 p.m '&"'$'J"..ua.` ""`" `1 ."o'`..;.a`."`i` `as... o 8g5,000, which wguld make the of lm nhmvinn 291 ma non '.l'h6 V8100 II 00111- 2.2'e? 27-1t ' At the hour of Twelve o'clock. noon. in one r- cel, the following Lands and Premises. that s to sny:-'l`he North of Lot No. 14. in the 8th Conces. sion of the said Township of Fins. and the Nonth of Lot No. 9, in the 1st Concession of the said, ownship of Tiny-about 10 acres of the first mentioned halt lot ho._ve been chopped over, which `can be easily cleaned, having been burnt oven 21 second time. and them is plenty of cedar on it for fencing purposes and a considerable quantity of fallen pine. which is marketable ; the soil is clay and clayey loam of good quality, and it is distant from Elmv-ale Station about two and one-quarter miles. and is in first-class farmin locality. of the second mentioned half ot about Forty There is a ortgage for 8500 on the said x-st mentioned half 10!. onlwhich 340 are overdue for interest; and there is a Mortgage for $235 on the said second mentioned half lot._on which there are about 870 ovordpe for iotert. and the said lands will be sold subJect to .the said mortgages. and sugsmt to the future dpayments of an annuit ' or $1 ; charged on sai lands in favor of the nin- H , whn in now about 71 vcars of Me. the rat of good tannin locality. I sub'ect totho mmrgdpaymegm or annunf or say m ti , who is now about 71 cars of e, rat of such future payments wil fall due t e 6th Fehy., I 1881. 2 For further particulars and conditions apply to Messrs. Strathy & Ault. and G. A. Radenhurst, Esq.. Barrie. or to the undersigned Master. gated Nth J mm, 1883. _ _ S'l`RAT1lY& Aura`. J. R. COTTER, 1'TA_J...9.- D..I2..:L..-.- "nrI6l\m n6 I)...-1.` 25-V lln. The Young Peo le has been from the first suc- cessful beyond an icipetion.-N.Y. Evening Post. It has a distinct purpose. to which it. steadily Pursuant to the J udgmcnt or me tugn uour: Justice (Chy. Divn.) in ncause of Cnntns vs. Comes. dated the 13th day o1'Junc. 1883. there will be sold by and with the approbation of the undcxvsigned Master at the . You snouu) st: mam AT Oqrlsatundsy last the merchants of the _VUni_bed States began to reject the trade dollar as a representative of value. The trade dollars were coined for 0. special purpose, the China trade, but in I879 were demonitlzed by Congress. Since then they have fluctuated in value according to the price of silver, and on Saturday were re- iooted altogether. Yet mark you. the trade dollar contains seven-and-one-half grains more silver than the regular dollar. Yet some people still hold that intrinsic value A has I relation to coin. COURT HOUSEJIN THE TOWN OF BARRIE, Saturday, theT 14th day of J uly, i1883: rsb-class farmin locality. Of the second mentioned _ _a.bout Forty acres are cleared and fit for cultxvatnon. and the remainder is timbered with map_le, elm, bass- wood, cedar and hemlock; the soil is clay and clayey loum of good ualiti/; and there are 11 Log House and Lo Stab e on t. and :1 living sprin in the centre 0 it; and is distant about two ans 9. half miles from Sauna Station. and about four and nhnlt miles from Elmvale Stanton, and is in fanninidlooality. ise. said tw=~=m=d ."l|!i`D1\,l Q A\Th hnxrnrmvnua ..__'F|uI nun-nhhnnn TERMS AND CUNDITI. NB.--The pm-cnnser shall investigate the title at is own expense, rind the Vendor will not be bound to_produce nnyit tie deeds or muniments of title _not in her possession. The purchaser shall at the time of sale pay down a deposit of $10` for every 8100 of his_pnrcha.se money to the .'Ve1_1dor or her Solicitor. and shall pay the remainder of the urchnse mono within one month from the y of sale wit intere`stinto court to the c t of this cause. In other respects the conditions of sale are the standin conditions of the Chancery Division of the Hi Court of Justice. V For urther particulars and conditions apply to Messrs. St:-athv&. Anlt. Radenhurst. '-L'l\Io I-WI L'\J.I.UI. , JJ.I\J.I.'lL`L)l.'l.IJ L\I\J' TIONEER for the County of Slmcoe. Orders left at the Anwmcn Omce will be promptly at- tended to. and information will be furnished lgartles roqulx-in Mr.Ford'ue1-vice . us though e had himself eon consulted. Sa es taken at nrlcen to unit. nvm-vhndv. 26- ceastul beyond ant1cipat1on.-.N.. Evening Post. purpose. steadily adhex-es-t.hat. namely. of aupnlanting the vicious pets for the young with a paper more unmet- ve. as well as more wholesome.-Boswn J oumal. For nantnenm nlpznnnn nf enm-nvimz. and con- [EARM1N ""i7RoPERTY oy unu wu_n me no nan nnnseu been con prices to suit everybody. Tm! muftlplicity of explosives in in- ._.......... 1-11.. I11... ....,.4L2....; ,..I.u.n-Jnn us Suitdi to Boys` and Girls of from Si:.c"t:1-.i-x- tegn years of age. ' Ive. weuasmore wholesomc.-15oston Joumal. > For neatness,_olega.nce of engraving. and con- tents general! , it is unsurpassed by any ubli- ,cation of the ind yet brought to our not cc.- Pittsburg Gazette. - A TER MS. HABf ER 8 YOUNG PEOPLE. I u 50 ' For Year. Postage Prepaid, f ` ` gmoiu: NUnnnzs.tF`o\;r Oeexinf ezch. C ta -v on 0 on rec 0 mo en . ' T%cVI`?)lnneg>taef?nrpe1's Yogmg ggople for 1881 and 1852, handsomely bound in Illuminated Cloth. willbe sent by mail,v`pos pregid. on raw! t of (I) each. Oovor for o . 001310 for I 85 nta:p08hte1' '13 taaddl onal. gmlttanoes a oulognbe made by Post-Oco in--_.-.. t\..._1_.. -_ I'\__u ;_ _..-x.1 _|.__.... -1 I-..- -... `nu. "nu uuuu uv nuunv unvuuy rupguu ly. You osn`5i'eAv'3aI3-,your whole time to the wor our spa-o moments. Full information *-:5 `and tin needed sent tree. Atdrqu 81-m, son. 8500.. Po_:-thud. Maine. _ I514; A Roy: Anon-r ;v;k nto:n. `self or enfeebled circulation in like A mpe about our negka. We are utruug up and ,unItn'1ng alternately 51.1 existence becomes unbearable. ` % Burdock `Blood Bitteri will arrest all this". 0 ,`mII'9f_I'y.' `Bn_rd_9ok ~BloodBit6en-ilnboon to. Tthdiibk. ` Lcrninmmnhnthinhut 85 cents : posmgei`1!3 cents additional. Remittances ould be Monoy Order 01' Draft. to avoid chance of lost. Nowsnanera are not to cony this advertisement Monoy order Dmrt. to avoid chance or IOBI. Ngwsmpera copiy adve semen: withou the 0 recs order 0 Hmrnn 8:. nos. Address HA PER 8c BROTHERS. NewYork. in not . in novertv. ` D 111 time become wealthy; those who do " I not improve their opportunities meme! povert . ,We offer a great chance to me}: mono . - e went mu men women. boys and ie work for no rig t in their own localities. y one can do the work properly from thenrit start. The business winlirey more than ten times ordinary wogen. Expo ve outt furnished free. No one who engages rails to make money npm. can devote your work. or may log; spore x_nome_ns. Fuil_i_ntorm,guon _.__-- nxupry; numoox moon bitten In I I [ma sick. - Lmuumnber this not. CANNOT BE SURPASSED BY ANY. CHANCERY SALE 6:7 ITAYIIAIIVI` ' HARPERS youex PEOPLE 1333." All _lllllS'l RATED wesm-Ia Mess. DI!l'LlxtI.l U] DHU Blu 11163591. TERMS AND CONDITI NS.--'!`he purchaser shall and um Vnndnr will nnt. hn hnnnd tn nrndunn. nnvh tln the Judgment of the High Court I Iusticc lChv. Divn.) Townshzps ofgs and Tiny. The Finest Stoek of DRY GOO s ever brought to Bnrrie, an earnest of which wasgiven at OUR OPEN. ING, and since which all our purchases have been passed into stock. Every department being now replete with my most Select Goodsat the LOWEST POSSIBLE -PRICES. V DRESS GOODS.-In this Department we show an immense range, in which will be found the Newest Fabn`;. in all the leading Colorings, with Trimmings to match." ._...-upn-an nanny-urn n-av-rs 1|-uunnA :_'_.L__._1...l_...l ;. 1... .......l L- ...... 1.. 'T`-_-, . .l.L|U u]4\]',`n g `.\;g`...," 35.` `..~.`..-..`. -_._r___,__ .___ __V , ,_V_,V__ ___ _ I 7 _ _ _V____ _r______ u. VH Size and `Quality. ' - ' HOUSE FU3N_ISIHG8--You will nd a most Superb Stock in Table Linens, Napkins, Doyles, Towels and Towelling, Shootings, Pillow Cotton, Cretonnes. _ V CARPETS in BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, KIDDERMINSTER and HEMP, (to. Also Cocoa and Cord Mattings. Patterns in Brussels and Tapestrys are CONFINED, and will be found undoubtedly Coiuu~:Ur." 1 . WOOLLENS in Scotch, West of England and Canadian manufacture. Trimmings of Best Quality. Clothing made to order in CITY STYLE at a Reasonable Figure. ' Gents Furnishin , Hats and Ca, 3--The largely increasing sales from these de artments have wa 1- . 8" P r ant red me in purchasing accordingly End 80 9-"8-nglng that customers can at all times nd ALL THE N()VlI.Tll.3' as they appear in the market. Q--cnooqou-I<-`OI 1`, _ A", ___A_ -1!!! i :1 ns I , `I `. `Iran '.nY.r"1."` ` `" ` * A- r~-r - 1 1 o1%oth1xg us GIA Iluv vv.v.-_a.., 0t1r;;.l;u:fi RINTS;_-:&TIN8 AND7!l)CADE8 is'a<=knw1edged to be equal to any in Toronto for Select Designs, and are selling fast. ' an-`nu-an nsnofn I-VIIKIYIIIIYP BI!!! IIIIIIIIIIITIII ..-......_2...\.. -11 A... }Inn3\.nLIn Q}-Inn n...) II..L.... l_ , . _ ___.__.__ __ NEWR`EA./._x_DY-` HTHURSDAY. JULY 5, I883. Men`: Spring Ovsfooats: Ilyefs Vwaterproof `Coats, Men : Tum Tweed Suits, $3 up. Askfar the new kmt Jersey Suit,a -..- .....1t....... 00 on Q The Subscrioer Jvalscn nhis opportunity of tlianking his numerons friends in Barrie and throughout the County (0, their very liberal patronage during the past year, and also to inform them that in order to MORE SATISFAUIW )P.ILY meet the demands of his rapidly increasing business he has for the coming season T119 M[LLIN'ERY Department, still under the efcient management of MISS THORNE, being 30 wiJ.;. ly and favorably known needs no further recommendation, only to say it is fully stocked witlrtho Choiceet. pmdu--zions of British and Conbinent.a.l'Market.s. All Orders will, aoheretofore, be executed promptly and in the very beat W .IOHN wATs0N, EIIDICDIJ Street, Barrie. ;EO. R. Ibn, LICENSED AUG-V I 'I`ION 1`.F.R fnr the Cmmtv of Simone. 0|-dam .v`:.- avinvw `V vvu-U . `Voi1.'IV. commxcsn Novmannn 7. 1882. I 883. Spring and Summer. 1 883 nlnl. ua nuun. Vendor s Solicitors. ?r1Lvi3_i Ktizfioslnnv DEPARTMENT . -....1 f\....ILu many: on the looko t for 3'3`&'e%_ increase their esmlngsmnq time become wealthy; those who not_1gnp1-o#ve rams! Largest Assomift THE EMPORIUM r 11-1! STRONG IMPOR'1`ED DIRECT! J} Master 111. Ran-I 7. Ah VUJ. Ann, Master at Barrie. HAVE OPENED OUT A BPLENDID LOT OF DRY doons. REKEY-MADE 7Ol.0TH1ilOW,- ale. ' - ` Coal Oil Stoves, |883_ Refrigerators, Ice Cream Freezers, Glass Fly Traps, Window Screens, Bird Cages, " Curtain Poles, Curtain, Chains, T Stair Rods, Blind Holders SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, NEW WALL PAPERLFBOM 50 A ROLL UP, V NEW EXPRESS WAGONS,` A NEW LACROSSE STICKS AND BALLS, 3 "NEW OROQUET (4, 6 & 3 BALLS) FROM 90- V ._ . `_ A. And ;lgqt, but not least, the largest and beat assortment of .iBI3LES. ' V ` ' B131-ESQ AT THEIVERY LOWEST PRICES. `..H'REllhE._haBER THE rmon, ' 'j_~__;'_;-A, --____ '_ _ laug- :00/`Emu, Mm.` Tweed 3,`;-`Q, at 3, 310, 312, $15, $18 and $20. ` mow km: Suit, so rmwh m fashwn I07 50313 770"` 3 `0 14' 3/0078 (1 age, and from $2 to $6 for full suit. __:_1g: jA 4 'U]N'ICOFI.N' S'I'OIEI.]3g_ AT sC0'r'r9s 31-1! W will not attempt to describe our Sprlng Novalfles, a personal inspection .only~can do them justice. Call and see our NO\V_ cloths =1nd'_\'ou are sure to order. TESTAMENT8,` {We are olforing today one of hl PIIIENIX HALL ! 7 tziools. Store. W `A9 ` ` . `nomWELL*s 131,002, opposrrrrnlgw ` MEIIGIIANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. TI-1 Is SEASON! --v---u- NEW GOODS: SANDERS & WHITTAKER. AT comprises all new desirable Styles and Make: lu evea, "1>s'A_Lni Books, OTTON BROS. Eva offered bpfre ih Barrie, And for Bows j% % JERSY SUITS. DIRECT IMPORTER. -Ks, _ _ . HYMN AND PRAYRR B00 20-'3mos (with T138611.` :Durab111ty s4,e85,ooo, would 5.5%; lie 11 of the nherioo 821,709,092. ' `o f-Oundinarsh to the ~a*2*,~,,:.:i..t..`..~.~..= I08 ' Britinh w...o. r..a:.. , UFBIW Dluln , British West India; \IIlIl'lUU IUPLKSF, ISIIU \VllUlu UU IFUU UU VUDU qainat any proposal Sir Chm-lea Tuppor might make. Hon. David Mill: is the author of this delicious bosh. P813811 OI! EH6 IIIIUI .50 H99`) H10 PIES, 05' l aides such persons who are hkaly or should go to as House of` Industry, are very often `people who` if they had some hght employ-' ment would be oom twely happy, and decidedly more oomforteble and healthy. Besides all the above named advantages, these oer people would receive regulir medi attendance, and religious services, -.. ......;._ vv Iuuur. This produced a decided sensation, dur- ing which the Grit leader appeared-to be much confused. Mr. Greenway is now qualied for membership in the Amun- Cnncnon-Enosn syndicate of gentlemen, who can never be accused of saying what is true of their political opponents. I-`URSHSIIED U3 BY SPECIAL OORRESPONDINTEL " KRIBBED" FROM COUNTY EXOHANGBB-AND COLLECTED FROM OTBIRVSOPRCEB, uuuu. nuu uvvwa an" un Mr. Brown draw out .7. sheet of paper, held it out` at arms length. and said`: `In that your handwriting? f you deny it, I am prepared to prove the handwring by another document over you own signature, containing the terms of your aggreement to `o over to the -Reform party. '1`hcre are mem is of the House who are prepared to swear to the.hand- writing. nu. q 1 1 -1 1 ' 1- ,, 3,," A HARVEST ovmzws GATHERED mo . WINROW3 . lllglllg DU 1111'. no LIIUIIIPIUII III `nun V11` Inge. The re was started in a. window boarded up and lled with straw. The straw was all consumed and the window sash completely destroyed. Had the re been unobserved efew minutes longer, it would have got into the hay in the loft, and in all probability one of -the best stab- les and adjoining houses in the` town would have been consumed. tuten our commercial muupuuuuuue. We are a `dependency--'out to what ex- tent? Governed by our own laws under ,1-esnonsible government; laws both social and commercial, owing no allegiance to England save the loyalty of a child to its parent, accepting from her only a Governor General with permissive rather than` dened powers, and backed by England : declared policy_0f non-interference; in view of all n this we are justified in declaring Canada a truly independent nation, and rejoice at the display of national heling evidenced not only on our holidays, but at all proper times and places. fill this rlnrn-an nf imlenendence. the n J uuuu . V I said the other day, and I am prepared to still vow, that I knew nothing qf the air- cular. and never saw it. ..-- v\ u n 1,; 4- A young men : Mulock-Reform Club for Bradford a`nd West G-willimbury was formed here last week... . .At the Magi!- lw-n+n n nnrf. nn W1-idnv Inst, tun vnnha lorlneu 1181'? 153`; WUUK. . . .AD [[13 1VI.Ig1l' tm+.o s Court on Friday last, two young lads, Cooper and Labountie, were fined for stealing eggs from Mr. Wm. Edmanson. The lads entered Mr. Edmanson s stable and took some 68 eggs from under sitting hens. .. . .On Thursday last shortly after noon, some erson set re to the stable be- longing to r. A. Thompson in this vil- lmm 'l`hnf'u-n wsul If.nI-tad in n winmu Tn: East Northumberland and Wellzind oiedtion cases have been opened and so far the evidence points to extremely corrupt _ practices on the part of the pure Re- form candidates. . Treating seems to have been liberal! indulged in, but the respon dent in the _ elland case thought the Bid- was won by moral suasion and thought that therein it ditfered from the North Simcoe contest. This was hard on Mr. Phelps. A charge of attempted. bri- bery was clearly proven in this case. The gsapects are that both Mr. Ferris and . Moi-en will be nnsented_. Mr. Mc- Carthy is the prosecuting. counsel in the Wellsnd case and Mr. Hector Cameron in the Northumberland case. ' AI I118 IEEF IIIUUDIIIK OI E110 QUEKIBY 5I' eions held at Barrie, the Grand Jury in the presentment to his Honor-Fudge Gowan, after expressing their thorough satisfaction at the manner inwhieh the Co. Gaol was` kept, &c., stron ly recommended the erec- tion of a Poor one or Houeeof Industry. This seems to us a. good idea. This town- ship pays annually _(w_e are told) is large sum of money for A mdlgentg, enicientwo pay good interest on whet would (he re- quired to purohue eplnoe for suogulgmpou; N owjwe think South. Bimooeqho _let the ' example and'pur_ehue any salty not-e`fa .rm for gnoh, and if we are to be 1116115! the experience ofour no` hhor V ding, Isa;-tho York. nan-lvif not an to enough could be. Uraenwy, `J18 HICIDDGF IUT luountlln. Mr. Greenway leaned back -in his chair and said : ` I never saw the oircnl|r-I told you that before. (v1__.n_ _m...._...._,!.. `It. `Da........ LI... 111." J uu uuuv uuuu Shortly afterwards Mr. Brown, the Min- ister of Public Works, rose to speak. He said there was a general impression that Mr. Greenway s denial of the authorship of the circular waain some way qualied, and he would like to know positively whether the hon. gentleman still persisted in dis- owning the circular. At this Mr. Green- wny said : ' A u `I .._.',I AL. .51.... .1-.. ..-A I -... U\IIAnnnAA This from the Mail is worthy of atten- tion :-The Manitoba Reformcrs are about as fair in their political warfareas are their brethren of the Province of Ontario. Dur- . ing the recent Emerson election a grossly unjust circular reflecting upon the Mani- toba Government was issued .on behalf of the Opposition. There was a suspicion that Mr. Greenway had prepared this libel, but in the Legislature he positively denied hav- ing been privy to it. Thispdenial was ac- cepted, as denials in Parliament usually are. Last week, however, the matter came up again, and Mr. Norquay mentioned in- cidentallv that he had, an idea that some- body on the Opposition benches had writ- ten the document. At this there was cry of Name, name ! The report proceeds to to state : Mr. Norquay paused for a few moments and then said : `. have very good reason for supposing that circular was written by Mr. Greenway, the member for Mountain." Mr. (lrmanwav leaned bank -in his chair GXPOIIOIT OI DUI IIU HUD!` uuulg, J.`|UI'ln York, neat-l -if not quite enou 11 be`. raiaedo t e landlto keept eplaoe,be- aides such nenona hkalv or should times End pieces. Will this degree of inde endence, the growth of this national fee ing tend toe. total separation from the empire it We think not. Perfect independence can only result from perfect liberty of action. We have that; have all that we can possibly ask, if there is more it will be readily granted. `What then should produce a de- sire for separation. Both principle and interest are against it. Under the Empire we enjoy privileges and immunities we could not hope otherwise to possess. And with the Empire we enjoy the proud con- sciousness of being an integral part of the grandest nation the sun ever shone upon. Long may it ourish, and long may the Dominion of Canada continue to remain, the brightest jewel in that grand crown. The ecmion of the celebration of our uational holiday, celebrated to as loyally as it was in Barrie, prompts a few thoughts upon the signicance of the day itself. Canada standsbefore the world a nation, a dependency it is true, still an independent nation. Two great steps have made her so. The first was confederation, the wield- ing together of several scattered provinces into one vast and harmonious whole. That made the country, but a country alone does not constitute a nation. The next great step was the adoption of the National Policy. However, opinions may di'eras to the value of this measure from an economic point of view, all must agree that its adoption in the place ot the Free Trade principles of the Mother country consti- tuted our commercial independence. '1.-. nu-A c. `(lav-.nnrInnnv._}\|If. tn whnf. AI. THE case of Povlin vsrthe City of Que- bec, is of interest in that `it will probably be the means of testing the powers `or. the = Local Isgislature to regulate the liquor traie. The history of the case is as 131- lows :-The plainti having been " ned under the Quebec license law for selling on Sunday, applied to the Provincial courts to have the conviction quashed, one of the pleas being that the license law was be- yond the 'ux-isdicticn of the Quebec Legis- lature. he Superior Court and the Court of Queen s Bench decided that the regula- tion of theliqnor traic was a police mat- ter, and within the _ jurisdiction of the Legislature. ,The plaintiff then carried the cuse to the 'Supreme Court, where the = Judges were equally divided, the result being that the` appeal fell through. The case will now be carried to the Privy Coun- cil, and their. decision, although almost a foregone conclusion. will be awaited with considerable interest. At the last meeting of the Qua:-_ter` Sen- innn held at RA!-rin. Hm G-I-and Jun-1 in A GRIT LEADER EXPOSED -.... ......-.,...-.._, -. -....v--.-_ -_ creasing daily. The soothiilg glyoerine is now the most deadly of explosives ; lime is 3% used to destroy, even grease has its in the hands of the dynnmiters, and now a `man proposes to add yeast to the at. His plan is to run [yeast into the gun or blast hole, build ll re around it-and .a\va.it vaults, whatever they may be. The iwentor, who is a. brewer, is quite sure of the tremendous power of the explosive as he has already blown the side out of his brewery. ~ HOUSE `or mnusrnv THE REAPER ! DOMINION DA Y.` BRADFORD UUUIUH Ill HEIDI Uflln - ' .` ` ` I 1 That we dome to r,eoord[o_ _ snout` em- eat and severe condemnation ,0 those Pro~ testant members of said House who by their opposition to the bill, or lukewarm and half-hea.rted`aupport' of it, showed their` readiness to sa.critio_e..their boasted Protest- but ineip1es,t6 the exigencies of Imrty; W ,Wu narticulnrlv Anvlnnnlf. Amnhhti- auuwvu uuuu uu was more $111101 `I0. In barrau his litical opponent: thnn'o`do justice to 3 urge body of felloyr mutants. -That we ooniider auolitriiiig with the question animal: to our m-(lav. wuauu. 1.1135 We oonuaer anon tnumg question aniimult to our order, andthet in being guilty of it the sold -Hon. Ed. Blake proved himself unworthybf the name he been as an ultn -Protestant; and` glao of the ' 11 position he ooon `en era` guteemsn an leader of oneof. the no-celled nun}. nnnnl `nu-Ohm 4-J 6Id... .'...`..4.._' , ' - solved 4 _ ' ` b - ~'1`i1at the members of this D. 0. :L. No. 533 tender theirniost hearty? thanks to those members o_f.th_e House of Commons` of Csnada who supported the (Henge. In-: corporation `Bill, part1cula.r1y'_tho'se }who raised` their voices ss well as xeooxjdedgthbir: votes in favor of granting the jilst h.,n`d.rea-"< sonuble demands of our A8s0[:3&_tion_ as am- bodied in said bill. . " `: 'l\L..L ..... .I....:_.. L; ......_.1 ~;_;_,,, - ~ v - ino_1p1ea,to the exigencies of ' hat we particularly pnd most e:nph$ti- ant C` cayycondemn the aotioxi ofthe Hon. Ed-' ward Blake who by voting fax` the bill at one reading" and a_gainl.t,_ it it tl1g._,pext; showed that he was more `anxious to em-A _hin yo1itic_al' _oppe_nn_1ta_t!1_e1:i't>;do ea. puuuuu puma! ox unl`o0IlnIl'y Thelt infwfntgore we Sill onomndfall eitive re use euppo any 1iun`ent- E3, oa.nd_1ydate who doe: nobpledigar hiuiaelf to me his utmost endeavor if elected, to secure the passage of the B` `to Incgrpor-' V etaethelaoyal Orange Association." ,'. ,. e That we hope day in not far`diuMht- when the Onngemen of thin Domixjuoh e hive II their rmunhv in Pbriienielit M .., .....u.i..w...m ....... u ` I V ` V `"4! - I el'11ouldero\ shoulder in clef * inp- nort of Proielten tlibertiae ' ` r omernngmeu whofwilr Sm Ammnr SMITH, -ex-Minister of Marine and Fisheries, died on Saturday lat. He was 61 years of age. Arising New Brunswick barrister he was elected to the Executive Council of that Province lid appointed Attorney-Geneml. He en- tered the Dominion House in 1867 and Iupported Sir John Mncdonnld until 1873 when he went over to the Reformers, and under the Mackenzie regime was given the tlo referred to above. In public life 0 was nut an active man. He was not an ....o.... ...... 0....) .J .-.......c:.\.. 6.. .. ~....u........ W83 IIIIHHIIIIUUHIY FUUUIVUU BU UUIUUFIIIIU D150" g)pY1'Qa_.ch_ing 12th Julyin Orillia, and 0 0 1. d the annina1Dhm-ac: Meeting in t1}e_ Village of Thornton. ` - With I-afm-Anna tn an nu-Hlnln whinh ns. V lll8g8 OI J.'l10l'llI'r0ll. ,- ! With reference to an article which ap- peared in last week |_isa1_1e of the Barrie Examiner under the caption An Unrighte- ous Resolution, the following resolution was passed with but one dissenting voice, thetof an employee in the Examiner of-_ ce :- (KTXYI-..._......`I f\ `I `RI . 290 ..l'1L...._L2II'- "U3 Wherm L. 0. L. No. 533, of Churchill; at its last regular meeting passed an-esolu-_ tion deservedlv censuring those Protestant _membere of the House of Commons who opposed the Orange Incorporation Bill with- mtt regard to what -pbliticalvparly they be- longed. ` A v V 7 ' Ant` ilrhnlinixa. Ith nnorin n.'m'rlerin'n'oen `Han.- w'u/yew. r ._ And whereas, the Barrie Ewdrnirier than- culled from the said` resoluion and publish-_ ed that portion referring to the course pur- sued by the Hon. Edward Blake in relutien to the Bill, and unfai-rl'yeand unjustiebly. endeavours `to make. the same appear -ea` evidence of political par-tizenship on--the part of the members of L. U. `L. No.'533. . Rn if thnnafnv-A I'All'|`;I7Al""`}II`. thin Rein. lllflt Ul. III! IHUHIUUFI Ul. 14: Us IJ. 1`Uu U00. " Be it therefore resolved" that this Bur- rie District L. O.~ L. cordially endorses the sentiment of the resolution referred to [as a. whole, and condemns the Barrie Examiner for placing our brethren of Churchill Lodge in` a false slid unfair light before the Dubl_ic'" ` " ' . . -nu... A-cu.-...-..- ---K..- _-_ ...__ iaat`ighiai? [mi:{'dff Lod e No. 533, Churchill, reao ution was unanimousl -solved um1...a. n... ..;.._..L-.L; - ~6}3:IES 1*. lL`I_2_1"f\'f e followingv y a.dop_te`d, ,; -Re - Iu:'l;ll|.|fUrPEF:` llIUl.|;|l1:I' In no! 0 kiwi '. . xpxfatead of being, as many the control of an orgnninod inh minority who are ' .everyparof our civil-Upton out of all proportionto thoirinteuutinthh The semi-annual meeting of Barrie Dis- trict-L. O. L. was held in the Oranve Hall, in the Vxllazze of Strond, on Saturday last.) There was a large attendance, every Lodge in the District being well represented. Bro; Plunkett, W. D. M. of Orillia Dis- trict, was present and delivered a lengthy, interesting and instructive address. t was unanimously resolved to celebrate the- nnmmnnlmina 1`2l>}u .lnlv'in DI-Ila. and ltn ....... t...-1 nnl-1 uuu ugu uaa. ' In order that-the pub-live may fully under`: stand the case we give below. thetfull text of the resolution passed by the Churchill` Lodge as taken from the Sentinel `:--At the last regular ' meeting of I.o'iral ~0: -[man WC`-VIIU TUKUYFUEI IIU lIUU\'U- LII PHUIIU l|lU ontot, not fond of exertion in a campaign, But he was 3 very wealthy man, without iunily, end was able to give his friends very substantial aid in time of need. His detect by Mr. Wood `at the election of 1882 was one of the most memorable events of the csmpnign, for it was. not, in this quarter at least, at all expected. ' _ : [our contemporary does nor, am- ` enough. The House of Industry ahouldjbe a county undertaking, and at least 100 to 150 acres of land attached to it. It would be self supporting after the first two years. That at least is the history of the Waterloo House of Industry. That the County of Simooe in without nu_eh- a place of Refuge is 13' lag:-lee to every resident in the` Oountygv `En. Anvnmtefl ' . SHOWS Dy ILL! Ulllfsy uuu IILII lvllllll I? I5 worth to the town the he draws `I `We can understand the Mayor s inaction in the matter. There is nothing showy or at- tractive in the case. He cannot appear as a public giant, obtaining nnthought of bene- ts for -thetown. He cannot appear as the great and only original Jumbo of Calling- wood in one not, because the case involves no glory and may lose him "a few votes at the next municipal election. b The exposure of the case is merely an act of justice to the people, and perhaps this is the reason the town s paid oicer of justice and the Mayor take no action. A swzspmo conoamurxox or was EX- ~ Amman. which we are bound to say not one infty, under the present state of ehirs do-`enjoy. . We hope our, town fathers will take the matter oomidention, and.~noo-opente with the township, end use 1.9 once vhhtouuhe done. ' There in plenty good land to behsdcheng. . ' . [Out- contemporary oes not (go efir anmmh. The `Hollie Industry Bhdilldbe SHOW E11811` BBITIGBUIIBBB nnu Ilflliy 60 W16 public interest by bringing it to trial. They would not.wait until some one else laidthe complaint, and then step in and take all merit to themselves, but they would show, at once, that they considered themselves bound, by other ties than the letter of the law, to protect the public welfare. They have done it time and again. We can ini- agine the contempt of Chief Rogers, pf Barrie,-for theindividual who should pro- pose to hunt up and nd out all about his cases, while he (the Chief) should do noth- ing but stand in the court room, dressed in a brass-buttoned coat, and cry. `3 silence ! Yes, he shoulddo something else, too,- he should draw his salary. Here is our, case. A beast, alicted with inammation for about a week, is killed in time to save it from dying of disease. The entire car- cass is affected by the disease. to `such an extent, that part of the animal putries be- fore it is killed. The hind quarters of the beast are purchased by a Collingwood butcher, who brings them to town and sells them for food to human beings. The facts of the case are laid before the Chief Con4 stable of the town. He refuses to rose- cute or investigate unless some one ays a complaint. Can there be found a parallel casein Canada? We doubt it. Of what use to the town is a Chief Constable, unless he takes hold of just such oases as this, and shows by his energy and skill that he is mm-Ha tn Hm tnwn Hm nnlnrv ha drawn? 9 uugnou to even En. AnvANcn.] colauxowoon nxcltnn 'bvnn'1-an sum or - nxsusnn MEAT. - The Collingwood Enterprise, with com- mendable enterprise, has unearthed a most` foul and dangerous imposition upon the public, and by so doing deserves the warm- est thanks of that public. _, We give below our oonteinpox-ary s editorial remarks upon the subject-remarks which we cordially endorse :--A This scandal has assumed such propor- tions that nothing short of a public inves- tigation can satisfy the" people of Calling: A wood. Purveyors of food are trusted men, holding in their hands the public health, and when they commit a breach of trust they should be so. punished that a warning may be held up to others. The particulars of the Fisher case are of such -a character that an enquiry is absolutely necessary, and general surprise and di ust is exhibit- ed that the Mayor or Chief onstable have not taken action. The latter is especially entitled to blame. He has been informed ofvthe facts of the case, and asked to prose- cute,`but he sneaks out by askino his in- formants to lod e a complaint. This they may be requir to do, before the Chief can has nnmnellad in ant. annm-ding to the strict mny Q8 requlreu D0 (10, Dawn: but; uguxu can be compelled to act, according to the strict letter of the law, but it seems to us our po- lice force is only seeking an excuse to avoid the erformance of a very unpleasant pub- lic uty. Given a case like the one in hand, the police, of Barrie, or any other town, would immediately 0 to work, and show their earnestness an delity to the nu`-xnn dnA-swan kn kndnndnn ; On Orin] 'l"|mu BARBIE ms'rnic1' L. o. I.. ..., UV ..... .......... .. ...., ....,......., .,--..-.. Let us apply this reasoning to that part if the Municipal Act which declares that no hotel-keeper shall be oligiblo as Coun- oillot." There is no annlagy between the two ca.sca- whatever. Our contemporary, though a lnwyex, has evidently never reatl trhe`Municipal Act. "wan onuncnnm LODGE nm em! A MEAT "SEAN DAL. yuan uauurua. 1.1 UW nun VH9` queauon 118.8 b6en"l'li85d5'-`I take the'libe1`ty of asking the ` vIjatep_eyezjs-what-improvements "pl-`acl:ic:sl T = -onhimpratical `Mr. Ross has ever` been # 'lih6wn tofintroduce , or what benetof any . wklndihekhusever been. to the town. In con- 15 clueionul hsve'.only' tonexprese the hope Ithat now that M1`. Rose has been in some we or other appointed-a member of the O0 legiabe Institute Board, -anrl.pla'ced in contact with gentlemen, he will learn sul- cient goodrsenle not to drag thename of any ratepeyer. who but occasion totexprese `- anopinion beformthei whole.Coum:il when he h-no opportunityxodefelding himeelf_ ' T."A~`... -!u .'.i_..- __.I.u` . -`I-=4 ' r~ r ?BlIl'l`ll.'= ? `At,S ri bank Al1uidale, bn'th29th' e. thewifl;olfl.i4. bB1f1;o`x';Aofa1on,* - = " ' on Mondty. Jnlv..2m.i. M: the Church of the Holy Trinity, Toronto, by the Rev. J. Pear- ,non,._Willia{n Hear .Fl'B8ll1BlI,18ldQt non of` gW,. ;."`of this town. to Ad: Odnatnnce.` ellc~nl:`dau htett o1,Edwrd Satin, &q.,`Qf 'BerkAl'y-`sh; or`oul5o.`; .. 1..-." o:&1..'-1... u. .~b;L. `~n_' -.-- .. ... Sm,-I see from last week s ADVANCE that my name was introduced in a very un- warrantable way at the last meeting of the Town Council. I certainly did say to Mr. Dickinson that he was `making a great mis- take in laying hemlock plank lengthwise on Dunlop street, and 1 always understood that any ratepayer had a right` to express his opinion without being personally liable to'be ridiculed-before the -whole Council. - `I am still of the same= opinion,--'and`I chal- lenge Mr. Ross%to name his men of ex- - perience" who told him _that hemlock was the best. I also challenge himto prove that'I was the first to introduce hemlock sidewalks, or to -name a single occasion, on 5 `which, when. I was a member of Council, I i did not opposezhemlock sidewalks. I have `hadlong experience in the use of hemlock, - and, consider -it just about onset the worst woods that could have been selected for suoha purpose. As to all my improve- -ments having turned out practical fail- ures, I ask Ml. Boss to name one of them that has been so, and it may interest the public -to know :that only a few weeks ago Mr. Ross himself paid fteen per cent. above par for an interest in `one of them. A He also asked me last ear to renew the olfer I`hn.d~made to the ouncil some years before to introduce a system not water works," but which Iaileclined itodo. 1. Why the t_o'wn,*i!.~lie `believed as -he. now says, that all .-my improvements ehavfe :b'ee_n..`.`prac- tical failures. Now that the question has beeninissdnzl Jake thy lihm-`iv of ntina nu. =did`he--ask.metc's1dos'o in` ithe: interests of` v-Ant` ix}: riidb Jane. .00 -.'3-I` . " ) :J;._.:A,. _ _ _ near;D_als}hn.<.- onvtho18l:h P3911!` Jfhnfe-R.o|0 533.61 '17 yang z. ":"-' ""'Vf" J emu. in-1829. rnagwnauu hon .. Pilot a.n_d Oaptgin pn Silijod qyd Hurm, .-ndbrin s11* r? r s=`v_`e'-'-63 Wm Kingston eq- ..1 en.2n||8`!i,Ihen.' ue wig; 1.9 gnnoli respected, bydl .'.Ih9knew..nim. -1 hi: kindly ai-pus. -Hon nnnnn:-.1 Id... 4....-I1 Editor Advance. A A .. ;.;.".:"-T1 .B9r=19..f~"dV-T1..}8;;3+ Otm Smynev cont ompomry su.ys-refr_3rr- ing to our article re the License question- Itf -1. .... -_..I-_ LL}- ..........-...... L that run-6 P.?n`,2`75`1:,f 1y'_' the _R6s;.; ` Dr. J.` Mc. Eo1m,eI, Rev. Raymond B. Steam: And Emma ggdunghtgr 9! the 111:; Major Fennhhm. N o 5. in -_r __.+. v- . . IIU IISIIIUFII {Ill} .lJ&l{|JU_l.', GLIU. MIIIUIC {ill Ill` :7:atigation o_f"th,e matter in the" Police Court in Barrie, he _vya.;I to stand his tr-ia nt nxh assizesf noun u uurgmz qt; `I his trial qt nezgb qs.1ze.v ' - ' ` Von: lan, Esq., of Stayner. Mr. Harber was ar- rested, and witnesses summoned to appear at atrial at 2 p. m., on the 19th of June, but Mr. Harbor, bein . anxious to settle, signed a paper acknow edging the taking of the lard an, agreeing to pay the costs, and Mr. Allan allowed thecase to go untried, but Mr. Harbor, when asked if he saw the land, told M}-.Carson to go where he stopped all night and he would nd it there, and on thesegroundg I could not let the matter rest without being ventilated, as certain parties blamed me for stealing the lard. I laid an information `before a Barrie magis- trate against Mr. Harbor, and `after an in- vnntiosatinn nf `tlm mnt.h.u- in" Hm" .'Pnli:-a stgxtemeht, 8,5 I consider it `necessary t6, `in orfler tp prpt myself. Thelard was stolen out of . Ha.rbor`s own shed from Mr. Thos. Carson, of Sunnidale, and Mr. .Cu.raon laxd information before Henry Al- resfnd. and witnesses summoned to unnam- wuu vvlnv :4; vs. vs: Ircnv `wean ur- Tm: bears that have been in the neigh- bourhood `of Wyevale all spring are becom- ing troublesome, and a calf :has already fal- len a victim to supply them with a meal. The village girls are lonely and disconso- late as the young men now devote all their spare time to hunting bar instead of dancing attendance on the fair ones. They have been out in full force, armed with all shooting ifons livn. Twn vmrnc? min whn ram rm their -- . ...~ vuua _.-.. .. .-v u .--- ._ ._.... much afraid of bein'z:s11ot in; _tho.. dark by some`of these bear hunt'e1~s,`but`fortuna.tely they escaped. ' `-4.-- ..r.I....1. '..'.. c..:...-.:.... -14.; it- ""J ""`."'.'I"""" . ten o cloe_k, on Saturday night, Mr. Wm, Thomsonqreceived a telegram from Longfordldills to go over and bring a doc- tor with him. _Onj arriving, there it was found that a son of Joseph Murray, one of the. oldest employees of the Longford Com- any, had been drowned, while bathing in ke St. John, near the mill. It appears that deceased, who was about fifteen years of age, and a younger brother, were bath- ing, when theformer got beyond his depth and sank. The other made an attempt to rescue him, but also went down. The fore-i man of the yard saw the second one go under, and went towhis assistance, and when he was got out he .was unconscious, and it'waI not known that the elder brother was in the water until the other was re- stored, and he had then been in the water half an hour. `The body was taken to Oril- lia on Monday for interment, navuvvvr -4 vvvuvlv-tvl I notice a statement in last week s issue of Your paper that Geo. Harbor stole a pail of_ and from me, and that the whole matter was a joke. Allow me to correct .your statoment, to, or-Her to nrbteot mvnelf. The lard um: Peon Hanlnu has been refused a license for his hotel, and now this country is not big enough to hold him. I10 contemplates moving to Chloago, If the champion oars- man of the world cannot eke out an exist- onm without peddling whiskey, perhaps our Dominion will not lose by the change. We hoped the champion oarsmnn was 3 `different sort of a man from the retired .J.._'I:..L.