tRNKT TRUNKS! Inunxsu t"1sv'r21'.'u:'":i.'37T.- e"c"'31 '53} '$ '5 be exhibited in Barrie, sad the t of their nurnilnkln Lnnh and the nnnnn-grv nkhnnnnnn v-vu--. - (1) All Show Business meniwlllo doing the must dunt And In-nut nlmv-A nf , u: mn-mu nu. wuueui nuns, Illll nlvulg Iolne Know V 9 of the diioulty of pleasing everyone in I I mnttan. 1 would nuke 3 lnnaalnn Town coIINcIL: LETTERS TO THE human REPLY TO ENQUIRER. AGRICULTURAL GROUND q. u. _|__A_ J0000` . 712 .. 39 42 .111 02 fused to piy. (3) Those journalists who found fault with everybody and everything and abused the dif- ferent committees because the printing patron- age was not bestowed on them, or _so_mc other reason not` no patent. . In All the rest nf the cronkere (who never tions' on the acting oomlmttee.) .for`In- lists and either forgot orn- (2) Those who placed their nunea on er subscription pay. tax Those iournnliats States. , 1.1. .. hamlet in the Donunmn .et unnauu us mu: ; hast possible index of the loyalty of Cann- dians to -the Mother Country. and the most complete refntntien of the idea. that "there , is any considerable feeling in favour of in- ` dependence or annexation to the United With others we heurtfully send up -.-...m.. nr:...I semnx. mu` Queen" and reason not patent. (4) All the rest of the never. subscribed a cent) who were determined to as- eert their rights as citizens end tax-payers and insist on going into the park where the amuse- ments were provided without paying anything, even iijhev had to get a mob to tear the gates down. I think if such a committee could be. found, and did not abuse each other, nobody would be abused and we would haveaone dav i --mu]- nf `Ln llillnntnm. | WDIIIII DO IDIIBELI Bill]. .wu w sample of the Millenium. A ; V thingto further the object and cnstmg reec- tinnq on acting committee.) _, ` ' ` thingto mrtuer me onjico uuu \ tions acting HM Thnnn who nlmed their ns V ~ __ . Take notice that after twenty days publication hcreot an up lication will be made to the Sum)- te Court 0 the County of Simcoe for letters of unrdianshi of James Arhonsua Hinds. Alice Maud Mary ind Ma:-yE zabcth Hinds. Thomas Jose h Hinds, Jo nu Balblna Hinds. Edward Patr ck Hinds. and Ma aret Ethel Hinds. all of the Town of Barrie, in t e said County of Simcoe. infants under the tinge of twent -one years. to be | ted to Peter cums, of t c said Town of; nu-Ivln Ilnu-..hnnf ` N`6?i~ic`ET. Tnlrn nnth-A that` 21-lin. VALU~AB-LE I I FARM AND TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. LIIU IJIILIUYDISIIUII "Ill 57`-7V`-"V" """' """ '_' I lit OF` JULY. 1\'l'X'.'I'.'q ,, _.__..__4:_.. ....1.:....5 0.. .uv.nrH_ J-CU $53` II `I-Ll; y --:.j-., For the tollowin properties subject to condi- tions of Sale. mode nown on application. IPARCEL 1.--Lot 12, in 4th Concession of South Orilllo. containing 116 acres. V 1 PARCEL n.-Wator` Lot 26. in the -Town of? Barrie. PARCEL 1u.-South half of broken Lot 23, in 3rd 1 Concession of Yes to. containing 22; acres. This admirably situate ropcrty near Barrie, affords &good opportunity or nvestment. 'l`m\mn and oonditions of Sale easy. Immediate Suites. others neumuuy aeuu up 'the prayer Gaul Save our Queen" may sl_1e'lung be spared to reiuu over us. I -----_ 1 a good opnormnuy mr mveauunem. Tennis and conditions Possession. - Tenders and appilcntions for rtlculara and conditions will be received up to st July, 1883. 22nd May. 1883. - MCMICIIAEL. HOSKIN 8:. OGDEN, Vendors` Solicitors, 21-63 Toronto. ] 'l`U I.` A.J;V1!1l`41\D.-- 1nuu:.'a.u ;.v LOAN on Farm 'Pi`opc1-ty. Cha es low. PETER PAE, Barrie. 1 mos. ` U U U uUJ.Iu:ao.u.u gnu 1 nu ma WANTED.--A%ply at the Registry Olce. Mrs. Showell's Knit. 1: Store, 2 doors _weat ellingmn Hotel. Ba 0. 10-tr. AIVUD U VVl`JIAuI.L1u' nwu .uva. FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-Nine roomed wclling in rap-class-repair. Good Stable. Lot . corner Mary an this Omco. d Elizabeth Streets. Enquire 11-2mo-p. The undersigned will rccelve tenders until the _ . _._ ___n--- -c -11-IQITIII til` U. - '[`l!4I\DU1VD Lxnwux 1511.` u the services of :1 Brass Band for ublic par- ties, shows. &c.. can be accommodate b up 1v- ing to '1`. B. MCCULLA. Band Master A Ian ale 1 and Cookstown Bands, at least 10 days alefore 1 I. _ tlmn rnnnirad and (lookqtown time reqmred name. mercnum. - , Dated at Barrie this 23rd May. 1883. ' LENNOX 8.: LENNOX. n 4:- ' ann.-am.-a for Ann] I 1 MUNICIPALITY OF VESPRA. ` Court of Revision and Appeal`. Notice is hereby given that the first sittings of the Court of Rovismn for the Municipality of I Vcspm will be held at the . 1` TOWN HALL, MIDHURST, ` " l -YOU SHUULDV SEE THEM AT u at , At 11 u.m.. to hear and determine the several complaints of Errors and Omissions in the Assess- ment 11011 for the said Municipality of Yespra. (or the year 1883. All ersons having bus1_ness at I the Court are request to attend at the sand time menu H.011 101' um uulu nxuluunpauvy u: `v uupnu. 1 the request txme I and nlacc. 1 | the Uourz requeswu u and place. ' By Order of the Court. \JlGll\ UL Midhurst, 15th May. 1883. FIRS 1' dag/wzf-`:1 UNE, 1333,` ` SEALED TENDERS. addressed to the unuer- ' signed, and endorsed Tender for the Forma- tion of Basins near St: Gabnel Locks." W111 be received at this oicc until the nmvnl of the East- ern and \Vestern mails on VVEDNESDAY. THE 6111 DAY OF J UNE next. for the formation of 'l`W0_ SLIPS or BASINS. on the north side of the Lachmc Canal. at Montreal. _ I A nlnn and suecitlcntion of the work to be done SEALEDTENDERS. addressed to tne under- Tender the Forma- In-.. -4 n....x.... ........ Q9-. n..v...:.,I t....1,." ".4" kn I Lachinc Canai. at Montreal. A inn and s ecicntion can seen at t is otiice. and at the Lachine Canal Ofllce. Montreal. on and afterTUESDAY, the 22nd day of MAY next, at citherof which places printed (orms of tender can be obtained. (`nntrm-.I.nrn nn-. n-nm-med to bear in mind that torms of Lender be obtained. Cnntractom are requested to bear in mmd that tenders will not be considered unless made strict- I ly in accordance with rinted forms. An accented Bank 0 Icquc for the sum of $2.000. ly in accordance with rlntcd terms. accepted xcquc must aecompu_.ny each tender. which sum shall be forfeited. if the party tendcrin declines entering into contract for the works at t c mtes und on the : terms sta.ted'in the ot fer_z-mbmitted. The ch uc thus sent in will be returned to the respect ve parties whose tenders are not accepted. This Department. does not. thqwcvcr. bind itself -j- The motion of the Council in asking au- thority t ) expend n. certain sum of money in the purclmse of grounds that can he used for the various purposes mentioned in the preamble to the by-l:Lw must surely com- mend itself to everyluxly who has the wel- fare of the town at heart. We have before . pointed out the necessity for such grounds, l and need only say further that the scheme has our most earnest support. There will be no celebration of the birthday of Her Majesty Queen Victoria in Barrie t_his year simply b-.-c:v.use there were no available grounds That means that the sum of per- - hsps three or four thousand dollars which would have been spent in Barrie will be given to other towns and villages in the uininitv. With regard to the proposal to whose tenders not accepted. Department however. itself to accept the lowest or any tender. ` n__ __._1 __ ' | 1` 0 F A Mi E R S.--"MONEY To xv .. -Di-`nmu-w. mmnzes low. Dept. of Railways and Calials, Ottawa. 21st April. 1883. mlgcm lhnzrtiaetnznts. 1, Mal this Olco. In order in keep the LADIES happy id the GENTLEMEN glnd, we havo htoly uddedioonrlufgostookof I Opp. 1 lnouserunuusuma e.ooos.} !n0UsE A(lIU_ULTUI:lL ASIIOW GROUNDS. {AND --PERSONS REQUIRING 7 pl... ........:.....s A` n `nu-an: nnvul fnr nuhlin nar- ?% * | ' uuvrmrn __Ann1u at um Rmzintrv Ofce. l ARGE DWELLING AND LOT I wnn BALI.` nu rrn nIc`.N'l`,_Nlna momed 1 mm to Pewr 1 dc. Merchant. .o..A no 1)..-In H NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ` A 00MPLE'l`EVA80B l`M_ENT OF Curtain :Po1en'an.d. :E=L1nu `RANGING `IN PRIOR FROM `Loo UPWARD8. ` LACHINB CANAL MALLIsmn,sTunv & 00.; AMALLlS'-PER, STORY & co., . _r-I n By order. '_UAN.\ O'1` BE SURPASSED BY. ANY. Ono Door West of Queen's, Barrle, ' ARE OFFERING 7 \JUlIl'l- GEO. SNEATH. Clerk of the said Municipality, fnuv I009 OILOQ HARDWARE, FISHING TACKLE, AMERICAN STEP LADDERS, FARM AND GARDEN TCCLS, SUPERIOR BRANDS oF WHITE LEAD, READY-MIXED PAINTS, JAPAN COLOURS FoR CARRIAGE PAINTING, GLASS, PUTTY AND VARNISHES, A LARGE STOCK OF. HUBS, SPOKES AND BENT STUFF, CIRCULAR AND OTHER SAWS, LEATHER BELTING, LACE LEATHER-. PACKING CF DIFFERENT KINDS, NICHOLSONS AND JOWI'1"1"S FILES, HILLER`S HCRSE RASPS, ' T JACK SCREWS, BIRD CAGES,` - A AT BOOK :Bo':"J_.'o:M: 29310218. CLEANING .VU.\ K. u.l.u;\nuA. Solicitors for Applicant. ` ----- :- ---' One Dgar West'aj:tIe Queen : Hotel, Barrie. Il- AN OLD CITIZEN. _ A. P. B1iADLE. n. ,_._A [8- Secretary- Largest Assortment I before 20 It. LIEI-.IllII\a. I r\\rI- Ur say. To meet a popular demand for a cheap Silk we produce other Brands, which, although Ialelled A are only half or three-quarter size. Hereafter every Spool wi l be stamped -2`- or ;' size, to show its exact stand- zrd. V `I5 `I I:f,`I!,, ,, T\,,,I U 1 VV A1.` J..D1J- Du1.z1.uu. LL` ;uu;.;.~ gent bov to learn the printing business. Ap- plv at this oice. 2 t)1.u1LVJ.D.--J:Luu nuuxu up \JvJ.\- SERVATORY. Beddin . Greenhouse. and Vegetable_Plants, and Straw rry, Curmnts_and Goosebernes may be obtained from GEORGE WADDS. gardener to MR. J. C. MORGAN. Owen Street. Barrie. 17-tf wums. gamer Street, ! .______ -_-M-___ PLANTS.-ALL SBEITS OF CON- Greenhouse. Vpcatnhln Plants. and straw rrv. Currants and ifcftdies who are annoyed at` notndinga Strong SeWilI2.Si|k will please ask for our Brand Ilnnl-I nnnna nA||I n, A- n Clothing other towns IHIQ viuages in him vicinity. reguml purchase the Mnllholland property we are equally in accord with the promoters of the scheme, At two thousand dollars, that property is dirt cheap. Put into proper shape it will be worth three times that sum. The objection that it is too small can be easily remedied by pur- chasing three or four acres of the aci- joining property. To us, the only ob- eotion seems to be that the sum mentioned in the by-law. 82,501), is not enough. ' With Councillor Brown, we think that at least 83,000 "should have been asked for so that the grounds could be put into the very best possible shape. However that objection is one that possibly will not commend itself to the majority of the ratepayers, and as the promoters of the scheme are satised with the smaller amount. we will not Men`: Spring Owierooats, Men's Water; ' A Tweed Suits, $3 up. Askfn` ti. `NI IUD Our Brand Belding. Paul 8;, Co," has for 20 years sustain- ed its supremacy over all others, and taken Premiums over all Gom- petilors wherever exhibited, and ` its sale far exceeds any other I 3 I that ever;/I Spool is stamp- 'ed "Balding, Paul 00. Full on`:-n Jinn:-I Inna n-IL ,, vvv .-rvvvvvrv , .5 vvu. size and length '[`he`Subscriber takes this opportunity of thanking his numerous friends in Barrie and throughout the County 11,, their very liberal patronage during the past year, and also to inform them that in order to MORE SAT 18 FA(,"r n1{]Ly meet the demands of his rapidly incrsasiug business he has for-the coming season The Finest Stock of DRY GOO DS ever broughtvto Barrie, an earnest ING, and since which all our purchases have been passed into stock. Every I most Select`. Goods at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. ._A_-_...... .........n on uavnv wvnvvu v-v--v- -- DRESSH (}00]').-:Ivn'thix- Department we show an immense range, in all the leading Colorings, with Trimmings to match. - ..., . . ._.--uuu-n-u an n n-Ivnvn, AIsr`l\ TIIIAH l1'\11`Q in unlrnnu our stock Jr rn1N7rs. sm Selects Designs, and are selling fast. .1. git A GO!` CCIIQT-I -Luv \IIJ\I ' J Size and Quality. .l:l.UU3I'J Iullunxanui JcI-*v- "-- --- - --v~- ~-;~- ~~v~- -- --~~~ ~ . . Towelling, Shootings, Pillow Cotton, Crebonnes. ` cAnPETS in BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, KIDDERMINSTER and HEMP, &c. Also Cocoa an-1114`-, .Mattings. Patterns in Brussels and Tapestrya are OoNI~`mEo, and will be found undoubtedly " Comu::T. WOOLLENS in Scotch, `Vest of England and Canadian manufacture. Trimmingsi of Boat Quality. f`!~v.}.'.ru; made to order in CITY-bS'I`YLE at a Reagsonnble Figure. ' 1 ' - ' , Ln 1`,,,_,. A1,--- .)._...._A...,,...L.. 1......` .-... .. o-c-.- THE Turonto World makes the fulluwingz `l A -~-~--I - J` Mr (1n'.rIwin` uuuy ll-IIIICDIVALI uuv nnnnnn \- Thg VMILLINERY Departmgnt, still under the eicient management of MISS THORNE, being 80 um- ly and favorably known needs no further recommendation, only to say it is fully stocked" with the Choiceat prodw -J. of British and Continental Markets. All Orders will, as heretofore, be executed promptly and in the very lms . -21.}- wvnnvlvun Gents Furnishings, Hats and Caps--Tbe largely in ed me In purchasing accordmgly. and so arranging that cusboniers they appear, in the market. T -. ---pvvnvnnvr *l\-_.-_.4.._-..a. ..L:l'l ......Jn.. cl... rim:-u:n Ul l.Al.l.UIDI| Kqeav Bible manner. I 883. Spring and Summer. I 883 .:Dun1op Street, Barrie . {OY WANTED- SMART INTELLI- .......o L.-... 9,. Inn run Hm nu-intim: huainmu. _~\ I)- .I.IUDl5uu, nun u--u ..v-.... The GLOVE AND n6:nY DEPARTMENT . -_.1 f\....HLn a an`. ...--- v_, - nofrsn FUBNISHIN .}S-Y ..,.|l:.... Qlmal-inn: pinnw Cntmn- Cr ~'\Ve sire offering to-day one of the] cmrmuss. mun) 11-ly STRONG :5 TIME.` fir F1-xvi`-1\r'i"sy."_A;13i iT`s*-T XND BROS! and own unnhuv fnnf. mats, Waterproal Goats, Men a Tweed Suits, at , the new Icmt Jersey Suit, so much zn /ushton /or age, and /`mm $2 to $6 /or full suit. ~- L- fmfT1q $3, $10, $12, $15, $18 and ,3-_>.._ 60:1/S /'1'(7IL (0 14- 3/NL73 Q} uroirrnn DIRECT: 18-ly HAVE OPENED OUT A SPLENDID LOT OF the promoters 01 me uunmuu uru uuuusuuu with the smaller amount, grumble. There should not be 9. single vote a ainst the by-law ; and there will not be if t e citizens consult their own interests And the welfare of the town. |QUEEN S B1R'n1nA\' 1% ABELL S TRIUMPH .ENGlNE. ABELL_ S SAFETY enema, ABELL S PARAGON"_ TH aesueay ABELL S VlBR.ATOR THRESHER A` Sample l2-hor:e Power Aliell Engine and Separator 0* -Exhibition. CIRCULARS ON APPLICATION. MA88EY 8 REAPER, L will nd a most Superb Stdck in Table Linens, Napkins, Doyles, Tow:-ls and` JOHN WATSON, 13-6mo.` Ga: and Dtanaonstratlon! Ever offered before in Barrie, TORONTO CORD SELF BINDER. SHARPS HAY RAKE. ought to of which was.given at OUl{ OPEN 1 passed department bexng now replet with an DD`I'{`!T". ' DRY GOODS. READY-MADE GlfOTHvINd, 8:0. `We will not attempt to describe our Spring Novelosi a personal inspection only can do them justice. Call and see our New cloths and you afe sure to order. PHIENIX [HALL z 3.._ -_ -The increasing {sales from these departments have vI".u:4r.`_ In-20 nnufnrnhru r-an at n" Hmn "nil Ll. ai MEIIGHANT TAILORING DEPARTMENT. Gilt Window Cornices, Cornice Poles, complete, Bird Cages, &c., Byciclcs and Velocipedes, Faun `Bes, . Galvd. Barb AWire Fgncing,-.&$c.,. T .__.) yr (..._...- )3A])ES is ackncwledged to be equal to any in Toron1om_ SANDERS & WHITTAKER. " The New Act ebuut to be introduced by Sir John A. is as might huie been expeoted, sllno-.t entirely I copy of the Crooks Act. Much as the present law has `been abused its distinctive future: have been retained in the Bill pro ed by the Tory Committee st Otte- T e men Iecret sessions of that newest , DA-.. I`lL--`Ln: {diva .563: n Inlnihn 'il1 nnth. MAS8EY S Mowaa. A % `MASSEY LOW oow~ BINDER comprises all new desirable Styles and Makes in r-w-r_v uuuu uvu - --u-`r, NEXT DOOR TO THE QUEEN'S HOTEL, B.\l{Il?3 4.` ncreualug 521168 110111 Lucnu ucpatuuvuuu uavu Wu .3. can at all times find ALL THE No\*ELT1L:s;' THOS. R. PURVIS, Bows AVJERS SIHTS, 1888! oLogINm in which will be found the Newest Fabrics J. I-lENDERSON'S= soum sum DUNLOP smmm, DIRECT IMPOTRTER. out to evezybddy and we can only Iootinnt to: not only this 'but whnt rollwn it, on the "71). :.l"'ho ut Ientenoo mm. thgt an noun in a copy of the Orooku Act. A The uuonsblurdity of such 1 statemenfil pot euttoev bod wecsnoni nooon t (m not nnltztiinnhut whnt follornlit- on l.l?n Bu! progoseo by me 'l.'Ol'y Uolnlnwwu nu unva- we. mennlecret Sta: Chamber 've nfter ell reeultedin noth- ing more erjginnl than recommending the op- mtmdut of Tory oiciala to monipul.nte~ the 'oeuu The new Act it is expected will come into 0 oration in January next, the curi- ono efeot o_ which will be thnt a double netof Lioenlee WI be in force, one set under the nrnnn-At` nnln:n`lII Ant. I mmninn tn TIIURSDAY. MAY `24. 1883. -A--;\4-;_l\/\J\I LIOOXIIOI Will no In Iowa, one can uuuur we rogoted Dominion Act. It still remains to go ecided whether the Dominion Government can thus usurp the worn supposed" to have been vested in the ntsrio Legislature olono." The Ib0V0 from the Stuyner Sun in a fair nmple of the twuddle now being written I... n.:L ...I:4..._. VIIL- ...-_.._.._I. --...I._3.... uaunyvv vn -luv vvvwuunv uvu vvnua vvonvvvu by Grit oditon. The paragnphoontaina I:.. ......n........ -_.I .._...._ --_L-.._- ._ - ._.-- NEILL Br:os.,{ V, \-nav wulvvnuo Luv yC5CBIqllIVVVlJZlIIU ve sentence, and every sentence is a mis- repreeenhtion. The writer could not pos- sibly have written s_ more uuthruthful u- tiele, could not pouibly have crowded an- other nhetelnent, if his life depended upon it. ' II\ U-4 Gun-L -A-L...-.4. .L-A_... LL_'A AL, .Du.ra.'b'111ty' THE NEW LIHENSE LA W. -AND- - )F- Lt`, And for nsl in wary case, whether tne poplu wuru sutistieul or not. Under the new law nil is changed. The chairman of the Board-of Cmnlnissioners is the County Judge, who certainly will not manipulate the licensee. 'l`he second, the Warden of the County, is I elected hy the people, and the third only is appointed by Govermnent; They n.p~ point the Inspector. not the Govermnent, Finally, the jurisdiction of the Board is limited because the people, either through , the municipal council, or by petition, cnn regulate the licenses grmitetl or do away with them altogether. Our conteniporsry was unfortunate in its sillvreference to manipulation. for therein is the most striking contrast between the two acts. ,.-.\ nu... nhnnnrnln nhunt two sets of licen- The shingle mill, here is in full blast. The circular saw in the sawmill commenced cutting on Wednesday; the jzaiig saw will not run for some days yet. . . .'I`ug Superior run I on n shoal on i`hu1'sduy morning, 19th inst., about 3 :L. m , during the gale. The tow ' of logs jumped the booms and drifted into ' Sturgeon Bay. Capt/. Burke has been in R.` Pnwei- s employ live years. and this is the first tow helms lost. Tug Minnie Hall of i Midland, pulled the Superior oil` the shoal. Opp. S:/.,2nnzer3cM|IIousc. I3r:,rric ' 8-ly I . I A HARVEST OF NEWS GATHERED INTO WINROWS. "l'll.\'lllED 1'3 Il\' SPECIAL CORRESl O`NDENTS--- " munnzn " vnom couwrv EKOANOEB---AND _coL1.nc1'Eo mom o'rmm sovnc-ups. I ._.. Mr. Samuel Wright, brother of Stewart ' | Wright, 'Esq., of Thornton, died last week ` of cancer in the 'mouth.. . .Mr. and Mrs. Lott Webb, of this place, were nearly killed by taking Sultpetre in mistake for salt. Mrs. Webb's life was despsired of for some time, but she is slowly recovering . . Mrs. Joseph Webb, of Big Creek Valley, while milking was attacked by the cow, thrown down V nnd very seriously injured, her shoulder being dislocated. and no doubt she would have been killed only a. neighbor who had just driven past heard her cries, . and turning back hurried toher assistance; When he reached the place Mrs. Webb was holding on to the cow's nose by one hand the other being useless, the cow trsmning on her body and trying to gore her. Her clothes were nearly torn to shreds. .This same cow almost killel a Mrs. Brown last summer . . . .Sneek thieves are at work at Urnigvule. A number of articles have been stolen from the engine house at the tile yard. --::~n-- . Mr. Davidson s mill, Highland Point, commenced running on Saturday last, and now the only saw mill remaining idle is that of 0. Beck & 00., whose large stock of last season was all cut up, and their new logs have not yet been towed down . .. The tug Huron left here on Thursday afternoon last, with a gang of men bound for French river but owing to masses of oating" ice out in the bay was forced to return. She returned about 1] P. M. and the men re- ported a wild night outside of our landlock- ed bay. . . . ..Mr. W F. H. Thompson of the Arcade, left here on Monday on a trad- ing expedition up the Georgian -Bay. He took with him quite-a large boat-load of merchandise of all sorts, for which he ex- pects to receive good returns from the people in the different settlements along the north shore. . . . .An attempt was made on Satur- n day last, bi some person or persons un- known, to urn the Georgian Bay hotel. The tire was discovered about ten o'clock at night in the dining room of the new wing. a room that had not been used for several months. Fortunately the ames had at~ tained but little headway when discovered- and were quickly quenched. I llllll KIIIU "III! III ' hgvo proud Md. The local pa rsays:--'1'he oees in Burtons bank b oek are fast reaching com- pletion and next week wrll see .the occu- pants duly installed In them new quarters. Mr. J. M. Dollar` will have his oioe there.` also Dr. Raikes and Mr. W. H. Bennett. 7 . . . . ..The sailing vessel Arabia was on Mohday taken charge of by Collector Clark, on advxce from Samis, in connection with some trouble with the custom oieers at that port. The vessel lay securely moored to the dock, in addition to her hawsers, by a clothes line. A bystander was anxious to know if she was tied u with his (Mr; Clark's) own ae-cord. '1` e vessel was re- lease and sailed on Wednesday......'l.`he guests of the Gladstonethouse -were Thursday morning thrown into a state- exoitetnent by the report that a A, i been lucked a horse in 3?; 1'I.i"""ee.m""'i'. i'1';'"'`.b'i.',""h.? .'1`"1e1` ftom thg lo, 3 distance of about fourteen fault", n-Ina On Ahnnvv` I-nnnnfina Ant` unu-n_. the fut`, olmhtgugebgrd breaking, gnd severe-' ly ntun . Bpyondqopvero hik- inz UP Ind 5 *' bmileiy $119 vnfo.rt:n4te mm came out of 3 little _o,ie,n_t' .t`l,Ip,t[x_nigl;t M hum nravnd Ind. not to be again led astray nymnu mug- chntwring of tho (llobe and sundry of Grit following. The Globe can lie with mnity, our friend cam nut~becauso he . u. reputation to low and the Globe has I THE REAPER ! _I`\V\v w\/\/\I\/\o-'\r\r`r@v . - , , Tm: line of railwuy"frmu Gravouhurst to ! Cnllomlnr has received an increased grrmt[ of $l3IN),(H)lJ from the Dumixiiun Govern-.` Juent. __.__.....__._.._- VIOTORIANIV-IARBOR PENETANGUISHENE 1'nouo- _-:-.__ MIDQND ....: ' Efforts are being made, with a probability of, success, to organize a brass band . . . . . . A villager whose patience hai become ex- hausted wailing fora suit of c_:lothea,,enterel the tail-)riu;,v cstzilrliahxxieiit and presenting a revolver at the head of the proprietor ` (`.0III;u-llwl him to` swear that the order wnul-l` -he mxnpletml forthwith. Barrie lail-makh warning According to the .-\8u:sslue|I!- R-all the value of real property . in Allxstun is -$193,602` Value of personal property, other than income, $17,150. Total value of real and personal property and taxable income, $210,752. Number of inhabitants, 1,329. Children from 5 to 16 years "of age, 277. Children from 7 -to 13 years, l22.~ Children from 16 to 2] years, 135. -During the year there have been 38 ' 1 births and 7 deaths. ----- UONDEMNATION `BY ALl4ANbALE OEANGEMEN _OF THOSE WHO VUTED AGAINRT THE BILL. At the rogulnrmetinz of the 0ra.nge| Lodge No. 432, Allnndnle, held last week, the fullowmg resolutions ivere carried unn.nimnus`.y : , Mm: 1...` mmuhmn Lennox. seconded iinanirnniisly Moved by` Haughton Lennox. `by E. A. Little,.and resolved, That we, the members of the Loyal Orange Lodge. No. 432, Allandale, view :with feelings of warm and hearty approval and sympathy the manly, intelligent, and straightforward course taken in the Dominion Parliament during the resent session by Bros. Tyrwhitt. White, ting others, on the question of '1`he Orange Incorporation bill," and the broad, liberal, and statesmanlike-views expressed by Mr. Hawkins, enunciating, as he did, at once the lirst principles of a wise, pennan- ent, and successful Government, and some of the cardinal and historic principles of our association, Charity, "Freedom of Thought, Security. Tuleration, " Equal Rights." and Civil and" Religious Liberty - for all. and we sincerely thank those gentlemen for theirahle advocacy of our just claims. - - 1:...-.l.wi furthmx that while deeply de- our just claims. Jmolved, further, that deeply ploring its unfair though _temporury defeat we desire to place on record our unhesita.t- ing censure and condemnation of many of those, and purticillarly those Protestants, who voted against the bill, and the more 30, us in many cases they owe their seats to the vutes of Oranaemen, and to the implied prumise that by their voices and their votes in l a.riimne_nt they would fairly, fearlessly. and iiimartinlly represent all the people of this Ihmiuinn nn....1,...1 :....nm.- Hint williii with undi- this Dominion Resolved, further, that whilst with uiiuished good feeling and good will we re- gsrd ()l-I` R, nnan Catholic fellow-citizens, and whilst in'1ividually desirous of adhering to our traditional party lines. whether Con- servative or Reform, yet, believing as we do that we have asked for nothing beyond what we have always cheerfully accorded to others, that in suing for incorporation we have only claimed equal rights with her Majesty's other loyal and devoted sub- jects. feeling that that clain has been most unfairly, un justly, and ungenerously denied, and convinced that our cause is worthy, just, and legitimate, this lodge hereby pledges itself not to support any man of any party who is unwilling to vote and advocate" for us equal protection, rights. and privileges with those conceded by Parliament to other similar religious and benevolent associations. co-g._._....- Sm Joint 1\l.u:noN.u.n niinoiiiiced in the ' House of Commons the other day tlmt here- after l zu'liu.meut would nsaemlle not later than Ju.uun.ry 15th, in order that the session may not be prolonged so late in the spring. This regulation will commend itself to the intelligence of the people. ..._._.____. ._-- A wo.\1AN AN1:mm.c11ILn surrzn AN AWFUL ' DEATH IN A nU1m1Na BUILDINJ I \ I)! uuAIl l'llruU .1;-.4 I\4v\.\, On Monday night a terrible catastrophe occurred here, by which two lives were lost in the burning of ahouse. A few days ago Mr. Pawson arrived here from Hamilton, accompanied by his wife`and a portion of .. the family, comprising two boys and a girl. On Monday evening the family re- tired to rest at the usual hour, Mr. and Mrs. _Pawson's bedroom being on the ground floor, and two of the children sleep- ing upstairs, in se arate bedrooms. Just before midnight _t ey awoke to find the house wrapped in flames. Mrs. Pawson rushed up stairs, alarmed the little girl, who succeeded in escaping, and then went on to the next room to fetch the little boy, immediately after which the staircase took tire, rendering herretreat in that direction impossible, and baflling her husband's ef- forts to follow her. In this crisis the man shouted to his wife to jump out of the win- dow with the boy, and he would get out a mattress to break the fall. This he did ; but the unfortunate victims must have . speedily suti'ocated, for they never reached the window, although the bodies when re- covered showed that they had been almost successful in doing so. All this occurred in a few moments, and before any of the neighbors arrived on the scene. When help came the conagration was so general throughout the building, that smoke and. flames poured forth from every window and door, rendering an entry to the` upper rooms impossible. And the fact that the exact whereabouts of the woman was not known reduced the probability of the suc- cess of the efforts which were made to res- cue the inmates. The fire engine was get out quickly, and did good service in saving adjoining property and in phi. ing on the flames so as to allow of the re oval of the . charred remains before the fire had reduced the corpses entirely to ashes. The scene at the re was heart rending in the extreme,` and the feelings of those so appalingly de- prived of their loved ones, can better be imagined than described. . 'I`hn nrinin of the re is one of those imagined than descrineu. The origin of the fire things which which will never be found out. Perhaps the likeliest supposition is that 9. fire in the chimney started the ames. The stove re appears to have died out, however, long before the outbreak. But still a. re in damp soot may smoulder for a. long time and then assume dangerous pro- portions. There is a suspicion in the minds of some-a.nd we ho e it is no more than a suspicion--that'the nilding was set on fire. There does not seem to be conclusive evi- denceeither way. - '1`m*.'t'une for saw-mill accidents has ar- rived. The repnrts of some of them equal the most gigantic _sh.ntories. m___ `ll.--I...I-- .....A \`l':....:--...... `K ....:....A.... Ar e meeting of the Directors of the East Simeoe Agricultural Society, held on the 21st ultimo, itwu proposed that e bee -should be gotten up (It which the members of the Society should be requested to assist) _a for the purpose of clearing the ground: of ` ;tumpe. end levelling some outside the ; picket ineloenm. Not a bad idea. - "IV II-NV A-5----v .-~-----~--v~- - Tm: Muskoka and Niupissing Navigation (Joy's new steamer Kenosha was launched last week at Gravenhurst. She is said to be a fine -vessel. T -- 7'! _,A_... c _,_@,__ *n_u__!_ ___ __,:n Mn. HAMPTON, reman, Potter on`Thursday last got caught in the machin- ery and in about two second: we): left as naked as Adam before the fell. --. ~r7__-_____ 1-n__ _p , U0 0 uuu vvuuv.- nnvu Gnu om.-... .n....... -.u. ...... Wnnuna Kzmumv EsQ., of Toronto, will lay the corner stone of the C. M. Church, at Tottenham, on 24th May. V Rev. A. Sutherland willconduct the services. ,,,.!_L___ 7,, ,,,I! ,,, I Ul UIXII? 2311']! III UV. Inn Wu Import- - ed to this oountry by that company last spring. The news of his death will emu `I-Am-nf. in m nniinnltnrnfnnmmnnilw M bhl-' Tue Penetangniahene Herald, our good Independent-Grit " ` friend. commenced its third year ot publication last week. May your nhndoy never grow lean Mew TH: Dominion Hotel Wyebridge, has lvmnn unit! in Mr. Wm. Edwards. Mr `Dd: THE '|'U)`O!lL() rrurnu lunnuo uuv .......... ..,_, I _ 'st:o.:Llin-,1 announcement -:-- Mr. Goldwin ~ } Suxith left tn-day for Cornell university, 1! 1 lthaczt, N. Y., WIIOHJ huwill recline furl} three weeks. What has gone wrong with , the Wm-Id nmnanyhow`? Surely he must have been standing on his head when he wrote that item. I 1:115 IJOIIIIIIIUII H.000! vvyuuuuze, nus been sold to Mr. Wm. Edwards. Mr Dale. the former tenant, has retired from the hotel business and will in future devote his time to farming. Am. the Mill; about W-yevale had to shut `down on Friday and Saturday last and ght the bush res. Hundreds of acres of hush was burning, but the late min have doubt- leu quenched the ames. We have heard of no loss of proberty beyond the loss of the timber burned. , `Tm: well-known entire horae'-Wait~A- Wee--diod at his stable Elm Grove, on Tuesday tut. , Inammation was the cause of death. Wait-A-Wee was the property of Mann. Ferris and 00.. and In: imnm-I>.' on union. vvnw-a.-vvea was was propercy of Mean. Ferris and 00., "and was import-' ` ad to this onuntrv In: that mmmnv Int lpnug. LIIB nuwl 01 all IIBIUI will GIIIO `regret $0 the aggqltuntoomngunity of notion. onmda INCORPORATION COUNTY JOTTINGS ! ---q `( l> ruccbridge Herald) ,3--- ...2._LL .. L......:l-.1n nn BRAOEIDQE AL|.is'roN ilatiigetn .Ixbance.i Tm: fo1!owing is a list of oicors for the current term for West Essa Lodge No. 704. Independent Order of Good Templar: :- W. C. T., Bro. R Whitesida; W. V. T , Sister S. Shephald ; W. 8., Bro. N. Green- 1..... w '1' 4 Rrn .Inm;h Lame : W F. S.. mater . bnopnam W. 03., n:u.`.u. union- lees , W. l`.. Bro Joseph Layge ; W F. S., Bro. J. Smith; W. M , Bro. J. Alderson; D. M,. Sister B. llulxdnoln; U G , Bro. `R. Shepherd; I. G., Sister M. Grcenleca; W. 0.; Bro. R. Fife; P. W. C.T.,Bro J. Fife; P. H. S . Sister Emma. Rib.-_\'; L. H. S., -Sister S. J.. Henderson; W. A. 8., Bro. A. I Bruce.` :1 1 ,,,2u_ ____._.. `I.._..__ IJIIIUUI Bawrox is troubled with young loafers standing at the church doors on Sunday evenings and in generalconstituting them- selves a. nuisance. The Worldndvises that their names be read from the pulpit. We greatly doubt if the desired effect would be produced. A young whelp that will make an exhibition of himself at a` church door would not object to being exhibited from the pulpit. We have a. better plan. A` club, four feet long undone inch and a half in diameter, properly applied by a strong healthy Christian will do the business. _ 11- 7-.. n- . --_-... mm... n..I..i.....n.A 'l`u-nt. DGSIHIY Unnsuuui will uu uuu uuuluvnno BLACK DIAM01\`D.--` `The Celebrated 'l`rot- . ting Stallion Black Diamond," will stand for a limited number of mares at the Oril is `- House, from Monday night until Wednes- 1 day morning, during the season 1883. TauMs-To insure, $20 00. This horse is ` only coming 7 years old; has trotted a full mile in 2.3l-the best time of any Province bred horse in Canada. His full brother was lately sold in the States for nine thou- sand dollars by J. Armstro , Brighton. `He is a jet black, was sired by lack Hawk, his dam a Morgan mare. See American stud book; 21-4t A DESPATCII from Manitoulin Island gives the following: particulars of the death of a daughter of Mr. Arch. Turner, formerly of 4th Con >Nott.iwasaga. It reads :--A sad affair occurred at J ulia Bay, near this place, on Saturday morning last, in which a young girl, Katie Turner, some twelve years of age. lost her life It appears that two lads of this vilage,` Thomas Purterand James Smith. of about fourteen or fteen, were out" at a farm, belonging to the Smiths, where Katie Turner was staying for a few days, and seeing some wild geese near the Bay, Porter, having a gun with him, the two lads went into the house for Smith's gun, which they proceeded to load,` After putting on the cap, young Smith let the hammer down too suddenly and the gun went all`. The poor girl, who happened to be standing in front of it, received the charge in her breast, and (lied immediately. A MASS or IMPORTANT BUSINESS T TRANSACTED.. - V The Town Council met on Monday night. present the Mayor in the chair and Messrs King, Pearcy, Brown, Cradrlock, Johnston,1 Ross, Villiersl Morrow, Purvia, Dickinson, i Duff and Caldwell. V rm... .._.'....L.... ......... -am! urn` uinnhxd with uuu anu Uq.luw,uu. . l`he minutes were read nngl adopted with the usual formalities. PETITIONS AND comuuulcwrtoxs. The Mayor presented a communication from D Alton Mc-Curthy, M.P., acknowledging the receipt of letter we oat otce site. ` Also from S. Loqnt relative to the opening receipt of letter 081 : omce awe. Lognt relative qpening up of a certain street. Several accouus were preqented and the documents were referred in the usual manner. FINANCE . ` The Finance Oommittea pm-nienteul a report recommending` payment of the following ac couuts:-- I By. \ViaemuI`1....-u.... .'...$ 5 00 C.Eenry............ . . . . . . .. l 25 Jan. Moran . . . . ... . . . . .. 3 00 Jas.Ha1-rington........ 375 Ed. Marrin. . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 00 H. H. Williard . . . . . . 5 00 - Northern Railway . . . . 7 15 -Thns.Lennox.... . . . . 2300 Go.Lawaon . . . . . . 900 James Keenan . 2500 JohnPayne . . . . . . . . James McBride D \'nTnIu\nh __. James muonuu ......~. . .. P. McIntosh . . . . . J. E. Scott .. .........1H The Commxttee advised the following changes in the Assessment Roll :-A refund of taxes on lot 5, North Eliza.beth:st., granted to Mr. More on account of error; also the amount assessed to Wm. Hubbard and Mr. u...... L. iIL|`IIl'\l`QI` on nmrid Domzsll. as the! A MEASURE of considerable importance is Sir Charles 'l`upper's Consolidation of the Railway Act, just passed tlirough Parlia- ment. It i_nco1-pomtus ixneoy of the pro- visions of Mr. McCarthy's Commission Bill, as well as umeml.mmts offered by Mr. Mulock and others. That the Bill is a good one. is proven by the upon support it rc- I cuivcd from-the majority of the Reform lIlCl1.|lM3l`8, 9. support. given in defiance of their leaders. Bone be refunded to David Dougall, as the property was assessed twice; also that the as- sessment on North} of west High-st., he struck of!` Wm. Boys assessment; also the taxes on lot 7, south of Penetang. street, be `RIIIOIIIW u3B8S86(l 50 W11]. I1DOI.l'(l But} Mr. I struck otfas the property was assessed to A. E. Roe; also that the taxes on lot 9, in Rus- sell range, be struck off. the roperty being doubly assessed; and finally t at the taxes I: ainst Mrs. F rith be remitted, she being un- able to pay them. The report was adopted. BOARD OF WORKS. The Board of Works reported recommend- ing that tenders for street watering be adver- tised for; that a portion of Ross-st. be repair- ed and mded, and the part of said street be- - tween empenfeldt and the bay be made pas- sable; that some small repairs be made to the corher of Ross and John streets; that the side- walk on the north side of Dunlop street, be- tween Owen and Clapperton streets, be :-.elaid- with hemlock plank 3 inches thick; a new crossing to be laid across Clapperton and Bay- tield streets, and another on Dunlop street nearly opposite Arqo s store. They recom- mended that the tender of Finley Bros., for the supply of lumber, be accepted. They fur- ther recommended that a pile of rubbish on * Owen street he removed, and aculvert be re- '_ paired on Blake street. Report carried. run: up roman.` The Committee on Fire and Police present- ed a r ortrecommending that the services of Edwar Moore be dispensed` with as no more wood was needed, and also that the engine room be repaired and whitewashed. The re- - port was carried. A n nnun 'l`Y1h A l. nnnnarnq, I nu I\ Mr. Ross asked leave to introduce and sub- mit to the people a by-law empowering the Council to expend the sum of $2,500 in the purchase of grounds to be used for show grounds and other purposes. After some dis- cussion the b -1.a_,w was read a first and second time and laid on the table until the same has been voted upon. The day for the vote is xed for Monday, the )8th J une. A rmanlnnn relntiva to street wnterimz. bv av:/us vunu uuuy.--..u uxeu rot: monuay, the Jam auue. _ A resolution relative to street watering, by Mr. Dickinson, was adopted without discus- sion. Mr Vlllers was granted leave of absence, and Mr. Purvin appointed on the Finance Committee during his absence. The Council adjourned. This column is opn to oil who write In good faith. iniona ex tested are not necessarily endorsed` y the ed! 1-. . LV uuvu-A Lnveuu-J I: c We at one time etood At the top of the lad- der in thet respect; so much so in feet tint whenever en announcement we: made that the citizens of Bertie were get ' 3 up, exam and amusements, neighborig towns an 'vil- legee could not command e neceeury Inp- port to provide amusements .of theii-town, as they felt sure the lu-gent elegihztnt was to he: nrhihihd in Berri; md the of their DC BXIIIUIFEI Ill DITHB, Inn 5110 035 OK V1181!` svsilshle talent sud the necessary attendance would be attracted here. For some time t this has all been changed, and i of securing to our town'the oonsidei-_s_hle benets therefrom we have now the morticstion of being obliged, if we went smusement or wish to demonstrate our patriotism to go elsewhere, or remain here and gloomily Answer the ques- tions of the few straggling visitors who come here on the suppoeitxon that the County Town slwsys takes the led on such patriotic occasions. I do not believe that any com- munity, My whole, can boost of emote gener- Jus lnlntnon than ours, end the greet st- tx-sc ' we hsve rovuled on former occasions been-sout the ` n. Wherefcr the change? end what the remedy! Now, Mr. Editor, as an old resident here, sndhsving some knowl- . ednm bf ihadimanllv of nlansinu nvmvvnnn in Ll) All IT DIIIIIIZ llllll WM (151170 `BC moctdii-eotsndlsrgut Ihnre of,tho mopey left bath on such ooouionn (whose put efforts` havo hem devoted to evade nbseribint.nny- IICIOII IIIOII WTIDIII` WIIIHO W5 CIIUTUI I davoto\d to I Editor Advance. . Your last issue contained a letter signed Enquirer, seeking information which I con- sider of greatvimportance`-to the town, viz; :- What has befellen our tovinemena enterprise In securing in suitable entertainment: for our Nntionnl Holidays`! 111.. -5 ...... L:...... -L.....`l .5 LI... 4... -0 LI... l..I I|l0l| HIBFUUTI, 1 WUIIIII IIIIKO I Ingguuon which I ha will be carried out. Dominion Day -in in 0 near future, but not too nearto get up I suitable demonstration " Let I oom Initteo be organized at once, composed of the fnuniina 2 ]`)-m\' is the sixtyfunrth xmuiversury of the birth of H0!` Must. (fracioua Majesty Queen Victoria. The pmriutisin ivith which the ovuut will be celebrated in oijory hmhlut iii the Dominion of Camadu is the I.....L .......hIn innlul nf H16 I