Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 18 Jan 1883, p. 3

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.uuruun.u.-.u- - --The following olcers have been entrusted gvith the numagemcnt of Barrie Lodge I. O. 0. 1*`. No. 63, for the current term :-Bro. J. Chnrchill,V.\'. G ; Bro..Alex.. Morrow, V. (3.; Bro. '1`. Armson, Tren.s.; Bro. L. W. Collins, Rec. Secy. ; Bro. .J. Butler, Warden; Bro. S. Tarson, Conductor; Bro. A. Rankin, O. (L; Rm. W. Hubbard, I. G.; Bro. Dr. Ross . R. S. N. G.; Bro, S. Sew:-oy, L. S. N. (4.; Bro. Thomas Littlehales, R. S. V. G.; Bro. John Stephens, L. S. V. G.; Bro. 0. H. Lloyd, R S. S.; Bro. U. Myers, L. _S. S.: Bro. 11. G. Laird, Chaplain. ' ` ..v . I1 . . ,,'u, ,_r;,,,__, ;_ `_1__ nun... vnnu nu-. . --An old vagrant na.n'1el`Mrs. McGre_,vor. well known about Barrie, was found nearly frozen "to death in Allanxlnle, on Friday morn- .'nn H. urnnhl as-nrn 1th.-If. ah hm] In-nu I . .-.... .., -..V,`.-.. --We should state with reference to `the had meat case mentioned last week, that a. warrant was not issued for the arrest of Mr. Johnson, but he was summoned to appear, practically the same thing. The case should prove a warning to all meat dealers. This was Mr. Johnson's first offence, he for years; having enjoyed a ,good reputation on the market, and it will most progably be hislast. l`he laws regarding bad mee are very string- ent and must be strictly enforced. Of course any butcher will make a mistake at times. but they will do well to be as few as possible. At Ll... I...`,4 -nnah'nn nf {kn Run-min 'I.i.nI-an-u uuuy Will uu u was vv wt. no nviv we rvwuouawi -At the last meeting of the Barrie Literary Society, `Mr. Harvey read `a poem. whichhe composed as a substitute for the inau nral ad- dress. The remarks which followe` on the President's poetical roduction evoked con- siderable merriment. everal readings of varied character were listened to with a great deal of pleasure. The meeting was graced with the presence of a- number of ladies, and as the con- stitution of,the Society has been amended so as to admit ladies for membership it is hoped that there will be a still larger attendance in the future. The pro%ramme for next Friday evening will consist o a` debate on|the subject, resolved That the reading of the Bible in public schools be made oompulsary. `Tun 1:An:I1n in null nffnnltinn in {Jan at-`war lluuuu auuuuau uv um-uu vvn-are-Ihru-IJQ W13.` desire to call attention to the adver tisement in another column of D. M. FERRY &: Co., Detroit, Mich., the great eeedsrnan, whose mammoth establishment is one of the sights of the chief city of Michigan. They do the largest business in their trade in the United `States, reaching even across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans The house is entirely reliable, and if you ish to get exactly what you order. you canno do better than senk to them for your seeds, and you may depend upon it you will get the best that the market can supply. ` Their seeds have become known over the entire civilized world for purity and fertility, and have gained for them an enviable reputa- tinn. Their Annual Seed Catalogue just issued for 1883, replete with information and beanti-. fully illustrated, will he sent free on applica- tion. unva- --The combined committees appointed to decide 1: on the Post Oice` site met on Satur- day nig t. Mr.,Dickinson was absent. Mr. D Altou \[cCu:thy M. P., was present. Mes- srs, Sanders, Murchison, Villiers, King, and B. `Hinds were in favour of the square at the foot of Owen Street. Messrs. Shortteed and c Dyment advocated the purchase of A. Arnall s. lot. Mr. Strathy was in favour of Oros_by`s lot but afterwards supported Arna1l s. Mr. Brown was in favour of Mr. Ross . So were all the others for that matter, but the price asked, $8.000 was considered unreasonable. On a vote the square was carried by a majority of. one. Mr. Brown nally voting ior~Mr. Ari:all s . lot. It is to be hoped the matter is now set- tled, though it is certain "a etitiou against the nuance of the Bill will fm-u'mp ml in tiou. I180` lillllgll ll? 13 08:51 the pus e of the Bil' the Local` lature, GOLDEN FLEECE, DUNLOP STREE'iI', BARRIE. {CE 1" Siufii? 3" "B'i%i5Z""".5s"E Bill will fox-war ed to no; :1 Abs I'D \-nu-4 nun.-up.--an. M r. Ross was also happy to see so many olil faces at the board, and was sure thatzif many -; of those who retired would have otfered for re-election they would doubtless have been re. elected, so well satistieil were the people with their course. He then ayed .a high coinpli. ment to the late Council or. Mr. Lane. They had all the different interests of the tohvn re- presented at the board. They -had the legal interest, the commercial interest, the manu. factory, the mechanical, and the working in.- terosts, the agricultural interest and the wealthy and gentleman interests of the town. llis impression was that they had one of the most able Councils they ever had. He urged` punctual attendance both at the Council and at the Committee meetings. ' Referring to the nancial condition of the corporation he show- Cll that their assets were greater than their liabilities. Advocating a new sidewalk on - Dunlap Street he recommended that three inch plank be used. He condemned the trap- ll0Ol'B in the sidewalks, and pressed the matter strongly on the attention of the Boaril of | Works. The Fire and Police Committee dur- in the at year had managed.exce'edingly We l. hm mrnendndr some $600 less than -in ....u.... Ivuv uasuuull usual 1:15 nun unauuu -I IJCBL. I --'I`here was a lot of fun up at the market ' last Saturday. During the afternuonspeculinr noise was heard, so strange that-an investiga- tion was deemed necessary. The Town In-l specter gave as his opinion that it was a stray D dog locked up in the Town Hall. The doors were opened but there was no dog. Then it i l was decided to be a bumble-bee and the afore- , l said T. I. supported by the moral approbation of i I Fred. Bingharn and the presence of eleven small boys, having first supplied himself with a pair of hand"-culls, read articles of war and charged on the enemy. After they had crawled all` over the market, bumping their heads and breaking their shins, they discovered that the 3 noise was caused by the wind blowing through it slit in a piece of wall paper. The last seen of the Town Inspector and the eleven small boys that night they were out behind the market taking turns at kicking themselves. a 3 The Missionary Services in the Methodist Church on'Sunday ahl']`1ies(1ay evenings were ! well attende'd and very successful. Rev. L, 1 N. Benudry, of Montreal, preached on Sunday I night and mldiessed the meeting on Tuesday ]_cvening. He is a very eloquent speaker, and i those who missed hearing him missed a treat. 1 , ,'l`l.m-n ....... .. Inc ..I L... ...\ -1. u . . _ . -,i SIR,-Perx{1_it me to call the attntion of the clmritably disposed to the case of Mrs. Robertson, of this Township (Vespm), whose husband was lust on the ill-fated Asia. n . . "" ' . . 9 This column 15 open to all who wnte m good: ' faith. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the editor. _E`li(or AIvm_u:c ; . She has been left with a very large family, unprovided fur. - nrhun nurnnnu 11:11! I uni ;Il`1\!`II`Inr` m.mu_y, uupruvlucu lur. ` I Certain persons have, I am informed, been collecting for her, but she cannot get i from them the names of theaubscribers. I I ...:n kn ..I..A 4.. ;..1... 4...... ...c --...n.:.... |lUll.l LIIUIU LIIU uu-uluxrs U1 U16 .l|llDSCI'lDL I'8- I will be glad to take charge of anything left. with either you or me fur her. 1 Yours, &'c., - \ / Y1\II\v .nv\.mrv Sm,--1 notice that .\[essrs. Leadley and |Swit.zer are candidates for the Warden's cliair, chietly because they each claim the honorable title of. Father of the County C Council." To settle the metter I have made an investigation, and nd that the man who'cn.n truly claim this honor is Mr. Samuel Frazer, of Tay. He entered the Council in 1848. years before any member of the present Council tookhis sent as it County Councillor. _ i 1: LL ......L',..... ...........:a.. 1...- -`....n.:.._ 1.. m: me past naa manngeu excwuwafy 1. had expended some $600 less thantu previous years. He advocated tho-ex endl- tureof a.8um of money on the Town arlh. and coxuplimebted Mr. Dickinson on his 12.- bours in that direction. The Town Hall wee a. disgrace to the place. It should be papered and waiuacotted, and the dressing voonp nfo-. elly furninhed. In conclusion he wguldeay hat they had the ineteriel there for a good Council and if they wofggtg pg-.n3op9uel.y;_ EIIi(0I' .-1 (1:-uucc : \JUUHlu_V \JU|lllUlllUl'. A If, therefore, seniority. has miytliing to , do with the`honor,- Mr. Frazer is the n:m.n' I who should be elected, and so far as experi- ` ence and intelligence are concerned he would fill it with credit to himself and to the County . V _ I srrm um. J ;'m. Tlitln, 18815. It was" with no ordinary pride and satisfac- tion that we lately had the honor of an intro- duction to one of the most eminent men of the age, Professor THo.\ua HOLLOWAY, a gentle- man who has done more for the advancement of medical science than any other that can be named. It is true the public have lon been I...-..ln.n unit-In his npanlzrnnnlvnlizun . an. .\`n:,--'I`hat horse story of your ]astweek s your standing could publish anything nt- torecl by a party of the most worthles crea- tures ofthe human ` race (if human they are) is beyond my comprehension. (`Am 1 wrong ?> By their deeds we judge them. I Like the crows, they light on every carrion, I I edition is incorrect. How a gentleman of! .whilst at times their cawing is almost in- cessant. 'l`he horsein question wasbrought l to my shop. Not by a commercial traveler; he resembled. in niyeestiination, a travelling gipsy. Both the horse and man looked so poor. I was tempted to shoe -the beast through charity to the man. I put notva shoe onthe beast, however, which I can easily prove. The parties that littered the talsehood I hold in utter eontempt-as the liar is an abomination to gentility and re- nement." Their breath pollntes the very atmosphere we breath; and if we would escape the contagion we must be wise as A serpents and harmless as doves. And now, respected Sir,- remember the old adage, Lie [down with dogs and rise with eas. And listen to no more such trash. By in- serting this in your really valuable paper you will confer a great favor, and one for which I shall be ever grateful. Wishing you prosperity, `I ...._...Z.. Barrie, Jan_1;a.ry 15th, 1581;.- 1`i-|':'n| mi'r"M'A'u com:-:'A'FT.As1"; nD 'l`I-I ! DFIIWCIRIEQI nu ICEHYPYNE llalneu. 15 I3 WI'llU ULIC PIIUIIU IIIVU 10!] 0315!]. familiar with his great reputation. e en- ormous demand which exists throughout the whole of Europe, Australia, the East Indies, and most other parts of the civilized world. 1?'m- nrnnendina stun hv nan. nn mt:-intlv 311% 0103` 0F:eB(i'_p3!'B3t0I li 0l\tHll3(1 W0l'tl(l`. t] or proc mg sop y sep, on sric y scientic principles, the Professor, at the early part of his career, attained to a discovery. _He noticed how much of the boasted. medical knowledge of the present day empmcal, and how little yvss really kx}ow_n of the laws of human physiology. Cont1nu1ug_ his investiga- tions. a happy t ought struck him, like an in- spirstion, and he located the eeatof every,-uo matter what its nature and dis- gnosin.--iIx the blood. The blood hss vitslity --thehlood is alive; it is indeed, in the langusgehof Scripture "the lift. of nun. If that stream of existence is impure, how cm the humsn being be otherwise than feeble, ex- h'Annted_ - ammintlad and aliotad hv variant | llarrie, 15th Ju.nua.ry, 1883. l`<>ll.Pf'l` .A\l{'l`I`(,`Ll'IS--A FULIL LINE. Editor A drunce. `DB llllllllll Ulllg D8 OWIBFWIIB VIII IUVUIB, OX- heusted,- emaciated and alioted by various form of disease! To nrify the blood, and keep it pure, in virtual y_ to `banish mcknesa from the earth. Here, then,is hope for the sufferer. The poor invalid, des aiuug of recovery, may go forth to the war] a renovat- ed and strong man; Professor HON-OWAY -`I treatment eradicate: all our ailments ; Whether they are of the stomach. liver, kidneys, Inn heart er akin. helvrefei-e their origin _*-O t a blood, and restores the apparently diseased organ ta pristire and perfect health. Know- ing this, as we do. fromthe exD9I`111905 0111' fnendl, as well in from our own, we discharge but u Semuritanha duty to the public, by a . cordial recommendation `of Ho1.LoyIAv s P! as and OINTMINT -the former for internal da-- mngementn of the system ; the latter for ex- ternal _ap_p1icutiou to wounds and rates. which have related every` other Io-called remedy.-- N. Y. Jitu V ' ' _LI}l"I`ERS TO THE EDITOR ` Iuuxuuu IvIr1I` t"-3 run 1 OR, THE PROGRESS OF MEDICINE. AN Emvnyffd PRO'I`ES l`. THE WARDENSIIII . A CALL F012 AID. A cER1Cxii_if. AoKsMITH. I remain, AV`? `'51 A JOHN .\R.D.~\(}H. ` >_\l|`().`~'l.' SIMUOE. WllATALlVI1LY'[ :`s"~f`"TliAl]E [Boot & SE3: Business Nuttrn al-muun-~uvuVu uunnn. Leave Barrie at 11.10 3.111.. 8.10 pan Arrive at Peneusnguishene. 1.50 p.m., 10.45 p.m m m GOING SOUTH. Leave Peneten uishene at 6.15 e.m.. 3.20 1:. Arrive at Bar _e V 8.40 3.111,: 6.5 p. : nnnnnnnn I GOYNG NORTH. Lat-.70 Toronto. 7.55, U45 5.111., 4 Leave Barrie. 11.10 3.111.. 3.45 p.m.. 8 Ar at Oollingwood 12.50 p.m.. 5.40 p.m.. 9 nnnsm nnnmn, AX` It Uoulngwuuu. 15.00 p.xu.. can push. GOING SOUTH. Leave Colllngwood 5.20 s..m.. 8.15 a.m., Arrive at Barrie. 1.00 a.m.. 10.05 a..m.. Arrive at Toronto. 10.10 a.m.. 2.25 p.m., .... _._-._ . nu. . `vars 1ul\'\vtu urn H. U 5nUI\:x l)ll3N\.IlL-`\l\Il.LV\1 1.` \JL Leave Barrie 11.35 a..m.. 4.15 pan. 1 Arrive at onlua. 12.35 p.m.. 6.00 p.m..l Art. at Grnvenhurst. 2.10 p.m.. -7.40p.m. nnmn nnwru APP. 8lUl'IV8lln\1l'BIa. lav p.II'., a.~nvy.ul. ' GOING SOUTH. Leave Gnvenhurst} -- 6.30 a.m..V 3 Leave 0111115. 5.40 a.m.. 8.20 sum. 5 ; Arrive at Barrio. 6.35 3.11)., {M50 q..m.. 5 _____.-- v...---..Aun anuxvn nvllislni uvnn have Rain man at Arrive at Barrio, nnn UAAV` Leave Bu-rie at Arrive at Fhmllton TL BAN1`ING,`CLERK, COUNTY '. Simone, will-be at his olce gt the Court- -House, Ban-lo. everysaturday. flcsldence and R0 . Cookstown. _ I Dry Goods, House Furnishings, % % JDRESS G00%DS, (UARl E'l`S, % .% V SOUR. GRAPES I Turner & Co. V. the Field. _ During the busy season this l)ep:artment was almost posserl `over, with the prsuurc of other xnatlters--~\\'e now call special attun- txon to our [MEN 0|]3' our own importation from factories in Ireland and Sc'(tla.nd. The pricss quote-dvbeluw are as low as many of the Goods are_aold at by many Wholesale Houses.` ntrnn I rvvnsv 1-. rnunrv-1 xv. I\lrI\Y.1 Arr! -- I\r\vIr\\Y \I'.`\I\'r1rI (.1 nn WOULD YOU BELIEVE IT ? 'l.`HE BOOT AND SHOE MEN OF RARRIE DO NOT LIKE US. We do too much `business to SUIT them. We sell goods too low to PLEASE them. We advertise too much to GRATIFY them. We are too active and tire- less to HUMOR them. Our style of doing business does not DELIGHT them. Our. methods of purchasing trade ANNOY them. Our mammoth stock l`ROUBLES_ them. Our perfect styles .`>"I`UMP them. In fact nothing we can say, do or have meets their ap- proval. We are not sorry. . We shall shed notears. We do not keep store to please them. We do noteven consult their wishes. They are SAD when we slaughter goods, MELAN- CHOLY when we mention prices, MOURNFUL when we show styles. They are jealous of our JAMS`, covetous of our CROWDS audenviious of" our ENERGY. There is only one thing under the sun that would make them jelly and jubilant and that is the very thing WE ARE NO'l` GOING TO D0,. They would like to have us leave town. We are not going. WE ARE HERE TO STAY AND ARE NOT H }\,lJP` GROWN. These Boot %ee>.e%AND%sALE%%oFT%e% L LINENS, BlANiKETS,%AN HOUSEHOLD NAPE ---) AT (- f1R%MP'E`%N & RYAN S. 1.: avxvna xv\JA. a.\: ..._I -. ``'` J " Iv cum; I ulv goitng. .AREui;?{13: STAY X}%I':"'Rr61`"1-1x:,1~`{ii}(3W1if 'lll:ese B33? and Shoe men may sob and Slgll for the good old big prot" times but it is all in vain. '[`hcy had better trim their sails and try to catch a little: of the breeze th. \t we shall from time to time raise in th: Boot and Shoe trule_ GREAT REMNANT SALE With plenty ol room,'plent.y' of BOOTS AN'l) SHOES and a good force, we are enjoying it, and we have the Boots tlnt sell. We don t have to spend two lmurs with a customer trying to talk into him something he don t want. Customer comes in, How much for a pair of Boots '! We` tell him. D.) themiup, uml that s all there is 01 it. Ht: or she knows all about our` B.oots. Neighbor has :1 pair ofthat kind, and that s the kind he wants. And so it is with all lines of our Shoe Wear. A We never have a complaint; they all wear to the satisfaction ofthe purchaser, No after claps; no domestic tribulation. We have struck the lowest_ notch on prices. Come and see it we dont give you solid value for the least `money. FRED. WILMOTT, We are the BGITIO SIIOO Depot, and arestablishing a national reputation. Drop in. We are ` . ' ' am noon hnhx or commence. "$&ix'&E;"iizXiZ&dii&& 'n{-Ear? -__...n__..I.. II {Earn llnlll, n,` nvvuu ;.u-..n.-. ..-.. ..._., V _- _.._, _.-_ NORTH SIMCOE-GOING NORTH. _. n....:.. no `II Inn tn Ill] ,3 ' " Us I U u 5 H H `t I is H ` IHH BA H(:.\INS IN LIN]-II\' 'l`()\VI'IL at 125 c., large size;and a splendid line of DA ASK ' .` ---) ALSO (-- A 1 - . . . -..__-.__.....- A- . . _. . Remember THURSDAY, `llth ms1';, thls Great Sale commences. NORTH ERN RAILWAY TR UNKS AND VALISES EMNANTS OF COTTON. ~ WINCEYS." H TWEEDS. `< F`I.ANNE[.S. = DRESS GOODS. LINENS. - -` '1mvm.L1N:s. ~ PRINTS. " H .\1AN'l`LE ;I..m1.~;. Bargains !::::::Big:::::: ENERGY AND LOW PRICES DISTANCE LETHARGY AND BIG PROFITS! READY-MADE CLOTHING, HATS. cars AND runs, BUFFALO % H0353, ~ Bil .-1i.].VI.1=.]'I'S,_`3c.,* cam, sec, Next door to Fa.ra _uharson s Grocery Store. Dunlop Street. TI! 3 Iii Ito GOING NORTH. -_ `A can no. u.a-. GOING SOUTH. ALSO A BIG paw: In LINEN GOODS; BLANKETS, &c. TO BE CLEARED our CHEAP, ABOUT , -,_-, --_-__ __--.. v__--- v---v -- When you will Be able to imy Household Napery at much lless than regular rates. j--jj.`_.. L j-. I sag. 8.30 3.111., 3.35 p.m I 11.35 5.111.. 8.35 pan HI! | Em A` 6.35 a.m.. 2.56 pun 11.30 3.11).. 8.40 p.m _.- .. --.. .. ......._, .,. .. ., ....,...... ....._...,... .. .,_, ......._, .. ..-.--...- ---..-`-. PURE LINEN TABLE NAPKINS AT 75. DOZEN. WORTH $1.00. 1. @'.L]'_.Il'_- 'I'() GC). ()IJ'I'..@ A big lot in I IS ABOUT THIS TIME OF_ YEAR ! Ilbllln . 8.35p,m . 9.35 pan EMBRDIDERIES at from 25 e. per piece of 10 yards up. I IN GREAT VARIETY`? I \J JILL U ".l.I. 1). \XQl\rJ.\J.LV 10 J.` U VV pretfared to execute all orders in the Pum line, an in selling his stock very cheap. which rstaelaes. D. B. determined not to be beat in uulity or price by any competitors. in deep or : ow wells. 52-it-p 1 `UMPS -5. B. GARTON IS NOW pro 'redtoexecute llnn nn 1 malllna LI. numb want! ..t....... ...|..a..I. .. Al.` I |.\' , Bro` ` ms ESTRAYED.-i--0-A-M-I:`_.*`()-N `I, w.'.`2 `. .. .`E..3.``?..'3.` 53.`?.`.`. %.1 .f`%'13`3;..`:.?E.? ' ...?.`.`.- rnuu uuL1\n1uuo---unuln UL` the premises of the unders ed. Lot 7, Con. 7. F103. abput the middle of gtember. Two Medium-aimed Pigs. Owner can ave them by Inrovinu D!`0D_0_I'Y ans! nayiyz expenses. otherwise I. run. nuuuv one Iunuulu U1 uugveuluur. [W0 Mediium-allied Plgmd Owyxinex- c:I1 Ie gang .. vn propel-t an e o erw {Ry w?1:.hadup o.ea r? gonufghntmm. . . 52-it-p , Manager. ;EDWARDS BOOKSTORE. DIUUIX U ` %\y.A_t;'i7j":"i%4l3EAn 15 PE[I___(}~ENkT. mscounr on-` RM"T5N arm During September. Oetoberand November. TURNER & 00., 7l`H U RS1.) A . rruc:i<}: s L'AHE_Fl`l.[.\-"I SECURE YOUR BAEGAINS_ I-Iouse s' Old Stand, Dunlap-st, Barrle. OUR SPLENDID STOCK OF JOHN CLAYTON. iiargains! _) AT (_ n aeep or E M N.~\1\"l`S 0 F 5TR5T IMPSRTERS. l people are always on the lookout for ' chances to increase their eerninge,and in time become wealthy: those who do not improve their op rtnniiiee remain ` in povertg We otter a. gree chance to make mone . e want man men. women. boys and girls -work for us rig t in their own localities. Any one can do thework properly from the nut am. 1'1: b ti ill than to tim nunuy v3a:ea." $31; voyo'333mmmd mt: No one who a mile to mat to d- ly. You can devo your whole then? 31% wgk. 2:311-la 0lt1l'l`B:r3el$li>.l:'_l(8. Fnll intornntion so" a Co Pomni Mdngee. Add:-one Brim 51-ly \.`bemi:t and .Vl)_rnggist,|wi11.beV found -3 I. Zu). :$l.50 and so on up._ nnr\I1vI1l n . un <"" I. TOWELS at I9 c., -regular price '25c. SHIRTINGS. "SH EETINGS. TABLE LINENS,` CRETONNES. MUSLINS. VELVETEENS EM BRO] DER] ES. .i.nV ` DUCKS; V ` ""` l'4Au In LAcvifC' _ -- ---- w -no-ggaa-unun. V1. \lLlAlA|LL DJ v|.u Poaitit: `;. l.'c..'iol'cs theH_earing,aml is the on . y xl&_ulute: Cure for Deafness known. ' Thin Oil is abstracted from peculiar a ecies L I small WHITE SHARK. can in in the Yel ow S1-n. known as CABOEARODON DNDEIJZTII. Ever, Uhinese fisherman known it. Its virtues as :1 rr storativeot were discovered by a mul- dhiat Priest about 1 e year 1110. its cures wt-ru ao numerous and many so seemingly . the remedy was oioialiy proclaimed over Iiu: uh lire'Empl1'e. Its usebecauie so universal that r. :- over 300 years no Deafness has existed among 1) .- Chinene people. Sent. -l..u-gee prepaid. to an addreu at $1.00 per bov I lv. 3:: 3 The public will r on mm Ii(:!0l'u1;0iI 2 will! I}: `nnn nrvnnun--. . p U1), 1u`VU"~_7J I'll! I I-\J\.Il\ Q. VI`-I`! Lu.Lc Hnylock cc ( . l .~aoLx-:.Au:.\"rs I'ou.uu:u1c.\. 7 Hey SL, .\' * 3.4. uvur JUU yl:8l'8 I10 ueaun per bon GQQIQQOII IV $50-CQ O Q5-C QIQILGL KIIJ In It has performed a miracle jn my case. I have nn unearthly noises In my head und In iv much bother. I have been $1-eatly benomtcd. Mv deafness elped u. grvut: dcnl think u.nm1;. y bottle will cure mo. 3.` "` A (131.1 .`4u1ic1t'.t.-d for ail kinds of . ` Ila virtues nrc unqucauun .M-- and its 1-1 character absolute. as llw wtita r can pm`: testify. `both from oxru-inrru` nml 01:31 rw Write at onccto Haylnck 6; Jenncy. 7 In-3 .\'ew' York. ancloslmz ';~'l.'~.v. und you win I I by return IL remedy llml wt 1 enuble you I 3 like any body else. and whose curative em-. . be nenzmnont. You will never regret doi I like anybody clse._und w hose curative ell`:-u-L4 \\17i .' new-anontl. \ ou never regret (loim; ;.,. ' --E!ditor of .\[l:`.RL'A.\"l`ll.E lu,\\-. ` 'r~a,'l`o avoid loss in-the Mulls, p1(-u.'ac ecml 1nm.:-A. by llegistervd Letter. . Only 1|-0D0|'t?dbY HAY LOCK &. JEN NE`! I AIJIH llnrlnl-Ix x- I . Cards from` ` -'l.50pe'r W Jot. up. I` .2..- EEAB. WHA1 _'1 RE DEAF SAY Tb `.n.- v.....f:\o.--n:..`l an -. ...I.. in Ivsuv ........ cHn|'s'4iXT& new YEAR'S uouoms, I-`or sine by \`.' l;0-()V(HE!-(7BIBALAM'(-)`l.? 's1TA;1("s7)fI: um INTERNAL him run cAm% Wnnuxn. On Muohtn. 1~.~._ My little dsughter was troub ed with C.n.;.v for two year: and was vefy much benottwl channel" 'I Outatrh Cum She 1-! about onrod; W. '1`. H005:-; xl. In . nul -|.M.~|: Wnnu on March 30. 1 IhnvouodEnn'aOu 11 are." rm! ;~ inutmxn the result: I doxivod from bomo, believe I will cure the moat szu: - cans of Count: 11 its use bo oonunuoa .' . rmumnnbla lanzth of tuna of Count: II {In re uonnblo length time. v Ha1l s Cafamrh Curr 311% ram zu.-uuurr $1 I W0 MI! 8100 for 1:7 :11: at I Gath 1: will an 2:.-3 Wnnnum Ont. Muah 20, xv. F. J. cunt a oo.. Tolegio. o. ` Ganu.-HAvo sold Hall I Oaunh cum I. r -. 1: you, sad it gives entire lltidtctlou. Your: hula, H. W. H BSON. Drug, ' is sold by -Ill` Wholesale and Retail I)ru.'.;. mind Detlere in Patent Medicine: in the United scum and Onnndn. ' PRICE: 75 Cents a Bottle. .-$8.00 a 1):. The only genuine Hairs Caturh Cam is z;. - / ntaotured by F. J. CHEN}-IY & 00.. Toledo, ~ I3'Boware ot Im1te.ti_una. < Bottled for tha Outnvi > (mug by H. W. HOBSON, Welland, Ont. cathartic Pill `.\l.l. A.\'_U .~r:s. .~.r1-;c1.\1V.x.._ STEPH EN-\" h"|'| ' IW '. Tumors, _ \\ urns, |LV':uugm, x. Gr! _ Diarrhoea, Dysentex-:.'. H4 Piles, lsordors of the Liver. um other diseases rcsuithig from as lisur-In state of the digestive mv'p:\rntus. _ As '11 DiI11norPill'tIIeylmyann .~.._\' ` ' Wlnile gentle in their _action, t.hv.<- 1' are the most, thorough and seardhin-:. .1 `tie that can be employed. and urn--.' pain unless the bowels are in. than their inuence is healingz. '1 .-2 latdtha appetite and digestive n1` - operate topnfy a I enrich the I lllzul. `impart renewed ltxgalth and vlglr tn) 1 whole nyutmx. ` _ A , } u!c'u,t Jlwlirium. I)_ue S!n,[f~;, Soaps, V ('umb.s' and /i_:'u.s'/res. ' Prddrecj by_D_r. `J . C. Ayer-81. C;o.. _,- ,, 4A.: A__ _. ;-..I tVI......:_. Having llcducu -'--- V- 7,`, Prlctlchl and Anavl'ytlcal,Chenni.-pt ~'. _ Lowa`.I, Mass. Q01. )1 Au DDUEGLIII` zvistwuzul - .4 RP(`0lllll18nd0d bx u Blood nnd Mucous Surface: of Ih. stun. lls the be Blood Purler :5 0W RLD. and 9 worth ALL It In ad fo It. {o h THcA`|gnlono.f F THE HAL L S (Vt/,//1" `\ mama, ' /u,72z.:.{l,~ {DUNLOP-ST.; ,[U:_ "P oim; ;`IS1'\\'Iw11'. _ .\ the .\ kW | l:()l `L: V) \l 31 -.v|u>-mrn .m' Im. `W Lu 0 M 2120.1 F{:ll'n nrtttg an.l : nd H11. niruv rim-\ um oxnmo. W. H. HELLEM ~ wnwmon Muhzo. &0o..'I`ole 1 C URE |__.| n.,,n_. AL_, ,1 us no vslcinn , InuI:;I .-\pp0ti1 l)i7.7.iuv Iropsx ('O.lil I inn I .\1l H11: )AY, T. DUFF 8: CO. I .\lPL\Iljl'I| `nrtge rn hhantti `x' TM 1') 1.`: JM XI l'l"l`]-IE8. l'I'(` '1-IH'.~4L`llLt`4l. - rofern-.1 to U] , l.~4t.1)u; L CUIIJIIIUI hug utto-1 hut-n1L'nI In Llunvu 4 -:xppmntL_u1 ~'l\ 'l"Hl`I .\l.\\'0R ml Messrs. I -L I`.Jl`\[)l"0SL`l|1, hair; .\lr._ `2 floors Wcsl ol' the Biu`rieAH0lc|- <).\Il'UL`;\' mm uniuu.tim1fr.:.m :o-ntinn to the on th- .\Iurkc.t I. from Mr. pcl .-\ss(`.~4sor and the suzmb to , ,-e3pcC- ,".\lr. `wry rclunrlus .\lr. l earuy said the Reeve had classed him as the rcpresentat.i\'u of the working man. and he was proud of it. He haul always heard that one working man was worth two or three of the wealthy men, (laughter) _aud he was only uorry they had not more.of them . He thought: it was the duty of (,`ouuc-illors when going about to keep their eyes open as much as _ possible and see where work was required. ` Mr. Brown was neither :1 wm'l(im! man nor . POBBIUIC uuu SEC VVHCTC V\'0|'K \VLl`l I'C(1'IllX'Cu. ` Mr. Brown was neither a working man nor | a rich man, (l:_1u,I,l1ter) and `spoke at con- siderable length on the duties of the Council,- after stating his pleasure at seeing the worthy .\l&_) Ql'i8.gllill in the chair. He favored spends ing a sum of money cacli year on one of the_ l0U.lS leading into the town. They received more benet from those rnmls than from the railroads. }Ie thought that they had last year spent rather too little mo_ney.1,am1 believed that this year they, could spend a larger amount of money and still `not increase the taxation. I Th lnauago.-rs: of this littlcvr institution dc-V sire to record their grateful se'ns_o- nf~Uo goodness runl Messing un the lldmc 'l`h small zuul lll]pl`L'i.0llti!).\iS'ti]i: house luis. been a refuge mulgcuinfort to aifcw who would other- wise have he-cu humch-ss,_:md if oiily one suf- fering f('li0W-Cl`('ZltllT8 has hen he!` tom- '_ p)ra.ii_v. . and in any way encouraged. and] stxcn-__-tin-iml spiritually, .thc house wi1J\not h:i\v i-<-vn hniit in(\'.1iu. `Tu Go-1 ht!-, all the gin:-3'. Two uf the: inmates mentioned in last yunr .3 IP1-n'x't liaw It-ft---nuo of `them had rc_- I tninmi S('\'Cl`.`Ii timvx tn the Home fur rest. Sin: is :r__;aii1 in a situation. The other woman in was iouml illlpu;-miic .tu keep, -as she` was nnniliv in rmliim anv m-.r.qnnal rnsnnnsihilitv. THE TOWN PARLIAMENT ls LUl`H*\L :L'\L'x-u UH!!!`-`V LU LHU lluuu: nu Luau. unalnlc to reali7.c any personal responsibility. She is with a lau;_:hter who, being poor,.is al- '1uwu:l a small sum outkif the Ilume fnn:ls to- wards n1aint;iiniu,-_; her mother.` . Tlnu-n urn :1}. urnunnf Hun-n :mm1l\:\nf.L nhhl WW1 HCIM` UL`-l[), D.) HUI /CXXU D0 Llllfll18Ul\'\:?5. `JUU of these simply takes rent ; she entirely sup- ports herself. There being no resident care- taker, the expenses last year have been much reduce-1 -l`u-.iuu. iu cash, $187.44. The health of those resident has been pnetty ,;0m1. \\'henevor required Dr. .-\rdngh has kindly given attendance and mexlivine gm-' tnicuusly. (\Hu-r'x:unc': sun) hall: nwr huh`. tlmnk gethur t paw-rs. u . \ ~tary remarks \ |l\|lll.ll, -ivlyluy` nu-u um.-.. iln-,.sx nl'_ the: Reeve tbcru \s':i1u very little to sav. He thought that the Ul(l Council \verc cntitlml tp the thanks of the people in regard to the` bonus granted for the establishment of a cotton mill. Whether the project were ileatl ur not they had done their duty. After .\1 r. Ross haul umclc a few supplemen- \I.~ Pu,-nu-u usual Hun R9l\UlIlI:I1` nlnnnml him Lmcuusly. ()tl1L-nliimlmzsses and help are here thank fully nuknowJcd;.;el :--Mr._ l lmktnn, 3 stove- pipu hole-covers; .\lr. Lowe, shank-of lxef and` cduution in price of meat; Mr. Cvillum, re- duction 0.u.wnri; done in Home, value $1.50 ;_ .\lr. (lolcs, n-uluction on painting in Home, value $3, also coloring hall and painting steps; Mrs. llemlerson, 21 (`hrist1na.s gift of ten, slxgarinlltl apples; .\lr. Dull`, 2` lbs. tea; '.\l r. Clmntler, $2; .\l r. W. Buys, $5; and the local press is tlmxxkcul for inserting reports and ackxmwlmlI,lnents without cl1argc.L ' I ._.,..,,.. I o\_J'l B\"(\.l'(lS Hl1ll[lLKlHHIl,`_{ llL`I` IIJOEIICI`. . There are at prescnt three nccllpimt-`5. -1510. I with little help, to attcml to theuxsclves. One ..I` Hmcm szilnnlv tnl.-.4: rnnf. ~ Mm nntirolv sun- ,..,.- . .._ the lust ]ml`[ialll(lll:\I`_`,' n-pr Prismmrs x-umnuttc-1 luring th-.2 y0..\I'.. Greatest _uumbcr conned at iuny mu- Hunn Lll|lU.o-u.ooc`.... - - - - . ..- ....- Numlwr of ru-mnuuitnlx .. .... ;.. 4. ) 'l`utal cost uf nmiutnining guul .. . . $33,710.35 V'l`hc lirst inspentiml of this gaol uluriug the uicinl year`, \\';\.~x made by .\h'-. Lnngmurr on the 1'2th_ l)ecember, 185]. He mxulc thc fol- luwing report upon it: - V : The mm] was fmmd in ndmirnblc nrcfer. and l()\VlIlg l'L'l)Ul'Kv UPUII ID! . The goo] was found ailmirublc order, apparently its alfairslarc carried on under good discipline. The number of prisoners in custouly was larger tlmu usiml, being 17 men, and 1 women. The number of-1una.ties co'n- mittogl to this gaol is something startling. Three were sent to 0.3Vlllll1S on the. morning of my visit, and three were still ingaol, two of whom were proper subjects for the asylum. Of the remaining prisoners,`one was waiting trial for muraler, one was under sentence for arson f0r.0ne year; and was waiting removal to the Central Prison, the remaining risoners were of the drunken and disorderly c ass. I`hp mm] was imznnnterl again on the 10th sou-zrvm INITIATION or THE. NEW councn. "ARDAGH ME MORIAL HOME." Ol me (ll"lll1K0ll &n(1 lSOI'kl0|'ly (H1133. The goal was inspected again on the lflth June, 1882, ' by Dr. O Reilly, who reported that he found 20 male and 4 female prisoners in connement, of whom one man was waiting trial for manslaughter, one had been sentenced to the Kingston Penetentisry for larceny, two were insane, and the remainder were held for minor offences ; that the accommodation for females is of a. very inferior description ; and that many parts of the gaol were much in need of repair. SECOND GLASS AND INTERMEDI- ATE EXAMINATIONS __--. The following passed the recent Special Ex-_ amiuutions in Barrie :- .. -a N .. II on . \I'I .-.. A . GRADE B.----Minnie Appelbe, Annie F. Skene, Maggie Dolan, John Gilchrit, Agnes Hutcheson, James Loftun, Hamish Sloan, William Reid,. George M. Ritchie, Jqhn A. -Smith, Maggie Tudd. Tun-n . . . . n n . . . .. r,|_._ I _L.._ \1__.:- \l-I__. \I ` ler. mi 1......-., .un55|o Luuu. I Ixrmmnnurx-1--Tohn Loftua, Maria Maiey, Annie McKenzie, Nellie Palk, Neil Reid. | _.-4-v. Au viva nu --Mr."McCarthy retuxtjcd to Tdranto` on Saturday night by special train. -_nxvnv-gl nnnu-.n....-L2.._- -__1 _u__, :,,g,, I HXEIJIUII. The Council then adjourned. R `H: M 0 V E 1);! GEORGE MON KMAN, .......n..-..-J uluv u uyuulul unuu. --Several _commuuioa.tione and other inter- esting metter have been crowded out of this is- I 8118. ' ' -nay- l --_(}u-Agling _the thrpat with hlgohol is a, pm. ventxtwe of diphtheria. That's the reason so few are troubled with the disease during the holiday season. A 1.-...- l.-..I... .I.l.........I. AL. :____|_' ,,, n _ -Mn, Carslolge alipged and.ell on_.the szdqwdk an Clsppertop `street, bud. fnoturo on the; wrist. ' It will be noon In the repor `of the Coia_noil proceedings that she propoids to sue` thb town. _ .5 wan ! --Mr. J J. Bestty is home from the N orth-' West. . --Mr. W. I). McDonald of the American Hotel is very ill. 5 ` \l.. "Ll-lV_...LL_.. . .. ...` I-w:-`XJ l1:1:ev broke throu h the tank, on the Market Square on Satu av. The Town In- spector hna called the attention ofthe Council to the mattenand V it` will doubtless` be re- n_1edied;:t `once. `I II 1- u n ... .\I r. Thv .,....., .. .\..n .|;u1u:u'y, I882: Huvb, decidtl to offer their Entire Stock of '.lll'lt'\|. ' . .\1--. \'-nrcy moved that John Sweeney be z\p1><>il1tu auditor for the Council for the cur- routyu1r.~(`nrriwl. The .\layor ilameul Mr. l"u1lj.nnu-n an tln: othr auditor. ' _ v ......u--uv-.-u u. `nun: (hum: A.--E.xn1;u;gcott, Guideon A. Mil- er. --Lent begins F@by. 7th this year. K -The 25th inst, is Robert Burns Anniver- mv. ` . Villicra nmvml the zuljourmnent of the cil, .~4a_\-iug tlmt after the elaborate ad- ml to ;` hohuu nn mill. Whether m'0ie(-1: were deatl ` they would ulq theirnuvluty the rate- LATE81; LOCAL LINES. wing in the l risuu [ll"1)tx!tnlf`s re- uiug Lung (`ustln-, as it :LppL-zlrs in` BARRIE GAOL T. l)UE[+` 09., l RZII E ZI$1 1 IA]: :1 Q1111: I852. u) IL" ... .. .... ux 111.1 |4.1n. ' .\lr'. Dickinson moved that the Very Rev. in-an U'l`nunnr be appointed High School 'l`ru.4tuu for: tho current _term. The motion .~;n-...! .... u q. \IH, A.Ln| vv_y auu uuu auu. l"Ak.\u~:n.~' dud others desiring a. genteel, lucrative agency business, by which .`$5'to -5420 xx (lay can be ea.r:_1%,..senLl address at once, on postal, to ` xLIuSIso.\` & (``o.,, 195 and. l97 l*`ul Stree.`.,_Ncw York. 3-limo. -Fiue F'lo-.rnish Ware, Sw,isslc';u-vcd_goods, Jan Ware, plush perfume cases, Albums from 25. up. V Plush hand satqhels and a host. of other lines at Edwards`. If. you don't buy. `cmnc and see nur goods all the same, null if wg: don't sell to you it will be our fault; l n.. \.1,_. 1....u._._- ...-.. ._..-I... _.....s_ u. L an .. `.... u savnn v\l J\)Iu .. -011 Munda_\' there was an0t.her`rumor that a telegram h:ul-been received announcing the tuna} ramation of the _.\'orthern and Grand Trun ' mi1wn.ys.* The rumor zmppeara` to be well founded, but we will` \\ hear from the fifteen year old before expressing an opinion. A l'I....:..-....... \I_..L3.... -..I`I L. 1...`) 1.. AL- nu. uv uu. uauuu. V .-If your little gvir`l hKas._th.e mump*;-w.hich ` I by the way are very prevalent just now--it is sand that a sure cure can be found somewhere in one of. those nice :'Oc.`\_vorkbox<-.s M Ed-`I Vvanls -- oh 3 3 oh ! ` E g --'1`he Debate in the Town Hall lust "l`hurs- 1 day evening was not largely attended. The} subject, Canadian Iudependance," was well handled by the speakers, Messrs. Hunter,` Edwards, Harvey and Hewson. I.`........... .....1 ._A........ .1__:..:__ _ .,-..L--I ..r.....,... --A Missionary Meeting will be held in the Congregational - Church on Tuesday evening next, cmumenciug at eight: o .cl0ck, Rev. T. Hall General Missionary Iuperintendant, and lR_c\"E. J.`C. \Vrigl1t, W. W. Smith. and the pastor Rev.` J. 1. -Hindley will" 1.~livcr ad- dresses. ~-On .\`atur_day afternoon last several little girls were-playing when one of them,` daughter most serious injuries. The skull `was badly fractured, but hopes are entertained of her I `of Mr. Swmsland fell down the stairs receiving ultimate recovery under the skilful attendance of D1-._ Rosa. - - --The return of the combined traliic of the Northern and North-\Vestem railways for the week ending 31st December, 1882. and thc-._ eorreap(.nd_in;_; week of I881, was as follows - , 1882, $35,308.52; lSSl, $30,965.32 ; increase, -$~t,3~l3.'2 The return for the week ending |l0th .lannarv,. 1883. and the corresnonding week of 1392, was as follows .: -1883, $`22,`20l. - 51 ; 1382, $16,993.47 ; increase $5,208.04. -'l'lic aflaira of the .\Iecl1an1cs' Institute are in a most lirosperous condition. Over aixty names lmve been` added` to the members roll (luring the winter,` and besides the money thus obtained, private donations have helped `to swell the funds. l) Alton Me-Carthv gave 5535, Mr. Long )1. 1'. 1 . 35, Judge Gowan 574, &e. Another G rand Concert will be held inya few weeks due notice of wl1icl1_will be given. . . I U ...... ...,........'l.. .. ................... ... ...-....,..-L.`~.. ... .......... ..... --vvlvv v. n...... H... .n.. 5..-... , --Sumo remedy is necessary in connection l witll the traps in the sidewalk on Dunlop Street. Acei(lents'occ.1sioucnl by them are by means rare. A lady was somewhat severely injured at the one in frouhof the Queen's Htcl on Saturday, and the only wonder is` that accidents do uotnccur more fxioquently. .\Ir. Russ referred to the matter in the council .)u,Mmnlay evening and it is to Le hoped that his suggestions will be followed` out. ` '1-L ...... J- t_._..l.l,. '1... LL.` CAL..-` I.).\.....l A L nu: uusvuvnuuv nu. Aav Avlnvvvyxu vu... --'['here is trouble `in the School Board. At the lirst meeting both Mr. Spencer and Mr. Rogers were 'unIninate(1 for the position of Chairman The vote was :1. tie, and the Chair 9 man, pro (rm, Mr. King; gave the casting vote I in favor of Mr Spencer. Mr. Rogers con-' tnds that this casting vote was contrary to law, holding that the largest mtepayer on the Board should have the casting vote, and has entereda protest. .\Ien_nwhile .\Ir. Spencer holds the fort. - u .. ..- r. I ITUZUII LU (IULIIIH Ill' UH l`I'llU5Y lIlUI"Ll- | Eng. It would 4 seem that she had been drinking henyily the night previous, and when I"ound was lying in the ditch on the Essn Road `inst beyond the railway crossing. She was uenrrietl into Saules &'McMorran's bakery, and from thence was remuycd tn Barrie vnol. Dr. Ardagh has been attending upon her since. uid it is feared that her. feet will luwc to l)C amputated. rm.,. :,,nn..,:.... nlnnr-L. I......,1..,.... ....+.....4...} : un .< . |lIL'l\I'..`o There being nu further lmsiness before the - vhnir the Mayor (lUll\'CI'C(l his inaugural ail- drcsa-. lie was glmlto see so many of the old ' _lll0llll)0Y`S in their places, and believed they had a good ("ouncil this year. _As they were all conversant with the pi`oce(lure at the Coun- cil Board he nerd not occupy theirtiuie on that point. He was well satised with the 1-hoice of the people, and believed they would be well able to grapple with any uestiou that might come before them during t no year. A-1-nun A Y\r\nI!nnl!u

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