I `T? tlltlvio. yooneanwluuuuuinrlix medicine for pnrpoue `9`19A92;50`@? @.:Lgv9 xA91?;3r` u. uuuuulu U1 uuu megs, um} Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, nis an infallible -remmlv, Ir ..u........n.. ....m....a .... .:.- Ila Searching and V !!ealmg- Properties arc known 3_'||'ouglmul the World. ' For tht.-cure of Bud Legs, Bad lireasts, TnI.:trr-.`_-._.:.. n-- T 7 - -- . nu . Ina uuu umupenl are manumctuted only at 533 OXFORD STREET LONDON, .mJ___areVs9_|d by :11] Vendors of Medicines thrnuglmm n... ages, mm as A unsurpassed, - 7' '*-V --'--'.y "1 and B0\VI%lF. giving Inna. energy, and vigour lo Ihea grunt MAlN_ S_l.`RlI\'Vi:l ()l~"l.lPl-2. They are con- dcmlyrc:-nnnnended n- n never failing rcuedv in all ` cases. \\5l|(1rc Iho constitution, lrom wlmxevcr cause. has become impaired or weakened- They are xvondeljfully elllchcinus Ill nll nilmz-ms incidenlnl I0 I-`cmales of an and as` a GI-IN EIKAL FAMILY MEDICINE, are unsurpassed, ' ` -`~ ' Kidneys,.i nml n(\\\7l.`_l .E ah-inn Innn Ann... .....I ..\......- Ir` nl.....'. This Great" Ilouschgld Medicmd ran!`-brs amongst the lendingnecessnrieauflnfe. ' ' - , .'I'hese famous Pillsmurilv the Blood. and net mo-I lending neceunrjeauafhife, Pillsmurily Bloqd, powerfully, ye! souuuugly, on the ` CI 5`: C jnu wuo Is uNAc'guAm1':o wrfn ms ozocupuv or has uouu. 1{nv WILL SEE av EXAMININO THISMAP THAT `ms ucuuu U1 uwtu LU ugrm uown tne proud. " The: (anions Black Friday ? mouse trap was supported on one side by the New York Sub-;reasury,v whose chief held his place for the purposes of the igoid conspiracy. On another side was. the" Erie Railroad and its President, Gould. On a tliird side it had, appar- ently, a personal connection with the President of the United `Scates-U. S. Grant. Through the Tenth National Bank, whose President was the President of the Erie, it had the facilities of the National Banking Association. `B1ack' panic came-, bringing ruin to thousands, [ murders and death to more than one. rrhlnrn urn n Jun N`..- ...L- A--- ` LI : YOU! IISIITOBI P. R. CABLE Vice-l`r'cs. A: (3. ,,,__,.,..- ...v .....up nun A un- I:`D Of H10 {GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, `t. ;Lour neru-csv. Ticket Omce. or address a.--.._ a, I urn, I: Ialunxz, TG Eififru Vii: 51 g g M ; mdmm-v l:imI-rm.:'.. n.-....-.. :. v; uyxt DI..IJl`J.-,_-r_VV_*DU'.I.' H H6. " th 8thOon.oEss2`s._ tii Tithe 11 {seat the vgery `best jqfigfit; 1:135 I sng.3_qt9_1g;1ygnon:~ A good bomrormme mu mmm:-apoha a.n_d St. Paul, via iixc 1:` ALBERT LEA ROUTE." g.-y.'V and _J_Jirc>-ct Linmviu Seneca and I4 t uNAc'_QuAm'r+:o wu1'n'm:'a:oc11ApNv u: ....w.. an uuuuuuu lay` _ tron) ivy, and about 1oT1 % V H118 Ve `- ' ' 5 RoB1$.'yF1`. `qH1% c;yBame. ',IAQ.__ __...F A V;-NET n'1 .\l`x'r. < Gen ; CHICAGO. ` nuns us Juuuuuuy llll. J`4l'lU,.W|lS 8D(.lllC|3- ed and illegally jailed. .Assassination "was attempted upon Dorman B. Eaton, another fearless denunciator, who was left for dead on the streets of'New York, for having dared.t;o act out the` courage- ous viords "oi; Emersonf: `Good nature is plentiful, but we want justice, with heart of steel to ght down the proud. Th8 lanimm Rlnnl.r F`:-itlou rnnnn M:nTcmsT V , ill-I .Livr Pills eetnll Remedy. run A_hh u1s.EA.SES OF THE KIDNEYS, RETENTION OF dgk s New Live; P1113 are a perfect cure. One pill will satisfy For: Female lllseasesg Nervoiu _Prourn_t_|_on ` l.asa1tude.Want oi polite, and sick Boud"W`k'?9"' Gni" ; Tl"! W ."'."!1 in. Mir *' *`1!n* 0-0 l1n1ost_,I1W|Yl be " iEacI.` AI"a_l`3ntaiiis.'=Tint'y1?ilI.;--one `Pill .3, .p`,,,,.i `V ' .'_~_.-_ Aign `'1 e 4'TwIm/~t?e`C'i1t8e':i1?0re5'a ~5y al " .'E'Va'yV P.III ii._Idgdr3i3oi|ted; "A V meilthemfreetolnylddreaaonf901P15,o125oont{on#|Fing&1.tda'notkesY ml W DO NOT DELAY. 78 fn_lov,;|, e 3 .`. Dr. Ha dock, your new Liver Pill has rld`me of all bi onsness, - ._ . ~ A No more noxious doses for me of of the or ten : pills taken at one time. One of your pills cured me. - - ` - - l`hanks.- Doctor. My headache has left me. 1 Send me another vislxo keepgn the house. , Om: doctors treated me for chronic conetlpm 1 tlon; asthe cslled1t".and nt last sold I was in- 1 curable. our new Liver Pills cm-ed me. 4 had no appetite; `D1-.. lnuydocrs New live: I T *?*:,*,'.::a:;=.:.:'."**s"- - "s curedmy headache that us... 6..(ionstI;nntlon, with occasional attacks of dlarrlma. 7. lleaciache in trout of head. 8. Depression on-plrits and great inolnlicholy, with laultuqle and a tlhposltlon to` leave` everytlllnnlor tomorrow. All of thenbove symptoms go to show functional derangement of the Liver ; and now come; the great. importance of any error made as to the condition of the patient. He should immediately provide himself with 3 LIVER STIMQJLANT. the most commoniorm of which is :2. Pill. Doil 'ex- perience showp thatthis, when tho_ pull Li -0 I1 ,)oun-ied prjp my, is the rezdiiaat mode of ` inc ting and pxfcmoun thenction ofthe Liver. and can be almost always relied on. I have devoted many yerp oft my it. ,3; man}; 31:! you ow lsror? also-nl;r;obvgiit.:o compounding atfill that on eye ema ica y an out: cme y. vc n gz-ea p 9. ves and th 1- mnde 3 Pill. one of which is an active and thorough done. I have cone is - - ' , - c More have gD'R.*HAYDO_CK S NEW LIVERA` PILL. The People Know Tlnern : The :-e.;.... n... -m....._ . .....l _ 'l`he!People Know me People Use Them! WH.d'1` Hvzvpnbps or LETTERS My mom P.A tr .-<....____ I ~~ - ~v nu ruaca VlZ.: me uuunwuance or neat m the body and assisting in the cell growth of the svstlem.1 . Dr. Murchison says z-`` The composition of bile and its secretion is very complex. It is constantly being secreted by the Liver. and, increasing suddenly _beforc eatin creases as soon as the appetite is satised and feeding ceases. Now, if thy` organ of the body becomes torpid, or the nassage of bile interfered with, emsciation and dis. ease ensue. I note eight marked peculiarities that now occur, and which we all know of : 1. The patient colnpluius ofa feeling of weight and lullness of the epignstruuu. 2. Dlswnuon oflho stomach and Bowel: by wind. 8. Heart burn. ' - 4._ A feeling cl wenvlneas, [rains In tlnellmbs, and great sleeplneu allcl` meals. 4 - 5. A bad mate in the mouth, especially In lull!) morning, tongue. "A - - . 1! 11_'__ -4 4- A ` and tuned vuuu('-uusuu wllall EUHIO Klll 01 3173]) . Then follows a sketch of the . various traps set and sprung by this young man, who has become famous as Jay Gould. Hsvingbeen charged with a fraud upon his road, he at once procured from one of his courts the plade.pf. receiver`,. ' with a fund of $8 000,000;;toprotect'his.ruLet against himself. _Ia,3fie,of hisstock ex- change csmpziignslhe locked up*$l2,50O.,4 ~ 000 of` money-other people's money. New York rocked in the A preliminary 4` throeapf panic} and there would have been a. panic had not Secretary McCul- l , loch interposed with ?the announcement 2 that he would issue $50,000,000 of legal 1 tenders, if this hand were not taken off thethroat "of business; An honest editor :4 Samuel Bowles, who denounced the alli-V ance of Tanimany and Erie,.was'abduct- ed and illnmallv inilml Am...m.:....o.'.... The -Liver has been known as the Great BKLOOD`-_MAKER and B.LOOD-PURFFIER of the circulation. From its size and. spongy structure,` it plays a most unportant part in the uni. mnl economy, as regards assimilation and nutrition. Foo:l taken in the mouth and acted upon by the digestive organs or the stomach is converted into the Glncqse or Peptonc, and in these forms enter the Portal vein. Here, by the `action of the` Liver, the converted into a form of sugar and pass out of , the_ Liver by a. large vein, called the Hepatic vein, into the general circulation. The new material now forme serves two purposes, viz.: the maintenance of heat in the body and assisting in svstem. coznposition of and is very It bv Liver. and. lnnrtuuunrr ....m....n.. ..-__, - se substances are . swmnzu, mums awn mvuus smum 1} Below will be found a bz-ief Summary of a t V Etalnntin (`.n"om vI\.rv\rIl\VI-'\/ . auI.v mu I ARTICULARS ADDRESS. I ..... ...,.._.. umuulu u.-nu nuancuu n unsung yet uucrcn I01` sale. - - 7 r V7 -- "N-D ' most complete before `be public. The WANZER SEWING MACHINES are well known as the best manufactured in Canada. Repairs for all goods always on hand. - Inspection of all our goods respectfully Solicitcd at tho OSPTAVVA A(?H2T(`1TTrrr1rTp A -r nr . n Y`! n /\ A- - , _ v __ ___._---- ---- --1--u 111$ IIIIZ IIlYI'EI" i The most Complete and Durable Machine ever manufactureri, (being nearly all Steel. Malleable and Wrought Iron), are being built for this season. The Celebrated Oshawa Threshing ndachine, timprorcd for 1332). Horse Power and Steam Engines are well known. All Patterns and kindso VV':i.12Isin. so::i. P10115119. GANG PLOWS, from four of the Best Canadian Makers. ` ` l'l`h1ace kinds of "ion HARROWS with Solid Steel, or Steel-pointed Teeth kept constantly on ian . ` V300 LA'|SER.HORSE"HAY RAKES are being manufactured for this season. The best in the market Solid Cast-Steel ROAD SGRAPERS ; no wood except the handles: no cast metal : all Solid Steel, pressed into shape. The attention of -Municipalities is directed to this Scraper as being the most Durable and Easiest Working yet otfercd for sale. Tlin IIEMI I.lr\|nI:' on-Iunmn an-n...-.- . u-u-i-jj IIT Begs to announce that he has moved his business stand from Collier-st. modiqus \Varcrooms in the Jl Q I: -jaaljx .. uunu ....; nu: uu nun: nu L-supply uw mcrensmg aemanu for Agricultural Implements 'I,oooFcI-IAMPION REAPERS AND MOWERS 2] The most. Cnlnnlntn nn nnmmn Mnnhln nrvn-u .........-n.. ..4__-_'1 .. _ . ... .. uvvn; gvun uuw ulvcr rut ms: nu me 1 RGVO halt ofo " A "9 f 7 91113 to ms babe for ?gl1:E)lIe:glxIfgls1 s {of of ve 3.h13.M'b mm dear young mm 3.` we" is taken; ationje time. oyugxuusugggg ggigg-g :' ;':.:.::..2:;.:::;i.%`.z ."::.:*:.s':::..".*::..:%.'* "%- m;::...'::,;`:*:. Dr n.,.,.,.,.5 "" '` hm: doctors treatcdime oi"chronio me of terrible neiralgia M13 pIT.1x`I?h'xxfu:'1fe $533 gig: than called it and .in_- 3311;? mg `W0 V181,: I. want. on for `No . Burdock : Send me tin ' ur yr. 3533!? 1l:'aS'cure '1"zy headache that was ff.-'c'~:uJ.,. `M T `"' N" V P1113 by unto. . V\` . .. . . gone . r'mbmun `d,h5`d3h Oi`?! FOR ALL ms Asns or man KIDNEYS, TB,_E'1`EN1`[oAN :k New'LiiretPi1ls perfect ml! mll ntinfb on-` \ :AcnIcuLTu RI_L:_"vIPLMENTsl , ,_, yu`u-_--f>>`.\J\IW`.:"`l U V _ , . ;{Thi 1`,1'{.',1`c1;e}nexe;.aiuy years 1?; was '1! tiged toj5l;J.`bef9xfe:ZtheT public in connec on with` same kin'd'of :1 trap fullowa a sketch of Hm u....:,...., ?TheEmporium. I' J We have the Lurge'st'Stqck_'I_n ' S-6mos. We 90008 1i \,..,u.;.r; vv n IL\J'I\.l\J UL; L U HAL WA R E R()OI\I NEXT DOOR TO THE "EXAMINER" PRINTING OFFICE. (7A'LL AND SEE I. H'holesilc and Retail. I rice.~: Low. Terms Liberal. )1: PAR'i`Inm.An9 Annmqu - - --- Uh.-WU` Vllwuuuvuiuutur _ We keep the load :' another conslgnnieutjust received this week. cheaper and better than over. _'-_". .v.. _ n ninnnr-\| Q I I.-.QAI3AQf\l Q I I I - is sUAL, AT 2Ele1:n._a1'1&a'b157' Pr -` :o:---- zv 1'4/uu. 1 urruau 1'19 QU1_t'JN b' 11 Where he will be able to supply the increasing denmnd for 1 `AA rm...-CZILQI Q1-:j: -- rl'II'II19\lh-\I i I r\vu:\\v--- - u - ..u----w-- _ _. Stocks of them at all Prices. ` GLOVES` in Lisle Thread, Silk, Lace and Kid, assortment complete. HOSIERY hi Great van-iezi. - ` '_ Call and see them. Terms, strictly. Cash, and only One Price. MARKED SPECIALLY LOW 1 .-..- .... .... ,,.,...... ......., .. uu uuuu. - luspucuun or an our goods OSHAVVA AGRICULTURAL WA R E ROOM. 1;x'r DOOR EXAMINER" PRlN'l`IN(: nwwrr-to um I .\~.. Kg keep the load: 511051101` 00ll3l]ullluubJuuu nsuunvvu mum vvuvn. vuuu m. uruu uuuvvn -an-u PARASOLS! PARASOLS 2 !'"PARASOLS 1 :1 QOn:;Ira nf I|\nn`\ nf all Dr-Inna Winter Season ! MALARIA 1 LMALARIAW ......... v v an cnuuula Ill nu: CALDVVELL BLOCK, ' NEARLY OPPOSITE QUE_EN`S IIOTEL,f ' 'here supply increasinsz denmnd fnr Avril-nltnrnl -r....a.......... _ ___._. _--- wu, ,3-ovfal Juan! \A III Ill-`J1 LJULULL` U ' Done in the Highest Style of the Art. " ' Fresco and Ornamental Painting, Paper Hanging, Glazing, Kaise- mining, Carriage l ai-ntzfng, cbc. , cf:c. ' New and Second-hand Carriages always on hand for Sale or Exchange. 11- V ' ' S. J. M OUTGl-IEON. @ nuu ALA U9 U1!` |PA_.INTING,;GRAINING & LETTERINGI Hizheat Stvln nf fhn A.-r nnv coons, n"un\ r-man ,`O,|``-6TH|Gs R`'E3_.- 9! A/\z\r\t\/\/\rv\r\J\r\/~ __`_ _ _` __%_'_~__1, Y .3, IIIII1 Sta the . %-_"I"\. nun LOP f:-:"E ._j.-n-_ 0 VA LN! JA ME$`Ross, me lxi_s_busi;;gss Collier-st. to more Ce NE`Wu.FAST coLoua% `PR-|_N`TS ...'.`.:.. (nu-.hnt.h on1L1'1"v AND PRICE .they=sre unsm-mused. `.101-IIN|' VVATSON. nus: (must: on DISEASE IN THE , 1su=r* Fu 5` `E i " i ' 3" Ir Qwhnlvuw n uuuvuu u, v 1. for both QUALITY AND PRICE .th_ey.are unsu_.rpssse(_l. In ."I".1n("InC\a fV ,`nf\nf\nnQ SI-I7E :l_I-l')ERS'l'OO'D jg EMBRACING ALL LINES, [AND L._`(_>ASH M sass .._..I_-.I 61.2.-1 uwinnlr nlcnnvu Summary Lecture upon the Lixcer, delivered before` the Eclectic Colleve of Medicine, by 7 We have} in Stock the Finest Assortment of :0::-- Alp: 1$A1LY`.:1;EcE1v1jN.G NEW TTERS MTILNT AH/1DI1'..1BLE GLOBE.. S ./ILL` CALL AND sea "LJ \)I \J \J 4.; us. E Town; the Low Prices of whih will quite astonlsh you.` In ----:o:----- ALL KINDS or posh-10 cantl. _ - A wt-uIvI1\J H89? General Agent for the Joseph Hall Co.. Box 208, Barrie FOR THE I Rafe half a d ofone of lam Mqrbus. The Yot my yonngvthing _Y9ur plus an ma.-....n....- aAM|l: Eiiss , ml Josenh Hall (`.n,, Rnv 9. ,,_. _ --\. ......... .u uutt uwuvn anu acted onverted Glucose section `these are. he lar e erial gin _. la 'e_sing suddenly before eating. ornrlnnllu ..,. muggy agavuu. The I : People Praise Them! . no..- ;"`"il . mower ,9 In ncmne-cur 1315116 but reape ??- `-W`-5e=tf'-.~zKorV '`` . - 4 VV. T. 6-9m. pa-3% bun thou" anmona-'2. A can ham. ....u.' [LIL 11114,, r Agricultural Implements. BAFQRIIE. . more Cenfral and Com-` ":"Pr1cer. % 0 VER THE IL: US! 1` '-, 1115.3! i . K , which a `-louof ENCY NAL ZWEAKNEOS %$%3% othoglseuea mmution `I Cufnd lo: nlrogn ..'l'h6|..NV|0Q '% '.-`..?"`i;n.'"" book, . d 511 dl sequence of Se?!`-`Abuse. ':```.~.`.f` t 31 11 ....':?... 8 Iivllillli s. of any m toin TORdm It I Ivlnnuu--- -1` llpoldatjrp Ihlld.` Qmipg of price. ATUII, Poul , tively d rm tl mIPoT- canned. byaenxogleso man ycm-es kind). SEMI- seases that follow as loss of energy. ssitude, pain In t 10 azure old age. and sanity or non- mmmm tree by . box. or 2511! be mt. :.:cnun`:`".g.,;,'% V GENT W NTED TO SELL __ `u - i . ` \-.,., , I S A - `I 0` - M ....,~ 9!! 1'1D0f p'ue; .,-,.-.- ~ ' vxoums. li -IV=IlHI-lime" I 1 a.` 118 in L-health sutured bythe "` W _...._. ..._`._.-5.5.. ma-uayw uuuugca '1!) cents.` . -`f`ThQ trou_b1_q yit,h,_these days! days Uncle Millet, is.thx_s t pople'wop t _b_egin moilb3?3N ow `>th`ei'e's ui'y" friend John 1--=-[-.-,'=.haVd a~uo.:sSa.rh?~ - in. life, lbnt `:..he's: ' .9rs!.9s1-..,,.I@.!ihinsi8 411. 01'. that. ; uire`z:._1:I.;i t.:'..- 2 or ;Mia6? used us , hbout his d;\1.1_g1l;.tgpa-tl,1at they.ayg:_h_i_g}_1,0 bi'x`1iE?`1_3n7ii', c7&In{z1ow' 3" . i"`Now_ t1nt.5n\`me:ping .-1 A ' , armergho roman: '7 `hhe-O is` bg|t reaper and hoaj-`oil in thmmarket. ."Fo`.|!,.gnla luv .11 `nit! whic ` it:-epgthenn _ mug ; 0}:9o DAY BQi0KS,LEDk"E'i`i``;}%6u 1%N;xL.` 1-- Printing ENLARGEMETS BY THE ' Which ire equal in every rospevct tn Collodion TI`:1I1SfvI`:'- _ __........'n- 'T___II -' * ARGENTIC 'c:1~.L.a'r1.\'o Bnu.\nm:*" H:~"13-"-"- uunnl-U G Put in` at short notice. heck Valves. Stmm rut. in .-1 Valves. Steam ( Barrie, March 2, 1879. % S-1-ovI:.'s 2 's':I:-E)vJ';:s 2: ALL THE MOST APPROVE-D MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND III-`SI Fl :..`~'L:' tutu, uuwu,u_u_v_ur mu no cure. anu. max: for $116! triing anmof fty centa.-Tribunc; Sold by; Geo. Monkmm at 50. , . ` ' ` ARE you a. martyr to.-headache? Suler no . 1 r. remedy: ' giolgndjn \ nd _ .-`Bl d Igililsggra. t iigulatelg the Biiwe:1cIe?1'ikl`es (:39 system, allnys nervous-irritation and reatorea~ hea1th'and_vi<|n`- . Sample bottles 10 cehfg` ,5` _u'lV|..`. a.......L'1.. _:.L .1 BARBIEs.!:)9l`!E)IU1fL%!>'IwF`r'cE new lBUILDERS_ _HAI{]T)WAii ._ _._.... --.---.-us.- JLL`Jl\llIA. Sole Agnts iu-the Town for the National Mfg. Cu'.~x North-\\1-st 4':'.m1u.:._ I . _ TENTS, BEDS, TABLES, CHAIRS AND STOOLS 0.\i IIAVD Ever]/t/Ling Portalzlc. | I? ~ I 7 ~ , ,,____--._ -.j:.-.;I~.-u Sign of the Cz'7`cula9' Saw, Dmzlnp street A'o~n`/1 5/ : ! ) 2(IZ-- NAILS. LOCKS, HINGES, SCREWS, l AI;\'T.3', ()ll..~'_ l'l"l"I'\', u,;__\.. AND PAINTS mixed ready for nv, SPAI)ES, .\`H()\'|~Il,.\ ][nh< -' AND GARDEN TOOLS; BAP. IRON AN!) .\`H-Tlil, .-.:;ri ' a_ full stock of BLACKS.\1ITH'.\` AND ('.`A l`.IIl.\t .' I-I MAKEPUS GOODS, GUNS, AM.\I1'.\'l- -. ' TION AND FISHING TACKLI-I. (1_1_ ;,' . v .. -.-. uou---u rs-`no IIu.:-iv IrI1F|I\lJVII-\l'|I:g au, I\a`-'"-r A -`n 1|:-~n-1 - 1--_-.`___ V V V \v\./ \I s/x/\J\/N./\./\/\/_\`r\/\/\/\/\/.r./xx. `/.r~__..J.r C"1'iiI3"}w HAa_amv.m:Ei: Tl:A SET8,'TO|LET SETS, Gi_TAsswAP.e. 1 ' ` -) AT (- ' ` "I43-W':ES'I' :B3:"I'l\/I PRICES, .:----;u;:..-,_ PRIME BLACK.GR ENEJAPAN TEA -----:o:---- I fY.......,....I /7..-... D.;..t rv____ -_, n 1 -r sens, wnxcnneyer mu to cu cents.- ,_ yi(?rTv"1 OAS ATTHI-I SIGN. or .'J:-I-:c1=3 OIRCULA.R sAa , __ v. - ----uI&j :11! VI . SOIETH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, `NEXT noon TO THE CANTON TEA sroas. LBIBLES. PRAYER ms AND% HYMN BOOKS! . FOR ALL THE CHURCHES. . _ MILLS & PLAXTON S cLEaaA[Lj__ru3N;acss la`.t11<)`x-tinoi_ce. A full stok of Iron Pinn fnr mm. ... -- . Canned Corn Beef, C'_dnned:O:5`-cz7-;2_r)_1c, L0//sle . ' V Condensed lil/C. scoII,[T Thousands of dollars can be saved by usiu I proper judgement in takin care of the hesltg-A have salluw complexion, poor appetite, low and depressed spirits, and generally debilitated, do not delnyemoment, but go at once and pro- cugve 9. bottle of those wonderful Ele9tric.Bit,-_ ters; whioh.n_eyer fail to cure. and that for the triinz aumlof ftv centa.-'Tn'lmn.: AIR 1.`. of yoursel and family. f you are Bi1iou3,' OFF_IC5|AL Carpnl,ers"'l?;0l:' Boring Mzufhincn W/ood and Iron Planes. Spades, Shovels and Garden 'l`0n|.<. Plow Lines and 'l`race Fhains, New-York Propzlrod Kalsmninv. School Slates, .A.DUTT@ .. - ----nu VII tr Illnhl-Illif 1t;tice. Iron Pipe for Steam. '9 1. Gauges, and \Vu.ter Glasses. All wort 2, 1879.. ' (10-ly.) \\\\\\ \ \ N \ \ KY` \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \\ \\ Cgrne:r_ .)f-C.'olh'e1 EC-I1//ield St7'eets, . V I ` \j- ` MANUFACTURERS PRICES`: SH `GBOCER, --People who wonder how ballet] d-an ce'r's can stand and whirl arouild on their toes wilibecome less excited when they know that the _shoes worn `upon such occasions are not imsy satin, but blocks of solid wood gauged out so that the weight of the body comes upon the ankles instead of the\,Q'o,es. " S100 RE.,WA`RD. Is offered for `any case of Cathrrh_that can't be cured w1th_l:lall s Catarrh Cure. ,'l`aken intern. nally. Pric:75 cents. For sale by,`W. `C. MCLEAN, Barrie. - 26-3m Tnrovsmgus suer untold miseries from Nervous \Veakness, Pain in the back, and other distressing symptoms arising from (lis- ordered Kidneys. Burdock Blood Bitters is .the Sovereign remedy. f1`r_inl bottles 10 cents. ' -It is reported that English deetec- - lives have proved useless in I relam} on are count of their accent. We sbou1d_t.hink so. It rathergives a fellow a.way`,bajove,when I18 Walks il].tO 8. Land Tnnnnn vnnnfi--v 3- HAS JUST `l-i|.I-' AND HEAVYHARDWARE. ac; qgggV\ ~- one Ennis, FRUIT, suscurrs, Iaate of 'VVn1.':Eunto1-. ` EU: - 3: Cbpy Books and Scnl;bling Books. VENVELOPES, FOOLSCAPSV `SECURED B.\1iG.\INS IN 'BLL S BLOCK . _ DUNLOP s'rRE`ET- u ra.\7ner`g1Ve3 a. Ieuow t1way,bajo\r_e,when into a Land League meeting in a dump cave and asks: -`Beg pard n, .y know, but a.ve ye seen such .a thing as` a suspect.a.boat; ere, y know? ` ` FORTUNESA F012 FARMERS AND ME- ~ cmmxcs. A "I`housa.1>1da dolln;s_t:n savci _ usi. judgement takmsz care of the hnlth. ti 1' 9 _ 51 41 11% 1>AI 70HES `B \v rfS L I AI; IN FHANDSOMEHEA And all Fuuoral Reauis.-i+m, 1.x, . R31; I X " "T AYFIELD STREET` - ,oRTH7oF smcor: uornl. M %"Eo.' T DUDLEY. ,I'1.oz/'51:, SIGN 9- FRESCO J. HEN DERSON S rs BLOCK a_ll Requisites Fm %PAlNTER[ ALL those pdinful and distressing; discasyea and irregularities peculmr to the female sex may be promptly cured by l3URm`)oK BLOAL BI'l`l`ERS. It regulates every organ ton lxealtlly ` action. ---u-I11 I TIIIITIU `. faternnd Gas, ulnbn` \'.-u` Work in thislinc pX`UInpII_\ ;.: Jun \' `s, Barrie. .4.1- JOILV l`I..\.\'T0.V mptly nth-Ixdedm .3011 N l'l.;-\.\'Tt'3 Sarclinis, &:c, &c _, -_..J ...v. ALL um: D1w(:u1s'rs now heartily endorse the v arnazing succe_ss`of Mack s_Megnetic Medicine,` and recommend it for both sexes in all cases of sexual weakness. See advertisement-in another column. Sold in Barrie by Geo. Monkman. . V 30~1m. --Men's night gowns are made with pockets in them. Thus in casethe wife of it man .-3 bosom calls for a new -bonnet in the middle `of the night he .cnn im- medintely pull out his` `pocket-book land` furnish her with v-theffunds, A great saving of sleep to the husbands of the l:md.. V i many small sums, and debts are (like childreu-the smaller they are the more bother they are. A . . . .... 1\ V _ , ___`_- -- vy \nuv\A yuunu uusuo. _5 r- I r Ca_taz-rh'l1asVdstroyed your sense of smell and hearing, Hall s..Ca.tarrh Cure. will cure you. 75 cents per -bottle. For sale by W. C. M'f?LEAN, Barrie, ' ` 26-3m - _.Whut' is the matter, o_ld fellow? you seem worried. Well, I am-I m_ being duimed up hill and down dale by my iuferhal creditors. "`Oh, you'owe a ' large sum ol money?" No, but a great; many small like rilxilrlr-nn Hun Oru\np\nn LL-.- .._- A1 - I -Apropos of the story of a school committee man who told a class in gram mar. "`You should never use a preposi- tion -to end a. sentence with. This_re- minds us of the other school committee man who said that the `1uxiliai`y, had - hadn't ought to be used before ought. VII Uafnrrh ~h.-in .Inahnm;J ........ .......... -: -... .11 I ,u.I.nuuIu, uu_ .JI_Iu upylplulapuu uuu lull.- sng; 95. ,9w,ra`2f,' . . "` ea,sir. .mmh.uig:eh cg thnf.,up,? f :.19-iti?Miiar..aar. .-3 `="`--you `don't- aeumpaaloaig with yo ni.braun' " .impudeneaf` many into-"the ,' 1 ;"'H5'u%ui xi"fdi ._. yr} '.`._1;:' "A 1!, -IV. A ,,J ...-- -- ..v.uv-vs A ro.\1.\1o.\', and often fatal, disease is Jaun~ dice. - Icgulate the action of the Liver, mid cleanses the blood with Bunnocx BLOOD BIT- TERS, and the worst case may. be speedily cured. 2 ` . , nun: nun vvuu a` See here, young maxi, I don t` fhink .,'Lhe ghting you did ought to be ussessd at. more than =32.50--here s $17.50 in fhange. ` I 2f._in't chafging you anyt_hing tor the ghting, but -11131: for. my tune. Next; time I won't charge you a cent. - The rough took the change and the next train`f Virginia City. ` ---'-----(0 L, , I 5-Az1)arked di'erence' between thc-I { Egypt of Joseph's day and `the Egypt of ; Ambi Bey is that, whereas in the old \ time there was no com in the land `it is now absolutely full of kernels. { A ..-.._._.. , 1 1-. 1- - 4 auu uiu uuh NIB lt`l|u - _ The iudge ducked his head, and, rising up, lifted tlxeintruder in the eye with a right.-hander, and sent him over against [the wall. In a moment the court was climbing all over the man, and in about three minutes his face was hardly re- cognizable. Tne man begged the `court to let up, which he nally did. As the I fellow was about to go out, Carey went i after him with :- n(-, I yxuyunc nu nun. - ' Uh! t.ha.t s it, rejoined the c pocketing thetcoin ; then you can in andiwe"ll call it square. The vnnna man u,l.,.......,.,J LA 41... :. u. uuu wuu uu._u 11: square." The young man advanced to the judge, } and let: out hisle-ft. nil... :.-,'|.._ 1 1 1 1 - a - - uunu vuu Juusv, uuu UV(! 110' Due." Tl_1at's right, old boy,.but I'm about to commit an assault and battery, and I guess l lI settle` now. You're the man I propose to lick." ' (IL I tLnO n 2L" ..-3-!-~A` nut./annus, auuuo it yum` ago. ' A Thut se the `hail.-pin Ieam,T replied the other, and there IS $20 fordmy ne. But; you served your term in jail, said the judge, and owe no ne. u'I`h..+`.. ..:..l..o -1; 1.--- l,..;. n, . e JUSTICE GAR:-zir TAK N \ u GFAY FOR HIS `rum-:. . -111. A young man came into Justice Ca.rey s court room, at Carson City, Nev.,, with the rim of his hat drawn down over his eyes, and remarked : ,Do you know me? . _I,think. replied- the `court meekly, that you're the chap 1 sentenced fox; stealing, about it year ago. 'I`h11t n Hm hnirnin T'urn ......1:..,: 4L. 1 ucuvuvxullu Luuxulg lmuvlclual. I jea won t. I don t have real hard sense like a. mule has, an I ll,jes`sign over all I know ter my wife, and join onto bunk-' ruptcy., I _ A woman with a market -basket on her arm and a big bouquet of flowers in her hand, was waiting at the ferry dock when" a man of pleasant address ap progached her and said; A V ` Madam, that is 9. very ne nosegay. `-Yes, sir. . I think it `is the neatone I ever now, until have been in twenty-seven ditfgrent. States. :' ' - Ya, air. ` I V A . . ,{f1`heye`is.the pansy: hiding itself be- hindthe According to the lan ` gauge of owrb; tliepaney ',`stauds for: '6 u-ling, I ea_`nn9AtA1_iyev `without you. I ' likegvipephaeriye the, rosebud. M vThe lan- ig_ii`a"gel lo f'lthe'E1")_ys_ebi 1d'.is-; :'_ _",`I__ In` looking out na_._u;__;.' ';;j.j `T _-.M.d.m;"aJ. ,,. V 41 ' annon,nf nvm.-n '1 W. 4 the 1...; i 1 mun: 1uuuu_y,,uUs 1 1038 16 S0 SIIQK-" . Then don t try tocheat again, said a beneovlent lookmg mdxvtdual. I V I has \vnn l-.. T r'lnn t Baum u-nnl l......l ` Yer tu cute. mister fellexj. Get up, ole Ja.'.<," and he drove on. ~ I Dan exclaimed : " , A _ ~ -. Snum, I grow fooler every day, an I ll sign er temp'rn.nce pledge agm havinfany more m0n'ey,,cos`I lose it so slick. ' 'l`l1nn Ann! I-v-xv l>n'n1-anal nIvo;:v\ ....:.l .. ua. uuub. Luu lb Uacli LU!` mu. ueres yer ccnt, . and Dan thrust both hands down into his pockets,` while an aghast look `spread all over his broad expanse of freckled fnna pucucu w x'eulal'K: ' Well, I'm glad one of them cents : half gold niece, an V of two `hundred an I spec'lation.'" M n of-nu nu ma: ayuu muun. . . , Mv stars an arte1s? exclaimed Daln,T -_tl1nt`3 jos like `all my nancial vesEmenfa. I was :1-trying fer beat the comp"ny onton cr cent. Gin it back tcr me. Here's yer hands down his an look Snrexid all over his hrnarl mrnannn nf frnnlzlmi _- :5... ,.l . .`_`>_,_V_'. . ` pai(I'ther fare in. cex;s 8%; onisr j)\it : f Vt,1.19b9x'1 called ,l1H;! ` .5.ng6 f"hwet`-car"-drivrha` he pomu his ` sharp face through the open car door. ' Thrnn men and -l'A wnlnnn an` an vnnGL\n_ vuu in your; 3!l(l lJ8 .pomLeu_ at. 1 Dan Peltei-.1. ~ A Navy, I'm a. vaxtuous member at siety, answered Dan. So they all denied it, and the driver pro-- oeeded to remark: ]n 1'... ._I_.: n____; _..,. r - . B5 II ll-IGLIUJII W I ' `IE-.. ;`,`,."-Was it youi -"'al:i.; he, xiting his nger 'th'_st_._'utuck out through 8 hole in his glove, ;at "0' woman. ' f ' ` -`fNb( air, tyvVan't nb'sech thing. _ , ' ' ""`Wda it yo1r7"Land he pointed at Dan Pelter. ` ` " ' . nuurp uwe bnruugn `pa open car C1001`. ;,,-_'I'hreo men and re women sat as motxon-_ as if madpfof W118 it vnliinaid '19. `sin Iinn his Gunni- Aniggsirio It " ... luau Lu uuo auwuce or excnan e." . It is March 13,1882. The boy who brought his mahogany-box and his mouse- trap to New Yorkin 1853 sits in an office rich with plate-gilass and precious woods. He openshis box. which like him has grown, and shows 9. group of friends $23,000,000 of \Vestern Union stock, $l2,000;000 of Missourifacic iatock, $8,000,000 of elevated railroad stocks and bonds, $410,000,000 of Wuh- aah common and preferred, and other stock. .`Moroaini, he says, `can bring you down $20,000,000 _moro, or so, in . bonds and other things. Seventy-three' millions, and more aiccuxnulated bv an O I ' , I u u . . enthusiast in competition in twenty nine years of office/work !" _- - o>---.- MISCELLANEOUS. l twant none of ye, for I is er t\vn-dpllar-au -_a- 1 the comp`ny is gainer forty-nine'ce_nta by that I cfmrt, , 1 startl L` Lecturer on the Eye, Ear and Throat. : gdgealcull . ,-, tune" `.mmg m a roar %;'I;i?z:*a**c:.;'J*.;;: T;....?'i`:7`**?".'` ` ,be -' mm ;*:x ..9:;.....ib..s'*..*:;:*:..%.zey.;i>:';*:, Throatandnnmuuau. ~.~ ,,I,,_,-. .liI:Il..!Et ...[3'-.m.;|i...!,ELll.l|.l!.. ` I;"R.`d.P.;L.n.c.-s.1a:.: - Let mm Earnd l'hroa vmnx. Tggmk. tlte Merog ,2.-;n.~..-...xV4-:,., . -.- ' Ila - ;EE,EAR;'1fEROj:;ND NOSE an as F `F A - am .IAlInvInIv nn GI... `III-.. II-.. -.._1 nuL_,_ __...._. -- ......_v...hu- vn.o\4\a|J\J uu uv.uU Unt- " Ha.'lowuy's 0inlnu=nl."_arul Pills.--'Aliscesses, Erysipelns, Pilcs-Unvarying success attends all who treat these diseases accordinnr to the simple printed directions wrapped round encli pot and box. They are invaluable to the young and timid, whosebashfnlness sometimes. endangers life. Though apparently local. dis- eases of this nature are essentially blood dis- eases, but a little attention, moderate perse- v'erra.ri'ce,' and triing -expense will enable the most diident to conduct any case to elhappy issue` without, exppaingsecrct inrmities .to any one. The ointment .checks the local in` ammation and aleviatos the _throbl3i_ng pgins. These directions also clegfli point out when- 87l.ld'h0WV `ntilllonwnfs-,'PiIll. are in be taken mess uxrectgous use ClQ_8}`_lY pomt out when- andhow `Ho1loway s,Piyq are (:9 be taken, that their purifying and regukting powers may assist by adjusting and strengthening the con- stitution. _ V _ _ - .._..... ..,,,.u...tcu, stuuxnmuera nung away their stock of what they could get. The price sank to fteen and one fourth; I Suddenly, what had seemed a. mass ofl ruin, crystalized ` into the symmetrical structure of a. monopoly, and on its peak, but a few days after he had sworn M-any V lxattan was hopelessly and T irretrievably insolvent, sat the manufacturer of mouse- traps, master of the rapid transitof the greatest city of America." The prentice ' hand that had fashioned the -Erie trap had becomethe perfect ihstrument of an artist in the science of e>_cchai1ge. . is March 13, HRS`) 'm.-., 1...... ".1... .. -v.....n.u vans-unnnaunuhuv Au uuvvu -,--\Vhen` a_man takes great pains, to convince you that he is telling the truth -and that aman of his mor:1l make-up is incapable of telling a. lie, it is safe to conclude that `his moral nmke-_up Has no inuence on his pres,ent.couv-ersation. I f ' one 11ardly ever tells ,1 lie you can trust most of his statements, but if he never, me, never; tells a lie, don't believe aword he says about any subject. He is too awfully good to practice any of the ordinary virtues.-. This item may, or `may not, convey a hint as` strong as a. hunk of Limburger cheese to some one. ' u_n..-...-...v_ 'n:-._., HAg.L s Catarrh Cure istaken internally. It acts directly upon the blood and the mucous` surface of the system. Price 75_ cents. For sale by W C. MULEAN, Barrie. . 26-3m THE Central Tobacco Depot, Mr. E. Bethell proprietor, is aining in popularity with the public. - The est and `purest -brands of To- bacco and Cigars are always kept ' in stock, and no one`who once` patronizes the establish- ment goes awaynnsatised. This week I . new assortment ofjgoods is opened .out, and ' com rises every re uisite of the smoker. - Don t fail to try the bentral Tobacco Depot, adjoining McCarthy s bl0ck-th'e only exclu- ve tobacco establishment in town 11v: . - - 1v1Aux.-,vv11G mm mm uuue lamb` . Had Teeth as white as snow; . She always brushed them twice a day With ETKABERRY you know. -`*The effects of modern -skepticism as indulged in by young men," the Rev.- Dr. Newman Smyth said in the course of a sermon before the congregation of the Old South Church in Bos`ou, young men, who do not 'kno'v -how to "take the first deep _sou`nldirige in a passage of thought, are as pitiful as the conceit of. a. see. gull `who. having dipped his wings in the briny deep, seeks the upper cur- rents or hair, rmly believing that .it' knows all about salt water. ' T ' * U -' "".:,- - . FAR.\I1tR.~s, before buying your} reaper and mower oil, ask for and procure a sample` of Kasier Machine Oil, it is warranted not to gum and guaranteed to give satisfaction. MARY.-Whc had that little lamb` nd Tenth nu nil-nil-.n nu. nnnrtv . 1 O . --_- v-.yv- I -Some mean people get more ' than they want. ' A man of thiskind met :1- physiciau in company, and after describ-` iug all his ailments said : eNow,. then, what shall I take?" The M.D., "who knew the fellow, looked at him and blandly replied : My dear sir, you` tell me of very dangerous symptoms, and ask what you shall take. I ll tell you. Take the advice ofa good doctor, and pay him for it. . I l"uu- nnnud-. u{nn,Im.F..l .-.......L:.... ..-..-J.'.- E\'r4Nsv!LLs; Ind.', Jan. 11 1382. 1 recently had a very diicult case of Con sumption. I treated in the most "scientic manner possible, but to no.e*'ect; patient grew gradually worse Rather than give up, and as a last resort, I decided much a ainst my wish, to use-a`. remedy that had cure one of my `for- mer patients. Greatly to my surprise, the patient began to gain, and in much shorter time than I dared to everexpect, shewns com- I pletely cured. The name` of this remarkable remedy is Dr.= King a New Discovery for Can- sumption. I now use it altogether in my 'size 31.00. _ ' pracfice.-Leading M. D., Etansville. Trial bottles free at Monkman s Drug Store. Large I -Early next year England will re- ceive a visit from the young Nizam of Hyderabad, the foremost Mahometan Prince of India, and the oldest ally of the British Empire there. He will be accompanied by his minister and regent, S11` Salar Jung. `About the -same time the Gaikwanof Baroda, a. great 'M9;h- raitta. chief and a wise and enlightened . ruler, will also make a. tour to the seat of ` empire T . V THE` nnnfnnsa I nor unnnu nus, Ill IIIIU 'cfHE' D 'r ms LAST HAPPY RE- A V `_ . son? T j The Best Salve in the world for Cute,- Bmises, Sores, Ulcer}, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Ohilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi- tively cures Piles`. It` is guaranteed to give perfectsatisfaction or mqney refunded. Price 25 Cents per Box. For. Sale bvVG. Monk- man. Barrie. y `DR- their a 5) UUHISB PH!" man. Barrie. vs 1 1411115. . -The summer season in Siberia. is re-. markble for its brevity, rad amounts to little mor than ,;an innovation: ` June 23, snow melts ; _July 1, snow gone; Ju_ly_ 9, the` elds are green ; _` July 25,. plants 11:9 in ower; August 13, plants go to seed; lllqlxss 18," snow, which melt-s June 23, etc. One has` scarcely . time 00 exchange thecompliments of the seasonduliug the intennission. nllnuu ngua Anna-an nag: nag- ----, ---_J--... jE_mrsu~nus,AScorofuls, Salt Rheum, Erup- tious, and nlldiseases of the skin and blood are pramptl cured by Burdock Blood Bittx-3., a It purges foul humor: from the system, irpparting strength and vigor at the same tune. . I'l\L_ _ ,, _,_, ___,.,,,_ 5, C1`! _,!, S, -5.-A well-known journalist `recently embodieliii his edifdrial oi: ohe of the ' issues of `the days quotation, introduc- ing*it~in `thiswmanner: "As a certain good writer once said, etc When his` wifegpad the article she asked,1Who is ll.'l,l`g06d"!.!'itel' you- refer to 1" The adv itor'h'esit:ied a moment, then modestly refilled, "M,yaelf. 13-. nnnnnn u 1` Q-_____AI_ (`AIL `I)L-..._ `IF___ 7.,----_ -....-..a v.-- --.-.........-.-v.. BucKI.m's ARNIGA SALVE. au, gmw Unnlcal `Assist- Ih.nio*l'-Ispita Moore-' Time: and~ Has-: . `reroute. May. be non- pqvunu uuscautsplenlnnly. mulled 1mn'R*m2-s::$;;";s*a,::".;%w:.a,;t Come and-1 -.2 dnnm `um: _ 100 acres; the oil is of me vx"y'I:V)-_3"g7't",'_',';'""""' , . ty an 0, b state of cnltlvaltion:-u ` gomgombl 3.2:; is-.r;.:1 ::::::'9:*:~1.2.P..t;*+rr%ntbmw Thomtdn and Tvv, at-1:1 nhnut Inn.:1..!`i&9. ,&.m unnlo u-aumu un. upwu uuu competency. VIn_Februa_a.ry,r 1881-, as President" of the Mh nha.tta_n Elevated Railroad `Com- pany, he begged the State, in an open ` letter, `to save the company from ruin by remitting the taxes, Down went the I price of the stock. The highest judicial I oicer announced that itihad forfeited its charter. The New York World editor` ially denounced it as rotten. Receivers were appointed, stockholders ung what tlmv mum not 'mm rpomwn ang` Iv e good. an SCROGGIE or 1 --"V---------------------------.__ STUEFED .BIRDS,i. ,FOR SALE._ g._g -3 :i?1?iaa,;??'??:?.`aT.%``.1$' 3?;`..2_ .. "3 100 hi I F-ABM` Eo`_1r s'Ai.E;. of 2'11 `age 8th Con` IICH antenna ' S - -5 t|-- -`- ; v-'.-;No hae 'df yo:V&i;'zoi1ig-to Toro'z:t,':ifo`1'-i31'.0.0V` 38.50 gold. mpern we Inva th.;.'a..... -j_ WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BIl.IOU8NE8& -- _ DIZZINE88, f. DY8PP8lA, DROPSY, ~n_vo/assr/ow," " rturrsn/Iva JAUNDIOE. , . ` 0FfTlf HEART, ERYSIPELAS, . AOIDITY-0F _8Al.7T RHEUM, . ' ms sromc; IIEARTBURN, nnmssa A ..1:Aa4cH, _* ., or rue ax//v; gag`-_d.d ?0c~eRI' of discos 4;`:-lssln from N sowa.s.a'gmE}an .. `"* L g, m e rmmo barn. andothr wel waiter. Is-distant 2}--; d Ivy, Iomiles Terms very easy. Annlv 9. ' 0 8Lo6o.T;;;'-""* I T5"`3"`% i*{`5? I 1 L_|u_VL I! LII that ' agree: tilxglug uuuuuu: auu ucutu to more Lila!) 0I1 .." , There areeto-day men who are proud to tell you that in that moment of frenzy and horror they hunted, rope in hand, for this disciple of self-interest, and if they could have caught him would have hanged the maker- of the mouse-trap that caught a thief only sixteen years before. ll But the President of the `Erie Road fled to his arsenal on Twenty-third street.and- was secure. while his partners, by his advice, were buying, he wasiselling, selling, selling. sI{e_ saved the millions of his magnetic lieutenant, Fisk, by teachinghim to re- pudiate the orders given to his brokers. Before their victims could crawl out from under the ruins of Black "Friday they were served with injunctions pre- pared in batches, by David Dudly Field, forbidding them tended claims " A` * by any proceedings. A law reformer devised a scheme, and it judge supported it, by which the _, men who had been knocked down anclrobbed were prohibited, in the name of justice, from seeking justice. i 0 In.December, '1z~{t:0. the inventor of the mouse" trap,contio_lled 10,000 miles, oftrailroad, or more than one-ninth the entire mileage of the country. 'I"he year beforehe started the American Mutual Union, with an investment of less than $5,000,000. _Western-"Union tumbled. He told "his `friends it was a worthless bundle of old patents and old wires, and that he should not buy a share above 60. In February, 1881, the Western Union, American Union, and Atlantic `Pacic were consolidated, and their capital was increased from $60,000,000 to $80,000,- 000. The stock had never gone. below 7 7 :}, but the man with the mouse trap owned most of it, and was master of this transit of news and competency. In Februarv. I881. D..c...:.i....+- Ar on He saved his millions, for in I ) `_from pressing their pre- , n Iv "FRI-JEMA1\T S V wonm Pownngs. . , , . _ Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Pn.rgn.tive.7 Is 1:. auto, auto, and eflectuhl Ieatroyer at worms "in Cliildria or Adnltl. "V.-.. * Londonoleey nrc 5-purinun _ 7': Ianguu -. . - ' 329' uchnsers should look to the Label `on the You and Bxrs. If the nddressis 1101533, Qxlord Street, .,,. ... w.. .............u .u;-sun. vAm:uu III the United States and Canada. . _ Bat-(Bake checked through and rates of rare nl. ways as low 3,3 competitors that otter lcau advan- tunes. . ' -1-'o`r detailed informatiomgct the Maps and Fold- cra of . . , .1-no-\---- .__..-- . unnnz: I languu 3&9 ULl1ULlUU)l -.UU1l mhmlu ou'm:1I1U I1 I By the comm] poaitfon or its lino. oonnoots tho Eaatpnd the West by the shortest routo.uud cur- rxea pnsacngem. wnhout chuncre of cars, beiwecn Cmcago and Kunom) City. (:oI;no1I Blurla Leaven- worth. Atchioh, Mnnxcapohs and st. i uu1. It connects in Unxon Depdta with an the prmcipul lxncn o1'x'o:zd between the Atlantic and the Pncihc - Oceans. my equipment. is unnvalcd and ma;:nx- - cent, belxuz `composed. of Most Comfortablu and Beautiful. Day` Couches. Magnicent Horton Be- olimnc Chair Cars. Pullnmxrq Prettiest Pamca cping Cara, mm the Ben: Lme of Dining: Cars in the World. Three Trains between Chicago and Mnssoun River Points. Two T1-ulna between Cm- cogo and minucapoha 1`nul,vin the J.-`umom AL RFD?` I EA, l3`f\lI'Pl'- :- HLDEKI LE:'t\- R'OUTE.. ~'. A N4.-v. Direct and Kanna- kc.-c, has recently been opened between Riclnnoud, Nor{o1k.Ncw_I:ort Nc_ws. Chattanooga. Atlum:-V. Au- gusv.:A,Naahv1 Ie Louusvillo, Lexmgton.Cineinn:ui, Indianapolis an Lafayette, and Omaha. MumLap- ohu and St. Paul nnd Intermediate points. T11} '.[fhrough Passengers Travpl on Fast Express rams. ' Tickets for sale at nlllpx-incipal Ticket Omccu in > qggazg rate: or rm-.~ _-n can URPORD STREET And are sold Medicincs_lhrnughuux the Civiiized VV'orld; with directions for use m ulmost every languugl. a-:u- )....L;____ _ \ v-v-v_u 1 IIIII-\IIVII'\ I IUIVI} An? giver) kind ofSkii1 Disease. it has never been known to al . The`PlHs and Olnunenl Manufactuted only 533 OXFnnh GTDBET n gnu-u-.-. -.... -- -....--u, w_vlU|J uuu Vluvsug remedy. If elleclmlly rubbed on the neck and chest. as salt inlu meal, it Cures Sore Throat, Dipllu-ria. Hroncllilis, coughs. colds, and even Aslhmn. For ,Glandular swellings, Abscenaca, Pm;-5, Flstulas, t\r\1l-u- -\'......-- -_.--- :'Tl'1ll' 'z'ar.'u.c .QA.a.B '-