or `am tano. l`he next Entrance Exmination will beheld in the Collegiate Institute building on Thursday and.Frid_ay, Ju-(`ac 29th 4} 300, At 9'n.m.. mush dnv. Intnndimr nnndmnnm n1.....1.: ,.- _--.v, -. -w-_ - ---W5 --..... ~-mu 5 vvuu, At 9'n.m.. each day. Infcnding andidates should send their names tothc Principal. . Tuition Fee. 35 nor nnnnm; but thosewho lmvn '_ Win"AnnRE the\ maxi %n1}pine 1 SIMCOE C .NT_Y/COUNC1L.-- TIIE, JUNE SE of the County Coun- cil will commence at Council Chambers, Bar- 'n'e. on Monday Ju 1 , 1882. at 8 o'clock. p. m. All accounts. peti ns. or ther documents must . be presented d1 5 the firs wo days. By Order. R. r. BANTIN , (Jerk. 23-1t 7 :_ --~ OST.-ON SATURDAY EVEN ING. the 27th May, on the we from Tollen- del to Allandale Station, 9. smal SATCHEL, which" the owner would be much pleased to have returned. Finder `rewarded by leaving either with MR. J. J. Bnowu, Barrie, or JNO. GAL- BRAITH. Tollendal. ` 23-2t-p -- -.v\;\;\-\-'sx'\-~.-.-x-\~a\\. D LOT WANT- L` U uU1 ,VV A1V'l'- "chase in a convenient to exceed lsolger IS OF C . ~ no14_ aunuI.u:u INCU- Barrie, J unc 5th, ` UIIIUK uunu. we nave a man also possessed of 8 eel-min untried in anyresponsible position ; whose name is unknown outside his own county, and whois bound to a party without a. de- nite policy or 9. responsible leader ; a party who were kicked ignominouslyout of 7 doors in_l878, a. party whose very name carries with its re roach. So much for ry is 3 good enougli man; will do as well to sacrice as any other, and if out-reference to himend hCVe 118311 the `Invasion :0` '-""" " amount of ability, but as yet` .IIII'll'r lBODDY.-At the residence of her "father, | G!-:0. Anntsrnoxu, Big Bay Point, Innirl, MARY A. Bonny, wife of BENJAMIN Bonny, of Toronto, in the 27th year of her age. TOLEN.-At Gravenhurst, on the 28th May, ALFRED Josarn, eldest son of. Mr. Gntonan TOLEN, druggist, aged 4 yrs and 6 months. TOLEN.-At Gravenhurst, on the 3rd inst., E1.xz/m1~:'ru 1\lARm1urr, eldest daughter of Mr. G30. Town, druggiat, aged 3 years. I . In THE MATTER OF TIIE GUARD- IANRHTD nf fhn infnnf nlull A0 l3.......... `IIXII ,,...__.._, _....`y-..-,, `(la v_|nI u-in -_-Ifyou wan ' rs~t-class t, order your suit at the Gol__ ver -C1-onypton & Ryan. -Children s wnggons, best value in Town, 2 inches longer. box dove-tailed together 900. up to $l.00'at Edwards Bookstore. , g -- -~ -~v---x v--- W ----'|-' -I-"WI"! ,u have no fear of any Kidney or Urinary Troubles, Bright s Disease, Diabetes or Liver Complaint. These diseases cannot resist the curative power of Hop Bitters; besides it is the best family medicine, on earth. 1': .._.. ___-._xr_ of. u n. after takimz some highly puffed np stuff, with long testimonials; turn to Hop Bitters, Vand Urinary Brizht Disease. Diabetes or Liver ILLULIILIJ \J\JJ.JLJI.'A\.7LQ L13 113$`-1 'l`U'l`E. zsrnancn i;}_AMnm'tIoN. HUB" AH F B. THE _ 5~Afno~ 5 POLICY;..; uuu wuuss gomguown me n1u near the school house the colt shied, and precipi~ tated Mr. O Brien and the buggy down into the deep gully. Fortunately John and the colt escaped with a. few bruises, but the buggy was a total wreck.-[Alliston Herald. ,' " u.us.. uunn uonum 01 Inc noylu notel, was out for a drive on Monday evening, and whilst goingdown the hill the snhnnl hnnnn the nnlf him! am-I .-.~......:..:, bu-uuy, unu cnauenge criticism. On the one hand is a man whose ability has al- ready made him a marked man in the country, a man of great Parliamentary ex-. perienoe, of unquestioned weight and inuence with the Government, and the supporter of an announced and denite policy, a policy that has already done in~ calculable good to the country. On the other hand we have also certain` amount abilitv, hm. 4.. ha!- '- T_ On May_3i0,llast.a.-i':rmer _Lanr, who resides in Notla T T 7.,11nd at - `democrat "sf! , -ness stolen, froni `T his ggonand a netof , cable har- premises. Slavspicion fell on a man" named J ohn Crydeman. who was observed in..1he locality the same even- ing with a span of horses. Following up the clue Mr. Lanr and Constable Hudpon arrived in Barrie on Saturday `and found the rig and harness. The constable having heard Crvdeman was a desperate character, . obtained Detective J. E. Rogers to make ~ the arrest. The detective proceeded to the . house of `John `J ones, near Allandale, where C`-rydeman was staying, and arrested him. Crydemnn was in the act at making a whip- stock when the arrest was made, anl he made an attempt to escapei Rogers follow- ing close, drew his revolver and threatened to shoot `if he did not stop. turned on Rogers and seized him by `the throat` and tried to wrench the revolver from him ; failing to do so he made several _ attempts lo stab the oicer ; at one time he had the knife on the o_icer s `neck, when the latter knocked his _ arm up, the knife striking Crydeman on the head gave him an ugly cut. Crydeman then made anoth- er attempt to escape. The detective called on him to surrender, but he failin to do so the oicer red at him. This gronght Urydeman to a realizing sense of the evilof wrongdoing and he submitted to be hand- cuffed and led otfto gaol. The brother was also arrested and locked up. On Monday they had a preliminary examination at the V Police Court and were then taken before the Countv, Judge. John Crydeman pleaded guilty both to the charge of stealing the horses and rig, and also to having assaulted the Detective. Judgment will be given on Saturday. The prisoner .is a hard case, having already served a term of imprison- ment for cattle stealing. The other brother was discharged. The prisoner A ARRIE COLLEGIATE INSTI- 'l`lY'|`la`. ' T; nzuccrxvn. income` rmcovm-21:` WITH A `nous: THIIIF. New *1\hnertig;1nen_ts. Mn. J mm ()"BR1`n;Vof vtge R;>y:l_Hbtel, ran a. drive on Mnndnv mmnina \ '\\ %\\ `\\\ \\ %\% `:` \ \ \`%% `\% \: ` \ \%\ \\')\\:~ \)\\ \\V\\ g \\d \ ` \ AnvANc;:;cq June7,l882u assassssssaaassaasssssa- I-0:-IOO =OK~G5OO9!-IOQVNU-0a|OOOOO @@.@: : : am: @@@@@@@ 8ES288SS%8SE12E33888888 :j. _ . , ,.v :3 ' on am: an qumm. T .t28-It] `A bssvznnrz onmmau. Mr. Drury is a farmer, and :1.` good (me. Su is Mr. McCarthy. ()ur cxulditlnte culti- vates a considembly greater number of acres than the Reform cxmdidnte ; there- fore if agricultural pursuits "is to be the measure of Pamliamentnry capability, we beat _our opponents on their own ground., ` ' ` V 1 Mr nruirur /nnunu nu Hui cnwuvanv-n 0.. MARKET MATTERS. At 0.'1E I_F NEARLY DEAD- vocA:.__M_us|6i mm: soifrj Minion. EBER MILLSON. .....no.. TUIIHU , ` Mr. Drury poses as the farmers friend. Then letus ask why he so determinedly opposed Mr, Steele, a farmer in the East,, and Col. Tyrwhitt, another farmer in the South ; not only used his inuence against them, but took th01)l_a.tf()I`l1] in the inter- est of their opponents. We submit to the electorate, whether or not Mr. Drury has shown thatconsiatency which should he one_of the characteristics ef a Po.rlimnent- ovvtnn me. On- 23-3m L` Luna 23-It-p r""l."" -' "`" " ""' In conclusion, gentlemen, permit me to my that if elected, I ahnll consider my- ulf the mpreaentative _of I11, do .11 in mylpomer toVadvme'o ,'go_m~`intruh ....1_nm-it.you_r.oond91196_uI.d ,eI:l_6Ih.-7' - `I hue the honor to _h,'Gentleu`neu; '~ ' , Y;5nf`obedi`ont"|ervsnt,' DAYIDDUNN. ,,-,,__ . .... ...J ..~...u uu uuu HILCFDIIEIVB. _ ' ii Having _ served you for over twenty . years in a municipal capacity, lling every position from the lowest to the ' highest--the Chief Magistrate of the C'ounty-I think I niciently known to refrain from m 1ng'you any pledgeei for my future conduct. If elected, lmay say, however, that the present prosperity, and high financial" standing of our country is, in my opinion, greatly owing to the ` wise and able administration of the pre? sent Government, under the leadership of tke Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, gnd Iahall do all in my power to aid . themlsiin the further development of the - of onrprolpenouo country. .`AI_Iiii|lll1l..in the meantime, support every neaiu_re,ino matter ` by yhom that has for i it: ob- ject the interest and "welfare of the` ` country, `and/the xnaintenancelof British. _ o(:nxi4etion--li6;fo~8 rMl -.b|11V9*_k' Of Our` w-ret? '."".""'~``f ""f e - . - . __- ` 1 /1,4 _____1__.-_ _._n1,, , ,- _ -....-.---- nu Juul uuuruges. T In accepting this position it may be necessary for me in justification of the at, to make the following explanation ; I was as you are aware an aspirant at the last two. Conservative conventions held in_ Cookstown, .at which Lieut.-Col. Try- whitt was declared the nominee, which I. acquiesed inthe time. Since then, how- ever, satisfactory and undeniable proofs have been placed in my hands that I had a majority of the `first convention and that the last was packed in the interests of my opponent--the attestedproofs of which will be laid before the public. p From these causes, and the urgent re quest of the large number of the Con- as an appeal against the fraudulent wire- pulling gentry who have forced "my friends and myself to this alternative. nnvdnn cu.-;......'.l.._-,, 1' The general elections are close at hand, `and you will soon be called "upon to ex- erciae your franchise in the election of 9. Representative to the House of Commons, of Canada ; and at the urgent request of a very large number of the Concervative electors of your county; I have consented to be a candidate for your surages. Tn arnnntina I-Ha .......:;:.... :L V - GENTLEMEN :4. TO THE \ A'_I` THE FOLLO\\'IN(l I\I\.A('EV: THURSDAY, 8th June, S uxN1f)LECon'Ni:ns. FRIDAY, 9th June, . . . . . . . . . . . ."._CaE1zMoIm. SATURDAY, 10th June, . . . . . .C1\AxoI1URsT. MONDAY. 12th June, `. . . . . . . . .BnAg'rwooD . TUESDAY, 131:1; June, .....-.....`.. .imzm. CANADA FORTHE CANADA\NS_ pruvuruuu 191' 3011151 common sense. The two men stand before the ele(tora to-day, and challenge criticism. On amau whmm ..L;m..1..... -1 ` 4 The Governmet Candi<\te for North Simcbe wi I ~ }11 {1LTnN`m:nnTnY,! jnomlmnu motions] ._OF__ SOUTH SIMGOE. Annnass nus `neurons NATIOIQAL POLICY ! A Splendid AHI}`RRAH FOR THE `con sux THE Qunx. 'l`he Opposition papers in this Riding have, ton. certain extent, left nil` discuss? ing the political questions of the day, know- ing that they are unequal to the discussion ; and hope tn gain in, fniriy respectable vote. -ouly the fanatics ever even dream of I carrying the Riding-by untruthful emu- parisons between the two men. Well let , us_ compare the two men. -,Mr. Drury is supported es a fix_1'n1er,_and his party are rubbing their hands withglee and congratu- lating themselvest-hat they have got a farmer as acandidate. Mr. McCarthy is described asn. lmrycr; with a world of scorn thrown into the manner in which the word isrepeated. Let `us in all humility ask the local Reform party how many days has elapsed since they were on their knees begging u. LA\vYl~:u'in Heaven's name to lead them in. the present contest. We wonder how Mr. Lount, Q. 0., feels over the manner in which the farming and the legal professions are living contrasted by i his friends. 5 i cw: us A TRIAL. lot of SCOTCH TWEEDS just. amved, We will mak them up in our usual GOOD S'l`YI.l'Z, ORDER IIEWPAR TMENT .v 2:1. ." V T (umnb) A ,7 VJ .. 9HATH!M. CANADA. `lIay22.1892. ` Andglve Steady Em Pay regularly once`: ployment. to 3 row Dept. of Ranwagshnd Canals. Ottawa, 22_n May. 1882. The cheque thus sent in will be returned to the leaspective parties whose tenders are not accept- .'i`hia Department does not however bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. nu n-A t\- u.-uuu us vuuuur 6811 D0 ODWIDOC. ' Contractors are uested to bear in mind that an accepted Bank eque for the sum of $15!!) must accomgiany each tender, which sum shall be forfeited if t e party tendering declines to enter into contract for the execution of the work at the x-ems and prices submitted. and suhject to the con- dltions and terms stated in the specications. cheque thus sent returned as Han SEALED TENDERS addressed to the under- signed. and endorsed Tender for the Welland Canal, will be received at this omcc until the tar rival of the Eastern and Western Mails on TUES- DA um ELEVENTH DAY or JULY NEXT. for certain alterations to be made to, and the length- gnlng of Look No. 2 on the line of the old Welland urigern ;,bhannr.| U L , , ,,__ _... .. ........u A map of the locality together with plan and specifications of the works to be (lone, can be seen at this olce, and at the Resident Engineer's olce. V Tho:-old. on and utter TUESDAY THE TWENTY-- snvsmu DAY or J UNI Nxxr. where printed forms of tender can be obtained. r$%1.1ested accented Bank . noun 4.... .1... -..... -- m m- I 1100. Aboutoacres are cleared, of which nearly 15 l are stumped. balance bush. Fences in {air repair. Land good, a. clay loam. On the premises are u storey-and-a-half House 16x24. also 9. Stable 18x24. There is on the opposite side of the River 11 Church, Store and Saw Mill.` V The propertf will be sold subject to a rior Mortgage; tul particulars us to which wil be iven at time of sale. There will be :2. Reserved id. The Title is ood. The Conditions of Sale willbc similar to t c Standing Conditions of the Court of Chancery. ' 'l`Ii*.nMs: -1n nnr {Inn} A....... .4 .x.... _. -, . . vuul lo pl vuuuucry. TERMS. -10 per cent. down at time of sale, and balance in one month with interest at 8 per cent. For further particulars, apply to - MCCARTHY, PEPLER & IWCCARTHY, _ Vendor's Solicitors. Barrie. 3111 J unc. 1882. M M Bafrie. une. 1882. WELLTND CANAL acres, more or less. _ This farm is situated in one of the best settle- ments in the Count . the neighborhood bein well settled and the r00. 5 ood. It is within -1 nulcs of Mineslng Station on ,t 10 line of the N. S. Railway. \;rhere there are Churches, Schools and Post Of- ! co: ' . Saturday, Ju AT 12 o'cLocK, noon . The following Lands, viz.:--Pnrt of the East half of Lot Number 1, in the 12th Concession of the Township of Vcspru. being the whole of the said half Lot. exceptin 44 acres 1 'ing to the \vest of the Nottawnsogu iver, an containing, 56 less. is situated in nnn nf nm 1...... .."m.. Undr Powr of Sale contained in_ a certain Mortgage and Assignment thereof. which will be produccd at the time 0! sale. IV}: E. In 3}] 1: EVERYTHING NEW AND CHOICE IN ' PuBL|d%A_};"A:GcT|oN [FARM F_Q_R SALE] BARBIE ll-l_l"l;EL, BARBIE, Mii." I;'1:.1:_).(."Aw1~-1)'i3'i'z MORROW BRACE UP AND GET A NEW Sm`! . NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. l)oN"r FORGET THE A.1)nREss,H Turner, Vfalianit & Co s. Celebrated Prize Boots and Slmw tor . ~ T Ladies, Misses and Children. Bs 8; I.`-a;'ge1st_s_tpck of Bqots 8c Shoes North of Toronto, is being sold at Prices you would pay for shoddy Goods Elsewhere. We have just received a Full Spring Stock of ` Opp; Summersett House, Bar9"iei PHCENIXA GENTLEMENS WHl'1`E VES l`S, LARGE ASSOR'l`.\lEN'l` RAISEDTHE s'!'_AN DARo AND LOWEREI5 THE PRICES AT PRICES which can be had at no other house in Barrie. While maintnini'ng thw .n.m Standard o_rQualltyV in Excellence of Work and Material by now ,':;t{tILnu nrrunruul. SANDERS BROTHERS. sold last month, and the rush still going nu. GOOD MANAGEMENT; CAREFUL BUYING AND SMALL PROP`l'l'>T SEEDS ll : ;-------j-:.-- nwuus, ms AND vnuss AT WHOLESALE mess. :A1_`I'I'E.i="-' Guaranteed all Wool $6, made 9n the premises. Another lot, uf SIT I'I'S@g;,; V " Just'n.iShed, Nobby Styles and veq/`Cheap. '51-311.103. STYLISH AND RELIABLE SPRING STYLES Onev visit wili satisfy you that our Prices are away below the I.nu-c-_q_ ;0'_:.-:__:----1 any tcuulffc By order. at o CALL AND SEE THEM. YOU WILL BE DELIGHTED. CL OTHI NC} 1 nnmmnss. BEAUTY] 24m, 1332,} F. BRAUN. Secretary. 1 we em- v apply- Until it is a vosmvn FACT that the TAKING THE LEAD IN (With which we are content) we have c v v 7 --ruutlj Ifi` ` The most Complete Ind Dunhle Machine ever manufactured. ibeing nearly all 51001 -"""""' " and Wronghtvlx-on), are being bum for I. its season. "All Pattern dun 'VV11k. P1 ` ha. (1ANul l.U\\ >-' rwm tourotthe.BeIt' gnnadhn Makers. n-on on` H I ` I W h'l;h1ae`ek1ndnot IRO I-IARIIOWS with Solid Steel, or Steel-pointed teeth kept < om: n - on n HORBIKHAY RAKI8 are being manufactured for this season. `Hm ` ' Solid Out-Steel 0&9 RAPIRQ: no wood except the lnndler no cast metal : in sand neuedin .331: Item! 1: M let u 1 dire ted minis sex-para I~-HM "I316 mo:%n`;IbleT|nd-Euieg: Worzm yeteglllgredltlgr 2:1`? as B c Th. `AJIIJQ-n- ;_ -K B` """"I-\? RN19? egs oannounce tyat. hehas moved his bullneas stand from Collier-st. to more ('-ntrul and . \ :1 `.ndi0us Vvaremoms in the f`! A 'l' `I1-Q-9------ _ AunIcuLIu'A__Lj"MPLMEN1s " " " `"11 9 310 W EDP`! the lncx-ea.aln'g demand for Agricuitural Ilnplemcm.-. L000 OHAMPION REAPERS A_ND AMOWER8 `! Coxnnleta `um nm-.m. u...:.a.... ....-_ .__-, . . TRUNKS! ..jj_.__--_`_ TRUNKS! TRUNKS! Barrie, lat April, 1882. we 4- -*\J L. \/ I J-`'\' A Before the recent advance inpriccs I am offering AT OLD FIHURICS. E'_Q'W' IIS TEEV TIIIE PCB BABGA T375 ~ '\'I'.`IlI`VIl"l\'l-its . V... v. u wall agent! lU9'I'5 [t`JnIll'(`ly Now], HI` mi - ing Granlte Tea Pete. I case Ladies Baskets [Very Fina] I case A ate Iren Ware. I case E egant Window Gornices, cornice Poles. chains- Hnnlxc, uh- V-c*'|-`*ai:`-; 5|'=l-`- ::IsI,naIfl:v uormces, Cornice I G539 EX0"0_|`|`|' Table Guejy [Very C h(,'p.] .._._.___.' - v-r . -.---_ _-,0, With clmmcteristic forethollglxt, is laying in a large stock a needed in every house,'nnd is detenumcd to main ' 9 `In nlv-no/In .-...Z.\.... ..t I case of Pearl Agate Tea Sets inn lnna Tana 3-1.- |KEEP|NG gTg_[|RsT-cLAss nouns In View of the large inux ( BEVIVI Fl emu \II NEXT NEILL BROS., -- wv .-.aa..I.:_l _ ELIKJ NEARLY OPPOSITE QUEEN S IIOTEL, Where hewill be able to supply Increasing Agricult Inn n Annannu -_ - ._._._- - ..-_ REMEMBER SEAQLQAK 0F?LSLTI>VE8 xnoaious Vvarerooms I)ppD.0T'lF nrrunxnn vrnrnnr Just Received. IN ALL KINDS OF New Cotton Mill 'l`URl;VE[_& 00%., TRUNKS I DUNLOP-ST." HOUSE S OLD STAND. OF BARBIE I AND OTHER INDUSTRIES IN BARRIE, AT LOWEST POSSIBVLE PRICES. ;u:---:- : of new settlers which cannot but result fmxn Ilu ment of the ' HAvTE_1`f)_1T(?ifT MY :. B. MEA"DQ\N_S, m Laying In as mrge Sl .0c_K 01 Just such artivlr , "and determined maintain the rc1Hlt1\t1< m he already enjoys of >I00'l`S SHOES YOU SHOULD SEE THEM AT ' The House Fm'm's/(mg Jlu/I. [Entirely N JUL JJLI, I` Agricultural Ilnplelm-nln.. :of`juat such rti('lv.~4 nfnin l|n v-uuuu6uo.... CANNOT S'UR'PASSED BY ANY. FIELD AND GARDEN WHITE AND GREY LAND PLASTER. vTHU_RS1V)A Y. JUNE 8, `l882._ Largest Assortment SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREET, Ever otfercd before in Barrie, and for Durability We are offering to-day one of the SEEDS, JNO. M. BOTHWELL NIL` '1' rm MEN. H--ANDV-V --o1-`- ` Tan body of Thos. `Hanbury, ono of the victims of the `_9Maniboulin'" diaaqter, was found on Thursday last, about 12 miles from the so.ne _of burning. It` wasyunpg thdt `the unfortunate lady per - inhed in" the ama, bin`. only , her` `face and one_ of her nrmowu ` _ hole: in her/*o1othing'. The _ `Ballo ftook the body to Own Bound. _ " jsnd 8_ tw; nus; upuncu me; an mm urove on Saturday week, and 1.130 at Ivy on._Tuead ny last to the voters list, ' V - H OUR next door contemporary makes a personalattack upon the editor of this paper in its last issue. Our answer will be short and will be thellastlreference to that sheet until the campaign is over; sirnply because we do not wish to descend to the level of bandying words with a 'blackguard- ` When the Examiner asserts that the editor of this paper has changed his political` front or that we were ever anything-in politics but a Liberal Conservative it know- ingly and wilfully lied. When it said_we were in the pay of any party,`associat1on' or person, it LIED. When itstated that the editor of this paper had no vote,'_it LIED. ` When it adds that we are not even a hons_e- holdel-,'it LIED; When it asserts that we have or have had in our possession one par- ticle of Government propert , or one cent- of Government money, it_L- -E-D. Tun following is a resolution passed at one of Mr. McCarthy's meetings. It is a. fair sample of these passed at nearly every meeting he has yet he1d:-Thnt this meet- ing having listened - with pleasure to the zi`-le discourse of our present representa- tive, Mr. McCarthy, approves of the-course he has taken as our representative during the past three years, and we renew our condence in him as our future representa~ live, and pledge him our hearty s11pporti" WILL our friends send us short accounts of meetings held in their lieigllb ii-hoods, which we will gladly publish, whether" held in the interest of the Government candi- date or the Opposition. The meeting held. in ltlinnessingat the Public Hall, in the interests of Mr. McCarthy was acknowledged by. Reformer and Conservative alike to have been the best meeting ever held in Minnessing. Mr. J. B. Johnson occupied the chair. Mr. McCarthy spoke for an hour, ixiakiiig a clear forcible statement of his case. Mr. Drury followed in a speech also of about an hour s duration in which he advanced his claim to the support of the electorate - Mr. McCarthy replied in a most telling speech that fairly demolished the erounds taken by Mr. Dmry, leaving ` him not a plank to stand upon. The speech lasted about an hour and a half and com- pletely carried the meeting as was testified by the loud applause. - Vespra will give a good account of itself. V - ..-- ....,uuu. .l.\'.ouroown` Riding the contest is being fought out with great energy on both `sides. Three or four meetings are being held each evening, and the private cmwassers have beenus busy as `bees. Up` to the present time the prospect of It very large majority indeed for. Mr. McCa.'rthy is excellent. With one ur twu exceptiuns our friends in all parts of the Riding are working like 'l`rogans, and sound principles must and will prevail. 'l;in: Returning Ofiicers for I the -three Simcoe s are '1`. D. Mcconkey for the East ; ILR. A. Boys for the North; and Dr. Norris of Coukstowu for the South. 1 ,_-_ --.. -J-naaAIIlu l.\' North York they are having :1 hard light, but the chances are greatly in favour of the Conservative candidate. The utter- ances of the two men are perhaps the best criterion of their probable success. Mr. .Muluck_ says : if I studied my own com- tort I would not accept parliaixnexltary hon- ours. It is to be hoped thathe will not be allowed to sacrice his comfort on behalf of North York. Mr. Anderson says :--I was never defeated in anything 1 undertook, and I will not be in this. The right kind of a. ringinbout those words, v and our southern .cot-respondents assure us that thcy,will be fullled. We `believe they will. - ' ` ESSA Councilbj met at Elm Grove oh lntm-dnv innit. and Alan at Tun An l".u...I'.i expected has come to pass.` As the Re- forine1s'w1ll not nominate a _man there will be acontest between two Conservatives. ' The following from the Cookstown Advo- cate explains the position of atfairs :-The Convention lately held in this village voted RI-IGAltI)INHtl10 South Riding what was. Col. Tyrwhitt as its choice, and that gen- . tleman now seeks the support of the elec- torate 1n the comingcontest. A number of the electors] of Mulmur, Tossorontio, Essa and Alliston are of the opinion that that Convention of delegates did not elect the choice of the majority of the Conserva- tives in the ridingn and have, by their signatures to a requisition, solicited Mr. Dunn to allow his` name to be brought for- ward at the nomination on the 13th ' inst. We understand that M r.` Dunn has finally 't:ikvn the eld in response to the wishes of his. friends. His action has occasioned seine severe CI`lulClSlI1 Wlllcll we cannot help -thinking uncalled for. Ifhe thinks he is the choice of the people, he has a perfect `right to take the eld ; if he is not the people's choice he will not be elected. Of course if` there was a_Reformer in the field the case would be di'erent, but underpre- sent circumstances it not being a party light we can see no possible objections to his trying conclusions with C01. Tyrwhitt. l.. \T.._LL \V ,I II - Ag. . sir-:50 GRAm,&c. ;` SALT i` ' IN BARRELL AND BULK. Mmrrxxcs in the interest of- Mr. Qumn were held at \Vushago on Wednesday night, and at Wm-minstern on Fridav night. The former was addressed by Dr, Slaven and Louis P. Kribs, the latter by Mr. Quinn and Dr; Slzwen; Both` were well attended and at each place Mr. Quinn made many friends._ unuuu yuxluej: umus transncnon, Graven- hurst wzll given good big Conservntxve vote ; as will the whole of the north part I of tho Riding. - Mu. Com: opened the cmnpuign in the Reform interest at Gravenhurst on Friday eveuing._ The meeting was very large as it was known that _Mr. Cook would be , op- posed. A lively time was expected and the result justified the expectation. Louis 1 . Kribs spoke for an hour on behalf of the Conservative-' candidate, and so evidently, carried the greater portion of the meeting with him, that Mr. Cook feirly lost his temper and his after behaviour was any- thing but that of a gentleman. His reply was nclmoivledged, even by his strongest supporters to have been a complete failure, and he pointedly shirked the challenge of the former speaker to explain his doings with regard to the notorious Cook4Suth- erland timber limits transaction, Graven- hurst will nrivn n, .-mm] I.:,. n.`............L:.... IN Ea'st Simone the battle ie being brave- ly fought out. B0th_C!1lldl(.l}lte8 are in the lield for keeps, and the result of the can- `vass so . far has been as encouraging for Mr. Quinn and his friends as` it has been discouraging for Mr.` Cook. Meetings izre being held nightly in Mr. Qui_nn a interest, and , his friends are working with a will. ' The result on election` dn. will )rnve a. sur _ y 1 prise party to the Reformers, or, we are greatly mistaken. More anon. 1.: North <)mrio, w. H. Gibbs is pitted against Mr. Cucl-zburn the Refnrm nominee. The latter will be defeated, and North On- tario will be worthily represented by .Mr. Gibbs. . . , IN Muskoka J. C. Miller & Co. . has been foisted upon `the Reform party and expects that the $30,000 public patronage he has at his command will carry him "in. But fortunately his past career has disgust- ed many of the leading men ofhis own party, and we shallbe greatly surprised if Mr. O'Brien is not returned at the head of the poll; A prominent Reformer writing to the- Muskoks. Heravld after emphatically condemning J. C. Miller 8500. concludes as follows :-- Now, sir, I do not say that Mr, O'Brien's party is my choice, but Ibe.- lieve he is a gentleman and will not up to what he says. That 18 the right sort. 1.- `IT ,.| I\ . ... -.- `THE work 1ias_ gone on bravely during the past week, not onlyin our own 00!)? atituency, but in the surrounding Ridings. Our friends thoroughly realize that steady unremitting hard work will accomplish any thing. They have a. patriotic object in view, and theyrare working for its `accom- plishment with all the ardent of patriots. -7 up . . ..- _. -_r-- POLITICAL POINfER 01;: day thiVxIYwwvVael;':i:nAmbex3 of the 6m- ployees of the Parry Sound L_'1unber _U<').., presented Mr. F. R-. Hogg, a-latoemployee of the Gompany1?fvithfa`gold watch chbih and lccket. L0n-o`no}ni&`e"was e` ' "ved t_he monogrqgh _1p'ttej1,"`F.=R'.;' H.,` ` d on thg othAe'1-the"vv0rilI`,` Hrraamiuvw-F;-nynogg by his ffiehdu -`_iai*`t1i6 -~P.-_,S; L..0o.'?s" om. n n I ' me unmet w1u,oe auowea to end. - .. We most .heartil_y_ concur in_ the hope ex- pressed by the` Presbytery thnt Mr. Leipenf ma belong snared for future work and greats ly onoured in advanch::nd establishing the cause of religion in community.--En'=. ADVMTDIL] ' -~ mBe1ieving that we have done wrong in the matter, though `certainly unintentionally. we t have no hesitation in offeringxsuch an apology as is due fromhe injuirer to the injured. And now_ that Mr. Leipex- s character is fully cleared f.om every suspicion, we hope ._ that the matter will.beallow_ed to end. . 1 ` WA rnriilz innrilu nnnnnr n' OI... I......`. ._ one wnuw 01 -we memners of the `Presbytery. Had we been aware of that decision we certainly would not have permitted the inner- tion of the article. even as an advertisement, as Mr. 'Galbra1th s course . plainly enou h was to have up ed to a court of law if he believed he'h been unjustly dealt with, and not to the press. We sincerely regret having unintentionally V outraged the feelings of Mr. Leiper, his con- gregation, and his numerous-friendsein Barrie, and under the circumstances we consider that 3.11 apology is ' justly due in the `face of the` nding of.` the only competent court appealed ta p _ V .. ['01 8 ITCU U0. The article was inserted not as 9. _communi- cation, not asnn exposition of our v_1ews, not "even as endorsed by us to the extent of one word, but purely and simply as_ an advertise- ment. ' wuru, I Ii`.-u ..H Further the article was published in entire ignorance of the decision of the Presbytery as given above. We certainly cannot recog- nize Mr. Galbraith -s right to assert his opiu- ion in the face of the unanimous judgment of the whole of -the members of the Presbytery. Had that decision In: ur uuxuages. v - ' _ _ ` . - I do not nropoae to dictate to you which course if either you should take. it ia_ for you and your friends to decide, but in my opinion you ought to invoke the protection of the law by prosecuting criminally--'as it is (if you think it worth your while to notice ` the mat- .ter at all) merely to clear your reputation against the foul assersions cast upon it, and to punish the offen er, that you would take legal proceedings of any -kind, but either course isopento you, A ' . V ' I remain Rev. and Dear Sir, ` Yours faithfully, D A1;roN MCCARTHY. - [We excreclingly regret having nblished ex parte statemeiits in reference to e matter referred to. rm... ....L:..I.. ...-.. :___-L, 1 A lvlllllswr or me cnurcn to Which you belong. For the libel both Mr. Galbraith as the writer, and the Publisher of the ADVANCE are clearly answerable; though the guilt iliers in degree. The writer is apparently actuated by actual malice, the Publisher while free from that imputation has in my opinion com- mitted agrave error in permitting such 9. ` statement to sully the pages of his paper. Against a libeller there is a choice of reme- dies. he cnn be prosecuted and If `found guilty can be` punished as a criminal, as the publica- tion is an offence against the criminal law of` the land, or he can be sued in a civil action for damages. . I do nnl: mvnnmm in :'llnl-oh. 4-,. mu. ...L:_I. Yldllculllllg III: ' 3 In my opinion theris not the slightest doubt but that the statements and charges made in Mr. Galbmith's communication are lihellous, and libeis of the gravest kind, re- flecting upon you and vour chnracterns a Minister of the chu_rc.h to which belong. Galbraith as the .r;|A\uAn, uuu uuuv, IDOZ. REV. .Jo1m Lm-im, Rev. and Dear Si , ` I have read the article in last week's issue of the AnvA.\'0E newspaper, purporting .to_ be signed by Mr. John . Galbraith, making cer-' tain grave charges against you,-and have con- sidcrcd as requested whetherbthe publication is libellous and what course you should take respecting it. _ ' In mv nnininn thorn in vm4- H... ..I:,.Ln.__.. Barrie," (ifh J ime, 1882. u.uu_y now 181' lV1!'._\i&lDK'lllh.'8 story ha'rmon`-` izes with thstruth :'-- ' ` The investigation was begun on `Tuesday evening at 7:30. and lasted or several hours that night. It was continued throughout Wed- nesdny and Thursday with the usual intermis- sions. 'l`he charges alleged on onth_pro\'ed'to be triing in compnrison'with `the rumours dili- gently circulu,tcd.- and were shown to be sub~ `fstnntmlly without foundation. The finding to " to this`eti cct wusummimously come to as soon as the hearing of: parties was concluded. The Presbytery ex pressed sympathy with the brother -"utfected in the trying circumstances in which " he has been placed ; also the hope that he may ' "be long spared for future work. and greatly " honored in advancing and establishing the cause of religion in the cominunity.->RoB'r. MOODIE. ~` Pres, L lei].-." - ' "6 have only to add that Mr. McCarthy has been consulted in the matter, and we send you a copvof his opinion, which `we wish you to publish. . _ On behalf of the elders and managers. 1 J. J BnowN,' Sm.-z-inn I`l...J uu: very witnesses ne cited to `prove them. ' After the fullest investigation the Presby- tery found no ground whatever to proceed upon,Vand certainly the least, in the circum- stances, thnt either the congregation or the community can expect from you is an ample apology. ' The fnnnurinrriu Hm .-.m..:..! .. .... ...L .1` AI - upuwb y The f'ollowing`is the official account of the Presbytery meetin refer-re'l.to as it appeared in the Canada Pres wcrian, and it shows ex- actly how far Mr. Galbraith s story ha'rmon`-` mac WCeK_'S xssuetrom Mr. John Galbraith. We have to explain that Mr. Ga1braith s as- sertions were atly coutradicted at the meet- ing,of Presbytery called to consider them, by the very witnesses he cited to im-`estigatinn Hm 13.-....1..., _.v vulv -awnvut IIJ villa lllll/llllrblh Sm,--'l`he attentionjof the eldefa and inan- agers of the Presbyterian Church has been called to a long letter you published in your last wcek_ s issuefrom Mr. John Galbraith. have tn mmlain Hunt M. l1.IL.....:n.:.. .. .-.-_._. This olumn is open to all who write in good fa.it.h. Opinions oxpressed a_re not necessarily endorsed by the editor. To the Editr of tlzevuncc. Qrn '|-L... ..L:..._L:__'_: 1|,` v I 1 ' reception. ---- , GRAND _REcsi>r1oN.-'--A. `grand reception was tendered Col. Tyrwhitt at lvy on` Tues-.' day week. At eight o'clock the Ivy -Brass -Band, under the leadership of Mr. I. T. Lennox, marched out of the vill` `re to meet the Colonel, who was coming fl ll] the dir- ection of Victoria. A stand was made op- posite Brown- s hotel, where the Colonel, in a neat speech, thanked the members of the band and the people of Ivy for their hearty He saidthey all knew he had been selected as the standard bearer of the Conservative party in this riding by the conventionlately held` in Cookstown: If report was true, another gentleman of the party, well known to them all, had laid claim to the position. Every Conservative there would regret to see a split- in the Conservative ranks, but he felt condent that as the nominee of the party every true Conservative in the riding would do justice to him on the 20th- June. Capt. Rankin then briey addressed those pre- sent. He felt contidentthat the people of .Ivy would, as they. had done in the past, abide by the decision of the convention; ` and support Col; Tyrwhitt to the last. Cheers were given for the Queen, Col. Tyr- pwhitt, and are band. -F(uu:.--0n Tuesday week 'n disastrous conagration occurred in this village. The fire was first discovered in a house owned by John Ma.thieson,`wliich was situated on Main street. nearthe Western boundary of the village. The wind at the time was blowing almost a hurricane, `and "the .re spread with-alarming rapidity, and invinv few minutes a house adjoining, belonging to Mr. I`. H. George, was burning ercely. Botlr buildings were completely destroyed,` but by great exertions the adjoining build- ings were saved, The loss is heavy and very little insurance. j - .ALA`BI1`lD.~:-.A lnsn some down O1-mg} ' - leith on Saturday evening, in the wildest state of excitement, and re rted that a boat was burning about l_0 mi es of!` that point. He wanted the City of Owen Sound to go out -but the captain preferred a littlemore de- nite information. and the stranger then tried the Cherokee with equal success. Their caution saved them an unnecessary trip, as the Canada arrived shortly afterwards and reported seeing nothing. The man has n brother on the "Bells." which probably made him over anxious. A lurid lare in the North Western sky was noticed y` several of our citizens the `same evening. ._.g..__:-. mrnnnsrtim rum: mont oun -SPECIAL 1:03 nmroxnxxws rnnouanour rm: msifnlcr. [ LE'r'rF.Rs TO THE 14;uI'I`0R AN a3&pLRiTA+T6h" supunbnu NEW OOIJ;IN(;VVOOD. D.F -uca. . MACWATT, C`.... .. D.--) ,1 Bm1:,_ 5th Juno, 18S2. I I`! nun , +S"I`AYNER. - . ---....n--um, -Sec y Bmrd of Jllanmgera, 20 ' IVY, -nuur, unu n out-`reference to him and his party been the reverse .in some in- stances of complimentary, he has only to thank his on friends of the press who `first instituted comparisons. In conclusion We beg to say that the fumers" cry was `to nnneooessary; `the, agriqnltutista of m .orth.Bimcoe are qnigo"'shle to tskef3.!'6. of themsel ` us, and wheh .3 Iugngr snclnothing but `as farmer to? sent_ thom,"the will not rst olfer the '_W!9*in*l* ww- Session Cleric. hut/day-the15th\Imul "09./&VD A".i~o`1z Tris CANADI} lnomamou enghtnousi I MR 1` Daughter of the said George Millson deceas ed .W I Dated at 0t_tawu, in the County of Ontario, this .6th day of J nnc. A. D. 1882. ` ` nnun q.-- - ....-- I By McGm:' 8: Jonas, - His Solicitors. sena their tothc Principal. per nnnnm, those~who have passed the Intermediate Examination, or who make 70 er cent. of the Entrance marks will be admitw free. Du--.2n 1'..- EA`-- anon -- -- - n .|J.L1'JJ.u.:.1.Ll.1`4l.\\Jl'.` .L11nauUA1i.l)- ` IANSHIP oi` the infant child of George Mili- son. Deceased. A piication will bemado to the Surrogate Court 0 the Count of Simcoe, before the. Judge in Chambers, at t e Court House, in the town of Barrie, after the expiration of twent '_ days from the first publication hereof on beha f of Eber Millson, of the Township of bariington in the County of Durham. Yeoman, the iawtui cousin of the said Infant. for_un order ap inting the said Eber Millson, guardian of the sai Infant Daughter of the said George deceased. Ottawa, of this I .6th day unc. A. I). 1882. *7`, `V MISS . J. PORTER, Associate of the Tonic Sol- :2. College. London. Eng.. and author- lZ8d Examiner for Junior. Elementary and Inter- mediate Certicates. will be prepared to organize Classes for the Season by let. September next. Terms. for Select or Public Clauses. can be ob- tained by enquirin t.Scott. s Bookstore. Barrie. a address MISS J. PORTER. Barrie. On- t8.l'i0. - Z fllllo ' But, we would further humbly inquire what in the name of all that is sane does it matter whether a. candidate is a farmer in law- yer or a hedgor and ditcher, provided he is an honest, capable man.- We have known many lawyers that were knaves, we have" known some farmers that were fools. A man's occupation by no means ' determines his ability ; it would be fully to holdeither profession responsible for the acts of indi- viduals. Afarmer of Simcoe now lies in Barrie gaol charged with murdering a. fel- low farmer. Yet we dare aver, and take" pride in saying, that the farmers of Simcoe cannot be discounted lav any body of men in the known World. It would be equally absurd to hold the legal profession respon- sible for the vagaries of `such semi -lunatics as Edward Blake or Gittean. What then ` is the meaning of the present sectional cry ? 2 What can it be, but a. desperate attempt 30 Elli!) 3 few votes by playing upon the feelings of a class, an attempt which cannot be successfully made as it is upon a. _cla.ss proverbial for solid common The two rrinn nfnn ln..6'n.... 4.1.- -1 , _ 1 .