Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 1 Jun 1882, p. 1

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vv _vn -gnu; uni-vlnnnlvla. u ` I ARRIE PLANING MILL.---GEO. `BALL. Ca enter 8; Builder and Manufac- t.m-nr nf nnn nah... n\:..a. 1\.r....1.u-...... 9... . U .lLo lJJ.\JJ.I l.,lI!I. VEL`-I3 - to loan `on real estate at lowest, rates. Farm- crs` Notes discounted. Collections made in away part of the'Count'y. {teal Estate bought. apd sol . Uonveyanci in all Its bmnclu-.3. Mamaga Li- censes issue: .v 0KIuoE-0ve1- Canadian Bank of. (Ennmmrcn. Dunlnn-at.. Barrie. ' ' 454v-w Issued. Unuon-Uv_e1- 4 Conunercc. Dunlop-st.. Barne. -. . _---.`- I-I-C191-Mr? - E 3.l_'L U K31] 1211.` \/ll. VV |?_].L` ER. House nntU.a.nd In-aincr. rcturnslhnnks` to the gblic net-ally for their ast mvo andA would nform hem that he is en in the b ness. und as prompt and obliging as ever. Orders can heleft ut.Crosalund s Dmin Rooms. Ma.rket~nt.. or at No. :50. Peel-st. Burr c. and they. will be! nmmutlv attended to. ' - 17-ls`. . Elizabeth-sts Dc U\J1LL`)3\JL" .IJ1,L\rl.\a.I.4I`4|, I111.` - L>on'mm,o t,ana dealer in Coals olsll kinds. and Georgetown Grey. and Guelph White Finishing Lime. `Cements of all kinds. Fire Bricks and Plasterers` Hair. Olee snd`Store- house at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John Street. near the de ot. The bond of this Lime is bette than that 0 any other kind, and the nish superior. 0lce-Corner of John and v---gv.-.......u-1 at No. :50. Peel-st. prompy attended to.` . -reams" u.oom Apvmos. J. C-_Jt'.T L.VERWVELL S! \ ,>.\'1:\' TO F.*i!IL` n` it! Hi \[_ V ..l`.\ \'I I X. Sulicivlu $7(),00()] -ww ;H`i!)` nu 1u.\ c8_L .___.__..__..k pucms MAGNETIC nu-:mc|1\m' "` `BEFORE! TRADE NIAPK. \ m ----.. Isa. Sure. Prompt and Etfectunl Remedyfor l\'er\'ousness in all its stages. Vvenk Memory. Loss of Brain Power. Sexual Prostmtion. Night . Sweats. S ernmtorrhoen. Seminal \Veakness, and General '_oss of Power. It . repairs Nervous Waste. Re_1uvenu.tes the J adod Intellect, Strength- ens the Enreebled BPllil\'8.T\(1 Restores Surprising Tone and Vigor `to the Exhausted Generative 0 ans. The ex erience of thousands proves it un N\'A-LUABLE _ u~:m-:o\'. The medicine is lens-' ant to the taste. and each box contains_ an eient for two weeks medication. and is the cheapest and best. a?`F`ul_l particulars in our psmphlet. which we desire to mail free to any address. ' - i\L\cK'.~:. M,\ox|-`xru: M1-mlclxx-2 is sold by Dru - gists at 50 ets. per box. or 12 boxes for $5. or wi l be mailed free of postage. `on receipt` ofthe money. hy nddressing. Mack : Magnetic Medicine 00.- -- - \\ L\'nso1, Ox'r.. CA.\`ADA. _ Sold in Barrie. by GEO. MO.\'I{l\'[AN`nnd all lwnggistsevcrywhero 47-ly. I .[a3a`;;;s';;aes1 [o{IN D/IEL'L`ANBY, IIOUSE, Shzn. and Omhmhnml Pninr4'u-_- Pnnnr llama.` A O T I U E . - N1).-.1-.n.?- \r,.u.'... :1. Public Notie is hereby given that an and after A . _ - -- Saturday, the of July, Inst., S_ATURDA\`S,.....10 `A. M. To 3 p. M. WEDNESDAYS, 10 A. M. To 1 p. M.. Other days `as usual. . 1 q nAm\nmv_ A(1*\(Iql3n[;W 'V1:1a14ici:TIi*,T"\vELL simyl V 5 FR. House nntTI)and Ibrxiiiit-.r_'i'?t\i-1`Ii.s.`.}in.t'1'k|i mam 1-%_o Lam: Bai-rie July 4, 1331 Isnnu1n%I;it;fa:ni1{%a_c1`lInY. cANA%nIA"riiKiak'iiiimmense. OF BARRIE, -_ mu- --_l~3A;-l`L-17,7 oN'r.; Manufacture the Finest Brands of GENUINE HAVANA 4 ._ 4` V Office and Warerooms. the Brick BIm'l.", opposite the Qu'een s,V Dunlap-st Our Cigars are Wnrranted. 7- _- . --... --.\.cn nrvrhfmrru nun!!! I .._-,. I . 'i:.*1."f61 tn lnnn 'nn rmd matntn at ln\vm:t.rnt.m:, F`su-m . .56&Lssxm,T `is IRTfi~i,"'T1s1-' unn'|`w.n nf And dmnlnr In Cnnln n! all \.l -a v .-_.-u v- -..-......- - 'Oposite the Queen's Hotel. Barrie. Vol. l1.\' Nil) :... \ Hnrnl` b ' means ofwjhioh ever-y'sn erer. no matter what. his condition me be. may euro himself cheaply. private! and re. ica.lly.. t"I`h s Lecture should be in the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Address THE GIILVERVIELL MEDICAL 00., 41 mm sq-.. New yam: Post Olce Box 450. nsnnu: rncxlgi. 1) SHOT GUNS; AMMUNITION, ' &o. _ DB. GEORGE . "8. IIYE|l80||g l ., R. G." PL. L. `R; C. S. E.. u. n. v. r.. u. n. v._o. u_-. Lecturer on u1e`Eye. Eat and ('1`lu-oak.` ' T Medical 00 To 8 Jill the I Eyetnd Ear ' ' tf:;'t%nd 1md `Am the Sick Children's Hnenital. late_Q1l!1io_81_1: i' i .? %?n- .E3s'l.`%..'%'.!`.-`:1x::`? ..:.i"3a`1'.i'*e. the Sick Children`: Hnaail. lute Clinical ant Royal London 0911 HOBPROL ` elds, and Central London Kt and Eu` Hoa- nitsl. 31'! Church Street."-'l`o!onto_.;j_Mo; b;e,goI_:- ind Lndon Throat and Eu` Hoa- pim. Bu-ee -'l`omnw_.. Mn bgoon- sulted with lthe Itr. Throat and Nasal manna. GEO. DUDLEY} %' Ho U33 sleva INC) BA yr : 13: i..-Df ` ..s*1*I%{I:`l"E'r,4 ` T NORTH bifsidd ' p1u1."au churoii t'x3 e'os l`o!on%f"ll``IE bgoon-_ sulwd Eu-. Throat and panacea. _ specngl mehnoi: to 01-0`: Iliena Vcautu-got). ` GA _ ,1 \|7_......-n-nu kn EYE, EAR, THROAT AND NOSE \\'XLL BE AS F0I_.L0\VS :- The office hours of the _ _Tho a1:?r- AND` CHEAPEST . place tobuy your `j - gnnjgg L. R. C." I ); L. R. C. S. E_., un the Eye. Ear` and" '1`hroat. nuam Torontn. Summon to tho |t),\'l".Pll RC ' i1('..a _. |III I . J. S. CARNEGY, T MANAGER. 27-tf IS AT pl IIIUIIIHL Illlng I 41 Arm S12. NEW YORK 40-ly ;PULLAN%| UL` , mu. I-I.;nuI.%I.Au GO TO I03 Assets. Laffi. I319. - s3.35s.sa1 "Re-*in:`urdnce Reserve, - - $1,060,424. Losses "in St. John : Fire, - $180,000.00 All paid In two ivookl otter re. 0 o _ Also Agenttor the Commercial Union Insur- nce or London. Capital. 2.000.000. - _ , Agent Bur;-Io.` _ V 47-1y. o. `r. LQUNT. I mvltsrnn FUNDS`.-` v_~o FUNDS mvxsmb Rm-.m-Itv D:-nmnt Payment. and Li E U 1.3176 LL`, 1 no 1411:: 5;` f\I'QL`g_I9 ' V no security. Prom t Pazment. and Liboxinlity In the adiuatment 0 its features of this 3 no the prominent omup -pomp or nmubsn-'oas':_, `H `.11 '3. T `,- sl n:,;'l`h "Cr: . - mJ`.. n".;`f?'c:..;:'`..-`E..`?" w`.'}.`.'.`am 13'. s`'q'T; Ansuwe T .m-'_1`i~s1:.:1.- -1- B,-r.1.!,.=.~I3-..l!?2s;-. . Innnrnnnmannnfd AKVMAHGPAIA Rntnn nf Pra- ``0 Y? r`(.'..W"t?_`.""3`.E.':f'." "\` Insurances effected at Modoniteh Rates of Pre- . mium. Dwellina`,Clmrch'ei Proper- ties insured at. Specially Low Rams. G. F. C. sMmt,. 1031:! -iii nouns. Res.-Soon. . Anon! -.PollooGom-t. ' 1,;f5.:i;s_ s (2 RL oqe 1 E , OONVEYANCEBIQOIIMISSIONER IN B. IL! CITY OF LONDON, ENGLAND, Capital 2.000.000; d V Ue_d.wit.h the Govern- - men: at O we _8l0o.0p0., 1 THE MERCANTILE 1~*mn:.- msummciz co.. Capital $500,000: Government deposit mnde. . 1 STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capiml.500,000; Government deposit made. wmvnnovn: nun ALL STOCK co.\xPA.\'n-ts`. Victoria Mutual!-`ire Insurance Com any. Stock and Mutual. Union Mutual Life usur- ~ nnne Cnmnnnv. Stock and Mutt ance Company. I South Side of ,7Vorsley Street, third door West of Mnlcaster Street. Bar-rie. , ' ll~IY v..-.Avn.--sa ___-.._ .v CONVE Y:1`V'C'E'R, `qt, ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. nu-I-Inn Ml 'l'll'. - |llYAL msumT:i`nomuv I] A cxuwvn 205 nm ma, Agen} for the.follr.i\'\'iIg Insranco Companies: . L coNvVA:ii6'fNG.7d-. n.\* .\_1:x<;1;.-xv, AUCTIONEER, nr- (`.nn\'n\fn.nCOI`. Issuer of .1\,?`, - . w"a,\Nv,vvu. Has Largest Surplus of Assets over Liabilities. of any Fire Insurance Company in the world. iderate, Nah-.s LII V Promp Losses Equitably and fly Adjusted. '--Amen EIIIIAIADIIQ VBan-ie. Sent, 11. 1878` 4 INSURANCE? COMPANY. : ; _ VLIFIE AND man:-I THE YHLBJLVIA I! Lnp Luau unuuu ICOMPANY. of London. Englp.nd._ Estab- lished 1782. ' .AV.G-E8171` . FOR THE F0|.l.0Vll|l(3 GIIMPAIIIES: THE P`!-ICENIX FIRE INSURANCE London} England. Ilnhed 1782. ` ' ALEX;M\0RROW, TI-IE `IMPERIAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Establlanod 1803.. Capltan $11,000,000. For Firebuaines_s_on1y.. V [ARTFORID FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. . `ms QUEEN INSURANCEHCOIM-' PANY. CpitBl'l2,000,000. I HE SOVEREIGN -INSURANCE COMPANY. Inauroa all kinds of Propart ma Drlvntn nwellimra. Over 8100.000 deposite u.\'I<;|'u b\vAu, _ npu..V...__.. ' f-)I`lh:- (tnunty of Sinicoe. -Terms rea.s_on- wm-. 'm!i-mu my SLore.Ura.iglmrst. . Mrly W n 1~:.\'m'; LIUENSEDAUCTION - - l~:lcl:. .-\ppmiscr:.nd BillPoster,&c. Rents :-.......... nv-nvidnd. Olcc-up-stairs, 7 `HE ESU V n;I`.um.u L1 'L.LVDDU nan wax Properti and Private Dwellings. $100,000 with the Government.` I and Private uweumxu Government. HE AN] CUBE \Ir Ivuunnuruu-- -u------- . on-rxomu -rm: V _ . POST OFFICE BUILDING. BARBIE. -__..---' _ low" P. 4 JAMES EDWARDS, rurunvrrw-\rvA|vl11'.|l) D D -.'--'-., , . ' W. THOM8ON"&' CO-2-_ Money Lenders and Private Banker! We bog leave to call y`oxu- mencioi. to she` fo1lowingftc_iI,: _ b V . ` Y , 1. Wenmxnmhoiltonugiunpiopuw thmmy.o:`I:fetot- , . , . , 2-%We~1 .*`1'9! 3)Y!;`~1!`1,`V!'-'-**?,'.s`.e-. in Al FAHCII l~1KlIl\`Vl IU, llll ll\|1|Uli|`:|u\`d"`- "v' ;u`Ii~--4'.`:-uuliring . r. or aier ` `xv lm-1 h1In-mlf haon consulted. bales taken M M`:--u-~4 In nuil. n-.\'nr\'bOdV'. - reasonable. ; ` W 2". . . ` . - nee: w1thpt_lV_Q0y.'.;-.':- ~ _ =; v I:-'2 :` _ 1 an 'h31!!lI.bl0,, .. _ , .. `) I . K. .f. '.. \$" *wo`huy.`.Nof9~.Izr- : . f` ; D.7_VxU ZlllTIl,|l|IUIVlIlf VIZ!` W1h11l lYQo1::':-.- ;;.:,-.,. ::4:~':; 6-W919;-Issnnrvn nth-rugoowt` ..:.':`,.v,3 :2 -,2. ' ,.,:A". .. . *- 7.-Jivanluxwp EB. -. .mmavmmimmmn` OFFICE AND RESIDENCE: wotnny. .lC:-"tlalg __ -Inonley in Inyilltn `oqv we pay 6 It-_n cum !`lII]`UI0". wepsy6rl_n 0l_N'l'.. hnlinann in A Inif " " -our Icing 'o'dnhn business is s suiuisi of our 'nhndin'-1khhlliii.5. 54: 13> `:2 2 HE ROYAL CANADIAN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. \ 1IXTH ANNUAL. NOTICE. . (`.\I . Hm-r . _\. . `ind wuu... ..... _ __ u k _ 5. - The Job Department 1391-, aim ;;qs;rtIx}u_I1; of all rezclgggawith, an exmn nII ordmgfa:1l1ues forlurningouts `Or print ` "'K I-"'`1"` P."0Drin.te cuts f mm Wor ' 1;g.etc}"s and Han h1l1s.11nd ESWOROI` all gtyhs of {ype tor the nut: class of m-imin ofchoicafum H1-u_1Kfnr11Huf eve:-ydesc t3- 5 3vu)E1ml1t [`l`.l`lS0n1l.Y)1eprices D X0!) in gtock `ha 'I` Il'.\Ih: -1' or Silllscripun .-u1mnr`e: $2 if not 30`:ilmDer mum . I arrival,-`in! \ > 'I<:u'1'1slxu T_;.~igmc ' "W3 Del-llngg 0!` x-`i)l . .\ ltwn Dpnvs Lu ` ` ` chubse ` Quentin. r.-Iinn-rr!ru1.uxu -'caLr1\' card; "0; ~ ' exceedin 3 0118 inch . s.I."ti)n. Jul` year. spmqal co ' ntractg to 1' Year! Y -m-e,;5.'y1 d into unreduced r ates. writ 3 iwrmuu. ~a1h<-..-atmtfor gh 8 discomin "1060! ` a`r|p:im1<:v.nr1zulveni - ,, of 'I`. - 'um_tm1.1~`orsa13"2 .; Tmnientnotice L ` nut \\'.1H l)1);1:1[niu'df0i_-9350., not exceed "`"-. -`W?U1\'cx'lisexnenVt5o 65 ms ech i . ['1 H!` \\'1Ih`\\'h()ll1 the B") F ered by ran n` -. . .. .24 f)r.|\' .\n\.-\\.c`l r`_";t do not ' " *3 which wi . . ii `*~` L!.,` I-llwu nu oaywuunu; uvw uuqvuo os.- .. n . nr . - Mon trea.l. v Barrio ` :mIsunAN:". '\f\l\/\A/\/\/\I\I\Af" F9`.".4Ble.'5,3'5.!N- 13"- A ' Of-'FIOE :` . 0. Building, Garner of ollier and ,, C'A___ ..l_ ` IMPERIAL rn A \YV Iatnhllnnn `R01. CADRE` "`VU|IFIIIUB IUVIVI '- A SSETS. 825,000,000 v-nal Run-nlnn nf A aunts oven n.-sooy.. Montreal. --wozmsnun mines. mu A !H5UGHT MAY PRODUCE THAT WHICH MAKES 'l`HOU8ANDS"l`lIINK._"-BrnoN.. _m"on; .5 u,..1.,_..r .. "J .....---- JAMES EDWARDS, A cant gt. nu-ri + A AR.Cl`-IITEOTSV 'F.N xi-:I>Y. 1\1r:\ l'["l`IE . . \\'n \. him-.-L-A, I . I..Su1'v ix!) .IW..- 11039919: &?0..9-- `?1I...r."'n.. . ooo M5. and Libarnlitv In . 3;: nsiig . .. t. Libonlity I I zuvvnn ua, Agent at 1311-1-10. 11411 na+a_L..%. ' ` ll Ii t`l<`.'.\"l`l .AL, (LATE BIGELOVV Hm >10nmmsilt'llH`Rllil\\'il)'l)(?1)01.u0.}`l'i`(`. Ti T (rkon BRAZIL.) me New Compound. its won- *der!aI- tar` the-'D1gest1`1ia Apparatus apd; thebiver, increas- ing th9__.diss`o1v1n uices, reliev- ing almost instan the dzfeadml r mrillx arbvsnensfa. Indigestion. " _'lI LJl`Jl.--'l I.` l.l.\DL g.I.1.1..I:A to 1:113 U for Mxrble Works. lately occu led by G. Smith. or would bea good stand for an xnplxncnt Agent. Apply to ~ FURNITURE. ac` 5 _o LET.--`-A FIRST RATE STAND smith. beazood J`. Lee on Sbn; FURNITURE DEALERS; BAYEIELD-ST. BARBIE. A1ng"au.nas; xnsnanuy cue aleuuuu nsults o!Dys e s.ia,Indigest1'qn. and. the TOR LIVER, makes 71-nan:-n an awn:-17 dav nnnngsitv in `In : almost 1:131 and. the '1u1u-up .L:l_ V.i.`t, maxes Zopesa an every day necessity in everyilwuse. > It acts gently and `speedily in" Biliousness. C stiveness. Head- anh- int: an zu-Ins nicfrngc af- Biliousness. Head- ache. Sick Bea ache. Distress ar- ter Eating;.Wind on the Stomach. Heartburn, Pains in the "Side and Back; Want afAp etite. Want o1 Energy; Lowspi , Foul Stom- - ach.' It Invigorates the Liver. car- ries offal! surplus bile, regulates the Bowels, and gives tone to the whale gstem. V mo`; net} and +nim 1'} +.-. vnrir Parlor sultes. Budi-oom .IlQ l`ela Ildolboarduliauy Chain, _&c.,~ - C61-nice Poles. and all kinds of Furniture made to order by ompetent wqrkmen. Also |:nnmr- ' Hi. . .,\.;1~;.~,1; _ .1. K|+`.A'I.`[NG, ATTOR-_ ` vL.`\' \'l`l..v\\\".Solicitorin Chg3.nce1jy_,_qnd }w?UHN[1;uR?Em%] wnapas t_em. . V Cut .9 out and take it to your - Dmg`g &t.a.ncZ g'et.a10 cent Sample, oz-a Jars-Aebot-.,1c for '75 cents, and tell yqur neighbor about ."t. wv v._v. -, -_,___,_, Planing and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. I\ Arnn nnn A1 1 . I>IIoTocnAPgI___ 3g_LLnv Satipfnction Guaranteed. Old or faded. Pictures carefully Enlarged to look equal to many Barrie, `Feb. 23, 1331. Remembr hc`Sanli, M60-3'1 [Brie/3` Block, nearly opposite the Sum- merseu. House _ zaps SA-. :2-hnnI:nA1I| \ Sole Agent fa-I:-kg Celebrated PAT ENT>1'OE~ WEIGHT. E .I. IBU 3 `.1 .n. g (.S'uccmor'lo J1. Ravmer.) u iow a. 1:110 supply of Trunks from we up $25: Value: and Satchels at Bottom Prices. A] Single and Doublo-Harm, Collars, Sa dles, Curry Combs, Brushes, Whips, - an`dVLashu,`_ . . 94-- L_ -..lL 4..---plum-u `II .-I-nan: (I A H l`].\lL\V, Llulmbnau rs UU1_.1VL\- .- I-1 lclt. .-\ ppI{u.iscrz.n(1 Bill Poster,&c. Rer_1t.s ` -'31-wlv-l. .~'-.rvauu.~\ provided. Otcc-up-ataxrs :-Mnmu- l'n.~n ()i~'e. nvur lInnlorB0n' Store. 18 W1! luouI5o,_ t :1 to-nit .3: on a A `- ' v:..:.f.'.3'.y. .u..,.'i2". 1m15A11uNG PROMPTLY `DONE. ALL ` . wonx WARRANTED. `V A110 AgeVntf_or.Ag-2'-ic-;lt_ural Implements. ` ` GIVE` ME A CALL.--SinAof the Golden Suldlo. Baveld Strut. arrie. - 20-ly `iii in V __, . J =- QfhQBlI'!I."8 IIQ .1`- Rmms . T FIRST-PRIZE . AR NEssEM1>oR1UM- Fraser. I ('nl'DlIl|I"llI .1. RIIIIIHET.` 2: 1:; .'-;u*.'u zu .7`.m;' , 1'. nA1i"rI8e;_ I V I'lI`I-I -y __v., as x M LEN D ON REAL l-1 a'.n.l-' six purcent. interest. LENNOXSL .\.` \n X. suliciurs, Barrio. WA. __ . `-1-sf` ~r1t\1'\ Lessons given in all Branches I Painting. Drawin . &c.. Eco. . Terms on any cation, Painting. Drawn: &.c.. are. app canon, | :-1) 1 -t..1\Ioor' sTu%rgkBl`gk`:pB8arrie. 68 LI-:Abs frHt+:,vAN. T'r.1iA1i`i:tHa;~,o:;n1aK.;ooIi`L%i1i'Y - _ $3.. , 'l`l_Il nan IN nuzmx. ARTISTS | nnuneul. nuuuu. DAVID DOUGALL, In Rear of the Market x of Iv-n.wimz_ R:c.. 8:0. IN UU IV 11L1uu_u J.`\J.u. , invesunont on good freehold mzriiy lu.vosL mtes or interest, No princi- 1 n1 r--quirc-.41 end, of the term. `!:_\'1`llY AUlJl'. Su1icitor.s.8cc..Barrio. vW. C. REEVES. ARTISI`. ' (L I'm lasted I Could you find me, please ? Poorlittle frightened hub? ! - The.w1ntl had tossed hei den eece, The stones hsd scntched at dimpled knees. I slaoo , snd;lif_ted her witheue, A softly whxspexfed, Msyle. Tell me your nsme, my little maid ; A I can't `nd you wjghont it { My nsmeIs Shiny 6 "es." she said." Yes, but yor,?'. She slmok her hesd : Up to my housia ey pvsr land A single ling about 1t. _ | -_ `V7 "7" '.'7'Q ""-' " " Bu, deaf I said, ..`fwh|in Luv nsme 2" "` W by, i n t- you hbii me wggyon '! Dual: Shiny-eyes. A brighuhought came : ~ . Yes, when yotfregood;-but when they blame '\Vhen mamma ha; 156 y'6u ! >11(l vnen sue says .\BIl!::l:l1l]Jl'|la uv Mehitabel Sapphire. Jpnes, Whn't h'a.s_*y'ot t ])_eL3n t -doing ? ` % I .. .--_ ._.____._ ___. _- _i__,_ _, 7 7 `M' y mamma new-`.r sc?'idi,_" she moans, 5 A littlelilush ensuinz. " lly EDIIIIIIII IIBVGT BLYILII, aux: ulunuu, littleblnqh ensuing, ~A'Cph wincu I've been a-frowing stones. And then she says .(the.>cu1p1-it owns), Vl nlumhsil Rsmnhit-A Jnm-J- My dear, said Mr. Spoopendyke, as he appeared before his wife with a. broad grin on his face, say my dear, I've brotnglxt some chickens so we canhsve fresh laid- eggs. Look I arid he held out a couple of pair of fowl tred'by the legs, for Mrs. Spoopemlyke's contemplation. A `F Well, upon my word !" exclaimed Mrs. Spoopendyke. Of" all things? chickens! K Ever since we've been married 1 vo wanted chickens!" and she approached the birds --.-..:......1.. .....1 mm. :1 Innlr of misgiving .`7 ll.\\"I``. `TS MANSIOI ~\ .\\1) u\'.<'rI-:n -mans. i`L~4l |\u~nnln JOHN KHAV CnlCKen3l' auu BIIU lallylucnunu-.u ulnv -......... cautiously and with a. look of misgiving ` that belied her words,- Where can we ` keep them I" `S In 11 coop. Mrs. Spoopendyke, in a coop !" retorted her husband, laying, the chickens on the bed while he divested him- self of his coat and vest. We alight keep em up the chimney or in the clock, but we probably won t. We'll just keep em in a hen-coop, and I've got the laths and nails down stairs to build it with. Come down in the yard," and Mr. Spoopendyke grab-_ bed his new ecquisition by thelegs and started off, followed by his wife. Do you know how to build a coop i `asked Mrs. Spoopendyke, as she watched her husband dig a post hole in the corner she had reserved for a. geranium bed. ' ' u to r .1.-...'+ unn nrnhzlhlv dn_:" snorted had reserved 101' geranium neu. If I don probably do,x" snorted Mr. Spoopendyke, kickinsv away at` the spadeuntil he loosened his leg. Nw I put this post here and that one there. Then the" two fences make the rest, and I only lath up these two-dod gust the post?" he concluded, as it toppled 0ver-oti his ear , Can t you keep it up`? - -What'er you sit- ting around there like :1 cork in a jug for ? Hold it up, will ye T" Mrs. Spnopendyke grasped thepoat rm- `ly with both handsmid held it at mi-angle of thirty degrees. . V H Nam hnld it nerfeetlv still while I-dig degrees. Now hold it perfectly I-dig the other hole, and Mr. Spoopendyke hacked away at the ground again and set. his second post. _ , _ H1 -..,. Ixnm mm mean. g1ggled_Mr3 second post. . I see how you mean,_ giggled ,Mra Spoopendyke. You slut it up from one post to the other and then put the chickens in Mv ! how nice tha.t l1 be !" V p0Bt t0 the OUIBT 3110 Ellen pill: but: wnuunuuu in_. My ! how Mr. Spoopendyke glared at her a moment and thenvbegan putting up his laths, stand- ing between the post and the fence corner and whistling as he worked. n ma... mid he. as he nished. what hour [.11 . ?, June l, (1882. S ose I m going to run in uuamess ulu P . Y J `to gratify every whim of a. woman I and he jerked the-chickens into the air. Never, mind, . .c'ooed Mrs. Spobpendyko, `astheiastgbird slid over the fenceaud din- appeared. Chickens are 5. nuisance, any- `way. We really did nt_need any." H Whv didn't von sayho before I bought wiy. We really (m1'nt._I_xeeu any. Why didn't you say so em 1" blurted Mr. Spoopendyke, as he | dashedinto t a house. . M I .I:.ln I_ nnw it. `niahed Mrs. SD00-` dashedinto t nouse. - I didn t now it, `sighed Mrs. Spoo-` pendyke, looking "Around on -the wreck, and, besides, I don't believe we would have had many: eggs, `because those chick- ens were a1l`rooste1fs. , -, _ A ..A M... Snmmend vke followed her hus- nuvuu - _..-..v_ . --_ .v,nrI`nw from a home (`.oniD8DY nd V9 ,m..xu' 4-nnnni:mi0l1:4.&'.C. auroostex -s.`_: V And Mrs. Spoopendyke followed band,-who storlned around the rest: of the evening because she cou}dn't ndthe paper of January 12, 1879, vvluqh he had caution- ...x 1.... in nave bemune thsremu something Of January 1.5, to: cy, nunyp uv uuu-A ,.--.,-_ ed hex-_to save something ixi it he wantgd to read',. and ._which he had used the} nextdsy, in oonjuigctigin. with the.` backhreadth of her nevrannel petticoat, to clean his shot-gun ' -------o--J--- To eightl; IUIIOII` ' , of th; . '.l`.eu.:hen T Association was held at Bdetaon .. . '`n(r`nv-. ` Teachers Auocumon was new at. nuuwu on Friday: 87otnx-day, the 19th and 20:11` n_1t." In An fol`- 1913:" :`-L4`-1"idsy"' 'marnv'ing-Bmineul r and Rnninn Minna;-_Not|tion A!mi0lI` gwvu, .. Ieipei: u~bho.viour at the Snndny School --: .excnr-idn `vii *9 ymhnvionr of my man .55 . w_'hdj6;1niid_e_1f.dtl_hB``en insulted. Is . 2.t.l_;in, l,0t,I%n';_!\1!_31I one u.wouldVb_ written ` - mgnjqggtqh` ucandtloua nqd dugmem ~ -T I un`_eo1diMr. .'I.'oipe: ox...-. & 5` -' *.h`..r%....b"3,:.s`*% -- 131'.-. II . . an 4- ong, _` j i q .,.; ti1k:wiltlnhim,but-noby anygnagm um- : El 6n`of`0Ilco`Ii,`s G ...,..,,.,,...,a._., .,.,....,g .3: 2: W - ., '-' ""' `." "3 v-. ; deuv.;r.a=..:1.z:eentid.g1:::-*vL_agn to _druuk~:*:1:u= not V deny whother ' ' 1 2. - ;_} _ ` . * ho1n_i Brbkgmekevowxeferrqd to,but id ' it n6i!d:_*:h!' tm - smn1ent;-entered h `?!`h*`*h:-fsbl< 1.`_`.&nd _ _.`;_ :..__ ` "Tat at-.,i.t..T`, .] 9nb;....,h6`f:Mg.`*;.n E 'U'?fn".". . : `THE QHILD 1_'A'cH_:ns' .O0NV_INTlN 2 going H19 rant um. n-:. FORDV L[cE1~I"S'E3`Ati6- I 'i`lu.\' l .forLlie(lountyvot Simcoe. Orders l--.n ill mu .\iw,\>.'cicotllco will be promptly at- mu-lwl to, and information will be furnished `rlrlin-~u`--nuliring Mr. l4`ord'aaervioan. as though \v'|m-lln1IIl-mlf and BBC appruaunuu uuu unun and ``Where_ pa . &s'_.;`;u.|:;w| |1|_vnxIn, uu_5uuu uy_auy gnypuu nun - `pnujiggrzfhctdlyq Mr. Lelper -dnroetly de- I am"- 9 *'::.:.:.n "`to ugs. . any or am 'he1n_d Brbkgnite vow tdferrnd to, but said V n_n .e sh few *.h9'*h.r.-Hoods and 1iig,; 5w;t ' ' .. -1:e-A14: ..n.:.*;.5....a anal this` "Int=: :":.`u'!_' This column is open to all who write in geod , faith. Opinions expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the edito}-. __ i P! Bl` uwsvur S1_a,-I\'earlyjtwo years ago I had occa- casion. from asense of duty, to write the 1- |DI'I.I-vvul iv)` [ Rev."9John Leiper, of Barrie, under the fol- ' m` lowing `circumstances. :- Mr. and Mrs. Leiper engaged to spend the day with us on l7th Aug., 1880. I had asked one or two friends to meetlwith them. I called at the Manse for._Mr. and Mrs. L. and their son, about 10 oi-a"y10\to 11 a m. .Mrs. L. and the boy left the Manse \vith me. We left Mr; Leiper there; apparently as well in health` as ever I saw him, with his promise that he, Mr. J. McL. Stevenson, J. B. Car-. ruthers.` and probably others, would row across the hay and be at my place-l then resided at Tollendal--at or about 2 o'clock. It was about 4 o'clock when Messrs. Car- ruthers and Leiper arrived at my place. Soon as I saw Mr. Leiper I knew, or I felt Wlarfectly satised, he was drunk. I asked 1'. C. though what he had been doing with the parson. .Mr. C. said nothing--- then said I, what's wrong with him 2 Mr. C; replied he has had too much to drink. I asked where, have you been I he `said I have been nowhere, but waiting for `Mr. L , and-this is the state he was in, and I never had such a. job in my life as to row him across safelyg, for I thought he would be over-board every minute. Mr. Carruthers also called the attention of my son to the condition of the Rev. gentleman. Mr. Stevenson then came on the scene, and he at once perceived Mr. Leiner s condition, and going aside with him, I asked did he ever see Mr. Leiper drunk before ; he said he had once, and spoke to him about it, too. My wife and family were all satisfied that Mr. Leiper's condition was this : drunk ; and nothing that anyone may say shall con- vince them or can convince me that Mr. Leiper was not then intoxicated. Mr. J. J. Beattie had, 3 months previous to this date, informed me that Mr. Leiper was of intemperate habits. The first half of my letter is, I think, a verbatim report of Mr. Beattie's words to me, and a good many other reliable men and women had also ` told me the same thing ; but for all my in- timacypwith Mr. Leiper I never had once suspected such a thing, but the evidence of my own senses, on top of all the reports I have heard. was irresistahle, and . as an elder in Mr. Leiper's church, I felt con- strained to write him on the subject, and I, to-day, more than ever rejoice. that I did write and keep the copy of the letter_; from my experience before the Presbytery, for no fan re` th nn 'l'mmlnv1ant. in this case 1 required such I Editor Admnce. from expeuence oeroro me rresuy u:r_y, . on Tuesday last. in this required proofs of what I said or wx-otc._ The letter is as follows :'- To1.I.1c:wA1.I: Mu.Ls, up Allandale, 18th Aug., 1880. Dem` Mr. Leiper,- u1n.'L`2..1 -._- Ll... .......n.`Ia nf 0: Cu-Inna}, \ A uem` 1711'. umyc: ,-- Faithful are the wounds of a friend. A few months ago I was first informed that you indulged in intoxicants, and it was said` of you, that you had appeared in the pulpit, at the prayer meeting, and on the public platform, when unduly excited" thereby. I simply could not believe, and my inform- ant added, `I believe that not only nine- tenths of our own congregation know it, but as large a. proportion of the Town of Barrie, and Mr.eL s very name is passed into a proverb. And when he is referred to as being one of the best preachers in town is apt to be met with some such re- .......I.- an - - nh. we know about him. I re- is apt to be met wxtn aumu aucu us- mark as:`ol1, we know ceived hke testunony from other venous sources, but I still did not believe. but. yesterday afternoon, on seeing you, I felt like crying Ichabod, Ichabod." Do you re- vnnmhar that 2 or 3 months aszo you told like crying Ichabod, 1cna.oor1. uo you Its- member that 2 or ago you me you had made an agreement with a cer- - tsin party to abstain from all intoxicants for-12 months. Is this vow broken I and it so. what effect inay. it have on your co- vower 2 Oh, my dear Sir, pause and con- sider well where you stand. Is your con- gregation and the community generally to follow your example or your precept I I V will add no more; I think that the more knowledge that your sin is so `generally known, as reported, will have more effect than anything I. could put forth. May God help you is my earnest prayer. Yours, in much sorrow, J No. Gsnnruurir. v L\\n . I think the 17th Ang., 1880, was Tues- day.` Thursday following, 19th. was the Sunday School excursion, per Emily May, to Couchiclnng Park. I was with that party. Whenever I went on the boat Mc-I Nab asked me if I knew what was wrong with Mr. Leiper; he had not been seen since his return from Tollendal. ' I replied I had not seen him since Tuesday evening, but was not surprised to hear he had been invisible since. l\'IcNab said he had heard as much, and asked if I had done anything; and I told him I had written Mr. Leiper, and quoted what I had said. Stevenson then spoke to me, and I told him I had written and wha.tI had said. He approv-, "ed, and strongly advised me to make no difference in my manner towards Mr." Leiper. Mr. L. appeared just before boat started and greeted us all, as far as I could see, with equal cordiality. I was satised he bore no resentment to me for theletter or manner in which I had writ- ten. We frequently met and cunversed during the day, but made no reference to the Tuesday or ought connected therewith. I concluded it was not my place until he referred to my letter first. About this -time--.I do not -remember if_it was at the excursion`--I saw Mr. Beattie, who asked \.I nu.-.-..- --.. and asked him why he had not joined us, as he intended to do if he could; he said he _-_ .. 1.:. mm when he saw Mr.` Leiner` me how we got on on Tuesday. I told him," TH E QU l<`.EN S H(}?TIEuI.t-xcic;,m)7_f{)- ~ . Hl .(;'.`. Pro riet0r.f--_`.xce en a. ' riuti-m far 1111- trn,\'e ling publxc. Bar ani w-11.~sI1pp1iudwith the best. Good stab D8 Sad um-um-o hosllcrs. Luggae 0` 83t' v{of fruc Iu:Lndfron1 all trmns. Few doors W83 .\1:u`keL-sI..0n l)un1op-at. _--_--- 7 _ ___- --...-\ he intended to no 1: ne comu; no aiuu. nu was on his wa when he saw Mr. Leiper on his way to t e boat,` and believing that Mr. L. was`T1"nk, he preferred not to be .in our company that day. On the evening no` 92"! Ana. I received from Mr. Leiper a uJ.I.o us nu-u v. _ comps!-xy"ti1 a*da}". of 23rd Aug. I receivd Leiper 1 vlefter as follows 1-5 * Bumuz, Monday. :1 n, _.. G1. A [wv1:1r.'r1s1:1m:N`-r.] MINISTERIAL FRAILTY my Llcua um, i , T I have been wishing to ueeyou for some day: with reference to your letter, which I received. I quite miuedyou on Sabbath morning. and-waeinhopea you would call to-day. If in town to-morrow morning, or any other day this week, I than be glad to see you. ' ' ' v . I am, my`dear Sir, 17.4.... ........ -`a.....I... LETTERS TO Trim u:1)I'i`OR lpurn vary` wrung, `f I " , Jotix'Lunn. ' HBV; I would` here qnkthe public if, Mt. the School 1 ogenrunn` " "behaviour gnymsn _;1..'5;.-.(..&u'l' hn':h'g`:l |'igibn'irnn1fAd- Tn wuo'oonp1a_o1jou_1w nan.` noun uumwu. 1: M jam; ggjonp as ivonld be, written 1.g.;,, KI` "eoId.jMr:`:I.'e` chu- . tou1a }ge.ben?-Iq:r1I9d.on, I?Mi.e-trad. Ind hadlvlong. ' butnotbym! menu: satia- CL4-h-n. M I In nninhil nhithnr A3VIu\]v An; In; ggggpgtq 3 ncandtloni sud ililgi-atoefnl ` Cnulmonn; l8|:h May, 1882. , `...... ..... Your: v3ry- `truly. L. Joux`L:u>nn. I ._\'|'llX M AU I41, unu..Lu.u:..u;u.: ,,,.1 .\vmrnu_vsx. So1_iciL01'8 in _Cha.nccz_w. No- ` ;n.m..-_ (3-nwcymuzeg-s. Bax-ne. Co. Suncoe -Ivor lhmk of Toronto. ~ -_ ,_..-.... .- .'nu.rnn1|ann no. 22. Whole No. 1581. .-_....__...,_ , . _.- -.__. -i_. ,,.., i Mr. Stevenson's advice. and having purged my conscience by -telling Mr. L.v of his danger with almost my wonted cordiality. ,Some few months later I was again con- {strained to write Mr. Leiper on the same subject, founded this time entirely on what I was told. I`do not give that letter at this stage, but crave permission to quote one or two sentences from Mr. Leiper's re- ply theret0._ He says: My dear Sir, when you spoke tome last about drinking . appreciated your kindness, explained [matters fully, thanked you and thought no more about it. But it may be satis- factory for you to know, however it may reflect on the sanity of your informant. that for the last six or eight weeks, or it A` , may be some weeks more, I have not hap pened to have any drink in the house. of , any _kind, except one little bottle which I b'ought for a friend who was staying with _ me, and who I knew required it--some time _ in November it was. I took some `along: ,` with him that mghton going to bed, and | would do the same again with all my elders standing beside me." And he concludes '_ `with his usual eordiality, 'ours as ever." 'l`hose extracts are from his letter to me of i, 1st January, l8Sl. Now, my reason for ! troubling -you is because I have been again i and again told that Mr. Leiper and his abet- tors have told not only in and around Bar- rie, but in the city of Toronto, that my lot- for nu: nnannlnlisx, nlnrni vn anrl rlinuraonflll : i i bxu tel l nau uueu ll`l_'cllU Il:uJ1L UL naluuig Jun 3 manse-asking two or three times had it not . averaged three times a week for years, or }_ every other day. I replied I could not tell exactly, but if I had my old diaries, which I were at home, I could tell. I looked up I. those diaries to-day, in which I have `, marked every time I called at the manse. and find in 1879 I called 43 times or less ` than once a week, and in 1880 I called 27 times, or an average of once in two weeks Yet for some purpose, unknown to me, he tried to impress on the Presbytery I had called for years on an average '3 times :1 week. Again he pretended great indignation before the Presbytery that I would imply a ho nnul krnnlr A vmv, Ypt, nu nnnfml Detore Elle rresoytery LIIIIL J. wuuiu uulny he could break 9. vow. Yet, as quoted` above. he owns under-his own hand he drank spirits in Nov., which was within the year for which he had vowed. I think 4 I may add no more. I_ only hope you may 3 not think me already greatly too long, and A I am satised that your love for fair play will induce you to grant me the space I ` crave for. Trusting I may to` trouble you with 9. further instaliueut, I am, yours truly, JOHN GALBRAl'l`H.. P.S.--3 times in 1879 and 6 times in 1880 I did not see Mr. Leiper, that would `, make 40 times and 21 times in the two years I saw him in his own house I pur- posely write this before I know the decision of the Preshytery,-as I want it published in any case, please. J. G. V ' `)0 16 [$2.00I F NOTIN ADVANCE. It was,in the smoking car on the New York Central. There was one chap who Mastering a. great deal and telling of How many duels he had fought, and behind him ` sat a small man reading a magazine. 1 q:n I said Man kin xnnn ma ha whnnlni sat smau man reiuuug ll Iuuguauw. | Sir ! said the big man as he wheeled` around, what would you do if challenged?" ` Refuse," was the quiet reply. Ah 1 I thought. as much. Refuse and be bmuded a. cmvard 1 Whatrif a gentle- m:_m offered you the choice of a. duel or n I public` horsewhipping-then what 3" ' I d take the whipping." 7 " Ah--I thought so-thought so from the ' looks of you. Suppose, sir, you had foully . slaudered me I I never slander." . '_I'hen, sir, suppose I had coolly and de- f liberately inaultedyou; what would you do P U PA -:.n un Hui: umu. nnf. nwn Inv (10 K" I'd rise up this way, put down my book this way, and reach over like this and take him by the nose as I take you, and give it a three-quarters twist-just so I" I \V}mn Hm little man Iefqo of the big} l give 11 . tnree-quarters I.wluh-_;ua\. an 2 When the little man let` go of the big man : nose, the man with the white hat on began to crouch down to get away from the bullets, but there was no shooting. The big man turned red,-then pa1e-then looked the little man over and remarked . -`Certainly--ofcourae-that's it exactly 1 . And then conversation turned on the gem eral prosperity of the country.--[Detroit Frec Press. -' v MEDICAL AND DENTAL A man stepped into a. -West Madison street confectxonery yesterday, and, ed- dreuinz the proprietor, said : D-ddo you s-s-sell kiclbcandy here 1" Wh-wh-whatvdo you t-t-ta-take it for ! A hu~hn-hardware shop ?". inquired the pro- prietor indinantl . `N.n.'nnL I in and van 8 sin-civil k-k-k- i:{3?o'i'n &"igEE1". " '""""""" IN-n-no. I bulged you 3 sis-civil k-k-k- que'stion,Vand Iv-w-want 1; sin-civil answer, bu-bu-bu-blutyou." " ' ' ` Va-r.vnn_ in 1.1-1-:-ml] lrinkmnndv hm-A. "``-i-%: on, we I;-I-B011 kicl The b- - best in the town. HI! I. I. L-.. .1 A A. An . _ Ina U'D`U'UUII III `[15 BOW- - H-h.-`b-how d-(1-do you 3-5-3-sol`. it; b-b- by w-w-w-weight or m-tn-m-measure 7": B-b-b_,-both wa.y_u."_ _ _ T-t-to the 3-u-same p-p-p-purchaser 1" W}l;h.`whnf."1'ri\n w-w-wAnl: Anv DAV ? "J.-I.-w Elli) l-I-Dune p-p-p-punauaur I Whawh-`what you w-w-want an wqy? D-didbyou want t-,6-to gig-git kiok- ed out into" thg sh-,-r-r-eat 1" . '- 'N -ll`:-n-lib." A f-f-f-frinlid nf m.m.m- In) 3119 |II`l'_'I_-"l"_6BI'r I _ -` f`,N,-nj-`n-no.` A. f-f-f-friend of m-m-m- 'xxiiho`.s'-i`s-nai;l.'y`-y'-ioli c-c-could Itut-stub j `Will!-'9d l_-I-B_-Q68` if he w-v(-v(1ifa1-1-l-}y- ` u 'It\1ter`w-w-woue n I eoiild, sud`! i-w-w- I 1118 Mug`?-y.y-ybu;; fvf-I-f-f-friehd in Z. b-b-b- brute, {n`d_y;y"-y-your 3 ak ;`|k-nk-sooundrell. .n.a;a..m mu. `.'..n;n ` .1. .. mruw, nu yf-y`-y-your I ax-ax-uxdoounareu. G-g-g- at `out .1:-949.1 d, g. ml: r-x~.r1:gn-je_j-Judge. I llt-gt,-tell ' ` wn-w`-w -iv y,-,3 `- 6u_'p-f mi.-' . : ,and the vigit.dr'.iint_jy\1y_ the -'t}'e;w1;ia_t1- " 1;-1;mt:;m,-1;`.t ; .0hm`~n;"whxIe V ;1ID'fl5i1rted.'.h' fi1ookBpiid of"hi_ns. -sh~I1'|-` : `hi.-`;"t"f[9'9F`?i ~ 7 7 jtheni1f6t\0Iiory`g'ii.I1"'gieir`id' ' ' edthat - 'U`U|l'Ul H Y_ I n...` I.'. I WHAT HE WOULD DO M2:-11 SWHAN, AUCTION 1 .'m-. Store. Craiglmrst. ,, __ . -vv-rum `rm-: Tw nnomos L sfa 0,. I}. sxmnmrs (naiabuheu 22 years Poll You}: Watches, Jewelry and Electra-Plate, Dunlop-18.. BARR] E. , , ,`,-.- '9' ,3 ` nvrxnzsnxu rrnu mom out zsnmu. ice nuaroxcnxxrs rnnouauouw nu mm-nxcr. Nun Dnowru:n.--An (Mr. Thomas Keogh, of Tecumseth, was drivin across abridge at Thomnonville on Thu ey last, he horse beceme umnanegeable andbncked overtbe bridge, recipitating Mr. Keogh into the water, w ich at that point was over fteen feet deep, the bu and horse following. Happily _for Mr. 11 he nuc- ceeded in getting out of reach of one and buggy. Some men working near hearing the racket ran to his assistance, and after `aerce struggle succeeded in lending him on term-rma. We are sorry to bear that Mr. Keo2h n horse was drowned before he could be rescued, in fact it was a. narrow escape. -oo THE 241'n.--Queen s Birthday was oh- aei-ved asa holidav in Tottenham and 11 large number of our citizens left in the moming for a. holiday trip. Those who re- mained however, did not loose the oppor- tunity for their share of nuulsemeut, but `set to work and. iiuprovised 2: number of expedionts for enjoyment. in accordance with their varying tastes. A bicinic was held in Mr. Nolan's hush." Some croquet. sets no doubt, were quietly enjoyed. Others were developing muscle by putting the `heauty weight, jumping, &c., and the pond was the scene of mine we-ll contented lmzu, _........ l\.. H... nmviunl F Hun trains: lirllm. the or wen cUI|u:nu:u nuu., races. On the arrival of the trains brim- ing the return cxcnrsioniata crowd: were t. the station to welcome home friends. mnl hear` how the day had gullo clsewlwru an-I comp_arc notes. - co. .__ A.\'.\'1vim.=i.\Iu'.-'l`ho anniversary in con- nection with the l . M. Sabbath -School Wu ,held on the 15th inst. A very lnrgeend ru- spcctahle gathering assembled early in the afternoon. During the afternoon the men and `boys had a very sociable game of base-hull. At the close of the game tee wee announced, and all repaired to the hall, where they did {ample justice to the good things prepured by .the ladies of the community. The evenings 1 performance was commenced by the choir giv ing their opening piece. The Rev. J. Snnth Twang unanimously chosen chairman, which pm i ition he tilled to the satisfaction of all present. ' He made a. short speech and then called npmi , the choir fora sccu_nd piece of music, to whivh ' thev cheerfully responded The choir acquit- ted themselves f;n'nurably throughout, and s the singing was the best we have heard fur some time. The piece of the evening use _ rendered while .\liss Lowery presided at the- ' E organ. Altogether a most pleasant time was ' 1 ennui; l l r - `H I`. UU _VLL\ll!4|I\gU1l1_|A 11ULnu J.u.J1.r L.\.\'l). 'l`his|we1l-known hotel has lately I.-an rebuilt und re-furnishedtrom top to bottom. Hxlrullelll accmnunodation for the tmvellin Inxhlic. The Table and BM` well 311 plied wi Hm mm! the 1mu`ket,a. ords and t e choicest bmnds of Liquors and Cigars; Good stubling mnl attentive hustlers. Charges moderate. 'l`ni~4 Hotel has nota auuerior in this seotioniot . rountry. \V, `H. DAVIS, Propi'iet.or. 8-ly. NAlUlt)\\' Estsilm-:.--A p.'l.~4HeIlL{0I` for Chi- cago, who arrived on the 10 o'clock train on Monday night. had it very ll:l.r`l`(>\\' (`rt -` cape from drowning at the N. 11. ll. dm.-la. ; He alighted from the cars on the wronsz side, mid as it was very dark at the tiino lu- } walked over the duck into the water. His 1 lusty cries for help quickly brought :1 nuui `I ber of men to his assistniice. nud they sur- i ceeded in pulling the wet and inisemhlu I I I I l 7 l l I victim out ininnus his hat and some money .I . ' . he had in his hand. lt was easy tohelievv his ejaculation in broken Euglisli than it was very coldt." although the bystnmh-i-:4 could scarcely restrain tlieir inerrinient at his ludicrous apinenretiici-. He was taken i. , . to the l`o1t-do," lyingzit the elevator, and L ........,..1 4.. kn nun (.6 n mu-hr frnnL Bavaria. i G11) 3 eluoymem , nu: Cnlllulluuu uu ;.',tuux-a . were highly cmnplimcntc-(1 an the exec-1| cncu nf the spnrtsmul the" fairness which ; charncterizetl the judgment on the awards , and prizes. The following comprizo thu- `; list hf '_['lul0:o hnd successful culnpe-tit'~rs. ` u,._-. _ .. m........1.. I 1\{..P.-hlnlut - \l nst M nnu Hllcccssllll CUIlIlK:L|L"l:1. - i Mx-H's .:.c.-, IU.) yards. J. Mel -ride lst ; M. i {L-:u'd:m, `Jud. Men's lnlnlle race, 30) _v:u`ds. J. .\!c-Brlde, lst ; M. Reardnn, `lml. 1- In-y`s rzwe 13 years of age, 100 yards, .l:u-1. Uuupcl`, lst; Al.:x. Hill, 2nd. |{unniu `hnn snfnn and lnzu). J. )IcBride., lat: M. U()(ll)Cl`, ISL; :u.:.\. |un,. .;.uu. nuunnuu; hop, step and leap, J. .\lcBride,. lst ; Re-a.r(lnn. 2nd. Standing jump, J. `Sum- mersett, lst ; J. McBride, 2nd. Running jump, J. McBride, lat; T. Suiuluersett, 2nd. Running high jump with pole, Jam. \Vnl't.0n, lat ; J, MeEvoy, `Jud. Standixnu : high jl/llllp, J. McBride, lst : -l. Sulnnu-1 `sett, `Ind. Hitch and kick, J. NlCl.`lI'lllI`. lst ; J. Snmmersett, `Jnil. 'l`hrowin;,' heavy weight, J. Travers, Int 2 A. )1. Me- l1{emon,2na. 'l`hrowingli;:ht weight. M. `.V1cKernon, lat ; A. McDonald, 12ml. 'l`uxs- i ing the caber, James Daysdzxle, lat ; Wm ! McDonald. 2nd. l{unning_; horse rm-0, lwnf two in three, one mile, J. McEvuy s unm- lst; A. T. Cooper's mare `And. Trotlin-,; , mee, best. two in three, one mile, 'l'hom:u Stone's horse lirst, owing to in iliirulty . arising, the second was lWlll`ll(`(l evenly ln-- tween C. Nixnn and G. ("hrist1e. l'hi~4 completes the list of prim-s and _-_;:v.nn.-.. but the spiritof. the fun and ;.punes haul not ended, there were quite zu. nmnl-or of other ' `races in which young men and ultl funk ll part, when there was splendid runnin-_v. The Old men's race was the nwst i`nju_\':Ll>l:- of all, quite at mnnher ran hut the contest nuts were all (list:1ncel hy unr worthy friends W. Hervey, uml Julln l{i'.clii(-., \\'h-- were equal. It was agreed to run :ig:nn on the 20th of June. l UOUNi,'ll. ;\Ii-:i:ri.\`u.--'l`iio Council Inc! pursuant, to notice on tlm ltll inst. l r- sent all the ineinh(>'ra. Thu` lh-m'(* in flu- chair. I l i-iltitms prcsmitc:l:- - if the wicluw Eugenie 'l`lwiiipsuii, stating that she is Ill l indigent circulnstances unable tn maintain herself and two chihlrun without help, sup- purtenl by twenty ru.~'i in the vicinity pmying th-it suum .-is. may he _Lv,i\'en, was laid uvcr to next meeting, in the meantime inquiry to he made. 1_)fJub We.-l)h and um others, praying that a sum of money mayhc granted to improve road (li\'i.~\iun Jo, 7, on line between Con. 1 and 2 fx`I)llln.i(1gc to E, laid over till road _InuneyI-I are appropriated Uf Smnuel Lrmgx-mn laidover from last meeting taken up and considered ; no action taken. (Join- munication from Messrs. Crook, Kingsmill and Cuttanztch. acting for Uarthew estate, requesting that steps be taken to open up the line between Con. 13 and 14, from luv 20 to Lake. Farquhnr Bell applied for xi grant to open :1. ditch on line Com. 9 and In, at lot 20. and Hugh McKay to have the prescnt line of `Ridge road strai Ihtencil at Gun. 13. Messrs. Russ and form: were a pointed at committee to examine these 1: aces in regard to said applications and re- port at next meeting of Council. Ordered that Alexander Watt. Sen., be appointed overseer of Highways in division No. 2}, instead of Geo. Whittaker. Edward .I. Bitchey in division No. 102, instead of William-Robinson. at present in Muskokzi. Henry P. Wilson a pinted Poundkecpur instead of Albert ison, who is leaving Iuirnlnnn any` that Hun raninnntinn nf "nlur\' SUBURBAN II uuswuu U| .`llUU|'lo VV IIBUII, WIIU I5 H51IVlng his place, and that the resignation of Henry Duieldaa Oveg-seer of Highways be nut accppted. The Clerk was instructed tn procure ucopy of the revised school` law oicjal regulations and decisions of the Rnnnivinu-(`.n1II-Ii In: J (1 Admin: and nnn Ulllcglll YUSIIIHDIUIIII Bllll UUCIBIUHU OI Illk` Superior Courts by J. G. Hodgins, and Ono volume. collections of Acts relating to Municipal matters contained in Revised _Sta.tutea of Ontario. Mr. McLean was authorized to sell three ine` troea on line Con. 9 and 10 northern ivilion. The Clerk was imtrnctod to notify the Council of the tbwshipsof Vupm and Medonte, that this comm)! bis ;1in'atiIad_._with the equalized bnsisof ununment in 'UY:io'n School Sec- ;.1_..- 'I':-~- n .n.:.a.4_m'f1r';..-_. ....a n'..:.... I onus or auelunpnt 1n_;up1on DCHOOI acc- tjon, No, 2,.qro',tx_I3' 'V,9apm, and Union Sch6Ql_ 86_cibh, and Medonta as at `jteh'onf.`e xinting,`snd request each of nhid .h'h:{lAtnI.nIra'tha naeamarv stems . `;t"f"h?3i}ii.; VaE&7 said ouhcilato take the :_:_n.. ...xuL- n.:*. n-......n :` :\ LTEH J . I\ DA 1 11` U , :LL;.\/Ju.-_ ;b:\' .\'I`-l..~\\\"_. Solicitor in Chance? and M-_.n._~.-r. .\I(_)nc-,y 10 Lend. Omco-- Vaber ,-__' |'.:n--:un;.zn1.~)henc. V` - _ > S l:.\ D ENAHURST. BARRISTER -.......~ ~.-nu.-nor. in Chancery. Convey- 3&1 IJOIRIIUIII 50` BIKE F110 necessary suzpn I jointlytith this Council in otdet that a more gqnitabte byes of auemgsent may be xinttually,` dnpori in adobndpnco with . the 'A`;-.t;4.A Wczohap. 32, sec.` 3. Mr. D(Iryis'a ppoint'ed1'uct in` be VIA of this J, 6gng!il'iIr' U. S. 8.` No.4 2, am j;Mr. Mc- , r'{'i,;D... 8;,` xifo; ; .Adjou,rnd to , gd ' `thgrzth inst, at.I0 9`!6c`r, 9.. m, dhbpe,`Clork. - ' TECUMSETH. ._.:._. TOTTEN H AM. '00- (,'4HU|:.(`.l_`{`l1. ._.-oor ink. SPICIAI HT , Ul`;LV.I1lJ I\DL. lJ(I.I.Ul.\II.\)J.'.L'Jn.u _\zmrm:y_ Solicitor-. Chancery. . (mice 7 First Door South of Post. Hind}; Block, Owen Street. Barrio. 49-ly _.-._c-vr\I7 rs; rgyyyg J_I_,_I..I_.I..l..:J.L.IJ >- In :1 limited number of pupils. The Zlthcr is ackr uowlodgcd to he the most charming musical in- ntrumcnl now in use. A em for \Valdecke'r's In- :4! rumenls, Terms made nown at Edwards Book ' $tf . A. -`v'-new ..1. I.. u; Mc(JAR'1`HY.-OFFiCE W1 Ii-asiulmzce on the West. side of John _ -,m....-dim.-lyv opposite Mr. Geo. Ball's n >zuu1 Sush }~` I KN1ToBA LAND WEE}?- l`l c undersi ed. having made arrange- nu-nla gin. two re able` Winnineir rms. are now EvEg-Y"1:H u as oTAv' ._ , ' . - lmnlop Street, East. Footot Market A; z`.m).me. street, Barns. - _ hM,,y.131papcrofthecounty.andenjoying . , Um;m~;:stci1-culatioxxotall news npcra 4 .41L_\1lI` "1 in L1; section, is u. must dealrab 0 me- nc ,, , Its content.s--editorial" 1; n f`_ \:_;`$:,`:$?:3 ed~willbe found to be o o;;u.'ni wmchdistillguish all tst-class country Kim ..n:m: ,.,_-s....\...a win. an av .-._ \L`L].\}l. . -AIJKILVII J1\Il.'lL\\J&o'* _ The having nu-nls withtwore able'\Vlnnipegrm arenow 331:: *s>r2.`.::.';v.*.`. .:`*::.`*:..n:.`:..-`::`:'.;2 :`;..i me. .:-.:..;: with two reliable Winnipeg nrm in u ) assure to intending 1: am a moiut selection or choice 1: ml: -and the` mutant information upon their arrival in that cite`. For speculators and others. wishing to invest n town lots or farming lands. we can secure the safest and most protable investments. Our oomespondents. who are practical men and, Dominion land Sur- veyors as well. have nlrend laced is sums to the great satisfaction and vnntnzve 0 clients. P. .-~Call at our omce and we list of choice im- proved Farms and No. 1 Prairicvlnzlida already on ' mnd for sale. ' _; _\"1` ,g 1,()UN'I`,V 1>.A'REiT|:Rs, ......_~: ..m in Chancery. llluu n u......., - V ;\3.\' .5; TLENNOX, BARRIS- .. _\2mrn-,_v3-n.t~ln.\v, Solicltorsln Chancery. ,-.....-.-rs, &c. ()m<-.-.s ~C'o1-uer 0! Dunlop and 1!` -,4-14, B;II'|'i8.- J. '1`. Lenuox.- Hauzhton \ -\_D;-1) m. IP41. 111315 my .|l.I.\.;` \1:'ru\". lxzxrristcrs. .` H`;-u, UHL ` ` Q-<~~ :,~.'%:.';~,:?::r:::~ 1. A'\II.`l`ll\. EH1` Ill UH! n-zuler1:m< 1.x \r.-n . I1I:\\'s`)>i, BAR-liIsTE'R, A5- ..\- 1: \', x `r . 1 .'.\.\\'.So\icitm'. Convey_a.ncga_;-. |`Hl~1UOS[MEl1CIA_L.HOTEL MID- I .\'n vm.:- |.....n Irnnxnrn hntnl hm: lntnlv `twig _. `E }%ItLI9Wtl?%e}:u g.dvaut24-1 IS ISSUED . A --vu , _._-._. ` 11.w-I`.1: s MANs101I - SALOON ` \ :\\v.-'IVl.`|7 uwnu Ho Kim: Street. /.1 .\I .\L In nun L.` , -uuu ; ;_-.u.,. " ~. mx the following laces every month :, -I` \\`(;l'|w`lIl~2.\'IC -.`[&y.'r. June 9. July 1, .s`-- n. x, net`. 0, Nov. :3. Dec. ts. _ HIIIIHEF. Forenoon of May 4. June 3, _\.1_- :z_ .~'upt. 7. Oct. :3. Nov. 2. Dec. 7. . \\1n .\I'te1-noon of Way-1. June. July " ~'.-pt. 7, Oct. 4'. .\'ov..`2, Dec. 7. .-,u.:m.n`kur of the Month will be at his 0!- n..-r-; l9loc|;. Imrrie.01_1t. . -ly , uu1lmn~aelf con: '0-4 m,aI1iLu\`ur_\`b0dy. _ IL l)Un.1u1xu, 1412;` .L_LL)J. I an ms for hlxtmctin Peeth always on ` .. mm lc;Lsu.nt. up sate. v (mice over _ +' Hugk . tore. Barne. Ont. - l monramss BOUGHT .1 1.: <`r:.\:'1` lAl.,(l4AL`l`l15lUl*Jl4Uyv HUI .\lI u}u|u).~`ilt' H10 Rllil\\'al_\' l)(,'1) 0t. Barrio. .\l. ~`Il _\.\ .\1',\'. l'ropV1-iotor. 19-Vly. ._,-..._ -._. _,_.1 ..-...-_. { x'I \i.\[l'*3R;\[AN, DENTIST, nu. I'.\1In\vin(7 nhumneverv `Ii. GE()_'.- 14`! l\ I Hutu of Interest. to I may he ugreed upon. J .\S. El)\\v':\ Rl.)S, Valuator. moved Fauna and for sale. 1.} -u-nu-3 under the New .-\cl.. Alone; = .\I )lux~;un. Interest. Creomore. Out. 6-]: MONEY` TO Lamp A -s ,.. - - - - - - . . _ - -- "13 : G E01{GE'B soc IETY n.. BOSANKO, DEN'lf i.`S*-'1` . . . a.... m.,......-um; I`nM.h nlwavs I `N, IAIU `.V I , ,|Dl:1l\u.1u.L unwu,` ..-y+:u=l.uw. Solicitors in Chaucer .` ]II1n1upSu`e(st. Barrie. ` Successors o u ur Hvmlmn. haunt. Boys Sc Stewart. ..;- I} \V, Lmmt. .I.\. \Yl`J\}q IJWJIIIJIJJ .L` Eh to ;;i\'c1essons on the V r-: -1- rr1 T1` `I Ll ILUUPAFVD --\JUu v u;.4;;u- mniasioner in Queen's Bench. Auc- nu`.Li-usr, and Commission Agent..tor :` 'l~nHcs. Lands. l<`u.rm St.ock.lIouse- lure, (mods, \Vn.res. &:c. Also for me ..r .-.-..u \Tnm52I.lu1 Accounts. Olllce .\[ A011.-XY, AUG 1`1U N lsnitt, I?~'\i.)nI.`.r, (3onvey'n.ncor. .i under the New .-\ct.. Money \| .u...-.:, Inxm-cat. CX'C`0II\0l`0.UlJt._ .._j w -~-\'. l)YME.\"I`.' President. ` `I`. .~`lll)ll'l`R.EED. Vice;Presidont. .I. Mvh. S'l`EVENSON. \\'Il.l.l.-\.\`[ l.AIl)LA\V, ,l`l*I'|`llt DA YMAN. A l|:I.I_h`., on Satisfactory Securities. at the Lulu uf Interest. to be paid in such man- I hn mrrm-d unon. .' ` ADVERTISEMENTS vx/vx/xrx/\/V V V V. V V V V V HY. PEPLER &, `Mc- .: ,...-mg. Qnlinitnra Kfnhu-inn ) {':'{~Ki(t'[111xsrcat. (Ix-c-ox1\ore.Ung. Vnaouims _. Coi~iVEYAN- .U :..:.`...n- In nnnnn'R Ranch. I I0 KIVU |L':-nsuuu uu Iuu RZIT [-1133 .1 nun: Iun- nl nuniln 'I`h'l\ 7.".hI'i .-',`I}`.}fo'ds, Also for me '..-m-x,NnLes2uu1 . Hut`! it`. 1 SWAN, AUC1`t019iE iii .. no mm nnn, Terms reason- AUG'A!'| ONEE`R S:.> \V~.J IS issunn Y THURSDAY , ,. ya`... u-.'...c..Al. ".105 LVliXLVD1UJ.V U1LJuuz.v 69 King Street. 01110. ..IUll.\ KILWEE. Proprietor. ` 52-1 ll. 2 .\vu `riczm I-IoLgl.h Rear entrance of! V . cCC' II.` , 114:1. ll l|al.|J.L1'J|.\4 5;; `-l".\.\\'.So\icitm`. ' to l.o-.m. 0ices-BothwelI's em. Barrie. _ ' 19-ly `I H E BA RRIE ulmn. h0unL_ . Wf. hount. LIT N 661? EANDS F01} .......,omnnf nn crnnd H ll`. \ I1 I l I`: u`, xxx; u~ iI\~`L.~I. . l..S1u-vcyors, vam- unl wxw-ill:-all ions for buildings und \ Lots laid out. ru1I_v/hmucd. 'l'imber limits .-. 1)mcas-Mc(':u'l,hy`s Block. :u'r'm; l.'Hr,:'.~4 Block. Col1ing- A u.1.\1m:1).) -A!/')m'U'.~: B106} 4-4 ..L HUI.-I.\NlL j , DUDLEY IS. FREP R- ........-.u An Ilsa . 1 ..-'-1:`; Regular Meeting L of the` `shove S`o'ointy : will be holdinthelood ' Harrison-'3 ' St or e . o n '\lfED'NI"I!R`n`A`V, Jrmm 5`q~;TemplsrI H_Ill,Ao_vnr O." Block, Brwrie. [_l1Al'!tl0n l as o r e o 1: `WE NESDAY, JUNE '7th, 1882, afpm. W; THOMSON a-. co - Barrie. Ont ],nnn`)&. __ ._ , .,'l`l:.\'I`l{Y-'.3i`zUfJT, BA RRISTERS 1 \ . mnmm~s_ Solicitors Chgncqgy. A. W. Mu\'n'rIE. .'n. 5|-ly -[ '. E. P. PEPLER. D. 1*`.I\_Ic\\'.\'"`:_ R. LAIDLAW, Manager, & :i{'i)II- nnnnn -In \'nIn ... _.. .`_...___,_____.______._._..-.-_. .__._._..._...__-r_. 1 > " MISOILLAN EOU8. -- .x-\~~A -,V~.~._\\~--\~.\A.,V-,\A- '-/`./\/-/.I/`. Js / OSEPH ROGERS, CHIEF CON- S'l`ABI'.E.County or Snnooe. 01oo--Police Court, Barrie. _ ' ' A_ ._1,1_I;un .l.'U_UJ.1 111 ,;.I!i1Vli.l.lS dc "BOILER Worm ,-n. smwnmr. Mann-V tnctm-er-`of everrdewrl den of En nee. Boilers. Saw Mill.(}riet'Mlll,] ngle,Lat .and Wood- workinMach1ner.v. .. saw Mm. ux-let ` Mm, working Machinery. _- .-a-`-- q... A L .|JJ.V'l.L1\J u.l.l.l.J1J."`\J'.I'J\Jo I tux-er of Doors, shes," Blinds, Mouldinz. &c. Planing of all-kindadono prom tly and satisfac- orL|y,_. Factory. Joly: Street. arrie. 7-;_____- _ _ Bgnnlm FOUN RY, ENGINE 5; `BOILER -11. Manu- fnnhnun- nf nunwunln-nuvlrlnn A. Dual... n...u-_. 7 uuu unuunu D 1, uu U an, Sign. and Ornexnentel Painter. Paper lie: 2. ;ing &o..done_ln the best style of the Art a. 1 cheep. Perfect satisfaction guei'en'teed.-Resi- ` dence and Shop. one door north of Sew:-oy'e 3 B:gIi11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ v 40:13 ` , K t'\ `ll `Y`lfl\\V. `I'|l\|'I'r:A n-nun llII'7lff\l'\|

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