Vol. XXXI. uury . __ -- -- 711} LYON, 1>R`i \'*ATE**i*`U,NDs` ... nn .~m.1 mum.--m In\\ &~.sl rates. Funn- cANAnnEmifhhmeace. OF BARRIE, Barri July 4, \M.Uj1)1.a .l.`Ih1VU11, wnauu uLJ.\,;; IC 1. House and Land lbraixwr.x'ctni'nsth1\nks i h'~'p\1hlix~;.-{mu-mllyfm-1lu~irpust favors. und I ml 1nI'm-in lhv-In than lw is still in the lmsiness. ll`: prmm.-L uml nhliginjx as over. ()r(1c1's can ufl ul (`.1-u Ujnin-,.: Rooms. Murkt-t~.\I..` H \`n, :m_ In-cl-st . H:ll`l'il'. and lhey will be. I`1- .n..uulm`l-ln , ' ' |T.l_\', \J\Jl.Jv ..I.u;.u vv ............_- Opposite the Queen's Hotel, Baljria. IN MELL.ANBY,T|[OUSE, .... dvu-I n.-.m rnnht` Pnlnter. Pnnar Hank-' Post. 0mc_e Box. 450. oTIom. RIFLES AND SHO'l`_ GUNS. ' AMMUNITION, ago. _ T ` - I-I. PULLAN ]\,fR_._GEO. DUDLEY IS PREPAR- L- .4..- lnnnnn an the 0 f( uhle. Ll ..l. .l- J--- -- _., to a. limited number of In: l_ls. The Zithcr is ack- nowledged to be the mos c musical in- strument now in use.` eat for Waldecke.'r's`In-_ gtrumcnta. Terms made Qwnat Edwardse goo}: EH-ii:'EKt' Ag atrumenta. Tex-msmade sum-c. ' V A atrumu Store. J<)1{7.\'-sbsx`, .'iL{i3.1{Ii4i, `rm- uvnmn nf nn alunler in C0313 Of 3 HOUSE, [13, GEO. u-n on adv: R. UU IJIJPJJ .|.I E1) to give Lessons on tho -- 1' rn rJ' '1 \ ARC'H IT EOTS - "EI\'.\l-`,l)\', MuVl'l"l`l`l., & 1{<)I;- Iu`\'_vyc)`rs. -\'u1u- ' *\\'I\ \I4|Iih'-'l~3 I21... gu=_.-.. l'(-cl-st. nde1'lo. . EiTBBnLav,- 'l`hc oice hours of the Tho 1s1is'r AND CHEAPEST place to buy your _-4-c-an 1- Anny`;-Q II) give xgzssuxm up u... Z IT EIE nu! nnn1hel` nunils. The v'U") . arco 18l SIGN Q` FRESCQ (1 ii E.\' R\'.. J. 1-:m:,App .1 " .'n...n mi . J._S. CARNEGY, I IS AT L'J. 1.`: `.L.u LPHS. The `..'-.mu-mlnz xnu_sica_l gn- PULLMYS [OR nsimu: 1AcKL:, .u._... _, MANAGER. 27~tf - GO TO . a.nd~ `AS 4 rrs. .IRIa`\`r'."`i;-i:"ss'a',' W-"'s3.3s.ss'i .'...........un nn Po nan . SEl-0(z'0./.2114. ' Ulrlufsitu 1:031 Olce, over HENRY, I 1} l-`,KZl .. Apprai.-st-.r`.nd B "'\'1l(`x`Icd. - ' 1lUl`JLVv`FAlJ nU\Jl ill Poslcr.&c. HU`IU' Ilf\III| I. Ivlv vwgvuv,_-. Re-insurance Reserve, -' $1,060,424. Losses in St. J ohn s Fire, -- ` $180,000.00 All paid in two weeks after re. . ' Also Agent for the Commercial Union Insur- nce of London. Capital. 2,000,000. . ' . .Agent at Bgrrle; V ally. * '- e. 1- .'Loun-r. 1) FUNDS" - -. ovisr 330 000-000 {%`%%TEvvmsrmnm czuunx .-' I-_9oo,000 a........:+.. I nmmnt. Pnvmint; and Liberallty in I FUNDS LYVESTEDIN UANAIJA ,- ,uw,wu I Seem-ity.: Prom t. Paymht; and Liberllty the adiustment 0 its bosses are the prominent features at this Company. ' . _....... -tnnnn nul nnsulrvrn`-an - 'Jjx rv1Es `S GvROG:E`;IE_,. V CONVEYANCER, p0MM1ss1oNER IN 1:. 11.! v\/IL! V. --_.-._-_ a Capital `Z.000.000: deposited with the Govern- ment at 0t`ta._wa.-$100,000. . . ,'rm~; MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE 00.. Capital $500,000 ;' Govrnnlent deposit made.` STANDARD FIRE INSUIIANUE COMPANY, ' _Capif.ulS500,000; Govcxrnment deposit_ma,r1c_. 'm'E Anovz ARE .a'LL STOCK cmxx-.\.\'n;s. ' \'ictoria'.AMnt.ua.l Fire Insurance Com any. Stock and Mutual. Union Mutual Life usur- nnnn Conmany . , Stock anu Muu ance Company. In: fnlll` I 7' South. Side of 1Vo;'sIe'y Street, thirtl dour ~ I -West of Mulcastcr Strcvt, })'ar)'ia'. . - ` z > ` 11-15* [13 B0: 2-tf U L.L.Lu..:;-V -- .. ____,, I ACONVEYANOER, 4-c., '_ " ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. OFFICE AT THE [ARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. ' ....;.. . no u-nun In Il '~IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE J INSURANCE COMPANY. -_ LIFE AND FIRE. \n{;KLnNsuEE COMPANY 2` ASSETS. $25,000. 000- . _-L u._._...I..n A0 A aunt a nvr-.1` Linbilil iCS Agent for the following Insurun'cv (`umpzumivsz , ._ -_.-,.. .`vu\ ` AESN LB. -)'i)`\)\)U,vvv. _ Has" the Largest Surplus of Assets over l.iu.biliI of any Fire Insurance Company ` ' in the world. Barrie, Sept. 11. 1878 J _ AGENT _ run THE-FOLLOWING covmmas: TIA-IE PH(ENIX FIRE INSURANCE ICOMI .-\;\'Y., of London. England. Estab- Iiahnd I782. Tl'lE ]:'l'luDLV LA L` .:.;uu . shed 1782. 'w.u`l i0.-| requiring MI`. mu. 1:. 1`0?1 LICENSE] I '1`I()_\'lCICRfox't.he()ountyofSimc( I-aft nl _Ihc .\I)\'A.\'Cl1`.0fc0 will pa pr: xundod lo. and information wxll be Foxwfsiervinea. h--_h'm1himseH' hncu consulted. Sales |u'n'c.~ to suit ('\'(`l`)'b0(1)'. `THE _ IMPERIAL. ~ VINSIURANCE ' COMPANY. Establisned 1803. Capital `$11,000,000. For.Firo business only. ` HI`; PA} 5U:_n ur manna... _______ _- OFFICE '_l`HE . POST owner: BUILDING, BARBIE. _.-2_. - __-_ _ -.-. I am C? ` ' "nib DU V .I`J.I.v.I4a.\ COMPANY. Insux and Private Dwellings. with the Government. Jmng EDwAjRDS, -vr 111-rA1|1l'V`D .4- ']u 4l(<'.' :ss1 vl . orsica: Old P. 0. Building, Corner flu.-.` .qJuan}o, l.n-m.-4 nmdg. 1. m-.~~u l`.uIe_o[ ` CITY 01* LONDON, vE`.\'(:LAt\"I), OFFICE AND RESIDENCE : HIS 14 U .El.El_LV' .I..LV u u nu. PANY. Capital $12,000,000. VV6 D88 lB3VV IIU wwu Jvun ----_-..._ -_ -,,__ following fac_t_a : ` _ . 1. We mum non: mount on a given propertv than any competitor. ` . . 9. Wu lend unon Town and Vrnuox. as W. THOMSON 8:. 00-, Money Lenders and Private` Banlbgrs 2. We Lena upon mm well as FARM ro rty. '1 nr uteupnrge 10W! FIE ROYAL CANADIAN ' FIRE AND MAXRINE INSURANCE COIVIPANY. pi-operty. _ 3. Our rates are low and cost: egtrqmely reasonable. ` . . - 4. We charge the borrower nocommission. 5. We pay promptly and conduct our bnai-- nunn with `DI*iVIOV- . i I > ' . CK.N'.l'. on uu.nq_, _o 1-_{V--v-` -_-`_ -,m3,,,_-,,_ Our long an`! .very-.srh"19?F business. is A .!ni19*;Pr9b.i.9=r99' pl-n-u:nn`nlI|"';IltBl.'ltV.. _ ` _/ _, g _ V ,.: MEoIcA'L b;1:i3:-;;i-ab, .9u.iiP= P!.'...1' B ' "All .. _ _ V 1!%1iftni`|or4:ET`i':E3!9.-U5 anvvor all the ha-ms-..In 9??! . - w. mouse ' E{::i:]izAu'u:,- 13791?"-9 1591- an A. lSTABI.l5EED IN 1810. -j-j___ 1x'r11 ANNUAL-, NOTICE. We beg leave to call `;;1ir attention to _tho nllnwintr facts . -- lsss.:.m*.::.::-..-:.~.: Moderate, Losses Equitulrly and Prmnptly Adjusted. . JAMES EDWARDS." Azeut at Barrie "wonns Ann THINGS. AND Diioiibi irALr3ING_ fnouam MAY pnonucn THAT Wincn MAKES TH0USANDS>'l`IIINK."-1 Hl`_ll&l1I|ll|l.*.\ sun j QUEEN INSURANCE COM- \'V, Cauital $12.000.000. ` , -.-:.-- SOVEREIGN INSURANCE uu A xrv `lnnnrml n.1l kinds of Property 1 competitor. We lend upon` I an WARM Dfnemo wildinggcorner of aozzm and Owen Streets. ]:i.l`J.lUfr LV Lu 0 u .I.\;zV ...- Insure: all Propgrty Lungs. Over $00,000 deposxted nnnf Ba m e, ta: id dja y, M a y 1 8 , 1 3 8 2. in9II...!!1@9!u>!-rrw.-.-;. - W. THOMSQN..&;00..; B-um-st "` "- w. .41.. 330,000,000 LDA 0.-' $00,000 *.DVIA_I'I ya. Agent Barrie; > ' -L HOTELS. ' "Ir 1 |.\\'m:'s MANSION _. sALd6N I .\.\'|) l)\'S'l'lCll BEDS. (`:9 King. Street. hul, 'l'm`0ntn. .Ul{N l(Il.\\ EE. Proprietor. Hm:-'n1'I1n.-. .-\m.:ric'Lm Hutch Hear z-.nlru_.nc(i 0 ` 5"- \' I.-.-m1m" hHl('. _ I "t;,: [F001, Lmin IN hunt" 411-15` $}IMCQE GENERALVADVERTISVEVR-.V {P-1 all-an --?---:v A (nzoMbanAzu..) V _ Tfze New Compound. its` won- derful affinity`-4to the Digestive Apparatus and the Liver, increas- ing the dissolving juices, reliev- , inf; almost instantly the" dreadful 'r:su1ts of Dyspepsia, Indigestion. and the TGRPID LIVER, makes Zopesa. an every day necessityin every house. -- M ` ' r+ ants n-entlv and sueedily 1'11` T()LE'I`.-'-A FIRST RATE STAND for Mn-blo Works. lately occugied by G. Smith. or would beagood stand for an mplomcm occug Smith, '1-`Kl 1A[.`Jl..--11 I:.|.L\u.L .Lw.;._._ - Agent. Applyto evzy house. It acts gentiy speediliv Biliouszzess, Costiven oss. . Head- ` a.c11e,.8ick'Headac11e. Distress af- ter Eating,-Vfind on the Stomach.` Heartburn, Pains in the Side and Back, Wazzt ofAppet1 te. -Want 0! Enemy, L0W4Sp1nts, Foul Stom- -ach. It invigorates the Liver, car- ries of! a11 surplus bile, regulates t12eTBoweJs, and gives tone to the whole system. . nn+ nnic nut and take it to your FURNITURE DEAL!-lls, BAYFIELD-ST. BARBIE. T M-*uRN[_r_uRE;| whole system. Cut this out and your .Drzzgg1st-'ancZ get a_1O cent Sample, ora Iarge bottle for 75 cents, and ` tell your neighbor about if. '|`llI71 uh: T _ Pairlor Suites, Bedroom Sultan. ` Sideboards, Easy Chajvrs, &c.,~ CornfcePo1os. a.nd`e.ll kinds 0! Furniture made to order by ompetent workmen. Also - * - ---u__....__-Sqa;. Planig Ann nr %PnoTon'Iii\gg|J GALLERY 1.. J . Lee ck: Son, Q. ind A Ebpni SA. n.-bnu DllA7II \ Satisfaction Guaranteed. Old Pictures carefully Enlarged_ to look new. ' VV. 0. RE Rem'emZm the `_.St;naf, Moore : Bfzckl Blockzearly opposite the Sum- mersett 4Hause. --e Sole-Agent for the Celebiated --.-. --'n- IAIFINJT DUNS 15 G u U L v A u u v y ........ ,, PA1 ENT `roe WEIGHT`. .I..I. --- . E.` 1<"r`aser,, _ (Succrsxorlo J. Raumevr.) ' '- Has no_w a large an/Inply of Trunks from we u 325; Vallsea and Saxchelsat. Bottom Prices. 1 Single and Double Harness; Collars, Sa dles, Curry Combs, Brushes, Whips, and Lashes, W, -__-__1....I.. `l.l`n-mac: ON A '1'. .~Illpplic(1 wun mu Wm. 1uIL:n1i\ clu)sIlc1`s. Luggage frcutmuxd from all trains. Mzirkel-st..on])11n10r'8t. utllvl .lJl.Vvll/vv, At prices to-suit everybody. Hamess Q - vVa.rnish always 1: stock. .......-.nu\ nnnu'D'lII A\T nnnw, ' vvarmsn nuwaya m uuuun. REPAIRING P-ROMPTLY DONE. .ALL ` WORK WAR-_RfANTE_D. - . 1-11.30 Aeoztfr Ag-rTi;1:ltural Implements. GI ME J1 C.LL'.--Sign of the Golden Saddle. Baveld Street. nrrie. 20-ly R.E1=_:7{rEs A FIRST PRIZE nom1nIou%aA|;nv . T I I Z---7 V Made in the various sty'lcs.and qimlity the b`e8t-- Dellyered in 911 of the _ ` T L I-nbnilnil ' -*'pI`c'-11ca=A1m*1ms socnms-.1: mos supplied at short. notice and on reasonable terms. - *~ mmnmmcx J. nnowni, Lessons given in 1_3.1IBmnches of Painting. Drawmg. .&c.. &.c. Terms on application. sTUD'|O:'-D1 nlop-st., Moo e'a Brick Bltllck, Barrie. F SHAW; [ARNESSEMPORIIUM-1 ? 1 A31 I11`()".\'T1I)1`i3r;, CORNER OF l!:1.yt1e1(1:uu1 Sophia Streets. Barrie. `A1133 0 an -`1l*`:t taken thenbove Hot \out. has Good Accomrpo~ 1` '5Ilrn_ishcd it througl The Bar is well supphegi H t1=!xnn for the public, With Ihv I)-.551. l.iq`uors and (`ig&ra. Tho SllbSCX`l- 'b'.r \\'m11dl)n;.:lm1 to see any old friends as w m Hm nuhlit` Ln,-m:ral1y. -A. MCFADDEN. Pro- ninitivg 5 u_ s~bGuItifnhy pk} 2:5-cu? I-1311.9-, x FURNITURE, &G tun. u; - uu....,.....- .. _,,,,, Ling and Turning Done on Shortest Notice. DAVID DOUGALL, 1.. ")nnQ A! Hun `\/| nI-`(AL 3,, begs to efafti me inc La7A`o7sV1'I-is \iA'N. 5oR'rRA1TjA1NTE_R !? THE BEST IN BARBIE. :r. ARTISTS bur want us _lh\: pl prxetor. all or me u:)\y:II,_ .,;Bi_'SdUl"lj$ r Au-nay BREAD V 11) uuuunuu, In Rear of the Market JUIIIVV uni. v-- _ -., FREDERICK . _ W, REEVES. Awrxsx-. _. or faded _ look equal to :!LS'& Wllnmua I on K) I LLA.` IJ ied | ' An Arab came to the river side, g \\'ith a donkey bearing an obelisk ; " But he would not try to ford the tide, ' ` For he had too good an`. , . ' _` --[Bosum Gl-.~b". ' VIII`; \J\Ja.H.i!l l.`JI.|.L/A.L;.u ...r -7 L ml). ~-Thisvlwell-known hotel has lately been rebuilt and re-furnished from top to bottqm. Ewellcm. acconmxnxodation tor the travelhn public. The Table and Bar well su P1105 W e choicest the best the x11arket.`_aQ'_9rd_an%fM` umhmm s on and I A . 7 So he camped all night by the river side, | And ren11a.'u1ed till the tide had ceased to K `nun: I V ` ' - `swell, For h% knew should the donkey from lxfe sub- s1 e, V He never would nd his ra_1..... Q.mhAnm wgn m'.'i'18 d&,Wned and the tide was out, 3 Palf cross d over neath Allah's pro- _ tectxon, Aug,` thle Arab '53 ham V, we have no doubt, 01` If: had the best onkey, in all that . ` [- Somervill Jmrn I. But he met a jockey frbm Yankee-land. 7 Before he haul covered a league of ground. '. And he traded the donkey with him off hand, For a hoss that wouldn't draw a . - [Matquettg M_imm.; Journa , The donkey was seen by It Yankee m'5 ' Who raised his voice and loud` did holler; u 13-... .......|`. lI Ivnn bnlzn fnr that ere beast. Who raised ms voxce anu mun u How much ll you take for that < In gold or silver or paper $ ? . _.rDntroi1 The Arab knew,` when the men said efe, " lie belonged to the dickering Yankee ua.-- tion'- ' . ` And believing Yankees never swap fair ' He pain no heed toythe ? '-[ Boston . Globe. But soon was spied -a Texas chip, Ihn warn. Inna hair and had 3 E As good fortune would have it, the + glanced, "Or it might have settled the Arab's hash; And seizing the obelisk, the latter chanced To make on the Texan a fatal -----. rn..nnl.1un flnwnirlc. I-7."1'hl\i:-."7[`hc"l`ablc wen su pnuu. ...... ds and t the; mu.rket.`a.'or brands of lm]uL)1`s and Cigars. Good stabling Chgu-gas moderate. and zmentivu hosuers. , or In this section of '["nis Hotel has not a. suneri \V'. H. DAVIS. Proprietor, 8- 5'. country. ~- _-Ar1u So the ass was saved, and the obelisk too; And homeward the Arab made his way; To Allah his thanks he gave anew, That a. . man had come to the hap1eas_fra.y. V I T\..L....(:b F."-up pron You will have at beautiful` day, my dear," said Mrs. Hope, as she looked ad- mix-ingly first at her son Dick, who was driving upto the door in his now buggy, then at her daughter-in"-law, Mfary Hove, whose honeymoon was at its full. .. . _, _1-,1. 9 ...:A Hm unnna wife. wnose uuuuy mum. ...... .. __. _ __,, 1 am so glad` 3 said the young wife. Wl1a.t lovely weather we have had ever .s'mce I came `here! not at all like what some of my friends predicted when they smd` we ought to spend our honey-moon in the East. ` Dick Hope at that moment sprang out of , his buggy lightly, and gallantly extended a hand to hls wife. . Nonsense !" exclaimed Mary Hope. I ` am not such :1. helpless creature that I can t get in myself.-" and she stepped lightly into ' the buggy with-a. merry laugh. Mrs. Hope the elder gave an approving. nod : It s just as well to let Dick `know you can help yourself. These `Western .men-- . y 7 :: v.\r,,...4 nnnna(nn'I'lll(() other men, Inter- 5-tr Int spied-a Iexaa cuup, Who wore long hair swagger _; ` Look here. pm-d, l.want that beast, And in the Arab stuck his 1`. -[New Bedford Evening News. " VYU tha_t. (`TL t11a_t." It is fast, said his father. We used to thmk it impossible, but we have got _so far on now there s no telling wha.t`s in a. horse. I like this mare very mnc . If it> was anybody else s, I d--_ v nnmn now. what would you give, ` was any uuuy um. ., _ .. Come now, `would father T said Dick baneringly . It s all in the family, so I * hundred dollars at least." I A Immlmd more wou1dn t nunurea uuuurn an M... A hundred more t buy her,_ father. Just say to anybody that covets my new mare I won't take a cent less than L....a.....:. .:..n...-. Whv she goes like mafe I'won'tt seven hundred dollars. wind., cc rm....+ reminds me. . HI*l\Vn'l ).\', `H `:.\'H\'-.\'|`-l..\\'\',: . :`\l.n\I-\' In Lnu That reminds me, Dick : yon d best take the road round by Drake s. . And lose a good l1a.1f-hour, said Dick. That s a long way round, father, said the elder Mrs. Hope. l V You take my advice, said her hus- band. I meahl-g_fco'ming back. It doesn t matter going, . it should blow you will nd it safest. Dick, who was adjusting a strap, looked of} east and west, smiled in a satised way, and observed, I don t see any signs of . a storm. __ . . Nor I, said his father; but no one knows anything aboutthe wind here. I`ll- , never forget the sweep I got twenty years 1 ago coming over Pringle s Flat. T _ That is where we are going, isn't it, 3 Dick ? Mrs. Dick Hope looked, the least trie anxious as she turned to her husband. L Was it so bad, Mr. -Hope T - . Bad . Bad s no name for it. Why, it blew mv wagon as far as from here to the . bar-n,---`blew the horses off their feet, tore ,1, up trees`, lodged me against a rock that Ly saved my life." ' _ T _ That must have been terrible, said s'nLL .a..;;.v.*i 0 u 1' 510132. Mary Hope. smilinglv : 11ght11ingneve1f strikes twice in the same place. I m all right, you see. The only time I was blown away was when [went Eat for you. _; Are we all ready now ? - Basket i_n, ~mothe1-.7 - . " `Mrs, Ho '_ nodded-gayly,Diok lifted the _. reins Jikh y,;,an'dy away yt.he_`,n_ew `buggy witl_:`;Aits happy` V sped over the *~ Don tlet him frighten you," said Dick, A saved my 1116. That Hope. . 'Dnn t let. IlA\u ntso -A `l\ PRINGLES FLAT ! '1'he'miiid of a man cannot measure an ` , ".1400; an nmgpgg _ in bemae.,mia:niok,.u he lighted a _ Ifrt,'iIn't it 2" ESE? Iva!-A 1 sat least." , , wouldnt bu) __ .v. ......1.m1u that covets fir}, P1AR}7fI{R0A' mi. name E." nvgaso. 1 1: 1* D` T..'R.C.S.E '.8_u ii IHIIIIJ *" . -[Brook1yn7 Chronicle. -[Detroit Free Prees. ,5, l'd--j ,1. `L....L'nv-:nn`\ uv vu un. us-,_,....... -- ...,. [-Detroit F fee Pres.r_ `:1: -[Salem Sunbam. aka cent less uuuu Why goes mu nuuu , ere beast, rmglg. m saved: cigar and settled himself down for some `* unt! ahinvment. ' Olga!` auu ue;.uuu solid enjoyment." I An thn md and an 1.. 1:. c. 1).`. _L. R. c. 5. r... Lr`ctur(-r on the Eye. Ear and 'I`hl`0at. Trinity .\1u(llcnl (Tulle c, Toronto. Surgeon to the Mercer Eye and liar nrmary. and Oculist and Aux-lat to me Sick (?hild1:en`s Hospital. lute Clinical Assisti- amt Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital. Moore- Il_.-lds, and Central London Throat and Ear Hos- mun. 317 Church Street. Toronto. Ma be con- Hulu-(I with reference to Disea.s_es_of the 5'0: EM`. - 'l`ln-out and Nasal passages. 7 -~ 1 r4..4........o solid enjoyment." . l As:-he red and golden glories stretched bove the horizon, a light breeze sprang `_ up. fanning Mary Hope s cheeks, caressing her hair lightly, and sighing through the thin selvage of trees which Dick s father ` {had planted along the roadway before his son was born.__ The god of day wheeled his chariot_a1ot_. radiating, as only the sum- mer can, the rarest tints of amber, and crimson and gold, until the purple glories. rolling aloft like great billows, gradually arched themselves into the semblance of a gateway; through which Mary Hope caught, in fancy. glimpses of the celestial city. through wmcn Mary nope uasuguv, fanc , glimpses celestial city. She di not speak, but sat perfectly quiet, drinking in the beauties of the most beau- tiful morning Dick Hope had ever witness- ed m the West. to rm'...'.... :. pi-;nn`n I' said Dick. m the West. A There is P1-ing1e s` F125,`; sa.id"Dick,A I suddenly, pointing ahead. - Surely we have not come seven mgles, Dick 1?` scarcely. How far is that ahead !" Is it a mile, Dick 2, _ _ ` Dick laughed loudly 2 Itfs nearer four." ; I don't 1u1derata.I_1d it. ' _ That s what the smart hunters from the East say when they shoot and miss their game. It s the atmosphere, Mary. -Tf. nnlIn:l.ll n1a.ce; said his wife, as their game. us me nunospnerc, Lu.-'i1_y. "` It : a small place, sh looked forward to Pringle s Flat, lying 3, little below them. Beyond it then: was a. ribbon of molten gold, made by the sun s slanting rays falling upon the river. And that is the rivet". cs om.-11 rm nmm in twentv minutes," the river.". _ We ll be, there in twenty minutes," said Dick Hope, " when 1 want to intro- duce you to some of the nicest people in `this end of the State. rm... ...,,m1.. nix-1: referred to received the lthis of the State." p _ The people Dick referred to received young couple in a manner that mode Mary Hope s cheeks glow with gratication. Her husband was :1. man universally ad- mired,---as ne a specimen "of his kind as was ever produced west of Pi-ingle s Flat. The bride,-during the two hours they re- mained in the town, created a. ripple of talk. There was something about Dick and his wife that inade people turn to look at them. When they drove away, :1 score of friends waved good wishes and tossed kisses after them. Now for Dan's Rock," said Dic-k,_as he gave his mare the rein and cast 3 back- .wa.rd glance at l ringle s V Flat. Pretty, isn t it 2 ` ,Pretty it's lovely I 1. said his wife. Why, Dick, See the light on the church windows : it looks as though it were really , The houses are so pretty,_too, the - streets so wide, and there is such an air of 7 pence of comfoit about it ! _Why, it is like a. town that has grown up in a night, it is so wonderfully clean and deat,---just what W14 .'_.-.1... :6 I. warn nznintimv on fire. 6300 U1 uuuuuu. uuvuv .. . _. Hi `Eight, it clean and w a. painter would make if he were paint towns to please people. I'm glad you like it. That remi me: do you_ see that house -above church, to the left?" . H TL Innbu r-'hsu'mint1---the prettiest he cnurcn, BU um mu; It looks charmmg- there. , H (Ila.-I .mu{1il:nit, " Urlau you mu: u. Why, Dick 2" It's yours. I bought it before I ` we: East for you. Wo 11 look inside of it wh: we return, 1f we have time." That was Dick Hope's way. V _ The drive to Dan's_ Rock uccupied : hour. I . (3 All! sap a trial of vour strength, ' sa hour; Now for a trial of your strength," said Dick, as he tied his horse to a tree at the base of the great rock and assisted his ` wife to the` ground '_where they were to lunch. u1\1'.mZ-T r-Inn}! Ill) them. Dlck szud :;_%_j GONVEYANGING. &G \ .\11xcK.\\', .'\U()`1`l1(j)`-.\TEER', ....-.m-ma Issuer of ` Must I climb up hexc, 2" Mrs. Hope. H'l"lnnt'n the nrogramme. what we Hope. _ That's the programme, we came out for to-day. You've heard so much of the view from Dan s Rock that you wont to see it for yourself. Do you know you -remind me now of` Partnenia. fetching water from the spring 1 A Pnrthenia tamed her husband, didn t she. Dick '1" I m glad your mother saved me the trouble. That was a lunch Mary Hope efteu re- called in after-years. Dick persisted in forcing all kinds of dainties upon her, Irish Ifasliibn, as she said afterward. It was the first time she had ever had him to herself in the glad day with no curious. eyes to peer on them, and she subjected her lord and master in her turn to such straits that he gladly cried quits as he put his hair cut of his eyes and viewed his tor- i I 1 I 1 mentor._ . * Then they slowly mounted the massive heap called Dan s Rock s. Such a- view! A sweep of forty mlles in one direction, east, and almost as grand a view to the _.....L COOK! 4 west. `hi 1.` Dick sat down ancr Ilauucu. Ina ...... glasses as he lighted a. fresh cigar: you see that hill away of!" to the there ? u u'...n'+. 5+. a. curious shape ?" _ plays the very auce wxtu uuu5aV .... ..... river about the pomt. Sometimes it rains, and then you d think the heavens were. ` emptying 2` all the water in the valley ` sweeps` down below us here, lls the valley ` where xtnarrowa there like the neck of a bottle, and then-look out for trouble. I saw it once; that is all I want to see." Is it so awful,` Dick ?" , It is really nwful.'Marv." - Ami n`ow it looks like--like the plains of Egypt. I cant conceive of anything ' disturbing the perfect peace of this beauti- ful scene. See that cloud away of! there, as .x.....+. um.size of ai man s hand? I Dick." About the-aize_of : see it 1 u Iv. um. nnlv speck rest. - TDick sat down and handed his 1-~-M. -3 1... Iiuhtnd a ciza "Inst. 3 wunu ; u self when I thin]; ; the other fellows. It can't be. u `I ....1.- Gnu vnnv JSEDI1 SWALV. xxux/.1. .V-. forthe County of Simcoe. _'I`orm3 l lo. Omcu at my SI;ore,Craig11urst. " can't be." Look for yourself," said Dick, holding out his watch. u-.. LL- __.;..l...J- Ancmnf mu fa, nink_ out ma Wlwn. _ ' It : the grandest da_yof my life, Dick. 1 I wouldn't have mused It for "anything." 1 He" gave her his `hand `and helped her M down the rouvh places. Once in a while Mary would .stop to gather bits of moss ' and owers. as mementos: of a red-letter day. At least an hour waebeonpumed in the descent. Then they got into the buggy and turned homewsrd, but not on the road leedipgepaet Drake's. - 4:";A:Ve vzut :11 ` that seen, ;; ;-nn...- 3 moving n . I-nun: nn`V ."-"BYRON. g-u-the prettiest house 'm always saymg Ia`U7u.|_y- :_ you took me before all Bab,`-`J uau W uuv painting '3' hand? reminds ---.- nknun Ohm No, mielor. `1i'"IfU [cC`1ArJ HOTEL MID- I .\'n Thin Ixvnll-kn0}\'ll h8_S wife ` I went : when 20. Whole no 1579. HUB the . There is not leaf stirrmg, one would- think. "It looks snrcstful overvthere ! It might be a. deserted village , It :locs.look unusually quiet, now I notice it. But then this sun is terrible. See if you can nd our house over there, Mn... 77 . . V 7 - Mary. . Tnere was a. long silence, then the young wife gleefully pointed out the house, and there was anothex long silence, which was broken by Mrs. - Hope saying suddenly, \Vh.'i.t is that curious sound I hear I" I hear nothing." ' i There I Do youhear it now l . Dick ' inclined an car. They were fairly clear of the rough land at the base of Dan's Rock now, and the mare was trottingly rapiclly. Suddenly her driver's nu hand brought her upon her lnulnches. Dick listened intently. His wife was right; her ears were keener than his. There wvls semetliingixi the air. . Al tlnuf lnnfanf l\Tnr\v.u lunnl nlllfblld fe the Do e lefg Sonlellllgrlll IHC aux`. `At that instant. Mary'sV hand clutched his arm cbnvulsively as she cried out, Oh. Dick. what is that back of us ?" She was lnnking back with lxormr-stricken eyes and pale lips. . Du-,l( turned. A cloud like a black wall me u s. Dick turned. Cifllld like a, black was rushing down on them : it seemed to` Dick Hope s eyes` as black as ink. An aw- ful fear possessed him. There was :1. hush, a. stillness, in the air as chilling as the ter rible cloud behind them. -Go lung 3" he exclaimed desperately, cutting the marci ercely with his whip. ' E 'l`lan mnrn nhnlt nnf. Iil.-:2 nn nrrnw mu] ni i J 1sI$sU1cn~ _ ERY THURSDAY ` _ Imnmp Street. East, FootofMu.1'kct Street. Burrxc. . -___. uercew Wlul um wxup. & The mare shot out like an arrow, and at | that moment another sound smote theirt en.rs--a. sound that was like the crash of`; the worlds. The mare plunged,` reared, i then resumed her onwaml course. Her" I ownerlmd lost all Control over her. 1 l)..L ...... 4I.m..J.+ nnimntml hinb llnnu on x ()\\'I1el"n1l.u 1030 all CUHLFUI U\'L`l' IIUY. ` But one thought animated Dick [lope as he clasped his wife with his right urn, i while he hold fast to the rins with his{ left hand. slllittingg his teeth like a. vise..: That thought wz_1s, Pray God we reach the 1-iv'er _bottuxn I" _ ; mum .,....n` ............-.,1 ..n.L... H...:.- (`nut A I river pouom . 3 The earth g1'o:me(l under their feet. A l i sound like the rush and roar and scream of S a. million locomotives deafened them. Dick ` Hope instinctively turned and clasped his 1 young wife in his arms. He did not see` the mare: he saw nothing but his \i'ife s face,- and something in it struck terror to i his heart. . His own was nshy gray at that T moment as his young wifeTs when she i turned her last appealing look upon him] and moved her lips. His one prayer was i that they might die -together. It seemed I to them then that all. the sound in the air and earth was condensed, gzitlieretl into. ` one awful shriek. Earth and sky were oh- ' ' literuted. Dick Hope felt himselflifted up 1 and ung like a. llake through the air. ; \Vlwn hn ri-.r-.uvnrml his senses he was i and nung 11KB 21. 11:1Ke Luruugu one an. 1 When he recovered his senses 1` lying where he had prayed to be,-in the ' river bottom, with his wife close beside I him. The awful `storm did not divide them. The torna.do,- like a raging beast, had sim- ' ply taken them up in histeeth, so to speak, ` 1 tossed them aside, and pursued its path. it Where they were lying the water wn.-i so shoal that it scarcely covered them. ! T\1niz uni nn nnr` a1\nL'n fn `Iii wife. she 1 ts`2.oou-' no'rm ADVANCE. shoal that it scarcely covereu (Hem. ; Dick sat up and spoke to his wife, ` didnot answer. Then he put one hand up invohmtarily, in a. weak, helplessi way - There was blood on his face; he could not see; his eyes were full of sand. He struck ` himself in despair, and, again graspiiig his `; wife, said in :1 lmawsc voice, You are nut Q dead, Mary .3" b ' ` \Vhn+.hm~i1~ mm the water from t.hc.ri\'er ; 1 l 1 A1 ing with her face next to him and the dead, Mary 5 A \Vhethe,. it was the Water A ..uul 7,U23=) hxirrels ot Hour at me (.'Ul'rl::spuuu he dashed inte his face or the gush of tears i '54 `1'" .l`l't y`" . , , `he \`XSll.)l(.` supply of wheat In C:mzid:L that came into hi.` D` 1; d t 5 eyes lc Des nu :md`the United States nu the `27tl1 of April know tn this day but suddenly his eyes . . became clear, and he could see his wife ly ms m`8m"m] b"3h15' "'3 Cmnpmc `.`* ` 19,820,832 bushels at the c(II'fL`Hp(Iri(lllIL' water xvasliing her long hair over her `l lilst )"3:'"'- _ V , 1,,-east Hc_1ift'ed hot. H, He felt her` `il:l1c.I`(`:(:c1pts nf lluur at (.nn:ulm_n and 11u.nds.l1ercl1eeks.V_ Then suddenly hesun1- 1 " ": Matcs Se"`b"""1 l'`'` f`' h`1 mm moned an his remaining Strength I fm. one tn foreign niarkets fl-mn .\ughat `.. .`.lth, l`_%-`ill . supreme effort, and dra.gqe(l' rather than 3 "' ``l'12'-. `l l""-5v "~'1' `v"'- 9"' l ``l~"' carried her up tothe d1jy- shelving bench 3 "f `""' ml 33". m"'8m hllshcls "f whem` under the b]u'_ R13. Hope sluwly pew as c01_11p:ir(1 w`i)t.h _fl,`."CM$,!|{;.'lrarrels of flour. edher eyes and looked at her ln1sl)u.n(l.i""`d `'l`*w" '"hl "f ""h"t ("r H" The 3], mt her 1 ` nd 1 ,1 t l ,_ - zurruspcnnling period nf lR80.l. The excvs.~4 face-am1'cI(,\-9,-ed it_n~ S S 0 y "P ml , for 1880-1 is accnnterl fur by the f:\ct'tlnn 112-1. anti! Hun ha-n-a nnnrainur tlnwll liq-I` llvhe [`i`-Cd Sl.<'\tL`S l)1|l'\'08l. fill` ISHU \\ n,.H` I - . ...,. 1`.../\ um. I ln ova-nun: nf (lib face" and covereu 1:. . D1ck.sn.\v the tears coursing down hur [ cheeks. _D(:)l ( . --lun`t. , IvIn.ry. he said. I u 1' ...... 4 1...! .5 I am nnf nrvincv with cheeks. " Lion`: --mm 1 .', Lvmry. Ill: Sm- I can t help it. I am not crying wuh pain or_ grief ; it's because y are 16111:" because we both are gparegl. ` ._ X T\:,J-'4. uh-nunu rnhlrnu-H` tn lmn. `I8 L 61 | xuuuu uuu ._u..,... .w - __-.. ct. snccnn uttcntioh to Cross Eyes and (Mark `my loud cry. . I--1 expected as much," said Dick, speaking more to_himself than to his wife. I `T` N othing-noth1ng man ever made could ! stand before that storm." ` ` "\'-|- -1-- ..-...t..:....,..l an`-n`\;I-`\rvlIV swnu Duxuua unnu Dvvnuu. > Oh, Dick. she exclaimed sobbingly, there is nothing leftg of the town---not :1 house. I can only see a. heap here and there,-something like fallen chimneys, and smoke and fire. - _ ...... .. ..,_ A__1 .: n;.:..,.n..v- m..+` smonge uuu. uuz. That's the end of Pi-ing1e s F lat}, Mary. . 1 , 1 L , _I_ -.._.. LL- ......3-in L-nub I-n llll J . He looked back over the prairie~-ba.ck to the fringe ofvtrees that skirted a portion of the road near the base of Dan s Rock but a. little while since. He could not re- aognize the place he had looked on a hun- dred times. The trees had disappeared; r they hadbeen swept from thevface of the l earth. Then he shaded his eyes with his 1 hand and looked across to where Pringle s 1 Flat had stood in all the pride of a new w ' Western town. Dick Hope suddenly knelt ` hylhis wife s side, still holding her `hand, saying, Let us pray. ' Among all those who witnessed the awe- _ inspiring tornado . that swept Ptingle s Flat until not one stone` stood upon another, killing, tnaiming all living `creatures in its ath, none have such vivid recollections as B ick Hope and his wife. When they re- : _fer toetheir experience on that terrible day, n they speak in a tone, reverently, though` standing "in the presence of as 5 dead. ` ` . - ii. --Whexi the teaoher asked what was the.` feminine of tailor, a. small boy on a front seat in apublie school in Brockbon prompt- ~ lv exclaimed: DrdI`smsker, and was greatly that he was able to get in the {newer first. _ ._ V. . . .Her veto : They were seated on the softy` j where they hadebeen for "four l`ong'ho1u-s.j ' Augustus, do you know why you remindj 1 me of the Chinese 7" No, "dearest; win 1", M Because. you `won't go.., The mee 7 {g then` adjourned nine ' ;. 3. age. L. smnnns T ( Established 22 years) FOR roux: Watches, Jewelry and Electra-Plate, AGRICULTURAL RETURNS TO THE BUREAU OF INDUSTRIES The first of `a, series of agricultural re- l {`_1l'llB; to the Ontario Government havebeen Pb_3h`l "id. Wm prove interesting to the hknm community. .The returns for the C0033) Of Simcoe, and the general remarks "" the Wheat lPply are given below. COUNTY 01" SIMCOE. In this county fall wheat is much above the average in condition and appearance, and, so far as present indications go, pro- mises the best crop for years. All varieties of soil show good results, particularly where the grain has been sown early ; but on dry, loamy and sandy soils, the plants are per- haps more favorably situated than on low and nndraineil lands, where they have suf- fered to a certain extent from " heaving" by frost. Growth hzus been somewhat re- tarded by recent frosts, and in some cases injury has been done by the action of the ' sun on plants which have been heaved." in one or_t.wo localties the Hessian tly is reported as having attacked the early-sown grain last fall, but otherwise no appreciable damage has been (lone by worins or insects. No wheat land has yet been ploughed up, and, withthe exception ofa few fields very unf.tvoura.bly situated, none is likely to be. The small quantity of rye that is grown, principally for pasture, is in good condition. The returns with regard to c1o_ver vary :1. "good deal, but it is evident that the crop has snifered considerable injury from frost, especially on undrained and heavy soils._ In the townships l ying between the (ieor;.;- ian Bay and Lake Simcoe, and those to the southeast of`the county, the damage has not been so extensive, and at fair return is looked for. ' A _ ....... .... mm. r\nn nu 1-sit. uugunuuuuuuuuuouuwu : ITEMS or xxnznzsr Iroxvolm Aomccniuknn nnmms. - I3 '1. lxI1.;;.._--V , __V ' .\`l`|..\\\'. Srilir-itor in Chancery, aim -r .\Inm---_\' to Lend. 01lh:c--\Va,t,e;- vI:xn;:ui~'h-m-. luunvu .u. . The late winter was an easy one on cut- tle, and live stock of all kinds are louking well. Pink-eye is more or less prevalent zunuzlg horses 'thorongl1t. the county, but is not gunurally fatal. One of its ell}.-ct,.s on brewing mares is tu cause them to lose foals. Other classes of stock are exempt from disease. .5 .. ,N ,.L.....1....& olmmnnnhf Hu- April 22ml, lH.`l'., were 4,z)::r,;v;u uauu-in -ch nf flour, and 2lIl,5(D(i.8Ill ,en_ ` with tlnnr. md_ 1 mid 4U,lb'T_,4|.lZ5 bhsllels hel. 4:Ul`l`cSp0l1tllllg[)eI`lU(l hm. the l'nite(l wn..$ about l:m,on0,mn lmslw-ls in excess of the . '1. I 3% I lmrvest of I881. _ 1 Last years crop in the United States was 1" thesh->rtest nu record, per acre, and e.~sti~ 9 matesylmsetl on the trxtde returns show -mu l that the expert for the hscal year ending -lune 30th \\'lll exceed the expert for the .`l:::: i year 1880-1 by at least l`0,000,000 bushels. ands In other words, the supply of old wheat in one l the Lmtud States on 1st July of this year K1 at Wlll be 130,000,000 lwshels less than on 1st, . July last year. Another impurtant fact is. that the prospect fur the growing crop is ymu, urilyn slight improvement am last year's_, . and l with many risks `tn Fllll. _'l`he 1st pf April Stm l_est_1n1't}tes for Ohm, Michigan, Indmna. and don-I ', lllinms make for these States an excess of s'e_u I '_`.0,(M)l),UUO lmshels_ over last year's yield, wk f but SIHCO that date "severe frosts have pre- nk.-~ r vzuled thorought Ohio,` and Chinch-bn<,.:s . have been swzmning lvy,,millinns r-VCI` 1-ul'~ Dick. tions of Illinois. . _ . he SH; The wheat crup of 'lr|`tx.~alx lmlm. hn.x'vest.- ` ' ed 111 March null A}_nl, is expected to lustre: M see lzm out-yin! exec-e-ling the crop of .1881. ml 30 . The receipts at llmulmy from .lammr_v lst [Nita to ..\I:v.rch 21st were `.l,7'.':'>,03;') bushels, against 1,701,881 bushels for the corres- . pending pcrlml of last year. 0` he` I 'l`Iu-. nrnn in Australia is irregular. lt is from (usease. ' Fodder was abundant thorought Uh! ` winter, with the exceptiun of turnips, which were a partial failure in 1881. Hay is sell- . ing a.t"{58 to $10 per ton. rv.. L.\ n... .1..;,. at nm mtm-us: the frrysty ` [Hg 1? QB LU u}`l.U pun urn. *4 Up to the date of the returns; frosty 1 weather had delayed the spring`wnrk cun- | sidembly, though seeding, which began} about the 15th, had then become guncral. l 1um_:hing-wan begun during` the second ` week-in April. ' u ,,.-.:-.. :L. H... hm-L-w:u-d. mvinu tn I at high prices. . . ` Fat and. store cattle are scarce and dear. ` Of the latter class there are few animals uvcr two year;-s old. thnuglx ycarlimgs an- plentiful. - (`.w.w.u,u. R.E.\lARKS '. Farmers are pros- I ponding pcriml u! Last. year. The crop in Australia Is poor in me cvnlony, and only fair in M1 Uh: rnqf rest. . . In Great Britain. Fra.. generally thoruught Europe, are prmunisix1g._ 111111: rest. I.. MORTGAGES When the frog awakens in the spring lu- fcels dull mid stiff and does not like to zip- pear in society till he has thrown oll` his old, worn-out garments and put on m.-.v ones, never hcsitsting about the fashion. but following the pattern of his ancestors for generations upon generations. He he- gins by pushing his elbows herd zigainst his sides, and, rubbing downwards. .he keeps `on until the skin on the back bursts, and hetheu works it into folds on his sides and hips. Now grasping his hind leg with his hands he hauls off one leg of his muits alone, and there--'-almost before you cam eountthree the other goes in the some way. He now takes the cast-oil` cuticle bcfurv him between his legs into his mouth and swallows it, and even while it yet descends the gnllet, he has torn oil` the skin Ull(il'l`- neath and brought it to his fore legs or hands, and grasping one of -these with tin- other, by considerable pulling he strips them just as we should strip off a shirt, a.nd_'by a. single motion of the head he draws the skin from the neck and swallows the whole with a c-r-r-r-`oak of satisfactioli, for he knows well that such a dainty mor- sel he can get but once a. year.-[Pi-of. Biley. 1'0 THE MEDICAL KROYBSION. Any ALA. vv nu u rr aux coxcmn, --Phosphatinc, or mrv . Food, as Phos hate Element based upon Scion tic Fuchs; ormulnted by Pnolouor Austin, M. .D.,j,0i Bolton, Mggm. cures Pulmonary _ Oonsnm tion; Sik, Hpadnche, Nervous At- _ {ox-ti 9 and Npfgia and all wasting ` of t phptnm ayntetn. Phonphatine is .u`oG.'arl[Bdicixio,~ibut a Nuttimgnt, booausu it " L Vegotablo or Minonl Poisons. ' - Lra sndnotimgxhnb, but l0lIlIlII_ vuyuwuut ; -... V -,_-__ `-mint 1i0i:oonvincI'a. .33 D?u(ista sell it. C lgofb. Lownnz &. Oo .ag;rusro onuuon, 55 Front Street at, Toronto. To -mxluuu. PROPIESION, up ALL wuo \I .. u . v nmu'~u-nu ._Phm|nhAtine. or non FROGS IN SPRING 2, Russia, ximl the pr4)sp'ct:4 `M- H. JAS. El)VV'.-\R.l)l\`, Vnluator. 7 yr. G E 0 RGE S _-soc lETY- {,t).l.T.\?'l`, r `V l\ I.l.)"-I l sud be glad to public Lu-11.-1-11.11) . .1] 1;); QiJTE.i:}\I7's' ]IOTEL.-A. n\\'\' I`ronrietot-.+jj1xce_l1ent. age? 55 A U I; l, DrxL\.1\1u.n, -,4.-.4 n'n1i<~.iL0rs in '(`,lmn:cx_',v. No- -.nr:<-x'.~x. H:u`r|c, Go. Snncoe. -Hunk of 'l")mnL0., ~_\'.-1. . .\.1-uj l{'l`lIYV--OF`FI(iE rs - _ x -1:--,4-, on the \Vest side or John u.-ly opposite" __.\Ir. Ue_o._ Ball's h !:u`,I Orv. . _ _ H 1 l).`\'.\ .\H{(), DENTIST1 .. l`nn1I\ nl\\.'PL\'R on I p Q.(`. ,AND'DENTAL ,41s..-u>.n1s'Jr1:v., AT- - ..1:..:nu~ (`,nn vuvancer. 0;: I ' \ Vnl l1|*\'\"I V; N .\ \ I .\, HILL nu nw--4 uv, sw!'icitors'in (ilmncery. -.-.4 (turm-rnf Damon and J. 'I`. heunox. llzmghton A. \ , i\ U `._J 1 LU J nun, (.`-,un'cynpccr. L~;suer_ under the .\-w Act. vMoney Inn.-n,-st. (3x'uv:n\0re.()l1L.V 6-ly 1~:I .\*{*1:\"A1\*.~ A uh-L. x):xLu.Lu:.u.u..... ur in Uh mc~ry. Convey- ~`irHl lmrn` E-nulh_0f Post \`\'l:l1S`.r`('UT`. lmrrxe. -19-1y `IN *1>.\'L,"'IsA11 us} . nu-u'in (`.hn.n(`.0.!`V. I D-A l\.l\I.K1LlJLll V-. '. So`.i<:il,nr. Conveyamcer. rm: (minus -Bo'.hwell`s :)._r'r1e. 19-1y" :.iAT[S**(}, ATTOR- Stilir-itor Chancery, and {$' ,. (,:<>.\**1:Y}1 ,. n...1.u.`u H:-nnh, A `, l ,.-\Rl{lS'|`_l. {S, uliuitmns in (`.h:u\cm`y. , liurrio. Sultan-ssorsln) l mun!` Buys &'. btcwjnrt. ` mu! ' `, 3'~'~ \,;\I-\ V :2 L LL.` \ Qvxcclfs Hench, Auc- mnuuissiun Agent. for Is. 'l2u`ln >110:-,k, House- ;'u~.~.~:_ sac. .~\l.so for the MM .\_;cuI1uLs, Umco ` , BA1>.1us'1'm{s| _. :.. ru.....-u...\- vg.-,,[ F`. E. P. lm'I.I-IR`. n, 1-`. )'[<-\\'.\'r'r. . L\}, U125.` LLFJA. ` 11;: room always on ` ul safc.. Omce over ;- Hut , . `o.+1?.1H.1 'IL_oGI~:I<: .. 1`.\-nvni~1s`i()l\`_`l i .---- The Regular Meeting of the above Sooint will be held in the G90 _Temphre Hall, over (0. __Hax-risen : St or e , o n WEDNESDAY , ,. JUNE 7th,.l882. It 8 pm. ' . Coxnpany u.n.d_ '| 1y I, .Innc 5. .1 un; , Um`. T; . will ht` at" his Of- nf -]_\' 3ouGHT `unyf7)I{1 friends wen .-\. }\ICFADDENl.l}i`l'0- -y lII'4LV .l.LI.lJ, every month: Juno `.9. July ad bottom. r plied wit rds gums. m...-mm moderate, ms. BEDFORD, ' Suntan! HU 1 131.1 JJLJ 11' n mm ton bot_t9n\. 1,` , .`Bur| UDlh1.'.l`-1.1\.UU'1`4nD, \.:11J.n1: uvu- STABLE, County of Simcoe. 0`.loe-Policev Court, Barrie. . . A R 1.. DAL` L11.` U , \.JlJI'Jl.\1x, \J\IuJ.\ 1. ;. . Simcoc, will be at hfsvomcc. at the Court House, Barrio..c\'cx`_v Sattu-day. Residence` uud P. 0.. Uookstown. U BOILER WORKS.-}I. sxswmsy. Mann--1 facmu-er or every desori tion of En `nee Boilers,` Saw Mi1l,Grist. Mums ing1e,Lut ,an. Wood- workimz Machinery. House, uarrm. cw 0., (lookstown. Saw Mill, Grist. Mm` w_qrkin:5_Machjnery. v\?'I"1 ts!` ; An. nxn IJJALV Lu Ur u.u..uu.--uuu. . BALL. Car enter 8: Builder, and Manufac- turer of Doors. ashes, Blinds, Mouldings, &.c. Planing of all kinds done prom tly and B8.tlBf80' orily. Factory. John Street. an-io. OHN MELLANBY, HOUSE, ' Sign.a;nd Ornamental Painter. Paper Hang-' 1ng&.c.,done in the best style of the art and cheap. Perfect satisfaction guaranteed. Resi- deuce und Shop, one door north at Sewrey's Foundry. V {Ody .. " '..' 1 .7... nnnvIrriE'"-1-n*rx1'I\e U'Il. IJIUXV, L'l\alV3..l,1;l J.'\.I_L\4J-q . tn luxm on real r~.~statc'ut lowest rates. ors` .\'u1,<-sdiscollntutl. Collections made in an?` unrl ul` thv (jounlv. Real Estate h0ug}1t`a}u1 so](`. part of County. hon htnml sold. ,Uun\'1-.\`m\L:iug in all its branches. urringt: Li- n-nscs issm.-d. ()1~`1~'xcx:-0\'m' Canadian Bank of 4--....um~r. _ l)uul0n-31.. Barrie. 4!--ly "census issuccl. 4 (nr1'xcx:-U\'m' I Uonnnncruc. l)un1op-31., .-..vn2vr \ TERMS 8l.00 IN ADVANCE. S. JUl1.NU;V, '1)t\l'\L\11:a, |A.u.- - l 0l{'I`l<`.lt of and duuler in Coals all k Ends, and (lcrmzetown Grey. and Guelph Vvhite l*`ini:lh'mg Lime. Uelncxm-1 of all kinds. Fire Bricks and l la.stcrcrs` llnir. Olllcc and Store- house at the Northern Railway Switch. foot of John Street, near the degot. The bond of this Lime is bctte than that 0 any other kind, and the nish superior. Ofce-Co1'ner of John and Elizabeth-sls _ ` '. - if A K E" 1 u..E""s *4 `Mi`s;} ELL}\ Iii'Eo(i:sT_.M_ _ [0sE15Hf' ROGERS, CHIEF ooN- qvrnuma r`.nnnt.v nf Rimnm-L nmne_Po1ice J. CU LVER`V}s~7'LL%sx ,,.,,_:a.,. 44.... {\..nnn`n iinlcnl `Rm-rie. I vi} 7(':'K'S iviXi.:"l"lc MEIHCINE ` Vun l.\'\`.\I.x'.\m.1:lu-2:11-2m`. 1 x I -..f _ x. TRADE MAPK. (N Is It Hlll`L'. l ronn1t_un l~Zll`m-Ina] l{bmcdy'f01' l\'c1'\'ousness in all its Stllg`(`S, Wonk Memory. Loss of Bruin l o\\'vr. Sexual l ro.-xtration. Night S\vc;ns.~S wnnmorrlumx. Somimtl \\'eukncss. and (:u.n(-rul 1055 of | n\\'(.-I`. lt `rt-pairs .\'cI'\'0uxs Wusu-,. llcj\1\'(-11utv~x the Ju.d(*(l Intellect. St1`L'm.rtl1- 1-us tho. l`1ntm*hl(.-cl Bruin uml Restores Surprising 29].) |`um- zmrl Vigor In the` Exllllllslcll Gem-1'uti\'_c; lhuusn.nd:4 proves ll . 'l`hL- 1m-rlicinv is `Hous- unt I0 lhv Instr. uml each box contains sull cient for two \\'m-ks nnodicm ion. and ist.hccl1enpc.<|t.m1d ln~.~:t. :t<`a"l\1ll |).'u'lir'.11lurn' in our pzunphlcl-, which \\'c dc.-.~s'n-"c to mail fri_`c to any {l(l(ll`l`SS. ;\I.u'K`.-1 .\l.\r;Nl~:'r|('. M1-:m(:1.\'r: is so gisls m 3.0 vts. pm-lmx. 01- IL tu)x(-s for S5. or Will hr nmilud f1`(:1` of )H)Sl`.|f.('. by utlrlrcssing. Mack : Magnetic Medlclnoco. \\ x.\'nsnu. O.\'1*.. (.`..\.\'An.a. hv GEO. l\lOI\'I{MA`.\' and all _.. .. ' .87-lv. (')rguu.~'. 'l`l1(`t-xpm'i<-m-0 01' Sulxl in l:u'riv M by` l)ruj,>:-. `on 1'01-oipt ofthc money. {ARRIE FOUNDRY,~ENGINE 85 nnn.u-n urnrnrd _u QRWREV, Mann.- 3 0 {J6 E s 1 m .\1;\.cI<,-` ..`..;~uiunul'. V real r~.~sta1tc'uL lowest rates. 1- unu- :4 Notes dix-scounu_:d. an ' wt htnml 301$. m\'1-vmxuing l\uu.-n-u_l\\'nv Fnnmlilln Bank iBAnaIg:JI;1ft;f1[n:1=_g_uTnaY,\ m 1:: ug Avnuvusuuna c ARRIE PLANING MILL.--GEO. D I 1] . rV......m.om. 2 nuimmn and Mnnlxfnn. l|(!l`l . ulunup-.51.. J)u.nAI\.. I 33 fj""'I? E`I~T0'1-I, WEIT. SI-rN.,iC- i 5 up lfnnnn ..n.1 Lun hmimw. 1-um1'nsth`anks S01IinBurriu. by G h'ru:.':.:'1s_ls e\.vr_\' whcx-u T. BAN l`iNG, CLERK, COUNTY .. '.~`inmnn will hp :1! hfsroicc. tLl\I.\a|I`J J.`\JUJ.V.Ll.LI,L, 1.'u.Vuu.4.\:a vv WORKS.-H. SEWREY, Manur mu-m~ of eve-.rv descrintion of Emzines. Boilera.. ._-.- Public Notice is `hereby given th'a.t`on : after, ` ~ 1 1 1,! T_` an wr, S'atm'daAy,` the 9:11 of July, {Ins;,,k _.-- ' Borrow from 3|. home _ n~.:unls couunissions. (kc. Apply to ` V -