(`_| % l nrtlgc tn himumi .5..- -.... ....._---- ..- - -....,.._..v -4v.l:uauu | ' . /Th7(`_B:u:l'.iL"Al'}\'.\N`lZ import of polit-0 -`mrl 1 procccd1mz_S-L-+ \\'1-men 1_1p.m an .~:1,\'lc that discounts [ t1)'1o_1)estcorts of the d1mc_novcl 1'om;1n<:cr.-~`oII, 1 Wills. ' . ' Tm 213. V V. ` I _ ' The sire of the Twins ought to be _a ` good judge, at any rate. - - l"|... u.u....\II.. ?\:l\ ......I..1 3.. Ll... ('1.-.112-.. -1. avv J"""bI -- "".7 -~'-"- ; ---Tlie pumpkin-nio social in the CnI1ier-st. ` Methodist Church school room next Tuesdn ' ; eve ouzrht to draw". Eminent scientists are i, agreed that as a stomach-satisfying ropast two E or three pumpkin pies have but one equal, and ' that is three or four mince pies. . i A... ......:....3.-.-. uuvnnn ......1.. :.._:l.._..A.-..LI._ 5,, i ...- .. -.....v - -v--- -'I'--`/`4 1-Avian 1 -An omissxon was made inadvertently in the item last` week giving the names of the officers of the Mechanics Institute Debating Club. They areas fol1ows:-J. M. Hunter, .\I.A., President; G. A. Radenlulrst. M. A., Vice-sPresid'ont; Arch. Mcliechnie, sec- 1 Treas-: J. \Yhitt:1kcr, James Henderson, J. E B. Carruthers, R. R. Jcnuison, ' ` ._`_Rm-ra {A nhnnt tn Imvn nu nmmi=1'l.inn in I). \.IiH'I"l1DllUl`8, D. IL. alUll_lllSOlI, . . 4-Barrie is about to have an acquisition to its population in the shape of a gentleman whose place of business will not be 1000 miles away from the i\IcGa.i-tliy block. The new citizen willbe fopnd to be a_11arc1-looking, ; but nevertheless quiet. unpretentious person- 1 age, who will meekly `stand any amount of ! ' jeers and laughter at himself without moving i a. muscle or neglecting` his_ business for .a. moment. ,_,,u-.-. s AIL\ILll\l|Dv1 | -'l`hc nmvsrcamcr which ism )1|)\\' lhr r:1gin;: g xmtcrsnf Si1ncue`is to be called the Enler]Wls'-- after this paper no doubt. .7 Auollm-,{u-naa Tu.-ms. Ym-1. air! `And the owners in-n inn!-. nnw (Inf- -Xmas draws near. \',.... `I,.,.I- ..n rvnnh --Edi'torial and Co. C-ulmcil news cro\\'_det1 .-.L . . -.\ma3 CITKIWS near. -l\ ow look up your skates. 5-Vennor snu an open winter`. -County Fathers in cbnvention. --Stephens for a daisy of a." photo. -'I`hc aiijis full of tax-paying malaria. --Pa.rt:ridge-lnuntors timl birds plentiful. --I'.ec\'cs studio stxll draws large custum. _ high honor you have bonferrcd in ,gracions_ly .your \Videly Circ ulatcd and Inuential {I nur- ufter Hn's_])upor uoum. L'0Uulg_lL'nad 'I'u.~ms. I Yes, s1r! And the owners are just now gct- ` ting: out several shares on gilt edged paper to ' present you with, not so -much for their in- [ strinsic value, but 23' _a. slight token of the granting permissiontn name their craft after no], $l_ a ycgr in :nd\'a.nce'. now is the time to subscrxbe, reduction to clergyman and school- tcachcrs; frqsh pork taken" in exchange. ...Iar-.nh (;.'lI1(`:ll!l' (vrntn tn H10 Mm ! mim- Lcacners, iresn pork taken in exc-uan:.:o. | --Jacob Gaudaur \vrotc to the Mail under date of Nov. 3rd, that in reference to his race with \Vise which was to have been rowed yesterday on llarric bay, he fmunl it_ impos- sible to meet him this fall. If \Vl!:u would put the match oil` until next spring. Gamlaur said hewonld double the stake, and let the forfeit stand. Some one has been poaching to 1 the .sp01'til1g editor of the Mac ! about recent v `rowing events. legardiug the race above re- ` ferredtothe informer hints that the race originally arranged for to-day, (Wednesday). but which has now been postponed, between `Jacob Gaudaur and H. D. Wise, was not in- tended to be genuine, at least -as far as the stakes were concerned. He declares that in-, stead of denositiugthe money in the hands of some reliable stakeholder,` they merely placed it to their own credit in a bank, saying at the same time it wasfor a. ruce-r.f course presum- ably to draw it out again. neither one caring to trust the other to refund the money after the race, But more important disclosures are made by the same party. I Rea clxares ._ _thu.t Elliott sold the race with Annis I-at nun. ...-.. .....a 41...; u... :...::..:.:...1 :. n..m:.n ..;.. "1 ~`il*.'1'll| UH`| |llL' U1 ;;U|4 \\H(l.LUV\;1 IIUAII I hI.',-.4 . 'l'hv,- ]zl'L'HL'IIt lwirlikcy 15 (ure- 31' my :il:[I'Ii]liIl1L'll(._ _ askcr\'iIlc tuhl me "v 5.`; : was 1:11! :u\':i_\-' fiuf that fcllow, (uic:m,- 1l1,{'-_l\:'|HlL'HL`. ,`thc present turnkey) she` \wuI s-1uutl_iin;__: that would do me ` }:;um. I told her to conlinc he1'sel_f to the mm and I did nut czwu what she told. She .:u1 Jcinicttb ;1fL:rwa1'Lls cmnc` t0.`f'ricndIy rxna. 'l'hcm:1trum was on Very friendly lI`I'II`m sxjitia u primmc1'"muucd' lu1'nh.-nu and -.n um: .m~c.":sini; went to his cell toscq him. rah-: w:is.h:d his; C101/hillg m=p:u`u't e]y. Pullzm, m-vnizul.`in_fn1`im:n1 me that he had bought l';_I_'__{:~i:lll(1bImL`S froiu lluskerville, and,puid lu-r the muncy _thcrfor. Jcnnettc, the . turnkey, u1.~x'n'tuld me that Mrs. Rcm'den s . httlc Lzirl had taken `an-a_y some fat, given her by the matron and left `money on the table for if. I reported this to the She_ri_' .m Hun f..1im.-inn `MnmIn.v morning and he _FDllF 13111055 SOICI EH6 VICE WIDE. Ellnl ULSW sum- mer, and that an individual in Orillia" was the mover in the fraud; that in the Wise: Annis race the former was paid` $225 to let his opponent-wig, but pocketed the cash and took the lead also; and that Gaudaur let Anvn luau}. Elm AI: rlnninlnurnn tn rdar tn I001; `B118 1830. 8lI0;nl1(l H185 unuuuur AGE Anniqbeat him at Collidgwood in rder to lead his party to back Annisngninst Wise at Barrie. This is a pretty kettle of sh-sma1l ones. tan. `Rut. mi-mwl Nenrlv evervbodv I name. Inls 13 a pretty meme or usn-smau ones, too. But, pshaw! Nearly everybody has come to regard this whole aqnatno bum- nessu a fraud, and scarcely any revelation of m-nnlrnnnml url manna mnnln mmrise. 11853`?! CD IHHIQ, 5110. scarcely any IUVUI crookedneas will cause much snrpm -----~-tD-?'--+5 u people wno are nroumea. mun cluuu vwmu make use of Aye:- s Cher Pectral before at Iiendilig church or public ectures, they would Avoid minohinu. and the comfort ofhesrers and 9-an v: as v: u `nu-4.` 't:;d`x"ngA churcli l:ec ;txv1-'e',l'.lx"e- Vvirlould avoid coughing, and the comfort of hearers and 1 speakers won be greatly promoted. ' The Peetoral enables pnblxc synken to apeak cleat- ly 'and.without fatigue, ying an unmodintel and wonderful.` effect in increasing $110 _POW6l'- and exibility of the'voioe.5 7 .;\.rc you a. candixlate for .Cuum:i1m:m, \'nn " ' ' ' ' ------->->---- If" people who troubled with cold: would nuke use of Aver Cherrv Ma RE MENTION. . S.--please p:1y_yul::` :-rou=, gcutlc dehu- IZIIJIO 101` 1". 1 rcporccu Luis M) uuu s3uuju_u nu the u1inv.'in5,r Monday mormnp; and he unuc tn the gun`. and laid the ch:'u'ge'beforc` he-1"-uml she adnutted it` ; she left that after- xmnn, but came back at about nine `0 c10ck `ihut night. .-`xh011t'x1)idnig'ht there was a. smell of bumin,_; cloth and tho turnkey got` H1. but 1 do not know the result. .I' saw some prison clotlxihg at PuIlau's. zuxdhc in-V .l'......_,. 1 ..-.. 1.1.; L1... ....nh-nu 1.011 -:nYt'| H. . . 1 per IS gone. a ; , at }ixl\\'ai:xl.s I}-wk 511:,--IV Tm: .`\i_m\.\"r:nf the `30tl1 ult. , your article un the weather and atmospheri- cul vziria.tiuus was in the main correct. On the circuit ofuur planet, drought; earth- quukcs, heavy rains, cyel `dis- u.pnc:Lr:mce_:-f cnlnuts. xvhilje also w:u's, itroubles and ehnllicts In many countries follow in their wake. These plieuomeuu --e\'er_v wan" on this continent goes to prove tliis-:md they are more _s.t,'u't1ing in their aspects in countries nearest the cum- et's stationary ineridinxi. been more eventful comet years than 1881. In six consecutive months ofthe year 1833- 34 there were no fewer than twenty shocks -1: ,...._Llv... F Hunrn fnrrihin in ....l.,. nnnxn iturhzmccs :1lv.'.'1y.~s prm-ode and fnlhnv tho have been appzu`en_t from time immemerizil But there have" 154 there xewer mun nu.-my mxucna of ezirtliquake, some of them terrible in their consequences. ,A South -of England town experienced fm1r.sh_0cks in three ? months, at that time. The British Isles i suffered from ]_1en.vy rains and lluods. suc- I heeded by :1. distressing: visitation of chelera morbus. These eve-nits marked the ap- `-p1`(!a.(`.il of Hzy.1iey's gr:-amt comet. | ' " ' Yours, &c., i ` ()n:rrn\`i.`,I:. I ! l . V U31 cl, -7\- 1 . S"-It is just lO( years since the dis- covery of the great planet Ila:-s<-he], by the | English ztstronmner of that nmne, ate the { Cape of Good Hope. It Is said to be 1800 millions of miles.f-rom the sun. - Astrolo- gets place it as prezmgmg colu:l-:md calamit- ous events. f \ -. .1 .. .5 I, )\1-.15. 4,. J T,_:-.1..u.- aln-n.f vnnr L 'l`lisc()lI1Iu:n if; nprn in 1 1 nuth. Oplmons cxpn-~; L-ndurscd h_\' the mlilor, l`Vcs1)rk1, NM`. 1, 1331. L ' n U.` nz- :....L 1nn Y events. _ . , [And wet, too ? U-ruuu.-, don't ,ym1' fknmv ?-En. Tm: /\D\'.A.V\f(:E. ! . V _ 1 ' I'l` lh to your tulvantage 1 { our (lisplay of Cabinet Organs ; ll tee, at I'Id\`\'.1rLls Book Store. My mothe`r was nltlictcd :1 Tong time viith Nellxxgia and u gluil, hea.vy_inacti\'e comhtion [ of the I/ho?c system ; hczulache, nervous profv.-' tration, and was almost helpless No physi- cians or medicmcs did her any good. "Three months hgo she began to use Hop Bitters. 1 with such good effect that she seems and feels [ young again. although over 70 years old. We tllink there is no other-me\1ici':1e (it for use in the family." "A Imly in -Pr-)`.'id!11ce . R. I. __ .) Ir.`I.', ` `:'Lu.uI;-)1 I uu nu-_ Aux - . . . .. Q 1 i cue IILIIIH --J.)ur.-ml. })I`l60l1 clotmng an ruuuu ts. uuu uu Lu- ~vfuI`Hu:x1l11e that the matron had sold it to him. I laid an information against her ; she was arrested and sent for trial, but was ztfterxvurmls discharged. On search I found in the woman's wm'(I _ and iln the attic an number of balls made from t 1e torn shre s of prison shirts and sheets, "evidently _in- teude_d for rag carpet. - When the quarterly zxceuunts camein after Steven s appoint- ment, I said that they were larger than 2:=_~; should be, both as rcga.rds,the general fend for the prisoners and also the extras. Iexplanned this to Mr. Creswicke. There has been 1-. very great decrease in the A quantity eonsumedsince he'h.1s left. It is not true, as Stevens "stated, that my sup- plieswcre kept in common with those of ` the gun]; we have separate cupboards and - st01'ehm`ases, but, `up to July, 1879." when the matron and turnkey boarded with me, . I took their supply. from the gaol rationsas _ `heir are entitledetphereto, and-fu'se_d~them in common with _my_ private` rations. InjJuly, * 1379. Stephens left my table . noj;mo1',a"_ A. ' ``Pp1ies from the pfiion"9V'i5!f6? ` . . The old and pace invincible sect-tl1einscct l --is being rapidly cxtcrminated by 1'lolloWay _s ; Insect l)eatrnyer. Anyone can use it, and it 1 will kill all the llius in your` house in'l5 min- utes. We wairrmit it non-poisrmous to persons l or animals, but sure death to all creatures 1 without lungs, such as Cockroaclies, llcdbugs, Flies, Mosquitoes, Ants, _`/arpct Moths. Calig bagc Worms, Sheep Ticks, Crici-:ct. l"1cas on l dogs an-l Lice on horses cattle, poultry; birnla, ` house-plants, etc. Sold by Joux \\_-'uo:i.<, R-trrin. 27-4mos. The Publicarespeciaulyirwiteca io inspec am` am moves and BLACK CASHMERE_$,' bofh of Awhieh werejxpressiy Made for` - . our own trade. uuuau-y Barrie. an 593% &MAN'`,@ WAKHNG! Under an_Experiehedciaer. A Trial Soiicied. `ksplendid Assort- " ' ment of Scoch and cana_c_l_ia%n Tweets fro Sales`? from. _ Without SpeeiaIyaui1e5ntioning. aray_e`i_1er egzarfmeni we profess to keep everythingiha? sheuld be kept in a FEES?-cLA$S ERV GOODS E$?'ABLISHMEE1T. Gus-aim is 'tgo'pre:s%:ide thefi.-`.ST %:`_'AL.UE. i'h'i* Money, Experience and Tasie can procure; neiE'aia'ggT has been Ie usadoneto Vmakeeihis $eas9n s Stack ihe Besiwe have ever Exhbifecl. e -Comparison respectf:a.1?Y'Envite;1. No trouble to Show Gomls. McCAFiTHY S BLOCK, BARRIE. 3331' am aagzsmf F;;%:sT-sLssjr%mw;sg;e:eJ22 mm? 1 =1:-:EIos,. 3'()2E-II`'.'S'I'O_T?l`, Agent, SEND FOR C`rA'l`_\I.()(_}U1`I,A;\'l) GIST` FIG-I7l1ES. - 3`..::mo?. BARRJ EI NEXT noon BAH-or commence; T1: ju Ubupjv (FROM BRAZIL.) , T119 New:_Con2pau12d, its won-' dezful atfinxty to tlo Digestive Apparatus and the L.lV91'. increas- ing. the dissolving a ces, m1iev- 1711'; almost instantI`* e` dreadful . nsults o1 Dysle;gs1a. Indig-estion. and the TOR LIVER. makes Zopesa an evezy day necessityin svezy house.` ` , ` V rt ants nmitlv zm`:!- sneadv in house. _ It acts gently ant! speedily 'B.i11ozzs:zess. -C'ost1' veness. `Head- ache, Sick Headache. mstress `af- ter Eating, Wind on the Stomaclz, Hea.rtbum,~.Fa.1'ns in the Side and "Daub `Evan! nIAnnef:1':'7n_ Want of Haartbumd-`ains In mo b'.lCO ana Back, Want o!Ap_.oetite. Want oi .E12ergy,.Lov.r Spirits, Foul Stom- a;c1z. It invigorates the Liver. can A z:`es`of.fa_11..s"urpIns bile`; regulates the I-Towels. and gives tone to the whole system. ' j Ont this out and take it to your `Dr D 1st and eat a 10 cent Sample a 4-11 ....... ngla-Irina:-n15nn"4i.` :' zg'e_bot1.1efor 75: cents. an _ 7 CODE waasn 5v- . -Y._- ._., ;;a zg'e?bot1.1a~'fo-r 75 cent \ te_11youraei:h_borabout'1tr E2093 5.5;. [than RDATII \ Extinction oi an old sect. 1.1~:_'r(rI;1:s Ti) ' sm: ntmacsvr us:-zmsnr: PU:;:I.asIxE$':- AND THEIR (`0;\'`f).\lll`A.\'TS. rt: """` wm)LE.%M.E AND RETAIL. _' NET, pom? ta Mealows`, Dunlap-st.*,2 _ .qnll$l\IQ XI LIII -,\.L.\1.>s'r Y0'U.\'G AGAIN E{!_nx_ immui. In va|| Its fBra;nches uncier FIRS?`-GLAS$ MANAGEMENT. coMTs- ) all .who_ write in gon 1-~::sc,1 am: not ncccssurxly . ` I "rm; `r.v1')1.`"()l_!. :Ef$TA BL.I$ H in mm 2 _.._.._.____....-n-.____.__ T : to call and _sec 5 years guaran- ) ` Onsx-m\jx:I:. TIIUL-Lsmv, ;\_' ,'1n, 1.5-51. :51 A NE) M -AVNTFWR: I-I` A ma.` +'o'N" o N T. ' ' ORGAN ` _ `W/OODSTOQK,ONT. Uu.\ IV\J\_ 27-41:165. Bags in annauntcev {he Arrival of his mm Gamsps: 'E`A_EAB?iEE*! And }\'i1l cheerfully exclxaxxge all goods thib ni2~y not happen to please you after taking 1 home. Our Goods are marked su low that wag :PEn:`}%F { THEl+`ALIJ A Ni."'?.;W_/V`.-l@.j:`\r_l`E].{' Sm sow. \Vc W!!! do all In our pnwcr to please you. 'Wc guaamnieo c\'cryaruclchom:lI1 0! us to he (:5 r(`prcs:nlcd I WE WILL SELL Yul (W01) <;o0l.)>` .-\ I` UUH QBAREEEE PARS`? I+IOP. PArm3N'r FLOUR 2 ......._ `ll...~n.n-.14.... G-.. Whdguaranizees all work in any branch of `the trade iutruste_cl to I supcnor u1;u1neI'. . ----_....-..--,. ,`.. '~.-... ..<...-.v\n .vc\ an-. r'\..v 1<; \r1*\'vnn IIMITATIOXS OF ANY W()()DS mu M.-u'u;L+:;~r -MI.\"l`I()I\`}\BLI-3. T T ' . ' ,::_::+~m'1"1'r;1:>: nu.\1u)s n,\' ExH11:mn.\'. `SignWriting,.Presco and ?riiit1ng, Paper Hang-E: ing, Kalsomiuing, Glazmg, &c.,&c. ` E l1'll(II'>'I-I I .\I.\"I'l.\'U."-`l`1 o.:vr' \ uni \ rtl.` IDA 1\"!`Y\'lI n`. ""Ll.` ""' kl` V I.:ZI"C.-\R1iL\('llr} I AI.\"I'H\'(.1.`t'r!. l7'IN_lL 5I'Z -.- td:'--- . G. was for many years Fresco Painter in I:-mling .\'lm]~.s in _'}`nrunt._., and in pn-.p:u'ed , to furmsh ])v1a_z{ramsvan'dvl7-asigns for Fresco \,\'_ork. either in Oil or Water. 15.tf. '- `IL Iv` Jrslklbq Uv unn- D \\";\N'lfEl). /\p]nIy an 1 \V. D. .-\Rl).r\GlI. Owen-. I ):-I. `3I:th_ 1531. IAUUUULVLD uL4x1/nu \JuJ.. --u BOOKS POSTED by A. 1100!). |:m'ir-. liv- fercnccx-;:-.I. J. Brown. I-`arquhnrsm: S; Dumm. .-{post cm-a to above uddruss will be nttend(_~d tu. ll-2m-.11 .l_..x\.A.1nJ.I.--Um nu uuunz uu.uu. I into enclosure. of 1!. G. I_3igclow. Barrh-.1 Owpm-' can have the su.nn~ by paymg ex nscs and ; taking him awn)`. nt.hcr\\'isu l_1c wil be sold. : Annly to Blnclow Housc-. Bnmc. 43-tit -. taking him nuxerwxsu 1_1c _Apply Blgclow Hons;-." (`3oods_tl1at'}I:v.'e not been (:nr:'iI' u`.'cr fmrn last year, bxit .1 granrlly -l.\.. VV l.l.J-IILLVLV LID .|.1L1'JJ..:a.ua.'a.|J .L\J' . make engagements with a few pupils for: the Violin. Terms can be learned by onquiyy at Mmssns. L. S. 8; C. L. Saxmans or by wnting d.u'eot to A. J .; W.u.E.\TN. care of H. R. A; Boys. Esq.. Barrie. ' 4 x-stp 7)`/L Ozct ]l1ez~l:V-C'or/Va ZVIeal and Crac/ged " W/neat U1; .FARMERS WITH STUMP_S.-- One of Whinelcfs kmtent improved Lever Stum tng Machines (01; an e. the best and quickest mac ` ne made; also one `of -Bncv`s Stone Lifting 1 Machines. Address. G. WALLIS. Clevelands - ' .P.0.. Lain. Rnssenu. Muslwku. 44-2in.1) t Machines. Address. G. WA .P.0., Lake Rossean. Muskoku. `}l'.lSA.l..l`J1J`--l.`1$\ILIl. .I..u..u l..|.VA.`JLlJ.l.'l SE8 of T. W. Sini n 8; Co. about the lat. inat.,u. small; red M ey Cow white face, red spots._1mdr eyes," whitp under ixody. Parties rc- turning t esamo or giving such infommtion as_ will lead to her recovery be rewarded. T. W. SIMPSON. my-pie. Oct. 5.1931, . V` mt EQIjRL.'FORD LICENSED AUC- I 'l`IONEEBtorthogoun`1:'y"ftSlmcoe. orders Matt at tin:-Anxuunnn an. inn nmmnuw at. I Luv. ` so.` I.` V1.61! -I-_lL\IJ.`JJ.\ uuu n u v- 1. `I T10NEERfor the county or Slmcoe. ` left at th0'ADVANOI olco will be 1: I...- handed to. and information will a fnrn ad s. u Tloumnurortne uountyor suncoe. orders 1 _1eftatthe'ADVANOnomce~w!.ll rompt) at- tmded to. and information will a fur ed .g:mesrequmn%Mr.ForIl'snrvloes. on `-hough L hadhimult: een.oons,ulted.v Sales taken at `m-ices to suit eve:-vbody. waned 130. am: _ OSIEI .< _ a 4`-en. cons` `prices to suit everyboqy. I III .I.l\JLJL-I-`LI-`J. 111-IVA` ` "4 $3.0`). $|.0.f) and $12.0" pr!` .~l`Y. Bnr1`i(!f)(:t. 19111. 1.-:.~`!. w. n. .-\mn.-mm Oct. 26th. 1881. ` this ( 'l_?RAYED.-ONIs`. BUCK sv1I}iE1>} :..A... .......I...-um-. no? If (E Ilinvnlnxr Rnrl-In I AW was &-f11`NuLE I;i]oc1<,~:5 ` ` u-.\\~m|:n '.x'm\h-.n n.n~rim\- ill: or til? 1 ! i 11:. BOSANKO.`liziiiifs?1'.-1`m;'1'11 ;-.1 nu al A nn .....I an) l\:I ....u- ..n \CCOUNTS MADE OUT ml nnnvrc t)n'l`I.`nlu- A unnn llnrrir-. Hen ' `!TRAYED-FROM THE PREMI- ` one now` 117' Qininum Av. (In. about the lat. _-?v-?-- FR. WALENN 1s PREPARED T0 ' ....I... ..__...u.-...-nu uylh 11 four nnhilu fnr Bumsg SHQES, smsanis, 11]. II l)L\1L`Jl/ .1`! BA I\'[.\'( l$I'.\`L\'H B.-\`RI`.II-`. BTAl\'CH, DUNLOP STl .I'II3T_.` HOUS]-I.\" OLI) 5'1`.-\.\'|'. \`VTATNTl TH l.EAl.L\' 'rmc? 1.-n-u In-_-1\'1:<: - \....1-.- In I: l(I\`(;_ ` (u ( .;:~ni'st {xn-.1 Dx'v.1y,vgis!;, _\'./_ill be found 2 Du51';'.'\Ve~.'l M` the Barrie Ho_w_l. .\ (Jail .\`u}icitcx1 for all kinds of [I an, 11""./If IVA :/r'r':'u-'.~`. 1);`/CS/l _/V73`, Strrljp, (7')/r >.< mill I';'}':Is'/Ic.~'. !;em:&1J%P5a1in% $11919- lralrwme, G1z7Ai1%i`iiia' & LETTERING n in I|1r~Hirvhswt. \`t\'l.". nf thu \r:_ G jtl icb C1 9-a-un.au-u :-- wv ww ---1 Done in the I{ighe;4.l Style of tlic Art. F:'c.~'r.'o and 0r':U.'7IH H/IJIv['rlf7l{i?:[I, 1 u[}v';' I/un_v/iu_I, 7:11.115`:/`II/, U(iI :`Iv.'('=I' P(I.';e(I'1r{/, d"c'., 195'. COLLIER. sT3_ss_`I:,_ I -.z.rti-:ula.r attcnion is cactl to the (xpcxxing of the above Paint Shop by K 'MlSELLANEOUS. Removed to Cf arLon. s aid shop, `2 doors east 0/ V1'clon'a Hoar], New and Second-hand` Carriages a1wa;.'.=s on hand for Sale or E.\'L'h:UlgC. -- at I luau-nu |Irl\l_IEt`\ NO ONE CAN UNERSE_!..L US E 1"actory,-I(i\'e1fsi1lc. Oliicv, H-'3 King St._`1-last, 'i'nrox{g GAOL MANAGEMENT. 't`1:1::sn, 1.1..\.\'I;so.\1I: .\;\'n . .`0nn.<. MAFTERH Tl-{ET FIRE 2 GEO. DUDLEY, l'l'('[)iLl-`(:11 ts) R_ubbe1s,_ 'c`&3C. ?i7i-[T}ijM6R"1EaIii:AL---' lL`\X'lJI.:J I)lJ\I' Bu,\'\`_io\\ Mills. .. Barrie, Faemav PRICES, IAIULI I.\:.AI .1 1: I .\m-!_\` In 1!. l{l.`{(;, . H4!" FURTHERMGRE ! y in Pvapr Bug bf all si:r._es. Special 1 he made to deuleraforjob lots. ~---:n:---- ALL I{INl)S OI JICVCIE-n(lE 44-2111.)) -1-up-ax;-\-..\n ' a t1'cnxc11 5 (.'m`.\`,'r\' 0|-` .\'x.\1(-ma \l_\' :1 mqnnu-rm Ihv m_'_m I 3 -z':2`vyin::nn `)I|`!ilIL"5SlI:i l:l('k.~'l}IllliS. nl thv \ Il_- j } lagv of \\'n\'n'-1'13`. in the` (,'0\mt_\' uf .~`iIm.-m .,_ umlvr l \ the style Of WrIgh1_ 5: I.aird. do l1:_n-h.\' N`I`f'.\j I}!-'1? ` tho .]zii'(llp2\`rt11t:r;.dh{p \\ :l|s 012: um v I_L!hU' `1"."`" -`l'* i 1-nu J01" us , p;L.<. . xsso \'c(-.,. . \Vftm:'.~'~' my lmml an bYuI'riv. ' . _ i I-the t\\'cnLy-|1'H)_11:11; uf 1`).-:1.i _ _.l()l_l.\ l..\lll). ` i ::::1:';'.:.:`e`f\*~*.::;...t'~ " `""%-` T _ _ .._._. _ l.VU Sn'l}}`. 44-: r - 1 Pursiutnt to chapter one hnndi`t.-(1 and seven. ' section thirty-four. ofthe Revised Statutes of ()n- I tario, notice is hereby g-ivvn that all creditors and others having claims against. the estate of J0ll.\' BOLTON. late of the Town of Barrio. in tlw ( 'ount_\' of Simcoc. Agent. who died on or about the 8th day of June A.D.. 1881 um rcguircd to send by post. pro-paid. 01; to deliver to A lessieurs Li:.\'.\'ox 8:` LBNNOX. Bnme,_Solicitors for }l.\nGAm:r J AXE _-BoL'ro.\', tho Aclnnnistrau-ix of the estate of the 1 late JOHN BOLTON. deceased, on or before the first I day of Decemberncxt. a statement of their names nnd addresses. and the full narticulnrs of their OTICE TO - CREDIT RS. -~-- v . ..._..`....,__,. 1 x 1 _ __ I In the Goods of./OIIN BULT()N, Dtmfasetl. ` day of December next. statement or their names and addresses niculnrs claims and of the securities (i any) held by them. and that after the said date the said Administra- tri_x will proceed to distribute the assets of the ` said deceased amongst the parties entitled there- to. havimr rests:-ti only to the claims of which [Il|Hl>l||H.'9. ll}: Imu me Ill`; ,-1' ux-d4-rs and \vou1i1_ iln us} -2: :l prisoner tn whom he} rived he would rcculmuend ; l \\ .'lS not :1g1'eei1)g-\\'itl1IniIx1 ' ml un the sicrklist and get 9...) II......... H...`I... . ...L...... said deceased amongst the parties enm-led there- to, having regard only notice shall have been furnished to the said Solic- imm ml aforesaid. and the said` Admlnistmn-ix notice shall have been rurnislleu to the said Solic- itors as aforesaid, and the said Adinlnlstrau-ix shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof to an person of whose claim her said Solicitors sh 1 not then have had notice. Everv creditor holdlmr anv seem-ltv In to warm ducc the same on or. be Solicitors shall not men have nan notice. Every creditor holdigg an security is to pro- on: t 0 said first day of December. 1881; beinxgne tlmo appointed for ad- judlcntion on the (:13. . _ V "M ARI!` Il`|'a"l` I` A \YI.` nntmnx By LENNOX an LENNOX. Her Attorneys Ac .\'ow going on to clear out present Shock. . lssor .tr'1`f(T) N `T 01- SHH`. ~;Iss0LU`r'ioN U11" -} ` SHIP. ' By LENNUX & LENNOX. He;-_Attomeya Ad Limn. V Dated at Bo.r'rle_this 19th 0ot., 1881 . ' 42-it, --Four Stor Couutrs and n Bout House for n , sl ':3}i.76U'EiE25~. WV Dlscouif Sale vu uuu vlnuua. "MARGARET JAM: BOLTON. _ Amininh-mt m'11'0L's1-: .\I.\"I`l.\ (}.'-`E1 IM 1>o'1i'1u-'23.` hunt F ARQC H ./_\P!5'(V),\'. BARRIE. - him, to be exc-cul:c( 1.i u :1 z .Jnim I.uir-L rm 1 menghcruf lhc k~'l||iHhs', nl Hm PA MN ma. "'1>`A1i`i`:#1'Is'i>{. %Er2{:i\'rEsj,% vrtmuxt r SE ..HUL'l`0N. A_dmnistmtrlx. ;_th(-m EPHOTOGRAPII GALLERY 1 Satisfactxon i iuaranteed. Hid or [ Pictures carefully Enlarged tn lnak cu, new. ' Hznrriur, Feb. `.33, ISSI. nut` 2m-!i;...: ..- in`.-. ` \\ \'l`l ll xh. l 121%-111' .~lm'h-nl-. l\ \E~ I`l(i.\'l'l-Iullrn mlul :|\v ~nu.-rH S~.\'I'l7|{Ih\\'.\`,..... I0 WI-lI).\' ES] ).\\`.\.', I0 ` g0ther <.l:s_\'.a n~sh.~1:n1. Slam/rcltag/, the $)!/I.~o/ July, 1718/. The oliiuc hnurs of the med xvzxstc. I sp(k(: tui `- l:u'ish nmnnor in \\'1`.ich u\'i. He f<'>Ald Inc In- ..n..] 'I ..._ 1'1 '1 .l ubIiv: .\'otiuc isv llcfclpy ;{ivv_-In that after, - . ' - :_-l'n rriAc J My v CANADIAN BANK OF COMMEHH`. --V rai- CANADIAN PACIFERAILWAY. Emory s Bar to Port Moody. NQTICE TO GbNTRACTORS. un.u ul .\tM rt` FIRST PRIZE )4` Hi: THE GULVERWELL MEDHJAL VC0., r.__ STUDIO:-Bayoid Strcenovor Powell : old stand. Barrie. %SL....._'{" uVl` 7`. ll th-- lion \V('$1'I\H. {win in dis'-uso-. ezxsvs. I l`._ ...1 MI" l)UH:.~. I`l'_(-1 uuu u-nun. I - \V-:x'1.|w.~'.:._St-rilita l.r~Ixc0n.3:u-:x. :n' intt-r'nnl ulcemtitm. `and l`tv-nn~ Syplxilitic untlv Mt.-I'c1n'iul 41! Ih'ups_v_.,l)ysp(-psia, I'lux.1ci:xtion Gena-ml l)chility,T:ml for l urifyin'; th- Blood. ' . , . V. . . . . . I l..v. Qua-av.-n-ulln In (1 nnnn`un-mhnn r. y This Sursnpzxrillzl is n cmnbinntinn r vogc-table nltcmtivt-s-~Stillinqia. Mm drake,` '1':-llo\\' Doc-k-\\'ith thu lrnii!- of Potassium and Iron, and is the mu. eicncious medicine yet known :- thc diiscaxsas it is intended to cure. ' ' A: ..n.l....6n no-n no; .l.:ll..llu nnn U10 UlS(5'd.\'h H In ulu:nIu:u up cun;. Its ingredients are s6 skilfully com-V bined. that the full..al1Tx.-rative ecct of each is assured, and \\'lzile_it is so` mill as_tobclIarn1lcss even. to children, it :4 still so effectual as to purge out from llm svstem those impuritu-sand cofruptimn \\'rhich develop into loathsonu: disease. 'I'l1n rnnnfnnn it nninma. in (l0l'l`.`"(l A\\'l|.I. .. \'l| `A\|.|'ZH 'I'E.Vl,)IC|h' :. ...1'... .1. .....1... rl WHICH UUVUIUII IHLU l\)|llII3UIlIl,Z \4|ID'.'(l-5C 'lfhc reputation it enjoys is dcriv-ul from its cures, and the confidence \\'mw'n prominent physicians allover the mun- try repose in 1t,prova 3!i"1tex;\erionm: of its usefulness. r-....;:n,...L.... .u....a.,`-. .. 'r-.. ` t-.....:. I...--;. ~-:-;\'1I::1:.-.vI:.{\ O1u< l.\' m:m.~'-n 1--u'.\1|~.n. .u-qs- Aye:- s Sa,1'1saJpa1i11a L 1L3 ll5U.llllllCo Cc:-ticntes attw.7.{: iii ;-3 `Ian-3 ha';--. accumulated. and 2-53) 0:-2...tr:-. ;1.;; twin; received, and as mag; '_ E t-71.:~,;~. :a;.es um publicly known, than T~- '-r-iab. ".?.1vim`iULC evidence of the su:'_r .?z':'.`-,- H ibis Sn ,sa.pari11a. over every at` 53% ;:1t.er_atim medicine. So gens:>,7.',' ;;3 supex x- ority to any other m:.:?."..".'.:.;; imcwn. than weneed c_io`no moie titan to assure me- publicz that the best:qIIal% it has ever possessedmre strictly maintained- , WA _ ` `, `n(-`,.. .` . - I"I|'L\lElI. I. An "I- ll-~~)A\Lllll|L, . .l,.., u 1dm1=`l"u-1' the }1llI']m.\`_C [1:1.s`1.- in and nut; J (i with 1'2\}_{S t41;]1rc\',nt 1n.'1trn11" when `ti -in do 59. 'i`l101'(`. `:4 from the p1'is011c1's $15. :1n(i' S2}. _\ sent` to the (_7on`ml mnney he lost ini the .-is :1 (Iist111fh:111ce:1hn11t ` ; 34:-.11-iV1i~x _-w11 \\'::t-h ;1itL-1'1\':11'd;< u.\'L`,il.'u)f,'Cd w1`is-11u1- hm-i; his ' iii (ii: .\'i'0\'.(m_:3 t111`111 I Jnadc no In .i`hu .*s l1u1'itl` :1l,n11t tthiuk he was f:1\';ur- ` tcxise. _ ; girl tn`.-ic :-.w:1y fat given her by l3:I.L:.-rville, and .~s:1\\' thelittle -girl pay Bnskcrvilie 25c. `mL_(1 W S}]L_m.I. m up. 'iVi1u},-utzltues were kept separately 111 the |'a.~xke1'- - 1 V, . _ ;c];;mger1 `stale b1'u:_ui withvM.1`s . L:1n=._,r for-. " mg 1` t`ed Hm ? fresh hreiui, The s_11ppiies':1re always kept 1| . sc-pz11'z1tc'1y. Inever :!.iin\\'C(1 her to his cell after that, 1 Saw ;U.I'S. IXIUYUUII illlu ,lll:l.` HIJHU wm.(1sl1ed during _the summer : 110 gaol po- tatoes were ever useri 11_v .Mr. Lung to 1113' lmmvlmige. I have mi a. few occasions ex- The 111:1t1'o11, Baskewille, was favorable .to :1 prisoner 11:-.med Bnr11h:1m. mu} wasin thehabit.ofsen(1i11g him deli- x::lL'i'CS on his. pia.te._ B11m1ha.1n told me `she was :1._r_{oo girl and if he got free he` would 1, ` 111:11'rV her. At her reqiiest I once ;1ih1Wed uwn ' ` her tn See Burnh:1111. I. im111ediate1y told M1`. L':u1g. and was ce11su1'ed by 111111; I though s11e'rcq11ested~11_1e. `I hrwe often ....+ 1.; o....1.. rmm Mrs, T~..'n1rr for .sxic.k111'iso11- j6oa'rnA'1(5A1NTEns.e PRIPLRED BY ' ' Dr. 1. c. man & c'o.. Lowen, Mm. Pructlcal and Analytical Cheminla. IOLD-31341.5 nnuoolns zvsuvwuuu. THE BEST IN ISARIIIE. Tux-'VB..u:I:J1~:, ARTISTS J, 5`. (`.A\lI..\'I'I(`.\ , \V. C. REEV` I`-I-I nu: nlI..'n,lx:-IL uuu _`_,'Ul nmnn U:Lmlius`hctter \\'hcn_Miss; l_}.'1ske1'- E l .s!u-I -111:1:-19uelI<,`1I.'and I .. `. .......|: . I A F U L L LINE. CLIIJS J, Llll.'$ (IUUH.- .l"l .$!c\'m1sulmglttlw hxe 1i.`!U`)llt(:d pm \\`:1` :u:ting'nmIc1' 1 l'n0li1 Wlui-xn ` \\';L3 fniumlly am'i\'c mat the nmsh w: '1 1.. 2,1... . ... -.LL`:uIu`_'_. I _U|iL'L` muunl M1". light , int31'\'i.-xv bct\\'(.'(-n ! c:mw.':m<.l in tlmil" n.'}I(`-1` "I hind t1`c:lt- I ittcd that 1 had] and I then asked { dmu In the 1n-is-; In-imxxcxfs; one of: L...l ,.. ..l..... ..,..... . (JUil.l'LL'l.' new E15 UUIIUM To the s1feri11',-1 remember" asking` . I Sherilf Mc_Coukey to come over and see the ' gool at the iimeturnkey _Povey was leaving; we found thattlie sheets were not clean. because we lmd-`not it cl1:u1ge.. 1'did not Q complain to the Sheriff about Stepheusas I Ethnught he mks doing just as the Sheriff -. . ! wanted` him. -The Sheriff would not ap- {puint my daiighter mat-mu, but allmved 6, her to act as such for 2.`_, years- .1 com- _i plnincd to the Sheriff of Baskerville, but I l , E took a. witness with me for fear of trickery. ' `.>l~n April, 1880, the Sheriifczuue over and ` i.s:\id Stevens lmd been drunk ; Ivsnid he; ll1a at the Sheriff` 3 request, I put! ; what I then said in writing ;' .' the Q ` letter now produced is_ the statement then 1 written by me. . 'l`n Rh l u'nlr-1` ---T \\'n_ix. not in the lmliii. matron, and the County still owes me 'forl the supphesto which the matron was en- . t}t1ed,'as she boarded with me. I posi- tively swear that no portion of the gaol` supplies were appropriated by either me or my family. I never drew any money, ' `for Stevens groceries, from the .trea.surv. I `never saw Mrs. Clmpmnu take away any " szaol property and don't believe she ever did. I believe her to `he a strictly honest woman. The statement made `by the woman Rearden, that I kept my potatoes with 1 those of the gaol, is false; I kept "them i separate and never used any gaol potatoes for my own use. When the September bills came in the `Board found fault with `them and audited them -.7 The auditors refused ' to allow verbal orders for extras to "sick prisoners; but the orders were usually ` given verbally by the gaol surgeon, and, in consequence, 1 was ordered to refund and did refund $200. ' '1'.` H". Ynonn.-Ann _'I"|.n u-n-.-`kn! nu-pin-..a In-.. ibllll Lllu. l'Ul||I.lU. I;UUo , To the Inspector.-The verbal orders for tea, sugar, and buL_tc1`, given by the Dr. fo1'_threc months amounted to $200, and` M that was what I paid back. About 1 Tithe [Tp.y1ne`nt.nf 13c. per day to each prisoner `ceased. The cost per day for the last quarter was 9!: cents. : 'l`n Hm Slmri',_.I rnnlmmhm-' unkind` I - .lA.\n:.s` ll. J1-;.\'.\I`. 1`T1-J, swurn, .said:~-I' _ liuvc I)e(:n the turnlccy nf tl1_u~ Barrie g:i_ol_I ' ~ since H 1- Iirst day of Marcli; 1880: Miss I I I r E luslscnillc \\'nStl1cn 1n:xIrnn_. SIM: and J ` I did nut get ulong_\'0ry ivcll fr<>n- 'tl1u' Iii-St. .. 1 was lgIl0l'::YIt hf tlic nmnncr of di::aIii11gnp gzml rzniuns and nskcd lit,-1'. {) ]m.~:t H10; she 1`cI'i1su.nl. flu: nmiluniy lnqil Lvaullyg [ - l|:u`o_1`u.~in:uIuvitmyself. l (,'(vm1nl:l.ll1(.'l- of lx(`1`(,'(Ill(l\lCt tn tllL`_ L`il'.|lt`l`._ '|'l:u Slicrill I I I I , I '01` u. fuixmiuys then 3110 did -vary well, and ' "tlH3l1lJk`L`1LlllI.` cmnl-:_v. Sliu lucked up Lh_c I Iillvlt` dishes :\.nxl l was uliligctl tn gut them I .I'i'-:1; inysulf froni tln: l1lJ_ll$t`. She u-pp1'up1'i- ' ulcd _.;:ml pru1nU1`L_x' ; the-. goml nuw pro-I duced .'11`c tlu;-A g:i.i)l5got,ds ; S_`JlllL: were found in u 11.-cuss behind ztvcliiumey in the - attic. I ` .sm11`c in ln.-rromn, some in \vu1nens cu1_)b0a.1'Ll, ` I and suinc an Pullams (produced a quantity I of i.ul`l1ll[) clotliing); One night after her I I dismissal from tliuvgaol, she 1'ctnnn-zi ;' (I I was sitting; up at the reqnust of Mr. Langz). I towmds nndnight 1 110ticcd*a.smL-ll us of, I I clutli burnin,-_r_; I went into_ the kitchen. I wlu-nee the odor;-cn1aIx_1'nteLl, and found I Baskex-villi: there standing beside tl1e_ stove, I the lids were 011'. "the stove was lled with I Il1:LIf-ucmsnnicd rolls of cloth; `I tried tol ' s;).\'U it ll\1l.U()lll(1 n0t,`tl1c llc-at was so in-' "tcx1.`V;'-c. 1 saw Mrs. Riurdcn and her little ..:..1 ..l,-.. "mun Fuii uiunn lunvv luv Ilnluln-rvinn (`nine to {lie gzwl zind rcp1"in1:mdcd her, and .v I 5 | 4 . K 1 k -dun-in-,5 Vthu .t_ime the inati-on and turnkey l'\V'1`ltECl1 Dy H10. To Mr. [ eplc-1",-_--I was not in the habit` of getting leave _of absence from Sh'erit1'l Smith. A V _ . MA'r1l.I,\ I...-\.\`u,_ (vifc of Mr. Lmig): swnr-i, said :~-l,:uu the wife of the gaoler, and I live in the g_;:1`u1.` The Ch1I`f_{f: that` ',(:un1 supplies were used by the gaolcx-`s izuuily isnut (mic, with the (-iwcptvion thzitv i I ln>:1I` with us, and then, only the amount 3 . x` ....,,1 wIn.:1-Illv .+;. mhir-In Hmv wnrn nnfin i ' lm:1l` with and then, only the amount l - ur __:\nl rations-to which they were entitled 3.-is matron :uul.tn1-nkey. My liusbnml as iguoler never drew any rations. . "After the turnkey left onr table the _1nut`:`un contin- ued to be matron and botrdeil at our table, but new-1' drew all the rmitjns to which, as` 2 then matron. L The County is-still in the i gzl()l'L*x"'s debt in :1. small amount for r:itions I not used by my, laughter when matron. f We (lid not, and ennl-J. not., trust the ex- l turn.ke_y, ..S'te\'ems. he was exceedingly ex- "11-:t\'a<;:uit. ' 1 once. -tn- prevent waste, matron, she was entitled ; my dzuigliterwas ' - lmili.-ll some snnall potatoes for dinner, at `-- 5 which S_te\'ens becmiie incensed mnl refnsedi at first to use them. During the limb part ' of Miss~Ba,sl{erx'il1e's terin she waspqnite .'L,r1'eeal)le,'lmt.tow:u'ds the last became very contrary. I know Mrs. Chapman; 1-.l1:Lve `gi\'enher provisions nil` nw private table, 1 l i but never gaol supplies. ' The provisions were :tl\v-ziys kept sep:u'ate.A I _1iezu`d Ste- vnnu alt nm-mvn fnhla refuse to dish nn the i were :u\v-zLys_ Kept Sc1|u.l".u.L:.- J Vuuiuu ow- g \'en_s at our own table refuse to dish up the ` 1 p1'isun0.rs food, The stntclnent made by I ! Mrs. '|.`\_iu1`dvn,_tha.t she $\'2(s1):1i(11:y County 5 {nuncy' for \\'u:'hin;,' px-i\'m_> -cl-Hhcs, is! uttcrlv fuI~:u. - ~ 5 . v . .. - ti1OUgIl SHO'I`C(]l]GSlULl"lllU- 1. nine uncu I gut \`i(:tual.~s from Mrs. Lang for sick prison- he gut his money ; he never paid me. ers oh" her own priv:i.1'e table. Creswieke told me to have Ui1a.pIll3.I1 mend the gnol boots I have heard Ureswxcke tell Lang to` `give Mrs. Rriorden 'ai1~`1he w-ork_he could. Stevens told me the night I got the . keys ` from him that hehnd $13.70 belonging to 9, l)I'iS(`yI1(l' and that he-wm11(1.p:Ly me when A man muued Robert Russell \\ .'lS_SCl_1t to the g_;:in111m1er u cztpius and again re-arrested perso'n.-xlly by `the Sheriff. _IIis niune was entered in the register by-the Sheriff's , or- der four times `as there were four separate : capiases, lnit was m11y- entered once on the 3 diet list, and not four times as chgirged by ; the Shcrill'.` ' ' i All -m nu- ..:A}i.. ` ..._L....-. [H0 Duunll. .V i - To the Sl1e_riti'.--'l`he nmtrun, after "the 1 _1'cc(mcilia.l-ion elfected by the She1j1',- a.ga.in Qhec.unc,tronb1es01nc, but I never again r'-mvlained to the Shcrll l_ comp1ai'ned 1 l ;.Lo.\ix-.La11g because he was "my nlaster,` 1:md11()t,the .\`l1o.1-iii`. I got the breakfast` I ]}askurv`i_llc um] I took our meals at separ~ 1 ,. I_`.`:-e<- .1... e..+ u-Mk lmr hm-.1: in Inn. I I ; eye-1'y morning, Baal-zerville was then in bed. ` `I[i.v/ l}uskc:r\`1llc am! 1 took means an .sL'piu'-'1 ate tables : she sat with her back to me. I ' am mv:u'c Llmt the Shcritfdcsired Mr. Lang , to prosecute 1'.:Lskcr\'1l1c, "and wished him ; to issue {I sczujch w:u'r;u1t agzunst M rs. Rior- g dun. I ue.`.'er']1ezu'd the Sheritf tell Mr.. Y1 A._.. La L-'hr\|I11] nnf. `\.\'P. (ft the shl)CS den. 1 ue.`.'cr'nezu'u Luu miuuu wu. Luz.- 'iLang he should not have got the 1 mended, as they were past .thnb. . I. told ; E Mr. Lang of Stevens having the prisoner's ' money. 1 never saw anything but courtesy on the part of the Sheriff -towards Mr. 1. Lang. 1 once tookzn prisoner-to my place g i i to szuv wood, and two prisoners to help Inc i unlozul straw; I also took _two prisoners to help me to clean out a well with the per- mission of Mr. Lang. ' I>'urnha.m helped me to compile my annual repbrt in his" cor- ridor and nut; in the giiol oicc. _ '-- `r n - __:,1 . 1 :.:A..;::V LIIUIII J ' Hssnv R. A. Boys called, was sworn:-- Alively discussionfensued as to where a` certain book was to be found, Mr. Boys" stating that the Sheriff should have it, and the Sheriff `placing its [custody in the In- apectnr`s.hands. It could not be found, and after 3. very lengthy examination` of some musty papers, from Mr. Boys ofce, Mr. Pepler had elicited nothing. while the Inspector, `after guring for a. longtime, said his results wgre far` off estin'xa_.t*ea ,t_A and ' the examination was:'1ft. nu .- ,-._.,,_.;,;;n_-;.11..;";;:.1':;:.L..; um uxtuuumuuu was nun. _ V ` " To the Sh,eri',`-l-JI remember the7aug_iting of one quart-'er's gaol accounts. _ The` ac`- l.'l(.lUl` uuu uuy 111 upu Batu Uluuuu Mn. Imrm. recalled, said :-I idex1lifY_ the clothing produce a.s that I gut at Pal` 1a.n's. I had no interest in the well belong ? ing to J rmette,` cleaned out by the prison- ers, and tlxeywero gone only` about 0119' hounor so. They. were vagrants. j ' ' ' I To the Sheri',--I now repeat what the ` Sheriff 5n.i(1,,a.1)out four years ago, that Mr. Langmuir was a. very bad man arid a great tyrant. I said some hard things of. In- spcctor Ltmgmuii' myself at the same con- versation. because I .thought I was badly used. [The Inspector, at` this stage, to- marked that such remarks would not in any way a'ecb.him as he thoughtoit was just as I well to be on uizfrielxdfy Eerms with both`- She`ri"s and gaolets and their` opinions would not inuence his ,g;ondu'ct towards them.] ' ` -rr_.._.. `n A `D4-um ....'n..'.l u.-on nmnrn---, T uuu_ was :9: tea, sugar, ana genent * goo` suppl1es,but was made up largely of sugar.- The auditors bulked the `sum toebe _refund- - . ed by Mr.,Lang at 3200. T There was `:1 portion of Mr. _Lang's-private account in- `eluded in the gnol account and that amount was struck out at Mr. Lang's own suggest- ion. At the time the auditing of the quar- te1 s accmmts was going on I spoke to Mr. Lang about the largeness of that q1:a.rtor s supplies. Mr. Lang has presented small accounts for scrubbing to me, nnd_ I have . `paid them. I saw and spoke to some of the gaol committee, and they requested me to pay them as there were no women in the v_ gaol to do scrubbing when these bills were contracted. The total amount would not exceed$10. II n 9 . . up I cbunt was :for tea, sugar, and gehel gol suunliea. Vbut was made nn In-anlv of untim- MR. LANG, recalled :-I went to Mr. Bothwell for my own bill ; Mr. Bothwell is my grocer, and-he told me that he had givenmy bill to Mr. Creswicke. I then got my own part taken out of the bill- put into Creswicke. The. committee were then. in possession of Bothwe11 s bill, and I got them to strike out the items of my bill. -This was" before the auditors got the bill. 1 1|! `l)..........-.-- ..._....... _..:.1 . '7 --_. ~ - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - w - - - - V -.. av. -.... V-.-- J. M. Bomwrznn, sworn, said :-'1 am a` ` grocer in Barrie and once supplied groceries to the County gziol. My books containing the gnol accounts were burned at cne of the res. By :1-mistake of one of my clerks Mr. L:mg s own account was allowed to be charged in the gao], account. Mr . Lang `_ called my attention to this mistake and at his suggestion I deducted $24.58 from A the gaol account and charged that amount to him. ' ' eaoaee TMONKMAN.` 4 R'EE.M c_)___V%E D!i Du. VARTHUR rAunAon,_ gaol Surgeon, 1 sworn. said :---\\ l1e,1_3`.vI nd prisoners sick. in gaol who require extras I usually give verbal instructions for their mquireincnts l and to have them placed `on the sick list ; ll had no regular systein but vmy orders were usually verbal as it would be impos- sible to have any xed rule owing to? pris- oners not knowing \\_'lla.l: they would be likely to want hours after I left. I never before saw the dietary book now produced; | y I, find it-necessary to give open orders. as a. 1 ` sick prisoner may require certain nonr.ish- $ ment in consequence of a change that oe- curs in my absence. The County of Simcoe ggaol ismore an hospital f_o1'incural)les than i a County gaol. In January nearly all the prixsrmers were on exLras.;owing to the fact of an o'ensi\'e individual f run Collingwood being in gaol. g , Here the ex-idenee came to an end, ; She1'i' McConkey, on the Inspector an- ' nouncing that nothing further would be adduceclvagainst.Mr.A Lang, rose and de-i `sired to otter some explanations as to in- sinuations which he alleged had been ' thrown out by the -Governor of ` the -gaol. Mr. Pepler objected to any explanation: from the She-rill` unless given under oath, because an opportunity had been given him ; to Cl`OSS-0\':l.lllll|c Mr. Lang. The She.ri', t I I "--`however, declined l>ein}_; sworn and no .e,x- iplanation \\'as.given, Miereupmi M1`. "Pep- ler proceeded to review the greater part uf I the evidence. ` \_IIIIlll|t llllt P.V\./ll\]\IAI V _ l ` -Mr. J_as'; Roddy goes on Wednesd9.y to , I 'I`nrontn to c_0ntin'n his legal studies in the ~_ ivofcg of Mr. Mulock. ` ii ~-Mr..\V. Ault, of Messrs. Strathy & ' Ault, returned here, with his mac, _vcster- 3 "2 d:1y h'om the wedding tour. 2 l n.1:.... 114-; m....1,..,.., ...c" H... r:.s,.....:..'.. l L.u:ur:.\'\'.-Mon(1ny, before Judge Gowan, John Wineld was nrrnigxieil on :1 ulmrge ~ l of_l:m:e1iy preferred hy .'\.le.\'. .KL-un. Mr. i Cotter, `(11'm\'11 .-\ttorncy. `,~1'ns0cn(0d,- and , Mr. Pupler, with Mr. -l)cc.ttur, of Urilliu. 1 ~ defended. The :icuused, it appears, had 3 l been mnplo_\jc as fnreinnn of l{enn s iuill,"1 1 at \'icto1'i:1 li:u`l)0r,V:1n(l on the teinlmrary K )cl_-sinI_; of the mill, pmcecilctl ln collect his ; tools in order to go o1l'tn :lHUl.llU1' situation. 3 ` Not huing ulrlc to lind them `all the day he [ went for them, he occupied one Sunday in K_Iool them up and timxsferriiig them to l his box, which he. with the help of :1. friend, _l took to an adjoining house, his own hrnu, i (Snttombcing too fin` away to convey it there ~ innncclizttcly. Mr. Kc:u),o_n the sxnl-posxtioiiv that Wnnlield had removed articles not his ( own, 1-roeured zt Search wu1'1`:u1t. and from ' mnung the tools picked out 5:; cu.nL-.l1ool;, sa.`w-setter, and block and tuelilc, whiuh he 'ulle~cd were not the property of the ex- fo1'_em:m, whom he theret_ipon' proceeded against_ for theft. The case was :tdjon1'ned till the following day, at-the wish of the Cro,\_vn, when the case was taken up by Judge Ardagh; who, after hearing evidence decided that no felonious intention .had been proved agzztinst the prisoner, whom he accordingly dlsclmrged. The question of ownership ofthe property .alleged- to have 1 been stolen, the Jndgze was not disposed to consider. It is` linderstood that an action i for false ixnpris'onment' will be the outcome` l of the case. AOl'sS1`]:L7C'1`1$'(: TIIE ThA(`K._. f-A boy muued 1\`IcC-Ennis` committed on a 1 charge of placing an_0bs'.ructim1 km the N. ; & N. W {ailwzw track was dxscharged. '_ --'Mr.` G. R. S\11lTV';1 was in town yester- ` dzw. - "l"....... Tuu~`\An`nwp`n;I\:6-rI'(1:I`\rv `K1-nlirrh `lztjfo ` - . -To\vn InspectorBlain is getting through ,'ta.k1ng around the tax bills; ` ' 1' mm`. u_._..-... f\: n,.,a,h.\..... 1....` x..,.... V UDIIKXIIIS `(|Ll4II|l\.t IJAAV I`IVl| Ivlhllui ` -'-Mr. Harper,` of -Cookstown, `1x:1 been | engaged as assxstant at Dr. -Georgen`si drug store. ' -- 7. -.-. .. 1. , . .-, ouuu. _ ---.\Ir. H. Fortier, \y'e_x1n(1e1`stax1d; is" lo- cated not temporarxly but pc1'm:me11tly:zv.t Landon .` --- -.-. . 1. 1 .. * 1 H I LA` -uuuu - l -Mr. R. A..J'ay11es has 'p11i`cl1a$eu the i Painswick mills, which he will thoronglxly ', o,verl1:iul. l .. -. v` n -.1 1 11 I on .1 11 IV 1 -- \[r. J. E. Pollvnck,-B; A.,Vof Botlnvell, has been appointed assistarit master of Orillin. High School. at r,_.. 13 1.1.- ...,,..- ~... \'U...`l.......l.... L- nmxr;-zurod. \ h.'dg:.._,} famous ][ . - -101` rm. f ungar. mil`. us In 3 . ` B to Q stern (Rho): acLn.)-.- um! 01!}-roll for 1 . ,Y 19 rs , V . L time . V ;n gm. . He. I \|lBJ.Ll\llAA Iilllld Iv I-\.\~cAAna uvnnnu . --Miue Host Clarkson,'of' the Georgizm EBay House, 1 eneta.ng, has gone to Parry Som_1d to slzpy (leer and things, I '11- 1-.n,,___ n--_...._..v ..._.,_,.,__.,. |.,',:,..,. ,. | Luv 1- us. v. -1. nu ..-u.-....._, .7... ...-.. _.,-__. 1 --His" Worship the \Va.r(1en entertains the ` members of the County Council and a.m1m- her of friends at` a Dinner at the Q11ec11 s t_o-night. _ `_ ' .... 1.,` .,u,.:,, Q v."llll..l\I uv any; any... .-..-.. ...-...D..v. -'M. Elcano} Georgen appears bfore 3. Toronto audience, underthe auspices of the M. C. A., "on Tuesday eve, the 29th. _. LL- \`lY-..J... .. .\~.LA..L..:n... J1... I ' --1\Ir.-Albeit. Kenn, lately a`student`in) Messrs. Lount & L0\1nt s oices, has been ` elected a secretary of Osgoode Hall Liter- nry' Association, . . _ \r,-._.._..`l._.-~..... .....'._...\.J .. .-.1..........t'. ....1I (IIJ -4'1L)s)ll\JIIl||,IA|`u -Yestcrda.y`we enjoyed a. pleasant call frommx esteemed friend and patron, Mr. G. L. Darby, Stayner. He looked healthy " and hearty as of yore. . ` cw us 17 1- , 1 II'_ `If ` --`;\Icssr.s. Duncan,1\Iurchison and Hugh !"IIzunm0nd; of McCu.rthy, Pepler '& Mc- C:1rLlxy's uices, have `passed t11eir_secoud iuternncdinte cx:uniua.tion `at Law. ' -.- nu nu nu '1.` , _1,1 ,g____ I Illuctlllvunnuuu 1..-u-u.uu~.uu `av ..u-- . --Mr. T. P. Thompson, (the old-time Jimuel.Briggs) goes to Ireland as a.v(:'lnbc special correspoxldeut. The genia1'JiInucl was once a contributer to Tm: AuvAr~'c!:. -.- n-.1 - 1 *r1,,,,:u 1- n'.,I__ nun uuuu xv vvlnvnnuuluwn .-V _.--.. --- . .....\..-. town, have returned from n success'fu1-lmnt. Vin Muskoka. They shot six deer," (one a. 300 poxmcler) lwcsigles aquantity pf small game. A qr ' ,, \.f:l1-_ 1I ,.l'\-..l. IJ......I.. lI'..:.. 1 . ` ---Mossrs. Bxithic and Hewitt, of Cooks- i ; D .... .. -Mes_srs. Miller. McCosh, Harvie, Main ` and Dr. Benton are the skips of Orillia. Cur- ling Club`. .Plny -will be on every night during the sc:tson--~Sund:1ys excepted, wc, beg to presume, . ' V , ' _. - n.... ,.c rv..n:,......,..,,v.. c..:.. .....,. 1m... nus mu 1 uuuuuuu -v; . --One of Co1lingwood"s fair ones, `Miss Tobey, participated in an enjoyable fox lnmb` at '1`or`outo recently, and was honored with the brush at the h:mdsTof the lucky winner thereof. _ u ` . s ` Ivnsalavn vnlvnvvn -The Cookstown Advocate understands that Mr. B. Hinds, of this town, and Mr. Thos. Spence, of that village, will proba.b~ ly soon engage in 2; discussion of Free Trade `vs. Protection. - --Miss Porter wisheeto announce to her Pupilsand Musical Students generally, that sheihas been duly appointed as examiner for. the Intermediate Certicate by the Ex- ecutive Committee of the Tonic Sol-fa Col- lege, London,-England. -` I L ` ' -r\ 1lI,_3;_ I1- r`I___._`_1 "l',__'__ (l`LL-.._-__1.I.. -Du'erin Co.` Grand Jury thomughly examined the jail, and werepleased to nd every department therein jn_ good, order and well xnanaged; . The interior isgkept clean and neat, reflecting niifoh credit on` the gaoler. 7 Governor Snthtlantj may gmile --literally `speaking, of oourse. VRl;`.I.A`1`IS(: '|'0 'I`0\\'N AND ('0L'.\"I`\'. ' BEIFORI-1 TIMI (`0`['.`\\"T'\' -|1'lNiH. PITHY PERSONALS. The V6 unV1's.' . 1'.-f-1-'-.---.:-v-'--6.-'-`*' `r --In a speechat the annual dinner of! the Tiny & Tay show, held in Penetang, Squire Rutledge, of Clayc-Id, related how, in the.ea.r1y days of the County Fair in Simcoe, he remembered "` the farmers com- ; ing with a. lunch in their pockets, and min g in? their dinn_e1"s under the benign shelter ' of n fence-chrner. -- .- ...... `pa. "-4.. -Mr. E. _Gm.ver has witlndrxum`fromi tllevhardwure business he has for several years conducted in Barrie, and his son Rob~ bert succeeds him. Mr. `Grnver, jr.. has long been the nctiv business manager of the establishment, which will no doubt be carried on as (successfully as ever. His inay friends, W6 fel sure, will wish him uc . ' V -`-The-Orillia. Times, referring to a.."lnar- Iriage card which we publish this -issue, says :-NVe this week announce the happy union of a Barrie King to one of our Onllia. Queens, Miss May Curran, which took place on Tuesday. ' The bezu1t1fu1 bride was the recipient of many mluable presents. We wish them a long, prosperous, and happy I rnirm - vault: . --Mr. Williams, of the `Collegiate 1..si- `Atute,,Co1lmgwood, has [been re-engaged as ]iead`master of thepublic schodls. One of the` local papers savs :- Of course this is dAone.fr,cnn`econom1ca-1motives, but there are many ratepayers who question._the "wisdom . of the proceeding and who. think that n 3 r3t_-class man should be engaged as head master and thus keep the public school al- together separa.te from the Insfitutc.v . __.'l`}m Rev M :-. R.nm=.rs and his wifcnl fK;IvlLY & BAKE-.'P.'3 noun nr .\Y.l. Kl?\'b.'4. I o the presexxis tendered by the guests was a L0g(3\';l18l' separuw 110111 but: 1u:4I-1uu.U.' ---The Rev. Mr. Rogers and his wife,l Collingwood, celebrated their Silver Wetl- xlving mmiversary on Hallow-,e e n. Among lmnrlsume watch ivhiclx, the facetious donor 1'ema.rkod,_was warranted to explode if -a. sermon was prolonged beyond twenty-livel minutes. But the reverend gentleman -was equal to the joke. In _rcferri1)g to the watclrhe sand he would agree to limit his sermons to twenty-ve minutes, if hisl lllearers would agree to practise .wlmt he" preached (luringilmat time. It is; needless to add that the challenge was not taken up. 7, - 4_;._._4_i..a_ Va-W . - . ! -Butchers a.x'c `ugzspealciug their Clxristmas ` beef ' ' ' I n , . . ... . . r. .1 { "gnu _, are you`: I 1.. n .... .....u. ..-. - -Tho anglers continue `tn deal gt.-ntly with 1 I { the herring. 'I"l.- T ..I`1I...... --Jnnisl (`,o`uncil' rocecdin"`s (ml ' came 3 . _ _ V ` P n hanrl last mght. loo late. rm... ...1:,.._..'.....: [IL _____ .. c-:;.;:...__ ...:n>1.- I ' ""' ' i ~-New \'r-rsiou of 1 . 1'. E I stlbscriptiou. (`u/nprtn-._:-2 54111491113? ' 4 (I \\'. H I ..L ..l.1r....l --In l)rcs'dc11 village tlicf 1na'\"e a yach 1 I).'lUIiHl.'~.`-`. ' l i ` I .... ...D. ; ---'I`hc LcClem` C`igar takes the lead amlg : means to keep'it. ` l_...!_n'_'I fI_. V... 0...- ........ . V ...-n.- 1 resumed here on the 28th. -MY l.l l"l`Ll? um`, \\'11ex~c.lid you get that ; nice .`~'c1mol Fool; '. .1\t~1iClW:1r(}.s' Book Store . 1 I . - .... --'l`]Le agljoxlrhetl Chancery Sittitngs wiIl>hc , . ILL FEED zznw /,.u.\ M, , . " ' <. "" Flam` cu "1 Grain ' ' -.'\.l.l. `nu-2 V _ .\\':x1I I`zx1~.cr is ` 1 have some yct from 13. up, Hxlv Sturc. ' 1 K --IIzunilt0u has :i Ciollcgiatu `I11-ss't.`itixLc Liter- ary Society. - How abuut a. match with l}n.r- ric's? '.|_'hey uiatch anything these days. ' ---'I`hc -.\lcc.h. ins. Literary Society will ]13.\'[. :1 debate to-morrow night on the subject of l'arnc]l`s arrest by the Liberal Government. \*!.,..-J. J-.. l-< _..1 _,, -........_..-.-_- -_, -..- _. .. -I\'iu:rods are every day going to and r turning from the_fa.1uous lmntiug grounds Muskoka. and Parry Sound. :lCvcr_V'-A0110 them appear; to have hrnd good luck. |,,,.,_,I,,I,,,I 1 1 .-I 1 l1'|\.l.l`l . . _ 5 v._ \\'.L-ll, lslmnlgl`r_cla.\:' my fca.t11x`cs," is the very _lu.tL-st mlditiml to the phxnsc book "of j tl1({_trllly rened. I ---A su1:u't man :s.'li1yc.~;t'cr1r1y tlmt Indian Suunucr ought to be stunmers about, axial; , nutunm make xts: appearance. ` r -r I. 1 n n - . u -n-. . .-. --A man who hauled in a dog lish down at the wharf the` other morning was Vadvised hy :1. companion"-sln-.rman to t1n'ow`it away. `But. he recognized 11: as a lamprey cc], and laughed the other to scorn. `V -The Directors of the Meclmnics Institute l purpose giving a. series of ten cc-ht musical and l literary entertainments (luring the coming winter. Friday night of next week the lirst will "probably be held. = . 'I`L.,...L.1;J...L...... :.. 1.1.- ..L;1l _1:__1__._ 1 1,..,.,...,_._, A ..... .... _, --~Thosc1obstets in the shell displays-.1 in Mr. '1`. Johnson's wiulow are the source ofb much.w-.>nderxnent.to visitors from away back -say over about Orillia.--who never seen slch zmimiles afore. ' ' .... . . -.... -. 1 dose of the f` Doctor s remedy. -Avon u............. ......v. -The ducks are numerous on Little Lake, 1 but the sportsmen nd them like pretty .la'ue, very shy. `The only thing that will i bring them down at long range is snial to be a 2 | 1\`..___ ._-.... AH....J:1- _ A`,.__ '1 --0\'cr near Allandzile, a few days ago, a] railwziy laborer, named Sheol1an,.got his right | hand crushed in the coupling of a gravel train. ' Three ngers had to H: amputated. Mandgxy night the sufferer went,to Toronto Hospital. '1`I.n n..u1u-hv 1nvvE~:.~`a 'rnnnv-t no` nn\:.... . .. . 'l`r1!AI`I'l' A`1 .'_I`l(.'1'.1=`..\` V