S.&MPLE- copy FREE. WORLD PRINTING CQ., No. 4 King Street east. Toronto `...'rAn'|.on|ua. v Aux. Menu, MERCHANT TAILOR F. J- LOWER.! "?E`hiL7"es'p'L" "3cri"eE. 135 turn: " 11-lv_ 28-tf. luau 'eI'l'IlII'l' I-U To IIDOII. . And sold cllY ofblodicjm In It Ii cmu':'ed Wot ;& r1Ie.Aiu`mI lnnguap. _ nuv I um um umuuclu no Iulnulucslltell only It 388 OXEORD-eI'III'I'( LONDON. ` "LI", 29299119! PlI.3MI,thmuxhouJu. ` --- iv v-aunt, QJ-UlUU.$! UIUUII it is In infallible ivensody. If cdeclnpjly nabbed on. an n_d: -uyl cheat. up an mm_npqw cum Bore Throat, Dnpdmn. lltotglmk, oopghqoouo, and won Auhm. us - '1! cans Bore Than _\I- 0 ... guns. II lllllnl Inna}; cvan_Auhm _vrellmgd, Abcelnu, Piles, Fmnlu. ll? B-IIL.A`lQnn uvyur uuuusvuvllllvli Agllvery kind orskin `Duo.-ue. il ha; _never been known 'rae'PuIu`uaomrmn"' ` "o'nirii' 6ln1.~lI!l1I|slvn,n..Innn-vi-I- I an-ma... _ V, : f 0&4 `nlml. 309911508 lltfnown `For! ecntoorBn<!}e?i`Bgd'Bngu, 3" V - l1IAI'l1--.`.'1.. n. ..-'_ 1-, ... L 5:-vrInuIll'00l'lildl.;egl,'BOdBflIo ' om Wounds,Sores._an,d mum; iI_u1 infallible ruicdy. euecumiurmbhea on m. Cooozuww Purrs.--Mix two cups of 5 cocoanut with one cup of powdered mm, the beaten whites of two eggs, and two tablespoonfula of our. or corn Ihrch, Drop on buttered tins nod bake GnA_nAu- Rou.a.-A piiiteid repar- tgr of Graham meal, a. pint of sour milk, Q -tgbkapoonful of sour "cream, so well- beeten egg, two tablespoonfula of sugar, 3. little salt and n teaapoonful of soda. Bnke in gen: pane and serve hot. - '.' <`'-7 ""-":"--I""i uuinowuhs. ivin lone em and vlsourmh gum` MAIN s 311593 d1='_uVg':, 1'hey_ue em? denlly recommended an 3 never l'a1l1n`.r'mgdy in `[1 _ cues when the eomlituuon, mm yrhuevet game. he. become impaired by weakened, They are wohderfell emcacioue m ell ulmeuu innxdenlel to Felnelea of J; ages, and u e GBNER`!p,4MIP:!3DClNH, m unsnrpaed. 4 - . _ . V - . ;:;:;f;;T;`s?,.;;,2;;;;;:;.;;i.1,..,,., and BOWBLS. zivinz lone. enarn. nnd vlnnnv a...s...- `rm: Grgnl Householdrug _l.-udlng neceuaemf Life. . These fntnonl Pill: bnrilv _leud|ngneceuarleI_ufLiI'e._ _" ' purity the Blood, and act mo.-I" poweruly,.yeuooIhmg|y. on the 3 - V -_ .1`!-:_:1:nt(z;!ri9`:=!emHu:.-_est_:?lI`a!*T:E9d`m 9? """` ` Inga; . V _ H has hould ' ostho `labs 5`, . "auto -_ddrl3a-fl`!-. n0t'688._(`):ol:t:Ih1rI:`: ANIEBICAN ` ' HEAD I.|G|'_GOAL` I MA CHINE OILS of azzg/amt; WH0l.v:sxM.ri: .m- I __ - -v------- -_-- -----.-, .u-5 - , rug. 1--u"'. `Gout. R`HEUu`ATl8Ms Ind avert Hind nfmn 11.....- n 3.... ..-...- L..- a.._,_, ]COAL__0IL :4 WATCHES, WEDDING RING CLOCKS, - GEM RINGS, JEWELRY. ` K.EEPER.S,- AND ELEGTRO-PLATED WARE. Illlll Ul LIIIIIIII IIIUII, I IIII-II nice molasses, s small teaspoon fl!` ">II`'! 1 Nil`: lthnnnn -nah In an 1 no-1'nou3L: 1-"6-sHow 00008.1 'Remember the Place, " R, A. DOUGLAS, nu; Jzwmn. ,` n - nun: Barrie. I88Vl.- R1FLE's""KNn sum` GUNS. AMMUNITION &c. [ICE CREAM] NL w-J`\ivELI.Rv, M "IIITIIWELL _E_|.EK,'- IIIIIE. R. A. pogs;s. AGIST I03 Black & Co s 0el_ln'aled`Speclaeles_ r rnchueuahould bohjloitho label on the Pan Bxn If the Idd il_ not688,_0:onl Blregg. Idwomy an mum, , ' - ,-,,._ .._..v V... For sale by all dealers. T`. DIIIJWIIN gt (0., Proprietors. v'l_'o|-oino divaulvg ' VA uuv pavv `,-_|v.||l{l ' D31` o}1sness,D spe sia,, zmess. eart urn,_.. ~Gon3t;pa.tion. Dryness of the 8k1n_._~Dro 4 ;Dim- ness of Vision. J aundice, 8 eum. Erysi elas, Scrofula. Plutterinz `of V the cart, Nervousness and General Debility; all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield In the happy inuericc of nmmnmz `mnnnn `l!`l'*l|.'l"E'Dcl :Tu'E`5?n';x5a;{; `,~'i.?1.I {."{i1'i?4'.ip; i}.`u` or BURDOOK 31.001) nnfrnns. . Sample Bottles 10c; Regulariz $1. --_-, ..-- . --J ..-..--..v-- .._...._--...-_ ENLARGE!) '1`oNs1Ls'.--Where the ton- sils are enlarged from oolds,_or epidemic sore throat, put 10 gig. of nitrate of sil- ver to low. of water, with three or four dropa ofcreoeote, and swab the throat `with it, and lay a ennel wet with tur- pentine upon the outside. The worst cases will shortly yield to this mild treatment. Should there, however, he a disposition to fever, you might also put the feet into hot water fifteen or twenty minutes, with occasional eponging the -whole surface. nuweus, nluneys aulu. ulver,-canymg off gradually without weakening the system, all the. impurities and foul humor; of the secretions ; at the same time onectin Al'.ilf.V hf tha Rfnmnnh cI|rii1i"R~L ;e;;.;.*z;,;4;;;;{;i,; :;;.;.;'.:.;.;fa.?n.cu"F ' 3* Acidity? of the 81:0 % <;;.1rix)g _Bili ousness. Dysnensia. H ' "D12. "fa: KEY TO HEABIH: A . Unlocks all the c|ogge Bowels, Kidneys and IaiV61',-carrying off araduallv weakening the svstm, The Jeweller, has jug; r:eived morn: Lung: stock \._I ___._-_.- V `WHOLESALE AT R. KING, clogged averiues of the" Inwnk, Kinevn and Liver .-nrrvina ENGLISH BUN HOUSE. --SEB'V'ED- IIUIII DPIIIUUIID JIUGIIIULID UAUIULDU ALI UIIU open air, and especially in the morning; freely bsthing. the whole surface; eating only the plsinest food, and occupying the time by study, or useful employ- ment, me very desirable assistants. T I)-.- ....._.. "I`\..-._.-..' TI7l..-_., LL. 1.... 01-` CANADIAN Jtwitund -) or (- -_-AT-- _ VQEDDING nmes, I(li!`|lEP1`.RS_ -PULLANS FISHING TACKLE. H. PULLAN "Jr! `IU U `)1 3 ULIHI1 UIIIZZIII-K3 UILIIDLI an generally understood to be a carbonate and phos hate of lime. ,Vinegar and salt disso ve these; and the old chronic compound isvbroken up; The carbonate of lime, etc., become acetate and muti- ate, and these being soluble, are taken "up by the circulating system, and dis- charged by secretion. ' This fact will be seen by the gouty joints becoming less in bulk until they assume their natural size. During this process, the stomach` and bowels should be occasionally regu- lated by a gentle purgative. Abstinence from spiritous libations; exercise in the :nI1:n H-m mnpninn. GO TOT `6.11 ' |Bo1'x.:;%1;si1-:1;L BLOCK. l-AS81135: Arm Iomu Ammlnms some AND mun Iusw. wan:-% :I?AIPEI.i33.1 }F1.N,C;: JB4BY 0_ARBIAG!I8. nxrnnss V wmons; uny-1ms,;;vmr rnmns, AUTOGRAPII AN1)_: AL arms, mm? nAs1:n:'rs, 7 V .`17"`%.""3 3`NG-T4031-E ' ` '~-_{ 5.4 s..>.a. iha'11v?!.. % % ` . ,, ' 1 . u-....>`. . ] 1` . ....r,. ; , : .. . ,, . _ . X 4' ; S ' ' 1?-VFIRY;ART'I'CLE IN iconnnmnon` Wm! um srxrionmw TRADE. `Bibles, Testaments, Hymn Bnokq, Psalm Books, Church Services, . ~ 2 ' . and Comnuvn I_ 1a_1/er Books,- I -,.Yt.*`9?`.`.","` 8 W99!!! ,uswsrmns.eu:usumsA;nnmm is v-at-an u. or u ruauu-B to me muons: am: an amtotoa with me loathsome cuaoue or cancer no mn- ? 1 P3631 to try this never-ailing. PERMANENT remedy. The Plaster. with full iculara _ tg;)i:u6aPVDlicItlon, will be lent to anraddress on_x-ocoipt of Six D3111;-3 (re tcred let.- fV...._-_A..- I ! l\ lW.-.`J- I 0 ` W193 01 u|0-|M MIX PL.A'I'ER- will draw the Cancer out in A few days. with its every root b T1:_'lt11;u:I?l,1:`:vLri1`l1>1k?`t x1I`Ba 1`:(%]%'Il?}rVl?:u;:?1aI%% f.';`i; x':` uu`.3?i`.'.`3?.% `.:., :.`:.`lf.a.:? Cnuomc Gou'r.-Take hot vinegar, sud put into it all the table salt which it will dissolve, and bathe the parts a'ect- ed with a soft piece of annel. I _Rub in with the hand, and dry the feet, etc., by the re. Repeat this operation four times in the 26, hours, fteen minutes each time, for four days; than twice a day for the same period; then once, and follow this rule whenever` the symptoms showthemselves st ' any future time." The philosophy of the above formula is as follows : Chronic gout proceeds from the obstruction of the free circulation of Al- L1--,1 11.. Ll- ._.~..;.. -41-.-L-.n L- LL- uu UI. HIBJM MI X FL.` TEE Will l1|`&\V H10 UBIIOGT 0! ll! [OW dlyl. With Ill OVGT-7 - 1 0;&;5gruta`.t.hua e ec|.ing.a PER. ANENT cure. and revontin a. recurrence of the dread malady. This in no humbug.`bnt -.3 POSITIVE and BE [ABLE URE, without sickness. de- bilgr. or evil results to the patient: and all elieoed with the loathsome disease of Cancer sin- 99 ..3 V3.94 329%?!` never-fnillmr. PERMANENT remedv. The Planter. with full nuticuhn 02 Printing 111 Piatlno type, we. SPECIAL ATTENTION PAlIJ~`I'I)_N,EGATIVE FINISHING. -1-en cases (10) FAL'L&WINTER CLOTHING SCOTCH AND ENGLISH 'l`WEl In fully up to the standard of former seasons; with all the Newest Designs. and at prices tbs " cannot fail to be satisfactory. yum..--. .--- -V -v Inspection and Comparison Invit';Zd~. IFASHIONABLE CLOTHING HOUSE] BA!-'-`l2ElAIJ'I)_ :I31=1os., PH0T0GBAPHERsJ mantles, Miilineny, Flowsrs, T Feathers and Straw Goods 1 H:1VE EVER SHOWN. . W V _ Pnoannss in stock-raising is well shown by the following facts. gleaned from an old psper: In the year 1710, the weight of fat cattle in the London market averaged only 370 pounds at the average age of veyears. In 17 95, thlswasincneased to 482 pounds. In 1830, the weight was 650 pounds, "near- ly double that of 1710. It is probable that the average weight at one year less age (say four years old) is at the present moment fully three. times that of 1710, and the beef-owing to the superior quality of the cattle and the better methods of fattening-fully 50 per cent, more noutishing and economical to the consumer. [FALL TWEEDS FURN|SHlNGS,| 20'. I beg to advise tny|friendn that I have ogened u a Large portion of my SPRING GOODS, . . compming fn lines 11: ' . MILLINERY AND `uTiiIi'ie snow _nooMs Of tine Latent Patterns and Input Fashionable Coloringa. Latest Styles in T ' Worsted, Diagonal: and Nap Overcaatirtgsz Engfish and L French Trawserin gs. . ' ` Theymost Varied Stock ever brought ink: Town. A Anson-tmeVnt of A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENTS UNEERGLOTHING Positively (no Lu-gen stock or aenw In Ban-lo to_ chooIo.1ro_m. ` `arse and vaiod Stock of s1: "1 V'.Y Department . of Litersfnro, pldnly 3: won as handsomely ' Selected And; Extensive St Jck of ANDARD WORKS, md the inore "important NEW BOOKS bound. A cju-efnlly FRAWLEY & DEVLIN S. IIIIU UIIUI IAUIIIUII UL IIIIU IICU IILIUIAIDEIUIJ VI the blood (in the plrtl affected) by the deposit of a. chalky substance, which is nnnnmllu nntlnv-nfnn On BA 1 rm:-hnnnfn as-1- H E`1|M M ? Beg to unngunce the arrival of their FALL TMPORTATION S, embracing GEN-I-s 2'E"'l3V'-`FI.1Vl'I_SIIIVlZ:i'VEE;~S. ENLARGEMETS BY THE -ARGENTIC GELATINO BROMIDE" PROCESS; T VV hich_are equgil in every respect to Qollodion Transfers. _ La IDRV }8.I._I.upv'-nan: oI.o..1f.I-I_ImI. 0R99.lR|l8,- AO- __--.._`__A.__,._.__,___A . = I I . V . ' . ~ C V . P. Q. Ccnad . nigh holtraleroncuglvenutoaroapeotablnty cndatundlngwho(1):`;-rel includi tlfe 1'0 th pgpgg-,_ .; ._ ' ` V V 3_ The Chaapn Goods and value we have over shown. HOVERCOATS. sum. onus. PANTS on vms. THE oARI='E`r"`6EPAaTMENT :0 ;-:---`-1- PH%oTo`c,aAPv-r IN ALL 11's `BRANCHES. A VALUE or MUcx.-Muck and swamp mud are valuable as fertilizers s for all crops, and on all soils not well supplied .with organic matter and especially so when mixed in large quantities with yard manure. All these black earths are the-remains of plants, and furnish just the elements to nourish other plants of every kind. Now is the time to dig out and pile up large stores of these materials, before the gfound is lled with _ water. The carting toiyards and elds can be done _at leisure, in the `later ....a.._.._ .... _....s.... -annual`-as A... lnn nf -- -uvvvuuou-cu ---av, any any yup; unyvo . ' Area Tuixoca Punnma.-Fl7r 9. - qnutof atgwed gppleawith lemon . ;und Itirintolscupful `of. tapioca has twoqnuts of water by jfmilit-(III ILA hank fl` flan 101519; NEW SPRING GOODS UT A CALL INVITED. Pricensnto Suit the Times and Satisfaction Guaranteed. SANDERS 31308., Will be opengd on 1`EUR.SDA'Y, the 14th APRIL, with the Bineal: Stock of LARGE ARRIVALS Ana: ARRIVALS! ALSO Wnm; mu Fancy Sanrrs, Co:.mu_1s, TIES, Hus, Gus, _-CURE FOR CANCER? ALWAYS on HAND: Every Department 2 Selected with gret cute both as to Style and Value. XE DC (10113 IL IUIUUIU, in nu: uivcn autumn or winter months. One load of minute and two loads of muck are better than two loads of manure not ":0 treated. I-Iats, Caps; c2:c;, A3o., A -AT THE- SA.N'D`ERS BROS. BOTII'W"ELL S BLOCK, DUNLOP STREET. A rosmvn f gin rnnuwmr Nobby Goods, well xiiade, at very lowest prices. ;W_1m_oU19' THE us}; or THE Imxm. :"s1'm>I._1np f.I3 1unusn1n. A. Call. aoliczltod.` }1'oI:N VVATSON. Next Door West of the Barn'e.Hotell ._) A1` (_ -) AT (- FRAWLEY ca DEVLIN. 1 Clothfng and I-`u-I-nlnhlnn U. BMITII. Conxcoox. Cuudn. vhon required. inaludinn the 7 M;c-};;!; Ea-ilors, D11h1op-St. |,sz2s.z.'.*=..:~,....'*=+*-;::.';~:.-2:-::m=..s..~"'\ '-~:... M `. V. .. V (In 'Wt1nymomum `I'M-'7unu1l out pordouthomo suupluwon `lm . ' ' ' rp mud. I V V; .Addgoul_l.BAu.nt& .. m 85t0$20m,...s....;..v:`::mI:;__u_`c__f -__....__... _- . _. _ _ - , nI'."`f2t?:.$`!1"1I!}.".`1"'.if.;..a.un- an-c.-.:::`.:': ainfvuinlgulugwollcoiovphon` 99Il'OI~uVliWIf!uOlIn9_IlI'OI"ll'lIl|u'In"n'lI`lt`lol'O"IllIpcI.p1..ggu.'.`~`' `` 3&4; j.'?jC4s`jT .1 : (.21--_ .V.*2--7 - New China Ten Ion. 3 Fancy Colored Ton son. Wnljo stone Tea Sets. New Fancy Bed-room Ware. New Fancy Lamps, pm" pm! New Glassware sou, a;c _ `:01 Love, like summer time,bio fair, 1 q . 7 Decked with bad: and biouomi gay ; 8111: upon this autumn sir ' Float: 3 voice, which seems to say, ' Iowan. aha ! W -'- --- - 7---ZIIlIn-v: New Seasons Tea, Black, Green and Japan_. No. 1 J:u'a. Cuk-c, fresh gr:.gm,j New Fruits, New Catch Salmon, Lobsters, Sardmes, Canned Corn But.-f, Lunch Ham. &c. E` Choice Stock of Pickles, Caper : Sauces, at the Lowest Cash Price-. ' HIGIIEDT PRICE PAID FUR BUTTER AN/D EGGS, iiiii`; %s1i&fin*,L Won't Gum or Clog your Machines._ Got Gold and Silver Medals and Flrul Prize: over all cometitors at the TORONTO, HAMILTON AND O'1"1`.-\\\'_-\ I.`-`I'7'~ TRIAL FAIRS. As yotu-`dealers for it, and take none but |_A|ln|E, for lulu by 4:... --u--v up u aunt in! U vulnu-Iulnl an I uuunv-- Put inhtshott notice. A full stock or Iron Pipe for swam, wuerund Gas. Globe \'al\'t-:1, mos` H "- CBGOR VIWOS. Steam usuzoa. and \Va.tarGlnsnaa. All work in this lino nromully uucndcd to New Stove and House Furnishing Store, ' A-_-) WHERE (_ _ mm mm mus, TINWAIIII, war snnus, ` u-vv-Ir-uvI~u-Iuvvvvvn--vwr-wv-u-v-< rvurnvvu ----------------------------------------------------- 'O0`~o Iul M-.,a,..,,. . -.-c. ..V CAN'1j01\:_T;sTORE, BRASS AND PAPER SHELLS, AMERICAN CHILLED SHOT, COMMON snow, DTDT `D A \T Gun. Caps, Primers, Wads, Give us a Call. PUEVIS -IBIROS ' SIGN OF CIRCULAR.SAW, DUNLOP STREET, NORTH, - - BAP. Barrie, April J2, 1881 . LIKE my UIIIGOII II` Wll IEO, Listening to the thrush : tone, Wsrhled forth fromevory tree Ere the meadow hnv wu muwn vj { 3'1-ovms 2 `S-1-ov1~:.-s :2 ALL THE MOST APPROVED MAKES, WITH THE LATEST AND BEST FL'I{NISII.\U: ,f8'8' dlg yodr H you want Good BaTg`7 `I Breech and Muzzle Loading Guns, Single and . Double Barrel Guns. jhardine Machxine Oil! V.--nu. - u.-vu. uu-vuun u Barrio, March 2, 1879. JHLKRVEST |BARRlE%S[(v_l_\_(E__8;%FURNA(}E nmn, PREPARE FOR THE SLAUGHTER. 1n tn auuorc notice. A full forstoam. \'al\'t`=I. 5101'" Gauges. and WutorGlunea.' All work in this line promptly 1-..}- `|I-_-I.n In-nu ' H- . uxnr nl \\'Tl)\' ":1. .0omer,D:mIap-xt. and Railway Square, Barrie. 1.imd'1y ....;..y `. umymmeu, Inthe up Iylove tolie T Nesth thandw y budded trees, Gnzinu unwu-d fn the nkv- HRESHER A SOUTH SIDE DUNLOP STREHI`, NEXT oooa TO THE_QANT_ON TEA sroae. 856-. are being Cleared Out at- Astonishing LOW Prices- 32~6moa Scythes, Scythe Snaths. Scythe Stones, Forks, Rakes, Hoes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Reaping Hooks, Hay Fork Pulleys, Binding Gloves, Pure Paris Green, &c., &c_ --)A'r< J Gnomm smrm 9 .S3?;!S2L9E3&F'i'nnG599E%B' ES ! .!IIt.t._` .I!ws19%u'_95EBI3fi!,.]ru[&~e9%. O alums - AN HIMENSE ONSLAUGHT IS ABOUT TO BE mur. (`P05 Oft iny xiidon at with Lilmnina to tha thru-1 : in .-_--j_U_:j D11-ec1:% Importations _.; OF (- Cm`-m'.vr of Collier arid Bag/field Streets, Barrie. HARVEST TOOLS. _.._j.___:___.___...__.T___` HOUQIHOLD PU NITURE UNDIRTAKINO MCC A LL BROS . MANUFACTURERS PRICES. II\lv Gun'Cases, - Reloadin Implements, _ Fishing 'ac/cle, Allan s Decoy Duck Framez, 51., ' l~l vv AND SHELFHHAIAIDWARE. go: AAAJ\AA Am.; GROOIRIII. FRUIT, BISCUITS, ac, -4-.. ...-.,___-._...4....._.._.n..--.. . u..u.u.n..n...._..... Late of 'VV:I.jn. Hunter. suni'|CIn.,o`aois % *j .9:-......`-'....~-=7':..':***`-= j'.::.-,, ;L _ _L._I.|_I_ _-__ ._.. 2.: ARRIVED CELEBRATED G. B. M-EAD OW S. TRY A SAMPLE OF 'D`naer1:a.1;1nR I `nu ATT Tms nn.--..__ Vnnnnsomnnnansn .'.) AT ` (- E. c;RAvE1=1{s. And all Funeral Requiaitea Furnished, E. eam'.;"a""as3~, II.....l....._.. I ._. . Homawnvdoomutl1oX7B| T 0'9: thuubblo, nu ma hnown,1l"' Flaunt the autumn llowon gay. (10-ly-)`-A '1'fi`Y.`E' AND SPORTING 1>ownm:. `J. HEN DERSON S. IN ALL rrs BRANCHES Wluunu onuaw K lnlllllon -,-om WNW awn nuoru non-no Ilogutroc u.. sou.i'...mn. -._- ocuhuvo I CW0 "V.'a'Juro a's'a':-'-`-'-II~ 3" --7:- Wuchn. stun wlndcntuo. ';a1d0.. sum tn-nu-.. .... - , nu ouucnuuvu pi 8! Inlonutros ICWJ while and II [uh] ua. kl. 'l`00LS AT `;3;f-mo. Hardware .\IerL-hunts, }'.ur. Cartridges, R8v0l`U1 s, Bozmg Gloves, L , ' nuu yous, , - As summers pus away. A__ DC! Jduri 1*L.&xTo.N. runwuy uuuuu... .- JOHN l`l.A.\'T0.\'. BARBIE. Iateu, due. Ll, ac. 15-3m. 111! `III! LIIUWly WM Gazing upwnrd to the sky; But, 31:: ! Time will pm. And the ower! of Ipring must dio !. -mvu-u-uwuvuau uvuquuru us wlwr uy wumingit-on the book of the stove; Sotzin-thoovan after-stirring -Ill thor- ouglnlytnguthar ' lake two hours. EuMvithnwootcnodomanm avored with H Il'DL& 10! !!! XIOIIBVOW '08 mudow hay was mown I But. llll 1 are we muuow nay Wu I But. slut Simmer pus - Now I wander all alone 1 ` - . Sumn_:onpuI'-b-,~ ` Luke annoys they pi! any ! ' HOUSEHOLD HINTS; IIUIF II! III! %n.:nu Summon in HEALTH Hlufs; FARM HINTS _`_ Gmoua: Auxow. nutmeg, Pack iuit 4;` mt Inn-rs~.m9;-.41!-ans or W0 ' -Mrs. Smyth, of Monbial, accused a domestic, one Be1laMcDona1 of an at- tempt to I-oieon her by putting a deadly `drug in her tea, andethen decamping with her wardrobe, containing $600 worth of fine furs. The accused was arrested by the police after a debauch with the` money she raised on the stolen articles. Tee public analyst examined the drugs left inthe cup {of tea, and declared that there was sui- cient poison remaining to take off twenty persons. Mrs. Smyth s life was. saved by her having quickly thrown off the poison after drinking the_` decoction. The furs were recovered in a pawn shop. CONSUMPTION GAE BE CURED. `In 61.3. nlu-nnmnldn a-Ii-v--Ln -B ---- ------- --- \4\(o1I.r\' um- gnu.` us$`, 11:4 uvaauu. In this changeable climate of ours, every one should remember that DR Wrs1'.ux s BALSAM or WILD Cnnnmr has proven itself to be a positive cure for consumption, asthma, bron- chitis, and all lung diseases. It has saved the lives of many even after all hope had ed. Many of our most intelligent families would as soon be without woolen clothing in winter, as to not have 'W1s'ran s BALSAM always on hand, for it never fails to immediately relieve allsoreness of throat and lungs. A single. dose taken at bed time will gently warm the blood. cause refreshing slumber, and by morn- ing an ordinary cough or cold will be gone. Ask your drnggist and your friends concerning , the merit of Wrs'rAn s Banana. and be wise. 50 cent: nut! 81 A hnftln Rnlrl In; an}... F118 ll'l 0! W IBTAR 8 DALSAM. 8110. D8 W150. 50 cent: and $1. I bottle, Sold by denlers generally. - v BU6KI.IN'8 ARNIQA SALVE. The Best Salve inthe` world for Cute, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Sslt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Ghaeped Hands, Chilblsins, '}orns, and sllofs 1nEruptions,- and posi- tively curea P1168. It is guertnteed to give gerieetutisfection or money refunded. Price 5 Cents Qer Box. For Sale by. G. Monk-` man. Burns." _28- HAov.um s Pscronu. B.u.sA2u is composed of the most healing balsnms and gums. The Balssrns, which enter into its composition, were used by the natives when America was first discovered, and are combined with other vegetable tonics, so blended together, that it I! I specic for all affections of the -throat and lungs. Thousands of bottles are used annually,` and it is considered one of the standard prepar- ations of the (lav. V 1.1\UI'4 LU HIDE l.I\U1.n Too much cannot be said of the ever-faithful wife and mother. constantly watching and caring for her dear ones, never neglecting a single duty in their behalf. When they are assailed by disease`, and the system should have a thorough cleansing, the stomach and bowels regulated, blood puried, malarial Eoison oxterminated, she must know that lectric Bitters are the only sure remedy. They are the best and purest medicine in the world, and only cost fty cents. Sold by G. l Monkmsn. ..-cu rvvvvli -The Emergent Committee has vrritten to Mr. Forster, urging that e'ective measures be taken to preserve law and order. Mr. Forster replied that the Gov-- ernment is taking and will [continue to take suclxzmeasures asit thinks necessary for quelling disorder and enforcing the law. The League rooms in Cork" and Limerick are occupied by, police, and no members are alldwed to enter. Sixteen arrests were made to-day in various places in Ireland. `TRUE TO HER TRUST. 'l"nn rnnnk nonnnt Innaoh-I AC 41... nvvnn 1`..:L|.t..1 DULCE UUHUFVU F118 OEFHUBIZ IFFCIIFIOH OIIU P5!"- sons liable to gout, sciatica, or other painful- alfections of themnscles, nerves, or joints. The Ointment should be applied after the af- fected parts have been patiently fomented with warm water, when the unszuent should be dili- gently rubbed upon the adjacent skin, unless the `friction causes pain. Holloway s .Pi1ls should be simultaneously taken to diminish Rain, reduce inammation, and purify the blood. his treatment abates the violence, and lessens the frequency of gout, rheumatism, and all spasmodic diseases which spring from heredit- ary predisposition, or from any- accidental weakness of constitution. The Ointment checks the local malady, while the Pills restore vital power. In]... 1l|...L..._.._L I`I-_....2J.L__ I... _;_,:u ,,, Q I31`-Y ` lI.L,n Iuvu av Vuvuva, I-llsv IJVUIIQUB Q1].-UV- Hollowagfc Pill: and OintmenI.-Rheumatiam and Gout. -Thesetpu1-ifying and soothin rem- edies deserve the `earnest attention of. per- nnnn Hulda 6-A 1-nub unis!-Inn nu nblann -....'-.t..I. u. use Itvvn Us In cues 61 Chronic disease which doctor! have failed to cure, Bunnocx Bmon Brrrma bu achieved its greatest triumph. All disease: of the Blood, Liver and Kldl16VB,- Scrofula. Dy- spepsia, Norvovs Debility, Rheumatism, Piles, Femnle Complaints and all forms of lost Vital- ity are prom tly cured by this great renoval5- ing Tonic. grin! Bottles only cost 10 Cents. A- DOA; .... Ln... 1.... L--- .1 ...... _..I ..S Why become A subringmnrtyr to Headache when BURDOCK BLOOD Brrrxns will surely cure the cause of all varieties of either Sick _or N et- vous Headache, cleanse the System, regulate the Seoretions. relieve Consumption of the Bowls, purify the Blood, renovate the Liver and tone u the Nervonsystem, and distress- ing hesdno e will be unknown ? Sample Bot- tles l0 Cents, Large Bottles $1.00. lJ..u........r'. D.'H- -...: n.-..p..-..: `DL.......-s.:-.. -_ -..-. -----~- u_.J vu-u av `aw...-n --Aa yet no trace has been diacovered "of Francis Morrison West,Athe Biddulph de- tective, who diaap enred a few days ago and is now wan on a charge of robbery. His friends,_ however, state that he will be on hand at the trial of. the Donnellys. They further give their opinion quite freely that the charge is a. trumped up one to injure his testimony at the trial. HEADACHE. ` Never was such a rush - made for any Drug Store us is now At G. Monkman s for a. trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con- sumption, Coughs and Colds. All ersons s1icted_ with Asthma, -Bronchitis. ourse- ness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a trinl bottle of this great remedy free, by calling It theabove _Drug Store. `I ... 1|-an A6 l'1l..uu... .1....ng q-kin]. A....L.._..` l ---- -. ~------ mm--- --The number of sen.-going vessels on- tered inwardant. the Quebec Custom House from the opening of navigation up to Thursday is 666. _ T - Tum` ALL [)0 rr. To beautify the teeth and give fragrance to the breath um " TIA- Bz1:m', the new toilot gem. Get :5 cont sample. T T T _ l-lv "Hui! hcautooua. bouutcoun, gladsome Spr_ing-thia was Mark Twainiptize poem- _ but the dire diseases incidontto Spring. spoil the romance. Burdock Blood Bitters is the 0"` H10 Ire QIICIIUI xnclucnipo -Spring, upon the romance. Burdock Blood Bitters is the` I prize remedy, the remedy prized by all who have tried it as the best Blood Purfyiruz Tonic I And svatem regulator in the market. It cure: I HIVG UTICU IF 8! (J10 0655 D1000 rurlymn VLODIC and system regulator in the market. It cure: all Blood Humor: from the worst Scrofula to a_ common Pimple. Sample Bottles 10 Coats. for sale by all dealers in medicine. nu I n , ,1 -u. u now stated that the [general electiontin theprovinee of Quebec "Be held within one month from the present time. Ute (atox-ine" Mecmne Oil for all kind: of machinery. It in the excellent for harness ltd leather nnking-`it in water end weather proof. For ale bv deslen. 1- 3` "`"..11l*;:';..s"'*`.z::~..,...*...*.` mt Irruis, ' y.c V e Vow to one`of1x-eulmeu. health and hmmtm It wgaxtn Iunux PunnuIa.-Scald ?one( qusrt ofmilk, sud pour on four haping hbleupoonfula of Indian meal, 3 mull nnrlnl ftnn Ihnlnn-an n :I|nn`I ban-nun-n. v--v vvvu -- v--J -V vvngi, lJl6\I' IJI'UVl`iQ _"l. 99) --A number of mining expera are ex-; pc_cted in Montroalvshortly from France to report on Canadian mines for the Credit Mobilior. mm, ?u"1'Ei;$a".1..".}e .".";`ii ""51: onvofyireeh { A igalth isndebeuiftg. It regulstes the 'Bowe1s, acts promptly on the Liver and Kidneys and strengthen: the system when broken down by Nervous or'.Genersl De- bility. ' Ask your Druggist for as Trial Bottle, the cost is only 10 Cents, Large Bottles 81 00. l _A .......I..... 4: .............. A- :.:-- --It is itatnd an ulectinnrin l:'lm'n~...:...... .: n._ A VOENERAI. STAMPIDE. _ ADDRESS THE SECRETARY. ` 11. oo0KE&c.. "'T"` J. S. DARLING, ' Penetnng. T. ELLIS. . " Elmvale. J. F. \VILLIAMS, " Bradford. H. CARTER. " Bond Head. WILLIAMS & CRON_I_iHI'I`'. " Wyebridze. JOHN B. smrru Angus. COLEMAN PERDUE, " Smlfgxer. E.R.CARP TER, " - co gwood. `1:.sqly'::`t11-l])_x'uzgist.s for Psjnphlgts. Testimoni- Lame Back. Piles. Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary Organs or complaints _ attendant thereon. '~ III II IIIIEIII QAIVII Allllulr -an unnum- 1"&`ie?3a1Y3a.op&1"Z3eT'" improvement. Set it In a V moderate oven and bike for hohrs. Add a onpful of cold milk while it in baking. Ifthis` is `uncoegafully mule, it is very ni9e_. 1---... m._--_. 'n..__._.. n:.____ , uuwuuauu mereon. ' ma. sot; AGNT rggugannls. Dc.-...o-.... ug*t5.::"rsa'*'" "' ` `""' ``""" * -Cn1ld'Pu 50:11 as P. zoo 8pedi;l" for (Jhroq|'I:1i)iseug. 833.00. '3; 3 P J. 3: % mom: I 4_rt!4.t!riI+v%nE..warns THE (ONLY _ONE-CENT MORNING ' PAPER IN CANADA. Three Dollar: `a liar: , _ - 'l'wentyA-Five cents a Month :2 one Coma Copy 2 ! ! ~ IG Le3s tha.n`Half-the Cost of any other morning paper. ' xuu UAN M AKE,Jl0.\'EY by canvassing for The VVOI-Id. Agents and Canvassers wanted everywhere. Send post-card for te'r_ma and I ALL'THE NEWS 16013 A CENT THE T!11!"NTHI!Y WW ' / ' I UBLIC NOTICE.-UNTIL FUR-I THER notice the Bank of Toronto, Bar- rie, will be open every business day, Saturday included from, 10 o'clock a..-m. to 3 o'clock p. m. J. A. STRATHY. 1\IANAGxm.- A ' vv 'vAuuA u; - umpuwul. workmen. A180 Planing and Turning ` Done on Shortest Notice. _ ' DAVID DOUGALL, V . In Rear of the Market ___._..___._____:____.__ -- w---- v: -yuan-1 = '1'n'x;o;Euu;*-*Aaa- to one Hipf T " ' ,dufnou&lx:;td*IfIakO*` :: i--r:rx:;'i-.':.'i:i.'rPoI.I`. 1'0 -h2,-.v. .-- can-J. .I.l..LlcI.aI..l.'$ lAt the Cheapest house north of Toronto in Furniture. J. Lu: '0; son, Toronto Furniture Store. Baveld-st.. Barrie. slaenoards. Easy Chain. &c., ' Cornice Poles, and all kinds of Furniture made to `order by ompetent workmen. Also B`.1.'DQ"IIiI : g-4 I-In..__..__ J F'r3m% 5 to 20 179-1-sons Dai1y T Parlor Suites I! d s Sideboards. i-Ian: l`gI?:Il:. :23 , Cnrninn Dnlnn and n1] 1....1. -1 m..__n_.__ __ ._ Nmwsrocx or sfzTNa'.mn SUMMER V TWEEDS TO cnoosn mom. Parties buying Cloth elaowhoiiodn have _madoup.. . ....r.a\;.\,\V ..-.v J4 ;/-wag--4\-, .,,., FURNITURE, &G, nuuI.3r_..~orposn:. mm; norm MUHNIIUREEI rmcas 1'0 t 'I'H 'l'lME8 1` awn: ME A CALL. 1 * :IlLLY Gun.-Beat three eggs two minutes, `one cup our thme minutes, 1 cup sugar tvio minutes, `one-half cup water. one -half teaspoon soda. one tea= spoon cream tartar, one cup oor and a little salt. Bake in a shalloy tin, spread the jelly on warm, roll in .a cloth, and put. away until cold. I-\ nu . 11.1 .5`. . '_ - _ FASlHONAB|aI., GIAJTHING MUSE ! I In Great Variety . V In deb Lstatstl G ' AGood_ nnmlaumngemres nnnnteeid *- `F011 A`NOBB_Y SUIT nf thnlntnnt. nd mom. Vnlhlnnnhln (Inn conumor atunngsf Ajn oumop-srs. 3 Juturi ed `T"1umx mum ` ...' 'I`)!`I:lI:'G o:)ldl$?i1%x-icing", .- can -..A.. -. .- u Scotch. English & 0anadian'l`weeds ' Worsted dnd__ Diagonal Obatings, AND BLUE AND BLACK Asmmms . b Gollllll -l-`I Ill'nII'h}llI 3 I_ 11---; v-_:,._' You CAN 1\I.uuc,vMo.\'_r;v by anvaasing for Phe Agents Canvassern wanted Bxi-riTe._Ju1v. 1ss1 no-uuv up: A _ M Alex. ndcrtuo. Barrie.Ma.1-oh 20t.h.1878. ' - 35-t j IV I UIUUKIABIL Furniture it the Cheanenf. Hnnnn nnnbk at 'l"..._.._A... .'. F 0: mmesuna most lrumonabxaooods 1 ' PERFECT FIT, MID CHEAP PARK-STREET Cams.-'--Stitl-,3` cupfl of sugar and a half cupfulpf butter to 3 ox-com, add another cupfnl of -sugar, 9. cupful of milk and four eggs, the yolks and whites beaten oepyatoly; sift two toupoonfnls cream um: one tea- spoonfnl [soda into throeb cnpfnla ' our. Flavor with lemon, and bake on two niuggbn 'I"l.n vAnn:r\n 1- ((6.-Lu} --ul