Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 19 Feb 1880, p. 2

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H . JYLU v |..I. LL12, L . VJJ. ` DUIV A. VI-IYOR. Valuator, &c. Town and Vil- lage Lots laid out. Farm lines carefully located. Tlmberlimits examined, &c.. &'c.. 0{co-Same aaG. A. Radenhurstfs law oloe. over Hender- son's hardware store, Bar;-lo. 845' .A _v I "- l Tenders for a second 100 miles section Wssr or Rap RIVER will be received by the undersigned until noon on) MONDAY, the 29th of MARCH, next. - Tho smntinn nnlllnvl-and frnm H-1.} an.) .5` `H... zvun ox nu~\u.\/`I1, nexn. -_ _ J The section wxll extend from the end of the , 48th Contrac`.`--near the waste.-_n boundary of I Max" a. point on the west side of the } valley of Bird-tail Creek. ' ' ! I Tenders mmzf. In-. nn Hm nrinfnl Fmm u~1u'..l. . h iiiiiiiunn . ; PALMER--LOUNT.--On _the 31st ult., at - St.'Pa.ul s_Church, Yorkville, by Rev. T. O. DesBm-es, Joux ALEXANDER P.u..\u:n. of Co:nvood, (formerly of Barrie), to Lnwm mucus; dau hter of UHARIES W. I.oU.\"r, Esq, Brace ridge, Muakokn. UAMERON--' CARSON. -At the residence of the bride s father, on the 10th inst., by Rev. John Pepper, B. A., MR. Gnomn-: CAMERON, to Miss 1\vIA"rILn.\ CA.RSO.\', both . of Vespra. I ' BANTIN(`r--Wl .AY.-~,.-31: the residence `of the bride's father, Sunuyside Farm," In- nistil, by the Rev. J. J. Cochrane, on the 11th inst., Mn, WM. BAXTINO, Merchant, Ivy, to ;\I.u~n.m R.._danghter of Tno.\1.\s WRAY, E90. I SIIBALD.-Iu;ard, on the 14:11 inst ... the ` wife of WM. SxBB.u.p, of adaughter. `V1UU\V I)iLL'UUl". JJIU u1t:1`1 VVa lllsttucnuu `l to get 300 copies of the Auditors`_ abstract x and detailed statement of Treasnrer s-`ac- I Applications for Assessor : `Donald Fer- guson, John Harrison, Marmaduke Harper, ChL'srles T. Morgan-; for Collector : George .count for 1879 printed in pamphlet form. B. Ornisby. On motion V of Mr. Lott, seconded by Mr. `MoK.innell, Donald Fer- guson was appointed Assessor ;` George B. OrmsbyCo1leotor ; Neil Bell, caretaker of the town hall. The Clerk was instructed to give notice that the Council will receive applications until next meeting for lease of I the eastern portion of the town hall plot. g Adjourned to Monday. 8th March, at 10; 1 ---Gi:onoz Tunuarz, Township Olcrl.-. 6 u I we Luwrcusgulu nauway, moncton, 1. 15. g The} Rolhng Stock to` be delivered on the ; )1-.mb1ns Branch Cannlhn pnnin `Railway: I .....a. .......a `now-nun uv uvvvnua. n uneasy. Ono Council met on 9th instant. John Moore applied to have the `original allow- ance of road between lots 5 and 6 in the as of concession 9, opened jup ; the Clerk was instructed to notify Donald Gillespie that in consequence of his not carrying out his agreement with the Council in regard to his fences, this application has been made and granted, and that he is required to have his fences removed from said road I allowance by the 1st 'May. Auditors` re- , port presented and accepted. Accounts paid : Auditors, $8 each, statio:1er`y`;'-~?c`.; Division Registrar, $15.50 ; Archibald Mc- .Millan, removing tree from road con. 10 and 11, S4 ; Thomas Thomas, rewood for the Widow Barber. $l0; Jaspar Riddall, repairing bridge, lot 14, con. 12 and 13, I 311.70. 815 was placed in the hands of! Mr. Addison, to be laid out in behalf of Widow Barber-. The Clerk was instructed +.. .....a. onn ..,...:,.- -c .1... A...1:L...'...! _`l....L-.....t 4 av. snv no uvvnu. Lxsuv. Om Wyevale con-es ndent writes :-A meeting, largely at-tentieil, was held at Wye- vale station, on Monday, to consider the question of erecting 9. church for worship by all gienominations, in tint vill e. e . One gentleman promised the site and $1 worth of material. The meeting organized a com- mittee with Mr. Skelding, station agent, as chairman, and that their efforts to-obtain subscriptions will be well repaid, I have no doubt whatever. When this church is built, as I know it will be, the eople of the village will not have to go to yebridge, four miles distant, to attend worship. ' - n-.. n...`.....:l .....a. ._ nu. :_-L.._L 'r.1__ -1. uuyuumuu rmm uuumgwouu recent- I xfwasced on Mr. Mccai-thy, L . P., to press ` on him the necessity of further harbor im-_ provements. The~depnta.tion reported to - the town council that Mr. Mearthy re- ceived them with great courtesy, expressed himself as fully alive` to the importance of the harbor, and promised that his` pledge to the ratepa.yers`of Collingwood would be redeemed ;and that he would ask the Gov- ernment to further extend the channel, and make it 150 feet wide and 15 feet deep this summer. ` V Tudvers--F. ilraun. _. _-... Pacic Rxnilwnygl-F. Bmun. Photographs -3. Su>phen.=.." Spring Circular --Guldcn BL-vnvmi-. Card, of Thun_ks-~ - Robe:-t. _Lcadlu_v. Land Survying7~A. W. 1\vIcV'itio. Tenders for VRo1ling_Stock -F`. Bx-a'un. - Sale of Land;-McCarthy, Hoskin, dzc. A mitesto an Orillia paper; en- closing only 25 cents for hissubscription. His explanation is :' I would renew my subscription for the yeeronly for the very "great change of circumstances that I expect , one yehr to bring. If I am right in what I expect-a.nd it seems impossible that I should be wrongtoeany great extent-this is the year of the resurrection- * * * These th' being so near, everything but the fear 0 the Lord? and good conduct is becoming daily less important." Looks on it as a sort of sin, you see, to subscribefor the paper, And as it is a Grit paper, prob- ably he is about right-. . ` nm. 1tr........1,. A;.--_..___'._.1-__L .__,,-., A : gnaw nuyjnamner or `me conncu Inougnli lung dny_' to vote ' t i -0i-illia 7`iziI_:.---` There `were teen mmbers -thought it _their duty to db so, two -thirds offwhomv ` rtere Reformera, one ' of .'t_he m' being the reeve of Ora, whom our oonteniporary re- gardgnext to Blake. . Andyet the Times is etc ;-nally abusing the_ `V`T9ry" f element of the council and charging them with every- thing tlmt transpires in` that body which comes between the wind and his nobility. ! I 1 ._.'-1 n 1- n - ` I CANADIA N` PACIFIC RAILWA Y I I V ?"l`nn county eouncil,at ifs recent: session. vote}! 3500 to the Irish relief fund. It was I I oonuderate `Ind timely J03,` and we regret '. i thgt any member of the coniicil thought it his! ; dnhr tn vnlm nuinnl. N. __0n'lI1'A Tz'1nn,_.` -vu-'w- "-ANAD`IA?I f'A_.CIF_ T V `will be received 1.) th d ' - up to oon of }\10NDAY;Y the: l. l;:'dexIig1l31. fru. ` . JARY. 'nstanb. for the im.m..1.'..... ........1.. I 'n..; m... New .3 wntrtz5e1xtea:t:s. vv....... ~..v-- \4\va.n sun; unuu uuu nu: ll\InIAn.5VJu A depfitatioxi from Collingwood recent-I V waited nn Mr- `Minn !-Htv If D in I';I`AlI sleepn). Exams: and W. M{:VIT'1`IE, P. -L. SUE X'I'o`,\'l\P V4-dnntnn ns '1`.-nun 3...; 13:) uu uuu uz ,mu;V U11 1` , the 23rd FEB- ' KY, `Instant, for the immediate supply- foll wing Rolling Stock :-4 . ` 4 irst-class Cars. THE Speech from the Throne at the opening of the Dominion Perlimnent re- ferred tothe late abunllsnt -harvest and therevival of commerce andiudlustry ; invited consideration of some means to show sympathy with the distressed peo- pleof Ireland ; spoke of the increase of settlement in the North. West, and the prospect of larger immigration insure- sult of the visit of old country agricul- tural delegates ; touched on the position of Pacic Railway ail'uirs: reverted to the improved state of the Intercolonial Railway, and mentioned the increased supplies to North\Vest Indians, consc- quent on the failure of the usual food supplies. The effect of `the tariff was declared tohave` beenti the whole very ` satisfactory in the development of the varied industries of _the country, and some amendments, suggested by ac- quired cxpcrience were foreshadowed. In the way of legislation there were an` nounced `bills for the better organiza- ~ tion of the Civil Service, for the consol-' c idation of the Inland Revenue Laws, and for the amendment of the acts relat- ing to the Dominion lands, to the I ub- , lic_VVorks, to the Indians of the North- west, andto the mounted police force. a The question of the currency us connect- ed with the banking system, was sug- gested as worthy rt consideration, and with a. reference tn the subject of the In- -solvent Laws, and ::. recommendation to 'sa'nction.the appoingmont of a perms.-e nent representative of Canada in Lon- don to guard her various interests, the Speech closed, Thus far nothingiof much public interest ln.1s~transpired in the House. The Opposition criticism of the Speech was :1 mixture of would-be wit and sore-headed carping, and shows that Mr. Mackenzie and his followers-- for though Mr. Blake is in the House . the old leader has not yet been dispens- ed witl1-~are utterly without a policy. an {1...____,,_ n - 11 H1 A-A-- Tilnfrn. y nrder.,>(, F. BRAU'N, ` Rem-"eta E`. lmAL'1 . 1 `Secretary. ` nlhvsru) . se.cre'tary. S.-It , ` ," `i l.""'J' The G0Vo1'ncr-General has sent 9. mes- sage to the House recommending a_ grant of $100,000 towards the relief of the Irish distress. It is quite probable-that 9. repeal of the Insolvent Acts will take v-Jana V ws_pa _ 51; page ythit` skittish- mg: mth?;e1_::tr:e;p;eu _q_ __ I;_.g_1;m1_2 Q ! Bnownzns. .. . Q ...`p--4 \IpI.l`Gl yr Lfflh 0! 103.. _ e_r qf ' `WW `"I.n9v. Bnowarzns, car, uuunnencmg mm the first Hum I mrzn s \Vxzx1.v for January, 1880, \ I eeipt of 35` 00 101-"the twp _F.:riodicals._ L Bemitt_ahcea -slx_oxlc1`-'-11::-V'.;n:`ade by Bait-Oice -Money, 0r Dust. t9a_v_oi_d _ch1iIc__e 4:; 165:, 1 . -Nnwnndnnn .5. ...'. 4.. ......_ n`_:-'-_1_,,.. - __- __.-- --V- u v nnqnIln\l\A yuunualanlul, One Year .............IO 00 Any TWO above-nsmed, One Year . .. 7 00 H PEIYS YOUNG PEOPLE, One W. ea':`..;, 2,," ....._. 1 50 f Postage Free to All subscribers 5;; the Hlfnited States or Canada. lI_IAd.n_cemenu tor lsolonly. ' ';r'l'I.:. -.t. -u.`....n.-.. gc. -n.`......_'s- win 7 Ell DHUFIDOI IIuuin a WIDE?` xi . `Ina-1=EE Ls MAGAZINE, one Your. .34 oo 1IARrER SWEEK1'. i , :5` 5- 40.0 nmvnws mzm, . u u ;. 4 oo The THREE above-named publiationq, One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - In M l i {the tint Number, published in November of each ear. When no time is mentioned, it . will understood that the subscriber wishes to oominenoo with the N umber next after the receipt of order. 7 ` _ The Volumes of the l- oimg People begin with The evil: of sensational literature for the of young are well known,` and the wuntof an ' antidote has long been felt. This is aupplierl bv HARPER B Yotmo Pnoruz, a beautifully i1lustratad_week1yjourna1,' which is equally devoid of the objectionable features of sense.- tional juvenile literature and of that moraliz- ing tone which repels the youthful reader. Vtheae properties` will be sold at Reason- able Prices. One-third purchase money down, belnnce a_t 7 per cent. ! .|....n`L_ L r Or ,5 Barrie, Feb. 9, 1350. I mugs of Midland, on Georgian Buy, all laiii out, with regular streets, in village lots which _l are in great, demand. . L01` 11.--Ea.nt half of Lot. 5, 13th `Con.,' Vospm, 100 acres excellent wood land. L01` 12.-Lot 25, 2nd Con., Essa, 200 acres. about.-10 acres in cultivation. A good new Frnme House. This is a. very.choico lot. | 1,,.,.1_q`_1.`...+ l...1: .: 1- -4. at 1n:_L r. - E - -i;-~ fAv`uI=I-. um: 13 u. vcry.cnUlCo 10!. ; .13.'-Eaat ma; of Lot 5, 13th Con. of g -`9:lI:]l::1:11t;}I):Te1:.clears41 and goverad with vary I o \lL vu nu uh Lor l0.---One hundred and `twenty-ve acres in the newly incur omted and thrivin Village of Midland, eorgidn laig I out, regular streets. in villaan Int: u-Inns. ---vv-vvv-v- --in away`! VIIIUJI a=m`m.n-mmbm or mun ; Yovxo. `KORE! will be fnrninhad fn Anna-v nggul-. .._.__:.---.--_.---- - QVI1 31151 In Low 7.-~Lots Nos. 20 and 21, So`ut_h aid" Gowan-st, with Two Rough-cast Houses. Lof 8.--I ark_ I_.ot: .B, known as Jacob s block, and contammg 21 acres, mor or less. `_-_._. ._ -gr .----a-a ; -OIII. lIll._lI`aB . L01` 9-A very desirable combined Farm and Mill Property, containing Fifty acres of the best possible clay soil; an almost new Grist Mill with two run of stones and a chopper ; a new Saw Mill ; a handsome` Frame House with stone cellar; `several large Barns, Black- smithsho and other buildings, all in good order. IVever failing and abundant inter I power. This property is part of Lot No. 2 in the Second Concession of Flea, half a mile from the rising Village of Elmvsle, `and is in the midst of one of the best farming sections of Ontario. ` ` - 1- .. I u`, ...v--nun. aavnnvt Lor 6.-13 Town Lots, Nos. 10. 11, 12 and 14 on the East: side Thomson-515.; Nos. 10,111, 12, on the East side of Ecoles-515.; Nos. - 22 and 23 on tho South side of Wollin on-st.; Noa.A12 and 15 on _tho `Vest aideo Thom- son-at. -_, _.v. V. ugan. FAIIBH & `NIILGL PROPERTIES` I Tn-r (I_A um... .l....:....1.L. --_.L_-., _ ,1 1-: ' .._..L__. ,_.. _...._.._-.__.__-__.,__ ...._..._....- _...___ __ . fZ5}: (artlgAcrn l?ia`1ia1`iAt. -.. . .............. 1 LOT 5.-Dwelling House and Stofe on the corner of Owen and Collier-ata._, and occupied by Alexander Morrow. In-rt`. 19"l *.\__I-L.. \~r,, `A .- _- . AND COUNTY OFSIMCOE. BARBIE 17309331) . LOT 1.-Thomson property, containing 3152 acres, more or less. This property is" unsur- passed for building purposes. . T.n'r 9 _R..:..l, n.....n:..... u- .... -_ : nu} - -__. ...-J, u. uuuv V: 44.15. U. LIUUKU U. 1 L01" 4.-,-Three Dwelling Houses` situated I on Lots 32 North side of Dunlap-st., and 34 f South side Collier-st, and presently occupied g j by L. S. Sanders, Esq., .\{r. St. Ouge and" } Mr. 1-Jaslein. -.- II ABPE R 5 PE IlI_0DiCA LS . ;1C;iib?oi~'%`ra;xxs;A I ....... t 7' I IL. .-nnrl;-` Rl;'|b'I'nu-I `um r---.v- Av: uuuutus LIMLLIUSUC ' Lor 2.-Brick Dweumg lime and stable situated on the corner of. Sampson and Dun-- lop Strets, and presently occupied by Mrs. , J. Locku. - 1 ......- Vi } Lor_ .--Wator Lot No.` 33 on Kempcnicldt } Bay, in front cf Mrs. J. Locke's. ', 1 .. A 'l"L..,_ rm 1 ; Dy u. 0. Dam I ; v__-v 1\ Em}? cu..- ,.._ ..._ reservea. om nxeu oy tne vendors. _ The purchaser shall, at the timeof sale, pay down a deposit of 10 per cent. of the purchase- money to the Vendors or their Solicitors, and shall pay the balance thereof to the Vendors within one month thereafter without interest, or, at the option of the purchaser, is large por- tion of the purchase money may remain on udortga e "on the premises-on the usual terms of the %'endors, with interest, half yearly, at 8 per cent. The amount and full particu- lnra and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. In .Olesnss. their b1;o-d- and puts .thm in general good condition : and nnrnn xv...-.... _. ca. wnuav VA Hanc- For further particzara apply at the Law Offices of ' ' A .\I0CAm'n_\', Hosxm, Bwzun as Caznunlax, u-' _ Vendor s Solicitors, Toronto. h..sm1 1.1;}. D..k.......... qoon a 1L~ v IELALIUI 5 uh! I _Dute`d 12th Fobi-nary, 1880. ..._._..--.__ RoPERTv A1; on. o r:loek in the afternoon, by MR. W` S. WALLACE, Auctioneer, Lot number 15, in the first concession of the Toivnship of Essa, contsinin 200 acres, more or less. `And. the north of the east half of lot number 13 in the 7th concession of the Township of Tosorcntio, containing 50 acres, more or less. There are erected on the firstly mentioned lot, (of which 80 acres are cleared), a. frame house, a. log _house, ` frame barn and frame stable.. The properties are about 8 miles from An us` on "the Northern Railway and are about e same distance from Alliston. ` 'l`l...'..-........A... _:n L- -m___,s L L, , I3 - v . The` property will be otfered subject to a reserved Ind xed by the Vendors. ' The mu-chaser shun. at the timnnf uh: nxur I.\ ONE LOT, AT THE `-[Dominion Hotel. In the Village ' of Alllnton, _ :'l`u_esday, liih of Marcl1.,'1880 Under the Pewet` of Sale contained :11 taro` certain Mort ages executed by David Mc- Bride t6 the endors, which Mortgages WI. he produced at the time of sale, there will be obrecl for sale by PUBLIC AUCTION 'fot 1 41.2- LU AIIUJCHIHIUI JILUTIUUJ, aycrlrn U} WI" 006617` orig 'In.9.; Go.,__ Pleasatopro8'ent'.onr thanks to the Man- ager. and Directors of the Soverei Inn. 00.,- 'fm- sntisfmtarv navmant of . beinn our 4\/ /J.r.-4\4`J.r - x. 2.. _-/~.- r./ rJ~z/u'rJr.`./r/V r.r.r4.~u-. 7fHURsDAY. FEB, 19, 1880. nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn m l%FARMe..ANDj aamxuuory payment or 5uw..neuIn out. `I r . otinitn in fill of loss by re on Oh!-is`t_ . '(}hurt_:h} A Veapn : I . . , - ' ROBT. LEADLAY. mp.-5, Fe1i'.'1auh,` 1330. 8-H; ] E T4; Alarandef fon1:L:'Agcm: of aw Soccr-i ni`Il1l ' rut - n ljARPER's YOUNG P.E01 LE 1880, ILLUSTRATED. ` ' BANK or commsncs, ', Barrie. W. .'rm).\xso.\ .5; uq., COUNTY OF snwco:-:. .Ai.mNnAL1-`. PROPERTY." 7-..`! 7-)... \1'__ nn ., IA: 1re1;;'1azh," .-_j-_._.__.__-....__.. __ . ` V > -w u;a.1u, DIR iice at Tm: Anv.\.\'mz printing establish- L) ................................................................... on D OMI NI ON PABLI A M ENT. $57.75 '5ic'J'}"hJ soyeri];n"i:a."E3'$'f{ - autisfutory payment of $8(X), being sim in full of Ion bv re an Ohrixt Church- 1.170 A B L c'r1'o>i." ton s.A::.:g "H3 em :BRoru% . :i1`UAT1~:D' IN THX . I V V-1., Barrie. '_s 4 1717:` ` Eon rid- 0RA.`v'D JURY REFORM. A5-tf {*9}:-`mom. or_nu1g3;:_l- VA-s`s1.g;1ai:n *` Poth09P*95"' " V ens ADA noun) or mmwroxs : Z i{2"f'I:ua1:-man sm_';C:`1'-if;"1':'a.;d?I cgarm C. .G.; 'Fheodore Ha.rt.Esq:; Geo.Btep ens. Esq. n;=.t:.w~1'::e::*:::::z-::?` 5;: o . - . A G. F. C. SMITH. ' ' . JOSEPH ROGERB. 12. mon e'm:. ``{" `3;".`:'., .-._ mvzsmn F'UNDS`_ - -V - FUNDS INVESTED IN CANDDA - . Security. Prom t Pa. ant, and Llberality in the ndiustment. 0 its 15:50: are the prominent features or this Company. nmxvnnn an...` A. _-__-_., vz Barrie, July, 1879. v oorrowmg we negotmte Loans on most favor- able terms `and with the utmost possible promptmss. All communications are treated as condential. On First-class Farms we can Lend at Specially Low Rates. We promise on y am! `we can perform} ur municnnxv . .-.,. . Iusumcs Ausufs AND amends I v beg to inform all parties wishing to borrow ' money on Farm, Town or Villa e_ Pnoperty; to effect Insurance on Life. or nildings and I Contents; to buy or sell Farms or Houses ; , or to have CON VEYAN CIN G done. That in all theabove matters they will be liberally and honorably dealt with at their old oice. We represent Seven of the best Loan Com- ies in Canada, and a number 0. First-class e and Life Insursnee Companies, British and Canadian. We Buy and Sell Mortgages, and deal in all kinds . of Real Estate Securi ties. For parties wishin to Lend Money we find good Investments ; or those desirous of I `Borrowing we negotiate Loans I and with thn nlzmmao-. m...:m.. an-:oaG% *3 JJ-I. ---- ` T0016 Furl/acrs un.! Businc,-n.MIa of Me (`oulily of Simcoe, The undersigned, long eatnbiiahed and well- I known, FIISANOIAL, _REAL ESTATE and ' nun I I; gvul utuul`. 2\'.B.'-.-1 upply of Shirts and Drawers on hand. DON 7% Hm I`...-... c_u.L A'.I`--I-.(')WER'S ' Av V FASHIONABLE TAILIIBINB HOUSE `'5 Corner of Dunlap and Market Streets. and | vumde up. , , 5 Parties buying Cloth elsewhere on have It ; . ' 0 A1-.. -- `_ {nunLoI:s7.. omsna mans` HOTEL- NEW STOCIKVOF SPRING AND SUMMER: TVVEEDS TO CHOOSE FROM. ..:_-. EB`-bALL svnjs: [damn manna; 'his'Gallery. He can now take First-Class 10l'0lll50. we can guarantee man au_ moss Beautifully Fxmshed Photographs on view in his show cases at h1s door were taken in Photographs in all kinds of weather. En` larging old Tintypes and old Photographs carefully attended, to.` Children's Picture: I taken b. the instantaneous process. Besure ; and tin Reeves First Prize Photogrzi h GAL 9 lery and go no where else if you wis good i urn v-Ir ugnsin T um: um: n.eeves' -r`n-an rrxze rnomgra I you me wgrk. _ 45 His Potographs received the First and Only Prize in Barrie at the Exhibition. N 0 nld imitation tickets shown here as in" the other , alleries. Reeves Gallery is now patronized 5 y the ladies and gentleman of Barrie as they desire to secure those BEAUTIF UL AN D TRUTHFUL PHOTOGRAPHS, which can he rirhfninp at this Cnliav-v onnnl 1-n nnv -in -_-- ..--- v..` -_.v V..--....;., . ...v._ ..._ be dbtained at this bauery eqE;1 590 an in Toronto. We can `guarantee that all t ose Beautifullv Finished Phnfnnrnnlvm nn view in " IVERPOOL 65 LONDON & GLOBE J` INSURANCE COLIPANV rHoraGni1'{`{t;ALLEnY 2 ' . . 7 . I Seventy-mne'ac f Land, being part of ' Nozjth half of Lotif it: the 81%}: Con. of the Township of Tiny, Qounty of Sizncoe. Ap- Ply to ' T JACOB CURTIS, _ Scarboro J u1_:oion',P. 0. 'n___-,u._ ... m.-.. :1 cc Decembelr 16, 1879. ....--u my. ' _ _ Alex. Ismoae. Barrie. 2\1a.x-ch 20th. 1878. 354! j NEW Al)WiI{TISI)IPZ.\'TS.- _. ....... -., ..... . ..._.... --V, __w__ 7 I` TICKETS, ADMITTING. 4; $3. 1 Plan of H311 at Scott : Bookstore. Tickets to be had at principal atom. n - . Il\(\A 1! Ab ADMISSION, 50 c'r-sT"A.NI> $1; FAMILY ...-...--._..... . ..---nun-svru ' ;- no ins. scorn.` sinners ) Town HALL. BARBIE z] Tuesday Evg.,: March 2724, '80 Streets, leave your order. D A ........I.. -a nL:_;._ __g n _. 1 aux. uyu on pun JIULV d I.\'SURANOE COMPANX. LIFE XE}? Irina; _.-_ -JLVATEST AND MOST rAsv.zcmLs ~ cLoms To ouoose ram. 6 FRED. LOWER Tfavrlnn nncu.I.......A 5.... n--:_ _._.| . or tholatcstand most Faahionableaoods I g A PERFECT m, AND cum, Q j gnu _invs1u_abl_a service of do- who ' . -3951 PQVG a-us.` ..I_'."_-__.-._L-J- .1 o s'o'1EL{ 'SrZ>'13'1r"sU 1 T Barrie, :1, 1880. REEVES 'OR SALE. __,- - .__l....., u CANADA BOARD am-v. Stun-nan (Elan!-nu- . rm.-- EMEMBTER `HEY: :l.=lead.1-11.33 V'\`V"'.r'1;('):\:iS0N & co., . Oppopitc -Post Office, Barrie, V Inc M ' u -`:31: 1% V? &II Having pux-c.hnsed for Cash. and to the best possible advantage. his `FALL srocx or 1-wssos. c.. 5 Begs to announce that he is pre- 5 pg;-od to receive orders for Fall and ! `nuuzx. BOA V LUUDUIU sun's &. ovgncoars At `Mus ....x-... uegs to that he ` Bax-ed receive V Viuter SUITS and OVERCOATS. . Now is the time to secure gobd serviceable I IPPQ Q, a\In--nan`; A --- K TAILORING. ALEX. Mom, MERCHANT TAILOR? FIRST [PRIZE jongt Gov 1 an _I._rvEnIJ At lo_w prices. V __..u 29-ly nv--`- - 51-tf. - Tm: Collegiatd Institute of ooumawod has :1 Literary Society which `debated the `the olxer night on-thesubject ;_ Resolved that city life is more agrqeable and more prqtable than country life ; and J.1_1.nius, 1n one of the local pa ers~ reorts the de' - bate. ~Thechief a er out bide -hkin-1ed:rntt1_1e , ' u_q hia. opponents drsrumexit thntv ` annular-v Q airmative` on-4: Order: for Blank Deeds lled at the?fol- .1Wi.nx ,P,ri,~ =- laid ..... ..35c. per (502. E`_z ,.: `.rim:::.I-'I_IlO'OOV lI0I500. `V ""4 ---~- -uuuuanllluy how I-no Overcoals. D1-ess%(}oa.t(:a:.*Suit.s', 1=m_.; vests smu ' A nan .sv..1.-..;....: Ts muWE: &"-"2 ' A Call Solicited, - -- -\r.L"LIv.lJ, V :0: ~ We are showing splendid -values, a.nd`n`Large and well `selected Stock of the fo1]owmg`grm.'u wmoms, SHIRTINGS; FLANNELS, BLANKETS, OAPINGS. - LINENS. ., V. CARPETS, TABLINGS. CLOUDS. GLOVES, .(_}REY CJOTIONS, .WHI 1`E COTTUNS, CANTON FLANNEI5, COLLA RS 6; TIES, HOSIERY. $1521 of the! BIG E331`, 8'[||_|_ Al having determined to sell off the balance of my WIN1 noel tint will defy any attempt at competition, the Public may ml)` ARGAINS, as these Goods must be sold at any sacrice. `SHOEsi*&.;; % _______m___ SHOES LTHE PARISH-rouse," ' Bonn. .._.j:.. BLANK __pEEos ("ii 41~lv Iuue nurwu an tne neaas or ms. opponent the knock-down argumezit that eountzj people could am`. but the Gospel preacha us well `as city4people,.- also that countn -.1 . neonle had to nnmn tn fnurh " hy I.` ?MnNoPoLv_gmn mm: 13121053: B()(_)'l`S `Ha}.;; NEXT DOOR TO MR.` B. ATEDWARDS BOOK Nrmm THE PEOPLE'S ,CHEAP 0,4311 _--...__.o_...._..____ . . ....... -..-v\. 5137-; `ho ';1HE.A1)VANCE OFFICE, 3 .. ' ' ` Barrie. GREAT sLA:LJH?ER|NG 2915'. And we only sell the GOOD AND FASHIO.\'ABLE STY LES and o'ar NO OLD STOCK, but present NEVV GOQDS at NEW PRICES. ` \Ve desire your patronage and as it" will do vo`u no harm` ' to exa.mine,itw'1ll ho to our interest trflaavo you Mme. for? seeing 18 -believing. , - ' ` " 8110. 0118]` .L\U UL; g PRlOE We have on hand for the winter the mos}; desirable stuck >Lh`at.has ever been offered here at the price, or in fact any where else ; and our contract for made goods and materials in so largo that we can supply all comers with standnrrl fmv WCGV, _ Our knowiodge of the business and our succca heretofore warrant the claim that we stand. unrivalled as deakars in We know there is nothing ifke leather," and we desire your custom to test the old saying by "wearing our shoes. V We desire that our QQQ Worn by every man, woman an and cheapnesa may be proved. LFPBEK. AND nu , LLLVJLVUD, gau colors); ouup. FINDINGS of every description, TRUN KS, YALISES, SATCHELS, HAND BAGS, SCHOOL BAGS. AND 4 SHAWL STRAPS, ` . BOOTS AND SHOES, MOCCASINS, SHOEPACKBL `FELT BOOTS AND SHOES, `(Men's and \Vomen's): Men's, ~Women s, Misses and Children's OVNER-SHOES AND RUBBERS, SPANISH AND SLAUGHTER SOLE LEATHER, CANADIAN AND FRENCH CALI`, UPPER AND KIP, LININGS, (all colors); SHOE nnrnnraq AF avnvvv .1m.m'nHnn l`RI.TNKS_ YALISES. Shoe Store. VV. I-I. u:-QlZ&: 'In grant variety : L;....8(5c. "WE KEEP N0 PAPER OR PASTE STOGKJO Busv TIMES THE VERY BEST DISCOUNT . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; GRAND IIPENING or MANAGER, Dl7.\'Lm" S1'REET WEST, BARBIE. QUEEN crrv amps. .:D1:j'NLo In 1 Eli P.-S'I`., ZQARRLL i. EDWA121>:.. -- 2a_r \_J \.I r and at reniarkably Low Prices. !--.'.A- I` ` `- -`---AT THE-~--- wen as city 'pe0pl8,: .::op1e had to come to - rongh,corn`ers'wdr 9 . _ negative side br'ay`e1- _ Hlhir Innwnwnw ' . ` * Of eight persons, charged ' with offences ve are conned in gaol, committed to the custody of the Sheriff, and three have been admitted to bail. b Each one of the charges has already. .un- ' dergone 9. thorough examination `before magistratesof ample qualication to en- y quire into them, and to determine whether the evidence adduced on behalf in of the Crown is suflicient to justify the putting the parties upon their trial. As such is.the tenderness. with which our law `regards persons accused of crime, that not one of those persons can be. put upon his trial without summoning at A least twenty-four of you, Gen`_1ernan, an T absolute majority of whom, that is to say not less than twelve, must concur in ex- pressing your opinion (in'efi'ect).that the duly qualied Magistrates who hare already investigated the cases had in reality sufiicient grounds to proceed upon, and that they had some justicatiou for committing the parties for trial, and that therefore the parties should he put upon their trial; One would suppose that if `there was no suicient. ground to justify. putting an accused person upon trial, that person should . not (perhaps six" months previously) have been committed to gaol to await trial, and that the inter-` .- position of twelvemen to pass upon the llnciency of the accusatory evidence to callfor further investigation should, to be useful, be called into action before the ' commitment,` and one` would suppose that. the same law which constitutesia tri-V. bunal competent to.coinmit a" man to `goal . `to await should tal;'e;caro.that the, tribunal had intolligencef ` discharge its fnnctionsaildj it > - from .lnll,liWi,l`Ig_l_li prisoner :updg1_ ' .` :'?h`8i !5PP1'9d "9" by a,/acia, evidence. - Such; however," ilsirethttiat ' ` e 1 : _ I 1 Stricgly (W/`* FRAWLEY ax ,D.EVl;ll\_l. Inn: 1?. b.....:_ `nu ,- -coma AND `TRY ,0 F-- .F.IR1755`14137E;..V.;'(10.I.I-5-1;`.-NT AN}; Ercxm` AGENOX; .-nongnuon, TELEGR.-1PH ` _. ;.ND`ExPREss. nnn i F6i;1; Cdunty of Simcoe. $!3QQ,OQ ::.q_LN 5 L am! ch d, O_FFl_lAL Asslemss ----I T Mg -WLIIV `doe; rug Pm-via B.-c.?..Hm1wm stow j V. H. MYERS, TINJLOP.-S'I'-- BA '9 uuguuve nae I Eizxgkzvazss HQE8 may M II and t nt fhnir wnrih TH.CLARK, ' ALLOWED TO imy WINTER STOCK at .~-.1.:~ I0 mav mlv nn m.u:..... :...._. ..... 3} hats and Caps, Q. IIICIJ III} `. thear worth rm. 5'.l'UU1\nt sud. ' rely on getting immv.`""' BOOTS Scaoox. ArF.uns.-I wish to draw the attention of the trustees of S. No. 9 to the dilapidated ' condition of the ` school. The eicieney of the present teacher is very seriously interfered with owing to the almost entire absence of the necessary school accoutrements. It is to be regretted that this should be the state of-things in such a prosperous sec- tion. For the part of this year already. gone the attendance has been exceeding- ly large, averaging at least 80. It is entirely too much to expect oneman to saoeessfully do the work -tequired while laboring under such disadvantages. I think that the truateeaoshonld take some steps towards furnishing ' the necessary appliances required in _schools and thus" give the teacher all the assistance at their command. ' ' . > T ' ' `No ,Tx-:_\ D-Ix~;1-znxu ---Tho people. of the neighborhood have been trying to arrange for` a tea `meeting in conuebtio.nT with the P. M. Church of this 1)I:i9,blit at the'la.9t meeting held for the purpose of furthpr developing the scheme it was resolved Lto postpone it until . a more favorable sea-.on. On account. of this postponement the singing class have sus-. pended practice, but I would sugges} - that it would be better to continue prac- tice, as the "class would then be-' more ` able to eutart.ain- L.l;e,pub!ic at such a meeting as `they anticipate. - [ i _. Rr:covr:n1m3. -2- Ewxgtiou Has been the f::ct.`t-hat Mr. Alex. Gollan had received a severe injury by `falling through 9. t1-up-dor in the barn of Mr, James Edmondsonu }{appily I am now "in 9. position to vouch. for his e?ntire_re- covery. ' l facia evidence justifying the put- conaideration of Grand` J an " mind an Aal)surdi`.y.which coil only he _ o-" counted for bythat xienetation `for anti`-' quity which `seems to ' overshadow in some things the-human mind. " A` ' Well, gentlemen, the law calls upon yon,` twelve at least concurring, to investigate these cases which have already been so investigated that, tie a. result,` ve out of the eight accused are conned in gaol in the custody of the Sheriff, and I trust you will nd, as indeed I doubt not you will, tlmt the committing; magistrates have not been too aI`bitrnvy and m1jusl_t as to commit the parties without sonle ting themon t-heir ll'll,_i ;lli5 in fact you will nd that their labors have not been in vain, and perhaps ou muv be induced to enquire whether the service you are- called upon to render the public is of that value as to present an equivalent for the inconvenience to which, in your capacity of grand jurors, you are put. Tm: -Monetary ~'l-`imes remarks in speaking of the effort to set aside the mil way fusion :-- It there be two rail`- ways to do.t-he work of one ; be run ; two capitals investedv where one _ wou'1d`suice ; it is obvious that, unless there were to he an utter waste of capital rates ngiist rise. _,xThe mis'tnke was in doublin'g the extnt of the vcnrnying capacity? ,_ 5 Promoters pro- mises n_re b "kg_2n , ?- of course, as they -always. nre, but_ i hen, people are willing to be fooled, tliere is really no `help i for theni. I 'Bn'1:n1uxG to the report; on the first page of the railway Adeput-ation's visit to the Attorney-General, Mr. Harrison at the town council on Monday` night gave it. as` his opinion that from the tenor of V (Mr. Mowas reply nothing might be ex: pected from the Ontario Governmentin the way of legislation to set asid the railway fusion. The aggrieved m{mici- palities, M 1'. Harrison thought, would just have to grin and bear it. EVEN royal personages. do not enjoy immunity from runaway accidents. Lord Lorneand Her Royal Highness the Princess Louise were driving from government house to attend adrawing room, when the sleigh containing the vice-regal party was upset and dragged a considerable distance. iThe Princess ' sustained injury to the head and ear, while the Governor-General did not escape unhurt-. Fortunately the injuries though painful were not serious. M - Ir` 1'_erseve1'a11ct> is ultimately .cro\9.`x1cd- with `success, then it is abput time We read of the murder (if the `Czar and his family. The lateatlattennpt. at c-fleeting it was made :1` few days ago, when a niino was laid under the gn:u'droO_m of the pulace,- which is immediately under" the dining hall, `and exploded. Owing to an accidental delay the_Impez-ial fam- ilY lxml notl entoretd tlu-. hall at 1-110 Ixsal time. ' ` TIHZ "limb page of t.hia`i.~;-:.u: ~.7r$_ul.uin1s a itolembly full account of` what x`-cmnins upto date to be told abb-at t-he Biddnph butch:-.1-y. To-day t!x'ea.!_jourr;e-cl inquest I 1 will be resumed. lave:-ythinzg seems to jioint to the conviction of several of the` dozen or so ztrrsted vigilantes. Baxiow 1xow"the organs 1o\ e one _an-. other! Orillia Reform pnpex-' to the_ Barrie bri:k block Reform paper re Mr. Phe?ps and the Wardenshipi His dis: p1easu:e_ nithr stirprise. nor glfieves us ,- in fact, we should_ have begun to suspect that `something was wrong somew}u=re if we had been commended by that eminently ,staun<:h and :i$r;si3t- " ent organ of public opinion." NOTES ;mD'ooMm2r~aT3. | (.'uI'r`:-s,-muzl'w . |:T6PiA,. !i"1u.`t` Qf thev .1.,Iruu:o<.~_|` Iyv: yxpuuuefl that country 1 -to _"tz*'1'~he 3`-I3 - .411`. 0}. "Don eyes xoolnng love to `eyes which spake a.gain."L We-are hold that A1,! went as amarringe be1,'- and also that some one-dulled out .`_`0n'1tith. the jdancei! 1e;.joyjbo.unconne;1.** But we looked in va`inV_or.n.Ij_gy-',a1lnsi4`1_z :` `-fvotnrles of puuumgs. - rue you or me matter 18, the Qouxioil did nothin'g.o 1_:ind. The pro. position to do so was 'sup'>ox-{zed by <;n_ly f- teen of a full council. f this thixig h been done, we agree; with the Times ,_tha.t some fun might have been poked at our County Fahera, But as it was not, our contemporary_ is pqmlpelling a straw, man ofjxis own niangfacturo. . V j _ . = V II'f`hejM0!1nt by 3 down county eg- change,of a recent ball we nd ;;`mex;_tion V o`f}`f`Sofc-eyanA looking;-love to 'eyesLw!_iicli" `snake Inin. i.Wa~m'-ma tIm}.`l.A Il ;...z' ad . omwns wnmp may have committed .r.'u. ' _ ,_ .` . .5 -. " ""9'"` a-.i..i`.Vl........;"'.' `.`.`__`f committee. . I A Srrrxna minister has been delivering a sermon on the feebleness of modern " preaching. _The Sun man is a living ex- ample`-only the preaqher didn't exactly any so. It will require something stron to bring l_u'n_1 ground. As a matter of act when therels some . ing stro Vgeing, it generally does bring in: aroun .. -But we are new speaking in another sense. Tm: Orillia. Times furnishes a case of` much ado about nothing in its leader. de- nouncing the County Council for memorial- izing the Government to selects more cen tral site Toronto,-for new Parliament Buildings. The" act-.of the anatter is, the 0ou1i<''t `faiths-kind. 'I`I1n'nuu-._` . uuu u lL\lA\l nu.-.-5 u on. v_c_Av|}_IJ _UVIAUUlIl1IUn A correspondent of the Keenzmsviuo , Sentinel speaks" of the applications to the County Council "for grants to 1-0338 and! bridges as huviugpbeen` kicked out in com- mittee. This is a.very rough and mis~ leading way of putting it. ,Th_e Council only deferred action on the majority of ap- plications till the J unc session, on the re- - commendation of thy yoads `mid bridges committee. . T` . A Q'.`..--...... ._-!....L-.. 1.-.. l__,.. 3,1- . V . V . _ - . . - -. ou--.-----~ ".4 ~... -..y -vuuu. : Soma mxonymous scribbler -has the entree - to the columns of n. Barrie paper for the nrpose of `mgdigning the reeve. of lnnisl he plmrgea are lughly improbable, the _ style. of fuhniuating them grossly mean and 1 vicious, . and the whole nature of the ef- [ fusions vile beyond comparison . Mr, Mc- Kay can n'or_d, and really ought. to treat ltho whole thing with silent. contempt. A nnnnnn unnilmmlr II` 41.- `I! ______ _:n_ -..v-..r..u..-, -4- --- ~- 1 ONE of the men, (a. stranger) -engaged in ' logging near Anten Mills, met with a severe injury the other day, a log rolling on him. ` It was rumored ii) the same neighborhood that {couple of choppers at work in the vicinity had beer} killed`by' a falling tree, but the rumor t-urn_ed,o\;t to have its origin in the fall of a. tfee which dcnxolishegl their coatsas the garzuents lay on the ground. cs)..." .........-......... ...._'x.1.1._' 1.-- n, _ _ Enmr. Good Templar-s have elected the the following officers :-John Reid-, `W. C. T_; Jessie Brotherson, V. T.;" Walter Lawf- dex-, jr, John Hewson, F. S.; John A. Norris, 0.; Jennie Sissons, T.; `Richard McGrath, M.; Jennie_.Richa.rdson L G.; John Traynor, O. G.;- Nellie Richardson, D. M.; Emma Czwanngh, "R-. H. Sr; Jennie Thompson, L. H. S. ' n.-.. -2 n..'. .._.... 1.. ..;......._--\ -.._- _- a 2 ..... .., ....., ............., ...,....... LAST week, ua. teamster at Drinkwater's -Mills, North Orilliu, carelessly allowed his team too close to t-hesid of .n. hill, and the sleigh loaded with logs slipped over, drag- ging the horses with it. `They fell thirty feet, and 0110.01 them was seriously injured, Elbe other fnrtumtely escaped with ' few ` urts; - ' AN 01-illia man has received a. letter from his son_in Manitoba in which the letter mentions his first experience of shing through the ice on Lake Manitoba. A. party of thirnv caught 4,800 sh between noon of one day and noon of the next. The ice on the lake was threefeet thick. Many of the people fed theixj pigs on sh. r1._, __..-_ __ --_- .,,--- ]_.`II_1: names of the victimszof the late mil- ' way accident near Glencaim are :--John' Goff, of Hamilton, reman, killed; John Garrison, driver, leg broken and badly scalded; Wm. Bowers, brakesman, leg broken, and internally injured. T AI`!!! ...,.,.1. .. L...._....L.._ -1. `n_:_I_...,;,_v_ ...... v-noJ 9.. u u. an nnvvall _THE proposed Central Fair fof Co1ling- wood is being v_igo1fously agitated. A large board of directors has been named and stops are being taken to induce Collingwood Council to_ erect the ' necessary building which was estimated to cost $5000. IT is re orted from Gravenhurst that tho" other nig t a. young married man named James Hughes; was stabbed, almost fatal- ly, by hisfather. The father `was `imme- diately arrested, but next day was again in the enjoyment of his liberty. _ VI`-nu .....,...'.......`l l`I.....t....'I I4-_:_ 1:-.. n-n:__,, uwuuaeu. welt moou and puts them in I oral good condition; and cures Worms, _l1Ph8, Colds, Hide-bound, Yellow Water, -_.'Iq_0_ll'0f Appetite, Indigestion, Scratches, and -. welled Legs`. ` These Dowderh Am nnmnnnm-1 M! H, .......a. I inz49P' THUS reads part of. a. B1'adfm'd re item : The origin of the re was caused from several lengths of` stove pipe fa.ll_ing and lodging on a` petition which runs across the shop. ` ' n-1.-.. 1)-;--..'._-A....- _.._---.4 !.-....J. AI - ......ur. Tmc Reformutory surgeon i'epo1_'ta the prevalence of lung complaints at that in- ititution, says rlxoumatism is also suffered from, but isrpleased to state that no deaths Havn nnilrra ux-n(v Hun nan}. vnnr ` lvmt is`p1;>as;d havo occurred during the past year. A" i....._L ~1__ .._.._1-_ -11 _-_` 4: T1 "' """""-"""r "D """ 2"""' J""` Ax infant sixwceks old, son of H. Rum- sey, of Brunel, Muskoka, was smothered by being covered with too _mu_ch clothing, the other night, while asleep with the mother, and under the inuence of anoth- Innv nu-9-nn L """"" "" ' _ _ A Bn/u>ro1u:T merchant named Chester announces aAsa.1o vof goods at cost. He _ is not one of your `Charge! C-heater Chzirge! sort of men; - ,, ,.,,__-___, `,--.v._.v , ..n..., y-.u-uv- T112 members (of. Poplin Grange and their invited friends l1_O1d a. "social to~mor- row night in the Temperance Hall, Strand. u :5 J~n .....L.. H... Lu-1-- --'---- -'------~----' _V.. ".5... u. nu ..un-aprvnuuvu gnu, Lnuuuua As if to make the title more imp1'essiv6, he of the Enterprise alludes to his".1oca.l contennporalfas t-he 'I`meIy Good Man. |'l`V.... _........_..L-.; -t LL. 'n,_, ,1` IT, , ,`._-_-_, .... -.... _-..v.J Vawvvvn av-nu... Tmi: proprietor of the Rusaell_ Houao,_ Orillia, is charged by constable Moht with permftting ch-unkenncss and ghting on his prennsos. ` 1-)___________ h_H,_|__,. _ v`!`lVI ...a..... .v. vnnull uuunullu '.I`m: nccommddatibn for Beetun _Divisi6n Court is inadequate. ` G._mcxA.\' Bay Oddfollosfs held a con-` cart-at Goldwater laatnight. ` . C.o,1=.1)w1=.1.x.'License Commisaionrs do not depoaxt in the home bank. ' `D--- `l\A_-- - I` =ll0}ISE A;\`n%LmlfE froiv&nna: W` ."-" '.f:" "'_` ""J ` ` . Ono vital statistics.for.187'.) -bi:-ths,Ll(\6; xlunriages, 1? ydeaths, _ T. STAYXEP. young men are getting up a concert in aid ofxysidewalk fund. AT n Keenqnsville concert` in {xi 1 ._of the Irish Relief fimd, 9120 was realized. Larush s Hotel, Stuyner, }m.s.had a nar- ow escgpe from destruction by re. EssA_ Council will exempt `the propnsd new mill at Cookstown for ten years. Tn \_vI-nvynfn -n.rnnno\:AV f`|,._._......-..!4._4 P ' A - - --- ~--. -"-r""""' -""1 '-"'-' _ To-NIGHT Beeton Rink will be the scene of a. skating carnival at which 840 will be awarded in prizes to maskers. ' - Q... ..-___L_ ,1.,,, 71' I '1 _.-..--. --- `.-...... .- p--u_Iu{_h-YAW -_SC ARLET1"S store, Huntsville, was but- glcd the_ other_ night, and goods to the value of $200 stolen. No clue. V_.. ......v.. .9 v.-nu AN old mxin named Wilson died the other day in Toaorontio, who was within one `month of being a centenarizux. . (`1nv............... .._-__ :1" A :.:\nr\' _._--.-.. V. -......b ca vuu-vnu-n;u..u C_oI.L1xGwooD paysr its Assssor, $200"; Collector, 3200; Chief Engineer of F`iro_ Brigade, $200 ; Assistant do., - S:)1':EH ,SnVncoeVAgric111tu`1'aI Sdciety's `ii- nnnccs: Receiptsduring 1879, 81622.39; disbursements, $1578.43 ; ba.1., $43.-96. .--- i. .0. - Smovn Tennporzmc Lodge has been re- suxjrected. 1 mill `Fhum" will `enliven /Stuyzjof [in a. short time. A Tn School tenclnef and his puils are aLt'loggerh'en.ds. ' ' ' '|'\......_ __-,,, 1l\t\ - - - -' ` ` A"`clmmpibn skater is going tuv show . `off in Collingwood. - Y\'.--._.___O-._'> rs ts II1 ul --' ,-a.. --_. D''u:'.s"I. _ .G. T. lbdge umbers some sixty-ve Inembers. l`I`.__ T`: , 1' -at n - - .;,HoRsEs.' cows. sump, ms, oxtm __ _A AND DOGS. ,,,,,', _ . - ----tau-gvvnnzv Tm: Rurha Iridiuns `havepurclmsenl a new organ for their ghurch. ~ 1 7II.-._ , , I ~-v`avOIllI All Ipllli IAVIIIU Utllnl FRED. ROWE, `near Cookstown, broke `his collar bone t,1__;e other day ` ` llnn ..:t..l ..L..I1z.1:-.. L... -n-wn 1 - n -n- \llb ce;'t_. Th-IE Beton Railway achem has fnilen through. - u_..__.- in - - * _... .`-cbr.anvwua. THERE were 100 in costume"::.t the Iaht Bradford carnival. V 51:` ..-.. ..--o- Uvv vvv-uavvu II `VI GU15 Juana. , _To Nranrfn Masonic Comrersazione`is'_to be held at the Temperance Hall, Stroud. rn, , -rs . nu -. I1: . _- 1?, , ,_ . wm IN ms wn pr` . cor:.*rxr_ xsws. ._ Cl:-gnuong wants a layryer. .. ` _ L o_v_'utab1e thieves at Orillia. f Ul{.I_I.!A h1`ls nO salvage corgis. " ` ~.- S'u\fxnn:g1ories in a. new la'w}nu. Agnxnnrg talks of an Irish relief fund con- :er . um} n;(vE'noxa ion its nus; A. . .x.:_... .`; ; .rnfls'_ ANDA Phnoris .- -. * . - V __ .S99t Dnvmmnrrr or Banwnrs up CANAL`! 1 _ 0r.m_w4, 7th).fobxfna{y, V -v 4.:-uuu \Jlll.Eo Tan wnonz To an u.uwucrusxo LN .2-us Donmnox or Gm~'u>A nnd delivered on "the lhcic ,Bisilv_ny. at Fort William, 01- in; th_e_ Province of Manitoba`, ` V _'I}x-mgrin L 1upe:ic.ptions_'_and other inform. hon y: , hid ,Qp]18ti0h at the office` ofthe ` ei'3n-'.Ghin!. 0?` t8'rt.T0n'and;jT "n.ftu"r tli6' " th1ig`y".of-TMARG n_ext. "J"1'e'nd..erIi`iril!*bi: z.aeei'ved vby`ehe`ua.nzgn. 7 "7`T""`:%iT%`f' .*%` :~"`.**' In the press, from the Bench, and by Grand Juties themselvs, the question of Grand J u_ry Reform _is bding discussed. . The views advanced on the question just nowi recall those of Mr. Justice Gwynn, as embodied in his address to the Grand Jury at the Kingston Full Assizes of 1872. 'e quot6:-- V " ` ` ueepen}. 3 Express and Baggage cm. `3 Postal and snxbkmg Carl. 240 Box Frgight Cars. 'l00:Flat Cu-3.. ._ 2 Wad p1n;1n}.n in J ; I (WANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Tongan _l'or Boning stock, _ Tenders .r_ indo;f:;mmishmg_t__!1o Roll-` mg Stock 1-%nifed to be delivered on H16 035 ' P401 0 Railway. within the next four Years, comprising the delivery in each you of about the following, viz :- . ` - 20 Locomotive Engines. ` 16 FilI;pt-olasu Can (a proportion being ee v 20 Gus. ._!a pmpgrtiog lgeing deepen). De is; of Railways and`C'a.nala, lztawa, .7th Februaly. 1880. 1115 noulng moon :0 pa ueuyerea the Pcmbina Branch Canadian Pacic Railway, J on or before the 15th of MAY: next. ' ` ' - , < `By order, ' ` ' 1 - . F`. murm Drawings and` specications may be seen, 1 and other information obtained on application ' at the oice of the Engineer-in-Chief, Pacic Railway, Ottawa, and at the Engineer : Of-` ace Intercolonial Railway, Moncton, N. B. The Rollimz Stock to` ht. delivered rm the 7 1 `av-- LUV Juli 2 Wing Plonghs. :2 Snow Plonghs. 2 Fhhgen. ` V40-Hmdcm. .. -' ` Tendon ed RUARY, .1 (-1... Bull nu An 1 , I of the fan` Vnlly DI DH'U.-F311 \J|'eeK. ' | Tenders must be on the printel foun. which, ` with all other information. may be had at the Pacific Railway Engineer : Offices, in'0ttawa and Winnipeg, on and after the first day of 5 March, next. '. . ' Ev Av-dnr I _3ECl'BI ` DEP.\RTm:)."r or RAILWAYS AND UANALS, )_ I , O'_rmw._x. 11th February. 1830. r -`-'98 These powder`: are composed of the most _ ens ingredients, compounded in the most perfect` manner,` and tho`:-oughly mixed by machinery; Tho" 1-e'ci e was not obtained from Turke or Goose nd, but from one of _ the `best an moat ekilful furriers in En d; Itloctgd by him from the many be 1: used, an the most reliable powder that could be com- . pounded for the above` disease. l?ut.'-jap and sold at George`/vs Drug 'to~re, Barrie SIGN OF THE BIG RED MORTAR. .

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