- hlonoupon fbongh, rat uh scarlet on, leaf Iwingl in th: LLULI un. uuw au.-.u...-. Hannibal. Mo.. mg. 2, 1878. 1.`.4..-. . EUMATIlVI- Cuno. ILL., Jan. 23, 1878. H.. FREEMAN __BARRIE. : ' DUNKEN \VINSLO\V.- IN TOWN AT THE So--ITl-by qll Dn}'ggisl~`. .Bro.. Druggists, . Jersey (my, N. J. u received n can _40-1m.' A downwards. Dxsnasnn Fnurr TaI~:Es.-Mr. Hopes, President of the Pennsylvania Fruit Growers Association, boldly asserts that `_ the diseased fruit trees are in nine cases out often, the results of causes which have their origin in carelessness _or ig- norance. Deep planting is one error; to plant a tree -rather shallower than it formerly stood is really the right way, whilst many plant a tree ' as they would a post. Roots are of two kinds--the young and tender rootlets, composed en- tirely of cells, the fer-. of the" tree, al- ways found near tlu: surface getting air and moisture ; and roots of over one year I r 1 8 t 1 1 1 l 1 1 1 I : old, which serve only as supporters to * the tree and as conductors of its food. delicate rootlets are so deeply planted in `the earth. Placing fresh or green ma.- e nure in contact with the young, root" is, he tells us, another error. The place to put manure is on the surface, where the elements disintegrate, dissolve and carry Numerous forms of fungi are generated and reproduced by the ap- plication of such manures directly to the roots, and they immediately attack the tree. It is very well to enrich the soil at transplanting the tree, but the manure if it be in contact with, or very near the -* roots, should be thoroughly decomposed. A Hence the injury that ensues when the ~ _` a-mm- uiaumnasa; s _ i am! Aiuone jru: cuII.'oneu.: l `CorzL,uzn s Swmcr Gssron 0n.,`equal1.v suitable for children and adults. -Endorsed by over 600 doctors in Canada. `The diiculty of administering, nauseous medicines, and the . desirability ofvhziving them pleasant to. the taste, induced T. Copeland to undertake re- searches, which resulted in the ..discovery of a Sweet Castoril, perfectly palatable, of the ` same strength and nzedicnl _ ualities asthe ordinziry Castor Oil; and w ' e equally safe and harmless yet acting with more ce ' y y and producing neither nausea. nor it parent Some children say it is honey; others syrup-they all say they like it. One says--My children drink it like wster; 8!1Ot1hfll.1___u,E/C. llxla hdtthcbottle 0;-h they won t ave ms e 1 rig 0 - ano er- M little girl has taken it twicejwithout an `ihii e i`?, d`3`aa`L`Z'i,',`-S hc>i'i i"aH %e s e e as r 11 never could get her to take it tvithout a ght ; yet another--I wish you success of *::r:.*:I.;::.`}.i`%,:1`:?=8- sure 0 e ac o c 1'... mmmrdinarv demand for this improve- to take the placeor au common on, _ The extraordinary demand improve- ment of a staple household medicine has brought fraudulent imitationsinto the market but the public can guard themselves against" . substitutes (which unprincipled parties are at- temptin to sell on the reputation of this article) y seeing that the name, Copeland ! Sweet_Ca.stor Oil, is on both wrapper and direc- tion label. L ' 'I`l1n unulnruinnt-ll llsllnff mxrchaseil hiesr . label. ` - v The_ undersigned, lxavlng purchased Messrs. T. Copeland & Co's interest in the above pre- paration, gxre now manufacturing it from the original recipe. NORTHROP & LY MAN. Toronto. Ask for Cope1an_d s Sweet Castor Oil. Ob- serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents _._:_ Psorm ironnmswr-:n by the many disagree- -able sensations produced by dyspepsia, or are thiu,.nervous and weak, should use the stan- dard tonic-Northrop _& Lym:m s Quinine Wine. They will find it_ agreeable and bene- cial. It enriches the blood by aiding digest ion and assimihtion ; soothes and invigorates the nervous system, `and imparts a. healthful ........+:+.. xvhrm met] as n remcdv for bilxoixs system, anu imparts neammu appetite. When used as a remedy for and intermittent fever, it produces the hap- piest results, if taken between the attacks. Convalescence is hastened, and untimely de- cay of the physique and constitution is arrest-V ed by it. The spirituous constituent sherry wine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it, renders its flavor addition- ally pleasant. `They who use it gain flesh as well as strength, and it exerts a cheering in- uence upon. the mind. It promotes a heal- thy seeretion and flow of bile, sound repose - and regularity iu'_the action of the bowels. If judiciously used it may be` taken without apprehension of any ill result by persons of the most delicate Iconstitution. ' A fair trial .'... -1! J`.m4- in um;/lnrl +n nrnva Hut manuineness apprehension 01 any in rcauu u_y pcmuua u. is all that is needed to prove the genuineness of its claims to public condence, and` to the truth of the geuera.l'verdic,t in its behalf.'.~_-`Na article of its class commends itself so strong- ly to nervous invalids who require building up-none is so well adapted to fortify the sys- tem against the dang'ers whichthreaten the debilitated. It should not be mistaken for A mere stiniulnnt of appetite. which many so- callcd tonics simply are. It so regulates the stomach that it is enabled to perform its var- ious functions with regularity and vigor, and its action is not only thorough but prompt; Ask for the Quinine Wine of _ Northrop 6: Lyman. S0111 by all diuggist El.EdTRlCTl.Y! '1`1xonAs` -EXOELSIOR Euca- TRIO 011.! Wfonwu TEN TIMES rrs WEIGHT IN GoLD.-Pain cannot stay where it isusedl Itis _ the cheapest medicine ever made. Ono dose cures common sore throat, Ono bottlecured bronchitis. Fifty cents worth has cured an old standing cough. It positively cures cstarrah asthma and croup. Fifticents worth hascured crick in the back. and t o sameiquantity lame back of eight years` standing. It cures swelled neck, tumors, rheumatism. neuralgs. contraction of the muscles,'stit_l joints. spinal ' am and soreness In any part, no matter where t; may be. or from what cause it may arise, it al- ways does you good. "1`went.-ve cents` worth has cured. had cases of c_h;-omc and bloody dy_- lculties. ands "1`went.$-ve cents` worm chronic bloody dy- sentery. One. tenspoonful cures colic in 15 minutes. ' It will cxgre any case of piles that it is possible to cure. Six or eight applications is war- ranted to cure any case 0 excor o.t_e_d-ni plea or inamed breast. .Forbruises, ifo plied o ten and bound u , there is never the slig test discolora- tion to t no skin. It stops the pain of a burn as soon as applied. Cures frosted feet, boils warts and come. n.nd wounds of every description on man ox: beast. ~ . ' .-S. N. THOMAS. PIIELPS. N. Y. And NORTHROP 8; LYMAN, Toronto, Ont.- Sole Agents for the Dominion. . N _0TE.--Electnc--Selected and Electrized Auusc; ua nun: : 3: . . M -,u '- . `Before Talnng. 3:.g.f:"B,'3.,i...3L, After Taikmg. Pain-In the Back. Dlmness of Vision. Premature Old agn, and many olher disease-zlhal lend to Insanity or Consumption and u. 1 rcmnt}Ire Grave. ;5='Full par-- licnlnrsinour pamphlet, \VhlOh we desire I0 send tree by mail to every one g?The Specic Medxcme is sold by all Drnggisls at $1 per package, or six pack- agcs for $5, or will he sent free by mail on receipt oflhe money by addressing, . _.-_-- [VIII -1! I'l'.\l|Il'\lNIl:\ As much nitrate of soda as can be` taken up between the forenger` and thumb putin the glass: every time the water is changed will preserve cut ow- in all their beauty for above a. fortnight. 'l;lln vlnuu-1-. LI-.-.fn'-`.v--.'--.- ..--, \Vmn.ioR, Ont.. Canada. sold in.Bm'ne by all Druzzislsund bv all whole. sale, nnll relnll Druggisls In Canada and the United Slates. _ _- -ly. ... . -. ..__4 A....__. . This Great Household Medicine Banks amongst the leading necessaries. of Life-. These f:unous Pills `purify the BLOOD, and eat most powerfully, yetseothingly on the` and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vi - our to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFfI. They are condently recommended as a never failin remedy in all cases where the constitu- tion, rom whatever cause, has become impair- ed_or weakened. They are wonderfully efl cacious in all ailments incidental to Females of all 3 es - and as 1: GENERAL FAMILY _-4-Qv\'I 1 2 rvrn .._.. .....uu-nuuan \.-.u..J, _, -- _` ` Liver. Stomach. Kidneys, .__-. -...1 ..... cacious m M: aumuuu _a1la es; as: MEDI `INE, are uns OI 11118 t MEDI `] . Itssearching and Healing Pro-.. parties are known through- out the -Wo;-ld- _.... _ `l\IU v-v For the cure of BAD LEG.,[Bad Breats, Old Wounds, Sores ahd Ulcers, H V n2-L....n.. ".1-u.` V5 II vuuuw, wwgv-- ..__~_ - _ it is aninfallible remedy. If effectually rub-` bed on`the neck andchesb, as salt into meat, it Cures SURE THROAT, Bronchitis, Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellinga, Abncessea, Piles, Fistnlas, ` IIT 3I_IEIIl`A*IgM_ Mus. ALI:xANnnn s SQUASH PIES.- Take 9. pint and half of sifted squash, three crackers, rolled fine" and .T sifted, u` cupful and a half of sugar, 3. teaspoonful , .4` ..:mm-, :1 hnnninlz teasnoonful of salt, Icy uy n\4lII\.-puuub, _ TIIE GRAY MEDICINE co., nuvnznh nl (`cannula the` Pots" and Boxes. 11A me auulvaa .. ...,. 633, Oxford Street, London,-`they are spurious. 5U_lIi1\Au'Au -......... .__ ._: .Maga`z_ine_ says: , `flt as L: .there;u never a white colt 3 mm. whimit ho`:-se was blue Maga`zine_ "1: as Lcuuuuu um. um. .t'.here;ia 20: a, blmk calf. The whitedtjhdrse bhcke'at iu its birth, ..a Hm in black cow was unmixed. urea. The whitest horse bxeckea; nu ma Dunn, and the jet bleok cow was red. Whethervthin.is correet or net; we cannot positively say.;_ but the we do believe; that the bentjnethexne for removing pain from the ....e.... In the `_`Omu1im'PaineDestroyer. - GRAY S he but 'g nedicine for re1_noying pam xroxn me ayltem u the `fcmadmu Pain Destroyer." In cases bf Rheamstintp, sprains, bruises or "-ezcfa -N1 =u,m_m.r wmnltinyimyndn `SV,c_IlN1`VIFIO Inns.- urmmaigm nv: II spcTric Menmms. cupful and mm 01 sugar, :1. umupuu...... H of ginger, 9. heaping teaspoonful ` a little nutmeg, and a pint and a half "of scolded milk. For three pies. GREASE can be extracted from oors by applying a paste of wood ashes and quick lime, to be kept on several days and then washed off. Stains on wall paper can be cut out with 9. sharp pen- knife,>and a piece of paper so nicely in- sertedthat no one can see the patch. -b1_n__:' The Great Eng- huh, Remdy. on unlailin cure for Semina \Venk- ' ness, Spern'.mor- rhea, I-mpolency, and all 'disea_ses llmlfullow as a sequence ofSelf- Abuse; as Loss` of Memory, Uni- l'- versnlLauiIude. J :us.--A writer in P1itn_un a "It is a? curious fact that .LI.:L- nnll-_ 1'?`-up Q `Hunk 0.91:. IGBLDEN Our Fall Stqck is,.now com late. in every department, and we would invite impaction of the dame. Qnr efforts gave been directed to attain the following eagentials, viz : GHDICEST smms _A'1`_:r_}_1_p_;__1:g11]1:'|:APuQS31BLEnP1313E3 1 \IL:I>l\IJ-IIJI 35 5-4.`: --- _ Our goods hbve been secured at BOTTOM WURES I- sented itself we have availed ourselves of it. e show ma . pmmimmt amomz such we direct at! ID.II.1`.ll.IJ...L.\..lJ .LA\I .JL- u.u .......-. All Colors, and .wide widths, at 156 per yard, cheap : them. Complete sto FALLTWEEDS, runmsnmcs, wu-Iilfi T` 7 -. -A mnem- _;gE_c1AL L0'I`.'0F FBENGII SATINS! __. _.:.:- ...:,:n... . I55 nar val-d. chest) at 250." You should not fail to see FASHIONABI-E0.!+TH'NGH0USE `plitinap UVLUVBI Uouuuv --' -__- i RICE Pur>mNa.-A teacupful of rice, 3 teaspoonfulof salt, and 9. quartof milk; ail and set in 9. pots of boiling water till the rice is quite soft ; put in 9. cupiul of sugar, beat the yolks of 4 eggs [and stir in till it thickens, avor with AL- .........x ..:..A and inioe.of, 9. lemon; JJCS nu :._suu._u u .. s(`()':`Ct1:'XN1) ENGLISH 'l`Wl4`.EDS! Worsted, Diagonals and Nap overcoatings, English and ` French Trowserings. cocun Mamas, MATS, mun nu.-morn. BRUSSELS. A 'l`APE l`SR.Y, KlDDERMiNS'l`I<)Rr, UNIONS,` THE EMPORIUM, - L- 5 JOHN WATS01 %% ONE Dooga WEST 01` THE BARRIE HOTEL, QSRV aoobs, nannv-mun: 6LTHIu. {iio:"Ii |T`:Ts. T `-NOBBY*' ,_._ -1 Beg to x:9.rmpur_1ce the arrival qftl1ir_FALL IMPORTAT ._.._-- _-`_.'l\`-. -(\"._ '. and stir in mu m tanlcxuua, ....w._ ...... the grated rind and juioe.of. lemon; ' put in a pudding dish, pour ovexnit the whites of the. 8 beaten to a froth and -1-... :. ...s M. m hmwn. For three FULL SUPPIJES OF ALL THE 1 III: LLIUEIA V HSTISHINGS. sQnooL B00Ks: MIL1;1ER S IRON-BOUND READER .l roInmenc among Bucu wu uuuvv ................. -., ....- wnmss GOODS :9 I ._A LARGE- Tortpinto Exhibition, I879, BesAt.Pe`:1`1f;:.a.ble Engine, First Prize. Bes1;Poi*iable Engine for Agricultural Purposes, !,,_X_1__2__ _ IJVJU Q VD Vt-nu-v -----_._ ` _ * Fira::1 rize; ~ Steam `T,hresher.~.Bronze Medal. H01 so-Piwor Thresher, Bronze Medal and Diploma. Reaper, ibiploma. ` V +ooM:~1oN EXHIBITION, OTTAWA; m.;;.. :'.'...:'l'>.-ns in} Portable Engines." `Sver Medalfar Cal-W E MPIIIHUM 2 WHIWS OI liuu-.U5&o vvuuvu .. place In an oven to brown. A CALL INVITED. _vYIv_ug `:3. -_ V._._ ,_ _, _ Two First Pr'zes of Pot table Engines; Silver Medal for V4 'ect:'on of AfticIs.A Vafious other Prizes. tnem. Lzuluymw mm- \IA Zillinery. nllalntleu and Clothing. - - :::-1j1.QI 3 A, .A.11.a.1: th c1osest Prices. ......__.;o; ....-_-- 1: EMPORIUM, JOHN wuson. ' - . ~ 4 . . 0f`the' Lat`e't Patterns -and most Fashionable Colorings. ' Tine Iost Varied Stock ever Brought i %:3E,-2lIa.'ts, Caps, 30., A --AT THE-- Jusr RECEIVED sANbEsBB0& 1'Ir`n1\1)I'l\ A. mTn\TQ nrn jpI;pf3LIc AND HIGH SCHOOLS, _ `e!,x,tha_`meI.t all through, o`xtraet'the_best .t0thOIt0lI|8.cll, and give no pleasure to PIUDD . Oooxme MsArs.-..It is` a common practice of- cooks, and often of those who are called good housekeepers, to sprinkle - Belt over meat when just ready to be put 1 over the re. Now, to salt any meat 1 before it is well heated through -01, bet- ter still, half cookeds-will injure very materially the best ever sold in the mar- ket, and certainly spoil a. poor article, no matter whether it is 9. steak, roast, or I slow.` It will hnrdenithe bres, tough- of7_the~juiee, `make it .very;injurioIis, AI. - -4`-LA IIJLJU Ill ssnu -- --._.._ , , een gecured B0`|"'I'|_] |-and wnerover 3 bin-gain has re- mvmled 1t. many apocml lots much `under v ue. Prominent among attention to our - gngna jjjihgn `m I___. DUNLOP s'rm=.E r, BARBIE. THE NEW EST DESIGNS IN L -_ U.L` .It.'.n.u;.u.1 \A.n..n. -v................... ._ . [50 25c; Complete stock of --- ---A-1-- ..-moi ('91:-s1:`I1i)1z- - 0 , - Prices to Suit the Times and Satisfaction Guaranteed. SANDERS BROSJ, Merchant |Tailors, ' Dunlap-St. 2. B. oRdPToN 3. 1:0,. 1'-run rscartar -AT THE-- c:imii'ti fi_t`cbu3j -'r:at:E:-`- -WITH`- `&c.V, &c.'. &.c. `-USED IN THE-` AMONG WHICH ARE -AT THE GREA'l`-- --`ALSO--- GALL AT SCOTT S.| h into Town. A Full Assportxnent of HOUSEHOLD HINTS.` and would .. nu. fnlhuuinn enantinls. : ;BEAVERJ KTIONS, embracing Latest Styles in Inmportern. Fl I181 -OLA88 ` I nosawoon 8 VIALIIIIT co:-':Is~::1\1'a With Home furnished in addition; I son: or ` % Reduced Prices. 1 `a E '43 ' vvw ' V :M:oo1=:.E:. UNBEBTAKER. mm mm-s. nu u-Iulluln Iu` nu-unu \Ksi+bN -1- '.l.`.l:J.l.-.n.s:z .-. .-._.__ EXTRA CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, JAPAN, |HEARSE FOR i. ` PLACE OF BUSINESS- UIIUUIIIIEB, rnulu. Inc nu--utuilulunu-uviul-s-Iu'Iu`tutu! lIu'urIu|IgIIc gnu:-souuIo.v\oIu.oun-II .4 -AIj3lI - W T 50: VTEAS TIIAT ABE TEAS. 1191111 . an-nrntv VnIT`)\Tf1 HVRON. I JAPAN PEACO. TTE um>PPING A XES 2 aw Fauna .Af3.!?.!: .ED- T _ _ ALL NEWEST KINDS, INCLUDING THE Hanlan, Diamond, Lancet, Eclipse, C /zampion, Lig/ztuing, - Domzmon, -'-AND OTHER PA'1`TEP.NS.-- Machine Drag Saws, Bracket. Saws and Scroll Sawing Maelhlnea. Pm. Saw llmulles and Axe Handles. u :.Au.+ruv mjum`s;, cANBIEb PE EL_5|_~|p ALMONDS __ ._ ._ _ -._ --_ _-` .__._____...:.____ RRIE_jj_A_|_NT SHOP I . HAS REMOVED TO . Canon as Penrcy s om stand, opposite the trlarksun Home. Where he is prepared to lo promptly and cheaply any work entrusted to him in the way of ------ _ A. - -s/\-sr\ uP - 1-a-v~ -\r\ I Y'lW'l'Y'IT'I'Y'{`I us In lnuyuuvu - EEUSE, s3;&{`{;c QAEEIAGE PAINTING. -.-.1~~n-rsnrn-I\?r1 TIA1')1'1`Y`) `I_l A\T-(1TKTf! He solicits a call from parties requiring ' ~ M Barrio, March 12, 1879." IRES" BAUSAG E5 DAI LY. 40-3m. `[0 ma uueuu in Wales, :1, R. M. - `Princes. Of eyery description, suitable for all climates,ffrom 2 to 200 guineas. Chronogrs he, Chrono - Illeterl. KOYIBSI Levers, Presentatwn, Re eaters, Railway Guards , Soldiers ant Workmen s Watches of Extra strength. Clocks, for hurohes, Turrets, or Public Buildings, Dining or DFWUIB B0|n._ I_4lb1'I1`y._ Carriage, Church, Hall, or Shop. Perpetual Calendsrs, Wind Dials, &c. Artistic English Clocks, decorated with VVedgwood and other wares, designed to _Il,l1i5 my Ityleof furniture; also as novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. From 5 50. (fold Jewellery, of the richest and most exquisite designs, with Monogrsms, Crests and Penoes, Ensmelled in Colours, after Designs by the _ most accomplished Artists in th P'W',Mtl1l3 330001188, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, Rings, and all kinds of brjouterx Iigjlpphed to members of the Court, and other Distinguished Personsges. Merchants _ end Wholesale Buyers sre specially invited, before sending their orders elsewhere to 9 {rem the msnnfsctory the Illustrated Catalogues of Wstches, Clocks, Chain ,J:!e1ler,v,.S1lver, and Eleotro-plate, whichsre sent post free, as not only are the discouns liberal, hlxtsleleotlon csn be made from the largest stock in the world. Orders should b H seIIi;!1_iIiQ.1ta the Msiiuleotory, Ludgste Hill. Benson's Pamphlets on Turret Clocks ' ' Plstisiid Jeivellery sent`Post Free. Watches sent safe by Post to sll srt : I-rand our show Ion-I, uulguse III " ~.lNI_t_-lIIsl_ ;I subu_shsuens_, 95 Old, Bond Street. Bush To the Queen and Royal Family, a 11.1.. n. R. M- the Emneror of Ru _____:4 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UNDEBTAKINO _A-___..1;a BENS9N.f$.. WAIFEHES H 1.P|ZE MEDALS-LONIJBN. DUBLIN AND PA|S.% 3.E&`_!a@8E!E E!8!`@3 LONDON, LAYER, VALENCIAS, SULTANA, CURRANTS] MESSRS. A. &W.JOHNSTON R E REOVLA L I Atuuu u-uu To their New Premises North Side Dunlap Street, one door U est of ' Georgerfs Drug Store. Cashen. s Black, BayfieldStreet, Barrie. GOOD GOODS AT LOWEST PRICES A A 8:, W. JOHNSTON. Barrie, Jnly 14th, 1879. HARDWARE STOCK anoozmas, HIDE`; BISCUITS, }no. uuulgpnguuul uutunuuugpu..aInIIg.vIIoIuIIn|nl' -lou'IIIu`u*'0'I50IuIuuIu-4 Ross-CU T[L;_yvs. _ HEAVY AND sm-:|.r HAEBWRE. 36: A .~ A 1` /\J\ I`./\/*./\/~./\/\/\/\J'sJ\/`./\/'\/\/\/~./~././H ~./ F. J- lvtcofr-I-cJe11~::o1\'r Ben Royal.Fa.mily, and by special appointments to H. R. H: the Prince of . M, the Emperor Russia, tha Maharnjznh of Burdwan,: and to IOVOPII Ind'an The simple fa.ith`the Saviour teught `We change, remodel and rene; We waete a word of skill and thought, To curve and gilzl the work divine. Om` architects cannot agree, , Each tries to suit his tuteenud needs ; While millions luck a shelter, we- - 117- nun-val nhnnlt nrnrm --- zu;---- `Having purchased a x-at-class Hearse is . m-em:-ed to do Undertaking Cheaner . Constantly on hand, szoag, Heal Lin?` r i 2: ing, Gloves, and all Funeral Requisites. . HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptly [attended to. SINESS--John-St., One Door south of Bull : Planing Fnctoryf [KINDLY FAVOR US \\ ITH A CALL. Having pt:{'cha`:ise%a.t`fil;r:`i::`-`tilalss glfarse FlRB'l'-OLA88 \ pre are to ' . in Ehunhny t?t_hex1l- Dealer ii tbsp" nosiwonn & w`LIu1 part ox the country. OOIIJIINQ -. With Hes:-so furnlshed addition, SOALI. OF Q5." i Reduced Prices- ?""* <'~`-""' 0 ran 3 7,, a; ~- .' .1-p'.~ I Shrouds, Head Lin: 2 "` 3 u 3 AI,,I_LL___ 1, I L- uvnng pnrcnaaeo. nrat-onus nearse 13 prepared do Undertaking Cheaper than any other in this H `part oi 1 , - Beg to announce that they hzivc moved their -::-:;u;aj-- WILLIAMWBZUNTER. NEWI>oRK SHOP DECORATING, PAPER-HANGING, l'Ii I1 3 l-|-Ivuuu- L1A`HuNTmR, Our breeders of religious stock, . Their own superior skill maintain ; Each owner of 2. little ock 1:!...u-. u... .....-H. nf his: --stmsn`_ Two doors ` RF..\IEM`BER WE SELL indertakl n a: i IN ALL .1'rs BRANCHES L VHANDSOMEHEARBE And all Funeral Requisites Furnished. ; west of Edlmgx-d.s' Bookstore. gsuch work, and guarantees Perfect Satisfaction and V ode:-ate Charges. 7 I1 Y. BOLOGNAS, SMOKED lEA'.I', kc THOS. LISTER. .. -A _[`._ AT Each or mule nocx g . Exalta the merits of his "strain', All. in their own opinionsset Boast of their pure and perfect deeds}. The` ple may go hungry, yet We.qua1-rel about crceds. JAPAN PEACO. VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, ORANGE _PEKOES FOR FLAVOURING J. HI-:Nm=._I3soN's1. SOUITS, I0. I` Jluiululu--uInuIuIuuuIu.u..unu ~oIuuu.n.;InI'V' $36 ; Q3130 51-ly Many there are who till the soil . But they are foes who should be friends ; ' They waste their time in fruitless toil, And labor for their separate ends. The fresh strong plants we-seldom see, Sprung from the Saviour-'s simple sends ; The people starve and die, but we-` We quarrel about creeds y : - Plain words and harsh are these but true . ' \Ve labor hard to gain a loss ; Christians in Clirisrian lands are few ; Small is the army of the Cross. ` O'er systems still we fume and fret, Neglect the wheat and till the weeds : The world looks on in wonder, yet We quarrel about crceds. N ot such as this the_Saviour s art.--'- _ His simple words may still be read, Love thou thy God with all thy heart, I Tliyneighbor as thyself, He said." _ But our improvel theology Splits hairs with words, purblind to deeds; The lieatliens shake their heads, while we-- We quarrel about creeds. The drowning soul,'bewildered, sees A hundred ropes before his eyes, Unknowing. which to choose of thes(-- Clutehes lfzstraw at last and dies. Could all be woven in a net, It might secure salilatioifs needs ; ' But sinners doubtnud drown, and yet v We quarrel about Cl`8(lS. Then let us heed the simple rule-- l`lie only law, the law entire- The teaching of the Siwiour's school, That satisfies the souls desire; ' And let us hold in unity ` ' The truth from which all truth proceedl. Nor teach the world to doubt, while we Still quarrel about creeds. y 7 . While munom 1301 a nnenwr ' We quarrel about crecds. c-_._- In one of the alleys runtiing oil` from Fountain Bridge, Eclinbnrgln, a st-reef, crowded with drnnkcness and pollution is the low` tooled building in- wlnch this good Woman is spending her life to help men and women out of their miseries. Her chief work is with dl`_llI1l{t1l`dS, their wives and daughters. Some of the poor women of the neigl1l)orhoo_d who have sober lnusbamls complain against hr, saying: i T ` 7l1v rln vnn nnnsl us? Because our . , , . ' ..'-'-" 1. M, _ J -WI\Ihing your face dud handatwice I T _ ' for this timesouday in oat-meal water * them from phapping. "-,A,cnre fqr wh_oo'pin'g congh-a tea- `bf i':a_`at6r:oi1 tp a. teaspoonful of Whenvet `the oon'gh is" ' ' fj ' It will _o.'oi'd `relief at _u_d in a geggggys will eectu com- ' " '.|!ho_ngm6 edioine rleliovels ; ~- u. suymg: _ Why do you pass us? our `husbands are good you do not care for us. If we had married some worthless sot, you would thenzlmvo taken care of us in our poverty ! - , , Tn 41... m-;n+.m- when the nights are poverty z'- In the winter when the nights long and cold, you may see Helen Chal- mers, with her lantern, going through the lanes of the city, hunting up the~de- 'praved and bringing them to her reform meetings. Insult her, do they? Never! They wouhl as soon think of pelting an angel of God. Fearless and strong in the righteousness of" her work, she goes up to 9. groupoof men, shakes hands with them, and takes them to her Thursday night speech on temperance. nm. nanhr. an aha was standing, in a mgnn speecu on Lumpuzuuuu. One night as she was standing. low tenemen talking with an intemperate father aud persuading him to a better life, a man kept; walking up and` down the room g8-tho_ugh interested in what was said ; but nally, in his intoxication. he staggered. up to her and remarked 2 HT ulmll ant to heaven as ensv as you swam mavens. -4-44.44 - -A-A sbuggurtzu. LII) UU uvn uuuu -v-o------~- - I shall get to heaven as easy y0_11 will ; do you not think so '2" g`nn nnuninvb Tint 8. W011]. vwill do not tnmx so '1' Helen answered not 9. word, but open- ened her Bible and pointed to the pass- age, No drunkard shall inherit the kngdom of God. The arrow struck be- tween the joints of the lmrness, `and that little piece of Christian stfatagem result ed in the man's reformation. 'aa.;;;.;; 3's`eaee.s b they keep at The morea man, accomplishes the more he may. An active tool never grows rusty. You always nd those men who are the most forward to do good, or to improve the times and man- ners, always busy. Who start `o\`u- rail- roads and steamboats, our machine shops and our manufactories? Men of indus- try and enterprise. ' As long as they live workedoing something to benet themselves and others. It is just so with a man "who is benevolent--the more he gives the more ' he feels like giving. We go for activity--in body, in mind, in everything. Let the gold grow ' not dim, nor the thoughts become stale. Keep all things in motion. We would I lrather that death should find us scaling a mountain than sinking in a mire-- breasting a whirlwind than sneaking l`..,..n` n n] nut` l "on. CHA|.MER s nAuc-517:3 urcuauus L: from a. cloud. -The main dierno between mxi, insignicant and great, is energy._ ` ---The [intellect of the wise is like glass; it admits t:he'1ight, and reflects it. `--A religion that never sulces to govern 0. man will never suice to save Ln1 Bvvvn him. Lulu. _ > -Great things ar riot accomplished by idle dreams, but by years of patient. study. T T 4 u A 1-;_n-_L ..c r..:n.. V -They who are the fullest-of faith and_richest in good works, make the first sound. I: 3,`,A_ I.l.|Izu uuuu -.. -Only what we lmvewrough1; into our characters during life` can we take away with us V -Pleasure is the mere accident of our being, and woxk its` most natural and holy necessity, ' I . I I . O - V __A__ L _._,_, _ -To know how to listen is 5.. great art ; it into know how to gain instruc- tion from everyone. ' ' - . _ -.-If there is anything more poignant than a. body agonizing for want. of bread, it is a soul dying of hunger for light. ' ...-_.- _:n .......:|:s .;.... 1!: u: n Bvun V`, .u V- ._.._.g,, V ' -4-Money in your purse will credibyou --wisdom in your head adorn you--but bothoin your necessity_will' serve you. " ` --*A--1 -3.... -4` .u.I:Ln Uuuu. ualvnn n-v-~.._--J .. -There is no outward sign of'vpolite- ` ness which has not a deep moral reason. True education teaches both the sign - and the reason; _ ' -Prny: though -the gift you` ask May never comfort your fears, May never repey our pleading, ` Yet pray, and wit hopeful tears ; An answer, not-thet you {on for, f ` Btitnhoiner, will come one y ; , Your eyes to see it, y Yet st:-iv`e;a.nd.:weit, `and prey. _ '3 ` `-`-11: . my my but-. whether. ' new `or not,.itis:lwo y{o`-being 1.-e pee.t-.:h ' : "iinli uh .1: ' 2 ,< .~ . Ax ; `V4 .. 3. 7! .z: i A 3-: base. ciTn u1"..r'm1 GOLDEN GLEAM 71.25 -in ' "' We ?%n:.ei.1*'ui`l .?a.a'.Ti'?k;. .`<.-- tt `tho 1:, .`;`.m..`;` ml` _ .IIIIIsw. =x- - . -~ 7 u _ blush-_' /,,1_'li'cI"withont'1;.I'ogtese,' without wing. ` ` Bo ;vil1it__oet nntilueome breeze ` Leaves it, with wanton touch, glee ! Wreeted and helpless on the green, To scorch in sun, be drenched with rain, Ite day of tinted glox y brief, No blenom-but e tinted leaf 1 Va ant ea thistle-feather : blown t the scent mercy of the air, Shelterlese, homelesss, anywhere-- The very breath thatdallying strove A To {hunt ite banner-color out, Reudieat to buffet itnbont 1 Yet, see, how on the breezy -bovugh, In haste to have its scarlet on, It ames and utters inthe aun._ _A|.wAYs BUSY nnuunnv, .......... - _, H, R. _s-mmvs. BOSTON: _ I am what is called a dnlmmer " travelling .11 the time.` and am glad` to _ stggg}}_:`s:t_9 `mar I-la L60 lJlIIV--UV: ~---~ - `fdnimmer tqwelllng allthe tlmemnd to state that xndfour Vogatine I have toun a most. valuable me cine for the reservation or health in general. `and curln I. a various ailments uncideny to 3 dwin- ming e. I always keep 13 suppl in my sack, will procure another hot e was . 3 wite_a.leo keeps the Ve tine in our ta lyan conauiers it indispeuaab . With much respect I am . H. R. Srxavxxsz hcin RIn7__ I`h R, V DEAR Sm7-The great benet I hnve eak in from the use or Vegetiue induces me to 31) its favor. I have used it for Rheumatism and been completely cured and know it to be a. good medicine.` | ~ -------.u vtvr\Tn1 nu? VE.-G-E-`l_'|N E A GOOD MEDICINE. ' RHEUMATISM. ' Dunn, Iu... Ja.n.23. been complex medicine. " ;u;. -- \/ -._-_~ - H.R.1-I-:\?Exs. B031`-ox: 7 . _ . Ireport `you acase of Rheumn.t_.ism' nut has been successfully treatedby Vegetine." Mr. Palmer `Pace. of this town. R`esp'v, . HORACE WATKINS, 9 D1-uggist. Rosevllle, Ohio. H. R. S'rz\`n:x, Bosroxz I have taken more than a dozen bottles of Vogetinemnd must say that tha result has been . most pleasinfpt I am feeling stronger and am not. he old Rhemnatic pain. M. F. -WHITEHEAD. or am. or Whitehead Sc Bro.. Druggists, ' 7 Jersey tortured wit 1 v(,'0NS1"DI-IR LFFSELF WELL. ' PALPITATION Of the HEART. `Hannibal. IMO" Kll. KICKING CoWs.-The most c'ectuo.l method of preventing cows from kicking in to have a. strap buckled tight around just forward of the hip bones and close to the forward teats. They may `dance a little on first trial. but they soon give it up and remain quiet. After using it for a time it can be dispenved with, a they will stand quiet withoutit. 1"--- `l1`___.1......a.:..-. Ana:--uu...., -.-..., _~,_,. , H. Ibstevexxs. Boston : :1 have used the Vegetinc about four months. I have sutfcxfed with alpltation of the Heart for about six ears. I never had permunexit relief until 11.00 Vegetine. or which` [ have taken six bottles, and consider myself well of that dim- culty. _ ` ` WM. H. WVHALEY. Mr. Ray of our rm has known Mr. Whaley for 15 years. and can vouch for his verucit and integrity. RA_Y`&'. SI_{OEMAKE , _ ruggxst. 218 Broadway. JJC3 Auuunvv, awn... ..-r . , II. Stefcxxs, Boston : I have been troubled for Ilve ears with Rheu- matism and,ha.ve expended ro1_n_ fty to one hundreci dollars a. year. and _a.ccomplished noth- lng mml I commenced usmg your Vegetlne. about one year ago. I am now well, and able to do m own work. and feel that I owe my life to vnur eszetine. 0.51 \ya_s_.a11uostV-_l1elpless before --.-_.I u on nun VE(:ET|NE- . succmssmrnnr TREATED. _ RIIEUMATISM. - - -< - , u-s-.......-.. Iuuuu up \u......... ._ tmtil using Vegeune. your egetine. wa.s.a11nost-helplos_a using it. I can cheerfully recoxnmeml 1t to any one suffering from above oomglo.mt.- . `_ - ~ MR . .J. _H. VVOOD. We are personally acquainted with Mrs. Wood and know her as a. reliable and honest lady, and also know that the above_stu.tement is true. - . HAYES 8.: (.10.. Dispensing Chemists. Mzgm-xbop, HOW? LOST! HOW RESTORE!) ! Z--.._. ' We have recently published a new edition of DR. OU1.v1m\vI:LL`s Cm.anI'.AT1m Esau on the radical and pernvment cure (without medi- cine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal Incapacity, Impcdiments to-Marriage, etc., resulting from excesses. Pr1ce, In a. sealed envelope, only 6 cents, Yours truly. ' L" W. E. THOMAS. With A. B. Bnrnham 55 Co.,Louisville, Ky - fPr1ce, in or two postage stamps. . - ` ` The celebrated author, in this admirable Essav,clenrly demonstrates, from thirty years . successful practice, that alarming consequen- ces may be i radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- plication of the knife ; pointing out a. mode of cure at once simple, certain and eectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure hinieelf cheaply privately and radically. n =i Thi5 Lecture should be in the hands -........ .mu+.h nntl everv man In the land. _ 31-epare:1 lV:yV II. R. S'l_` EVENS, Boston. Mass; ".I.'l1|5 hecnulju anumu. Uv ... ......_ .._._.,__ every youth and every In Address The Cnh.'erwelI Medical (:9.. (41 Ann St., `New York. Post Oice Box `-4536. 3-ly ""J "" a _ Hunmnxo THE Cows. ~ If moderation ` is needed anywhere on the fan-n1, it is in e driving of cows. A boy, or. dog, 1; will hurry, end therefore worry, the` V edws as they,are taken to and from the - pasture should be--to put it mildly-at- tended to. Boys, do not run the cows home, even if it is getting late, especial- ly when they are on the way to the yard and their udders a.i'e full of milk. V- __...._.____ __... . . FE_1:L1NG"s_'fI{oNG1;R, __BHEUMAT|C- PAIN. ._.?_ COAL "011. FOR Ti?1W`iti.Io1~I_.. `BY THE ;B;\RBElEIi mm umnm `The undefsigned'11Aa:-Eheusole agency in Barrie for the . V _._ __ `gm 1 Scull `SILVER ST_Em!.!Al1:*liF cuA}:uIL| L- LL......L :11 ' Luv vv-nu v.- .. . -- V Lower than car; be Box_12ht[ in ` ` ' ' Toronto. - III 1" --- -V,, OPPOSITE Qm:I:N's HOTEL, B.um11~.'.. August29th,]877. - _ - V 35`-Sm Mvenlr-Sana. Finest Quality -and Flavor` THE NEW BRICK STORE,` NORTII SID OF 1)U_LoI> STREET. , _ Dmvmo mm EATING. --The diges V tion of a. horse is governed by the same . law as that of 9. man, and we know that it isnot best for a man to go at hard work the moment a hearty meal is eaten, `so we should remember that a horse ought to have a. little rest after his meal, while his stomach is most active in the process of digestion. Many a. good horse has been ruined by injudicious haste in working him with 9. full stomach. ___ -.. `.. __ __ 7 V` }IEAPES'P AND BEST` E U R1mf,r@ E E ORDERS SOI`..ICITE1). wan. _cPou, _._..- Dnnnvr cnv_'ijA_j;__P_ALAic:E.} TOYS OF ALL Kms. - .. DOLLS, AN IMMENSE STOCK Bolnemian Warcand Cl1inAa.Goo |s. ;_ ._-.... - lI'1"'.`C` u.----:9; -THE A` S'1`OCK THE MOST- VARIED & : COMPLETE - ' Ever brought into the County. ILIVEII VIIIII v u u u v w -- The beat Oil ever o'e1-ed to the public, 1 g , BRAIDS, LACES, ? BERLIN AND OTHER WOOLS, UNDEROLOTEING, &c., a.., GOLD, SILVER & OTHER GARDBO ARDS, WAX FLOWER REQUISITES, ' SLIPPERS, OTTOMAN S, CHENEILLE v v......-..___.___ STAMPING FOR BRAIDING, _ _ - CUSHION TASSELS, &`c.,`&c.V ICE CREAM, \ }xQ ` Q 8% . ` ~ ' ' ' % *7? WHY Fnmuwr MANum.:.-Joscph Harris, of New York, says: We fer- ment manure for the same reason that we decompose bone dust or mineral phosphate with sulphuric acid and con- I` vert them into super-phosphate,` or fo the same reason that we grind our corn I and cook the meal. These processes add nothing tothe amount` of pliant-food in in the bones or the nutriment in the ~~~A~ VIVL... .....1.o 3-nnronua ta o11o"a}\:. PA twi-iii- `roE w~sreHT. % ` f-'MdoVra s Buck n"r.'-1. ..- .'.Z-1.. ,.Q'um., 3 1;.f17xPEs'r 1ND `BFISTI R. KING, .5. Buabwm, M1ss.,_- June 4. 1878- . - I)naIlIn\1 c "am Nrw fell . RHEUMATISM. I\Aa xtninnu - Imvn. Sent. 11 D535?` Htuurva up 5:. Black, flllfly , A `,`Sum-_ ` ` ' . mnorjtff. ;Hnu':r._. `- ' , veg:-EA j_IL_ nE RI-IEUIVIA I lam. . Des Moines; Iowa. Sept. 11, 1378. .... hum"-m . _ Yours truii. Solq Aggnt for: _` 1n U10 001183 01` Ian!) uuuuunuuu Au uuu corn. They only increase its availabili- ty. Se in fermentxng manure. This A process renders the plant-food in the ma- nure more immediately available. _. ---r