Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 2 Oct 1879, p. 4

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|?@RNTUREl _5rHE'ST0C2Kw :1`H1?; MOST-A V VARIEDT .& COMPLETE Una: 1-uuu'unI.L {min #1.). t`......I.`. - - uuuy. VV, JV-lo Du VV IlJL4I.LI`Jlo Mr. Ray of our firm has known Mr._ VVhnle for l5.)'ears, and can vouch for his veracity an integrity. RAY 8: SHOEMAKER, ' V Druggist. 218 Broadway. I 1.11:: AILUllJ, 1'uw_u, ocpu. 11, 1010. II. R". Stevens, Boston : I have been troubled for live {ears with Rheu- matism and have expended rom fcy to one hundre a. year, and accomplished n9th- lnz unnl I commenced ualnxz your Vezetme. hundred_ dollars and accomplished noth- ing commenced. using your Vegetme. about one year ago. I am now well, and able to ' do In own work, and feel that I owe my life to your egetine, MI was almost helpless before using it. I can cheerfully recommend it to `any one suffering from above com laint. ` . MR . J. H. WOOD. ` Aulio 0: ll. _lV\lU.lJu '9 are personallync uainted with Mrs. \Vood and know her as a rella. 1e and honest lady, and also know that the above statement is true. . HAYES 8: 00.. Dispensing Chemists. HE GREXT CAUSE 013' HUMAN MLSERY. ' - _EA_1 sn+w%:fiu+. Moore's` Bawe ;" 3? > ' (Juno. Int... Jan. 23, 1878. ' l H. R. STEVENS: - ' ' _ . DEAR Sm.-- 1`he greet benet I have received from the use of Vegetine induces me to speak in its favor. Ihnve used it for Rheumatismend been completely cured and know it to be 9. good medicine. - V ' g DUNKEN WINSLOWT 1.1. I. Svlvuvxina, uuuuuu u ' I have used the Va etino about four months. I have su e`x-ed with alpitatlon of the Heart for. ebbut six ears. Inever had permanent relief until I too -Vegetine. of which I have taken six bottles, and consider myself well of that dim- -oulty. WM. H. WHALEY. UUII I Among the breeders of the valuable, high bred Shorthorns, the custom of `al- lowi__n the cow to suckle her own calf, `an to give it 9. foster-mother be- sides, is. invariably followed with the best results. By this means greater size, earlier maturity, and the fuller develop- ment of the characteristics of the breed, arelensurod. T _ On dnirv furmn, nr nn szmnll Fm-mu homes -oulty. `M u- ` on the various ailments incident to a.` drum: ming o. I always keeala auppgein my gri -_ " ill b t to-dn . 3?'ii'.1 ke`3t'}.': gm) gure 1 our yang oonsidex-sit indispensab 0. With much respect I Ll LI-u |UIl'AIl4LVD' l.lUD1\l_LV a _ I report youacase or Rheumatism thxt-has been successfully treated by Vegetine," Mr. Palmer Pace, of this town; Resp'v. ' . nnnnnv Lvulurnuu . H. R.-STEVENS, Bdsrox: 1 1.-...- L_I..__ ___-___- u. --. gm.--u-uvuuu, uuanv-v c I have taken more than 9. dozen bottles of Vegetinc. and must any that tha result has been most. nleasinxz. 1 am feelinz stronsrer and am not Vegetlnc. and must that tha result has been pleasing. feeling stronger am not tortured wit the old Rheumatic pain. .. ` M. F. WHITEHEAD. of firm of Whitehead 8.: Bro., Druggists, v ' Jersoypxty. N. J. . CONSIDER M'17sEL1' WE_LE.. LPALP-ITATION of the HEART. Hannibal, Mo., tug. 2, 1878. II `D Gin:-vnna Ilnnfn - (taunt H. R. Stevens. Bostoxi: `I kn- gar! olnn `(fun-at Ila O UKEVURBJ JJUBIUIV 3 ` - V _. Lam whit mottled 3' d'rummox-."" tr`-:_svgll11;g': allthe time and am nd ,to state that ,m our Veztine I-have foun a most valuable m cine ; Llm W118` 18 Glued 8 " drummer." DFLVOIILIIE cm lu1_to that " our vezetine I-fave toun 5 most valuable cine for the treservatlon or health in genera and en e various ailments incident to a. um: min: a. I nlwava keen a. sunnlv in my trun- `DELICIOUS PI-IDD1N G. -Two cups of ne bread crumbs, one and one-halt cups white sugar, ve eggs, one tablespoonful ` butter, one quart fresh milk, one-halfcup or jam ; rub `the butter and one `cnpof the sugar together ;`then'.'add the beaten yolks of the `eggs ; beat all -to at nnnnuvum {Rein .-uric` flan 4"-nnr;.x!nruun\`\:. -v.4 `av.-A`: `H. R. STEVENS, Bos'ro_N: T I-nnnv-'0 vnn n llllnn A! 1 - _ nnuuvuq, K.'R.'S1-nvl.-K5,. Boswoxr III-n `whit In QIAIIAA n" |m} MvT__1 P4sAfcx.|V " `vEG?I".iNE. % A GOOD :M1aDxoJ:-NE. RI-IEUIVIATISM. ' (`Juan `[1 r. Inn 9,`! IRTR II. R. S'l`l3V;iI_iT"`,V.`_l~!`oston,' Mass. ORDERS sor..ICI'1:'E1>., W. B. GAPON, _ !\.......-....... f\..~...u`.-. 1] .-gum.` D.-an :1`i1e bcsf -ever bered t6 the publi, vsclns succa-zssrupnv TRlA'l`EI). RHEUMATISM. - n n_________, n__.__. ICE CREAM, `1HEAPES [` . AND BEST I - - -lU Uuuunvuu On dairy farms, or on small farms where milk is required for butter or cheese, it is inconvenient to allow the calf to suck the mother, and hand-feed: ing has to be resorted to, and, properly utuended to can be successfully conduct AH . V FEELINGEFERONGER,` RHEUMATI-C -PAIN. R. K|NG,. }U|.I.'B truly, . W. E; THQMAS. With A. B. Burnham Sc 00., Louisville, Ky. ;_ , ` _ . _ ` . Vegeline is S7:-i7Jy. 1:'l D/`ltggish. II. f IVI.|. 3` liver lzoght into the County. '%s!e A2e;t;t3r%!se.?2e1iraied -"cc; e E. 1 am N3}: wen. RHEUMATISM. A ns Rlninna Tnnrn Qnnt 11 --- --u v--- v--, Orrostm mum's HOTEL BARRLE. _ 1 it must be borne in mind that, in the natural state, the young animals have a constant supply of milk in a pureiform, at a uniform temperature, and that their stomdchs are adapted to the digestion of thip `uid, in this condition. i `From 4:31;: urn rlnrlnnn {Elma Inuann flunk B" A`R-Iii: 55:.` V vzgiipns '1". E3 IVIII I II'I_l Des Moines, Iiowa, Sept. 11, 1878. nu Dnnfnn . * B.u.m'wm, mg... June 4,1878. I `Rna-nn'-. : ' Ptepafed by -u---v.-. - Yours ix-uly, w um AM u u. zuvap V p l HORACE WATKINS, . ` - Druggist, Rosevle, Ohxo. ` av Inn I lam. C.mzo, Int... Jan. 23, 1878. u: 5: SHUEMAKER, Druggist, 318 Broadway. Iyselt weu or that dim knn Ir-gnu-um If.` `II7I...I.u liiu yuusn UL vuu U53!) , ucmu luu. `W U. cream; then `add the bread` crumbs, which have previously been _soaked in the milk; bake in 9. pudding` dish (not it more than t.wivo .1_i-ds full) _s until the custard is `- set ;' then draw it to the mouth of the oxen; end spread ' oveij the jelly. on jam ; then cover this {with a meringue made of Uthe iieaten whites `and half 9. cup .of"sugo.r; put b'g'.ek /i!i7the bven and allow it to remain . Vfnntilv-the4meringue begins to color; to emu Gold with cold_ c1-ean1._ Thisis trgulydelicious. ~~~- . . ly l'UDl.ll|llUl1Ll lb LU uu` acom ...:..a../I ...:n. `ll -.. 1Ir.....1 I R'SLI V 40-lm. ELEOTRICTLY! `THOMAS EXOELSIOR Emc- TRIO OIL! WORTH TEN 'rn\xs:s ITS Wi:1sn'riN GoLD.-Pain cannot stay where it is used ! Itis the cheapest medicine ever made. One dose cures common sore throat, Onebottle cured bronchitis. Fifty cents` worth has cured an old standing cough. It positively curescatarrah, asthma and croup. Fift` ' cents` worth has cured crick in the back, and t e same quantity lame back of eight years` standing. .It cures swelled neck, tumors, rheumatism. neuralgia contraction of the muscles. stijoints, spinal `tculties, and ' gain and sorenessin any part, no matter where may be, or from what cause it may arise, it al- ways does you good. Twenti-ve cents` worth has cured bad cases of chronic and bloody dy- sentery. Ono. teaspoontul cures _colio in 15 minutes. It will cm-eany case of piles that it is possible to cure. Six or eight applications is war- ranted to cure any case 0 excoristed nipples or inamed breast. Forbruises. ifagplied o ten and bound u , there is never the slig test discolora- tion to t c skin. It stops the pain of a burn as soon as applied. Cures frosted fcet, boils, warts andcorns. and wounds of every description on men or beast. . . S. N. 'I`H (TM'A I-'u':r.m: N V beast. S. N. THOMAS. PHELPS. N. Y. And NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont. Sole Agents for the Dominion. ` NOTE.-Em.-m.c-Selected and Electrized TRADE nun. The Great Eng- nuns MARK. lush Remedy. an unlailin cure for Semina \Venk- ness, Spermntor- rhea, I mpotency, and all diseases thuifullow as a ._ _ sequenccofSeIf- ` - .Abusc; as Loss ` - fMemory Uni- - Aim :w.,g.;. ' I e c nmness o nsxon. remn are ag:-.K,! tllillld maxily other diseases (hm lead to Insanity or Qonsumplion and a. Premalprc Grave.` nff-'Fu_ll par- Lxcularslnn our pnmphlcl, gveq desggo ti! sand Ire; an to every one . .pt:cI c e mine 18 sgmmby -all Dmggisls at $1 per packpgc, or six pack- ages for $5, or wil[ be sent free by mall on fecclpl oflhe money by addressmg ' .._'---. ..._. _-- _-.___-_._--_ ___ .6 wvu, Wmnsox, Om.. Canada. 3'Sold in Barne by all Druzgisls and bv all whole- sale and ram! Druggisls In Canada and the United States. v. ` V \ , 3-ly. ,;u.aT' - ioineii `aw regutetettin Ottawa. Hence,nny one thmgglgg ' 'butVth*o Britisli Podseniona. who mar keen aclxnurlo 1'nms.-A writer in-k'utI_:'un_'s Mngxzine . "says : "It is a. curious fact that there is never 3 white colt nor a blak calf. . '1`h'e1whitest name was eblaakear. int its `birch: and [the jet blok cow {web I unmixed red?! Whetlger is correct or ,n'of;, w'e5;o'snnot` poe'itiv"ely_,g;`g- but this we do be1ievo,"that ` nine {or tempting the _-;-m we 3o3_naxHu; e__13_uin;De~n,tVro'si9r.` I L IIIVUIIULU VVIIUI-I IUD (`III lJWVU_lUlJIuUuU. Breeders underdierent circumstances `have experienced difierent results from the various methods of rearing calves. Thus, we know some breeders who, under their own direct supervision, have `-been eminently successful in l1a2.d-raising calvea, and prefer it to allowing them to vauck the mother. Others again, when obliged to trust to servants to attend to their feeding, have been more than dis-. appointed. ' Amnnn FHA hr-Anita:-u nf' fhn \ra1no`\`n 36$ nlgdl g ail a and BOWELS, givin tone, energy, and vi - ourto these great M _ SPRINGS OF LIF v. They are condently recommended as 3 never failin remedy in all cases where the constitu- - tien, rem 'whate\'er cause, has become impair- edjor weakened. ` '1` wonderfully ef- cacionsl in`a]1"ailments incidental to Females ..c ..n ...... . .....a .. .. rmumnu. `li`AM I`l .V 08010115 111 an aumenns mcmenmz LO .I!6!Il8le8 -ofa.1la es; and as 9. GENERAL FAMILY MEDI INE, are nnaurpqssect Kn; .'m,; lkixid of'SKl_'.N DISEASE, it `has x_1e\fer.beei1 khcwnto fail. A - - " '1`11e'Pi1la and Ointment are" mmnfactufp onlyat _ .. ..,... I533 bxrono s'rn:VI-:'rL L6DON.'. .A,nda'ge sold b `m Vendors of mreaicings -4 "mm `houtthe tish Posseasionl, .v:rho..,1; , kep He American Counterfeit; for sale, 1' "He n1-naacnhyL. ,. ' s ' . This Greal: Equsehold Medicine" 5 Banks` amongst the leading _. necessaries of Life- These `famous Pills purify the BLOOD,` and eat most powerfully, yet soothingly on the |Live1:.'K{{1neys, | . -.Ac-uwunu In ~IfsSaarching and Healing Pm- parties are` known through- out the LWorld; - A n For the me of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasis, 0ld`Wo_nnsg Sore8'1andnHl_rs_,1 `it is an infllllible 1_:exnedy. if eectltdly ruli- bed on the neck a.nd'chest, as salt into mea.t,. itt Cures SORE THROAT, Bron'chitis,'Coug hs, Colds! and even?ASTHMA. For Glandular Syv_'el.hgs; 'Abcesses,,Piles,_Fistn1u,' _ ' lnllj .1:-1-n -`E mjngnn .- .regunereq'm usngwa, nence,any through; ` out thy Briglrigh Possenions, who_ keep the Ameri :Ooqnterfeit;j for-.:n'a1e, will be_ ntonechted. - Vvuuucu, uuus, auu uzuuu ualuli UUJKBS. The effect of this treatment is to shorten its growth, lessen its vigour, and _ interfere with its full development. `Ru-nnnrn nnnr (frat-nnl-. nv-nnn1ul-n....-"I... mu: Ametjxqal projseciztesl-. '.L`lI__'.I_`_` Wcu as strengpn, anu it exerts a cneermg m- uence upon the mind; It promotes a heal- thy secretion and ow of bile, sound repose and regularity in the action of the bowels. If judiciously used it may be taken without apprehension of any ill result by persons of the most delicate |constitution. A fair trial is all .that7is needed to prove the genuineness of its claims to public condence, and to the `truth of the general verdict in its behalf. N 3 article of its class commends itself so strong- ly to nervous invnlids who require building up--none is so wclladapted to fortify the sys- tem against the (lan ers which threaten the _deb_ilitate(l. It shou d not be mistaken for a mere stimulant of appetite. which many so- called tonics simply are. -It so regulates the stomach that it is enabled to perform its var- ious functions with regularity and vigor, and its action is not only thorough but prompt. Ask for the Quinine \Vine` of Northrop & Lyman. Sold by all dmggists. r. iryvv u-3-. - T`Puroliuo:-3 should to :the Label on ,the Pobs`-ind Boxed. If the address is not` 533, }0 xfo'rd Street, London. i_zhe'y `are s_pn'rioI;s_. , ' xeap ne Amen `be pm-qaecnted. L Pain m the Back D suitable for child.ren_anu adults. ~ nnuoraeqpy over 600 d'oetors in Canada. 3 Thediiculty of adinjnistering "nauseous medicines, and the desirability of having themplehsant to-the taste, induced T. Cepeland to u'nderta.kef_ re- - searches, which resulted in the" discovery `of a Sweet Castor Oil, perfectly. palatable, of the same strength aind medical ualities asthe ordinary Castor-"Oil ; and wh' e equally safe and harmless yet acting with more certainly and producing neither nausea nor Some children say-it is honey; others call it syx-up'--they all say they likeit. - One parent says-My children drink it like water;'0 another- Vie had to hide the bottleor they would have nished it right 011' ; another- M little girl has taken it twicewithout-an _trou 1e, and does not know what it is, though l aha hate: the nrdinarv Castor ' OiL and we ` trouble, and does not Know wngu 1_v 15, unougn she hates the ordinary Castor 011, ght ; yet another- I wish you success of your Sweet Castor Oil ; it` is a splendid thing-.- sure to take the place of all common oil. never` could get her to take it without a- 'I`l-m nrtmm-dinarv demand for this imnrove- ` PEOPLE TORMENTED by the many disagree- able sensations produced by dyspepsia, or are thin, nervous and weak, should use the stan- dard tonic-Northrop & Lyman s Quinine Wine. They" will nd it agreeable and bone- cix`.. It enriches the blood by, aiding digest- ion nnd assimilation 5 soothes and invigoratcs the nervous s stem, and imparts a healthful appetite. W en used as a remedy for bilions and intermittent fever, it produces the hap- piest results, if taken between the attacks. Convalescence is hastened, and untimely de- cay of the "physique and constitutionis arrest- ed by it. The spirituous constituent sherry wine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it, renders its avor addition- all pleasant. They who use it gain esh as we 1 as strength, and it exerts cheering in- finance` nnnri the mind; It nrnmntpq n haul. UOPELAND'S Xswmrr UAs'mn .uu- . equlguv `suitable for childrennnd adults. Endoraettby nuns` Rn l{t\(I`nl :1: Duncan. ` Of W WK6 me P1806 OI B11 COIIIIBOH on. The extraordinary demand for. this improve- ment of a. staple household medicine has brought fraudulent imitations into the market but the public can guard themselves "against substitutes (which unprincipled parties are at- temptin to `sell on" the reputation of this article) y seeing that the name,. Copeland's Sweet_C'astor Oil, is on both wrapper_a.nd direc- tion labol. "Bl... nnalnu-ainnnri Ixnuiv-an nnv-nlinanail Nfnnsu-n Contrhst the fate of the poor calf with his more fortunate neighbors the foul, or theilamb. While the latter `are left to the careful nursing of the mother, iuthe -`full enjoyment of nature's nourishment in its pure and nutural condition, al- - lowed to enjoy their youthful gambols in the open air, exposed to the life giving sunlight, the poor calf is rudely torn from it mother, in some cases as soon as it is born, and not even allowed to im- `bibe that medicinal milk intended by 'na- ture to act as a mild aperient to cleanse ' the stomach and bowels of ' tho accumu lotions of the intra-uterine period. Not only is` this the case, but, in most in- stances, it is, with others, inclosed in conned, dark, and often damp boxes. The AWARE hf trnn! :11 On non moon. V n _ The undersigned, having purchased Messrs. T. Copeland Sc Co s interest in_ the above pre- paration, are now _manufacturing it from the original recipe. - - ' 'NORTHROP & LYMAN. Toronto. _ Ask for Copeland s` Sweet Castor Oil. Ob- ' serve the name. Do not be deceived. Sold by 1111 medicine dealers. Price 25 enta Solnxrmo I'uhis.-A wi-item`? in1 Mniinzinn in?! 9 ""11! '3: n iunnna Cdn` `I-K6 ' "- MEDIAGIHES. , - ` JOY, Alvloua THE 9H_u_.ona,n_. lyvfflxggu, nugceaaes, .1 1183,, 1` lsbtubl, ' eo u%1_%'. `R_H.EU M ATl`v8'II_. A -.4` -.--_ OornLm15 s SWEET CAs'n5i: .011}; equuly ..:o.m.. r......1.:I.1..... om: nnlfs. Endoraedbv - 5rim GRAY mmuncmna: 00., Ivnvnunn Om Hannah GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Toonto; Exhibition, 11879, THE EMPORIUM. ` - JOHN` WATSON. ONE DOOR I WEST OF THE BARBIE HOT@L, ` "'J zgian qf "r~ti.cI_eE.:~' Furious. ptI4r Pfizs ._ .Eunn:?uswmL%mmg a 2 % ` AApax-ts A from the `number of `calves which annually die through `errors "in feeding and mismanagement generally, -great losses are incurred by, "stunted growth, and undveloped pro parties qf milking or fattening. l1-._L....-A. LL- l.'_:._ .1` AL . _,'|t` ,31I FB%esAt FPertab1e Engin, Fi1f$tPrize, _ - j .T est Portablu Engine for 1 Agricultural Purposes. F"! - ~ '~ l`l1;_reshQ:r,-Broitsiie :2IIed al.. . Horse-Power 1hre$hef,:B1j nze Medal and Diploma. \Din1ogga;%%A * ' A A D IITI OTTAWA 6000A MA'l'TlNE, MATS, FLIIIIII OIL-GLOTII. Northern :IBoo1: Depository ' FULL suppmas ow ALL THE T MILLER S IRON-BOUND READER OALLATPW |NORTHERN BOOK DEPIJSITORY scnoon. Books 2| `par Fm Stock g P R I 2 E%s`~6B_'TA I NE D Onrvgoods hove all been secured at I [IRES l;and wlgerever a. bargain has seated itself we have ava.i1ed`om-selves of1t. - We show many apooml lots much under V Prominent among such we _direct`attention to our `gnwnjlja gag Titttb cut U UV`-I]: Proper` food, at 9. natural temperature, given often, (if possible u t` less than four times a day)_ in not too large quan- tities, and so given that each calf gets its proper share; abundance of space, light, and air, scrupulous cleanliness, T `and avojdance ofdamp, are all requisites `.`for the successful rearing of calves. \ . IGOLDEN QHUICEST _$fI`YLES 'AT__T_[E}_ _LowEs'r}L}P0siLI3%LEi>R1cEs I All Colors,_an wide widths, at 15: per yard, cheap at 250. You should `not fail to sue ' - them. Complete stock of . naiiliinery. nalantloa a.:n.d._ Clothing. E. B. GROMPTON 8:. co. `T-.___-_.4____. lzWiF"**% &'IwrM%dIfo+ vol- FA`SH|'ONABLE OLOTHINGHOUSE S(`0'l`(`H AND ENGLISH 'l`Wl+`.EDS! Worsted. Diagonals `and Nap overcoatings, English and French Trowserings.` JeAn:PE'rsz QTJARPETSH BRUSSELS. ~ % 'I`APE l`SRY,1 KlDDERMINS'l`l<}R UN .3 Amid;?:'.;aiti7`<`:1oh}s;tant1lin, _: A V 9. ."+`}.;3L.:....'9.'.`3.1;'.'.`.`..1 .5" rm TWEEDS,%F[|RNlSH|N(:S, SPECIAL L099 '0i3`fiI:`fI;ENGII SATINS : A" anlnrn, and win widths, at '51! nnr um-A llhnni-\ at Beg to axmxuoune the arrival of tbeif FALL IMPORTATION S," embracing G`:-2E32Nl"I'S F-U1f;NIsHINGs. 1: f%i P0 lumu 2 `All at the Closeat Prices. GLOSELY cy%T%%PR*1cEs us DEV 35003; 330*-MADE OI.0'l'I-il Il , ohobiii all is now com late in every department, and we would insbection of the same. Our eorts ave been direoted to attainvthe following essentials, viz.: I nIl'I!'lIIl!I nan... -_ . _ _____ _ _ A CALL INVITED. . Prices to Suit 516 Times nful Satisfaction Guaranteed. " U11"! `II 1 001110. omy 513399 01106 l l'.|Ol'B The el - th to the farfn house door, The 0 green meadows could I see, How happy. happ , happy. How happy I won d. be 11. $13 EFE 3'3 5 _ I --A LARGE-- .-v~nl`d1l` I `hr - r I-\v'u-u as;-u -nu-.. _______ _._. PUBLIC AND HIGH SGHOOLS, LAA%R(7`;l?}& J Alii JUST RECEIVED Of the Lgtest Pazterns and most Fashionable Colorings. Latest Stylesin The most Varied Stock ever brought into A F ull Assortment of Iexata, caps, 12.30.`, doc , V- AT THE- SANDERS BROS; A V30 rou_nd_the world has b: I; ' ti! all-day long: Oh! if `j could a y traceonce m 'l`Irm R9111 -nn+J-| tn flan fnnin Hanan Jr DUNLOP STP.-EE r, BARBIE. THE NEWEST DESIGNS IN --'I'I-IE:-- .-;-AT THE` GREET- AMONG V VH_ICH ARE -USED IN _'.I`HE_s- &.c.,. _&:c.,-- &c. -,-AT' 'I`_HE--` --`-AT THE- aq onuarm nouunvnnn moauuws w` ' And sweet with,_Ql_over_ on` aide ; A In-inht-evod.`hoy.wIio'JaiEZ;fmm o- -WITH-_i-T L -ALSO- SANDERS V 131=:.os.; 1r._.,1,'._ ; m,:I_ BEAVERJ M;1'c;1i;.11E f'i`z;i lors, ` - Dunlop-St. Innportor-. U_NH)NS, _Iweet wit{:godog%;c_%aide ' _ ' . - . . 15 mMybinw_' m3 l:b3n`11t,' ` Ltlxironb-tliiiiuzhimll dnv . DECORATING; IPA PERV--HANGIN G, tn4_&:.:aa3<:>x:n_uxxns:tc:3a ace 613C909 He solicits 5 call from parties requiril such work, and guarantees Perfect Satisfaction and ' oderato Charg ea. Barrie, March 12, 1379. I1- THE NEW PORTK SI-IO P IBBSII SAUSAGIIS DAILY. B0141 40-3m. To the Queen and Royal Family, end bg} special appointments to H. R. H. th P;-i ' I.V.elee:'.{I. R. M. the Emperofol Russia, the Maherejeh of Btu-dwn,: and to sevtvnl Inn`: eon`: nnc T `meters, Keyless Levers, Presentation, Rgeeters, Railway _ --:--:1--y Of every description, suitable foi-ellclimstes,'.from 2 to200(uinea.s. Chl'0ll0gl"8h8, Chrono- A _ nerds , Soldiers an Workmen s Watches ofExtreiitrength.- Ol_oeka,foi_- hnrehes, Turi-eta, or Public Buildings, Dinin or Drawing Room," I_._ibrsry,_ Carrie e, Church, Hall. or Shop. Perpetunl Oslendu-I, ind Dij, up. _ Artistic lIg'1llh_Cl0C decorated with Wedgwood end other wares, designed to suit Any styleof furniture; also so novelties for presents. Made solely by Benson. `From 5'5s. Gold Jewelle , of the richest end most exquisite designs, with _Monogrsins, Crests and Devices;-Ennme ed in-tcolonrs, after Designs by, the most iiecoin lished Artists in th pngiqugula; Brooches, Bracelets, Necklaces, Lockets, llings, an all kinds of Injioutari u gapplisd to:$Libers`of the Court, and other Distin ishod .Perl0n._ug0I. Mei-chum Shim end` __leesle'.Bnyers ere specinlly invited, be are sendui their ordenelnewhere to ' ' lrointhe msnufectory the V Oetelogiies of stches, Clocks, Chains Jewellery. Silver. endillleetro-plete, which are sent post free. as not only no the dineouns ' "cox-1:-Inca With Hearse furnished in ndditlon, .'_':6 drId._,Itg,sn,)_ obtain Ix-o_m the msnniuctory the mpxtnted Catalogue: Witches, Joyellerv, Syer, n_nd'Elootro-`plate, winch are sent post free. asnot only are the discount libonlghut s ulootnon _can`be made from the largest shock in the world. Order: uhould b nit direct to the Mumhctory, Ludgnto :Eill. Benson : Pamphlet: on Turret Oloolu W Clocks.-Plate Jonllory neutron: Frey. Watgzhen -emu. by Post to all 'Bi.'lIoIIlI:nnlt- I5 nun Ihnn Inn`.-1 2-1-5 . FIRST -OLA88 l nosmon an vmuur T . HAS REMOVED TO Cnon as P0lIl'cy s Old stand, oppolltc the Clarluun Home. Where he is prepay -ed-to do promptly and cheaply any work entrusted to him in the way of '1:-u-la-so-- ..-_ A.-- __ ___, HOUSE, SIGN 2 aAwI{i{JI}E%i"`i3AiNTING.[ 1110 CD0! `I110 W'0Od.Dll10.-'?10d.,ab0l1 I7, : day ; 0lff;IIb'oIiIIbIit ny -ma : -rm dull apbt the woafsee, i, .1! hip 3. happy nap y . H3: mpg; Lwougbe :3 - Lar. vv. J3:E:1\'rso1\'r, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER {$'"BARHlEPA|NT snap I w. A `mocks,-rgueanaaowouery uni roan nee. wstchen {the 3}_.:a. Itqam V V tory nndtplty Show In (on. Welt-In Bnubllslnnont, It on IIIIOC IMO. j A} 1 Ljii EXTRA CHOICE YOUNG HYSON, GUNPOWER, JAPAN, ' Machine |`m=ranii""i=6:iE:' soA|.e or Reduced 1?rieee. '88 ?-."`a`8 unuun-_nI=a. I`|WIT.,aIscurrs. ac. l|~a'ulIunuMaIuInl\u:nuIIuI\fOn pug-unulloihvuuhdhli-umndlvnm .;...q.,a.,,a.,...n.,..u...,.._...,..._, ,,.......-nu-"" QALI-I-l'\|I j A-I-ad -an-- ~ .BE."$e9"! is WATG H as (` ugnun fIA?fI$l an ..n -';':.%;::fi;.,";,';i*}.;':1::' fg 1: Oollatantly on hand, Lin-I ' I 3 3 4 ing, Gloves, and all Enneml Roquinites. < |HEA'R8E FOR. HIRE. Orders by Mail or Telegraph promptlylattendod to. n`-PLACE or BUSINESTS-John-St., Ono` Door south of 13.11 . Plsning notary.-mu =0: TEAS 'I'I-I.A'I.` ARE TEAS. XTRA CHOICE YOUNG `FIVQONZ I I A D A \Y nn A an | `|ZE MEDALS-LDNBON. DUBLIN AN!) l Alll8.E S. .1. Mco{iTcHEoN 1'i-is namuma or` cALvs. rub, \.IIl-uolllllbtlrl, .1155!!!-lltlls) V Domin Ion, --AND OTHER PATTERNS... Drug Saws, Bracket saw: and scroll Sawing lllnenlnes. Pat. saw Handles and Axe Handles. RT|31v.a ov AL! -- --c-- wl IIIIIIIVI LONDON, LAYER, VALENCIAS, SULTANA, CURRANTSJ n-1-j: n;: --.. _ _ _- HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, UNDBRTAKINO Cashen 3 Block, ,BayfieldgStreet, Bare. HARDWARE STOCK // To their New Premium HEAVY AND 8|-IELIA-' HARDWARE.` ac. /\AfVwV\ AAA -1 OROOERIES. l'-'RUITV.,BI8GU|T8. 8:0. IIu'unulIoO|9olIuIoJI-Iluiiuilullv-an Juuwlualw-I!-nllu--gnu--I Two doors West of Edwards Bbokstore. Beg to announce thy: fhy have moved their / . A I-`I-\lAn/A I'\l- 31-1` HOUSEHOLD HINTS. :u;---- - *vin8ep.m::%,`::.*.:1::ai..a~ i- pr ` n e g ea or r than any o;her Dealer in this P ' partoi the country. 7 A `A :0:---:0`- WILICIAMWEIINTER. // Premises 'l:J'E1':Lder1:a1:1 n as I IN ALL ITS BRANCHES lnnnnsomnnunss ` And all Funeral Requiaites Furnished. AT l.oaNAs', sluonum MEATS. ace ~ mos. LISTER. J. HENDE'RSON S. ---.-. nu-in J: -llflni I JAPAN PEACO. VERY FINE BLACK TEAS, ORANGE PEKOES FOR FLAVOURING !0:----- . nus?-cuss ROSEWOOD & VIALIIUT O)l'l'11\'l'B With Hoax-Io furnished addition. BOALI or Reduced Prices- '.=a '~.~r' `-3 51-1! :55 * trzgce more 1e farm home dnm-_ HCIILIJ DU lllllln `fl proposed three questions to such. a dervish, who ung aclod of earth at; my head, which made ' my head ache. 'm.,. ,... ,1: 1.....:.... ......+ cm. H... .I......:..1. UISISCU l1lU.| I-* ' Why did you throw. that clod of earth at his head, instead of answering his questions ? v ` The dervish rep1ied- _ The clod of earth was an answer to his speech. He says he has 9. pain in his _head-let him show it to me and I will make God visible to him. .And why does he exhibit a complaint against me? Whatever I did. wasthe act of_ God, "and I A did not strike without the will of God. What power do I possess ! And as he is compounded of the earth, how can he suffer from that "element?" fI'II , ___,n-_._.l..'I ....J 1.1.... enwtmr. .-'e=,.v:.:.;,.m>.;~,:.r;:; Query; ` 7 fjgztormf `"9; I-IJIIRU U1-l I. LDULI u The dervish took up a. large Alod of earth and struck him on.tl1e heald with it. ` "BL- ....._ _._.-. _......L 1.- LL-" ......l: ......I I `The man now wnt to the" cadi and said to him. It `I H, ,1 .1 ,-, .,,,-_L_'____. L- ...__L- ILL HUG, UV}-IIULI. LUGUU LLUHVI WVIJVU The cadi having sent for the derviah asked him :-- T ll1YTI,__ 1:1 _..,__ u...-___ ;L_:. -1-.1 -1` sunny .fu:s1g nu `Lanny ; ,y;uu LIGEVUIL I3 .83 real, me inh~1._bita.nts> are as? real, in -fought, feeling, fom~d.hd`relntion one "to'an`other, al `are -peopla_At:uinilia.r. to eajch other on earth. ' HOW UB1]. [10 HUUUI` 1l'U|.I.l. lllb uunuuuu I The man was confounded, and the` cdi highly pleased with the answer of the dervish. ' `lull \JC|LV| `ll 5|-ULII.|\l Lll.AD\.\JL|u Q g to the .inconven_1once of fre- quent ilking, it is customary to feed /the calves only {thzee times a day, the ` consequen`e"is'jithat they are hungry when fed, and, if allowed. will gorge themselves, and suffer from indigestion in the acute form, producing diarrhoea, whichoften proves fatal ; or, if it as- sume the chronic form, the animal "be- comes pot-bellied, wastes away, and, even if it recover, it is with retarded growth, and indifferent health. -main +nn s-nnnw.nnlvnn aw: `tank. +'n. alis beauty 9. shorli-rived. I;yrs.nny.; Plato, -privilege if natu1`ql;: whoop ak. ...' ..u.:.;1`:;i.c..1~`.+...:..=.aa...~-ax-' V.;..-..-.:.;;.. V ~a aQIitaryl.k1ngdom 3: Dolititntsaiithat .7 I ~ mejnomm -J.nuupL_I_rguu puuuujuuuav 5 _;._I._uuuo;';- tun", a. delig`lTt?u'i41'pfejudioe ; Orhoaivlnsg of: :- Abaf? """`5` IV\ll|L\& I-l\I UVULJ VI-I-ills JUL IJKQ \lVV-IA \l\J\L- Third -v How c_an God pumsh Satan in hell re, since he is lormed of that element? and what impression can fire make on itself. mu 1 - 1 ,i ,V!,I :- --Bette; than grandeur, battervthuli gold, Tlnnnnkn and titlig A sthongaud-fold, `{ Is 3' _hanIthy:body`and nxindwt-sue, " And :imp!_e`plessures:thn1: nlwpyu `p1eue;` T A heart that can feel` for angthor I woe, 7 And ahgre itq joys-witn agoninl glowr With iyznpnthieu large pllough to enfold All men as brothers, is ,better_ than gold. :--.-Tho` sunny 1a_nd- of hBvdrn.m`ay he A farbheraway .4204 `than .the ' sunny ~.T1Av,:1d a1f'I`:aly_ vn;.5'y;.'at:, hgnven. inns rain]. has iyhythifuntn nI.`A' nn"rm1I: ha ov--\Ve can do mofia good by being good tllgn in_any otherwaVy.' ' ` -;Ti1e ma;1 t1;a.t has gob`s'o `low dbwn that he c9.n t be attered. has got so low down that he cap't he abused. V v--_.'.I.`he-Bib1,e, say:3` th Golda}: Rule, has su'er9g1jmqre.i_n_ thqhands of honest bung1ers_ yhan it -has from gkeptics. _ . -NeIer does 9. man port.ra`y his own . character more vividly than in his man- ner, gf _ portraying anOther's. _ nu um uuuu uruiunus wmn numan Dream Has'1ly longeulior - . - ~ --'1`he man who cad 1>3;fis:mi1iiir:`wi_tl; everyone-he ugeeus, ,ax_:d pr_es9r.e_ ,thguj- respect, anddoas not 10Bd;_hi8 own, .-is -a- very uncommon character. _ l.|lVJlJUI.7l-I. IJLLIUU `ill.U5LlUl..l- V - `First- Why do they gay God is omnipresent? ' I do not see him in any place 5 show me where he is. ' .Qnr-nv-u]_ `vlmn :13 n vnnl-I I\|1n;uknH SKUW on, uuu. Juuuxuuvuu ucaulu. I _ Where too manyecalves are kept t() gather and are fed in open troughs, the strong overcome the weak, and we have an exemplication of the survival of the fittest. ` H. - `L ___ _,_ _, _. -9 _,1____ :.. -._._n_...'. -....... LIIIIUU DIIUVV ILIU WLIULC LIV I Second- Why is a. man punished for crimes, since whatever he does pro- ceeds from God ! Man has no free will, for he cannot` do anything contrary to the will of God and if he. had powervhe would do everything for his own good. Third N Am nun (In:-I nnndozlh Quinn ' :-G.ravityT is only the bark qf wisdom, but it serves to preserve it. --Manying aA uan to have him is p,1ayecl out" among sensible girls. T ` -x . . . - - \.r w -Pea.ce is such 9. precious jewel, that I would give anytliing, for it but truth. -YOu cannot dream yburself into a. character; you must hammer and forge` yourself into one. - ` ' `--The world was nsvcfintended for a . house of mourning. The_owers are not painted black, nor ' is 'o`ver.y.birda.*cr w. `-- Whatever prazy soryow`83i_1 A No life that breathes with himian breath as Avnr trr'IIirInnnm1'fn:- Anni]: W is fortwisdom, oh pl-ecidus. indeed The gem that God give if we ask in our need. X is for expect vast thin 5` of the Lord, In answer to prayer, e's pledged you His word. ` - - Z is for zealous ; "oh let your heart burn. With zeal for the Lord as a. grateful return. A certain man went: to. a dervish and proposed three questions. ' VF`;I-hf-,1 Whur rln klann now` and {n I-I935`, 5 PUDDIUJUV lllllva When, however, it is necessary to re- move the butyraceom principles of the milk contained i,n'thc cream we can, in a meaiure, repiace 1: by the addition of oil cake. or ground linseed. nuvln n Who -innnnvnninnnn nc frn_ S is for searching the scxfi;}turea of truth, Studying them, too, in the days of our youth. T is for trusting'no\f' v-vholly to God, ' And takingto Him ourselves and our load. U is forluseful; tis everyoue s place . To strive to be useful and ask God for grace. V is for vile, but you need nbt be vile ; J ust imitate him who never knew guile. Y is fbr yielding, and also for ydu; Yield ye to all that is lovely and true. Q is for(;uarrlliug, the turmoil and din Made in the world by Satan and sin. R is for i'ousii`g ourselves to the fight, And alsp for resting when on comes the night. 1' 15 10! rear yo Ina mm and-great King, Pray to Him daily end His praise: sing. . . G is for ainin tine victory iatvlast, When :1 the ghting and conict is past. H is for hours, oh,` how swiftly they go,` Beat-ing uszeither to joy or to woe. I ie for idle; be up and at work, Industrioup, foo, then no duty shirk _J is for justice; eh. strive to be jiist, Like u'nto Jesus, who should be four trust. Oisobedienc, thatisithe pzith , - That leadeth to mercy, and far, far from_ ] C is comm1nder of'Ohrint s valiant hand ; V Though fatal: oppose, for Him they will scan - DIIU Ll IJLUU ll. The housing of calves is another V'_a1'y important subject, and one on 'wh1ch many of our farmers are [far too careless. A: a rule: I-I-nnu mm nnnf. run "an r]u1'1z. - D is-`don"t do a:nytVhAin%v1-ong. I Look upito Jesus, fo E is foruenteng it the traight gate," Enter it early, tis dangerous wait. ntan is strong. F is for fear ya the Lord and great King. Pray daily and m-aiaes sine. K is the knowledge in which you should gb, That more and more of__ our Sgwiour you'_(_l know. v . I M is for mercy-oh blessed is he, 'l`he'me1'cifu| nun, where r he should be. N Li f-gr No--oh always obey . The Sav1our a injunctions, yea yea, and my nay. > I is `for prayer, "a weapon of might, \Vitl1ou1:ib Christ's children will fall in the fight. ' A is "the us to.wear We learn how tq use i iq answfe; to prayer. B is the battle which we are eoV iigghc n.cnnl'. Rn!-.n.n nnrl n F.-up rim` an 4-}... n u me name wmcn we are so n ma Gainat Satan and sin, for-God an the right, I 1' `L is for light, and for life and for love,` These are the beat gifta that come fromabovo. many or our nsrmuru are nu` wu Uuxqxcaa. As 9. rule they are pent up in dark, close, and often damp boxes ; any corner where they can be inclosed is thought good enough for the calf. It should be remembered that all life whether it be plant or animal, needs sunshine, there- fore let themhave light. The delicate youngcreatures require exercise for the development of the different organs and structures of their bodies, therefore they must have room to Damp is. highly injurious to all young animals, more especially if the damp is caused by animal uids from which emanations are evaporating which vitiate the atmosphere,~and`r_en`der, it less t for its important function of purifying the blood, and building up the life spring of the body. ' - - Dun!-inn` Pnn at n -nn+.rn'~nl fnmnm-ntnv-A gambol and play. _- J A KNOCK-DOWN ARGUMENT. -\Ve all do M, as the `leaf. >9 Tl-lVE1`Arl;!?-l-|_'A_EE`;7'Ia RHYME. jsguttiutn `nanny: 4 GOLDEN GLEAM8 -__.. The undersigned` has thezsble agency in Barrie for the ` Lower than can be Bo1712htT in Toronto. ' 11113 IJQOWUFB IIHOLIIU |)U.1|.l. 5118 113110 every youth and every man In the land. A 31--.... -.-._, JV.-.... ~-..... ...~.._, .--.- -- -..- --...u.u Address _ A The Culver_well- Medical Co.. 41 Ann St., New York. Post Oice Box 4586. 3-ly ..___4jj___ _,,___. ._ ; - _ #__ _ _ Wu `lulu `LI ULIID \iUlI|aIlllUlls T From this we deduce the lesson. that; 1-the milk should be. given often, and ata. uniform temperature, and should be, as nearly as possible. pur'e. -man hnumvpr H. in nnnnsmarv In re. COAL OIL FOR TIIAEVMILLION. BY THE {BARRME GAB Low! suvea sun mu nr%cuA]Ls.uIL| Ul' IIWU PUHIIHE3 HIllU.Ll1J5u . . The celebrated `author, in this admirable Essav,clear1y demonstrates, from thirty years successful gractice, that alarming consequen- ces may e radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- plication of-the knife ; pointing out a mode of care at oncesimple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sutferer, .no matter what his condition may be, may cure himselfj cheaply" privately and radically. " -D3'This Lecture should be in the hands -.....'... ......n. ....,1 .....,.... wlnn :5 +1.. 1...; `August 29th, 1877. w- 1 _ We have recently Published a. new edition of DR. Cunvnmvsnns CELEBRATED Esau on the radical and permanent cure (without medi- cine of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal ncapaoity, Impediments to Marriage, etc. , resulting from excesses. H'Pnce. in a. sealed envelope. `only 6 cents. l'B8Il.lFlI1g [F0111 CXCCHBE/3. H'Pnce, m envelope, `only cents, or two postage" stamps; 'I`he'ne1ehrn.terl`m1thnr_ in this admirable `Finest Quality and `Flavor IBBYSTALHEAQAGE] T4? TOYS OF _ALL KINDS. . DOLLS, AN AIMMENsgs1?0_.c.1< ; Bohemian Ware and Cllina G_ools. BRAms,'LAcEs, . . BERLIN `AND ommn wooLs, ;. _UNDEROL0THING,. &,c.,H&:., com, smvnn 8; ornmn cmnmmns, WAX FLoWER 1}EQU1I'rEs. s_LIP1>E.RS. omomus; . ' ' 1 ~'OHENEILLEV smnrxnerok nnuzmnq, .. ._ .. A V V - 1 CUSHION f.mssnI.,._&o.-,-&o.- _. ..g.__ ,.__. __:_j____- . V 1*-j '4lVI`.R0LL.`--One ound our` one _.n-gpouna of butter: ;..mix.--with sun";-. "gator to make a not. very sti` pure and alio`or nt.he`r thick, a_om"e. pjilpa ; roll 'bi1b`i'.he-patg as for * ` . .'.3p1'aid'.`,the s[ioedtap[:laB;'o" 4` e%g;if=;h{4J tyi-as,` '3" {vi oti_ % asw.`;:'o%?i.:_: it _i_1_-'-

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