I PVLHUM .11.: u V0!-J suaasnuuglnguu poaxtxon. .When thieves out it is said honest, maxi "come by _ due. When the doctors fall out it ,3}, to say what will follow. : lho`ql_dnot `fall gut; or _a.t'least' if . ' V-!.`v.>.t;.l~.l`1.`o .qtiar1f'e1;`o,u's1|t.` #0199 kept to .3.` - It 'in<'~ nn'il:1mi.(irood for the LA` ' ADDE1`\'D.\.A The contract fox; constructing the drain on the north side of Dunlop-stw:1s `let to Robt. \Vx-ay, at 75c. per foot, T110 :iVi!`. nnlirlnu xv-an Hvr-:1 Fni` Writlnw 1\UUl4. \Vl'il:y, U415 (00. 1)e] .` I005, The Civic Holiday was xed for Friday (to-marrow) - - ` Thn inimmi-. r-nnnnrlrnn `l`nI\1\|" t\f] Ilia- An inquest was held at the Ru_y:L1 Hotel, on l\[ouday, by Dr. Watson, eoroner, on the body of an infant child named Nellie Stewal-t,f aged ve months. \ViIli:un Chapcottewas chosen forenmn of the jury which, ufterhzwing viewed the body, re- ceived the following evidence : NTAIH!AlH<`. f` Q"l`1<`.\\'.\12T, u\vn1'n'.---T 1-nar1n \uu-HLUITUW} ' . - _ The indigent committee reported 12115` bursements to the amount of $80.75 during the past four months. ' 11' EmU11:1<:s 1{\'1'o TIIE m:_.n'n or A.\' IL 1.:-_~.:1'n.u.m: cuu.n--v1~:mm'r .~:.\'x'un,u. .. 7 BUOKLIN S ARN|CA' SALVE. cononews lNQUEST .-3:pet%iui. Elolltcs. ORG. wrest xn me .5. 11.. Jsnggs '1'1mI)er lnmits and Land: in Mnskoka. Fulliinformation in regard to the property will be fnrnishgd onjapplicgtion to me. . ~ ~ - . W. -"r. ROBINSON, % Iqivwumt gHoArth In % `itlxihante. f A... -4-:43`; 8IJ`Jll"5" For the benefit of the vendors, all their in- terest in the S . R. Briggs Timber Limits and Muskoka. There will be sold 1;-n_1y office in Graven- hurst, on ` Tuesday; -23rd day of eptenlber, ALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. V A Special Train will leave Brook Street Station, Toronto, atmidnight for Barrie and intermediate stations. - LVJ.`.l.D~_3k) 1. \_IJ.I:.I. LDLL Is, open to receive engagements to Teach Classes within easy distances of Barrie. New term ilrconncction with Barrie Mechanics Institute commences first week in October. For particulars apply, to -Miss Porter", at Mr. Applebe's;.-Corner Collier and (llappcrton Streets, Barrie. . 36-41: ROBT. KERR, 7 ('1... -n.. A;uu Bnntie, Sept. 3,. lS79._ [TORONTO]-:__3 OPENING ILILY, SEPT. 5. _... _----- --`( \,.--...... \\'il1(D.-V.) resum her clnssrl-s mi 'I`ln1rsday, = 1_lth Scjpt. 'D......I.\ C`.n.4- `) 10711 I nn 1. fV'oc..-\.L MUSIC. V MISS P-(-_)-RTER' Tu nnnn +15 -mmhm m-m....m.......L.. L.. m VJ Kll lA`\`.l.\ 4'I *--.Vl1'l7\I.\.`\ l1I 7." `.'\!3 `He Jiptlfit Parsmmge, Bgxrrie, on the _2m1 inst, by Rev. II. F. (iriiu, Mn. THO.\l.-\S Jun.\'.<'m.\', of Ranm. to M [.<- C'.\"m.\m.\`r-1. .\l4`Uu,\'.\I.h, of P:u'rie. - I`.()(lTCRS- PERRY.-;_.~\t the residence of the hritIc's mother,` PL`tF71`l)Ol`0.'011 Monday-, lst . .`~`eptembor, by the Rev. -\\'. C. Hrzzulshmv, Rn:1i.uuo J . 1nmr.1;~z, eldest son of Jo.`~'1:I`H '.m:r:1:.-4, Esq, Barrie, to Enmt Cwaizox, youngest . daughter of the late limzln-..\' R.` ]'l2l`.l1\'. XI. 1).. and IrI`nl1J.JnII(r}1f.nr nf HID S\\';\N.--At his residence, in the 'I`o'.\'nship of Flos, on Sunday, 10th iust., Txtmt.-ts S\\`AN., I?.~'Q., aged 76 years. 1)ecen.ser1 was a` native of. the County Cnven, Irel:md. G1IEEN.-At; the residence of her father, Mr. Ioseph Leslie, on the 2nd instant, _ 1\[ARlA.`L\'E, beloved wife of JACOB Gm-:F..~z, aged 34 years.` [Funeral will take place to- m_orroW (Friday) at 4 o e]ock, p. m.] 1 JOII\'STO}I-.\1-DOX;\Ll).-- ...\c the Baptist` ] nrs0nn.go. Barrie. on the 2nd inst. hv SANDE[{S.--Ixn Barrie, on the 29th u1t., Wife MR. L S. S. \.\`m:12s of :1 son _TOLEZ\'.--In Darri, on the 21st 11%., '\\ife' of .\In;G1:om:x:Tox.1:x, I)r1Ig;ist, . daughter. -_ _ m~:N:\fI_sr.L,_1n 'B:'u`ric,, on the ma. ult.. wife of .\II:. .\I.' FI2.\,',\'lZl.l.. of Um N.Vl{. n can mu. a. [cw appuczmons. "Inc pI`npI'1et0I`S of Dr. J. l*cttit'a Amcriccur Eye Salve, while making_ new anal improved machinery for making a. more perfect box for U-~ liyc-S'a1\"e, ha-vc chgmgcnl the Trade Mark 01. " -u- cover so as to correspond with the Cut on :?.v- `-`-.1'.1] . per, `()1rcula.1`s, ; ulvcrtisements, etc. ".\':: call attention to this, as it might 0i .ilCl`\3`iS.uVi)0 re-` gardcdas counterfeiting. Pcttit ix: Barker, l roprietors, Frcudonia, K. Y. Northrop & Lyman, (Toronto, Agents for Canada ` - I F.'1`i'i'r's l`lYr:-.5.-\I.\'I~`..--.\u Infullible Rem- edy for all Diseases ofgthceyeiacute or chronic), Granulation of the Lids, Ulccration of the Laerymal Glands, Film, and weakness of the Vision from any -'ause. The .1`.xnericau'Eye- `Salve is presented to the public with the as- surance of its efiicieney as a curative` of most diseases of the eye, acute or chronic inam- mation, whether induced by serofulous origin .or otherwise. Weakness or defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic` nerve, or a dis- eased "state of the tissues constituting that or- gan. Also, for all persons whose vocation re- quires au incessant action of the eyes the Salve will act `as aeharm in restoring :1. uniform healthy action, where-weakness, pain, and misery may have long threatened a fatal ter miuntion. It is the most `simple, safe, and effectual remedy ever discovered. The mater- ials of which it is made are pure, perfect, and costly, compounded with elaborate cure and exactness, safe in its application, being used externally, and of course, a\'oidiug'the pain and danger which necessarily attends the in. troductiou of caustic minerals and eye-w:1shes_ Ringworm and Ol-l,Chronic Sores, of scroful- ousorigin, or resulting from whatever. cause yield to the American Eye-Salve. It is used successfully for piles. Its soothing eilectyis immediate, anda permanent cure requires but a few applications. `The proprietors of Au1ericauEve Salve. wliilc 1 ' . rvz.nR:n|) I 'rno.\1rsoN _ 1>ooL1a.m._u Allamlule, +1..-.0'.'+}.nl+ 1. 4l.nn.,.. I .`u,.r<...... ` This isto certify that my wife, having been troubled for a length of time with asthma and general nervous debility, and having been treated by medical men and used many pre- rations, nally tried a. bottle ofV1etoria ophosphites, and realized the most im me iate and permanent benet she ever got from any previous medicine. She felt like a. new person. Acacia, Norfolk Co. Yours truly, R. G. Scidmore. CASTOR OIL MADE Pnmsaur. -1\'othin'g clings with more tenacity to the memory of the "child than the bitter struggle it had with its -mother when she administered to it the first dose of Castor Oil. But now mothers and children will rejoice to hear that this nauseous yet splendid medicine, has been madevpleasant ascream, and still more eflicacious than the crude oil." vDon t fail under any circumstances to try a bottle of Scott & Bowne s Palatahlo Castor 011, and you will never use any other cathartic medicine. Price only 25 cents a bottle. 35 lm. BETTER THAN. GOLD , _The gmnd climax ofsuccess is at last achi- eved. The poor rejoice, the sick arise and walk, therieh bask in the golden sunshine of perfect health. The physical Il1lSLrlGS of the human frame need no longer be endured._ D3; l{1.\'u .~4 C.\Ll-`0R\`IA (:oi.om.' Com-ovsn, for I)yspepsia., C-onsLip:_\tion, Sick lleadachc. Coming up of Food, Janndiee, "Liver, Com, p1n.int,.Biliou`:nes3, General Debility, Drow- siness .and Low Spirits. This vwonderfu- remedy will positive!/.1; rzzzre, and that where every remedy has failed. To prove that this Wonderful remedy will do all we claim for it you are presented with a trial bottle _/`rte of 603. , lw which vou will rr-nrlilv m-nnh-n ha _)uu uru prcaeuucu mm tn:u~ bottle _/`rte of easy`, by you will rcrtvlily prceivc its wondc1'fulc11r:Ltivc qualities, and which Wili show you What a regular one 1101131` size bottle will do. For sale by \\';_ U. ;\IcI_ean, Barrie. The efficacy of Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers in curing Coughs, Colds, and all Bronchial Alfections, and cheering the aiicted, has passed into a proverb. In the United States, `where these marvellous VVafers are known; they bear down all opposition and eclipse all rivalry;'the demand for. them has steadily in- creased for the last twenty years. until now the sales average over one hundred thousand boxes at year. Eminent members of the med- ica.l profession \V'ii7ilOl115 number admit that they-know of no preparation producing such benecial "results as" these \Vafers. When taken in season they effect 9. permanent cure. Sold by all druggists and country (1'3_fl1'.`l`S at '25 cents per box. 35-lf. A REMEDY -TIIAT HAS BEEN ' `.1-:.namED. -The invincible repuguance felt by almost every one to the smell and avor .0: Cod Liver Oil, has prevented tens, of thousa.nls_ of the victims of debility,.f1om reaping the benefits of its peculiar healing and nutritive properties. The almost hopeless consumptive, the martyr to Illieuniatisin, the barely living shadow of- mcn, women and children that emerge from the clutches of In'J.l.:).!`l.fIl fevers, all of these know, or at least their doctors know, that of all discovered remedies, this Oil is the best, and often the only one that will buildup their wasted bodies, and restore their shat- tered nerves. n.nd' far more effective than the Oil by itself is Scott .~3 Emulsion of it, with tho Hypopliospliites of Lime and Soda. This is the linest and most natural food and medicine in the. vkorld, and wholly deprived of its disagreeable qualities. ~35-lxn, ADIES lC;.~iRDIN(} :3:\;D DAY .1 SCHOOL. V . _\'llllllsC5b u:uIgnI.U!` OI we mm 1`.(H~`.R'l'HI\' H. ] I;r.1:\', M. 1)., and grand-xlm1_ of the late Hmmmblc I'}.,1 Emf.\', of ('u1mur;,'. I up.u l Dun` l UUl4l';.--:ll7 nuxuuuue, on the 27th u1t.. by the R_e\'. J. l\IcC`a.rrolI,. _ Mn. Jon): Wr:1m\mn'm 'l`1m.\x1-.sn_\' to .\lI.~'.~x .\L\m'n.\ .I.\.\',I; Poautgbotln of Innislil. PUaLlc`Auc'r1oN, p-Hm Imm.m~ ll` LI... ..-...I..... -11 u.-:.. : New buertisenzjciif. " " ' '* `"`*"`----_-----___._ '0 RT 11 E R N T AND NORTH- \VES'l'ER} RALLWAYS. REVIVING: AN OLD, IN.DU.S_'I'RY. .:._. MRS. -f,_o_c1'_ .. vv. ,.. Gen. "Pass. Agept. '_FRI::D. CUMBERLAND, ' Gen. Manager. `nun Anan 9!! `I 9 mnrnnf mun. 36.4: . the . ,_p' the ` At`- 7 the ;;;;;; .r.r.a.rzvvu -u~.v-.r-.4-.-V. -..:v.\r.;u..z.-.-.-a~.r.r~..;\-a. THURSDAY, SEPT.` 4, . 1879. U The undersigned begs to announce tlnit he has removed to his own store 0 posite his old premises. He thanks the pnbfic for past fa.- vors, nnd respectfully asks a continuation of public patronage. ` 1 `I I'\.I\l\v`~v-10 `Barrie, Aug. 23, 1379. L1 `j A Note of Hand, made at. Wfvebridge, in my favor, for 820.30, by Char es Stewart Trip, of the Township of Toy. on lat day of April, 1879, at 12 months. I hereby caution any person negotiating the same, as I have received no value for it. J: Wyebridge, Aug. 20, 1879. Stmyed. from the premises of the under- signed, Lot 13, Con. 11, Innistil, about two months ago, two Heifers, one red and white, the other nearly all red. The nder will be rewarded by returning them, or notifying the owner by mail. Any one retaining them after this notice will be prosecuted. - Tl'\'I]'\I' f 1I\I' `I YXTG \4 Vnvnvvuvvuo V JBHN COLLINS, Innisl, Aug. 28,_1879. 35-4t` Stroud P.O. N ass rvawcya mills property, Ca.1npbcll\'1lle, ()nt., consisting of the Nassngaweyn. grist null and two farms adjoining, will be sold on Friday, Sept. 12th, 1879, at noon, For par-_ ticulars apply to J. Dewar, Esq., Milton, Unt. or to Abrey l5ros., Campbellville, one. 34-4t. Baprie, June 24th, A187 9. v esp the 1 Barrio. Miu-ch 11. 1.3: . DOCTORS IIIFFEIEENOES. A winter's work for 8 men and 4tc:1m_s Jf l horses. 15 acres of lxzmlwood to be cut about 2 miles outside the corporation of Barrie. The timber can be purchased 'as it stands if de- sirabl. , Apply to G. FLEMI.\'G, on the premises, east half of Lot No. 19, 7th C-011., Vespra. The Sunnidalc Road goes through place. 33. ;u'L-. an [H :1. goon. SCKIIZQOI repznr. The .\'ott-nwasaga property has Fifi: y-ve anrc-s cleared, well fenced and watered, and is in a. good state of cultiv.1t;iou. `House and Hams ixrgom . repair. A th_ri\'ing young orchgml of 00 trees, gull beau-ing, on the premises. Terms and cnnditinn: nf smln mmln L-mm-n uu trees, gnu I)1ll'll1g, on me prennses. Terms and conditions of sale mmle on clay of sale. ' For further 'h.'\r.f.ia-)l].1ri rmnlv +n LHU 5v'.H(l IOVVHSIHP OI .\0EtaW3Sag3. The Tnnjsl property is well cultivatcnl, (75 acres being nuclei` tillage and the balzuxcc well woogled), contains :1 ne orchanl. and has an abumlzmt supply of water. The buildings which consist of 2 Barns. 30x-l0c:1ch, 2 Sheds, 70120 and 50x20, anda Frame Dw-lling- House are all" in :1. good state,of'repair. Nott-.1.w:1sa.r_v:1 Drnnertv h.-1.: l-`ift v.l`u-n uu my 01 .sa.1e. , For further }_)artxcula:'s apply to Joscpl Rogers, Auctioneer, Ba.me, or Pr..\'rr\', .\rILLI<`.R,> 1, -n:::E1: & P>I._.\'1{.x"1'01'K, Vendors Solicitors, Torontr". rn . A . . . .-.\ ._- ... .\ 4:f0m:Y 330 LEND [SUMMER F11z1_:wooD. mm, Es;;;:asA;;;:` .__- the said` Toivnsliip of Nottawasaga. A II, 1879, at 12 o'clock noon, the following Valuable Farm Properties, namely :-AIl those certain parcels or tracts of land situate in the said Township of Innislil, together containing Ninety acres more or less, composed of part of the Nortli-halfof Lotuumber Twelve in the Twelfth-concession as described in said" I\Iortgagc,also the East half of Lot number Twenty-live, in the Eleventh concession of Tnnisfil nronnrtiv is wpll I-nlf.i\':1fml 47;`. S-';`RAY IIEIFERS. Under the Powers of Sale contained in two certain Mortgages, dated respectively, `Feb- ruary _16th and 26th, 1878, (and which said Mortgages will be producd at the time of Sale.-,) .there will be otfercd for sale by S.-XTUBDH, 13:1. DAY OF SEI TVE3iBER , .. _ _, ._.,....-... ....... WU .. vuv gun. III.--The Southerly Forty acres of the South _W'esterly Quarter of Lot Number Twenty-six, East of the Sunnidale Road, in the said Second Concession, as described in deed of same to George William Legallins. On these lands are :1 T.mr Home and Pnnt l TERMS. --Ten (10) per cent at the time of Sale, Fifteen (15) per cent within one month thereafter, and the balance to be secured by Mortgage with Interest at eight per cent. half ycar1y;'or if additional security be given no cash need be paid, or terms may be varied in any reasonable way to suit the purchaser. I.`,...'o'..,4-I..... .\..-a:....1,...~ ...`.i1.. L- ru-u____-- _o1r_ VALUABLEFABM PROPERTY Kg ofr G A G E s I .L.,:3.. Tewnships of 'Nottawasag;z and - Innis1- ... ...., . \....a-.n.-...;u.. -v-J tv aunu uuw Llunuua-`.II.'I. For further pa;-tictxla1`s apply_ to Thomas Furlong, ;\1lCtlOl10C!', Stnyner. or to Br.'rnv'.\'r:, Moss, I`.\Lc-).\'umu::V &, Ho\'Lx-`.~x, - Vendor's `Solicitors, Toronto. Dated this 1321; day of August, 1379. 36-31: PUBLIC Aucfnonl V... ...-o uvA4\A'AIA b-vvu. vuuusunuu. II.--The South half of the South half of said Lot Number Twenty-ve, `East of the Sunnidale Road, and containing Fifty acres, more or less, excepting certain Village Lots heretofore conveyed by said ,Andrew Auger, namely, One and Two on the East side of Sunnidale Roai, lots Six, Seven, Eight and Nine on the North side of Wilcox Street; Lot Eight South side of ' Wilcox Street, and Lots Six,VSevcn and Eight on the North side of Andrew Street, according to the` said plan, and also exccptinrz Lot Number Three, above described. ` -' *0... n.:.. ........,...L.. ..._- -..- m_-_.- rr.~_. 4_-I UBSCFI DCU . "On this property are one Frame House and Bam,- Two Log Houses and a Post Barn. vvr nu . .. . _ . - - ` 3EMmu's.7 uucu U1 szune E0 UCOTQC unam Legaums. _ lands are 3. Log House and Post Barn. .v u .u5 trwnvvnw vs uauu .1 v I. --Pa:'t of the South half of the South half of Lot Twenty-five. East of the Sunnidale Road, in the Second Concession of the Township of Sunnidale, aforesaid, being Lot Number Three on the East side of Sunnidale Road, and on the South side of Wilcox or Laboutte Street in the Village of Brentwood, as laid out `upon :\ registered plan` of part of the said Lot Twenty-live, made for the said Andrew Auger, containing Three-quarters of an acre, more or less, having a. frontage of about Eight and one-half rods, by a depth of about Eighteen and three-quarter rods. On this nronertv are :1 'l"wn.sxfnrpv Frame uAg,uwuu lulu. mrcc-quarter IOQB. property are a. Two-storey Frame Dwelling House, Post Barn and Blacksmitlfs Shop, and about thirtyve fruit trees in bearing and in good condition. `ll VFI... G....LL L--It -1: u__ c-___u, LJIE _n _To go Hamilton`, mi active girl as servant in a. small family. Must be able to wash and iron. Liberal Wages. Apply, as soon 83 P03` sihla tn M RR_ T.()`kF`. Dnnlnmst. 36-It-D 1l'0ll. lame, to MRS. LOChE, Dnni 141081731. VV 8385. ] SATURDAY, 2011. won? smmmmzj IFARM &v1iLAE*Pa0PER1`Yj Under and by Virtue of the Power of Sale contained in a. certain Mortgage made by Andrew Auger ` and Francis Reomo to the Vendors, which will be produced at the time of sale, and in payment of which default has been made, there will he offered for sale by -v\a\:-4-u--\ up -... ...4 .. _.__ _...__.__ _ _.__ 1379, at Twa o'clock in;the afternoon, the fol- lowing parcels of land :'-- T 'D....J- ..tLL..C1,...A.L 1.-1:._t LL-O__.LL 1,.u-_r `Shingle Blocks, 's1.53"p-r1oac1. Apply to Y\ \I,,r\r~.\V11r r 3?Z`SuI2 .to am C'cmm'0n s Hotel, id the Village ' of Stag/ner, WANZTEDI. v .uuuna -uuu "l':n-`onto, August 1st, 1579. `OST 1 39U]8LIG AUCTION ! EMOVAL. Town "1Ia,1l._ 3ar1'ie ! ;_ATI ONAL POLICY. I . . Township of Sunnidale, 1 _. LL. I`I_____ ,_ M. H. HARRISON. A MANY of our exchanges, we notice, are copying approvingly an article from the Whitby '0/zronicel calling attention to thesmall salaries received by municipal clerks. This is a question which THE ADVANCE` has for some time been agitat ing, and it is with pleasure that we ob- serve how it is being taken up by the press. Municipal clerks have multifar- ious and important duties to discharge, `and the "miserable pittance the great majority of them receiveis simply a dis- grace to those who employ them. i.We hope our contemporaries wm keep up at question-,til1`51i$55`;ill-psitl oicials `hsve justice done them` in theinetter of ` retnunervation for the work, they perform, 3 1101` 10!` an _ egg}; aocgou ` Ilintrult` .'of the medi" "to! in the public mind. '0RT(}AGE'SALE In the County of Simcoc, on In the County of Si mcoe. 1). .\I-DONELL, ___. Ll OF VALUABLE .. ......., . N cqr the Foundry. nu`. )HENRY RAY. Qkf 7, 85 80011 83 yua- Lop-st. 36-lt-p ..v QK Of Secdaman. I VVE have received a cii-culur :mn0uI`.C- ing the Sixteenth Provincial Convention for Ontario and` Quebec of the Szblnith School Association of Canada. It is to be held in Toronto on the 71:11, 8th and 9th of October next.` Pastors and other ordained ministersof evangelical churches are cordially invited to be present and take part in the proceedings. Every evangelical sabbath school having fty scholars, or under that number, is en- titled to send one delegate, and an ad- ditional delegate for every ftyabove that number, which is not to exceed four from any one school. The local secretary, box 2558, To: onto, will supply -further information. i b A T ' ` : ICUSIIIIUI4 35-tf J bseph_ A .1 . 35-2t 11-15` Ifavrrie, April 2nd, 1579 6 lbs. per (in. 12 lbs:'S. t v 1 20a - - '1 1; 10 H Y 20 '\ 1.11:1. ay, 30:. pm` :1`: 10 H u ll` _u 500. u Any quantity above 15 lbs at same rate. For the. Season at following rules . 1': `kg m... .1-.. I ) I1... G..L....L.-. -3- rn Orders left at Lnvallce s Butcher Stall, Ru - rie Market, or at. their residence, near the Bridge on Bradford Street will receive prompt atten tion. Season will begin on the 19th of May, ending lat of October. Ice (1cli\`L-led in any part of the town, FREE or Cu.uuu:. _ , unrwvnlm. STAMPING FOR BRAIDING, - CUSHION TASSELS, &c., &c. TOYS OF ALL KINDS. - DOLLS, .-\_..\' 1.\1.\xEx. .~"ru< A Bohemian Ware and Chma Goods, BRAIDS, LACIJS, - ' BERLIN AND OTHER WOOLS, UNDERCLOTHING, &c., &., GOLD, SILVER &: OTHER C.-\RI)BOAl{l)>', WAX FLOWER REQUISITES, SLIPPERS, OTTOMANS, CHEN-EIIJ.lC Q'|".\\II)1\'rI nnn nn I YI\I`\Vt`I w. H. FREEMAN ........: ... ms ......... . Stopping the snppiit.-zi }tI`L\L`tl(':lih\' amounts to stopping the m:ichincx'y of Government. It is true tlmthy spr-cinl warrants the Government can continue to hold out, j but it is an 1insz1tisf':rc- tory and undignicd way of doing: things and could not last for_miy length of time. Mr. Joly's position is this` Hevcan clingon to oilico, I-.opinjig for something to turn up ;. he can ask for it ' dissolt1tion_-tl1o1igl1Avlmtlicr, in` yimv of the _ rule which ap'p1'o\'cs of `hut one dis- solution in the intenuil hretwccn two general elections, this would he gmnlc-l, is :1 question ; he c.j.n.try to meat his op ponents and form it coitiiticn which would -hc.moi'c ahlv lo logislzxtp and inoro acceptable to the lloiise; or he can ' grn.cefull_v resign. \Vliutx=vc1' he may do, _howovci', things cannot go on long as they are. He will have to find sonic way out of the di1`ficu1ty-oi-elsethere will o`nly'1`em:zin for the Lici1t.-(_`rovcr- nor, who now stands hy him in the hope of a solution ofthe problem, to nd - it for him. [Since the above was put in type, the Legislutiire lms':uljmn'i1ocl to the 28th Oct._] T ` T ' [Bast duAL| '_q|_= itc'E" 1 rvir-vv-1 wamgwvmx GBYSTAL%PALAGE --4@- iVARlED `sf COMPLETE 1~`.\'nr `Ir-nun 1 Cu!-.\ 4|. f`......A.. Garnet Eur-r:n::.~; and Sulls, Gold and Svcr \`Vut(-Ines, CIIBIIM, ` Gem Rln-T,:s, Elcclro-Pluto, Toys, &c., Spectacle-u_, Clnldt-en`: Slelgns and Carriages. try -v\ -.v- i Two Doors IVr stZ Hole/; A.'LTAvALTLTEL%T&.V%5jfJ . L. (v. L_ .s;:.x1)1aRs, JUST A-Fl_R|VED! Is1;uR00.\1 snrs, PAR [.4 >1: T .s+:'1"<, 15xT1~:.\'s1o.\' T.\1:Lr:<, `\x'n.\'r.\'r_r< Largest, Best & Cheapest Stock of Furnitme j` Iii this section bf country, which, on i ' tiou, will prove to bcuthe fact. .- Remember the place, the `Brick St- Remf of the .\Ia.r`x'c`t. Ever since Mr. Joly 'r.uc-cccdod in establislling llimself in power by. the aid of a pureliascd Speuker s vote, he has had a l1:u'd_ row to hoe. ` 011 no occasion can he 11-.ivelmLltren1blcLl in hi.~;_ sihoea when a vote was about to be, taken, fearing whetiher the one or two of at ma- jority which be counted on would be his. His slim hold on the reins "of Go\`cm - menl. liars certainly placed him in :1 posi- tion which few if any pOll.l..lUl:Ul.`5 would envy. his hold at `this i_nomenl;" slimmer, rnd threatens eve1'_y_111inute to give way :11- together`. \Vh-nib is known as a. load- lock has 0CCU1'l`()Ll. Council, which stands in :ll)()!ll. the same The J._ogislz1tive relation to tho A:.~seu1l)ly us the Sumitc does to the Dominion .l ;u'li:mic11L_. lizis taken the Government to`t.:.sl{.: A swir-5 ofA1'csoluLi l1-no l-mm passcil, : forth that the Joly Admiiiisti-aitiuxz lms not fullled in its legislation the promises made in the Speech from the 'I_.`1irone, and concluding as follows: ""I`hat this Coun cil,' while (leclnring its xvillizigmss _to gnint to Her Majesty the supplies unmas- sury, deems it a. duty to cl:-lziy the adop- tion of the Supply Bill now he-fore the House until it shall lmve pleased His Honor the Lieute11:int-Governor dignity by the fulfilment of the pmrni.<:mi made in his nmno. (3: .1 1' II But; slim as it lms. been all along s I to , [choose advisers disposed to'_m_aii1t.ain his This Co. gives nway a Handsome Book with every 3 lbs. of Tea. Sold in .5 ll). pa.kng.~.~1. 3,800 agents in Great Britain. Full particu- lars from _ awn \r.nv\* JV.l..l.IIn YJKJLLLV .I.J\JJ.IaJ..\}LVg Agent, will be on the market every nmrlu.-t day to show samples and take order-x. I1n]rlc- menus mav be seen ml IITW) T H E 1\[r:.~1.~'1-.,~x. S0\\'1)o.\', Fonxrnl: & 00., .\1il1hr:-- have opened an agency for the sale of ' tin " 1na.nufa.ctures in Barrie. uu_y DU lI'J\V :W.IHlPlC3 KIIIKI LEIKU Urllex mcnts may be seen on C'uIlic7'-.s't-., mIjuinin_r_/ 111: . 1`. Km: Barrie, April 30, 1579. _ The undersigned are-prepared to supply Un- K141 n--- -2-- _# _.- - 2 Young Horses, 2 Second-Hand Plmrions, I New Phaeton, 2 Covered Carriages, Several open Buggies. 4 Democrat Wagonr, no and slnglc. - 1|-:ARMERS_O_F SIMCOE. '%.F9BN'TURE% LI-QUOR TEA co., 7 great fzworite wiflrtlie puhlici and en- " " ' """ " " ""."""""J of from $80,000 toiffil 00,000. "0 :ire pleased to note the - prosperity of the Mail. It is an eviilcnce that the people of the Province appreciate an able and enterprising Press. I t also shows that the power which the Glolze has wielded for in my yca.rs in this Province hit now an influence zit wnrlzi against it-- :1 check on its ,cvil tcnilciicics, the need of which has been` time :m_d ag:1i11 demon- stratcd. Anotl1e_r_journ':1l which is'rnc(_-.t- ing with the success it.sul;ilit_v and m1tcr- ` prise entitle it to, is the I-lamilfon Speclator, :1 model. 11e\\n~pnp.:-1- in every respect, find one the utter.-1nccs'of which on all public topics are m:1rl at once bypelegzmce of style and sound sense. Still another journal, younger tli.-'u1'thc others mentioned, but yet evidently :1 joying an cxt1r:1ordinnry me:xsure of financial succcss,is the Toronto Telegram. An independent paper, it undertakes _to treat politics without fcm-, favor or affection ---to have :1 good word or :1 rebuke according as occasion seems to it to require--to be outspoken on all sub- jects and biasscd on none; The style of its editorial is pl-.1in'.und brief. yet pithy and pointed, while":i win of humor oc- casionally glcams in an article nmking it none the less relislmble on tlnt ac- count; The Mail, Spec. and Telegram are each :1" credit to their. Inaimgcrs, and the public have reason to ~upprccinte them in the respective roles they till. , - `In U-v-vvouuuu can Avllv Iv Ills I louvn 13133. per `gay, lb`s`. SM5ll`I;1aY, on `K II II (C It '.f\l\ And go no where else if you want good work. - JOHN S TEPHISNS is tr [;V11z>.s`T1z`T.c-f,..x.9.s OPENING Tn COUNTRY STORE-KEEPERS SLE IGII-l_IlDlNG, snow-sronu, sNow.snomNc., TOBOGGANING, smvrmc, Everything New introduced i N .B.-Children : Pictures taken instantane- ously, and guaranteed the finest finish in the 4-nwn. ' Most beautifully affected wifh [par Chicago Backgrounds, representmg [snow roamms Fa1ITIT1iT171TgT I\IEs. So\\'l).').\'. & ('n_. .\IilHm... For niany the most widely circulated, largely patronized, and. most inuential journal in Ont.ario"-and we might almost say in. Canada`-;-has been the Toronto` Globe. ABut the honor of being the `foremost axnienigi provincial newspapers, Mr. Brown is no longer able to claiin for his paper. The Mail has, ever. since its establishment, been con- tending for- the lead, and ` today that journal may very fairly be` said to have taken it. AMore neatly printed, more systematically mfranged, more ably edited both as rc_gs1'ds; literary `merit and fairness in poiitical discussion,'and generally more newsy and palatable to the ordinary reader, than lli/$`l'lVdl,---tile _Mail well deserves the high place it has ' earned in the estimatio1'1,_)f the - public. Its policy of go-ahe:1da.tiv'enes3 is just now being rn:ul:elly illustrated by the large expenditure the proprietor is about to make in meeting the - 1'oap1ix`e1x1c11`.s -which inicre:1se(l business has i1eccss7t:ztecl. The Mail will `sl1o1'tl_v be in new. and more C0mlll0(ll0ll.-3 prmnises, boast ud- ditioual facilities in the_\'}`a_v of ]n`(`SS( S. . . , etc , and enlarge its borders "-7 ~ull of which is to be ziccoiiiplislnenl at an outlay ..t' I` ..... \. >Qn nnn `4\ ' J. I nr. Ann 11* in-' r.vmu' n_=;scnu>no.\', `VIIE.-\PE.$ l` AN!) . BEST I . MR. 'fE5'"z&'i~'{' '1"3`t'}' ```` n4- rill 1... Av` +1..` marl-..6 , W'1`()N. STEPH~'l;lS ROOMS F 0 R s I: E A` 1. 1- NE T .\1f..x . . PRODUCED BY AN ENTIRELY N E W M is '1' H '0 D 1 At the folloving very Low mt: _:_- - .U. -THE STOFK 'l`lIl-I )!0."\"l`- Tovtakc up Local Agencies for the NOTES AN D COMMENTS. ,_.__., V9 vvIvII`I_l Ever brought into the Cmlnty. The celchratcxl mzmufucturcrs uf DURING ` THE SUMME ll, BARBIE. 01 _LONDU.\', b'.V(.'_ Be sure and find. W. B. CAPON. (mo, MANN, 11... f! nu JV 30 '1'1IE QUEBEC DE_?1I).l;Or:']\'. Xll pu. .u4x~\ A1 Dom. Gen. |_\\'1| h4)L::.-\Ll., Opposite Queen's Hot:-3 Gen: Agent, 295 Yonge-st., VI" _.\.. `yin this Gallery; flu . Ice Dea'_ers. .fm' Double FLOURISHING JOURNALS. Imp ---...- V- r..-.......... -.....vvu.- Tm: other afternoon a train which pre- ceded the mail train, broke a rail between Brentwood and New Lowell, throwing a. piece of the rail, about2 feet and shelf long, 011' the track. Three little boys, berry picking, noticed the accident, and first replacing the broken mil, the eldest, about nine years of age, started down the track, and signalled the mail train, with his ha_t,-succeeding in getting the attention of the engine driver, and -having the train stopped in time to p revent a greater min- \ THE lfoskoka Herald talks back tovits Grit contemporary over the latter s on- -slaught on the N. P. It showsmost con- clusively that tho_District is much better 011' under the new order of '_a,'airs than ever it was before. The Grit orga.n s state- ments nltogether are shown to be the out- come of partisan rancour. m..- -13.-.. -u-.___-_ - 1..-:" `W1 ' I > ` tinuous illness up to her death; . n -4 This imputation was a grave one, and "Mrs. Dr. Stowe asked for an adjourn- ment to procure counsel and_ witnesses, which was granted. ' On resuming the inquest there was a heated discussion between the coroner (Dr. McConnell) and. Dr. McMichael, counsel for Mrs. Dr. Stowe, as to the advisability of ad-` mitting further medical testimony. Finally [medical witnesses were called. Dr. Henry \Vright was of opinion that the medicine, if taken as prescribed, could have no effect whatever on a woman; if a person took the whole bot- tle at once in May anddied in August D witness could not see that the medicine had anything to do with said person's death, unless inflammationof the stomach set in in the meantime, and then there would probably be some symptoms of inammation at the examination 5 should the medicine have taken "effect, then in- i ammation .would undoubtedly have ' appeared within a few hours after taking it, and if she died from taking the medicine there would have been con- if deceased died suddenly, without any ap- parent sickness for a week before, wit-' ness did not believe that , the medicine could cause the death. Dr. Berryman corroborated Dr. Wright's statement. He could not conceive it possible that, if the medicine was taken as prescribed, any injurious effects .\vould follow ; they - dose prescribed was less than the minimum D doses ordinarily given ; the description ' iof the stomach in the report of Dr. Phi1brick's post mortem examination was so very indenite that he could not give an opinion as to the cause of death; if it was shown that` the bottle of medicine M was emptied in May, witness` could not `conceive how the medicine could cause death, unless the person was`continuous- ly ill. Dr.` Ogden gave it as his opinion that the medicine as prescribed would have no more effect on an adult than so much cold water. Dr. Archibald stated substantially that he corroborated the three last witnesses in every particular. `Hie verdict of the jury was :: A That the deceased, Sarah Ann Lovell, on the 12th day of August, came to her death by means of an irritant poison, taken by herself or at the. hands of others un- known to the jury, for the purpose of procuring an abortion. . A-nnv-In fr-ndn dlun nut` Rm! In`-Idnla drh-ndu luau wuum euu.Ur1uJ.s U!-1 vzuuurs 3.13 barba- does, we are led to believe that he has some great attraction away off _thore-pro- bably a. family, or perhaps only, afgirl-_ If our surmises be correct, tha.t s all we want to'kn'ow about the Packet man. ' am 1 T1` _ - oulnv nu nu-.v u\-...]_............ n... --..., _.......... A <`0NTE.\ll'oRA_I`.Y says :- Gentlemen, `fur a fall Ixat-,'t1-y the ` Lion. . No ! "0 :m t hear it. [.l .S. This 13 :1 very poor Jnkc,_ which sume Vsmart chap can easily take :u1\':x11tr__r_;e` of and have unicorn-e1`e('1.] rn,, , 1 1 . ' I` r,, (-1 1`!-__L `I"I.__.1 -. - _---..._.-__ -...- -._. -._ .........._... A COUNTY exchange has seen a specimen of prairie gmsas, eight feetjlong, which 9. townsman received from his son, "now at Ossowa, Man. They are cutting 400 tons of this hay; and stacking it on the prairie. tofbe drawn to the cattle stables as re- quired during the winter. - 1).. .n... 1:..--._-____ _;.:u_ _;'L!,`L n , n` y . .,.-,..J Tm`. d:1nght.er uf Jas. Stoddm't, Brad- ford, who had her leg broken :1.` short time :1go,'\vas gning rouml the house on c1'ut-ch- us, when onenf the crutches slipped fronl nmlur her, and in falling the same limb was :1g:ih1 lnrnkun. .-;r.--~ . - _-~... - h:r.'unI>1.w: an accident which resulted- in n b'1-okencul1:u' bone to the victim (Mr. Alex. McC:u1s1u.m1, West Gwi11imbu1'y)tl1e Brmlfurd News adds :- Being an elderly gentlcxmm, no dqubt the accident will be seriously felt by that gelxtlcnmn. Hr" I1`.- ..... ALL 1:... ur; n'...:n:_ ..L.'...._ ....,..\,.....J ....u u_, nun _;_5uuun.uuu_u. WM. _T0d'1*, 4th lino West Gwilliinbilry, `was ploughing, . wheli the 'c1evis on the whiletrecs came mulone. In order to x it he had to get behind the horses, and -while kneeling down one of`tl1cm' kicked him on the head, inflicting a. very danger- .0us wound on the skull. . :1: `Ir . . n. . _. .. . THE Muskoka. Township Council having raised the assessment of several parties after the R011 was retumed without appeals, in '-some cases as much as-$l,000 and $1,800 ]1:win'g been added, proceedings are being taken to annu-1 the roll, and some expen- sive litigation` czurbe expected. A .......--..... ..-_.L_.._.- 1___ _. ,, ..--.`... -.----. v--w ..-.-....- By the frequency v5vith'which the PW. man writes editorials on -affairs at Burba- Hnnu IUD urn Int} I-n ha`-inxva +1u:l> Ln L..- A BI:.\lIFt)Ill) mim has been :I.1)p0iut0d .1 judge on stoves at the ]ndu.~:t1'i.wl Exhibi- tion. "Of comwsc I1e.isnk)tone of the kind of men Whu make their wives get up in the 11101-ning and light the` fire. -A.\` Ori'lli:L 1nilit,in.-1n:u1' has been tlned $20 and costs for wearing military clothing when ntfdnty. The Governnlent`should `really know bctt.cr.'tI1m1 to trust tlwfse` Urillia chzips as it -*(1(>cs__ A-n 1 1 -.1 `ILVVIIIIIJ ' Ell GUUL UIULLI - Apartbfroni the sad fact which this enquiry has elicited. is the circumstance of the doctors` differences as to -the nature of and effects of the drugs which composed the unfortunate girl's medicine , -as prescribed by Dr. Stowe. Several eminantganedical men atly contradict - other-$91`? the profession on this point. Whethi this is who attributed to real Ind contrary convictions, or to .profe1aional animosity, is matter for de- 'b_n't_e. It is quite evident, however, -that A doctors dibrences are no myfth, but rgthdijg reality which can, at_no_n`g.,other 1;1;iHgi,_.t-..be, inst_rumcntal- in -phaymg an ijggiqoent person ' _ 9. `very (iiaogreooble -man! lmnnmfnl nnn1hnn_ .Whnn thieves -\\'L1.I-,1.-x.\L }\I-.\L\s'rr;I`., Essa,-s:\ys the .-1 r1L`I;clc--}1:1s clxnpped, `logged and made `rt-zuly for full wheat, 10 acres of land, with :1 total c'.\`p0ndiLu1'c of 40 days labor of one Tlljl :1. NHL .\ l\l'..\ Hlilll 5LEl:._lgUl'l11'.{ i\vLUH5 _Ll1U street _wa_s the uxtidencc of .'L strict :1dmin1s- t1'a,t1011 of the license law in Orillia, which c11l1'1'(L-11 gm.-rs \\'iLn(-sscd the other Sunddy n\'nn;nrr ....u...D ....,..5 n- . . V . . lav uuu.v ..-.- -........-. 3EE'r0N Band has clmmged its 1ca.der. There was Jirst :1. row, which is scarcely to be -\_vondurcd at in an orgmxizatioll where _so m:my uf the l'u01J1bC'l`S are givcnto blow? ON Mr. lrhx-])]'l`lS))l S farm, K Illnfsl, 1100 bushels (-f \\-heat" wen`: th1'eshcd in eight hours. ' ' Tm`. ` editor of the Bmdford News talks nbout_n g1`m.ving-, cm1\'.nc:1m1 as vto Brit.'Lin s recent wars." n. .-.-.. ,. '1. . . . . A TORs0R0.\ TIO'B1(I.(`i`LiSpflxlish 11cn s_ egg wexghs four ounces, whxle :1. Hockley chxck ;s responsible for one nc;'.1`ly as bin. T . -.,.-. ..-. 'I|f.-.~-.. , C TI"..,.._.-_....J.L ..I1 .11` Mr. T1105. I\'IcC1`oSsu11 bus -been dulj ' installed \V'a.rden of theRef0r1n:1to1'y,r the Hun. Mr. Wood and I11speptv01' Langmuir being present on the occasion. _ . u'n..-.......-. .......-...... '1 :N u.,. 1'._.1:.... "L- .,-...a J.--..-.-- \lA -.-- \/W\"V PE.\'ET.-L\'GU1fs`IU~}.\'1-2. is the Indiamfor 1jt)lIi)Jg-sand. Tlnis piece of ixltclligcxxce is $0 gmtifyingr that we shall _ ilnxucdiutely g)'t0_\\"u1'k and learn Indian. 'm._.. 011 ,, ,_ ,_:II , __ t,,,.. . 4... L-.. A'..'....] cw ..,_..,,... . ' THE St.uync1' vi1l:1_-._:e inspector has foam :1 curry-comb and brush. And he a.d\'ert1scs them in the local paper instead "of nmklng the editor :1 present of't11en.1 ! ..-..1 .. 1).... .`IC,....1 A... A r... . \V.~<'\I\ ......L.... nu, \.uu.~- u 1-.vu\./..y V- outwit` . AS'I`!1.-\NGER astonished :1 Bradford crowd, who were discussing heavy` Weight lifting, by picking.; up 60 lbs. in each lxaud and raising them with ease above his head. That doctors differ has become proverbial. But it is not often that their differences are so fully exposed to the public, as was the case at the Jute. inquest in Toronto_ on the body of the girl, Sarah Lovell, the circumstances of whose death were referred to in our last issue. It will be recollected that the prescription which the deceased received from Mrs. Dr. Stowe, and the ingredients in which were tincture of hellebore, myrrh and cantha.ride`s, was held by the doctors who made the post mortem to have been an abortive, one of them de- olaring that 9. person" administering the medicines mentioned in the prescription, knowing the condition of the female, could have no other object in view than that of procuring an abortion. v.....- 9-. .\....1..,....,....... .u. L._~\.\'(:FuI`.D 1\IAI .KS, his wagon the other wheels ` passing `over nger to it jelly. _ V II`. ..C LL). C'.... 3.. .. ....,_,.. II\-I .. _,v.._,. V _ H}: ~of the Sun is not -szttislicd with Our na.ugl1tyc:a.l notes." If we c:m- liyo after this it will be :m oxisu,-11cc devoid of all joy 01' :1inl)itiou 3., . ......... u | u -;uu...,.u.n. ..v mu. suvnuu A Sr.h'NEn bad boy w._1s czmght ti11-:mpp- ing the other day, but was let off on dis- 'll`(\I`f)': 11 U` O, " Mn. P.mIsH is a down country nic1'cl1.'tnt who will sell cheap gomls 01' P:u'isl1 in _the ztltumpt. ' n -nr ya 'u-' - 9- r --nu -n...~.n A 1\I A(.'AUI.A\' (I\I11skok:i.) favrnlor has lst thirt-con of his live stock tlxisseason. -` W. D. S'ronn.u:T, West ' Gwi1limbnr_v_, realizes 70 bushels of outs to the acre. - ` N . - 1 Q , \1l.l\4l\L3|1- 7 ` BRADFORDITES lmvo been enjoying :1. $1.75 excursion to the Falls. no 1-. . -vs 1 -. 9-111 . 1 Mus. R. ALGEO, BmdfSrd,- full last week and broke her leg at the thigh. V_ V ` A1!` /'1r11\I~' I 1 upon. _ . . C A S'r.u':\`1:n P. L. S. has got out :unap r-fv rccmorc. ' ` - AI.I.xsTu.\' linen:-diets bointpthc bachelors at cricket. ` ' 1, 1 1 _ TnsiBeebn-King lioop-line; is being iagitated. ' The proposed line is to con- nect the former village, on the Hamiltdu & Norbhwesbem Railway, witht-he lat- ter village on the Northern. On Satur- day a` large meeting to discuss the matter was held at `Schotnberg, -at which a. resolution favoring the project. was unanimously passed. 1 \Ve think we are safe in saying that but for-the No.tionnlPo1ic), the effect of which is to secure to the Canadian lumbermati the home market which the North Shore mi1l_s-have been supplying, Messrs. Orr dz Co's. enterprise, with all the benets it confers on this county, would not have been undertaken In score one for the N. P. in Simcoc. In this connection we may add 9. word as to the cost of nianufacture under the new tarii A statement has been going the rounds of the Grit press to the e'ect that an increase of 75 cents per 1000 feet is entailed by it. So far as Messrs. Orr & Co. are concei-ned-and they may _ . i Let" be taken as fair sample of the Canadian : lumbormane the cost of manufacture is ; actually .50 cents per 1000 less than it 4 was under the old tariff. |`_n.5`ms of x1d\'H suitable for this column me 50514.-nu-.d from our readers throughout the county. V 'TuE AD\'ANCE'_Shdlli(1 not forget that..'Sir John Maedonald was made z_1_ QVue'en7s Pri\'r_v.i'Counci]1or, not at the ` iequest of Her Majesty, but on "the ":idvico- of her Ministers, precisely as ` she consents to peiform any other pub- _ lic act. The evening of the Canadian 1 zemie1: s life would rccede into dmk- ness before Her Majesty would suggest that this any other honor be conferred upon him.--C'oc/c Organ. As the `editoriof the Cook organ is a. p:1rtic_u1ar friend of the Royal family, "and quite intimate with Her Majesty-who has, no doubt; showered innumerable honors on him, (about which he has said noth- ing), as she evident_1y`hasta_ken him into her -condence--`-we are bound to accept hi:s`-statement without question, G1.EA>uxc:s vmoxr Coumv EXCHANGES AND l\'OTlCS- rnon csovmtasronnnsrs Ojxfg-: cent 6n the is 01-9 rate. C()nl{s`T0\\'Nkh(\.S .1 bowling green. .Co1.L1.\'awoun is t<)11a\' :5. dry dok. 3143 us are repo_x`te(1 .numero\'1s in F105. ` A.\ (:US bat Lisle at cricket on Saturday. G`n.\\`1-:xI_IUI:.<.T ,S1lip5 bO1`I`ViCS to Toronto. l\'IInI`.;\.\:I>`;s` nmv P1'osb3'tori.'-.n Cllll1'(`hi nnn , o<)ITNi:? NOTES. stagge1'h12 uI',ong tl1c on nf n efric-l*.nr`ln1I1isx- U- \...V ........J ..., .v.D. , of Tocumseth, fell off ' day, and;(nio of the ' his v1mnd,' crushed a mmus. vvnue more mlgnv nor. us a Word. in the report 7which he would feel inclined to change, or to which he would have tiny 11, '& N. w.` TRAIN QUESTION. After stating that the reply from Mr. Cumberland was ' unsatisfactory, it con- tinued : And say positively that this corporation cannot consent to forego, re- linquish or have curtailed a. right of service_ for which it has and is annually A. paying over $2000, and they respectfully but firm- ly decline to enter into any compromise or make any suggestions as to what trains may not run into Barrie, but would insist that all the trains be run in. Great incon- venience to the inhabitants ofBa1-rieand the travelling public has been and is daily being occasioned by the changes anddelays at Allandale . necessitated by the existing ar- range1ne_nts. l d When the adoption of this - report was moved, no one rose toyobject to it, whereupon his Worship got up and pro- proceeded . to refer to it; `He was of opinion. that as "decision had been too hastily. arrived at, not fsuicient time hav- ing. beenallowetl members to make up their milldl While there might not b9 8 Word in Hm-m'm.-+. :..1.:..I..1..lumtu1d feel inialimid. UVUl'y UUIIHIHUYEUXUII Ill Illy |JU\VU.l.'- The Fumnce Committee's report, after recornmendmg payment of accounts to the amount of $686.98, and advising a defence of the Sullivan suit, through Messrs. Lount 8.7 Lount, went on to deal with this Ahout four or fire years -ago Messrs. F. Orr & Co., who were engaged in ` the manufacture of lumber, in the town- ship of Flos, in this County, were ob-_ A liged to abandon their undertaking. The prospects which the National Policy foreshadowed induced the rm to think about resuming operations, and they nally concluded to do so. 0 At the pre- sent time the mills,which haven capacity of 40,000 feet a day, are being got in readiness, and within a... veryvahort time will cqmrnence cutting, the first contract. taken being to cut 6,000,000 feet a year for eight years forthe Toronto market. The revival of this industry will give steady employment to about fifty men at an outlay of between twcntyve and thirty thousand dollars per annum. The mills are located in the vicinity of Elm- vale onithe North Simcoe railway, with which station they will be connected by an iron rail tramway which is in'cou_rs:e of construction. ' running into Barrie. Mr. _Cumbe1'1a.ml ,s reply ran: * * I am to invite the guid- ance of your Council asto what`tra.ins they would prefer to run into Barrie, observing that it is simply impossible for us to run any greater number of trains into "the town than are. now so running. ' * If you insist upon the H. & N. W. trains being runin, I fear weishouldelmvo no resource but to traiisfer passengers from other trains to them at Allandale. However, when It more fully know your views I will give them every consideration in my power. Thu F`*innnr-A nnrnvniH'nn s: rnnnrf, nffnr u......-.-u.. ruvv .,.....uu..., from the corpomtioll for injury done his property on Soplxizl.-st. by the overow of a drain two years a.go--and two letters from W. Cumberlad with reference to a. remonstrance made by the Council on "the \'vith(lrm_'m1 of A n Councillors Richie and Culwell were absent from Monday 1iight s n1cc-ting- Among the V road was :1. writ of 'summuns issued in behu.lf.of Mr. G, R .Su1liv:i.n, by Mesa:-.:..` McCarthy, Boys & Pepler, (I1.n\n\n : Q."\()0 n\\I.u`:1.`.< So.\Vn-1 queer freaks were committed by a _ 1'ecent cyclone, in \Vest Gwillimbury. Un Lo_t No.'8, 12th eon, a log house and "barn were blown down and the kitchen in ' the rear of the new dwelling house was moved something over a foot from Its foundation. One half of the roof of a f1'.'u1l1!> barn was also blown oil , and about a dozen trees-were uprooted. The Iuwriexme passed through the woods of Eli Law, and levelled almost every tree --along its track. _ It passed through a eld of wheat, on the farm of Mr. .Wm. Hend_erson. The wheat was shocked--and so was the owner when he looked out after the sfo1'n1--f: u- the space of 300` yards or more, in width, and all the ' way acrosstlne lield, the whirlwind picked the shocks. up into the air, tot-ealmost overy_ sheaf open, and Slll.I:>l{ the loose straw all over the f_u`0l111(l. 1- . 1: mu-_v, umuu;,'u uuu ; ucs.juuu, . u. J.J.iLl` -man. Professionzll` double scu1l-rst H_u1npln'eys and Foley ; second Dclnpsey and Harnnul. _ ( ' I.\'.\'1si`IL Council procee-dings~`Acconnts `passed : McCarthy, Boys & Pepler, $148.01 (partrelating to agreements to be collected from H. & N. \V. R y Co.)` Stewart \Vrigl1t, $3; Ins. Public Schools, 234. - J no. Kane granted 87, instead of indigent pass to Toronto.- Road money all expended", consequently no grant to sidewalks in A-llandale, except-$10 for.rep:1irs. Removal of cattle-guard from _roadu1l'owancc at Allandale, and a culvert to be built at Le- froy and on Townline Innisl and West Gwilliml)'ury--decided to ask Railway Co s. _ to see to the same. By-law for school taxes `passed. The. clerk instructed to again urge the II. & N, \V. Railway Co.- to make required accomniodation at Victoria station. Adjourned to n1eet- at lielle ' Ewart on the 15th inst. -vnnn _,`_,_-, T111; editor of the Alliston Herald re- minds his readers that one of the m:ix- ilxus of an ancient pliilnsoplicr \\_'as 1lI(lluIi- cu: u mall:/ice mm dismt nisi ui_'ca.~;iu)1c.'.' Just so 2. We well remember the old gen- tlemrm _ mid the i1up1'essi\'e \vn.y in which he used to get this oil`. 'lI_e had another maxim, too, ifzwe recollect aright : Erin go pluribeis -muzm go `M-1131):. As we recall these ,favo1'ite words of his we emmot help thinking how much wiser and nohler we `all would be l1:ul.t-hey-been.onr mottoes during` life. In runannm est errurc1nInmm. qni morn it fcrut ipsc (limit cui bone multum inpurro o trui- pure 4; mores nil (ICS1)C)'(l7l([1Hn ." . ' V Wz:n.\'1~:;~:o,n' last was CulliI1g\\'o(.1Ll s civic holiday. A regatta was the chief feature of the (ln.y s festivities which concluded with a. pic-nic, followed by the H:ml:m enti-.1'-, The [inst- tainment, wound up by a dance. race was for first-cl:1.ss sailing yachts. `The elnnlc Smit/:,~ of Col1ing\\'00dw'on. The second-class sailing race was .won by the Gutcnduline, of Collingwood, and the third- class by the Pinaforc. Next came the n.ma.tem` double scull ; first, Dutton and Boon, 13:11-rie ; second, Taylor Bros., Coll- ingwood. Professional isingle scull-lirst, T. Foley, Collingwood ; second, N. I'Izu'- `)vr\fncuinn}ul` nlnululn nun : H1-at But after all, rum }::gpuIi` V. _. - ~ -.- -', Mn. Goldwiu Smith comes in for (1. show- er of abuse from the Cook organ." The gentlemmi may not be everything to ad- mire to the Cook orgmi, but that -is no rea- son why he should be subjected to 3. vi- cious on,s1n.ught. He is at least a. gentle- man, and ought to be treated by news- papers in :1. gentlemzmly fashion. Mr. Smith, it is true, has been walking into the ex-Premier's a'ections.. But he did it cour_teo11sly, and our Grit friend ought to reply in a siiuilur strain. Mud throwing is not a.pp1'eci:\t-41 by the generality of people. nu 1-. .. .. .u- .v rv u. '. Belmne starting for market, the other day, iiithn load of sheep, Duncan Bucha- nan, Medonte, gathered some branches and put over them as a protection against the sun. This frightened the horses and they ran away, throwing Mr. Buchanan out of the wagon. The wheels passed over his body, causing internal injuries from which it is doubtful if he will recover. ....-.... .. .u uvu-......-.. --- ..-..-, _--. . ,7. THE wild sclxemes for County re-orga.ni- zation do not nd favor with the Stayner `paper, which looks at them from the stand.-, poinjuof expense. The expense of itself _ wotildbe suicient to knock these schemes in the head, even if there _wcre no other considerations to inuence sensible people against them. Our contemporary need -feel no a.1:1rn1 about this proposed county carving. It is not going to take place just yet. _ ' um.... n.._.,:-__,...1. ;;.1. ' as . ' ` Mono road `cheese factory has been to- tally destroyed by re. M1`. J. T. Hen- derson, wlieowned the building and con- tents, says the `factory caught fire 11] the engine-room while the men were at dinner. ' There `were about 350 cheese on'l1a.ml at the time, 135 of which were savccl, but not . without sustaining daniage from the ames. All the books belonging to the establish- ment were lost; also the men _s clothes. The patrons had "no insurance on the cheese, and cunseqnently they will be a. total 1035. M1`. Nixon, who lives opposite had his barns and contents consumed also ; less about $3,500. ' `ll ru 11 - .-. u.. . - n _`VQ9iin.e3!1- Keevm. vow Mui---Min Porter. 11_'II_'___.1_ -n-u J-.. . _V _ , Tm; Barrie people -took advaxmtnge of the crowd at the regatta} to do some steal"- ing, and then laid it to pickpockets f1'om a. distzmce. Thus writes the gentleman who was afraid Barrie regatta" was got up for the bone t of 9.. lot of swindling `American professionals. No one ever mentioned his name in connection with this pocket picking. But you know` how it i3-,' a. guilty conscience needs no accuser. l'\1I-'1 In... ..I...LL._ ..Z_-_ LL- L__.__ _,t 13A D......-J \-1AuvAvAAv\J Jlvvuu uv un.vuuua.- SOME few nights since the house of Ben- jamin White, Medonte, was struck by light- ning; .A portion of the ground oor was torn up, but no other. dainage resulted. The. following evening a stump near the house was struck, setting it on re. Ano- ther house and harm in the same neighbor- V hood `were also interviewed, the electric element manifesting an c.\itrm)_rdix1zu`y par- . tiality for gllilt locality. BARRIE Town COUNCIL .\l0Nl3.\Y .\`I(,5H l`.H MEI-`.'l`INH. I ' . CLAIMING $500 1Vn.\1.\m-:3 1 .. v. 11. & N. ,w. muss`- IDLENES_8.-If idleness does not produce ~vice or malevolence, it commonly produces melancholy ; therefore let every man` be ac. cupied, andpccugned-in the highest employ. ment of-which his nature is capable ; and if he is suffering fr1_u:;1 rheumatic paing, com, or summer comphuut,_and dsirous of getting immediate relief, let hixntry a bottle of the Canadian Destroyer. Itvcan be had` at my D _ -.. axi_g1 most of the country merchants in ,e Dominion, at 25 cents per bottle. 35 -It. = *F %- j,< HORSES SAVED. The lives of thousands of [horses have been saved during the past year, and credit is` due to "Darley s Condition Pow- ders and Arabian Heave Remedy. This preparation is being extensively used, and ex- acts from all the highest praise. Nothing of the kind has ever before been half so success- ful or iiven such "universal satisfaction ; it cannot e equalled. '0 can condently re- commend it, and would advise all who own horses to keap a supply of it on 4h`and--it may be the means of saving your horse : life. Re- member the name and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. North- rop & Lyman, Toronto, Ont., Proprietors for Canada. Sold by all medicine Dealers. THE HEATED TERM-LO0K 0UT.--])o.\'"r SIT 0): THE GP.ASS.-The, most stubborn case of Dysentery which is nothing more nor less than inammation of the rectum, produced not unfrequently by sittingon the_grs.ss---1n_ay beicnred by that most elcient cathartic, Cas- tor Oil, Its soothing and healing properties are wonderful, but its nausea. ting effects make it impossible for the patient to retain it. To Scott&Bownc, the pilblic are indebted for an Emulsion of Castor Oil that is not only palatable, but is pronounced by thousands who are using it, absolutely aareeable to the palate. No family can atforll to be without it through the lieated term. Price 25 cents. * _ 35-1 m. unappcu nancls, unuma.,1ns, Uorns, and all kinds of skin Eruptions. This Salve is guaran- teed to give perfect satisfaction in every case or money refunded. Price 25 Cents per Box. For Sale By W. `T. `Georgen, Barrie. > 41-tfV av uAuu_uu nun _ 110011. = 3.0-tdlrs ana"sohoo1.~aea' Locke. ` Northern and Ndfthtjvestdrn Railways. Mortgage sue -Bethu!i, Moss, ac , &c. - 5019 of~Timbor Limits.-W. T. Robinson. . - The Best'Snlve in the world for Cuts, `Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tether, Chappcd Hands, Chilblains, Coins, and all kinds of skin E1-untinmz. Tlnis Ralvn in (inn:-nu. A C_.~\l:u.-'I`o all who are sulfcring from the errors zuul uxdxscretions of youth, nervous \\'e:1knc:-zs, early decay,` loss of mtmhnod, &c.. .I will send a. receipt that will cu1ey0u,1*`REE OF G}I:\I{(`-E. . 1'his_ great remedy was dis- covcrcdlnyzi missionary in South America. Senda self-mldressecl envelope to the REV. JOSI-2I lI '1`. 1:~'.\tA:i', Station D, New York City. ' ' 'l`lr=,1'c is no form of pl1_ysicalw;t3t:_3 and pros tr:1tenlvit:\l1ty, that :1 bountiful use of the Emulsion, will not cluxuge.-to.glow1ng health and full life and vigor, and then it is not a. diszigrecxtble mcalicinc, but the most delightful kind of fund. ..,u. Fm: the purest brands of tobacco and cxgars and the most, extensive. ass0rt~mcnt of smok- crs sundries, call on E. Bcthcl, Duulop-st., aljoixiing .\lcCarthy`s block. He is the only exclusive dealer in tobacco in town, and sell: cheap. - lUlI bL'ULlUH. LVU U, U llllll-`5 Ill LIIU '3. ; AN`) U, $425; No 7, 3350,` L l) 3, 81500; No 9, $351); No 10, $330 ; No [1, $321) ; No 13; 3200; Union sccti(>11N<) 1-1, $300; No 15, S220. Acce1111ts1m.ssed :-.-1\Im'my &. Beaten, prin- ting and :u1\'ertising, $39 ; I'Iuntei' & Tud- hope, 1ette1` book, 5f)c.; Clerk,` drzuvixig lease for portion of I`mvn Hull groumls, $1.50: re_1uo\'ing` timber, tmvn line Ore and Ori11i:1,nt,1ut 1.3. we. The pctiiiun of John Wa.lke1' and others, laid uver frmn :1. f<>1'mc1' meeting was taken up. On 1110- tion uf Mr." Ross, seconded by M1`. L-vii, John Wuliier to be allowed tU,(ICCi1]Iy that portion of the devizitinn of the Tnwn line, .010 and l\Ied<.>11te, at lot 1, con. 6, 01-0, on the East side of his buildings, till .9216]: time as it may he l'c(1llil'U(i. by the Cnuncil, " on condition, that the road which he has opened on the West side of-his building on "said Int, bekept upon the full width for , public tr:u`el. On motion of Mr. Lott, se- . cr-nded by i\[1-. MeI{eni1o.-ll,- O1-dered, that a rate of one cent in the dullur be levied on _all I`.'1i{l.i)iL` pmpeity in the Tmvnship, to meet the County expenses, Gc-ne1`L'1lschnnI, mid lncnl rate for the c'nrren't yam`. Mr. Ross, s-cc-nulegl by Mr .-Vddismi. ilit1`();il1CC\i zihy-l-luv to levy and collect l.he`.tuxes, which was mlnptml. .-Xjuurnrcd in 13th October next, at 10 xfclock _-\..\l. I Ccmxvrr. 1 no('I:I-:x,>1_\':..--Co:mcil met {m the 25th ult-. l re;se11t, all the members. Conm1unic.'Ltim1 from Prcsi-.lcnt nf Ontario Agx'icultu1`:\.l College, in 1'egz11`d to :ulu1i.~s- sion' of pupils. A1)pllC.".fixm of l`ich;u'd Rue, 1'e that his son Jpsepll} who has been` for some time past sulferilxg from p:u'zLlysis, may he sent to the Toronto Gen- eral Hospital ; the Reeve was mxtlxorised to take such steps as he considered necessary in tlll In-IH'(>I'. rplin nln1'l: qnlnniH'n:1 uuxu aucu BLUPD iL.`:' HU CUllb'lUC1'CU llUU\.'5Si|.l'y 1n the` ll1:l.i.lC1'. The Clerk submitted amounts received from license fund, East Siu1cue- : l)1Ll(l1lC0 for the your 1378, $5153 ; ` appo1't.io1i1uent for 1879, _$l52:18. Appli- c:Lti0n- from Sul1QOl Trustees to levy "and C()llC(:i3.S1)Ccl:l.lSCl100l rates for the current year: In selmnl section N0 1, S-150: Un- ion section No 2,8 mills in the (lollzw; seetiu11No35, mills in the S, on 01111211- iseal ussessiuent ; Union section N0 4, 8:1, mills in the S on assessed` \':1lu:1ti0n ; Un- ion sectien No 5, mills in the ; No (3, Q1-)7`. '7 C-'I.':n- \T.. Q Qnnu. `.\T..- n er).-_:.. objection, yet he nevertheless felt it to be such an important matter as to demand the most careful consideration before replyingto the letter. The matters undereompleint might have been set forth "at greater length,_ _ and Mr. Cumberla.nd s own promises hsto running a double track from Allandale into ' L Barrie, in. the eventof the Hamilton track being taken up, quoted against Mr. Cum- berla.nd s letter stating the impossibility of running a greater number ofltrains in than , at present. Mr. Ross contended that Mr. Cumberla.nd s questions were briey but pointedly replied to, and he could see no utility in arguing the nmtter at greater length. In committee of the. whole the matter was still further discussed, Mr. Harrison expressing `himself as agreeing with the Reeve as to the terms of the reply, but he would have no objection to the sub- ject being considered for a. greater length of time. Mr. Macnal) also expressed him- self favorable. to the report and could see no use in longer delaying an a.nswer ; the report was a. straightfoiwzird reply to which no one could fairly take unibrage. The re-' port was nally adopted mam. con. and the clerk instructed to forward an answer to Mr. Cumberland embodying the sub- stance of it. ' nuts n :11 LZlI\L'll L'~ill'U 01 Dy L\l.l'S. uH)11CS. C:_tth:i1'ine Rribinson, E11311 Smith and John Jnm-3 also tcstilicdf 1'espoctin;_; the condilion of the ch'il1. The jury returned a. verdict thn.t- death -\v:v..~4 ocoasiuzxod by (.'l.l'l'l|n"I.. UL`~l\ Ul.l LHU 1UJ.lU\\ll|` U\'lu.UllL'U I l\vIA1u:A1u~1r STHWA 111', sworn -I reside in Barrie. I am the mother of the deceased child. It was lmrn on the 28th of March last, and was a.1ways healthy. Mrs. -Rol)in- son took care of it for three nionths mid Mrs. Jones has taken care of it three weeks to-inorrow. I took it from Mrs.Rol)inson because she said she could not-a.'ord to keep it. Mrs. Jones agreed to take it for one month. It did not look so well after I. took it mmy from Mrs. Robinson as it did when I took it to her. It seemed to im- prove after `Mrs. Jones had it a. week, and appeared well until Friday night Inst when it took sick. Mrs. Jones sent for me on Sn.Lnrdn_v morning lost and- whcn'I zirrived I feund.the child dead. I thinl: the child \v:1s; well taken care of by Mrs. Jones. `;.`l.lll111`lH(`5 R(il)lIlRr\11 Flllnn Kunitln nnal - -._. _,-... -aunu a VI wt. Hollownyh Pills and Ointment. ` nnJ" IVL-.nIa_n- `AL-- I