Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Northern Advance, 21 Aug 1879, p. 3

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1 : u'riu . .'\Il:v.u:1.Llc _ . icL.:ri:n.. . |hr)rut_\)11 . U mkstmvu. I . .,.+.\.. D8110. 8 381K` 8(l(1l'B8l9I1 GIIVBIOPG I30 IEIIB nu V. Josnru T. Imus, Station D, New York City. ' . zx Manvnnnovs TB.ANSFORMA'l`ION.'-Phy3i-'- cians as a. general thing are slow toncoept any change in medicine or any new remedy. But 2 with remarkable unn.niinitv'thev hnie receiv- cnange l IIIOQICIBG OI` any IIBW remeuy. Dllli with remarkable un umtyithey have 'ed and endorsed e7'Pa1stab1e Castor Oil manufactured by Scott & Bowne. They re- scribe it for all ages and conditions, t especially for children. The tmnsformation of the most estimable pathetic known from being the most naus`e'ons,to the mag: palatable of medicinesis the gt-e`ites't' blessing -that has been conferred onvth"e"ae;` Price 7 only 25] cents per bottle. 29-lini _. V U! Untuv covered by U..-.I .. tun,` TEACHERS. READING c|.As's_. _BUQKl.lN'8 AnuIdA- SALVEI ,3 'nzx.An_`q IO`-_1fo'wN AND cox}xirx.: 1 mruv , P'nso_IALs. .... -V... .._.-. 5...-n we-on -.-...>...-. o ibyh missionary 1n .`out`l'1'WAmerica. self-addressed envelope to the Rnv. r 'I`. Imus- Station D. New York }3iE1 Names. Auuvuaa II! saw an... --.__-. -Fo_r `being drunk and disorderly on Mon- day night, a young man named Tom. Mahoney was ned $7.50 at the police court on Tues-. day morning. This was the only arrest made hv the nollcc from the beginning of the re- MARRIED n1_|=m. (Signd.) "Phnmen ' `IKE U01W3UllI l'IVE`!l UN LY Q-OPE. -'\' 8111], EU ir:ioit5`1'seop1a;.whse fsilingpr in my my out of order, Oil as a medicine, 18 the Infant`: disgnstin 1. and (liicnlt to take. Few -stomachs o- not re'voltiat. the more thought of Castor or Cod Liver Oil, yet, when those` apnlling symptoms of decay appear, wlxiclrfp and patiente alike know are unerring signs of greater waste of blood and tissue than the nutritive powers are supply- snd effective remedy in the world. But. re- pugnauce to its tasteand odor, reduces the ner- vons pn.tient- to despair. It is then that friends and doctor can do him` the most. in- estimable kindness he ` has ever known, by * `telling him of Sc6tt s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil` -with the Hypophoaphites of Lime aimd Sods; truthfully assuring him of its en- tire m from unpleasant smell or odor ; `or it nuirvellous qnshties as `a nntrient,`a.nd the miraoles it works, `in giving tone and energy to the stomach, nerve and brain '29 mg, Cod Liver Oil is the moat trustworthy The and climax of success is at last achi- eved. e poor rejoice, the sickarise and walk, the rich bask in the golden sunshine of erfect-health.` The physical InlBt.l'l68 of the union frame need no longer be endured. Du. Kmo s CAL!-`0R\`IA Gonomw Courouun, for Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache. Coming up of Food, Jaundice, Liver Com, plaint, Biliousncss, General Debility, Drow-A siness and" Low Spirits. This wonderfu- remedy will pusilivclly cure, and that where every remedy has failed. To prove that this wonderful remedy will do all we claim for it you are presented with 3 trial bottle free- or cost, by which you will readily prceive its wonderful curative qualities, and which wili show you what a regular one dollar size bottle will :10. For sale bv W. ,C. McLean, Barrie.- norm: TORMESTED by the many disagree- able sensations produced by dyspepsia, or are thin, nervous and weak, should use the stan- dard tonic--Northrop & Lymnn s, Quinine Wine. They will find it agreeable and bene- cinl. It enriches the blood by aiding digest- `ion and assimilation ; soothes and invigorates the nervous system, and imparts a. healthful appetite. When used as a remedy for bilious and intermittent fever, it produces the hap- piest results, if taken between the attacks. Convalescence is hastened, and untimely de- cay of the physique and constitution is arrest- edby it. The spirituous constituent sherry wine, is of the best quality, and the aromatics combined with it, renders its avor addition- ally pleasant. They who use it gain esh as well as strength, and it exerts a. cheering in- uence upon the mind. -It promotes. a heal- thy secretion and ow of bile, sound repose and regularity in the action of the bowels. If judiciously used it may be taken. without agprehension of any ill result by persons `of t 3 most delicate fconstitution. A -fair trial 3. )pr8nen'.-non UL i.|-Lly All rcauua Dy IJCKHULIS U1 t 3 most delicate constitution. A `fair is all that is needed to_ prove the genuineness of its claims to public condence, and to the truth of the general verdict in its behalf. N3 article of- its class commends itself so strong- ly to nervous invalids who require building up-nono is so well adapted to fortify the sys- tem against the (inn ers which threaten the ldebilitatcd. It shou cl not be mistaken for a mere stimulant of appetite. which many so- called tonics simply are. It so regulates the stomach that it is enabled to perform its var- ious functions with regularity and vigor, and its action is not only thorough but prompt. Ask forthe Quinine \Vine of Northrop & Lym in. Sold by all dxuggists. ~ .I\IITCEL.LS Bl-`.LLAD()\'.\'A IMPROVED INDIA Runmcu Bonoua PLAs'n:1:.-'1`here never has been-a Lime whcnlhe healing of 50 man differ- ent diseases has been caused by youtwar appli- ca.ti0n_n.s the Dresent. It is'u.u undisnutcd tact diseases has been caused outward appli- present. undisautcd that V over half of the entire popula on of the globe to the use of ordinary plasters. The prin- cipal ingredients used in making these Plasters are Gum Olibanum-or better known as the Frankincense-Ilubber, and Burgundy Pitch` whieh. when scientically compounded. isf ull of electricity, and when combined with the pure medicinal gums. is found to be one of the great- est healing mediums ever brought beforethc hu- man race. They are acknowledged by all who have used them to not quicker than any other Plasters they ever before tried, and` that one of these Plasters will domore real service than a hundred of theordinar ' kind. All other Plusters are slow or action, an require to be worn con- tilllltllgf to effecta cure; but with these it is en- tir_e_ly ift`erent- the instant one is applied the patient will feel its cifect. They possess all the soothin .wa.rmin . su porting andstrengthen: ing qua `ties of al ot ier Plusters. `Many who have been relieved of RIIEUMATISM. TIC- ~ D LOREUX. and various other pains in the K NEYS, BIl.EAS"l` or SIDE. and believe it is snlulv drmn hr the nlnretrirml nmilitinsx rhinh the 1u'vN14.`Xb', u1u:;AL~i'1` slum. and believe It 13 solely done by the electrical qualities which the Porous Plasters contain. and which is imparted to the system. thus restoring them to 9. health?` condition. fl`hey are very soft, and pliable, sti I very adhesive: and 9. sure cure for WEAK BACKS PAINS IN THE SIDE AND BREAST: and are invaluable to those who have n. COLD of Ion standing, and often revcnt CONSUMP- 'l`I N. 9 .ne even tell us t xey believe theywcrc entirely nd bigthe use of them of 2:. Ion -seated Consum; _')l'|.' re ared b GEORGE .19. MIT CHELL. Lowell s. So d bv all Druzxists. day morning. Tins me omy arrcuu uusuu by the polxcc gatta up to that lgime. `cc 1 ,, _ ..-....:.....1 I`.-....u `Lav 'I`np-nah. has? IT- I.\' THE STABLE. -Resf;iv'e' horses often injure themselves in their stalls, or, getting loose, injure another. All horse owners surgeons, and cattle doctors admit that Arnica and Oil Linixnent is_ the best _ external appli- cation for the wounds. swelling of the fetlnnks 3111.1 U11 1411111116110 l3_ U116 U833 _CXl7e1'.I131 appu- cation for the wounds, swelling of the fetlocks stringhalt, and all contrabtions of; the- liga- ments and tendons which cause lameness in a horse. Applied early to cases of Blood Spavin if never fzuls to relive the soreness and swell- lnn nnl1I'F f:1n'nnrr111v- -:n'n1;n:1 nfhan 1\v-;nrvu II IIUVUF [EH15 E0 TBHVB Elle soreness anu 3WCl1' mg, and if throughly- apphed often _brmgs about a posxtwe cure. Pr1c--25 and 50 Cents Per Bottle. V Tr;U'm Is STE.-\1\'GER THAN F1cno.\'.-But it is an established Truth that Baxter's M an- drake Bitters are the best purgative and Liver Regulator ever blacetl before the Canadian people, They are purely vegetable, contain no mineral nor mercury, but are composed of Nature's purest and best remedies. Are you suffering from any disease that follows a torpid liver, such as J aundice, Dyspepsia, Billions Diseases, Foul Stomach, Costiveness, or VVeakness? These Bitliers will do you good. Price 25` Cents. l BUILDING`: The subscriber whilst: Ex anktul for the libero. patronage given in the past. respectfully so- , {cite a. continuance of the game, and begs to state that hxs -FOR SALE? `N1zVn71EiB' ixifz-E 1i66iziz -rrmouav SAVED IS M_0NEY ennnsn.-at ms, E0l;.'|E'l'l_l:E'"&:~P0V|S|0NS} .. 2;. -_ __:-_ Cannot be besteh eithiar for quality or price. He` deals in the Best Markets, and cannot. be r undo:-sold by any house in town. '!`he['sulmml !{isk_ Inielaralncsg Co. As much as is his hands On. bought, and the market price paid. THE NEW BRICK STORE, NORTH SID or DUNLOP STREET. nRA1GHURST CHEAP STORE. .An;;l-<.)'h--ar-_o_>E3-lie1:t in a_F-irst-ciass .Gener_al Store. heap for Cash. The public in mv neighborhood will `nd it to than ad- uenerax bwre. uneap xor uasn. 1.116 uoua in_my'nei hborhood find vantage inspect my stock and compare price; before purcl_1nsing elsewhere. Inll ACAIAQI UE_B _m.s :- -1.'ne Iylqerslgnea wlanea w 1_u- form you that he has .al;a.rte'd manufacturing all kinds of Silver, arid Oroide Plated Harness -'1`.-immimn hrinh ma" 'l`en-etts. Hnmea. Hooks. fin kmds of 5%;/ler, aria uroxuelanea clnurnlegs ` _' ' an ` .asl erretts mes oo .Bis, Bncl ' `P tin , and having many years experience in v3_'91_-Vk and other States, I am not afraid warrant my work both as regards workman- - d,durs!)ili1fy, first-class in every par- ; -ifanrrisge:-Iron` Plated or: tile shortest ' K at ., `vs satisfaction. `"" JAMT LEADEN _ - ' F..lisab_eth,-st., Ont ~ t.; : `.22-Iv es, set. Gold and Silver Electro-' THOMAS Lanuox. New and carefully selected stock of _ `DEX E0003. GHIIBEHIES. CREE KERY ' nnn'N' AND RFTHIER _ Tun Coxunxrrxvnc ONLY Horn. -Veri1y,_t0 I ninfnl>."'i\'onn1n ivhiun -vnhanm AI-A" fnina (or m ,_ano'o:mEs AND Pwliglillos r\ A r\'/'\/\/'\/\ /\ /\ llvlulul u.u nu - u..._, . . ._.-f .. ._,_ ,` ,m\,1;,1,31 um. Capital, .=5u,o3o,ooo. For Vire Business Only. . . our ..nnn'2nnI, Azzonl. \_lALUABLE BARRIE. A :.`w Do ggrggawwmmn Hotel. .Nm'r.b 1ach._17E ` pm snag a. -'l`he undersigned wishes to in- `.......`m-... 15.4., In kn` `nl:'n-h-A mnnnfsmturimr V SITE II I UWUU. QIIWUBIIIBVQ UIIUU ll BOOTS AND SHOES, "n-nA1yv-nuns cnoruma, ,, ,1, 1__,,L OTICE T0 CARRIAGE-T AND `L ngnlfmss MAKERS. BETTER -r :-um con. 0 rAnMI:1zs-917nonUcn, If you don't and need INDIGO`.01` 3 other Dye Stuffs godi-rect to .` rmnnr:1`.\" DRIN`. STORE. .May, 1373. ' That well known and eli iblo Building Site, situated on em- penfeldt Hill. in the prosperous Town of Barrio. is otfered for Sale at a. Bargain. `- The nronerty comnrxses 20 at Bargain. ` property comprises 20 } acres. more or less; and is one of the most ta.vora.b1y.sltun.ted lots in town, commanding as it does, the finest and most delightful View of the surroundin country` and the glorious Bay of {empen- 5 feldt of. any to an -m this sec- tion. As 9. s te orvt e erection of - 9. Summer Residence in u. roman- tic and healthy locnlty, this pro- pertyis unsurpassed. 1:..- ....-4:....1...... .....a.. .'.; rn.... `l :5 EH Ew A N. `I 0'10 Ac 1.. , [IVA v; pa -u...u.,---luv-. For pm-ticulurs apply tilt Tmc ADVANCE 0l_l1ce, Barrie, or to `ltrunq A nvrrr nnmrixv M 22-tf. nun.-4 vauvy, uu-nu, nu no MRS. "A. 1~`ULL.m'ro'N. HARRIl<`._ I"_( N. -Children": Pictures taken instantane- gnualy. uul guaranteed the finest finish in the Im. V V ENQWPOBTBAITS} Hy !)llr|'lII$HIII.'.', mu, uuuv-. \r|A ._, .. (}EORGEN'S'DRU(} STORE An well as all kinds of Chemicals, Toilet A rticles, Hand NIirrors,'Combs, Brushes, Medicines, Lamps,` Chimneys, Coal Oil, Macbme Oil, late. 6 Cakes I-`me Toilet Soap, 25 cts. 8 Comb: ..... ..... . 10 2 Boules`PeI-lume 16 -15,`! 1:.` ..r ;..NEw 2hE'1`ZEI~OD! ;k6stlea:xtiiuUy- necfed our Chicago 3 Bsckgrouuds, rgpresenting ' Everything New introduced in this Gallery. And go nolwheroelse if you want good ;voi`k. JOHN STEPHENS ` HE GREAT CAUSE OF HUM: T MISERY. . ' We have recently Published a new edition of DR. Cunvrzawam. 3 Cnnannnzn Esuv on the rmlic lanl permanmt cure (without medi. cine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physi- cal Incapacity, Impedimenta to Marriage, etc., resulting from excesses. 'Pnce. in envelope. only 6 cents. resumng Irom excesses. 'Pnce, envelope, only cents, or two postage stamps. > Thn nnlehrntnd author. in this ndmimhle two Dosmge suampa. The celebrated author, in this admirable Essav,clearly .dexuonst1-ates, fmm thirty years successful ractice, that alarming consequen- ces may we radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the ap- plication of thelknife ; pointing out a mode of care at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every suerer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply,, privately and radically. - n:i l`hin Lecture should be in the hands The undersigned has the sole agency in Barrie for the cneap1y,, pnvately anu rulucauy. Ei"This Lecture should in the hands every youth `and every man in the land. Address ' V The Culverwell Medical Co.. v 41 Ann.St., New York. Post Ofce Box 4586. - 3-ly COAL OIL FOR THE MILLION. BY um BAnnmIffIi mm mu: Hntthertt |sILvEz sun am 0F%c0I_tu'l|LI _ The best 011 ever offered to the giublic, Lower than can be Bouzht in Toronto. Orrosmc Qx1:tn's Bonn, Bumxx. Au gust 29th, 1877. _' 35-3m The Lessccs of the Bzxrrgie Gas \Vbrks beg to announce that they have on -hand an excel- lent assortment of Of every description, chaste and elegant de- si(;I:,rns, CHEAPER than thv can be purchas- e iu any other town" in Canada. .They will- also undertake the Piping of At such rates as to defy competition. In` tending consumers will do well to give the. T.m:m=.9n an nvmortunitv of tendering for their GaZs Fglzctures tenumg consumers wlu uu wen no give um. Lessees an opportunity of tendering for work before makingtlleir contract. All orders W111 receive prompt attention. V V Manager.` PL O. Box 251. Residence, Poyuts-st., North old Commercial Hotel. ` Barrie, Dec 10, 1878. _ 50-ly- GAS! egg: L 4|M|"- ORTAl:1_' NOTICE. Iuulnv. x/uuuuuun,-ub uu uuvuuo-J nu... -- l`hc schooner L'0ufIIi`hmg, of Raina, was in port Monday; - . -Pa.ris green is the fasluionable poison among suicides. A ......1. .u,.'.. --._..;:..; ......n ..m....1 1-n 2 Young Horses, 2 Second-Hand Plnzetom, I New Phaeton, 2 Covered Carriages, Several open Buggies, 4 Democrat Wagons, Double and Single. ! . 18 tf This 00.. gives away a Handsome Book with every 3 lbs. of Tea. Sold in; lb. packages. 3,800 agents in Great Britain. Full pa.rt1cu- lars `from {`!T.`f\ KIKKYRY V |L|-QUOR TEA co.,] 1 7[4`7I`l .TS T-O_L-ASS OPENING `TO L COUNTRY sronn-Knnnnns Garnet Ear-I-lugs and Sula, Gold and SlIV0l' Wu1clI0.l, _ chains, Gem Rings, ls`.ltI"o-`Plano. Toys, 050., Spectacles, `V Children : slelgm and Carriages. STEPHENS ROOMS !i ORDERS SO LIOITEI). W.` B. GAPON, n-__--_.. A ..... 9.. `linnhnu Davin!!! IL. 8. & 0. Li SANDERS, l'|`0 THE I'/I`tI+<:%x=Tmamwlmcsmm: Mxssns. Sownox, Fons & 00., Millbrook, have opened an agency for the ule of their - A manufacture: in Barrie. -up-an-.' --;-you-go -u--vs--u;`_.. 1V.LJ.Vo UKJIXLV .l.JLJ.L|I.I.\IL`, Agent, will be `on the market every market day to show samples and take orders. Imple- ments mnv be seen on. . uuy no snow sampnaa um mxe oruers. unple- ments may be seen on` Coll-ie1j-st., adjoining Mr. P. Kearifs Store. -Barrie, April 30, 1879. * 17.-ly 14 . . --.- . Ahd f ' ' F t I: - mB.m~~:.%n*gi::"rm*mP2;p...'... 's `Gould's, o'ppout`e;the Wesleynn Metho- d15_t:Ch|1I,'ch. V . I .. " 80.-"it. FARMERS _o_I= SIMCOE. `Tino_ Dom: West Barrie Hot HOUSES. sranzs cnlrcuis ac. Eaii1ii{"izii'i%iiixIts 2] Mmuns. Snwnmr. Fang & 0a.. Millbmnlx. Ll-I GI!-RIDING, ssow-noun. ` snow-snoama. = Tonoaanrmn, sun-ma, uuwvu-nu way can MR; "5531-IN BEKTON, xnnnl-. Inn] `run -1-: flag Inn!-Ira`! awn:-It Inns-Ina` IIALVU Al GEoa(;E7'bnUG sroan: \_J H\3I.4U\Vl| . . . ` - -:ct0,:1. . . . .. .- TnI`4_tl)llh`.).lll7. . . . H.:._)r-. ;z.*t')\v~:1.. ..`, K `. - l{ . ...i 1 30 mu 50121 M. }'}.\:p1-cam A,\l_ JUST -AYRIVED! ' ESSONS IN FRENCH, IQR SAL-"E ACHEA P, To fake up Lbcal Agencies for the The ce1>ebru.tedTmann_fncture r| of PRODUCED BY A!` INTIRILY OF LONDON, ' ENG. :1: Bo sure . and- nd w. 3. CAPON. GEO. MANN, , Dom`. Gen. Agent, 295 Yonge-st., Toronto -The expleits of steam thresher are re- corded on the fourth page. > ----The Presbyterian Church excursion on Friday proved enjoyable and a. success. mL.. 1)......:,. ,-...:,.1.,.; 4.-.... ....':;. +,.....1.....+ W. LITTLEHALES, A Opposite >Queen s H'>tel Without exception this Spring Bed is the beat on the continent of America. It has taken x-It prize: in the United States and was the most` highly recommended at the Provincial Ex- hibitxon last year at Toronto I r is In all oalds the most perfect Spring Bed in use. Aside from the ingenious": orrangemhut of its mechanism and its strength nnd durability, it is charmiwglysimplein it: con ctrlicmuli and well calculated to give perfect repose. PRICE, 0% IaY'O3.50; end can he unnlu to tit any size bedstead. The public are respectfully in- vihsd in examine fur themselves. Lwould runwny `annclmnce to the iuh.:biti:uta of Barrie and surrounding `country that he - has mmmem-ed the manufacture ot Ir.` lal $6.80; Illll can uc lllill inked to examine for themselves. |B<><)'m SH()l+1 j ?sH0I:s AT THE `)`;lKn%| HOUSE, ----' -~ Inn van unnnnyr I uluun -"-' '- "-"' """' """""""' ' ' four of the lending houses in the Dominion, and will be sold at such prices as {to dufy any attempt at competition by any house in Barrie. l.3"`'-'V 93"?` "`.' - 137!` Q 1: lint onWh - olenlo Stock purchued from the Auignee; also n Retail Bankrupt Stock. b The goods from thoAWholo Stock being all Staples will be sold vw-av.vr-...---_, V _ _ --There is an uu fo_x-tunate woman in 2.10], named McCul10_ch, wxfe of a Parry Sound blacksmith, waiting'for admission into the |NBX1'l|lIlll km or ElLlB: nyg; mm 2] [AT 75-%CENTS% ON THE DOLLAR 1| In `other wordl,`2 cents will be deducted frommeach dollar : worth purchased. 7 . no 7 _ a+MA121rED` %11v PLAIN F1GURES,__a ,:-v So tint Enycrn can see this arrangement Totnt to the letter. The` Rots Stock win be . . _ ` . 1 Asithelo Prieoh up sure to eoca 1 IDRY G00l)S!l W. H. MYERS i Eaztac-1k'1'_.'sr :E:2LLF PRICE 2 _.--_-__.0-_--_-___ V _s1;n or the BIGJBOOT. This is not on) uuxnupr stock but cool: NEW GOOD _._IL1,_I,, -n 1' I1 L , ie, Aug. 1ssS,1s7.9. AIIOMEOPA 1"}1}lm 12V1`;1\1EDIES 3E?fSw] I N ABE D s La NEXT `DOOR TC) MR. B. HINDS, DUNLOP-ST., BARBIE. GREAT `CLEARING SALE or-' WED./w;sn.r1 Y, AUG (rs 1 6th, a'<:> _n apt I-"'a te:n:t spring. Bea : ' ON BAYF'I ELD smmm, OPPOSITE MDONALD S BAKERY. --G R E A T s A LE`--- - BANKRUPT STOCKS The undersigned has just received two Bankrupt Stocks of Boots and Shoes which, with the balance of his late stock, he in 3nnf.ruM'5r1 fn D0053 8110. DRUGS is instructed to_ uv vvu-~. \4v- Ivuvvn ssXsouAm"LIus, --Warmer. `-l res(:i`\'e peaches. .I{e1`lttcr days over. ' -Fifteen prisoners in gaul. -Do you owe for your paper ? The camping-out mania has not abated. --'I`he rain held off n-iccly (hiring the re- gatta. . A ...nn1- nf nu-L-Lv..l> L-an lmnn nu-rnnnni] fur in DISPOSE OF WITHIN ` `rut-' N Thev Willbe offered much BELOW THE USUAL COST PRIGE. Boots Shoes 29 ly- The Combined Stockx make-up a splendid `assortment of uunnnllnnlr Illlll _._,I -_ LL-.. vv. I-I. HOUSE, @`ALL GOODS MARKED PLAIN FIGURES Vc; HAFENBRAGK, )0 30 B110 Illuluillli OK .Dlll'I.'l8 81111 311 -has commenced the manufacture of MUST BE SOLD -The trimming tho shao trees on Ross at. A recewed was needed. |DUNLOP STREET WEST, BARBIE. `, is noted for his SQUARE D}z\I.lN('} and his LOW i RI(`?I`I.\'. SAL'H3 OF t ' K leu-an ill To "ofu.L."An|.. -COMMENCING ONL- ',,.:'1' .1.'._. HENRY MAQKLIN; = .D9alerinBanh_rurt;foks-. THE NEXT 3, and as th; ' :,.'*'*"..;..::-..`.'*;;&""" to! these Goods wouig- ao _OF ._ uanuu nu-s.u nu u nun. mun u slnvvhauu J J -The Barrie cricket team on its tour bent Meaford and were beaten by Owen Sound. -The P. M. Church S. S. excursion takes place on Wednesday next to Couchiching Park. V -Kobt. McMurray.. an Om fa.x;me1 af middle age, has been committed to gaol, for the third time, as a. lunatic. \:_ rn m..._4.......,1 :. L...m:.-m. `L'.`A.1 . m-(ml: w. H. MYERS, AGENT, 69 DAYS. c. in. nAFnNnnAcK- VGOODS Ixlyzmlxfachlrul by BOOTS 33-3mos ..',a.'::i':.`.'.*:,.:.::=:." "=- [ I:V%52;>c12eqa2=m;?N& Gm -__. ..... -......__ --=--1--~. LIFE A1`u_>kinm:. T INVESTED FUNDS .. - - - _ FUNDS lxvzswmnm CAND A - W331 Hm-.uI-ltv P1-n'mn|-.`PAv1'nant_ and T.ihm-n1Io- 3..', I18 15 luuuuu. . -Mr. T. Shortrecd is tapping Kidd's creek by a drain to convey the water to his resi- dence on Toronto st. ~ ' -Juo. O Ma.ra. jr., ,will have to stay a. month in the Castle. for conducting himsclt obatreperously on the streets on |Tuesda.y. t,,,L_____L, __.-_.-.. _._ ......1 E URIIQ IL` VI:l9LI'JLIP*? `J4 Security. Prom ` 8 e the a.d1u3t.ment'o `ltagxm features of this Company. H...`-un uuaunialll nu _ CAN)Vi.i)A`!3u0ABD or nmzciolis : - Hon. Henry. Smrnea, Chairman: Thos. Cr.1m_ Do .-Chairman: Sir Alexander T. Gal` 0.1; G.; eodorcIIart,Esq.;ueo.Stephens,Esq. Insurances clfectcd at Moderate Rates of Pre- mium. Farm and Non-hazardous Risks n. Spe- olnlty. G. F. C. SMITH. JOSEPH ROGERS, Ics.~Sccy.. . Agent. Police Court. 12- . Montreal." Barrie LInnit':;1l(ixn,W (;ock{)ux:n -n;1d_ `.;(>:sg1;1- 3-Iq. lands, and I 1j.`LI 1Y S OUNB. The Popular Express lioute to Sault Ste. Marie and lntermc(1ia.tu Ports. The splendid- ly equi ped new Upper Cabin swift Steamers NORT l4.RNUUEEN.NORTHERNBELLE. iffxiu `1E5"zCvm1}`{>}:; L'"a.`b"i"{n sx${E `fx{} NOKT ILRIVQUEEIV,NOIKTHERNBELLE, H/,URII)\. () n.-wrvina I -Imv Ninimahn mails: (EELLINGWOOD, MEAFORD 5.- O\VEN SOUND, to A IVUIKI HEN QULLLV, [V UIKJIIDHLV DLLLD, WAUBUNO, carrying Her Majesty's mails, in connection with the Northern Railway and Hamilton-8: North-VVes;tcrn Railway, at Col- lingwood, and. the Toronto, Grey 6: Bruce Railway. at Owen Sound, leave Collingwood, Menford and Owen Sound, for Killarney, Manitowaning, Lit.`tIe Current, Laclochc.-, Mudge.Bay, Gore Bay, Spauish'Ri\'cr, (`ack- burn Island, Blind River, Thessalon Riwr, Bruce Mines, Hilton, Richards Dock, Garden River. and Sault Ste. .\Iarie, every VVEDYESDAY nl 1d7SA !`L'llDAY,` As follows, viz. :-C-ollingwood at 3.30 p.m., Meaford at 5:30, p.m., and Owen Sound at 9:30, p.m. Fine Steamers, (ioml Accommu dntion, Low Fares, No Rough Weather. `:\'.P.__.Sltm1ma=.rn 0:11] at :11] nlmvn mumnl (IZLCIOII, IJOVV FKITCS, ..`0 IKOUEH V` UIILIIUT. N.,B --Stcamers call at all above n:unc.l ports both up and down, with the exception of Spanish River, Blind River and 'l'l1cs:~w.lon River, at which only the'1ln.y steamer wiilcall going up and down, and Cockburn Island at which only the \\'o.-rlncstlay stczum-r will call up and down. __-_J _- _ V*t -A small gold ear-drop was lost on Satur- day evening on the railway track, to` the west of the oil house; The nder will oblige by leaving it at this ofce. ' ,- 1,,,,._I. _-..`l .Il.......1n.-In An Mun. Daily Mail Service betu-em Toronto and Parry Sound, via Callingwoozl and Pcnelunguialxc/u`. Leaving Parry Sound for Collingwuod every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 5 :1. m., returning on arrival of morning train from Toronto I A-.. LUFOIJFO. Leaving Parry Sound for Pcneta.nguislnc~nc, every Monday, \Vedncsday and Friday, at 7. a.m., returning on arrival of morning train from Toronto. (`Inna ...~.n......L!,...... ......`I.. L..>u~n..n [F0111 LUTOIICO. Close connections made hctwecn Stcxunc-r.~: and Northern and Haxniltam & .\'orth-VVestcrn iailsvay, Collingwoud, and Toronto, Grey & iruce Railway, Owen Sound. Rates Low. For freight and nassn'_'c. zumlv at 35 Yonc JJTUUU I\LlllV\'KLy, \J\VCXl -WUIIHU. l\HLt.`3 LAUW. freight passage, apply Yougc St:., Northern Railway, and '1'0r0nt0, (trey & Bruce Railway, Toronto ; llamilton &. North- Western oices, (opposite the lloyalHotel,)- and at the Station, Hamilton; )1. liobiuson 6: C0., Meaford; E. Todd, Owen Sound; \Vn'1. Beatty, 1 a.rry~Sound. and at the Oicc of the Georgian Bay 'l`musportiou Com any. on-the approach to the Steamboat barf, Collingwood. . ` ~ 19-6m ._ THOS. LONG, Sc-c y. Miss Morton having entered `into co-partnczn ahxp wxth Miss Jackson, and removed Sc new prenuses, Dvxnov STm:r.'r SoL'Tn,,01-1-os1n: Arm: B.-umu: HOTEL, begs to inform the publw of these facts and to state that she is zmw better than ever able to meet the requirements of her ilicreasing trade. The new lirm rc- sgccytfully ask a. call from ladies requiring an) - t ing in the line of ' Tozhe Ladies qf Barrie `and Vz'cznz'ty: MIEJLINERY, DRESS AND MAR - TLE MAKING. Barrie, October, 1878. SAULT STE. MARIE! mNcnpLEm%nJ, pm sq spoum . -I _:____.___:__ T_ in Il)llP.\;VY . u nun Ann I2`..- `Bogs to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and surrounding country tlmt he has commenced business in the above line, and by his long ex- perience of and practw-o~in the busincsa he hopes to be able to give c'ntix'c satisfaction tn all who patronize him. _ Ladies! I'D:-nun: zn mu; Q-uh. V..1....a ] ASTEl\TV0'D-!'V ;:&1`I;r ;\*@T. LA UOHLAN MTCDONALD, an wno pavronlze mm. _ Ladies Dresses in Silk, Satin, Velvet, Merinoes, &c., Dyed or Cleaned equal to new Gcn1lemen s Suits Dyed or Rc|xuvntul and nicely nished. Funther-9. Lam-.s|, ]TmhI-tr"-no: Run Rh-u.L... uuu Lllclfly uluxueu. Feathers, Laces, Umbrellas, Sun Shml.-.4. dyed all the newest colors and dressed. Kid Gloves Cleaned. All kinds of Household Drapery Cleaned or Dyed. (`in-nab. l`1.......`l...l.\u... u'...._u. n.._~ I... --`. .....-.... V.-.-..v-. III .,_,\.-.. i:IE_A"13'HI::R BEDS RENOVATED. AGENTS -TV-V'.AZN'TIED, Remember the place : OLD COMMERCIAL JIOTHL, B(.'ILI). INO, DUNL01 -ST., 1:.4s'r, 1:.-1 1:1:n.'. Registry Olce for Servants. Barrie, June 18, 1878. 16.1_y Largest. $951; & Cheapest Stock V of Furniture_ In this section of country, which, on inspec- ' tion, will prove to be the fact._ Remember the`p1aoe-,_the Brick Store. in Rear of the Market. !\AQvun~` ..____. .A_ ' ' the south half of Lot 26 in the 8th Con., Innial, 100 acres more or less. About 30acres cleared and fenced, soil is chiey clay loam. There are on the land a log house. log stable and $10 barn, also a. frame barn. well, reot house, aged, &c. About 00 `""~" well timber-ed. The property is `delightful!-Y situated on the shore efLuk-;g1"','; l`:):t"::l::` ' ` 1- ' :0 . mwmmmnmp mm \llIlIUIl\JIl III lI \)Ill Carpets, Crumbcloths, Hearth Rugs, &c., cleaned. Sheep Skins Cleaned or Dyed. `INTNAH-ll1*r_11\ 1x1-wlxn 1\vw\V.-x17: rnuwv_ Fire Business umy. \I.!3X. :Yl0R`H)W, Agent. imm0HEEN VINSURANCF`. no. rv .a nmu |'.. 9:19 nnn,0(m. ' - ............ .-.-..-_ _-- -- _ 11.41:,- g F u` .1 Pr m arty .3-11 Privfzte Dwellings. "-.'tpit-3.1, $60),00- _ . 1,0 qr via an .I W Azmnl. BEDROOM SETS. PARLOR saws, ` EXTENSION '1`.~\.BLES, WHATNOTS In this section of whi<;h, tion. will nmva to be H... r. |%FURNIIURI:: r,-_-v-_ -3.. K BammTIn0`6b. was .1" % Perfect satisfaction in all work guaranteed. PICTURES 'l`AKEN~ -Of his Plxotograplxs is Superior to any they have had tnkenyct. 47-Uxn\ `HOW IS IT *9 -ruyv--D_ _-.__.` ___"_ CAPITAL, - ,- - 131,750,000. OFI"I(`E-0lIl I . 0. `liuilding, Corner of Collier and Owen :S'tfeeIs. Em 1-zvmur nBscn1P'noN, PHOTO. GALLERY _ -STYLE AND FINISH- IABINET MAKING. Thai; so many pcopio now go to ' MiI:I~.Ti:Ii\rA.V c,u:D I' " if ,`. ~' ` riorlunotb. 1878.2. ~ * 2: iw-_ PHO'I%GRAPH|N:7 I.~:Sccy.. Mpntrcal. " Because they nd the 10.30 11,111., 2-.23 p.m., 1:40 p.m. Guing North from Ihrrie to Co1lingwoo~1:- 10.30 a..m., 2:25 p-m.,, 7:40 p_.m. Arriving from North (Oollingwood) at Bar- rie : 7:03 a.m., 10:57 a..m., 6:25 p.m. \ .\Il sKOK.-\ BRANCH. icing to (imvcnhurst from 'B:m'ic :--10z50, 2:50 p.m., 8.05 p.m.* ' A Arriving from Gruveuhurst. _at Barrie :- H-R-1.1 .'l m . 10:35 a._m.. and 6:001).m. CONSISTING Oi` V %ridi1'h}i"&Is"AE:'kF: "8. '4-1 -I y DAVID DOUGALL, ' Barrie. Ont. nan yuan. HWJIIJ Lent, and Liberallty in sex are the prominent. 1-ugu many terms of Eaymm V3.93? ` .. ' . ssnuua. --A week of cricket has been armngeil Barrie. Commencmg on Monday next. ` rnL- _,_1.-.._A- 1...... -9 0... ... I-nan .... ..,, ..........-_._ -1`. mad dog sen . newsless local balm. um. - --A horse belonging to Mr. J no. Galbraith, Tollendal, fell into a well in '_Mr. `J. G. Beattie s yard on Saturday. 'It was hauld out` uninjured. - , I ,,1 4. (1_L.._ /isj 'I`I-IURS`D_AY, 2\U.GUS'1` 21,` 1879. `Only goes to Orillia. +(_>.'11y come from Orilliu. - UIa)U ilulll. I'\rri'viu: at H.u'ric from l :x1ctz1uguishcm-.:r .a~I~\;\z- I," zI7fr`I3'iT>:Mi71I 11 A 10:30 a.m. 1 .~\rrn`1ng mom UX`il\'CI1l1llrsb _u.b Dzuuc; E9-6:45 n..m., 10:35 a.m., 6:00 p.m. .\'u1:'rn _.~`1w'ou I:l{:\.\``lI. Going from Barrio tn l uuctu.ngnisl1euc: .... ....2..| . :1 .~ L... If you Mai: t A`. 3.1;. [VI 1 R 23 .v' A ADVl"3. .<.v..- .._-~ ..-vv.,-,`..V-,~;--. ').f fnzllm, Ezlavllzlvl, Esbablisheri 17852. I \I4EX- 'I01IRO\vo -5""`I !EmheIIcv.e: w iuiue; .I.L.I vguu-...._. -.._--.,, ~ .GAPITAL.-$12,000,000. ALEX; MORKOIV, Agent ALI-:xMzAoI-m moiguariv} .'- Appraiser `for the _A A -- . up _ 3 ROUND TOWN DASHES. .umzu.nv Aixenl. BARRjCE, ' .\'l)R'l'll~\\'li-s'l`IiR.!I'R.\H.\V'A\'. J U.`T T0 HAISD AT ---.- C-\\OOI` -H-auniltou . Georgetown 'l`ottcul1mx1 7. Heston . . . ( I:mks_t0\\{n '1 horntou Victoria. -Allandzyle N liarrie . . . -. v--cu--.v - Also a` full ling U ._.___- ----A 1 to get MADDER go tn`; (:EORGEN S DRUG STORE. US EU u.l-LUUU vu c:E0n(:F.x's DRUG STORE. sensatinmxi .woul1 , afford ye aim llZ.')~l T 12:00 gh hm? I I'UU 8205 13 1-3 A BARRIE Coxrnm.-1->x:`s noon womc.-- Th_e Cookstown Ad:-mate accords the fol-_ lowing attering notice to a Barrie citizen, Mr. Robt. Serson':-~ The bridge over the Nottawasaga River on_thc townline be- tween the Township of Tecumseth and Wcst.Gwillimbury is completed and we are pleased to state thatihe bridge is one of the best structures of the kind in -the County. ; Both scienceand artistic skill "have been -displayed in its construction, and it is in reality in. model wo1'thy of imi~ tation by our mechanics. We are not ac- qnainted with the A1'chiteet,_ Mr. R. Serson, of Barrie, but we believe in gi\"ing honor to whom honor is due and we are ready to accord to him the honor `of being the best and most scientic bridge builder . in this county or any where else thatwc are acquainted with. - The Advocatds coni- 'pliments are by no means ' -undeserved. ' Not only i11 the case of this bridge, but in-other contracts of a like nature which -Mr. Scrson has undertaken, the work done under his supervision has been a model of beauty and stability. We are gladof this opportunityto say a good word for this gentleman, and we hope he will nd lots of work` in this vicinity on which to exer- cise his skill. ' Inlunoa our u-...--.-r-_ V FINE TOMATOES.-We were made the re- cipientlast week, at the hands of Mr. Frank Lally, of a basket of beautiful tomatoes, grown in his garden. They were large, nely formed, and nicely ti net}, and the Eflzgl of which they forms a, part was all 7 `ore relishable by reason of them. `A PU" on -rmsVQms:w's --One of the 'P"t" ` ` ho Mitchell Advbcakwas in &g0,.ar.'d thus _vr`itps in ' V ._ _ 9 ` '8; tted up a SP 11 3 Hotel . It 1". (furnished, the rates ~, I9 proprietor; obluumr. . `-id table is "alum 3` ~low,a.nd-- 1_'.: , 4a'a`.ble nrld . CANADA Tmsrms. - We are glad to notice that Town Inspector '-Blain is alive to his duty in the matter of the destruc-' tion of Canadian Thistles on the highways- withjn the _Corporation.- Last week he had men out armed with implements calculated to check the growth of these pests. They nnnnnr in have wielded their weanons well. W cnecx_ uw gruwul um uwuu puns. Luv appear to have wielded their weapons well, and the places which have been knowing thistles now know them no more---at least for this season. Av VALUABLE PU'BI.lCATION.-VV6 are pleased to place on our exchange list; the American Builder and Woodworker, pub- lished by C. D. Lakey, New York, and edited by Mr. F." T. Hodgson, 9. former Cdlingwood resident, and able journalist. The publications are devoted to those sub- jects which their names imply. They are replete with drawings, and contain in ad- dition interesting and "important reading on the various matters of which they treat. The price of each is $1.50, and a. mechanic- could not make a better investment of such a. sum -than by sending it for a year s sub- scription. Tm: LOCAL NEWSPAPER.--An exchange has the following piece of advice, to busi- uess men :--_-In all villages where anem- paper is published, every business man ought to advertise in it,`eveii if it is noth- ing more than a card-statiing his name and the line of business in whichhe is engaged. It helps to sustain the paper, imd lets pen- ple ate distmice kuo'v that the village is ull of business men,` The paper nds its way into thousands of places whei'e 1|. hand-bill cannot reach. A card in a paper is a. travelling signboard, :u1d`c:m be seen ` by the reader. Think of these tliiugs, and let your light shine. ' A SAD C.\sE.-At the police court on Saturday ni'orning, Kate. Finlay, `a young and innocent looking woman, was charged with having been drunk and incapable on Market street, the night before. The girl told His Worship, the Mayorithat she had been asked to drink while in a town gro- cery store, enquiring after a friend, and on her assenting had been given a glass of wine and whiskey. b'ubs'equent1y, while passing a hotel on her way from l{eiupen- feldt, she was called in and treated to sev- eral drinks, by a person whom she suppos- ed was the proprietor. After that she re- nieinbered nothing, till she wakened up in gaol. Constable Stevens, who tcok the girl to gaol, testified to having found her lying on the sidewalk on llluleaster st., about eight o elock in the evening, sur- rounded by a crowd.` Mr. \Vm.Jno'. Bell, of ()'ro, stated that tile young woman had been employed at his house for two months. She was scntto him from the Toronto Emi- gration Agency,` and had left to take a sit- uation in Barrie. His Worship expressed the sorrow he felt at seeing the prisoner in the position she was. Feeling, however, that she had been more sinned against than sinning, he discharged her, after first ascer- taining that she would be cared for by Mr. Bell till the Monday following, on which day she was to take another` situation. The girl has only been out from Scotland three months, is respectable looking, and only 23 years old. ' ' TouAro`Ia.`-'-'1'he_ tomato season has 'open.~ - ed, and this ' item` is apropos :`-- Tomato lovers will be glad to be mformed, oflieially, that their fav'6'cite vegethble contains ne1-' ther cancer nor cancer-producing matter. Cancers are com osed of animal nnatter, not vegetable, an therefore cannot be di-g rectJ y derived from the vegetable kingdom. COLTRTESIES DUE THE Pm:s:s'.-_We liavo to `acknowledge the receipt of an invitation to attend a. concert which takes place in_.the- Separate School houso, B:u'rie,pum1er the auspices of the St. Patrick s Benevolent Society, Friday, (to-morrow) evening. Of the local entertainments which take place in town, we are invited to perhaps one in twenty, but we may-add that we are never forgotten by` the society which gives us a. bid- onthis o_ccasion.. We believe our local coiitemporaries are in a. position to` say the smile on this subject. Whether it `Q f(`|1`fYDf.FIIl'l|DQQ inrlibrnnnn DY` i('YTll'II`!I`l'Ir|D lly IJHU Hil_lllU Ull ltlll 5llUJUU|I. VVIIUI/H.Ul' 1|: is forgetfulness, indifference, or ignorance of the c_ourtesies due the press, we are not prepared to saypositively. -The great majority of these local entertainnients, however, are worthy7 of, and their promoters expect, a notice in these col- umns. But the failure to receive a complimentary stands somewhat. in the way of it. It is scarcely to beexpecterl that a reporter will joyfully pay for the privilege of attending pic-nics, excursions,- concerts, soeials,_ and all those other affairs which the churches, societies, and local or- ganizations get up, just to write about it. As a matter of fact it is, in many instances, a considerable tax on both the time and pa- tience of a newspaper man to attend them . The least thing, therefore, that can be done is to send him a. compliinentary, and if he cannot himself be there, he will, most likely, send adeputy, or else make some enquiry so as to be` able to accord the, a'air a respectable notice. At any rate there,is more likelihood of his paying it attention in such a case than if he was passed by by those in charge of the tickets. V llllll. achc .. L1 .. uysauzvuu. _ , _ _ --The .h9.x'1dsom younz editor oftho Telegram, and ant-while. Sun skit man was up on a_ visit" to Barrie, Sunday anti Monday, enjoying a brief Tregpite from his journalistic labors. ' K * - - 1 an AI , \Y,__11_ uuuu uy uv -....- ...,.-. --We have received from the; Toronto News Company. a copy of a very neatly printed little volume of selections for auto- graph albums. This autograph album busi- ness has become so fashionable, that no well regulated family is without one. These selections ought to come in good as a. means of filling up autograph albums. ' ` _ ur_ _.-_..- L.;...:I.. :.L.. .... d _ ..____.__,___, -Our journalistic friend from the North who `was so anxious to have the Regatta- kept clear of Swindling American pro- fessionala, actually came down to see to the matter. "It is to be hoped he did not get swindld. V - -Capt. Collins, of_the schooner Foster, took a party of twenty around the lake re- cenhy, and was at the end of the cruise, presented with a. complimentary 'address in token of the appreciation of his courtesy and seamanslxip. ` According tonoticzttionfrom Mr. J. C. Morgm; i M.A._, P.S.I., twenty teachers appeared in Barrie on the morning of the 14th inst., to attend it reading class, which was held in the Sabbatli School b.uil(ling,of Trinity Church.` Mr. Morgan conducted the class, and gave many useful and prac- tical hints on the method` of teaching the "subject, and also 'l1u1nor,on.sly but. kindly pointed out many common defects, "and ex- plained various modes of correcting them. The teachers were called upon toread also, during each session, in order that many ex- cellent -principles which were clearly ex- plained, might be put . into p1'zu:tice, and that their own reading might-lie improved. The pr0_cee'dings were7l)'ro'ught "to - at close on the 16th inst., when the following ad- dress was presented to Mr. Morg:in, by the teachers, as a. slight ackliowledgiiietit of the ztpprecixttion of his services 2-- `To J. C. Morgan, M.. 1\..._. 0... H7- Li... ....,l......I~.-.,..`l 4...:...l.m... --THe Rev} A. McDonald has resigned the Modemtorship of the session of Dun- M troon and 'Nottawa., and the working unigm 5 between those two congregations has beef 1 dissolved. V `A rm I - I ` ,a:;.>_ '_e'-LI... _ B,-e High School passed 11 czuldidates at the recent examination, 4 A s and 7 B , The names are as follows :-J. W. Nci11y,'A- Hunter, A. Stewart, N. Morri- son, J. \Vm1gh, J .o B. Steele; E. A. Part- ridge. J P.*`lli11_gr.V Bfnggio Boys, Sarah ~\ppH:bc - ' r`.ntrI.:nv.xvnnn nllnninin Illstltllte sent appwnc V Cnnnnmwoon Collegiate Institute . up some 80 czmdidates to the late Inter- Juediate `Examination, all of whom passed .... I. an A`: nu .Illl.'\.llih|JU L4.\u.II.|uuav jbexcept (30 or so. -Tiie M. '1`. McCormiok is expctl ed to return to town and oiciate at Christ Ohurch as usual next Sunday. -- _. -- -.. , ',h___:_ -;Mr. E. W. Johnstbn, latenof Barrie,` and who.is_,known as an accompliihed ath- -lefe, has. a shtllengo; to the world, for a math` iithe Oaledoniaxrgames. PRESENTATION or-` AN Annrmss 3N) am.` .,;_ (', .\x0m:.~..\'. .~ anrrh -----. .- - `Canada Permanent ioa.n and Savings Company. \ ...... . 1 I3! `IRA nnn `U .1. v. HAUISNM, guy:/A. . DEAR Sm.--We, the undersigned teachers, who have attended the Reading Class which you so kindly consented to conduct for our benet, desire to tender you our most hearty thanks for the interest whtch you have mar i- fested, and the instruction you have so ably imparted, not only in reference to the method of teaching reading in a. public school, 1:116 also as to the best mode in which we can im- prove oursclvcs' in so.importa.ut_bmnc_l1 of study. _ , Knnwum tlmt vou could not \'0l`Y well snare stnuy. _, Knowing you could very spare the time," considerin r your already onerous duties, wc'feel doubly grateful, and believe that if classes of this kind could be `conduct- exl with the same spirit, and inthe same man- ner, amongst the teachers of ourvl rovince,- the reading \voi1ld soon be much improved in our schools. We, who lizwe had the privilege of attending, feel that we shall return" to our respective schools, better, prepared for the work, and with a. determination to give rreater prominence to it _tha.n we have done 1n.the past. \Vr-. take this nnnortunitv. therefore. of ex- in. the past. \Vc take this opportunity, therefore, ex- pressing`? our gratitude to you for the trouble which you have taken in our behalf, and hope that you may loxig be. spared to continue to. discharge `so cfclently the duties of your . office as inspector` of public schools in this county; (Sizne . (mgneuq C, \V. Chadwick, Thoxnes T. Young, T. Mccracken, L. H. Luck, John Gilchrist, Donald McQua.rrie, Geo. E. Sneath, Samuel J. Arthur, Duncan Campbell, Duncan G. Mc- Intosh, Wm. Dawson, James Hewlett, Wm. Carlton, Elizabeth Appelbe, Nellie Taylor, Maggie Wilson, Elizabeth Ambler, Louie Lee, H, Canning, Eva Lee, D. McQua.rrie. ' ' URQUHART - SUMMERSETT.- On the 15th inst, at the Methodist} Parsonage, by the Rev. J. G. Laird, MR. DANIEL URQU-. mum`, to MRS. MARGARET Smm1:nsr:1'r both of Barri. No cards. - SWAN .--At his residence, in the Township of Flos, on Sunday (10th inst, Thomas Swan, Esq., aged 16 years. -Deceased was a native of the County Czwen, Ireland. MunIuInu!g.IIu-Inga:gIup.--91-!-PInJ`I.Iulungg-n.uIu.n.n..nun;- E. BETIIEL, South side West Dunlap-st., sells the best brands of tobaccos, cigars, pipes, and all smoker's sund1-ie's. Ca1l'and'try him. . RECEIVED this week at Tm: ADVANCE oica new stock of ruled letter headings, assorted . sizes and styles. Orders for prmting them lled promptly, and at cheap rates. ' w. III .. . .p-u .'NfnMDIA'rE VEXAMINATEON. n .. 4 p . If you are suffering with a cold,` do not fail to try Hagyardfs Pectoral Balsam ; it is daily- relieving its hundreds throughout our Dom- inion. It is pleasant and palatable. For Sale by all Druggists in Barrie. ' . You will save money, time and annoynce by purr'-|1:u4in_r_g the above only at ' rn7rmr:1.`.\".Q-DRTTG STORE . Tm: DRUG S'rom:, opposite the Barrie Hotel, is the best place". in" town to purchase drugs, medicines, dye stuffs, perfumery, toilet articles, &c., &c. _ Mr. Monkman keeps a. good stock and sells cheap. Prescriptions carefully dispensed. - A ALL descriptions of blanks, Deeds`, Mort- gages, Leases; and other Conveyancing Forms, &c..; also Magistrates , Division an ! other Courts ; Commercial, Landlords , Constables , Coroners , &c., &c., kept in stock and sold at Toronto. Prices. Orders by mail romptly at tended to. Address Anvmos 0 ca, Barrie. Wrouulu 101' 8 Lengtau. U1 B11113 VVHJ11 8311111115 uuu general nervous debility, and having been treated by medical men and used many pre- parations, nally tried a bottle of Vlctoria H ophosphites, and realized the most im m iate and permanent benet she ever got from any prev1ous_ medicine. She felt like a. new person. ` - " Acacia, N orfolk _Co. Yours truly, . R. G. Scidmore. Bruises, S5rea I, -Ul6'e1i' S n'in,i'l.`nt Th Best Salve in the we d,.o ..$***'* ` hr. Che. pod ]E_{ands, Qhilb rby*""an`dI"nlP kin of slnn Ernptxoui: dvg 'isg;u_ra.n.. teed to give rfoet aarmsct ou"`m-%aveqr`osso AI mnmw duh: 'K)x. Iuuun In. an-u -.u-. uv,- 6..._..-... pa.-rc s-atiut?sc`?i a :i~'fn5-'e's7e;y ms. .7>r"'.':I?B1s % "F L 41-? There is no form of physical waste and pros trated vitality, that a bountiful use of the Emulsion, wxll not change. to glowjng health and full life and `vigor, and then It is not a Ainaarnnahln medicine. but the most delightful and IIIU IIIG anu VIKDF, &Il(l E11811 Hi 13 I10]? 8: disa eoable medicine, but the moat delightful kin of food, - . _ This is to certify that my wife; having been troubled for a length of time with asthma and ..m.m...1 um. ..... .. Ankililvw and luau?`-an knnn A CA'Ro.--To all who are `su`e1.'ingh-om the errors and indiscretions of outh, nervous weakness, early decay, loss 0 manhood, &c.. I will send a. receigt that will cure ou,FREE OF` (`.HAR(lW., his tn-nnf.rn.m v was din. 1 W111 81111 8 FUCUIJEE F1131 : W111 Ulll 0|l,J.\J'J11A OF CHARGE. his gt-eal:"rem y wa.s covered bv is miasionm-v in South America. ._, ...,.- .. ,, ...._`. .\'(il('I`llF.P..\' I:.uI.\\'.\.\'. Going South from Bamrie for 'I`oronto:-. 7:05 a.m., 10:57 a. m., 6:25 p.m. Arriviu-,5 from South (Toronto) at B;1rr?c :-_-_ 10.30 2:25 7:40 ` a..i.m Y\Tm~th frnm Barrie to C0lliDL WO0|1Z-

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