ltlctmg Dy a.ccmmu.uuu._ FAILURE or FALL Wnmr Cxwr.-.-There `is In) denying the factv'that the` fall wheat _ will be very httle over lmlfn. yield in these parts this season, pnrticulaxly in low lands ` where the frost}; of April affected the blade :.. u... 1.,...:.m;mv of the am-inr_r growth; It . I11.` F103, May 24,` 1879. -._.._.__....o-}. frosts of Apru anecucu uw l)w.Lw in the beginning of the spring growth. is only by going through a. eld that one `can judge of its future prospects. The spring crops look encouraging, but would be much bonetted by spmggain, moisture being what the grain crops need just now. An... 'l3`on1'rr `Pn.ns:mr.m'S.-It is said here belng W335 TIHU gl".H.ll tau`.--.1 uvuu. Julwv .. Goon FRUIT Pnosrmors`.--It ` that this will be up exceptionally good year for fruit, if the shght frosts we are having occasionally do not injuretho blows. The. plum and chony trees have been white with blossoms. and the `apple t_reoa are As A mos URANGEMAN sE1:s'1mt. lum and chewy trees navu uupu w....., wnth blossoms, the trees ucominginto bloom abllnliuntly, andwe may expect a..large yield of fruit if not injured by frost or the ravages of ixgsects. V A [Canespmilehce of the .ddv`ame.'l 1 -Tm . FALL Wnnxr is looking well T and` bids fair to yield 9. ne harvest. At.....'.. .44! (`mm Tanners ,n1-e mas Ian` M) yuuu a nun nu. . ....-. ` Tm-ms.-A-lany of our `farmers .are I busy planting fruit and shade trees,-\vhi;:h- . fact denoteapqntentment, _ M V 1 I HOPE there"wi`], large turnout on f the 5th of June tovote; for oixr old and A faithful re3eaentativa,.`Long, andasend the (King of t_ _e'North'f hack to St. Catlnzxtixxes to 1ot`)`k_afj'a`er_l1{is Ivu1`x`;`1_)eAr.ingT1)usincss;.- . V A " V V nw:sIi_.A'r1IB5r-Noifthat.wgfhzgvgot h-`he-Past-`f$9V91.`;9'Wi1t,ti'Nuth- ; % % . ` ` M,dh;~ames hm`?- 1 . @:ur`rc.+m:mm~.m:e. To 'n11=:.F.A.1:.\_x1-ms or msr sx.\1cm*.. - `DRUGS. DYE STUFFS, SEEDS, LAMP GOODS, PATENT `MEDICII\'E.`},- COMBS, BRUSHES, And all `the usual Stuck of a Fins :-CLASS Drug Store._whi'ch,were all purchased before the N. P. was mooted, consequently he is prepared to meet all his old friends and the general public on terms more favomble than ever before, and whilst `u;ha.nk'mg them now. for past kinduesses hopes for a. continuance of their patronage. - 13-ly 3 T_WEs'r 'Gw1LL1M1:Ua7 _.__. A F-ARMER ,S APPEAL. ` licp gm brow. MINESING. A L.l.,>"IV~!3`-u~.'"'.- '7 7` . . ~ MALONEY. -Lt Bibi!-'il_`',v0ll. the _`.'.7't-h ush, `ELFEN M.u.ox n'v, aged'lSye:'1r:1_. ` . . ?D1_EMERLINE;-At` Bmrie, on Manday. 25:1. 1 Inst , \V1'u.uM Dm.nz1u.1.2uz, age1.78 years. V the 60th yo.a.r'of her a;c~..'_ SHERVVIN-+-At Barrie, on Friday, May 23h1, `at his _ fosidcnce,' Buys 131061;, .lIrr..\'m' Sunawm, aged 68 years. . " . ..-At Aultsville, in the Cram!-y of .,.of Messrs. Sf.r:x4.i:j' & l:ybaV1-,of his age. - . 1* \`r u - . , I . '. 0 ?-{ARA --In Barrio, my tho '2-L'ml in_3t.,, v ZJOBANNA, wife of.Jm`n.' `0, M.-nu. list), in = on the 15th inst, Jun.\_' N AI'.LT.. at Dzisxlgp-l;t7.,;.s11a - E. Bi.}i-iz:.,s;5u`t\..sme nrs, pip_cs, and the best brandsbf tobaccos, all _amoke;;-'3 gnndriea. ` Call an \VAm'.n lmzdnnnrsiv -5-1) l.ii?E`rymcn, ' Horsmen, '1`ea.msters'and Farmers, tn try`-J, bottle of Henry Jr. Johnson's .5 nicvr um Oil - Linilnml, for Sorcuess or Iuxzuenizss of the Muscles. It penetrates so - quickly, it "re.- lieves the pain at on'ce, reduces the iunmtna.- tion immediately, and abrda instant relief. There are no aifectiona of the muscles, tendr-us or joints to which horse flesh is subject that this Liniment will not cure; if applied faith fully, as soon asxliscovered, to a splint or to a. windgall, it will entirely remove these. Bathe the parts with warm water. audmb it in faithfully Withthe lmnrl, and I permanent ure is guaranteed. Price 25 and 50 cents -n 4..--.. ..._._ -,I_ u... ... a.._....._.-- A1` this season of the year every one feels languid and debilitated, brought about by the change that nature dictates prepamtory to the return of summer days. We cannot change -the laws of nature, but we can assist them In `doing so let us use the rcmedia that na- ttujo provides, .namely, Roots, Barks and Herbs. Baxter's Manclrake Bitters ampute- ly -vegetable -the products of th hills and the vallevs. They have only. to be used to be hppreoiated. Price, 25 cents. - -. . 1- nu ',,:_,.,I _.f_ _: _ wanna-C.sxNo'r `L115.---"Il`he [actual sale `of up nls of 300 grossof the .u. H. Downs Balsamic Elixir (which is equal to 43,200 bot- tles,) during the past year, in this Dominion, , is ample proofvthat the rem-an-ly is what the proprietors claim for it -ueither is it a new or untried remedy, but an old and well estab- lished one. `It is undoubtedly `the best and safest preparation ever offered to the general public for Coughs, Colds, 'Asthma.tical Affec- tions, Whooping , Cough, Group, and early stages of Consumption. ` Xsk for it, and take no other. 3 - 19417. .._.-----1 _ medicinal gums MITCIIELLS BEL ADOXNA 1.\lPROVh`.D i,\uu RUBBER Ponous . LASl`ER.--There never has been a. time when the hCl.|.li!l%)0f so miin differ- .ent diseases has been caused y outwar appli- cntion 8.8 the resent. It is an undisputed fact that over he t of the entire population of the globe to the use of ordinary plasters. The prin- cipal ingredients used in iniikin these Pliisters are Gum 0libanuin-or better nowii as the Frn,nkiiicense--Rubber. and Burgundy l_ itch- which. when scientically:compounded, is full of electricity. and when combined with the pure _ , is found to be one of the great- estheeling mediums ever brouglitbcforc the hu- man race. They are ztclmowledged by all who have used them to act quicker than `any other Plaster: they ever before tried, and that one of theseasters will do more real service than it hundred of theordinii kind. All other Pliisters are slow 0! action. an require to be wo_rn_ con- tinnall _ to etfecta. cure ; but with these fit is en- tirely iii erent- the instant one is applied the patient will feel its effect." They possess all the soothinpawarniin . su orting and strengthen- ing qualities of 13.1 oyr Pliisters. Many who have been relieved o -ItHEUMA l`ISM, TIC- DOLOREUX. `and various other pains in the KIDN ` 'S. BREAST or SI-DE, and believe it is solely ifono by the electrical qualities which the Porous Piasters contain. and which is iiiipiirted , to the system. thus restoring them to ii. health?` condition. They are very soft and pliable. sti very tidliesive; and a. sure cure for WEAK BACKS, PAIRS IN THE SIDE AND BREAST: and are invziluziblc to those who have R COLD of long standing, and often prevent CONSUMP- TION . Some even tell us they believe theywero entirely cu_rcci bv the use of them of a. lone-seated Consumption. ' by GEOBQE _MI'1` GEoGEN s 1:):-`us s-more 2 '1'1U.V auxuu uvuu uzu um um: ucuu cured a Consumption. 'Px' b GEORt CHELL. Lowell Mxxss. So dbv all or Ion"-sealer GEORGE . MIT So Drumzlats. U311 \'v IICZUI vjc n .`. gregdxvcll. . . . . . n-mvr . .. . |'iI::.rlc_\,`-`I .. . Pctzs . 2 . . . Oats . Hay `B. Strmv J . . . . . . . . .. Potatoes per bag. Butter rolls . . . . 3` __{'.:I 1'. Fall" '\`.'hl'.-at . '1`:-nn :1 H15 1:-uwcr run? . . . ---tub . . . . . .. Lnrdpcrlb .. . . . .. Eggs Mutton, by carcass . Sheep Skin: . .. . Dressed Hogs . , . Hides . . . . . . .. Bcof-h1i1d qtxarter. . fnrnrnmirter ' `Turkeys each`. . . . DCUI-xu.uu (1I.a.L 'u\.'L fore-qun.rt_or 'MI'rcm:LLs 13`w:L'ADoxxA l.\xmovxcD I 1.\'Du Rnrmmk Ponous. nave}-`___1ns A Vgood C:'z.`.iin'e"t `Organ, also .1. Phutograpl - er s Camera and Lens. Apply at this otcc. Barrie, Mixy 7th, 1879. , '19-4 UIAU uvavunuuvx PA zU6:":rW_b_ E wt:-:I.m;'.| R c-7nember tIw SZ;z_cl,`_ ~Mcore s I; 2'ic7c Black, `nearly opposite the S'um- V mersetvt `House " . \.- ..\.\.gA`,vvvv NOIZTIH-IR.\' v]`..\I L\\'.\\'.' ` V Going South fmxn I`;-urie for Toronto :- 7:05 a..m., 11:27 a.`m., (5:25 p.m. ~ Arri "_n2 from South ('I.`p:'on(:u) at; B.u'ric :- 11 a..m., 4:40.p.x11., 7:40 p.m. , - Going North from Barrie to ()ollingwoo1;- 11 a..1n., 4:40 pm., 7:40 p.m. V An-iuhm from North (Co11inr_v\mod) at ! .;n-. Barrie. March 11. 1879. ' Splendxu 'Lake superlorbark uanoe L01 sale. C cted, varnished and cushioned. . Will hold t lreo people. - Cost $25. Will `sell cheap. To be seen at Carley s boat house. I`! `D TWHMQON 1\7iEm*.Y 110 LEN38 la.rrie,'Apr'i1 23, 1879. `._*o1`*. SALE, 1011 EAI -.V FAaMEP.s _9_F SIMCOE. L (Ill-AI-A1556 ihanrgvaa-vaavw r Mums. Sowoox, Emma &. Co., Millbfook, have opcnedan agency for the sale of their , manufactures in Barrie, ` Agent; will be `-on.the market .every mat-lvxet day to show samples and take orders.` Imple- manta may be seen on day to snow samples nnu mm: oruers. 1mpu:- may seen `C'oZlicr-st. , adjdining Mr} P. Kca,g,j s Story . _ Barrie, April 30, "1879. I ' 17-ly Barrio . . . '-Allaudale . . . Victoxi:L.. . - - 'll1ornton ,. . (ooksto wu . . Bceton. . . . .. Totbnlmm . . Gaorgeh-awn. II=I.'niltr)n .-_.-.__, _-`_.___ __,' _____ D. SEYMOUR, .- Dun SII`:,--I have now thoroughly tesed your Tallow Cup which ~ gives me entire satisfaction, and I find it does; a,1l`ybur!=TIim* for it. It is n.7perfecb m_1d`4even feeder, ` and by raising or lowerixi the Quip on the. screw, ` can be made to feed 12.31; or "slow in a. moment; Iiun ~naing it on my double enginec, and where I always had to-use two cups (one on '- seach engme)` the one does the 'ssmo-wo1-1: and much better._ I have it attahed to my_` steam. ..:.... ...1....... M ..u..;.- -iuihar thnt ever I saw` Farmixig Ifnplgmehts '. lfnaqnq, Smvnmr. Fnmsnm &, Co.. Millbfook. much better. 1 nave xv awauueu w Lu o......... pipe, where no other -oiler that ever would feed, and by this means the tnllow: 01; oil is mixed with the steam` before entcung any of the valves or cylinders, :30 that "every thin he Steam comes in contact with receives *:o.. .. ...... .. 5!`... 4-.nnu`, ~ I `wnnld not With-' are of the tallow. I would be with-` out the cup `for (`we tiin the price of it if I could note is another, and I can strongly. re- -`-congnieud xtrtoevery one who rims a.- steam `18l,|10- L ` - . ` thing the team comes in contact w_x_m recewea its 3 L`/ANOE FOR "SALE. Splendid 'Lake Superior `Bark Canoe fox nln. Carncted. MB. JQIHN7 BUB.TON, . EY M 0 UR` s? IMPROVED7 OIL 5 CUP. - - . - .___.-- M. H. . HARRISON., 5:05 p.m., 8.05 p.m Arriving from Gra.vcnh11rs't. at Bmwic :--- `I-6:45 a..m., 11:05 p.m., and 5:55 p.m. :+1: -The celebrate}. manufac'turers "bf nA1zn1E_1?I:x1:K3Ts. -O0!!VIE}RGlAI..- '-`.3.`T}`wn`j..'?i'.'i` Iv -W `"'.`. T`-"`i" V ;Your. Bannza, Apl 1st, 1879.` -IIAAAVJ a uvu-u us--....a C.'P. THOMSON, ' -Opposite 1 . 0. . ' - I7-_ May 27th, 1379. r\nnl\I\I` W LL` Klvvsw . Jun, ` . Flour Mills_,_ Barrie , i 4:40 '/:1Up.m. Arriving from (Co1liug\moi1)at Pm. rie ----7:05 a.m., 11:27 p.m., (3:`_ 5_ p.m. 1\IUS](0K.\ n1:..x: Going to Gravenhurst from` Barrie _: --11:20 5:05 p. m., * An-minn from Bzmuc 11-1y .__.._.__.__......_._---..__._.._. lbs; 3; 0.L_ SANDERS,% Gfllel. Ear-r:n:.vs and Sully Gold and IIver'WuIch9~, Chains, Gem Rings, Elcctro-Paste. . Toys, &c., spactaolos, Cm:-en s -slgsns . and Carriages. A V Two Doo1s.TVest Barwie Hate -.,.--.u. u.ApaK. v\a:v--. `.3 _I'ouu; llorseu, - _ 2-Second-lland Phantons, V I New Plumoh, A T 2 Covered `Can-macs, s :vel*nl open Bug; can f _ 4 Democrat Vvagon-, lliouble and Sinai? _ 7 ~ IS-ti` \B53 ..,?,:5`i'fE`i,,.?E,.;'5E *1 vv Orders left at Lavn1lce s Butcher Stall, Bar- rie Market, or at` their residence, near the Brirlgcbu Bradford Street will receive prompt :-Men tion. Season will begin on-the 19:]; of May,` ending lat of Octuhet. `Ice delivered in any part of the town", Fun: on Cmmar-1. - . -unAII Lin 4-; p\1\.|g .r For the Season at lbllowlng iau;-.5: 6 lbs. per d:iy, 12 lbs. Saturlay, $2.50 10 I` `I SI ' IS I: u ` 3: cu] u u . 7_nn Barrie; April 2nd, 1879 ...__.._.__... - lpoR'sALE_ CHEQE eguu1;;;~*;j2;:,?1izce. Gux'1`m:.m;:-:, - `..n,|--1, U'I:..\ Al.l`..`I1l`f.`v, - - , . _ `At the Libr_`-ml (J{>nvention hold at Staymr on't1:a 2 Lh insh, I \v:.3 mmxiimously chosen the Reform (lgznilidalc. ' ` Hzwin Y accc Led the 11-';u1in:ztion _I have the _ 2, , , _ _ I . hougr of aolzcxtxng your suifrages. I _ -_ , _ V _ __ A ' DURING THE SUMMER, _ At the following very Low_ rats: 6 lbs. per day, 121bs. Saturday, 900. per week 10 n V H 20 H y u ` 30. u RD.- `Il\ ll It V `)I'\ CG CI Cl Soon 11;: possible I hope to be nmongt you, and personally solicit your votes and inuence, and give you my views upsn qucsjzions ::'cct- ing your_intrcx'csLs. T -nn rlnnnmnn JUST A-;r{_mvEoT:L , V 5 . The undersigncd aye -prepxred to supply the ' l-unuu. ...... - ,. m.I.} LAvAL'L'i>E&TsoN s. Tr-/\ lhnlnrn: P13e1pstor. ,_x_p:i1 29, 1379. ITE;m:Hms' 3;:?Q%:vmama 2| of Lon Ion, E.1;;l;i.n 1; Es_tab1ip1iee1`1732. u.t:x. sjqanznw, gem. ...__-~-.-.o #'--..-__._.&'_.:' A Coxwcntion. of the Public School-Teachers of South Simcoc` will be held in the CENTRE SSHOOL, BARREE, Fnday and Saturay, Ifiay 30th and 31st, 1879. ` I ROGI{Aa\L\1E--FRIDAY. . 9.30--Opening Address, Rev. W, M_cKcc, Inspector ; lO--Music, J. M. Sawyers; 11- Notation and Nuxneration, Robert Grccnlees; 1'2-0bject Lessons, F1'aok \Vnod, Model School; 1.30--_Dra\ving, Thos. Henderson; `.Z.30--Gra.mmer to Juniors, \Vn_1. Neilly; 3.30--Arithmratic, James Carruthers, Model School. Atj.S'p.m., George Paxton Young, M. A., Professor of Metaphysics, '1`oz;onto Um- versity, has kindly consented to deliver a L1:m'mu-.', subject--"So.\m Rz:L.x'r1ol\'s or P5 LOGY TO" EnUcA'rIo.\'. An Eflicicnt Ch` - 'ill be in Attendance. ' Q /\ 1lTDnAV' U ' IJU uvv . Any quantity above l5 1bs atVs:u1`1c`1ute. - ._ ~ ,_1I_II-__.n-_.,_A'.`. uuu'*-vuu u-.; Au 1Lv'1\-nx|_|~Anvvo SATURDAY. ' 9.{0`-1{ca(li11g, Mr. Kercdy, High School, Bradford; 10-Address, Rev. T1203 .McKee. Inspector; 11--Uscs and Abuses of Prizes, \V. I}. llarvey, -Model Schobl ; 12--Poetica1 ' Literature, Rev. \V. `L\IVcKcc,V Inspector; 1.30 -History, Ma.tthc'sv McKay, B.A.; 230-"- School_ Mnnagemc, Frank \\"ood, Model Shool ; 3~-Election of Oicers. Clasgcs will be fnu-n..is71cdf:'o1n tize21I..zezsc;m,r I __._.._L-.. .1 4.1..-. 'X`nnnLnu-n Rnvn nnlvonnr` +n tw:-sco 11. cu. V`./J nu ....u..\.w', . V... ...-v...........`,.,..._ . _A number of the '.l`c:s.chers have engaged to givepmcticalillxtstrations of their mode of imparting instruction. There is a. clause in the last Amended School-Act, making it im- pemtiveon Teachers to attend these Associa- tions, and the time thus taken, shall. be counted as visiting days. It is to be hoped that us many as possible of those `who take an interest in the profession will be present. RcLil1'oa;'l Rates:-0nc-cmd-a-third Fare. V W. NEILLY, V ` '1{1:v. W. McK1~:s, B.A., Q.-no _'l"u-ma Presitlnnt. ;oU'r'H. SI1VfEOE_ U \V_. H EILLX, Sec.-Treas, May 20th, 1879; CoLLINuWoo1$, MEAFORD .23 OWEN SOUND, to l Ma.nitou1i11, CocVkburn `and St. Joseph s In- > lands, and V-.. . -\~.-v-\'u"v' (*1r\Y"(`\`-f"\ --'l\'om'ih:ition Day. -Been cool 6' nights. '--County' Notes held over. -lc:ivy frost -Tuesday night. --Thc fruit trees am alive with "blossoms. -Town Council meets "on Momlaynight-'. --Little local uex-r3'of iuterestiis to he had. --The ducks continue to y north over town. 1 \,_._L LL- r1...n.....1 %Pzk}.1B`S?w `0UNB. - The Popular Express` Route to Sault Ste. Marie and Intermediate Ports. The splendid- ly equi ped new Upper Cabin swift Steamers NORT LRNQUEEN,N()RTHERN BELLE, WA U B UNO, carrying Her Majesty s mails, in connection withthe Northern Railway and Hamilton-& North-\Vestern I{uilwa.y,- at 001- lingwood, and the Toronto, Grey &.'Bruce ` Railway, at Owen Sound, leave C_}o1linwood, Mcaford and" Owen Sound, for Killarney, Manitowaning, Little- Current, Lacloclie, Mudge Bay, Gore Bay, Spanish River, Cock- burn Island, Blind liivcr, .The;-xsalon River, ` Bruce Mines, Hilton, Richa.r(1s' Dock, Garden , V` River and Sault Ste. Marie, every vwnmznsnuw an_a_ sA'rmin21y, As follows. viz. :`--Collingwood at 3.30 p.m., Meaiord at 5:30, gem, and Owen Sound at 9:30, p.m. Fine eamers, Good Accommo- _ dation, Low Farfes; N 0 Rough Weather. `KT R _tnnmarn ml at all` above named dation, Fafes; No Rough Weather. N.B-Steamers call at all above named - orts both up anddown. with the exception of Spanish River, Blind River and Thessalon River,`at whichonty the Saturday steamer wiil call going up and down, and Oookburn Island at which onlythe Wednesday-steamer mm .-all nu ma dawn. = 1s1a.uu an wmcn only mm W uuuu3ua_y awmuw. will call up sud down. ~ '- Day Mar? Scrycic I 6zlin'e`n' Termite and Parry So|md,.uiu Collizngwaoi and Penetgnguixhcvaz. ' t_......:..-.. n...-mi Rm-`mil fnr (3n11inawood`everv a D0l(1W,.'D(U. LaL'.L1ugwuv.s uuu ; um..`....,........~-v. Leaving Parry Sound for Collingwood every Tuesday, 1`h_ursday'and Saturday, at 5 a.m.. returning onvf arrival of morning train from Totonto,. . ` A _ Leaving Parry Sound for Penetaqguxshene, every Moday, VVodneaday and Fnday, at 5 u.m., `returning on arrival _of ' mottiixig- train from Tdronto. (nan nn~nnnnH.1n5I betmoch ,HTAP[i0 1_3LECTI(i)NS.. Toronto. Close connectwns made bcswocn Steamers and Northern and Hamilton &, North-Western ` Railways, Colliugwond, and Toronto, Grey. 8: Bruce Railway, Owen sound. Rabes:Low.. For freight and passage, up 1y at 85 Yonge ' St.,'Nort-hem Rn.ilwa.y,.and oronto, Grey &; . -`W Bmco Railwny,_Toronto ; Hamilton & North-. Western offices,` (opiite the Royal 119931,) and-not the Station,. _ milton;.M._Ilob1_1;_aon t ~ Meafordj `E. ,;'1`od_d. Owen Sounx1~ `.1'5,stty;:I, 9rry Snnnd.1an;s1_;.M;__ the om? . y`.-i !B< true `S-AULJT 31 E. MARIE !T '-'1.\J LLLJJ 1. _ . --They are going to and about the Cs.-1;tral School. V _ V --Tcachcr_s Convention to -mormw and Sztttmlny. - --Phelps in the town hall next Tuesday night, we believe. _ V , --Tho ba.i1(l plays on the squaxo every Thursday evening. 7 V v ,, .1.-.-1.. ...,_:..,... `-A 4-..I-n1m|}1 nf f.h(! little l'}+tiz1)lis11_c 1303. Capital, $11,030,000. For Fire Husmoss Only. ' _ . AII 2`\" Illllilntllm n...-..4 x: \.u was I am, Gentlemen, '\Y-.... ..L.1A. .. w. B. _CAPON. ,_ --_!_ ` ..L.. I Z: \rl\I :1`; Opposite Q een s Hotel. ` ` v- ~u uvu....., Your obdt. servant, V V . 0.` J. 1 IIELPS. 9, _ 18-tf on SIM.'3 .)F. _Icc, I_)c:\lcrs'. I4-Sm. EE, 12.11. , ` President. 21-2t meow iamznlrs vIlcn`|uuu-ms, lvflvwvuvnub sI.1a:`d`II-Igmnmz, V snows-roan, ` smowsnoalme, 1'9!:!!GGANlNl:, snrrnma, nurauuy U\'I:|u.u5. --Is nobody going to take hold of `the little Clara this season? . . -Th_e Q'.1ccn s isgoiusr to be an impos- 1'_ng_ building when nished. -r; :_ __-A. L..- ....m. 4-,` Ian:-yin it-1":nrr about Iigonuclzn xv AN nnijmanv NEW \|B.`TH'ClD! Mot beautifuI1y`u`_soted with nur Chicago * Backgrounds, representing A-n- -c . 1`-2 in-lnnvli Everything New introduced in this Gallery. N. B. -Children's Pictures taken instantane~ ously. anrlzguamntscd the finest nish in the +nwn_ I LY], ---.-- \ The undersigned. begs leave to notify his friends and the public generally that he will still carry on business at the. old stand (op- nnnifa the Paul: Oicm as Loan. Insurance, IEI'I-.|&|`\7 II.\I\rIvu\y 3 And go no where else if you want good work. in r-rxv nn11nlJ`D\TQ mu busmesa at me. om suauu WP` polite the Post Oice) as Loan, Land Agent, Broker and Gonveyancer, under the firm name of Thomson 5: Co. Pa_rt1es may depend upon-receiving the same stnct atten- tion to their wants as formerly. Money to In'au\ in an on-nnn-nk nn Warm nnd TOWD PIO- "tionto their wants formerly. Money w lohn in any nmonqt on Farm and Town party. " _ v . WV. THOMSON, Barrie, May, 1579. ' lS1y Ban-icla, _ / ..___ INVESTED FUNDS ' - . ' ' $i`7.~lT0.000 FUNDS INXESTED IN CA.\ DD.-\ - 900,0(,0 nenim-it.v_ Promot I u.s'mcnt. and'I;Zberf1lity in r`UN`UU LN` PAD L191) In uzyn u u.'\ uvv,u\,v Security. Promgg Payment, and`I;2ber11ity the adjustment 0 its, Losses are the prominent features of this Company. _. .-- ... . u- . an an uvnr.-r-run:-u . uvs-u..uw w. u..... --___,... , _ CANADA BOARD OF I)IR.'?.CTOY\S 2 Hon. Henry. Stnrncs. Ch_.'1irnm.n ; Thos. Cmnm, F.sq.. Dcp.-Chairman; Sn` Alexander '1'. Gglt, K. U.M.G.;'1`heodorc Hurt. Esq.: Geo. Stephens. Esq. _.,-_ _1v....4...1 -4 \l'n.lnm.n-. Data: or Dy-n- 1_Llg_ uuu.u.u.u_.5 wnuu. L1A.u.-`unvunu --It . is not too soonvto begin talking about the celebration of Dominion Day. _ - . n . - ., _:u \\....:.. 5-,. ....:Au \J.J\I..\t.; Luuuuuu: xuu v, um, \.aIvvo '~l\Vt.I .... N. -3. Insummccs c1Pe cted_ut Moderate Rzytcs of Prey mlum. Farm and 'l\on-ha'.:.1rdous lhsks a Spe- clnlny. - G.`F. C. SMITII, . JOSEPH ROGERS. Res.-Scc.\'.. Agent. Police Court, % Tho uvudersigued offers for sale that g . Valuable Farm composed of Lots Nos ' 27 and 28, Con. 4, Ridge Road, Oro, and containing over 100 acres. There are on the premises good I-louse, large Frame` Barn, Stables a.n(1()uthousea. A good Orchard 0 choice trees is also on the property, which i very conveniently situated, 5 miles from"Bar-' rio Market, and close to Go\_\'an Station onthc Northern `Railway. ,Tev`ms .casy. For fur- ther particulars apply to ` J AS. ROSS. U1 Or by letter to Shanty Bay 1 . 10. On , March 2?, 1879. IA Lscwaz ggyoueaz: ' \V'eh:1\'d rcently, ublishcd a new. edition of Du. Cunvxznwxznns Cx:Lr.m:.u>1:1 Esau` on .the ruliI:ul un l 1_.jrm':n-'nl um: (without medi- cine) of Nervous Dpbility, Mental and Physi- cal Incapacity, Impedimcnts to Marriage, ctc., resulting from excesses. nci'P:-ice.-in n.saa1ed`em'cIu'.)e. onlv 6 cents, _S;TEPH ENS Rooms: - :1 ._-._ _-..a. ......\.`I .g,u-lz rcsumng trom excesses. . _I`rice,` in a-sealed envclupe, only cents, or tw 0, 1)ost.ngc stamps . > 'I`Im-apIehmtm1 author. in this admirable tw 1)ost.ngc stamps. The-celebrated author, Essa.v,c1ear1y dcuxonstmtcs, from thirty years successful practice; that alarming consequen- ces may be radically cured without the dangerous use of i_ntemo.1 `medicine or the ap- plication of the knife ; pointing out :1 mode of cure at once simple, certain and ccctual, by means of which every sniierer, no matter what. his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply,, privately and radicaily. ` n:5"I`his Lecture shod be in the hands cheaply and radically. &G5`This _e\'ery)`outh and every maxi in the land. Address M The _Cuh c:-well mic-die:-.l Co.. 41 Ann St, New York. Post Omcc I}o;`g15`36. rotxto meets 111 .|5J.l`l'l0 on me mm :1 uuu. - -Politics take precedence of local and -other atfa.irs'iu this week's issue.` But the agzony will be over next wcik, MM We 311311 amend. ` . -'[`he St. Ge0rgc s Society have procuyed :1 batxtiful silver jewel, which c:Lch,pre31dv;nt of the Society will- have the honor of wearmg during his term of office. rm... 1.-.. ..1......~. I-nvvn:v\rf nf Hm Snmmc-rsctt wmwwa 1): 1`0\\ .\' AT TIIE s:e:_s3; s%a1:agA ate TOYS OF ALL KINDS. DOLLS, AN I.\I)~IE.\'SE STOCIK Bolwmifxn Ware mm China (iuoeis. VAFLI ED '6}. COMPLETE 13...... u.-.....,1.+ :.\+,. 41... rim-...+n mn;s,'i.11:s, A BERLIN AND OTHER YVOOLS, ` UNDEROLOTHING, ' &c., S.-., `GOLD, SILV El{ 8; OTHER CARDBO ARDS, WAX 1I;0\VER REQUISITES, SLIPPERS, o'r'r0.\L\:<:~7,I - CllF.1\'EILLB. ` IVERPOOL 5; 1-..o1~ DON c;v GL-C-BE J INSURANCE COMPANY. _` STAMPING F.o.n_1:mun1'NG, - V CUSHION mssms, &c., &(`. w. H. FREEMAN {*HEAP'Es'1` A}D BEST .__; ION ! MONEY !_! MONEY !! DGIUIU Liking: V51-gal _|_,au1|uug,' awn an M16: Puinjnthe [hck D1mn_ess ot'AViaion. Premature Old age, and many other dueascsllmt lead to Insanity or Consumplion and n" Premzupre Grave. 3`='X~`ull par- ticularsinourpamphlct, which we desire to send free by mm! to every qua E?J'l`he Specic Medxcmc is Old `by nil Jlnnggms at $1 per package, or six pack- ages for 85, or wul be semfrcc by mil oureccipt ofthc mnnev hv nddrelainz EX. Moxnowfs tAov_1"s.- `T ,...,..~..v .. ~4\a v..\AA_~.-V Old all Jlnlggnsls a money by addressing ' III !!! III! 1 . V ` . T3593 31-\33- The Great EzIg- 73593 MAR- ln-h Remedy. an ` '. ~,>: untniiin cure for bfemina Wonk- ness, SpcrIr.ator- rhea, lmpotcncy, and all diseases that follow as n sequenceofself-. , ' x _ * - >A`pl|:lS9; an los; \. ~;<~"` Befora T8-k5Jlg- :'era1:l"_l`.g:: u,i|uIlll2_-,' _er Taking. Pnin m the Dmmess old J --la `I---n_-_ ------p-`-- ~~ .. --., Wnxnson, Om,. Cmuida. tasdld in Hdrn by_ all Druzqisls and hv nll whole. sale and relaul Dmggula 1:) Canada and the Unilad Slates, ' g 3- I y.` 7:{ P.1\~I F01: `SALE. 1?? Turin.-uznmii om: umn Th Ad 3' ed has the sole agency in & L 0 ml. er-`gnBa.'rrio'for the '_---.__ _--.. -._.--_ -- QQ-I nu suven sIAAii6r cam rm -, `Tliabest Oil ever oifered to tho pinblic, '.lQower tliancan be Boviahty in `- . Tgronto. AuguIi 88i?&;18 l2`*-` - ` IAIIU UUIUUIGULUIA \IA .I.avng....-.v-- --.d . -Lovers of bass shing will begin to enjoy their sport after the 15th of J une. - --The Baptist" Church Association of To- ronto meets in B.1.rrie on the 101211 J une. .. .... . . ,A,__-.1A...... ..c lmu-.'l and .u_. V --TIIIE ST()CK_ THE MOST-'- ORDERS SO LIOITEI ); H` - '3 n-mu nun` Diz|iiau'A `ITn-vI.t;H'R`An n'n? *sbdAI.b'1AI'. FOR THE MILLION. my uy uuurclulng THE G_ll3.Y RlEu|c|.'E co.,, nu! Funny!-n III! -_|J U8 \-'\IIIlI L.-5.. Evcr br>ught into the County. cmws spacarzc Memqnaa. . _ 1--_... 13..-, 'r.1A`n!: MA Ll iitxa Xi?) mu :5. ' Be sure and nd uurmg ms term ()1 umuu. --The too sharp turning of the Summc-rsctt buss nearly caused a sex-1ous.mishap' at the Northern depot on Thursday night. The prompt action of a cab driver averted it. A SEVERE Cm`.-Wm. Norton, one.of the carpenters employed at the Queen s," while using an adze yesterday had the misfortune to inflict an ugly gash in his foot. -The artery was cut and the wound blcd profusely. ` The injured man was conveyed in a cab to his boarding house, the Wellington, Dr. Wells attended to him. ~ 'n-..- -. rm... f`.uno/Hun Vvimblcdon 1.-513031, Mont.rcn1., 35 ;I:I3.1LIf1~ JOHN STEPHENS. ROGERS. ; . `Barrio 0 ROSS, l\.._ L1. .. T)- .u. :.\.un..v, A On the Premises, 1! n 13-tf V 3-13! V luau .-., vvv E::sE'sT, M0sT$TY_E|S`H, BEST mus, AND BEST mu: 1, ___ .............. (1.... mmlmmnn urn nnt nnnned to I"Il`1.I.\?l' Invvu v.n -.g.-.., .._- _V e , That money and 1: knowledge of the tnde can procure. Our customers are not conned to the make of one factory, little one-horse concerns that cannot sc1l_the1r goods to the regular trade in these cutting times, on account of their absurdly high prices. and who are obliged to open rctjnil stores or quite the business. _ Neither do we-ofI`cr goods bought on credit by men without an pita! or experience (who ourish like Jonah ; gourd) that are allowed in business by the enffemnce of some weak wholesale'house,as an outlet for their goods at their own rises ; nor "do we palm otf on our friends auction shoes, the refuse from retail stores, or the ag ends of all the little trashy bankrupt stocks of the country, of which one pair is enough for consumers to throw away their money upon. _ But we buy entirely for cash whenever and wherever a. bargain 15 offered. _. Inn `-1- -I1 A `f\ A (1 `WT T7` T3 TT `I TVVC) CAR LOADS _ ' V V 1.14 K) I-.1 .5.- Goods. that are properly wearer. This is what 11 comi to Banie, and ta miss 16 place, Pcrz7sV House, n':rt door (0 ZVIW." Barrie, May, 1878. DEAR Sms :- -The undersiguc-(1\vishea to in- form you that he has started fnannfactnrizxg all kinds of Silver, and Omide Plated Harness Triznxnings such as Tcrretts, ames, Hooks, Bits, Buckles, ect. Gold and Silver Elect:-o_- . Plating, and hzxvmg many years experience in New" York and other States, I am not afljaicl to warrantf. my work both as regzirds workman- ship anmhlurability, first-class in every par- ticular. : - N.B.--Carriage Iron Plated on the shortest notice and warranted to give satisfaction. JAMES LEADEN Eli:-mbcth-at., Barrie, C-nt - 22-ly ThevLess'ses of the Barrie Has \Vorks bog ' to announce that they hzwc on hand an excel- lent assomuent of ' V %/Una: -- ---j--_ , Of every description, chaste and elegant de- sirvns, CHEAPER them thcv can be urc-h:x.~- crfin any other town in T cy will also undertake the Piping of ' -_ _....__..-n. an i_|MPO~R'TAN'f" NOTICE. ._._. < G-aa F=1:xtu1~ea,! .1 I IIUUVJI-U. ulna... . - . . . - _ . ._- -, At uch rates as to defy competition. In` tending consumers will do well to give the Lessces an opportunity of tendering for their" work before ma.kin,r,v their contract. All orders will receive prompt attention. . , ` V > Manager. `P. O. . Bax 251. Residence, Puynts-st., North o`.c.1 Cotnmcfcial Hotel. 1 Barrie, Dec 10, 1873. 50-1y It. The merchants gonurqmy -u and the day did not look mob M: all. A considerable numbe Lady to Ox-illia, while others ' there and any svhero-shin 9 I walking and loang. HSVM `time on the 2th, let" tnefoii .1; huge blow-out on 3:11:27-.'*A1V3,*5:,,V I `vi , 1\__ . __.oo.n y w . .. `Being the south half of Lot 26 in the 8th Con., lnnislil, 100 acres more or less. About 30 acres cleared :md- fenced, soil -is chiefly clay loam. There are on the land a log house, 103 stable ziud n log barn, also ra. frame barn, well, root house, ehecl,'&c. About 60 acres Well timhcred. , The property is delightfully situated on the shore of Lake Simcoe and in n... :...m....`.:..+.. m`.:nhhm!mn.-1 nf the` mos`; valu situated on the show ox Lake mmcoc mm In the immediate nighborhocd of the` most able farming portion of the Township. And will be sold cheap with easy terms of payment. Apply pergonally or by letter to ` ` vvv . rr1tvt\'\? rt A111) Brrie, June 5th, 1878. F O S A L E , I A _La.1-ge, Rough-ca:= t Dwelling, on the east side of John St., near H. & N. Wstation, with quartet acre. of ground. A rut-4-...... ,... nu. u.-nah uifla nf Poo} Qtrnrat. \t`llAUcALA.llLlb V l\J\IAlA\a , \l\uvw . A Large, Rough-czvsf; 1 of Bayeld am} Collier : for :1 Hotel. - ` .e. 11; wuu quunur u.uu:_ u; `lvuuxu. A Cottnoc on the west side of Peel Street, O ` cbntaining 5 rooms ; quarter acre of ground. R_oug1_x-casf; Store, on the Ca -JYIJOI` Sts.; :2. suitable place 6,... .'. LTA4-nl USLUIX LIIU |lL|\lUL \4|lIUlI'I~.ILYLA mum u ~nn nirnajavw-I Lot 8, in the 5th Con. Vespra, 100 acres, upon which is a quantity of timber and a.splcn- did water privilcgc. The Lot is convenient to the North Simcoe I}ailwaf.' - .._....--.. ,. , _ _____ __ 101' ll J]UL'Ul. I Park Lots 13 and 14, on Lot '21,` in the 4th Concession of Vcspra, containing 5 acres ; each are under cultxvatxoxx and well-fenced. . A - u an 1-4 1'._._,,_ 1nn'_,__,\,_ .. ..... ...y. -_ ,_.-__-_ , TERl\IS.-Half of the purchase money down, the balance secured by Mortgagcat per cent. interest, _ - I`..- I ...-I-nan :n-l-1m;Ln-.- onnv fa \TTf9 J," PUI. UULLII. uluun EDD: For further pnrticf\1:11's apply to MRS. J.` ;\ EIL, orto ' ` ` n ]l'..!'\(\\ \ T I Tfnnxannnn 1uo1mo`iv,T HOUSES. stones` Eiit}:rt:zi`s' &c. 4..._..\..Ll-3.; T. Bar`:-ie, Oct. 9zn, 1s7. ...?- gnss GAE: NOTICE TO CARRIAGE `AND HARNESS MAKERS. Scasonable announcements of visits to this neighborhood will be given. 2-] y Barrie, Barrio Hotel, May 26th and 27th. Orillia, Orillia House, May 28th and 29th. Collingwood, Globe Hotel, May 30th and 31st. Meafotd, Paul's Hotel; J une 2nd. Owen Sound, Coulson s Hotel, 3rd, 4th & 5th Orangcville, Middleton's Hotel, 6th and 71.11. 1=.:.=;=ru2Eu may Eonaasa PEOPLE.` ..-~v.l Medal and Diplnnm at the Ccn!cnni::l.'I h_iIa-.,\hia; Gram! Medal aggtc Universal Exhibi- iian, Paris. Frame. Rccnmmzmled _by 11 large nu:n`.:cr of our leading: medical men. BEDROOM sr_`."1_'s.T PARLOR sms, EXTENSION TABLES, T WHATNOTS Largest. `BEES & Cheapest Stock of Furniture A aFU8N!;rURE$l , ",`;u4\v\I\I\/\-r\l\/ v\A-.~.AA~v GENT E?) R . I{H. r?w:\'IxA W. mpmqgfifbzyggpawv In this section of eountry, which, on inspec- tion, will prove to be the fact. Reinexnberthep 9, the Brick. Store, in Rear of the Market. - -us A -rrv-v\ 1\t\v7r| I -r -r WuI'UVIZl O lllllnkna . V...-..-.. '\VE S`ELL AS CHEAP`AS VVE B Y. a 1-31:14`. an-n nrnerlv mtrle. th fcc`l_; aI1_(_1 391-vibe I and Bags action t` rbn 0:11 Uolnmcrcxau uuucl. izxrrie, 50-1) VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE p Large and C'`Bri':1: Dwellings . on the Corner of Hayeld and \Vors1ey Sta. pon SALE AND TO BENT, `9 E-"I_l`.`c {A I: `A. s _s; I G N E 1;: A01? 13'v1a_n,Y nsscnxrrnzfvi, INF-DRMAITION V r-cs: P':-:v'sscIAus. V "OSF1`f EI3.E)Z%EI;-S',- Tm: QU'1:nN a BIR'l:1I`1)AY.-,The_ 25th oflthia as of recent years was allowed tdj pass by Without any effort . aha. public: ob58r.VM.19 Of . it. The merchants generally kc tpp_en stores, ....,a .4... ,1... am ..n+.1nnk `much ike uholid_a_1y ' I IAIBINETT MAK1IN'G. - "CHARLES CLUTHE, (V__._...'_-I I L. 4_.._L.... `I :1: VZ\IuDOX-\LL, _ V I . Qor.B:xychl 311:1 Qgollicf Sta n\; _,\_.. .. ,9 \Jl.1..l;J:..l. LAKJ vvA_4 .1. _., . 'c proerly mzrle, tlmtvwill t the feet and give service aatis to the I iswhat has enabled me to do the leading business in our line, ever since rrie, and to serve our` customers better thzm it can be done elsewhere. Do not ;g.n.nu4.u.a-u \/A4 V ;.4..4a, Surgical Appamtus Manufacturer, Kin g-st. , Hamilton. '~~- L_c , \V_ry _N.-ck, clqb Foot, c:c.'. made I 1cz'.'.:..c rnncxples. Pncc sameu at my -` Qounty, of. I L_.u._.g xvusorz 0, 01m A 'I..ai1d and Loan Agent; Barrie. .~...p cdxsxsrxxa oz W, LI'1`TLEI;IALES, 4' 111551.) l.llUv1'vuy u,. -_- A Haw Dzmmunm. --'1`he.TorontQ ,N"`"'*`l ' comes to us this week inn yew and `lmpl`0V6d form. Its publishers; $muP`9 -& Wright, in ordurto keepV1`Jn'v W1?!` 1ih `; now issue a. hmidsome twelve . , number containing` 1;wof,`m" the_leading qne_iI$io113j9i; - 1}; of Tthe Big :Boo1:. rt Z|Iv`." B. Hinrls , Dunlap Street, DAVID DdUGALL, Barrie. Ont. VV Q -.-sou ---:--_____-_ Rctm-ns many thanks for the li.bernl sppport during the` pat two years, and has pleasure m statmg that hm stock for Spring Trade is now ready for inspection, and the public will find it, as usual, the Largest m town, comprising tho :]?2EiZ_1.5ZI" sP<)'i`.F I 41-tf aaooams `(AND T5I-zB"\7II`o"Ii| B;&Y FIELD STREEP GP.0CE1:\' `mrmonzv SAVED IS rgonsv mnriznrn I Asmuch as )1: ` ` v `the I I . . The stibscriber whilst; mumkful for the libom pwronngo given in the past, respectfully co- icits a continuance of the snmc. and begs to state that his i, __ -_ .__-.-_ I Uanhot be beaten cliher for qun1i{yor price. Ile deals in the Best; Markets. and cannot be I .mxdcrsoll>by any house in town. HAMILTON 3'. l\'0R l`Vl[~\V'I1S'i`l-1l`..\"llAIL\V.1\:. Isa. THOMAS LENNOX. seas, aaactatsiranvlsluns GROC ERIES, CHEESE 3; FRUI I` THE NEW BRICK STORE, NORTH SIDE OF DUNLOP STREET. NGLISH BUN H0 It And all other goods kept in :1 First-clasu General Store. Cheap for Cash. The public in my neighborhood will nd it to their red- vantagc to inspect my stock and ccn ,_r:u'c prices bdore purchasing elsewhere. UR`? 80863 g D 'N th ttho\Vo111ngton1Iotol. A ow omiisnvggld gtreet. Barth To the Ladies of Barrie anti Vicinity: `THURsD'AY,."i}Xr""'si;:`I575: Miss Morton }1o.ving entered into co-pa.rtner- ship with Miss Jackson, and removed in new premises, Dvruor Srnmrr Scum, on-osn 1: run Buzxmz Horns, begs to inform the public _ of these facts and to state that she 18 now better than ever able to meet the_requiremcn1.; of her increasing trade. The new rm r<- spcctfully ask u call from ladies requiring an) - thing in the line of APICTURI-`[5 'a'.u&EN':' Of his Plzotographs is Superior to any I they hzwc had taken yci 47-Gm-I \ j MILLINBRY, um-zss AND mm . TLE MAKING. Barrie, October; 1875. 1m1m'cncLinANIa_n_,m3&_sg0uhs1; Begs to inform the inhabitants of Barrie and snrroundihg country that he has comxncmzi-I business in the abpvo line, and by his lung 0V perience of and prdctice in the btlsinesu 11.- hopel to be able to'givo cntim satisfaction tu- ` all who patronize him. - Latinas II:-nun: in Silk. Skitin. Velvet. `WASTE New 2 VVANT N01` LA UQHLAN M7c7DoN.4L D, I-I() VV, IS" IT an wno pawomze mm. Ladies Dresses in Silk, Satin, Velvet, Merinocs, &c., Dyed or Cleaned equal to new Gonalemelrl Bull! Dyed or Renovated and nicely nished. 1`nathera_ Laces. Umbrellas. Sun Slmnlc-s. }% 353}}E :F}iE'P7 and mcely nmsnea. Feathers, Laces, Umbrellas, Slmdcs, dyed all the newest colors and dressed. _ Kid Gloves _Clca.ned. I --. --._-,._ -1 rI-__-I-_I.: `l\..__-.__. ' \1lUVU3 vvnuaucu. ! 5!! kinds 0! Household Drapery * . Cleaned or Dyed. Carpets, Crumbcgoths, Hearth Rugs, 5;c., cleaned. Sheep Skms Cleanedor Dyed. `FEATHER BEDS RENOVATED. AGENTS` -'-VAN:TBD. F23. KING, JR S, 1I.uuJ.Uu.uJuL uuu yum-nu NORTH EAST CORNER OF COLLIER AND . BAYFIELD STREETS". ` Registry 011100 for Servants. Barrie, April 15, 187-8. 16-_ly _j..- ._.% ._ _-.., Nov. 131.11. 1878. Perfect satisfaction in all work guaranteed. I-IQRTRII D Illllinl ) :---.. . , Lot No. 30,021 the Corner of Peel and J nxilcn Street, north of the Convent, and containing a little over one-fth of an acre. This prop- erty is excellently situated for bnildin r pur- poses, and will be sold on easy terms 0 pay- ment. For particulars apply to `l'IT:V'IT`I'.VI, `I713 A T3170 IHRAIGHUBST CHEAP smixii.` Barrie, Feb. 5, 1879 A Farm for sale in T}-x_e_Township of Essa, being the East half of Lot 21, in the 3rd Con. 100 acres, more or less; about-15 acres cleared, the remainder good Hardwood Bush. Abou four miles from Angus. A Burn 80 ft. by :3 feet; alar e House. About 20 ucx-ea ot Fal Wheat. Young Orchard with 100 tracts; `and they are begjnning tobeur. Two wells of good water. ]Z nc_e $2,(I)0, with down- torms easy wnth small psymants. For fur- ther particulars apilggp... A _ - V 3; II COGHIIANE, 7 ` - o "`.=`*'I, - _AI1ziIs'1 - 0- Ess.Maro1 4; 1872;; 2 . g. ll-3m~p PHOTO. GALLERY UERARM FOR SAIE --'STYLE AND FINISH- `F011 A u..a'.. Q-.. 7 ..;.~ `.._ 'n|L_1_'.'_ n- (~22. nnxER.-17i;onvcn, ._ -1. -_ u, Tlxa so `many people now go to New dud carefully selected stock of {UILDING LOT FOR SALE. I_j___ - -.-ROUND TOWN DAEHQS W. H. MYERS. PHOTOGRAPHING.;-uiluo-.nnnulnllnua-u-u--.4I..- EAR] A splendid Stock of choice Because they nd the Remzmber the place : I-AA`! nlillll IIE l `JOSEHPH sTwg>_._N. p MILLINERY. A 230355153, cnncxsnv L/1'5 AND SHOES, .~..z.~`.1?1r: ClLf)TlN.(},` his hands on. bought, and `t market. price paid. :c'A;;m.:5;;;;oa:;;a:"' .- ALBX. Monica W, Agent.` ' 'riEir'b}i"s2"JAE`k1iB: ..-v _..__, _- PETER KEARNS, `IJ'....I.;.L CV... -u onA.n_L.|AI-5` L1, Mrkbt Square. ' "5 7 40-1Y 44-1y TRA!)E 7 vu-a V.-. M:4I.l=:3iJ.' molmow. Agent. F mi map '3U.WI9.E.09:`?T1Y 1Expre3:.' I A.`!\l'. zhauts generally keimopen auuwa, lid not a holiday asidernblo number-'won`t on the `La, went here and ' whero-shing, aailinv. driving,- Having I183 * a quiet :-om. " 1.24: the citizens go in-for- iug. l1&VIu.g. u... 1, let the cunzens m the `1st. ' 301330, tne`3uUHUl'l}` la--- , 0);_pt'. aunnm; The you-ed from y. zx_qxvn;:,le;igex_-_ " Mixed. Ill (`V00 93o " 10:35 12:40 A Jl ill! . ' .v_--The 24th of tlus n-......:' 4-is nmu bv Apprniscr fonthn 1 `V Canada Permanent loan - and Savmgs Company, .. a nil!` A T - on nan; AAA U` ' . 3`.Toronto`1\ .'ilton`ul _..... ma -in'rmroved '$11.75>,ooo. Expressh T`. T. L a quiet: go m for "the Toronto scuer wonld unnuaurmu1ng1ao c_o _v e _ hut, when the nal deposit who due. ' on day, the stakeholder, M 1-. John F. Scholes, ; handed over the forfeit of $25 a. side to Mo-? Ken. The game was evidently bluif, but _ not `be. blulfed. The Oriia sport.-n who affect to see such a_ Erodigy in dusky Jake; should not lot It be no\'vn>th;\t hois not the luau they want to make him nppo to be. ' V . ACE LOr1r.--Mondn'y's Mail says: ..,_T1."|"- 'sinV le acull match between William McKon' x um Jaob Gaudnur, to have taken place at 1 Ori1li`a,' for $1001. side; has fallen tlu-on .. . mg?` I Gaudaur fading to come to tune on Thu y 1 last, when nal denmlif: um. .:.... n.. A \VAuM S_U$u_uR.- -Au unusurdly warm summer is predicted by Professor Smith, the Astronomer Royal Her bases his predictiohs, on the records of the.tempera.- [sure at Edinburgh` as registered dnrimr Hu- tare 1...; c. @,El3,Eh`T1l.UB!*GE 00. mg winter exceptions um pruulcwnsr on me records of the. tempera,- Edinburgh` registered during the last forty years. by the_.e2.rth thermometers at the observatory of that city. The observa- tion showsthnt a great heat-wave comes upon the earth from without, presumably from the sun, about every eleven years ; and it appears that the next heat-wave 'of_ this sort may be expected in the summer and autumn of this year. Professor Smith thinks `these seasons are be glowiniy hot, and the follow- ` y mild. . nuns '1`nxA'm!:NT.--1'ne mrne Lacrosse c1nb(juniora) oI'Bt`o.1ford, agreed to `play a Barrie junior hub, the Athletics, on 'th'e_ 24th, and accordingly our lads went down. Arriv-.` ed there they found two of `the junior: to be men of about 20 years. To get some way even with their opponents, the Barrie boys sent for a. couple of young fellows a little older, than the average of their players, whore- upon the Bradford club added two more men. to their number. Thou;-h trhus unevenly V matched our youths played so well that their opponents could not get axi advantage, and at last declared they would not nish the game ! Ax EFFECT or nm. N. P.-0n Tuesday `there passed down through "Barrie a. earload of staves from a. neighboring mill, en route for the Montreal sugar renery. where ` they will bemade up into barrels. These stoves have been lying adead weight for some years on-the hands of their owner and would perhaps never have been protably disposed of unless for the demand wlxieh the re-establishment of the` augmr rening business in Canada. has created. This may look butla small matter ; till '3 is nevertheles an evidence that even away back in Simcoe the benecial elfccts of encouraging national industries are oxnerienccd. Stave mnnuficturing is one -business for which this part of the country is specially adapted. And if, as it is expected, this industry, for some years dead , will be revived, the adv:mtage!' that will be felt are not to be despised. o-so Arnox B.\_zA-.m.-The Ladies Aid Society of the Hctlmxliet Church held a bazaar in the Ontario Block on Thursday last. -The nhir was well patronized, andthe receipts from the sale of aprons and 'sich-like articles, to- gether with the proceeds realized at the bar,-o where Mr. J. W. Morrow rdenlt out the insidious lemonarle-,-and the `funds ac- cruing from the sale of buttonhole bouquets, were most gratifying to the managers. We have not included the receipts at tl1e refresh- ment tables. Fifteen cents, you know, was the charge for a place at the lunch counter ; and of any a.b1e-bodied man who patronized it without doing a full fteen cents worth of damage to the toothsome edibles, we have yet to hear.` The net proceeds of the bzizmr are to be devoted to the furnishing of `the new p-ursonzige, the late rcsivlence of Mr. Alex. Morrow. . V OCCRSIOIJB Wl1L`I! E116 Lauuw uu yxuyunsy ay- reciatc the sentiment of the "piece was pain- ully evident. But this will occur in` the best rcgula.to1 muatexlr drmnutic perfonnzmccs, when an" attcinpt is made to go beyond the abilities of the perfornxom and to dispensp with what cannot Well be dispensed with in a proper repxesentat-inn of a. play. Something lirvhter than ` Ten N ights could be under tr:-ken by the society with better success. V__ '.l`1-:.\' ;\.'1(:11'1`.~: ix A: B.-u:-1`.oo:.1.;-Cons1der- ing the absence ofvcry xxecessm-y scencryzmd general stage ceets, and remembering the" inability, as 3. rule, ' of anmteur actors to man- age with effect a play that requires more than commonplace dramatic knowledge in its produc- tion, we can say the members of the Temper- nnce Lodge who played Ten nights in 9. Bar- Rooni on Thursday evening, acquitted them- scives fairly. v The` hall was Well lled and `the actors managed to sustain the interestof the rwu-Urvxcg pretty well, though. there were occasions when the failure to properly ap~ .....,,.:s.+.. nu". .....+:mm.+. of mo ninnn was min- l{1.Lx.x;n 0): `H112 'l`x:.\c1{-0n Monday morn- in_x_;, about 6 o clock, an engine on the H.&. N. W . l`.ai1v.'ny, while on its way back frornBur- rio to make up the morning train which starts at 7, ran into a. man walking on the track, nr:a.r Veins crossing, and who appeared utter- ly unconscious" of the Whistles` which were given to warn `him of hisdanger. \Vhen the engine stopped and the man was picked u , he was found to be Wm. Demerline, an old arm- or, and who has been living in Boys Block for some time past. He wasecriously hurt, it; seemed, though there` were few external marks of injury. Taken to his home the in- ' jured man died about 10 o'clock. A coroner- s jury, sumxnoned by Dr. \Vatson, hold an in- quest on the remains in the afternoon, at which -a verdict of accidental `death was re- tnrncd,the railway company being exonerated from all blame in connection -with the acci- dent. * .l`he evidence showed that the old man ---he was 73 years --was out hunting up -a stray team of horses, and, being very deaf, it was concluded he did not hear the approaching nnniun *3 NICE l`uIA'mnm*.-The Lorne Lacrosse Jul`: linninv-n\ n"RJmN'nI-J any-nnrl Om nlnu .. \aVlA\an\\-.u engine. ?,_ Sin. Lo:<(;`s 13Ann'n: M1~:n'rI.\'e. -'1`he public meeting of West Simcoe electors held in the town 111111 1353 night was largely attended Mr. Long, the Liberal-Conservative candidate, made an exlmustivespeech, in the delivery-of which he showed his thorough acquaintance with the situation of Provincial aairs. .His general expose of the extravagant record cf the prcsc_nt_Govcrnu'1cnt was complete and convincing, while his particular references to various mattcrs connected with the Reform regime were timely and pointed. Altogether Mr. Long made a capital speech, and one that took well with the large audience, whose sympathy'he_evidcnt1y had. `Mr. Wm. Lount was permitted to follow Mr. Long, and that without being limited as to time. Mr. Lount took advantage of this and kept up a serio- comic harangue to such a length that the audi- ence at last manifested very openly their de- sire for the orator to give them a rest and some otherone a chance. "Mr. Lount gained his object, however, for by the tune Mr. Har- rison had spoken briey the` midnight hour had arrive , and it was fouyl necessary to disperse. It was, no doubt, a very clever trick on the part of Mr. Lount to prevent, in the way he did, Mr. McCarthy and other opposi- tion speakers from addressing the meeting. But evensuch a clever trick as this will not im- prove Mr. Phelps` chances. GAP ITAL, -Hm-ry season. nvvv ..._,... I --Mr. R.'Kiug, sr., witnessed the Montreal 24th celebration. -M1'. Josh. Clarksou `wants. to retire from the hotel business. ---Mr. R. Mcllenry and son have gone on :1 tmns~Atlantic trip. . ' -C;Lpt. Cooke, Gookstown, c'a.11ex1 in to see us Tnesday morning. . --Deputy-Reeve Maiden, of Innisl, smoked ' a `pipe with us on Friday. -V--Mr. Vvalter J. ' Kcating and wife lxavo been on a. visit to Barrie. . -5} v. Wm. Bremner. jr., M inesing, has tnkenhie degree as M. D._t V - _--Mr..H, McQ,uarrie, ,A_llendnle, is taking nut a patent for an ingenious mill,-dog. - --Mr. Jl1a.s.jClnthe, surgical instrument manufacturer, was in tonfn on Tuelday. '_'.Mr.' Venfv" Freeer, ' Glfavenhnrat, came" down to do the County town on Tuesday.` \ t --Rev. E. E, Giiu has'- been antedvten` ' weeks holidqy`,:by` the _-Baptist Teeionary, ' .Convention._ _ j .1` ._ C(' 1 , - g` , _ ' -Mi`sa_v Mnnr_>_,._ the ,_1od\y_ e4leeutionist,"l1'aSi been etarging itjzn Mamtobn; _;a.r`_e`a1_al'e- A to FI>_Pr%%*9l1P t919.9*. there: 21;. ` V at. -.~.`..: M... '-I S. .SnndA6r!th&V/9 -.L\.l.l`. J-lo few days. |r'1\ .--M_r. and Mtg; L. `S. Sande:-a.112w'e been taking 9. pime trip, visiting tho'Fa11s, St. to appreciate new Bmclua ..,u.u. . U atharines, Bmutford and other p[aces.- -_-Mr. Wm. Gilpiu, Holly, pasd"h" ary--two bxhminnons in oneanot t pre-- _ 1b`et_'oro thd Univeraitv of '.l`oronuo. --We. had the pleasure of '3' day from Mi`. Edward Perry, " Ho looks 12.: _thou 11 living a `County 'to3_vnV di_ `not: `inter `he':_1t11;' T V ` V ~ - - -` .;..-_, i1:__l.`.I.:ll";V` it Bjrichv.-whxlo "iron: 7 9` . ., RELATING To 'I`(_)W.`I A-ND coxrr. -D . .;un....,. ..-._-_,, __ r_1Lg:.1g{_t1 ffhe.-_lette ra,'a_cqing thatzho is to hue- appaition in the Sonth-,-gavq mg _a _psll-'o_1; .=1_1q;n _ u ' lxtle ga1_oq~i Prmv P:R'soru_Aj.s. --:- _7"`I nsun`hn`ce' 00., _ n,__-_L.___J I'\_!__n., I'\ Er. 4I_'q.rkl:il] M{.P..1 .,-~we suppogefe g.1d;tl11e.;1c_:_th _a`cqxng.tha1;:3;e is to` hgye ..aL..J>Ynn`IiI . Czpssidy has bcn in .. King, Monreal -M-inn. - ' Hunt, manages ,I, ara:1is" this of` n `the other '. Pen-v,'ofCo11ingwot,)d. nf di thonfh li'ving~a.wn.yV mm the A ` not; `i:n.frfVez-e town for a. I n .bya. concourse of citizens, including mem- -'--The death of Mr. H. Sherwin ia`_r;`5 recorded amonig the obituary _notices. old gentleman ovci- a year ago was struck dowh withpnrnlysis, and had been `confined to\h_is , home a. cxjipple ever since, e The. deceased eu- joyed the respect of the` people generally dur-_ ing his residence in Barrie, and the intelli- gence x f his den.` will be heard of with re- gret. The remains were followed totho grave bers of the St. George's Society, of which deceased was amember. V . To the .Editor_' of the Advance: ` DEAR Sm,--:Permit me the use of -your preaching election in West Simcoe. I ad- dress myself more especially to the Orange- men of the Riding. rBi'ethern, the enemies of our institution, I understand,` are can- yassing you `in bnhalf of a Grit calling him- self an Orangeman. Did this Grit ever identify himself with you, since hecame amongst you? 1 If he did not he is not worthy the name he assumes. I would have you bear in mind that Judas Iscariot ' was one of the Apostles, and I say without who supports `the Fraser-eMowat Govern- ment is neither more nor less than a Judas. `These Grit Pharises aretrying to bias your minds against Mr. `Long because he is a Catholic. but they don`t say anything against Mr. C. F. Fraser. N 0, that would ' never do ! But they are~carefully_circulat- , ing his speech amongst the Roman Catho- lics, I mean the speech he `made against the ask who is Mr. Phelps? Dame `Rumor says he is a Yankee, one of George Brown s . Ora_.ngemen,.wl1o joined the Order for selsh purposes as a great many other trustees f. have done.. They are not all soldiers who wear red coats; boar t':at in mind ! Now, I i .say those who are not for` us are against us.` And who are against us I I say without fear of contradiction that the Grits are use either when it suits their purpose. They draw the attention of the Oraugemen to the `death of Scott and Haclcett, and to the doings of the Mayor of Montreal, and to many other things _ I will not mention. ....,. .. Hm nurnrn mmmies. of evervthino` columns to say a few wordsyon the ap- i. fear of contradiction tliatany Orange Incorporation Act. Now, let me` . against both Orangemen and Catholics, but To the Catholics they point out the Orange-. TO the U1!ll0llCS they puuua uuu Luu uraugu-, men as the sworn enemies . of everything iCo.tho1ic.. How long. I ask , wilimy coun- trymen :_\11ou' themselves to be duped in this way by :1. `Phzu'is:ii'c:1l jmck of denm-' gogues? Brother 01'au'gcmc:x, I say. vote I against the Grit nominee ! No matter who he is or what he is, liegoea to Pa.r1i:u_nent to support your political enemies, Fraser and Mowat.- Brot-her Ommgemen, if I know zulythiug about our constitution it teaches that we are to beslow to take offence, of- fering none,uor upbraiding any man on ac- count of his religious opinions, a1_l0\v,iug every man; to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. Then 21,1; Iow Mr. Long this p`rivi1ege and support him as against at wolf in sheep s clothing. Phelps tell you may that he would vote for the Iiicorporation offour Order, but we can - never get that while the party that he goes to the House to supportis in power. 1' Ann -uvna +1"; nnnnimnnc. nilnimz. ni till! 0011-- . -`> . '_' ' ~~ --_-1 r:;*;:::;a':.,}:,;`a?'* W` "'"??w11ins~-k ALEX. DIORIlDv'.,A80lll.. Tm: ADVANCE i_s at all times open to record the views and oplmons of its readers on matters deemed of interest and importance. "provided that all communications are couched in propoxr .ln.ngunge. and uccommnied by the name of the that all communications couched in .lun > go, accompanied by the the ant or -(not necessarnly for ublicmyion). The cglitor s not to be understoo as endorsing the news of Correspondents. . Q` ,,__ ,_ \\.._.`____,...\ .- . . ..\\-_ _~.-.. .~- .- . to me nouse to supporn 13 J11 ponur. Long was the unanimous choice ofthe Coi1-- servative convention,- and he will o17`)posc , the Fraser-Mowat V Govcmment ivhich grossly insulted the Orange society by re- fusing it :1. simple not of incorpomztioxi en- abling it; to hold property in the name of the society. Brethern, will you send them a. supporter in the person of Phelps? Surely you will not 1 7 .AN ORANGEMAN. 1-. `II',__ n; 1o-n I?!/i72`.I=\'\i;i =E.`I3`6}~I "?i_{`6Ki' Hesse. . _ ' III Ur.` .Iau.b.uI us um. o4 uuuuu an . Please. publish the fo11owing`_lines in your valuable paper,` and oblige an EA.`5"1`.SI:xICOE ELECTOR z--_ ' . V Ye farmers of East Simcoe, arise. from your slumber, The glad hour for your 1-x-iuuiph has come ! 1 `To redeem your fond country from min and . plunder, ' - . - And keep gambling" I bet you _nt home. The lawyers and doctors and vendors of lumber '.Thn.t nowglibly sing the song o ,the plough, But laugh at your folly, while your pockets they plunder ' And keep growing fat on the sweat of your l)rnw_ , _7olh2Ed.'o1'oflIze dvancc : 11- 1 n E,1I_._,_. Then, 'lVoy:L11'a.,1-mots of Simcoe, arise in your In(rhf._ - ` ' 111011, luyau 1LlJ`U1UL'3 un. Ulllluuu, ....... ... _,.,... mnight, _ ~_ And no longer to tyranny kneel, ` . Rally! rally! and like -truc~Ixc:u~ted bx-others - unite - . . . In support of your neighbor, John Steele. John Steele has no cice-seeking friends to supplg. , . - No lum ermg mterests to guard, You can a1wa.ys`on him-honest farmer-rely, Your interests he ll never discard. Then rally. men, rally, your xfight to rbducm By su porting your brother, John C.; For he checkmate tlxo_ px-elsent extrmjagant scheme, . , - V And will faithfully guard your N P. [('orresp:mlence of the .dvan'cc.] No PQLIIICAL I Exo1'rmIEN'r.--There is little to be noted at the present moment in this part of the county, except the absence of all political excitement, no person up- pearing to be imoved even at the stir in other parts. I have never seen this Rid- ing as_ barren of political excitement on the eve of an election, particularly a general one, and judgingfrom appearances by the time your next paper is published Mr. Parkhill will have received the honor of the Riding by acclamation. ' ` ` ` 1=v.-~."... ,...'1.`n_r. Wmr.u- ('}1mr.--.Thore (ES l`.-\B>LISl[El) `1S44.) .'[`l1i3 reliable o1d- Esbabliahnlent has again forthe second tixnn risen 1' mm its ashes, and s to be_foun'd in the premises nearly opposite the burnt stand. Du. G1=.omx1-1:. lmsv iuat re- _urned from the East with over ~ ` -